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A Project Report on Branding of

COCOON : Breathe Life!

The Oxy-entertainment parlours

Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

Prof. Arun Bhattacharya Raina Khandelwal (40)

Shivnath Arora (48)
Shruti Shukla (49)
Swapnil Tewari (53)
Udita Puri (56)

Oxygen is the core necessity for almost all living entities in this world. Be it the man,
animal and even plants, oxygen forms the start and end product of almost all life
processes. Oxygen is the essential element required for our body’s to function correctly.
It is needed by every cell in our body ranging from digestion to brain functions, we can
live without food for up to a month, without water for days but without Oxygen we will
live for little more than 4-5 minutes.

Oxygen- a dire necessity thus has a huge potential of turning into a modified need & even
a desire which complements the way we live our lives today.

The following project deals with the concept construction and conceptualization of our
product Cocoon- an innovative way to rejuvenate the mind, body & soul. The product
focuses to complement the lifestyle of today and augment the way of living by providing
healthier and refreshing environments.

We have tried to focus on the need of such a product, the conceptualization &
construction of the product which smoothly fits our lifestyle and the results which we
calculated with help of scientific facts and other primary/secondary research data from
our specific target markets.

Any comprehensive work such as this must owe credit to a

multiple of people. We are grateful to those who have
contributed to project and proud to acknowledge their help.
First and foremost we wish to acknowledge our Brand
marketing faculty Prof. Arun Bhattacharyya who helped us
in dealing this project and providing us with the knowledge
that helps to build a brand of any product or service. We
express our sincere gratitude to him who has constantly
guided us during the project and has helped us a lot in
completion of the project. Making this project report gives us
the opportunity to thank all those people without whose
cooperation this report would never have been a success.


1.1 Base Idea
1.2 Our product
2.1 Who Needs Pure Oxygen?
2.2 IMC
3.1 Objective of the Study
3.2 Research Methodology
4.1 Brand Identity and Image
4.2 Brand Positioning
4.3 SWOT Analysis


Oxygen creates life by converting Fuel (carbohydrates, fats and proteins) into energy and
heat. Our cardio vascular system delivers essential Oxygen to the body’s tissues. Low
levels of Oxygen result in lower energy production making us feel sluggish and drained
of energy. Additional Oxygen can benefit people from every walk of life in virtually all
that we do.
The air we normally breathe contains about 21% oxygen the rest is Nitrogen, Argon and
other trace gases.
300 years ago the Oxygen content in the air we breathe was over 38%
Today it’s only 20.9% and as low 12 -15% in some cities.
Oxygen is the essential element required for our body’s to function correctly. It is needed
by every cell in our body ranging from digestion to brain functions, we can live without
food for up to a month, without water for days but without Oxygen we will live for little
more than 4-5 minutes.

Pure oxygen can replenish body's energy levels, improve hair and skin conditions, filter
toxins from the blood, reduce stress, fatigue and headaches, apart from being a proven
hangover remedy,
Oxygen is one of the five basic elements of all life: Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur,
Hydrogen and Carbon. There are several forms of Oxygen, however the most common
and stable form of Oxygen is O2"or Diatomic Oxygen. Oxygen is a vital element to good
health and it’s our primary source of energy. 90% of our energy comes from oxygen and
the other 10% comes from food and water. With Oxygen Enriched Air (OEA), the body
will metabolize food more efficiently, generate more energy and create a healthier body.

Thus Cocoon are systems having oxygen replenishment systems accommodated with
latest comfort accessories and entertainment tools, created to rejuvenate the consumers
specially office employees(during office hours) and ultimately give them better
productivity and work efficiency.
We chose the concept because of the following reasons:

• Cocoon, will be a breakthrough in health and lifestyle industry as it is a

conglomeration of health, relaxation and entertainment.
• From an organization’s perspective, these systems will augment the employee
efficiency and productivity in a way which was never thought of before

• These systems have an essential element, oxygen as their base, thus the demand
can be mobilized in a focused manner. For example, the demand for water
purification systems was done by Eureka Forbes & Kent, normal tap water being
their competitor but still they gained huge profits by educating people of the
harmful effects of drinking normal water especially in big cities. Similarly, cities
today have a decreased concentration of oxygen in their environments and thus
have a need of systems like Cocoon.

• A consolidated effect on senses of smell, feel (temperature), and internally as

oxygen satiated organism will give a holistic benefit to the consumer.

We wish to achieve the understanding the feasibility, construction and application of the
concept along with the understanding of the nuances of the working and effects of the


An Oxygen Parlour is a kiosk or place that offers non-medical oxygen mixed with
various scents including aromatherapy. The oxygen in Oxygen Parlours is between 90%
and 92% oxygen allowing the customer to breathe 4 to 5 times the normal amount of
oxygen. These Oxygen Parlours give patrons an uplifted refreshed feeling as well as
increased energy, detoxification and a general overall good feeling Oxygen Parlours are a
new wave of health product and relaxation service sweeping worldwide.
An Oxygen Parlour combines pure oxygen with the elements of popular aromatherapies
for a positive, uplifting and therapeutic effect. Most of all it is a fun and healthy activity
that is popular around the World.
Oxygen enriched air purifies the lungs, saturates the blood stream and reenergizes the
body while the aromatherapy helps to clear the mind, heighten awareness and balance
1.2- OUR PRODUCT: Cocoon- Breathe Life!
TYPE: Rejuvenating Oxygen powered health & entertainment Systems
DESIGN: The product consists of an aesthetically designed fiber chamber. Light in
weight and semi-portable. The chamber will consist of:
• Regulated oxygen supply – 92% concentration of the air present
• Reclining Lazy Boy chair
• Television
• Music System in form of Jukebox.
• Aromatherapy
• Mobile/Laptop charging facility
• Timer

What can O2 do for the body?

· Oxygen gives you energy!! 90% of our energy comes from oxygen, only 10% from
food and water
· Relieves headaches and migraines
· Overcome Hangovers
· Heighten concentration, alertness, and memory
· Detoxifies your blood and improves your immune system
· Calms your mind and stabilizes your nervous system
· Relieves temporary altitude discomfort
· Has an Anti-Aging effect
· Strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart attack


As we have discussed our product in the previous chapter, the issue arises of ‘who needs
our product?’. Let us put some light on our prospective customers.

2.1- Who Needs Pure Oxygen?

1. Sportspersons

Athletes know that taking oxygen before and after exercise lets them work out longer
reducing the time needed to recover, limiting the build up of lactic acid. Oxygen is used
as an instant energy boost for competitive and endurance sports greatly assisting the
body’s absorption of essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids and proteins whilst
improving the body’s ability to burn fat.

Target Market: Health clubs, Community centers, Sport centers & Stadiums

2. Working professionals

People with mentally demanding jobs are aware that oxygen gives them an instant energy
boost, enhances cognitive ability, increases memory capacity, improves reaction, even
alleviates the symptoms of jet lag and stress induced headaches. Oxygen overcomes the
tiresome effects of recirculated air in modern offices, and similar buildings.

Target Market: Offices and corporate, venues having high population, closed spaces like

3. Clubs & Bars

Clubbers have found that Oxygen increases energy levels and helps them rave all night
long, reducing the polluting effects of smoke and counteracting the low ambient oxygen
levels often found in busy night clubs and dance venues. Oxygen speeds up the effects of
alcoholic drinks, helping get into the party mood faster and recover quicker if they have
over indulged.
Target Market: Pubs & clubs
4. Health & Beauty

Increased Oxygen levels contribute to a healthier looking skin and complexion at cellular
level, helping remove toxins and free radicals from the body, boosting the immune
system by destroying anaerobic bacteria, enhancing vitality and promoting a radiant look.
Oxygen counteracts the effects of ageing and reduces the possibility of illness by helping
our body’s fight disease.

Target Market: Beauty Salons, Spa, and Hotels

Now, we see that our customers are

• Mostly B2B clients like offices, health clubs etc.

• Form the upper segment , hence affordability is possible

Therefore marketing the product as a ‘lifestyle product’ will be the best strategy.


Integrated Marketing Communication maybe in communicating the same message in

form of pictures of people who are smiling and are saying “I Cocoon” , thus transitioning
the product from a physical state to a more experience based adjective , for eg, ‘I breathe’
or ‘I live’ where the words ‘breathe’ and ‘live’ are replaced by ‘cocoon’, which is the
name of the product.

Above the Line communications can accommodate the three words like
• I breathe
• I live
• I cocoon

The same message can be displayed in magazine, newspapers and hoardings.

An IMC approach to the general masses (indirect customers or consumers) will

indirectly force our direct customers (B2B) to get associated with the product. The
association with a unique product will also enhance the customer’s brand image.


3.1- Objective of the study

We chose the concept because of the following reasons:

• Cocoon, will be a breakthrough in health and lifestyle industry as it is a
conglomeration of health, relaxation and entertainment.
• From an organization’s perspective, these systems will augment the employee
efficiency and productivity in a way which was never thought of before.
• These systems have an essential element, oxygen as their base, thus the demand
can be mobilized in a focused manner. For example, the demand for water
purification systems was done by Eureka Forbes & Kent, normal tap water being
their competitor but still they gained huge profits by educating people of the
harmful effects of drinking normal water especially in big cities. Similarly, cities
today have a decreased concentration of oxygen in their environments and thus
have a need of systems like Cocoon.

• A consolidated effect on senses of smell, feel (temperature), and internally as an

oxygen satiated organism will give a holistic benefit to the consumer.

We wish to achieve the understanding the feasibility, construction and application of

the concept along with the understanding of the nuances of the working and effects of
the concept.
3.2- The Methodology

Type of Research


Since the product is an innovation and does not have any alternatives in the market, thus,
a more knowledge content and fact based research design is required.

Secondary Data Sources

Atmospheric Oxygen Levels Fall As Carbon Dioxide Rises

Author: Mike Johnston — Published: Dec 14, 2007 at 8:58 pm

According to a study conducted by scientists from the Scripps Institute there is less
oxygen in the atmosphere today than there used to be. The ongoing study, which
accumulated and interpreted data from NOAA monitoring stations all over the world, has
been running from 1989 to the present. It monitored both the rise of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere and the decline in oxygen. The conclusion of that 20 year study is that, as
carbon dioxide (produced primarily by burning fossil fuels) accumulates in the
atmosphere, available oxygen is decreasing.

Carbon dioxide seems to be almost the total focus of attention in the climate change
model as it exists today. After reviewing the results of this study and talking with Dr.

Ralph Keeling (one of the lead scientists on the study), it seemed that the consequences
of atmospheric oxygen depletion should be included in any discussion of atmospheric

In order to make sure that I was interpreting the data correctly I asked Dr. Keeling to
clarify a few points. I asked him if the rise in carbon dioxide levels and the decrease in
oxygen levels were proportional to each other in the sense that this would indicate that
the decrease in atmospheric oxygen was a direct result of the buildup of carbon dioxide.
His response:

It is roughly true that the oxygen depletion is equivalent to a displacement by carbon

dioxide. But it is not exactly true. First, some of the carbon dioxide produced has been
absorbed by the oceans. This process involves inorganic chemical reactions which have
no effect on O2. Second, the O2:C combustion ratio of a fossil-fuel depends on the
hydrogen content. The ratio varies from about 1.2 for coal, 1.45 for liquid fuels, and 2.0
for natural gas. Taking these factors together, we are losing nearly three O2 molecules for
each CO2 molecule that accumulates in the air.

We are losing three oxygen molecules in our atmosphere for each carbon dioxide
molecule that is produced when we burn fossil fuels. Studies of ice cores and recent data
from direct atmospheric sampling have shown that there has been a 30% increase in
carbon dioxide since the beginning of the industrial age. With that in mind I asked Dr.
Keeling how much oxygen has been depleted from the atmosphere in that same time
frame. He responded that, "A reasonable estimate for how much O2 has been lost since
the beginning of the industrial revolution can be based on the estimated loss due to fossil-
fuel emissions, which can be calculated from records of the amount of each fuel type
burnt and its combustion ratio. Such records are not readily available online, but I have
figures handy:

Total loss since start of industrial revolution

• O2depletion from fossil-fuel burning through 2004: 35.2 Pmol

• CO2 depletion from fossil-fuel burning through 2004: 26.3 Pmol
Estimated O2 content of reindustrialize atmosphere: 37050 Pmol
1 Pmol = 10^15 mol

"So the total estimated industrial O2 depletion on Jan 1, 2005 would have been (35.3)/
(37050)x100 = 0.095% of the reindustrialize amount."

"For the past 15 years, we have direct measurements of the decrease. But the
observations before 1990 aren't good enough to draw inferences. Hence the estimate
based on industrial emissions is about the best we can come up with."
Think about that. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution we have removed .
095% of the oxygen in our atmosphere. True, that is only a tenth of one percent of the
total supply, but oxygen makes up only 20% of the atmosphere. I looked up safety rules
regarding oxygen concentrations and according to OSHA rules on atmospheres in closed
environments, "if the oxygen level in such an environment falls below 19.5% it is oxygen
deficient, putting occupants of the confined space at risk of losing consciousness and
death." What happens if the world's atmospheric levels of oxygen fall to 19.5% or lower?
Are we all going to have to carry little blue oxygen tanks with us to survive? Not a
pleasant possibility.

Plants and certain bacteria take in carbon dioxide, combine it with water to form glucose
and produce oxygen as a byproduct in the photosynthesis reaction. The current increase
in carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere indicates that this cycle is no longer in
balance. It shows that we have reached the point where the biosphere of the planet can no
longer process all of the carbon dioxide that we are producing.

When hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline are burned in air, gasoline (C8H18) and oxygen
(O2) join in an explosive reaction. This reaction releases the energy which we use to
propel our vehicles. The two main products of this chemical reaction are carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water vapor (H2O). The chemical reaction for the combustion of gasoline
(chemical name: isooctane) looks like this:

C8H18 + 12.5 O2 --> 8 CO2 + 9 H2O

This mix of CO2 and H2O vapor are the primary gases which come out of your tailpipe.
Interestingly, these two byproducts are also the two things which plants need to take in to
produce glucose and release oxygen. As long as the environment is in balance no excess
carbon dioxide or water vapor will build up. If the environment cannot absorb the amount
of these two gases that we produce on the other hand they would remain in the
environment as a measurable surplus. I wondered if this water that was being created by
burning hydrocarbons could be contributing to the rise I the planets oceans in a
meaningful way.
I asked Dr. Keeling for his opinion on this possibility. He said, "I agree qualitatively with
your arguments. Some time ago I also calculated the sea- level rise that would be caused
by the water generated as a bi-product of fossil-fuel burning. I got quite a small number. I
can make a similar calculation here:

O2 lost into forming water: 35.2 - 26.3 = 8.9 Pmol.

Amount of H2O formed: 8.9x2 = 17.8 Pmol
Volume occupied by water formed:
(17.8x10(15) mol)(18g/mol)/(1000000g/m3) = 3.2x10(11) m3.
Resulting sea-level rise (taking ocean area of 3.6x10(14)m2):
3.2x10(11)/3.6x10(14) = 9x10(-4) m

So the effect is only ~1 millimeter since the industrial revolution. This is small compared
to the other factors that have contributed to sea level rise over this period."

In conclusion, it seems that the depletion of atmospheric oxygen will continue until such
time as we stop burning hydrocarbons faster than the environment can absorb the
byproducts of the reaction and replenish the oxygen. The only solution to this problem is
to determine beyond the shadow of a doubt just how much carbon dioxide that our
atmosphere and environment in general can absorb and process back into oxygen and
then limit our burning of carbon containing fuels so that we stay within that “safe zone”
and using non carbon based energy sources to make up for what we can no longer
produce via fossil fuels.

The problem with this solution is that, in order to keep our economy cooking along, we
need to produce and consume ever increasing amounts of energy and so we can’t stop
using fossil fuels, including coal, without a lot of economic pain because there currently
are no alternatives in place to pick up the slack. The sequestration of carbon dioxide by
pumping it under the ground would only dispose of the carbon dioxide with unknown
consequences, but would do nothing to stop the depletion of oxygen from the
atmosphere. Dr. Keeling agreed that carbon sequestration would do nothing to stop
oxygen depletion but reassured me that "... the O2 loss is too small to be much of a
We currently make estimates of how many years we have left before excess carbon
dioxide becomes a bigger problem than it already is but we aren’t really sure of their
accuracy. However, to the best of my knowledge, we don’t have estimates of how
long it might be, if oxygen continues to be depleted at its current rate, until it might
become a problem. After all, while most of us may be willing to wait out the effects
of excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for a time just to see if we really do get
warmer weather and more abundant crops out of the deal; how may of us want to wait
and see how little oxygen we can survive on?

With such depleted oxygen levels, the human body has also acclimatized to
survive in a low oxygen level, which though supports all bodily functions but in
lesser efficiency and also creation of toxics inside the body.
We asked the questions from 50 respondents regarding their efficiency of doing work at
different point of time and the result which we get was quite expected that is because of
the lack of oxygen in the body. The graph below explains the whole story of the research-

average efficiency

average efficiency

5 average efficiency





















As we can see in the above graph as the working hour increases average efficiency of
doing the work decreases.
Chapter- 4


4.1-Brand Identity and image

The brand image consists of two consolidated elements which are- health and
leisure/entertainment. The word cocoon itself signifies:

• Comfort
• Protection
• Relaxation
• Rejuvenating
• Incubating

And something which adds up to an entity be it a caterpillar which metamorphoses

into a butterfly or in a similar way our human body through effects which span from
therapeutic to pure leisure.

4.2- Brand Positioning

Since our product apart from therapeutic factors also involves leisure and entertainment
dimensions clubbed with aesthetics, therefore, it can not be placed in a lower segment.
The understanding and usage of the product is also important for customers to perceive a
brand value for it. The target customers thus are people who are :

• Beauty and Health conscious

• Productivity and Efficiency focused
• Leisure and lifestyle conscious
• Status symbol (expression through possession e.g. a Mercedes or a Rolls Royce
is a possession which is a status symbol, similarly, a cocoon at home augments
the status to a higher degree)
4.3- SWOT Analysis:


After studying the responses given by the respondents we concluded that there lies a need
of a rejuvenating process which can help people increase their work efficiency. Hence,
tracing from the biological and physiological reasons for fatigue, oxygen is found as the
basic requirement and necessity to have proper functioning of the body.

Therefore, a product having facilities of pure oxygen, leisure accessories and

entertainment systems fills the gap of refreshing the mind, body and soul which is
extremely required in the fast paced lifestyle of today.

Oxygen is the essential element required for our body’s to function correctly. It is needed
by every cell in our body ranging from digestion to brain functions, we can live without
food for up to a month, and without water for days but without Oxygen we will live for
little more than 4-5 minutes.

A deteriorated environment due to high level of pollution along with increase work
pressure has taken a toll on our health. Therefore, to study this effect and devise a
possible solution for it in form of an integrated health system, we request you to provide
your valuable inputs through this questionnaire so that we reach nearest to the needs we
are catering to.

1. What is your office work time duration?

(a) 6-9 hours
(b) 9-12 hours
(c) More than 12 hours

2. Rate your work efficiency on the scale of 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the
(a) 0-1st hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(b) 1st-2nd hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(d) 2nd to 3rd hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(e) 3rd to 4th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(f) 4th to 5th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(g) 5th to 6th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(h) 6th to 7th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(i) 7th to 8th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(j) 8th to 9th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(k) 9th to 10th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(l) 10th to 11th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(m)11th to 12th hour

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(n) 12th hour and beyond

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Do you practice any breathing exercise in your daily routine?

(o) yes
(p) no

4. How efficient do you find it in increasing your work efficiency?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. What if a system is introduced which has properties like oxygen therapy,

aromatherapy, comfort systems, and entertainment systems all in one, which acts
like an instant rejuvenator, would you go forward to use such a product in daily
• No, not interested
• I may use it
• Depends on the experience
• I would love to use it regularly
Author: Mike Johnston — Published: Dec 14, 2007 at 8:58 pm

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