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Definition :
PROJECT: can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that have ;
A specific objective to completed within certain specification
Start and finish dates
Funding limits (if applicable)
Consume resources (e.g: money, people, equipment)
A project is a carefully defined set of activities that use resources (money,
people, materials, energy, space, provisions, communication, etc.) to meet the
pre-def ined objectives.

Any non-repetitive activity
A unique set of coordinated activities with definite starting and finishing
points, undertaken by an individual or organization to meet specific
performance objectives within defined schedule, cost and performance
parameters ( BS 6079, 2000)

A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or
result (PMBOK Guide)

Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and
techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
(PMBOK Guide)
Project management is the complete set of tasks, techniques, tools applied
during project execution.

1.2.1 Classical Management
Classical Management is the school of management thought, which includes bureaucratic,
scientific, and astoiipts^lve management. It pursued the one best way to perform tasks. The
classical approach of-management emphasizes finding way to manage work and
organizations more efficiently. The influence of the following innovators is still evident in
the business community as well as the classrooms.

Management of Works.
Systematic or Administrative Management: Created to develops systematized
manufacturing. The main concept was to coordinate procedures and processes into internal
operations to ensure coordination of effort. Emphasis was placed on economical operations,
inventory management, and cost control. It was the beginning of formal management with
promotion for efficiency. The main limitation was that it ignored differences between the
views of the managers and the workers. It is also the branch of classical management that
emphasized the flow of information and how organizations should operate.

Scientific Management: Focuses on worker efficiency. Scientific Management is a type of
management which conducts business or affairs by standards that are established by facts or
truths gained through systematic observation, experiment, or reasoning. It is also the branch
of classical management that focused on the division of labor among specialists and
application of scientific methods to management.
a. Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1945) - The Father of Scientific Management,
b. Frank and Lilian M. Gfibreth (1868-1924) (1878-1972) - Motion Innovators
c. Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919) - Innovator in employee incentive plans.

Bureaucratic Management: Emphasizes the need to operate in a rational manner.
Bureaucracy is an organization marked by diffusion of authority through a hierarchy of
clearly defined positions held by career people and subject to the rules of operation.
a) Max Weber (1864-1920)
b) Henry Fayol (1841-1925) - Father of administrative theory

1.2.2 Behavioral Management.
"Stresses that effective management will come from an understanding of the worker and not
the task. " Behavioral school of management focuses on people as individuals with needs, as
member of work groups, and as members of society.
a. Mary Parker Follett (1868-1993) - innovator in problem solving in the workplace.
b. Elton Mayo (1880-1949) - Work with the Hawthorne experiment.

Human Relation: Productivity and employee behavior are influenced by the informal work
group. In this approach, the human psychological and social process influenced
performance. Some limitations were that it ignored the workers rational side and "
formal organization's contribution productivity.
a) Douglas m. McGregor (1906-1964)
b) Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)

As theories and applications started to evolve further, management became more
"humanized" in its approach.

Behavioral Approach Evaluated: This approach has made managers more sensitive to the
needs of the worker.

1.2.3 Quantitative
Focused on the used of mathematics, statistics, and information aids to support decision
making and organizational effectiveness. This approach has three main branches;
Management Science: Also called Operation Research, is aimed at increasing
decision making through the use of mathematical models and statistics.
Operations management: Manages production and delivery of products and
Management Information System: focuses on designing and implementing
computer information systems for management.

Classical Approach
i) Frederik W Taylor
Father of Scientific Management
Taylor believed:
Workers of his time were performing below their capacities.
Can be corrected by: proper directions, support by supervisors & monetary
Four principles of Scientific Management
Develop a science for every job
Select workers with right abilities
Provide proper training & incentives
Support workers
Established the concept of A fair days work
The amount of work justifies the days pay
Present time application: Maids International

ii) Frank & Lillian Gilbreth - Pioneers of Motion Study
Motion Study: The science of reducing a job or task to its basic physical motions
One famous study: Bricklayers (reduced nos. of motions resulted in tripling
Established foundation for later advances in the following:
- Job 'simplification, Work standards, Incentive wage plans Application of
Motion Study: United Parcel Services ,1

iii) Henry Fayol
Five basic management functions
Believed that basic management concepts should be taught to employees
Introduced management principles
Cleat line of authority/communication
Unity of command
Unity of direction

iv) Max Weber
Bureaucratic management
A professional management structure
A rational structure which comprises of logic, order & authority
Major principles:
Division of labour
Hierarchy of authority
Formal rules and orders
Career development based on merits
Advantages: Efficiency, Fairness, Well structured & well ordered
Disadvantages: Red tapes Rigidity, Reggtanc to change
"Bureaupathology" - A sickness in the bureaucracy

Human Resources Approach
v) Hawthorne Studies
The Illumination experiment at the Hawthorne Plant
The level of Fatique experiment Elton Mayo (engineering Prof.)
The Hawthorne effect:
When workers are paid attention to, chances are they will respond positively
People have different sources of job satisfaction
Style of supervision effects level of productivity
Interpersonnal relations are required in the job setting
No stroke is worse than a negative stroke
Prof James lee (Harvard alumni) engineer turned manager
Author of The Gold and Garbage of management theory
Critised the Hawthorned Effect as being a big hoax: wrong experimental
procedures, etc.

Project Management is accomplished through the application and integration of the project
management processes.

Process of Project Management;
Planning - definition of work requirements, quantity and quality of work,
definition of resources needed
Monitoring - tracking progress, comparing actual outcome to predicted
outcome, analyzing impact, making adjustment

Project management is composed of several different types of activities such as:
Analysis & design of objectives and events
Planning the work according to the objectives
Assessing and controlling risk (or Risk Management)
Estimating resources
Allocation of resources
Organizing the work
Acquiring human and material resources
Assigning tasks
Directing activities
Controlling project execution
Tracking and reporting progress (Management information system)
Analyzing the results based on the facts achieved
Defining the products of the project
Forecasting future trends in the project
Quality Management
Issues management
Issue solving
Defect prevention
Identifying, managing A controlling changes
Project closure (and project debrief)
Communicating to stakeholders
Increasing/ decreasing a company's workers

Successful project management can be defined as having achieved the project objectives;
Within time
Within cost
At the desired performance/technology level
Utilizing the assigned resources effectively and efficiently

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