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Table Leader 411

Relationship of a Table Leader

Bi-weekly communication, checking-in, and providing reminders to Mommas.
Emails and social networking
Cards for greeting, missed meeting, encouragement, and goodbyes.

Timeline for a Table Leader
Your Table Coordinator will contact you with your reminders.
This is a chance to check in personally to see how youre doing.
Best time to discuss concerns, ideas, praises, etc. regarding your table.

Contact every mom at your table and provide her with reminders.
Utilize the Getting To Know You forms to help determine the best way to connect.
Leaving messages is perfectly fine and understandable; encourage and request a reply.
Ask and encourage moms to confirm reminders.
This is an excellent way to build relationships outside of the group.
Please include any Mentor Moms and Coordinators at your table when giving reminders.

Follow-up contact (in the morning) if you havent heard back in response to your first
Friendly reminder this is NOT the day to make initial contact.

Reminders of a Table Leader
Hands On:
Craft supplies, pictures, etc. that Mommas need to bring.
Fees and Childcare:
Any fees our ministry might request.
Theme and Speaker

Gifts of a Table Leader
Please keep in mind that gifts should only cost between $1-$2 per mom.
First day
Last day

Wellness and Inclement Weather Policy

General Wellness Guidelines
In the M2M Kids Club, we strive to maintain a healthy, clean, and safe environment at
all times. We ask that you, as responsible moms, keep your child at home if they exhibit
any of the following symptoms:
1. Fever (over 99.5 degrees)
2. Runny nose that is yellow or green in color.
3. Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours.
4. Any symptom of childhood diseases such as: Scarlet Fever, German Measles,
Mumps, Chicken Pox, Whooping Cough, or Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.
5. Common cold from onset through one week.
6. Sore throat.
7. Croup.
8. Any unexplained rash.
9. Any skin infection boils, ringworm, or impetigo.
10. Untreated pink eye or other eye infection.
11. Any communicable disease.
12. Lice, including the presence of eggs or nits.
We expect that a child or caregiver be free of fever for 24 hours before coming back to
the Kids Club. If our Kids Club staff notice any of these symptoms, they will contact you
to come pick up your child.
We cant wait to see your little one when they are feeling better!
Thank you for understanding these guidelines and helping us make our club a healthy
place for all of our little ones!

Inclement Weather Policy
In case bad weather threatens to disrupt our regularly scheduled M2M meeting, we will
observe the following:
Moms are advised to listen to local weather broadcasts if it appears that icky weather
is approaching. We will take the Puyallup School Districts actions into account. If
the district has cancelled classes for the day look for an email, phone call or
Facebook message from your table leader. We are sorry to say that no makeup dates
will be scheduled. Check out for up to date

Core Values of Puyallup Foursquare
1. WE VALUE THE WORD OF GOD (Hebrews 4:12 NIV): From Genesis to
Revelation, we believe that Gods Word has relevant answers for todays tough
2. WE VALUE LOVE (Luke 10:27 NLT): In Loving God and Loving People, love
must drive everything we do. From recreation to confrontation, the motive of all
actions is love.
3. WE VALUE SMALL GROUPS (Acts 2:42 NIV): Our mission is to Connect and
Relate Everyone.
4. WE VALUE PEOPLE (Ephesians 4:11-12 NIV): We believe every person is a
gift and has gifts to be utilized by God. Every person is a minister because ministry is
who we are, not what we do.
help Seekers to become Believers, Believers to become Disciples, and Disciples to
become Teachers. We want to encourage and cheer the development process.
Jesus Christ gave His very best at the cross; we can give no less.
7. WE VALUE EVANGELISM (Luke 19:10 NIV): We will invest time and
resources to help seekers find God. We will use conventional and unconventional
means to reach the lost at any cost.
8. WE VALUE BALANCE (Philippians 4:5 KJV): On a cultural spectrum of A
through Z, we operate at M to achieve balance in order to reach the broadest range of
want to imitate the example of Jesus Christ.
degree we are submitted is the degree that we will lead.

Foursquare Mom 2 Mom
Mission Statement and Values
We exist to relate and equip while
connecting Mom to Mom.
We VALUE loving God and loving Moms.
We VALUE parenting from a biblical perspective.
We VALUE creating and fostering relationships.
We VALUE the wet cement years of our children.
We VALUE a safe and fun environment that is welcoming to
our moms.

What is SOAPing?
You will need a Bible, journal or piece of paper, and a writing utensil.
For Daily Scripture Reading plan:
Go to or
Download the Bible app on your smartphone (its free!). There are many
plans to choose from and Pastor Roger uses the Life Journal Plan on the
Foursquare website.
Just open up your Bible and start reading.

S: Scripture
Look up todays reading in your Bible or click on the link above. Take time
reading and allow God to speak to you. When you are done, look for a verse that
particularly spoke to you and write it in your journal.

O: Observation
What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to
teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase and write this scripture down in
your journal using your own words.

A: Application
Personalize what you have read by asking yourself how it applies to your life right
now. Perhaps it is instruction, encouragement, revelation of a new promise, or
corrections for a particular area of your life. Write how this scripture can apply to
you today.

P: Prayer
This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a
greater insight on what He may be revealing to you! Remember, prayer is a two
way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say! Now, write it out.

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