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I. I wish, Id rather, If only, As if, Its time
1) Wishes and regrets (I wish, Id rather (sooner), If only).
a) Like a second conditional sentence, these wishes use a past tense for to
e!press a feelin" a#out the present.
e.". I wish I knew $% If I knew it would #e #etter).
I wish it wasnt raining $% If it wasn&t rainin", it would #e #etter).
Id rather
you didnt tell anyone $% It would #e #etter if 'ou didn&t tell().
If only he was here with me! $% If he was here with e, it would #e #etter).
#) )ishes with could also e!press a feelin" a#out the present.
e.". I wish (If only) I could get a better job.
c) )ishes a#out the past use past perfect in the sae wa' as a third
conditional sentence.
e.". I wish (If only) I had brought an umbrella with me. $% if I had #rou"ht an
u#rella with e, it would ha*e #een #etter).
Id rather you hadnt told anyone.
d) )ishes with would/ wouldnt are a#out "eneral #eha*iour or ha#its, often
#ad ones which we wish would chan"e.
e.". I wish everyone would leave me alone.
I wish it wouldnt rain so much.
NB. )e can&t use this construction to speak a#out oursel*es+
e.". I wish I could N! I wish I would
2) As if, As though
a) Real coparisons with as if, as though use loo"# seem# a$$ear, etc with
present or future eanin".
e.". %e loo"s as if he wants to leave $,e reall' wants to lea*e).
It seems as thou&h 'ity are going to win $It&s -+. and the last inute of the
#) Unreal coparisons with as if, as though use past tenses $past siple, past
perfect $continuous)) to refer to the present or to the past if the coparison
sees unreal or ia"inar'.
e.". (he acts as if she was/ were the boss $in fact she isn&t).
)e can use would rather/ would sooner / the #are infiniti*e to e!press choice
e.". )ould you rather stay at home*
Id rather have tea than coffee.
(he loo"s as thou&h she hadnt slet a win" last ni&ht $ia"inar' 0 we don&t
know for sure).
3) Its (high) time
)e use this e!pression with past siple to e!press what we think ou"ht to #e
e.". +y shoes are wearin& out. Its time (that) I bought some new ones.
1. !ake u sentences according to the attern. "ranslate the# into $ussian.
%et ready for back translation of the sentences.
A) attern! I can&t do it. 0 I wish I could do it. $If onl' I could do it1)
2. This is a hostile world.
3. Michael is irresponsi#le. )e can&t count on hi.
4. 5ou shouldn&t take his words into consideration. ,e is #iased.
6. Ma""ie is intolera#le. 7he ne*er takes thin"s eas'.
-. It&s a pit', we don&t ha*e a #ur"lar alar.
8. I ha*e to "o throu"h with it.
9. )e can&t discuss this fundaental :uestion now.
8. It&s onl' too #ad that Mike won&t keep us copan'.
;. It&s a pit' that Gerald will drop out of uni*ersit'.
2..This actor keeps coin" late to rehearsals.
22. M' other alwa's loses her teper o*er trifles.
23.5ou look up to <dward, #ut he doesn&t deser*e it.
24.The situation is disastrous. I hope soe#od' will coe up with an idea.
26.The #ur"lar #roke into an apartent and was cau"ht in the act.
2-.Ro#ert refused to take #ack his words.
28.)e didn&t know it was a fanc' dress part'.
29.The a'or isused pu#lic funds. Now he is "oin" to #e arrested.
28.Ro' dropped out of uni*ersit' and now he can&t "et a "ood =o#.
2;.Ma' is sorr' she didn&t keep her proise.
3..Alison is ashaed she lost her ner*e.
B) attern! It&s tie for 'ou to do it. 0 It&s tie 'ou did it.
2. It&s tie for 'ou to learn to use a coputer.
3. It&s tie for Gerald to take o*er his father&s #usiness.
4. It&s tie for the children to "et used to a#idin" #' school rules.
6. It&s tie for <il' to earn her li*in".
-. It&s tie for the #o's to stop akin" fun of >e*in.
8. It&s tie for the ana"er to think o*er the ters of the contract.
9. It&s hi"h tie for the hotel to confir the reser*ation.
8. It&s hi"h tie for 'ou to reali?e that 'our ar"uents don&t ake sense.
;. It&s tie for 'ou to stop #ein" terrified of this sall do".
2..It&s hi"h tie for Richard to achie*e success.
") attern! I&d rather "o there. 0 I&d rather 'ou went there.
2. I&d rather not ake atters worse.
3. I&d rather do ' #est to eet the deadline.
4. I&d rather not appear on T@.
6. I&d rather stud' the ters of the contract.
-. I&d rather pa' in cash.
8. I&d rather a#ide #' these rules.
9. I&d rather attend this function.
8. I&d rather for"et these hardships.
;. I&d rather not li*e on charit'.
2..I&d rather not "ru#le.
&. 'o#lete the conversations using wish.
7U<+ M' otherAs reall' an"r' with e.
BCD+ )h'E
7U<+ Fecause she found out I left ' =o#.
GAM+ Hh, 'es. I told her that.
7U<+ )ell, I((((((((((((((((((((( $not I tell)
her. ItAs not 'our #usiness.
GAM+ IA sorr'.
THN5+ ,a*e 'ou seen FenAs new =acketE I #et it was e!pensi*e.
ANA+ ,e told e it cost hi J-...
THN5+ I..........................................................$ha*e) as uch one' as hi.
ANA+ )ell, 'ou a' not #e rich, #ut 'ouAre uch #etterKlookin" than Fen.
GAR5+ 5ou see to en=o' dancin" with Lionel.
LAN<+5es, I do. ,eAs a *er' "ood dancer.
GAR5+ I..........................................................$learn) to dance when I was
LAN<+5ou could learn now.
GAR5+ Hh, IAd feel stupid in a dancin" class at ' a"e.
<@A+ I went to Norwa' last onth.
MA5+ Reall'E M' #rotherAs li*in" in Hslo now.
<@A+ I.............................................................$know). I could ha*e *isited hi.
MA5+ 5es, itAs a pit'. 5ou ust tell e if 'ouAre "oin" there a"ain.
MR<N+ M' parents o*ed to New 5ork last onth.
ANNR<)+ ,ow do the' like itE
MR<N+ M' other likes it, #ut ' father isses their old hoe.
,e(((((((((((. $not I o*e) there.
ANNR<)+ Gerhaps heAll "et used to it.
MR<N+ I dou#t it.
LANIO<+ 5ou ha*enAt seen ' car ke's, ha*e 'ouE
)<NN5+ No I ha*enAt.
LANIO<+ I ..........................................................$know) what IAd done with
)<NN5+ I hope 'ou didnAt lea*e the in the car door.
LANIO<+ 7o do I1
>A5+ M' #rothers are di""in" a swiin" pool.
LILL+ That sounds like hard work1
>A5+ It is. Actuall', I suspect the'...............................$ne*er I start). Fut the'
canAt stop now. ThereAs a "reat #i" hole in the iddle of the "arden.
LILL+ 5es, I see what 'ou ean.
(. 'o#lete each second sentence so that the #eaning is si#ilar to the first
2. I wish 'ou were a #it tidier.
I wish 'ou would .....................................................................
3. I wish 'ou were ore interested in 'our school work.
I wish 'ou would......................................................................
4. I wish I spoke ore lan"ua"es.
I wish I could ...........................................................................
6. I wish I had enou"h one' to #u' a car.
I wish I could ...........................................................................
-. I wish the' had ore chess #ooks in the li#rar'.
I wish the li#rar' would............................................................
8. I wish there was soe soap in the #athroo.
I wish the cleaners would ........................................................
9. I =ust wish ' partner was a #it ore roantic1
I =ust wish ' partner would....................................................
) 'o#lete the te*t using one word in each ga.
Neigh#ours and noise
No 'ou e*er wish that 'our nei"h#ours $2) turn down their usicE Gerhaps
'ouAre tr'in" to sleep and 'ou wish that the people ne!tKdoor $3) not holdin"
an allKni"ht #ar#ecue part' in their "arden. Hr do 'ou feel it is $4) 'ou o*ed
to an uninha#ited islandE NonAt worr' K 'ou are =ust another *icti of noise
pollution. Hf course, ost people would prefer $6) if cars $-) no noise at all,
nei"h#ours $8) as :uiet as ice, and no#od' $9) a#out the streets in cars with
open windows and hi"hKpowered sound s'stes. 5ou a' e*en wish 'ou $8)
stop children fro pla'in" in the street, or planes fro passin" o*erhead. Fut
in the end, if I $;) 'ou I $2.) =ust "et used to it. Olose the windows, #u' soe
earplu"s, lau"h and turn up 'our own stereo. Lust act $22) if the noise $23)
sipl' not there1 )ho knows, perhaps it will "o awa'1 ,
+. a) ,ernie and !artin share a roo# at college. $ead what they say about
each other. "hen write sentences about their wishes and regrets. -se
different structures.
MARTIN+ ItAs dreadful ha*in" to share a roo with Fernie. ,eAs so untid'1
,is #ooks are all o*er the place, he ne*er washes his coffee cup, he lea*es
dirt' clothes around the roo K itAs such a ess I canAt work. And he coes in
late in the e*enin" when IA tr'in" to sleep and lies in #ed watchin"
tele*ision. I canAt stand it1 IA "oin" to look for a roo on ' own.
F<RNI<+ The trou#le with Martin is that he ne*er rela!es. ,e works so hard.
,e "ets an"r', #ut he wonAt tell e whatAs wron". And he interferes with '
possessions. ,e o*es ' #ooks around so I canAt find the. ItAs not uch
fun sharin" a roo with Martin.
b) .ave you got neighbours to gru#ble about/ "ell your grou #ates about
the# using active gra##ar atterns.
0. 'hoose the correct for#.
2. Garents who also work often wish the' have / had ore tie to spend
with their children.
3. No dou#t the prie inister now wishes he listened / had listened to
what other people were sa'in" #efore he ade his decision,
4. Local councilors sa' the' wish ore people could / would let the know
what the' think a#out the new antiKsokin" laws,
6. Man' people wish that fastKfood copanies would sto$ / had sto$$ed
tar"etin" children with ad*ertisin".
-. Local residents "enerall' wish that tourists didn,t leave / hadn,t left so
uch litter #ehind in the town.
8. I ha*e had nothin" #ut trou#le with this coputer, and I now wish that I
didn,t buy / had not bou&ht it.
9. )hen we "row older, with hindsi"ht we all wish that we s$ent / had
s$ent our tie at school ore profita#l'.
8. )e wish we "new / would "now how to sol*e the pro#le of *andalis,
#ut so far we ha*enAt coe up with a perfect solution,
;. Noctors sa' the' wish that ore people $aid / had $aid attention to the
aount of salt the' consue.
2.. I wish I could/would #elie*e what politicians sa', #ut IA afraid I canAt.
1. a) 'hoose the correct otion. 2, 3 or ', to co#lete the sentences about
the generation ga.
b) 4*ress your own concerns about the roble# using as #any different
active structures as you can.
2. ItAs tie that older people (((((((. listenin" to what 'oun"er
people sa'.
3. 7oe older people treat teena"ers as if the'(((((..all dan"erous
4. 7oe older people wish there((((((((ore police officers
on the street, and #lae all #ad #eha*iour on the 'oun".
6. Gerhaps itAs tie that 'oun" people((((((. ore responsi#l'
towards other people.
-. Generall' speakin", 'oun" people((((((.spend their tie with
other 'oun" people.
8. Man' older people(((((( the world to #e =ust the sae as it was
when the' were 'oun".
9. Hlder people also wish that 'oun" people((((((. ore politel'.
8. 7oe people think ((((((((((.that 28K'earKolds were
"i*en the *ote.
;. Man' 'oun" people, howe*er, ha*e no faith in politics, and =ust wish
the world(((((((. different.
2.. 7oe of the(((((((if e*er'one =ust left the alone and
stopped askin" the for their opinions.
1 - would start
. - were
/ - were
0 - acted
1 - wish
2 - rather
3 - had behaved
4 - as if
5 - is
16- would rather
7 start
7 would
7 had been
7 would act
7 would rather
7 would $refer
7 didn,t behave
7 it,s time
7 had been
7 as thou&h
8 started
8 $refer
8 are
8 act
8 ho$e
8 as thou&h
8 would behave
8 they wouldn,t $refer
8 were
8 would $refer it
5. Write a new sentence with the sa#e #eaning, beginning as shown. 6hare
your own ideas with the class. -se the active atterns.
2. It sees that ore and ore 'oun" people will "o into hi"her education in future.
It sees as
3. Most parents want their children to stud' a useful su#=ect leadin" to a "ood =o#.
Most parents would rather.............................................................................
4. 7tudents, howe*er, usuall' want their parents to let the ake their own choices.
7tudents, howe*er, usuall' wish....................................................................
6. Later on, thou"h, soe students re"ret not ha*in" chosen their courses ore
Later on, thou"h, soe students wish............................................................
-. Uni*ersit' ad*isers donAt usuall' want students to choose a su#=ect sipl' #ecause
the' think the' are "ood at it.
Uni*ersit' ad*isers usuall' prefer students...................................................
8. The usual ad*ice is+ AThink a#out what kind of work 'ou want to do in the future.A
The usual ad*ice is+ AIf I.................................................................................
9. 7oe students see fro their #eha*iour to #e onl' interested in ha*in" a "ood
7oe students #eha*e as................................................................................
8. )hen the' lea*e uni*ersit', an' students re"ret not ha*in" worked harder.
)hen the' lea*e uni*ersit', an' students wish...........................................
;. The' also think the' will ne*er repa' their student loans.
It also sees to the as..................................................................................
2.. Uni*ersities should now pa' ore attention to studentsA financial pro#les.
7. 8ut the verbs in brackets into the correct for#s9
2. It&s =ust struck idni"ht. It&s hi"h tie we $lea*e).
3. If onl' we $ha*e) a phone1 I& tired of :ueuin" outside the pu#lic
phone #o!.
4. 5ou $ha*e) #etter take off 'our wet shoes.
6. ,e walks as if he $ha*e) a wooden le".
-. ,e talks as if he $do) all the work hiself, #ut in fact To and I did
ost of it.
8. Mather+ I&*e supported 'ou all throu"h uni*ersit'. Now I think it&s
tie 'ou $#e"in) to support 'ourself.
9. I wish I $know) what is wron" with ' car.
8. I wish I $ask) the fishon"er to clean these fish.
;. It&s tie we $do) soethin" to stop road accidents.
2.. The cheese looks as if rats $ni##le) it.
22. it&s hi"h tie the' $end) this road.
23. ,e alwa's talks as thou"h he $address) a pu#lic eetin".
24. ,e treats us as if we $#e) all idiots.
26. )ife+ I&d like to "et a =o#. ,us#and+ I&d uch rather 'ou $sta') at
hoe and $look) after the house.
2-. I wish 'ou $not "i*e) hi ' phone nu#er.
28. If onl' he $know) then that the disease was cura#le.
29. 5ou talk as thou"h it $#e) a sall thin" to lea*e 'our countr' for
28. I hate dri*in". I&d uch rather 'ou $dri*e).
2;. If onl' I $#e) insured1 $Fut I wasn&t).
3.. I wish transistor radios ne*er $#e) in*ented.
32. If onl' I $keep) ' outh shut1
33. I&ll pa' 'ou #' che:ue onthl'. 0 I&d rather 'ou $pa') e cash
34. I said P7unda'&. 0 I wish 'ou $not sa') 7unda'. )e&ll ne*er #e read'
#' then.
36. Fut I told 'ou what to do. 0 I know 'ou did. If onl' I $take) 'our
3-. That an has #rou"ht us nothin" #ut trou#le. I wish I ne*er $set) e'es
on hi.
38. Oan I take 'our #est u#rellaE 0 I&d rather 'ou $take) the other one.
39. I wish I $not tr') to repair it. I onl' ade it worse.

1:. $estructure and retell the following letters to a sychologist using ;I wish
, ;If only I , ;Id rather, ;<s if, ;Its ti#e, ;If ,I . %ive
advice (use ;If I were I should (see -nit ())
a) I& 3. and I& a copulsi*e liar Q at least, a selfKdia"nosed one. I recentl'
cae clean on all ' lon"Kstandin" fa#rications to ' "irlfriend and closest
friends, and in the process I lost all or ost of the I& prett' sure. 7o now I&
depressed, dealin" with a #reakup, and ha*e low selfKestee and a #eha*ioral
disorder. I& startin" to wonder if it would&*e #een #etter to keep up the
deception. )as it the ri"ht thin" for e to do to coe cleanE It =ust doesn&t feel as
uch of a relief as I hoped it would.
#) )h' a I so la?'E I didn&t used to #e like this until I "ot into hi"h school. I
went fro erel' procrastinatin" Q not doin" ' work until the last inute Q
to doin" ' work after the due date, to not doin" ' work at all. I& suddenl'
feelin" like I =ust can&t. I would stare at ' paper for a lon" tie, not write
an'thin", not #e a#le to concentrate, and =ust allow 'self to "et distracted. <*en
selfKoti*ational speeches do not work. I don&t want to #e like this, #ut it&s so
hard for e to do the work. I know it&s a pro#le. It&s affectin" ' schoolin" and
' wei"ht. )h' a I #ecoin" like thisE
c) I recentl' arried a an I lo*e dearl'. Fut we aren&t li*in" to"ether 'et and, to
ake atters worse, he is li*in" with his e!&s parents. ,e has three teena"e
dau"hters, and onl' one likes e. ,e spends the whole weekend with his
dau"hters. ,e spends soe week da's with e #ut I ha*e recentl' de*eloped
separation an!iet' issuesR I "et *er' upset when he lea*es, and I feel depressed.
,ow can I "et o*er ' an!iet'E A I o*erreactin" a#out hi lea*in" for the
whole weekendE
II. $u#%un&ti'es.
() After *er#s such as demand# insist# su&&est# re9uire, ad=ecti*es such as
necessary# im$ortant# vital# essential# ur&ent# advisable, nouns such as re9uest,
order# recommendation# instruction which in*ol*e an iplied o#li"ation, the
su#=uncti*e a' #e used. The pattern is+
$uggest/demand/)ro)ose (its im)ortant/'ital/essential) that some#ody
do something.
e.". !hey insisted that we (should) have dinner with them.
Its essential that everyone (should) be here on time.
5ou can also use noral present and past tenses.
The use of the #are infiniti*e is onl' found in foral st'le.
e.". Its essential that everyone is here on time.
I demanded that he aologi=ed.
2) After *er#s and ad=ecti*es e!pressin" personal attitude such as annoy# sur$rise#
astonish# stran&e# odd# funny# ty$ical# natural# interestin&# sur$risin& should is
soeties used to add eotional colourin" to the sentence
e.". Its stran&e that he should be late. %e is usually on time.
Im sur$rised that he should have said such a thin&.
In this case should is used with different fors of the infiniti*e and cannot #e left

1. "ick the correct sentences.
2 a After a atch, the captain insists the foot#all tea should take thin"s eas'.
b After a atch, the captain insists the foot#all tea take thin"s eas'.
: After a atch, the captain insists the foot#all tea to take thin"s eas'.
3 a The =ournalist deanded that the inister resi"ned.
b The =ournalist deanded that the inister resi"n.
: The =ournalist deanded that the inister should resi"n.
4 a If 'ou reall' want to "et rich fast, I su""est 'ou should work harder.
b If 'ou reall' want to "et rich fast, I su""est 'ou work harder.
: If 'ou reall' want to "et rich fast, I su""est 'ou to work harder.
6 a ,e ne*er has an' one', so itAs *er' odd that he ha*e a new car.
b ,e ne*er has an' one', so itAs *er' odd that he has a new car.
: ST ne*er has an' one', so itAs *er' odd that he should ha*e a new car.
- a M' doctor e!plained that it was iportant I should take ore e!ercise.
b M' doctor e!plained that it was iportant I take ore e!ercise.
: M' doctor e!plained that it was iportant I took ore e!ercise.
&. "here are #istakes in so#e of these sentences. 'orrect the sentences where
necessary. Write >?@> if the sentence is already correct.
2 )e were *er' surprised that To #eha*e in such a rude anner.
3 I asked a shop assistant for directions and he recoended to tr' the tourist
inforation office.
4 The, police accepted the recoendation that the' reduce the nu#er of officers on
6 If I can&t lea*e, ' #a"s here, what do 'ou su""est e to do with theE
- ItAs essential that I should see the doctor toda'.
8 )h' didn&t 'ou deand Oolin to pa' 'ou the one'E
(. 'o#lete the conversation with should where necessary. Aeave out should
where ossible.
F<N+ I canAt find the sales reports an'where. )hat should I doE
7U<+ I reall' donAt know. ItAs t'pical that $2).................................$the' I
=ust when 'ou need the. )h' donAt 'ou ask RoseE
F<N+ I did. 7he insisted that $3).....................................$I I search) for the.
7U<+ 7heAs so unhelpful.
F<N+ And whereAs LackE ,e proised to check the with e.
7U<+ I saw hi in the coffee #ar a few inutes a"o.
F<N+ ItAs essential $4)........................................$he I see) the reports.
7U<+ 7hall I send soeone to fetch hiE
F<N+ No, I shouldn&t #other. ,eAll pro#a#l' turn up in a inute.
7U<+ H>. Are 'ou "oin" to sta' in the office o*er lunchtieE
F<N+ 5es. ItAs iportant $6)....................$I I find) these reports. )eAll #e usin"
the in this afternoonAs eetin".
7U<+ Hh, ri"ht, 'es. )ell, IA "oin" to look at soe coputers. And look,
should an'one call, will 'ou sa' IA not a*aila#le till toorrowE I reall' ha*enAt
"ot an' spare tie toda'.
F<N+ Are we "oin" to "et a new coputerE
7U<+ )ell, the ana"erAs recoendation is that $-)(((.. $we I wait) until
later in the 'ear.
F<N+ )h'As thatE
7U<+ ,e sa's prices a' fall. ,e su""ests $8)((((((.. $we I wait) until
the autun.
F<N+ I suppose itAs onl' natural $9)......................................$he I #e) cautious.
7U<+ ,.
). 8ut the verbs in brackets in to the correct for#s.
2. ,e su""ested that I $tr') soethin" of a ore serious nature.
3. ,e onl' re:uested that he $allow) to see the heads of soe departents.
4. Noris re:uires of a an onl' that he $#e) cle*er.
6. Frad' proposed that the' $walk) down to the sea wall.
-. ,e was anno'ed that the' $choose) the da' of his departure for the part'.
8. I& "lad that 'ou $drop) in.
9. ,e was deterined that his eneies $pa')
8. I was surprised that such a little #o' $read) the life of Milton.
;. Rupert was an!ious that there $#e) no appearance of coldness on ,ilda&s part.
2.. Gropriet' deanded that I $represent) at the "ae in person.
22. It&s wonderful that the' $"i*e) 'ou a present.
23. It was arran"ed that his wife $=oin) hi in si! onths.
24. It was all wron" that soeone so 'oun" $#e) so ill.
26. 7he listened in silence to Mel&s e!planation wh' it was essential that he
$reain) at the airport.
2-. It was ad*isa#le that she $continue) the treatent.
28. It was unnatural the wa' he $keep) his feelin"s in check.
29. After their talk it was ur"ent that she $see) her hus#and.
28. It was arran"ed that I $pick) up ,udson at his flat after lunch.
2;. It was su""ested that we $sta') where we were till it was li"ht.
3.. It is o#*iousl' necessar' that an in*esti"ation $ake).
1. 6tudy the following idio#s and write a vocabulary story with as #any of the#
as you can .What other #oney idio#s do you know/

#orn with a sil'er s)oon in one*s mouth
K to #e #orn to wealth and cofort, to #e #orn rich
The new student in our class was #orn with a sil*er spoon in his outh and has had
an eas' life.
#urn a hole in one*s )o&+et
K to stiulate soeone to spend one' :uickl'
The one' was #urnin" a hole in the anAs pocket when he decided to "o to the
#uy (something) for a song
K to #u' soethin" cheapl'
I was a#le to #u' ' first house for a son".
&ash in on (something)
K to ake one' fro an opportunit'
The forer #asket#all pla'er cashed in on his popularit' to open a *er' successful
&ontrol the )urse strings
K to #e in char"e of the one' in a #usiness or a household
M' sister controls the purse strin"s in her fail'.
&ut (someone) off without a )enny
K to stop "i*in" soeone a re"ular aount of one', to lea*e soeone no one'
in a will
The wealth' #usinessan cut his son off without a penn' when the 'oun" an
refused to work hard.
foot the #ill
K to pa' for soethin"
M' sister will foot the #ill for her dau"hterAs education if she decides to "o to
(not) for lo'e or money
K not for an'thin", not for an' price $usuall' used in the ne"ati*e)
I would not want to ha*e that anAs =o# for lo*e or one'.
from rags to ri&hes
K fro po*ert' to wealth
The an went fro ra"s to riches with his hard work.
ha'e money to #urn (#e loaded/ rolling in money)
K to ha*e *er' uch one', to ha*e ore one' than is needed
M' aunt has one' to #urn and she is alwa's tra*ellin" soewhere.
ha'e one,s hand in the till
K to #e stealin" one' fro a copan' or an or"ani?ation
The clerk had her hand in the till so we decided to fire her.
-e who )ays the )i)er &alls the tune.
K the person who pa's for soethin" has control o*er how the one' is used
,e who pa's the piper calls the tune and the owner of the sports tea can decide
who will pla' on the tea.
-ighway (daylight) ro##ery
K the char"in" of a hi"h price for soethin"
The aount of one' that the copan' is char"in" for its ser*ices is hi"hwa'
in the #la&+ ('s. in the red )
K to #e profita#le, to ake one'
Hur copan' has #een in the #lack since it started.
K one' paid ille"all' for fa*ora#le treatent
The politician recei*ed se*eral ille"al kick#acks and he was forced to resi"n.
li'e from hand to mouth
K to li*e on little one'
M' friend has #een li*in" fro hand to outh and is now usin" his sa*in"s fro
his pre*ious =o#.
lose money hand o'er fist
K to lose one' fast and in lar"e aounts
The new coffee shop is losin" one' hand o*er fist.
ma+e a +illing
K to ake a lar"e aount of one'
M' sister ade a killin" when she worked o*erseas in the oil industr'.
money is no o#%e&t
K it does not atter how uch soethin" costs
Mone' is no o#=ect and I plan to sta' in the #est hotels durin" ' holida'.
on a shoestring
K with little one' to spend, on a *er' low #ud"et
M' cousin started his #usiness on a shoestrin" #ut now it is *er' successful.
)ass the #u&+
K to ake another person decide soethin", to put the responsi#ilit' or #lae on
soeone else
Hur super*isor alwa's passes the #uck and he will ne*er take responsi#ilit' for
what he does.
)ay through the nose
K to pa' a *er' hi"h price, to pa' too uch
I paid throu"h the nose when I had to #u' "asoline in the sall town.
)in&h )ennies (also! s&rim) and sa'e)
K to #e careful with one', to #e thrift'
M' "randother alwa's pinches pennies and ne*er spends her one' foolishl'.
stri+e it ri&h
K to suddenl' #ecoe rich or successful
M' "randfather struck it rich when he was 'oun" #ut when he died he had no
s)lurge on (something)
K to spend ore one' than one i"ht ordinaril' spend
)e decided to splur"e and "o to a nice restaurant for dinner.
throw money around
K to spend a lot of one' without worr'in" if 'ou are wastin" it
The "o*ernent is throwin" uch one' around as the' prepare for the lar"e
tighten one*s #elt
K to li*e on less one' than usual
)e decided to ti"hten our #elt and tr' to sa*e up soe one' for a holida'.
tightfisted (with money)
K to #e *er' stin"' with one'
M' uncle is *er' ti"htfisted with one' and does not want to spend an' at all.
gi'e (someone) a #lan+ &he&+
K to let soeone act as the' want or as the' think is necessar' $like a check that has
the aount left #lank)
The cit' "a*e the new departent a #lank check to tr' and sol*e the hoeless
&. $ender the following te*t into 4nglish. -se at least 1+ active vocabulary units.
./0123 0/ 45306789 7:;7918<
P:?Q=J=F?R<:L=O :=:G=NB??.
STVWXYZ[[VT \V]Z^_^`V, _`ZaX`bTT_c [Z dTaV`TeZ, V\VfZdX`ZT^_c Yac [T]V
\VagbXhX \TYZhX, ifTWYT `_T]V, i_XjVaV]XdT_eXhX. k ^ZeVhl `m`VYl
ifXjVYc^ nZiZY[mT _iToXZaX_^m, nZ[c`bXT_c XnldT[XTh p^Vq ifV\aThm
[T_eVageV aT^ [ZnZY. rV]YZ [Z `Va[T \lhZ s[^Tf[T^KpeV[VhXeX `V h[V]Xj
_^fZ[Zj iVc`Xa_c tT[VhT[ \m_^fV]V ifXjVYZ \VagbXj YT[T], ud^V h[V]XT
_dX^Zv^ ZhVfZag[mh, Z h[V]XT p^Vhl nZ`XYlv^w, iXbT^ X^Zagc[_eZc ]ZnT^Z
ux^ZhiZw. y[Z V\V\zZT^ YZ[[mT X__aTYV`Z[Xq iV_aTY[Xj aT^.
kV]YZ \V]Z^_^`V ifXfZ_^ZT^ iV_^TiT[[V, [Z ifV^cWT[XX YT_c^XaT^Xq X YZWT
ifX WXn[X [T_eVageXj iVeVaT[Xq, avYX ` ^ZeXj _Thgcj l_iT`Zv^ ifX`me[l^g
e ^ZeVhl _V_^Vc[Xv, l [Xj tVfhXflv^_c `el_, elag^lfZ, ifX`mdeX,
_VV^`T^_^`lvzXq V\fZn WXn[X. yY[ZeV eV]YZ \V]Z^_^`V _`ZaX`ZT^_c [Z ]VaV`l
\m_^fV Q V^ l_iTb[Vq fZ\V^m XaX ifV_^V V^ `mX]fmbZ efli[Vq _lhhm `
aV^TfTv, {^V \T_iV`VfV^[V hT[cv^_c V^[VbT[Xc _ fVY_^`T[[XeZhX X
YflngchX, aVhZT^_c ^V, d^V i_XjVaV]X [Znm`Zv^ _ZhVVoT[eVqw.
| _^Z^gT oX^XflT^_c \fX^Z[_eXq ifVtT__Vf DZqea Cf]Xa Xn ye_tVfY_eV]V
l[X`Tf_X^T^Z, eV^Vfmq nZ[XhZa_c `aXc[XTh \m_^fV]V V\V]ZzT[Xc [Z i_XjXel
dTaV`TeZ. }V T]V h[T[Xv, VWXYZ[XT \V]Z^_^`Z [Z_^fZX`ZT^ dTaV`TeZ [Z
iVnX^X`[mq aZY, Z YV_^XWT[XT p^Vq oTaX uVeZnm`ZT^_c elYZ hT[TT
ifXc^[mhw. uk^V \m_^fV _^Z[V`X^_c \V]Z^mh, Q _dX^ZT^ V[, Q YVaWT[ VdT[g
h[V]V `[XhZ[Xc lYTac^g ^Vhl, eZe V[ ^fZ^X^ YT[g]X X eZe [T V^fZ`X^g _T\T
WXn[gw. rZeVq dTaV`Te fX_elT^ _V`TfbX^g h[V]V [T[lW[mj iVeliVe,
iVn`VaX^g _T\c V\hZ[l^g, fZnVfX^g, ifVYVaWZT^ ldT[mq.
SV TzT _TfgTn[TT fX_e _VoXZag[VKi_XjVaV]XdT_eXq. }fTW[cc _fTYZ [ZdX[ZT^
eZnZ^g_c Thl [TiVYjVYczTq, [V YT[T] \m`ZT^ [TYV_^Z^Vd[V Yac ^V]V, d^V\m
\m^g ifX[c^mhX ` Yfl]Vq efl], ]YT e u\m_^fmh YT[g]Zhw ${:uick #uck~)
V^[V_c^_c efZq[T [Z_^VfVWT[[V X ifTnfX^Tag[V. BTnlag^Z^Vh _^Z[V`X^_c
uVYX[VdT_^`V, YTifT__Xc X iV^Tfc eVf[Tqw.
}fVtT__Vf eV[_^Z^XflT^, d^V YT[g]X [T ifX[V_c^ _dZ_^gc, iV_eVagel
V\VfZdX`Zv^_c iV^TfTq `[l^fT[[T]V _iVeVq_^`Xc X fZ`[V`T_Xc. ^V YTaZ^g
^Vhl, e^V `_TK^ZeX \m_^fV fZn\V]Z^TaE ux^ZhiZw V^`TdZT^ _V`T^Vh \fX^Z[_eVq
eVhiZ[XX ukZhTaV^w, nZ[XhZvzTq_c Vf]Z[XnZoXTq aV^TfTq+ uST ^VfViX^g_c.
Z^g _T\T `fThc ifX`me[l^g e [V`Vhl tX[Z[_V`Vhl iVaVWT[Xv, ^zZ^Tag[V
iaZ[XfV`Z^g \lYlzXT ^fZ^m, VoT[X`Z^g `_T `VnhVW[V_^X X `ZfXZ[^m,
V\fZ^X^g_c e [ZYTW[mh eV[_lag^Z[^Zh, [T ^Tfc^g eV[^fVac [ZY _`VXh
_V_^Vc[XTh X _V_^Z`X^g nZ`TzZ[XTw.
(. Biscussion Cuestions.
Work in airs. !ake sure you use the active vocabulary of the unit.
$tudent A
'hec" you understand all the 9uestions below# then as" the ones you are most
interested to hear your $artner answer.
)hat is 'our attitude to credit cards and other kinds of de#tE
)hat is 'our attitude to lendin" one' to friendsE
No poor and rich people ha*e e:ual opportunities in 'our countr'E
,ow uch are the pro#les of the world due to the influence of one'E
,ow uch one' would 'ou "i*e 'our children for pocket one'E )ould 'ou
ake that one' dependant on an'thin"E )hat would 'ou sa' if the' asked for
No 'ou think people tr'in" to "et ore one' is "enerall' a positi*e or ne"ati*e
influence on societ'E
Noes one' ake people happ', do 'ou thinkE
)hat would and wouldn&t 'ou do for a illion poundsE
)hat would 'ou do if 'ou won a fortuneE
)hat would 'ou do if 'ou were the richest an in the worldE
)hat would 'ou think, sa' or do if soeone "a*e 'ou a diaond rin" on 'our
second dateE
)hat would 'ou do if 'ou found a suitcase full of one' in 'our front "ardenI in
'our hotel rooE
No 'ou think that rich people usuall' deser*e their one'E
Noes e*er'one in 'our countr' ha*e the sae opportunit' to "et richE
)hat thin"s are ore iportant than one' in a arria"e partnerE
,ow can 'ou show off how uch one' 'ou ha*e without #ein" tack'E
)hen was the last tie 'ou were skint $% #roke)E
$tudent B
'hec" you understand all the 9uestions below# then as" the ones you are most
interested to hear your $artner answer.
Are 'ou "ood at sa*in" one'E )h' do 'ou sa' thatE
No 'ou shop aroundE
Are 'ou "ood at ha""lin"E No 'ou en=o' itE
)hat do 'ou think a#out #u'in" second hand thin"sE
No 'ou e*er "i*e one' to charit'E
)hat do 'ou think a "ood "o*ernent ta! polic' would #eE
)hat is 'our attitude to in*estentE ,ow uch of a risk taker are 'ouE
)hat do 'ou think a#out "i*in" one' to #e""arsE
)hat is the iniu soeone needs to li*e on in 'our countr'E
)hat do 'ou think a#out #anks in 'our countr'E
No 'ou a"ree or disa"ree with the followin" stateentE
{In*estin" on the stock arket isn&t uch different fro puttin" one' on the
)hat would 'ou ha*e to do to #e worth 'our wei"ht in "old to 'our copan' or
,ow would 'ou #low 3... pounds in a weekendE
)hat would 'ou splash out on if 'ou could dou#le 'our incoeE
Are 'ou a price conscious shopperE
). 'o##ent on the following sayings about #oney. "ry to use your active vocab.
Lack of one' is the root of all e*il.
%eorge ,ernard 6haw
No one can earn a illion dollars honestl'.
Willia# Dennings ,ryan
A fool and his one' are easil' parted.
)ho is richE ,e that is content. )ho is thatE No#od'.
,enEa#in Franklin
Hne ust #e poor to know the lu!ur' of "i*in".
%eorge 4liot
A #ank is a place that will lend 'ou one' if 'ou can pro*e that 'ou donAt need it.
,ob .oe
ItAs "ood to ha*e one' and the thin"s that one' can #u', #ut itAs "ood, too, to
check up once in a while and ake sure that 'ou ha*enAt lost the thin"s that one'
canAt #u'.
%eorge .orace Aori#er
The real easure of 'our wealth is how uch 'ouAd #e worth if 'ou lost all 'our
If 'ou can count 'our one', 'ou donAt ha*e a #illion dollars.
D. 8aul %etty
1. ,efore you read
-a'e you done any of these things<
2. "ot a ort"a"e
3. used a credit card
4. #orrowed one' fro a friend or fail'
6. taken out a student loan
-. taken out a loan fro a #ank to start a sall #usiness
8. ne*er #orrowed an' one'
=hat )ro#lems are sometimes asso&iated with these things<
&. Write the words fro# the article into the gas. "hen find the words in the
article to see how they are used in conte*t.
unsustaina#le saddled friction lo##' "et out of hand de#tKridden
rear disal skewed e!pand pointK#lank
2. If soethin" is twisted or distorted, it is .
3. 7oethin" that is cannot continue at the sae rate.
4. A refusal is strai"htforward, plain, or e!plicit.
6. If soeone is , the' are loaded or char"ed, as with a #urden.
-. is the sae as #urdened with de#t.
8. If soethin" , it increases in e!tent, si?e, *olue, scope, etc.
9. is dissension or conflict #etween people, #ecause of differin"
ideas, wishes, etc.
8. If 'ou soeone, 'ou take care of the and support the up to
;. If a situation is , it causes "loo or depression
2..If a situation , it cannot #e controlled an' ore
22. To is to tr' to influence the actions of pu#lic officials, especiall'
(. While you read
>ead the arti&le and find out if any of the )ro#lems you thought of are
mentioned. =hat is the title of the arti&le allusi'e of<
?enders and #orrowers @all are weA
As the U> personal de#t #reaks the one trillion pound ark, si! people talked to Ohannel ;
News Hnline a#out de#t.
It a' see stran"e to sa' I wish IAd ne*er "one to uni*ersit', #ut soeties I
reall' re"ret I e*er did. 7tud'in" edia counications for three 'ears has left e
saddled with a J2-,... student loan to pa' off and the eplo'ent situation is
prett' disal at the oent, which doesnAt ake the future look too #ri"ht. I
wouldA*e #een #etter off =ust "ettin" strai"ht into the =o# arket when I was 28.
I see the "o*ernent sa's it wants to encoura"e sall #usinesses. )hat a =oke1
The whole financial s'ste is skewed in fa*our of the #i" #o's and the' alwa's
=ust lo##' to protect their interests. M' "ardenKornaent #usiness had cashKflow
pro#les last 'ear, which eant I needed a teporar' loan to pa' ' staff. M'
#ank =ust refused point #lank to e!tend ' credit. I e*en occupied the #ank
ana"erAs office one da'1 M' #usiness ended up "oin" to the wall. Now I open the
paper toda' and I see soe ca#le copan' is ne"otiatin" with the #anks to
restructure J23 #illion of de#t. ThereAs no =ustice.
M' parents had pro#les with de#t, which eant I couldnAt "et a credit card #efore
I left hoe and I swore #lind I wouldnAt "et one when I did lea*e hoe. Fut then
'ou "et out into the #i" #ad world and 'ouAre =ust surrounded #' teptation. )eAre
#o#arded with ad*erts for this and that and then 'ouAre offered eas' credit. A few
'ears a"o, I was persuaded to cele#rate New 5ear in <"'pt. I took out a loan to pa'
for the holida' and co*er ' e!penses and then I "ot a credit card A=ust for
eer"enciesA. The ne!t thin" I knew IAd spent J4,... on the card. I tried to =u""le
the de#t #' transferrin" the one' onto another credit card, #ut #' then IAd "ot into
the ha#it of spendin" and I ran up a de#t on that card too. H*er the ne!t two or
three 'ears, thin"s =ust "ot copletel' out of hand, and now IA J48,... in de#t
and at the point of declarin" 'self #ankrupt.
This whole sorr' de#tKridden countr' is "oin" to coe crashin" down and itAs
"oin" to #e a hard, hard landin". 5ou ark ' words, this whole econo' is #uilt
on #orrowin" and credit, and itAs =ust unsustaina#le. I ha*e a sall place with a #it
of land, which I #ou"ht when I was ade redundant. I rear chickens and "oats, and
"row a lot of ' own food. I reckon IA alost selfKsufficient now, so I know that
on that da' when the shit finall' hits the fan, IAll #e prepared.
All that Ane*er a #orrower nor a lender #eA stuff is all =ust ru##ish, if 'ou ask e.
There isnAt a successful #usinessan in the world who hasnAt had to #orrow one'
to either "et started or to e!pand. If 'ou worr' a#out what 'ou owe, if 'ou let it
pla' on 'our ind, 'ouAll ne*er take the risks 'ou need to take in order to #e
)e #orrowed a few thousand pounds off ' parentsKinKlaw to #u' our house and
now I =ust wish we hadnAt. ItAs =ust soethin" the' constantl' hold o*er us and itAs
caused a lot of friction K like last 'ear when we said we werenAt "oin" to sta' at
Ohristas. M' otherKinKlaw "ot all upset and then ' fatherKinKlaw started
sa'in" A5ouAre so un"rateful. All the thin"s weA*e done for 'ou and 'ou =ust throw
it #ack in our faces.A
). !atch the words to #ake collocations (word airs) fro# the article.
2. student a. situation
3. eplo'ent #. s'ste
4. =o# c. a loan
6. sall d. oneself #ankrupt
-. financial e. loan
8. cash flow f. arket
9. take out ". landin"
8. run up h. a de#t
;. declare i. the risks
2..hard =. #usiness
22.#e ade k. pro#les
23. take l. redundant
+. $ecreate, restructure and retell the article as a single reort about the
roble#s that eole get when they fall into debt. -se all the words and hrases
fro# e*. & G ).
0. 6eaking
"om)lete ea&h senten&e with the name of one of the )eo)le in the arti&le. If
you don,t thin+ any of the names fit a senten&e, then lea'e it #lan+.
2......................As =ust a whin"er. I donAt know wh' sIheAs coplainin".
3. I reall' feel sorr' for........
4. ThereAs a lot of truth in what ((((((((((As sa'in".
6......................As o#*iousl' #rou"ht the situation upon herIhiself.
-......................As not thinkin" a#out the lon" ter enou"h.
8......................As talkin" ru##ish.
9......................hit the nail on the head when sIhe said that.
8......................As :uite #las a#out thin"s.
;. I would hate to #e in the situation((((((. As in.
2......................,As o#*iousl' a #it of a crackpot.
Eis&uss what you ha'e written with a )artner. FG)lain why you agree or
disagree with your )artner,s &hoi&es.
1. $olelays
a. Tell 'our father that 'ou are skint and tr' to persuade hi to "i*e or lend 'ou
soe one'
#. Gersuade a #ank ana"er that 'ou are =ust down on 'our luck and that if he
lends 'our one' to start a new #usiness 'ou will soon turn 'our life around
T<7T 5HUR7<LM.
1. %ra##ar. 'hoose the correct answer.
2. I&d rather 'ou (( 'our hoework #efore 'ou "o out.
A did F had done O do
3. ,e acted as if he (((.. the house.
A owns F owned O had owned
4. I wish I (((.. to the li#rar' 'esterda'.
A went F would "o O had "one
6. It&s a#out tie we (((( soe new staff.
A eplo'ed F had eplo'ed O are eplo'in"
-. I&d rather 'ou ((((. e when I& talkin".
A hadn&t interrupted F don&t interrupt O didn&t interrupt
8. If onl' 'ou (((. e, I would ha*e understood.
A told F had told O would tell
9. It&s hi"h tie 'ou ((( how to dri*e.
A learnt F had learnt O would learn
8. The' spoke as if the' (((.. each other for 'ears.
A knew F know O had known
;. I deanded that he (((.
A apolo"ise F will apolo"ise O is apolo"i?in"
2.. It&s stran"e that he (((( late. ,e&s usuall' on tie.
A ou"ht to #e F ust #e O should #e
&. Hocab. 6uggest active vocabulary units corresonding to the following
2. to inherit $phr. *.)
3. to cheat soeone #' akin" the pa' too uch one' for soethin" $phr.
4. to take one' fro a #ank account
6. the aount of one' in a #ank account
-. to watch people takin" an e!aination in order to check that the' do not
8. to "i*e soeone who has pro*ided 'ou with a ser*ice an e!tra aount of
one' to thank the
9. inforation intended to ad*ise people on how soethin" should #e done or
what soethin" should #e
8. on a tele*ision pro"rae or fil, the spoken words of a person that 'ou
cannot see
;. the one' that 'ou pa' for a =ourne' on a *ehicle such as a #us or train
2..e!treel' tired
22. to thorou"hl' e!aine soethin" to ake sure it is all ri"ht $phr. *.)
23.-merican Wn&lish soeone who akes, pours, and ser*es drinks in a #ar or
24.soeone whose =o# is to *isit different shops, pretendin" to #e soeone who
is #u'in" soethin", #ut who is reall' collectin" inforation a#out what
"oods people #u' and wh' the' #u' the. The inforation is used when
plannin" how to sell a particular product.
26.a process in which detailed photo"raphs of the inside of 'our #rain are taken
and e!ained #' a doctor
2-.a short perforance that an actor, usician, dancer, etc. "i*es in order to
show their a#ilit' and suita#ilit' for a particular pla', fil, show, etc.
p. 83
$Learn the words and e!pressions in @8.2 p. 242)
p. 86
$Learn the words and e!pressions in @8.3 p. 242), one'Kakin" schees, ake
all the difference, sit still, in*i"ilate $an in*i"ilator), e!press one&s opinion on, a
T@ ad, a #rain scan, a 'ster' shopper, write a report on, a custoer, an
ad*ertisin" capai"n.
p. 88
"i*eI lea*e tips $to tip), recei*e a tip, a ser*ice char"e, a restaurant #ill, a"ree on, a
"uideline, round up $the fare), keep the chan"e, an encounter with, a rule of thu#,
pla' safe.
Fe short of one', $ha*e one') in one&s #ank account, an audition, chase
ipossi#le dreas, learn one&s lines, "o on a#out sth, "i*e s# a lift $to work)
It&s on e, do a stud' on, the a#solute iniu, a counter, a #artender, ( of the
total, a fare
Get #ack to s# $on the phone), to do a *oiceo*er, a series, run a #it late, do a run
throu"h, a script, "o o*er $the lines)
Fe under a lot of pressure, "o strai"ht #ack to sleep, lose one&s teper with s#,
@oca#ular' Glus+ Fritish and Aerican <n"lish
A $#ank)noteI#ill, a cheist&sIdru"store, a tapIfaucet, a #ank holida'I a national
holida', the pa*eentIsidewalk, the otorwa'Ifreewa', a waistcoatI*est, a
torchIflashli"ht, a :ueueIline, the under"roundIsu#wa', a car parkIparkin" lot, a
o#ile phoneIcell phone, a #lock of flatsIapartent #uildin", a "ardenI'ard

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