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The Facts On File

Third Edition
The Facts On File

Third Edition

Bruce Wyman
L. Harold Stevenson
The Facts On File Dictionary of Environmental Science
Third Edition

Copyright © 2007, 2001, 1991 by Bruce C. Wyman and L. Harold Stevenson

Illustrations © 2007 by Infobase Publishing

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ISBN-10: 0-8160-6437-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6437-3

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wyman, Bruce C.
The facts on fi le dictionary of environmental science/
Bruce Wyman, L. Harold Stevenson.—3rd ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-8160-6437-7
1. Environmental engineering—Dictionaries. 2. Environmental protection—Diction-
aries. 3. Environmental sciences—Dictionaries. I. Stevenson, L. Harold, 1940– II.
Title. III. Title: Dictionary of environmental science.

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To Barbara Wyman

To Elizabeth Stevenson

Preface ix

Acknowledgments xi

Entries A to Z 1

Appendixes 471
I. Acronyms (and Other 472
II. Unit Prefi xes 490
III. Approximate Unit Equivalents 490
IV. BTU Content of Common 492
Energy Units
V. Concentrations 492
VI. Standard (Average) Human Factors 493
VII. Plastic Recycling Codes 494
VIII. Earth Statistics 494
IX. Atmosphere Statistics 495
X. Water Statistics 495
XI. World Population Growth 496
XII. The Carbon Cycle 496
XIII. The Chemical Elements 497
XIV. The Greek Alphabet 498

The field of environmental science is extraordinarily broad, as is its vocabulary.
This applied science (environmental management is perhaps a better name than
environmental science) seeks to protect human health, wildlife, and ecosystems
from damage by human actions and to foster wise stewardship of the world’s
natural resources. Some of the many subject areas here are the chemical con-
tamination of air, water, and food; species preservation; the environmental
transmission of human disease; the stability and diversity of natural ecosys-
tems; workplace health and safety; waste treatment and disposal; nonrenewable
resource conservation; and the control of ionizing radiation exposure. From
this list follows a number of sources for the dictionary terms: administrative
law, biology, chemistry, computer modeling, ecology, engineering, environmen-
tal law, epidemiology, geography, geology, meteorology, microbiology, mining,
natural resource economics, occupational health, physics, public health, soil
science, statistics, and toxicology.
The third edition of this dictionary is intended for high school students,
college science and engineering majors, and nonscience majors enrolled in envi-
ronmental management courses to fill their general science requirements. The
book is also aimed at industry environmental management groups, the staff of
government administrative agencies, journalists, and the service industry sup-
porting environmental compliance activities, including environmental interest
groups, attorneys, and consultants. The literate citizen interested in environ-
mental affairs will also find this volume useful. The authors’ goal has been to
produce definitions that are accurate, but also clear and direct to the nonex-
pert. Some definitions will not completely satisfy the specialist.
The Facts On File Dictionary of Environmental Science, Third Edition,
contains approximately 450 new terms, bringing the total number of entries
to nearly 5,400. The entries are extensively cross-referenced, so that a browser
might be rewarded with a new term or connection in addition to the original
query. We now have 46 entries for people important to environmental man-
agement, past and present, while the first edition included exactly one, Rachel
Carson. We have included around 20 places, most of which are infamous, such
as Bhopal, Chernobyl, and the Aral Sea. There are definitions for 109 environ-
mental organizations and 68 government agencies and programs. URLs (Inter-
net addresses) are listed for private and government organizations and, in some
cases, for other terms, if the reference Web site expands the definition or leads
to related topics.
The appendix includes a listing of defined acronyms and abbreviations,
scientific units and conversions, a short article of the meaning of environmen-
tal concentrations, and a number of tables with facts and figures about the
Earth, atmosphere, water resources, energy equivalents, and human population
Bruce C. Wyman
L. Harold Stevenson
Lake Charles, Louisiana


Over the three editions of this dictionary, a number of people have suggested
terms or subject areas to consider, especially faculty members in the depart-
ment of biological and environmenal sciences at McNeese State University. We
also owe thanks to staff members at the Academic Computing Center and the
University Library. Our families have suffered through yet another book, and
the Facts On File staff supplied its usual guidance and support. Hurricane Rita,
the fall 2005 storm that scored a devastating direct hit on Lake Charles only
one month after the more famous Hurricane Katrina, tried her best to end this
project, but she only delayed our work.


aa flow Hawaiian term (pronounced abiotic Nonliving components of the

“ah’ah”) describing a lava flow character- environment (or ecosystem), including
ized by the presence of relatively little gas. chemicals in the air, water, and soil; the
Consequently, the flow tends to move very level and variability of solar radiation; and
slowly, a few meters per hour, and to be other aspects of the climate.
very thick, with a depth of three to 10
meters. The surface of the lava flow cools abrasive blasting The removal of coat-
to form a crust while the interior remains ings, rust, or scale from surfaces with a
molten. pressurized airstream containing silica
sand, aluminum oxide, steel grit, nut
Abalone Alliance A California-based shells, or other coarse material.
environmental activist group opposed to
nuclear power plants. The group’s efforts abscission The dropping of leaves from
against the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant a plant. Excessive exposure to the air con-
near San Luis Obispo were dramatized taminants hydrogen fluoride, chlorine,
in the 1986 documentary A Question of and ethylene, among others, is associated
Power. For a complete account, see www. with premature abscission in certain plant species.

abandoned site A closed hazardous absolute error The difference between

waste storage or disposal site, the original a measured value and the true value, indi-
owner or operator of which is normally cating the accuracy of a measurement.
no longer in business.
absolute humidity The amount of
abandoned well A well that is no lon- water vapor in a unit mass of air, usually
ger used for the intended purpose. These expressed in grams of water per kilogram
wells represent an environmental hazard of air.
because they provide a conduit for the
unimpeded migration of pollutants from absolute pressure The pressure exerted
the surface directly into aquifers used for by a gas relative to zero pressure. Com-
drinking water. mon units are millimeters of mercury (mm
Hg) and pounds per square inch (abso-
abatement Reducing or eliminating lute). Compare gauge pressure.
absolute temperature (T) A tempera-
Abbey, Edward (1927–89) Ameri- ture expressed on the thermodynamic
can radical activist, writer His novel scale, measured from absolute zero. If θ is
Desert Solitaire (1968) was set in the the temperature in degrees Celsius, then
American Southwest, and The Monkey- T = θ + 273.15
Wrench Gang (1974) has inspired van-
dalism and violent attacks against indus- absolute zero The zero value of ther-
try, loggers, and developers. See www. modynamic temperature; 0 Kelvin or –273.15°C. Theoretically, the volume of


an ideal gas at this temperature becomes absorption factor The amount (ex-
zero, according to charles’s law. pressed as a fraction) of a chemical that is
absorbed into body tissues upon exposure.
absorbance An expression of the
amount of light that is absorbed by a solu- absorption spectrum See absorption
tion; the measure is used to determine the band.
concentration of certain ions or molecules
in the solution. Specifically, the logarithm absorption tower See packed tower.
of the radiant power of light striking
the solution minus the logarithm of the absorptivity The ratio of the amount of
amount of light transmitted through the radiation absorbed by a body to the maxi-
solution. See beer-lambert law. mum amount it can absorb. A surface that
is a poor reflector is a good absorber. If no
absorbed dose The amount of a radiation is reflected, the surface acts as a
chemical substance that the body absorbs blackbody and has an absorptivity and
through the skin, gastrointestinal tract, or emissivity of 1, equal to the emissivity of
respiratory system. One can be exposed a body, according to kirchhoff’s law.
to a substance without absorption taking
place. The substance may not penetrate abyssal zone The bottom of a deep
the skin; it may pass out with body wastes ocean. Compare to bathyal zone and
unabsorbed; or it may be exhaled without euphotic zone.
absorption in the lungs.
acceleration (a) The rate of change
absorber A material capable of taking of the velocity of a moving body with
in a substance (such as oil) or radiation, as respect to time. Units of acceleration are
a sponge takes up water. velocity (e.g., ft s–1, m s–1) per time (e.g.,
ft s–2, m s–2).
absorption 1. The capture of a solid, liq-
uid, or gas by an absorber. See adsorp- accelerator An additive that increases
tion. 2. The uptake of water or chemicals the rate of a chemical reaction.
into the cells or circulatory system of an
organism. For example, the passing of a acceptable daily intake (ADI) The
nutrient from the intestinal tract into the daily dose of a chemical substance deter-
bloodstream of an individual, the move- mined to be without adverse effect on the
ment of a toxic chemical through the skin general human population after long-term
and into the circulatory system of an indi- exposure. The dose is expressed in milli-
vidual, or the uptake of a gas from the grams of the substance per kilogram body
lungs into the bloodstream of an individual weight per day and is often used for the
exposed to the agent from the atmosphere. intake of pesticides and pesticide resi-
dues or for the amount of a food addi-
absorption band 1. The wavelengths tive that can be consumed on a daily basis
of electromagnetic radiation that are without the development of a health haz-
absorbed by a substance; chemical-specific ard. The U.S. EPA has replaced acceptable
absorption is applied by many instruments daily intake with the reference dose for
used for environmental analysis. 2. In protection against noncarcinogenic health
atmospheric science, the wavelengths of the effects.
electromagnetic spectrum absorbed
by a particular atmospheric gas, such as accident rate In an industrial facility,
the absorption wavelengths for infrared the number of injuries that require treat-
radiation by greenhouse gases. ment beyond first aid, involve a loss of con-
sciousness, or a lost or restricted workday.
absorption coefficient See sabin ab- These incidents are multiplied by 200,000
sorption coefficient. (the number of hours 100 employees would

acid mine drainage

normally work in one year) and divided by and/or nitric acid. Moderate air concen-
the number of hours actually worked by trations have been shown to cause con-
the employees of the facility in one year. striction of the respiratory passages in
Also known as the total injury incident rate exercising asthmatics, and much higher
(TIIR), injury incident rate (IIR), incident levels have been linked to excess mortal-
rate (IR), and recordable injury rate (RIR). ity rates in past air pollution episodes.
Used to compare one facility or indus- Dry particle diameters are typically less
try with another. An accident rate of 0.2 than 1–2 micrometers in diameter. See
would be considered good, whereas a rate acid fog.
of 8.0 would be considered excessive. See
recordable injury. acid bright dip The cleaning of metal
surfaces of corrosion and scale by immer-
acclimation Synonym for acclimati- sion in acid.
acid deposition The introduction of
acclimatization The physiological adjust- acidic material to the ground or to surface
ment by an organism to new, usually phys- waters. Includes wet deposition, from
ical environmental conditions. Often used precipitation; dry deposition, from par-
in reference to the greater ability to tol- ticle fallout; and acid fog. See acid rain.
erate increased air or water temperature
after exposure to elevated temperatures. acid dissociation constant (Ka) See
dissociation constant.
accuracy The degree to which a read-
ing given by an instrument or the calcu-
acid fog Airborne water droplets con-
taining sulfuric acid and/or nitric acid;
lation of a statistic agrees with the true
typical diameters are 5–30 micrometers.
value of what is being measured. Com-
See acid aerosol.
pare precision.
acid gas Air pollutant with a pH value
acetylcholine A chemical transmitter of of less than 5 released as a by-product of
impulses across a synapse between nerve incomplete combustion of solid waste and
cells or between nerve cells and muscles. fossil fuels.
After the impulse is delivered, the enzyme
acetylcholinesterase catalyzes the acidification Raising the acidity (lower-
reaction that destroys the acetylcholine. ing the pH) of a fluid by adding an acid.
Excessive exposure to organophosphate
insecticides inhibits the action of acetyl-
acidity The level of hydrogen ion con-
cholinesterase, and the resulting buildup of centration in a solution. On the pH scale,
acetylcholine can overstimulate the nervous used to measure acidity, a solution with a
system and muscles, causing tremors, con- concentration of hydrogen ions per mole
vulsions, or death. greater than 1 × 10–7, or a pH less than 7.
acetylcholinesterase An enzyme that acid mine drainage Acidic water that
catalyzes the hydrolysis of acetylcho- flows into streams from abandoned coal
line. See organophosphate. mines or piles of coal mining waste. The
acid arises from the oxidation of iron
acid Chemicals that release hydrogen sulfide compounds in the mines by air,
ions (H+) in solution and produce hydro- dissolved oxygen in the water, and
nium ions (H3O+). Such solutions have a chemoautotrophs, which are bacteria
sour taste, neutralize bases, and conduct that can use the iron sulfide as an energy
electricity. source. Iron sulfide oxidation products
include sulfuric acid, the presence of
acid aerosol Airborne particles com- which has reduced or eliminated aquatic
posed of sulfates, sulfuric acid, nitrates, life in many streams in coal mining areas.

acid-neutralizing capacity

acid-neutralizing capacity Measure of actinic range See ultraviolet radia-

the ability of soil, water, or some other tion–actinic range.
medium to resist a lowering of pH when
exposed to an acid. The greater the neu- actinides The chemical elements for
tralizing capacity, the more acid that can atomic number 89 (actinium) or atomic
be added without damaging the system. number 90 (thorium) through atomic
number 103 (lawrencium). The elements
acid rain Rainfall with a greater acid- are grouped separately on the periodic
ity than normal. Normal rainfall absorbs table of the elements.
carbon dioxide from the air and forms
carbonic acid, which has a pH of about actinolite A calcium-iron-magnesium
5.6. Greater rainfall acidity is observed amphibole; a type of asbestos.
downwind (often at significant distances)
from areas with many large sources of the actinometer An instrument that mea-
air contaminants sulfur dioxide and sures radiant (solar) energy. See also
nitrogen dioxide. These oxides react pyranometer.
with water to form acids. Long-term depo-
sition of these acids is linked to adverse
actinomycetes A group of soil bacteria
effects on aquatic organisms and vegetation
that are moldlike in appearance and that
in geographical areas with poor buffering
are important in the ecology of soil. These
capacity within the sediments. Exposure
organisms are involved in the decompo-
to acid rain also causes deterioration of
sition and conversion of complex plant
marble and limestone buildings and statu-
polymers into humus. The characteristic
ary. Because acidic materials also can be
musty smell of soil is derived from com-
delivered to the Earth by acidic particles,
pounds released by this group of bacteria.
acid rain is a form of acid deposition. See
Streptomycin and related antibiotics are
also dry deposition; wet deposition.
produced by members of the actinomy-
acoustic Related or pertaining to sound cetes group.
or hearing. Excessive noise can affect
hearing or otherwise impact individuals action level (AL) Under restrictions
negatively. of the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration, a measured concentra-
acoustical lining A sound-absorbing tion of certain airborne contaminants or
lining inside air-conditioning ducts or elec- a noise level in the workplace that requires
trical conduits that reduces the transmis- medical testing of exposed workers.
sion of noise through walls of otherwise- Action levels are usually set at one-half of
soundproof enclosures. the permissible exposure limit.

acoustical materials Sound-absorb- activated carbon See activated char-

ing materials, generally soft and porous in coal.
nature, such as acoustic tile or carpet.
activated charcoal A material pro-
acre-foot A unit of water use or con- duced by burning a carbon compound,
sumption; one acre-foot is the amount such as wood or coconut shells, and
(volume) of water covering one acre to a then increasing the absorptive capacity
depth of one foot. Equal to 43,560 cubic by steam treatment, which creates a very
feet or 1,232.75 cubic meters. large surface area. One gram of activated
charcoal has 300–2,000 square meters
acrolein An aldehyde (C3H4O) used of surface area. The product is used to
widely in the manufacture of organic adsorb organic materials, either as an air
chemicals. The compound is a very strong or water pollution control technique or as
contact irritant to humans. an air-sampling device. See adsorption.

active ingredient

activated sludge The suspended sol- process. The simplest example is a match
ids, mostly microorganisms, present in that is used to start a forest fire.
the aeration tank of a sewage treatment
plant. See activated sludge process. active Describing chemicals that readily
combine or react with other chemicals. For
activated sludge process A form of example, oxygen gas is an active chemi-
secondary treatment of sewage, this cal because it reacts with other substances
process uses microorganisms suspended during the combustion process; metallic
in well-aerated wastewater to degrade the sodium is an active material because it
organic material. A sedimentation tank reacts spontaneously with water to release
placed after the activated sludge/aeration hydrogen gas. Compare inert.
tank removes the sludge, routing some
of it back to the inflow side of the aeration active exchange program An orga-
tank. The rest is pumped outside the sys- nized effort utilized by a laboratory to
tem for treatment and disposal. redistribute surplus chemicals through an
intermediary to other facilities or labo-
activation In nuclear physics, the neu- ratories that need them. The program is
tron bombardment of stable atoms, which designed to reduce the amount of waste
absorb the neutrons and become radio- chemicals requiring disposal as well as to
active. reduce costs of operation.

activation energy The energy that must active ingredient That part of a com-
be put into a system in order to start some mercial preparation that accomplishes the
reaction or process. The activation energy purpose of the formulation. For example,
is later recovered during the reaction or the active ingredient of a children’s medi-

Activated sludge process

active remediation

cine may be formulated with coloring toxic chemicals used to estimate health
agents, sugar or other taste enhancers, and risks to the general public from a onetime,
solvents to dissolve the active component; short-term exposure, e.g., the immediate
or a commercial insecticide preparation downwind impact from a large chemical
may include an inert carrier that allows spill. The concentrations, set by scien-
for the distribution of the active ingredient tific panels and then submitted for public
that actually kills the insects. review, assume exposures for five possible
intervals: 10 minutes, 30 minutes, one
active remediation remediation by hour, four hours, and eight hours. AEGL-
human actions. Compare passive reme- 1s are concentrations that, if exceeded,
diation. may cause mild, reversible irritation.
AEGL-2s are concentrations above which
active solar system A system used to may cause irreversible harm to human
capture solar energy as heat and to distrib- health. Exposures from concentrations
ute that heat by a system of pumps and exceeding the AEGL-3 levels may cause
pipes. A typical system consists of solar col- death.
lectors that use sunlight to heat water, which
is stored in an insulated tank. The heated acute health effect A circumstance in
water is then pumped through a series of which exposure to a chemical or physical
heat exchangers to provide heat for a build- agent results in the rapid development of
ing. Compare passive solar systems. severe symptoms in exposed humans or
activity Another term for radioactivity,
expressed in curie units. One Curie equals acute toxicity Toxicity resulting from
3.7 × 1010 atomic decays per second. an acute exposure; adverse effects closely
spaced in time to the absorbed dose of a
activity plans Required by the asbes-
toxic material.
tos hazard emergency response act
as applied to a school containing asbestos.
Written procedures in an asbestos-manage- adaptation The changes in the metabo-
ment plan that present the steps the local lism, structure, or habits that allow for
education agency will follow in performing survival of an organism in a new envi-
the initial and later cleaning, operation, ronment. The changes must be within the
and maintenance-program tasks; periodic genetic potential of the organism, and
surveillance; and reinspection. the organism will revert to the previous
status once conditions return to normal.
actual cubic feet per minute (ACFM) For example, an individual living in the
The volumetric rate of air, uncorrected for coastal plain just a few hundred feet above
standard conditions of temperature sea level will undergo adaptive changes in
and pressure. See standard cubic feet body physiological mechanisms upon mov-
per minute. ing to a 6,000-foot elevation in Colorado.
The body will shift back upon returning
acute Describing a sudden exposure to to the coastal plain. However, adaptation
a significant dose of a dangerous chemical to living permanently at 26,000 feet on
or radiation that usually results in a severe Mount Everest by adjusting physiological
reaction. processes is not possible within the reali-
ties of the human body.
acute exposure In toxicology, doses
administered or received over a period additive effect The interaction of two
of 24 hours or less. Compare chronic or more chemical substances on a bio-
exposure. logical system that has a combined effect
equal to the sum of the effects of each
Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels substance acting alone. Compare antago-
(AEGLs) Air concentrations of acutely nistic effect and synergistic effect.

adiabatic lapse rate

Adenosine triphosphate

additive reagent A chemical element all biological systems. The high-energy

or compound that is included with the intermediate is formed during photosyn-
normal reagents employed in a pollution thesis or by the breakdown of energy-
abatement procedure to facilitate the oper- containing material, such as glucose. ATP
ation. A substance added in trace amounts supplies the energy for cell reactions and
to improve some standard process. functions.

additives Chemicals added in small adequately wet In an asbestos removal

amounts to a product such as food in an project, the mixing of asbestos-containing
effort to preserve freshness or quality. material with liquid sufficiently to prevent
the release of particles into the atmosphere.
add-on control device An apparatus
such as carbon absorber or incinerator adiabatic cooling lines (ABC lines)
added to the exhaust system to prevent Plots of temperature versus absolute
air pollution. The device usually does humidity found on a psychrometric
not reduce pollutants through a modifi- chart.
cation of the process; rather, potential
pollutants are removed from the exhaust adiabatic lapse rate The constant
gases. decline in temperature of an air parcel as
it rises in the atmosphere. The temperature
adenoma A benign tumor of the epi- change is due to the pressure drop and gas
thelial (protective, membranous) tissue of expansion only, and no heat is considered
a gland. An adenoma observed in a rat to be exchanged with the surrounding air
that has been administered a dose of a test through convection or mixing. The dry
chemical is taken to imply that the chemi- adiabatic lapse rate for air not satu-
cal may pose a human cancer risk. rated with water is 0.98°C per 100-meter
rise (0.54°F per 100 feet). The wet adia-
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) An batic lapse rate is about 0.6°C per 100
energy-storage compound common to meters (0.33°F per 100 feet).

adiabatic process

adiabatic process A change involving provisions of environmental regulations.

no gain or loss of heat. The order can direct compliance, require
corrective action, order monitoring and
adjusted rate In epidemiology, a rate analysis, identify an imminent hazard, or
that has been statistically modified to allow require the payment of a penalty for the
a proper comparison with other (adjusted) violation.
rates. For example, the death rate for a
retirement community will be greater than administrative order on consent An
the death rate for a typical suburb. The agreement between the U.S. EPA and an
difference in the age distributions of the individual, business, or facility in viola-
two areas is statistically eliminated when tion of environmental regulations commit-
an adjusted death rate is computed. See ting the offending party to refrain from
age adjustment, direct method; age the inappropriate activity or to take cor-
adjustment, indirect method. rective or cleanup action. The agreement
describes the actions to be taken, applies
administered dose In the testing of to civil actions, and can be enforced by
substances to determine the relationship the courts.
between dose of an agent and the response
of the test species, the amount of a sub- Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
stance given to a test subject. The amount A federal law enacted in 1946 that requires
of the chemical absorbed by the test regulatory agencies to follow certain pro-
subject may not be equal to the amount cedures when they make decisions, such as
given. issuing regulations or standards and grant-
ing permits to facilities. Judicial review of
administrative controls A system that environmental regulatory agency actions
reduces or controls exposure of workers follows the provisions of the APA.
to chemical or physical agents. The time
workers spend in higher-exposure areas administrative record The studies,
may be limited, and those workers with reports, hearings, letters, internal memo-
greater absorbed doses are rotated to randa, or other material used by an
lower-exposure areas. Activities with administrative agency to write a regula-
potentially high exposures are scheduled tion or standard, make a permit decision,
at times or in places that reduce the num- and so on. For example, the information
ber of workers present in the area. used by the U.S. EPA to select a response
action under the comprehensive envi-
administrative law The legal process ronmental response, compensation,
by which statutory law is implemented. and liability act (Superfund); the infor-
For environmental matters, the process mation includes the remedial investiga-
pertains to administrative agency deci- tion/feasibility study, the record of
sions and procedures, judicial review of decision, and any public comments.
agency actions, issuance of regulations,
permission to establish facilities, and citi- Administrator, the The chief officer of
zen suits, among other areas. See citizen the U.S. EPA.
suit provision.
adsorbate The chemical(s) being ad-
administrative law judge A govern- sorbed or taken up in a pollution con-
ment officer who presides during a formal trol device used for the adsorption of a
hearing held by an administrative body, chemical substance. See adsorbent.
such as the U.S. EPA.
adsorbent The material to which a pol-
administrative order Directive issued lutant is being adsorbed in a pollution
by the U.S. EPA to an individual, business, control device operating by adsorption.
or facility in violation of the enforceable See adsorbate.


adsorber A solid or liquid that can hold adverse effects data Information
molecules of another substance on its sur- required of pesticide manufacturers under
face. provisions of the federal insecticide,
fungicide, and rodenticide act. Those
adsorption The collection of solids, liq- who register a pesticide with the U.S. EPA
uids, or condensed gases on the surface must submit to the agency information
of another substance or body; for exam- from any study regarding unreasonable
ple, the adsorption of volatile organic adverse effects of the agent obtained at
compounds by activated charcoal. any time after the initial registration.
See absorption.
advisory Information intended to com-
adsorption isotherm test (AI test) See municate potential risk so that those
soil and sediment adsorption iso- affected can take appropriate action. In
therm test. environmental health, nonbinding guid-
ance issued by a government agency that
adulterant 1. A chemical impurity or allows the public to manage voluntarily
substance that by law should not be in health risks, such as a suggested dietary
either a food or a pesticide. 2. Any sub- limit of three meals per month of fish
stance present in food or drugs at concen- caught in an estuary contaminated by
trations exceeding those allowed by the chlorinated hydrocarbons.
federal food and drug administration.
aeolian soil Soil transported from one
adulterated 1. Any food or feed that area to another by wind.
contains illegal pesticide residues or other
dangerous substances. 2. A pesticide aeration In wastewater treatment, the
whose strength and purity are below the addition of air (oxygen) to wastewater.
quality stipulated on the label. This prevents the dissolved oxygen
content of the water from falling to levels
advanced wastewater treatment Any insufficient for rapid degradation of the
phase in the treatment of wastewater that organic material in sludge or other waste-
goes beyond the usual biological process- water.
ing to degrade dissolved or suspended
organic material (see secondary treat- aeration lagoon A pond used to pro-
ment). Common additional treatments cess organic wastes by ensuring that suf-
include the removal of inorganic com- ficient oxygen is dissolved in the water to
pounds of nitrogen and phosphorus that promote biological decomposition. Often
serve as plant nutrients or the removal of the devices used agitate the contents of the
low concentrations of toxic organic com- pond to promote contact between the con-
pounds (see tertiary treatment). tents and the air. The presence of oxygen
stimulates the activity of microorganisms
advance notice of proposed rule mak- capable of degrading organic materials.
ing (ANPR) An announcement in the See lagoon.
federal register, usually with an ex-
tended discussion, of the regulatory AERMOD An air quality dispersion
approach an agency (such as the U.S. EPA) model that is replacing the short-term
is considering in an area of concern; the industrial source complex model. The
notice is not an actual proposed rule. model uses boundary layer turbulence
simulation and includes terrain and meteo-
advection Transport by a moving fluid rological data processors. AERMOD was
(liquid or gas). Differs from convection developed by the American Meteorological
in being related mainly to the horizontal Society/Environmental Protection Agency
movement of airborne materials (pollut- Regulatory Model Improvement Commit-
ants) by wind. tee, from which it takes its name.


aeroallergens Airborne particles that point source emissions are found in the
can cause allergic responses (such as hay airs facility subsystem (AFS). AIRS
fever) in susceptible persons. data can be accessed online. See www.
aerobic Requiring oxygen; the usual
application is to bacteria that require oxy- aerosols A suspension of liquid or solid
gen for growth. An aquatic system char- particles in air or gas.
acterized by the presence of dissolved
oxygen. Compare anaerobic. aesthetic degradation Corruption of
the natural environment in a way that is
aerobic bacteria Single-celled micro- offensive to a sense of good taste. This
scopic organisms that require oxygen to type of damage does not pose a threat to
live. These organisms are responsible, in health or represent a peril faced by the
part, for the aerobic decomposition of natural environment. This type of defile-
organic wastes. Also called decomposers. ment just looks bad. The classic example
is the installation of scores of billboards
aerobic decomposition The biodeg- along roads that would otherwise offer a
radation of materials by aerobic micro- view of a beautiful natural landscape.
organisms; the process produces carbon
dioxide, water, and other mineral prod- affected landfill Under the provisions of
ucts. Generally a faster breakdown pro- the Clean Air Act, any facility used to bury
cess than anaerobic decomposition. solid waste meeting the criteria of capacity
and age indicating the potential to produce
aerobic treatment Any processing of significant amounts of methane and other
waste material in the presence of oxygen. gases. Such a facility is required to collect
See activated sludge process; aera- and combust gas emissions.
tion lagoon; secondary treatment.
affected public 1. Citizens living or
aerodynamic diameter A way to working near a hazardous waste disposal
express the diameter of a (usually air- site. 2. Individuals adversely impacted
borne) particle by using the diameter of after exposure to a toxic pollutant in food,
a perfect sphere of unit density with water, or air.
the same settling velocity as the par-
ticle. For example, a nonspherical particle affinity In chemistry, 1. the strength of
roughly six micrometers across with a the bond between electrons and an atom,
density of two grams per cubic centime- 2. the strength of the bond between two
ter may have an aerodynamic diameter of atoms, or 3. the attraction between two
eight micrometers meaning that the non- molecular substances.
spherical particle has the same settling
velocity as an eight-micrometer sphere afforestation The establishment of a
having a density of one gram per cubic forest by human planting in an area where
centimeter. Compare stokes diameter. trees have not grown previously.

Aerometric Information Retrieval aflatoxin Toxin that is produced during

System (AIRS) A U.S. EPA computer the growth of fungi or molds in grains or
database containing air quality monitor- grain meals stored under moist conditions.
ing data, point source emissions levels, Some of the aflatoxins are thought to be
and mobile source (vehicle) emissions responsible for the development of cancer
data. Ambient air quality data from in animals that consume the contaminated
state and local air monitoring sys- grain or meal.
tem (SLAMS) and national air moni-
toring system (NAMS) stations are in afterburner An air pollution control
the air quality subsystem (AQS), and device that incinerates organic compounds

agricultural pollution

in an airstream to carbon dioxide and nam War. The primary agent in the mix-
water. Also called a vapor incinerator. ture was 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid (2,4,5-T). The chemical synthesis of
age adjustment, direct method The this herbicide results in slight contami-
application of age-specific rates for area nation of the agent with dioxin. Con-
or community populations to a standard sequently, persons exposed to Agent
population to allow a proper compari- Orange in Vietnam also were exposed to
son of two or more different populations. a small amount of dioxins. Dioxins are
The method eliminates the effect of dif- known to cause cancer and birth defects
ferent age distributions in the populations in experimental animals, but the hazard
being compared. they pose to human health at small doses
is uncertain.
age adjustment, indirect method The
application of a standard (i.e., nationwide) age pyramid See age-structure
morbidity rate or mortality rate diagram.
to an area or community population to
obtain an expected number of illnesses or age-specific rate In epidemiology, a
deaths. This number is compared with the mortality rate that is calculated for a
actual number of illnesses or deaths in the specific age group; for example, the death
population. rate for persons 70 to 75 years old in the
United States in 1988.
agency capture The alleged phenome-
non of administrative agency staff becom- age-structure diagram A bar graph
ing overly sympathetic to the industry they showing the number or percentage of indi-
are hired to regulate. viduals in a population within various age
ranges: 0–5 years, 6–10 years, and so on.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Dis- The graph is often divided horizontally to
ease Registry (ATSDR) An agency show the relative number of males and
in the United States Public Health Service females within the age ranges.
that performs public health assessments in
areas near hazardous waste sites, including agglomeration In wastewater treat-
health surveillance and epidemiological ment, the grouping of small suspended
studies. The agency also sponsors research particles into larger particles that are eas-
on the toxicological characteristics of ier to remove. See coagulation.
specific chemical materials and develops
health information databases for use in aggregate risk The sum of the esti-
future health assessments. Web site: www. mated individual excess risks of disease or death in a population caused by an expo-
sure to a chemical or physical agent.
Agenda 21 A planning document
adopted by the representatives attending the aggregation The collection of smaller
United Nations Conference on the Environ- units into a larger single mass.
ment and Development at Rio de Janeiro
(the earth summit) in 1992; promotes agitator/mixer Blades or paddles that
sustainable development. See www. slowly rotate within a tank to facilitate the mixing of reagents or suspended
agent Used to designate any biological,
chemical, or physical entity that can cause agricultural pollution General term
harm to individuals or the environment. used to indicate adverse consequences
associated with the operation of a farm.
Agent Orange The herbicide mixture Runoff and leaching of pesticides and
used as a defoliant during the Viet- fertilizer from cultivated fields, dust and

agricultural runoff

erosion problems resulting from cultiva- clean, dry air: nitrogen (78.084%), oxygen
tion practices, improper disposal of animal (20.946%), argon (0.934%), and carbon
manure and carcasses, and accumulated dioxide (0.033%). The remaining compo-
crop residues and other debris can poten- nents are neon, helium, methane, krypton,
tially cause environmental problems. nitrous oxide, hydrogen, xenon, and vari-
ous organic vapors. Under actual condi-
agricultural runoff The runoff into tions, air contains up to about 3% water
surface water of herbicides, fungicides, vapor (by volume) and many solid, liq-
insecticides, and the nitrate and phos- uid, or gaseous contaminants introduced
phate components of fertilizers from by human activities and natural processes
agricultural land. A nonpoint source of such as wind erosion.
water pollution.
Air and Waste Management Associa-
agricultural solid waste Manures, tion (AWMA) A professional organi-
plant residues, or discarded stalks and zation based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
hulls produced during the operation of dedicated to research and management
a farm. Many of these materials are dis- issues involving air quality and hazard-
posed of on the farm by plowing them ous waste. Founded in 1907, it now has
into the fields. 10,000 members. Formerly known as the
Air Pollution Control Association. Web
Agrobacterium tumefaciens Genus site:
and species of a bacterium that can infect
certain plants, inducing the development
airborne Suspended in the atmosphere.
of tumorlike growths commonly called
airborne particles See aerosol; dust;
galls. In addition to the potential to act
fume; particulate matter, 10-micron;
as a plant pathogen, this organism is use-
ful in the introduction of foreign genes
into plants to produce new strains of crop
air changes per hour (ACH) The rate
plants. See genetic engineering; ti plas-
at which a volume of air inside a room
mid; transgenic plant.
or building is replaced by outside air, cal-
culated as the flow in/out divided by the
agroecosystems The farm and sur- volume of the enclosure. For example, a
rounding area impacted by agricultural
flow in/out of 2,000 cubic feet per hour
practices, including physical structures; through a room containing 1,000 cubic
land used for crops, pasture, and livestock; feet has two air changes per hour. Also
adjacent uncultivated land; and the associ- called the air exchange rate.
ated atmosphere, soils, surface drainage
water, and groundwater. air classification A process that uses an
airstream to separate shredded municipal
AHERA designated person (ADP) An solid waste into light and heavy compo-
individual identified by a local education nents to facilitate recycling or incineration.
agency or school to ensure that the provi- The light materials consist of items like
sions of the asbestos hazard emergency paper; glass would be a heavier item.
response act for asbestos management
and abatement programs are properly air classifier A device used in solid
implemented. The local person responsible waste recovery operations that separates
for control of asbestos contamination in paper and other low-density materi-
schools. als from mixed waste by pumping air up
through the waste.
air The gaseous mixture that makes
up the atmosphere of the Earth. Four air contaminant An airborne solid,
gases account for 99.997% (by volume) of liquid, or gas present in a time-averaged

air quality control region

concentration that may cause adverse air pollution The presence of gases
effects on humans, wildlife, or vegetation. or aerosols in the ambient air at lev-
els considered to be detrimental to human
air curtain The flow of air bubbles health, wildlife, visibility, or materials.
upward through water from a submerged The air contaminants can have a human
perforated pipe. Used to contain oil spills. origin (smokestacks, tailpipes) or a natu-
ral origin (dust storms, volcanoes).
air exchange rate See air changes
per hour. Air Pollution Control Association
(APCA) Former name of the air and
air injection 1. In groundwater man- waste management association.
agement, the pumping of compressed air
into the soil to move water in the unsat- air pollution control device Any of
urated zone down to the saturated many technologies designed to capture
zone, or water table. 2. In automobile air contaminants before they are released
emission control, the addition of air into to the atmosphere. See baghouse; cata-
the exhaust gas to complete the oxida- lytic converter; cyclone collector;
tion of carbon monoxide to carbon electrostatic precipitator; fabric
dioxide, now accomplished by the cata- filter; packed tower; scrubber; spray
lytic converter. tower; tray tower.

air knife A blower employing an air- air pollution episode See episode.
stream to remove selected items from a
conveyer. Used in the separation of the air preheater In industrial and util-
components of municipal solid waste. ity boilers, a device in which hot flue gas
exhausting from the boiler flows past cool
air flowing into the boiler burners and
air mass A relatively homogeneous
warms the incoming air. The use of pre-
body of air. On a regional scale, usually
heated combustion air increases boiler fuel
described by its meteorological features:
efficiency by saving the natural gas, coal,
air temperature, pressure, wind speed, and
or fuel oil energy otherwise used to raise
direction. On an urban scale the term may
the incoming air temperature.
refer to its pollution levels.
air-purifying respirator (APR) A
air mover A fan, pump, or other device device worn by workers when the air con-
that induces the movement of air in a duct tains, or may contain, harmful levels of
in workplace ventilation or air pollution contaminants, for example, during certain
control equipment or through hoses in the hazardous workplace tasks or during the
case of an air-sampling apparatus. cleanup of chemical spills outside facility
property. A filter or cartridge removes spe-
air parcel A theoretical volume of air cific air contaminants from the incoming
considered in air pollution dispersion pre- air breathed by the wearer. The purify-
dictions to rise (or fall) without exchange ing filters or cartridges can become satu-
of heat with surrounding air. An air parcel rated or exhausted and must be replaced.
will rise if its temperature is greater than Each APR is effective only against a cer-
that of the air around it. See adiabatic tain chemical or chemical type; it must be
lapse rate; adiabatic process; mixing chosen to match the airborne chemical in
height. each situation. Compare self-contained
breathing apparatus. See also supplied-
air plenum See plenum. air respirator.

air pollutant See air contaminant; air quality control region (AQCR)
air pollution. One of 247 air management areas in the

air quality criteria

United States designated by the U.S. EPA. air scrubber See scrubber.
Each region contains at least two urban
areas, often in adjoining states, that share airshed An area with fairly homoge-
actual or potential air quality problems. neous air mixing and affected by uniform
air pollution sources, thus experiencing
air quality criteria The adverse effects roughly the same air quality. Large-scale
on human health, human welfare, wildlife, air movements commonly void the geo-
or the environment used to set ambient graphical boundaries of an airshed.
air quality standards. See criteria
document. air sparging See sparging.

air quality dispersion model Any air stripping Removing a dissolved

of a variety of mathematical simulations contaminant from water by pumping
of the downwind diffusion and/or physi- water over a large surface area to provide
cal/chemical removal of air contaminants as much contact as possible between the
emitted by one or more sources. The liquid and the air. A common method for
inputs to the model include the type of the removal of volatile organic com-
emission, emission rate, release height, pounds from contaminated groundwater.
and appropriate weather conditions. The
model output is an estimated air concen- air-to-cloth ratio (A/C) In computa-
tration at specified points in the vicinity tions involving fabric filters for air pol-
of the source. lution control, the ratio of the volumetric
flow rate of the gas to be cleaned to the
air quality maintenance area (AQMA) fabric area. The air-to-cloth ratio is typi-
Administrative area defined by the U.S. cally expressed as a filtering velocity
EPA for the production of state imple- and is measured in meters per minute.
mentation plans. Ambient air quality
data, emissions data, air pollution control air-to-fuel ratio (AFR) In inter-
strategies, and so forth that are part of a nal combustion engines, the ratio of the
state implementation plan are organized mass of air available for fuel combustion
by AQMA. to the mass of the fuel. High AFRs are
described as lean; low ratios are said to
air quality-related value (AQRV) For be rich. Exhaust emissions are affected by
areas designated as Class I under the pre- AFRs. A rich mixture will emit higher lev-
vention of significant deterioration els of carbon monoxide and volatile
of air quality program, criteria other than organic compounds (unburned fuel);
the allowable increment consumption a lean (air-rich) mixture will cause poor
that may be used to assess the impact of engine performance. The theoretical AFR,
a new emission source. The value mainly called the stoichiometric ratio, is nei-
refers to any reduction in the visibility that ther rich nor lean. When an engine oper-
may be caused by the new air emissions. ates with an almost ideal mixture, carbon
Class I areas include major national parks monoxide and volatile organic compound
and wilderness areas, mostly in the Ameri- emissions are low, but emissions of nitro-
can West. gen oxides greatly increase. The three-
way catalyst emission control device
air quality standard (AQS) The allow- must operate within a narrow AFR to be
able amount of a material in the ambient effective at controlling carbon monoxide,
air, for a certain averaging time or, less volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen
often, the allowable emissions of air contam- oxides.
inants into the atmosphere. See national
ambient air quality standard; stan- air toxics Air pollutants that may pose
dards, environmental. Compare emis- chronic health risks to human populations
sion standard. if their ambient levels are excessively high


for a prolonged period. The ambient level a hydrogen atom with a single covalent
and the length of time required to cause bond. The R-group represents any type
harm vary by pollutant. The health risks of organic side chain. Aldehydes can be
of concern include cancer; neurotoxic, reduced to form alcohols and oxidized to
mutagenic, and teratogenic effects; and acids. Two common aldehydes are form-
reproductive disorders. Most air toxics are aldehyde and acetylaldehyde. Excessive
metals, volatile organic compounds, exposure to aldehydes can result in cen-
or products of incomplete combus- tral nervous system depression, skin or
tion. extremely hazardous substances— mucous membrane irritation, or allergic
those posing acute health risks—are some- reactions in sensitive groups.
times included among air toxics. O
airway resistance (Raw) The resistance R-C-H
to airflow in the respiratory system, mea-
sured by lung function tests, including spi- Aldicarb A synthetic carbamate pesti-
rometry. cide used to control chewing and suck-
ing insects (aphids, whiteflies, leaf miners),
Aitken counter A device for counting spider mites, and nematodes that damage
the number of condensation nuclei crops such as sugar beets, strawberries,
in an air sample. Sample air is cooled by potatoes, onions, coffee, pecans, cotton,
rapid expansion, and the droplets that and sugarcane. The agent is applied to soil
form on suspended dust particles (nuclei) and is taken up by the plant. Aldicarb is a
are counted with the aid of a microscope. cholinesterase inhibitor that is con-
sidered sufficiently toxic to be placed on
Alachlor A herbicide used to control the dirty dozen list by the Pesticide Action
broadleaf weeds, marketed as Lasso. Network.
Alar Trade name for daminozide, pesti-
Aldrin An insecticide of the chlori-
cide used on apples and other fruits linked
nated hydrocarbon class. The com-
to tumors in mice, but not rats. The natu-
pound is a cyclodiene, meaning that the
ral resources defense council led a
parent molecule is cyclic and contains
media campaign to ban daminozide; the
manufacturer withdrew it from the mar- many double bonds between the carbon
ket voluntarily in 1989. atoms. The insecticide is persistent in the
environment and considered dangerous.
The use of aldrin is strictly controlled.
albedo The fraction of electromagnetic
radiation reflected after striking a surface.
The average albedo of the Earth to sun- algae A group of one-celled, free-float-
light is about 30%, which is a combina- ing green plants often found in aquatic
tion of many different surface reflectivities: ecosystems. The singular form is alga.
water (at noon), about 5%; fresh snow,
about 80%; deciduous forest, about 20%. algal bloom Rapid growth of algae
caused by the addition of a limiting fac-
alcohol An organic compound con- tor, such as the nutrient phosphorus, to
taining the atoms carbon, hydrogen, and water. The extent of growth may result in
oxygen, in which a hydroxyl group is a coloration of the water or the produc-
attached to a carbon atom. See ethanol; tion of toxins at levels that present prob-
methanol. lems for humans or wildlife.

aldehyde A type of organic molecule algicide Chemical, usually added to

containing a carbonyl group in which water, to kill or control algae. Inorganic
a carbon atom is bonded to an oxygen copper salts like copper sulfate are com-
atom with a double covalent bond and to mon examples.


aliphatic Organic compounds with a in excessive doses are caused by irritation

straight-chain structure. One of the two of mucous membranes in the respiratory
major groups of hydrocarbons; the system. Acute exposure leads to depres-
other are the aromatic hydrocarbons sion of the central nervous system. The
(closed-ring structures). The aliphatic adverse reactions experienced by “glue
hydrocarbons are classified as alkanes sniffers” are usually related to this class of
(carbon atoms connected by single compound.
bonds), alkenes (carbon atoms connected
by double bonds), and alkynes (carbon alkylbenzene sulfonate (ABS) An
atoms connected by triple bonds). See also early synthetic detergent that, because
straight-chain hydrocarbons. of its branched molecular structure, was
not decomposed effectively by bacteria in
aliquot The amount of a sample used wastewater treatment plants and therefore
for analysis. produced foaming discharges. The deter-
gent molecule was reconfigured as linear
alkali A chemical substance that can alkyl sulfonate (LAS) in the 1960s; the
neutralize an acid. Also refers to soluble result was a chemical form of detergent
salts in soil, surface water, or groundwater. readily decomposed by bacteria.

alkaline fly ash scrubbing A system alkyl lead A general term for the tet-
for the removal of sulfur oxides from the raethyl lead and tetramethyl lead,
flue gas of a coal-burning boiler by using two fuel additives. Alkyl lead is now
as an absorbing medium the alkaline con- eliminated from automobile gasoline in
stituents of ash that remain after the burn- the United States but is still used in pistol
ing of coal. engine aircraft and in racing gasoline.

alkalinity Generally, a measure of the alkyl mercury A group of compounds

ability of water to neutralize acids. Mea- consisting of aliphatic organic compounds
sured by determining the amount of acid (e.g., methyl and ethyl groups) bonded
required to lower the pH of water to 4.5. to mercury atoms. The most well-known
In natural waters, the alkalinity is effec- member of this group is methyl mer-
tively the bicarbonate ion concentration cury, the most toxic form of mercury to
plus twice the carbonate ion concentra- people, which affects a variety of systems
tion, expressed as milligrams per liter cal- in humans, including the central nervous
cium carbonate. system and the reproductive process.

alkane aliphatic compounds of the alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEOs)

general formula CnH2n+2. For C=1–4, the Synthetic surfactants found in some
molecules are methane, ethane, propane, household detergents, cosmetics, and
and butane, all gases. For C=5–17, the industrial cleaners. nonylphenol ethox-
molecules are liquids. The alkanes with ylates (NPEs) account for roughly four-
C=5–9 are pentane, hexane, heptane, fifths of the APEOs manufactured, with
octane, and nonane. the remaining 20% being octylphenol eth-
oxylates. A biodegradation product of
alkyl benzenes Any member of a fam- the NPEs includes nonylphenol, which
ily of compounds consisting of a benzene can act as an environmental hormone,
ring (a single-ring aromatic compound, according to some studies.
C6H6) containing one or more aliphatic
(straight) side chains (e.g., methyl or ethyl allelopathy The secretion by plants
groups) attached to the ring. The common of chemical substances that inhibit the
solvents toluene and xylene are included growth of competing species; a significant
in this group. The usual problems associ- influence on the rate and type of plant
ated with inhalation of these substances succession.

alternate-case scenario

allergen A substance that acts as an cized for disrupting natural environments

antigen, causing the formation of anti- by the ruts they leave on the landscape
bodies that react with the antigenic sub- and noise from their engines.
stance. This particular form of allergic
antigen-antibody reaction manifests itself alluvial Referring to alluvium, the
only in certain persons for certain sub- type of soil found in floodplains.
stances and can be accompanied by skin
or mucous membrane irritation, respira- alluvium The fertile sediment deposited
tory function impairment, and eye irrita- in the floodplain of a river.
tion, among other effects. Allergens can
cause a reaction at extremely low doses to alopecia The loss of hair. The condi-
sensitive persons. See allergic sensitiz- tion can result from exposure to toxic
ers; antibody sensitization reaction. chemicals in the environment or chemicals
administered as anticancer agents.
allergic sensitizers Chemical sub-
stances that act as antigens to produce alpha counter A type of radiation
an allergic reaction after repeated (sensi- detector that has a selective sensitivity to
tizing) exposures to the skin or respiratory the alpha particle.
system. The agents that can act as sen-
sitizers to susceptible persons include the
alpha decay The spontaneous decom-
epoxy resins, toluene diisocyanate, form-
position of the nuclei of atoms that results
aldehyde, chromium compounds, and the
in the emission of alpha particles.
plant resins in poison ivy. See allergen;
sensitization reaction.
alpha particle A form of ionizing
allochthonous Describing organisms radiation ejected from the nucleus of
that are nonnative or transient members a radioactive material. The particle con-
of a community in a specific habitat. They sists of two protons and two neutrons:
do not carry out a metabolic function in the equivalent of a helium ion. Although
that location, and they do not reproduce alpha particles only travel at most inches
and occupy the habitat permanently. The in the air, the ingestion or inhalation and
term is most frequently used to describe absorption of radioactive materials that
bacteria native to one environment (e.g., emit these particles are significant health
the human body) that are transported to a hazards because the ionization occurs in
completely different habitat (e.g., the deep intimate contact with body tissues.
ocean) where they might be able to survive
but cannot perform metabolic functions or alpha radiation See alpha particle.
colonize. Compare autochthonous.
alpine tundra The grassland area found
allogenic Exogenous, caused by external above the tree line on mountain ranges.
factors, such as a change in a habitat caused
by flooding; the opposite of autogenic. alternate-case scenario Based on the
history and operations of a specific facil-
allogenic succession Predictable changes ity, the most likely accidental release of
in the plant and animal communities in toxic substances into the environment.
which alterations are caused by events exter- risk management plans are required of
nal to the community, such as fire. Opposite certain industrial, utility, military, water
of autogenic succession. treatment, and small business facilities
that either manufacture or use any of 140
all-terrain vehicle (ATV) A small, specific chemicals. The plan must docu-
motorized vehicle with three or four ment prevention and emergency response
wheels, usually operated off-road. In addi- programs in the event of an accidental
tion to safety concerns, ATVs are criti- release that affects the community outside

alternate concentration limits

the facility. Also termed creditable case alternative compliance A policy of

scenario. Compare worst-case scenario. the U.S. EPA that allows facilities to
See reasonable worst case. choose from among various methods for
achieving emission or risk reductions. The
alternate concentration limits (ACLs) company is allowed to choose where and
Three types of standards that may how within the facility compliance with
be applied when a leak is detected at pollution emission standards is achieved.
a treatment, storage, or disposal Opposite of command and control
facility and groundwater compliance regulation, wherein the agency specifies
monitoring is required. ACLs are set by standards and ways to meet them.
the U.S. EPA for specific hazardous waste
constituents at levels that are designed to alternative fuels Substitutes for tradi-
prevent a substantial hazard to human tional liquid, oil-based fuels like gasoline
health or the environment. Groundwater and diesel fuel for the operation of motor
compliance monitoring can use the fol- vehicles. Common possibilities include
lowing standards: (1) background con- mixtures of gasoline with ethanol or
centrations, or the levels found in the methanol, ethanol-based fuel, and com-
area naturally; (2) specific values set pressed natural gas. The primary objec-
by federal regulations in Title 40, Part tive of using alternative fuels is to lessen
264.94, of the code of federal regu- dependence on oil.
lations for eight metals and six pesti-
cides and herbicides; or (3) alternate alternative method Any method that
concentration limits. is not an official approved or registered
method or equivalent method sanctioned
alternate dispute resolution (ADR) by the U.S. EPA for the sampling or ana-
The use of techniques other than litiga- lyzing for an air or water pollutant.
tion, especially third-party mediation, to
solve disagreements. In environmental alternative remedial contract strat-
law, ADR is often used to negotiate lia- egy contractor Private company that
bility (cost) allocations during waste site provides project management and techni-
cleanups required by the comprehensive cal services to support cleanup activities
environmental response, compensa- at abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous
tion, and liability act or the resource waste disposal sites.
conservation and recovery act. nego-
tiated rule making by federal adminis- alternative technology See appropri-
trative agencies is another application of ate technology.
ADR. See reg-neg.
altitudinal vegetative zone In ecology,
alternate hypothesis In a statistical areas on mountain slopes with similar
test, the interpretation of the data that plant species composition and growth
indicates an association between two vari- patterns. The zones change character with
ables. For example, in a laboratory test changing elevation.
one group of test subjects may be treated
or exposed in some way, and a second altitudinal zonation See altitudinal
group serving as the control group may vegetative zone.
receive no experimental treatment. In
this case, the primary statement or null altruistic preservation Conservation
hypothesis will be that there is no dif- philosophy based on the proposition that
ference between the two groups relative nature deserves to exist for its own sake
to some measured outcome. The alternate without regard to its usefulness to humans.
hypothesis will be that there is a differ- The protection of nature based on aes-
ence, and therefore the treatment or expo- thetic and spiritual value, emphasizing the
sure had a significant effect. fundamental right of other organisms to

amebic dysentery

exist. John Muir, naturalist and first presi- ambient air See ambient.
dent of the sierra club, is credited with
establishing this philosophy in the early ambient air quality standards See
part of the 20th century. Compare utili- national ambient air quality stan-
tarian conservation. See muir, john. dards.

alum Aluminum sulfate, used as a ambient measurement Quantification

coagulant in wastewater treatment. See of the concentration of a normal atmo-
coagulation. spheric constituent or of a pollutant
within the immediate surroundings of an
aluminosis A disorder of the lung result- organism.
ing from excessive inhalation of alumi-
num-containing particulate matter. In some ambient medium Air, water, or soil
cases, pulmonary fibrosis is present. surrounding an organism through which
a pollutant must move before impacting
alveolar macrophage A scavenger cell the organism.
that can engulf (phagocytize) inhaled
microbes or particulate matter deposited ambient noise In sound surveys, the
in the alveolar region of the lungs. general noise level arising from all sources
These migratory cells constitute a major within the confines of a specific area.
part of the natural resistance of the body Compare source measurement.
to diseases related to bacteria and viruses
that gain entry through the lungs. ambient quality standard (AQS) See
ambient standard.
alveolar region The terminal parts of
the respiratory system containing many ambient standard The allowable
millions of small air sacs, or alveoli; the amount of material, as a concentration,
area of gas exchange and, therefore, the in air, water, or soil. The standard is set to
entrance point for some air contaminants protect against anticipated adverse effects
to the bloodstream. The alveolar region on human health or welfare, wildlife,
itself can be scarred by certain partic- or the environment, with a margin of
ulate matter air contaminants. See safety in the case of human health. See
fibrosis. standards, environmental. Compare
emission standard.
alveoli The primary gas exchange struc-
tures of the lungs. Each alveolus has an ambient temperature Natural tem-
extremely thin wall that facilitates close perature of the surrounding air. Normal
contact with blood capillaries of the cir- temperature.
culatory system. The structure allows for
very effective exchange of carbon dioxide amebiasis See amebic dysentery.
and oxygen between the air space and the
blood. The millions of alveoli in the lungs amebic dysentery A disorder of the
are arranged like clusters of grapes at the gastrointestinal tract caused by a proto-
end of each bronchiole, or small airway. zoan parasite belonging to the genus and
See alveolar region. species Entamoeba histolytica. The dis-
order is commonly found in communities
amalgam A mixture (alloy) of the metal with poor sanitary conditions and is trans-
mercury and one or more other metals. mitted by contaminated water supplies,
contaminated food, flies, and person-to-
ambient Describing a natural outside person contact. Infected individuals expe-
environment. The term ambient air, for rience abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and
example, commonly excludes indoor and blood and mucus in the feces. The parasite
workplace air environments. invades the liver in some cases.


amensalism A two-species interac- American National Standards Insti-

tion in which one population is adversely tute (ANSI) An organization that coor-
affected and the other is not, such as the dinates nationwide consensus methods of
secretion of chemicals by certain aromatic testing, rating, and performance standards,
shrubs, inhibiting the growth of herba- including safety and health standards. The
ceous plants in their vicinity. Compare ANSI represents the United States in the
mutualism. international organization for stan-
dardization (IOS). Web site: www.ansi.
American Chemistry Council (ACC) org.
Founded in 1872, a group of large chemi-
cal producers that supports research, American Petroleum Institute (API)
workshops, and technical symposia on A trade association of large companies
the environment, health, and safety of involved in the production, refining, and
chemical manufacturing and distribution. distribution of petroleum, natural gas, and
Operates the chemical transporta- their associated products. Based in Wash-
tion emergency center (CHEMTREC), ington, D.C., the organization promotes
which supports responses to chemical the petroleum industry, supports research
transportation accidents. Adoption and in all aspects of the oil and gas industry,
implementation of responsible care, and collects and publishes worldwide oil
a management initiative intended to industry statistics. Many of its publica-
improve the health, safety, environmental tions concern environmental matters. Web
performance, and community outreach of site:
member companies, is a requirement for
membership in the organization. Former
American Public Health Association
name: Chemical Manufacturers Asso-
(APHA) Founded in 1872, the largest
organization of public health profession-
ciation. For more information, see www.
als in the world. Membership includes
researchers, health service providers,
administrators, and teachers. The mem-
American Conference of Governmen- bership of the organization has a broad
tal Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) A interest in issues related to personal and
professional organization of individuals environmental health, including federal
involved in occupational health activities. and state funding of health issues, pol-
Based in Cincinnati, Ohio, the organiza- lution control, education, and programs
tion publishes recommended occupational related to chronic and infectious diseases.
exposure limits for chemicals and physical The mission of the organization is to
agents in the workplace. See threshold improve public health. Web site: www.
limit value. Web site:

American Council on Science and American Public Works Association

Health (ACSH) A nonprofit research (APWA) A national organization of
organization, founded in 1978, dedicated individuals and organizations involved in
to applying scientific principles to pub- the management of municipal solid waste
lic policy in the areas of human health and in the design and operation of waste-
and the environment. The ACSH seeks water treatment plants. Founded in 1894,
to slow down a media rush to judgment the organization has 26,000 members and
about “The Environmental Risk of the is based in Chicago, Illinois. Web site:
Week,” contributing a moderating voice
about the new threat. Publishes techni-
cally sound background papers on envi- American Society for Testing and
ronmental issues. Headquartered in New Materials (ASTM) The largest orga-
York City. For more information, see nization setting standards for materials, products, and services. ASTM standards


include methods for the sampling and test- colonies will develop on the surface of the
ing of many physical and chemical agents agar medium. If mutations do not occur,
that may be of environmental concern. nothing will grow on the medium, and
Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Web the test result will be considered nega-
site: tive. Because carcinogens are also muta-
gens, the test is used as a screening tech-
American Society of Civil Engineers nique to test for carcinogenicity. The test
(ASCE) A professional organization in is inexpensive and produces overnight
New York City that supports the prac- results but misses perhaps 40% of carcin-
tice of, and research in, environmental ogens. Also, the appearance of mutations
engineering. Founded in 1852, it now has does not prove that the chemical tested is
139,000 members. Web site: www.asce. a carcinogen. The procedure was devel-
org. oped by Bruce Ames at the University of
California, Berkeley.
American Water Works Association
(AWWA) The national organization, amictic lake A lake that does not expe-
based in Denver, Colorado, of individuals rience mixing or turnover on a seasonal
involved in the design and operation of basis. See dimictic lake.
public water supplies. Founded in 1881, it
now includes 57,000 members. Web site: amines A family of compounds related to ammonia (NH3). Subclasses of amines
are named for the number of groups
Ames, Bruce (1928– ) American attached to the nitrogen atom: primary
biochemist, molecular biologist He amines (i.e., methylamine [CH3NH2]);
developed the ames test, a petri dish secondary amines (i.e., dimethylamine
screening test for mutagens, and con- [(CH3)2NH]); and tertiary amines (i.e.,
ducted path-breaking research on the trimethylamine [(CH3)3N]). Hundreds of
causes of cancer and aging. Former board nitrogen-containing ring compounds are
member, national cancer institute. related to the amines, some of which are
toxic to humans.
Ames test A test of the ability of a
chemical to cause mutations and thereby amino acid An organic compound
act as a carcinogen. The process constituting the basic unit from which all
involves the use of a histidine-dependent proteins are made. All amino acids share
strain of the bacterial species Salmonella a common characteristic of an alpha
typhimurium. The organism used is actu- amino and an alpha carboxy group. The
ally a mutant strain that requires the 20+ amino acids found in all proteins dif-
presence of the amino acid histidine for fer from one another on the basis of the
growth. The chemical being screened is chemical properties of the R-group shown
usually mixed with an extract of rat liver, in the diagram. Proteins differ from one
which provides enzymes that convert another on the basis of the kinds of amino
the chemical being tested from an inac- acids present and the linear sequence of
tive to an active form. The suspension the amino acids. Eight amino acids are
of bacteria and the suspected mutagen essential nutrients for humans, meaning
is allowed to stand for an appropriate that they must be included in the diet.
period. The mixture is then spread on the
surface of an agar medium that contains amino group A functional group
all the ingredients needed for growth composed of a nitrogen atom and two
of the test strain of Salmonella species hydrogen atoms. Formula: –NH2.
except histidine. If a mutation occurs that
converts the test strain back to the wild ammonia A colorless, alkaline gas,
type, which does not need to find histi- chemical formula NH3. Highly water
dine in the environment in order to grow, soluble. See ammonium.

ammonia stripping

ammonia stripping A method for ammonium The positively charged ion

removing ammonia from wastewater. of ammonia, chemical formula NH4+.
The pH of the water is raised (made Highly water soluble.
more basic) to convert the dissolved
ammonium ions (NH4+) to (dissolved) amoeba The common name of a uni-
ammonia gas (NH3). The water is then cellular organism that has no cell wall,
allowed to cascade down a tower and engulfs particulate organic material to
the ammonia is lost to the atmosphere. obtain nutrients, and reproduces by divid-
A form of tertiary treatment of ing. These organisms are best observed
wastewater. with the aid of a microscope. Their
appearance is constantly changing as they
ammonification A process carried move by putting out extensions termed
out by bacteria in which organic com- pseudopods and the cytoplasm flows into
pounds are degraded or mineralized these extensions. Organisms belonging to
with the release of ammonia (NH3) into this group are distributed worldwide in
the environment. The simplest example water and soil. Some are capable of caus-
is the bacterial decomposition of urea ing disease in humans and animals. They
with the release of ammonia, which have a true nucleus and other membrane-
occurs in cloth diapers before they are bound organelles such as mitochondria.
washed. See eucaryotic.


amorphous Noncrystalline, as in amor- the upper reaches of a river to spawn (e.g.,

phous silicates, that do not cause fibrosis salmon).
in the respiratory system as crystalline sili-
cates do. anaerobic An adjective that describes
an organism that is able to live without
amosite A type of asbestos, also oxygen. The term is frequently used to
known as brown asbestos. refer to microorganisms that possess this
ability. Also used to describe environments
amphibole A metasilicate, a type of that are devoid of gaseous or dissolved
asbestos. molecular oxygen.

amphoteric Describing a substance anaerobic decomposition The degra-

capable of exhibiting properties of an dation of materials by anaerobic micro-
acid or a base, depending on its environ- organisms living beneath the ground or in
ment. For example, tin oxide dissolved in oxygen-depleted water to form reduced
water displays properties of a base when compounds such as methane or hydro-
placed in an acidic solution but proper- gen sulfide. Generally slower than aer-
ties of an acid when added to a basic obic decomposition.

amplitude For an electromagnetic wave anaerobic digester An airtight tank

or a sound wave, the distance from the crest in which anaerobic microorganisms
(or trough) of the wave to its equilibrium decompose organic material and produce
value; the distance from the crest to the biogas, mainly methane. sewage treat-
trough of a wave is twice the amplitude. ment plants often use anaerobic digesters
to reduce the volume of sludge produced
in primary and secondary treatment,
and they sometimes use the methane as
a heating fuel. In rural China and India,
digesters are used to convert animal
manure to methane.

anaerobic respiration A type of

metabolism carried out by some bacteria
in the absence of oxygen. Some other inor-
ganic compound must be supplied by the
anabatic wind On the local scale, environment as a substitute for molecular
wind blowing up a slope, usually during oxygen. The end products produced when
the day; caused by the sunlight heating these substitute compounds are reduced
the slope more than the lower valley floor have important environmental conse-
of lowland. This is also called a valley quences. For example, sulfate is reduced
breeze or upvalley wind. Compare kata- to hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide is
batic wind. reduced to methane, and nitrate is reduced
to nitrous oxide or nitrogen gas.
anabolism The metabolic process
involving the conversion of simpler sub- analog Derivative of a naturally occur-
stances to more complex substances for ring compound that an organism cannot
the storage of energy. Also called assimila- distinguish from the natural product; how-
tion, biosynthesis, or constructive metabo- ever, the uptake of this derivative results
lism. Compare catabolism. in the formation of a biological molecule
that does not carry out its proper function.
anadromous fish A type of fish that A common example is para-fluorophe-
spends its adult life at sea but returns to nylalanine, an analog to the amino acid


phenylalanine. An organism may utilize the anechoic space A room in which the
analog in place of the amino acid in the surfaces absorb all sound waves hitting
synthesis of protein; however, the protein them. Also called a free-field space or free-
containing the analog is not functional. field conditions.

analysis In environmental testing of air, anemometer An instrument that mea-

water, and soil, the separation of a mixed sures air velocity. The cup-type anemom-
substance into its components and their eters often used at air-monitoring stations
quantification by type and amount. operate by measuring the rotation rate of
three or four cups mounted on a verti-
analysis of variance (ANOVA) A sta- cal shaft. Hot-wire anemometers, used
tistical test that allows an investigator to for measurements of indoor air velocities,
determine whether mean values observed operate by sending the rate of heat loss
for several replicates of the same mea- from a heated wire to a moving airstream.
surement are due to random chance or to
real differences. For example, the mean aneroid gauge An instrument that does
concentration of hexachlorobenzene in not contain a liquid. An aneroid barom-
the blood of three groups of 30 men each eter, for example, contains a metal surface
is determined to be 20.0 micrograms per that reacts to differences in air pressure.
100 milliliter for group A, 17.8 for group
B, and 26.9 for group C. The analysis of aneuploid In humans, having a chromo-
variance will allow the testing of the null some number other than 23 or 46 (the nor-
hypothesis, which states that there are no mal complement in humans). An irregular
differences among the groups, and to make number of chromosomes produces physi-
that determination with some specific cal and chemical abnormalities, many of
degree of confidence—say 95% sure that which can be severe. Opposite of euploid.
there are no differences. The alternative
hypothesis in this case would be that angstrom (Å) A unit of length measure-
there is a difference among the groups. ment, equal to one ten-billionth. (1 × 10–10)
of a meter. Wavelengths in the electromag-
analyte 1. The chemical of interest or netic spectrum are often expressed in ang-
concern for which a sample is collected stroms or nanometers (1 × 10–9 meter).
and examined. If a program is operated
to determine the air pollution caused by anhydride Describing a chemical that
the presence of ozone, then samples would produces an acid with the addition of water
be collected to monitor for the presence (e.g., carbon dioxide is the anhydride of
of ozone. Under that circumstance, ozone carbonic acid and sulfur trioxide [SO3]
would be considered the analyte. 2. The is the anhydride of sulfuric acid).
object of a chemical analysis; the chemi-
cal for which a concentration is to be anhydrous Describing a chemical com-
determined in samples of water, air, soil, pound not containing water.
or food.
animal bedding Material used in ani-
analytical balance A highly sensitive mal stalls on facilities such as farms and
device for determining the mass of a sam- dairies. Straw is a common component;
ple of material. The balance can measure however, shredded paper can be employed,
mass to the nearest tenth of a milligram or providing a market for recycled paper
even smaller units. from the municipal solid waste stream.

Andersen sampler An air-sampling animal corridor See corridor.

device that separates airborne particles
into size categories using stacked collec- animal dander Scales of dead animal
tion plates. skin shed in the normal course of activity.


This material is a common constituent of annual standard For a chemical, the

indoor air pollution in those homes with concentration of this chemical in a par-
pet dogs. One of the allergens that con- ticular environmental medium (e.g.,
tribute to asthma. water), averaged over a 12-month period.

animal feeding operation (AFO) A annulus For a well, the space between
small land area within which large num- the pipe and the outer wall (casing) of the
bers of animals are confined and fed for borehole, which may also be a pipe (the
45 days in any 12-month period. The well casing).
240,000 AFOs in the United States pro-
duce over 500 million tons of manure annulus pressure The positive pressure
annually. Larger AFOs may also be clas- maintained by a fluid introduced between
sified as concentrated animal feeding the well piping and the outer wall (casing)
operations, which are point sources of the bore hole of an underground injec-
under the clean water act and require a tion well; an indication of the mechani-
national pollutant discharge elimi- cal integrity of the well.
nation permit.
anode The negative pole of an elec-
animal studies Laboratory studies trolytic cell or a battery. Electrons flow
using animals as the test subjects to deter- from the anode to the cathode.
mine the effects of pollutants, toxins,
medicines, and vaccines. The animals are anomaly The difference between a
considered to be surrogates for determin- short-term measurement and the longer-
ing the effects of these agents on humans. term mean value of a phenomenon, for
Animal rights groups object to the use of example, surface air-temperature readings
animals in this way. trending upward for several years.

animal unit (AU) A derived number anoxic Without oxygen. Water with no
representing the potential environmental dissolved oxygen is said to be anoxic.
impact of a feedlot. The AU is the prod-
uct of the number of a certain type of ani- antagonistic effect The interaction of
mal and a weighting factor for the animal’s two or more chemical substances on a bio-
manure production. One hundred steers logical system that results in a combined
may equal 100 AUs, but 100 turkeys may effect less than the sum of the effects of
equal two AUs. State programs may review each substance alone. Compare additive
animal feeding operations based on the effect and synergistic effect.
number of AUs, but the U.S. EPA no lon-
ger defines concentrated animal feed- Antarctic ice sheet See west antarc-
ing operations in terms of AUs. tic ice sheet.

anion A negatively charged ion. anthophyllite A type of asbestos.

anion exchange process See ion anthracene An organic chemical derived

exchange. from coal tar. The compound is a solid
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
annual dose The amount of a sub- consisting of three benzene rings. Uses
stance or radiation to which an individual include the manufacture of dyes, wood
is exposed over a 12-month period. preservatives, and coating materials. See
annual outage A preset period set aside
each year for the shutting down of a boiler anthracite The type of coal with the
or other piece of equipment to allow for highest heat content or energy released
routine maintenance and repair. per unit burned. Anthracite is the least


common and usually most expensive type antibiotics are useful in treating infections
of coal and is used mainly in the steel because they will kill or inhibit the growth
industry. The other coal types, bitumi- of pathogenic microbes without adversely
nous, subbituminous, and lignite, are impacting the person with the disease.
used for electric power production and Penicillin is an example of a classic anti-
vastly exceed anthracite in tonnage used biotic and was the first such compound
annually. prepared for use in treating bacterial infec-
tions in humans.
anthracosilicosis A chronic lung dis-
ease first observed in anthracite coal antibody A protein produced by the
miners associated with long-term overex- immune system in response to the pres-
posure to dust containing significant con- ence of an antigen that interacts with
centrations of free silica. Another term that specific antigen to eliminate or inac-
for black lung disease. Compare coal tivate it.
workers’ pneumoconiosis.
anticyclone A clockwise air circulation
anthrax An infectious disease caused associated with a high-pressure center.
by a spore-forming bacterium, Bacil- Anticyclones have descending air in their
lus anthracis. The disease is most often centers, which warms as it subsides and
associated with domestic livestock. The compresses. This can cause a subsidence
organism can infect the skin, intestinal inversion under which air contaminant
tract, or lungs. Infections of the lungs are levels can increase.
the most dangerous in terms of severe
outcomes. Because the spores produced antidegradation clause That part
by the organism are dormant and are not of federal water quality and air quality
killed or inactivated by drying, prepara- requirements prohibiting the addition of
tions of powdered spores have been con- new sources of pollutants in areas where
sidered for use as biological weapons for the air and water pollution levels are
many decades. Recently, the agent has already above the legal limits.
been proposed as the weapon of choice
for terrorists intent on using biological antidegradation policy Rules or guide-
weapons to attack the United States. A lines, required of each state by federal
vaccine to protect against anthrax is com- regulations implementing the Clean Water
monly used to vaccinate livestock, and a Act, stating that existing water quality be
vaccination has now been licensed for use maintained to protect existing uses of the
with humans. water, even if the water quality in an area
is higher than the minimum necessary, as
anthropocentrism A belief that con- defined by federal ambient water quality
siders the human being the most impor- standards. Some (controlled) degradation
tant entity. All questions, including those is allowed for economic development. The
related to environmental management, comparable policy for air is stated in the
are resolved on the basis of value to prevention of significant deteriora-
humans. tion regulations.

anthropogenic Arising from human antigen Any substance that causes the
activities, as opposed to a natural origin. formation of an antibody. See allergen.

antibacksliding See backsliding. antiknock additive Chemical com-

pound added to gasoline to prevent pre-
antibiotic An organic compound pro- mature combustion in the engine cylinders,
duced by a microorganism. In low concen- which creates a knocking sound. tetra-
tration, the compound will kill or inhibit ethyl lead was used as the primary anti-
the growth of other microorganisms. Some knock additive from the 1920s until the

Appendix VII

mid-1970s, when U.S. EPA regulations any credible evidence rule Established
began a phaseout of the lead content of under provisions of the 1990 amendments
leaded gasoline. Oil refineries now use to the clean air act (Section 113a), the
other antiknock additives in gasoline, such U.S. EPA regulatory policy that allows
as methyl tertiary butyl ether (mtbe). the agency to use data from a variety of
See octane number. sources to demonstrate that a facility is
out of compliance with the emission limi-
antiknock agent See antiknock tations in its permit. Previously, enforce-
additive. ment actions were based only on data
collected using a federally approved ref-
antimicrobial Describing a chemical erence method.
agent that has the capacity to kill or inhibit
microorganisms. Antibiotics, bleach, ionic AOX value An expression of the level
mercury, and iodine are examples of anti- of halogenated organic compounds
microbial chemicals. in water, usually as chlorinated organics.
The test measures adsorption to acti-
antinatalist Describing public policies vated charcoal. Of particular concern
that attempt to discourage births. Oppo- in paper mill effluent. See extractable
site of pronatalist. organic halogens.

aphotic Without light. The deep waters

antioxidant A chemical substance of large lakes and the ocean are aphotic
that prevents or slows the oxidation
since they do not receive sufficient light to
of another material. The term is applied
promote photosynthesis.
in several areas related to the environ-
ment. 1. Antioxidants are added to rub- API gravity An expression of the den-
ber products, such as automobile tires, sity of liquid petroleum products; the
to protect against the degradation caused arbitrary scale, as defined by the ameri-
by photochemical oxidant air pollut- can petroleum institute (api), is cali-
ants. 2. Antioxidants are also used to brated in degrees. Light crude oil is about
prevent rancidity of fats in foods, for 40 degrees API; heavy crude, about 20
example, the food additives butylated degrees API.
hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated
hydroxytoluene (BHT). 3. Vitamins C API separator A device used to sepa-
and E, together with a variety of other rate oil and oily sludges from water. A
nutrients, function as antioxidants in the primary step in the wastewater treatment
diet because they detoxify free radicals system of an oil refinery.
(thereby protecting the body) produced
during the metabolism of a variety of Appendix VII A listing of chemical
toxicants by humans. substances, found in Title 40, Part 261,
of the code of federal regulations,
antiscavenge ordinance A governmen- that are considered to be hazardous
tal regulation prohibiting the unauthor- constituents and therefore cause certain
ized collection of recyclable materials set waste streams to be listed by the U.S.
out in response to a community recycling EPA as hazardous wastes. For exam-
program. Such prohibitions were neces- ple, spent halogenated solvents used in
sitated when private individuals removed degreasing are hazardous waste; Appen-
items such as aluminum beverage cans dix VII gives the basis for this defini-
from curbside recycling containers. Such tion as the presence, in this waste, of
scavenging deprives the community of the tetrachloroethylene, methylene chloride,
economic return on valuable recyclables trichloroethylene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane,
and frequently generates significant litter carbon tetrachloride, and chlorinated
in residential areas. fluorocarbons.

Appendix VIII

Appendix VIII A listing of chemical agree on the virtues of appropriate tech-

substances that, if present in waste, may nology.
cause it to be defined as hazardous waste.
The listing is found in Title 40, Part 261, aquaculture The managed production
of the code of federal regulations. of fish or shellfish in ponds or lagoons.

Appendix IX list A list of more than aquatic Related to environments that

200 chemicals for which groundwater contain liquid water.
from all monitoring wells must be ana-
lyzed if measurements of indicator aquatic nuisance species Certain
parameters/constituents at a hazard- kinds of plants or animals that grow in
ous waste treatment, storage, or disposal water. These species often interfere with
facility show that the facility may be swimming, boating, or the use of a pond
adversely affecting groundwater quality. or lake as a source of drinking water.
The list is found in Title 40, Part 264, of Common nuisance plants include water
the code of federal regulations. hyacinth, hydrilla, and salvinia. A com-
mon nuisance animal is the zebra mussel.
applicable or relevant and appropri-
ate requirement (ARAR) Under the aqueous solubility The amount of a
superfund amendments and reau- material that will dissolve in water at a
thorization act, the standard used specified temperature. See solubility.
to define the minimum level of cleanup
required at a contaminated site; the aquiclude A low-permeability under-
standard used to determine “how clean ground formation located above and/or
is clean.” below an aquifer.

applied dose In attempting to assess the aquifer An underground formation,

effect of a toxic material, the amount of usually composed of sand, gravel, or per-
the agent in contact with the skin, lungs, meable rock, capable of storing and yield-
or gastrointestinal tract of an individual ing significant quantities of water.
or experimental animal. Contact with
one of these surfaces does not constitute aquifer storage and recovery The
absorption of the agent into the body. For underground storage of surface water for
example, some agents that are consumed later use when surface supplies are low.
by mouth pass through the intestinal tract See groundwater recharge; recharge
intact without any absorption into the basin. Compare artificial recharge.
aquifer transmissivity See transmis-
appropriate technology The appli- sivity.
cation of scientific knowledge in ways
that fit the prevailing economic, social, aquitard A low-permeability under-
and cultural conditions and practices in ground formation.
a country. The term also implies low-
technology design, simplicity of use, and arable land Land that can be farmed.
decentralized provision and maintenance.
Usually used in assessing the transfer of Aral sea An inland sea in central Asia
agricultural technology from more- to that has been diminished drastically in
less-developed countries. For example, size by irrigation withdrawals from the
food crops requiring heavy application of two (formerly large) rivers that feed the
pesticides may be judged inappropriate lake. Once the fourth-largest lake in
for an area without sufficient resources the world, it is now number eight. The
to purchase, apply, and manage the pes- remaining water in the Aral Sea is high
ticides. Not all less developed countries in salinity, as are the river deltas lead-

arithmetic growth

ing into the sea. The receding water has wider compacted layer is six to 10 feet
exposed salty sediments that are trans- thick, after which at least six inches of
ported downwind, ruining croplands. cover material is applied. The width of the
Some rehabilitation efforts have begun. area receiving the cover material is usu-
For more information, see http://enrin. ally 10 to 20 feet. The volume from one layer of waste and cover material to the
next (adjacent or higher) layer is called a
arbitrary and capricious Shorthand cell. Used in areas where the excavation
for a standard used in judicial review required by the trench method is not
of informal rule making by a regula- practical.
tory agency. The actions of the agency
should not be “arbitrary, capricious, an area mining The type of mining used to
abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in extract mineral resources close to the sur-
accordance with the law,” according to face in relatively flat terrain. Overburden
the federal administrative procedure is removed in a series of parallel trenches
act (APA). The “arbitrary and capri- to allow the extraction of the resource,
cious” standard causes judges gener- and the overburden removed from one
ally to defer to informal agency actions. trench is used to fill in the adjacent trench
The APA holds formal rule making to after the removal of the resource. Also
a stricter standard; these agency actions called area strip mining.
must be supported by “substantial evi-
dence.” Environmental regulatory agen-
area of review The area around an
cies maintain an administrative record
underground injection well that may be
to support their decisions in case of sub-
influenced adversely by fluid injection.
sequent judicial review.
The extent of the area of concern may
be calculated by using the specific gravity
arborescent Resembling a tree in
and rate of introduction of the injected
appearance or growth pattern.
fluids; the size, storage capability, and
hydraulic conductivity of the injection
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
zone; and certain underground forma-
(ANWR) A vast wilderness in northern
tion pressures. In other cases, the extent
Alaska, over 19 million acres, almost all
of the area is determined by a fixed radius
north of the Arctic Circle. Established in
around the well, not less than one-quarter
1960, the ANWR contains 8 million acres
mile in length.
of designated wilderness area. A debate
continues over use of the refuge’s coastal
plain, a 1.5-million-acre tract (referred to area source In air pollution, a geo-
as Section 1002) designated by Congress graphic unit that combines many small
in 1980 for the possible development of sources of an air contaminant or con-
oil and gas deposits. For more informa- taminants. For example, part of an urban
tion, see area could be treated as an area source for
volatile organic compounds, which
arctic tundra The grassland biome are emitted by hundreds of individual
characterized by permafrost (subsurface households, service stations, dry cleaners,
soil that remains frozen throughout the and similar sources.
year). Found in Alaska, Canada, Russia,
and other regions near the Arctic Circle. arithmetic growth An increase in the
number of individuals within a specific
area method, landfill A technique area by a constant amount of time per
for depositing municipal solid waste in a period: for example, a population growth
landfill. The waste is spread out in nar- of 10 persons per year, year after year.
row strips two to three feet deep and com- Compare exponential growth and sig-
pacted; then more waste is added until a moid growth.

arithmetic mean

arithmetic mean The sum of a set of average. The arrangement of the points on
observations divided by the number of the graph, as they narrow down to the
observations. annual average, resembles an arrowhead.
The arrowhead chart is used to display the
Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) See variability and distribution of measured
corps of engineers. air concentrations at long-term sampling
Aroclor Commercial preparation that
contains a mixture of polychlorinated arsenic (As) A chemical element belong-
biphenyls (PCBs) as well as traces of a ing to the nitrogen family. In pure form,
variety of other dangerous compounds arsenic is a gray crystal. Arsenic reacts
such as dibenzo-para-dioxin. readily with a variety of other chemicals,
including the oxygen in moist air, pro-
aromatic One of the two main types of ducing an oxide. Arsenic is released into
hydrocarbon compounds, containing one the environment as a by-product of the
or more benzene rings or nuclei. Aro- smelting of copper ore and through its
matic compounds are usually more diffi- use as an insecticide. The element under-
cult to decompose than are straight-chain goes bioconcentration and is classified
hydrocarbons, and they present greater as human carcinogen. Naturally high
hazards to humans and the environment. groundwater concentrations of arsenic are
Compare aliphatic. found in many countries, with the worst-
documented problem in Bangladesh, where
arranger liability Under the com- tens of millions of people are exposed to
prehensive environmental response, groundwater levels exceeding human health
compensation, and liability act, any standards. See the Arsenic Web site Project,
person who “arranges” for the trans-
port, treatment, or disposal of hazard- arsenic_project_introduction.html.
ous waste can be named a potentially
responsible party. Arranging includes artesian aquifer See confined aquifer.
hiring a transporter or choosing a treat-
ment or disposal facility. artesian water Water drawn from an
artesian well.
Arrhenius equation The equation,
K = Ae–E/RT, describing the relationship artesian well A well drilled into a con-
between the rate constant (K) for a fined geological stratum holding water
chemical reaction and absolute tem- that is draining from an area higher than
perature (T), where A is a constant for the wellhead. The resulting pressure forces
a given reaction, R is the universal gas the water to the surface, eliminating the
constant, E is the activation energy, need for a pump. A free-flowing well.
and e is the base of the natural logarithm.
artifactual An adjective that describes
arrowhead chart A graphical display some compound, material, or process
of ambient air quality data that plots the that is made by humans or influenced by
frequency of various levels of measured human activities.
pollutant concentrations against different
averaging times, usually for the obser- artificial recharge The deliberate addi-
vations made over a one-year period. The tion by humans of water to an aquifer.
plotted frequencies are the percentages of Two common recharge methods are
the total number of measurements, for injecting water through drilled wells and
a given averaging time, that fall below a pumping water over the land surface and
particular concentration. Longer averag- allowing infiltration. The technology is
ing times produce fewer plotted points, employed to restore water to aquifers that
until only one figure represents the annual have been depleted by excessive withdrawal.

as low as reasonably achievable

asbestos A family of heterogeneous asbestos-containing material (ACM)

silicate minerals that have a variety of Construction material containing more
commercial applications. The mineral is than 1% asbestos. Federal regulations
fibrous, chemically inert, and noncon- require the inspection of public and pri-
ductive for heat and electricity. The fiber vate elementary and secondary schools for
has been used extensively in insulating such materials.
materials. A significant danger to indi-
viduals is present when airborne fibers of Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response
the mineral are taken into the lungs. The Act (AHERA) A 1986 federal statute
fibers are not subject to biotransfor- requiring the inspection of U.S. schools for
mation, nor are they excreted; rather, asbestos-containing material and, as
they remain in the body. Chronic over- appropriate, either in-place management
exposure can lead to asbestosis. There or removal. See asbestos.
appears to be a strong association with
the development of certain types of lung asbestosis A disorder resulting in the
cancer in individuals who have both an accumulation of asbestos fibers in the
occupational exposure to asbestos and a lungs. The particles stimulate the aggre-
history of smoking cigarettes. The asbes- gation of lymphoid tissue and the stim-
tos health emergency response act ulation of collagen synthesis, leading to
required that all elementary and second- the accumulation of fibrous tissue in the
ary schools be inspected for the presence lungs. The elasticity of the lung is reduced,
of asbestos-containing material and causing decreased gas exchange efficiency
that an asbestos management plan be during breathing. The condition is chronic
prepared to include any necessary repair
and progressive.
or removal. The school guidelines are
now generally used for all types of build-
ings. See amosite; amphibole; chrys-
ash The residue that remains after the
burning of solid waste, wood products, or
otile; fibers per cubic centimeter;
fossil fuels. Also, the relatively fine pow-
der produced during volcanic eruptions.
asbestos abatement Procedures to Ash accumulation in incinerators designed
control the release of fibers from asbes- to burn municipal solid waste or in boil-
tos-containing materials in a building or ers heated by coal represents a significant
to remove such materials. Control tech- waste disposal issue.
nologies used in lieu of complete removal
include encapsulation, repair, enclosure, ash flow A very dangerous type of
encasement, and routine maintenance pro- volcanic eruption. Trapped magma con-
grams. The most common objectives are taining large amounts of gas explodes
to reduce indoor air pollution associated to the surface, ejecting lava, small pieces
with the presence of asbestos fibers sus- of rock, ash, crystallized fragments, and
pended in the indoor air and to prevent gas. The hot mixture expands rapidly and
exposures during renovation and demoli- moves downslope at speeds reaching 250
tion work. kilometers per hour. The dense cloud of
hot ash is denser than air and flows across
asbestos assessment Evaluation of the surface or the ground. This type of
the physical condition and potential for eruption is often referred to as pyroclastic
damage of all asbestos-containing materi- flow.
als and thermal insulation systems that are
easily disturbed, causing the production of as low as reasonably achievable
asbestos dust. This type of evaluation is (ALARA) The principle adopted by the
done in schools and other public buildings international commission on radio-
as well as before renovation and demoli- logical protection and the United
tion work in old structures. See friable. States nuclear regulatory commission

as low as reasonably practicable

of limiting exposures to ionizing radia- a formerly contaminated area is clean

tion to less than the allowable levels, if enough. See ecological risk assess-
feasible. ment; measurement end point.

as low as reasonably practicable assimilation 1. In biology, when an

(ALARP) As used in Great Britain’s organism absorbs a nutrient and incor-
workplace health and safety agencies, porates the material into mass. 2. In
a guideline principle stating that the ecology, the process in a stream or lake
resources used to lower the risk of harm whereby added nutrients or other chemi-
should be proportionate to the adverse cals are incorporated into biota and other
effects avoided. Functionally equivalent compartments, frequently in such a way
to as low as reasonably achievable, that the normal community structure and
although the two have different legal physical environment are not altered. 3.
origins. For more information, see the In ecology, the rate at which consumer
Web site organisms gain biomass.
assimilative capacity 1. The poten-
aspect ratio 1. The ratio of the length
tial of a lake, stream, or other body of
to the width of an object. 2. In an elec-
water to receive wastewater, drainage,
trostatic precipitator, the ratio of the
industrial effluents, or other pollutants
collecting surface length to its height;
without apparent adverse effects, damage
it should be large enough to allow dis-
to aquatic organisms, disruption of the
lodged particles to fall into collecting
natural ecological balance, or prevention
hoppers before they are carried out of the
of the use of the resource by humans.
2. The biochemical oxygen demand
input rate that a stream can sustain with-
asphyxiants Gases that cause or tend
out an unacceptable drop in dissolved
to cause loss of consciousness resembling
suffocation resulting from a lack of oxy-
gen uptake. The gases, such as nitrogen
and halomethanes, may be nontoxic
association In epidemiology, a rela-
but simply displace air so that an indi- tionship between two variables in which
vidual suffocates as a result of oxygen as one changes there is also a change in
deficiency. See chemical asphyxiant; the other. For example, increasing age
simple asphyxiant. is associated with increased human can-
cer incidence. If both variables increase,
assay In pollution monitoring, the there is a positive association. Association
determination of the concentration of a does not necessarily imply a causal link
chemical in a sample medium. between the variables.

assessment end point During the Association of Boards of Certifica-

process of cleaning up a contaminated tion (ABC) An organization dedicated
environment, the explicit expression of to facilitating communication and coop-
the part of the natural environment that eration among organizations involved in
will be monitored to determine whether the certification of environmental occu-
the cleanup activities have reduced risks pations and laboratories. The emphasis
of adverse ecological effects that would is on groups involved with water quality
result from exposure to the contaminants. issues. The group works to improve and
For example, at a location contaminated strengthen certification laws, promotion
with polychlorinated biphenyls, the of uniformity of standards and practices,
protection of the reproductive capacity of and facilitation of the transfer of certifica-
predatory birds may represent such an end tion between certifying authorities. Web
point. The method of determining whether site:

atmospheric pressure

Association of State and Territorial

Solid Waste Management Officials
(ASTSWMO) An organization sup-
porting environmental agencies of the
states and trust territories charged with
the management of solid waste, hazardous
waste, and leaking underground storage
tanks. The missions of the group are to
enhance and promote effective state and
territorial waste management programs
and to influence national waste manage-
ment policies. The organization seeks to
assist states in learning from and work-
ing with sister states. Web site: www.

asthenosphere That part of Earth lying

beneath the lithosphere, or more solid
crustal material. The magma associated
with volcanic eruptions originates in this

asthma A respiratory disorder charac-

terized by shortness of breath, wheezing,
and difficulty in breathing. Asthma can be
triggered by a variety of agents including
chemical air pollutants.

atmosphere 1. The gaseous layer cover-

ing the Earth. The regions of the atmosphere
are the troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, chemosphere, thermo-
sphere, ionosphere, and exosphere. The
atmosphere is one of the four components,
together with the lithosphere, hydro-
sphere, and biosphere, of the Earth’s eco-
system. 2. An expression of atmospheric
pressure. One atmosphere is equal to
about 14.7 pounds per square inch.

atmospheric deposition Settling of

solids or liquids from the atmosphere.
Snow, rain, and dust are natural examples,
whereas acids, metallic dust, rock dust,
and toxic organic compounds are deposits
caused by human activities.

atmospheric pressure The force

exerted by the atmosphere per unit area
on the surface of the Earth. Sea level
atmospheric pressure is equal to about
14.7 pounds per square inch, or 101.33

atmospheric stability

× 10³ newtons per square meter (pascals), Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
or, in terms of the height of mercury in a The predecessor agency to the nuclear
barometer, 760 millimeters of mercury. regulatory commission.

atmospheric stability An expression of atomic mass unit (amu) A unit of mass

the resistance of the atmosphere to vertical equal to 1.6604 × 10–24 gram. One atomic
air motion, or dispersion. Stable air resists mass unit is defined as one-twelfth the mass
movement of air upward; unstable con- of carbon-12, a carbon atom consisting of
ditions result in good vertical dispersion. six protons and six neutrons.
Atmospheric stability is important to the
dispersion and dilution of air contaminants. atomic number The number of pro-
See stability class, atmospheric. tons in the nucleus of an atom, represent-
ing the atomic mass units in the nucleus
atmospheric window See infrared accounted for by protons. Atoms of each
window. individual element have a specific number
of protons and therefore a unique atomic
atom A unit of matter consisting of a number. There are approximately 103
nucleus and surrounding electrons; the different elements, with atomic numbers
smallest unit of an element that retains ranging from 1 (hydrogen, the smallest
the chemical characteristics of the element. atom) to 103 (lawrencium, the largest
See molecule. atom).

atomic absorption spectrophotom- atomic pile A nuclear reactor.

eter (AA) An analytical instrument
typically used to determine the concen- atomic power The generation of elec-
tration of various metals in an environ- tricity using the heat energy produced in
mental sample. The instrument vaporizes nuclear reactors.
the sample in a flame or in a flameless
furnance and measures the absorbance of atomic waste Radioactive materials
the vapor at a wavelength of light that created as by-products of activities such as
is specific for each element. The sample the mining and processing of radioactive
concentration is obtained by comparing minerals, fabrication of nuclear weapons,
the measured absorbance to an absor- and operation of nuclear reactors.
bance calibration curve prepared
from samples of known concentration. atomic weight For each element, the
See graphite furnace. weighted sum of the masses of the protons
and neutrons composing the isotope of
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) that element. Approximately equal to the
An analytical technique used to quan- sum of the number of protons and neutrons
tify various elements of interest in sam- found in the most abundant isotope.
ples of biota and environmental media.
Chemicals in solution are aspirated into atomizer An instrument used to pro-
the instrument, where they are vaporized duce a fine spray or mist from a liquid.
and atomized by a flame, discharge, or
plasma. The high temperatures provide Atrazine A restricted use pesticide that
sufficient energy to promote the atoms to may be purchased and used only by certi-
high energy levels. As the atoms of differ- fied applicators. A selective triazine herbi-
ent elements decay back to lower energy cide used to control broadleaf and grassy
levels, light is emitted in narrow energy weeds in corn, sorghum, sugarcane, and
levels characteristic of each element. The pineapple. The agent is also used in coni-
detection of the light emitted by the vari- fer reforestation programs and on nonag-
ous elements is used to assay an array of ricultural sites. Atrazine is slightly toxic
elements simultaneously. to humans and wildlife. The agent does


not strongly adsorb to soils and has a long audiogram A display of the hearing
half-life once applied; consequently, threshold level, in decibels, for an
Atrazine has a high potential for ground- individual exposed to sound over a range
water contamination when applied to soils of different frequencies; used to monitor
of low clay or organic content. hearing loss.

at-source prevention See pollution audiometer An instrument used for

prevention. testing human hearing. With the person
being tested isolated from other sounds, the
attainment area A geographical area device generates a pure tone at selected fre-
designated by the U.S. EPA that meets the quencies, and the sound pressure level
national ambient air quality stan- is increased until the subject can just hear
dard for a particular pollutant The same that sound, at a level called the hearing
area can be in attainment for one or more threshold level for that frequency. The
of the six national ambient air quality stan- test result is an audiogram.
dards and be designated as nonattainment
for the others. See nonattainment area. audiometric zero The threshold of
normal human hearing, usually defined as
attenuation Weakening; commonly app- a sound pressure of 2 × 10–5 newton per
plied to the reduction in noise level or square meter, or zero decibel.
level of ionizing radiation with distance
from a source or after passing through audit See environmental audit.
barriers or shields. See monitored natu-
ral attenuation. Audubon Society See national audu-
bon society.
at-the-desk separation A system used
to facilitate the recycling of office paper. autecology The study of a single spe-
Recyclable office paper is sorted into cies within an ecosystem. Compare syn-
grades and stored by individual employees ecology.
at their desks. The process is analogous to
autochthonous Describing an organ-
a resident’s sorting and holding for pickup
ism that is native, or indigenous, to a
items from the household solid waste.
locale. The opposite of allochthonous.
attractant A food, light, or sound that autoclave A sterilizing device that uses
lures an insect to a poison, or a chemi- high-pressure steam to kill microorganisms.
cal attractant (pheromone) that disrupts
insect propagation by sending false loca- autogenic Endogenous, arising from
tion signals to potential mates. within an organism or a community. The
opposite of allogenic.
attributable risk The incremental
increase in the risk that an individual will autogenic succession The orderly and
experience an adverse health effect that predictable changes of species composition
can be assigned to a particular source or within a community that are caused mainly
activity. by actions of the species present in the area.
Compare allogenic succession.
audible range The sound frequency
range accessible to human hearing, ide- autoignition temperature The lowest
ally about 20 to 20,000 hertz for young temperature at which a gas or vapor that
adults. The ability to hear higher-fre- is mixed with air will ignite without the
quency sounds deteriorates normally with presence of a flame or spark.
age or can be lessened by excessive noise
exposure. See noise-induced hearing autoradiography A technique employed
loss; presbycusis. to locate radioactive substances in small,


usually microscopic samples. For exam- to ensure protection of the citizens from
ple, the part of a cell that incorporates a microbial diseases of the gastrointestinal
particular substance can be determined tract.
by first incubating the cell in the presence
of a radioactive form of the substance in available water storage capacity The
question, then fixing and sectioning the amount of water that soil can hold and
cell. The sections are covered with a pho- that plants can use. A measure of water
tographic emulsion and allowed to stand. available to plants.
The presence of the radioactive material is
determined by developing the emulsion and averaging time The length of time used
examining the specimen for dark grains of for the time-weighted average of a mea-
silver. surement. For example, if the concentra-
tion of an air pollutant during an hour is
autotroph An organism that has the 20 parts per million for 30 minutes and
capacity to satisfy its requirements for 10 parts per million for 30 minutes, the
carbon-containing nutrients by the fixa- reported value for a one-hour averaging
tion, reduction, and incorporation of time would be 15 parts per million.
carbon dioxide from the environment.
Green plants, which derive their energy Avogadro’s number (NA) The num-
from sunlight through the process of ber of molecules in one mole of a sub-
photosynthesis, represent a major stance, equal to 6.02 × 1023. Based on the
group of autotrophic organisms. Com- assumption that equal volumes of differ-
pare heterotroph. ent gases at the same pressure and temper-
ature contain equal numbers of molecules.
auxin A plant growth hormone. Syn- Named for the Italian physicist Amedeo
thetic auxins are used as weed killers. Avogadro.

auxotrophic A term employed in avoided costs Part of the indirect sav-

microbiology to describe certain mutant ings realized through a community recy-
strains of bacteria that require for growth cling program. Those expenses that will
the presence of some organic compound or not be incurred in a solid waste manage-
metabolic intermediate that is not required ment plan because of the removal of recy-
by the parent strain. The requirement gen- clable items from the normal waste stream.
erally reflects the loss by the mutant of Examples are reduced tipping fees at the
its ability to produce one or more of the point of disposal, savings on employee
enzymes needed in the metabolic synthe- salaries, increasing truck life, and exten-
sis of the compound or intermediate in sion of the life of a landfill through the
question. diversion of waste that would otherwise
be added to the community discards.
availability session Informal meeting
at a public location where interested citi- A-weighted scale See decibels, a-
zens can talk with officials from the U.S. weighting network.
EPA and state regulatory agencies on a
one-on-one basis. axenic Describing a culture of a microbe
that contains only one kind of organism
available chlorine A measure of the (i.e., a pure culture). The adjective is fre-
amount of chlorine usable for the disinfec- quently used to describe cultures of algae
tion of water after the addition of some or protozoa that consist of only one type
chlorination agent. For example, when of alga but that may also contain bacteria.
a public water supply is protected with
a chlorination agent, chlorine should axial flow Fluid flow in the same direc-
be chemically active or available when tion as the axis of symmetry of the duct,
the water reaches a residence in order vessel, or tank.

axis of symmetry

axial flow fan A mechanical device for axis of symmetry An imaginary line
moving air or other gases. The device con- passing through a figure or body around
sists of propellerlike blades rotating in a which the figure or body is symmetrically
plane perpendicular to the flow of the gas arranged.
stream. A fan inside a duct.


Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) A spe- (resistance to the conduction of electric-

cies belonging to a common group of ity). In this case, the poorly conducting,
gram-positive, aerobic, rodshaped bac- negatively charged particles caught on the
teria characterized by the production of positively charged plates do not drain their
endospores. The unique feature of this charge, which normally allows the efficient
species is the capacity to kill insects. The collection of additional dust. The reten-
organism was discovered to be an insect tion of electrostatic attraction between the
pathogen in 1911 and has been used as a dust and the plate also makes the periodic
biopesticide since 1938. When grown in removal of the dust more difficult.
culture, the organism produces a protein
aggregate that forms a crystal in the cyto- back end system The stage in a solid
plasm. Termed a protoxin, this crystal is waste resource recovery operation in
very insoluble under most conditions and which recyclable materials are extracted
does no harm to higher animals or people. from incinerator ash.
However, when consumed by caterpillars,
hornworms, and larvae of small flies and backfilling In the reclamation of land on
mosquitoes, the reducing environment which contour strip mining has occurred,
and high alkaline conditions of the mid- the placement of spoils (waste soil and
gut of these insects result in the protoxin rock) in the notches cut in the hills and the
being put into solution. enzymes in the restoration of the original slope. This pro-
gut cleave the protein to produce a toxin cess reduces soil erosion and allows for the
that causes damage to the intestinal tract reestablishment of vegetation.
of the insect resulting in death. A variety
of products, called Thuricides, is avail- backflow/back siphonage A reverse
able for application to the leaves of crop flow condition created by a difference in
plants including organically grown foods. water pressure that caused water to flow
Recently, genes from Bacillus thuringien- back into the distribution pipes of a drink-
sis have been inserted into plants resulting ing water supply from an unintended
in the production of the active part of the source.
toxin in the leaves of the plant. When an
insect eats the genetically modified plant, Background Air Pollution Monitor-
its gut is damaged, and the insect dies. ing Network (BAPMon) Over 200
Bt corn, Bt potatoes, Bt cotton, and Bt air-monitoring sites located in remote
soybeans are some commercially available areas around the world; established by the
crops that have been genetically modified world meteorological organization
to produce the toxin. in 1968 to record background concen-
tration particulate matter, precipita-
back corona The buildup of a negative tion acidity (acid rain), and greenhouse
charge on the plates of an electrostatic gases such as carbon dioxide, chloro-
precipitator, which reduces the collec- fluorocarbons, and methane.
tion efficiency of the plate for negatively
charged particles. The condition develops background concentration For a
if the collected dust has a high resistivity chemical substance, the level, or con-

baghouse, reverse air

centration found in the air, water, or bacterial plate count A system

soil of a geographical area due to natural employed to quantify the number of bacte-
processes alone; the starting point for the ria in a sample of solid or liquid material.
determination of enhanced chemical con- The sample is mixed and/or diluted with
centrations caused by human activities. a suitable sterile diluent, and a measured
small portion of the mixture is placed on
background level See background the surface of a solid substrate suitable for
concentration. the growth of bacteria (a medium). After
incubation, the number of bacterial colo-
background radiation The ionizing nies that have developed on the medium is
radiation level for a given geographical counted, and the necessary mathematical
area produced by the natural radioactive calculations are made on the assumption
materials in the soil and the cosmic radia- that each colony represents one bacterium
tion from outer space. that was present in the original sample.

back pressure A pressure that can bacteriostatic A substance that is

cause water to back flow into a water sup- inhibitory to bacterial growth but not nec-
ply when the wastewater system of a user essarily lethal. If a bacteriostatic material
is operating at a pressure higher than that dissipates or lowers in concentration, bac-
of the public water system. terial growth may resume.

backsliding Prohibited by the clean baffle A wall, barrier, or screen placed

water act, the relaxation of the allowable in the path of a gas, liquid, light, or sound
discharge rates when a permit is renewed. for the purpose of dispersion or regulation
See antidegradation policy. of passage.

backwash The residue that is removed bagassosis A lung disease linked to the
from a rapid sand filter when clean inhalation of dust from sugarcane residues.
water is employed to flush away accumu-
lated particles. baghouse An air pollution control
device that removes particulate mat-
backwashing In a wastewater or drink- ter from an exhaust gas by forcing air
ing water treatment facility, the move- through large filter bags; the device is sim-
ment of clean water in a direction oppo- ilar to a vacuum cleaner bag. Baghouses
site (upward) to the normal flow of raw vary according to filter material and the
water through a rapid sand filter to method for dislodging the collected dust.
clean it. See baghouse, pulse jet; baghouse,
reverse air; baghouse, shaker.
backyard composting Diversion of
organic kitchen waste, yard litter, and grass baghouse, pulse jet A baghouse in
clippings from the municipal solid waste which the air to be filtered flows through
stream by preparing a pile of this material the bags from the outside to the inside.
in the yard of a private residence to encour- The bags are supported by internal cages
age decomposition and conversion into a and are cleaned by knocking the dust off
soil conditioner. See composting. with short pulses of high-pressure air.

bacteria Ubiquitous, one-celled pro- baghouse, reverse air A compartmen-

caryotic organisms that, together with talized baghouse using reverse flows of
the fungi, serve as decomposers in clean air through the bags to dislodge the
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. A collected dust, allowing the dust to fall into
small number of them cause plant, animal, a collection hopper. Each compartment is
and human diseases. See pathogen. taken off-line before the bags are cleaned.

baghouse, shaker

baghouse, shaker Similar to a reverse banking The placement of emission

air baghouse but using a mechanical reduction credits (not a monetary sum)
shaking device to dislodge dust collected in a U.S. EPA-approved account, called a
on the bags. bank.

bailer An instrument used to extract a bar In meteorology, a unit of atmo-

water sample from a groundwater well or spheric pressure equal to 0.9869 atmo-
piezometer. sphere or 1 × 105 pascals. Sea-level pressure
(one atmosphere) is equal to 1.013 bars or
Bailey, Liberty Hyde (1858–1954) 1013 millibars.
American horticulturalist, professor,
writer Bailey was a professor and dean baritosis The presence in the lungs
at Cornell University and author of 65 of small-diameter, chemically inert bar-
books. He was appointed by President ium sulfate particles. Baritosis causes no
theodore roosevelt as chairman of impairment of lung function.
the Commission on Country Life. The
commission’s 1911 report was the gen- barometric pressure The force exerted
esis of the American agricultural exten- on a surface by the acceleration of grav-
sion service. Bailey was the founder of the ity acting on a column of air above that
American Nature Study Society, the oldest surface. The pressure can be measured by
environmental education organization in a liquid barometer, which consists of a
the United States. He was also a collabo- vertical tube sealed at the top and a mer-
rator with anna botsford comstock. cury reservoir at the bottom, open to the
atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure forces
baler A mechanical device used to pro- the mercury upward in the tube until the
cess solid waste into a large strapped bun- weight of the mercury column equals the
dle for convenient handling and efficient weight of the air column above the mer-
use of landfill space. The waste is mechan- cury at the open end of the tube. The baro-
ically shredded into smaller fragments, metric pressure measured in this fashion is
compacted, and tied to form a bale. expressed as the height of the mercury,
in millimeters or inches. See atmospheric
ballast Heavy material, often seawater, pressure.
placed in the hold of a ship to gain sta-
bility. Routine ballast discharges from oil bar racks The closely spaced rods
tankers account for a large portion of the (screen) that remove large solids from the
total oil (including spills) introduced to wastewater entering a sewage treatment
the oceans each year. plant.

ballistic separator A mechanical device barrel A liquid volume, equal to 42 U.S.

that separates organic from inorganic gallons, frequently used to describe the
components of municipal solid waste. The production or consumption of petroleum
process prepares the organic residue for or petroleum products. Petroleum is also
composting. measured in tons. One ton of crude oil
equals about seven barrels, whereas one
ball mill A device consisting of a rotat- ton of (less dense) petroleum products is
ing drum containing iron or steel balls and greater than seven barrels.
used to grind solid waste before compac-
tion and disposal or as part of a recycling barrel sampler An open-ended steel
operation. tube used to collect soil samples.

band application The application of barrier island Low, narrow sandy

chemical pesticides along each row in a deposits that develop along and just off-
row-planted crop. shore coastlines, mostly along the Atlantic

baseline data

and Gulf coasts of the United States. These becomes more viscous. See aa flow;
islands are unstable, migrating in response pahoehoe flow.
to the accretion and erosion of sand under
the influence of wind, waves, and cur- base Chemicals that release hydroxide
rents. Barrier islands are important to the ions (OH – ) in solution. Such solutions
protection of the coastline in storm events. have a soapy feel, neutralize adds, and
Because of their inherent instability, these conduct electricity.
areas are unusually sensitive to the del-
eterious effects of building of homes and base dissociation constant (Kb) See
roads, operation of motor vehicles, and dissociation constant.
destruction of natural vegetation.
base flow The flow in a stream arising
bar screen Device used in wastewater from groundwater seeps alone, excluding
treatment facilities to remove gross debris surface runoff into the stream.
from wastewater before the water enters
the treatment process. The debris (com- Basel Convention The Basel Conven-
monly rags and plastic bags) would hinder tion on the Control of the Transbound-
the operation of pumps and other equip- ary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and
ment. See bar racks. Their Disposal is a 1989 international
agreement to control the movement
basal application Application of a pes- of hazardous wastes, including a 1995
ticide to the plant stem or tree trunk just amendment to ban the export of hazard-
above ground level to intersect pests as ous waste from industrialized countries
they move up the plant from the soil. to less-developed countries. Now, under
provisions of the resource conserva-
basal diet In a feeding study to deter- tion and recovery act, U.S. waste
mine the toxicity of a chemical or chemi- exporters must communicate to the U.S.
cal mixture, food that does not contain EPA a hazardous waste shipment’s quan-
the test chemical(s); in other words, an tity and chemical composition. The U.S.
unaltered feed available from a commer- EPA must get informed consent from
cial source. the country to which the waste is to be
shipped; nonhazardous waste, including
basal metabolism The energy used by medical waste, municipal solid waste, and
an organism while at rest. ash from municipal incinerators, is not
covered by this requirement. Over 120
basalt Rock of volcanic origin. Because countries have ratified the Basel Conven-
of its strength and heat dispersion capa- tion, but the United States has not passed
bility, a desirable type of rock for long- the requisite enabling legislation. See also
term storage of high-level radioactive prior informed consent procedure.
waste. Web site:

basalt aquifers Aquifers found in baseline concentration Under the pre-

basalt rock in areas of past volcanic activ- vention of significant deterioration
ity, such as the Pacific Northwest region program, the existing level of air quality in
of the United States and in Hawaii. an area when the first permit application
for a major source of certain air pollutants
basaltic eruption The most common is submitted.
type of volcanic activity. Lava at very high
temperatures and rich in gas is extruded baseline data Information accumulated
from fissures and fractures in the crust of concerning the biological, chemical, and
the Earth. The lava in this type of erup- physical properties of an ecosystem prior
tion is relatively fluid and flows freely to the initiation of some activity that may
downslope until it loses gases, cools, and result in the pollution of that ecosystem.

baseline emissions

baseline emissions For a particular batch process is likely to be intermittent,

pollutant, the level of air emissions below when the process is opened to be charged
which the reduction in emission from a or when it is opened and the products are
facility will be counted as emission removed. Compare continuous process.
reduction credits. For example, if emis-
sions of pollutant A, with a baseline of bathing water Water in swimming
1,000 pounds per year, are reduced from pools or natural fresh or marine waters
1,100 pounds per year to 900 pounds per used for swimming.
year, emission reduction credits of 100
pounds per year are earned. batholiths The largest rock forma-
tions in the crust of the Earth. These large
base load facility A generating facility expanses of granite are found almost
that operates at a constant output to sup- exclusively in the continents. The batho-
ply the minimum electric power demand liths consist of huge granitic forms that
of a system. Such a system is supplemented cover tens of thousands of square kilome-
by a cycling load facility as power ters and extend downward for up to 60
demand increases. kilometers.

basic Describing a solution, sediment, bathtub effect The accumulation of

or other material that has a pH greater leachate in a landfill containing a good
than 7. See base. liner but not equipped with a leachate
collection system.
basic oxygen process Method of pro-
ducing steel from molten pig iron. Pure bathyal zone The ocean stratum
oxygen instead of air is injected into the beneath the euphotic zone and above
molten material to oxidize impurities. The the abyssal zone.
process is faster and produces fewer pol-
lutants than other methods. About 28% Bayesian analysis A technique that
of the starting material consists of recycled combines subjective probability estimates
scrap iron. The steel produced by the pro- of a condition or event with uncertain test
cess can be rolled into thin sheets for use results to estimate the conditional prob-
in cans, automobiles, and appliances. ability of the condition or event, given
a particular test result. Used in decision
batch method Any industrial or labo- analysis involving the risks of introduc-
ratory procedure that involves adding all ing chemical agents to the environment,
raw materials or reagents and allowing the for example, the interpretation of animal
process to be completed before the prod- toxicity data.
ucts are removed. For example, a batch
method for composting involves adding Bay of Fundy A bay on the east coast
all leaves, organic materials, or other solid of Canada located between New Bruns-
waste and allowing the mixture to sit until wick and Nova Scotia. The bay experi-
the humic substances are removed from ences some of the highest natural tides in
the holding vessel. Compare with contin- the world and is considered a likely loca-
uous analyzer and continuous-feed tion for the construction of facilities to
reactor. utilize tidal energy for the generation of
electrical energy.
batch process An industrial produc-
tion method in which all or nearly all of Beaufort scale A scale equating wind
the raw materials or reactants are intro- velocities and their effects. A Beaufort
duced to a process at one time. The mate- number, from 0 to 17 is assigned to each
rials/reactants are then combined or used; of 13 categories; the largest number repre-
removal or extraction of a product fol- sents a hurricane (numbers 12–17 describe
lows. The release of pollutants from a six subcategories of hurricane winds). For


example, a wind of Beaufort number 2, or the prohibition of smoking around fuel-

velocity 4–7 miles per hour, can be felt loading facilities.
on the face; Beaufort number 4, 15–18
miles per hour, causes small branches to bel A dimensionless unit to measure
move and raises dust. The scale was first sound. It is defined in two ways: (1) as
devised in 1806 by Sir Francis Beaufort, the common logarithm of a measured
who described the wind effects in terms power divided by a reference power or
of those on a fully rigged man-of-war. (2) as the common logarithm of the ratio
The inland and terrestrial effects are later of a measured sound pressure to a ref-
additions. erence sound pressure. One bel equals 10
decibels, the more commonly used unit.
becquerel (Bq) The SI unit of radioac- See also sound power level; sound
tivity, signifying one nuclear disintegration pressure level.
per second.
benchmark concentrations Concentra-
Becquerel rays A general term for rays tions of chemical pollutants that are used in
emitted by radioactive substances. calculating a hazard quotient, a measure
of the likelihood that a chemical will cause
bed load The sand, gravel, and other an adverse effect. The selected value can be
debris that move along the bottom of a the no-observed-adverse-effect level,
stream in response to the current. water quality criteria, sediment quality
criteria, or a similar standard.
bedrock Unbroken and unweathered
solid rock that is overlain by broken rock, benchmark station The location within
sand gravel, soil, or other deposits. Usu- a contaminated environment that will serve
ally consisting of granite, the primary as the site from which samples will be col-
crustal material of the continents. lected to determine the likelihood that
damage to individuals will occur if they
Beer-Lambert law Law allowing the contact the contaminants. See benchmark
quantitative determination of the concen- concentrations.
tration of chemicals in solution by mea-
suring the light absorbed upon passage bench-scale tests Laboratory tests of
through the solution. It is expressed as potential cleanup technology conducted
A = ebc, where A is the absorbency, e is prior to field testing.
the molar aborptivity, b is the length
of the light path in centimeters, and c is beneficial use 1. In waste management,
the chemical concentration in moles per the application of a waste material in a
liter. The absorbance A is expressed as constructive way, for example, using a
A = ln(PO/P), where ln is the natural loga- former dredging material containment site
rithm, P is the radiant power of the light as a public park. 2. Water used for a rec-
transmitted through the solution, and ognized societal purpose: public drinking
PO is the power of the incident light. See supply, irrigation, wildlife habitat, recre-
spectrophotometer; ultraviolet pho- ation, and electric power generation. In
tometry; ultraviolet-visible absorp- law, a right to water can be conditioned
tion spectrum. on its beneficial use.

behavioral standards Environmental, beneficiation In the recovery of miner-

health, or safety standards that forbid con- als from mining geological deposits, the
duct that is likely to have an adverse effect process of separating the desirable mineral
on human health or the environment or ore from waste rock and other geological
that significantly increases the risk of an material. The first step in the purification
accident; for example, a ban on outdoor of a mineral removed by mining a deposit
burning of trash or leaves in an urban area of ore.

benefit-cost analysis

benefit-cost analysis See cost-benefit benthos The organisms living on the

analysis. bottom of an ocean, river, lake, pond, or
other body of water. Compare nekton
benign See benign neoplasm. and plankton.

benign neoplasm A tumor that does bentonite A porous, colloidal clay pro-
not differ greatly from the tissue from duced by the decomposition of volcanic
which it arose and that is not likely to ash. The clay can absorb considerable
invade other sites (metastasize). amounts of water and expands greatly in
the process. Bentonite is commonly used
BEN model A computer program that to provide tight seals around well casing.
calculates the economic benefit a facil-
ity has gained by not complying with an
environmental regulation. The calculation
benzene The simplest aromatic hydro-
includes the cost of any required equip- carbon. Its chemical formula is C6H6. The
ment, operating costs, discount rates, mar- compound is illustrative of the structural
ginal tax rates, and the duration of the features of all aromatic compounds. Ben-
noncompliance. The U.S. EPA may adjust zene has a long history of use in the chemi-
statutory penalties for noncompliance by cal industry as a solvent and as a starting
using the results of the model. compound for the synthesis of a variety
of other materials and is now also used
Bennett, Hugh (1881–1960) Ameri- extensively in the rubber, paint, and plastic
can conservationist Bennett was the industries. The liquid is volatile, and emis-
leader of the soil conservation movement sions are regulated as toxic air pollutants.
of the 1920s and 1930s. He coauthored an The major toxic effects of chronic exposure
influential 1928 U.S. Department of Agri- through inhalation, mostly an occupational
culture bulletin, Soil Erosion: A National hazard, concern the functioning of the bone
Menace, and served as first head of the marrow. A variety of blood disorders, such
Soil Conservation Service (now the natu- as aplastic anemia and leukemia, have been
ral resources conservation service), linked to excessive doses.
benzene hexachloride (BHC) Also
benthic Referring to bottom-dwelling known as hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH)
aquatic organisms. Compare pelagic and and Lindane. An isomer of BHC is uti-
littoral. lized as the insecticide Lindane. Various

best available retrofit technology

forms of this compound have been impli- beryllium (Be) An alkali earth metal
cated in exposures resulting in neurologi- that is hazardous when inhaled from air-
cal symptoms associated with depression borne suspension. Causes a pathologic
of the central nervous system. BHC has lung condition referred to as berylliosis
also been shown to have carcinogenic after excessive, long-term occupational
properties in mice and to be bioaccumu- exposure in machine shops, ceramic and
lated (increased in concentration) in the propellant plants, and foundries.
fatty tissue of humans.
best available control measures
benzine A mixture of aliphatic hydro- (BACM) The most effective measures
carbons, such as gasoline or certain clean- as determined by the U.S. EPA for con-
ing solvents. Not related to benzene. trolling small or dispersed particulates
and other emissions from sources such as
benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) A carcinogenic roadway dust, soot and ash from wood-
polycyclic hydrocarbon found in soot stoves, and open burning of brush, timber,
emitted by coal-burning facilities, in auto- grasslands, or trash.
mobile particulate emissions, and in broiled
or smoked meat and fish.
best available control technology
(BACT) Technology-based emission
benzopyrene See benzo(a)pyrene.
standards required by the U.S. EPA for all
Berkson’s fallacy In epidemiology, new or modified major sources of air pol-
the incorrect application of findings from lutants in geographical areas meeting the
studies using hospital or clinic populations national ambient air quality stan-
as representative of the general popula- dards (also called prevention of sig-
tion. The error arises from the possible nificant deterioration areas). BACT is
self-selection of the hospital and clinic applied on a pollutant-specific basis; for
patients. Characteristics of those seeking example, a new source of sulfur dioxide
medical treatment may differ significantly emissions must apply BACT for sulfur
from those of the general population, and dioxide if the area is clean with respect
the patients at a particular hospital or to sulfur dioxide levels. But if the facility
clinic may be unrepresentative. is also a major source of carbon monox-
ide and the area does not meet the ambi-
Berl saddles A type of packing used ent standard for carbon monoxide, then
in a gas-cleaning device called a packed a more stringent emission standard, low-
tower. The packing geometry is designed est achievable emission rate (LAER),
to maximize gas-liquid contact for pol- would be applied to the carbon monoxide
lutant removal efficiency. Other packing emissions.
types include Pall rings, Lessing rings,
Raschig rings, and Intalox saddles. See best available demonstrated technol-
packing. ogy (BADT) The level of effluent
limitation technology required by the
Berry, Wendell (1934– ) American 1972 clean water act to be used in set-
poet, writer Berry is a proponent of tra- ting new source performance stan-
ditional rural life and an opponent of mod- dards for new industrial direct discharges
ern industrial life. Two of his many works of water pollutants.
are Home Economics (1995), in which he
indicts resource misuse, and The Unsettling best available retrofit technology
of America: Culture & Agriculture (1996), (BART) The level of air pollution
which derides “industrial farming” and its control technology required on certain
damage to the environment and human cul- major existing sources (e.g., electric power
ture. Web site: plants) that may cause or contribute to
html. visibility reduction in areas of the United

best available technology economically achievable

States designated as Class I under the pre- average of the best technology in each
vention of significant deterioration industrial category.
provisions of the clean air act. Class I
areas include major national parks and best professional judgment (BPJ)
wilderness areas, mostly in the American Used by environmental regulators to
West. choose technology-based treatment
requirements for a water pollutant dis-
best available technology economically charge permit when no national industry
achievable (BAT) In water pollution standards (such as best conventional
control, the technological method required control technology) are available. See
for all existing sources of toxic or non- national pollutant discharge elimi-
conventional pollutants; BAT is set nation system.
by industrial category or subcategory. The
clean water act specifies that the U.S. beta counter A device used to mea-
EPA, in defining BAT, consider such fac- sure ionizing radiation. The counter is
tors as age of the facilities and equipment configured in such a way that the ioniz-
involved, process employed, engineering ing events caused by a beta particle are
aspects of the control technique, process selectively measured.
changes, cost of the reductions, and envi-
ronmental impacts other than water qual- beta decay Decomposition of an unsta-
ity, including energy requirements. ble atom characterized by the loss of a
particle with a mass approximately equal
best conventional control technology to that of an electron. The particle, termed
(BCT) The level of water pollution a beta particle, may carry a positive or a
control technology required of existing negative charge. Beta particles have a pen-
discharges for the treatment of conven- etrating ability intermediate between that
tional pollutants by the 1977 clean of alpha particles and gamma rays.
water act. Beta particles are a common cause of skin
burns experienced by individuals exposed
best demonstrated available technol- to mixed radiation sources.
ogy (BDAT) The treatment standard for
hazardous wastes that, if met, allows the beta particle Particle equivalent in mass
wastes to avoid the land disposal ban. to an electron emitted by certain substances
undergoing radioactive decay; a form
best engineering judgment (BEJ) See of ionizing radiation. Beta particles
best professional judgment. can carry a positive charge or a negative
charge. Some emissions result when a neu-
best management practices (BMP) 1. tron is converted to a proton in the atomic
For facilities that manufacture, use, store, nucleus. This increase in the number of
or discharge toxic or hazardous pollutants protons in the nucleus changes the atomic
as defined by the 1977 clean water act, number of the substance, and it therefore
a required program to control the poten- becomes a different element. For example,
tial spill or release of those materials to beta emission by a radioactive isotope of
surface waters, such as dikes to contain phosphorous (atomic number 15) converts
tank overflows or heavy rainfall runoff. 2. the atom to sulfur (atomic number 16).
Techniques to reduce nonpoint source
water pollution. beta radiation The emission of a beta
particle by an unstable atomic nucleus.
best practicable control technology See beta decay.
(BPT) The level of effluent limita-
tion technology required by the 1972 Beverage Industry Recycling Program
clean water act for existing industrial (BIRP) Aluminum recycling initiative
plants as of July 1, 1977; defined as the operated by the beverage industry to assist


communities in organizing and manag- observations clumped around 0.2 and 10

ing the recycling of beverage cans. The micrometers.
program was initiated in response to the
introduction of bottle bills requiring binder 1. The chemical material that
the customer to pay a refundable deposit holds paint pigments together and attaches
when purchasing beverages. The bottle the paint film to a surface. It is nonvola-
bills were intended to reduce litter as well tile—that is, not lost to the air as the paint
as to promote recycling. Web site: www. dries. 2. The chemical material combined with the active ingredient in a pill for
easier administration. Common binders in
Bhopal, India The site of the pesticide pills are starch, sugars, and gums.
manufacturing facility from which a large
release of toxic gas, methyl isocyanate, binding energy In an atomic nucleus,
occurred in December 1984. Approxi- the energy holding the neutrons and pro-
mately 3,800 deaths have been attributed tons (collectively, nucleons) together.
to the incident, which investigation has The atoms of heavier elements, those with
shown was caused by employee sabotage. larger numbers of protons and neutrons,
Web site: have lower amounts of binding energy per
nucleon because of the repelling force of
bias An error in data gathering or anal- the positively charged protons. Elements
ysis caused by faulty program design, mis- of atomic number 83 and above are low
takes by personnel, or limitations imposed enough in binding energy per nucleon
by available instrumentation. to be unstable; in other words, they
undergo radioactive decay. In addition,
bicarbonate A compound containing fission, or splitting, of a heavy nucleus,
the HCO3– group, for example, sodium such as uranium, creates lighter, more sta-
bicarbonate (NaHCO3), which ionizes in ble nuclei and releases the binding energy.
solution to produce HCO3–. See carbon- Thus, the sum of the masses of the lighter
ate buffer system. fission nuclei is less than the mass of the
heavier nucleus that splits; the difference
bilge water Water collected in the in mass is represented by the binding
bottom compartment of a ship, usually energy released.
contaminated with oil. If not controlled,
discharge of bilge water can be a sig- binding site In toxicology, the location
nificant source of oil pollution, especially in the tissues where a foreign chemical will
in or near major harbors. See interna- attach and possibly accumulate, such as the
tional convention for the preven- liver, kidney, and plasma proteins. Also
tion of pollution from ships. refers to the location on a protein molecule
where the actual chemical bonding between
bimetal Material composed of two dif- a chemical and the protein occurs.
ferent metals. For example, the commonly
used food storage can consists of two lay- bioaccumulating chemicals See bio-
ers: the exterior is a steel product and the accumulation.
inside lining is made of tin. Some beverage
containers have steel bodies and alumi- bioaccumulation The increase in con-
num tops. centration of a chemical in organisms
that reside in environments contami-
bimodal distribution In statistics, nated with low concentrations of various
a collection of observations with a large organic compounds. For example, fish
number of values found around each of living in aquatic environments contami-
two points. The distribution of the diam- nated with compounds such as the chlo-
eters of airborne particulate matter in rinated hydrocarbons absorb those
urban areas, for example, is bimodal, with compounds through the gills. Chemicals


likely to be bioaccumulated are not read- biocentric preservation A conserva-

ily decomposed in either the environment tion philosophy that emphasizes as fun-
or an organism and are likely to be stored damental the right of all living organisms
in the fatty tissue. Bioaccumulation is also to exist and pursue their own interests. See
the progressive increase in the amount of a altruistic preservation.
chemical in an organism that results when
the uptake, or absorption, of the substance biocentrism A life-centered philoso-
exceeds its breakdown or excretion rate. In phy holding that all living organisms
the complementary process of biological have intrinsic value and rights regard-
magnification, an increase in chemical less of whether or not they are useful to
concentration in organisms is a result of the humans. For many holding this view,
passage of the chemical through the food biodiversity is the highest ethical value
chain, not directly absorbed from the air, in nature rather than being centered on
water, or soil, as in bioaccumulation. Also human beings.
called bioconcentration, biological amplifi-
cation, and biological concentration. biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
The use of (or demand for) oxygen dis-
bioactivation A process that takes solved in water during the decomposition
place in animal or human tissues during or metabolism of biodegradable organic
which a foreign substance is metabolized compounds by microbes. The greater the
and transformed into a different inter- amount of waste material (organic car-
mediate. In turn, the intermediate pro- bon) added to water, the greater will be
duced by the metabolic machinery of the the requirement for dissolved oxygen
body is more harmful than the original needed to convert the organic material
compound. Examples of compounds bio- to the mineral state (CO2). Since dis-
activated in the body are benzene, chloro- solved oxygen is required by the organ-
form, and parathion. isms native to the body of water, BOD
is a measure of the ability of a waste to
bioaerosol Solid or liquid airborne cause damage in a receiving stream or
particles that either consist of or contain lake. The customary units of the BOD
microorganisms that have the potential measurement, which are not frequently
to reduce indoor air quality. The particles expressed, are milligrams of oxygen uti-
can be fungal spores, fragments of fungi, lized by one liter of wastewater incu-
dead skin, soil, dust, dust mites, mite bated under the proper conditions for
dung, or animal dander. Bioaerosols are five days. The BOD of untreated munici-
a significant contributor to allergies and pal sewage is usually about 250, that of
indoor air pollution. unpolluted water about 5. See carbona-
ceous biochemical oxygen demand;
bioassay The use of living organisms to nitrogenous biochemical oxygen
assess the adverse effects of an environ- demand.
mental sample. The organisms are placed
in the sample (commonly, aquatic species biocide A chemical substance that kills
in a water sample), and observed changes living organisms. The designation is usu-
in the activity of the test organism are used ally used to include materials that can kill
as indicators of sample toxicity. See daph- desirable as well as undesirable organisms.
nid; fathead minnow; gammarids. pesticide is formulated to kill undesirable
bioavailability The magnitude and rate
of availability of a dose of a chemical biocoenosis A community of animal
substance to body tissues. Some factors and plant life.
affecting bioavailability are the material’s
absorption, body distribution, metabo- bioconcentration The increase in
lism, and excretion rates. concentration of a chemical in an organ-


ism that results when the uptake, or biodegradable plastic A type of plastic
absorption, of the substance exceeds the into which has been incorporated a natu-
rate of metabolism and excretion. See ral polymer such as cornstarch that can be
bioaccumulation. degraded by microorganisms. When items
such as beverage yokes, fast-food packag-
bioconcentration factor (BCF) De- ing, and disposable diapers are made of
scribes the accumulation of chemicals in such items, they will degrade to smaller
aquatic organisms that live in contami- pieces in the natural environment and
nated environments. The factor is calcu- present less of a litter problem when dis-
lated by dividing the micrograms of the carded inappropriately. The actual plastic
chemical per gram of aquatic organism polymers, however, do not decompose any
by the micrograms of the same chemi- more readily than plastic items that do not
cal per gram of water constituting the include the natural polymer.
biodegradation The metabolic break-
bioconversion The extraction of energy down of materials into simpler compo-
from a biomass directly, as in the com- nents by living organisms.
bustion of wood or organic solid waste,
or indirectly, as in the production of bio- biodisc A large rotating cylinder con-
fuel. taining surface features that allow for
the growth of attached microorganisms.
biodegradable Describes a substance The cylinder revolves and contacts the
that can be metabolized into simpler com- wastewater along one side of the cylinder
ponents. The degradation or decomposi- while the other side is exposed to the air.
tion is usually performed by bacteria or This promotes mixing of the wastewater
microbes, referred to as decomposers. and allows maximum oxygenation of the

Raw Treated
wastewater wastewater



water, which stimulates decomposition of biogas Methane gas produced dur-

organic material dissolved or suspended in ing the anaerobic decomposition of the
the water. The apparatus is used in some remains of plants or animal wastes by bac-
wastewater treatment plants as a type of teria.
secondary treatment.
biogenic Describing changes in the
biodiversity The variety inherent in environment resulting from the activities
natural biological systems. This variation of living organisms.
is apparent on three levels. One, genetic
diversity, is a measure of the degree biogenic volatile organic compounds
of variation among the characteristics volatile organic compounds emitted
of a single species (e.g., the great vari- to the air by vegetation.
ety among humans even though they all
belong to the same species). The second, biogeochemical cycling The flow of
species diversity, is a measure of the chemical substances to and from the major
number of different kinds of organisms environmental reservoirs: atmosphere,
that occupy a defined geographical area hydrosphere, lithosphere, and bodies
(e.g., stable rain forests are characterized of living organisms. As the materials move
by a great number of species in one acre). in the cycle, they often change chemical
The third, ecological diversity, is repre- form, usually existing in a characteris-
sented by the great variety and complexity tic form in each reservoir. For example,
evident in undisturbed biological commu- carbon exists mainly as carbon dioxide
nities in terms of the number of different in the atmosphere; mainly as carbonic
niches, trophic levels, and processes acid, bicarbonate, or the carbonate
(e.g., a natural, undisturbed environment ion when dissolved in water; and as more
characteristically consists of many systems complex organic compounds in animals
to capture radiant energy, sustain food and plants. Essential materials that are
webs, and recycle elements, whereas a recycled in the environment are carbon,
disturbed system may have a restricted or nitrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen, among
diminished capability to carry out these others. See carbon cycle; hydrologic
natural functions). cycle; nitrogen cycle; phosphorus
cycle; sulfur cycle.
Biodiversity Support Program (BSP)
A partnership started in 1988, joining the biogeochemistry The study of the
world wildlife fund, the nature con- transformation and movement of chemical
servancy, and the world resources materials to and from the lithosphere,
institute, and funded by the U.S. Agency the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and
for International Development, to support the bodies of living organisms.
field projects demonstrating sustainable
development and conserving biodiver- biogeography The study of the geo-
sity. For more information, see www. graphic distribution of plants and animals.
biohazard The presence of microorgan-
biofuel Gaseous or liquid materials isms, such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi,
with a useful energy content produced that are capable of causing infectious dis-
from plant material or biomass, for eases in humans.
example, methane gas (biogas), cap-
tured during the anaerobic bacterial bioindicator A living organism that
decomposition of organic material or denotes the presence of a specific environ-
ethyl alcohol (ethanol) produced from mental condition. For example, the pres-
organic material by yeast. Biofuels are ence of coliform bacteria identifies
seen as possible substitutes for natural water that is contaminated with human
gas and gasoline. fecal material.

biological magnification

biolistic gene transfer Physical method conference of governmental indus-

for introducing new genes into plant cells trial hygienists (ACGIH) for assess-
for the purpose of genetic engineer- ing the hazard posed to healthy workers
ing (i.e., adding genes from disparate by chemical substances present in blood,
sources). Target cells are bombarded with urine, or breath. The guidelines are tied
high-velocity microprojectiles coated with to the amount of the substance expected
genetic material. The microprojectiles pass to be present in the body if inhalation
through the cell wall and cell membrane exposure is eight hours per day, five days
of the target cell and the new genes are per week, at the threshold limit value/
injected into the target cell time-weighted average concentration.
See biological monitoring.
biological additives Cultures of bacte-
ria, enzymes, or nutrients that are intro- biological half-life The time required
duced into an oil discharge or other waste for one-half of an absorbed chemical sub-
to promote decomposition. stance to be biochemically degraded or
excreted from the body of an animal.
biological amplification See bioaccu-
mulation. biological indicator See bioindicator.

biological community See community. biological integrity The ability of an

environment to support and maintain a
biological concentration See bioac- balanced, integrated, and functioning
cumulation. community of biological organisms.

biological contaminants Living organ- biologically effective dose The inter-

isms or derivatives of living organisms that nal dose of a toxic chemical required to
can cause harmful effects when inhaled, cause a response or an adverse health
swallowed, or otherwise taken into the effect. In order for a dangerous environ-
body. Examples include bacteria, viruses, mental pollutant released into the air,
fungi, and animal or bird antigens. These water, or soil to damage human health,
kinds of materials are important compo- the agent must gain entry into the body
nents of indoor air pollution. and accumulate at doses or concentrations
that are sufficiently high to cause damage.
biological control Elimination or
reduction of undesirable species, usually biological magnification An increase
insects, by deliberate introduction of other in the concentration of heavy metals
living organisms that are predators, (such as mercury) or organic contaminants
parasites, or pathogens of the pest. The (such as chlorinated hydrocarbons)
practice is usually considered an ecologi- in organisms as a result of their consump-
cally sound alternative to use of chemical tion within the food chain of a particular
pesticide. See bacillus thuringiensis. habitat. Fish that consume large amounts
of plankton contaminated with mercury
Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation compounds retain the metal within their
report (BEIR report) One of several bodies as the greater portion of the food
reports issued by the Committee on the Bio- resource is metabolized; consequently, the
logical Effects of Ionizing Radiation, estab- amount of mercury in the fish gradually
lished by the National Research Council of increases. Then, when a sea bird consumes
the United States to review the standards a diet of contaminated fish, the metal in
for ionizing radiation exposure. Web each fish is transferred to the tissue of the
site: bird, and so on, up the food chain. Chemi-
cals likely to undergo biological magnifi-
biological exposure index (BEI) cation are not readily decomposed in the
Guidelines published by the american environment or metabolized by an organ-

biological medium

DDT in the food chain

ism and are usually stored in the fatty tis- fatty tissue, lymphatic circulation, or gas-
sue of an organism. Compare to bioaccu- trointestinal tract in which chemicals can
mulation, which is the concentration of be transported, stored, or transformed.
a chemical in an organism resulting from
direct uptake from the environment (air, biological methylation The addition
water, or soil) as opposed to through the of a methyl group (–CH3) to elemental or
food chain. Also called biomagnification. inorganic mercury (i.e., a mercury atom
or ion) by bacteria, usually occurring
biological medium The major com- in sediments within a water body. The
partments of an organism including blood, methyl mercury produced is more toxic


to humans than other forms of mercury that damage the natural biota of that
and much more subject to biological system. Examples include zebra mussel,
magnification. kudzu, nutria, and water hyacinth. These
nonnative species can place unusual strain
biological monitoring In occupa- on native species and significantly alter the
tional health, the sampling and analysis environment. The stresses are particularly
of the blood, urine, or breath of work- acute in island ecosystems. See chemical
ers to detect actual chemical exposure and stressors.
absorption. The level of the chemical sub-
stance or a metabolite of the substance biological treatment The use of bac-
is compared with a biological exposure teria to degrade organic material. Treat-
index, if one is available for the material, ment of municipal wastewater is a classic
to determine its acceptability. Biological example of employing microorganisms
monitoring overcomes the problems of
to stabilize or degrade a waste material.
whether workplace air sampling is repre-
See decomposition and secondary
sentative of actual human exposure and
can warn of chemical overexposure before
adverse health effects arise.
biological variability The observable
Biological Opinion (BiOp) A docu- differences among the individuals that
ment produced by the U.S. fish and wild- constitute a given species. All humans
life service or the national marine belong to the same biological species, yet
fisheries service that rules whether one can easily observe differences among
a federal action will adversely affect the individuals. Also, the differences that are
recovery of an endangered species. observed when members of the same spe-
cies are exposed to toxic or dangerous
biological oxidation Any series of chemicals.
reactions in or by biological organisms
that results in the metabolism, degrada- biological wastewater treatment The
tion, or decomposition of organic mol- use of bacteria to degrade organic materi-
ecules. Biological processes that promote als in wastewater. See secondary treat-
the decomposition of organic materials in ment.
wastewater, degradation of macromol-
ecules discarded into the environment, biologics See biologicals.
detoxification of toxins in the liver, con-
version of sugar into chemical energy in biomagnification See biological mag-
the body, and many other reactions in or nification.
promoted by living organisms. Processes
that require the participation of living biomanipulation The use of biologi-
organisms. See oxidation. cal, chemical, or physical approaches to
control the accumulation of plant nutri-
biological pesticide See biological
ents in a lake. The process can include the
introduction of new animal species to con-
biologicals Living cultures of bacteria sume the algae overgrowth or the removal
or fungi, active virus suspensions, vac- of phosphate-containing sediments, which
cines, preparations consisting of products promote algae growth.
or parts of organisms, or related materi-
als intended for use in diagnosing disease biomarker A chemical present in the
states, immunization, treatment of disease, body used as a measurement of exposure
or similar functions. to an environmental hazard. For example,
blood cotinine levels are a biomarker for
biological stressors Nonnative species exposure to environmental tobacco
introduced into a particular environment smoke.


biomass Any biological material. In the alternative treatment for such waste
reference to alternative energy sources, is incineration.
mainly plants or parts of plants: harvested
trees, leaves, limbs, and the like. In ecolog- bioregionalism A physiological out-
ical studies, the dry mass of living organ- look in which the organization of human
isms in a specified area, often expressed as activities is centered around natural geo-
grams of biomass per square meter. graphic and ecological boundaries. This
philosophy emphasizes a special sense
biomass burning The use of biologi- of place and living within the natural
cal material, such as trees, as a source of resources of a specific locality. Living off
energy. the land without using outside resources.

biome A broad regional area character- bioremediation Use of biological pro-

ized by a distinctive climate, soil type, and cesses to remove or detoxify pollutants
biological community. Examples are des- from a contaminated environment. Bio-
ert, tundra, rain forest, and alpine biomes. logical organisms, particularly microor-
ganisms, have a tremendous capacity to
biometrics See biostatistics. degrade, detoxify, and decompose a large
variety of pollutants. The operation of a
biomonitoring The use of organisms to sewage disposal system offers an exam-
test an environmental medium or specific ple of the potential of microorganisms to
discharge for adverse effects. For example, degrade various materials. The stimulat-
selected fish species are placed in waste- ing of natural microbial communities
water effluent at various dilutions to and the use of specific microorganisms to
determine aquatic toxicity. See bioassay; degrade crude oil resulting from oil spills
whole effluent toxicity testing. illustrate the potential of this type of cor-
rective action. Vascular plants have also
biopesticide Microorganisms, products been employed to remove or detoxify
of microorganisms or viruses that can be hazardous materials in abandoned waste
used to kill or control insect pests. Usually disposal sites and in enhanced wastewater
considered safer than chemical pesticides. treatment systems. See biological oxi-
See bacillus thuringiensis. dation; biological treatment.

bioreactor landfill A specific type biosensor An analytical device that

of facility for the management of solid couples biotechnology and electronic tech-
waste that is considered unsuitable for nology to measure some chemical in the
disposal in a hazardous waste land- environment. The biological component
fill because the waste contains organic may consist of an enzyme, antigen, anti-
materials that are considered too toxic body, or microorganism; the electronic
to risk the contamination of groundwa- section may be an electrochemical device,
ter. The waste, often soil from contami- optical transducer, or thermal detector.
nated areas, is mixed with amendments Together they permit the detection and/
like straw or hay and fertilizer, covered or quantification of a chemical or other
with a material to prevent the dangerous agent.
organic compounds from entering the
atmosphere, and held in controlled areas. biosolids The new, improved term for
Over time, the bacteria and fungi in the activated sludge.
waste metabolize the dangerous material
in a process similar to the composting biosphere The entire planetary ecosys-
of yard waste. When the waste is no lon- tem, including all living organisms and
ger considered too dangerous for land the parts of the Earth in which they live
disposal, the entire pile is placed into the or that support them: the atmosphere,
normal hazardous waste landfill. Often the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere.

black box

Also called the ecosphere. The term is biotic potential The upper limit of the
also used to refer to only the living organ- ability of a species to increase in number;
isms on Earth, not to their physical and the maximal reproductive rate, assuming
chemical environments. no limits on food supply or environmental
conditions. A theoretical number that is
biostabilizer A mechanical device that not observed in nature for extended peri-
accelerates the formation of compost from ods. See environmental resistance;
a variety of starting materials including limiting factor.
municipal solid waste and sewage sludge.
Most systems operate by continually tum- biotransformation The metabolic con-
bling the solid material while maintaining version of an absorbed chemical substance,
optimal moisture and temperature condi- usually to a less toxic and more easily
tions. See composting. excreted form.

biostatistics The methods for the math- bioventing Bubbling air into contami-
ematical analysis of data gathered relative nated groundwater to enhance aerobic
to biological organisms. Also called bio- microbial decomposition. See in situ
metrics. remediation.

biosynthesis The use of chemical energy birth rate The number of births per
by plants or animals to make carbohy- 1,000 persons in a population in a given
drates, fats, or proteins. Synonymous with year as calculated by dividing the annual
anabolism. number of births by the midyear popula-
tion, then multiplying by 1,000.
biota The types of animal and plant life
found in an area. bitumen The heavy oil found in tar
sands, usually having a high sulfur con-
biotechnology The use of molecular tent.
biology techniques and tools to pro-
duce living organisms for beneficial use bituminous coal A soft coal with a
in novel ways. These procedures move relatively high energy content; the most
beyond the traditional animal or plant abundant and widely used type of coal in
breeding to produce biological strains the United States and chief fuel for electric
endowed with traits that are of benefit power generation. See also anthracite;
to humans. Genes from different spe- lignite; subbituminous.
cies frequently are introduced into target
organisms. Applications include produc- bivalent Having a valence of two.
tion of medicines and diagnostic aids, Same as divalent.
improvement of the nutritional or keep-
ing quality of food crops, removal of blackbody A theoretical body with a
toxins from the environment, and altera- surface that reflects no light and, thus, if
tion of the natural resistance of plants not at a light-emitting temperature, would
to insecticides, insect pests, and plant appear black in color. A blackbody is also
pathogens. See also genetic engineer- a perfect emitter of electromagnetic
ing; transgenic. radiation because it absorbs all incom-
ing energy. infrared radiation emission
biotic Of or relating to life, as in biotic calculations for the Earth or the human
components of an ecosystem. Compare body make the simplifying assumption
abiotic. See community. that they have the characteristics of a
biotic factors The influence or impact
that other living organisms have on an black box A part of a living or nonliv-
individual. ing system that has a known or described

black liquor

function or role but for which the oper- blow-by In an automobile, the leak-
ational details or parts are unknown or age of volatile organic compounds
omitted. from the combustion chamber between
the piston and the cylinder wall into the
black liquor The alkaline liquid residue crankcase. To prevent the loss of these
from cooking pulpwood to make paper. crankcase blow-by gases or vapors to
the atmosphere, automobiles are now fit-
black lung disease See silicosis. ted with a positive crankcase ventila-
tion system that routes the volatile organ-
black oil A term for heavier fractions ics back to the engine for combustion.
of petroleum, in contrast to refined prod-
ucts, such as gasoline, which are called blowdown The water removed from
clean oil. cooling towers to prevent the accumula-
tion of excessive amounts of dissolved salts
blackwater sewage released from toi- that result from evaporation. The water
lets. Contrast graywater. that is lost is replaced by makeup water.

blank A quality control sample that is blowout The uncontrolled release of

processed to detect contamination intro- oil, natural gas, or both from a well into
duced during laboratory tests designed the environment.
to measure specific chemicals in samples
collected from the environment. For Blue Angel The world’s first ecola-
example, if the system being examined is beling program, begun in Germany in
a lake or stream, a quantity of deionized 1977. Its logo, the Blue Angel, is awarded
water of the same volume as the sample to products that conserve resources, have
drawn from the environment is processed a low impact on global warming, and
as if it were an authentic sample. See trip conserve energy. Web site: www.blauer-

blanketing plate Steel plates that are Bluewater Network An organization

used to isolate or close off portions of founded in 1996 to reduce water pollu-
ducts in exhaust systems. tion from the emissions of unburned fuel
by two-stroke engines used in boats. Its
blast gate A metal damper that can mission has now expanded to combating
move back and forth in an air duct to emissions from other two-stroke engines,
achieve a balanced local exhaust ventila- such as snowmobiles and Jet Skis. Blue-
tion system. water Network is now a division of
friends of the earth. See
blood products Items recovered from for more information.
human blood, including plasma, platelets,
red cells, white cells, antibody, or a variety board foot A unit of measure of lum-
of serum proteins. ber equaling a board one foot square by
one inch thick. The unit is normally used
bloodworm A sludge-eating worm to estimate how many pieces of commer-
typically found in water with a dissolved cial lumber can be cut from a tree or from
oxygen content of less than one or two a complete forest.
parts per million. A biological indicator
of an environment that has been severely body burden The amount of a chemi-
impacted by the addition of sewage or cal material present in the body at a cer-
other organic wastes. tain time.

bloom In aquatic ecosystems, the rapid body weight scaling The method of
growth of algae. See algal bloom. extrapolating dose-response data from

bottle bill

experimental animals to humans that cally incorporated into the bones after
adjusts the data on the basis of relative inhalation or ingestion and absorption.
body weights. For example, if a rat is
assumed to weigh 0.35 kilogram and a boom A device deployed on a water
human 70 kilograms, then a dose of one surface to deflect or contain an oil spill.
gram for a rat is extrapolated to a human The booms are in sections, often 50 feet in
by using a scaling factor of 200, or a dose length, that are connected as needed. One
of 200 grams for the human. The dose for typically consists of an above-water free-
each is therefore about 2.857 grams per board (containment wall) and an under-
kilogram body weight. Compare surface water skirt attached to a float. A ballast
area scaling factor. weight is attached to the bottom of the
bog Area characterized by swampy con-
ditions with waterlogged soils that tend
to be acidic and to accumulate peat and
other plant residues. Peat can be removed
from these areas for use as combustion
fuel. Cadavers that have been buried in
bogs for hundreds of years and remained
in relatively good condition have been

boiler water The water that is heated

in an industrial device to produce steam.

boiling point The temperature at which

the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the
atmospheric pressure. Commonly used
as the temperature at which a liquid boils.

boiling-water reactor (BWR) A type

of nuclear reactor power plant in
which the water in contact with the core is boreal forest Northern forest, as in
allowed to boil. The water is thereby con- the boreal forest biome, characterized by
verted to steam, which is piped to drive a evergreen conifers and long winters. The
turbine, generating electricity. The other boreal forest is found in the northern parts
main type of nuclear reactor used for the of North America, Europe, and Asia.
production of electric power is the pres-
surized water reactor. borehole Hole made with drilling
equipment. A well.
bole The trunk of a tree.
botanical pesticide A plant-derived
Boltzmann constant (K) The ratio of insecticide. A product consisting of a
the universal gas constant to avoga- chemical produced naturally by plants and
dro’s number, 1.38E-23 Joules/Kelvin. used to kill or injure insect pests. Such
products are usually considered safer to
bomb calorimeter A laboratory device use than synthetic pesticides.
used to measure the energy value of a
material (in calories) through combustion bottle bill A law that mandates the use
of the material. of returnable beverage containers, usu-
ally requiring that a deposit be collected
bone seeker A radioactive material, when the beverage is purchased. When
such as strontium-90, that is metaboli- the containers are returned, the deposit is

bottled water

refunded or credited toward the next pur- tridium botulinum. The toxin attacks
chase. Advantages include litter reduction, the nervous system, with a fatality rate
reduction in solid waste volume, and con- of about 60%. Primary risk arises from
servation of natural resources. home-canned food, especially improperly
prepared beef and pork products, corn,
bottled water Water meeting all appli- olives, beans, and spinach.
cable federal and state standards, sealed in
a sanitary container, and sold for human boundary layer For a fluid passing over
consumption. The product cannot contain a solid surface, the layer closest to the sur-
sweeteners or chemical additives other face, in which fluid velocity is slower than
than flavors, extracts, and essences derived the velocity of the main flow. See also
from fruit or spice added at levels less than oceanic boundary layer; planetary
1% by weight of the final product. The boundary layer.
product must be calorie-free and sugar-
free and contain little or no sodium. bound water Water molecules that are
held tightly to soil or other solids. This
bottled water, carbonated A spar- water is not easily removed by normal
kling water containing carbon dioxide drying and is not available for other pur-
under pressure and characterized as bub- poses such as plant growth.
bly or effervescent. The carbonated waters
are commonly mineral waters contain- bovine growth hormone (BGH) A
ing specified amounts of dissolved sol- protein hormone produced in the pitu-
ids, including sodium. Soda water, tonic itary gland of cows. The hormone con-
water, and seltzer water are considered trols both the growth of the cow and
soft drinks since they may contain sugar milk production by lactating animals. The
and other ingredients. hormone is found naturally in cow’s milk
and does not seem to have any effect on
bottled water, still Noncarbonated humans. Commercial quantities of the
water. Same as bottled water. Contrast hormone are now produced artificially
bottled water, carbonated. by genetic engineering. The agent pro-
duced by genetic engineering technology
bottom ash The solid material left on is used in dairy herds to improve the feed-
the bottom of an incinerator or a boiler ing efficiency and milk production. BGH
after burning of solid waste or a boiler has been used since 1994 and is employed
fuel. Compare fly ash. by about 5% of the dairy herds in the
United States. The European Union has
bottom feeder In an aquatic environ- not licensed the use of the product in
ment, an animal that forages for food in Europe. Most of the concern expressed
the sediment or mud at the bottom of a about the use of BGH revolves around
lake, stream, or ocean. increased milk production and the health
of the cows.
bottom-land hardwoods Forested wet-
lands common along rivers in the south- bovine somatotropin (bST) See
eastern United States. The areas are flooded bovine growth hormone.
part of the year and typically include stands
of deciduous trees, those with broad leaves bovine spongiform encephalopathy
that are dropped in the winter. The regions (BSE) A degenerative brain disease of
provide valuable wildlife habitat. See cattle also called mad cow disease. The
hardwoods. causative agent appears to be a protein
called a prion that is transmitted from ani-
botulism A disease caused by the inges- mal to animal through the consumption
tion of food containing a toxin produced of animal parts, especially from the brain
by the anaerobic microorganism Clos- and spinal column, used in feed. In 10

brine disposal

to 15% of the cases, the disease appears unreacted chlorine available to eliminate
to be inherited. The pathology includes dangerous microorganisms that may enter
the appearance of amyloid tissue in the the water after treatment. Compare com-
brain as the normal tissue is destroyed, bined residual chlorination.
giving the brain a spongy appearance on
microscopic examination. The result is a breakthrough curve A graph of the
progressive and fatal neurodegenerative volume of gas flowing through a fixed-
disorder that is similar to chronic wast- bed adsorber (such as an activated char-
ing disease in deer, sheep, goats, cats, and coal filter) versus the concentration of
exotic zoo animals. Creutzfeldt-Jakob the chemical substance to be adsorbed
disease in humans is also a spongiform measured in the outlet gas—that is, the
encephalopathy. The symptoms in cows amount of chemical that escapes collec-
include changes in behavior, loss of tion. As a carbon filter becomes saturated
weight, and an inability to stand or walk. with the chemical collected from the gas
There is no cure or treatment for this dis- stream, the concentration of the chemical
order, and there is some concern that the in the outlet gas begins to increase; the
disease can be transmitted to humans. point at which the outlet gas concentra-
tion exceeds the emission standard for
box model The representation of the gas or vapor being collected is called
stocks and flows of material or energy the breakpoint. When the breakpoint is
in and through systems by boxes for the reached, the adsorbing material must be
stocks and arrows from box to box for the replaced or cleaned.
flow directions and amounts. At equilib-
rium, the stock in a box divided by the rate breathing zone Roughly from chest to
of flow in or out is called the residence head high, the preferred sampling height
time. The model can be applied to eco- for occupational air contaminants.
systems, lakes, the biosphere, a human
or animal body, and other systems. breeder reactor A nuclear reactor
that converts nonfissionable uranium-238
Boyle’s law The law, by the English to the fissionable material plutonium-
scientist Robert Boyle, that the volume 239 by arranging the core materials so
of a perfect gas is inversely proportional that neutrons produced in the reactor are
to the pressure exerted on the gas, given captured, through a series of steps, by the
a constant gas temperature. Expressed as uranium-238. Natural uranium ore con-
pV = K, where p is the pressure, V is the tains only 0.7% fissionable material, the
volume, and K is a constant. isotope uranium-235. The other 99.3%
is the nonfissionable isotope uranium-238.
brackish water Water with a salt con- Liquid sodium metal is normally employed
tent between 1,000 and 4,000 parts per as the fluid used to cool the reactor. The
million. liquid sodium is heated because it is in
direct contact with the reactor core. Sub-
breakdown See degradation. sequently, the hot sodium is pumped to
other units designed to remove the heat
breakpoint chlorination A process and thereby maintain the temperature of
used to guarantee the presence of suffi- the reactor at a safe level.
cient chlorine concentrations in public
supplies of drinking water for the protec- bremsstrahlung electromagnetic
tion of public health. The chlorine break- radiation emitted by charged particles as
point is reached when a sufficient amount they are slowed upon impact or by passing
of chlorine is added to react with all oxi- through high-density material.
dizable compounds in the water, such as
ammonia. All additions after this break- brine disposal Removal of water that
point increase the levels of residual or contains high concentrations of salt.

British thermal unit

British thermal unit (BTU) The heavy industry. Web site:
quantity of heat required to raise the tem- swerosps/bf.
perature of one pound of water one degree
Fahrenheit. One BTU equals 252 calo- Brownian motion The random, non-
ries or 1054.4 joules. directional motion of small particles sus-
pended in a gaseous or liquid medium,
broad spectrum pesticide Most com- caused by the movement of the molecules
monly, an insecticide that kills a wide constituting the medium. Viewed with a
variety of insects, including both beneficial microscope, small particles of nonliving
and pest species. matter in a liquid suspension exhibit (ran-
dom) Brownian motion, but bacteria or
bromate A chemical formed when larger living cells move in a specific direc-
ozonation is used to remove pathogens tion. Described by Robert Brown, a Brit-
from drinking water; produced by a reac- ish botanist, 1773–1858.
tion of ozone with bromide in the treated
water. One of the haloacetic acids brown lung disease See byssinosis.
regulated as a disinfection by-product
under the safe drinking water act. Brundtland Commission Report A
1987 report issued by the United Nations
bronchioles The air-conducting tubes World Commission on Environment and
in the lungs; the two larger bronchi divide
Development, headed by Dr. Gro Har-
some 17 times into progressively smaller
lem Brundtland, then premier of Norway.
bronchioles, after which the gas exchange
The study, titled Our Common Future,
region begins. See alveolar region;
concluded that solutions to the global
mucociliary escalator.
problems of environmental pollution and
natural resource depletion require extreme
bronchoconstriction Narrowing of the changes in agricultural, banking, and
bronchioles, with a resulting increase
industrial practices, coupled with reduced
in airway resistance. The condition is
energy consumption and population
caused by exposure to excessive concen-
growth. It urged movement toward sus-
trations of certain air pollutants, such as
tainable development, which empha-
sulfur dioxide.
sizes economic growth in an ecologically
Brower, David (1912–2000) Amer- sound manner, especially in the less devel-
ican activist in resource conservation oped countries.
Brower held influential leadership posi-
tions in the sierra club, friends of the BTEX Acronym used to refer to the com-
earth, the earth island institute, and mon hydrocarbon constituents of gasoline:
League of Conservation Voters, among benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene.
others. When gasoline migrates into groundwater,
analytical tests for these chemicals can be
brown coal A term for lignite. used to detect its presence.

brownfield Abandoned or idle indus- bubble See bubble policy.

trial site, usually in major cities of the
North and Midwest United States, that bubble meter A device for measur-
cannot be used for development because ing gas volumetric flow rate, which
of real or potential liability risks result- consists of an inverted titration burette
ing from environmental contamination in attached to a pump, with a squeeze bulb
the past, when regulations were less strin- filled with soapy water at the end. The
gent. One of the major factors restrict- bulb is squeezed, producing a soap bubble
ing economic development of the urban that travels up the buret with the flow-
core of many large cities that once hosted ing air. The timed travel of the bubble

bulk sample

between marks on the burette gives the activists. See not in my backyard; not
gas flow rate. in my term of office; yes, in my back-
yard, for a price.
bubble policy The U.S. EPA air quality
management program that allows air emis- building cooling load The amount of
sions of a particular pollutant from a plant heat (in british thermal units) that must
or group of plants to be treated as if all indi- be removed from a building on an hourly
vidual emission points were under an imagi- basis to maintain indoor comfort. The great-
nary bubble and exhausted at one emission er the amount of heat produced by items
point The total allowable emissions for a such as lights, the greater the cooling load.
particular pollutant are then determined,
and the facility manager can decide the most building envelope That part of a build-
efficient mix of emission controls to use, as ing in contact with the exterior environ-
long as the overall limit is not exceeded. See ment, walls, roof, windows, and floor.
also emission reduction credits; emis-
sions trading; netting out; offset. building-related illness See sick-
building syndrome.
bubbler An air-sampling device that
collects a gaseous air contaminant by
built environment A term adopted by
the United States Environmental Protec-
passing air through a chemical solution
tion Agency to describe land areas that
that reacts with and captures the material
have been adapted for human use and/or
to be collected.
habitation. The built environment of an
urban area incorporates all human-made
buffer A chemical substance in solution
surroundings, including roads and other
that neutralizes an acid or base. Buffered
transportation corridors, housing and
solutions resist changes in pH. Surface
commercial areas, utility systems and pipe-
waters and soils with chemical buffers are
lines, industrial facilities and parks. See
less susceptible to acid deposition than
ecological footprint; smart growth.
those with poor buffering capacity.
bulking sludge Suspended particulate
buffered solution A solution contain- material that does not settle to the bottom
ing a buffer. of a clarifier, causing a rise in the level
of suspended solids and biochemical
buffering capacity The amount of acid oxygen demand in water leaving a treat-
or base that a given liquid or soil can neu- ment facility. This condition is typically
tralize. controlled by adjusting the mixed liquor
suspended solids concentration and the
buffer strips Normally used in an agri- food-to-microorganism ratio. See
cultural context. Areas of grass or other sludge volume index.
vegetation planted between or below culti-
vated fields to prevent erosion. bulk liquids Liquid hazardous waste
not in specific containers. Along with waste
buffer zone Undeveloped, forested, containing free liquids, these liquids are
or otherwise vegetated land between an subject to the land disposal ban.
industrial facility and the nearest residen-
tial area. Such zones are intended to lessen bulk sample In asbestos control pro-
the impact of industrial operations on citi- grams, a thumbnail-sized portion of a
zens and to reduce the risk of residing in suspect asbestos-containing material
an industrial zone. that is collected for laboratory analysis.
Other materials requiring bulk samples
build absolutely nothing anywhere for laboratory analysis include silicates,
near anyone (BANANA) The slogan polychlorinated biphenyls, and fugi-
sometimes attributed to environmental tive grain dusts.

bulky waste

bulky waste Large household discards butterfly damper A simple plate used
such as furniture, tree stumps, major to control the flow of gas through a duct
kitchen appliances, and junk automobiles. by orienting it parallel to or perpendicular
Household discards requiring equipment to the flow of the gas.
other than normal garbage or trash trucks
for collection. See white goods. butterfly effect Attributed to Edward
Lorenz, the possibility that large-scale
buoyancy In meteorology, the vertical natural phenomena (Lorenz was modeling
force on an air parcel caused by the dif- the weather) can be sensitive to extremely
ference between the parcel density and the small changes in precursor phenomena,
density of the surrounding air. or “sensitive dependence on initial con-
ditions.” For example, the force from a
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) butterfly’s wings in Mexico could affect
A section within the United States Depart- the weather in Canada.
ment of the Interior responsible for the
management of public lands termed buy-back center A facility that pays
national resource lands. These holdings for wastepaper, aluminum cans, plastics,
(about 244 million acres) constitute lands and other recyclable items. The center
that are not included within the national delivers the material to a resource repro-
parks, national forests, or national cessing operation or resells the material
wildlife refuges. The lands managed to a commodities broker for eventual
by the BLM are available for mining, reprocessing.
grazing, and timber removal. Web site: bycatch Unwanted fish as part of the
catch. Even if returned to the water, many
Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) A fish in the bycatch will die or, if weakened,
publishing company based in Washington, will be prey to other aquatic organisms. A
D.C., that issues timely reports on regula- possibly serious impact on the population
tory developments in several public policy of some fish species.
areas, including environmental affairs.
The reports are sometimes referred to as bypass To allow the release of exhaust
“banana” reports because of the acronym gas or wastewater without passage
for the company. Web site: through a pollution control device. Also,
to allow drinking water through a treat-
Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) A ment facility without adequate contami-
water management agency in the U.S. nant removal.
Department of Interior, builder of over
600 dams and reservoirs and 58 hydro- by-product A substance, other than the
electric power plants, all in the western intended product, generated by an indus-
part of the United States. The agency trial process.
supplies water to more than 30 million
people. See the BOR Web site for more by-product material 1. A salable sub-
information: stance that is recovered from a pollution
control device. 2. Any material made
burning agents Additives that improve radioactive as a result of exposure to
combustibility of the material to which external radiation sources. 3. isotope
they are added. formed through the process of nuclear
burnup 1. The percentage of ura-
nium-235 or plutonium-239 used as fuel byssinosis A chronic lung disease
in a nuclear reactor that is lost as a resulting from long-term inhalation of
result of fission. 2. The amount of heat high concentrations of cotton dust. Also
obtained per unit mass of fuel. called brown lung disease.


C3 plants A classification of plants ing, air and water industrial discharges,

based on the first intermediate produced as and improper disposal of cadmium-con-
a result of the fixation of carbon dioxide. taining waste. Body accumulation occurs
photosynthesis in these plants produces mainly in the kidneys, where the protein
an intermediate carbon compound with metallothionein protects against low-level
three carbons. Carbon dioxide is incor- exposure by chemically binding to the
porated into a five-carbon compound, cadmium.
ribulose diphosphate, resulting in the pro-
duction of two three-carbon compounds, calcination A process in which a mate-
phosphoglyceric acid. Plants with this type rial is calcined.
of metabolism are the most common and
are more abundant in temperate climates calcine To heat a substance at a tem-
of the middle latitudes. They include perature below its fusion point but high
important food crops like beans, peas, enough to cause the loss of water or vola-
wheat, oats, and rice. C3 plants exceed c4 tile components, making the material
plants in photosynthesis under increasing crumbly. The process is often performed
concentrations of carbon dioxide. See in a rotating cylindrical kiln.
global warming.
caldera Large basin-shaped depression
C4 plants A classification of plants formed after explosive eruptions of vol-
based on the first intermediate produced canoes characterized by the presence of
as a result of the fixation of carbon diox- silica-rich magma. This type of magma is
ide. The first product of photosynthesis very thick and viscous, resulting in little
in these plants is an intermediate com- lava flow and the consequent buildup of
pound with four carbons. Carbon diox- tremendous pressures under the dome that
ide is added to a three-carbon compound, caps volcanic vents. The eruptions blow
phosphoenolpyruvic acid, resulting in out large amounts of ash and magma,
the formation of a four-carbon product, causing the collapse of the summit, form-
oxaloacetic acid. This type of metabolism ing a large basin-shaped depression, which
is important in the adaptation of plants may fill with water in later years. Crater
to hot and dry climates. The anatomy of Lake, Oregon, is a pronounced example
the leaf in this type of plant is fundamen- of a caldera.
tally different from that of c3 plants.
Sugarcane and corn are important repre- calibration The act of introducing
sentative examples. In general, C4 plants known quantities to a measuring device to
exhibit little increase in photosynthesis in determine the response of the instrument.
response to increasing concentrations of
carbon dioxide. See global warming. calibration curve A set of responses
given by a measuring instrument plotted
cadmium A toxic metal used in galva- against a set of known quantities intro-
nizing, in nickel-cadmium batteries, and duced to the instrument The responses
as a pigment. Nonoccupational human of the instrument to unknown quantities
exposure results from cigarette smok- are then translated to measured quantities

California Air Resources Board

using the calibration curve, either by the teritis worldwide. When ingested, these
instrument itself or by the analyst. organisms cause headache, fever, abdomi-
nal pain, and bloody or watery diarrhea.
California Air Resources Board Severe dehydration is common in children,
(CARB) The California state air pollu- resulting in a need to rehydrate patients
tion regulatory agency; sets the California and to restore electrolyte balance.
motor vehicle emission standards, which
are generally stricter than the federal lim- Canadian deuterium-uranium reac-
its. Web site: tor (CANDU) A nuclear reactor of
Canadian design that uses naturally occur-
California Aqueduct A channel built ring, unenriched uranium (about 0.7%
to transport water from the region of Cali- of the fissionable isotope uranium-235)
fornia north and west of San Francisco to as the fuel and heavy water (containing
the south-central region of the state. deuterium, the heavy isotope of hydrogen)
as the moderator and coolant.
California list waste Certain liquid
hazardous wastes banned from deep injec- cancellation In pesticide regulation
tion wells and, without prior treatment, under the federal insecticide, fungi-
from land disposal by regulations promul- cide, and rodenticide act, the process
gated by the U.S. EPA under the author- of gathering additional information to
ity of the hazardous and solid waste determine whether the registration of a
amendments to the resource conserva- pesticide should be voided if a pesticide is
tion and recovery act. See land dis- suspected of posing “unreasonable adverse
posal ban. effects.” A pesticide may be manufactured
and used while a cancellation process is
calorie (cal) The amount of heat still open. See also suspension.
required to raise the temperature of one
gram (one milliliter) of water one degree cancer A class of more than 100 dis-
Celsius. When describing the energy con- eases characterized by the uncontrolled
tent of food, spelled with a capital C and growth of cells. Cancers are divided into
equal to 1,000 calories (or one kilocalo- groups based on the type of cells from
rie). which they arise: carcinoma, sarcoma,
leukemia, and lymphoma.
CAMEO® An integrated suite of com-
puter programs developed by the U.S. cancer potency factor (CPF) An esti-
EPA and the national oceanic and mate of the upper limit of the risk of con-
atmospheric administration for use tracting cancer per one unit of dose of a
in planning and responding to chemical particular chemical; derived from the 95%
emergencies. cameo models are used by upper-bound confidence limit of the slope
first responders to estimate possible of the dose-response curve. This means
evacuation zones. Web site: that the true cancer risk is unlikely to be
ceppo/cameo. higher than the calculated risk and is likely
to be lower; that is, a conservatively high
Campylobacter jejuni Bacteria that estimate. Typical units are expressed as
are gram-negative, slender, curved rods (milligrams per kilogram body weight per
with polar flagella. Microscopic examina- day)–1 or as (micrograms per cubic meter
tion of cultures or clinical specimens often of air)–1, the latter often called the unit
reveals two cells joined at the ends to yield risk estimate. The CPF times the actual or
an S-shaped appearance. These bacteria modeled dose, for example, in milligrams
inhabit the intestinal tract, genitourinary ingested per kilogram body weight per day,
tract, and mouth of humans and animals. yields the lifetime cancer risk. Also called
This species has recently emerged as one of potency, slope factor, carcinogenic slope
the most important causes of gastroen- factor, potency slope factor, and q1*.

capture efficiency

cancer rate The number of people with below which no significant adverse effects
cancers in a given area during a specified will occur, allocates to sources pollution
period, usually one year, divided by the rights totaling to the maximum level, and
number of persons in the area, multiplied then allows sources to trade the rights
by a constant, normally 100,000. For among themselves. The control of acid
example, if 400 cancers occur in a com- rain pollutants using cap and trade has
munity in one year and if the population been a great success in the United States,
of the community is 125,000, the cancer and the international control of green-
rate is 320 per 100,000. The rate is calcu- house gases is using cap and trade as
lated to provide a common comparison of part of the kyoto protocol. See trad-
the incidence of cancers in communities able emission allowance.
of differing size and setting.
capillary action Movement of water
cancer registry An organization, gener- or other liquid along a solid surface in
ally operated at a local, then state level, response to the forces of adhesion, cohe-
charged with the responsibility of main- sion, and surface tension. The result is that
taining records of the number and kinds when one end of a small tube is placed in
of cancers that are diagnosed as well as water, the water will rise in the tube until
the number of deaths resulting from can- the weight of the water in the tube is bal-
cers in a state. Provides a way to compare anced by the adhesive forces. The smaller
the incidence in a state with that in other the diameter of the tube, the higher the
regions of the country and to track the water will rise. The process is important
change in the numbers and types of can- in various phenomena, such as the rise of
cers over time. See surveillance, epide- water from the roots of a tree to the top
miology, and end results (SEER). branches, the migration of fluids upward
through sediments, and the rise of water
cancer risk An estimation of the like- in a towel when one end is immersed in
lihood that an individual will develop a water.
cancer over a lifetime.
captive breeding Maintaining animals in
cap In landfill management, the final, zoos, wildlife parks, and other facilities to
permanent layer of impermeable material produce stock for zoos, laboratories, wildlife
placed on the surface as part of the clo- parks, or similar facilities or for release into
sure process. A cap is commonly a com- the wild. The programs are of particular
pacted clay or synthetic material designed importance to the maintenance of threat-
to resist liquid infiltration. ened species or endangered species.

capacity assurance plan A plan pre- capture 1. A process whereby a particle

pared by each state and submitted to the is added to a nucleus, with the possible
U.S. EPA detailing the ability of the state release of energy; for example, the cap-
to manage its hazardous waste for a 20- ture of a neutron by a nucleus and the
year period. subsequent emission of gamma radia-
tion. 2. In groundwater hydrology, the
capacity factor A ratio used to difference between natural groundwater
describe the operation of a boiler. The discharge from an aquifer and the arti-
actual or measured load on a boiler for ficial increase in the amount of water in
a set period is compared with the theo- the aquifer due to pumping of water from
retical rating of that boiler (that is, actual surface sources. See agency capture.
output per hour/theoretical output per
hour × 100). capture efficiency The fraction of orga-
nic vapors retained by a device intended to
cap and trade A pollution control recover the vapors in a process or to pre-
approach that sets a total emissions level vent the release of an air pollutant.

capture velocity

capture velocity The air velocity at a carbon 14 (14C) A radioactive iso-

point in front of a hood necessary to pull tope of carbon that emits beta particles
contaminated air from that point into the when it undergoes radioactive decay.
hood. Capture velocity varies with the The nucleus of a 14C atom contains eight
release velocity of the airborne material neutrons rather than the six neutrons found
to be captured and with the strength of in 12C, which is the most abundant isotope
competing airflows in the vicinity of the in nature. Carbon 14 is formed naturally
hood. in the atmosphere through the interac-
tion of nitrogen gas in the air with cosmic
carbamates A group of nonpersistent rays. The atmospheric 14C thus produced
(degradable) synthetic insecticides that combines with atmospheric oxygen and is
includes carbaryl (Sevin), Baygon, and converted to carbon dioxide (14CO2).
Temik, among others. The carbamates are Because the radioactive form of carbon
cholinesterase inhibitors and are gen- dioxide mixes with the normal, nonradio-
erally selective in their toxicity. active carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
and because the radioactive and nonradio-
carbaryl See sevin. active forms of carbon dioxide undergo the
same chemical reactions, both forms can
carbohydrate A collective term used be found in living plant tissue as a result of
photosynthesis. While the plant is alive,
to describe a class of organic compounds
the ratio of 14C to 12C remains about the
commonly called sugars. Members of this
same as time passes. However, when the
class contain atoms of carbon, hydrogen,
plant dies, carbon dioxide from the air is
and oxygen in a molar ratio of approxi-
no longer incorporated into plant mass.
mately 1:2:1. This ratio varies somewhat
The radioactive form of carbon decays
in the complex forms, and some carbo-
with a half-life of about 5,760 years;
hydrates contain small amounts of other
consequently, the ratio between the two
elements, such as nitrogen. A central inter-
isotopes in the dead plant changes as time
mediate in carbohydrate metabolism and
passes and the radioactive carbon decays.
structure is glucose, a common mono-
The changes in this 14C:12C ratio can be
saccharide containing six carbon atoms. used to date materials. If a buried tree con-
Table sugar is a disaccharide consist- tains one-half of the radioactive carbon
ing of two six-carbon sugars, glucose that one finds in a live tree (relative to the
and fructose. Starch is a polysaccha- amount of normal carbon present), the tree
ride composed of many units of glucose is approximately 5,760 years old. Materi-
bonded together. als older than 70,000 years cannot be aged
by this technique since almost all of the
carbon (C) An element present in all radioactive carbon has decayed. Carbon
materials of biological origin. The ele- 14 is also known as radiocarbon.
ment contains six protons and usually six
neutrons in the nucleus. Carbon atoms carbonaceous biochemical oxygen
will bind with each other as well as with demand The incubation of a sample of
a host of other elements. Deposits derived water or wastewater for a relatively short
from living sources, such as limestone, time in order to determine the biochemi-
coal, oil, and natural gas, contain carbon cal oxygen demand. The short incubation,
as a principal element. Graphite and dia- usually five days, is sufficient to detect
monds are composed almost exclusively only the microbial utilization of carbon
of carbon. compounds. A longer incubation (15 to
20 days) would also detect the oxida-
carbon 12 (12C) The most common tion of inorganic nitrogenous compounds
(98.9%) isotope of carbon in nature; the (ammonia and nitrite) and the subsequent
carbon atom contains six protons and demand for molecular oxygen by chemo-
six neutrons. See carbon 14. autotrophic bacteria. See biochemical

carbon dioxide

oxygen demand for a description of the as it percolates through the ground. The
basic concept associated with the measure- carbon dioxide reacts with water to form
ment. See also nitrogenous biochemi- carbonic acid, a weak acid that causes the
cal oxygen demand. water to have a slightly acidic pH.

carbon adsorber A pollution control carbon black A sooty material pro-

device that uses activated carbon to col- duced by incomplete combustion of
lect organic pollutants from a gas stream hydrocarbons. Carbon black is made com-
or from a wastewater stream. Organic mercially under controlled conditions for
compounds are collected on the surface of use in pigments, tires, and inks.
the activated carbon. See adsorption.
carbon budget An analysis of any
carbon adsorption See carbon changes in the stocks and flows in,
adsorber. through, and out of the reservoirs of the
carbon cycle.
carbonate The CO3–2 ion in the car-
bonate buffer system. Combined with carbon content For a fossil fuel, an
one proton, it becomes bicarbonate, expression of the amount of carbon per
HCO3–; with two protons, carbonic unit of energy content. At a fixed level
acid. The carbonate ion forms a solid of energy use, e.g., the amount of energy
precipitant when combined with dis- used in fossil-fuel electric power plants,
solved ions of calcium or magnesium. switching fuels to ones with lower carbon
content would reduce the rate of carbon
carbonate aquifer An aquifer found dioxide emissions accompanying the
in limestone and dolomite rocks. Car- electricity production. A carbon dioxide
bonate aquifers typically produce hard tax on fossil fuels based on carbon con-
water, water containing relatively high tent has been proposed as a method to
levels of calcium and magnesium. combat global warming.

carbon cycle The movement of carbon

carbonate buffer system The most in various chemical forms from one plan-
important buffer system in natural sur-
etary reservoir to another. See biogeo-
face waters and wastewater treatment, chemical cycling; biomass; carbon;
consisting of a carbon dioxide-water- carbon budget; carbon density; car-
carbonic acid-bicarbonate-carbonate bon dioxide; carbon dioxide infor-
ion equilibrium that resists changes in pH. mation analysis center; carbon flux;
For example, if acid materials (hydrogen carbon sink; deforestation; fossil
ions) are added to this buffer system, the fuels; greenhouse effect; greenhouse
equilibrium is shifted and carbonate ions gases; primary productivity; stocks.
combine with the hydrogen ions to form Numerical estimates of global stocks and
bicarbonate; bicarbonate then combines flows of carbon, along with a diagram of
with hydrogen ions to form carbonic acid, the carbon cycle, can be found in Appen-
which can dissociate into carbon dioxide dix XII.
and water. Thus the system pH is unal-
tered although acid has been added. carbon density The amount of carbon
per unit area in an ecosystem, typically
carbonated water See bottled water, expressed as kilograms of carbon per
carbonated. square meter (kg [C]/m2). Tropical forests
have a carbon density of about 19 kg (C)/
carbonate hardness See temporary m2 whereas deserts have a carbon density
hardness. of about 0.3 kg (C)/m2.

carbonation, groundwater The dis- carbon dioxide (CO2) A normal gas-

solving of carbon dioxide in surface water eous constituent of the atmosphere, the

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center

product of aerobic respiration, decom- carbon monoxide (CO) An odorless,

position, and carbon fuel combustion. colorless, and tasteless gas that is an air
Because carbon dioxide absorbs infrared contaminant formed by the incomplete
radiation, rising levels of carbon diox- combustion of carbon fuels, such as wood,
ide in the global atmosphere over the past coal, or gasoline. Classed as an asphyxiant
century have prompted concerns about cli- gas, absorbed carbon monoxide combines
matic change. See greenhouse effect. with hemoglobin in the blood to form car-
boxyhemoglobin, which impairs oxygen
Carbon Dioxide Information Analy- delivery to the tissues. The major source
sis Center (CDIAC) The primary for human exposure is the automobile.
repository for data pertaining to global
climate change for the United States carbon oil A liquid fuel, derived from
Department of Energy. The center is in coal, used in lamps before the invention of
the Environmental Sciences Division at electric lighting.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee. The collection, stor- carbon polishing The removal of
age, and analysis of data concerning the residual dissolved organic substances from
global carbon cycle, the effects of ris- wastewater by adsorption on activated
ing carbon dioxide concentrations on charcoal (granular activated car-
vegetation, and renewable energy sources bon). A form of tertiary treatment.
constitute primary interests of the center.
Web site: carbon sequestration 1. Removing
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by
carbon dioxide tax A proposed natural processes. Natural sequestration
method of lowering carbon diox- occurs as part of the carbon cycle. See
ide emissions, as a policy response to carbon sink. 2. Enhancing the natural
the potential adverse effects of global removal of carbon dioxide from the atmo-
warming. Most proposals tax fossil fuels sphere, by afforestation, or encouraging
based on their carbon content. natu- the growth of algae in the ocean by nutri-
ral gas would be taxed at a lower rate ent addition, e.g., iron. This has been called
than coal. the “Geritol solution.” 3. Artificial removal
of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
carbon filtration The passage of e.g., by chemical scrubbing of carbon diox-
treated wastewater or domestic water sup- ide from smokestack emissions followed by
plies through activated charcoal to injection to the deep ocean or in under-
remove low concentrations of dissolved ground formations, or the burial of crop
chemicals. See carbon adsorber. residues and other waste organic matter so
that aerobic decomposers will not recycle
carbon flux Generally applied to calcu- the carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere.
lations or estimations of the movement of
carbon through or within an ecosystem. carbon sink Physical location in which
For example, the carbon flux of a forest is carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
the balance between the amount of car- accumulates as biomass resulting from
bon dioxide fixed by photosynthesis in the fixation of carbon dioxide through
the forest and the amount of carbon diox- photosynthesis, or deposits in the oceans
ide produced by decomposition or respira- as inorganic carbonates resulting from
tory metabolism in the same area. the building of shells of aquatic organ-
isms like clams or from the precipitation
carbonic acid A mild acid formed by of calcium carbonate. Such accumulations
the dissolution of carbon dioxide in water. in trees or shells remove the carbon from
The carbonic acid content of natural, the carbon cycle for long periods and
unpolluted rainfall lowers the pH of the reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in
rain to about 5.6. the atmosphere.


carbon source Term applied to the type ing capacity of the blood is reduced. The
of carbon compounds used by biological COHb level is expressed as a percentage
organisms to satisfy carbon requirements. of all hemoglobin binding sites occupied
For example, terrestrial plants commonly by carbon monoxide. Nonsmoking adults
use carbon dioxide as a carbon source; a typically have an endogenous (formed
bacterium may use simple sugars to obtain within the body by the normal breakdown
needed carbon; and a lion obtains carbon of heme) COHb level of less than 1%.
from that available in the carcass of prey. The U.S. EPA national ambient air
quality standard for carbon monoxide
carbon tax A proposed tax on the is set to prevent COHb levels from exceed-
carbon content of fuels, the purpose of ing about 1.5%.
which would be to decrease fossil fuel
consumption and its attendant emissions carboxyl group A functional group
of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. composed of a carbon atom attached to
A carbon tax has been suggested as a an oxygen atom by a double bond and
method for the United States to make the attached to a hydroxyl group by a sin-
reductions of greenhouse gases required gle bond. Formula: –COOH, or –C(=O)–
by the kyoto protocol correspond to OH.
the framework convention on cli-
mate change. carboy A large glass jug or container,
often with a wooden frame or case, used
carbon tetrachloride A derivative of to store large amounts of liquid chemi-
methane (CH4) that is produced by substi- cals or to collect and transport large water
tuting a chlorine atom for each hydrogen samples.
(CCl4). Carbon tetrachloride is a common
nonpolar solvent that has significant carcinogen A chemical substance or
industrial applications; it has also been type of radiation that can cause cancer
used as a fumigant. Exposure to the halo- in exposed animals or humans. There is
genated hydrocarbon has been linked to no single definition of the evidence neces-
damage to the liver, kidney, and central sary to classify a substance as a carcino-
nervous system. carcinogenic properties gen. Four sources of evidence are used:
have also been demonstrated. epidemiology findings, long-term animal
testing, short-term tests (such as the ames
carbon treatment In a drinking water test), and structure-activity rela-
purification process, the removal of col- tionships. Separate guidelines and poli-
loids by adsorption on activated cies defining carcinogens have been issued
charcoal. This step often improves by the U.S. EPA, the Occupational Safety
color, taste, and odor. and Health Administration, the Consumer
Product Safety Commission, and the Food
carbonyl group A functional group and Drug Administration. These agen-
composed of a carbon atom attached to cies and the international agency for
an oxygen atom by a double bond. For- research on cancer classify chemicals by
mula: – C=O. the degree of evidence available as to their
carcinogenicity. Some 150–200 chemi-
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) The che- cals and several physical agents (ionizing
mical compound formed by the combina- radiation, ultraviolet radiation) appear on
tion of absorbed carbon monoxide and various lists as having sufficient or limited
the blood pigment hemoglobin. Hemo- evidence of carcinogenicity; about 40 of
globin normally combines with atmo- these are classified as human carcinogens.
spheric oxygen drawn into the lungs to Note that of the roughly 9 million known
transport it from the lungs to body tissues. chemical substances, only about 7,000
When carbon monoxide is chemically have been tested for carcinogenicity. Car-
bonded to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carry- cinogens vary in their estimated ability to

Carcinogen Assessment Group

induce cancer. See cancer potency fac- example, agents such as tobacco smoke
tor; national toxicology program. appear to act as mutagens and initiate
various tumors, and reproductive hor-
Carcinogen Assessment Group (CAG) mones seem to function as promoters
A section of the U.S. EPA that uses risk and stimulate the continued development
extrapolation models to produce of other tumors. The environment and
quantitative estimates of the risk of expo- lifestyle of an individual also play a sig-
sure to environmental carcinogens. Risk nificant role in the development of most
extrapolation models use data from animal cancers; however, the identification of the
exposure to high doses of a chemical to specific factors within the environment
derive the human risk of exposure to low of an individual that are responsible for
doses of the chemical. The CAG is respon- tumor development is not always pos-
sible for many unit risk estimates, which sible. See carcinogen; oncogenic.
result from risk extrapolation.
carcinogenic Describing a chemical
carcinogenesis The generation of substance or type of radiation that
cancer. Most cancers are derived from can cause cancer in exposed animals or
changes in the deoxyribonucleic acid humans. See carcinogenesis.
(DNA) or gene structure of a single cell
(mutations). These changes are then carcinogenic activity indicator (CAI)
passed on by inheritance mechanisms A numerical cancer potency indica-
to the cells that descend from this single tor for chemical substances, calculated
cell. The types of changes can be catego- by dividing the additional percentage of
rized into three primary areas: (1) those test animals found to have tumors by
caused by chemical agents that bring the lifetime dose of the tested chemical,
about changes in the chemical structure in molecules per kilogram body weight.
of DNA, (2) those caused by ionizing This calculation is done for each point on
radiation that result in changes in cellu- a dose-response curve. CAIs are use-
lar chromosomes, and (3) those caused ful for comparisons of chemicals, such as
by viruses that introduce new DNA into pesticides, that have possible substitutes.
cells. A single change produced by any The CAIs reveal the lowest-risk material
of the three general mechanisms is not appropriate for the application.
sufficient to produce a cancer cell. Several
random changes are needed to convert carcinogenic potency factor (CPF)
cells from the normal to the cancerous See cancer potency factor.
state. As a consequence, cancer devel-
ops slowly from a population of mildly carcinoma A tumor belonging to the
irregular cells. The agent or chemical most common group of cancers, those
that causes the first heritable change in arising in epithelial tissues, such as the lin-
the gene structure of the cell is termed ing of the lung, gastrointestinal tract, or
the initiator (it is usually a mutagen). other organs, such as the skin.
After the action of the initiator, several
exposures to other agents, termed pro- carnivore An animal that eats only
moters (which are not necessarily muta- meat, such as the wildcat or wolf. Com-
gens), are required to change one of the pare herbivore and omnivore.
descendants of the first irregular cell to
a tumor cell. The initiators and promot- Carnot engine A theoretical device for
ers must act in the proper sequence and converting heat into work (force) in which
with proper timing to bring about the a piston moves in a cylinder without fric-
complete transformation of a normal cell tion. The movement of the piston is per-
to a tumor cell. The identification of ini- formed by gas compression and expansion,
tiators and promoters is not always pos- which is caused by a heat source and a
sible with any degree of certainty. For heat sink, which absorbs the excess


heat produced. The model illustrates that caught on each plate is measured to give a
the efficiency of the engine depends on the mass size distribution.
absolute temperatures of the heat source
and the heat sink. case-control study A type of epidemio-
logical (disease-related) study that com-
carrier An inert liquid or solid in which pares the past exposure of two groups to a
an active ingredient or toxic substance is particular environmental factor. The cases
dissolved or suspended. The inert material are a group of persons identified as having
is not toxic; however, the carrier is used a certain disease, and the controls are mem-
to facilitate application of the agent in the bers of a group similar to the cases in terms
case of a pesticide or to facilitate the entry of age, sex, race, and other factors who
of the agent into the body in the case of a do not have the disease. Any significantly
medication. greater exposure to the factor in cases
compared with the controls may indicate
carrier gas An inert gas, such as a causative link between the agent and the
helium, that is employed as a medium disease. Also called a retrospective study.
for the transport of low concentrations
of some active ingredient. The analysis of cash crop Plants or plant products from
some chemicals requires that a carrier gas a farm produced for the purpose of gener-
be used to transport the agent in question ating income. For example, a farm may be
through the analytical instrument. involved in soybean cultivation to provide
a monetary income (the cash crop) and
carrying capacity (K) In ecology, the hay to use on site to feed the farm animals
maximum number of organisms that an (not a cash crop).
ecosystem can support over an extended
period without significant degradation of cash-out A type of mixed funding
the ecosystem. agreement in which the U.S. EPA man-
ages the cleanup of the waste site and a
carryover Liquid particles introduced potentially responsible party is not
to a gas stream by the turbulent air-gas involved other than contributing its share
contact in a scrubber. Carryover is of the cost.
removed by a mist eliminator placed
downstream from the scrubbing device. casing In water or oil and gas wells, a
Also called entrainment. solid steel or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe
defining the outer diameter of the well.
Carson, Rachel (1907–1964) Ameri- Other pipe may be run inside the casing.
can marine biologist, author Carson’s
1962 book, Silent Spring, on pesticide cast-iron pipe (CI pipe) The type of
(especially dichlorodiphenyltrichloroeth- pipe used in household water systems
ane [DDT]) threats to the environment before copper and polyvinyl chloride
marked the beginning of the political (PVC) pipes were introduced.
ascendancy of the environmental move-
ment in the United States. Her other works catabolism The biological breakdown
include Under the Sea Wind (1941), The of materials into their simpler compo-
Sea around Us (1951), and The Edge of the nents; decomposition. Performed by
Sea (1954). Web site: www.rachelcarson. decomposer organisms, mainly bacteria
org. and fungi. Compare anabolism.

cascade impactor A device used to catalysis The operation of a catalyst

determine the size distribution of airborne to speed up a chemical reaction.
particles. Air is drawn through a series of
plates, each plate removing particles of a catalyst A chemical substance that
smaller diameter. The mass of the particles allows a chemical reaction to take place

catalytic converter

more readily, for example, at a lower tem- stream or urban storm drain system; syn-
perature or pressure, without itself being onymous with watershed. See drainage
consumed or altered by the reaction. An basin.
enzyme is a biological catalyst, which
enhances reactions within living organisms. categorical exclusion Types of actions
determined by federal agencies to have
catalytic converter An air pollution no significant environmental impacts and
control device, installed in an automobile therefore requiring no environmental
exhaust system, that reduces the levels of assessment or environmental impact
hydrocarbons and carbon monox- statement under the national environ-
ide exiting the tailpipe. The catalyst mental policy act.
enhances the oxidation of hydrocarbons
to carbon dioxide and water vapor and categorical pretreatment standard A
the oxidation of carbon monoxide to car- technology-based standard of treatment of
bon dioxide. three-way catalysts also the processing of wastewater at an indus-
include in the device a reducing catalyst trial facility before the water is released
that converts nitric oxide and nitrogen into a public sewer system. The purpose is
dioxide to nitrogen gas. to require the adoption of the best technol-
ogy available for such activity. See pre-
catalytic cracking A process for convert-
ing high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons
categorical variable A qualitative vari-
found in crude oil to smaller hydrocarbon
able created by classifying observations
molecules by heating in the presence of a
into categories. For example, a series of
metal compound that serves as a catalyst
temperature measurements could be clas-
(a substance that speeds up the rate of a sified into the categorical variables low,
chemical reaction without entering into the normal, and high, with low defined as
reaction itself). Through the use of a cata- less than 10°C, normal between 10°C and
lyst, the cracking process can be done at 30°C, and high greater than 30°C. Many
lower temperatures and pressures and with statistical techniques are inappropriate for
greater control than would be possible oth- categorical variables: an average, for exam-
erwise. The process increases the amount of ple. Compare quantitative variable.
gasoline and other light hydrocarbons that
can be produced from heavy crude oil. cathode The positive pole of an elec-
trolytic cell or a battery. When the bat-
catalytic incinerator An air pollution tery is connected in a circuit, electrons
control device that oxidizes or degrades flow from the anode to the cathode.
volatile organic compounds by using a
catalyst to promote the combustion pro- cathodic protection A method to pro-
cess. This type of incinerator can operate at tect iron or steel tanks, pipes, or other
lower temperatures than the standard com- structures from corrosion, to prevent leaks
bustion incinerators, thereby lowering fuel and spills. Iron or steel corrosion is caused
and operating costs. See incineration. by oxidation, which is a loss of elec-
trons. A metal like zinc or magnesium is
catastrophic system Used to describe a connected to serve as a source of replace-
biological system that unexpectedly loses ment electrons for those lost by the iron
stability suddenly. The sudden demise or steel of the tank or pipe. The zinc or
of a mature forest, the crash of a fish- magnesium anode is oxidized instead of
ery resource, and a rapid explosion in the the iron or steel cathode.
numbers of an insect pest are common
examples of such population shifts. cation A positively charged ion.

catchment area The area that draws cation exchange The displacement of
surface runoff from precipitation into a one cation for another, often on the sur-


face of a soil or clay particle. Cations of structure derived from a cell, such as the
sodium or potassium may be adsorbed to nucleus, mitochondria, or chloroplast, can
clay; if groundwater containing other metal carry out all of the life functions in an
cations (like lead, cadmium, or zinc) flows independent fashion. Viruses are life-forms
over the clay, the metal cations displace that are simpler than cells in structure and
the sodium and potassium ions, releasing function; however, they are not capable of
them to the groundwater but removing the independent metabolism and cannot repro-
other metals from it. This natural cleans- duce unless a cell is involved. All cells are
ing process is important in assessing the bound by a plasma membrane, composed
hazard posed by a leaking waste site. See of lipids and proteins, and nucleic acids
cation exchange capacity. (deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]) neces-
sary for inheritance functions. Bacteria and
cation exchange capacity (CEC) The simple plants and animals consist of only
amount of the positively charged ions one cell, which is capable of independent
(cations) of calcium, magnesium, potas- existence. In higher plants and animals,
sium, sodium, hydrogen, or aluminum similar cell types form tissues, which in
that soil or sediment can hold. The value turn form organs.
is expressed in milliequivalents per 100
grams of soil. The larger the number, cell, landfillA completed waste storage
the more cations the soil or sediment can area in a landfill, separated from other
hold. Generally, the higher the content of cells by cover material. See sanitary
clay and organic material, the greater will landfill.
be the CEC and the greater the potential
to hold plant nutrients and metal pollut- cell culture The growing of animal or
ants. See cation exchange. plant tissue in an artificial medium con-
tained within a test tube or bottle.
caustic Alkaline, basic. Also used to
refer to the heavily used industrial chemi- cellular respiration 1. As a general
cal sodium hydroxide, which is a strong term, used to indicate the sum of the
base or source of OH– ions. processes that a biological cell employs
to obtain chemical energy from organic
cavitation The generation and subse- nutrients such as sugar and the utilization
quent collapse of bubbles on the surface of chemical energy to carry out the life
of an impeller or the gate of a valve. The functions of the cell. 2. As a specific term,
processes can cause pitting or damage to the transfer of electrons from a substrate
the surface of these structures. that is oxidized during cellular metabolism
to the ultimate acceptor of those electrons
ceiling limit (TLV-C) An air con- employing a series of oxidation-reduc-
centration of a chemical that should not tion reactions carried out by the cyto-
be exceeded, even for a very short time chrome system. High-energy intermediates
period. Also called the threshold limit are produced during the process. aerobic
value Ceiling (TLV-C). Compare imme- organisms use molecular oxygen (O2) as
diately dangerous to life and health the final acceptor of electrons producing
and short-term exposure limit. water (H2O). Some anaerobic bacteria
that use a respiration system employ a
cell The unit of biological structure and substitute for molecular oxygen such as
function that can stand alone and carry out nitrate (NO3–), sulfate (SO4–2), or car-
all the fundamental life processes. A cell is bonate (CO3–2), producing nitrous oxide
an independent unit that can obtain nutri- (N2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), or meth-
ents from the environment, derive energy ane (CH4), respectively.
from organic materials, reproduce exact
copies of itself, and release waste products cellulose A complex polysaccha-
into the surrounding environment. No ride composed of thousands of glucose

cellulosic ethanol

molecules bonded together to form long formerly known as the Communicable

chains. This polysaccharide is often called Disease Center. Web site:
the most abundant biological macromol-
ecule on the face of the Earth. Cellulose centistoke A unit of kinematic viscos-
forms 40 to 55% of the mass of plant ity equal to 1 × 10–6 square meter per sec-
cell walls accounting for the woody nature ond.
of plants and the fibrous nature of cotton
and hemp. The cellulose in vegetables con- central collection point Site used to
stitutes a significant portion of the fibrous collect waste generated at sundry loca-
material that passes through the human tions. The collected waste is then trans-
digestive system with little digestion. The ported for the prescribed treatment prior
cellulose fibers in wood are rearranged to to disposal. Examples of this type of sys-
make paper. See glucose. tem include medical waste collection from
locations throughout a city, community
cellulosic ethanol ethanol produced hazardous waste collection, and a central
by the fermentation of crop residues, or drop-off point for bulky waste.
the cellulose part of the plant, greatly
increasing the energy efficiency of produc- central nervous system (CNS) The
ing ethanol for blending as a liquid trans- brain, spinal cord, and associated nerves.
portation fuel. See e10; e85; flexible The functioning of this system is disrupted
fuel vehicles. by many pesticides, chlorinated organic
compounds, and other toxic contaminants
cementing Pumping of a cement added to the environment.
slurry into a well or behind the casing
of a well. centrifugal collector An air pollution
control device that collects particles in an
centerband frequency See octave airstream by using centrifugal force.
bands. See cyclone.

centerline concentration In estimat- centrifugal fan A fan commonly used

ing the off-site impact of an air pollution in industrial exhaust ventilation systems.
source using a gaussian plume model, The fan blades turn inside a housing, as in
the model’s estimated concentrations vacuum cleaners and hair driers.
along a line directly downwind from the
source; estimated levels decrease with centrifugal force An apparent force on
increasing distance on both sides of the a rotating object, directed outward from
centerline concentration. the center of rotation.

Centers for Disease Control and Pre- centrifugal pump A device that moves
vention (CDC) An agency of the Pub- water with a rotating impeller (a series of
lic Health Service, United States Depart- metal vanes) surrounded by a casing. This
ment of Health and Human Services. The compact, simple pump is the most com-
lead federal agency in developing disease mon type used in water distribution and
prevention and control, environmental treatment.
health, health promotion, and health edu-
cation as well as surveillance of disease centrifugation The separation of mate-
patterns through epidemiological (dis- rials of different densities in a centrifuge.
ease-related) data collection, analysis, and
distribution. The CDC publishes and dis- centrifuge A device that employs cen-
tributes Morbidity and Mortality Weekly trifugal force to separate a mixture
Report, which is a major source of public into components by their relative densi-
health information. The agency is head- ties, especially to separate suspended
quartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and was solids from liquids.

characterization of ecological effects

CERES principles See coalition a larger scale, the movement of heat pole-
for environmentally responsible ward at the surface of the Earth. A change
economies. of state in water is also vital for human
body heat regulation and removal of heat
cesium 137 (137Cs) One of the impor- from industrial processes.
tant radioactive alkali metals. A common
product of nuclear weapon explosions and channelization Flood control or navi-
nuclear reactors. In humans, the iso- gation projects that straighten, widen, or
tope is absorbed rapidly and is distributed deepen surface water channels such as
throughout the body, where it enters into streams, rivers, or canals. Adverse envi-
reactions that normally involve potassium. ronmental consequences can include
Both cesium 137 and its decay products increased sedimentation, bank erosion,
release energetic beta and gamma radia- increased flooding, decrease in biomass,
tion, which can cause significant whole- and (surface) saltwater intrusion.
body radiation damage. Deaths resulting
from acute exposures are usually due to chaotic system An environment that
dysfunction of bone marrow. exhibits variability that precludes predic-
tions on a short time scale with any degree
cesspool An underground cistern used of certainty. Environments in which the
for sewage disposal in areas not served populations of some organisms fluctuate
by a community sewage collection system. in ways that are not explainable through
This disposal method is generally prohib- routine mathematical predictions.
ited in the United States.
chaparral A biome with hot, dry sum-
chain of custody The documented mers and rainfall mainly in the winter
transfer(s) of an environmental sample months. Vegetation consists of shrubs and
from the person doing the collecting to small evergreen trees. Chaparral commu-
any transporters until it reaches the per- nities are found around the Mediterranean
son performing any required analysis, to Sea, in central and southern California, in
ensure that no contamination or substitu- coastal Chile, in southern Australia, and
tion occurs. in southern Africa.

chain reaction In nuclear processes, characteristic hazardous waste Mate-

the sequence of atomic fission created by rials defined as hazardous waste by their
a neutron impacting an unstable nucleus, possession of one or more of the following
causing fission, which produces additional characteristics, as defined in regulations
neutrons, which can impact other unsta- issued by the U.S. EPA: ignitability,
ble nuclei, causing more fission, and so corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity.
on. The energy that is released through a included in the code of federal reg-
controlled chain reaction is captured and ulations, Title 40, Part 261, Subpart C.
converted to electricity by a nuclear power See listed hazardous waste.
station. See nuclear reactor.
characterization of ecological effects
change of state The change of a chemi- The systematic evaluation of the ability of
cal substance from one physical state (solid, a chemical or other hazard to cause harm
liquid, or gas) to another as a result of tem- in or to disrupt the natural environment.
perature or pressure changes; in the envi- A formal framework for the identifica-
ronment, the change is usually caused by a tion of the precise nature of the hazard,
temperature change. The changes of state a quantification of the amount of mate-
of water and the associated heat transfers rial or extent of exposure, and the char-
are especially important in environmental acterization of the risks associated with
heat regulation, including the moderation the agent are included in the analysis. See
of ecosystem weather extremes and, on ecological risk assessment.

characterization of exposure

characterization of exposure Within a chemical material that prevents oxygen

the systematic evaluation of the ability of use at the cellular level, such as cyanide.
a chemical or other hazard to cause harm See cyanosis; simple asphyxiant.
in or to disrupt the natural environment,
the section that evaluates the interaction chemical bond The forces that hold
of the foreign agent with one or more atoms together. The two chief types of
parts of a specified environment. See eco- chemical bonds are the ionic bond and
logical risk assessment. the covalent bond. The ionic bond
results from the transfer of electrons
charcoal filter See carbon filtration. from one atom to another as occurs in
many inorganic salts such as sodium
charge rate The rate at which material chloride, common table salt. In some
is introduced to an incinerator; typically cases, ionic bonds are easily disrupted by
expressed in pounds per hour. dissolving the salt in water. The covalent
bond results from the sharing of elec-
Charles’s law The gas law stating that trons between atoms as occurs in the
the volume of a given amount of gas is water molecule or in most organic mol-
directly proportional to the absolute ecules. The covalent bond is much more
temperature of the gas, given a constant difficult to disrupt.
pressure. Expressed as V = TK, where V is
the volume, T is the absolute temperature, chemical builders Inorganic phos-
and K is a constant. phate compounds (such as tripolyphos-
phate) added to detergents to facilitate
check dam A small dam across a stream the formation of complexes of calcium or
that decreases stream velocity and thereby magnesium ions that may be present in
reduces erosion of the banks and bottom water supplies. The binding of the ions
while increasing sediment deposition. with the inorganic phosphate compound
reduces the precipitation (solidifica-
chelating agent Chemical compound tion) of the detergent molecules in hard
that has the ability to bind strongly water.
with metal ions. Such agents are used to
enhance the excretion of various toxic chemical case Classification used for
metals. For example, ethylenediaminetet- the purposes of review and regulation of
raacetic acid (EDTA) is administered to pesticides. Those commercial preparations
treat lead poisoning. The EDTA chemi- that have the same active ingredient, or
cally binds to the lead and the lead-EDTA the same active ingredient with a slight
complex is excreted. modification, are grouped for examination
in the licensing process.
Chemical Abstracts Service Registry
Number (CAS number) A unique chemical emergency The actual or
number assigned by the Chemical Abstracts threatened release of a toxic chemical
Service, a division of the American Chemi- in amounts that represent an immediate
cal Society, to each chemical substance and acute threat to human health or to the
used for positive identification. A chemical environment.
may be known by several different names,
but it has only one CAS number. The U.S. chemical energy The potential energy
EPA often uses CAS numbers to describe residing in the bonds of chemical com-
clearly the substances referred to in its reg- pounds. For example, solar energy is con-
ulations. Web site: verted by photosynthesis to chemical
energy in the form of carbohydrates.
chemical asphyxiant A gas that The chemical energy originating in the
deprives the body of proper oxygen Sun is stored in the bonds holding the car-
absorption, such as carbon monoxide, or bohydrate molecule together.

chemiluminescent detector

chemical equilibrium The condition chemical toilet A toilet facility in

in which chemical reactions take place which waste is retained and chemicals,
equally in the forward and reverse direc- such as lime, are added to disinfect the
tions. For A + B <—
—> C + D, the concentra- sewage and/or to control odors.
tions of A, B, C, and D are constant.
Chemical Transportation Emergency
Chemical Hazard Information Pro- Center (CHEMTREC) A service oper-
files (CHIPs) A publication of the U.S. ated by the american chemistry coun-
EPA, Office of Toxic Substances, contain- cil that provides timely information about
ing, for a particular chemical, estimates chemicals involved in a hazardous material
of occupational, consumer, and environ- transportation incident. chemtrec person-
mental exposure; human health and envi- nel can send detailed information to first
ronmental effects; and pertinent standards responders via the hazard informa-
and regulations. CHIPs are available for tion transmission (HIT) system and, if
more than 200 chemicals. necessary, will contact the producer of the
material(s) for additional guidance. The
Chemical Hazard Response Informa- 24-hour telephone number of the center is
tion System (CHRIS) A set of manu- 800-424-9300.
als used for assessing the health, safety,
and environmental hazards posed by chemical treatment General term
chemical releases, emphasizing spills to used for the addition of a chemical agent
surface water. The manuals were devel- to a waste, commonly wastewater, to
oped for the United States Coast Guard. remove, inactivate, precipitate, or other-
The computer model version of CHRIS is wise render less harmful some dangerous
the Hazard Assessment Computer System
substance or organism, for example, the
(HACS). Web site: www.chrismanual.
addition of lime to wastewater to remove
phosphates by precipitation as calcium
Chemical Manufacturers Associa-
tion (CMA) See american chemistry
chemical weathering The gradual
decomposition of rock by exposure to
water, atmospheric oxygen, and carbon
chemical oxygen demand (COD) A
chemical measure of the amount of
organic substances in water or wastewa-
ter. A strong oxidizing agent, acid, and chemigation The application of agri-
heat are used to oxidize all carbon com- cultural chemicals (fertilizer, herbicide,
pounds in a sample. Nonbiodegradable pesticide) via irrigation water.
and recalcitrant (slowly degrading)
compounds, which are not detected by the chemiluminescent detector An ana-
test for biochemical oxygen demand, lytical instrument that measures the level
are included in the analysis. The actual of a particular wavelength of light emitted
laboratory measurement involves a deter- by the chemical reaction occurring when
mination of the amount of oxidizing agent a gaseous compound is introduced to a
(typically, potassium dichromate) that is sample of ambient air. The intensity of
reduced during the reaction. the light emission is directly proportional
to the concentration of a particular gas
chemical stressors Those chemicals, in the air sample and can be calibrated
released into the environment through to determine the gas concentration. This
the actions of humans, capable of causing method is used for the determination of
adverse reactions among plants and ani- ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels in
mals. See biological stressors. the atmosphere.


ChemNet An Internet-based organiza- in the production of fertilized eggs. As a

tion providing a vehicle for communica- result, the pest population is controlled.
tion among the buyers and sellers of the Since the agents used as chemosterilants
chemical and pharmaceutical industries. are dangerous, these chemicals must be
Information is available concerning mar- applied under strict controls rather than
kets and supplies of frequently traded being distributed as one would use a rou-
chemicals and pharmaceuticals, trading tine insecticide.
contacts and partners, trade shows and
conferences, visibility for small companies, chemosynthesis A type of metabo-
and a vehicle for advertisement. Web site: lism characteristic of some bacteria. The organism can satisfy carbon requirements
for the utilization of carbon dioxide
chemoautotrophs Microorganisms and obtain energy from the oxidation of
that derive biologically useful energy from inorganic compounds. Examples include
the oxidation of inorganic chemical sub- those bacteria that subsist through the
stances, usually ammonia, sulfur, nitrite, oxidation of hydrogen, sulfur, ammo-
and ferrous iron. The bacteria that oxidize nia, or iron to obtain the energy needed
iron sulfide to iron sulfate and sulfuric for metabolism. See autotroph. Contrast
acid, the biological activity responsible for photosynthesis.
acid mine drainage.
chemotrophs See chemoautotrophs.
chemodynamics The study of the
transport, conversion, and fate of chemi- Chernobyl Ukraine site of the April
cal substances in air, water, or soil, includ- 1986 nuclear power plant disaster. gross
ing their movement from one medium to operator errors led to an explosion and fire
another. and continent-wide radioactive contami-
nation. From 50 to 100 million curies
chemosphere The region of the upper are estimated to have been released, with
atmosphere including the mesosphere yet-unknown adverse human health con-
and upper stratosphere in which vari- sequences.
ous sunlight-driven chemical reactions
occur. See atmosphere. Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) A
registry of greenhouse gas emis-
chemosterilant A group of chemicals sion reductions and a market for trad-
that potentially can be used to control pest ing greenhouse gas emission allowances.
populations. The chemicals include alka- CCX members pledge to reduce green-
lating agents, antimetabolites, alkaloids, house gas emissions by a certain percent
and antibiotics among others. These by a certain date. They can accomplish
agents control pest populations (for exam- this by using direct controls, sponsoring
ple, insects or rodents) by interfering with emissions offset projects (planting trees),
the reproductive success of the organism. or by purchasing emission allowances
This type of agent has been most useful from other members who have generated
in controlling insect populations in which credits by reducing emissions beyond the
the females breed only once. A large num- target levels. See emissions trading;
ber of insects are raised in the laboratory reclaim; tradable emission allow-
and treated with the chemical in question ance. For more information, visit www.
under controlled conditions. The target
organisms are the males, who are steril-
ized in the process. When the sterilized child-resistant packaging (CRP) Con-
males are released in large numbers, they tainers that protect children (or adults)
breed with the natural population. How- from injury or harm resulting from the
ever, since the male is sterile, the breed- inadvertent contact with or consumption
ing with the native stock does not result of some dangerous material. The term is


most frequently applied to the packaging chlor-alkali Describing an industrial

of medicines and pesticides for distribu- facility that produces chlorine gas and
tion to the public. sodium hydroxide (caustic) by passing an
electric current through salt water. Some
chimera An organism that contains chlor-alkali plants have used mercury
genetic information from two different cells, from which mercury can be emitted
species. Such organisms are produced to the environment, in this process.
through genetic engineering technol-
ogy. Most commonly used to refer to chloramines Compounds containing
mammal species that have been produced nitrogen, hydrogen, and chlorine, formed
by the fusion of cells from two different by the reaction between hypochlorous
species prior to fetal development. acid (HOCl) and ammonia (NH3) and/or
organic amines in water. The formation
China syndrome A popular but mis- of chloramines in drinking water treat-
leading term for the potential catastrophic ment extends the disinfecting power of
result of a nuclear core overheating to chlorine. Also called combined avail-
the extent that the floor of the contain- able chlorine.
ment vessel melts and the now-molten
core sinks toward the other side of the chloramine-T A chlorine-containing
Earth (toward China, for a reactor in the material used to add chlorine to drinking
United States). Actually, the molten core water.
would stop sinking a few meters below the
surface. See meltdown. chlordane A chlorinated hydro-
carbon insecticide chemically related
chisel plowing A type of reduced- to aldrin and endrin. The agent was
widely used to treat soil around homes
tillage farming requiring minimal dis-
for termite control because it is persistent
turbance of the ground before planting
(long-lasting) in the environment. The
of crops. A chisel plow, a curved blade
agent is moderately toxic to mammals and
resembling a chisel, is used to gouge a
has been shown to cause cancer and to
trench in the earth into which seeds are
alter fertility in some. Currently, the use
planted. This technique leaves the great
of this pesticide is severely limited in the
majority of plant residues from previous
United States.
crops on the surface to help prevent both
erosion and the growth of grass. Chisel chlorides Negative chlorine ions, Cl–,
plowing differs from traditional methods found naturally in some surface waters
using the moldboard plow, which turns all and groundwaters and in high concen-
of the soil, burying most if not all of the trations in seawater. Higher-than-normal
crop residues from previous crops. chloride concentrations in freshwater,
due to sodium chloride (table salt) that
chi-square test A method used to deter- is used on foods and present in body
mine whether statistically significant wastes, can indicate sewage pollution.
differences exist in frequency data from The use of highway deicing salts can
separate groups, such as whether the num- also introduce chlorides to surface water
ber of persons in an exposed group who or groundwater. Elevated groundwater
exhibit a certain adverse health effect is chloride levels in drinking water wells
statistically different from the number of near coastlines may indicate saltwater
persons in an unexposed (control) group intrusion.
with the adverse effect.
chlorinated 1. Describing an organic
chloracne An acnelike eruption of the compound to which atoms of chlorine
skin caused by exposure to certain chlori- have been added. 2. Describing water or
nated aromatic organic compounds. wastewater that has been treated with

chlorinated dibenzofurans

either chlorine gas or a chlorine-contain- chlorine (Cl2) One of a group of ele-

ing compound. ments classified as the halogens. Chlo-
rine, the most common halogen, is a
chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDBF) A greenish yellow gas with an irritating
class of highly toxic aromatic haloge- odor. Chlorine is very reactive: it forms
nated organic compounds resembling salts with metals, forms acids when dis-
the chlorophenols and dioxins. solved in water, and chemically combines
readily with hydrocarbons. Various forms
chlorinated hydrocarbons Synthetic of chlorine are used to disinfect water.
chemical substances containing chlorine, chlorinated hydrocarbons are used
hydrogen, and carbon. The addition of widely as pesticides and industrial chem-
chlorine to organic compounds causes icals. Freon, a chlorofluorocarbon, is
these materials to break down slowly in a synthetic material containing chlorine.
the environment. The chlorinated hydro- Chlorine is produced by the electrolysis
carbons are also a class of insecticides, of brine (concentrated salt solution).
which includes dichlorodiphenyltri-
chloroethane (DDT), mirex, aldrin, chlorine, combined available See
kepone, lindane, heptachlor, toxa- combined available chlorine.
phene, and many others.
chlorine, free available See free
chlorinated organics Synonym for available chlorine.
chlorinated hydrocarbons.
chlorine, free residual See free resid-
chlorinated solvent A liquid material ual chlorine.
usually consisting of an organic hydro-
carbon to which chlorine has been added. chlorine-contact chamber Appara-
Examples include carbon tetrachlo- tus used in the disinfection of domestic
ride, methylene chloride, and trichloro- wastewater after treatment and just before
methane. This class of solvent is especially release. The chamber assures vigorous
useful for removal of oil and grease from mixing of the agent used to add chlorine
fabrics and metals. Likewise, they pose a (commonly chlorine gas) with the treated
significant health risk to those individuals wastewater to ensure mixing of the chlo-
who are exposed to these agents because rine with the water so that dangerous
of the ability of solvents to dissolve fatty microorganisms of fecal origin are killed
material, causing damage to cells. Exces- or inactivated. The process is intended to
sive exposure to high concentrations can protect public health. See chlorination.
cause central nervous system depression,
and some chlorinated solvents are listed as chlorine demand The amount of chlo-
actual or possible human carcinogens. See rine that must be added to purify drinking
solvent. water; the amount required to react with
all dissolved and particulate materials and
chlorination The process of adding inorganic ammonia in the water.
chlorine to water or wastewater in order
to kill or inactivate dangerous microorgan- chlorine residual Chlorine added to
isms or viruses. Chlorine in various forms, drinking water in excess of the amount
such as chlorine gas, bleach, or solid chlo- needed to react with organic and inorganic
rine-containing compounds, can be used. materials suspended or dissolved in the
water. This chlorine is available to elimi-
chlorination, breakpoint See break- nate microorganisms that enter the water
point chlorination. distribution system after treatment.

chlorination, combined residual See chlorite A chemical formed when chlo-

combined residual chlorination. rine dioxide is used to remove pathogens


from drinking water. One of the halo- can cause chlorosis to susceptible vegeta-
acetic acids regulated as a disinfection tion include sulfur dioxide, fluorides, and
by-product under the safe drinking ethylene.
water act.
cholera An infectious waterborne dis-
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) A class ease that is characterized by severe diar-
of simple hydrocarbon derivatives in which rhea and the resultant dehydration and
chlorine and fluorine are substituted for electrolyte imbalance. The disease is
some or all of the hydrogens (e.g., CCl2F2). caused by bacteria of the genus Vibrio.
They are commonly called freons. As a Outbreaks are associated with contamina-
group, these compounds are volatile, non- tion of surface waters with human fecal
reactive, noncorrosive, and nonflammable. material.
They have been used widely in consumer
products (propellants in aerosol sprays and cholinesterase See acetylcholines-
coolants in refrigerators and air con- terase; cholinesterase inhibitors.
ditioners) and in industrial applications
(electronics and blown Styrofoam manu-
cholinesterase inhibitors Chemical
facture). However, the chlorofluorocarbons
substances that inactivate the enzyme cho-
have been implicated in the reduction of the
linesterase, resulting in nerve dysfunction.
ozone content of the stratosphere (ozone
Normal transmittal of nerve impulses
layer) and are greenhouse gases: that
across synapses, the junctions connecting
is, they absorb outgoing infrared radi-
ation from the Earth. For these reasons nerve fibers to each other and connecting
their use is being phased out around the nerves to muscles, is accomplished by the
world. See greenhouse effect; ozone chemical acetylcholine. After acetyl-
layer depletion. choline moves across the synapse to relay
the nerve impulse, cholinesterase breaks
chloroform A simple halogenated down the acetylcholine, which is later re-
hydrocarbon (CHCl3) obtained from the formed to carry another nerve signal. If
chlorination of methane (CH4). Once used acetylcholine is not broken down—that is,
in human anesthesia, chloroform remains if cholinesterase has been inhibited—then
an important industrial chemical. It is one the nerve stimulation is excessive and can
of the more common halomethanes pro- lead to twitching, convulsions, and death.
duced during the chlorination of water. The nerve gases developed for chemical
Low concentrations in drinking water pro- warfare and their relatives, the organo-
mote kidney and liver damage in animals. phosphate insecticides, are cholinesterase
chlorophenols See pentachlorophenol.
chromatogram The pattern formed
chlorophyll The green pigment in on or in an adsorbent material or on a
plants that absorbs a portion of incoming printed output when closely related chem-
sunlight for use in photosynthesis. icals are separated by chromatography.

chloroplasts The structures within a chromatography A process used to sep-

plant cell that contain chlorophyll. arate and/or identify similar compounds
by allowing a solution of the compounds
chlorosis The yellowing of plant to migrate through or along a substance
leaves, indicating loss of chlorophyll that selectively adsorbs the compounds in
or a reduction in the number of chloro- such a way that materials are separated
plasts. The condition can be caused by a into zones. The simplest example of the
deficiency of iron, magnesium, sulfur, or process is separating the colors in ink by
nitrogen; disease; insufficient sunlight; or placing a drop of the ink on a napkin and
certain air pollutants. Air pollutants that dampening the cloth. As water migrates

chromosomal nondisjunction

up the napkin, it moves and separates the like projections called cilia move mucus
different dyes. upward. Inhaled particles are swept out of
the lungs if caught by the ciliated mucosa.
chromosomal nondisjunction The See mucociliary escalator.
failure of chromosomes to separate dur-
ing cell division. As a result, daughter cells cinder cone A distinctive type of small
do not have the necessary number of chro- volcano constructed almost entirely from
mosomes for normal functioning. ash and dust blown from a central vent. The
internal structure is composed of compacted
chromosome A threadlike structure in layers of ash sloping away from the summit.
the cell nucleus, composed of deoxyribo-
nucleic acid (DNA), proteins and the lin- circle of influence The outer edge delin-
early arranged genes. Each chromosome eating the impact of the pumping of water
contains coiled DNA molecules. The num- from an aquifer. The boundary around a
ber of chromosomes in the nucleus is char- well at which the water level in the aquifer
acteristic of the species. Humans have 46. falls if the pumping rate exceeds the rate
at which water can migrate through the
chronic effects In environmental health, geological deposit containing the water.
long-lasting, usually sublethal adverse See cone of depression.
impacts an human health associated with
the exposure to environmental toxins. circle of poisons Exposure to a pes-
Analogous to chronic back pain caused by ticide through the importation of foods
an injury sustained in childhood. contaminated with a pesticide that is man-
ufactured in the United States but cannot
chronic exposure In toxicology, doses, legally be used on U.S. crops. The pesti-
usually at low concentrations, that extend cide is exported, used on crops in some
for long periods, from six months to a
foreign country, and transported back into
the country on imported foods.
chronic toxicity Adverse health effect
that either is the result of chronic expo- cistern A large tank used to store water,
sure or is permanent or long-lasting, as in usually rainwater, for later use. The use
scarring of lung tissue. of open cisterns contributed to the spread
of yellow fever because they make ideal
chrysotile In the past, the most widely systems for the reproduction of mosqui-
used form of asbestos in the United toes. Cisterns have also been linked to the
States. Also called white asbestos. incidence of disorders of the gastroin-
testinal tract when the stored water is
cilia Tiny hairlike projections from the used for drinking.
surface of some single-celled organisms.
Used for movement. See ciliated mucosa; citizen suit provision A feature of
ciliates. many federal environmental statutes that
allows private citizens or organizations to
ciliate The common name of a type of file suits involving enforcement of pollu-
protozoan or single-celled animal that tion control regulations, to challenge regu-
moves with the aid of short, hairlike pro- lations of the U.S. EPA, or to force the
jections termed cilia. These organisms are administrator of that agency to perform
important members of the community of a nondiscretionary duty, that is, a specific
organisms that carry out mineralization, action required of him or her by a federal
the conversion of organic macromolecules statute. See also standing, legal.
to simple inorganic chemicals.
claims-made insurance policy See
ciliated mucosa The lining of the respi- environmental impairment liability
ratory tract in which tiny moving hair- policy.

Clean Air Act

Clapeyron-Clausius equation See to the clean air act. The chlorofluoro-

clausius-clapeyron equation. carbons with a ozone-depletion potential
of 0.2 (1.0 representing a maximum) or
clarification In water treatment, the greater were placed on the list of Class
process of removing particulate matter I substances. Included were the common
from wastewater. Normally, the water is freons, CFC-11 and CFC-12 with deple-
allowed to stand, thereby facilitating the tion potentials equal to 1.0, 13 other
settling of the particles. CFCs, three halons, carbon tetrachloride,
and methyl chloride; Class I substances
clarifier In a drinking water facility or are being phased out under provisions of
wastewater treatment plant, the unit that the montreal protocol.
removes suspended particulate mat-
ter. See primary clarifier; secondary Class II substance hydrochloroflu-
clarifier. orocarbons listed by the 1990 amend-
ments to the clean air act; scheduled
Class I area A designation under the for phaseout under provisions of the mon-
prevention of significant deteriora- treal protocol.
tion (PSD) provisions of the clean air
act. Class I areas include national parks, classifier, air See air classifier.
wilderness areas, national monuments, or
similar areas of special national signifi- Clausius-Clapeyron equation The rela-
cance where existing air quality is pro- tionship used to calculate the change in the
tected, even if the air is far cleaner than vapor pressure of a liquid as the tempera-
the levels allowed by the national ambi- ture changes. The equation, also known as
ent air quality standards (NAAQS). the Clapeyron-Clausius equation, can take
the form
Class I, II, III, IV, and V injection ln pv = n + B,
wells Classifications of the U.S. EPA
where ln pv is the natural logarithm of
that determine the permit requirements
the vapor pressure of the liquid, ΔHv is
of an injection well: Class I, well into
which liquid hazardous wastes or other the latent heat of vaporization, R is
fluids are pumped down, with the fluids the universal gas constant, T is the
injected into an underground formation absolute temperature, and B is a
below the lowest underground source material-specific constant.
of drinking water that is within a one-
quarter-mile radius of the well; Class II, clay liner A layer of clay soil that is
a well used to dispose of fluids produced added to the bottom and sides of a pit
by oil and gas wells, to introduce fluids designed for use as a disposal site for
for enhanced oil recovery or for liquid potentially dangerous wastes. The clay
hydrocarbon storage; Class III, a well used prevents or reduces the migration of liq-
to pump fluids underground for mineral uids from the disposal site.
extraction; Class IV, a well used to reinject
treated fluid from a superfund cleanup clay pan A tightly compacted layer of
site into or above an underground forma- natural soil that restricts the migration of
tion within a one-quarter-mile radius of liquids into the underlying strata.
the well; Class V, wells not included in
Classes I–IV, mainly shallow industrial Clean Air Act (CAA) The basic fed-
disposal wells or recharge wells. eral air pollution control statute. First
passed in 1963 after a 1955 federal statute
Class I substance Classification of authorizing research and technical assis-
chlorofluorocarbons on the basis tance. The 1965 and 1967 amendments
of the ozone-depletion potential as initiated automobile and stationary source
authorized under the 1990 amendments standards. Major amendments in 1970

Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

and 1977 provide for the national ambi- to manufacture electronic components
ent air quality standards, the state that would be damaged by contamination.
implementation plan process, the pre- Access usually requires special clothing
vention of significant deterioration and decontamination.
program, emission standards for automo-
biles, national emission standards for cleanup In hazardous waste manage-
hazardous air pollutants, and minimal ment, the decontamination of water, soil,
technology standards for new or modified or an aquifer that is determined to contain
sources (new source performance stan- concentrations of a leaded or spilled sub-
dards). The 1990 amendments include stance that threatens the public health or
provisions for operating permits for station- the environment.
ary sources (title v permit), a phaseout
of chemicals contributing to ozone layer Clean Water Act (CWA) The basic
depletion, acid rain controls, tradable federal water pollution control statute.
emission credits, a system of ranking non- The Water Quality Act of 1965 began
attainment areas by severity of air pol- setting water quality standards, and the
lution, stricter auto emission standards, 1966 amendments increased federal fund-
and new air toxics controls (maximum ing for sewage treatment plants. The
achievable control technology). 1972 amendments established a goal of
zero toxic discharges and “fishable” and
Clean Air Scientific Advisory Commit- “swimmable” surface waters. Additional
tee (CASAC) A seven-member indepen- amendments were passed in 1977 and
dent panel established by the clean air 1987. The enforceable provisions included
act to review the basis (criteria docu- technology-based effluent standards,
ment) for each national ambient air administered through the national pol-
quality standard every five years. lutant discharge elimination system,
for point sources; a construction
grants program to build or upgrade
cleaner technologies substitutes assess- municipal sewage treatment plants (now
ment A method developed by the U.S. a revolving fund); a regulatory system for
EPA for evaluating the comparative risk,
spills of oil or hazardous waste; a pre-
performance cost, and resource conserva-
treatment control program; storm
tion aspects of technologies developed as
water runoff controls; and a wetlands
alternatives to chemicals currently used by preservation program.
specific industry segments. The assessment
supports cooperative joint efforts among clear-cutting The removal of all trees
trade associations, businesses, public inter- in an area without regard to size or spe-
est groups, and academia to help certain cies. The process leaves large tracts of
businesses select environmentally sound land without substantial vegetation, with
products, processes, and technologies. a resulting increase in erosion. The prac-
tice also allows the planting of economi-
clean fuels Fuels that can be substi- cally valuable tree species throughout the
tuted for gasoline, including natural cleared tract.
gas, methanol, ethanol, or liquefied
petroleum products such as propane and clearwell An underground tank holding
butane. These fuels produce less air pol- treated drinking water before distribution
lution than gasoline. See alternative to customers.
fuels; cellulosic ethanol; e10; e85;
flexible fuel vehicles. Clements, Frederick (1874–1945)
American plant ecologist Clements
clean oil See black oil. proposed the theory of vegetative succes-
sion, which starts with a pioneer com-
clean room A room maintained in a munity and proceeds to a final stage, the
dust-free condition. A clean room is used climax community. See climax.

closed system

climate The weather patterns in a par- duced from a single somatic (nonsex) cell.
ticular region, generalized over a long 4. An individual animal produced from
period. the transfer of the nucleus from a somatic
(nonsex) cell to an egg from which the
climate change An alteration of area nucleus has been removed and the sub-
or worldwide long-term weather patterns, sequent implantation of the modified cell
as in the case of global warming. into another animal for gestation. 5. Many
copies of a fragment of DNA. See organ-
Climate Change Detection Project ismal cloning.
Operated by the United Nations, a project
instituted in 1989 by the Commission for cloning See organismal cloning.
Climatology Working Group on Climate
Change Detection under the auspices of closed canopy A forest in which the
the world meteorological organiza- foliage at the crown or tops of the trees
tion. The objective of the project involves covers at least 20% of the ground area.
the use of climate information and other Such forests often consist of mature trees
data to provide an assessment of the inter- that have overlapping foliage, reducing
pretation and applicability of databases the amount of sunlight reaching the forest
for the detection of climate change on floor. Compare open canopy.
global and regional scales. Web site: www. closed-cycle cooling A process in
which cooling water used in an industrial
climate forcing See radiative forcing. process or in the generation of electri-
cal energy is not discharged into receiving
climate proxy See proxy climate streams, where direct discharge can have
indicators. adverse effects, but is circulated through
cooling towers, ponds, or canals to
climax The last stage in ecological suc- allow the dissipation of the heat and
cession. Relatively more stable, with a reuse of the water. Compare open-cycle
greater species diversity than earlier, cooling.
nonstable stages.
closed loop In wastewater treatment,
climax community In a specific habi- an enclosed process of recycling, reclaim-
tat, used to describe the biota that remains ing, or reusing wastewater for purposes
stable over a long period. An agricultural other than drinking.
field that is abandoned becomes over-
grown with plants that change over time closed-loop recycling Remanufacture
as the field ages. When those changes of a discarded item back into the origi-
cease and the populations of plants and nal material. For example, discarded
animals remain about the same over a aluminum beverage cans are collected,
long period, the community is described shredded, melted, and re-formed into
as having reached the climax stage. See new beverage cans. Compare open-loop
community. recycling.

clinker Solid residue formed in an incin- closed system In physics, a system

erator from various noncombustible mate- that does not exchange matter or energy
rials such as glass or metal. with the surroundings. In ecology, a sys-
tem exchanging energy, but not matter,
clone 1. To make many exact copies with the surroundings. The planet Earth
of something. 2. A single-celled organism is a closed system in the ecological sense,
that divides to produce a colony of geneti- absorbing and radiating solar energy,
cally identical offspring (e.g., the growth while recycling matter within the bio-
of bacteria). 3. An individual plant pro- sphere. Compare open system.

closed water loop

closed water loop A process in which in the world. The organization sponsored
decontaminated or cooled wastewater is the Project on the Predicament of Man-
not discharged into a receiving stream but kind, which depended on computer mod-
is reused. Any water lost during the pro- els to predict future availability of critical
cess by evaporation or binding with some resources and which led to the publica-
material is replaced by makeup water. See tion of The Limits to Growth in 1972 and
closed-cycle cooling. Compare with Mankind at the Turning Point in 1974.
open water loop. Subsequently, many other reports on
global problems and the future, including
closure Any action prescribed by regu- energy, waste management, education,
lations implementing the resource con- and microelectronics, were issued. These
servation and recovery act that must books and reports revived and expanded
be performed at facilities operated to dis- the malthusian philosophy beyond agri-
pose of hazardous waste, industrial non- cultural production. Humanity was sched-
hazardous waste, or municipal solid waste uled to run out of gold by 1981, mercury
if waste will no longer be received for by 1985, petroleum by 1992, and natural
treatment or disposal. The actions include, gas by 1993, to mention a few of the dire
among many other things, the placement events predicted, none of which happened.
of a final cover on the buried waste, the Web site:
establishment of a long-term groundwa-
ter monitoring program, and the filing of clustering In epidemiology, the
a notice in state property records that a (actual or perceived) grouping in time
waste facility has been closed at the loca- or space of cases of a disease. Common
tion. The monitoring and property record causes of disease clusters are often difficult
notice are also termed postclosure actions. to identify conclusively, especially if the
See closure plan. alleged cause is a low level of environmen-
tal contamination.
closure plan The written document, for
a specific hazardous waste facility, outlin- coagulation The grouping together of
ing closure. See postclosure plan. solids suspended in air or water, result-
ing in their precipitation. Coagulation
cloud feedback The opposing effects of is encouraged in wastewater treatment
clouds on the Earth’s climate. More cloud plants by the addition of alum, ferrous
cover means an increased albedo, which sulfate, and other materials. See colloid;
lowers incoming solar energy. Lower flocculation; primary treatment.
incoming energy means lower air tem-
peratures, which reduce evaporation and coal A solid fossil fuel found in lay-
cloud formation. But more cloud cover ers beneath the surface of the Earth. The
also means more absorption of outgoing resource is mined and used primarily as a
infrared energy and a greater retention fuel to generate steam for the production
of heat in the atmosphere, which increase of electricity. Coal is graded on the basis of
evaporation and cloud formation. These heat content and classified as anthracite,
changes are imperfectly captured by com- bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite.
puter simulations of climate change. See See reclamation; surface mining.
general circulation models. Also
called cloud-climate feedback. coal-cleaning technology The appli-
cation of physical, biological, or chemi-
Club of Rome An informal inter- cal processes to remove from mined coal
national organization begun in 1968 by agents that contribute to air pollution or
Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist. The ash accumulation when coal is use as a
purpose of the group is to foster under- fuel. The processes associated with clean-
standing of the finite and interdependent ing include milling, dewatering, dry-
nature of the natural resources available ing, chemical extraction, flotation, sonic


enhancement, and agglomeration. The as a fuel and as a tar for roads and roof-
removal of organic sulfur residues is an ing. It can also be further refined to pro-
important consideration because of the duce a large array of chemicals, including
potential for the release of sulfur dioxide creosotes, phenols, naphthalenes, and sim-
when coal is burned as a fuel. ilar aromatic compounds. Products such
as dyes, resins, perfumes, and flavoring
coal gasification The conversion of agents are also prepared from coal tar.
solid coal to a low-energy gas mixture
containing mainly methane, hydrogen, coal-tar creosote The black liquid
and carbon monoxide. The process is not residue that remains after the processing
currently economically competitive with of the crude mixture produced from the
production of natural gas; however, it destructive distillation of coal. The pro-
provides a potential alternative fuel in the cessing removes economically useful mate-
event of a shortage in crude oil supplies. rials such as phenols, naphthalenes, and
other aromatic compounds from coal tar.
Coalition for Environmentally Respon- The creosote is a crude mixture of various
sible Economies (CERES) Founded in heavy oils.
1989, a wide array of investment funds,
environmental organizations, religious rep- coal washing The use of water to classify
resentatives, and labor groups who together coal by size and density, with the removal of
promote environmental practices to be rock and some sulfur contaminants.
implemented by industry. The 10 CERES
principles are often put forward as share- coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP)
holder resolutions in corporation proxy A chronic lung disease characterized by
statements. The global reporting initia- the accumulation of fibrous connective
tive was begun in 1997. For more informa- (scar) tissue in varying degrees of sever-
tion, visit ity (fibrosis); the condition is caused by
long-term overexposure to coal dust con-
coal liquefaction The conversion taining significant amounts of free silica
of solid coal to a liquid fuel. The pro- and is also associated with chronic inhala-
cess is not yet economically competitive tion of coal dust that has very low free-
with petroleum production; however, it silica content. See silicosis.
provides a potential alternative fuel in the
event of a shortage in crude oil supplies in coarse screen See bar racks.
the future.
Coastal Zone Management Act
coal refining See coal cleaning tech- (CZMA) A 1972 federal law, amended
nology. in 1980, that provides guidance and finan-
cial assistance to voluntary state and local
coal slurry pipeline A method of coastal management programs. Goals of
transporting coal using pulverized coal the programs include the protection of nat-
mixed with water. The only pipeline ural resources and the management of land
transport of coal in the United States development in coastal areas, along shore-
is from coal fields in northeastern Ari- lines, and on shorelands (extending inland
zona to a electricity generating station in as far as a strong influence on the shore is
Nevada. One billion gallons of Arizona expected). The state programs established
groundwater is drawn each year for the under the act vary widely in their approach
pipeline operations. and application.

coal tar A crude mixture of aromatic cocarcinogen In the two-stage model of

hydrocarbons produced from the destruc- carcinogenesis, a chemical substance that
tive distillation of coal. The mixture is enhances the initiation stage by increasing
usually a viscous material that can be used the bioavailability of a carcinogen,


decreasing the metabolic detoxification of rate into a hood to the ideal flow rate.
the carcinogen, or inhibiting deoxyribo- The ideal flow rate would result if all
nucleic acid (DNA) repair, among other hood static pressure were converted to
actions. Cocarcinogens differ from pro- velocity pressure, without losses. The
moters, which act after the genotoxic ini- coefficient is commonly calculated by
tiation stage is complete to enhance the dividing the measured hood velocity pres-
growth of a converted cell into a tumor. sure by the hood static pressure and tak-
See initiator. ing the square root of the result.

cochlea The spiral-shaped section of the coefficient of haze (Coh) A measure-

inner ear connected to the auditory nerve. ment of air visibility derived from the
The nerve endings within this organ are darkness of the stain on a white paper
damaged by excessive noise, with a result- tape through which the air has been fil-
ing impairment of hearing. tered. The value is usually expressed as the
number of Coh units per 1,000 linear feet
co-composting composting operation of air, with one per 1,000 corresponding
that processes widely different discards to clean air on a bright day and five per
into soil conditioner, for example, sewage 1,000 corresponding to significant visibil-
sludge with municipal solid waste or ani- ity reduction due to smoke.
mal manure with wood chips.
coefficient of permeability See hydrau-
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) lic conductivity.
The annual compilation of all current
regulations that have been issued in final coevolution Simultaneous evolution
form by any federal regulatory agency; the of two or more species of organisms that
publication is organized by subject titles. interact in significant ways, for example,
Most environmental regulations are found a certain species of flowering plant and a
under Title 40, Protection of the Environ- specific species of hummingbird that feeds
ment. Occupational health and safety reg- primarily on the flower of that plant.
ulations are under Title 29, Labor. Web
site: cofactor In biochemical reactions, a
small molecular weight substance needed
Codex Alimentarius Commission A to assist in a reaction promoted by an
group formed by the world health enzyme. Many of the vitamins and miner-
organization and the food and als that are taken as food supplements serve
agriculture organization to develop as cofactors in the metabolic reactions cata-
safety standards for the production of lyzed by protein enzymes. See catalyst.
safe and wholesome fruits and vegetables.
The group includes members from 165 coffin A strong, shielded container used
countries. for transporting radioactive materials.

codistillation Evaporation of a chemical cofire To burn more than one type of

that accompanies evaporation of water. fuel in a boiler, for example, burning coal
and scrap tires in the same boiler to gener-
coefficient 1. In mathematics, a num- ate electrical energy.
ber that multiplies another quantity or
variable, such as the 7 in 7c. 2. In phys- cogeneration The use of steam or heat
ics, a number or ratio that expresses the to process materials and generate electric-
relationship between two quantities, given ity. For example, high-pressure steam may
certain conditions. be routed through an electricity-generat-
ing turbine before application in industrial
coefficient of entry In industrial ven- processes, reducing the electricity demand
tilation, the ratio of the actual airflow on a central power station.

collection efficiency

cohort In epidemiology, a group of ing CO from the exhaust and emissions

people sharing one or more characteristics. are higher than those released when the
A birth cohort consists of all persons born engine is at operating temperature. See
within a certain period, usually a year. A catalytic converter.
group of persons exposed to similar lev-
els of a toxic substance during a similar coliform bacteria Gram-negative, rod-
period is a cohort. shaped bacteria, including primarily fecal
coliform, found in the digestive tract;
cohort study An epidemiological study other forms are found in soil and water.
that follows two groups, one exposed to a The presence of coliforms in water, in other
suspected disease risk factor, the other not liquids, or on surfaces is used to indicate
exposed, and compares disease rates. the possible presence of fecal material.

co-incineration Combustion of energy- coliform count Quantitative evalu-

containing waste with another fuel—e.g., ation of the sanitary quality of water,
combustion of sewage sludge in a coal- food, or beverages or the sanitary sta-
fired electric power plant or combustion tus of wastewater. Coliform designates a
of hazardous waste in a rotary kiln. gram-negative bacterium that can fer-
ment lactose under prescribed conditions.
coke A solid carbon residue resulting The presence of these kinds of organisms
from distillation of coal or petroleum. The in water indicates contamination with
product is used as a fuel and as a reducing fecal material. Coliform count represents
agent in steel making. The volatile materi- an assessment of the severity of the con-
als emitted to the air by coke ovens used in tamination. Two or three coliforms in
steel mills include known human carcino- a liter of drinking water is a cause for
gens and are regulated by the U.S. EPA. concern; two or three thousand coliforms
in a liter of drinking water indicate sig-
cold side That part of the process in a nificant contamination of the water with
petrochemical facility requiring the cool- fecal material. The higher the number
ing of a gas to facilitate separation and of coliforms in water, the more severe
purification of products on the basis of the the contamination issue. See coliform
condensation temperature of the chemi- bacteria; fecal coliform; membrane
cal. Generally requires the use of rotating filter method; multiple-tube fer-
equipment to facilitate the compression mentation test.
and cooling of hot gases produced in other
parts of the operation. Contrast hot side. collecting surfaces The collection
electrodes, either tubes or flat plates, that
cold-side ESP An electrostatic pre- provide the attraction surface area in an
cipitator (ESP) designed for flue gases electrostatic precipitator.
less than 400°F (204°C) and located
downstream from the air preheater. collection efficiency An expression
The lower flue gas temperature means a of the performance of air pollution con-
smaller air volume and, thus, a smaller, trol equipment, or the percentage reduc-
less expensive unit. This type of precipita- tion in pollution concentration entering
tor is not as effective as a hot-side esp on the device compared with the pollutant
fly ash from low-sulfur coal combustion. concentration in the exhaust air. It is cal-
culated by subtracting the pollutant con-
cold temperature CO A standard for centration in the exhaust from the pollut-
automobile emissions of carbon monox- ant concentration in the incoming air and
ide (CO) to be met when the exhaust sys- dividing by the incoming air concentra-
tem is at temperatures of 20° and below. tion. This result is multiplied by 100 for
At these temperatures, the pollution con- expression as percentage efficiency (by
trol system is not as effective in remov- weight).

collection system

collection system 1. The underground color intensity is the indication of the pres-
pipe network that channels domestic ence, concentration, or both of a particu-
sewage to a sewage treatment plant. lar material. The color change is normally
2. The underground pipes that capture measured with an electronic device.
and transport leachate to the surface for
treatment or disposal (leachate collec- combined available chlorine Chlorine
tion system). present in water as chloramines; pro-
duced by combined residual chlorina-
colloids Particles with diameters of 1– tion. Compare free residual chlorine.
1,000 nanometers (10–9 meter) dispersed
into a gaseous, liquid, or solid medium. combined cycle generation A system
Colloidal particles suspended in water or designed to increase the efficiency of a gas
wastewater cannot be removed by filtra- turbine. The otherwise-wasted heat energy
tion or sedimentation unless the process is from the hot gases used to drive the turbine
preceded by coagulation to increase the is extracted with heat exchangers and used
particle size. to produce steam for a conventional steam
turbine that can generate electricity.
colluvial Describing eroded material
found at the bottom or on the lower slopes combined residual chlorination The
of a hill. drinking water treatment method that
involves the addition of chlorine to water
colony count A method for the quan- at levels sufficient to produce, in combina-
tification of bacteria in an environmental tion with ammonia and/or organic amines,
sample. A portion of a liquid sample or a a combined available chlorine resid-
dilution thereof is spread across the sur- ual. This chlorine residual maintains the
face of a suitable solid nutrient medium disinfecting power of a treatment through-
and allowed to incubate. The number of out the water distribution system. Another
bacterial colonies that develop on the sur- approach to water chlorination is break-
face is counted and the necessary math- point chlorination.
ematical calculations made to compute
the number of bacteria per unit volume combined sewer A water drainage
of the sample. The technique is based on pipeline that receives surface runoff as
the assumption that one bacterial cell will well as sanitary or industrial wastewater.
grow and divide to produce one colony on Combined sewer systems are common in
the surface of the nutrient medium. the older cities in the northeastern United
States. See combined sewer overflow.
colony-forming unit Usually applied to
the quantification of fungi in a sample of combined sewer overflow The release
air, water, soil, or other material obtained of wastewater from a sewer system that
from the environment. A specified amount collects and transports both sanitary
of sample is placed on the surface of a waste from homes and businesses and
solid medium that will support the growth storm waters resulting from rain runoff.
and development of fungi. The subsequent When the system is not capable of hold-
development of filamentous growth char- ing and treating large volumes character-
acteristic of fungi is taken to mean that a istic of heavy rainfall, the water overflows,
spore or mycelium fragment was in the envi- untreated or only partially treated, into
ronmental sample. Also used when bacteria the receiving body of water.
contained in an environmental sample may
be in the form of a many-celled chain or combustible gas indicator (CGI) A
other type of clump. See colony count. safety device used to measure the concen-
tration of a flammable vapor or gas in
colorimetry Methods of chemical air. The output is usually presented as the
analysis in which a change in color and/or percentage of the concentration of the gas

Commission on Sustainable Development

required for burning or exploding in the commensalism A form of species inter-

presence of an ignition source. See lower action in which one species is benefited but
explosive limit. the other is unaffected; for example, shell-
fish may provide shelter to other, more
combustible liquid A liquid with a flash mobile organisms and are neither harmed
point above 100°F and below 200°F. nor benefited in the process.

combustible material Any substance comment period The time allowed

that will burn under ordinary circum- for public comment on regulations pro-
stances. posed by a federal administrative agency
in accordance with the provisions of the
combustion A rapid chemical reaction administrative procedure act; usually
of a fuel with oxygen that produces heat 60 days after publication in the federal
and light. The combustion of carbon fuels register.
(wood, coal, natural gas, petroleum prod-
ucts) produces a mixture of exhaust gases commercial solid waste A category of
that includes water vapor, carbon dioxide, municipal discards produced at wholesale
nitrogen, and oxides of nitrogen. businesses, retail establishments, service
industries, office buildings, and multifam-
combustion air Air blown into a fur- ily residential structures. Usually collected
nace to provide oxygen for the combus- by private solid waste management com-
tion of fuel. panies and disposed of at facilities rated to
receive household solid waste.
combustion products Gases, solids, or
other material produced during the burn- commingled recyclables All recyclable
ing of some substance. items that have been collected in a house-
hold and placed in a single container for
comfort chart A graph of different collection. The items must be separated
combinations of air temperature, relative by the recycling agency before delivery to
humidity, and air motion showing the a facility that converts the used material
percentage of test subjects feeling comfort- into a new product.
able under various conditions. The chart
includes different comfort zones for sum- comminutor A mechanical device that
mer and winter and is useful for the design cuts and shreds solids as wastewater enters
and operation of air heating and cooling a treatment plant.
devices. The chart is applicable only to the
culture and climate in which the test sub- Commission for Environmental Coop-
jects’ comfort zones were recorded. eration (CEC) An agreement among
the governments of Canada, Mexico, and
command and control regulation The the United States begun under the North
use of detailed standards, regulations, American Agreement for Environmental
permit provisions, penalties, and so forth Cooperation (NAAEC) to establish com-
to meet a legislative mandate. Under this mon ground for environmental problems
regulatory model, the legislature passes a and to prevent environmental/trade dis-
law delegating to an administrative agency putes. Web site:
(such as the U.S. EPA) the authority to
write and enforce exacting rules for the Commission on Sustainable Devel-
regulated community to follow. This is opment (CSD) A group of countries
the primary approach taken in the United established by the United Nations to
States to solve environmental problems. monitor the implementation of agenda
21 and the rio declaration, agree-
command post See incident com- ments on sustainable development
mand post. adopted at the 1992 earth summit. For

common ion effect

more information, visit Code of Management Practices of the

sustdev/csd. responsible care program of the ameri-
can chemistry council. CAER was
common ion effect The decreased sol- established to encourage, at the local level,
ubility of an ionized salt caused by the planning for emergencies resulting from
addition of a chemical that ionizes to form releases by industrial facilities of hazard-
an ion that is the same as one formed ous materials that impact nearby commu-
by the salt. For example, if chemical AB nities.
forms A+ and B– ions and chemical BC,
which forms C+ and B– ions, is added, community ecology A specialized
then B– is the common ion. The additional branch of the study of the relationships
B– ions from chemical CB increase the ion among organisms and between organisms
product [A+][B–] such that it reaches the and their surroundings in which all types
solubility product (the maximal amount of organisms, regardless of the kind,
of the two ions that can be present in a type, or species, in a defined geographi-
solution), after which the chemical AB cal region are the subject of investiga-
will precipitate. The effect is important in tion. An alternate approach to the study
the removal of ions from solution in water of ecology would be the examination of
treatment. the relationships governing the activities
and properties of a single species in some
Common Sense Initiative A U.S. EPA defined geographical region.
approach that examined and managed
pollution problems by industry sector, community water system A public
not by environmental medium (air, water, water system with 15 or more connections
land). Environmental protection legisla- and serving 25 or more year-round resi-
tion (clean air act, clean water act, dents and thus subject to U.S. EPA regula-
resource conservation and recov- tions enforcing the safe drinking water
ery act) has, in the past, encouraged the act.
medium-specific approach.
compacted solid waste Solid waste
communal resource management after compaction. The waste may be
system Cooperative system or custom shredded first, compacted, and formed
(maintained either informally through tra- into bales. See baler; shredding.
dition or formally through a legal system)
by which some finite resource of value to a compaction 1. The mechanical volume
group of people (e.g., water, land, fishery, reduction (increase in density) of solid
or forest) is maintained over the long term waste by the application of pressure. 2.
in a way that ensures the continued avail- The application of pressure to soil or clay,
ability of the resource. Contrast tragedy reducing the permeability to liquids.
of the commons.
compaction ratio The ratio of the vol-
communicable disease A disease for ume of solid waste before compaction to
which the causative pathogenic organism the reduced volume after compaction.
is readily transmitted by person-to-person
contact, fomites, water, food, or air. comparative risk assessment Meth-
odology employing science, policy, and
community In ecology, the populations economic analysis as well as stakeholder
of all plant and animal species present in participation to identify and address the
an ecosystem. Also called the biotic com- areas of greatest environmental risks and
munity. to rank environmental problems. The risk
ranking produced by this process is touted
Community Awareness and Emer- as a way to synthesize the otherwise
gency Response (CAER) The first medium-specific environmental protection

compliance coal

programs driven by the enabling statutes species compete for the same resources in
such as the clean air act and the clean the same habitat, one species will commonly
water act. be more successful in this competition and
exclude the second from the habitat. Com-
compartment A conceptual unit of an pare resource partitioning.
ecosystem (e.g., biomass) or the body
of an organism (e.g., the liver) in and complete carcinogen In the two-stage
through which a chemical moves; used in model of carcinogenesis, an exposure
mathematical models. See box model; containing materials that act as initia-
residence time; stocks. tors and promoters. Cigarette smoke
is usually considered to be a complete
compartment model See box model. carcinogen.
compatibility A condition describ- completed test The third, and last,
ing materials that can be mixed without part of the examination of water for the
adverse environmental effects or risks to presence of bacteria of fecal origin. Cul-
human health. For example, soft drinks tures that are scored as positive in the
and water are compatible because they can earlier steps of the analysis (confirmed
be mixed without adverse consequences, test) are subjected to a verification by
and metallic sodium and water are not inoculating appropriate media (eosin
compatible because mixing the two pro- methylene blue agar plates) and per-
motes the release of hydrogen, which fre- forming gram-positive/gram-negative
quently leads to fires. staining of isolated colonies. See also
presumptive test.
compensation depth See compensa-
tion point.
complex The incorporation into or
compensation point The point under combination of cations with other mol-
water at which plant photosynthesis ecules in such a way that the cations are
just equals respiration. The water depth no longer available to enter into reactions
defines the lower boundary, where the rate with other charged molecules.
of oxygen production by photosynthesis
equals the rate of oxygen consumption complex terrain Land in the vicinity
by respiration. Also called compensation of an air pollution source with an eleva-
depth. tion greater than the source’s stack height.
Complex terrain must be taken into
competing risks Potential adverse account when using air quality disper-
outcomes that become more probable as sion models to estimate the impact of a
one reduces another, indirectly related source on nearby receptors.
risk. For example, a successful program
to encourage bicycle commuting would compliance assurance monitoring
reduce the risk from air pollution–related (CAM) Monitoring required by provi-
human health effects and the environmen- sions of the clean air act. This moni-
tal risks attendant on global warming toring is intended to demonstrate that a
but would increase the risk of injuries and major source of air pollution is operating
death from bicycle accidents. within the emission limits of its title v
competition In ecology, the interaction
among species or individuals of the same compliance coal Coal that is suf-
species in which they struggle to obtain ficiently low in sulfur content that less
the same food, space, or other essentials. than 1.2 pounds of sulfur dioxide is
produced per 1 million BTU of coal heat
competitive exclusion The hypothesis input. Also known as low-sulfur coal or
stating that when organisms of different clean coal.

compliance coating

compliance coating Coating, such as water samples will be taken to determine

paint, that conforms to regulations that compliance with the U.S. EPA groundwa-
address the content of volatile organic ter protection standard.
compounds. These volatile constituents
are often used as solvents and contribute compliance schedule An agreed date
to air pollution as they enter the atmo- or series of milestone dates for a facility to
sphere after application to a surface. reduce emissions or otherwise be in com-
pliance with environmental regulations;
compliance cycle A system organized negotiated with the facility by a state envi-
and directed by the U.S. EPA for stabi- ronmental protection agency or the U.S.
lizing the monitoring of water supply EPA. See compliance order/action.
systems for adherence to drinking water
standards. The frequency with which component separation The separation
each potential pollutant must be moni- of municipal solid waste into categories
tored by drinking water systems varies including newsprint, white paper, card-
from once every three months to yearly board, plastic, food waste, glass, ferrous
to once per three-year period to once metals, aluminum, yard waste, leather,
every nine years. and rubber products.

compliance monitoring Collecting, composite liquid waste sampler

verifying, and evaluating data on air or (COLIWASA) A device used to collect
water quality to determine whether the samples from containers such as 55-gallon
concentrations of pollutants are below drums, which may have several layers of
those levels specified by operating permits liquids. The device obtains a representa-
of a facility. Facilities must participate in a tive sample of the entire column of liquid,
self-monitoring program and supply the ensuring that each layer is analyzed.
results to regulatory agencies. See compli-
ance assurance monitoring; compli- composite sample A representative
ance monitoring program. water or wastewater sample made up
of individual smaller samples taken at
compliance monitoring program The intervals.
extensive follow-up groundwater monitor-
ing required at a treatment, storage, composite volcano The most common
or disposal facility if the detection type of continental volcano. Characterized
monitoring program indicates a pos- by high, steep cones composed of layers
sible leak from the hazardous waste at the of thick silica-rich lava alternating with
site. Data from upgradient wells are layers of ash and dust. A depression at
compared with data from downgradient the summit usually indicates the position
wells for specific chemicals to help deter- of the vent. Eruptions of composite volca-
mine the source and extent of any ground- noes can be extremely violent because of
water combination. the thick, gas-rich nature of the underly-
ing magma, which allows for the buildup
compliance order/action An official of high pressures.
communication from an administrative
agency that requires a pollution source compost The material produced by
to conform to environmental protection composting, useful as a soil conditioner.
regulations by following a compliance
schedule. Usually issued after a notice composting The controlled degradation
of violation. by aerobic microorganisms of organic
materials in solid waste to produce com-
compliance point The physical loca- post, a soil conditioner and fertilizer. Wet-
tion with respect to a hazardous waste ted solid waste is stacked in piles or rows,
secure landfill from which ground- which are periodically turned to ensure

concentrated animal feeding operation

that sufficient oxygen is present for the 1980 and significantly amended in 1986
decomposers. The process is conducted (superfund amendments and reautho-
on scales ranging from backyard heaps to rization act). See national contin-
tractor-using operations at municipal solid gency plan.
waste processing facilities.
Comprehensive Environmental Re-
composting facilities A plant loca- sponse, Compensation, and Liability
tion where suitable organic wastes are Information System (CERCLIS) A
ground or shredded, mixed with a bulk- computerized system containing the basic
ing agent, and allowed to decompose in information about and current status of a
the presence of air by using static piles site being cleaned up under the national
or mechanical tumbling until the residue contingency plan, such as a Superfund
degrades into a humuslike soil condi- hazardous waste site. Web site: www.epa.
tioner. See composting. gov/superfund/sites/cursites for the data-
compound A substance made up of
two or more elements in a fixed propor- comprehensive general liability pol-
tion by weight. The various elements can icy (CGL policy) An insurance policy
be separated only by chemical reactions, covering a broad range of potential lia-
not by physical means. The physical and bilities arising in a policy year, including
chemical properties of a compound are a claims resulting from sudden or acciden-
result of the chemical combination of the tal releases of pollutants, but not grad-
elements and are not those of the indi- ual leaks or normal pollutant emissions,
vidual elements. Compare mixture. which fall under the pollution exclu-
sion clause. See also environmental
comprehensive assessment informa- impairment liability policy.
tion rule (CAIR) A chemical substance
regulatory program implementing the compressed natural gas (CNG) An
toxic substances control act. The act alternative fuel that is a possible replace-
requires manufacturers to submit detailed ment for gasoline. The use of CNG reduces
information on a chemical, including data the impact of automobiles on air qual-
about its potential environmental fate ity because hydrocarbons in the exhaust
(i.e., persistence, transport, and distribu- are minimal and because vapors released
tion) and release, to the U.S. EPA for use directly to the atmosphere from the fuel
in determining the risk to human health do not participate significantly in the gen-
and the environment. The CAIR was eration of ground-level ozone. However,
rescinded in 1995. use of the fuel does result in the release of
nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere.
Comprehensive Environmental Re-
sponse, Compensation, and Liabil- Comstock, Anna Botsford (1854–
ity Act (CERCLA) The statute, also 1930) American nature educator,
known as the superfund law, establishes writer, conservationist While working
federal authority for emergency response as a professor of nature study at Cornell
and cleanup of hazardous substances University, Comstock wrote and illustrated
that have been spilled, improperly dis- numerous books aimed at children’s appre-
posed, or released into the environment. ciation of nature, including The Handbook
The primary responsibility for response of Nature-Study, published in 1911 and
and cleanup lies with the generators or still in print. With liberty hyde bailey,
disposers of the hazardous substances (see she was important in the American Nature
potentially responsible parties), with Study movement.
a backup federal response using a trust
fund (see hazardous substances super- concentrated animal feeding opera-
fund). The legislation was enacted in tion (CAFO) An animal feeding


operation with an animal population concentration factor See bioconcen-

meeting the regulatory definition of tration factor.
a small, medium, or large CAFO. For
example, a large CAFO has greater than concentration gradient An expres-
1,000 cattle or greater than 55,000 tur- sion of the change in the concentration
keys. CAFOs must apply for a national of a material over a certain distance.
pollutant discharge elimination Chemicals diffuse from areas of higher
permit to control runoff of animal concentration to areas of lower concen-
waste containing excessive nutrients and tration; the diffusion rate increases with
possible microbial pathogens. See bio- an increase in the concentration gradi-
chemical oxygen demand; cultural ent. This principle is used in the removal
eutrophication. of pollutants from exhaust gases (scrub-
bers) and water effluents (packed
concentration The amount of a chem- tower aeration). The gaseous or liquid
ical substance in a given amount of air, material into which the pollutant is dif-
water, soil, food, or other medium. The fusing is replenished rapidly to maintain
value can be expressed as mass of the its low concentration and, thus, a high
chemical in a given mass of the medium, collection efficiency. See fick’s first
the volume of the chemical in a given law of diffusion.
volume of the medium, or the mass of
the chemical in a given volume of the concurrent flow The arrangement
medium. For gaseous air contaminant of material flow in systems designed to
concentrations, two expressions are remove specific chemicals (such as sul-
appropriate: a volume/volume ratio and fur oxides) from stack gases. The liquid
a mass/volume ratio. The volume/volume containing the substance that absorbs or
ratio units are typically parts per mil- reacts with the undesirable gas enters the
lion (volume), equivalent to one liter of gas stream flowing in the same direction
pollutant per one million liters of air, or as the stack gas. Opposite of counter-
parts per billion (volume), one liter of current flow.
pollutant in one billion liters of air. The
mass/volume units are typically micro- condensate Liquid condensed from the
grams of pollutant per cubic meter of air. vapor or gaseous state. In natural gas pro-
For airborne particulate matter, only duction, the liquid components sometimes
mass/volume units are used, typically present in the gas stream exiting a well
micrograms of particulate per cubic meter or gases such as propane or butane that
of air. In water, mass/volume and mass/ are readily condensed to form liquefied
mass ratios are used; the volume and petroleum gas (LPG) fuel.
mass of the aqueous medium are easily
interchanged because one liter of water condensation The change of a gas or
has a mass of one kilogram. Typical units vapor to a liquid. At atmospheric pres-
are milligrams of pollutant per liter of sure, the process is caused by the removal
water, which is the same as parts per mil- of heat from the gas or vapor. The amount
lion (mass), or micrograms of pollutant of heat removed from (or released by) a
per liter of water, which equals parts per unit of gas or vapor to cause it to become
billion (mass). Soil and food concentra- a liquid is called the heat of condensation,
tions are mass/mass ratios, in milligrams which is numerically equal to the heat of
of a chemical per kilogram of medium, vaporization of the liquid.
which is the same as parts per million
(mass), or micrograms of a chemical per condensation nuclei submicrometer
kilogram of medium, equal to parts per particles naturally present in the atmo-
billion (mass). See the Appendixes for sphere on which water vapor condenses to
additional information. form droplets.

confidential business information

condenser A heat-extraction device cone penetrometer technology (CPT)

used in a steam engine or turbine to con- Technology used to measure soil char-
dense the steam to a liquid. acteristics on the basis of penetration
resistance. Sensors in a device with a
conditionally exempt small-quantity cone-shaped end measure the tip resis-
generator A classification of a haz- tance and the friction on the side walls,
ardous waste generator applied by the producing real-time data as the probe is
U.S. EPA to facilities that generate less pushed into the ground.
than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste
per month. This classification exempts confidence interval A specified range
facilities from some regulations concern- of probability for a particular population
ing the handling and disposal of hazard- statistic. For example, the statement “the
ous waste on site. See small-quantity 95% confidence interval for the mean dis-
generator. solved oxygen (DO) level is 10.4–12.4 mil-
ligrams per liter” indicates that, in terms
conditional registration Refers to a of information from a population sample,
special circumstance allowing the use of the true value for the mean DO level lies
a new pesticide product under the provi- between 10.4 and 12.4 milligrams per liter
sions of the federal insecticide, fun- and that the chance that this range does
gicide, and rodenticide act. This type not contain the true mean is 5%, or five
of registration is a temporary certification in 100.
that can be applied before final registra-
tion is granted. A product containing a confidence limits The end points of a
previously unregistered active ingredient confidence interval.
may be conditionally registered for use
only if the administrator of the U.S. EPA confidential business information
determines that such a classification is in (CBI) Material that contains trade
the public interest, that a reasonable time secrets, commercial information, or finan-
for conducting the testing required for for- cial data that have been claimed as confi-
mal registration has not elapsed, and that dential by the manufacturer of a chemical
use of the product for the time allotted or pesticide under review by the U.S. EPA.
for conditional use does not present an Such material is needed during the evalua-
unreasonable risk to the public or to the tion of the product but is not disclosed to
environment. the public by the agency.

conductance The ability of a mate-

rial to transmit electricity; the opposite of

conduction The transfer of heat by

direct contact.

conductivity See hydraulic conduc-


cone of depression A drop in the

water table caused by a groundwater
withdrawal rate exceeding the recharge
rate. The resultant shape of the water table
resembles an inverted cone.

cone of influence See circle of influ-


confidential statement of formula

confidential statement of formula in coal miners compared with gold min-

(CSF) A list of ingredients for a new for- ers, if 75% of the sample population of
mulation of a pesticide. The list is required coal miners were smokers but only 25%
by the U.S. EPA during its consideration of the gold miners smoked, a researcher
of registration of the product but is not finding excess lung cancer risk in coal
made available to the general public. miners could not conclude that coal min-
ing poses greater lung cancer risk than
confined aquifer An aquifer located gold mining. If the study design failed
between two relatively impermeable layers to account for smoking, then it is pos-
of material with the groundwater confined sible that the researcher could conclude
under pressure significantly greater than incorrectly that coal mining was a risk
atmospheric pressure. Also called an arte- factor, failing to consider the confound-
sian aquifer. ing variable.

confining layer A layer of underground congener A chemical compound, per-

rock or clay with low hydraulic con- son, or organism that resembles another
ductivity (permeability) that is located in appearance or properties.
above and/or below an aquifer. Also
called a confining bed. congenital In environmental health,
describing a disease or risk factor that is
confirmed test The second stage in the wholly or primarily related to an organ-
examination of water for the presence ism’s genetic makeup.
of bacteria of fecal origin. Culture find-
ings that are positive on the first portion Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
of the testing procedure (presumptive A federal agency that issues reports on the
test) are inoculated into tubes of bril- economic impact of federal government
liant green lactose bile broth and exam- actions, budget and economic analyses,
ined for fermentation when incubated and special reports on a wide array of pub-
at 35°C for 48 hours. If fermentation lic policy issues, including environmental
is present, a third stage, the completed
quality management, natural resources
test, is performed.
conservation, and cost of unfunded man-
dates. See the agency Web site for more
confluence The location at which
two streams or bodies of water merge to
become one.
conifer One of the group of (mostly
confluent growth Describes a circum- evergreen) cone-bearing trees or shrubs,
stance encountered in attempts to quantify such as pines, spruces, and firs. They are
bacteria in some environmental sample softwoods. Compare hardwoods.
in which the number of bacterial colo-
nies on the laboratory medium is so great coning Describing a plume from a
that they merge into one large mass. Such smokestack that is being dispersed in the
results are of no utility in attempting to horizontal and vertical directions; the
determine bacterial numbers. See colony behavior of a plume that is best simulated
count. by the gaussian plume model. Compare
fanning; fumigation; lofting; loop-
confounding variable A character- ing; trapping.
istic, habit, exposure, or the like that
is linked to a disease risk and is found conjunctive use In water management,
unequally in two groups in an epidemi- the use of both groundwater and surface
ological study, therefore confusing the water to best conserve the water available
comparison of the groups. For example, in an area. See aquifer storage and
in a study of workplace lung cancer risk recovery.

construction grants program

connate water Inactive fossil water in the assessment of the pollution status of
that was trapped within the rock struc- an area or location.
ture at the time of rock formation. This
class of water has not been surface water. constructed wetlands Artificial wet-
This type of fossil water is of interest as a lands built in basins or channels that use
potential source of water in missions to the natural cleansing processes performed
the Moon and planets. by vegetation, soil, and microorganisms to
treat wastewater.
consent decree A binding agreement
by both parties in a lawsuit that settles the construction and demolition waste
questions raised by the case; no additional Category of solid waste produced dur-
judicial action is required. ing repair and remodeling of structures,
demolition of buildings, construction proj-
conservation Careful and organized ects, and highway repair. Disposal of such
management and use of some natural debris is subject to a very limited regula-
resource or land area, emphasizing applied tory burden.
scientific principles. See also preservation.
construction ban 1. In air quality
conservation easement A legal restric- management, the prohibition of new
tion placed on a property owner limiting construction or major modifications to
the use of the property to activities that existing facilities within a pollutant-
are compatible with the long-term protec- specific nonattainment area, that is, a
tion of environmental interests. geographic zone defined as having air
quality that does not meet one of the
constituent concentrations in waste national ambient air quality stan-
extract table (CCWE table) A list- dards. The U.S. EPA can implement
ing of hazardous waste treatment stan- the ban if, in its judgment, the state has
dards expressed as the concentration of submitted an inadequate state imple-
certain hazardous waste substances in an mentation plan to demonstrate attain-
extract of the treated waste assembled by ment of the standard for that pollutant.
the toxicity characteristic leaching Only facilities that will emit the pollut-
procedure. If the extract concentration ant for which the area is designated as
is less than the specified CCWE concentra- nonattainment are affected. 2. In envi-
tion, the treated waste may be disposed ronmental management, rules against
of in a landfill. See land disposal ban. development (roads, housing, shopping
See also constituent concentrations centers, dams) that might exacerbate
in wastes table. noise problems, harm threatened or
endangered species, disrupt wilder-
constituent concentrations in wastes ness areas, or have other damaging
table (CCW table) A listing of treat- effects.
ment standards expressed as substances
present in a hazardous waste after treat- construction grants program A pro-
ment. If the results of an analysis of the gram administered by the U.S. EPA under
treated waste (not a liquid extract, as in the clean water act that provided fed-
the constituent concentrations in eral matching funds to build or upgrade
waste extract table) show the con- publicly owned treatment works
centrations to be below the values in the (municipal sewage treatment plants) to
CCW table, the waste may be disposed of a level of secondary treatment, thus
in a landfill. See land disposal ban. reducing the discharge of water pollutants
derived from sanitary wastewater. Now
constituent(s) of concern Specific phased out and replaced with a revolv-
chemicals that are selected for evaluation ing fund.

constructive metabolism

constructive metabolism See anabo- ful to persons if it comes into contact with
lism. their skin or eyes.

consumer confidence report (CCR) contact inhibition A property of nor-

An annual summary provided by com- mal animal cells that results in the stop-
munity water systems to their custom- ping of cellular growth when one cell
ers describing the quality of their drinking touches or contacts another cell. A type of
water. Required by the 1996 amendments control that limits the growth and repro-
to the safe drinking water act. duction of normal cells. The inhibition
does not occur in tumor cells, which con-
Consumer Product Safety Commis- tinue to grow even when crowded.
sion (CPSC) An agency of the federal
government, established in 1973, respon- contact pesticide Usually an insecticide
sible for issuing and ensuring compliance that kills insect pests when the insect phys-
with regulations designed to protect the ically touches the agent. Ingestion of the
public from potentially hazardous house- agent is not necessary for the destruction
hold items, such as toys, lawn mowers, of the insect pest.
and flammable fabrics. The CPSC has
banned the following known or suspected contact process A basic process for the
carcinogens from certain consumer prod- industrial manufacture of sulfuric acid.
ucts: asbestos, benzene, vinyl chlo- Oxidized sulfur, as sulfur dioxide, is
ride, and fire retardant in children’s sleep- converted to sulfur trioxide by using a cat-
wear (Tris). Web site: alyst; the sulfur trioxide is then absorbed
into a sulfuric acid liquid.
consumers In ecology, organisms
that gain energy by eating other organ- contact stabilization A version of the
isms. The place of a consumer in the activated sludge process in which
food chain is defined by what it eats. raw sewage is mixed with activated
herbivores eat plants and are primary sludge in a small contact tank for about
consumers; a human can be a primary one-half hour, time enough for the micro-
consumer by eating plants or a second- organisms to absorb the wastewater
ary consumer by eating an animal that organic material but not to decompose it.
feeds on plants. The wastewater and sludge mixture are
then separated in a clarifier, and the
consumption of water After water is wastewater is discharged. The sludge set-
withdrawn for industrial, commercial, or tling in the clarifier is pumped to a stabi-
agricultural use, the degradation of the lization tank, where about three hours of
quality of the water or the loss of a sig- microbial decomposition of the absorbed
nificant portion of it through evaporation, organics takes place. The sludge is then
evapotranspiration, or contamination returned to the contact tank for mixing
by a substance such that the water cannot with incoming raw sewage.
be reused. See withdrawal of water.
contact urticaria An allergic reaction
consumptive use of water See con- of the skin caused by direct contact with
sumption of water. some substance; the reaction is character-
ized by intense itching of red, swollen,
contact chamber An enclosed vessel in fluid-filled patches. See also allergen.
which a gas is mixed with (and commonly
absorbed by) a liquid, usually water. containment building A term employed
in the nuclear industry to identify the build-
contact hazard A chemical material ing housing the nuclear reactor and
with irritant or corrosive properties that, associated equipment. The building is con-
in case of a spilling accident, can be harm- structed to confine any radioactive sub-

continuous-feed reactor

stances that may be released from the reac- the cross-sectional area A of the duct or
tor in the event of an accident. pipe: Q = VA. If the area increases, then
the velocity must decrease, and conversely.
containment vessel A pressurized steel The equation is also applied to liquid flow
vessel that houses the core of a nuclear through a system: the flow in, Qin, flow
reactor. This vessel contains the liquid out, Qout, and change in the storage vol-
used to cool the core and is designed to ume, ΔVol, for a given time must be in
confine any radioactive substances that balance: Qin – Qout = ΔVol storage vol-
may be released from the reactor core in ume. For example, if water flow into a
the event of an accident. reservoir is 3,000 cubic meters per day
and flow out is 1,000 cubic meters per
contaminant A substance, chemical, day, then during one day the reservoir vol-
or microorganism that makes a medium ume must increase by 2,000 cubic meters,
(air, water, soil, food) impure, infected, excluding evaporation and seepage losses.
radioactive, or lower in quality. If the
contaminant exists at an excessive con- continuous analyzer 1. An instrument
centration, then the medium might be that samples and analyzes ambient air on
polluted. An agent that is out of place. a continuous basis, producing short-term
(typically five-minute) averages recorded
continental crust See crust. on a computer disk or a paper tape. 2.
Laboratory instrumentation that allows
continental drift According to the the- the operator to load a number of samples
ory of plate tectonics, the movement at one time. The instrument automatically
of the Earth’s continents as the crustal draws the proper amount of material from
plates on which they rest move across each sample, adds the necessary reagents,
the surface of the semiliquid mantle of promotes the required reaction between
the Earth. the material of interest and the reagents,
monitors the result of the test, and pro-
continental shelf The seafloor sloping vides the operator with a data printout of
away from the continents at an angle of the results.
about one degree. Commonly defined as
the shoreline area under water less than continuous discharge A routine
200 meters deep and usually extending release of a pollutant into the water or
about 70 kilometers. At the outer edge of air during normal operations at a facility.
the shelf, the seafloor drops sharply. Such discharges are usually made under a
permit authorizing the release.
contingency plan In environmental
management, a detailed document describ- continuous emission monitoring (CEM)
ing an organized, planned, and coordinated The continuous sampling and analysis
course of action to be followed in the event of gases, particulate matter, or opacity
of a fire, explosion, or release of a haz- by monitors placed inside smokestacks.
ardous substance that could threaten This type of arrangement provides more
human health or safety or the integrity of useful information than stack sam-
the environment. See local emergency pling, which may be conducted only
planning committee; national contin- every several years. Also called in situ
gency plan; national response team; monitoring.
risk management plan.
continuous-feed reactor (composting)
continuity equation The relation, A method of converting yard litter,
based on the conservation of mass, that sludge, or other solid refuse into humic,
equates the volumetric flow rate Q of soil-like material. The solid waste is moved
an incompressible fluid in a duct or pipe through the apparatus in such a way that
to the product of the fluid velocity V and the conversions are done rapidly, with the

continuous-flow microbiological system

solid refuse added to the front end of the is likely to be continuous as well but may
reactor and humic substances removed be lower than that from a batch process
from the back in a continuous fashion. because the continuous process is most
This contrasts to the batch method, in often enclosed.
which the proper composting mixture is
prepared, placed in a vessel or static pile, continuous variable A quantitative
allowed to compost for a specific period, variable that can take an infinite number
then removed. of values in a set (for example, the mass
of a soil sample), but practically the val-
continuous-flow microbiological sys- ues are limited by the accuracy of the
tem An operation in which liquid wastes measurement method. See also discrete
or media are added to a decomposition or variable.
growth vessel to allow for the growth and
metabolism of bacteria on a continuous contour ditch An irrigation ditch that
basis. The reactants are added to the ves- follows the elevation of the land.
sel and the products are removed on a
continuous basis. This system contrasts to contour line See isopleth.
the batch method, in which the reac-
tants are added at the start, the reaction contour mining A type of surface min-
is allowed to proceed, and the entire con- ing of coal in which coal is removed from
tents of the reaction vessel are discharged relatively shallow deposits by removing
at the end of the growth period. the earth and rock covering the deposit.
The mining proceeds around the natural
continuous-flow system A system topographical features of a hill or moun-
having an uninterrupted, time-varying tain. See also surface mining.
input and output of material in one of
two ways. Also described as a plug-flow contour plowing A method of prepar-
model. The model assumes the effluent ing land for planting in hilly or sloped
from the system is discharged in the same terrain. The direction of the plowing and
order as the material entering the system, the making of rows and furrows is perpen-
with little mixing. It is appropriate for dicular to the slope of the land. The pur-
systems that have an extended length and pose is to slow water runoff and thereby
small cross-sectional area, such as small to limit erosion.
streams and pipes. The completely mixed-
flow model assumes that material flowing contract lab Private company or labora-
through the system is uniformly mixed tory operating under an agreement signed
while in the system and thus the discharge with the U.S. EPA authorizing the unit to
is physically and chemically the same as conduct sampling of any medium, engage in
the system contents. This model is appro- laboratory analyses, or conduct research or
priate for most lakes, reactors, tanks, and monitoring tasks on behalf of the agency.
other mixing vessels. See contract laboratory program.

continuous noise A constant sound contract laboratory program (CLP)

that varies less than five decibels during a An operation of the U.S. EPA and partici-
noise measurement or evaluation. pating private laboratories that provides
analysis of environmental samples as part
continuous process An industrial pro- of the cleanup of hazardous waste dis-
duction method in which raw materials or posal sites. The contract laboratories must
reactants move continually into a reaction meet strict U.S. EPA quality standards.
vessel or other area and continually com- See comprehensive environmental
bine or react, and from which the prod- response, compensation, and liability
uct is continually withdrawn. The release act; superfund amendments and reau-
of pollutants from a continuous process thorization act.

conventional systems

contribution rights Authorized under gen is added, then the controlling variable
the comprehensive environmental for crop yield will shift to some other
response, compensation, and liability factor, such as soil mixture. Related to
act (CERCLA), the ability of a poten- liebig’s law of the minimum and lim-
tially responsible party (PRP) or other iting factor.
entity that spends money to clean up a
hazardous waste site to sue other PRPs control rods Long cylinders of neutron-
for their share of the waste cleanup costs. absorbing material, such as cadmium or
Contributions can be allocated by a court boron, that are part of a nuclear reac-
on the basis of the relative masses of the tor core. The rods are lowered or raised
waste, sometimes weighted by its toxic- as required to control the rate of nuclear
ity. Because CERCLA allows the govern- fission.
ment to hold one PRP liable for the entire
cleanup cost, contribution rights define Control Techniques Guidelines
the method for that PRP to be reimbursed (CTGs) A series of U.S. EPA docu-
from its fellow PRPs. See cost recovery; ments providing technical and economic
joint and several liability. information on the control of volatile
organic compounds; the guidelines are
control group A group of humans, used by state regulatory agencies to set
animals, or plants that is not treated or limits for volatile organic compound emis-
exposed in an epidemiological study or sions for existing sources in nonattain-
in an experiment conducted to determine ment areas for ozone.
the effect of some agent or condition. For
example, in an experiment to determine convection The transfer of heat by a
the effect of high temperature on the activ- moving fluid, such as air or water.
ity of flies, the experimental group would
be maintained at some elevated temper- convection currents Rising or sinking
ature while the control group would be of water or air due to temperature differ-
held at ambient temperatures. ences. Hot air at the surface of the Earth
rises because it has a lower density than
controlled area In a facility using radio- the surrounding air. Cold water flowing
active materials, a defined area within into warmer surface water sinks because
which worker exposure to ionizing radi- of the lower density of underlying waters
ation is monitored and controlled by an that are warmer. The circulations associ-
employee specifically responsible for radia- ated with such movements can be consid-
tion protection. ered as processes that equalize temperature
in an environment and promote mixing.
controlled burn See prescribed burn-
ing. conventional pollutants Under the
clean water act, the following pollut-
controlled reaction A chemical reac- ants: materials exerting a biochemical
tion taking place at desirable rates and oxygen demand, fecal coliform,
under temperature and pressure con- suspended solids, oil and grease, and
straints maintained to ensure safety and extremes of pH. The act specifies that the
produce the desired product. definition of a conventional pollutant is
not limited to these five, but no other cat-
controlling variable The material or egories have been added.
factor that determines the response of a
process or experiment, given certain con- conventional systems In the manage-
ditions. For example, the most important ment of municipal wastewater, gravity
input controlling the yield of a crop in sewers that have been used to collect
an area may be identified as the level of municipal wastewater that is conveyed to
soil nitrogen. Note that if adequate nitro- a facility that uses primary treatment

Convention on Biological Diversity

and secondary treatment to process the from some source, such as a nuclear
water prior to discharge into a waterway. reactor or engine.

Convention on Biological Diversity cool desert Land area at high latitudes

A 1992 international agreement to con- or elevation characterized by low moisture
serve the natural habitat of species, thus levels and infrequent precipitation. Rather
protecting biological diversity; promotes than being the hot sandy deserts that are
sustainable development. Supports common nearer the equator, these regions
monitoring of biological resources and remain relatively cool and are character-
cooperation among member states. More ized by a rocky terrain.
cooling pond A holding pond into
Convention on International Trade which hot water is discharged to allow
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna cooling prior to reuse or discharge.
and Flora (CITES) A 1973 treaty that
binds nearly 100 signing countries to estab- cooling tower A large structure
lish a system of permits for the exporting designed to transfer heat from industrial
and importing of endangered species or or electric power plant cooling water to
products of organisms that are endangered. the atmosphere. Wet cooling towers oper-
The CITES protected species list contains ate by introducing the water directly to
about 1,200 animals and plants. The list the air and forcing evaporative cooling.
can be found at Title 50, Part 23, Section Dry cooling towers retain the warm water
23 of the code of federal regulations. within a piping system and allow heat
For more information, visit transfer by conduction and convec-
tion only.
Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants See persistent organic cooling tower blowdown See blow-
pollutants. down.

convergence 1. In meteorology, the flow- cooling water Water used to remove

ing together of air masses. Air converges waste heat from industrial processes or
toward the center of low-pressure systems, turbines used to produce electricity.
where it rises. See divergence. 2. Another
name for convergent evolution. cooperative agreement In environ-
mental research and planning, a contract
convergent evolution The develop- whereby the U.S. EPA transfers funds,
ment of plant or animal species that are equipment, property, or anything of value
similar in appearance and ecosystem that is needed by a state agency, univer-
function in separate, but environmentally sity, or nonprofit organization to engage in
similar, geographic regions. The species studies, cleanup, or other authorized tasks.
similarity is explained by independent
adaptation to the same environmental coppicing The cutting back of trees or
conditions. Also called convergence. See bushes to cause shoots or sprouts to grow.
ecological equivalents. The new growth is then harvested. Cop-
picing is an efficient method for the con-
conveyance loss Water or other liquid trolled harvest of firewood.
lost in pipes, channels, conduits, or other
systems used for transport. The loss can coprophagous Describing organisms
result from leakage, chemical reactions, or other than bacteria that feed on fecal
evaporation. material, such as certain insects.

coolant Any gas (air) or liquid (water, coprostanol A fat-soluble material,

antifreeze) used to conduct heat away the presence of which indicates contami-

corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standard

nation with fecal material. Used as a Coriolis force The apparent force,
measure of the extent of contamination of resulting from the Earth’s rotation, that
river or lake sediments with sewage. deflects air or water movement. Winds
seen from a moving frame of reference
coral reef An underwater feature fre- (the Earth) are deflected to the right in the
quently associated with oceanic islands Northern Hemisphere and to the left in
in clean, warm tropical seas. Composed the Southern Hemisphere. The force influ-
of the calcareous (calcium carbonate) ences the circulation of air in the atmo-
structures produced by innumerable ses- sphere and the movements of water in the
sile animals. These structures are living oceans.
formations built as successive generations
accumulate on the top of earlier commu- corn plastic See polyactic acid.
nity members. The system depends on
the productivity of tiny photosynthetic cornucopian Describing a core belief
grounded in optimism, taking as a
algae that have a symbiotic relationship
symbol the horn of plenty from Greek
with the animals forming the coral and
mythology. This outlook maintains that
are thus limited to clear waters. Corals
human ingenuity and enterprise will con-
are very productive and provide habitat
tinue to provide the means to improve
for many marine life-forms; however,
the human condition and solve problems
they are sensitive to changes in water
associated with environmental issues
clarity and other problems related to the such as pollution, population growth,
actions of humans. See algae; photo- and depletion of finite resources. Con-
synthesis; symbiosis. trast malthusian.

cord For wood, a pile of logs measuring cornucopian fallacy Description ap-
four feet high, four feet wide, and eight plied by critics to an optimistic outlook
feet long. The wood volume will vary, regarding the future of the human race.
depending on the space between the logs. Those who hold a core belief grounded
The energy content of a cord of oak is in pessimism contend that the optimists
about 24 million BTUs. are engaging in either wishful thinking or
deliberate denial concerning the problems
core The part of a nuclear reactor related to such matters as pollution, popu-
where fission takes place; the location of lation growth, and resource depletion. See
the fuel rods. cornucopian; malthusian.

corporate average fuel economy

core region The primary industrial,
(CAFE) standard Implemented by
population, or economic section of a
the Energy Policy and Conservation Act
country. That geographical region domi-
of 1975 in response to the petroleum
nating the social, political, and financial
supply disruptions of 1973–74, a fed-
life of a country. Also, that region where eral requirement that the sales-weighted
the natural environment is potentially sub- average fuel consumption of new pas-
jected to the greatest impact. senger cars and light trucks sold by
each automobile manufacturer greatly
core sample A sample of soil or sedi- increase; failure to comply results in
ment taken with the aid of a pipe or tube monetary penalties. The current CAFE
that is pushed or driven into the soil standard is 27.5 miles per gallon for
or sediment. The soil that is removed passenger cars and 22.2 miles per gallon
is taken from the sampling device in a for light trucks, including sport utility
cylindrical section in which the verti- vehicles. Slightly higher light truck stan-
cal positioning of layers of sediment is dards phase in beginning with model
maintained. year 2008.

corpse drift tests

corpse drift tests Used after a marine incoming cosmic rays, are the immediate
oil spill to estimate the number of birds source of human cosmic radiation expo-
that died but were not recovered. Bird sure, which makes up about 30%–40%
carcasses are placed in the water and the of a typical background radiation
number that wash ashore are counted. dose and about 10%–15% of the average
American’s annual dose of ionizing radia-
Corps of Engineers (COE) The U.S. tion from all sources.
Army agency under the Department of
Defense responsible for navigation and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) A calcula-
flood control projects, including extensive tion of the present value of the costs and
dam construction. The COE has jurisdic- benefits associated with a project or action.
tion over wetlands conservation and Nonmonetary costs or benefits, such as ill-
dredge-and-fill (section 404 permits) nesses or deaths prevented, are converted
activities under the clean water act. to monetary units for the analysis. Such an
Web site: analysis is required of all major federal reg-
ulations by executive order 12866.
corrective action management unit
(CAMU) A designated area of a facil- cost-benefit ratio The results of a
ity within which wastes are allowed to be cost-benefit analysis expressed as costs
consolidated without triggering a violation divided by benefits or as benefits divided
of an otherwise-applicable land disposal by costs (benefit-cost ratio).
cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) A
corrective action/order Under the study to determine the lowest-cost method
resource conservation and recovery of achieving a certain defined goal.
act (RCRA) permit program for treat-
ment, storage, or disposal facilities, cost recovery A lawsuit brought by a
the required cleanup of any releases of responder to the excessive discharge or
hazardous substances from the facil- spill of a hazardous substance or oil
ity relating to activities occurring before against one or more of the potentially
RCRA became effective. responsible parties (PRPs), that is, the
entities that caused the spill or discharge.
corridor When applied to wildlife As authorized under the comprehensive
management, a strip of natural habitat environmental response, compensa-
between two nature preserves that allows tion, and liability act, the responder-
for the migration of wildlife from one plaintiff is entitled to reimbursement for
area to another. Such access is important all necessary expenses of the cleanup or
in preventing the genetic isolation and response action in accordance with the
inbreeding of wildlife confined to a rela- national contingency plan.
tively small area.
cost sharing A concept allowing joint
corrosivity A characteristic used to financing of research, site cleanup, sewer
classify a hazardous waste. A waste is cor- installation, or other projects in which the
rosive (and therefore hazardous) if the pH federal government contributes part of the
is less than or equal to 2.0 or greater than financing needed to complete the project
or equal to 12.5. and the local entity contributes part of
the cost. For example, the operating costs
cosmic radiation See cosmic rays. related to equipment and supplies for a
research project undertaken at a university
cosmic rays ionizing radiation, may be funded by the federal government,
both electromagnetic energy and particles, and the university provides the buildings,
originating in outer space. Secondary cos- infrastructure, and personnel required to
mic rays, produced in the atmosphere by complete the project.

criteria pollutants

coulomb (C) The SI unit of electric shelter to immature seedlings, or to add

charge corresponding to a current of one nutrients (e.g., nitrogen) to depleted soil.
ampere for one second (1 C = 1 A s).
cover material In the management
Council on Environmental Quality of solid waste at a sanitary landfill, soil
(CEQ) A group within the Executive or other agents used to cover the depos-
Office of the president established by the its made each day. The fresh solid waste
national environmental policy act deposited daily must be covered with soil
(NEPA). The CEQ administers the envi- (six inches) or some substitute at the end
ronmental impact statement process of the working day to prevent the prob-
begun by the NEPA. The CEQ also issues lems associated with trash migration, fires,
an annual report on environmental qual- odors, birds, flies, and rodents. Also called
ity. Web site: cover or daily cover.

countercurrent flow The arrangement Cowles, Henry (1869–1939) Amer-

of material flow in a system designed to ican plant ecologist Cowles was a
remove specific chemicals (such as sulfur pioneer in the work on the theory of eco-
oxides) from stack gases. The liquid logical succession and a cofounder of the
containing the substance that absorbs or ecological society of america.
reacts with the undesirable gas and the
stack gas move through the system in cracking The utilization of heat and/
opposite directions, and collection of the or a catalyst to reduce high-molecu-
contaminant occurs when the streams col- lar-weight hydrocarbons in crude oil to
lide. See also concurrent flow. smaller molecules, which are the constitu-
ents of products such as gasoline, ethylene,
counting chamber A special device or heating oil.
used to facilitate the counting of cells by
microscopic techniques. cradle-to-grave A phrase used to
describe the comprehensive manage-
coupled In global warming studies, ment of hazardous waste under the
describing the models that attempt to sim- resource conservation and recovery
ulate the energy exchanges between the act. Substances meeting the definition of
atmosphere and the oceans. hazardous waste are regulated from their
point of generation to their final treatment
covalent bond A strong attraction and/or disposal.
between atoms that results from the shar-
ing of electrons between two atoms. A crankcase blow-by See blow-by.
single covalent bond results from the
sharing of a pair of electrons by two criteria Descriptive factors taken into
atoms, each atom contributing one elec- account by the U.S. EPA in establishing
tron to the pair. The bonds between car- standards regulating the release of pollut-
bon atoms in organic molecules serve ants into the air, water, and ground. These
as examples. Covalent bonds are much factors can be used as guides by state agen-
more difficult to break than the weaker cies in establishing their own standards.
attractions between atoms illustrated by
hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. See criteria document A compilation of
chemical bond. human health and environmental effects
used by the U.S. EPA to set national
cover See cover material. ambient air quality standards for the
criteria pollutants.
cover crop Plants cultivated on an
agricultural field to protect the area from criteria pollutants The six air pollut-
erosion between crop seasons, to provide ants constituting the national ambient


air quality standards set by the U.S. in contrast to organs that can be lost with-
EPA using criteria documents. The cri- out loss of life, such as the spleen.
teria pollutants are carbon monoxide,
nitrogen dioxide, particulate mat- critical point The location downstream
ter, lead, sulfur dioxide, and ozone. from a waste discharge at which the dis-
solved oxygen of the water is lowest; the
critical Describing a nuclear reactor lowest point on an oxygen sag curve.
or weapon in which a self-sustained fission
chain reaction takes place. In the case of a critical reactor A nuclear reac-
nuclear reactor, the term describes normal tor that is sustaining a spontaneous
operation and does not imply any emer- nuclear chain reaction. Such a reactor
gency or unusually dangerous condition. is engaged in normal operations, and the
designation does not imply any emergency
critical aquifer protection area or unusually dangerous condition.
(CAPA) A recharge zone for cer-
tain sole source aquifers designated critical thinking In the environmental
for additional protection under the safe arena, the opposite of blind, unquestion-
drinking water act. ing acceptance of the opinions and asser-
tions of others as they relate to issues
critical control point Any step in food concerning the protection of the envi-
processing where measures to reduce bio- ronment and the promotion of human
logical, chemical, and physical hazards are health. An informed, deliberate, reason-
best applied, e.g., handling, cooking, pack- based, and reflective contemplation and
aging, and storage. See hazard analysis evaluation of opinions and information
critical control point. related to ecological matters.

critical factor In the environment, the critical wind speed In air pollution
single factor that is closest to a tolerance dispersion calculations, the wind speed
limit of a specific species. For example, corresponding to the highest estimated
primary food supply may be such a factor ground-level air concentration down-
if the amount available is barely sufficient wind from a source, such as a smoke-
to provide for the nutrition of the species, stack. The critical wind speed depends on
or the temperature of the environment atmospheric stability and the height of
may be if conditions are at the maximal release of the air contaminant.
tolerance limit of a species. Any decrease
in the primary food supply in the former crocidolite A form of asbestos-contain-
case or any elevation of the temperature ing mineral, referred to as blue asbestos.
in the latter case will result in the demise
of the species. crop rotation A farming technique in
which the specific plant grown on a given
critical habitat The areas necessary for parcel of land is changed over time rather
the conservation of an endangered spe- than planting the same crop year after
cies, as defined by the fish and wild- year. This is a soil conservation technique
life service under the provisions of the employed to prevent the depletion of spe-
endangered species act. cific plant nutrients. For example, a crop
that consumes a significant amount of soil
critical mass The smallest amount of nitrogen might be alternated with a plant
fissionable material that will allow a that is capable of nitrogen fixation.
self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction
without the aid of other moderators. cross-connection Any actual or poten-
tial point where a drinking water supply
critical organ An organ that an animal may be contaminated with an unapproved
cannot live without, such as heart or brain, water system or other contamination


source. The integrity of a drinking water tainer (crucible), reducing the contents to
supply depends on the elimination of real ash. The device is used to process particu-
or potential sources of contamination late samples for determination of the ash
after the water is placed into a distribution content (for example, the amount of met-
system. als) that will remain after burning at high
cross contamination 1. A problem
associated with the integrity of samples crude ecological density The number
collected from environmental media. of organisms per unit area or per unit vol-
Integrity is threatened by sample contact ume of total space in an ecosystem. Com-
with chemicals from other samples, other pare with ecological density, which
locations, or other reagents. 2. The move- includes only the total habitat area.
ment of chemicals or constituents from a
sewer system, pipeline, surface drainage, crude oil A complex mixture of liquid
or other source into a distribution system hydrocarbons in the unrefined state as
used to transport drinking water to the produced from underground formations.
customers of a municipal system. 3. The
movement of underground contaminants crude oil fraction The hydrocarbon
from one aquifer or groundwater level compounds in a crude oil that have boil-
to another as a result of the drilling of a ing points within a certain range. petro-
well. leum is separated into its components in
an oil refinery by fractional distillation:
cross-media pollution The transfer the oil is heated, and the compounds that
of chemical contaminants from one envi- will vaporize within a certain temperature
ronmental medium (air, water, soil) to range are removed and condensed, yield-
another. ing various products such as gasoline and
cross-sectional method In epidemi-
ology, a study designed to determine crude rate In public health statistics,
the prevalence of disease in a population a rate that includes the entire population
along with existing population character- in the population at risk. Specific rates
istics, such as the finding that people who narrow the population at risk to a certain
watch more than six hours of television age group, sex, race, or other category.
daily have a higher-than-average rate of
heart disease. This snapshot approach is crumb rubber 1. Product from the
not useful for answering cause-and-effect recycling of used tires. The tires are shred-
questions; nor does it indicate which came ded and the wire removed to produce a
first, the disease or the characteristic. crumbly material consisting of rubber
fragments. The product can then be used
crosswind In an air quality disper- to supplement asphalt for road paving,
sion model, indicating the direction per- construction of ground cover at play-
pendicular to a line directly downwind grounds, or other uses. 2. The final prod-
from the source. The greater the crosswind uct in the creation of synthetic rubber for
distance from centerline concentra- the manufacture of tires and other appli-
tion, the lower the estimated pollutant cations. The raw synthetic rubber prod-
concentration. Also termed the y-direc- uct is in the form of small colorless flakes
tion; the x-direction is directly downwind. that can be reformulated with the input
of carbon black and other additives, then
crown fire A forest fire among the tops cross-linked to yield the final commercial
of trees. product.

crucible furnace A furnace that raises crust The cool, outermost layer of the
the temperature of a small porcelain con- surface of the Earth, floating on a hot,


more dense, semiliquid mantle and inner used to designate special strains of a plant
core. The outer layer consists of two basic that are officially in the same species. For
types of material and is fragmented or bro- example, one cultivar may produce a red
ken unevenly into seven major and several flower, while another cultivar of the same
minor pieces termed plates. The two basic species may produce a white flower.
types of crustal material are the continen-
tal crust composed of granitic substances cultural eutrophication The excessive
and the oceanic crust composed of basal- addition of plant nutrients into aquatic
tic substances. The continental crust is the ecosystems by human activities. A typi-
thicker of the two and floats higher on the cal result is the growth of aquatic weeds
mantle because of a lower density than and algal slime to such an extent that use
that of the thinner oceanic crust. As the of the water by humans is prohibited.
plates composing the crust migrate across
the surface of the mantle, earthquakes and culture A term employed in microbi-
volcanic activity are generated. ology to designate the growth and mul-
tiplication of bacteria or fungi in a closed
Cryptosporidium Genus name of a artificial container.
protozoan organism responsible for some
waterborne diseases. The protozoan is culture dish A shallow device for the
commonly associated with the fecal mate- cultivation of microorganisms on a solid
rial of livestock and some pets, and infec- nutrient medium (an agar) prepared in the
tion of humans is usually the result of laboratory. The most common device is a
transfer from the animal to humans. The petri dish measuring 100 millimeters by
disease state that results from presence of 15 millimeters.
the organism, cryptosporidiosis, is char-
acterized by an unusually watery, green- culture media Solid or liquid sub-
ish, and offensive diarrhea accompanied stances prepared and sterilized in the labo-
by severe abdominal pain, cramps, fever, ratory to provide the nutrients needed for
and vomiting. The disease is self-limiting the growth of bacteria or fungi.
in most cases but potentially lethal to mal-
nourished children and acquired immu- cumulative effect In toxicology, the
nodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients. additive effect of chronic exposure to
Prevention involves filtration of water and one or more physical or chemical agents.
limiting of contact with domestic livestock. See chronic effects; chronic toxicity.

crystalline silica The mineralogical form cumulative probability distribution

of silica, or silicon dioxide, which causes sil- A diagram of a cumulative distribution
icosis after prolonged exposure. Exposure function F(x), which is the probability that
to noncrystalline silica, or amorphous silica, a random variable x will be less than or
does not cause silicosis. The three types of equal to a certain value of x. For example,
crystalline silica are quartz, tridymite, and the diagram could depict the annual prob-
cristobalite. Also called free silica. ability that an hourly ozone concentration
will be less than or equal to x, which could
cubic meter (m³) A metric volume be created for a particular location on the
equal to 1,000 liters, 264.2 gallons, or basis of past experience.
35.31 cubic feet.
cumulative working-level months
cullet Mixed scrap glass. (CWLMs) See working-level month.

cultivar A contraction for “cultured Cunningham correction factor A mod-

variety” of plant commonly used for agri- ification of stokes’s law that increases the
cultural or ornamental purposes. The term terminal settling velocity for particles
has generally replaced the word variety, smaller than about five micrometers in diam-


eter, accounting for the ability of the particle cyclone 1. In meteorology, a counter-
to slip between gas molecules in the air. clockwise air circulation with a low-pres-
sure center; tornadoes and hurricanes are
curbside collection A community recy- intense cyclones. See also anticyclone.
cling program requiring residents to sepa- 2. In air pollution control, an air-cleaning
rate recyclable items from the remainder of device. See cyclone collector.
household solid waste and to place the sepa-
rated items along the street for pickup by the cyclone collector A cylindrical or
municipal service. See source separation. cone-shaped air-cleaning or air-sampling
device designed to remove particles from
curie (Ci) A unit of radioactivity cor- an airstream by centrifugal force. The
responding to 3.7 × 1010 decays per sec-
particulate-containing air enters the top of
ond. radon levels, however, are expressed
the cyclone and spins downward, throw-
as the radon decay rate per volume of air,
ing the particulate outward against the
usually picocuries per liter of air. A pico-
curie is 1 × 10–12 curie. cyclone wall. The particles fall into a col-
lection hopper, and the cleaned air exits
cut diameter The diameter of particles the top of the cyclone.
collected with 50% efficiency by a partic-
ulate control or air-sampling device, or so cytoplasm The contents of a cell
that about half of the particles are captured. found inside the cell membrane but out-
side (surrounding) the nucleus.
cutting oil An oil or oil-water emul-
sion used to reduce heat and friction cytotoxin Any toxic material that kills
when operating metal-working machines. cells.
Prolonged skin contact can cause occupa-
tional acne.

Cuyahoga River “The River That

Caught Fire.” An oil slick on the stretch
of this river running through Cleveland,
Ohio, ignited in June 1969, burning two
railroad trestles. This and other rivers had
burned before, but the incident was often
cited as a dramatic example of the need
for water pollution control, which took
the form of the federal clean water act
of 1972 and a successful regional plan to
clean up the river and Lake Erie.

cyanosis A condition in which the skin

appears blue caused by insufficient oxygen
in the blood.

cycles per second The number of wave

cycles passing a given point in one second;
a frequency unit. The frequency of sound
waves is sometimes still given in cycles per
second. For electromagnetic radiation, one
cycle per second is termed one hertz.

cycling load facility A power station

that generates electrical energy to meet a
fluctuating daily demand. See also base
load facility. Cyclone collector


daily cover See cover material. that relates groundwater velocity to the
product of the hydraulic conductivity
Dalton’s law The law of partial pres- (permeability) of an aquifer and the
sures, discovered by the English scientist slope of the water table (the hydraulic
John Dalton, stating that a mixture of gradient). The velocity V is given by
nonreacting gases or vapors exerts a pres- V = –K —ΔH
sure equal to the sum of the pressures that L
would be exerted by each gas or vapor where K is the hydraulic conductivity and
alone. For example, the mixture of gases ΔH is the loss of hydraulic head over
in the atmosphere exerts an atmospheric the distance L. Volumetric groundwater
pressure, which is equal to the total flow rate (Q) is velocity (V) times a cross-
individual pressures of nitrogen, oxygen, sectional area (A) of the aquifer, or Q =
argon, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and VA.
other components.
dark green technology An application
damage risk criterion That noise level or innovation that has direct and intentional
above which permanent hearing loss is environmental benefit, for example, a new
likely to occur. scrubber design to control air pollutants.
Compare light green technology.
damp In coal mining, a poisonous or
explosive gas in a mine. From the German data call-in A formal request from a
Damf, for “vapor.” carbon monoxide is regulatory agency to the registrant of a
known as white damp, and methane is pesticide seeking additional data on the
known as firedamp. active ingredient(s) in a pesticide. The
agency uses the study results to determine
damper In-duct movable plates used to the proper regulatory constraints on the
adjust air velocity pressure and thereby pesticide’s continued use. See registra-
balance the system airflow in the local tion; reregistration; special review.
exhaust ventilation system of a workplace.
daughter The material resulting from the
dangerously reactive material A sub- radioactive decay of a parent material.
stance that will react with itself or with air For example, radon-222 is a daughter of
or water to produce a condition hazard- radium-226; the decay products of radon-
ous to individuals or the environment, for 222 are its daughters. Also called progeny.
example, metallic sodium.
day-night sound level (Ldn) The
daphnid Small freshwater crustacean of weighted equivalent sound level in deci-
the species Daphnia magna or D. pulex. The bels for any 24-hour period. Ten decibels
organisms are used in the laboratory testing are added to the sound levels recorded
of pollutants for toxicity to aquatic biota. from 10 p.m to 7 a.m. to account for the
greater disturbance typically caused by
Darcy’s law An equation stated by nighttime noise. A measure of community
the French engineer Henri Darcy in 1856 noise; not used for workplace evaluations.


dead end The end of a water main used of an unstable element until it reaches the
to deliver water to residents served by a point where it is no longer unstable or
municipal water company. Because the radioactive.
end of the system is typically remote from
the primary source of water and because decibel (dB) A unit for expressing
water tends to remain in these isolated sec- sound pressure level or sound power
tion for a long time, problems related to a level. The logarithmic decibel scale for
reduced amount of chlorine residual sound pressure levels extends from 0 (the
are common. The water may have a dis- hearing threshold) to over 130 (causes
agreeable odor and taste, be cloudy, and pain); normal speech is at about 60 dB.
have a higher than normal bacterial load.
decibels, A-weighting network (dBA)
death phase The terminal stage of The frequency-weighted sound pres-
growth of bacteria in laboratory culture. sure level that best matches the noise
After the bacteria in the culture media sensitivity of the human ear. The overall
have exhausted the supply of available measured sound pressure level is a sum
nutrients, growth (cell division) stops. of the sound pressures measured at the
When the cells can no longer maintain various frequencies composing a sound.
viability, cell death results and the number Noise meters can be set to the A-weight-
of viable cells decreases. ing network, which is derived from
the fletcher-munson contours and
death rate The number of deaths per reflects the relative insensitivity of the
1,000 persons in a population in a given human ear to lower-frequency sounds.
year. The rate is calculated by dividing the The meter adjusts downward the sound
annual number of deaths by the midyear measurements at the lower frequencies
population, then multiplying by 1,000. to compute a total dBA. Noise standards
are almost always in dBA units.
debarment The disqualification of a
business from receiving government con-
deciduous Describing vegetation that
tracts; can be applied for many reasons,
loses leaves seasonally. Compare ever-
including excessive violations of the clean
water act or the clean air act.

debt for nature swap The exchange deciduous forest biome See temper-
of a country’s international debts for its ate deciduous forest.
agreement to take specific actions to con-
serve and protect its natural resources, decline spiral A deterioration of a
such as establishing nature reserves. Con- species, community, or ecosystem in
servation groups have served as mediaries, response to environmental damage. The
buying the (often overdue) debt at a deep rate of collapse accelerates beyond routine
discount, then offering to cancel the debt expectations after the disruption of nor-
upon receiving the conservation commit- mal ecological functions.
ment from the debtor country. The swaps
have been applied in a number of Latin decommissioning Taking a power plant,
American and African countries. industrial facility, machine, or vehicle out of
use. The monetary costs and environmental
decay product An element or isotope hazards of decommissioning a nuclear elec-
resulting from radioactive decay; it tric power plant are considerations in the
may be stable or radioactive (undergo fur- debate over the expansion of the nuclear
ther decay). See radioactive series. power industry.

decay series An illustration of the series decomposers A community of organ-

of elements (daughters) produced during isms, including bacteria and fungi, that
the radioactive decay or decomposition metabolically break down complex


organic matter into simpler materi- deficiency disease A disorder caused

als. Used extensively to treat waste from by the lack of an essential nutrient in the
domestic sewage. diet (such as scurvy, caused by a vitamin
C deficiency).
decomposition The breakdown of a
complex material into simpler materials. definitive test A test of the acute
The complex material can be organic or or chronic toxicity of a chemical to an
inorganic, and the decomposition can be aquatic test organism, usually expressed
caused by heat, sunlight, water, chemicals, in concentration-response units, such as a
or metabolism. Metabolic decomposition median lethal concentration (lethal con-
is performed by decomposers. centration—50 percent) or the percent-
age of the test organisms that exhibited a
decontamination The physical or certain response.
chemical removal of potentially toxic
materials (chemical or radioactive sub- defoliant A herbicide that removes
stances) to produce an acceptable level. leaves from trees and shrubs. See agent
decontamination factor The ratio of
the amount of a given radioactive sub- deforestation The removal of trees and
stance entering a cleaning process to the other vegetation on a large scale, usually
amount exiting the process. to expand agricultural or grazing lands.
Global deforestation has contributed to
deep ecology A perspective on envi- the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide
ronmental problems that emphasizes the levels over the past century. See global
interrelatedness of the Earth and its biota, warming; greenhouse effect.
the equal importance of all species, and
the need for radical social, economic, and degasification A step in the process-
political changes to improve and maintain ing of drinking water before distribution
environmental quality. to the public. The removal of dissolved
deep-well injection Pumping of a
degenerative disease A disorder char-
waste liquid into geological strata below
acterized by the gradual loss of some
ground. See class i, ii, iii iv, and v injec-
vital function, such as nerve function. For
tion wells. example, chronic exposure to low levels
of pesticides may cause the gradual loss of
defect action level (DAL) The allow- motor nerve function.
able amount of insects or insect body parts
in food, set by the United States food degradation 1. A decrease in the qual-
and drug administration (for example, ity of the environment 2. The chemical,
50 insect fragments and two rodent hairs physical, or biological breakdown of a
per 100 grams of peanut butter). complex material into simpler compo-
Defenders of Wildlife American con-
servation organization dedicated to spe- degreasing The removal of grease and
cies protection and habitat preservation. oil from wastewater, machinery, or simi-
Active enforcer of the endangered spe- lar items.
cies act; international focus through the
convention on international trade degree-day A unit expressing the extent
in endangered species of wild fauna to which a daily mean air temperature is
and flora (CITES). With headquarters above (or below) a certain standard. For
in Washington, D.C. Web site: www. example, three daily temperatures of 78°F would be recorded as 18 degree-days over

de minimis

a standard of 72°F. Seasonal or annual delisting The formal removal of a

degree-day totals for an area are used chemical substance from a U.S. EPA list
to estimate heating (or, at times, cool- of regulated materials, such as hazard-
ing) requirements for a building or other ous wastes or hazardous substances.
facility. This would be done, for example, if recent
experimental or clinical evidence indicated
de-inking A necessary step in the pro- that a substance were less hazardous than
cessing of newsprint and other paper for originally thought.
recycling. The used paper is converted to
a pulp and treated with alkali, causing the demand In an economic sense, the
fibers to swell. As the fiber swells, the ink amount of a product or service that cus-
moves off the pulp and can be removed, tomers are willing and able to pay for,
and the cleaned fibers are processed for given the current price. If the price of the
the manufacture of new paper products. product or service does not reflect the
environmental costs created by its produc-
deionization The removal of all charged tion, the demand will often be too high,
atoms or molecules from a material, such leading to environmental problems. See
as water. For example, the removal of externality.
salt from water involves the removal of
sodium ions (Na+) and chloride ions (Cl–). demand-side waste management The
The process commonly employs one resin change in the characteristics of generated
that attracts all positive ion and another waste as customers use purchasing deci-
resin to capture all negative ions. sions to make known to manufacturers
a preference for environmentally sound
deionized water Water that has been products and packaging made from recy-
passed through resins that remove all cled material, products that result in the
least possible amount of waste, and items
ions. See deionization.
containing no hazardous substances.
Delaney clause A 1958 amendment to de micromis Under hazardous waste
the federal food, drug, and cosmetic cleanup regulations, describing a poten-
act that prohibits the inclusion in food tially responsible party (PRP) with a
products of any additive that is known minimal waste contribution to a hazard-
to cause cancer in animals or humans. ous waste site, much less than a de mini-
Amended by the food quality protec- mis contributor, usually less than 0.001%
tion act of 1996. In response to a 1992 by volume. These parties are given an
federal court ruling that banned pesti- opportunity to pay a small monetary set-
cide residues from food if the pesticide tlement to be released from superfund
showed evidence of carcinogenicity, Con- liability and from the contribution
gress changed the food, drug, and cos- rights of other PRPs.
metic act definition of food additive to
exclude pesticide residues. The U.S. EPA demineralization The treatment of
tolerances for pesticides are still in effect. drinking water to remove dissolved miner-
See tolerances, pesticide. als. The process is useful in reducing water
delegated state See delegation.
de minimis 1. Quantities of pollutants
delegation In environmental regula- or other chemical substances that are
tion, the transfer of authority to admin- small enough to be exempt from envi-
ister a federal program to a state agency. ronmental regulations. From de minimis
Oversight and final approval of a state’s non curat lex, “the law does not concern
actions are retained at the federal level. itself with trifles.” 2. Under hazardous
See primacy. waste cleanup regulations, describing a


potentially responsible party (PRP) period of rapid population growth. The

with a minimal waste contribution to a third stage, often called the industrial
hazardous waste site, usually 1% or stage, arrives with a fall in birth rates in
2% of the whole by volume, although the developed country to match lowered
toxicity can be a factor. De minimis par- death rates. The population growth rate
ties may negotiate settlement agreements falls. During the post-industrial fourth
that include a small monetary payment stage, birth rates and death rates are low
and release from superfund liability and unchanging, meaning zero to low
and from the contribution rights of population growth rates.
other PRPs. See de micromis; innocent
landowner. demography The statistical study of
human population size, growth, density,
demister See mist eliminator. and age distribution.

demographic transition The four-stage demolition waste See construction

pattern of population growth exhibited by and demolition waste.
the now-developed countries during the
19th and early 20th centuries. During the denaturing In nuclear fuel manage-
first (preindustrial) stage, society experi- ment, the addition of nonfissionable
ences historically high birth rates and high material to nuclear reactor by-products
death rates, especially in the young. to make the material unfit for use in a
Population growth is low. The second, nuclear bomb. See nuclear reactor.
transitional stage reflects the economic
development of a country and the result- dendritic Treelike. See also arborescent.
ing higher standard of living; birth rates
stay high, but death rates for infants and dendroclimatology The study of past
children decline sharply. This stage is a climate conditions using tree-ring widths.

Demographic transition

depleted uranium

global warming reports may use the information governing the properties of
results to analyze climate trends. individual cells and organisms; the genes
of a cell. Exact copies of the genes of
denitrification The removal of nitrate each cell are transferred to each daughter
ions (NO3–) from soil or water. The pro- cell during cell division. Changes in the
cess reduces desirable fertility of an agri- structure of DNA (mutations) can occur
cultural field or the extent of undesirable naturally or result from exposure to cer-
aquatic weed production in aquatic envi- tain chemicals or radiation. Some changes
ronments. See denitrifying bacteria. result in the death of the cell, and others
are passed on to future generations in the
denitrifying bacteria Bacteria in soil form of an altered gene. Protection pro-
or water that are capable of anaerobic vided to individuals undergoing medical
respiration, using the nitrate ion as a X-rays is designed to prevent alteration in
substitute for molecular oxygen during the DNA structure of gametes. See muta-
their metabolism. The nitrate is reduced gen and mutation.
to nitrogen gas (N2), which is lost to the
atmosphere during the process. Department of Energy (DOE) A fed-
eral executive department, created in 1977,
dense nonaqueous phase liquid with responsibility for energy policy of the
(DNAPL) Liquid hydrocarbons and United States. Web site:
chlorinated hydrocarbons that do
not dissolve in water. Mixtures of water depauperate Describing a nutrient-
and these liquids separate into two phases poor ecosystem or an area with low spe-
with the hydrocarbons in the bottom cies diversity.
layer. Since these agents have a specific
gravity greater than 1 (the specific grav- dependency load See dependency
ity of water), they migrate to the bottom ratio.
of an aquifer when involved in the con-
tamination of groundwater. dependency ratio The ratio of non-
workers (e.g., children and retirees) to
density (ρ) 1. Mass per unit volume. workers in a human population: the higher
Common units are kilograms per cubic the ratio, the greater the dependency load.
meter (kg m–3), grams per cubic centime- The ratio is most useful when applied to
ter, pounds per cubic yard, and pounds per industrial economies in which children are
cubic foot. 2. Number of individuals of a not employed and large numbers of older
particular species per unit area of land. people depend on public pensions financed
by taxes on the younger (working) genera-
density-dependent factor An influence tion. Also called dependency load.
on population growth that increases with
size (density) of the population. Examples dependent variable A characteristic
include parasitism, predation, and or condition of an object, person, popula-
competition. See also density-indepen- tion, system, and so on, that changes its
dent factor. value or degree with changes in another,
independent variable. In epidemiology,
density-independent factor An influ- the disease risk associated with an expo-
ence on population growth whose strength sure, habit, or condition. For example, the
is not affected by the size (density) of the increase in lung cancer risk with the num-
population. The impact of seasonal cold ber of cigarettes smoked daily. Compare
weather on plant populations is an exam- independent variable.
ple. See also density-dependent factor.
depleted uranium Uranium that con-
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) The tains less than 0.7% of the fissionable iso-
macromolecule containing the genetic tope uranium-235.


deposition 1. The washout or settling blood, potential adverse effects are derma-
of material from the atmosphere to the titis, photosensitization, and systemic
ground or to surface waters. 2. The absorp- toxicity. See percutaneous; primary
tion or adsorption in the respiratory tract irritant; secondary irritant.
of inhaled gases, vapors, or particles.
dermal toxicity 1. The adverse effects
depressurization (of structures) The of agents that gain entry into the body by
lowering of atmospheric pressure inside transport across the skin. The agents enter
a building relative to the atmospheric the circulatory system after contact with
pressure outside a building by the opera- the skin and exert an effect on a target
tion of fireplaces or other appliances that organ within the body. 2. Harm from an
exhaust indoor air but do not supply ade- agent that damages the skin upon contact,
quate makeup air. Outdoor air pollutants for example, a strong acid or alkali. See
migrate to the interior more readily under dermal absorption/penetration; fat
these circumstances. soluble.

depuration A process during which an dermatitis Inflammation or irritation

organism, such as an oyster, eliminates of the skin. The condition can be caused
dangerous chemicals or microorganisms by allergic reactions associated with con-
when placed in uncontaminated water. tact with some plants or excessive contact
with irritant chemicals, such as strong
derived-from rule The U.S. EPA regu- acids.
latory provision that any waste derived
from the treatment, storage, or disposal of dermatosis Any abnormality or disease
a hazardous waste is itself a hazardous of the skin, including dermatitis. The
waste. condition can be caused by overexposure
to toxic chemical agents, bacterial or viral
derived fuel An energy source pro- infection, or excessive exposure to sun-
duced by processing a raw material, e.g., light.
gasoline derived from petroleum.
desalination The removal of salts from
derived unit An expression produced water to allow it to be used for drinking,
by combining fundamental units. For irrigation, or industrial processing. The
example, the newton, a unit of force, is two main desalination techniques are dis-
the product of mass (kilograms) and accel- tillation and osmosis.
eration (meters per second per second).
descriptive epidemiology Studies of
dermal absorption/penetration The the distribution of human disease that
process by which an agent enters the cir- describe disease rates or prevalence in
culatory system of an individual through various subpopulations grouped by age,
movement of material through the skin. sex, race, occupation, and so forth. The
Substances that are fat soluble can studies do not identify specific causes
penetrate the skin with relative ease. The or environmental exposures that may
technology associated with medicines increase disease risk in these groups.
administered by the skin patch rely on See also case-control study; cohort
this type of transport. Dimethylsulfox- study.
ide, phenol, and some pesticides serve as
examples of organic substances that can desert A biome characterized by low
enter the body through this mechanism. moisture levels and infrequent precipi-
See dermal route; dermal toxicity. tation, usually defined as less than 10
inches of rain per year. Air temperatures
dermal route Direct contact of a chem- are extreme and fluctuate widely. Deserts
ical with the skin. If it is absorbed to the are very sensitive to environmental distur-


bance and recover very slowly, if at all, which determine the state water quality
after severe damage. standards that apply. Under the provisions
of the clean water act, states are required
desertification A process whereby to classify streams, lakes, rivers, and other
land that is covered with vegetation is bodies of water according to a primary
converted to desert. The term is gener- use then to achieve and maintain environ-
ally applied to the production of artificial mental conditions so that the intended use
deserts where people have intensified the can be made of those systems. Examples of
problems caused by droughts through designated use include fishing, swimming,
overgrazing of marginal land, repeated public water source, and irrigation.
burning of natural vegetation, intensive
farming of arid land, aggressive removal design capacity In waste management,
of trees, and prolonged irrigation of arid the number of tons that a solid waste
land for agricultural use. burning facility is engineered to process in
24 hours of continuous operation.
desiccant A chemical that absorbs mois-
ture. These agents are added to packaging design flow In wastewater treatment,
to prevent moisture damage to contents, the average flow of wastewater that a
and some can also be used as insecticides treatment facility is built to process effi-
since they upset the water balance in ciently, commonly expressed in millions of
insects after consumption. gallons per day (MGD).

designated facility 1. A location for design for the environment (DfE) A

the treatment, storage, and disposal of voluntary partnership between the U.S.
hazardous waste operating under a EPA and industry, research institutions,
state and U.S. EPA permit. 2. The loca- universities, and others to encourage risk
tion given on a manifest by a generator of reduction and prevention in products and
hazardous waste for the ultimate destina- processes. Part of the pollution preven-
tion of a waste shipment. See manifest tion philosophy inherent in legislation,
such as the Pollution Prevention Act of
1990, that places emphasis on the reduc-
tion of risk and environmental impacts in
Designated National Authority (DNA)
the earliest stages of design work. Web
In countries participating in the United
Nations prior informed consent proce-
dure program, the government contact(s) design standard In environmental reg-
that reviews chemicals to be imported and ulation, the detailed description of a par-
used in that country. ticular pollution control device or process
that must be used by a permit applicant.
designated pollutant An air pollutant See standards, environmental.
not regulated as part of the clean air act
air toxics control program, not listed by design value In air quality manage-
the national emission standard for ment, the fourth-highest ozone reading
hazardous air pollutants program, in a three-year period. Used to draft the
and not among the six pollutants assigned ozone control strategy in the state
a national air quality standard but implementation plan. Higher design
subject to new source performance values imply that more stringent control
standards. Examples of pollutants falling will be necessary to achieve the national
under this category are acid mists, total ambient air quality standard for
reduced sulfur compounds, and fluorides. ozone. See photochemical oxidants.
See new source review.
desorption The removal of a substance
designated uses Those purposes for that has been absorbed or adsorbed by
which surface water systems are used, another material.


destratification Vertical mixing of method. See instrument detection

a pond or lake resulting from an equal- limit; method detection limit; quan-
ization of the temperature profile in the titation limit.
water column from the top to bottom.
See fall turnover; spring turnover; detection monitoring program Ground-
stratification. water monitoring at the boundary of a
treatment, storage, or disposal facil-
destroyed medical waste Regulated ity (point of compliance) to detect any
medical waste that has been rendered contamination caused by leaks from the
unrecognizable through thermal treat- hazardous waste at the facility. The materi-
ment, shredding, or grinding prior to final als for which the samples must be analyzed
treatment and disposal. (the indicator parameters/constitu-
ents) are specified in the facility permit.
destruction and removal efficiency
(DRE) An expression of incinerator detention basin A relatively small stor-
performance in terms of the percentage of age lagoon for slowing storm water
a particular incoming chemical material runoff; it is filled with water for only a
that is destroyed. Calculated as (I – O/I) × short time after a heavy rainfall. See also
100, where I is the input rate of the mate- retention basin.
rial to be incinerated and O is the output
rate of the material. See four nines; six detention time The interval in which
nines. storm water is retained in a detention basin.

destructive distillation The heating of detergent 1. A synthetic water-sol-

organic matter, such as coal, oil, or wood, uble compound capable of holding dirt
in the absence of air or oxygen. The pro- in suspension, emulsifying oils, or act-
cess produces volatile substances that are ing as a wetting agent; these compounds
removed and recovered. The solid residue are commonly used in household cleaning
that remains is a mixture of carbon resem- agents. 2. An oil-soluble substance added
bling coke and ash. to motor oils for the purpose of holding
foreign substances in suspension.
desulfuration A metabolic oxidation
of a sulfur-containing organic compound
within a biological system, resulting in the
deterministic Describing an event or
process that is connected in a causal way
incorporation of molecular oxygen into
to a suite of external forces or conditions.
the molecule and the concurrent elimina-
tion of sulfur. Given the correct values for the causative
variables, the event will occur. Compare
desulfurization The removal of sulfur- stochastic.
containing compounds, such as sulfur
dioxide, from a gas exhaust. detritivore Animal (such as an insect),
that feed on particulate material derived
detectable leak rate From a storage from the remains of plants or animals. See
tank, the smallest leak that can be dis- detritus food chain.
cerned with a reasonable probability of
detection during a test. Expressed in terms detritus Dead organic matter derived
of gallons per hour or liters per hour. from plant or animal body parts and
excretions. Material that accumulates on
detection level See detection limit. the surface of the ground or the bottom of
bodies of water.
detection limit The smallest amount of
a particular chemical that can be detected detritus feeder See detritivore; detri-
by a specific analytical instrument or tus; detritus food chain.


detritus food chain A feeding pattern dibenzofurans A family of toxic chlo-

in which an animal community survives rinated hydrocarbons consisting of two
through the consumption of decaying benzene rings connected by two bridges,
organic plant matter. Compare grazing one a carbon-to-carbon link, the other a
food chain. carbon-oxygen-carbon link. Along with
dioxins, these compounds are present in
deuterium An isotope of hydrogen minute amounts in the air emissions from
that contains one proton and one neutron solid and/or hazardous waste incinerators.
in the nucleus of the atom. Also called Often called simply furans.
heavy hydrogen.
dibenzo-para-dioxin See tetra-chlo-
Deutsch-Anderson equation The basic rodibenzo-para-dioxin.
equation used in the design of electro-
static precipitators; the collection effi- dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD)
ciency of the precipitator η is η = 1 – e– A metabolite, along with dichloro-
w(A/Q), where A is the total collection plate diphenyldichloroethene (DDE) pro-
surface area, Q is the exhaust gas volu- duced during the biological degradation of
metric flow rate, w is the particle drift dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
velocity, and e is the base of the natural (DDT). The material has some insecticide
logarithm. Named for W. Deutsch and E. properties and is accumulated in organisms
Anderson. along with the parent compound.
dewatering Physical removal of water dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene (DDE)
from sludge by pressing, centrifuga- One of the major products created during
tion, or air drying. The resulting prod- the metabolism of DDT within biologi-
uct can be composted, used as landfill, or cal systems. The material has high lipid
burned. solubility and accumulates along with
DDT and DDD in fatty tissue of animals.
dew point The temperature at which, Like the parent compound, DDE is recal-
for a given water vapor content and con-
citrant and demonstrates a persistence
stant pressure, condensation of water from
in the environment Many of the adverse
the atmosphere commences. The tempera-
effects on birds ascribed to DDT are actu-
ture at which any gas begins to condense.
ally the result of DDE. DDE degrades the
diatomaceous earth A geological metabolism of birds, resulting in repro-
deposit consisting of the remains of micro- ductive failure. See dichlorodiphenyl-
scopic, unicellular plants called diatoms. dichloroethane and dichlorodiphen-
The material is easily powdered and is yltrichloroethane.
often employed as a filter for treatment of
public water supplies and for many other dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)
applications. One of the best known of the chemical
insecticides. First synthesized in 1874, the
diatomic molecule A molecule with insecticidal property was discovered by
two atoms; e.g., nitrogen (N2) and oxy- Paul Müller, a Swiss chemist, in 1939. Used
gen (O2). widely during World War II and since to
control lice that spread typhus and to reduce
diatoms A distinctive group of unicel- other vector-borne diseases, such as mos-
lular plants (algae) that produce cell walls quito-carried malaria and yellow fever.
composed of silicate minerals. The plates DDT and its degradation products have
of the cell wall form overlapping halves been shown to be persistent in the environ-
termed frustules. Diatoms are distributed ment and to be accumulated by organisms
in almost every environment on Earth and within adipose tissue. Some wild birds are
constitute some of the oldest known fossil adversely affected by DDT, producing eggs
records. See diatomaceous earth. with very thin shells, thereby becoming

dichlorophenoxyacetic acid

unable to reproduce. Use of the agent has been found to cause unusual vaginal can-
been severely restricted in the United States cers in young women and abnormal devel-
since 1972, but DDT is still applied in many opment of the genitalia of both men and
other countries. It is less toxic to mammals women born to mothers who took the hor-
than endrin or the carbamate insecticides. mone during early stages of pregnancy.
See bioaccumulation; müller, paul.
diffraction A change in the amplitude
or phase of waves that strike an object.

diffusion The movement of a material

within a supporting medium, such as the
movement of molecules of a pollutant in
a wastewater outfall into the surrounding
water or the movement of sugar molecules
as a sugar cube dissolves in undisturbed
water. Diffusion varies in response to
changes in the concentration of the mate-
rial. See graham’s law.

dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4- diffusion coefficient See fick’s first

D) A chlorophenoxy herbicide used for law of diffusion.
control of broadleaf weeds and woody
plants; an active ingredient, along with diffusion gradient The change in
trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5- strength or concentration of a material
t), in agent orange, used as a defoliant moving by diffusion, often illustrated as
during the Vietnam War. The chemical a graph of concentration at increasing dis-
kills plants by acting as a plant hormone. tances from the point of release.
Toxicity for animals requires relatively
large doses. diffusivity The proportionality con-
stant used to determine the mass move-
dichotomous variable A variable that ment of a chemical in a particular medium
has only two values, e.g., on/off, male/ in response to changes in concentration.
digester A water pollution control
dieback A dramatic decline in the num- device used to enhance the microbial
ber of individuals within a population of decomposition or mineralization of
organisms. particulate organic matter. The
device operates by way of anaerobic
dieldrin An insecticide belonging to the decomposition of the waste.
chlorinated cyclodiene class, which also
includes aldrin and chlordane. Dieldrin digester gas The gas produced as a
is absorbed directly through skin contact result of the microbial decomposition of
and rapidly combines with blood serum particulate organic matter under
proteins. The chemical accumulates in the anaerobic conditions. Methane and
fatty tissues of the body. Dieldrin is a neu- hydrogen are major components.
rotoxin that causes convulsive responses
in high doses. Damage to both liver tissue digestion The process of mineralizing
and liver function has also been observed. or decomposing particulate organic
material to lessen the impact of the addi-
diethylstilbestrol (DES) A hormone tion of domestic waste to streams.
used as a medication from the 1940s until
1970 (when it was banned) to prevent mis- dike 1. In risk management, a short wall
carriages in high-risk pregnancies. DES has of concrete, soil, or other material erected


around a tank to contain a spill. 2. When (DNP), dinitroorthocresol (DNOC), and

used to describe a geological feature, a 2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol (DINO-SEB).
formation that extends vertically and cuts The compounds have been used for a vari-
across geological strata in areas adjacent ety of purposes ranging from weed control
to old volcanoes. The dike is formed by to weight control (DNP). The acute toxic
the forcing of magma from below into a effects on humans generally are related to
fracture in the overlying strata, forming a the ability of the compounds to uncouple
semivertical structure that cuts across geo- the metabolic conversion of carbohydrates
logical strata from earlier deposits. The to the chemical energy used in cellular
dike normally radiates away from ancient metabolism within the body. The result is
volcanic necks, may range in width from an increase in the rate of metabolism that
a few centimeters to hundreds of meters, leads to restlessness, sweating, flushing of
and may radiate hundreds of meters from the skin, and fever. Chronic overexposure
the former volcano. After erosion, a dike may cause fatigue, anxiety, and weight
is usually a long narrow ridge. Compare loss, among other problems.
dioxin See tetrachlorodibenzo-para-
diluent A substance used to dilute a dioxin.
solution or suspension.
direct combustion reheat The injec-
dilution factor The extent to which the tion of hot combustion gases into a flue
concentration of some solution or suspen- gas to increase the buoyancy of the
sion has been lowered through the addi- exhaust exiting the smokestack.
tion of a diluent. The term is frequently
used to describe the extent to which a direct discharger A facility that
sample must be diluted prior to the quan- releases an effluent into a stream or other
tification of bacteria within the sample. waterway, as contrasted to a facility that
Usually expressed as a negative exponent sends an effluent to a publicly owned
of 10 (10–3) or a fraction (1/1,000). treatment works for treatment prior
to discharge. Those facilities that release
dimictic lake A stratified lake that effluents directly into waterways operate
undergoes two overturns each year. with permits granted under the national
The water in lakes stratifies in response pollution discharge elimination sys-
to differences in the temperatures of sur- tem. See point source. Compare indi-
face and deep waters. The surface water is rect discharge.
warmer because of radiant heating by the
Sun, and the bottom water is cooler and direct filtration Technology employed
therefore denser. The waters in these two for processing groundwater or surface
layers (termed the epilimnion on the sur- water for use in a public water supply.
face and hypolimnion on the bottom) are Coagulants are added, the water mixed
separated by a boundary referred to as the vigorously, and the mixture is then filtered
thermocline. This layering is disrupted to remove suspended particulate materials.
in response to variation in air temperature The technology eliminates the time-con-
(and surface water temperature) with the suming sedimentation process. See raw
changing seasons. As the epilimnion cools, water; water treatment.
it sinks, mixing the water within the lake.
Compare meromictic lake. directivity A characteristic of a sound
emission that is higher in some directions
diminishing returns See theory of from the source than in other directions
diminishing returns. because the sound is emitted from one
side of a machine, for example, or because
dinitrophenols A family of chemical the machine is placed against a wall. See
compounds that includes dinitrophenol directivity factor.

directivity factor

directivity factor (Q) A numerical (and any environmental costs or benefits,

expression of the directivity of a noise. if put in monetary units) to account for
Expressed as Q = P0/P1, the ratio of the the delay in the payment or receipt. The
sound power (P0) of a small spherical discount rate applied is a function of the
source emitting sound equally in all direc- value of immediate receipt and use of
tions to the sound power (P1) of the actual the money, the interest rate that could
source, where each sound power produces be earned during the year, and the pos-
the same measured sound pressure sible inflationary decline in the money’s
level at a certain distance and angle. value. The discount rate formula is a
rearrangement of the equation to com-
directivity index Ten times the common pute compound interest, Vn = V0(1 + r)n,
logarithm of the directivity factor where V0 is the value at time period
(DI = 10 log Q); the index is used in the zero, r is the interest rate, n is the num-
calculation of expected noise levels from a ber of compounding periods, and Vn is
source, such as in the vicinity of a machine. the value at the end of n periods. Thus,
V0 = Vn/(1 + r)n is applied to discount
direct photolysis See photolysis. back to a present value V0, where r is
called the discount rate, Vn is the future
direct plating A method used to iden- value to discount, and n is the number of
tify fungi present in soil or litter. A known discount periods. For example, if $1.00
weight of soil or litter is distributed over (Vn) is to be received one year from now
the surface of an appropriate medium and (n = 1), and the sum of the consider-
incubated to facilitate the growth of fungi. ations specified implies a discount rate
After development of the fungal colonies, of 10% (r = 0.10), then the present value
the organisms are counted and identified. (V0) of $1.00 to be received in one year
The method is used in a similar manner to is $1.00/(1 + 0.10)1, or 90.9 cents. The
quantify specific bacteria present in water choice of discount rate can be the decid-
or wastewater. ing factor when comparing current and
future benefits with current and future
direct push Technology used to exam- costs of a proposed project.
ine soil characteristics by driving, pushing,
and/or vibrating small-diameter hollow discrete variable A quantitative vari-
steel rods into the ground. See cone pen- able that is limited to a finite or countable
etrometer technology. set of values, regardless of the accuracy of
the measurement method. There can be
disaccharide A carbohydrate com- no intermediate values between the num-
posed of two monosaccharides. Sucrose bers representing a discrete variable. For
and lactose are examples of common example, the number of persons resid-
disaccharides. ing in the state of Nevada must be rep-
resented by a whole number and exclude
discharge The volume of water flowing decimal fractions. See also continuous
past a point in a stream or pipe for a spe- variable.
cific time interval.
disease A change from a state of health.
discharge monitoring report (DMR) A negative alteration in the condition of a
The form filed by holders of national person or other organism resulting from
pollutant discharge elimination sys- destabilizing effects of poor nutrition,
tem (NPDES) permits that contains the infectious organisms, chemical contamina-
results of the required periodic pollutant tion, or mental abnormality.
analyses of their water discharges.
disinfection The killing of dangerous
discount rate A factor applied to bacteria or other microbes in water, in
future monetary payments or receipts wastewater, in the air, or on solid surfaces.

dissolved air flotation

disinfection by-products (DBPs) displacement savings In waste man-

Chemicals formed when chlorine, chlo- agement, financial savings realized by
rine dioxide, or ozone is used to remove replacing natural gas or electricity from
pathogens from drinking water. Despite utility companies with methane gas pro-
the enormous public health benefits of duced and recovered from a solid waste
chemical disinfection, DBPs may pose landfill.
some health risk themselves. The DBPs are
trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, disposal All activities associated with
chlorite, and bromate. the long-term handling and disposition of
solid waste of all types. Ultimate disposi-
disintegration A spontaneous change tion may involve placement in a sanitary
in the nucleus of a radioactive element landfill or incineration.
that results in the emission of some type
of radiation and the conversion of the ele- disposal facility A location dedicated
ment into a different (daughter) element. to the handling, treatment, or ultimate
interment of solid or hazardous waste.
dispersal The breaking up, spreading out, The operation may be a landfill or incin-
or distribution of some material released erator.
from a concentrated source to a more dif-
fuse distribution within the environment. disposal pond A small, usually diked,
enclosure that is open to the atmosphere
dispersants Chemicals added to a and into which a liquid waste is dis-
material, such as crude oil, to promote charged. See lagoon.
the formation of smaller aggregates
(break up a concentrated discharge in the
disposal site See disposal facility.
dissociation The partial or total sepa-
ration of certain molecules into ions
dispersion The act of breaking up con-
when dissolved in water; for example, car-
centrations of some agent into a more
bonic acid in water produces a positively
diffuse distribution, for example, the
charged hydrogen ion and a negatively
spreading and mixing of a smokestack charged bicarbonate ion. See dissocia-
plume as it travels downwind. See air tion constant.
quality dispersion model.
dissociation constant At equilibrium,
dispersion coefficients Variables in the ratio of the molar concentrations of
the gaussian plume model of horizontal the ions produced by the dissociation
and vertical dispersions of an air pollut- (separation) of a molecule to the molar
ant. Their value increases with increasing concentration of the undissociated mole-
downwind distance from the air pollutant cule. For acids, the ratio is abbreviated Ka
source and with increasing atmospheric and is often expressed as pKa, the nega-
turbulence. Larger values for the disper- tive logarithm of Ka. For bases the terms
sion coefficients decrease the estimate of are Kb and pKb. For example, carbonic
the average downwind pollutant concen- acid dissociates into hydrogen ions and
tration generated by the model. See air bicarbonate ions. At 25°C, Ka, the ratio
quality dispersion model. of the molar concentrations of hydrogen
ions and bicarbonate ions to the molar
dispersion model See air quality concentration of carbonic acid, is 4.47 ×
dispersion model; gaussian plume 10–7 and pKa is 6.35.
dissolved air flotation (DAF) A tech-
dispersion parameters See dispersion nique used to separate oil and suspended
coefficients. solids from water. Air is bubbled upward

dissolved gases

in a tank, carrying the oil and solids to the in their boiling points. The components
surface. This frothy top layer is removed within a mixture of two liquids can be
by a skimmer. separated if the two liquids have different
boiling points. The mixture is heated, and
dissolved gases Gases that are in solu- the material with the lower boiling point
tion homogeneously mixed in water. is converted to a vapor first. That vapor
can then be condensed to produce a liquid
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) A that consists primarily of the single liquid.
measure of the organic compounds that
are dissolved in water. In the analytical distillation tower An apparatus used
test for DOC, a water sample is first fil- to separate the components of crude oil
tered to remove particulate material, and into different fractions, depending on their
the organic compounds that pass through relative boiling points. See distillation.
the filter are chemically converted to car-
bon dioxide, which is then measured to distilled water Water that has been
compute the amount of organic material purified by the distillation process.
dissolved in the water. See total organic Water that contains various chemicals or
carbon. ions in solution is heated to boiling and
the water vapor is condensed. The process
dissolved organic matter (DOM) See leaves behind various inorganic ions and
dissolved organic carbon. produces water that is free of dissolved
dissolved oxygen (DO) The amount
of molecular oxygen (O2) dissolved in distribution In toxicology, the trans-
water. The units, often not expressed, are port and diffusion of an absorbed material
milligrams of oxygen per liter of water. within the body. The body distribution of
DO is an important measure of the suit- a compound is a function of the size, water
ability of water for aquatic organisms. A or fat solubility, and ionization, among
level of 8 or 9 represents the concentra- other factors, associated with the material.
tion that one would expect to encounter in See fat soluble; water soluble.
streams that have not been polluted with
the organic waste common in domestic disturbance In environmental manage-
sewage. Waters with a dissolved oxygen ment, any activity or event that disrupts
value of 4 and below are not suitable for natural ecosystems, biological communi-
habitation by many forms of animal life. ties, or specific populations of organisms,
or an activity or event that significantly
dissolved oxygen sag curve See oxy- alters the physical environment.
gen sag curve.
dithiocarbamates A group of com-
dissolved solids Primarily, the inor- pounds of low toxicity used as fungicides
ganic salts in solution (homogeneously to protect seeds and vegetable products.
mixed) in water. These chemicals can- The two most common are ferric dimeth-
not be removed by filtration and must be yldithiocarbamate (Ferbam) and zinc
recovered by evaporation of the water. dimethyldithiocarbamate (Ziram).

distillate fuel In petroleum refining, diurnal Daily; exhibiting a daily cycli-

those fuel compounds that boil at temper- cal pattern.
atures greater than gasoline. See crude
oil fraction. divalent Having a valence of two.
Same as bivalent.
distillation A process of separation
and/or purification of the components divergence In meteorology, the flow
of some substance based on differences of air in different directions. In high-pres-

dominant gene

sure systems, air diverges from the center, look for specific DNA sequences or genes.
where other air masses sink to replace it A preparation of a single strand of the
DNA from the gene in question, some-
divergent plate boundary In the the- times termed a probe, can be combined
ory of plate tectonics, a boundary between with a DNA mixture. If a complementary
two plates that make up the crust of the piece of DNA is present, a complex con-
Earth. The boundary is characterized by a sisting of pieces of DNA from the two
chasm between the two plates, filled with sources (a hybrid) is formed.
molten rock from within the Earth.
Dobson unit (DU) A measure of the
diversion 1. The use of part of the amount of ozone in a column of air start-
water in a stream for irrigation or as a ing from the ground and extending up
drinking water supply. 2. A structure used through the atmosphere. One Dobson
to control the flow of water across a sur- unit equals 2.7 × 1016 ozone molecules in
face for the purpose of preventing erosion. the air column above one square centime-
3. The movement of part of the municipal ter of the Earth’s surface. Dobson units
solid waste produced in a community into are determined by measuring the degree
recycling, reuse, or composting programs of ultraviolet light absorption above a
to lessen the amount of material that must point on the Earth. Used to describe the
be disposed of by incineration or use as extent of ozone layer depletion.
dolomite A natural mineral consist-
diversity In ecology, a measure of the ing of calcium magnesium carbonate,
number of different species, along with the CaMg(CO3)2. Also referred to as lime-
number of individuals in each representa- stone, a form of marble, and dolomitic
tive species, in a given area. Undisturbed lime. Upon heating, carbon dioxide is
environments tend to be characterized by released from the mineral.
high diversity, whereas polluted environ-
ments tend to exhibit low diversity. See domestic sewage Wastewater and solid
evenness; richness. waste that are characteristic of the flow
from toilets, sinks, showers, and tubs in a
diversity index A mathematical expres- household.
sion that depicts species diversity in
quantitative terms. The shannon-weaver domestic use Describing water used in
index is a widely used measure. a household for cleaning, cooking, drink-
ing, and waste disposal. Includes, but is
DNA See deoxyribonucleic acid. not limited to, domestic sewage.

DNA hybridization Use of a seg- domestic waste See domestic sewage.

ment of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
to detect specific genes by forming com- domestic water Water used within a
plexes of DNA derived from more than household.
one source. The DNA of a cell consists
of two long chains of nucleotides that are dominant gene A gene that is expressed
held together as a result of specific bind- even though it may be paired with a match-
ing between bases (adenine to thymine ing recessive gene. When male and female
and guanine to cytosine) and that are gametes fuse in the reproductive process,
intertwined to form a double helix. The individual gametes furnish one member
ordered sequence of bases is different in of each pair of chromosomes that will
every organism, and the two interwoven determine the genetic makeup of the off-
strands of a single organism are termed spring. If the gametes are from plants and
complementary because they will bind to if plant height is governed by one gene,
each other. This property can be used to the possible genes may be designated h for


the short variety and H for the tall variety. dose-response assessment A descrip-
In the case where H is dominant and h is tion, using the dose-response relation-
recessive, a plant with gene pair Hh would ship between certain levels of exposure
be tall, since H is dominant and would be to a chemical or physical agent and the
expressed despite the presence of the gene anticipated adverse effects, of the extent
(h) that codes for the short variety of plant. of disease, injury, or death resulting from
an estimated exposure to a population.
dominants In ecology, species that
account for a large portion of the biomass dose-response curve A plot show-
in a community. ing the changing response in a group of
organisms at various levels of exposure to
Donora episode The week-long stag- a chemical or physical agent.
nation period of high air pollution levels
in Donora, Pennsylvania, during October dose-response relationship The quan-
1948. See episode. titative relationship between an exposure
to a physical or chemical agent and a sub-
donor-controlled flow In box mod- sequent biological effect. The exposure
els, a flow of a substance from one com- to a chemical substance can be described
partment to one or more others. The as the mass ingested or inhaled or as the
movement depends on the stock of the mass actually absorbed into the body tis-
substance in the originating compartment. sues; the dose units can be in mass of the
chemical per unit body weight on a one-
dose The amount of chemical agent or time basis or mass per unit body weight
radiation to which an organism is exposed, per day for an extended period or for a
or the amount the organism absorbs over lifetime. The response can be assessed in
a specific period. terms of the severity of biological effect
observed or the portion of a test group
dose commitment The amount of exhibiting a particular adverse effect, usu-
radiation to which the body is exposed ally compared with an unexposed (con-
through ingestion and retention of radio- trol) group.
active substances.

dose-distribution factor A consid-

eration of the effects of some dangerous
substance in the body when the substance
is concentrated in specific areas rather
than randomly or evenly distributed.

dose equivalent (DE) A measure of

effective radiation dose, computed
as DE = D(QF)(DF), where D is the
absorbed dose, QF is a quality factor,
and DF is a distribution factor. Typically
expressed in rems or sieverts.

dose rate The amount of a chemical or

radiation to which a person is exposed, or
that is absorbed, per unit of time.
dosimeter A device to measure the
dose response An adverse effect in an amount of radiation to which a person is
organism attributable to a particular phys- exposed. It can be a simple film badge or
ical or chemical agent. a complicated ionization meter.


dosimetry The measurement of the downwash See stack downwash.

amount of radiation to which a person is
exposed or that a person absorbs. draft In air quality control, a flow of
gas or vapor created by a pressure differ-
double bottoms Watertight compart- ence. See forced draft; induced draft;
ments along the bottom of a vessel that natural draft.
provide extra protection against cargo
spills. See oil pollution act of 1990. draft environmental impact statement
(DEIS) An unfinished version of an
double recessive The circumstance in environmental impact statement that
which recessive genes in an organism is sometimes circulated for review.
are expressed because they are not paired
with a dominant gene that masks the drag The frictional force on a particle
recessive character. When male and female moving through a fluid. See terminal
gametes fuse in the reproductive process, settling velocity.
individual gametes furnish one member
of each pair of chromosomes that will dragline Heavy equipment used in sur-
determine the genetic makeup of the off- face coal mining to remove layers of soil
spring. If the gametes are from plants and and rock (overburden) exposing a coal
if plant height is governed by one gene, seam.
the possible genes may be designated h for
the short variety and H for the tall variety. drainage Water that is in excess of the
In the case where H is the dominant gene quantity that will infiltrate the ground and
and h is the recessive gene, a plant with consequently flows off the ground into the
gene pair hh (double recessive) would be nearest collection area.
short since the dominant H gene is not
present to force the development of the drainage basin That extent of land that
tall variety. drains water into some lake, river, stream,
or other body of water. The quality of the
doubling dose The amount of a spe- water entering the lake or stream depends
cific radiation exposure needed to pro- on the nature of the soils and/or pollut-
duce a doubling of the natural rate of ants in the area draining into the lake or
appearance of genetic or somatic (cellu- stream. See watershed.
lar) abnormalities.
drainage well A borehole designed to
doubling time The time required for a transport water from the surface into a
population to double in size. subterranean geological deposit. Such sys-
tems provide for rapid migration of sur-
downgradient well One or more face pollutants into groundwater.
monitoring wells placed to sample
groundwater that has passed beneath a drain field See leaching field.
facility with the potential to release chem-
ical contaminants into the ground; one Draize test The application of a chemi-
of a network of groundwater-monitoring cal into an albino rabbit’s eye to test its
wells required by resource conserva- potential irritative ability to the human
tion and recovery act regulations for eye. in vitro tests are being considered as
landfills or surface impoundments that a replacement.
treat, store, and/or dispose of hazard-
ous waste. Results of testing downgradi- drawdown The vertical difference in
ent well water are compared with data the water table of an undisturbed aqui-
from an upgradient well to determine fer and the water table in the same aquifer
whether the facility may be contaminat- after the removal of water by pumping
ing the groundwater. from wells.

dredge and fill permit

dredge and fill permit See section albacore, blue sharks, turtles, and dol-
404 permit. phins were shown to be caught and killed
in the nets, leading to multiplying bans on
dredging The removal of mud and sedi- their use.
ment from the bottom of a stream, river,
channel, lake, or other body of water. The drift velocity For particles collected by
activity may be done to improve water an electrostatic precipitator, the rate
flow, facilitate boat or ship traffic, remove at which the particles move toward the
contaminated sediment, or achieve some collection plates. The measurement is used
other purpose related to deepening of a in electrostatic precipitator design and in
waterway. Dredging may contribute to estimation of particle collection efficiency.
water contamination by disturbing and See deutsch-anderson equation.
resuspending pollutants buried in sedi-
ment, destroy benthic communities, or drill cuttings Rock or other materials
decrease water quality through increases forced out of the borehole as a well is
in the turbidity of the water. Dredging drilled.
in coastal areas may allow saltwater
intrusion, damaging freshwater habi- drilling fluid A dense fluid material,
tats. The disposal of the sediment (termed often containing bentonite clay and barite,
dredge spoils) removed from the waterway used to cool and lubricate a well-drilling
also presents complicated environmental bit, seal openings in the wall of the bore-
choices, especially when dredging involves hole, transport drill cuttings to the sur-
the removal of contaminated materials. face, reduce drill pipe friction, and control
well pressure.
drift Mist that escapes from cooling
towers used in closed-cycle cooling sys- drinking water, bottled Water sold
tems. to the public in sanitary containers for
consumption. The water may be from
drift nets In the last several decades, any approved source, including a pub-
large-scale nylon monofilament nets that lic water supply, provided that disinfec-
were strung for miles in the ocean by fish- tion and filtration processes have been
ing boats. Large numbers of sea birds, applied and the system meets the con-

Drift nets

Dubos, René

taminant standards established under the dry-bulb temperature The temperature

Clean Water Act. The water must by cal- reading from an ordinary thermometer; the
orie-free and sugar-free and contain no reading is used with the wet-bulb temper-
sweetening or chemical additives other ature to compute relative humidity. See
than flavoring extracts and essences. psychrometer; psychrometric chart.
The product may be sodium-free or con-
tain small amounts of sodium. Bottled dry deposition The introduction of
water products must comply with stan- acidic material to the ground or to surface
dards established by the Food and Drug waters by the settling of particles contain-
Administration. See bottled water; ing sulfate or nitrate salts. Compare wet
bottled water, carbonated; bottled deposition.
water, still.

drinking water supply Water pro- dry gas meter A device used in the
vided for use in households, from surface field to measure gas flow rates in air sam-
supplies (rivers, lakes, and reservoirs) or pling systems and in the laboratory to
subsurface supplies (aquifers). The distri- calibrate other flow meters. The gas being
bution of water to households is regulated monitored should be free of moisture and
under the safe drinking water act of corrosive material to prevent damage to
1974 as amended. internal parts of the meter.

drip irrigation A conservative use of dry ice Solid carbon dioxide. As dry
water to irrigate a crop by using a pipe or ice rises in temperature, the solid changes
hose that delivers a small amount of water directly to a gas (sublimation).
to each plant over a long period rather
than spraying a large amount over a com- dry mass The mass of a sample after all
plete field or flooding furrows between water has been removed.
rows of crop plants. The technology uses
less water and reduces the possibility of dry scrubber 1. An air pollution con-
salt accumulation. trol device that removes sulfur diox-
ide from stack gases by injecting a finely
droplet A small airborne liquid particle
divided dry chemical reagent such as
that is larger than liquid aerosol and
limestone, trona (Na2CO3), or nahcolite
therefore settles out of the atmosphere
(NaHCO3) into the flue gas. The sulfur
relatively quickly.
dioxide reacts with the injected chemical
drop-off recycling program A com- to form a solid particulate, which is cap-
munity recycling program requiring citi- tured in a baghouse. 2. A gravel bed fil-
zens to take items for recycling to a des- ter used to collect particulate matter from
ignated location for collection. Compare gas streams. See also flue gas desul-
curbside collection. furization.

dry adiabatic lapse rate The adia- dry weather flow The lowest volu-
batic lapse rate for air not saturated metric flow of water in a stream; occurs
with water vapor, or 0.98°C per 100-meter during the driest months of the year. See
rise (0.54°F per 100 feet). Expressed as 7q10.
– dT = γd,
dz Dubos, René (1901–1982) American
where T is air temperature, z is altitude, (French-born) bacteriologist Dubos
and γd the dry adiabatic lapse rate. Com- was the author of classic works on envi-
pare wet adiabatic lapse rate. ronmental health: So Human an Animal
(1968), Man Adapting (1965), and Only
dry alkali injection See dry scrub- One Earth: The Care & Maintenance of a
ber. Small Planet (1972), with barbara ward.

Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited North American than 30-micrometer) particulate mat-

wetlands and waterfowl conservation ter settling out of the air. The mass of
organization; founded in 1937; 2005 the dust collected during a certain period
membership 799,000. Headquarters in is translated to dustfall units of mass per
Memphis, Tennessee. Web site: www. area per time, such as tons per square mile per month.

duff Partially decomposed organic Dutch elm disease Fatal infectious

material found on a forest floor. disease of elm trees (genus Ulmus). The
disease is caused by a fungus (genus Cera-
dump See open dump. tocyslis) and is spread from tree to tree by
the elm bark beetle (genus Scolytus).
dust Suspended solid particles in the
atmosphere. Natural dust sources include duty of care principle In environmen-
wind erosion and volcanic eruptions; tal management, a policy stating that the
human sources are activities involving the generator of a waste has an ethical duty
crushing, grinding, or abrasion of materi- for the proper storage, treatment, and dis-
als. posal of the waste.

dust bowl A semiarid geographical area dynamic equilibrium state The condi-
in which cultivation has led to extensive tion of a system in which inflow of materi-
wind erosion of topsoil. It is often used als or energy equals outflow.
to refer to the area of the United States
that in the mid-1930s experienced soil loss dynamic viscosity See viscosity.
and dust storms, including parts of Texas,
New Mexico, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, dysentery A disorder of the gastrointes-
and Kansas. tinal tract characterized by severe diarrhea
with blood and pus in the feces. The dis-
dustfall The amount of particulate ease frequently results from an infection
matter that settles out of the atmosphere by bacteria of the genus Shigella.
at a particular location within a certain
time. Measured with a dustfall bucket, dystrophic Describes the water in a
it is a crude measure of air quality and is lake that is high in humic substances and
no longer widely used. plant degradation products, resulting in a
brown color. Plant life and animal life are
dustfall bucket An open bucket or jar typically sparse, and the water has a high
placed to collect larger-diameter (greater oxygen demand.


e The base of the natural logarithm, Earth Island Institute An environ-

approximately equal to 2.718282. mental quality and wildlife protection
organization founded in 1982 by david
E10 An alternative transportation fuel brower. Headquarters in San Francisco.
composed of 10% ethanol and 90% Web site:
gasoline; also termed gasohol. Almost all
current vehicles using a blend of ethanol Earth Policy Institute Founded in
and gasoline are burning E10, but a grow- 2001, an organization dedicated to (1)
ing number of flexible fuel vehicles supplying a vision of an environmentally
are being manufactured to use fuel con- healthy economy and society and (2)
taining up to 85% ethanol (E85). tracking our progress toward that vision.
Lester Brown is the founder and president,
E85 An alternative transportation fuel and the headquarters are located in Wash-
composed of 85% ethanol and 15% ington, D.C. For more information, visit
gasoline. Burned in vehicles built to use
both gasoline and ethanol, called flexible
fuel vehicles. Earth Resources Technology Satellite
(ERTS) First launched by the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
early reductions program A feature
(NASA) in 1972, the ERTS program used
of the 1990 amendments to the clean
remote sensing to catalog and monitor
air act; it gives sources of air toxics a
natural resources. The ERTS was the pre-
six-year extension to comply with maxi-
decessor to the landsat satellite.
mum achievable control technology
(MACT) if they voluntarily reduce their
Earth Summit A meeting organized by
emissions of a listed hazardous air pollut-
the United Nations Conference on Envi-
ant by 90% before the MACT standard is
ronment and Development held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992. Attended by
representatives from over 170 countries,
Earth Day When first held April 22, who adopted agreements on forestry prac-
1970, the day was observed on American tices, biological diversity, global warm-
college campuses with demonstrations ing, and sustainable development. See
and “teach-ins” on environmental issues agenda 21; forest principles; rio dec-
and was an early indication of the extent laration; united nations commission
of political support for the environ- on sustainable development; united
mental movement in the United States. nations conference on the human
Commemorated on a lesser scale in sub- environment; world summit on sus-
sequent years until the widely observed tainable development.
20th anniversary in 1990, which coin-
cided with a renewed worldwide concern Earthwatch A global environmental
for environmental issues. For Earth Day data system begun by the united nations
activities see Earth Day Network (www. environment program in 1972. See global environment monitoring sys-


tem; international environmental based on race, colonialism, class, gender,

information system; international and sexuality. Those holding this view seek
register of potentially toxic chemi- to integrate various protest groups into a
cals. Web site: http://earthwatch.unep. movement arrayed against a culture that
net. is based on the domination of nature by
humankind. The degradation of the natural
ecesis The successful settlement of a environment is seen to spring from the same
plant or animal in a new habitat through forces responsible for the exploitation and
colonization, migration, or introduction mistreatment of women, children, racial
by humans. minorities, and homosexuals. When con-
sidering the relationship between human-
Eckenfelder’s equation One of sev- kind and nature, ecofeminists seek to build
eral equations predicting performance of a culture based on pluralistic, nonhierarchi-
a trickling filter wastewater treatment cal, and caring relationships that emphasize
system. Given the filter area and depth, kinship and appropriate reciprocity.
the volumetric flow of wastewater, and
the biochemical oxygen demand of the ecojustice A concept holding that injus-
wastewater entering the treatment plant, tice in the social order in terms of restric-
the equation estimates the reduced bio- tions of the rights of fellow human beings
chemical oxygen demand of treated waste- and lack of integrity in the natural order
water. One form of the equation is spring from the same source. In addition
to considering the rights of human beings,
⎡ x⎤
⎛ A⎞ we should consider the rights of other spe-
St = S0 exp ⎢ – KD ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ ,
⎢ ⎝ Q⎠ ⎥ cies to exist.
⎣ ⎦
where St is the biochemical oxygen ecolabeling Information or logos on
demand of the treated wastewater, S 0 is product labels that notify consumers that
the influent biochemical oxygen demand, the product is “environmentally friendly”:
exp is the base of the natural logarithm, it is made of recycled material, is recy-
K is a rate constant, D is the trickling fil- clable, is produced from renewable
ter depth, A is the filter area, Q is the resources, or produces lower emissions,
wastewater flow rate, and x is an empirical for example. See blue angel; green seal;
constant determined by the type of fi lter recycling symbol.
medium. Named for W. W. Eckenfelder.
ecological density The number of organ-
ecocentric A type of environmen- isms per unit area or per unit volume of a
talism taking the view that large-scale segment or compartment of a larger, com-
ecological processes such as evolution, plete ecosystem. This segment is referred
adaptation, and biogeochemical to as a specific habitat within the larger
cycling are the most important aspects system. An example would be the mud
of nature. Moral values and rights are habitat on the floor of a lake ecosystem.
ascribed to ecological processes, and the The lake would include not only the bot-
whole is considered more important than tom mud but also the water, shoreline, and
the individual parts. Consequently, efforts other smaller habitats within the complete
to conserve and protect entire natural lake ecosystem. The density is also report-
systems should be given priority. Those able as the weight of biomass within the
holding this view challenge the industrial specific habitat. Contrast with crude
culture’s view of humans as the center of ecological density, which includes the
nature. biota in all compartments of a complete
lake ecosystem.
ecofeminism A type of environmen-
talism that views environmental problems ecological economics A transdisci-
as manifestations of a worldview riddled plinary field of thought that applies the
by hierarchical (male) domination systems insights of ecology to economic analysis.

ecologic fallacy

A major concern of those who work in ecological pyramid A construct depict-

this area is the equitable distribution of ing the relationships among organisms
resources and rights within the present of various producing and feeding groups
human generation and among the present within a specified area or location. The
and future generations. diagram attempts to show the transfer of
useful energy from one feeding group to
ecological efficiency The effective the next in a semiquantitative fashion.
transfer of useful energy from a food to The amount of plant biomass in an area
the animal consuming the food. The term is normally placed at the bottom, and the
is normally applied to the feeding struc- mass of each succeeding feeding group is
ture of animal communities in the natural placed on top, with carnivores occupy-
environment, and the transfer is usually ing the highest level. The result is a figure
expressed as a percentage; 10% is the resembling a pyramid. The diagram is also
usual energy transfer. See food chain; referred to as an energy pyramid when the
food web; trophic level. caloric content of the organisms in each
trophic (feeding) level is used to construct
ecological equivalents Unrelated spe- it. See pyramid of biomass; pyramid of
cies of plants or animals, living in different energy; pyramid of numbers.
geographical locations, that are similar in
appearance and perform similar ecosys- ecological risk assessment The appli-
tem functions. For example, the zebra of cation of a formal framework, analytical
Africa and the buffalo of North America process, or model to estimate the effects of
both occupy grasslands and are grazers. A human actions on the natural environment
product of convergent evolution. and to interpret the significance of those
effects. The analysis includes hazard
ecological footprint An expression for identification, exposure assessment,
the amount of natural resources required to
dose-response assessment, and an eval-
supply goods and services to humans with
uation of the level of risks involved.
a certain standard of living and to dispose
of their attendant wastes. The footprint
Ecological Society of America A
is sometimes expressed as the equivalent
professional organization of scientists,
land area necessary for the assumed stan-
based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to
dard of living. Richer societies have much
research and practice in ecological science.
larger ecological footprints than develop-
Founded in 1915, it consists today of
ing countries.
approximately 9,000 members. For more
ecological impact The effect that information, visit
some activity has on living organisms in a
defined area. ecological succession See succession.

ecological indicator An individual spe- ecological sustainability An environ-

cies or a defined assemblage of organisms mental management approach that stresses
that serves as a gauge of the condition of the mutual importance and interdepen-
the environment. For example the bacte- dence of ecological, social, and economic
rium Escherichia coli indicates the pres- components of a region.
ence of sewage in water, and the mussel
Mylilus edulis lives in polluted water. ecologic fallacy In epidemiology, an
erroneous association between a charac-
ecological integrity See resilience teristic or an exposure common to a group
stability; resistance stability. and a health effect or a condition present
in that group. For example, although most
ecological niche The activities and residents of a county might drink bottled
relationships of an organism within its water, an elevated rate of gastrointestinal
environment. See niche. illness in the county may not necessarily


be associated with bottled water expo- ecosystem management An integra-

sure. The ecologic fallacy is prevented by tion of ecological, economic, and social
developing disease rates for subsets of a goals in a comprehensive approach to
group, thereby preventing the potentially management of natural resources. Implicit
false assumption that average or major- in the approach is a recognition that sus-
ity group characteristics apply equally to tained progress toward social goals cannot
individuals making up the group. be made in a deteriorating environment.
The general principles of this approach
ecology The study of the relationships are managing whole landscapes, water-
among organisms and between organisms sheds, or regions over ecological tim-
and their surroundings. escales; considering human needs and
promoting sustainable economic develop-
ecology, deep See deep ecology. ment; maintaining biological diversity
and natural biogeochemical processes;
economic poison Chemicals used as pes- utilizing cooperative institutional agree-
ticides as well as those used to remove the ments; integrating science and manage-
leaves from crops to facilitate harvesting. ment; assuring stakeholder and public
involvement; encouraging collective deci-
economic threshold In the manage- sion making; and adapting management
ment of insect pests in an agricultural set- decisions to experience. The goals of the
ting, the point at which the cost of damage approach revolve around accommodating
done by insect pests exceeds the cost of human use to the viability of the natural
pest control. Beyond this point, the money
spent on the application of pesticides and
other measures is justified on the basis of
ecosystem restoration The active
manipulation of nature to recreate species
potential economic losses that will result
composition and biological community
if control measures are not implemented.
structure as close as possible to the state
Spending $100 to prevent $10 worth of
that existed before environmental degrada-
damage to crops makes little economic
tion attributable to humans. For example,
sense, whereas spending $100 to prevent
the acreage of a farm originally carved out
$1,000 worth of damage seems more wise.
of the prairie would be managed in such
The economic threshold in this example
a way that the area would revert to an
would be projected crop damage at the
environment resembling a natural prairie
$100 level.
to the extent possible with the technology
and practices available. The terminology
economizer A device in a boiler that is also applied to the recovery of natural
warms feedwater by using the hot systems damaged by natural events, for
exhaust gases from the furnace. example, the rebuilding of coastal marsh
lost to erosion.
ecosphere Those environments that
harbor living organisms. See biosphere. ecotone A zone of transition between
two well-defined vegetated areas. See edge
ecosystem A level of organization effect.
within the living world that includes
both the total array of biological organ- ecotourism The use of natural wilder-
isms present in a defined area and the ness resources to attract visitors by pro-
chemical-physical factors that influence viding travel, cultural exploration, and
the plants and animals in it. The study experiences in a wild setting. Visitors
of an ecosystem demands that the inves- viewing wildlife, a forest, or another nat-
tigator consider all biological and non- ural setting produce income for the native
biological variables operative within a inhabitants and the natural resources are
defined area. maintained for future use. This differs

effluent limitation

from the model of economic develop- These self-contained centers include busi-
ment, which involves resource extraction ness offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping
without replacement and its attendant centers, malls, and residential segments.
environmental degradation. See sustain- 2. Urban areas that are built along rivers
able development. or lakes. The boundary of the city along
the waterfront is often eroded or degraded
ectoparasite An organism (a parasite) such that water pollution is an issue.
that damages a host by attaching itself
to the outside of the host organism, for edge effect The observed increase in
example, a leech attached to a person. the number of different species along the
margins of two separate communities of
ectotherm An organism that lacks the vegetation, the ecotone.
ability to regulate internal body tempera-
ture. The internal body temperature of this effective concentration dose The
type of organism reflects the temperature amount of a chemical or physical agent
of the environment. Fish are ectotherms. that, after exposure, absorption, and
Also referred to as poikilothermal or cold- metabolism, actually reaches a target
blooded. Compare endotherm. organ or tissue and is able to cause an
adverse effect.
edaphic Describing soil characteristics,
such as water content, pH, texture, and effective half-life The time required
nutrient availability, that influence the for the amount of a radioactive element
type and quantity of vegetation in an area. or compound absorbed by a living organ-
ism to be reduced by a factor of 50%. The
edaphic climax The climax stage of an decreased radioactivity in the body is a com-
ecological succession in which the com- bination of the natural decay of the radioac-
munity is in equilibrium with localized tive element and the excretion of the element
soil or climatic conditions. or compound by biological processes.

eddy diffusion The mixing of clean air effective radiation dose See dose
and contaminated air by parcels (eddies) equivalent.
of air moving in a random, irregular man-
ner. The eddies that cause this dilution are effective stack height In air pollution
produced by mechanical turbulence dispersion calculations, the height at
and/or thermal turbulence. Turbulent which smokestack pollutants begin their
eddies that are roughly the same size as descent to the ground; the sum of the
the pollutant mass are most effective at physical stack height and the length of the
dilution. If the eddies are small relative plume rise. Gas exiting a stack rises above
to a plume of contaminated air, they will the stack exit by vertical inertia due to
only dilute the outside edges of the plume; the buoyancy of the stack gas. Higher exit
if they are much larger than the plume, velocities and higher exhaust gas tempera-
the entire plume will be moved without tures cause a higher plume rise. The greater
significant dilution. the effective stack height, the greater air
mass for the pollutants to mix in and dis-
edema The accumulation of an exces- perse, with resulting lower ground-level
sive amount of fluid in body tissues, char- concentrations downwind of the stack.
acteristic of damaged tissue.
effluent Wastewater that flows into a
edge cities 1. Identified by Joel Gar- receiving stream by way of a domestic or
reau in his 1991 book Edge City: Life industrial point source.
on the New Frontier, extensive develop-
ment centered around suburban freeway effluent limitation An amount or con-
interchanges in major U.S. urban areas. centration of a water pollutant that can be

effluent standard

legally discharged into a water body by a dredge is most useful in the sampling of
point source, expressed as the maximum soft mud sediments for the examination of
daily discharge, the maximum discharge biota entrained within or in the sampling
per amount of product, and/or the con- of soft sediments for the analysis of both
centration limit in the wastewater stream, the physical properties of the sediment
as a 24-hour or 30-day average. The appli- and the chemical contaminants that may
cable technology-based standard is set be in the mud.
by the U.S. EPA by industrial category
or subcategory but differs between new Ekman spiral The change in wind
and existing sources and by broad types direction with altitude caused by the
of water pollutants: conventional pol- varying effect of surface friction. At high
lutants; toxic pollutants; nontoxic non- altitudes (above 700 meters), wind direc-
conventional pollutants; dredge and tion is unaffected by surface friction and
fill wastes; and heat discharges. is determined by a balance between pres-
sure gradient and coriolis forces. At
effluent standard The maximal amounts lower altitudes, surface friction slows wind
of specific pollutants allowable in wastewa- velocity, which reduces the Coriolis force,
ter discharged by an industrial facility or and the wind turns toward the lower pres-
wastewater treatment plant. The standards sure. The change in wind direction from
are set for individual pollutants and apply the surface to the top of the friction layer
across industrial categories. The term can can be represented by a spiral. A similar
be contrasted with effluent limitations, phenomenon occurs in the upper layers of
which are set for individual pollutants by the oceans.
industrial category.
Ekman water bottle A tubular device
effluvium Gases or vapors emitted by used to sample water at selected depths.
the decomposition of waste organic mat- The tube is open at both ends as it is low-
ter or as a by-product of chemical or food ered by a line but flaps at the ends snap
processing; usually foul-smelling. shut when a weight is dropped down the
line, thereby enclosing the water sample
Eh An expression of redox potential.
derived from the specified depth.
Ehrlich, Paul R. (1932– ) American
entomologist, ecologist Ehrlich is the electricity The form of energy aris-
author of The Population Bomb (1968), ing from the movement or accumulation
predicting malthusian disaster. Also, of electrons. The movement of electrons
with his wife, Anne, and John Holdren, he (called electric current) produces a mag-
wrote Ecoscience: Population, Resources, netic field, a phenomenon used to convert
Environment (1970), and with Anne: electrical energy to mechanical energy in
Extinction: The Causes & Consequences electric motors. Conversely, generators
of the Disappearance of Species (1981). use mechanical energy to move a magnetic
See simon, julian. field, producing an electric current in a
Ekman dredge A device for sampling
bottom sediments from lakes or streams Electric Power Research Institute
with a slow current. A metal box, typi- (EPRI) An industry organization, based
cally six by six by six inches, the bottom in Palo Alto, California, that sponsors
of which can be opened and closed by the research and development in technologies
movement of spring-loaded jaws. The box, for the production, distribution, and use of
mounted on a pole or line and with jaws electricity, including the control of environ-
locked in the open position, is driven into mental impacts. Web site:
soft sediments. The jaws are then closed
to trap sediments within the box sampler electrolysis The passage of an electric
for removal to the surface. The Ekman current through an electrolyte, causing the

electron capture detector

migration of the positively charged ions to electromagnetic spectrum The range

the negative electrode (the cathode) and of of types of electromagnetic radiation
the negatively charged ions to the positive in wavelength (or frequency) order.
electrode (the anode).
electromagnetic terrain conductivity
electrolyte Any compound that dissoci- A noninvasive survey of soil for the detec-
ates into ions when dissolved in water. tion of buried metal objects and chemical
The solution that results will conduct an contaminants that conduct an electrical
electric current. For example, table salt current. The method is especially useful
(NaCl) is an electrolyte. in the detection of electrically conductive
leachates and contaminant plumes.
electrolytic Pertaining to electrolysis
or an electrolyte. electron One of the elementary particles
of an atom. Negatively charged electrons
electrolytic recovery An electrochemi- surround the positively charged nucleus
cal technology designed to decrease pol- of an atom and occur in numbers equal
lution and enhance recycling of metal ions to the number of protons in the nucleus.
from process baths and solutions. Metal An electron has a mass 1/1,837 that of a
ions are removed from waste streams by proton.
passing the waste through an electrolytic
cell consisting of closely spaced anodes electron capture detector (ECD) A
and cathodes. The technology is employed sensitive detector used in conjunction
primarily in the metal-finishing industry with a gas chromatograph, an instru-
for process waste containing cadmium, ment used to measure small amounts of
copper, nickel, silver, and gold. compounds in samples collected from
sources in the environment. The chro-
electromagnetic radiation Wave func- matograph employs a gas stream to carry
tions that are propagated by simultaneous and separate the organic compounds of
periodic variations of electric and mag- interest. As the carrier gas (normally
netic field intensity. Types of electromag- nitrogen) flows through the detector, the
netic radiation range from those of short gas is ionized by a radioactive substance.
wavelengths, such as X-rays and gamma The electrons resulting from this ioniza-
rays, to those of long wavelengths, such tion migrate to an anode, creating a volt-
as radio waves. Also included are ultra- age. When the compounds in question are
violet radiation, visible light, infrared encountered in the carrier gas, the electric
radiation, and microwaves. The shorter current is interrupted. The decrease in the
the wavelength, the more dangerous is the current is proportional to the concentra-
radiation to humans. All types of electro- tion of solute in the gas. The device can
magnetic radiation travel through a vac- detect as little as 10–14 gram of organo-
uum at the speed of light. chlorine pesticide.


Radiation Wavelength (m) Frequency (Hz)

Gamma radiation 10–13– 10–10 1019– 1021
X-rays 10–12– 10–9 1017– 1020
Ultraviolet radiation 10–9– 10–7 1015– 1018
Visible light 10–7– 10–6 1014– 1015
Infrared radiation 10–6– 10–4 1012– 1014
Microwaves 10–4– 1 109– 1012
Radio waves 1– – 109

electron volt

electron volt (eV) A unit equivalent to warmer water can last for several months
the amount of energy gained by an elec- or, in some cases, several years. The degree
tron passing through a potential difference of warming is also variable. El Niño has
(the difference in the strength of an electric been linked to large-scale changes in
field between two points) of one volt in a weather patterns.
vacuum. One electron volt is equal to 1.6
× 10–12 erg or 1.6 × 10–19 joule. Elton, Charles (1900–1991) English
animal ecologist Elton was the author
electrophoresis A technique used to of classic works Animal Ecology (1927);
separate, identify, and quantify proteins Voles, Mice, and Lemmings: Problems in
and similar macromolecules as these Population Dynamics (1942); and The
molecules migrate within gel or cellulosic Ecology of Invasions of Animals and
substrates under the influence of an elec- Plants (1958). He was the founder and edi-
tric current. tor of the Journal of Animal Ecology and
did early work on food chains, food
electrostatic precipitator (ESP) A webs, and the pyramid of numbers.
device to control the release of particles
from an exhaust into the atmosphere. An elution The removal of an adsorbed
electric charge is first applied to the par- material from a gas chromatograph
ticles, and the charged particles are then column by a gas stream.
collected on the surface of oppositely
charged plates. See cold-side esp; hot- elutriation The removal of particulate
side esp. matter from a fluid stream by gravitational
settling as the fluid moves upward.
element A chemical substance that can-
not be broken down to simpler units with- emanometer An instrument used to
out changing its chemical properties. The measure the radon content of air.
atoms of an element all have equal num-
bers of protons and electrons. The list of EMAP data See environmental mon-
103 known elements includes oxygen, car- itoring and assessment program.
bon, nitrogen, iron, silver, and gold. See
the appendixes. embryotoxicity Adverse effects to
a developing embryo from exposure to
elementary neutralization unit A device chemical, physical, or biological agents in
for treating wastes that are defined as haz- the early stage of gestation. The embryo
ardous because of their corrosivity. stage in humans is from conception
through two months of development. See
elevation head The potential energy fetotoxicity.
in a hydraulic system, represented by the
vertical distance between the hydraulic emergency core cooling system (ECCS)
system (pipe, channel, and so on) and a A complete system of pumps, piping, water
reference level, expressed in length units. reservoirs, and heat exchangers that serves
The sum of the elevation head and pres- as a safety device in nuclear reactors.
sure head is the hydraulic head. See The system is designed to remove excessive
also head, total. heat from a nuclear reactor should the nor-
mal core cooling mechanism fail.
El Niño Spanish for “the boy,” specifi-
cally the Christ child. Named by fisher- emergency exemption An action per-
men who noted that in some years surface mitted by the provisions of the federal
water temperatures were higher begin- insecticide, fungicide, and rodenti-
ning in December (near Christmas). The cide act by which the U.S. EPA grants
affected area is off the coast of South a temporary exemption to a state or
America in the equatorial latitudes. The other federal agency allowing the use of

emission standard

a pesticide product that is not registered emission factor A numerical estimate

(officially approved for use). The circum- of the mass of one or more air contami-
stances under which the exemption can be nants produced for a given amount of
granted usually involve serious pest prob- material processed by an industrial facility
lems against which registered pesticides or, in the case of transportation sources,
are not effective. The U.S. EPA performs a per mile driven. It is important to note
risk assessment as part of the exemption whether the emission factor is for an
process. See registration. uncontrolled source or one with properly
functioning air pollution control equip-
emergency exposure limit The maxi- ment. This factor is used to arrive at a
mum concentration to which a worker rough estimate of the total air emissions
can be exposed for a one-hour period, for a facility or geographical area. See
with a one-minute maximum concentra- emission inventory.
tion limit in the event of an emergency
such as a spill. Compare ceiling limit; emission inventory A compilation of
immediately dangerous to life and estimated air pollutant emissions, by pol-
health; short-term exposure limit; lutant, from smokestacks, automobiles,
and threshold limit value. and other sources in a given area. The
inventory is usually conducted by an envi-
Emergency Planning and Community ronmental regulatory agency.
Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) See
title iii. emission inventory questionnaire
(EIQ) The form sent by an environ-
emergency removal action Actions mental regulatory agency to all facilities
taken outside regulatory restraints, but in a given jurisdiction for the production
following the national contingency of an emission inventory. The question-
plan, to remove materials like leaking naire usually contains detailed questions
about types, quantities, and locations of
drums or explosive chemicals that pose an
air emissions.
imminent threat to human health or the
emission reduction credits (ERCs)
Quantifiable permanent reductions in air
Emergency Response Notification pollutant emissions, beyond those legally
System (ERNS) A computer database required, placed in U.S. EPA-approved
of all oil and hazardous substance accounts (banks). The reductions can be
spills reported to the national response used as part of a bubble policy emission
center. The database has been main- limitation or as an internal offset and, in
tained by the U.S. EPA and the Depart- some cases, traded or sold to other facili-
ment of Transportation since 1987. For ties. The use of the term banks does not
data descriptions and searches, visit www. imply monetary transfers.
emissions Pollutant gases, particles, or
emergent plant A plant that grows in liquids released into the atmosphere.
shallow water with the root system in the
sediment under the water and the upper emission standard The maximal legal
vegetation rising above the water. amount of a particular pollutant that may
be released into the air from a pollutant
emigration The departure of individu- source. The standard applicable to a par-
als from a population in a specific area ticular source depends on the type of pol-
or country. Compare immigration. lutant, the time when the source began
operation, the location of the source, and
emission allowance See emission stan- the quality of the air in the surrounding
dard; tradable emission allowance. area.

emissions trading

emissions trading The internal exchange disappearing from either all or a signifi-
or sale to other companies of surplus air cant part of its natural range. See endan-
pollutant emission reduction credits in gered species act.
accordance with U.S. EPA regulations for
the bubble policy, the offset program, Endangered Species Act (ESA) The
the netting out for modifications, or the 1973 federal law establishing procedures
emission reduction credits program. for the listing of species of plants or ani-
mals as endangered or threatened.
emissivity The ratio of the amount of The law also prohibits federal agencies
energy actually radiated by an object to from engaging in projects that place in
the maximum amount of energy the body jeopardy the continued existence of spe-
would radiate if it were a blackbody. For cies that are endangered or threatened.
blackbodies, emissivity and absorptivity The prohibition extends to projects that
are equal. See kirchhoff’s law. involve either federal funds or the fed-
eral permitting process. The act provides
emphysema A progressive, debilitat- that no person may take an endan-
ing disorder of the lungs characterized gered species, where take has a special,
by damage to and stretching of the air expanded meaning. The United States
spaces of the alveoli or tiny air sacs of Fish and Wildlife Service, Department
the lungs. The air sacs enlarge, the walls of the Interior, is responsible for placing
are damaged, and the individual alveoli and removing species on the endangered
fuse into a larger structure with a lower and threatened lists, which include spe-
surface area to volume ratio, which limits cies in habitats worldwide. In the United
the exchange of gases with the blood. The States, about 1,000 animals and plants
damaged area loses elasticity and ability are listed as endangered, and around 300
to recoil normally when a person attempts are threatened. Outside the United States,
to expel air from the lungs. Consequently, 523 animal and plant species are listed
the residual volume of air remaining in as endangered and 46 as threatened.
the lungs on exhaling increases, and the The lists are found at
person is not able to draw in a sufficient endangered. See convention on inter-
volume of fresh air (and oxygen) on the national trade in endangered spe-
next breath. The condition is commonly cies of wild fauna and flora.
associated with the use of cigarettes.
endangerment assessment Under the
empirical Based on experience or obser- comprehensive environmental re-
vation, as opposed to theory. sponse, compensation, and liability
act, a study to determine both the chem-
emulsifier Additive that facilitates the ical nature and the extent of contamina-
mixing of two or more liquids that nor- tion at a site on the national priorities
mally do not mix, for example, an agent list and the risks to human health and
that promotes the mixing of oil and water. the environment presented by that con-
tamination. The analysis is done as part
encapsulation A hazardous waste of the remedial investigation/fea-
treatment process that permanently sibility study (RI/FS) of a hazardous
encloses the waste with materials such as waste site.
special adhesives or concrete to prevent
escape of dangerous substances into the endemic Describing a disease or char-
environment. See solidification; stabi- acteristic commonly found in a particular
lization, waste. region or group of people; a disease con-
stantly present at low levels in an area.
endangered species A species of plant
or animal that is presently in such small endocrine disruptors See environ-
numbers that the species is in danger of mental hormones.

energy flow

endoergic Describing a reaction or pro- objective and easily determined, such as

cess that absorbs energy (endothermic). the death or malformation of the organ-
Compare exoergic. ism, to the more subtle or subjective, such
as altered enzyme levels or behavioral
end-of-pipe technology/treatment (EOP) abnormalities.
1. A wastewater management system
designed to remove or reduce pollutants endrin An insecticide belonging to the
added to water during some industrial pro- class of compounds referred to as chlori-
cess. A facility’s discharge permit dictates nated hydrocarbons. Structurally simi-
the required reduction in pollutant levels lar to aldrin and chlordane, endrin is
before an effluent can be released into the a neurotoxin that has also been demon-
environment; end-of-the-pipe means that it strated to cause birth defects and to affect
is the last chance to remove a pollutant from the immune system adversely. The pesti-
wastewater before release into a receiving cide is persistent in the environment, and
stream. 2. An air-pollution control device use in the United States is banned.
on an exhaust system or a catalytic con-
verter on an automobile; in both cases energy The capacity to do work or
discharges are treated before release rather produce a change, for example, to move
than modifying the process so that the pol- an object from one place to another or
lutant is not generated during operations. to change the temperature of an object.
Contrast pollution prevention. Energy cannot be destroyed or created;
however, the form of the energy can be
endogenous Originating within an changed. For example, the potential
organism. Compare exogenous. energy available in coal as a result of its
chemical composition can be converted
endoparasite A parasite that lives to heat energy through burning, and the
within the host and damages the host heat energy released through burning can
as a result of its presence, for example, a be subsequently converted to electrical
tapeworm living within a person’s gastro- energy by generating steam to spin a tur-
intestinal tract. Compare ectoparasite. bine, producing electric power. Sources of
energy used to generate electricity include
endospore A reproductive cell within a the potential energy associated with fos-
microorganism that can withstand harsh sil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), water
environmental conditions. held behind dams, and heat released in
nuclear reactors.
endotherm An organism that has the
ability to maintain a constant body tem- energy conversion Changing one form
perature through physiological mecha- of energy to another form. Conversion
nisms. Mammals are endotherms. Also efficiency is always less than 100%, with
referred to as a homeotherm or warm- a loss of heat. See second law of ther-
blooded. Compare ectotherm. modynamics.

endothermic Describing a reaction or energy cost The amount of energy

process that absorbs energy or heat. Com- required to exploit a resource, for exam-
pare exothermic. ple, the quantity of energy required by an
animal to obtain food or the energy used
endpoint A biological or chemi- to remove coal from a deposit.
cal change used as an indication of the
effect of a chemical or physical agent on energy flow The path of energy as it
an organism. If the anticipated change moves through the various components
occurs, the measured or estimated dose of a community of organisms. The path
or exposure associated with the change is includes the input of solar energy, the
recorded. Endpoints range from the more energy captured by photosynthesis, the

energy management system

utilization of energy by various animal energy subsidy The energy input

groups, and the loss of heat from the com- required to produce one unit (calorie) of
munity. food energy in agriculture. Modern high-
yield agriculture requires fossil-fuel energy
energy management system A con- inputs for the production of pesticides and
trol system capable of monitoring inter- fertilizers and for the manufacture and
nal environmental conditions and system operation of farm machinery. About 0.5
loads and making adjustments in the heat- calorie of energy input is required to yield
ing, ventilation, and air-conditioning in a 1.0 calorie of corn in the United States.
structure. The automatic control system However, delivery of 1.0 calorie of corn to
conserves energy while maintaining com- the consumer may use another eight to 12
fort in the structure. calories in processing and distribution.

energy pyramid See ecological pyr- enforceable requirements Provisions

amid. included in a permit granted to a facil-
ity under an environmental control stat-
energy recovery Incineration of waste ute such as the clean water act or the
material, commonly municipal solid clean air act by the U.S. EPA. Failure to
waste, that would otherwise be discarded. meet the limitations imposed by the permit
The heat from the incineration is used could result in a notice of violation or
to generate steam to operate a generator a compliance order.
producing electrical energy. Thus, energy
that would have been lost is recovered and
enforcement (environmental) Legal
converted to a usable form.
actions taken by the U.S. EPA, a state
agency, or a local entity to obtain com-
Energy Research and Development
pliance of a facility with environmental
Administration (ERDA) The former
laws, rules, and regulations. The U.S. EPA
federal agency responsible for nuclear
enforcement Web site address is www.epa.
power research and encouraging new
energy technologies. The agency was gov/compliance.
created in 1974 when the responsibili-
ties of the atomic energy commission enforcement decision document
were divided into separate agencies, one (EDD) The former term for a record
(ERDA) dedicated to energy development, of decision.
and the other, the nuclear regulatory
commission, dedicated to safety and reg- engineering controls In occupational
ulatory activities. ERDA’s responsibilities health and safety, the use of control
were transferred to the department of devices or techniques that reduce the level
energy in 1977. of the chemical or physical hazard at the
source. Emphasized by the occupational
Energy Star 1. A labeling program cre- safety and health administration.
ated by the U.S. EPA and the Department Compare administrative controls and
of Energy to promote energy conservation personal protective equipment.
that, by lessening electricity demand, will
improve air quality. 2. The program also enhanced inspection and maintenance
extends to voluntary partnerships between (enhanced I&M) Called for by the
the U.S. EPA and businesses to promote 1990 amendments to the clean air act,
energy conservation in buildings (this an inspection and maintenance (I&M)
includes, but is not limited to, the green program that includes additional vehicle
lights program). Energy Star also works testing to determine the efficiency of emis-
with home builders in the design and con- sion controls. The enhanced inspections
struction of more energy-efficient houses. are targeted for those communities that
Web site: have had difficulty meeting ambient air

environmental audit

quality standards for automotive pollut- bacteria causing dysfunction of the human
ants, especially ozone. gastrointestinal tract. The agents are a
type of exotoxin.
enhanced oil recovery Techniques for
the removal of the remaining thick, heavy entrainment 1. The capture of solid
oil from reservoirs after primary recov- particles, liquid droplets, or mist in a gas
ery and secondary recovery. A typi- stream. 2. In scrubbers, the liquid aero-
cal operation may involve steam injection sol in the gas stream exiting the control
into the reservoir to reduce the viscosity device. 3. The incidental trapping of fish
and provide pressure to force the oil into and other aquatic organisms in the water
collection wells. used for cooling electrical power plants.

enrichment A process by which the entrainment separator See mist elim-

abundance of fissionable isotopes of ura- inator.
nium or plutonium is increased to create a
nuclear fuel that will support a sustained entrainment velocity The gas velocity
nuclear reaction. Uranium recovered by that keeps particles of a given size and
the refining of uranium ore does not con- density suspended (dispersed) and causes
tain a sufficient abundance of the fission- deposited particles of that type to become
able isotope (uranium-235) to be used in resuspended; typically applied to airflow
most nuclear power plants or in nuclear in ducts carrying airborne particles.
weapons. The relative abundance of ura-
nium-235 must be increased before the entropy (S ) The availability of energy
material is suitable for use in reactors or to do work. When one form of energy is
weapons. See nuclear reactor. converted to another (for example, when
coal is burned to produce heat), entropy
enteric organism In the broadest sense, increases. Also used as a thermodynamic
any microorganism whose normal habitat measure of the randomness or disorder
is the human gastrointestinal tract. The within a system. The higher the entropy,
term is frequently used in a more narrow the more disordered is the system.
sense to signify the gram-negative bacte-
ria that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. It envirogenomics See environmental
is also used to describe enteric viruses that genomics.
are excreted in human feces and that cause
disorders associated with the consumption environment An aggregate of the con-
of food contaminated with fecal material ditions that make up the surroundings of
(hepatitis virus, for example). an individual or community. The compo-
nents of an environment include climate;
enterococcus Any gram-positive oval physical, chemical, and biological factors;
or round bacterium (coccus) that normally nutrients; and social and cultural condi-
resides in the human gastrointestinal tract, tions. These influences affect the form and
frequently belonging to the genus Strepto- survival of individuals and communities.
environmental accounting See green
enteropathogenic organism Any gram- accounting.
negative bacteria capable of causing
illnesses or dysfunction of the human gas- environmental assessment A prelimi-
trointestinal tract. The disorders range nary study to determine the need for an
from mild upsets to diarrhea and dysen- environmental impact statement.
tery to typhoid and cholera.
environmental audit 1. An internal
enterotoxin Specific toxins or entero- investigation of company compliance with
pathogenic organisms secreted by some environmental regulations. 2. Study of a

Environmental Council of the States

site prior to a real estate transaction to environmental genomics The study

uncover potential environmental liabil- of how particular human genetic make-
ity associated with the property, such as ups modify the risk of adverse effects from
the prior improper disposal of hazardous exposure to environmental hazards. See
waste in the ground. See phase i envi- pharmacogenomics; toxicogenomics.
ronmental assessment.
environmental hormones Chemical
Environmental Council of the States pollutants that have the potential to
(ECOS) A cooperative organization of substitute for, or interfere with, natu-
state government environmental managers ral hormones. Excessive exposures to
established in 1993 that promotes inno- these substances can influence repro-
vative implementation of environmental ductive success or cause tumor growth.
regulations and state involvement as part- For example, a degradation product of
ners with the U.S. EPA in the shaping of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
national environmental policy. The ECOS (ddt) limits the reproductive success
serves as a clearinghouse for solutions and of birds by promoting a reduction of
approaches to environmental issues. Web estrogen levels in the blood of female
site: birds.

Environmental Defense (EDF) A U.S. environmental impact statement

environmental organization, founded in (EIS) A report required by the national
1967, that is active in legal, economic, and environmental policy act detailing the
scientific aspects of environmental issues. consequences associated with a proposed
Environmental Defense litigation lead major federal action significantly affecting
to the banning of dichlorodiphenyl- the environment.
trichloroethane (DDT) in the United
States, but the group now supports limited environmental impairment liability
and careful DDT use indoors in develop- policy (EIL policy) An insurance policy
ing countries to combat malaria. For- offering bodily injury and property dam-
merly named the Environmental Defense age coverage for gradual releases of pollut-
Fund, the group still uses the abbreviation ants for any claims made during a policy
EDF. Their Web site,, cur- year, no matter when the release occurred.
rently cites 400,000 members. The EIL policy approach fills the gap left
by pollution exclusion clauses. Also
called a claims made insurance policy.
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
See environmental defense.
environmental incident The release or
threatened release of a chemical, physical,
environmental dispute resolution See or biological agent that may cause harm
alternate dispute resolution; reg-neg. to human health or the environment. Gov-
ernment teams or contractors respond to
environmental ethic A value system prevent or minimize harm. See report-
that judges human actions in terms of able quantity.
whether they harm, sustain, or improve
environmental quality. environmental indicators An organ-
ism, usually a plant species, that has an
environmental exposure See dose; unusual sensitivity to alterations in the
exposure. environment. Consequently, the presence
or absence of the species provides a sign of
environmental fate The result of the an environmental imbalance. For example,
physical, chemical, and/or biological the disappearance of some lichens indi-
changes in a chemical after release into the cates air pollution caused by sulfur diox-
environment. ide, and the absence of normally present

Environmental Monitoring for Public Access and Community Tracking

trout is an indication of a reduction of pressure systems, wind motion, and time

water quality in a stream. See also eco- of day. See also adiabatic lapse rate;
logical indicator. mixing height.

environmentalism Active participation Environmental Leadership Program

in attempts to publicize, define, and solve (ELP) Renamed national environ-
problems associated with human popula- mental performance track.
tion growth, pollution, technology, and
resource utilization. Aspects of the natu- environmental lien A legal attachment
ral environment are taken as normative, to property used to secure payment of costs
and the application of technology (chemi- arising from response actions, cleanup, or
cal manufacturing, nuclear power, fossil other remediation activities after the release
fuel use) and human intervention in natu- of hazardous substances or petroleum
ral environments (pesticide application, products. The objective is to ensure that
hydroelectric power) are seen as unaccept- the facility or company responsible for a
able threats to human health and the func- release shares some of the response costs.
tioning of the natural environment. Also,
the use of environmental issues to advance environmental literacy The capacity
a specific social, economic, or political to understand the concepts, terminology,
agenda. and issues associated with destruction
of and protection of the natural envi-
environmental justice A merger of ronment and the place of humans in the
social forces that combines the civil rights process. The capacity to understand the
movement with environmental protection issues, writings, images, terminology, and
to demand a safe, healthy life-giving envi- options associated with the protection
ronment for all, regardless of economic of the natural environment and human
status or ethnicity. The inclusion of race health. The motivation for compiling this
as an environmental issue grows out of dictionary.
the observations that poor minorities live
in close proximity to industrial sites and environmental management hierar-
that people of color are subjected to a dis- chy A ranking of the actions an indus-
proportionately high level of health risk try or administrative agency should take
because of where they live and work. On to reduce adverse impacts of pollution
a deeper level, the merger is an effort to on human health and the environment,
use racial issues to subvert industrialism. in descending priority: prevention, recy-
Industrialism is rearticulated as class dis- cling, treatment, and release/disposal. See
crimination and institutional racism rather pollution prevention.
than as an agent of progress. The effort
seeks to link industrialism not only to the environmental medium Air, water, or
domination of nature but also to the dom- ground into which pollutants are released.
ination of people. The environmental jus-
tice movement differs from the nature-first Environmental Monitoring and
groups in that the former is local in scope; Assessment Program (EMAP) A U.S.
deals with human spaces rather than the EPA program that attempts to use envi-
natural environment; concerns people and ronmental monitoring data to assess the
the places where they live, work, and play; health and sustainability of natural eco-
and generally adds people to the mix of systems. See environmental risk assess-
environmental protection. ment. Web site:

environmental lapse rate The nega- Environmental Monitoring for Pub-

tive or positive change in air temperature lic Access and Community Tracking
with change in altitude. The rate varies (EMPACT) A U.S. EPA data-sharing
with changes in insolation, high- or low- program begun in 1996 to ensure that

environmental monitoring methods index

citizens have access to environmental to industrial sites and that people of color
quality information about their area that are subjected to a disproportionately high
is timely (including real-time monitoring level of health risk because of where they
data, where available), accurate, and in live and work. This circumstance is seen
a form that is understandable. The U.S. as the result of deliberate actions taken
Geological Survey and the National Oce- by members of the majority race. Also see
anic and Atmospheric Administration environmental justice.
also provide data. Communities choose
their preferred method(s) to receive environmental resistance The forces
EMPACT information: the Internet, tele- of nature (predators, drought, and so
vision, radio, newspapers, community on) that tend to maintain populations of
meetings, and others. Web site: www. organisms at stable levels.
environmental resource Any tangible
environmental monitoring methods item available in nature and needed by an
index (EMMI) The official U.S. EPA organism or process.
database of analytical methods for envi-
ronmental pollutants. The index includes environmental response team (ERT)
approved methods for sample collection, A group of individuals with special train-
storage, and preservation; extraction ing and equipment who provide assis-
of the pollutant from the environmental tance in the event of spills or releases that
medium; and analysis (chemical detec- threaten human health or the environment.
tion). Available on CD-ROM. They provide decontamination equipment,
hazard evaluation, sampling and anal-
environmental near miss See near ysis, cleanup technologies, water supply
miss. decontamination, and removal of contam-
inated material, among other services and
Environmental Protection Agency resources.
(EPA) An independent executive agency
of the federal government, established in environmental science The applica-
1970, responsible for the formulation and tion of the laws, theories, and concepts of
enforcement of regulations governing the science to issues related to degradation of
release of pollutants and other activities the natural environment and to the human
that may adversely affect the public health condition.
or environment. The agency also approves
and monitors programs established by environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
state and local agencies for environmen- Indoor emission of a combination of gases
tal protection. Some states have used the and particles from smoking of cigarettes,
acronym in the title of their environmen- pipes, or cigars. These emissions can occur
tal management agency; for example, at nuisance levels or unhealthy concentra-
CAL/EPA is the California Environmental tions. See also passive smoking.
Protection Agency. See reorganization
plan number 3. enzyme A protein compound that acts
as a catalyst for biochemical reactions.
environmental racism 1. The purpose- Enzymes are sensitive to changes of tem-
ful restriction of individuals in minority perature, pH, and other substances in the
racial groups to polluted or degraded envi- environment.
ronments, commonly close to industrial
facilities that add significant amounts of EPA identification number The num-
pollutants to the environment. 2. Ascrib- ber assigned to an off-site disposal facility
ing of racial motives to operators of indus- under the resource conservation and
trial facilities because of the observation recovery act (RCRA). Also called the
that poor minorities live in close proximity RCRA number.

equalization basin

ephemeral stream A stream that is the water at the lower depths, the hypo-
usually dry, only flowing for a short time limnion, is colder. The boundary between
after a heavy rain. The flow is without a these two layers is the thermocline. The
clearly defined channel. See intermittent water in these distinct layers is of different
stream; perennial stream. densities, and the layers remain separate
until the water temperatures change or are
epidemic A condition or disease that forced to mix by physical forces such as
affects many individuals within a commu- wind. See also fall turnover; spring
nity at about the same time. An epidemic turnover; turnover.
is usually characterized by a sudden onset
and rapid spread of disease throughout epiphyte A plant that grows on the sur-
the community; requires a sufficiently face of another plant without damaging the
large number of individuals susceptible to plant that serves as the host for the epi-
the condition. phyte. For example, single-celled diatoms
grow on the surface of marsh grasses with-
epidemiology The science that deals out apparent damage to the marsh grass.
with the incidence and distribution of
human disease or disorders. episode A period of extremely high air
pollutant concentrations, lasting for several
epidermal cells The cells forming the days to a week or more, associated with an
outer layer of the skin or the thin outer abnormally high incidence of respiratory
covering of plant leaves, stems, and roots. disease and, in the worst cases, an increased
death rate in the affected area. The condi-
epifluorescence A type of microscopy tion is caused by air stagnations, or per-
in which the specimen under examination sistent inversion conditions, that allow
is illuminated by the projection of ultra- pollutant concentrations to increase. Sites
violet light through the microscope from of historic air pollution episodes include
above the microscope stage. The technol- Meuse Valley, Belgium, in December 1930;
ogy differs from standard microscopy, in Donora, Pennsylvania, in October 1948;
which the specimen is illuminated from and London, England, in December 1952.
below the slide with white light. The Major episodes have not occurred in the
observer sees the object as light emitted United States or Western Europe since the
from the specimen by fluorescence 1960s thanks to the installation of air pol-
mechanisms (glowing) stimulated by the lution controls on major stationary sources
ultraviolet light. The use of special dyes (smokestacks) and the widespread switch
can be required. in the energy source for domestic space
heating from coal to natural gas or electric-
epigenetic 1. Describing a cancer mech- ity generated at a central power station. See
anism that does not involve the direct donora episode; excess deaths; lon-
interaction of a chemical with cellular don episode.
genetic material (deoxyribonucleic
acid [DNA]). 2. Describing a geologi- epithelium A membranous, protective
cal deposit that has been changed from tissue layer that covers the surface of body
its original state by outside influences, for organs and that lines various body cavi-
example, the conversion of accumulated ties.
shell deposits to limestone.
EP toxicity See extraction proce-
epilimnion The upper layer in a lake in dure toxicity test.
which the water is stratified by tempera-
ture. Large standing bodies of water tend equalization See flow equalization.
to form layers as a result of nonuniform
heating by the Sun. The water at the sur- equalization basin See flow equal-
face, the epilimnion, is warmer, whereas ization.

equal-loudness contours

equal-loudness contours See fletcher- erosion The process of wearing away of

munson contours. a surface by physical means. The term is
usually applied to the loss of soil through
equation of state For air pollution the agency of wind or water.
calculations, an equation derived from
a combination of boyle’s law and erythema An abnormal redness of the
charles’s law that describes the relation- skin due to irritation or tissue damage.
ships among the pressure, volume, and
temperature of a gas. See ideal gas law. Escherichia The genus name of a type
of bacteria whose normal habitat is the
Equator Principles A set of standards colon in humans and other warm-blooded
being adopted by the international banks animals. The organism is gram-nega-
that fund the largest loans for economic tive, ferments lactose at 37°C, and can
development. The standards require the grow with or without molecular oxygen.
lending institutions to evaluate proposed If members of this genus, referred to as
projects in developing countries in terms fecal coliforms, are found in water, the
of their environmental stewardship, effects water is considered to be contaminated
on human populations, and their con- with fecal material. Some strains of this
gruence with the tenets of sustainable genus cause severe diseases of the gastro-
development. For more information, intestinal tract.
ester A class of organic chemical com-
equilibrium A steady-state condition pounds consisting of a combination of an
in which flow in equals flow out. In a box organic acid with an alcohol. Esters
model, the condition in which there is nei- are commonly stable compounds that have
ther net gain nor loss of the amount of mat- a sweet or fruity smell.
ter or energy in each box or compartment.
estimated environmental concentra-
equilibrium ethic An outlook that tion (EEC) In pesticide regulation, the
attempts to establish a middle ground concentration of the pesticide in aquatic
between the total development of a poten- or terrestrial ecosystems where nontar-
tial resource by economic interests and the get organisms may be exposed.
absolute preservation of that resource in
the natural condition. estrogen A female sex hormone pro-
duced in the ovaries. The hormone is
equivalent method An analytical involved in the development of secondary
procedure deemed by the U.S. EPA to be female sex characteristics, control of the
equivalent to the standard, or official, menstrual cycle, and reproductive func-
method for the determination of pollut- tions. Estrogen is part of the endocrine
ant concentrations, as approved by the system. See estrogenic chemicals.
agency. An individual or organization
must demonstrate the accuracy and reli- estrogenic chemicals A variety of
ability of the new method before it can compounds that are suspected of exert-
be certified as an equivalent method. See ing hormonal activity in humans. These
reference method. compounds include items considered
to be pollutants, such as chlorinated
equivalent weight (EW) For dissolved hydrocarbon pesticides and plasticiz-
compounds, the molecular weight ers, as well as preparations that are taken
divided by the number of hydrogen or as nutritional supplementals, e.g., genis-
hydroxyl ions in the undissolved com- tein and coumestrol. The adverse health
pound. For elements, the atomic weight effects attributed to the disruption of nor-
divided by the valence. mal endocrine function by these and other


chemicals include altered fetal develop- in the manufacture of vinyl chloride,

ment, impaired reproductive capacity, and the monomer used in the manufacture of
cancer. See environmental hormones; polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Minor uses
estrogen. include application as a dispersant in the
manufacture of rubber and plastic. For-
estuary Coastal waters where seawater merly used as a metal degreaser. Acute
is measurably diluted with freshwater; inhalation exposures in humans cause
a marine ecosystem where freshwa- nerve and kidney damage as well as respi-
ter enters the ocean. The term usually ratory distress, cardiac arrhythmia, and
describes regions near the mouths of rivers nausea. Chronic exposure to this chemical
and includes bays, lagoons, sounds, and over long periods causes damage to the
marshes. liver and kidneys. EDC probably increases
the risk of cancer in humans; however, the
ethanol A two-carbon primary alco- potency of the chemical in this respect is
hol, with the chemical formula CH3CH2OH. low.
The pharmacologically active ingredient
in alcoholic beverages and spirits. Ethanol etiologic agents Viruses, bacteria,
is made from sugars in corn, sugarcane, fungi, or parasites that cause disease. See
and other grains by fermentation. Until etiology.
recently, the only practical raw material
for ethanol was the fruit of the grains,
etiology The study of the cause of
e.g., the corn kernels. Now the crop esi-
a disease. The causative agent can be a
dues of grain productions, e.g., the stalks,
microorganism as in the case of influenza;
can be fermented efficiently to make etha-
however, other factors can include envi-
nol. (See cellulosic ethanol). Ethanol
ronmental contamination, social practices,
is used extensively as a solvent, as an oxy-
or personal habits.
genate in gasoline, and as a component
of a blended transportation fuel contain-
ing ethanol and gasoline. Ethanol/gasoline eucaryotic Describing a cell that has a
mixtures for vehicle fuels are now most well-defined nucleus confined by a nuclear
often called ethanol fuels or just ethanol. membrane or a multicellular organism
See e10; e85. that comprises such cells. The cell type for
all organisms except the bacteria and blue-
ethylene A gaseous, two-carbon hydro- green algae. Compare procaryotic.
carbon with the formula H2C=CH2. Eth-
ylene is polymerized to yield the plastic euphotic zone The upper layer of a
used in many consumer projects, includ- body of water that is penetrated by sun-
ing plastic film, milk and water jugs, and light. Photosynthesis or primary produc-
containers. tion takes place in this layer. Compare
abyssal zone and bathyl zone.
ethylene dibromide (EDB) A sub-
stance used for fumigating foodstuffs for euploid A cell that has the correct num-
protection against insects and nematodes. ber of chromosomes. If a normal cell con-
EDB is found as a residual in some treated tains 22 chromosomes, a euploid cell
grains and has been implicated as a car- would have either that number or some
cinogen in test animals. exact multiple of that number, like 44. See
ethylene dichloride (EDC) (C2H4Cl2)
A colorless, oily liquid that has an odor eury- A prefix that means “wide”
similar to that of chloroform and that or “broad.” A euryhaline organism, for
is slightly soluble in water. Produced by example, is able to live in an environment
reacting hydrochloric acid or chlorine gas with large changes in salinity. Eurytherm
with ethylene. The most common use is is used to describe an animal that can live

eutectic chemical

in an environment with large changes in verts liquid water to a gas) and transpiration
temperature. (the loss of water vapor from plants).

eutectic chemical Describes a chemi- evenness A mathematical expression

cal, commonly an inorganic salt, that that describes the distribution of individu-
undergoes a phase change from solid to als in a community among the species rep-
liquid when heated (as does water) and resented. A community has high evenness
reconverts to a solid when cooled. Unlike if there are equal numbers of individuals
water, the inorganic salts useful in heat in the species present. Conversely, a com-
exchangers designed to capture and munity is described as having a low even-
transfer solar energy do not undergo large ness if most of the organisms are members
volume changes as they change phase from
of one species and other species are repre-
a solid to liquid and back. Using these
sented by one or a few individuals. One
chemicals, a large amount of heat energy
calculation method for evenness is
can be stored in a relatively small space.
eutrophic Describing a river, lake, ⎛ Ni ⎞
stream, or other body of water enriched ∑ ⎜⎝ N ⎟⎠
with excessive amounts of plant nutrients,
where Ni is the number of individuals in
such as nitrates and phosphates. Such
each species and N is the total number of
environments are characterized by the
excessive growth of aquatic plants. Com-
pare mesotrophic and oligotrophic.
event tree A graph of all possible out-
eutrophication The addition of exces- comes and their probabilities after an initi-
sive plant nutrients to a river, lake, stream, ating event. The probability of an outcome,
or other body of water. The nutrients such as an accidental death, can be esti-
in excess are usually nitrates or phos- mated by combining all of the event
phates, and the process leads to prolific probabilities that lead to a fatality. The
growth of aquatic plants. See eutrophic. representation is used in accident and risk
analysis. Compare fault tree.
evaporation A change of state from liq-
uid to gas. Some molecules in a liquid have evergreen Plant that retains its leaves
enough energy to escape to the gas phase. throughout the year. The term is most
The rate increases with temperature. commonly applied to trees such as spruces
and firs. Compare deciduous.
evaporation pond Surface enclosure
exposed to the atmosphere used to allow
evolution A scientific theory proposing
for the volatilization of water to thicken
that higher forms of life have descended
or dry some substance, for example, sew-
from lower forms by way of natural
age sludge.
mechanisms. The process by which the
evaporative cooling Cooling of a liq- characteristics of a population of organ-
uid, such as water, by allowing a portion isms change over time in response to
to evaporate. The process is important in natural genetic variation within the popu-
the operation of cooling towers used to lation and to selection forces of nature
cool heated effluents from power plants as acting on that population. The selection
well as in the cooling of the human body forces include any of a multitude of nat-
through the evaporation of perspiration. ural factors that have potential negative
The process is more effective than convec- impact on the survival of an organism, for
tion cooling. See heat of vaporization. example, predators or parasites, nutrient
supply, climatic changes, or physical iso-
evapotranspiration The combined action lation from a suitable habitat. See natu-
of evaporation (a physical process that con- ral selection.

exchange reaction

exceedance 1. A measured environ- control the formation of thermal nox.

mental concentration for an appropriate See stoichiometric ratio.
averaging time that violates a published
ambient standard. 2. The release of excess deaths In epidemiology, an
a pollutant from an industrial or waste observed number of deaths in a popula-
treatment facility at levels constituting a tion, place, and time that is above the
violation of permit restrictions. long-term mortality rate. A significant
level of excess deaths may indicate the
exception report Under the manifest presence of an environmental risk factor.
system, a notification that must be sent
to the regional administrator of the U.S. exchangeable cation A positively
EPA by a hazardous waste generator if charged ion loosely bonded to soil par-
the manifest accompanying waste shipped ticles. The ion is not removable by pure
off-site by the generator for treatment water; however, it is readily exchanged
and/or disposal has not been returned to for the sodium ions in a neutral salt
the generator within 45 days of the waste solution. The soil particle adsorbs the
shipment. The manifest system documents sodium ion and releases the exchangeable
hazardous waste in transit to its ultimate cation.
treatment and/or disposal site.
exchange reaction A process to soften
excess air The air supplied for a com- water by altering the ionic composition
bustion process over the amount theo- through the trading of ions. A resin is sat-
retically required for complete burning. urated with sodium ions; then, as water
Usually expressed as a percentage, for containing divalent ions, such as calcium
example, an incinerator operating at 80% or magnesium, flows over the resin, the
excess air has an air/fuel molar ratio of sodium ions are released into the water,
1.8:1. Lowering excess air levels helps and the calcium or magnesium ions are


adsorbed by the resin. See hard water; Water Acts contain provisions that
soft water; water softener. explicitly exempt certain standards from
cost-benefit analysis.
excursion 1. Used to indicate the release
of some pollutant at levels beyond that exempted aquifer Part or all of an
allowed by regulations or an operating underground geological deposit holding
permit. 2. Ambient pollutant concentra- an amount of water suitable for use as
tions that exceed the allowable standard a drinking water supply; however, the
for the required averaging time. groundwater is not used as a source of
drinking water. Such deposits are exempt
Executive Order 12291 An order from certain regulations applying to
issued by President Ronald Reagan in aquifers that serve as sources of drink-
1981 requiring administrative agencies to ing water. The classification of a system
prepare a regulatory impact analysis as an exempted aquifer signifies that the
for all major regulatory actions. Repealed aquifer is not currently used as a source
by President Clinton in September 1993. for drinking water and the system cannot
See executive order 12866. now or in the future serve as a source of
drinking water.
Executive Order 12498 An order
issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1985 exempted solvent An organic com-
requiring all federal regulatory agencies pound that is not subject to volatile
to submit to the office of management organic compound controls under the
and budget an annual report summariz- clean air act; the chemical does not con-
ing agency objectives for the coming year, tribute significantly to the photochemi-
including the issuance of any major regu- cal reactions leading to the production of
lations. Together with executive order ground-level ozone.
12291, the action was an attempt to reduce
uncertainty and costs associated with fed- exfiltration The movement of air out of
eral regulations and standards. Repealed by a building as a result of wind or tempera-
President Clinton in September 1993. See ture differences. Compare infiltration.
executive order 12866.
exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) An
Executive Order 12866 An order automobile emission control system that
issued by President Clinton in Septem- mixes a small amount of the exhaust
ber 1993 that required administrative gases with the fuel-air mixture enter-
agencies to “assess all costs and ben- ing the engine via the intake manifold.
efits of available regulatory alterna- This lowers the combustion temperature
tives,” including quantitative costs and and reduces the formation of oxides of
benefits and those “that are difficult to nitrogen (NOx).
quantify,” which in the environmental
realm would potentially include certain exhaustible resources Those items
intangible adverse health effects and society removes from the natural envi-
environmental degradation. Further, ronment in support of human existence
“in choosing among alternative regula- and that are present in finite amounts
tory approaches, agencies should select and not replaced on a time scale suffi-
those approaches that maximize net ben- cient to replenish the amount removed.
efits (including potential economic, envi- The mineral resources and fossil fuels are
ronmental, public health and safety).” prime examples. Contrast renewable
Therefore, although executive order resource.
12291 and executive order 12498
were repealed, cost-benefit analysis existence value Nonmonetary value
retains an importance in environmen- assigned to wildlife. A valuation that goes
tal regulation. The Clean Air and Clean beyond the value assigned to a species in

exposure assessment

terms of economic, recreational, or aes- expert testimony See expert witness.

thetic considerations. The importance
placed on the continued survival of a spe- expert witness In a judicial proceed-
cies beyond what it can do for humans. ing, a person testifying on a subject about
which he or she has extensive knowledge
exoergic Describing a reaction that and training. Federal Rules of Evidence
gives off energy or heat (same as exo- govern the use of expert witnesses. See
thermic). Compare endoergic. rule 702; toxic tort.

exogenous Originating outside an explosive limits See lower explosive

organism. Compare endogenous. limit; upper explosive limit.

exothermic Describing a reaction that exponential decay The decline in the

gives off energy or heat. Compare endo- number of a population, amount of a pol-
thermic. lutant, level of radioactivity, and so forth,
according to the exponential function N =
exotoxin A protein produced and N0e–(kx), where N is the amount left after
released by the bacteria that cause cer- decay, N0 is the initial amount, e is the
tain diseases in humans, for example, base of the natural logarithm, k is a
botulism and tetanus. These proteins are constant, and x is a variable such as time,
extremely toxic in microgram quantities. altitude, or water depth.

exp When followed by a number or exponential growth 1. Growth in the

expression that represents an exponent, size of a population in which the num-
the base of the natural logarithm; the ber of individuals increases by a constant
same as e. percentage of the total population each
period. When the number of individuals
expected deaths In epidemiology, in the population is plotted against time,
the calculated number of deaths over a the increase appears as a J-shaped curve;
given time in a study group if members when the logarithms of the numbers of
of that group died at the national average individuals are plotted against time, the
rate for persons of the same age, sex, and increase appears as a straight line. 2. The
race. The number of actual deaths in the growth of bacteria in culture where divi-
study group is compared with the number sion is by binary fission. Represented by
of deaths expected to determine whether the equation N(t) = N0ekt, where N(t) is
the two groups differ by a statistically sig- the population size at time t, e is the base
nificant amount. of the natural logarithm, and k is a con-
stant. This stage is followed by a sta-
expedited removal action (ERA) The tionary growth phase. See log phase.
cleanup of a hazardous waste disposal
site without preparation of a remedial exposure Contact between a chemical,
investigation/feasibility study; per- physical, or biological agent and the outer
formed when a release or a threatened surfaces of an organism. Exposure to an
release of a hazardous substance agent does not imply that the agent will be
requires immediate efforts to protect pub- absorbed or will produce an effect.
lic health or the environment.
exposure assessment An estimate
experimental concentration—percent of the actual or anticipated contact of a
(ECx) In a test of the toxicity of a chem- chemical, physical, or biological agent
ical to aquatic life, the experimentally with a population, including the route(s),
determined concentration of the chemical frequency, concentration, and duration of
that is calculated to affect X percent of the the exposure and the number of individu-
test organisms. als exposed at various levels.

exposure pathway

exposure pathway How a pollutant extirpate To destroy or remove com-

moves from the source of release through pletely, as in the extinction of a species as
air, water, food, or soil to natural organ- a result of overhunting.
isms or humans.
extractable organic halogens (EOX)
exposure route How a pollutant in the Organic compounds combined with any
environment gains entry into an organism. members of the chemical halogens (mainly
The possibilities include inhalation, inges- chlorine, bromine, and fluorine) that can
tion, or absorption through the skin. be removed from a soil or sludge sample
with the solvent ethyl acetate. The organic
ex situ conservation Protection or halogens represent a class of unusually
enhancement of biological diversity toxic materials.
outside species’ natural habitats. Com-
extractable organics Organic chemi-
pare in situ conservation.
cal compounds that can be removed from
a water sample by the solvent methylene
external cost See externality. chloride under conditions of pH greater
than 11 or less than 2. Organic compounds
externality The cost or benefit of some in water represent a class of pollutants that
activity that affects persons not involved are potentially toxic materials.
directly with the activity. Called a nega-
tive externality if costs are imposed, for extraction procedure toxicity test (EP
example, a decrease in value of residential toxicity test) A laboratory test in which
property near a new industrial facility, a solid waste material is treated to leach
or a positive externality, as in the aes- out certain toxic metals and/or pesticides.
thetic and economic benefits accruing to Formerly the official toxicity characteristic
the neighbors of a person repainting his test method for a hazardous waste, the
or her home. The goal of environmental EP toxicity test has been replaced by the
quality management is to internalize neg- toxicity characteristic leaching pro-
ative externalities, that is, push the cost of cedure (TCLP).
pollution back to the polluter.
extrapolation The prediction of out-
external radiation The exposure of the comes, in particular circumstances, beyond
body to ionizing radiation where the known experience or experimental observa-
source of the radiation is located outside tions but based on existing empirical data.
the body.
extremely hazardous substance (EHS)
One of about 400 chemicals listed by the
extinction The elimination of every
U.S. EPA under the Emergency Planning
individual within a particular species.
and Community Right-to-Know Act of
1986. The act called for, among other
extinction coefficient 1. A variable things, community planning for the acci-
used to calculate the scattering and absorp- dental release to the atmosphere of toxic
tion losses of energy traveling through a materials from industrial facilities or along
medium. See beer-lambert law. 2. In air transportation routes and their possible
quality management, a variable used in adverse effects in the nearby community.
koschmieder’s relationship to deter- Chemicals were placed on the list on the
mine visual range in the atmosphere. The basis of acute toxicity and annual pro-
extinction coefficient bext is expressed as duction volume. See also title iii.
bext = beg + bag + bscatp + bap, where
brg is scattering by gas molecules (ray- Exxon Valdez The vessel that ran
leigh scattering), bag is absorption by aground in March 1989, spilling 11 mil-
gas molecules, scatp is scattering caused by lion gallons of crude oil into Prince Wil-
air particulate matter, and bap is absorp- liam Sound, Alaska. Prompted the passage
tion by particles. of the oil pollution act of 1990.


fabric filters Filter bags made of Tef- fallout 1. Radioactive particles intro-
lon, nylon, cotton, or glass fibers used duced to the atmosphere by a nuclear
to remove particulates from industrial accident or explosion. The particles can
exhaust gases. The material collected on be transported thousands of miles before
the filters is periodically shaken or blown settling to the ground. 2. Any solid mat-
off and falls to a hopper for disposal or ter emitted to the atmosphere by human
recycling. See baghouse. activities (smokestack or tailpipe particu-
lates) or natural processes (dust storms,
facepiece The part of a respirator volcanoes, forest fires), then returning to
covering all or part of the wearer’s face. the surface by gravitational settling.
The facepiece, which contains connectors
for inflowing and outgoing air, must make fallow Describing arable land that is left
an airtight seal to operate properly. uncropped for a growing season; a part of
the rotation practiced under nonirrigated
facilitator A person trained in the art agriculture. The land stores water during
of drawing diverse groups to a consensus the fallow period, and the next crop has
on an issue; mediator. Facilitators may be available a two-year water supply and
used in alternate dispute resolution more nutrients.
or negotiated rule making.
fall turnover The exchange of top and
facilities plans In wastewater manage- bottom waters of a stratified lake pro-
ment, documentation required by the U.S. moted by the cooling of the surface water
EPA in support of the construction of a during the fall of the year. The surface
municipal wastewater treatment facility. water cools in response to the falling air
The documents include plans and studies temperature and becomes denser as a
related to community needs, cost-effective- result. When the surface water cools to a
ness of various alternatives, environmen- temperature lower than that of the bot-
tal impact statements, and descriptions tom water, the upper layer of water sinks,
of the facility, costs, and construction forcing the bottom water to the surface.
schedule. Compare spring turnover. See strati-
facility emergency coordinator The
individual at an industrial facility desig- false negative An erroneous test result
nated as the incident commander in the that labels a chemical or individual as not
event of a release of dangerous material, having a certain property or condition
a fire, or an explosion at the installation. when in fact the property or condition is
This person is responsible for the formula- present. For example, the false determina-
tion and execution of contingency plans tion that a chemical is not a carcinogen
for emergencies. when it actually is a carcinogen. Compare
false positive.
facultative bacteria Microorganisms
able to grow either with or without molec- false positive An erroneous test result
ular oxygen (O2). that labels a chemical or individual as hav-

fan curve

ing a certain property or condition when is a characteristic of a compound that is

in fact the property or condition is not more likely to undergo bioaccumulation
present. For example, a false test result or biological magnification.
stating that a person is infected with the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) fault tree A graph of the events or fail-
when in fact the virus is not present. Com- ures necessary for an accident or other
pare false negative. adverse effect to occur. The representation
is developed by starting with the unde-
fan curve A graphical depiction of the sired outcome, such as loss of radiation in
volumetric airflow of a fan for different a nuclear power plant accident, and work-
static pressures at a given fan turning ing backward to describe what events or
rate in revolutions per minute (rpm). A sequences of events can lead to the out-
family of curves is typically generated come. The technique is used in accident
with a separate curve for each of a series risk analysis and in development of strat-
of rpm values. egies for risk reduction. Compare event
fanning Describing a plume from a
smokestack that is being emitted into a fauna A general term for the animal life
temperature inversion, allowing little of an area or region. Compare flora.
dispersion of the plume in the vertical
plane. Compare coning; fumigation; feasibility study A detailed technical,
lofting; looping; and trapping. economic, and/or legal review of a specific
proposed project at a particular location
far field The area away from a sound to outline all potential costs, benefits, and
source in which the sound pressure likely problems. If the project is a haz-
level is inversely proportional to the ardous waste site cleanup, the process is
square of the distance from the source, called a remedial investigation/feasi-
according to the inverse square law. bility study (RI/FS).
Compare near field.
fecal bacteria Any type of bacte-
far infrared electromagnetic radia- ria whose normal habitat is the colon of
tion with wavelengths from 20 microm- warm-blooded mammals, such as humans.
eters to 1,000 micrometers. See infrared These organisms are usually divided into
radiation. groups, such as fecal coliforms or
fecal streptococci.
fast breeder reactor A nuclear reac-
tor that produces a significant quantity of fecal coliform A type of bacteria
fissionable material (plutonium-239) whose natural habitat is the colon of
when uranium-238 absorbs fast neu- warm-blooded mammals, such as humans.
trons produced during the fission pro- Specifically, the group includes all of the
cess. See breeder reactor. rod-shaped bacteria that are nonspore
forming, gram-negative, and lactose fer-
fast neutron A neutron with energy menting in 24 hours at 44.5°C and that
exceeding 1 × 105 electron volts as it is can grow either with or without oxygen.
ejected from a nucleus that undergoes fis- The presence of this type of bacteria in
sion. Compare slow neutron. water, beverages, or food is usually taken
to mean that the material is contaminated
fathead minnow A fish species (Pime- with solid human waste. Bacteria included
phales promelas) often used in aquatic in this classification represent a subgroup
bioassays. of the larger group termed coliforms.

fat soluble Describing a material that fecal material Solid waste produced by
dissolves (is stored) in fat. Fat solubility animals and discharged from the gastroin-

Federal Implementation Plan

testinal tract. Also referred to as feces or commissioners, responsible for regulat-

solid excrement. ing the sale of electricity or natural gas
in interstate commerce, construction
Fecal streptococci A type of bacte- and operation of oil and gas pipelines,
rium whose natural habitat is the colon of and licensing of nonfederal hydroelectric
warm-blooded mammals, such as humans. power plants. Web site:
The group includes those bacteria that are
gram-positive, are spherical, and occur in Federal Environmental Pesticide Con-
chains. This type of bacterium is catalase trol Act (FEPCA) The 1972 amend-
negative and capable of growth in media ments to the federal insecticide, fun-
containing 6.5% sodium chloride. Most gicide, and rodenticide act that gave
of these organisms are in the species Strep- the U.S. EPA authority to register pesti-
tococcus faecalis. cides and to suspend or cancel registration
of any pesticide found to threaten human
fecundity A measure of the capacity of health or the environment unduly.
an organism to produce offspring. Organ-
isms classified as fecund have the potential Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
to produce many offspring in a short time Act See food, drug, and cosmetic
frame (a roach, for example). act.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Hazardous Substances Act

(FEMA) A federal administrative agen- (FHSA) The federal statute providing
cy, now part of the U.S. Department of for health and safety review of the design
Homeland Security. Given responsibility and content of consumer products. Imple-
for emergency planning and operational mented and enforced by the consumer
response to major natural disasters, hazard- products safety commission.
ous material incidents, and terrorist attacks.
For more information, visit Federal Hazmat Law See hazardous
materials transportation law.
Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-
sion (FERC) An independent federal Federal Implementation Plan (FIP)
administrative agency, governed by five Under the clean air act, a document

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act

prepared by the U.S. EPA that describes Federal Register As required by the
the actions to be performed by a state to administrative procedure act, a daily
comply with provisions of the Clean Air publication of the U.S. government that
Act. Prepared only if the state implemen- contains federal administrative agency pro-
tation plan does not meet the minimal posed rules, final rules, and other execu-
statutory requirements. tive branch documents. Final regulations
and standards are annually codified by
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and subject in the code of federal regula-
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) The federal tions. Web site:
law that regulates the manufacture and
use of pesticides. The law was first passed Federal Test Procedure (FTP) The
in 1947 and amended in 1972, 1975, and methods prescribed by the U.S. EPA for
1978. Under FIFRA, pesticides must be the stationary testing of the efficiency of
registered with and approved for use by emission control devices or the fuel econ-
the U.S. EPA before they are sold. Mar- omy (miles per gallon) of automobiles.
keting approval may require the pesticide
container label to include directions for Federal Water Pollution Control Act
proper use and disposal, and the purchase (FWPCA) See clean water act.
and/or use of some chemicals is restricted
to certified (trained) applicators. See can- feedback Corrective information or
cellation; registration; suspension. a signal generated within a self-regulat-
ing system or process that is intended to
Federal Land Policy and Management induce a change in that system or pro-
Act (FLPMA) A 1976 federal law that, cess. Feedback relationships are important
together with the taylor grazing act, aspects of computer models intended to
outlines policy concerning the use and simulate natural processes.
preservation of public lands in the United
States. The FLPMA gives the Bureau of feedlot A confined area in which cat-
Land Management, in the Department of tle are held and fed to promote maximal
the Interior, the responsibility to manage weight gain prior to marketing. The large
all public rangelands not within national quantities of animal waste produced can
forests or national parks, applying mul- lead to pollution problems in nearby
tiple use policies. The act also grants the water bodies. See biochemical oxygen
federal government power to control the demand.
environmental consequences of mining on
public lands. feedstock The bulk chemical resources
needed in the petrochemical industry for
Federal Motor Vehicle Control Pro- the creation of product. Feedstocks may
gram (FMVCP) The complete col- be natural materials (for example, salt or
lection of federal initiatives designed to natural gas) or manufactured chemicals
control pollution emitted from motor used to make other manufactured chemi-
vehicles. Included are tailpipe emission cals (ethylene, propylene).
standards, regulatory control of evapo-
rative fuel losses, development of testing feedwater Boiler water that is con-
methods, and guidance to state inspec- verted to steam during the operation of
tion and maintenance programs. a fossil-fuel or nuclear power plant. The
water is boiled by heat transferred from
Federal Power Commission (FPC) the furnace or reactor core, and the steam
The predecessor federal agency to the fed- is employed to drive turbines for the gen-
eral energy regulatory commission eration of electricity.
(FERC), established in 1920. The author-
ity was transferred to the new agency in feldspar Rock formed by the slow cool-
1977. ing of molten magma, constituting about

fetal alcohol syndrome

half of the Earth’s crust. Crystalline rock fermentation tube method A tech-
composed primarily of aluminum silicates. nique for the examination of water or
wastewater for the presence of fecal
fen A flat, marshy area with waterlogged bacteria. Portions of a water sample are
soil fed by groundwater and runoff. This inoculated into culture tubes containing
type of area often accumulates peat. a growth medium that has lactose. coli-
form bacteria produce acid and gas by
fenceline The outer perimeter of the the fermentation of lactose when incu-
property of an industrial facility, the clos- bated at certain temperatures.
est possible site of exposure to the public.
In the management of a chemical emer- ferrous metal Magnetic metal derived
gency, as long as hazardous concentra- from iron and steel. A classification impor-
tions of a spill or release do not migrate tant in the recycling of municipal and
past the outer property line, the responsibil- industrial waste. These materials range
ity for managing the incident rests primar- from bimetal (tin) food cans, appliances,
ily with the personnel at the facility. If the barrels and drums, piping, strapping, and
impact moves beyond the outer property junk cars to decommissioned ships. Fer-
line, a hazardous material response rous metal represents the most frequently
team from other industries or local govern- recycled commodity in terms of tons recy-
ment units may be called in by the first cled, and old steel is an important ingredi-
responders. For routine emissions, the ent in the manufacture of new steel.
point of compliance with the national
ambient air quality standards or the fertile atoms nonfissionable iso-
estimated levels using an air quality dis- topes that absorb neutrons then decay
persion model is the fenceline. to a fissionable material. The most
common fertile atom is uranium-238,
fenceline concentration The concen- which decays to fissionable plutonium-
tration of an air contaminant measured 239. See radioactive decay.
just outside the perimeter of the property
of an industrial facility, the closest pos- fertile isotope See fertile material.
sible site of exposure to the public. See
fenceline. fertile material A material that is not
capable of undergoing nuclear fission
Fenton’s reagent A mixture of iron but can be converted to a fissionable
(Fe+2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) that material by irradiation in a nuclear
can be used to oxidize chemically or to reactor. The most common fertile iso-
degrade toxic organic chemicals in soil. topes are uranium-238 and thorium-232,
Soil contaminated with a variety of chlo- which are converted to the fissionable
rinated hydrocarbons can be mixed materials plutonium-239 and uranium-
with the two ingredients to effect the con- 233, respectively.
version of the organic material to carbon
dioxide and chloride ions. The reagent is fertility rate In an animal population,
useful in the cleanup of contaminated soil. the average number of offspring born to
females. Within human populations, only
feral animal A domesticated animal liv- those females of childbearing age are con-
ing in the wild. sidered. It is calculated as the number of
live births in a calendar year divided by
fermentation A type of bacterial or the number of women of ages 15–44 in
yeast metabolism (chemical reaction) the population, then multiplied by 1,000.
characterized by the conversion of car-
bohydrates to acids and alcohols, usually fetal alcohol syndrome A variety of
occurring in the absence of molecular birth defects associated with the consump-
oxygen. tion of alcoholic beverages by pregnant


women. The symptoms range from mild fibrosis The formation of an excessive
to severe and include both mental abnor- amount of fibrous tissue in the lung result-
malities and physical malformations. ing from overexposure to certain insoluble
Common facial disorders include broad- particulate materials. Fibrotic particulates
ened nasal bridge, upturned nose, thinned include rock and coal dust, fine sands, and
upper lip, eye and ear abnormalities, and asbestos. The accumulation of the fibrous
excessive body and facial hair. The major- tissue reduces the efficiency of oxygen
ity of modern mental retardation is attrib- transfer in the lungs. See asbestosis;
utable to this disorder. Outcomes include crystalline silica; silicosis.
reduction in intelligence quotient (IQ),
learning disabilities, speech and language Fick’s first law of diffusion A law
disorders, an inability to relate cause and stating that the rate of diffusion of one
effect, behavior disorders, impulsiveness, material through another is proportional
short attention span, and psychomotor to the cross-sectional area of diffusion,
dysfunction. The syndrome is 100% pre- the concentration gradient, and a diffu-
ventable and carries significant personal sion coefficient. The value of the diffusion
and societal cost. coefficient depends on the size and electric
charge of the diffusing substance, the type
fetotoxic Describing a chemical sub- of material the diffusing substance is mov-
stance or other agent that has adverse ing through, and the absolute temperature.
effects on a developing fetus. The law is expressed as
M/A = –D(dC/dX),
fetotoxicity Adverse effects to a where M is the mass transfer rate, A is
fetus from exposure to chemical, physi- the cross-sectional area, D is a diffusion
cal, or biological agents in the middle to coefficient, and dC/dX is the concen-
late stages of gestation. The fetal stage tration gradient.
in humans is from the beginning of the
third month of development to birth. See field blank A sample container car-
embryotoxicity. ried to and from the sample collection
site but not used for taking environmen-
F factor The ratio of the volume of gas tal samples. This filter, collection tube,
produced by the combustion of a fuel to or other container is analyzed along with
the energy content of a fuel. The gas vol- the actual samples to detect contamina-
ume used can include all combustion gases tion that may occur during sample collec-
(wet F factor), all gases excluding water tion and transport.
vapor (dry F factor), or only carbon diox-
ide (carbon F factor). The wet F factor is fill material Inert material such as soil,
in wet standard cubic meters per joule, stone, concrete, or gravel used to pack a
the dry F factor is in dry standard cubic low area for the future development of the
meters per joule, and the carbon F factor property.
is in standard cubic meters per joule. The
appropriate factor is used in calculations film badge A personal monitoring
of air pollutant emission rates for particu- device used to determine an individual’s
late matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen diox- radiation exposure level. The small badge
ide, and others. is worn on the clothing and may contain
one or more layers of photographic film,
fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cc) which is examined after an appropriate
Common units for the expression of air- interval to determine exposure.
borne asbestos concentration. The asbes-
tos in air is present in the form of count- filter Any medium through which liq-
able fibers. A cubic centimeter is equal to uids or gases are passed to remove par-
one-millionth of a cubic meter, or a cube ticulate material or other undesirable
about 0.4 inch on a side. constituents.

fire ecology

filterable Description of particles that to remove suspended solids. Also called

are sufficiently small to allow their pas- a secondary clarifier.
sage through filters capable of retaining
most particles. For example, a filterable financial assurance The resource
virus is one that passes through a filter conservation and recovery act
that normally retains bacteria. requirement that owners and operators
of hazardous waste treatment, storage,
filter cake 1. The solids or semisolids or disposal facilities demonstrate to the
deposited on a filter as a fluid is moved permitting authority that funds will be
through it. 2. The remaining solids or available to meet the estimated expenses
semisolids on a filter after the fluid in a of closure and postclosure activities at
material is extracted by negative pressure. the site.

filtering velocity The speed at which finding of no significant impact

air or fluid moves through a paper, syn- (FONSI) A document prepared by a
thetic, or sand filter for the purpose of federal agency presenting reasons why an
removing particulate material from the activity or development project will not
air or liquid. The units used are volume have an appreciable effect on the human
flow (such as cubic meters, gallons, or environment and for which an environ-
liters) through cross-sectional area (square mental impact statement will therefore
meters, square feet) per unit time (days, not be prepared.
seconds, or hours).
fines Very small airborne particles, usually
filter strip Term applied to a vegetated less than two micrometers in diameter.
area of land placed between a source of
potentially polluted water and a receiving finished water Water that has com-
stream. As the water flows through the pleted a purification or treatment process.
vegetated area, sediments, inorganic plant Compare raw water.
nutrients, organic materials, or other pol-
lutants are captured or taken up by the fire-climax community A habitat in
plants, preventing pollution of the receiv- which the population of plants (and con-
ing stream. sequently the animals present) is main-
tained by periodic fires. Examples include
filtrate The liquid that passes through managed pine forests where ground fires
some filter medium. For example, are set intentionally to prevent broadleaf
if a sample of polluted water is passed hardwoods from developing and the prai-
through a paper filter that retains the par- rie systems in which the dominance of
ticulate material, the dissolved pollutants grasses is maintained by periodic fires.
are recovered in the filtrate. When coffee
is made by using a paper filter to hold firedamp methane gas found in under-
the ground beans, the coffee that results is ground coal mines. See also damp.
actually a filtrate.
fire ecology The active participation by
filtration treatment Most commonly humans in the management of forest and
used to describe the processing of raw prairie resources by using fire as a tool.
water prior to drinking as in slow sand fil- Fire has been and is an important envi-
tration or the treatment of wastewater as ronmental factor in the development and
in a trickling filter. See sand filter. maintenance of natural ecosystems. As
an understanding of ecology has advanced,
final clarifier A gravitational settling the importance of using fire in a proactive
tank installed as part of some wastewater way to manage forests and prairie systems
treatment plants to be used after the bio- has been realized. Controlled fires reduce
logical treatment step. The tank functions the accumulation of decaying organic

fire point

matter and litter that serve as fuel for proportional to the concentration of one
future catastrophic fires, release plant of the reactants, not to any other chemi-
nutrients, control invasion by nonnative cal within the reaction mixture. Compare
exotic species, release and/or activate zero-order reaction.
seeds, and clear competitive overgrowth.
first responder(s) As defined in the occu-
fire point The lowest temperature at pational safety and health adminis-
which a liquid vaporizes at a sufficient tration regulations protecting workers
rate to support continuous combustion. who respond to a release or threatened
Compare flash point. release of a hazardous substance: (1) an
individual or group trained to issue the ini-
firestorm An intense fire characterized by tial warnings and response calls (awareness
rapid burning and strong winds generated by level) or (2) an individual or group trained
convection currents produced by the fire. in the actions necessary to protect human
health or the environment from the threat-
firm capacity For public drinking water ened or actual release (operations level).
supplies, the system delivery capacity with First responders do not prevent, contain, or
the largest single water well or production clean up the release of hazardous materials,
unit out of service. which are duties of a hazardous mate-
rial response team. See hazwoper.
first draw The water that flows when a
tap is first opened, especially at a residence
first third See land disposal ban.
first thing in the morning. The water that
flows out first has been in the pipes all
First World The industrialized or
night and is likely to have the highest con-
economically developed countries of the
centration of lead and other substances
world, including the United States, Can-
derived from the plumbing.
ada, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom,
France, and Germany. These countries
first flush The first runoff draining from
consume a significant portion of the natu-
the watershed (fields, streets, parking lots,
ral resources of the Earth.
ditches, and so on) when it rains. The con-
centration of plant nutrients, sediments,
sand, oil, trash, and other pollutants is
fish advisory A warning issued by
public health authorities stating that the
much higher than the runoff produced at
consumption of fish from a specific area
later times. Controlling the first flush is
should be avoided or limited because the
critical to limiting pollution from runoff.
fish may contain levels of some chemical
See nonpoint source.
pollutant that is potentially dangerous to
first law of thermodynamics A law health.
stating that during any chemical or physi-
cal change in a closed system, energy is Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) An
not destroyed or created but is changed agency, created within the United States
from one form to another. Its expression Department of the Interior in 1940,
for a closed system is Q = ΔU + W, where responsible for fish and wildlife manage-
Q is the net heat absorbed by the system, ment on federal lands and for protection
W is the work performed, and ΔU is the of these resources from possible harmful
change in internal energy. For example, activities of other government agencies.
chemical energy may be changed to heat The Fish and Wildlife Service compiles the
energy during the burning of fossil fuels. list of endangered and threatened species
The law is also referred to as the law of authorized by the endangered species
conservation of energy. act. Web site:

first-order reaction A chemical reac- fish kill Large numbers of dead fish in a
tion in which the rate of reaction is directly relatively small segment of a water body,

flammable solid

almost always caused by a lack of required increasing of the stability of a waste mate-
dissolved oxygen, not by toxic chemicals. rial by involving it in the formation of
a stable solid derivative. stabilization
fish ladder A series of small pools lessens the potential harmful effect of a
arranged in an ascending fashion to allow pollutant.
the migration of fish upstream past con-
structed obstacles, such as dams. fixed carbon 1. The solid nonvolatile
portion of organic waste material left after
fish protein concentrate (FPC) A dry combustion, excluding ash and moisture.
flour or paste derived from processing 2. The amount of carbon dioxide con-
fish, often fish considered undesirable for verted to plant biomass by the process of
direct consumption. Rich in protein, the photosynthesis.
product has been proposed as a dietary
supplement for populations in less devel- fixed-location monitoring Sampling
oped countries, but cost and residual fishy of air or water from one location over a
taste have prevented its acceptance. relatively long period.

fission The splitting of the nucleus of fixed solids See suspended particulate.
an atom into two or more nuclei with the
concurrent release of neutrons and a large flame ionization detector (FID) An
amount of energy. The process is induced analytical device used in gas chroma-
in a nuclear reactor to produce energy tography. The detector burns the gas
and in the detonation of nuclear weapons. containing the chemicals extracted from
an environmental sample, which produces
fissionable material A heavy atom a current of ions or electrons proportional
that can be split by the absorption of slow to the amount of specific organic materials
neutrons. The three most common fis- present.
sionable materials are uranium-233, ura-
nium-235, and plutonium-239. Fission- flameless furnace See graphite fur-
able materials are used as fuel in a nuclear nace.
reactor and in nuclear weapons.
flame retardant A chemical added to
fission products The nuclei produced cloth to prevent or retard rapid burning.
when elements, such as uranium-235,
undergo fission. The fragments are iso- flammable limits See flammable
topes of various elements and frequently range; lower explosive limit; upper
are radioactive. In a nuclear reac- explosive limit.
tor, as these fragments accumulate, the
efficiency of the reactor declines. Fission flammable liquid Under United States
products constitute the nuclear waste in Department of Transportation regula-
the spent fuel rods that are removed tions, any liquid with a flash point less
from the reactor. See spent fuel. than 100°F (38°C).

fissure A long, narrow crack or split in flammable material Any solid, liquid,
a solid material, as in the cracks left in the or gas that burns rapidly when ignited.
Earth as the result of an earthquake.
flammable range The temperature
fixation 1. In ecology, the incorpo- range between a material’s lower explo-
ration of carbon dioxide into organic sive limit and its upper explosive
compounds by photosynthesis. Also, limit.
the conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to
a form usable by vegetation. See nitro- flammable solid A legal category of
gen fixation. 2. In waste management, materials moving in commerce. Generally,

Flannery decree

solid material that can be ignited read- network (DBA) scale is derived from the
ily by friction, water absorption, or by 40-decibel Fletcher-Munson contours. See
spontaneous chemical reaction. The U.S. phons.
Department of Transportation regulatory
definition is found at 49 CFR 173.124. flexible fuel vehicle (FFV) Automobiles
or trucks equipped to use any mixture of
Flannery decree The 1976 consent gasoline or ethanol, up to 85% ethanol.
decree subsequently codified by the 1977 See cellulosic ethanol; e85; e10.
amendments to the clean water act
that required the U.S. EPA to develop best floatable debris Materials released
available technology standards for over 20 into waterways with a specific grav-
industrial categories involving 65 classes ity less than water’s. Sources include
of toxic water pollutants, called the pri- storm water runoff, combined sewer
ority pollutants. Named for the judge overflow, illegal dumping and littering,
in the case, Thomas Flannery, U.S. district watercraft waste, fishermen, and offshore
court judge for the District of Columbia. oil and gas exploration and production.

flare 1. A tall stack used for the routine floating roof (lid) A roof that floats on
combustion of waste gases or for burn- the hydrocarbon liquid in an oil refinery
ing materials routed from a chemical storage tank, moving up and down with
reaction vessel or refining process during the level of crude oil or fuel in the ves-
upset conditions. 2. To send waste gases sel. The absence of vapor space above the
or other materials to a tall stack (flare) for liquid and the maintenance of a tight seal
burning. between the tank wall and the roof greatly
reduce hydrocarbon evaporation losses to
flash point The lowest temperature at the atmosphere.
which a flammable liquid produces a suf-
ficient amount of vapor to ignite with a floc In wastewater treatment, the par-
spark. ticles formed by the coagulation of even
smaller particles, or colloids.
Fletcher-Munson contours The results
of sound loudness observations on young flocculation In wastewater treatment,
male subjects by Fletcher and Munson in the rapid mixing of chemicals into the
1933, expressed as plots of the sound wastewater to enhance the formation of
pressure levels (in decibels) at particu- floc. Particles must be of sufficient size
lar frequencies that are perceived as equal for removal, filtration, or sedimentation.
in loudness. The subjects were given a
1,000-hertz reference tone (for example, at floodplain The land area bordering a
40 decibels) and were asked to adjust the river that floods when the river overflows.
decibel level of another tone of different
frequency until that frequency sounded as flora A general term for the plant life in
loud as the reference tone. The test group an area or region. Compare fauna.
consistently adjusted lower-frequency
sounds (less than 1,000 hertz) upward to flotation Separation of small suspended
make them equal to the reference tone in particles from water by the addition of a
loudness; for example, a 60-decibel 200- stream of small air bubbles. Chemicals are
hertz sound was equated to a 40-decibel added that cause the particles to adhere to
1,000-hertz sound. At 1,000 to 5,000 hertz the rising bubble. Used in papermaking,
little adjustment occurred; there was some mining operations, and de-inking paper
upward adjustment of tones greater than to be recycled.
5,000 hertz. The contours illustrate the rel-
ative insensitivity of the human ear to lower flow control In waste management, a
frequencies. The decibels, a-weighting state or local government requirement that

flue gas

Floating roof

municipal solid waste collected in their flow regime The pattern of move-
jurisdiction must be taken to a certain ment of runoff across an area of land
waste disposal site, especially a waste-to- that drains into a lake or stream, or the
energy facility. The dedicated waste flow movement of water across an irrigated
is to ensure that the facility operates at agricultural field.
its planned level and remains financially
sound. Flow control laws have been inval- flow system See continuous-flow
idated by the U.S. courts. system.

flow equalization The process of flow-through test A test of the toxic-

smoothing the amount of water or other ity of a chemical to aquatic organisms.
fluid entering a process over time. For The test solution containing the chemical
example, the amount of rainwater fall- passes through the test chamber and is
ing on an industrial facility varies consid- not recycled. See semistatic test; static
erably over time, ranging from none to test.
millions of gallons in a short period. In
order to treat the water properly before flue A conduit for the passage of smoke
release, the water falling during storm or exhaust gases.
events must be captured and held so that
the amount entering the water-treat- flue ash See flue dust.
ment process can be equalized over time
to allow for sufficient treatment prior to flue dust Very small particles carried
release. along in the gases that exit a furnace dur-
ing combustion or from a metal-smelting
flow rate The amount of water or other operation.
fluid flowing through a pipe, canal, stream,
or river; expressed as the amount of mate- flue gas Hot gases produced during
rial moving over a specified period, such combustion within a furnace. The gas
as cubic meters per second, gallons per is exhausted through the flue, carrying
minute, or millions of gallons per day. flue dust and gaseous combustion prod-

flue gas conditioning

ucts such as carbon monoxide and sul- fluorescence detector A detector used
fur dioxide. with liquid chromatography. A sample
stream is subjected to shortwave radia-
flue gas conditioning The addition of tion, wavelength-specific for a certain sub-
chemicals, such as ammonium salts, to stance, which causes any of that substance
an exhaust gas to raise the resistivity in the sample to reemit (fluoresce) longer-
of the fly ash in the airstream before the wavelength energy that can be measured
mixture enters an electrostatic precipi- by the detector to indicate the amount of
tator. Greater resistivity allows the par- substance in the sample.
ticles to maintain an electrostatic charge
and promotes collection efficiency in the fluoridation The addition of fluoride
electrostatic precipitator. Used particularly to drinking water in an effort to reduce
with low-sulfur coals. tooth decay among the human popula-
flue gas desulfurization (FGD) The
removal of sulfur-containing compounds, fluoride A negative ion formed from
such as sulfur dioxide, from exhaust the element fluorine or a compound con-
gas. The most widely used of many sul- taining fluorine. Fluoride combines with
fur dioxide removal processes is lime- tooth enamel to render the enamel less
stone scrubbing, in which powdered soluble in acid environments. Fluoride
limestone (calcium carbonate) is injected compounds are added to public water
into an exhaust gas and sulfur dioxide supplies to prevent tooth decay. Fluo-
is absorbed and neutralized, creating cal- rine is a halogen; chemical symbol F. See
cium sulfite and calcium sulfate as by- fluorosis.
products. See desulfurization; dry
scrubber. fluorocarbons See chlorofluoro-
flue-gas scrubbing See flue gas desul-
furization; scrubber, impingement; fluorosis A disorder of the teeth or
scrubber, spray; scrubber, venturi. bones associated with excessive consump-
tion of fluoride; characterized by mot-
fluidized bed combustion A burning tling and brittleness.
process designed to promote the efficient
combustion of coal. The coal is first pow- flux 1. The flow rate of mass, volume,
dered, then made to flow as a liquid by the or energy per unit of cross-sectional area
injection of a rapidly moving stream of that is perpendicular to the flow. 2. The
gas. Burning is carried out while the solid movement of dissolved and suspended
powder is in this fluidlike state. Limestone matter into and out of a marsh as the tides
is added to absorb sulfur dioxide created flood and ebb.
from sulfur contaminants in the coal.
flux density In a nuclear reactor,
fluidizing air A rapidly moving stream the number of neutrons passing through a
of air that is injected into a bed of pow- given unit of area per unit of time, usually
dered material to impart a fluidlike state through one square centimeter per second.
to the powder. See also fluidized bed
combustion. fly ash Small solid particles of noncom-
bustible residue produced by the burning
flume A narrow trough or chute for car- of a fuel such as coal. The particles are
rying water. carried from the combustion process by
the flue gas. Compare bottom ash.
fluorescence The emission of light or
other electromagnetic energy caused by F/M ratio See food-to-microorgan-
the excitation of an atom. ism ratio.

food chain crops

fogging Applying insecticide by the and safety of foods, food colors and addi-
release of fine droplets in a product that tives, drugs, and cosmetics. Established by
resembles smoke. The process can be used the food, drug, and cosmetic act of
to reduce mosquito or fly populations in 1938, the role of the agency has been fur-
a community. A single-family residence ther defined in subsequent amendments.
can also be treated by the fogging process. Web site:
Often the home is enclosed in a plastic
material and the insecticide fog blown into food chain The flow of carbon and
the enclosure. energy within a specified area as a result
of the feeding sequence of organisms
fomite Any object contaminated by within a community. The organisms
pathogens from a diseased person. are divided into trophic levels, which
depend on how an individual organ-
food additive Any chemical added ism obtains its food. The first level in
to a food product during processing the chain is occupied by the green plants,
to enhance shelf life, appearance, fla- termed primary producers; those ani-
vor, or nutritional content. The list of mals that consume the plants are termed
common additives includes agents that herbivores or consumers and are
prevent caking of the food (aluminum placed in the second trophic level; the
calcium silicate), act as chemical preser- animals that eat other animals are termed
vatives (ascorbic acid, propionic acid, carnivores or secondary consumers
and sodium sulfite), emulsify (desoxycho- and are placed in the highest feeding level.
lic acid and propylene glycol), provide The transfer of materials or mass from
dietary supplement (biotin, leucine, and one trophic level to the next is approxi-
zinc sulfate), bind other materials (cal- mately 10% efficient. In a simple food
cium acetate, potassium citrate, and tar- chain consisting of grass (primary pro-
taric acid), and stabilize (agar-agar and
ducer) to rabbit (herbivore) to owl (car-
guar gum). Food additives are regulated
nivore), 1,000 pounds of grass would be
by the food and drug administration
needed to support 100 pounds of rabbit,
under authority of the food, drug, and
which, in turn, would support 10 pounds
cosmetic act. See delaney clause;
of owl. The food chain thus described is
generally recognized as safe.
referred to as a grazing food chain since
it is based on the consumption of live,
Food and Agriculture Organization
standing biomass (the grass). Other food
(FAO) An office of the United Nations
chains are based on the consumption
founded in 1945 with a mandate to
improve nutrition and standards of living of the remains of dead organisms. The
and to increase agricultural productivity, primary consumers in such food chains,
with a special focus on rural populations. referred to as detritus-based, consist of
The FAO is the largest autonomous agency bacteria, fungi, and various worms and
within the United Nations, with 180 mem- insects (termed the decomposer com-
ber nations and a staff of over 4,000. The munity). The next highest trophic level
FAO provides information and advice on consists of those carnivores that consume
food production to governments, offers these decomposers. See ecological pyr-
direct development assistance, and serves amid.
as an international forum for debate on
food and agriculture issues. Web site: food chain crops Plants that, if contam- inated by environmental pollutants, directly
or indirectly cause human exposure to the
Food and Drug Administration contaminants. These include plants grown
(FDA) A federal agency within the for human consumption, those ingested
United States Department of Health and by animals that are ultimately part of the
Human Services that regulates the quality human diet, and tobacco.

food chain efficiency

food chain efficiency An expression of sessment of all tolerances for pesticides,

the net transfer of useful energy from a reregistration of all pesticides at least
food to the animal consuming it. See eco- every 15 years, and a common safety stan-
logical efficiency. dard for pesticide residues in food, with
an emphasis on protection for infants and
food color Any dye or pigment that children. See registration.
imparts color to food. There are nine syn-
thetic color additives certified (approved) food-to-microorganism ratio (F/M
for American use by the food and ratio) The ratio of organic material load
drug administration (FDA). Pigments to the microorganism mass in the aeration
from natural sources do not require FDA tank of a wastewater treatment facility.
approval. Color additives are also used in The ratio is calculated as
drugs and cosmetics. Labels indicate the F/M = (Q)(BOD)/(MLSS)(V),
certified color and its use: FD&C means where Q is the flow rate of raw sew-
food, drug, and cosmetics; D&C and age, BOD is the biochemical oxygen
“external D&C” also are used. demand of that sewage, MLSS is the
mixed liquor suspended solids con-
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act centration, and V is the aeration tank vol-
(FDCA) First passed as the 1906 ume. Commonly expressed as kilograms
Food and Drug Act, with major amend- of BOD per kilogram MLSS per day.
ments in 1938, 1958, 1962, and 1976,
the basic federal law concerning the food waste A class of municipal
sanitary condition and safety of food, solid waste consisting of the remains of
including food additives, and the effi- uneaten food or of the process of food
cacy and safety of drugs and cosmet- preparation at residences or commercial
ics. The act is administered by the food establishments such as cafeterias, restau-
and drug administration (FDA). See rants, and industrial kitchens.
delaney clause; generally recog-
nized as safe. food web The interrelationship among
the biological organisms in a community
food intoxication A pathological con- according to the transfer of useful energy
dition in humans or animals that is caused from food resources to organisms eating
by the consumption of food that contains those resources. A food chain depicts
a toxin. For example, botulism and com- a simple linear transfer from one organ-
mon food poisoning are caused by the ism to another; however, most animals
production of toxic compounds during the eat more than one type of food and the
growth of specific types of bacteria in food food web model illustrates the complex-
prior to consumption. ity of feeding patterns within the natu-
ral environment. For example, a single
food-processing waste Solid waste resource such as grass may serve as food
that remains after the conversion of a raw for insects, mice, rabbits, and deer, and
agricultural item into a commercial prod- the mice may in turn be eaten by snakes,
uct. The discards left after processing, for owls, and foxes.
example, corn shucks and cobs left after
the corn is prepared for canning at a com- foot-pound A unit of work equivalent
mercial facility. to 1.356 joules.

Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) forced draft (FD) The pushing or forc-
A 1996 federal statute that amended the ing of gases through an enclosed area
federal insecticide, fungicide, and (such as a combustion chamber) by the use
rodenticide act and the food, drug, of a fan or blower. See induced draft;
and cosmetics act, providing for a reas- natural draft.

Fourth World

forced expiratory volume (FEV1) The Forest Service See united states for-
volume of air a person can exhale in one est service.
second; a lung function test.
formaldehyde A simple one-carbon
forced oxidation A chemical process aldehyde having the formula CH2O. The
in which pollutants in an exhaust or dis- chemical is a colorless gas, produces a
charge are forced into contact with air or pungent odor, and acts as an irritant. A
pure oxygen to convert them to a stable solution of 40% formaldehyde in water,
form. termed formalin, was commonly used
as a biological preservative. The gas is
forced vital capacity (FVC) The max- a primary irritant that contributes to
imum volume of air a person can exhale the odor and eye irritation of photo-
after a maximum inhalation; a lung func- chemical air pollution and indoor
tion test. air pollution at retail establishments
handling particleboard or fabric. The
force mains Pipes in which wastewa- irritation associated with formaldehyde
ter is pumped under pressure; the system results from the solubility of the gas in
is used in some areas that have small water and the resulting reactions in the
elevation changes with distance and mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.
therefore need to augment gravity flow. Formaldehyde is used as an industrial
Contrast gravity flow. See pressure chemical in the manufacture of various
sewer. polymers, including urea formaldehyde
insulation foam.
forcing functions In ecology, impor-
tant factors determining the composition formalin See formaldehyde.
of natural ecosystems, such as tempera-
ture, rainfall, sedimentation, timing and Form R The annual report of routine
amount of watershed runoff, nutrient lev- and accidental chemical releases from cer-
els, and solar radiation. tain facilities required by Section 313 of
the Emergency Planning and Community
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Right-to-Know Act (title iii).
Resources Planning Act (FRRRPA)
See national forest management act. fossil fuels petroleum, natural gas,
peat, coal, or other hydrocarbons that
forest management Administration are derived from the remains of plants
and planning of forest resources employ- and/or animals that were converted to
ing rational, interdisciplinary scientific other forms by biological, chemical, and
principles. Depending on the intended use physical forces of nature.
of the resource, the effort may include har-
vesting of trees, restoration of degraded four nines The destruction requirement
land, multiple use scenarios, pest con- for selected principal organic haz-
trol, and the maintenance of a diverse bio- ard constituents in waste incinerators:
logical community. 99.99%. See destruction and removal
efficiency; six nines; trial burn.
Forest Principles An agreement from
the earth summit, by which signatories Fourth World 1. A classification applied
work toward the sustainable management to the poorest countries. Characterized
of forest resources in their countries. Offi- by a poorly functioning market economy,
cially titled “Non-Legally Binding Author- ineffective government management, and
itative Statement of Principles for a Global little prospect of economic development. 2.
Consensus on the Management, Conser- Ethnic, linguistic, and/or religious groups
vation and Sustainable Development of with a common culture residing within a
All Types of Forests.” nation state with dissimilar characteristics.


The Fourth World group may seek political animal of a different species. Compare
autonomy, including its own territory. symbiotic.

fracture In geology, a break or crack free moisture Liquid that drains freely
in a rock formation promoted by stresses from solid waste by the action of gravity
within the rock. only.

Framework Convention on Climate free radicals Unstable atoms or mol-

Change A treaty signed by nations at ecules with at least one unpaired electron;
the earth summit although negotiated these materials are highly reactive and
prior to that meeting. Signing nations thus are short-lived. They act as impor-
agreed to stabilize and reduce green- tant intermediates in photochemical air
house gas emissions that may contribute pollution, photolysis, chlorofluo-
to global warming. Specific greenhouse rocarbon depletion of the ozone layer,
gas reductions are specified in the kyoto combustion processes, and polymerization
protocol. reactions.

free available chlorine The sum of the free residual chlorine The free avail-
hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and hypo- able chlorine level present after the
chlorite ion (OCL–) concentrations in destruction of ammonia and the reduction
water. These forms of chlorine are actively in chloramine residuals by the progres-
involved in the destruction of bacteria, sive addition of chlorine (breakpoint
viruses, and other organisms that cause chlorination). The residual available for
disease and participate in other chemi- disinfection in a water distribution system
cal reactions that take place in water. See practicing free residual chlorination. Com-
free residual chlorine. pare combined available chlorine.

freeboard The vertical distance between free rider problem In environmental

the waste contained in a tank or surface management, a barrier to group action
impoundment and the top of the enclo- against a polluting industry or against
sure or container. some other form of externality. The
benefits of a solution to an environmental
free field Conditions in which sound problem often will be felt by all members
can be measured without interference of the affected population, whether indi-
by echoes from barriers in the test area. viduals contribute time or money toward
Actual free-field conditions rarely exist the solution or not, thereby making it dif-
outside special sound chambers, but ficult to enlist private support for solving
nearly free-field conditions are present if the problem.
the distance to barriers is great enough to
have no significant influence on the sound free silica See crystalline silica.
French drain A channel filled with
free liquids Liquids capable of migrat- gravel or a perforated pipe buried in
ing from waste and contaminating gravel; used to carry water away from a
groundwater. Hazardous waste contain- structure.
ing free liquids may not be disposed of in
landfills. See land disposal ban; paint freons A family of compounds contain-
filter liquids test. ing carbon, chlorine, and fluorine with a
typical chemical formula of CF2CI2 (freon-
free-living Describing a species of plant 12). The compounds are gases at room
or animal that is capable of living, repro- temperature and are used as the carrier
ducing, or carrying out a specific function gas (propellant) in aerosol cans (in some
without the direct assistance of a plant or countries outside the United States), as

fuel cycle

foaming agents and solvents, and as the metals, and/or organic matter suitable for
heat transfer gas in refrigerators and air composting is performed on the collected
conditioners. Freon production is being waste before further processing.
phased out around the world under the
provisions of the montreal protocol frontier mentality An outlook reflect-
and subsequent international agreements. ing the frontier past of America when
See chlorofluorocarbons. land, forests, and wild animal popula-
tions seemed to be infinite. The view that
frequency For electromagnetic radia- assumes that the world has unlimited nat-
tion or sound waves, the number of wave ural resources for human use regardless of
cycles passing a point in one second. For- the consequences to the natural environ-
merly expressed as cycles per second; now ment or to the biosphere.
expressed as hertz. One hertz equals one
wave cycle per second. frost heave The uneven rise in a ground
surface caused by the accumulation of ice
freshwater Water without significant in the subsurface soil.
amounts of dissolved sodium chloride
(salt). The opposite of seawater. Water fuel coal, petroleum, natural gas,
characteristic of rain, rivers, ponds, and or products thereof that are used to power
most lakes. equipment or provide heat. enriched
uranium used to provide energy in
freshwater ecosystem Describing the nuclear reactors.
plants, animals, and physical properties
of rivers, lakes, and ponds. These differ fuel additive A compound added to
markedly from the biota in a seawater liquid fuels to enhance combustion and
environment. An aquatic environment engine performance or to reduce pollut-
characterized by a lack of salt. ant emissions. See antiknock-additive;
ethanol; methanol; methyl tertiary
friability The degree to which a solid butyl ether; octane number; oxygen-
can be crushed and powdered. ate; oxygenated fuel; reformulated
gasoline; tetraethyl lead.
friable Describing a solid that is easily
crushed and powdered. asbestos-con- fuel assembly A bundle of about 200
taining material that can be crushed by fuel rods, each of which contains pellets
hand pressure (friable) poses an inhalation of enriched uranium. These clusters are
hazard and is the target of federal and placed in the core of a nuclear reac-
state regulatory programs. tor to provide the fissionable material
needed to power the reactor. Also called
Friends of the Earth (FOE) A con- fuel elements.
servation and environmental organization,
founded in 1969, dedicated to the preser- fuel cell A device in which hydrogen
vation, restoration, and wise use of natu- and oxygen combine to produce an elec-
ral resources. United States headquarters tric current. Used to power crewed space-
in Washington, D.C., affiliates in 37 coun- craft and considered as a power source for
tries. Through the Friends of the Earth low-emission vehicles.
Foundation, the organization promotes
public education and monitors enforce- fuel cycle The steps in the produc-
ment of environmental policies. Web site: tion of enriched uranium for use in a nuclear reactor and the handling of
fuel elements after they are removed from
front end recovery A centralized solid the reactor. The complete cycle includes
waste treatment process in which mechan- the mining of uranium ore, purification
ical or manual separation of paper, glass, of the uranium, enrichment of purified

fuel economy standard

uranium in the fissionable isotope, man- fuel a nuclear reactor. These rods are
ufacture of pellets of enriched uranium, commonly constructed of a zirconium
fabrication of fuel rods and fuel assem- alloy or stainless steel and are bundled
blies, use of the fuel in reactors, recovery into a fuel assembly of about 200 rods.
of reusable uranium and other elements
from used rods, and disposal of waste fugitive emission Any gas, liquid,
material generated in the process. See solid, mist, dust, or other material that
fissionable material; fuel assembly; escapes from a product or process and is
fuel enrichment; fuel reprocessing; not routed to a pollution control device.
fuel rod; isotope.
Fuller, Buckminster (1895–1983)
fuel economy standard See corpo- American architect, engineer, inven-
rate average fuel economy (CAFE) tor, writer Fuller was the creator of
standard. the Dymaxion (dynamic and maximum)
house and automobile, both inexpensive
fuel elements See fuel assembly. and environmentally friendly, although
without commercial success. Inventor
fuel enrichment Increasing the abun- of the geodesic dome, an architectural
dance of fissionable material. When breakthrough, now used worldwide. His
uranium is purified from geological depos- many published works include Operat-
its, the product consists of a mixture of ing Manual for Spaceship Earth (1969),
about 0.7% uranium-235 and 99.3% ura- Synergetics: Explorations in the Geome-
nium-238. In such mixtures, the fissionable try of Thinking (1975), and Critical Path
isotope (uranium-235) is not sufficiently (1981). The Buckminster Fuller Institute
concentrated to support a sustained fission is dedicated to Fuller’s ideas. Web site:
reaction in common reactors. The amount
of fissionable material can be increased by
purifying the uranium-235 or by adding fume Finely divided airborne solids
plutonium-239. formed by the condensation and solidifi-
cation of material emitted as a vapor or
fuel NOx Nitrogen oxides formed by gas; usually irritating and offensive at high
the oxidation (combustion) of organic concentrations. Contrary to popular use,
nitrogen present in coal or oil. Compare gasoline “fumes” are not fumes.
thermal nox.
fumigant Any substance that is used as
fuel reprocessing The recovery of a gas, particulate, vapor, or smoke to kill
usable uranium and other elements from pests (insects or rodents) in foodstuffs or
fuel rods that have been removed from structures.
a nuclear reactor. The amount of fis-
sionable material decreases and the fumigation 1. In pest management, the
amount of fission products increases when application of a fumigant to a material
fuel rods have been employed in a nuclear or area in order to kill pests or dangerous
reactor for about three years. As a conse- organisms. 2. In air quality management,
quence, the efficiency of the fission reac- high ground level pollutant concentrations
tion diminishes to the point that the used downwind from a smokestack that result
rods must be removed. These used rods when daytime thermal turbulence (hot
can be processed so that the substantial air rising from the ground) breaks up a
amount of usable uranium that remains temperature inversion that held the
can be reclaimed and other useful and plume aloft. Compare coning; fanning;
waste elements removed. lofting; looping; and trapping.

fuel rod A long tube that contains pel- functional group In organic chemis-
lets of enriched uranium dioxide used to try, a group of atoms in a compound that

F waste

determine the types of chemical reactions spoiling of food (moldy bread) and rotting
the compound undergoes. Examples of a of wood and may be useful in the bio-
functional group include amino group; logical oxidation of toxic and hazardous
carbonyl group; carboxyl group; substances such as certain chlorinated
hydroxyl group; methyl group; nitrile hydrocarbons. Most fungi require
group. the oxygen in air for growth. Fungi are
important in the release of spores into
fundamentally different factors (FDFs) the atmosphere, thereby contributing to
A type of variance from a water pollut- indoor air pollution, sick-building
ant effluent limitation that may be syndrome, and allergic responses termed
granted under provisions of the Clean hay fever. A few fungi can cause infectious
Water Act if a permit applicant can show diseases in humans.
that the plant or facility is fundamentally
different from the facilities, equipment, fungicide Any substance that kills
or operating conditions used by the U.S. fungi or molds.
EPA when setting the technology-based
standard for the industry category or sub- furans See dibenzofurans.
category as a whole.
furrow irrigation The addition of
fundamental units Quantities defined water to support the growth of agricul-
by a physical standard, independent of tural crops by flooding the fields and
other units. In the si system, the units allowing water to flow along the furrows
meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, between rows. Contrast drip irrigation.
mole, and candela.
fusion A reaction that results from
Fundi A “fundamentalist” environmen- combining nuclei of small atoms to form
tal activist, i.e., one who works for fun- larger atoms. Joining the nuclei of two
damental change in modern society as the atoms requires atomic collisions at very
solution to environmental problems. Arose high temperatures and pressures, with a
in the European green political par- significant release of heat energy. The pro-
ties, first in Germany. Compare realo. cess is the underlying force for the release
of energy from stars and from the detona-
fungi A diverse group of plants that are tion of a hydrogen bomb. Also referred to
not capable of photosynthesis but obtain as a thermonuclear reaction.
carbon nutrition from the absorption of
carbon compounds from the environment. F waste Material from nonspecific
The category includes organisms rang- sources defined as listed hazardous
ing from yeast to molds to mushrooms waste by the U.S. EPA in the Code of
and organisms that have broad ability to Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 261.31.
degrade complex organic molecules in the See also hazardous waste; k waste; p
environment. Fungi are responsible for the waste; u waste.


gabion A wire mesh container filled gamma decay Spontaneous decom-

with rocks used as a barrier to retard soil position of the nucleus of an unstable
erosion. (radioactive) element characterized by
the release of gamma rays, an energetic
gage pressure See gauge pressure. form of radiation that presents a signifi-
cant health risk at excessive exposures.
Gaia hypothesis The proposition that
the composition and temperature of the gamma radiation See gamma ray.
atmosphere are products of interrelated
activities in the biosphere, especially those gamma ray A type of electromag-
of microorganisms, and that the biosphere netic radiation, produced by some
behaves as a single self-regulating organ- radioactive substances, with a very short
ism. Gaia was the ancient Greek goddess wavelength and high energy level. This type
of the Earth. The hypothesis was developed of radiation is strongly penetrating, poten-
by the British scientist James Lovelock and tially harmful to living things, and more
the American biologist Lynn Margulis. energetic than X-rays. Also referred to as
gamma radiation. See gamma decay.
gallons per capita per day (GPCD)
An expression of the average rate of gammarids Any of three species of the
domestic and commercial water demand amphipod Gammarus (G. fasciatus, G.
per person, usually computed for public pseudolimnaeus, G. lacustris) used in the
water supply systems. Depending on the laboratory analysis of the toxicity of pol-
size of the system, the climate, whether the lutants to aquatic animals. The organism
system is metered, the cost of water, and is used to determine the toxicity of liq-
other factors, public systems in the United uid effluents without chemical analysis to
States experience a demand rate of 60 to determine the precise chemical composi-
150 GPCD. tion of the toxicant. See bioassay; whole
effluent toxicity testing.
game fish Usually refers to finfish like
trout or bass sought by sport fishermen. gap analysis A technique employed in
Generally considered a valuable resource the conservation of biological diversity,
because of the economic activity associ- the protection of regional species richness,
ated with sport fishery. and wildlife management by examining
areas (gaps) between protected habitats. In
gamete A reproductive cell containing some instances, the areas outside the parks,
one copy of each gene (haploid) needed to reserves, refuges, or game management
provide the genetic information required regions have a richer collection of species
for the development of an offspring. of interest than those inside the protected
When gametes from the female (egg) are regions. Consequently, the outside regions
combined with or fertilized by those of may be fruitful habitat for investigations.
the male (sperm), a zygote containing two
copies of each gene (diploid) is produced. garbage Waste material, typically from
The zygote can develop into an offspring. domestic and commercial sources.


gas One of the three states of matter. gas chromatography/mass spectrom-

In a gaseous state, there is little attrac- etry (GC/MS) A sensitive and accu-
tion between the particles, which have rate analytical technique, used mainly for
continual, random motion. The gas has organic compounds, in which the gas efflu-
no fixed shape or volume, can expand ent from a gas chromatograph is piped
indefinitely, and assumes the shape of the to a mass spectrometer for additional
space in which it is held. Gas is also eas- analysis, which typically includes precise
ily compressed, with the random collisions identification of the organic constituents
between particles exerting pressure on the in the sample.
walls of the container.
gas constant See universal gas con-
gas barrier A layer of material placed stant.
on the top and/or sides of a landfill to
prevent the off-site migration of gas (and gas contacting device Equipment
odors) produced by microbial degradation designed to encourage substantial mixing
of the buried waste. Typical barrier mate- of liquid and gas streams.
rials are compacted clay and synthetic
membranes. gas-cooled reactor (GCR) A nuclear
reactor in which the heat produced
gas chromatogram A graphic repre- by fission reactions is removed from the
sentation produced by the detector used reactor core by a gas, as opposed to air,
in gas chromatography. The identity water, or liquid sodium. The gases most
and amount of contaminants can be deter- commonly used are helium and argon. See
mined from such an output. also high-temperature gas reactor;
water-cooled reactor.
gas chromatograph The analytical
instrument used to perform gas chroma- gaseous diffusion A method used to
tography. separate isotopes of uranium. Uranium
oxide that is prepared from uranium ore
is first converted to uranium hexafluoride,
a gaseous mixture containing both of the
naturally occurring isotopes of uranium,
uranium-235 and uranium-238. The iso-
topes are then separated on the basis of
differences in their diffusion properties.

gas hydrate See methane hydrate.

gasification See coal gasification.

gas laws The relationships among gas

temperature, pressure, and volume. See
gas chromatography (GC) An analyt- boyle’s law; charles’s law; ideal gas
ical technique that can yield both qualita- law.
tive and quantitative evaluations of sample
mixtures of volatile substances. The com- gas-liquid chromatography See gas
pounds of interest are separated by using chromatography.
an inert gas to flush a sample prepara-
tion through a column packed with a sub- gasohol An automobile fuel that is a
stance that selectively absorbs and releases blend of alcohol (usually ethanol,
the volatile constituents. A device is used made from corn) and gasoline. The typi-
to detect the level of each compound as it cal mixture contains 10% alcohol. Federal
exits the column. support for gasohol boomed in the 1970s


as a way to expand the supply of U.S. gauge See gauge pressure.

liquid fuels. Ethanol/gasoline mixtures for
vehicle fuels are now most often called gauge pressure The pressure exerted
ethanol fuels or just ethanol. See cellu- by gases relative to atmospheric pres-
losic ethanol; e10; e85. sure, commonly expressed in millimeters
of mercury (mm Hg), pounds per square
gasoline A mixture of hydrocarbons, inch (gauge), or inches of water. If atmo-
C4 to C12, extracted from crude oil in spheric pressure is 760 mm Hg and gauge
an oil refinery. The most valuable product pressure is 20 mm Hg, then the total (or
of petroleum; used in automobile inter- absolute) pressure is 780 mm Hg.
nal combustion engines. Gasoline often
includes fuel additives to promote com- Gaussian plume model A basic air
bustion and lower pollutant emissions. quality dispersion model based on an
See reformulated gasoline; volatile assumed normal distribution of vertical
organic compounds. and horizontal downwind concentrations
from a pollutant source. The official U.S.
gasoline additive See fuel additive. EPA computer programs used to estimate
air concentrations are Gaussian plume
gas-phase absorption spectrum The models. See dispersion coefficient.
pattern of radiation absorbance by chemi-
cal compounds in a gaseous mixture. gavage In toxicological testing, the
Gases absorb radiation in certain fre- introduction of the test chemical to an ani-
quency ranges. The spectrum is used to mal via a stomach tube.
monitor some air pollutants.
Gay-Lussac’s law See charles’s law.
gas stripping Technology used to
gene A specific segment of deoxyribo-
remove volatile liquids or gaseous pol- nuclic acid (DNA) located on a chro-
lutants from water or to recover prod- mosome. The individual segments can
ucts or reactants from liquid streams in code for a specific protein, a specific type
an industrial setting. A gas such as nitro- of ribonucleic acid (RNA), or a recog-
gen or air is bubbled through wastewa- nizable trait of an organism. Hundreds of
ter or other liquid to force the removal genes can be located on a single chromo-
of volatile chemicals that are then col- some. A gamete has one copy of each
lected or released to the atmosphere. gene (haploid); all other cells of an organ-
ism have two copies of each gene (dip-
gas-to-cloth ratio (G/C) See air-to- loid). mutagens to which an organism is
cloth ratio. exposed can cause permanent changes in
the gene structure.
gastroenteritis A disorder of the stom-
ach, small intestine, or colon that is char- gene addition The application of the
acterized by nausea, vomiting, and/or technology associated with molecular biol-
diarrhea. The condition is caused by a ogy to correct a genetic mutation in an
variety of bacteria and viruses. organism. Under some circumstances, the
genetic constitution of an organism can be
gastrointestinal tract The organs of corrected by the introduction of a “good”
the alimentary system through which food copy of the damaged gene. The introduced
passes that extends from the mouth to the gene integrates into the chromosomes of
anus. The term is also applied specifically the recipient organism at some place other
to the stomach, small intestine, and colon. than the location of the damaged gene.
Regardless of the site of integration of the
gas volumetric flow rate See volu- introduced gene into the damaged organ-
metric flow rate. ism (see gene replacement), the genetic

gene replacement

defect of the recipient organism is cor- mate (long-term) change, such as global
rected. See genetic engineering. warmings. Also called a global climate
gene bank See seed bank.
General Duty Clause A section of the
gene flow Any movement of genes from occupational safety and health act
one population to another. The process is providing that “each employer shall fur-
a source of variability in the genetic con- nish . . . a place of employment . . . free
stitution of a population. from recognized hazards that are caus-
ing or are likely to cause death or seri-
gene pool The total genetic information ous physical harm to his employees.”
within a population of plants or animals The clause is used by the occupational
that is capable of interbreeding. safety and health administration to
force correction of workplace conditions
General Accounting Office (GAO) not specifically covered by codified health
An agency operating as an arm of the and safety regulations.
United States Congress with responsibil-
ity for auditing and reviewing government generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
expenditures and programs; the office A classification of food additives. The
determines whether federal agencies are food, drug, and cosmetic act of
spending public funds as intended by the 1958 provided “grandfather” approval
legislation that authorizes the expendi- for most additives in common use prior
tures. Web site:
to the passage of that legislation. These
additives cannot be removed from use
General Agreement on Tariffs and
until they are proved to be harmful to the
Trade (GATT) An international agree-
public by the food and drug admin-
ment intended to encourage free trade
istration (FDA). Over 600 substances
among member states by lowering tariff
are on the FDA list of GRAS substances.
barriers and to provide a forum within
They were placed on this list on the basis
which to resolve trade disputes. GATT has
been the subject of environmental contro- of past experience in food use and sci-
versy because its free trade rules have been entific determination of their safety, as
interpreted to prevent nations from using recommended by the FDA and the U.S.
import restrictions to solve global or trans- Department of Agriculture.
national environmental problems, such as
the U.S. ban on imports of tuna that were general reporting facility A facility
caught in nets that killed dolphins. The maintaining a quantity of one or more
concern is that international differences in hazardous chemicals in excess of the
waste management, pesticide controls, air threshold planning quantity trigger-
and water pollution standards, and spe- ing emergency planning activities, mainte-
cies protection policies will be harmonized nance of material safety data sheets,
at the expense of environmental protec- reporting to state and local emergency
tion. See also agenda 21; earth sum- planning committees, and listings with
mit; maquiladoras; north american local fire departments.
agreement for environmental coop-
eration; north american free trade generator 1. A business or industrial
agreement. facility that produces a hazardous waste.
2. A device used to produce electricity.
general circulation model (GCM)
Computer programs that simulate oceanic gene replacement The application of
or atmospheric circulation and tempera- the technology associated with molecu-
ture. GCMs are used for weather (short- lar biology to the correction of a genetic
term) forecasts and for predictions of cli- defect in an organism. The genetic defect

genetic assimilation

can be considered to be caused by a muta- tion. The natural selection process results
tion that damaged a gene, preventing the in the enhanced persistence of a particular
normal functioning of that gene. Under gene in a species if that gene confers some
some circumstances, the damaged gene trait that improves the probability of the
can be replaced by the introduction of a survival and reproduction of the organism
cloned gene produced in the laboratory under specific environmental conditions.
into the chromosome of the recipient Conversely, if the gene in question makes
organism. The introduced gene takes the it unlikely that an organism will survive or
place of the damaged unit, thereby “cur- have a successful reproduction experience
ing” the defect. Compare gene addition. under a given set of environmental condi-
See genetic engineering. tions, the gene will tend to disappear from
the population over time. Thus we have
genetic assimilation A threat to native a change in the genetic constitution of a
species posed by cross-breeding with non- species over time driven by environmen-
native organisms introduced by humans. tal conditions. Genetic drift refers to the
Examples are the breeding of native trout change in the genetic constitution of an
with hatchery-raised trout that dilutes the organism over time due to random chance
gene pool of the native species and the in the absence of an environmental condi-
cross-breeding of wolves, coyotes, and tion that forces the change. The process
domestic dogs forced into close associa- of evolution is then dependent on the ran-
tion because of habitat development and dom nature of gene transfer from one gen-
wildlife protection programs. eration to the next.

genetic code The coded information genetic engineering Employing the

stored in the deoxyribonucleic acid tools of molecular biology to modify the
(DNA) of all cells. The information is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or genes
stored is the specific linear sequence of the of bacteria, plants, and animals in such
nucleotides consisting of four nitrogenous a way that the resulting forms are more
bases, adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thy- useful to humans. This technology goes
mine. The DNA of a cell consists of two beyond the selective and controlled breed-
long chains of nucleotides that are held ing to improve animal or plant species use-
together through specific binding between ful in agriculture and in the production of
bases (adenine to thymine and guanine to special breeds. Some examples of the uses
cytosine) and are intertwined to form a of the technology includes the production
helix. The ordered sequence of bases in of antibiotics, synthesis of human insulin
the individual genes codes for the produc- by bacteria, control of plant diseases and
tion of specific proteins. insect pests, cleanup of environmental
pollutants, and production of medication
genetic diversity The mixture of genes to treat blood clots and emphysema. See
within one species in a defined environ- biotechnology; recombinant micro-
ment. The seeds used to plant a com- organism.
mercial food crop are characteristically
low in genetic diversity because they have genetics The study of the storage, rep-
been obtained from a single source. Every lication, transfer, and expression of infor-
plant that results will be almost identical mation that governs the transmission of
to all the other plants. A group of ani- traits from parents to offspring. Some
mals in a defined geographical area that dangerous materials added to the environ-
all have the same parents would have low ment disrupt these processes. See genetic
diversity. engineering.

genetic drift One of the two important genetic variability Natural differences
mechanisms driving evolution of biological within the gene pool of a population
species, the other being natural selec- of organisms of the same species as indi-


cated by observable differences among the particulate matter that is plotted by

organisms. cumulative mass fraction (or numbers of
particles) in various size ranges; one-half
genome The entire genetic content of of the mass (number of particles) in the
an organism’s deoxyribonucleic acid distribution is smaller than this value and
(DNA). See genetic code. one-half is larger. See geometric mean;
log-normal distribution.
genomics The identification of the
genes and their uses in an organism’s geometric standard deviation An
genome, with an emphasis on medical expression of the dispersion of a set of
and technological applications. measurements about a geometric mean.
Normally distributed measurements have
genotoxic Describing a chemical or a mean (average), with the dispersion indi-
physical agent capable of damaging the cated by standard deviations added to or
genetic material in a cell. See carcino- subtracted from the mean. For the log-
gen; mutagen; mutation. normal distribution, however, the geo-
metric mean is multiplied and divided by
genotype The total genetic makeup of a the geometric standard deviation to calcu-
plant or animal. All of the genetic traits of a late the dispersion of the data set.
specific organism are not usually expressed.
Some genes are recessive, and their pres- geomorphology The study of the
ence is masked by the overriding influence nature and origin of the land features of
of dominant traits, determining the actual the Earth.
appearance and physiological characteris-
tics of the organism, or phenotype. geostrophic wind Wind blowing par-
allel to pressure isobars as a result of a
geochemical cycle See biogeochemi- balance between the pressure gradient
cal cycling. force and the coriolis force; this type
of wind occurs at high elevations, where
geographic information system surface friction effects on the balance of
(GIS) A database containing informa- forces are negligible.
tion linked to spatial coordinates; an area
map displayed on a computer screen that geothermal Describing hot water, steam,
can be overlaid with population informa- or energy that is produced by the trans-
tion, pollution readings, cancer incidence, fer of heat from the interior of the Earth
and other information. to geological deposits close to the surface.
Hot springs are examples of geothermal
geological log Information developed activity.
in the course of drilling a well. Describes
the details of subterranean features includ- germ cell A reproductive cell: sperm or
ing the depth record, types of rock forma- egg.
tions encountered, mineral deposits, and
groundwater. Also called a well log. Giardia Genus of Giardia lamblia, a
protozoan parasite associated with human
geometric growth See exponential infections caused by drinking water that is
growth. either not filtered or not chlorinated. See
geometric mean The mean of a log-
normal distribution of values. Calculated giardiasis A disease that results from
as the nth root of the product of n values. an infection by the protozoan parasite
Giardia lamblia. The disorder is more
geometric mean diameter The 50th prevalent in children than in adults and
percentile of a distribution of airborne is characterized by abdominal discomfort,

Gibbs, Lois Marie

nausea, and alternating constipation and glassification See vitrification.

glazing 1. Injury to the lower leaves of
Gibbs, Lois Marie (1951– )
Ameri- certain broadleaf plants that results from
can founder of the Center for Health, excessive exposure to the air pollutant
Environment and Justice (formerly the peroxyacetyl nitrate, which causes
Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazard- the leaves to appear silver. 2. A colorless
ous Waste) Gibbs is a national leader glass coating applied to the surface of a
in organizing opposition to toxic waste container or product to reduce porosity.
sites, who gained national prominence Glazing containing lead has been a source
in the late 1970s as the organizer of the of lead poisoning when used on earthen-
Love Canal Homeowners Committee, the ware in which acidic foods or beverages
citizens’ organization that led the effort are stored.
by the residents of the Love Canal area
in Niagara, New York, for relief from Global Change Research Program A
the circumstances and problems encoun- unit in the U.S. government established in
tered as a result of the leakage of toxic 1989 to coordinate research on short- and
organic compounds from an abandoned long-term climate change, including the
canal project used from about 1942 to Earth’s radiation balance, ozone layer
1953 to bury about 22,000 tons of liquid depletion, and marine and continental
waste and sludges from the manufacture ecosystem health. Over 300 U.S. and for-
of chemicals. At the time, Gibbs was a eign universities and research institutions;
young homemaker who became interested offices within the U.S. Departments of
in the canal because her son had devel- Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy,
oped asthmatic symptoms and neuro- Health and Human Services, Interior, State,
logical problems that she attributed to his and Transportation, and several executive
attendance at a school built on the site agencies, including the U.S. EPA and the
of the abandoned landfill. Essentially, her National Aeronautics and Space Admin-
organization took on the city, county, and istration, participate in the program. See
state governments in New York and in the earthwatch; global warming; united
process dramatically altered the manage- nations environment program. Web
ment of solid and hazardous wastes in the site:
United States. See love canal. Web site: global climate model (GCM) Al-
ternate name for general circulation
gigawatt (GW) A unit of power that is model.
commonly used in referring to nationwide
energy production or consumption, espe- Global Environmental Management
cially electric energy. Equal to 1 billion Initiative (GEMI) A nonprofit organiza-
watts, or 1,000 megawatts. tion of around 40 multinational companies
based in the United States “dedicated to
gill net A net placed vertically in estuar- fostering environmental, health and safety
ies, streams, or rivers to capture certain- excellence worldwide.” See also iso 14000;
sized fish by allowing their heads through responsible care. Web site: www.gemi.
the openings but catching their gills in the org.
mesh. The nets are so efficient and indis-
criminate in catching fish that their use can Global Environment Facility A pro-
seriously reduce the breeding stock of some gram begun in 1991 and jointly oper-
fish species. Use of this type of net has been ated by the United Nations Development
severely restricted in some locations. Program, the united nations environ-
ment program, and the world bank to
glass frit The calcined or partly fused provide grants and loans to activities that
raw material for making glass. help combat climate change, ocean pol-

glove box

lution, loss of biodiversity, and ozone hypothesis is that more heat energy will
layer depletion. Web site: www.gefweb. be retained by the Earth’s atmosphere,
org. resulting in a change in rainfall and wind
patterns and melting of polar ice, thus
Global Environment Monitoring raising the global sea level. The change
System (GEMS) A part of the United in weather patterns could have devastat-
Nations Environment Program’s earth- ing consequences for prime agricultural
watch, based in Nairobi, Kenya. Purposes areas. A significant rise in sea level could
of GEMS are to coordinate environmen- flood many coastal cities and damage
tal monitoring and assessment activities ecologically important coastal wetlands.
worldwide and to provide an environmen- Other heat-absorbing gases (greenhouse
tal data exchange service. gases) that are increasing in the atmo-
sphere as a result of human activities
global positioning system (GPS) U.S. are methane, nitrous oxide, and the
Department of Defense satellite signals are chlorofluorocarbons. See green-
beamed to handheld receivers that calcu- house effect.
late and display the user’s position on the
Earth. Civilian instruments are accurate to global warming potential (GWP) A
about 10 meters. weighting of various greenhouse gases
based on their ability to absorb infrared
Global Releaf A project of American radiation (heat) relative to that of car-
Forests, an American nonprofit conser- bon dioxide, which is given a GWP of
vation organization founded in 1875, to 1. For a 100-year time horizon, the GWP
plant 20 million trees for the new millen- of methane is 21 and for nitrous oxide
nium. At the beginning of 2000, 11 mil- is 270–310. The hydrofluorocarbons,
lion trees had been planted in over 500 substitute compounds for the chloro-
forests in the United States and 21 other fluorocarbons that threaten the ozone
countries. Web site: www.americanforests. layer, have GWPs of 1,000 to over
org. 10,000.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) globe temperature The temperature

Started by the coalition for environ- reading that indicates the level of radi-
mentally responsible economies in ant heat or heat transferred by infrared
1997, a system designed to track eco- radiation. The temperature is read from
nomic, environmental, and social impacts a thermometer with the bulb set in the
of company operations. The reports follow center of a black six-inch sphere, which
the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guide- acts to absorb radiant heat in the sur-
lines. The GRI is linked with the united roundings.
nations environment program. The
GRI Web site is glovebag A device employed to protect
See green accounting. workers and the immediate surroundings
during the removal of asbestos-contain-
global warming The predicted exces- ing material, usually pipe insulation.
sive warming of the atmosphere resulting The plastic, baglike enclosure is placed
from the accumulation of atmospheric around the area to be cleaned, allowing
carbon dioxide and other green- the removal of the asbestos without unnec-
house gases. The atmosphere is nor- essary contamination of the surroundings.
mally warmed when infrared radia- See glove box.
tion emitted by the Earth is absorbed by
carbon dioxide gas and water vapor in glove box An airtight container with
the air. As the amount of carbon dioxide attached flexible gloves that extend into
increases as a result of the combustion the box, allowing a worker to manipulate
of fossil fuels and deforestation, the the box contents without exposure to the


material(s). Such boxes are used for han- Government Printing Office (GPO)
dling highly radioactive substances and The official publisher of U.S. congressional
highly infectious materials. documents and publications of agencies
and departments of the executive branch.
glucose A simple sugar, or monosac- The office operates bookstores in over 20
charide, formula C6H12O6. This six-car- cities and distributes government docu-
bon carbohydrate is the main source of ments to depository libraries across the
energy for animals and plants. United States. Web site:

God committee A group of representa- grab sample Typically, a single air or

tives from U.S. Cabinet offices created by water sample drawn over a short period,
amendment to the endangered species which is not representative of long-term
act (ESA). The committee is allowed to conditions at the sampling site. This type
exempt certain projects that would other- of sampling yields data that provide a
wise be blocked by the ESA. The exemp- snapshot of conditions or chemical con-
tion potentially authorizes the extinction centrations at a particular point in time.
of a species, hence the name. See snail
darter. gradient See concentration gradient;
pressure gradient.
Gold Book 1. In water quality man-
agement, the U.S. EPA document Water gradient wind Wind that is assumed to
Quality Criteria 1986, which contains move parallel to the curved path of atmo-
information on ambient water quality spheric isobars with no deviations due to
toxicity for acute and chronic exposures friction between the wind and the ground.
to aquatic life and health risks for human
exposures to pollutants from water or
Graham’s law Law stating that gases
diffuse at a rate proportional to the square
fish consumption. These criteria are not
root of their density and lighter molecules
legally enforceable standards. 2. A guid-
diffuse faster than heavy molecules. This
ance document issued by the U.S. bureau
property of gases can be used to separate
of land management and the U.S. For-
uranium-235 hexafluoride (which is lighter)
est Service for oil and gas exploration,
from uranium-238 hexafluoride (which is
drilling, and production from onshore
federal lands.
grain 1. A mass unit used in expressions
good engineering practice stack of air concentrations of particulate matter,
height (GEP stack height) A regula- such as grains per cubic foot. One grain
tory requirement of the U.S. EPA limiting equals 65 milligrams or 0.00014 pound.
the height of stacks emitting air pollut- 2. For jewelers, a unit equaling 0.25 carat,
ants; the prescribed height depends on or 50 milligrams.
the date when the stack was constructed,
the height or width of nearby structures, grain loading An expression of the air
and/or the potential ground-level impact. concentration of pollutants that are flow-
ing into an emission control device or are
Good Laboratory Practice Standards being emitted by a smokestack; usually
(GLP Standards) Standards that must expressed in grains per cubic foot.
be followed by individuals conducting
studies relating to health effects, environ- gram (g) A unit of mass equal to 10–3
mental effects, and chemical fate testing kilogram or 1/28 of an ounce. One mil-
with the support of the U.S. EPA or the liliter (cubic centimeter) of water contains
food and drug administration. The one gram at 4°C.
regulations address the areas of personnel,
management, quality assurance, animal gram molecular weight (GMW) The
care, and substance handling. mass, in grams, of a substance equal to the

gravitational force

molecular weight of the substance. For as the air or water flows through GAC
example, the molecular weight of water filter beds. See breakthrough curve;
(H2O) is 18 (the sum of the atomic weights carbon filtration; carbon polishing;
of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen carbon treatment; tertiary treat-
atom), so the gram molecular weight is ment.
18 grams. The amount of a material equal
to the gram molecular weight of the sub- Graphical Exposure Modeling System
stance comprises one gram-mole of the (GEMS) Replaced by the internet
substance. graphical exposure modeling system
Gram-negative/Gram-positive The
response of bacteria to a procedure called graphite furnace An atomic absorp-
the Gram stain. When treated with crystal tion spectrophotometer that uses an
violet, Gram’s iodine, 95% ethanol, and electric current, instead of a flame, to heat
safranin, bacteria usually retain either a and atomize the sample. Also called a
red color (Gram-negative) or a purple/blue flameless furnace.
color (Gram-positive). In addition to the
differences in color upon staining, these grassed waterway Natural or con-
two types of bacteria represent bacteria structed land area covered with vegetation.
that are fundamentally different in terms Established to allow runoff or effluent to
of structure, physiological characteristics, flow to a receiving stream without causing
ecological features, and pathogenicity. erosion.
Common Gram-negative species are Esch-
erichia, Salmonella, and Pseudomonas; grassland A geographical region domi-
common Gram-positive species are Bacil- nated by shrubs and grasses, receiving
lus, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. 10 to 30 inches of rain annually. Alpine
grasslands are in cool, high-elevation
Gram stain See gram-negative/gram- areas. Temperate grasslands, called prairie
positive. (North America), pampas (South Amer-
ica), steppe (Asia), or veldt (South Africa),
grandfather clause In environmental are found in regions with moderate tem-
or occupational safety and health laws or peratures. Tropical grasslands, also called
regulations, a statement that new rules or savannas, are found in warmer climates.
strictures apply only to persons or indus-
tries beginning business or building new grate siftings Material that falls
emission sources after a certain date. through the openings in the fuel bed of an
Operations in existence before that date incinerator that burns solid waste.
are “grandfathered” in and do not have to
comply with the new rules. gravimetric Pertaining to measure-
ments of the weight (mass) of samples or
granitic crust That part of the Earth’s materials.
crust comprising the continents. Derived
from the slow cooling of the molten mate- gravitational acceleration The change
rial of the mantle of the Earth, yielding in velocity per unit time of a falling body;
a rock material that is characterized by a for practical purposes, equal to 9.8 meters
density lower than that of basaltic crust (32 feet) per second per second.
that underlies the oceans.
gravitational constant The constant of
granular activated carbon (GAC) A proportionality (G) in Newton’s equation
porous carbon material used to remove for gravitational force.
pollutants from air and water. The
extremely large surface area adsorbs gravitational force The mutual attrac-
organic compounds (and some inorganics) tion between two physical bodies, as

gravity flow

expressed in Newton’s law of universal green 1. That part of the visible spec-
gravitation, the equation describing the trum between the colors yellow and blue;
gravitational attraction between two bod- light with wavelengths between around
ies with masses m1 and m2 520 to 560 nanometers, centered around
mm 540 nanometers. 2. An adjective mean-
FG = G 1 2 ing environmentally friendly, as in green
where F G is the gravitational force on products. See green seal.
either of the two bodies and r is the dis-
green accounting A financial reporting
tance between them. G is equal to 6.67 ×
system that strives to incorporate costs that
10 –11 newton-meter² kilogram –2 .
are not captured in a traditional accounting
scheme, such as societal costs of long-term
gravity flow The downhill flow of waste management, adverse effects of prod-
water or other liquid through a system of uct residuals or waste on human health
pipes, generated by the force of gravity. or wildlife, and other externalities. See
See gravity sewer. global reporting initiative.

gravity sewer Flows in a wastewater green belt 1. An area that has been
system with a free surface exposed to the revegetated, especially with trees. Green
air space in the pipe and with gravity pro- belts usually represent land areas that have
viding the moving force. Contrast force been restored after extensive damage by
main. overgrazing, deforestation, poor agricul-
tural practices, industrialization, or urban-
gravity transport See gravity flow. ization. 2. An area that has been set aside
to preserve natural habitat, vegetation, and
gray (Gy) The basic si unit of radia- open space. Land is dedicated as green belts
tion dose absorbed per unit mass of tis- in the United Kingdom to prevent the prob-
sue. One gray represents an absorbed dose lems of urban sprawl and development.
of one joule of energy per kilogram of
tissue. The unit can be used to express green corridor See corridor.
the absorption of any type of ionizing
radiation and is based on the physical Green Cross An international organi-
properties of the particular radiation. zation founded in 1993 in the wake of the
earth summit; dedicated to sustainable
gray water Domestic wastewater aris- development, water supply issues, less-
ing from showers, tubs, sinks, and clothes ening of the environmental consequences
washers. Domestic wastewater from of warfare, and resource conservation.
sources other than toilets. Gray water can Chairman since 1993 is Mikhail Gor-
be released into the environment after more bachev. Based in Switzerland. Web site:
modest treatment than that applied to sani-
tary wastewater. Contrast black water.
green-field development 1. Construc-
grazing The consumption of live plant tion of an industrial facility on land that
biomass by an herbivore. had not previously been used as an indus-
trial site, for example, forested land or
grazing food chain The feeding pat- agricultural property. 2. Construction of a
tern of an animal community that is based new industrial facility rather than expan-
on the consumption of live plant biomass sion or modification of an existing site.
by the primary consumers. This is con- Contrast brownfield.
trasted with a detritus food chain,
which is based on the consumption of Green Guides Guides for the Use of
dead plant biomass by the primary con- Environmental Marketing Claims issued
sumers. by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

green revolution

The guides require that product labeling for aggressive and highly visible protest
or advertising that asserts, for example, activities, such as members steering small
that a good is “recyclable” or “degrad- boats in the way of whaling vessels and
able” must be substantiated by sound sci- into waters used for nuclear testing. In
entific evidence. 1985, two bombs sank the Greenpeace
ship Rainbow Warrior in the harbor at
greenhouse effect The natural warm- Auckland, New Zealand, before it could
ing of the atmosphere that results from depart to lead a group of vessels into the
the infrared radiation absorbed by French nuclear test site near Tahiti. The
carbon dioxide and water vapor. Ris- sinking, which killed one Greenpeace
ing atmospheric concentrations of carbon member, drew worldwide attention.
dioxide and other greenhouse gases are Image events designed to attract media
predicted to cause global warming. attention have been the central rhetorical
activity as the organization attempts to
greenhouse gases Atmospheric gases change the way people view the effects
or vapors that absorb outgoing infrared of industrialization. The practices and
energy emitted from the Earth, contribut- products of industrialism and economic
ing to the greenhouse effect and poten- activity based on the domination of
tially contributing to global warming, nature by humans, the primacy of the
an enhancement of the greenhouse effect. scientific method, and the sovereignty
The more important gases are carbon of the individual are the special targets
dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous as the organization seeks to change the
oxide, and the chlorofluorocarbons. way the public views nature and the
environment. International headquar-
Green Lights A voluntary U.S. EPA ters is in Amsterdam; U.S. headquarters
program that promotes the use of energy-
is in Washington, D.C. Web site: www.
efficient lighting in government offices and
large businesses. See also energy star.

green manure Fresh animal dung. The green political parties Political parties
organized around environmental issues
waste material has not been subjected to
and the limitation of industrial society.
microbial or other processes that partly
They offer candidates for election to pub-
degrade the remaining organic compo-
nents of the waste. Foul odors are often lic office. Green political parties are usu-
associated with this type of manure, and ally committed to grassroots democracy,
green manure can damage or kill plants. environmental protection, dismantling of
industrial society, and fundamental revi-
Green Paper A publication of the sion of the view of industrialization as
European Commission on an area of progress. These parties are allied with a
public policy, including environmental collection of groups arrayed against a cul-
matters. The paper serves as a discussion ture based on the domination of nature
forum for groups with an interest in the by humankind. The degradation of the
subject (stakeholders) and may provide natural environment is seen to spring from
the background for a white paper, or the same forces responsible for nuclear
proposal for specific action by members of armaments, dislocations caused by capi-
the European Community. Green Papers talism, and exploitation and mistreatment
are found at of women, children, racial minorities, and
off/green/index_en.htm. homosexuals. Such political parties are
more active in Europe than in the United
green parties See green political States. Web site:
green revolution The advances in
Greenpeace An international organi- farming techniques, including increased
zation of environmental activists noted irrigation and fertilizer use and crop vari-

Green Seal

eties, that have allowed greatly increased groundwater Water contained in

crop yields in many areas of the world. porous strata below the surface of the
See high-yielding varieties. Earth. These subterranean deposits con-
stitute significant sources of freshwater for
Green Seal An American nonprofit use as drinking water, industrial process
organization that awards its logo, a Green water, cooling water, and irrigation of
Seal, to products that cause significantly crops.
lower harm to the environment than other
goods of the same type. Web site: www. Groundwater Disinfection Rule See groundwater rule.

grit Sand or fine gravel carried in waste- groundwater plume A volume of

water. contaminated groundwater that extends
downward and outward from a spe-
cific source; the shape and movement of
grit chamber The initial treatment
the mass of the contaminated water are
device at a sewage treatment facility; dense
affected by the local geological features,
material from the incoming wastewater
materials present in the plume, and flow
settles to the bottom of the chamber and
characteristics of the area groundwater.
is removed.
groundwater recharge Surface water
grit removal The process of remov- entering an aquifer by percolation through
ing sand and fine gravel from a stream of porous geological deposits.
domestic waste in a grit chamber.
Groundwater Rule Regulations is-
grit tank See grit chamber. sued under the safe drinking water
act focusing on controlling the potential
gross primary productivity (GPP) pathogens in public water supply sys-
The primary productivity of an eco- tems delivering groundwater to their cus-
system before accounting for the fixed tomers. The 1989 surface water rule
carbon used by the vegetation for res- required systems using surface water or
piration. net primary productivity groundwater affected by surface water to
= gross primary productivity minus plant apply disinfection and filtration treatment
respiration. but did not apply to most systems supply-
ing groundwater.
ground cover Materials, often plants,
used to prevent soil erosion or leaching groundwater velocity The rate of
and to protect from freezing. water movement through openings in rock
or sediment. Estimated by using darcy’s
ground level concentration (GLC) In
air pollution modeling, the calculated
ground zero The point on the ground
air concentration of the modeled pollut-
at which a nuclear weapon detonates, or
ant downwind of the pollution source at that point on the ground directly under
breathing level. an atmospheric detonation of a nuclear
weapon. The center of the area of greatest
ground-level ozone See ozone. Com- damage caused by a nuclear weapon.
pare ozone layer.
guidance document A publication of a
ground-penetrating radar Technology federal or state agency intended to describe
employing high-frequency electromagnetic and clarify one of the agency’s regulatory
radiation to visualize subterranean geolog- programs, including the activities to which
ical features and groundwater. the program applies and the requirements


for compliance. The program itself is offi- gully erosion Severe damage to agricul-
cially implemented through the agency’s tural land caused by the removal of soils
regulations, which are often difficult to by running water to such an extent that
understand. the channels are too large to be repaired
by routine plowing.
guideline model Any of the air qual-
ity dispersion models approved by the gully reclamation Projects designed to
U.S. EPA for use in the permit review pro- prevent erosion in gullies by either filling
cess for new or modified facilities or in the them in or planting vegetation to stabilize
evaluation of a control strategy to solve air the banks.
quality problems in an area. Each of the
models has an appropriate application(s). gypsum Calcium sulfate; a by-product
of the reaction between limestone (cal-
guillotine damper A flat grate or plate cium carbonate) and sulfur dioxide in
that can be inserted perpendicular to the control devices that reduce sulfur diox-
flow of a gas within a confined passage to ide emissions from stacks. See flue gas
regulate the rate of flow. desulfurization.


Haber process The industrial method tify the species of concern, describe the
used for the fixation of atmospheric activities that might harm those species,
nitrogen for use as fertilizer. The process list the measures that the applicant will
forms ammonia by the direct combination use to mitigate the possible harm, and
of atmospheric nitrogen and molecular describe the alternatives to the project that
hydrogen from natural gas. The reaction would prevent harm and why those alter-
requires temperatures of 500–1,000°C, natives are not being used.
pressures of 100–1,000 atmospheres,
and presence of a catalyst. The ammonia habitat indicator A physical or chemi-
can be chemically combined with carbon cal characteristic that can be measured to
dioxide to produce urea or further reacted predict the suitability of a location for the
with oxygen to make nitric acid. Nitric development of a certain biological com-
acid added to ammonia forms ammonium munity. For example, measures of salinity
nitrate, which, along with urea, is a widely indicate whether a coastal system is suit-
used nitrogen fertilizer. able for the development of certain flora
or fauna, and soil moisture level indicates
habitat The specific surroundings within whether selected species of plants will
which an organism, species, or commu- prosper. High temperature and low mois-
nity lives. The surroundings include phys- ture indicate a habitat suitable for plants
ical factors such as temperature, moisture, and animals adapted to a desert environ-
and light together with biological factors ment.
such as the presence of food or predator
organisms. The term can be employed to Hadley cells Major convection currents
define surroundings on almost any scale in the atmosphere in tropical and subtropi-
from marine habitat, which encompasses cal areas. Considering the Northern Hemi-
the oceans, to the microhabitat in a hair sphere, as the air at the equatorial region
follicle of the skin. is heated at the surface, rising air currents
are created. These ascending currents move
habitat conservation plan (HCP) A upward and northward, gradually cooling
negotiated agreement between the U.S. in the upper atmosphere. The cooled air
fish and wildlife service (land use) or becomes denser and subsequently sinks or
the national marine fisheries service descends to the surface at approximately
(water use) and a nonfederal entity (e.g., a 30 degrees north latitude (approximately
private landowner or a state agency). The the Gulf Coast region of North America).
provisions of the endangered species The subsiding air moves across the sur-
act require an HCP before an incidental face of the Earth in a southerly direction,
take permit can be issued. The objective returning to the equatorial region, where
of the plan is to allow lawful economic heating takes place again, forcing the air
development or other land and water use again to rise and move northward, forming
that might incidentally harm an endan- a continuous circulation. Similar cells oper-
gered or threatened species but to control ate between about 30 and 60 degrees north
those activities to minimize the harm to (the Ferrell cell) and between 60 and 90
the protected species. An HCP must iden- degrees north (the Polar cell) (North Pole).


These patterns, which are repeated in the of years. Half-lives of chemical materials
Southern Hemisphere, contribute to mix- in the environment vary with the type
ing of the atmosphere and to the prevail- of chemical and the biological, chemical,
ing winds. and physical conditions present where
the chemical is released. See biological
Haeckel, Ernst (1834–1919) German half-life; effective half-life; radio-
biologist, philosopher Haeckel coined active decay.
ecology (see ecology), from the Greek
words oikos (household) and logos (study). half-value layer (HVL) The shielding
His famous observation about evolution, material thickness that reduces the quan-
“ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,” is tity of a beam of radiation to one-half
now discredited. strength after passing through the mate-
rial. Two half-value layers reduce the radi-
Haldane equation An expression relat- ation to one-fourth of its value. Half-value
ing the atmospheric concentrations of car- layers vary with the type of material (lead
bon monoxide (pCO) and oxygen (pO2) half-value layers are thinner than those for
to the oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and car- concrete), and the HVL for a particular
boxyhemoglobin (HbCO) in the blood. material is specific to the type and source
Developed by John S. Haldane, 1860– of radiation. For example, the HVL for
1936, a British scientist. M is usually given steel against the gamma radiation emitted
a value of 240–250. HbCO/HbO2 = M × by cobalt-60 is 0.82 inch; the HVL for
pCO/pO2. steel against the gamma radiation emitted
by cesium-137 is 0.64 inch.
half-life The time required for one-
half of a radioactive substance to degrade haloacetic acids (HAA5) Five dis-
to another nuclear form or to lose one- infection by-products formed when
half of its activity, or for one-half of a chlorine is used to remove pathogens
chemical material to be degraded, trans- from drinking water. Produced by reac-
formed, or eliminated in the environ- tion of chlorine with bromide and
ment or in the body. Each radioactive organic compounds in the treated water.
substance has a predictable rate of decay, The five haloacetic acids that have fed-
from millionths of a second to millions eral standards are monochloroacetic acid,
dichloroacetic acid, trichloroacetic acid,
monobromoacetic acid, and dibromoace-
tic acid.

halocarbons See chlorofluorocar-


halocline The boundary between sur-

face freshwater and underlying salt water
in a stratified coastal environment. A loca-
tion where there is a marked change in

halogen One of the reactive nonmetals:

fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and
astatine. These elements are known for
their reactivity and are only found com-
bined with other chemicals in nature. At
room temperature, fluorine and chlorine
are gases, bromine is a liquid, and iodine
and astatine are solids. Chlorine is used


extensively as an industrial chemical and land disposal, and the clean water act
is a component in many compounds of called for the U.S. EPA to take action if
environmental interest. See chlorinated a state had not implemented an enforce-
hydrocarbons; chlorine. able standard of total maximum daily
load. See land disposal ban; soft
halogenated Describes a chemical com- hammer.
pound containing one or more of the halo-
gens, usually chlorine, bromine, or fluorine. Hardin, Garrett (1915–2003) Amer-
ican author and professor of human
halogenated dibenzofuran (HDF) See ecology Hardin is most famous for his
dibenzofurans. essay, “tragedy of the commons,” in
which he describes the difficulties inher-
halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxin (HDD) ent in the control of human overpopu-
See tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin. lation. The concept has been applied to
environmental pollution and resource
halogenated organic compounds overuse. See externality. Web site:
(HOCs) Chemical materials containing
carbon, hydrogen, and one or more of the
halogens, usually chlorine, bromine, or hardness 1. A measure of the amount
fluorine. of calcium and magnesium salts dissolved
in water. 2. The relative penetrating abil-
halomethane See trihalomethanes. ity of X-rays.

halons Compounds composed of car- hardpan A layer on or beneath the soil

bon together with fluorine, bromine, and/ surface, usually composed of clay parti-
or chlorine used mainly as fire-extinguish- cles, sand, gravel, or calcium carbonate,
ing gases, such as Halon 1211 (CF2BrCl) that is compacted and relatively imperme-
and Halon 1301 (CF3Br). The chemicals able.
are long-lived in the atmosphere and pos-
sess high ozone-depleting potential. hard pesticide A chemical agent used
See ozone layer depletion. to kill insects that does not undergo ready
biological decomposition. If occurring at
halophytes Plants that require the pres- all, mineralization is very slow. Com-
ence of salt water or salty soil for growth. pare soft pesticide.

hammer mill A machine in which solid hard water Drinking water that con-
material, such as community trash or other tains sufficient concentrations of metal
solid waste, is pulverized by hammers and ions, primarily those of calcium and mag-
rendered into smaller pieces. nesium, to cause the formation of precipi-
tates with soaps and detergents. Compare
hammer provision A provision in an soft water.
environmental statute that makes effec-
tive certain requirements on a specified hardwoods Deciduous trees with
date if the U.S. EPA or a state agency has broader leaves and, usually, slower growth
not yet taken an action on the statutory rates than the conifers, or softwoods.
requirements. Such provisions are used by Common temperate-region hardwoods are
Congress in response to common delays oak, maple, cherry, walnut, beech, birch,
by the agencies in issuing regulations or cypress, elm, and hickory.
implementing environmental laws. For
example, the hazardous and solid hazard A physical or chemical agent
waste amendments of 1984 contained capable of causing harm to human health
several hammer provisions concerning or the environment. See also hazardous
the prohibition of certain wastes from substance.

hazardous air pollutants

Hazard Analysis Critical Control personal protective equipment, and

Point (HACCP) Pronounced “has- handling and disposal guidelines. Much of
sip.” Food safety regulations and the HCS information is found in a chemi-
guidelines issued by the u.s. food and cal’s material safety data sheet.
drug administration that identify the
aspects (critical control points) of food hazard evaluation Part of the process
production that may introduce food- of determining the danger to an individual
borne hazards (microbial, chemical, or posed by a chemical or other dangerous
physical) and supply techniques to lessen agent. Gathering and evaluation of infor-
or eliminate those possible hazards. The mation on the types of adverse health
system spells out cooking temperatures effects or injuries that result from expo-
and times, cleaning techniques, food sure to the agent and the conditions of
storage conditions, and worker hygiene exposure leading to the adverse outcomes.
hazard identification The determina-
hazard and operability study tion of the possible adverse health effects
(HAZOP) A detailed technical review produced by a chemical or physical agent.
of the potential for failure of a system or The analysis includes an estimation of the
system components. The review is usu- amount, frequency, and duration of expo-
ally performed for industrial facilities and sure that may lead to the adverse effects
seeks to identify all credible scenarios that and the identification of any susceptible
may lead to a fire, explosion, or chemical population subgroups.
release. Steps are then taken to reduce the
likelihood of those events. hazard index In a risk assessment for
exposure to noncarcinogens, the sum of
hazard assessment The rational judg- the hazard quotients. Computed for the
ment about the potential problems asso- contaminants present at a waste cleanup
ciated with exposure to some toxic sub- site, for example.
stance arrived at by an evaluation of both
the concentration to which individuals are Hazard Information Transmission
likely to be exposed and the available evi- (HIT) A service of the american
dence describing the results of exposure to chemistry council, which provides a
the chemical. See hazard evaluation. computer printout of emergency infor-
mation to first responders to a haz-
Hazard Assessment Computer Sys- ardous material incident. When given
tem (HACS) See chemical hazard the name or identifying number of the
response information system. chemical that has been released or is in
danger of being released, the system lists
hazard classes Categories of haz- hazards of the material, appropriate per-
ardous material defined by the U.S. sonal protective equipment, first-aid
Department of Transportation under the directions, and methods for controlling
hazardous materials transportation any release or fire. The service is free of
law. A few of the major hazard classes charge to organizations that register with
are corrosives, poisons, flammable gases, the American Chemistry Council. See also
and flammable liquids. chemical transportation emergency
hazard communication standard
(HCS) A program required by the hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) The
occupational safety and health act pollutants listed under the national
that includes worker training about the emissions standards for hazardous
chemicals they use, including labeling, air pollutants (NESHAP) provisions of
toxicity, signs and symptoms of overex- the clean air act and approximately 200
posure, proper safety precautions, correct chemicals or chemical categories listed

Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments

as HAPs in the 1990 amendments to the hazardous air pollutants; volatile

Clean Air Act. See air toxics. organic compounds.

Hazardous and Solid Waste Amend- hazardous substance Any chemical

ments (HSWA) A 1984 federal statute that poses a threat to human health or
amending the resource conservation the environment if released in significant
and recovery act. The amendments amounts. Federal statutes and regulations
expanded and strengthened the regulation include descriptions and lists of hazard-
of hazardous and solid wastes. ous substances. Materials are regulated as
hazardous under Section 311 (b) (2) (A) or
hazardous material (HAZMAT) Any Section 307(a) of the clean water act;
chemical designated by the U.S. Depart- Section 112 of the clean air act; Section
ment of Transportation under the haz- 3001 of the resource conservation
ardous materials transportation and recovery act; Section 101(14) or
and law. Section 102 of the comprehensive envi-
ronmental response, compensation
hazardous material (HAZMAT) re- and liability act; or Section 7 of the
toxic substances control act. Title 40,
sponse team A group trained specifi-
Section 302.4, of the code of federal
cally in the actions required to prevent,
regulations provides a list of designated
contain, or clean up a threatened or actual
hazardous substances. Under occupa-
release of hazardous substances. A
tional safety and health administra-
hazmat team may be employed by one or
tion emergency response rules, substances
more industrial facilities or public agen-
defined at Title 29, Section 1910.120
cies, such as fire or police departments.
(a)(3) of the Code of Federal Regulations,
See first responder(s); hazwoper.
which includes hazardous material and
hazardous waste.
Hazardous Materials Transportation
Act (HMTA) See hazardous materi- hazardous substance list (HSL) A list-
als transportation law. ing of designated hazardous substances
appearing at Title 40, Section 302.4, of
Hazardous Materials Transporta- the code of federal regulations.
tion Law Also called the Federal
Hazmat Law, the 1994 federal statute Hazardous Substance Response Trust
governing the transportation of hazard- Fund The original official name of the
ous materials and hazardous waste. Superfund; changed in 1986 to the haz-
Regulations are issued by the United ardous substance superfund.
States Department of Transportation
(DOT). (The hazardous waste manifest Hazardous Substance Superfund A
system is regulated by the U.S. EPA federal trust fund for use in the cleanup
under the resource conservation and of spills or sites containing hazard-
recovery act.) The DOT regulations ous waste that pose a significant threat
cover container, labeling, and marking to the public health or the environment,
standards as well as the use of placards also known as the Superfund. The fund,
and routing. originally called the Hazardous Substance
Response Trust Fund, was established by
hazardous organic NESHAP (HON) the comprehensive environmental
Under the clean air act, a regulation response, compensation, and liability
controlling emissions of listed organic act in 1980. Beginning that year, $1.5 bil-
compounds from targeted facilities in the lion was to be collected over five years,
synthetic organic chemical manu- mainly from taxes on crude oil, petroleum
facturing industry (SOCMI). See also products, petrochemicals, and certain inor-
national emission standards for ganic chemicals. The 1986 reauthoriza-

head, total

tion of the law, which changed the fund’s gathered by the preliminary assessment
name to the Hazardous Substance Super- and site inspection and the listing site
fund, increased the fund to $8.5 billion inspection. The need for remedial action
and broadened the tax base to include a is scored on the basis of potential harm to
general corporate Superfund tax. Another human health resulting from (1) releases
$0.5 billion was included to clean up leaks into groundwater, surface water, or the
from underground storage tanks. Super- atmosphere; (2) fire and explosion; and/or
fund taxes expired in December 1995. (3) direct contact with hazardous materi-
als. The HRS evaluation assigns to each
hazardous waste Any solid waste that site an overall numerical value, which
is listed as hazardous under the resource determines the priority for cleanup.
conservation and recovery act regula-
tions, Title 40, Part 261, of the code of hazards analysis A systematic evalua-
federal regulations or that poses a sig- tion of fixed facilities and transportation
nificant threat to human health or safety sectors as potential sources of an accidental
because the waste is toxic, ignitable, cor- release of hazardous substances or haz-
rosive, or reactive, as determined by speci- ardous materials, including probability
fied tests. See characteristic hazardous estimates of releases of different amounts
waste; listed hazardous waste. and consequences of the releases under var-
ious weather conditions. The exercise iden-
hazardous waste management facility tifies vulnerable populations such as those
(HWM facility) All contiguous land in nursing homes, schools, and hospitals.
and structures used in treating, storing, or Different release scenarios can be ranked
disposing of hazardous waste. by probability and consequence.

hazardous waste operations and emer- hazards identification A section of a

gency response (HAZWOPER) Uni- material safety data sheet (MSDS)
versally known by its acronym, describing listing the adverse health effects of a
the occupational safety and health chemical given different exposure routes:
act regulations (29 CFR 1910.120) that inhalation, eye or skin contact, ingestion.
protect workers involved in the cleanup of
a hazardous substance or hazardous HAZWOPER See hazardous waste
waste. operations and emergency response.

hazardous waste site A location for head 1. The removable top section of a
the treatment, storage, or disposal of haz- pressure vessel containing the core of a
ardous waste. nuclear reactor. The top of the reac-
tor is removed during the refueling of
hazard quotient (HQ) In a risk the reactor to provide access to the fuel
assessment for exposure to noncarcino- rods in the reactor core. 2. The pressure
gens, the estimated average daily dose of a exerted by a fluid. See head, total; pres-
chemical divided by its reference dose. sure head.
For multiple chemical exposures, the HQs
for all chemicals are summed to produce head, total In hydraulics, a term for the
the hazard index. energy at any point in a hydraulic system.
The total head is the sum of the eleva-
Hazard Ranking System (HRS) A tion head, pressure head, and veloc-
method for ranking hazardous waste dis- ity head. Head is expressed in length
posal sites for possible placement on the units, such as feet, and is another way of
national priorities list, as provided describing water pressure. Feet of head
for by the comprehensive environmen- refers to the height of a column of water;
tal response, compensation, and lia- one foot of water head equals 0.433
bility act. The ranking uses information pound per square inch.

head loss

head loss The loss of energy in a interpretation of the facts relative to an

hydraulic system caused by friction administrative agency decision, such as
between the moving fluid (water) and the levying a fine or granting a permit. Fed-
pipe as well as by other, smaller factors, eral hearing guidelines are found in the
such as changes in pipe diameter, bends, administrative procedure act.
and valves. See head, total.
hearing examiner A representative of
headspace The zone above the contents an administrative agency at a hearing. If
in a closed sample container, possibly the hearing is formal in nature, the hear-
containing vapors or gases evaporated or ing examiner may be an administrative
released from the sampled material. law judge.

health assessment See public health hearing threshold level At a specific

assessment. frequency, the sound pressure level a
person can barely detect, for each ear.
health effect Adverse effect of sub-
stances on the normal functioning of the heat The kinetic energy of a material
human body through contact, exposure, arising from the molecular motion of the
and so on. material. Heat is often expressed in calo-
ries or joules. The heat contained in a
health physics The scientific principles body depends on the chemical makeup,
and practices used to manage the hazards mass, and temperature of the body. Heat
of ionizing radiation. is transferred from materials at higher
temperatures to those at lower tempera-
heap-leach extraction Method of tures by convection or conduction or
removing valuable minerals (e.g., gold) as radiant heat.
from low-grade ores. The ore is crushed
and formed into large piles. An aqueous heat capacity See specific heat.
solution of a reactive material (alkaline
cyanide solution in the case of gold) is heat cramps A heat disorder character-
sprayed onto the pile and allowed to per- ized by painful muscle spasms. Caused by
colate through it. The migrating liquid excessive loss of salt and fluids.
dissolves the desirable mineral, which can
then be purified from the liquid phase. heat exchangers Any mechanical
Because of the reactive nature of the device designed to transfer heat energy
chemicals used to promote the extraction, from one medium to another. The cool-
the pollution of surface water or ground- ing system of an automobile consists of
water and damage to wildlife entering the a heat exchange unit consisting of a liq-
pools represent potential environmental uid coolant, pumps, hose, and radiator,
problems. all of which transfer heat energy from the
engine block through the radiator to the
hearing In administrative law, a meet- atmosphere. A nuclear reactor has a
ing of one or more citizens and one or heat exchange unit designed to transfer
more representatives of a federal or heat from the primary coolant in which
state environmental agency, for exam- the core is immersed to the water that is
ple, a hearing examiner for State of boiled to produce the steam.
Louisiana Department of Environmen-
tal Quality. The meeting can range from heat exhaustion A heat disorder char-
an informal discussion in an office to a acterized by fatigue, headache, and diz-
public meeting to a trial-type proceed- ziness. Signs include high pulse rate, pale
ing before an administrative law face, and heavy sweating. Caused by
judge. The purpose of the hearing is to excessive loss of fluids. See heat index;
allow the citizen(s) to present facts or an heatstroke.

heat transfer agent

heat index An expression combining gram. Conversely, when a liquid condenses,

air temperature and relative humidity; the heat absorbed upon vaporization is lost,
an indication of the actual heat stress pres- giving off heat of condensation.
ent. For example, an air temperature of
85°F with a relative humidity of 20% cor- heat rate The net efficiency of an elec-
responds to a relatively safe heat index of tric power generating facility. The mea-
82, but 85°F and 95% relative humidity sure is calculated by dividing the total heat
translates to a heat index of 105, under content of the fuel burned (in BTUs) by
which the risk of heat disorders such as the amount of electricity generated (in
heat exhaustion or heatstroke is much kilowatt-hours).
heat sink Any material used to absorb
heating degree-day See degree-day. heat. In the environment, this is usually
air or water that absorbs waste heat pro-
heating value The heat of combus- duced in the operation of electric power
tion per unit mass of a material; typically plants or other industrial facilities.
expressed as joules per kilogram, calories
per gram, or BTU/per pound. heat stress index (HSI) An expres-
sion of the evaporative capacity of an
heating, ventilation, and air-condi- individual to maintain a normal body
tioning (HVAC) system The devices temperature compared with the maxi-
and ductwork that deliver air to a build- mum possible evaporative capacity under
ing; a poorly functioning HVAC system particular environmental conditions. The
can contribute to indoor air pollution. index is calculated by using the dry-bulb
temperature, wet-bulb temperature,
heat island See urban heat island. globe temperature, air velocity, and the
level of work the individual is performing
heat of combustion The heat energy (metabolic rate).
liberated by the chemical reaction between
an organic fuel and oxygen to form car- heatstroke An acute condition resulting
bon dioxide and water. from excessive heat exposure, character-
ized by hot, dry skin and mental confu-
heat of condensation The heat sion. If not treated, the condition can lead
released when a vapor changes state to a to convulsions and death. The disorder
liquid. See heat of vaporization. stems from the failure of the body’s sweat-
ing mechanism, which allows a sustained
heat of fusion At the melting point of a rise in internal body temperature. See
solid, the heat required to change it to the heat exhaustion; heat index.
liquid state; the value is expressed in calo-
ries of heat energy per gram of solid melted. heat syncope A heat disorder charac-
For solid water (ice) at 0°C, the heat of terized by fainting or near fainting. Caused
fusion is about 80 calories per gram. This is by blood movement toward the skin
equal to the heat energy per gram that must surface and pooling in the legs without
be removed to convert water at the freezing adequate movement and, consequently, an
point (0°C) to a solid (ice). inadequate supply of blood to the brain.

heat of vaporization At the boil- heat transfer agent A liquid or gas that
ing point of a liquid, the amount of heat functions in a heat exchanger to facili-
required to cause a change to the vapor tate the movement of heat from one loca-
state; expressed in calories of heat energy tion to another. For example, the engine
per gram of liquid vaporized. For water at coolant in an automobile serves to
100°C and standard atmospheric pressure, transfer heat from the engine block to the
the heat of vaporization is 540 calories per atmosphere. Likewise, water facilitates the

heavier-than-air gas

movement of heat from the reactor core heavy-water reactor (HWR) A

to the outside of a nuclear reactor. nuclear reactor in which heavy water
is utilized as both the coolant and the
heavier-than-air gas A gas with a den- moderator. Heavy water is a much more
sity greater than that of the air into which efficient moderator than normal water
it may be released; air at 25°C, sea-level and therefore allows the use of naturally
pressure, has a density of 1.18 grams per occurring, unenriched uranium as the
liter, or 1.18 kilograms per cubic meter. nuclear fuel for the fission process. Com-
pare light-water reactor.
heavy atom An isotope of an ele-
ment that contains more neutrons than hectare A unit of area equal to 10,000
the number of neutrons in the most fre- square meters; one hectare equals 2.47106
quently occurring form of that element. acres.
For example, the most common isotope
heliostat A device designed to rotate
of hydrogen has a single proton in the
slowly in order to reflect the rays of the
nucleus (atomic weight of 1), whereas
Sun in a fixed direction continuously. Used
heavy hydrogen contains a proton and
in some applications of solar energy.
a neutron in the nucleus (atomic weight
of 2). hematophagous Describing arthro-
pods such as ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes
heavy gas See heavier-than-air gas. that feed on blood. Some members of this
group have the capacity to transmit infec-
heavy hydrogen The isotope of hydro- tious diseases, such as Rocky Mountain
gen that contains one proton and one spotted fever and yellow fever.
neutron in the nucleus rather than the
more common one proton and no neutron. heme One member of a class of com-
Also called deuterium. See heavy water. pounds derived from porphyrins. These
compounds complex with metal ions (such
heavy metals The metallic elements as iron) and proteins to form the central
of relatively high molecular weight, such structure in molecules such as hemoglo-
as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, bin and chlorophyll. The iron-porphy-
chromium, and zinc. Chronic exposure to rin complex is responsible for the oxygen-
excessive concentrations of the ionic forms carrying ability of hemoglobin. The word
of these elements is associated with a vari- porphyrin is derived from the Greek word
ety of adverse health effects. meaning “purple” (porphyra), because
porphyrin-containing molecules are highly
heavy oil A thick, viscous crude oil colored. All porphyrin derivatives have
containing heavy metals and high levels the same central structure but differ in
of sulfur; requires special refining to pro- the metal ion included and the structures
along the periphery.
duce lighter hydrocarbon products such
as gasoline. Canada and Venezuela have hemoglobin The protein in red blood
extensive estimated reserves of heavy oil cells that carries oxygen absorbed in the
and tar sands. lungs to the body tissues. See heme.
heavy water Water in which a sig- Henry’s law The expression stating
nificant portion of the normal hydrogen that for a gas in contact with water at
atoms, hydrogen with a mass number of equilibrium, the ratio of the atmospheric
1, have been replaced with the heavy iso- concentration of the gas and the aqueous
tope of hydrogen (heavy hydrogen or concentration is equal to a constant (hen-
deuterium), hydrogen with a mass number ry’s law constant), which varies only
of 2. The chemical formula for water is with temperature. One form of Henry’s
H2O, and that for heavy water is D2O. law is
Used in a heavy-water reactor. K H = P/C w ,


where K H is Henry’s law constant, P is herding agent A chemical applied to

the equilibrium partial pressure of a the surface of water to control the spread
gas in the air above the water, and C w is of a floating oil spill.
the aqueous concentration of the gas dis-
solved in the water. heritable Describing a property of an
organism that is passed on to offspring
Henry’s law constant (KH) The ratio, through gametes.
at equilibrium and for a given temperature,
of the atmospheric concentration of a gas herpetofauna Animals that belong to
to the aqueous concentration; typical units the amphibian or reptile group, such as
are atmospheres per mole fraction. snakes, frogs, and lizards.
Henry’s law constant is sometimes given
as the equilibrium ratio of the aqueous hertz (Hz) A unit describing the fre-
concentration of a gas to the atmospheric quency of electromagnetic radiation, wave
concentration; in this case the units are motion, or sound. One hertz is equal to
inverted to mole fraction/atmosphere. one cycle per second.

hepatitis Inflammation of the liver, heterotroph An organism that cannot

caused by five virus types: A, B, C, D, satisfy its carbon nutrition requirements
E. Hepatitis A virus is transmitted to by converting carbon dioxide (inorganic)
humans by the consumption of contami- to organic materials but must derive car-
nated food, for example, raw oysters bon nutrition from other organic forms of
taken from water containing improperly carbon, such as sugars and amino acids.
treated human sewage. Compare autotroph.

hepatotoxicity The relative ability of a heuristic routing An approach to the

chemical agent to cause selective damage design of routes for solid waste collection
to the liver. vehicles, which uses such basic rules as the
minimization of left turns and dead ends
heptachlor An organochlorine insec- and the use of clockwise loops.
ticide of the family of chemicals known as
the cyclodienes (a family that also includes hexachlorobenzene (HCB) A fungi-
aldrin and dieldrin). Heptachlor is per- cide that has been shown to cause severe
sistent in the environment; exposure to the
agent has been shown to cause cancer in
at least one species of mammals and to
result in a reduced immune response in

herbaceous Describing a nonwoody vas-

cular plant. No parts persist above ground
during the winter. Compare evergreen.

herbicide A chemical agent (often syn-

thetic) capable of killing or causing dam-
age to certain plants (usually weeds) with-
out significant disruption of other plant or
animal communities.

herbivore An animal that eats only

plants, such as a grasshopper, other
insects, and cattle. Compare carnivore
and omnivore.

high-density polyethylene

skin reactions in humans. Chemically the tain, Nevada. See high-level waste;
agent is an aromatic benzene ring with a vitrification.
chlorine atom substituted for each of the
six hydrogens normally present on ben- high-level radioactive waste See
zene. The agent is persistent in the envi- high-level waste.
high-level waste (HLW) radioactive
high-density polyethylene (HDPE) A waste requiring perpetual isolation; waste
low-permeability plastic used in a wide that includes untreated spent fuel from
variety of consumer items, including toys, a nuclear power plant, the residue from
milk and water jugs, containers for laun- the chemical processing of spent fuel, and
dry chemicals, and plastic garbage bags. much of the waste from nuclear weapons
The polymer is also used for the construc- production. See high-level nuclear
tion of landfill liner. One of the common waste facility.
plastics included in the recycling of house-
hold discards. high-level waste repository See high-
level nuclear waste facility.
high-efficiency particulate air filter
(HEPA filter) A filter having at least high-production volume chemicals
a 99.97% removal efficiency for parti- (HPV chemicals) Chemicals produced
cles with a diameter of 0.3 micrometer. in or imported into the United States in an
amount greater than 1 million pounds per
Required for the control of certain high-
year. Listings of HPV chemicals and exten-
hazard dusts, such as asbestos and radio-
sive technical data on individual chemicals
active materials.
are available at
high-level liquid waste An aqueous
high-quality energy Energy useful in
solution or suspension containing mixed
doing work. The energy available in natu-
fission products derived from the recy-
ral gas is considered to be of high quality
cling of nuclear fuel rods that have been
because natural gas can be burned and the
removed from reactors. The waste nor-
released heat energy conveniently used to
mally contains more than 100 microcuries do work. On the other hand, the energy
per milliliter of fission products. See high- represented by the warmth of the air in
level waste. a bathroom after a shower is considered
low quality because one cannot conve-
high-level nuclear waste facility A niently use it to do work. The term is also
site for the land disposal of very radio- applied to those energy sources that result
active wastes. These wastes include in little pollution when converted from one
material from a variety of commercial form to another. In this context, electric-
and governmental sources and commonly ity would be of high quality, whereas coal
consist of used fuel rods from nuclear would be considered to be of low quality.
reactors, products resulting from the
recycling of nuclear fuel, and wastes from high-temperature gas reactor (HTGR)
the production and purification of pluto- A nuclear reactor that uses enriched
nium. The concept is to encapsulate the uranium as the fission fuel and graphite as
waste in a ceramic material, place the the moderator. Helium gas is employed
ceramic material in corrosion-resistant as the coolant. The reactor operates at
containers, and then bury the containers a core temperature in excess of 1,000°C,
in chambers constructed deep within the which is about three times the core tem-
Earth. The facility must be designed to perature of water-cooled reactors.
last for up to 10,000 years or longer. The
location selected for a national facility high-volume air sampler (hi-vol) A
serving the United States is yucca moun- device for sampling airborne particulate


matter. A motor pulls air through a pre- occurring between 9,000 and 5,000 years
weighed filter for 24 hours, capturing any ago.
airborne particles. The filter is reweighed
to determine the mass of particulate in the holothurian A group of marine bottom-
sampled air. The mass is divided by the dwelling animals related to the sea stars
volume of air sampled to obtain a mass/ and sand dollars (echinoderms). Unlike
volume concentration. their relatives, the holothurians have soft
bodies and are long and slender in shape.
highwall A cliff cut into a mountain The sea cucumber is an example.
or hillside during the process of removing
coal deposits by surface mining. homeostasis A condition in which the
systems of the body act together to main-
high-yielding varieties (HYVs) Strains tain a relatively constant internal environ-
of food-crop plants, such as wheat and
ment even when external conditions may
rice, that have been developed to allow
greater production of grain per acre of land
cultivated than that of traditional varieties.
The new varieties often require a greater
homeotherm See endotherm.
input of fertilizer and water to reach full
maturity. These strains have contributed to homeowner water system A system,
the so-called green revolution. usually a private well, providing running
water to an individual household. The sys-
holding medium A special fluid tem is not connected to a public water
employed for maintaining fecal bacte- supply and usually not monitored by pub-
ria in a viable state between the time that lic health agencies.
water samples are processed by filtration
and the time that the filters used to remove hood A device that captures or encloses
the bacteria from water can be incubated air contaminants. It is usually ventilated
properly. The medium protects viability to the outside with the aid of a strong
between sampling and analysis. exhaust fan. Volatile or irritating chemi-
cals are handled within an enclosure hood
holding pond A reservoir, usually con- to prevent exposure of personnel to the
structed in the ground, designed to retain agent.
runoff or effluent prior to treatment or
discharge into a receiving stream. Holding hopper A container for dusts collected
facilities are not normally associated with by an electrostatic precipitator or
treatment. cyclone.
holding time In environmental monitor- horizon A specific layer of soil that is
ing, the time allowed between the removal different from adjacent layers in texture,
of environmental samples and the processing color, mineral content, and other quali-
of those samples, such as the time elapsed ties. Also called soil horizon. See also soil
between the collection of water samples and
their bacteriological analysis.

holistic Of or related to a view of the horizontal dispersion coefficient See

natural environment that encompasses an dispersion coefficients.
understanding of the functioning of the
complete array of organisms and chemical- hormonally active agents (HAAs) Be-
physical factors acting in concert rather cause it is less pejorative than “endocrine
than the properties of the individual parts. disruptors,” an alternate term for envi-
Compare reductionistic. ronmental hormones.

Holocene optimum The warmest time hormone An active chemical compound

during the current interglacial period, used as a biochemical signal in plants or


animals. In animals, these molecules are a specific area as being contaminated with
usually either peptides, proteins, or ste- radioactive substances, having a relatively
roids. They are produced in specific tissues high concentration of air pollutant(s), or
or organs and exert an effect away from experiencing an abnormal disease or death
the site of production. Examples include rate.
estrogen, insulin, and growth hormones.
household hazardous waste (HHW)
horsepower An engineering unit of From a residence, discards that pose a
power describing the rate at which work threat to human health or to the environ-
is performed. The unit is based on the ment if released in significant amounts.
English system of measurements and is Common constituents of waste in this cat-
equal to 550 foot-pounds per second or egory include insecticide residues, paint,
33,000 foot-pounds per minute. used crankcase oil, solvents, ammunition,
and plumbing chemicals.
host The larger organism within which
a parasite lives. A tick that carries the bac- household waste Discards produced in
terium that causes Rocky Mountain spot- a residence, commonly municipal solid
ted fever, for example, is said to be the waste.
natural host of that pathogen.
human ecology The study of the inter-
hot An informal or colloquial expres- actions of people with the natural envi-
sion meaning “highly radioactive.” ronment and with each other. Includes the
effects that humans have on the natural
hot side The part of a process in a pet- environment and the effects of the environ-
rochemical facility requiring the heating ment on people. The study of these inter-
of a feedstock gas to high temperatures actions often focuses on human beings as
to facilitate desired chemical conver- a part of the environment as opposed to
sions to make a specific product. Gener- separate from the environment. See envi-
ally requires the use of furnaces heated by ronmental justice.
natural gas. The products generated by
heating are subsequently separated on the human equivalent dose The dose to
cold side. humans of a chemical or physical agent
that is expected to exert the same effect that
hot-side ESP An electrostatic pre- a certain dose has produced in animals.
cipitator located on the upstream side of
the air preheater, where heat from the human resources People, their abili-
exhaust gases has not been partially trans- ties, skills, labors, enterprises, and mental
ferred to incoming boiler air. Air tempera- capacities.
tures in the hot-side ESP range from 600° to
800°F (320°–420°C). See cold-side esp. humanure Human feces used as plant
hot soak losses Evaporative emissions
of volatile organic compounds from Humboldt, Alexander von (1769–
a vehicle after the engine is shut off. Emis- 1859) German geographer Hum-
sion control devices are now installed to boldt was a founder of modern geography,
collect this evaporating gasoline in a can- who produced voluminous records of his
ister filled with activated charcoal. exploration, scientific measurements, and
When the engine is restarted, the gasoline mapping of South America and Mexico,
in the canister returns to the engine to be including 60,000 plant specimens. He
combusted. developed isotherms, lines on maps show-
ing equal average temperatures. His 1859
hot spot In environmental manage- work, Kosmos, was the first modern ency-
ment, an informal expression designating clopedia of geology and geography.


humic Of or containing humus. ing the velocity of groundwater flow. See

darcy’s law.
humidity See absolute humidity;
relative humidity. hydraulic head An expression of
water pressure in length units; the height
humus Organic matter in soil derived to which water will rise in a pipe if one
from the partial decomposition of plant end is inserted into the hydraulic system;
and animal remains. Generally the decom- hydraulic head (H) is given by H = Z +
position has proceeded sufficiently to p/W, where Z is the elevation head, p is
make recognition of the original material pressure, and W is the specific weight of
impossible. The decomposition products water. The last term, p/W, is the pressure
are important contributors to the capacity head. Also called piezometric height.
of soil to hold water, availability of plant
nutrients, soil aeration, and texture of the hydraulic loading For a sand filter
soil. Runoff from land areas rich in humus wastewater treatment unit, the volume of
has a brown or tan color produced by the wastewater applied to the surface of the
humic substances. filtering medium per period. The loading
is often expressed in gallons per day per
Hutchinson, George Evelyn (1903– square foot (gpd/ft²) or cubic meters per
1991) American ecologist Hutchin- square meter per day (m³/m²/d).
son pioneered the biogeochemical
cycling approach to ecology, describ- hydraulic radius For a flowing fluid
ing phosphate and nitrate movement (water), a measure of resistance to flow
through ecosystems. He formally intro- in pipes or open channels. The radius is
duced the niche concept. While writing expressed in length units and calculated as
five other books and 150 research papers, the flow area divided by the wetted perim-
he published his four-volume Treatise on eter. For circular pipes with full flow, flow
Limnology over his lifetime, the last vol- area equals ΠD²/4, where D is the pipe
ume posthumously. diameter and the wetted perimeter is the
inside circumference ΠD; therefore the
hydrate A solid compound that has hydraulic radius is D/4.
water molecules coordinated with it. An
example is hydrated lime, or calcium hydraulics The science concerned
hypochlorite, chemical formula Ca(OCl2). with water and other fluids at rest or in
4H2O. See also methane hydrate. motion.

hydraulic conductivity An empirically hydric Containing an abundance of

derived expression of permeability, used water.
as a coefficient in darcy’s law to calcu-
late the velocity of groundwater flow; the hydrocarbons Chemical compounds
units are in length per time. Also called containing carbon and hydrogen as the
coefficient of permeability. principal elements. Oil is composed pri-
marily of hydrocarbons.
hydraulic fracturing Any technique
involving the pumping of fluid under high hydrocracker Process employing a
pressure into an oil or gas formation to catalyst and hydrogen for the reduction
create fissures and openings in the reservoir of high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons
rock and increase the flow of oil or gas. to smaller molecules useful in the produc-
tion of gasoline and other petrochemicals.
hydraulic gradient The change in the The technology is especially useful in the
elevation of the water table per unit removal of nitrogen and sulfur atoms that
horizontal distance, often expressed in feet are a part of the complex molecules com-
per mile; an important variable influenc- posing crude oil, thereby reducing the

hydroelectric power

nitrogen and sulfur content of the gasoline decomposition of organic material by

and diesel produced and lowering emis- bacteria and by the metabolism of sulfate-
sions of fuel nox and sulfur dioxides reducing bacteria in the anaerobic sedi-
when the fuels are combusted. See crack- ments of freshwater and marine systems.
ing. Also called sewer gas because of the dis-
tinctive odor. The gas is responsible for
hydroelectric power See hydro- the “rotten egg” odor of some well water.
power. Hydrogen sulfide is very reactive chemi-
cally, forming sulfide salts with a host of
hydrogen bonding A type of weak metals; these metal sulfides are dark in
attraction between molecules. The interac- color and are responsible for the black
tion between individual water molecules color of many muds. Significant concen-
serves as an example. The water molecule trations of the gas are toxic to humans;
is composed of one oxygen atom and two consequently, the gas represents an occu-
hydrogen atoms. These atoms are held pational hazard to individuals working in
together by strong covalent bonds that industries involved in drilling for, produc-
are formed by the sharing of electrons by ing, and refining petroleum.
the two atoms. The covalent bonds are
very difficult to break. In addition, there hydrogeology The study of water con-
is a weak attraction between the separate tained within subsurface geological strata
water molecules by way of the oxygen and the connections between subsurface
atom of one molecule and the hydrogen and surface water supplies.
atom of an adjacent molecule. This attrac-
tion, termed a hydrogen bond, constantly hydrograph A graph of a stream or
forms and breaks among the multitude of river discharge at a certain point over
water molecules in liquid water. Evapo-
ration of water occurs when individual
water molecules at the air-water interface
hydrologic cycle The stocks and flows
break free of all hydrogen bonds and enter
of water in the ecosphere, including the
the gas phase. Hydrogen bonds are also
processes of evaporation, precipitation,
found between many organic molecules,
condensation, transpiration, and sur-
for example, between the two strands of
face and subsurface runoff.
deoxyribonucleic acid that constitute
individual genes.
hydrology The study of the distribu-
tion, movement, and chemical makeup of
surface and underground waters.

hydrolysis The chemical reaction of

a substance with water, resulting in the
splitting of the larger molecule into smaller
parts; an important degradation mecha-
nism for pollutants in water or on land.

hydronic Describing a heating or cool-

ing system consisting of heated or chilled
water flowing through pipes for the pur-
pose of heat exchange. For example, a
hydrogen ion Hydrogen atom without building would be cooled by moving warm
an electron; chemical symbol H+. air over chill-water pipes. The cooled air
would be returned to the interior and the
hydrogen sulfide A foul-smelling gas water would be piped to an exchange unit
(H2S) produced during the anaerobic for chilling.


hydrophilic Describing a chemical that a base or caustic is dissolved in water.

mixes readily with water. Such substances Pure water, a neutral molecule, produces
are often charged molecules and dissolve an equal number of hydroxide (negatively
readily in water. Hydrophilic chemicals charged ions) and hydrogen (H+) ions.
are excreted from the body in the urine.
Contrast hydrophobic. hydroxyl group A functional group
composed of one carbon atom and one
hydrophobic Describing a chemical that hydrogen atom. Formula: –OH.
mixes well with fatty material but does
not mix well with water. Consequently, a hydroxyl radical A very reactive chem-
chemical that is hydrophobic does not dis- ical species consisting of OH carrying an
solve readily in water. Such materials pass extra unpaired electron. This radical is of
cell membranes and are distributed rapidly paramount importance to the toxic pro-
throughout the body and are not excreted cesses of a variety of organic compounds
from the body in the urine. and heavy metals. These molecules are
produced when the body is overwhelmed
hydrophyte A plant that lives in water. with toxic substances (e.g., excessive doses
Compare mesophyte and xerophyte. of certain pesticides or metal ions) causing
damage to cell membranes.
hydroponics The practice of growing
rooted plants without soil. The plant roots hygrometer An instrument used to
are suspended in water or otherwise kept measure moisture in the air.
moist with water that contains the neces-
sary plant nutrients. hygroscopic Describing a chemical sub-
stance with an affinity for water, one that
hydropower The utilization of the absorbs moisture, usually from the air. Sil-
energy available in falling water for the ica gel and zinc chloride are hygroscopic
generation of electricity. materials that are used as drying agents.

hydrosere In ecology, an aquatic eco- hypersensitive The condition of being

system that usually begins with open shal- much more reactive than normal toward
low water. Then colonization by floating some chemical, drug, allergen, or foreign
vegetation progresses, by sediment deposi- tissue. Some increased sensitivities reflect
tion, to a marsh environment with rooted uncommon but natural reactions to pol-
plants. The ecosystem may finally support lutant chemicals; some are dependent on
terrestrial plants and animals. prior exposure and the development of
the overreaction as mediated by a person’s
hydrosphere That portion of the Earth immune system.
composed of liquid water, such as lakes,
rivers, ponds, and oceans. Together with hypochlorite Reactive ionic species
the atmosphere, lithosphere, and bio- (ClO–) produced when chlorine gas or
sphere, constitutes the Earth’s ecosphere. bleach is added to water. The hypochlo-
rite ion is the immediate cause of death
hydrostatic equation See pressure. of microbes when chlorine compounds are
used to disinfect water.
hydrostatic pressure Pressure exerted
by nonmoving water due to depth alone. hypolimnion The lower, cooler water
Expressed as P = WH, where P is the layer found in stratified lakes. See epilim-
gauge pressure at a depth H and W is nion.
the specific weight of water.
hypothesis An informed explanation
hydroxide ion (OH–) An ion carrying that best describes a set of available data.
a negative charge that is released when The assumption is stated is such a way


that subsequent experimentation or obser- solved oxygen (about two milligrams

vation can test its validity. per liter, compared with a normal level
of five to 10 milligrams per liter). Most
hypoxia A condition in which natural game and commercial species of fish avoid
waters have a low concentration of dis- waters that are hypoxic.


ice ages Periods in the past in which ignitable waste A substance or mixture
extensive ice sheets have covered large that meets any of several definitions: (1) a
areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The liquid with a flash point of 60°C or less;
last Ice Age ended about 10,000 years ago. (2) a nonliquid that can catch fire through
See interglacial. friction, absorption of moisture, or spon-
taneous chemical change; or (3) ignitable
ice sheet See west antarctic ice sheet. compressed gases or oxidizers, as defined
by regulations of the United States Depart-
ice shelf See west antarctic ice ment of Transportation.
illuvial Describing soil material, usu-
ideal gas A gas that perfectly obeys the ally minerals and colloidal particles, that
ideal gas law. At normal temperatures is removed from the upper soil horizon to
and pressures, most gases behave similarly a lower soil horizon. Illuvial deposits can
to an ideal gas, and the ideal gas law is form a hardpan. See alluvium.
applied routinely in air pollution calcula-
tions. Imhoff tank A two-chamber sewage
treatment device in which sedimentation
ideal gas law The equation that takes place in an upper chamber, after
describes the relationships among volume, which the solids fall into a lower cham-
pressure, and temperature for an ideal ber, where they are digested by microor-
gas. For n moles of gas, PV = nRT, where ganisms. Named for its developer, Karl
P = absolute pressure, V = total vol- Imhoff.
ume, R = universal gas constant, and
T = absolute temperature. immediately dangerous to life and
health (IDLH) The maximum air con-
identification code (EPA I.D. centration of a chemical substance from
number) In hazardous waste manage- which a healthy worker could escape
ment, a unique code assigned to each gen- within a 30-minute exposure without irre-
erator, transporter, and treatment, versible adverse health effects or escape-
storage, or disposal facility assigned impairing health conditions (dizziness,
by the U.S. EPA to facilitate identification unconsciousness, and so forth). The level
and tracking of hazardous materials. is set by the national institute for
occupational safety and health.
igneous rock Rock formed directly This acute air exposure standard is often
from cooled magma that has erupted from used to estimate adverse effects on nearby
an area deeper in the crust of the Earth. human populations that may be caused
Granite is a common example. by spills or other short-term accidental
releases of toxic chemicals.
ignitability A characteristic used to
define a hazardous waste. An ignitable immigration The movement of individ-
waste is classified as hazardous because uals into an area or country to assume per-
of the characteristic of ignitability. manent residence. Compare emigration.

imminent and substantial endangerment

imminent and substantial endanger- and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

ment 1. The condition allowing the in soil and/or water.
U.S. EPA to issue an administrative
order requiring an immediate response immunocompromised Describing an
to protect human health or the environ- individual or animal that has lost the abil-
ment from an actual or threatened release ity to mount a protective response to dis-
of a hazardous substance. The phrase ease-causing agents. Common examples are
is from the comprehensive environ- individuals undergoing some types of
mental response, compensation, and anticancer therapy and individuals with
liability act. See potentially respon- acquired immunodeficiency sydrome (AIDS).
sible party, national contingency These individuals often cannot effectively
plan, hazardous substances super- resist disease-causing microorganisms.
fund. 2. The condition allowing the U.S.
EPA administrator or a private party using immunosuppression The reduction
a citizen suit to force a responsible party of the capacity of an individual’s body
to take actions to ensure the proper man- to ward off infections or the growth
agement of solid or hazardous wastes of tumors. The body is equipped with
and thereby prevent harm to human a multifaceted, complex system that
health or the environment. The phrase is removes from it “foreign” materials
from the resource conservation and ranging from viruses, bacteria, and mul-
recovery act. ticellular parasites to transplanted tissue
and tumors. Vaccination is a medical
imminent hazard In pesticide regula- procedure intended to enhance the capac-
tion under the federal insecticide, fun- ity of the immune system. Some medi-
gicide, and rodenticide act, the des- cal practices reduce the capacity of the
ignation of a pesticide as likely to cause immune system to accomplish such func-
unreasonable adverse effects on human tions as treating acute inflammation and
health or the environment during the time preventing transplant rejection. A variety
required for normal cancellation pro- of environmental toxins, including chlo-
ceedings—therefore justifying a suspen- rinated hydrocarbons, polycyclic
sion, an expedited ban on use and sale of aromatic hydrocarbons, arsenic, and
the pesticide. organophosphate insecticides, have
been implicated as agents that reduce the
immiscible Describing two liquids, capacity of the immune system to protect
neither of which acts as a solvent for the body.
the other to any appreciable extent. As a
result, the liquids form two layers when impaction For inhalation of airborne
mixed and allowed to stand. For example, particulate matter, the collision of
a gasoline-water mixture separates into particles with the lung surfaces as con-
two layers with gasoline on the top and taminated air is taken into the lungs. The
water on the bottom (because the bottom velocity of the air and the aerodynamic
layer is denser than gasoline). diameter of the particles are the primary
variables governing impaction.
immobilization Synonym for stabili-
zation/solidification. impact noise A brief, punctuated sound
lasting generally less than one-half second
immunoassay A testing method that and not repeated more than once per sec-
uses the bonding specificity of antibodies ond, for example, the sound from a ham-
to detect chemical compounds in the body mering device. Impact noise is difficult to
or in the environment. Immunoassay kits measure accurately.
are available for testing pesticide levels
in soil and for detecting dioxin, penta- impedance An expression of the resis-
chlorphenols, petroleum products, tance to an energy flow calculated as the

incident command post

magnitude of the cause of the flow (force, inbreeding depression The lower-
pressure, voltage) divided by the energy ing of the quality and vigor of a popula-
flow. For example, Ohm’s law states that tion of organisms (either plant or animal)
Z = E/I, where Z = impedance, E = volt- due to breeding of individuals that are
age, and I = electric current. Energy trans- closely related in a genetic sense. Inbreed-
fer is most efficient if the impedance of the ing increases the chance that recessive
source is matched to that of the receiver. genes, which result in the expression of
traits that diminish the health, develop-
impermeability A characteristic of ment, or reproduction of the offspring,
a material that prevents the passage of a will become apparent. The lowering of
fluid through that material, such as the rel- the quality of a captive animal population
ative impermeability of a liner at a solid in a zoo environment due to breeding of
waste landfill. Liners are rated in terms closely related animals is a constant con-
cern. The phenomenon is the rationale for
of how slowly a liquid can move through
the use of hybrid seed in agriculture and
them or how close they are to being truly
the prohibition of marriage to close rela-
tives among humans.
impingement separator An air pol- incidence The rate of occurrence of a
lution control device that removes par- specific disease or event within a given
ticulate matter from a gas stream by number of individuals over a standard
causing the particles to strike and adhere period. For example, the number of lung
to plates as the gas direction is changed. cancer cases per 100,000 people per year.

impinger An air-sampling device that incidental take A type of permit giv-

collects gases or particulate matter by ing the holder permission, under the pro-
directing sample air down a glass tube visions of the endangered species act,
running inside a collection bottle that is to take (harm or kill) limited numbers
filled with an absorbent liquid. The sam- of an endangered or threatened spe-
pled air is mixed with the liquid by the cies because the harm is “incidental to,
high-velocity air “impingement” near the and not the purpose of carrying out oth-
bottom of the bottle, which increases the erwise lawful activities.” Applicants for
collection efficiency. an incidental take permit must devise and
comply with an approved habitat con-
impoundment Any land area or forma- servation plan.
tion that can hold liquid. Impoundments,
which are open to the atmosphere, are
incident commander Highest-rank-
ing emergency responder (e.g., fire chief,
used to treat, store, or dispose of waste;
facility safety manager, or federal official)
they include aeration tanks, holding
designated to assume control at the site
ponds, and aeration lagoons. Also
of an emergency. See incident command
called surface impoundment. system.

inbreeding The mating of animals incident command post A facility,

that are closely related; the process can mobile or fixed, located a safe distance
result in an increase in the expression from the site of an industrial emergency or
of recessive genes, which are often accident from which the incident com-
maladaptive. The adverse aspects of mander, assisted by key staff and techni-
inbreeding can further harm endan- cal representatives, can make decisions and
gered species, as the small numbers of deploy emergency personnel and equip-
remaining individuals mate, by necessity, ment. Depending on the nature and size
with related individuals. See inbreeding of the emergency, the incident command
depression. post can be located in a designated and

incident command system

equipped structure on the property of an rate exceeding 10% of the test organisms
industry, in a structure off-site equipped upon exposure to the test pollutant over
with appropriate communications equip- a 24-hour test period. See also lethal
ment, or in a vehicle designated for such concentration—50 percent; lethal
use. See incident command system. dose—50 percent.

incident command system (ICS) The incompatible waste hazardous waste

organizational arrangement established that, if mixed, chemically reacts to form
to respond to an emergency. The highest- hazardous products or excessive thermal
ranking emergency responder designated discharge. Also, waste that may damage or
as the incident commander, normally a corrode a container or containment struc-
fire chief, Coast Guard commander, state ture, leading to a release.
police officer, or federal official, serves as
the leader of an integrated, comprehen- increment The allowable increase in
sive emergency response organization and ambient air concentrations of certain pol-
as the supervisor of the emergency site. lutants over the baseline level established
The incident command structure in each under the prevention of significant
community is established during planning deterioration program. Increments are
and preparations for possible emergencies. set for sulfur dioxide, airborne par-
For example, the ICS in communities near ticulate matter (pm10), and nitrogen
chemical manufacturing facilities typi- dioxide. See increment consumption.
cally plans for response to fires, chemical
releases, explosions, and transportation increment consumption Under the
accidents. prevention of significant deteriora-
tion air pollution management program,
incident rate (IR) One of several the modeled increase in certain air pol-
names applied to the safety record at an lutant concentrations over the baseline
industrial facility. See accident rate for ambient air quality levels. The allowable
description. degradation in air quality is called the
increment. Any air emissions considered
incineration Burning of organic waste to be additional to an area after the base-
materials. This disposal technique is used line date are counted against (consume)
to reduce the volume of municipal solid the allowable increment.
waste, destroy hazardous waste, and,
in the case of waste-to-energy plants, to incubate To maintain environmental
recover heat for further uses. The chemi- conditions that are optimal for the growth
cals are reduced to mineral constituents. of bacteria. For example, coliforms grow
For example, chlorinated hydrocar- best when held at 37°C.
bons are converted to carbon dioxide
(CO2), water (H2O), and hydrochloric incubation period The average time
acid (HCl). See catalytic incinerator; between exposure to an infectious, disease-
liquid injection incinerator; mass causing agent and the manifestation of the
burn; mobile incinerator system; signs and/or symptoms of the disease.
modular incinerator; waterwall
incinerator. independent association In the study
of risk factors for a disease, a relationship
incipient LC50 The computed con- between a suspected factor and disease risk
centration of some toxic substance in that remains after adjusting or controlling
water that would be lethal to 50% of a for the influence of other variables.
test population of aquatic organisms. The
value is extrapolated from experimentally independent variable A measurable
derived data when laboratory exposure to quantity that can be used to predict the
the chemical does not result in a mortality value of a dependent variable. In epi-

indoor/outdoor concentration ratio

demiology, an independent variable is sewer system serving a community. An

an exposure or characteristic that may indirect discharge may be subject to pre-
influence a particular health condition or treatment requirements.
indirect hot air A system designed to
indicator 1. In biology, an organism or reheat an exhaust gas that has been cooled
community of organisms whose character- by passage through a pollution control
istics show the presence of specific envi- device. Ambient air is heated with steam
ronmental conditions or contamination. then added to the flue gas to give the
2. In chemistry, a substance that shows a exhaust buoyant density.
visible change, usually a color shift, at a
specific point in a reaction. 3. In monitor- indirect source A business, shopping
ing, a device that presents the result of center, or highway, or other source that
some measurement. attracts mobile sources of air pollution.
See indirect source review.
indicator organisms The microorgan-
isms that, if present above certain levels in indirect source review (ISR) Environ-
water, indicate contamination by human mental agency review and possible con-
sewage. The coliform bacteria are used trols on the siting of shopping centers,
commonly as indicators because the test for office complexes, highways, and airports,
this class of organism is reliable, relatively among other indirect sources of air pollu-
inexpensive, and produces timely results. tion, to improve or maintain air quality.
The U.S. EPA is not permitted to require
indicator parameters/constituents an ISR program as part of a state imple-
Groundwater quality measurements speci- mentation plan under current law.
fied in a permit to operate a hazardous
waste landfill, surface impoundment, or individual lifetime risk The estimated
treatment, storage, or disposal facil- increase in the lifetime risk of an adverse
ity. The specified measurements must be health effect in a person exposed to a
made on samples taken at the point of specific amount of a physical or chemical
compliance. The parameter may be an agent for a given period. See population
analysis of general water quality, such risk; unit risk estimate.
as specific conductance, or measure-
ments of one or more specific chemical indoor air pollution The presence of
constituents, such as arsenic, benzene, or excessive levels of air contaminants inside
chloroform. The data recovered from the a home or building from sources such as
measurements of indicator parameters/ cigarette smoking, fuel combustion for
constituents are compared statistically heating or cooking, certain wallboards,
to background levels measured at an carpets, insulation, air-handling ducts,
upgradient well to determine the pos- and the geological characteristics of the
sibility of adverse influence by the facility area (radon in soil or rocks beneath the
on the groundwater. structure). Emissions are more likely to
accumulate in structures having limited
indigenous Native; naturally pres- air exchange with the outside. Many air
ent in an area. Autochthonous. Compare pollutants typically have higher concentra-
allochthonous. tions indoors than outdoors. See indoor/
outdoor concentration ratio.
indirect association See secondary
(indirect) association. indoor air quality (IAQ) See indoor
air pollution.
indirect discharge In wastewater man-
agement, the introduction of waste from a indoor/outdoor concentration ratio
commercial or industrial facility into the ([I]/[O]) The measured or typical con-

Indoor Radon Abatement Act

centration of an air pollutant indoors tors. The result is a gradual enrichment

divided by the concentration of the same of the entire population for the dark vari-
substance outdoors. If the ratio for a cer- ety and a diminution of the light variety.
tain pollutant is greater than 1, the indoor Air pollution controls shift the selective
air concentration is greater than the out- advantage back to the lighter-pigmented
door concentration and vice versa for a strains. A recent book by Michael Maje-
ratio less than 1. See indoor air pollu- rus (Melanism-Evolution in Action) has
tion. argued that the predation of the moths
may be an incomplete explanation of the
Indoor Radon Abatement Act A pigmentation shift.
1988 amendment to the toxic sub-
stances control act that authorizes the industrial sludge A thick suspension of
U.S. EPA to provide technical and finan- waste products produced at an industrial
cial help to state agencies for radon mon- facility. See sludge.
itoring and mitigation.
Industrial Source Complex model
induced draft (ID) The type of ven- (ISC model) An air quality disper-
tilation system in which a fan pulls air sion model, approved by the U.S. EPA,
through a furnace, boiler, or cooling for estimating short- and long-term ambi-
tower, aiding the flow of air out of the ent air concentrations in an area using
smokestack or other exit ducts. See also emission rates from smokestacks and/or
forced draft; natural draft. area sources and a compilation of the
meteorological data from the area. Annual
induced radioactivity The creation averages are estimated by the ISCLT (long-
of an unstable or radioactive atom by term) model and the ISCST (short-term)
the bombardment of a stable isotope of model concentrations for averaging times
an element with neutrons. For example, of 24 hours or less. The ISCST model is
the stable isotope of nickel has an atomic being replaced by aermod.
mass of approximately 58. Bombardment
of that form of nickel with neutrons pro- industrial source reduction Practices
duces nickel-59, which is a radioactive that reduce the amount of hazardous
isotope. material, pollutant, or contaminant placed
into the waste stream or released from an
industrial hygiene The study and prac- industrial facility into the environment.
tice of the recognition, evaluation, and The reductions lessen the threat to public
control of chemical, physical, or biological health and to the environment associated
hazards in the workplace. with the releases. The reductions can come
about through upgrades in equipment and
industrial melanism An increase in technology, changing raw materials, recy-
the relative abundance of darker strains cling, and improvements in housekeeping,
of insects and spiders in regions around operations, maintenance, or training. See
industrial facilities emitting high levels environmental management hierar-
of smoke. There is a natural variation in chy; pollution prevention; pollution
the pigmentation of the various species, prevention act.
and the survival of the darker-pigmented
varieties is favored in the surroundings industrial timber Trees used for lum-
of industrial environments polluted with ber, plywood, particleboard, paper, and
dark soot. The darker pigmentation similar products.
provides those strains with camouflage
and, therefore, protection from preda- industrial waste Unwanted discards
tors. Conversely, the lighter-pigmented produced in an industrial operation; may
varieties are easier to see and, therefore, include liquids, sludges, solids, or haz-
more susceptible to capture by preda- ardous wastes.

inflammatory response

industry category Under the Clean infill A concept associated with the
Water Act, the U.S. EPA has divided facili- smart growth initiative of the United
ties into industry categories and subcatego- States Environmental Protection Agency.
ries for which water effluent limitations, As the population of a city expands, infill
based on the type of process and the tech- development is encouraged in areas that
nology appropriate to the industry, are writ- were bypassed in the previous develop-
ten. For example, the battery manufacturing ment of the city or areas that have been
category has seven subcategories, each of degraded by urbanization. This concept
which has specific effluent limitations. supports the use of impacted land within
the urban center rather than the common
inert Describing a substance that does practice of urban sprawl into the natural
not react chemically with other materials environment that surrounds the city. See
under ordinary conditions. For example, smart growth.
helium does not undergo chemical reac-
tions readily. Compare active. infiltration 1. The wind-induced move-
ment of air into a building through open-
inertial confinement Technology used ings in walls, windows, or doors. An
to promote controlled nuclear fusion in important consideration in energy conser-
which a small amount of nuclear fuel is vation and indoor air quality analysis. 2.
bombarded with high-intensity laser light The entrance of groundwater into sewer
to increase the temperature to that which pipes.
promotes the fusion of small atoms.
infiltration and inflow (I&I) The
inertial separator An air pollution entrance of groundwater (infiltration) or
control device for particulate matter of surface water (inflow) into sewer pipes.
removal that operates by forcing a dust- Groundwater can seep through defective
containing airstream to change direction pipe joints or cracked pipe sections; roof
abruptly, causing the particulates to col- or basement drains are sources of surface
lide with a wall, baffle, or louver by the water inflow. Excessive infiltration and
inertia of the particles. The solids fall into inflow can cause sewers to back up or can
a collection hopper. overload a sewage treatment plant,
causing a reduction in treatment time or a
infant mortality rate For a given geo- complete bypass of the treatment process
graphical area and year, the total deaths during periods of heavy rainfall.
of infants less than one year of age divided
by the number of live births during that infiltration gallery A subsurface ground-
year, usually expressed as infant deaths water collection system constructed to pre-
per 1,000 live births. vent contaminated groundwater from enter-
ing streams, ponds, or lakes. These shallow
infectious Describing a virus, bac- systems are commonly constructed of per-
terium, fungus, or protozoan that can forated pipes that drain into a watertight
invade a host to produce disease. The term sump from which groundwater is trans-
is also applied to a disease caused by some ferred to a wastewater treatment system for
pathogenic microbe (e.g., typhoid fever) as processing before release.
opposed to a disease that is not related to
the presence of a microbe (e.g., coronary inflammatory response A general
artery disease). nonspecific reaction of the body to foreign
particles, noxious chemicals, biological
infectious waste A specific class of or industrial toxins, microorganisms, or
discarded items from medical or related similar agents. The characteristic results
facilities. The discards do or may con- include redness, fluid accumulation, swell-
tain viable organisms capable of causing ing, pain, and a temperature increase at
infectious diseases. the location where the agent contacts the


body. The reactions are part of the normal infrared-inactive Describing gases that
response of the body to foreign materials. do not absorb infrared radiation. The
two main components of the atmosphere,
inflow General term designating the nitrogen and oxygen, are infrared-inactive.
water or other fluid entering a system. See infrared-active.

influent General term designating infrared radiation (IR) Electromag-

water, wastewater, or other liquid flowing netic radiation with wavelengths longer
into a system. Compare effluent. than those of visible light (750 nanome-
ters) and shorter than those of radio waves
informal economy Small-scale busi- (3 × 105 nanometers). The Earth, build-
ness activity operating outside normal ings, animals, and people emit this type
business or regulatory constraints, includ- of radiation. Outgoing infrared radiation
ing environmental controls. from the Earth warms the atmosphere.
See absorption band; far infrared;
information collection request (ICR) greenhouse effect, infrared window;
A document prepared by a federal admin- intermediate infrared radiation;
istrative agency for approval by the office longwave radiation; near infrared.
of management and budget as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. infrared window The wavelengths
The document contains a description of the of infrared energy between eight
information to be gathered, the way it will micrometers and 12 micrometers emitted
be collected, the reason why it is needed, by the Earth that are weakly absorbed by
and the projected cost of the collection. atmospheric gases and therefore escape
to space. See global warming; green-
information collection rule A nation- house effect; greenhouse gases.
wide U.S. EPA drinking water program
established to gather information about ingestion The taking in of substances
the presence of targeted pathogens in by mouth (eating or drinking); one method
drinking water, including giardia, cryp- of exposure to chemicals.
tosporidium, and viruses and to monitor
levels of disinfection by-products. inhalable diameter The diameter of
particles (about 15 micrometers or smaller)
information file A collection of docu- that can be deposited in the human respi-
ments assembled by the U.S. EPA for each ratory tract.
superfund site, describing the types of
hazardous substances present and the initiation/promotion The two-stage
progress of cleanup activities. The docu- theory of carcinogenesis. The first causes
ments are made available to the public at the development of premalignant cells,
a local school, library, or city hall. and the second completes the conversion
of the cell to the malignant state. See
information standard A type of envi- carcinogenesis.
ronmental, health, or safety standard that
relies on warnings on the container label or initiator In the two-stage model of car-
on other guidance to prevent or minimize cinogenesis, an initiator produces a change
adverse effects from the use or disposal of in a cell, commonly called a mutation,
a material or product; for example, the which leaves the cell in a premalignant
dosage information on over-the-counter condition. In some circumstances, without
medicines, and application and disposal exposure to a promoter, the changed cell
information on pesticide labels. does not become a tumor cell. See carci-
infrared-active Describing gases that
absorb infrared radiation; green- injection well A borehole through
house gases. See infrared-inactive. which fluids are injected into the ground

in situ stripping

for a variety of purposes, including waste inorganic Of or related to chemicals

disposal, enhanced oil recovery, or that do not contain carbon atoms. Mer-
solution mining. See class i, ii, iii, iv, cury ions, sulfur dioxide, lime, copper,
and v injection wells; underground and ammonia are examples of inorganic
injection control. materials. Compare organic.

injection zone That geological strata insecticide A chemical agent, either

into which fluids are added by an injec- natural or synthetic, used to kill or inhibit
tion well. the growth and development of insects. A
type of pesticide.
injury incident rate (IIR) One of sev-
eral names applied to the safety record at in situ In place. An in situ environmen-
an industrial facility. See accident rate tal measurement is one that is taken in the
for description. field without the removal of a sample to
the laboratory.
in-line filtration In wastewater treat-
ment, a pretreatment process involving the in situ conservation Protecting or
addition of chemical agents coupled with enhancing the genetic, species, and/or
pressure filtration to remove particulate ecological aspects of biological diversity
materials from wastewater. The process within species’ natural habitat. Compare
accelerates wastewater treatment by elimi- ex situ conservation.
nating the need for flocculation and sed-
imentation to remove particulate matter. in situ gasification A method of energy
extraction that involves igniting and aerat-
innocent landowner A designation ing an underground coal seam then cap-
authorized by the comprehensive envi- turing a low-energy gas from another well
ronmental response, compensation, drilled into the coal seam. A portion of
and liability act (CERCLA). CERCLA the energy of the coal is thereby recovered
regulations allow a purchaser of land without physically removing the coal from
that contains hazardous waste a legal the ground.
defense against liability for the costs of
the hazardous waste cleanup if the pur- in situ oxidation Technology involv-
chaser can demonstrate that he or she was ing chemical agents to reduce or remove
not aware of the waste when buying the contaminants in groundwater or soil with-
land. The demonstration of innocence is out removing the water or soil from its
made to a court or to the U.S. EPA. If the location.
legal pleadings of innocence are too bur-
densome, the landowner may apply for de in situ remediation Treatment technol-
minimis status to be freed of the cleanup ogies that destroy or reduce contaminants
liability. See phase i environmental in soil or groundwater without removing
assessment. the water or soil. Underground applica-
tion of electric current, plasma, microbes,
inoculate 1. To add a viable culture of nutrients, and chemical reactants has been
a virus, bacterium, or fungus to a growth shown to be cost-effective at many haz-
medium or animal host for the purpose of ardous waste cleanup sites. See in situ
cultivating the microbe. 2. To add specific oxidation; in situ stripping.
bacteria to waste disposal ponds, activated
sludge systems, or sediments for the pur- in situ stripping Technology involv-
pose of stimulating the decomposition of ing the injection of air into contaminated
some special waste. See bioremediation. soil or groundwater to flush volatile
organic compounds, commonly hydro-
inoculum The organisms used to inoc- carbon fuels such as gasoline, from the
ulate a culture medium. site. The offending chemicals evaporate

in situ vitrification

and are removed from the soil or ground- integrated exposure assessment See
water with the airstream. exposure assessment.

in situ vitrification Technology for the integrated pest management (IPM)

decontamination of soils in place by heat- The use of a combination of the following
ing to extremely high temperatures in the to limit pest damage to agricultural crops:
range of 3,000°F. Offending substances, (1) agricultural practices, such as field till-
commonly hydrocarbon-based hazardous ing to disrupt insect egg development; (2)
chemicals, are destroyed in the process. biological control agents, such as viruses,
fungi, or bacteria; (3) introduction of
insolation The interception rate of solar large numbers of sterile male insects; (4)
energy on a surface; insolation intensity is timed application of synthetic chemical
greatest when the surface is perpendicular pesticides; (5) application of pheromones
to the solar radiation. Typically expressed and juvenile hormones. IPM stresses
in watts per square meter. the control of pests at manageable levels
rather than their eradication.
inspection and maintenance (I&M)
An air quality improvement program Integrated Risk Information System
requiring automobiles to be inspected for (IRIS) An electronic on-line database
the presence and proper operation of emis- provided by the U.S. EPA containing chem-
sion control devices. The owner may be ical toxicity data and regulatory informa-
required to repair or replace the control tion for use in health risk assessment and
equipment. Typically implemented locally management. Web site:
in areas with air quality problems (non-
attainment areas) caused by or related
integrated waste management Com-
prehensive plan to direct the collection,
to automobile emissions. See catalytic
processing, and disposal of municipal
converter; enhanced inspection and
solid waste, often employing more
than one system for each. A municipality
might, for example, require residents to
institutional solid waste Discarded separate waste into yard waste (perhaps to
items from schools, hospitals, prisons, and be disposed of by composting), specific
other organizations. recyclable items (perhaps to be processed
through a materials recovery facil-
in-stream aeration The addition of air ity), and other discards (perhaps to be
to a flowing stream to maintain the dis- buried in a sanitary landfill).
solved oxygen content of the water at
an acceptable level. intentionally produced pollutants 1.
Chemicals manufactured as products that
in-stream use Surface water uses that are released into the environment as residu-
do not remove the water from the water als during production. 2. Chemicals released
body, e.g., hydroelectric power, swim- into the environment as they are used, such
ming, and fish propagation. See with- as solvents and pesticides. Compare unin-
drawal of water. tentionally produced pollutants; see
persistent organic pollutants.
instrument detection limit (IDL) The
minimal concentration of a substance Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group
that is detectable by a specific instrument. (IRLG) A group formed in 1977 to
Some compounds of environmental con- coordinate federal regulation of toxic
cern occur in such small concentrations substances by sharing information, plan-
that an insufficient amount is present to ning agency studies to prevent duplica-
allow detection with available instrumen- tion, and developing consistent federal
tation. Compare method detection policy approaches, especially for car-
limit and quantitation limit. cinogens. The group was composed of

internal combustion engine

representatives from the U.S. EPA, the ulatory designation allowing treatment,
occupational safety and health storage, or disposal facilities in exis-
administration, the food and drug tence on November 19, 1980, to continue
administration, the consumer prod- to operate under a specific set of regulations
uct safety commission, and the (part a permit) until a final (part b) permit
Department of Agriculture Food Safety for the facility is applied for and approved.
and Quality Service. The IRLG provided
important beginnings for the federal intermediate A compound produced
government’s environmental risk manage- during the metabolic conversion of organic
ment programs. compounds by biological organisms.
For example, when an organism takes in
interbasin transfer The diversion glucose for use as a nutrient, there is a
of water from one drainage basin to sequence of biochemical steps between the
another. glucose molecule and the ultimate release
of carbon dioxide by the organism. These
interceptor sewer Usually used in biochemical steps produce compounds
describing a bypass mechanism available such as fructose-6-phosphate, glyceralde-
in municipal sewer systems that carry both hyde phosphate, pyruvic acid, citric acid,
water from rainfall and sanitary waste and oxaloacetic acid. Each of these would
from households and commercial estab- be considered an intermediate in the meta-
lishments. If heavy rainfall creates a runoff bolic degradation of glucose. Such a series
of much more water than the system can of intermediates could be identified in the
process, the storm water and a portion degradation or synthesis of almost any
of the sanitary wastewater are diverted by organic compound.
interceptor sewers directly to the receiving
stream to prevent the backup of sewage intermediate infrared radiation Elec-
into streets and homes. tromagnetic radiation with wavelengths
from 1.5 micrometers to 20 micrometers.
intercept well A groundwater moni-
toring well located to detect a leak from intermittent control system (ICS) The
a landfill or another potential source of deliberate variation in an air emission
groundwater contamination. The well can rate of a pollutant to maintain a ground
also monitor the chemical concentrations level concentration of the pollutant
in a groundwater plume. below a certain value. The emission rate
may be changed to match current weather
interglacial The time period between (dispersion) conditions or to respond to
the end of an ice age and the beginning changes in measured ground-level concen-
of another. The current interglacial period trations. New applications of this control
has been around 10,000 years. technique after December 31, 1970, were
not allowed under the clean air act.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) An international group intermittent noise A noise that lasts
of experts formed in 1988 by the world for at least one second then ceases for at
meteorological association and the least one second.
united nations environment program
to provide scientific advice on the potential intermittent stream A stream that
for global climate change. The 1990 IPCC flows for only part of the year, during the
report influenced the framework con- rainy season. The flow is through a clearly
vention on climate change. See kyoto defined channel. See ephemeral stream;
protocol. Web site: perennial stream.

interim status Under the resource internal combustion engine An engine

conservation and recovery act, a reg- in which the fuel is burned inside a closed

internal conversion

cylinder and converted to mechanical on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk

energy by a piston, as in gasoline or diesel of Chemicals to Humans, studies of more
engines. than 800 chemicals. The headquarters of
the agency is in Lyon, France. Web site:
internal conversion In nuclear phys-
ics, the release of energy from an atomic
nucleus to an orbiting electron, ejecting International Atomic Energy Agency
the electron from the atom. (IAEA) A multinational organization
that regulates the safety of nuclear power
internal dose A measure of the amount stations, the management of nuclear
of toxic substance or pharmaceutical agent wastes, and nuclear fuel cycle services;
in the body. Expressed as the amount of an issues radiation protection guidelines;
agent (1) absorbed after exposure through and maintains safeguard agreements with
the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, nations that are parties to the Treaty on
or skin; (2) stored in internal organs, such the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
as in fatty tissue or bone; or (3) bound to The headquarters of the organization is in
critical sites or tissue of action. See body Vienna, Austria. Web site:
burden; target organ.
International Commission on Radio-
internal energy The sum of the kinetic logical Protection (ICRP) A group
energy and potential energy in the that recommends maximal permissible
atoms and/or molecules that make up a exposures to ionizing radiation; the
body or system. Internal energy is affected commission is financially supported by
by changes in temperature and by energy the world health organization, the
added to or removed from the system as international atomic energy agency,
work is done on or by the system. and the united nations environment
program, among others. Web site: www.
internal radiation Radiation received
from radioactive substances located
within the body of an organism. For International Convention for the Pre-
example, strontium-90, absorbed from the vention of Pollution from Ships Also
atmosphere or from food by an animal called the Marpol Convention, a combina-
or human, can deposit in the bones and tion of 1973 and 1978 agreements by the
become a source of damaging radiation members of the international maritime
for that organism over a long period. organization. The convention controls
discharges into the sea, air, or land from
International Agency for Research ships, focusing on the release of oil, other
on Cancer (IARC) A division of the toxic liquids, radioactive waste, garbage,
world health organization that sewage, and certain air pollutants. Par-
assigns chemicals to specific categories on ticular provisions of the convention are
the basis of their ability to cause cancer known by their annex number; for exam-
in humans or other animals. The catego- ple, marpol v governs ocean dumping of
ries are as follows: Group 1, the agent is garbage.
carcinogenic to humans; Group 2A, the
agent is probably carcinogenic to humans; International Convention on Oil Pol-
Group 2B, the agent is possibly carcino- lution Preparedness, Response, and
genic to humans; Group 3, the agent is not Cooperation (OPRC) An international
classifiable as a carcinogen for humans; agreement, effective in 1995, to coordi-
Group 4, the agent is probably not carci- nate measures to prevent and respond to
nogenic to humans. These categories are oil spills from ocean vessels. The national
then used to formulate regulations con- parties to the convention are to prepare
cerning industrial and public exposures. and test oil spill response plans, pre-posi-
Publications include IARC Monographs tion oil spill cleanup equipment along

International Whaling Commission

their coasts, and establish means for joint lished in 1958 to coordinate regulation
response to major incidents. of ocean shipping, including the pre-
vention of marine pollution and spills
International Council for Science by ships. Web site: See
(ICSU) A multinational, multidisci- international convention for the
plinary program begun in 1931 to foster prevention of pollution from ships;
research in the natural sciences, including international convention on oil pol-
investigations into global environmental lution preparedness, response, and
change. Started the international geo- cooperation; marpol v.
sphere-biosphere programme in 1986.
Web site: International Organization for Stan-
dardization (ISO) A private group
International Council of Scientific dedicated to the cooperative definition of
Unions (ICSU) See international uniform standards, leading to the promo-
council for science. tion of international trade, expansion of
technology and communications, and eco-
International Environmental Informa- nomic development. Each of around 130
tion System (INFOTERRA) A part countries sends one representative body;
of earthwatch operated by the United the member from the United States is the
Nations Environment Program. The sys- american national standards insti-
tem, based in Nairobi, Kenya, provides a tute. ISO is not an acronym but is the
global network of information sources on prefix iso-, meaning “equal,” the stan-
environmental subjects. dardization sought in the group’s name.
Established in 1947, it has headquarters in
International Geosphere-Biosphere Geneva, Switzerland. See also iso 14000.
Programme An interdisciplinary pro- Web site:
gram begun in 1986 by the interna-
tional council of scientific unions International Register of Potentially
that supports research into the physical, Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) A service
biological, and chemical processes that that provides technical and regulatory
may be related to global change. Head- information on chemical hazards. Based
quarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Web site: in Nairobi, Kenya. Part of earthwatch operated by the united nations envi-
ronment program. Web site: www.
International Joint Commission
(IJC) A six-member panel established
by the 1909 Boundary Waters Treaty international system of units See si
between the United States and Canada to units.
cooperate in the management and pro-
tection of the rivers and lakes along the International Union for Conserva-
boundary between the two countries. tion of Nature and Natural Resources
Much of the commission’s work involves (IUCN) Known as the World Conser-
the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River Sys- vation Union, a nongovernmental agency
tem, which is the largest freshwater system of international scope that promotes
in the world, containing about one-fifth of measures to conserve wildlife and natural
the Earth’s freshwater. In recent years, the resources. Based in Gland, Switzerland.
IJC has added agreements on transbound- Web site: See red lists.
ary air pollution issues. Web site: www. International Whaling Commission
(IWC) A multinational group organized
International Maritime Organization in 1946 under the International Con-
(IMO) A United Nations agency estab- vention for the Regulation of Whaling.

Internet Geographical Exposure Modeling System

Purposes of the organization include the intertidal zone That area of coastal
conservation and development of whale land that is covered by water at high tide
populations, the support of research and uncovered at low tide.
relating to whales, and the collection of
information on current whale population intoxication A disorder caused by the
levels. Quotas and restrictions adopted by presence of some material (toxin) that
the commission are not enforceable but causes damage to the body. For example,
rely on self-regulation by member coun- botulism is caused by the presence of a
tries. In 1982 the commission adopted a toxin produced by certain bacteria (genus
moratorium on all commercial whaling to Clostridium) that grow in food.
be implemented by 1986, but Japan and
Norway continue to hunt whales, ignoring
the international ban. Based in Cambridge, intrinsically safe Describing instru-
England. Web site: ments or machinery designed to be used
safely in potentially combustible atmo-
Internet Geographical Exposure Mod- spheres.
eling System (IGEMS) A set of inter-
active online computer programs devel- invasive species Organisms living in
oped by the United States Environmental ecosystems outside their normal range
Protection Agency that are used to esti- that harm native species or threaten
mate human exposure to environmental human health or welfare. Nonnative spe-
contaminants. The programs include fate cies are introduced to new ecosystems
and transport models for chemicals in air, intentionally, as in the case of ornamen-
surface water, groundwater, or soil. geo- tal plants or exotic pets, or accidentally,
graphic information system features by regional or international trade. More
are incorporated into the package. IGEMS information is available at www.invasive-
replaced the Geographical Exposure Mod- Also see aquatic nui-
eling System. sance species.

interplanting An agricultural practice inverse square law The relation-

characterized by planting two or more ship describing the reduction in a physi-
crops, usually in alternating rows, to cal quantity (such as radiation or noise)
enhance pest control and land use. with increasing distance from a source.
The emitted quantity decreases by a fac-
interspecies extrapolation The appli- tor equal to 1 divided by the square of the
cation of toxicological data obtained from
distance from the source (1/d2).
one species to another species, most often
from laboratory animals to humans. See
inversion See temperature inversion.
scaling factors.

interstate waters Watercourses (e.g.,

lakes, streams, or rivers) that either form
the boundary between states or flow
from one state to another. These bodies
of water become important when entities
in an upstream state discharge pollutants
that violate standards in the downstream

interstices Pore spaces in soil or rock.

interstitial water Water in the pore

spaces in soil or rock.


invert The bottom of a pipe or duct. resin, thus releasing (being exchanged for)
sodium ions.
inverted siphon A section of a sewer
line that is placed deeper in the ground ionization The process by which an
than normal in order to pass under util- atom or molecule acquires an electric
ity piping, waterways, rail lines, or other charge (positive or negative) through
obstacles. The sewer line is raised again the loss or gain of electrons in a chemi-
after passing under the obstacle. Also cal reaction, in solution, or by ionizing
called a sag pipe. radiation.

in vitro In glass, outside an intact liv- ionization meter A device used to

ing organism. Refers to experiments that measure dose rates for beta radiation,
are conducted in petri dishes, test tubes, gamma rays, and x-rays. Ions are formed
and like apparatus. Chemical toxicity tests as the radiation passes through a gas-filled
performed in the laboratory using cell or chamber and are detected either by the
tissue cultures are in vitro tests. Compare electric current flow, if a constant volt-
in vivo. age is applied in the chamber, or by the
amount of discharge, if the chamber is
in vivo In a living organism. Experi- charged as a condenser and the ionization
ments performed inside living organisms, drains the charge away.
such as chemical toxicity tests that involve
the introduction of the tested substance ionizing radiation electromagnetic
into or on the body of an animal. Com- radiation or atomic particles capable of
pare in vitro. displacing electrons from around atoms
or molecules, thereby producing charged
ion An atom or molecule that carries a atoms or molecules or ions. The more
net charge (either positive or negative) as common types of ionizing radiation are x-
a result of an imbalance between the num- rays, gamma rays, alpha particles, and
ber of protons and the number of elec- beta particles.
trons present. If the ion has more electrons
than protons, it has a negative charge. If ionosphere The layer of the atmo-
the converse is true, the ion has a posi- sphere above the stratosphere, start-
tive charge. Ions with a positive charge ing about 80 kilometers from the surface
are called cations; ions with a negative of the Earth. Incoming solar radiation is
charge are called anions. sufficiently intense to cause the ionization
of the sparse gas molecules present at that
ion exchange The substitution of altitude.
one ion for another in certain sub-
stances. Either anion exchange or cat- irradiated food Food that is preserved
ion exchange is possible. In wastewater by exposure to gamma radiation at lev-
treatment, exchange sites on a resin col- els sufficient to kill bacteria and fungi;
umn remove ions from the water pass- used to enhance shelf life. The technol-
ing through. The most common cation ogy has been applied for decades to the
exchange involves the conversion of hard sterilization of medical implements and
water to soft water. Hard water con- in microbiology laboratories. Proponents
tains the divalent ions of calcium (Ca+2) note that irradiation saves energy needed
and magnesium (Mg+2), which cause soap for refrigeration and reduces the use of
and detergents to form gum precipitates chemical preservatives. Also called radia-
in water. A water softener consists of a tion sterilization; see gamma ray.
resin that is saturated with sodium ions
(Na+). As hard water percolates through irradiation The use of electromag-
the resin, the ions of calcium or magne- netic radiation in the ultraviolet, X-ray,
sium are removed as they attach to the or gamma range to promote medical


imaging or treatment, preservation of Natural flora and fauna are restricted to

food products, or specific chemical reac- smaller and smaller, unconnected areas.
tions. See irradiated food; radiation
sterilization. ISO 14000 The international orga-
nization for standardization guide-
irrigation The process of supply- lines for environmental management,
ing water to land that does not receive focusing on the activities of an organiza-
sufficient rainfall or rainfall that is not tion and their impact on the environment,
sufficiently frequent to allow for the including the production, use, and disposal
production of agricultural crops. The of products. Related to ISO 9000, which
environmental issues associated with is the international standard for quality
the process include evaporative losses of management in the production of goods
water leading to the accumulation of salts and services. Web site:
to such an extent that the land is no lon-
ger suitable for agricultural applications, isobar A line on a map (such as a
the depletion of groundwater resources, weather map) connecting points having
and the destruction of free-flowing surface the same barometric pressure.
waters and loss of wildlife habitats result-
ing from the construction of dams and res- isoconcentration Indicating samples
ervoirs needed to maintain the supply of that have the same concentration of
water. some chemical. A line on a map or other
diagram connecting sampling locations
irrigation return flow Field runoff of from which equivalent concentration
agricultural irrigation water; this water is
data are obtained as a result of monitor-
excluded by statute from the definition of
ing of the quantity of some constituent
solid or hazardous wastes and from the
in an environmental medium (air, water,
permit requirements of the clean water
soil) across a defined geographical area.
See isopleth.
irritant Any material that causes an
inflammatory reaction in skin or mucous isokinetic sampling In sampling air
membranes, resulting in reddening, swell- contaminants inside a stack, the main-
ing, soreness, or other physical discomfort. tenance of the same air velocity in the
sample probe inlet as in the exhaust gas
irruptive growth A pattern of growth carried by the stack. Otherwise, the sam-
in a population of organisms character- ple will underestimate or overestimate the
ized by a rapid increase in numbers fol- pollutant concentration in the stack gas.
lowed by a sharp decline. The number of
individuals oscillates widely through boom isomer A chemical compound (usually
and bust cycles. organic) that has the same molecular for-
mula as another compound but a different
island biogeography The study of molecular structure and therefore differ-
the rates of colonization and extension ent chemical and physical properties. For
of species on islands or similarly isolated example, butane and isobutane both have
regions. Because most islands are relatively the molecular formula C4H10, but they
small and have restricted flora and fauna, have a different arrangement of the car-
numbers of organisms can fluctuate dra- bon and hydrogen atoms.
matically over time, especially when new
species are introduced. isopleth A line on a map connecting
points at which a certain variable has the
island effects The reduction in species same value, for example, a ring around a
diversity caused by restriction of the size smokestack connecting locations with equal
of natural habitat by land development. estimated ambient air concentrations.

Izaak Walton League of America

the same atomic number) but a differ-

ent number of neutrons. Consequently,
isotopes have different atomic masses and
different nuclear properties. For example,
carbon 12, carbon 13, and carbon 14 all
have six protons (therefore an atomic
number of 6) but have six, seven, and eight
neutrons, respectively. Each form behaves
as carbon in chemical reactions; how-
ever, carbon 14 is radioactive (unstable),
whereas the other two isotopes are not.

isotropic Displaying equal properties

in all directions. For example, isotropic
atmospheric pressure at a point six feet
above the ground is equal in all directions:
up, down, left, right, and all points in
isotherm 1. A line on a map connecting between.
points having the same measured or aver-
age temperature. 2. A curve showing the itai-itai disease A disease characterized
changes in a variable while held at a given by kidney dysfunction, bone deformities,
temperature. For example, adsorption and bone pain that is caused by long-term
isotherms show the amount of pollutant excessive cadmium exposure. The name
adsorbed per mass of adsorbing material is Japanese for “ouch-ouch,” because the
compared to the amount (concentration) symptoms were noted in a group of Japa-
of the pollutant left in water or air at equi- nese with high cadmium doses resulting
librium. from the consumption of rice and soy-
beans grown in soil contaminated by cad-
isotonic In marine biology, describing mium emissions from mining operations.
an organism having the same osmotic
pressure in its cells or tissues as the water Izaak Walton League of America
in which it resides. Conservation organization, founded in
1922; it has 50,000 members in over 330
isotope Atom of a single element that local chapters in the United States. Web
has the same number of protons (hence site:


Jackson turbidity unit (JTU) A unit yellowing of the skin and eyes. Exposure
that expresses the cloudiness (turbidity) of humans to toxic substances that dam-
of water; the measure is related to the age the liver can result in this condition.
distance through water that light can be
seen by the unaided eye. The measurement J curve A graphical representation of
apparatus, a candle turbidimeter, consists a population undergoing exponential
of a glass tube with a candle aligned under growth.
it. Water is added to the glass tube until
the light of the candle cannot be seen; a Johannesburg Summit See world
light path of 2.3 centimeters (cm) equals summit on sustainable development.
1000 JTUs, one of 21.5 cm (clearer water)
equals 100 JTUs, and so on (the scale is joint and several liability The legal
nonlinear). Named for D. D. Jackson, principle, held by the courts to apply to
who, together with G. C. Whipple, pub- hazardous waste site cleanups under
lished the method in 1900. the comprehensive environmental
response, compensation, and liability
jar test A laboratory testing procedure act (CERCLA), that allows one party to
most frequently used in conjunction with be held responsible for an entire liability
the processing of raw water for distribu- if that party contributed to the liability in
tion into a water supply, which also has part. Thus, a hazardous waste generator
applications in the treatment of wastewa- with waste at a CERCLA site, a former
ter prior to discharge. Often both systems owner or operator of the disposal facil-
use a coagulation agent to promote the ity, or a transporter that chose the facil-
settling of suspended matter in the water. ity can be sued by the U.S. EPA for the
Using drinking water as an example, the full cost of cleanup at a hazardous waste
laboratory test is done to determine the site used by many disposers. This prin-
optimal concentration of the coagulation ciple does not prevent the party held to
aid, commonly aluminum sulfate (alum). be jointly and severally liable from legally
The testing device is a unit that can hold pursuing other parties for their share of the
and stir six containers (“jars”). The same cleanup. See arranger liability; con-
amount of water is placed in each con- tribution rights; cost recovery; de
tainer, varying amounts of coagulation micromis; de minimis; innocent land-
agent added, the six mixtures stirred, and owner; potentially responsible party.
the contents in the test containers allowed
to settle. The container that demonstrates joule (J) A unit of energy. In the SI sys-
the most efficient accumulation of particu- tem, the unit equal to the work done by a
late material indicates the optimal concen- force of one newton over a distance of one
tration of coagulant to be applied. meter in the direction of the force (1 J =
1 Nm). Also equal to 0.239 calorie, or
jaundice A condition caused by the 9.484 × 10–4 British thermal unit (BTU).
presence of abnormal amounts of biliru-
bin, an end product of hemoglobin metab- junk science The term applied to the
olism, in the blood and characterized by a incorrect use or application of scientific

juvenile hormones

data or principles, usually to influence metamorphosis that maintain the insect in

either a judicial outcome or a public policy a certain stage in its life cycle; once the
relating to human health or the environ- hormone is no longer secreted, maturation
ment. For more, visit www.junkscience. occurs. Synthesized versions of species-
com. specific juvenile hormones are applied to
growing crops to prevent a particular pest
juvenile hormones Organic com- species from maturing and reproducing,
pounds produced by insects undergoing thus controlling the pest.


karst A geological formation consisting 25–50 times and it is a potential source of

of porous limestone that may contain cav- fuel, the high extraction and environmen-
erns and groundwater deposits. The mate- tal costs have prevented exploitation.
rial is sensitive to lowering of the water
table in periods of drought and to the keystone species A single kind of
withdrawal of groundwater, possibly lead- organism or a small collection of differ-
ing to the collapse of the deposit with the ent kinds of organisms that occupy a vital
appearance of major sinkholes at the ecological niche in a given location. The
surface above. disappearance of these kinds of organisms
would have negative consequences within
katabatic wind On the local scale, a the entire assemblage in a particular locale.
wind blowing down a slope, usually at Cannot be lost without major consequences
night; caused by the air above the slope to the whole. See community, species.
cooling faster than the air above the lower
valley or lowland. The cooler, denser air kilocalorie (kcal) 1,000 calories; 1 kcal
flows down. Also called mountain breeze = 1 dieter’s calorie, the unit applicable to
or down valley wind. Compare anabatic indicate caloric content of food.
kilogram (kg) The SI unit of mass. One
kelvin (K) The SI unit of tempera- kilogram, or 1,000 grams, equals about
ture. Zero kelvin is absolute zero, and 2.205 pounds.
an interval of 1 K is equal to one degree
on the Celsius scale and 1.8 degrees on kilopascal 1,000 pascals; a common
the Fahrenheit scale; 0° Celsius equals unit for pressure measurements. One kilo-
273.15° K. pascal equals 4.02 inches of water, 0.145
pound per square inch, or 7.5 millimeters
Kepone A chlorinated hydro- of mercury.
carbon insecticide that is persistent in
the environment. The agent was banned kiloton A unit of explosive energy
in 1976 after a number of workers in a applied to nuclear weapons; equal to
Kepone manufacturing unit in Virginia 1,000 tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT).
fell ill and fish in the nearby James River
were found to contain unsafe levels. Also kilowatt (kW) A unit of power, which
referred to as chlordecone. is energy used per time, equal to 1,000
watts. Since one watt equals one joule
kerogen A solid hydrocarbon embedded per second, a kilowatt equals 1,000 joules
in subsurface rock formations. (Sometimes per second. See kilowatt-hour.
erroneously called oil shale; it is a solid,
not liquid oil, and the rock is not shale.) kilowatt-hour (kWh) A unit of elec-
The largest known deposits are in parts of trical energy equal to 1,000 watt-hours,
Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. Although or a power demand of 1,000 watts (e.g.,
kerogen deposits are estimated to exceed 10 100-watt incandescent lightbulbs) for
proven oil reserves in the United States by one hour. The equivalent of 3.6 million


joules. Utility rates are typically expressed occurring and pollutant gases and parti-
in cents per kilowatt-hour. cles; expressed as
Lv = ,
kinematic viscosity The viscosity of bext
a fluid divided by its mass density (mass where bext is the extinction coefficient.
per unit volume). Units are length squared If the extinction coefficient has units of
divided by time (e.g., square meters per 1/kilometer, then the visual range is in
second). The values are also expressed in kilometers.
centistokes, or 1 x 10–6 square meter per
second. kraft paper Paper prepared by the
kraft process, which involves the cook-
kinetic energy (K or EK) The energy ing of wood chips (commonly from pine)
inherent in a substance because of its with a sodium sulfide–sodium hydroxide
motion, expressed as a function of its liquor. The natural-finished product is a
velocity and mass, or MV2/2. brown paper from which corrugated boxes
are produced. Substantially different from
kinetic rate coefficient See rate con- newsprint and similar grades of paper
made by a mechanical pulping process.
Kirchhoff’s law The physical law
kraft process Technology based on the
stating that for a given temperature, the
use of a sodium sulfide–sodium hydroxide
absorptivity and emissivity of a sub-
liquor to release the cellulose fibers for
stance for a certain wavelength of radiation
the preparation of pulp for the manufac-
are equal. Named for the German physicist
ture of kraft paper. Associated with the
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824–87).
odor characteristic of paper mills because
Kjeldahl nitrogen The amount of of the release of reduced sulfur com-
nitrogen contained in organic material pounds into the atmosphere.
as determined by a method based on the
digestion of the sample in a sulfuric acid– kriging A technique for the analysis
based reagent that converts the nitroge- of the spatial variability of data; used
nous organic material to carbon dioxide, in the study of disease incidence. See
water, and ammonia. Subsequently, the clustering.
ammonia is quantified. Named for Johann
Kjeldahl (1849–1900). krill Small crustaceans that are abun-
dant and form an important part of the
knock-out tray A device designed to food chain in Antarctic waters; a possi-
capture the majority of solids, droplets, ble source of human dietary protein, either
and mists carried over from a scrubber. directly or via animal feed. The effect of
large-scale harvesting of krill on ocean
knot A unit of velocity equal to one food chains is unknown.
nautical mile per hour or approximately
1.15 statute miles per hour. A nautical K-selected A type of reproductive
mile equals 1,852 meters, or 6,072 feet. strategy of a species that allocates a
relatively high proportion of available
known resources resources that have energy to the maintenance and survival
been identified as to type, quantity, and of individual members of the species
location. rather than to more reproduction. The
number of such organisms in a defined
Koschmieder’s relationship An equa- area does not tend to increase beyond
tion that gives the visual range (Lv) in the the capacity of the environment to sup-
atmosphere, using estimates for the scat- port the species. Compare r-selected.
tering and absorption of light by naturally See k-strategist.


K-strategist A type of animal that See also f waste; hazardous waste; p

produces small numbers of offspring and waste; u waste.
spends relatively large parental time and
energy caring for those offspring. K-strat- Kyoto Protocol A 1997 agreement (part
egists have large bodies, long life spans, of the United Nations framework con-
and mature slowly. See k-selected. Com- vention on climate change) among 160
pare r-strategist. nations to reduce emissions of greenhouse
gases below 1990 levels by 2012. Develop-
kwashiorkor Malnutrition caused by ing nations, including China and India, are
protein deficiency although caloric intake exempt. Industrialized countries may meet
is adequate. In the absence of famine, the their reduction targets through refores-
disorder is usually seen in one- to three- tation, and nations are allowed to trade
year-old children in very poor areas as a greenhouse gas emission credits (i.e., docu-
result of premature weaning. Character- mented reductions exceeding targeted lev-
ized by retarded growth, hair loss, and els may be sold to other countries). For the
accumulation of fluids in the abdominal full text of the protocol visit http://unfccc.
area. Compare marasmus. int/resource/docs/convkp/kpeng.html. See
also cap and trade; carbon cycle; car-
K waste Material from specific sources bon sink; carbon tax; deforestation;
defined as listed hazardous waste by global warming; global warming
the U.S. EPA in the code of federal potential; greenhouse effect; trad-
regulations, Title 40, Part 261.32. able emission allowance.


Ln An expression indicating how often a materials in wastewater. These ponds

certain sound level is equaled or exceeded, allow for the settling and subsequent
when n equals percentage of the measure- anaerobic mineralization of particulate
ment time; a summary statistic to describe matter and for the aerobic decomposi-
noise levels. For example, L70 = 55 dBA tion of dissolved constituents. Often aera-
means that 70% of the noise measure- tion devices that agitate the contents of
ments in an area were at or above 55 dBA the pond are added to enhance the activi-
(decibels, a-weighting network). ties of aerobic bacteria.

laboratory blank An artificial sample, lag phase The period following the
usually distilled water, introduced to a inoculation of a growth medium with a
chemical analyzer to observe the response culture of bacteria. Some time is required
of the instrument to a sample that does for the organism to adjust to the new envi-
not contain the material being measured. ronment; during this interval there is no
The blank can also detect any contamina- increase in the number of bacteria per unit
tion occurring during laboratory process- volume of culture fluid. See death phase;
ing of the sample. log phase; stationary growth phase.

lab pack A container containing labo- laminar flow Smooth, nonturbulent

flow of a fluid (water, air) in a pipe or
ratory waste, often in numerous individual
around obstacles. Compare turbulent
packages with a wide variety of individual
flow. See also reynolds number.
compounds, complicating proper treat-
ment and disposal.
land application A method for the
disposal of treated domestic wastewater.
laccolith A geological structure formed The wastewater, which has been subjected
when magma is injected between layers of to primary treatment and secondary
sedimentary rock to form a lens-shaped treatment as well as disinfection to kill
body that forces the upper layer of rock or inactivate dangerous microorganisms,
to bulge upward. The result is a domelike is sprayed over the ground to remove
structure in an otherwise flat terrain when plant nutrients and promote the growth
viewed from the surface. of vegetation. A type of tertiary treat-
ment. Compare land farming.
lacrimator An air contaminant that
causes eye tearing upon excessive expo- land ban See land disposal ban.
sure; this type of contaminant is often
present as an ingredient in photochemi- land breeze The land-to-sea surface
cal air pollution (smog), such as per- wind that occurs in coastal areas at night.
oxyacetylnitrate (PAN). The wind is caused by the rising of the air
above the ocean, which is warmer than the
lacustrine Pertaining to lakes, as in land because of the rapid cooling of the
lacustrine environment. land after sunset. Compare sea breeze.

lagoon A pond used for the stabili- land disposal ban A process initiated
zation and decomposition of organic by the United States Congress under the

land disposal restrictions

hazardous and solid waste amend- Landsat satellite Short for land satel-
ments of 1984. The land disposal of spe- lite, a series of Earth resources observation
cific hazardous wastes was prohibited satellites that have collected data since the
automatically unless the U.S. EPA ruled early 1970s. The Landsats have produced
that the disposal ban was unnecessary to multiwavelength scanner data useful for
protect human health and the environment agricultural management, mapping of
and issued treatment standards for the soil associations, oil exploration, flood
wastes. The process included a schedule of plain mapping, water quality and water
phased restrictions on the following types resource tracking, air pollutant sensing,
of wastes, in the following order: bulk weather observation and prediction, and
liquid hazardous wastes or hazardous natural resource management.
wastes containing free liquids; dioxin-
containing wastes and spent solvents; landscape ecology The study of the
california list wastes; and all remain- patterns of community and ecosystem
ing listed hazardous waste or known distributions within a defined geographi-
hazardous wastes in three separate groups cal area and of the ecological processes
(known as the first third, second third, and that influence changes in these patterns
third third). The U.S. EPA has published over time. The ways in which territorial
treatment standards that allow many of history shapes the features of the land and
these named wastes to be disposed of in organisms that inhabit a region.
landfills. See hammer provision; soft
hammer. landscape indicator A measure used
to describe spatial patterns of land use
land disposal restrictions Rules devel- within a defined geographic area. Data
oped by the U.S. EPA that require hazard- are derived from maps, remote-sensing
ous waste to be treated before disposal in information, or other sources to describe
a landfill to destroy or immobilize dan- such phenomena as forest fragmentation,
gerous substances that have the potential grassland cover, and wetland loss.
to migrate into soil and groundwater. See
land disposal ban. land treatment See land farming.

land farming A technique for the bio- Langelier index An expression of the
degradation and disposal of organic ability of water to dissolve or deposit cal-
waste that involves the mixture of waste cium carbonate scale in pipes. The index
sludge and soil. Microorganisms in the soil is important in industrial water systems,
degrade the organic wastes. The biodegra- where the formation of scale or sludge
dation is enhanced by tilling the soil-waste can cause equipment or process failure.
mixture to ensure adequate oxygen and the The index is calculated from direct mea-
control of moisture content, nutrient levels, surements of the following in the water
and soil pH. Compare land application. system: pH, alkalinity, calcium concen-
trations, total dissolved solids, and
landfill An area where solid or solidi- temperature. A positive value indicates
fied waste materials from municipal or a tendency to form scale, and a negative
industrial sources are buried. See sani- value means the water will dissolve scale
tary landfill. and may be corrosive. Named for W. F.
Langelier, who devised the index in 1949.
landfill gas Gas produced by the Also called the stability index.
decomposition of organic material in
a landfill. About half of the gas emerg- langley (ly) A unit expressing the quan-
ing from a landfill is methane, a source tity of electromagnetic radiation
of heating fuel if safely collected and a received or emitted by a unit area of sur-
fire/explosion hazard if present within its face. One langley equals one calorie per
flammable range. square centimeter. The rate of solar inso-

leachate collection system

lation for a point on the surface of the removed by leaching. The land is hard
Earth perpendicular to the rays of the Sun and unsuitable for agricultural use.
is about 1.3 langleys per minute; at the
upper reaches of the atmosphere, this per- lava Melted rock flowing downslope
pendicular insolation is 2.0 langleys per from fractures or fissures in the crust.
minute, also called the solar constant. Commonly associated with magma and
volcanoes. Lava contains a mixture of
lapse rateSee adiabatic lapse rate; solids, liquids, and gases and varies in
environmental lapse rate. temperature and viscosity. See basaltic
eruption; silicic eruption.
large-quantity generator A facility that
produces more than 2,200 pounds of haz- lava tube A structure formed when free-
ardous waste per month or more than flowing basaltic lava cools and solidifies
2.2 pounds of an acutely hazardous waste at the margins of the flow while maintain-
(see 40 cfr 261.30) per month. Such loca- ing an inner core of molten liquid material
tions are subject to all provisions of the that moves through the solidified exterior.
resource conservation and recovery
act. See small-quantity generator. law of the minimum See liebig’s law
of the minimum.
latency See latent period.
laws of ecology Axioms for environ-
latent heat See latent heat transfer. mental protection such as (1) everything
is connected to everything else; (2) every-
latent heat transfer The removal or thing must go somewhere; (3) nature
addition of heat when a substance changes knows best; (4) there is no such thing as
state. In the environment, this almost a free lunch; (5) man’s impact on the envi-
always refers to the release of heat from ronment is a function of population, afflu-
water upon condensation and the absorp-
ence, and technology. Variously attributed
tion of heat by water upon evaporation.
to Barry Commoner, garrett hardin,
See heat of vaporization.
Robert Heinlein, and others.
latent period The time between exposure
leachate Water that has migrated
to a dangerous substance or radiation and
through and escaped from a waste dis-
the development of a disease or pathologi-
posal site. The fluid contains dissolved
cal condition resulting from that exposure.
and suspended material extracted from the
late-onset Describing diseases with a waste and soil.
long latent period.
leachate collection system An arrange-
lateral A municipal wastewater drain ment of reservoirs and pipes underlying a
pipe that connects a home or business to a
branch or main.

lateral expansion Any horizontal expan-

sion of the area that will receive municipal
solid waste at an existing landfill; such an
expansion is considered a new unit by fed-
eral regulations and must meet the (usually
more stringent) standards that apply to new

lateritic soil Land that consists of min-

erals that are rich in iron and aluminum
compounds; other minerals have been


waste disposal site. The system is designed each gallon of petroleum motor fuel sold,
to accumulate and remove leachate, water generating about $70 million per year.
that migrates through the waste.
Le Châtelier’s principle A principle of
leaching The process by which soluble dynamic equilibrium stating that a change
materials are washed out and removed in one or more factors that maintain equi-
from soil, ore, or buried waste. librium conditions in a system will cause
the system to shift in a direction that will
leaching field The area of land into work against or adjust to the change(s),
which a septic tank drains. The waste- with a resulting reestablishment of equi-
water exiting the tank is dispersed over librium conditions. For example, assume
and percolates through a defined area of the concentrations of gaseous oxygen in
land. the atmosphere and dissolved oxygen
in a stream are in equilibrium at a cer-
lead (Pb) A toxic metal present in air, tain temperature. As oxygen dissolves
food, water, soil, and old paint. Overex- in water, heat is released. If an outside
posure to this metal can cause damage influence (e.g., sunlight) raises the water
to circulatory, digestive, and central ner- temperature in the stream, this shifts the
vous systems. Children less than six years equilibrium back in the direction of lower
old are considered the most susceptible. dissolved oxygen and greater atmospheric
Atmosphere levels have dropped sharply oxygen, and oxygen escapes from the
with the phaseout of leaded gasoline. Lead water. As a result, at higher water temper-
in air, water, and food is regulated by the atures, equilibrium concentrations of dis-
clean air act; clean water act; safe solved oxygen are lower. Named for the
drinking water act; food, drug, and French chemist Henri-Louis Le Châtelier
cosmetic act; and other environmental (1850–1936).
statutes. See pica; tetraethyl lead.
Legionella pneumophila The bacte-
lead agency 1. The federal administra- rium that causes legionellosis (or Legion-
tive agency responsible for supervising naires’ disease), so named because of
the preparation of an environmental the association of the organism with an
impact statement when more than one outbreak of pneumonia during a con-
agency is involved in the process. 2. The vention of the American Legion in 1976.
federal or state agency represented by the The organism can be isolated from many
on-scene coordinator in a response terrestrial and aquatic habitats and is a
action to a spill or leak of a hazardous common inhabitant of cooling towers of
substance. air-conditioning systems. The disease is
spread to humans via the aerosols gener-
leaking underground storage tank ated from cooling towers and other water
trust fund (LUST trust fund) Es- sources. Legionellosis is a pneumonia
tablished by a 1986 amendment of the characterized by malaise, myalgia, fever,
resource conservation and recov- headache, and respiratory illness.
ery act, the fund is used to pay for any
required cleanup of leaks from petroleum Legionnaires’ disease See legionella
underground storage tanks for which pneumophila.
responsible parties cannot be identified.
(If solvent owners can be found, they pay legislative history The committee
for the cleanup.) The fund was created reports, congressional debates, committee
because the comprehensive environ- prints, and any other supplemental docu-
mental response, compensation, and ments pertaining to an enacted federal
liability act excludes petroleum. The statute. The material is used by adminis-
money is collected from a 0.1-cent tax on trative agencies in formulating regulations

lethal dose

based on the law and by courts in review- in decibels of the ith sample, and ti is
ing the intent of the law. the fraction of the total time for the ith
sample. For example, if three 10-minute
legume A plant that produces a seed in sound measurements are 50, 40, and 75
a pod, such as a bean plant. This type of decibels, then the equivalent 30-minute
plant is important in the symbiotic fixa- continuous sound is 70.2 decibels. Note
tion of atmospheric nitrogen, during which that the value of the Leq is influenced
nitrogen gas from the air is converted to a greatly by high sound levels.
form of nitrogen found in protein. The
conversion requires the combined efforts less developed country Used to
of the plant and bacteria belonging to the describe a country that is characterized
genus Rhizobium. Legumes are in turn by scarce industrial development, low per
important sources of nitrogen for humans. capita income, high birth rate, rapid pop-
See nitrogen fixation. ulation growth, and low levels of techno-
logical progress.
Lemna gibba The genus and species
name of a small, stemless, free-floating lethal concentration, low (LCLO)
plant used in experiments to determine the The lowest concentration of a chemical
toxicity of pollutants to aquatic plant life. substance that has caused death in humans
The species is found in still waters con- or animals within a certain period after
taminated with sewage. Commonly called exposure. The term, which usually refers
duckweed. to air concentrations, is also used to define
the lowest water concentrations causing
lender liability The potential, under death of aquatic organisms during toxicity
the comprehensive environmental tests. See lethal concentration—50%.
response, compensation, and liability
act, for a bank, if it forecloses on a mort- lethal concentration—50% (LC50) The
gage or lien or otherwise acts in a defined concentration of a chemical substance that
management capacity over the property, causes death in 50% of the test organisms
to be held liable for a hazardous waste within a specified period after exposure.
cleanup on the property. The expression usually refers to air con-
centrations, but the term is used to define
lentic water The standing water of water concentrations causing a 50% death
ponds, lakes, swamps, or marshes. Com- rate in aquatic organisms during the test-
pare to lotic water. ing of chemicals for toxicity in aquatic
environments. Usually expressed in units
Leopold, Aldo (1887–1948) Ameri- such as parts per million or micrograms
can author Aldo wrote A Sand County per cubic meter if air concentrations.
Almanac (1949, posthumous), in which he Commonly used water concentration units
argued that modern humans’ relationship are milligrams per liter or micrograms per
with the land, one of ownership and use, liter. The term can be modified to define
was fatally flawed and should be replaced a lethal concentration for 25% of the test
with a “land ethic” of respect and har- organisms (LC25), and so on. The LC50
mony. See is also referred to as the mean or median
lethal concentration.
Leq A calculated value of a continuous
sound level that equals, in total energy, a lethal dose (LD) The absorbed amount
combination of different sound levels dur- of a chemical agent sufficient to cause
ing a period. The value is expressed as death. The inclusion of a subscript num-
L eq = 10 log ∑ 10Li / 10 ti , ber with the LD designation indicates the
i=1 percentage of the exposed population that
where N is the total number of sound dies within a certain period as a result of
measurements, Li is the sound level the exposure. For example, LD50 indicates

lethal dose, low

a 50% fatality rate. See lethal dose— be potentially hazardous. The LOC var-
50%. ies with acute or chronic toxicity and the
nontarget species.
lethal dose, low (LDLO) The lowest
dose of a chemical introduced by any licensed material Any material that con-
exposure route other than inhalation tains 0.05% or more of uranium or tho-
that has caused death in humans or ani- rium, enriched uranium, or by-products
mals within a certain interval after expo- of nuclear reactors and that must be
sure. A common unit is milligrams of licensed by the federal government for use,
the chemical per kilogram body weight transport, or processing. See enrichment.
of test subjects. See lethal concentra-
tion, low. lichen Plants that result from a sym-
biotic relationship between algae and
lethal dose—50% (LD50) The amount fungi. These composite growths are found
of chemical, usually expressed as milli- on the surfaces of trees, stones, or other
grams of the chemical per kilogram body structures exposed to the air and represent
weight, that causes death in one-half of the most common example of mutualis-
the exposed organisms. Also called the tic relationships of microorganisms. The
median lethal dose. uptake of air pollutants by lichens has
been employed as an indicator of the level
of air pollution.

Liebig’s law of the minimum The

ecological principle that the existence,
abundance, or distribution of a popula-
tion is limited by the essential physical
or chemical factor that is in shortest sup-
ply relative to the level required by the
organisms. The one physical or chemical
requirement restricting the growth of a
population is called the limiting fac-
tor. First proposed by Justus von Liebig
in 1840. Liebig was a German chemist

life cycle analysis A study of the envi-

ronmental costs, in terms of resource and
energy use, throughout the manufacture,
use, and disposal of a product. A system
leukemia Cancers of the blood-forming to assess the total impact of some product
tissues, characterized by the overproduc- on the environment.
tion of white blood cells and their pre-
cursors. Excessive exposure to ionizing life cycle assessment See life cycle
radiation or benzene is associated with analysis.
an increased leukemia risk.
life cycle of a product All stages in
level of concern (LOC) 1. In hazards the development, manufacture, marketing,
analysis, the air concentration of chem- use, and ultimate disposal of a product.
ical above which acute irreversible health
effects may occur over short exposure life expectancy Usually used as the life
times. See extremely hazardous sub- expectancy at birth, which is the average
stance. 2. In pesticide regulation, a risk age that a newborn can be expected to
quotient that, if exceeded, is deemed to attain. The period is strongly influenced

light-water reactor

by the rate of infant mortality. Life expec- tion to allow for further gravity trans-
tancy at an age other than birth is the port. Such facilities are required in areas
average number of remaining years before with flat topographic features.
death, which is a function of age, geog-
raphy, sex, race, occupation, diet, health light-and-dark bottle technique A
status, and personal habits, inter alia. method used to determine the extent of
photosynthesis in an aquatic ecosystem.
life span The longest period of life com- Duplicate portions of a water sample are
monly reached by a type of organism. For collected. One portion is incubated in a
example, a dog has a shorter expected life clear bottle, and the other is incubated in
span than a human. a dark, light-tight bottle. After incubation
for a prescribed period, the net uptake of
life-span study (LSS) The tracking of carbon dioxide in both is measured and
individuals and monitoring of their health compared. The difference between the two
status throughout their lifetime in an measurements represents a measure of
attempt to discover long-term effects of photosynthesis.
exposure to risk factors such as low doses
of ionizing radiation. light detection and ranging (LIDAR)
A technique employing high-intensity
life table A tabulation of vital statistics laser light to detect and track air pollut-
on a population in which members are ants released from industrial facilities. The
grouped by age. Information on the vari- pulses of laser light are reflected by the
ous age groups includes mortality rates aerosols in the atmosphere.
and life expectancy. See survivorship
curve. light green technology Applications
or innovations with unintentional but
lifetime exposure Either the total real environmental benefits. For example,
dose or the expected constant dose rate direct deposit of employee pay is conve-
per time unit (e.g., two grams per day) nient but also reduces traffic congestion
of a substance or condition that a person on paydays. Compare dark green tech-
would receive in a lifetime, usually calcu- nology.
lated on the basis of a life expectancy of
70 years. light nonaqueous phase liquid
(LNAPL) A liquid that is immiscible
lifetime risk The probability of an indi- with water and with a specific gravity
vidual’s dying of a specific cause or con- less than 1 (less dense than water). Com-
tracting a certain disease (such as cancer) mon petroleum fuels and lubricating oils
as a result of an assumed dose or constant are LNAPLs.
dose rate of a chemical or radiation during
70 years of life. light-water reactor (LWR) A nu-
clear reactor that uses ordinary water
lifetime risk ratio The probability of a as the coolant and moderator. The
person’s dying of a specific cause or con- core of the reactor, which contains the
tracting a disease as a result of an assumed uranium fuel and control rods, is totally
exposure to a chemical or radiation divided immersed in the water. Heat generated by
by the probability of an unexposed (but the fission of the uranium fuel raises the
otherwise similar) person’s dying of the temperature of the water, which is then
same cause or contracting the disease. pumped to heat exchangers for the pro-
duction of steam and subsequent genera-
lift A tier of landfill cells. tion of electricity. The process results in a
continuous transfer of heat from the reac-
lift station A pumping facility that tor to the outside. The water also func-
raises municipal sewage to a higher eleva- tions as a moderator to reduce the energy


level of neutrons released by the fission baseline concentration; prevention

process in order to allow some of the neu- of significant deterioration.
trons to promote additional fission events.
The light-water reactor is the most com- limited water-soluble substances Wa-
mon type of nuclear reactor operated in ter pollution chemicals that are soluble in
the United States. Compare heavy-water water at less than one milligram of sub-
reactor. stance per liter of water.

lignin A major macromolecular poly- limiting factor The dominant factor

mer contained in the woody structure of that restricts the continued reproduction
plants. The polymer is a random arrange- or spread of a particular species. The fac-
ment of phenylpropane subunits. biodeg- tor may be a physical constraint, such as
radation of lignin is slow and takes place light, or a chemical resource, such as an
only in aerobic environments. Lignins essential nutrient.
are important in the formation of humic
materials and the building of topsoil. limit of detection (LOD) The lowest
concentration of some substance that can be
lignite A type of coal, with the lowest assayed by using the technology available.
energy content of coals that are widely
used. Also called brown coal. limits of tolerance Minimal and max-
imal amounts of a required physical or
limestone A sedimentary geological chemical environment factor within which
deposit formed by the consolidation of a particular species can exist; an optimal
carbonate minerals that were formerly level, supporting the maximal number of
shells of living organisms. Heating of this organisms, lies within the tolerance limits.
mineral results in the formation of lime.
The mineral is used in the control of sulfur
limnetic zone The open water of
dioxide releases in industrial exhausts. See
a pond or lake supporting plankton
flue gas desulfurization.
growth. Compare to profundal zone.
limestone scrubbing See flue gas
limnology The study of inland bodies
of freshwater and the flora and fauna in
lime treatment 1. The addition of tech- those waters.
nical-grade calcium oxide powder (lime)
to acidic soils or surface water bodies to Lindane A commercial chlorinated
raise the pH. See acid deposition. 2. hydrocarbon insecticide that consists of
The addition of lime to chemical toilets, several isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane,
the pit of an outhouse, or animal yards to with the gamma isomer the primary active
“improve” the sanitary quality by control- agent. The chemical is a six-carbon, cyclic
ling odor, reducing fly infestations, and compound; however, lindane is not aro-
lowering the microbial load. matic. Lindane is persistent in the envi-
liming See lime treatment.
Lindeman, Raymond (1915–1942)
limited degradation 1. Slow or mini- American ecologist Lindeman wrote
mal biological, chemical, or physical “The Trophic-Dynamic Aspect of Ecol-
breakdown of a complex material into ogy,” the classic paper on ecosystem
simpler components. 2. Environmental energy flow through trophic levels,
policies that restrict the increase in envi- based on his study of Cedar Bog Lake,
ronmental concentrations of pollutants to Minnesota. The paper was published post-
certain levels over an area-specific base- humously in the October 1942 issue of
line level. See antidegradation policy; Ecology, after being initially rejected.

liquefied natural gas

linear accelerator A device for accel- where P(d) is the cumulative probability
erating charged subatomic particles in a of cancer at dose rate d, k is the num-
straight line. The device is used to study ber of stages, and q values are empirically
the structure of atoms. derived nonnegative coefficients.

linear alkyl sulfonate (LAS) A com- liner 1. In waste management, a bar-

mon surfactant used in detergents. bio- rier, usually consisting of a combination
degradable LAS replaced alkylbenzene of clay and plastic sheeting, installed in
sulfonate, another surfactant, when the an excavation or lagoon to prevent the
latter, which is not readily biodegradable, movement of contaminants into ground-
caused foaming discharges from municipal water. 2. In pollution prevention, an
sewage treatment plants. insert or sleeve placed inside old or dam-
aged sewer pipes to prevent the loss of
linear dose model A projection that wastewater.
postulates that the increase in risk associ-
ated with exposure to a dangerous sub- line source A roadway source of vehic-
stance or radiation is in direct proportion ular air pollutants. In the analysis of air
to the dose of that agent. contamination, pollutants are assumed to
be released at a constant rate along each
linear energy transfer (LET) A segment of the roadway.
measure of the loss of energy as ioniz-
ing radiation passes through tissue, lipid An organic compound found
expressed as the frequency of ionizing or produced in a living organism that is
events, or energy locally imported to the
insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar
tissue, per unit length of biological mate-
compounds. Synonym for fat. Lipids are
rial. x-ray and gamma rays are charac-
important constituents of the cell.
terized by low LET, since ionizing events
are widely spaced as the radiation passes
through cells, whereas alpha particles
lipid solubility The tendency of sub-
stances to dissolve in nonpolar solvents
and fast neutrons are described as
having high LET, since ionizing events and conversely to be insoluble in water.
are spaced closely together as they pass Substances that are lipid soluble tend to be
through cells. See also quality factor; absorbed readily and retained in the body,
relative biological effectiveness. whereas water-soluble substances tend to
be eliminated in the urine. See bioaccu-
linear growth See arithmetic
lipophilic Describing chemicals that
linearized multistage model A math- are fat soluble and therefore less likely
ematical method that uses the observed to be excreted from the body. water-
probability of tumor formation in animals soluble chemicals are eliminated more
following very high doses of a chemical readily.
to estimate the expected incidence of can-
cer for humans who will receive much liquefaction The conversion of a sub-
lower doses. The model incorporates the stance in the solid state into the liquid
assumption that a clinical cancer results state.
after progressing through several stages
and that cancer risk is proportional to liquefied natural gas (LNG) Natural
dose (a linear relation) at low exposures. gas, mainly methane and ethane, con-
One form of the model, for a fixed time of densed to a liquid state to reduce its vol-
exposure, is ume greatly for international transport
in specially designed refrigerated tanker
P(d) = 1 – exp{ – ∑ qi di},
i=0 ships. At the destination, the LNG is

liquefied petroleum gas

revaporized and introduced into a pipeline lations of environmental regulations. See

network. The facilities for liquefication, debarment.
transport, and revaporization are indus-
trial operations, and the public does not listed hazardous waste Chemical sub-
have direct access to LNG. Compare liq- stances or processes that produce chemical
uefied petroleum gas. substances defined as hazardous waste
by the U.S. EPA and published in the
liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) A liq- code of federal regulations, Title 40,
uid hydrocarbon fuel composed of con- Parts 261.31–261.33. Listed wastes are
densed propane and butane gases; the fuel identified in four categories: f waste, k
is stored and transported in pressurized waste, p waste, and u waste. A facility
tanks for distribution to public consum- producing hazardous waste is then regu-
ers that are not serviced by natural gas lated as a “generator”; these rules appear
pipelines. LPG is derived from hydrocar- in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title
bon fractions recovered in the refining of 40, Part 262. Special provisions apply for
crude oil and during some petrochemical small-quantity generators.
operations. Compare liquefied natu-
ral gas. listed waste See listed hazardous
liquid chromatography A technique
for the separation and analysis of higher-
listing site inspection (LSI) A more
molecular-weight organic compounds. See
extensive investigation at a potential
superfund site after the preliminary
assessment and site inspection (PA/
liquid injection incinerator A device
SI). The results of the PA/SI and the LSI
used to burn liquid wastes. destruction
are used to calculate a site score by using
and removal efficiency is improved by
the hazard ranking system. The score
using high pressures to create tiny droplets
that are introduced into the incineration determines whether the site is included on
chamber. See incineration. the national priorities list.

liquid-metal fast breeder reactor liter (l) A metric volume unit equiva-
(LMFBR) See breeder reactor. lent to 1,000 cubic centimeters. One liter
equals 1.057 quarts or 0.0353 cubic feet.
liquid scintillation counter See scin-
tillation counter. lithology The study of soil, sediment,
or rocks employing physical properties
liquor A liquid solution containing dis- such as grain size and texture.
solved substances. A concentrated solution
of process chemicals or raw materials added lithosphere The solid portion of the
to an industrial process. Compare slurry. crust of the Earth. Constitutes, together
See black liquor; mixed liquor. with the atmosphere, hydrosphere,
and biosphere, the ecosystem of the
list 1. In environmental regulation, to Earth.
add a chemical to a regulatory program.
For example, the U.S. EPA would list a lithotroph A type of bacteria capable
chemical as a criteria pollutant before of obtaining metabolically useful energy
writing a national ambient air quality from the oxidation of inorganic chemi-
standard for that pollutant. See delist- cals, chiefly ammonium, nitrite, iron, and
ing. 2. A slang term for the list maintained various forms of sulfur. These bacteria
by the U.S. EPA of facilities or firms pro- obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide,
hibited from participating in government as do the green plants. Compare auto-
contracts because they have excessive vio- troph and heterotroph.


litter fence A movable fence used at prepare asbestos management plans. See
sanitary landfills to catch blowing asbestos.
local emergency planning committee
Little Ice Age A cooler period during (LEPC) A committee formed under
the current interglacial, lasting from the state emergency response com-
about 1400 a.d. to 1850 a.d. mission as required by title iii of the
superfund amendments and reautho-
littoral An interface region between the rization act. The duties of the com-
land and a lake or the sea. mittee include the preparation of an
emergency response plan for the local
littoral zone The area of a lake or pond emergency-planning district, typically
close to the shore; includes rooted plants. a county, which includes the emergency
Compare profundal zone. response to accidental releases of toxic
chemicals that affect the public.
ln See natural logarithm.
locally undesirable land use (LULU)
load The amount of chemical material Any project or activity that has actual or
or thermal effluent released into a receiv- potential negative effects on residents in
ing stream by human or natural sources. its vicinity, such as a landfill, hazardous
See total maximum daily load. waste incinerator, smelting operation, air-
port, or freeway. See externality.
load allocation (LA) The portion of
the pollution load of a stream attribut- lodging The bending over of a cereal
able to human nonpoint sources. The crop that has grown too tall, damaging
amount of pollution from each point the grain, reducing yields, and/or making
source is the wasteload allocation. See the crop difficult to harvest. This prob-
total maximum daily load. lem is exhibited by native plant varieties
given large fertilizer applications. The new
loading 1. The air concentration of a high-yielding varieties possess dwarf
pollutant in a gas duct before entry into an genes that prevent lodging.
air pollution control device. 2. Synonym
for the pollution load of a stream. loess A type of soil characterized as an
unconsolidated deposit of fine, silty mate-
loading, acute toxicity test In the rial. These deposits are formed where
laboratory testing of pollutant toxicity to wind has deposited fine sands and silt.
aquatic biota, the ratio of the biomass of
the test species, in grams of wet weight, to lofting Describing a plume from a
the volume (liters) of the test solution used. smokestack that is being emitted above
a temperature inversion; the inver-
loading capacity See total maximum sion prevents dispersion of the stack gases
daily load. downward. Compare coning; fanning;
fumigation; looping; and trapping.
loam A type of rich soil consisting of
a mixture of clay, silt, sand, and organic logarithm (log) The value of the
material. exponent that a fixed number (the base)
must have to equal a given number. The
local education agency (LEA) Under logarithm is calculated as bx = y, where
the provisions of the asbestos hazard b is the base and x is the logarithm for
emergency response act, the public or a number, y. The base for the common
private school or school management unit logarithm is 10. For example, the loga-
that is required to inspect the school(s) for rithm of 100 is 2 since 102 = 100. Also
asbestos-containing material and to written as log10 100 = 2. The natural

logic tree

logarithm base is approximately equal stationary growth phase (cells stop

to 2.718282. dividing), and death phase (cells are
dying). Same as exponential phase.
logic tree See event tree; fault tree.

logistic curve A graphic representa-

tion resembling a flattened S (sigmoid
growth), obtained when certain phenom-
ena (e.g., population size for a species) are
plotted against time. The growth rate is
high at the beginning, reaches a maximum
during the early stages, starts to slow near
the center, and declines to zero at the end.
Compare exponential growth.

log-normal distribution In air pol-

lution data analysis, a distribution of
airborne particles that is a normal, bell-
shaped curve if the logarithm of the mid-
point of various particle size ranges is
plotted against the percentage of the total
mass in that size range (mass fraction). A
log-normal distribution also exists if the
graph of the particle sizes is a straight line London Dumping Convention The
when plotted against the mass percentage Convention on the Prevention of Marine
of the total particulate that is less than (or Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and
greater than) that size, on log-probability Other Matter, an international agreement
paper. designed to control pollution of the sea
by restricting dumping from oceango-
ing vessels. Primary attention is given to
hydrocarbons, wastes generated during
the operations of a ship at sea, and radio-
active materials.

London episode Extremely high lev-

els of air pollution present in London
for a week in December 1952. The par-
ticulate matter and sulfur dioxide
came from the chimneys of London, i.e.,
domestic space heating using coal. Air
concentrations rose to lethal levels from
the uncontrolled coal combustion and the
subsidence inversion that prevented
dilution of the pollutants. Around 4,000
excess deaths are attributed to the epi-
log phase That period during which sode, almost all victims being elderly and
growth (cell division) of bacteria is occur- chronically ill. See donora episode.
ring at a maximal rate. When bacteria are
placed in an environment suitable for their longitudinal study See cohort study.
growth, a pattern of increase in cell num-
bers that is typical of bacteria is observed. long-range transport The movement
The various phases of growth are lag of air contaminants as far as hundreds of
phase (a pause in cell division), log phase, miles downwind before their removal by

Love Canal

physical or chemical processes, especially developed independently by A. Lotka and

precipitation; such movement is consid- V. Volterra in the 1920s. The models pre-
ered to be a significant contributor to acid dict that, given two species living in the
deposition. same habitat and competing for the same
resources, only one species will survive;
long-term sampling A sample taken this is called the principle of competitive
over an extended period to determine the exclusion. By contrast, other predator-
average concentration of some constituent prey models predict fluctuating popula-
over the period represented by the sam- tions of predator and prey, without elimi-
pling process. See composite sample. nation of either.

long ton The British ton; 2,240 pounds. loudness The perceived intensity of
See short ton. a sound, which depends on the sound
pressure level (decibel level) and the
long wall mining Removing under- frequency of the sound. Both factors are
ground coal by cutting strips of coal all required in the determination of loudness
along a working face. Compare room- because the human ear is more sensitive to
and-pillar mining. higher frequencies.

longwave radiation Electromagnetic Love Canal The site of an extraordi-

energy with wavelength equal to or nary contamination case involving haz-
greater than that of infrared radiation; ardous waste. The episode represents a
often refers only to infrared radiation major hinge in history in that the outcome
emitted from the surface of the Earth. has profoundly altered the way all waste
is handled in the United States as well as
looping Describing the behavior of a the relationship between private citizens
plume from a smokestack being emitted and government at all levels. Love Canal
into unstable, turbulent atmospheric condi- Chemical Waste Landfill site was located
tions; causes short-term high concentrations on the eastern side of Niagara, New York,
downwind when the looping plume hits the close to the Niagara River. The canal was
ground. Compare coning; fanning; fumi- constructed in the 1890s by William T.
gation; lofting; and trapping. Love but never finished. The excavation
was later used by the city of Niagara for
loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) Po- placement of municipal solid waste
tentially one of the more serious accidents and by Hooker Chemical for disposal of
involving a nuclear reactor. Water used industrial waste from 1942 until 1953, at
to transfer heat from, and therefore cool, which time the property was transferred
the reactor core is lost from the vessel to the Niagara Falls Board of Education,
housing the reactor, resulting in melting of which built a school on the property. The
the core contents. See china syndrome; resurfacing of the waste, especially in
meltdown. the mid-1970s, led to the appearance of
adverse health effects among the residents,
lost-time accident Any injury occur- a long-running emotional controversy
ring on the job that requires the employee involving conflict between local residents
to miss the next scheduled work shift. and the state of New York, and ultimately
Used to calculate an accident rate. See the closing of the school and the buyout of
recordable injury. local residents. The nature of the conflict
contributed to the passage of amendments
lotic water The flowing water of rivers to the resource conservation and
and streams. Compare lentic water. recovery act, the comprehensive envi-
ronmental response, compensation,
Lotka-Volterra equations Mathemat- and liability act, and the creation of
ical descriptions of biological competition the hazardous substances superfund.

low-density polyethylene

See gibbs, lois marie. A 250,000-page pollutant (nonattainment area). The

archive of Love Canal documents is found at clean air act requires that the emission
http://ublib.buffalo.cou/libraries/projects/ rate be set as the most stringent emission
lovecanal. limitation in use for that pollutant and
type of facility.
low-density polyethylene (LDPE) A
plastic resin used in film plastics such as lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
grocery sacks and bread bags. (LOAEL) The lowest dose of a chemi-
cal or physical agent that causes a signifi-
low-emission vehicle (LEV) An auto- cant increase in the frequency or severity
mobile or light truck that meets emission of an adverse effect in an exposed popula-
restrictions more stringent than normal tion compared with an unexposed (con-
emission standards. The low-emissions trol) population.
standard requires that a vehicle demon-
strate a release of hydrocarbons that is lowest-observed-effect level (LOEL)
70% lower than that in standard allow- The lowest dose of a chemical or physi-
able emissions and a release of nitrogen cal agent that causes a significant bio-
oxides that is 50% lower than that of logical change in an exposed population
standard allowable emissions. National compared with an unexposed (control)
LEV standards have been drafted with population. The observed change is not
the cooperation of the states belonging necessarily deleterious. Compare lowest-
to the ozone transport commission, observed-adverse-effect level.
the U.S. EPA, environmental protection
groups, oil companies, and automobile low fence A hearing damage criterion
manufacturers. that equals a 25-decibel threshold for the
sound frequencies 500, 1,000, and 2,000
low-emissivity (low-E) window Win- hertz.
dow design and installation intended to
increase energy efficiency in homes and low-flow augmentation The release of
commercial buildings by lowering the reservoir water into a stream during peri-
amount of energy loss or gain through ods of low flow to maintain acceptable
windows. The windows inhibit the trans- dissolved oxygen levels. This practice is
mission of radiant heat while allowing not permitted as a water quality mainte-
passage of sufficient light. nance technique in the United States.

lower detectable limit (LDL) See low-head hydropower Small-scale

detection limit. systems designed to capture energy from
water retained behind dams that retain a
lower explosive limit (LEL) The air relatively small amount of water. There is
concentration of a gas or vapor below little difference in the water level behind
which the chemical will not burn or the dam and the water level in front of the
explode in the presence of a flame or other dam. This type of technology causes much
ignition source. Compare upper explo- less ecological damage to the environment
sive limit. than large dam projects.

lower flammable limit (LFL) Same as low-level radioactive waste (LLRW)

lower explosive limit. radioactive waste material with a
radiation intensity of less than 10 nano-
lowest achievable emission rate curies per gram. Such materials are com-
(LAER) The emission rate required for monly produced by hospitals and research
an air pollutant emitted by a new or modi- laboratories (examples include glassware,
fied source in an area that does not meet tubing, paper products, and gloves) and
the national ambient standard for that are not as dangerous as waste generated


in nuclear reactors. See high-level as a label for those who are wary of com-
waste. puters and other technological advances
or generally opposed to modern industrial
low-level waste (LLW) See low-level society.
radioactive waste.
Lurgi process A method for coal
low-quality energy Widely dispersed gasification developed in the 1930s
forms of energy, characterized by high dis- that mixes pulverized coal, oxygen, and
organization and lack of usability, as in steam under high pressure, producing
the heat lost from a mechanical operation. methane gas. The net effect is the con-
version of a solid fossil fuel to a gaseous
Luddite Term applied to an individual form, making distribution and use easier
who resists technological progress in favor for the consumer.
of what he or she considers protection of
the individual and of local environments. lymph nodes Small glands, located
One who challenges the legitimacy of sci- throughout the body (as in the neck, arm-
ence and technology and who opposes pits, and groin), containing large numbers
technological determinism. The term of lymphocytes, which are white blood
stems from the battle against power looms cells used to defend the body against bac-
in England during the early stages of the teria and viruses. Tumor cells that have
Industrial Revolution in the late 1790s and migrated from an original site of growth
early 1800s. The hero of the movement are frequently observed in these struc-
was Ned Ludd, variously described as a tures.
feebleminded man who smashed weaving
machinery and an imaginary hero who lymphoma Cancers of the lymphatic
led the battle to protect skills and liveli- tissue; such tumors are characterized by
hoods of craftsmen displaced by industrial the overproduction of cells that compose
development. In the modern context, the lymph nodes.
forebears of radical environmental and
environmental justice groups that question lysimeter A device for measuring loss
the exploitation of labor and the environ- of water vapor from soil covered with veg-
ment in the pursuit of profits. Often used etation. See evapotranspiration.


macroconsumer A class of heterotro- seen only with the aid of a microscope are
phic organism that ingests other organ- termed microscopic.
isms or particulate organic matter;
includes herbivores, carnivores, and mad cow disease See bovine spongi-
omnivores. Compare microconsumer. form encephalopathy.

macroion See polyelectrolyte. Mad Hatter’s disease A nervous sys-

tem disorder resulting from chronic expo-
macromolecule A large biological mol- sure to inorganic mercury compounds.
ecule composed of many smaller units, Affected individuals may experience exag-
such as polysacchadires, proteins, and gerated emotional responses, tingling sen-
dna. sations of the skin, mental disturbances, or
hallucinations. The term derives from the
macronutrient Chemical compound occupational exposure syndrome caused by
or element that an organism must obtain overexposure to the mercuric nitrate used
from the environment in relatively large to soften fur in the making of felt hats. See
quantities to sustain life functions. Plant also alkyl mercury; methyl mercury.
macronutrients include nitrogen, potas-
sium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and magma Molten rock found in the man-
magnesium. Compare micronutrient. tle, beneath the crust of the Earth. When
forced toward the surface, magma cools
macrophage See alveolar macro- and solidifies to become igneous rock.
magnet A naturally occurring or treated
macrophyte Generally, a plant spe- object almost always containing iron that
cies visible to the naked eye. Most often exhibits the elemental natural force of
describes rooted or free-floating aquatic magnetism. Magnets exert a magnetic
vegetation. field around them and can affect objects
within the field. The ends of magnets are
macropore Large, usually natural chan- called the north and south poles, because
nel in the Earth that allows the rapid move- if a bar magnet is allowed to turn freely,
ment of material from the surface to the the magnet will align itself with the mag-
subsurface without the need to migrate netic field of the Earth (from the iron
through the soil structure. Examples in- core). The like poles of magnets repel each
clude channels through geological strata other; a north pole and south pole attract
left from the rotting of roots from long- each other. The passage of an electric cur-
dead trees or cracks in the Earth from dry- rent through a conducting coil of wire sur-
ing or from seismic activity. These channels rounding an iron or steel core causes the
are of significance in the contamination of core to become a magnet while the current
groundwater. is flowing; this is the phenomenon used
to convert electrical energy to mechani-
macroscopic Capable of being seen cal energy in electric motors. If a magnet
with the naked eye. Items that can be is put in motion near a conducting coil

Malthus, Thomas Robert

of wire, then a current (electricity) is areas for the emitted pollutant with the
induced in the coil; that is the operating potential to emit as little as 10 tons per
principle of an electric generator. year.

magnetic field The area around a major source facility See major
magnetic pole or moving charge under source.
the influence of the forces exerted by the
magnet. major stationary source See major
magnetic separation Use of magnetic
devices to segregate ferrous metal from makeup air Outside air brought into a
other waste material so that the metal can building or room to make up for the air
be used in a recycling operation. exiting the space. Both the makeup air and
the exhaust air are usually moved by fans,
magnetohydrodynamic generation through ducts. Compare depressuriza-
(MHD generation) A theoretical con- tion (of structures).
cept for the recovery of a greater amount
of electricity from power plants that burn makeup water Water added to the flow
coal to generate electric energy. Potassium of water used to cool condensers in elec-
would be added to the hot gases produced tric power plants. This new water replaces
by the burning of coal. The extremely high condenser water lost during passage of the
heat (about 2,000°C) would result in the cooling water through cooling towers
ionization of the potassium, and the ions or discharged in blowdown.
would then be forced to move through a
magnetic field, generating an electric cur- malathion An insecticide of the organ-
rent. If successfully developed, the design ophosphate class. The agent is known
could double the efficiency of current coal- as a soft pesticide because of the rela-
burning power plants. tively quick degradation of malathion in
the environment. Likewise, malathion has
main A relatively large pipe in a dis- been shown to be less toxic to mammals
tribution system for drinking water or in than some of the more dangerous pesti-
a collection system for municipal waste- cides such as DDT and dieldrin.
malignant Describing a tumor that pro-
majors A regulatory designation applied duces cells that can migrate to new sites
by the u.s. epa to publicly owned treat- in the body where additional tumors can
ment works (municipal sewage treatment subsequently develop.
plants) serving at least 10,000 people,
receiving industrial wastewater and hav- malignant neoplasm A fast-grow-
ing approved pretreatment programs, ing tumor that invades other tissues and
or processing at least 1 million gallons of undergoes metastasis.
wastewater per day. (The average amount
of wastewater produced by each person is Malthus, Thomas Robert (1766–1834)
100 gallons per day.) Compare minors. British clergyman, economist Mal-
thus’s “Essays on the Principle of Popula-
major source Under the clean air tion” (first published in 1798; four sub-
act, a source with the potential to emit sequent editions expanded the argument)
more than 100 tons per year of a named famously stated that “population increases
air pollutant or, in the case of certain haz- in a geometric ratio, while the means of
ardous air pollutants (HAPs), 10 tons subsistence increases in an arithmetic
per year for one, 25 tons per year for any ratio.” Malthus thought that the human
combination of HAPs. Also, sources of population, unable to feed itself, would be
criteria pollutants in nonattainment held in check by famine, war, and disease.


In his later works, Malthus pleaded for Man and Biosphere program (MAB)
a voluntary “moral restraint” to reduce reserve A design initiated and encour-
population growth. See malthusian. aged by the United Nations for future
economic development of nature pre-
Malthusian An environmental phi- serves. The concept involves the division
losophy taking as a central dogma the of protected areas into multizone use; a
analysis developed by the English econo- highly protected core area is surrounded
mist and clergyman thomas malthus in by a buffer zone in which modest eco-
the late 18th century. Malthus proposed tourism is allowed, all of which are
that the human population would soon surrounded by a peripheral (transition)
exceed available agricultural resources, zone where human habitations and sus-
with a resulting catastrophic famine and tainable resource removal are permitted.
loss of human life as population levels The development of a forest under this
adjusted to the available food supply. philosophy would consist of a center sec-
The basic philosophy has been adopted tion, where the presence of humans is not
by those who believe that scarcity in nat- apparent and natural species are allowed,
ural resources will ultimately lead to cat- and a surrounding zone, into which some
astrophic failures in the world economy. human intervention would be permitted
Generally a core belief grounded in pes- for specified purposes that do not involve
simism concerning environmental issues. the removal of trees; all surrounded by a
Compare cornucopian and cornuco- zone where sustainable forestry practices
pian fallacy. See neo-malthusian. are allowed along with the development
of compatible modest housing. Over 350
mammalian selectivity ratio (MSR) biosphere reserves have been developed in
over 90 countries. Web site: www.unesco.
A parameter employed to judge the rela-
tive toxicity of insecticides by compar-
ing the amount needed to kill rats with
mandatory recycling Requiring by
the amount needed to kill houseflies. The
law or regulation the separation of recy-
proportion is calculated as the ratio of
clable items from the waste stream. The
the oral dose (milligrams per kilogram
objective of such programs is to reduce the
body weight) required to kill 50% of
amount of discards going into landfills.
experimental rats to the topical dose (in
the same units) needed to kill 50% of mangrove swamp A tidal swamp for-
exposed houseflies. A ratio less than 1 est populated by plant species capable of
indicates that the agent kills rats more growth and reproduction in areas that
effectively than it kills houseflies, and experience periodic tidal submergence in
vice versa. ocean water with a resulting increase in
saline conditions. These forests develop
Man and Biosphere program (MAB) along coastal regions in tropical climates.
A United Nations Educational, Scien- More than 50 species of plants may be
tific, and Cultural Organization project present; however, mangrove swamps are
dedicated to the sustainable develop- dominated by trees referred to as red man-
ment and protection of terrestrial natu- grove, Rhizophora mangle; black man-
ral resources. The MAB works with the grove, Avicennia germinans; and white
united nations environment pro- mangrove, Laguncularia racemosa. Typi-
gram, international union for con- cally, these trees have large, exposed root
servation of nature and natural systems.
resources, and world meteorologi-
cal association, among many other manifest system The regulations appli-
organizations. See agenda 21; man and cable to transporters of hazardous waste
biosphere program reserve. Web site: under the resource conservation and recovery act; found in Title 40, Part

margin of safety

263, of the code of federal regula- ous resin types or glass containers into dif-
tions. Transporters are required to use a ferent colors) collected from households.
set of shipment forms to track wastes in This separation is done to improve the
transit from their origin to their final site quality of recyclable items before sale to
of disposal. a buyer. Some facilities have mechanical
devices to accomplish a similar sorting.
man-made mineral fibers (MMMFs) See magnetic separation; materials
Fibrous materials prepared from sub- recovery facility.
stances such as glass wool, rock wool, slag
wool, and ceramic fibers. These materials maquiladoras Industrial facilities locat-
have been used as replacements for asbes- ed near the U.S.-Mexican border that are
tos in insulation and building materials. allowed to ship goods into the United
Although questions remain concerning States without import duties. Inadequate
the relationship of these fibers to human waste disposal practices and toxic emis-
health, they have coarser diameters and do sions to air and water from the maquilado-
ras are ongoing issues between the United
not become airborne as readily as asbestos
States and Mexico. See north american
fibers, which have been implicated in lung
free trade agreement; north ameri-
can agreement for environmental
man-made vitreous fibers (MMVFs)
See man-made mineral fibers.
marasmus The deficiency condition
caused by inadequate intake of calories
Manning formula An equation and protein. In the absence of famine, the
describing the volumetric flow rate (Q) of condition is usually seen in poor areas in
water in an open channel as follows: infants less than one year old, after wean-
Q = 1.0 or 1.49 AR 2/3 S1/2 , ing and/or gastrointestinal infection that is
N accompanied by severe or prolonged diar-
where A is the cross-sectional area of the rhea. Compare kwashiorkor.
water, S is slope of the channel sides, N
is a channel roughness coefficient, and R margin of exposure (MOE) The ratio
is the hydraulic radius. Use 1.0/N for of the no-observed-effect level to the
SI units, 1.49/N for American units. Also estimated dose received. For example, if
known as the Chezy-Manning formula. the no-observed-effect level is 20 milli-
grams per kilogram body weight per day
manometer An instrument for measur- and the dose received is five milligrams per
ing pressure, consisting of a transparent kilogram body weight per day, then the
tube filled with a liquid such as water or MOE is 4. The higher the ratio, the safer
mercury. The level of the liquid in the tube the exposure.
indicates the pressure.
margin of safety (MOS) In setting
an environmental standard, a factor
mantle The division of the interior of
applied to the maximal dose of a chemi-
the Earth between the core and the crust.
cal substance showing no adverse effect
The mantle is composed mainly of sili- in toxicity tests; the factor accounts for
cate rock and is around 2,900 kilometers uncertainty in the toxicology data. The
(1,800 miles) thick. factor lowers the allowable amount of
exposure or dose, which lowers the stan-
manual separation Hand sorting of dard in terms of the acceptable concen-
recyclable material (steel cans, aluminum tration in an environmental medium (air,
beverage containers, cardboard, news- water, food). Also used to describe the
print, to name a few) from other discards difference between the no-observed-
or the separation of commingled recycla- effect level and the estimated dose
ble materials (plastic containers into vari- received by a population.


mariculture The cultivation of marine size. The method assumes that the marked
organisms for use as a food resource. animals mix completely with the native
population and have an unbiased chance
marine Associated with the sea. of being recaptured.

Marine Mammal Protection Act Marpol convention See internation-

(MMPA) The 1972 statute prohibiting al convention for the prevention of
harm to marine mammals in U.S. coastal pollution from ships; marpol v.
waters. The act also prohibits U.S. citizens
from harming marine mammals anywhere Marpol V The 1988 annex to the
in international waters and from import- international convention for the
ing marine mammals or marine mammal prevention of pollution from ships,
products. Amendments in 1994 provided which governs the discharge of garbage
for some exemptions, by permit, to the into the oceans. Ships must be a required
protected species. Implementation of the distance from land and are under severe
MMPA is shared by the National Marine restrictions in designated areas. It also
Fisheries Service and the U.S. fish and includes a complete ban on the ocean
wildlife service. For more information, dumping of plastic.
visit the National Marine Fisheries Service
Web site: marsh A coastal region where the soil
has a high moisture content because of
Marine Protection, Research, and periodic flooding caused by the tides.
Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) A 1972 The vegetation is normally dominated by
law that includes provisions requiring grasses.
citizens of the United States to obtain a
permit from the U.S. EPA before dispos-
Marsh, George Perkins (1801–1882)
ing of materials in the oceans. Subsequent
American statesman, naturalist Marsh
amendments to the act have limited the
was author of Man and Nature (1864), in
types of waste that may be permitted
which he warns against the human misuse
for ocean disposal. For example, sewage
of natural resources.
sludge and industrial waste dumping
was ended in 1992. Commonly called the
ocean dumping act. See ocean dump-
marsh gas Gas produced during the
ing permit. decomposition of organic material bur-
ied in wetland soils. The primary gas is
marine sanitation device Equipment methane.
installed on vessels or drilling platforms
to prevent the discharge of raw, untreated mass The quantity of matter in a sub-
sewage into the oceanic environment. The stance. The SI base unit of mass is the
devices collect, store, treat, or discharge kilogram; mass is expressed in milligrams,
wastewater. grams, kilograms, and similar units.

mark-recapture In ecology, a method mass balance An approach used to

for estimating the size of a mobile ani- estimate pollutant releases to the envi-
mal population. A sample of the popula- ronment, based on the conservation of
tion is trapped, marked, and released. The matter—that matter cannot be created
investigator then takes a second sample. nor destroyed. If the input mass to a pro-
The number of animals marked in the first cess and the output, or product, mass
sample is multiplied by the number of ani- are known and if the chemical reactions
mals in the second sample, then divided by within the process are taken into account,
the number of recaptured animals (marked the difference between the known mass in
animals found in the second sample), and known mass out is considered to be
which gives an estimate of the population the amount lost to the environment.

material exchange

mass burn The incineration of mu- tern of peaks (mass spectrum) produced
nicipal solid waste without prior by known compounds with the spectrum
material recovery or processing but often obtained from the unknown chemicals
accompanied by an energy recovery sys- extracted from samples collected from
tem, such as steam and electricity produc- within the environment. The comparison
tion. See waste-to-energy; waterwall is done by computer.
mass spectrum See mass spectro-
mass burn waterwall incinerator See meter.
mass burn; waste-to-energy; water-
wall incinerator. mass velocity The mass flow rate in
a duct or other enclosure per unit area.
mass density Mass per unit volume; Expressed as
commonly expressed as kilograms per Mv = m/A,
cubic meter or pounds per cubic foot. where Mv is the mass velocity, m is the
mass flow rate, and A is the cross-sec-
mass extinction Large numbers of spe- tional area of the enclosure; used in gas
cies becoming extinct during a relatively absorber design. Typical units are kilo-
short geologic time period. grams per second per square meter or
pounds per hour per square foot. Also
mass flow rate For a liquid or gas, called mass flux.
m = Qρ, where m is the mass flow rate,
Q is the volumetric flow rate, and ρ matching The selection of persons for
is the fluid density. The unit is mass per an epidemiological study of a disease so
unit time. that the study groups are similar with
respect to characteristics that are not
mass flux See mass velocity. being tested but that are related to the
disease in question. The selection process
mass number The number of pro- is an attempt to allow the study results to
tons plus the number of neutrons in be influenced only by the variable being
the nucleus of an atom. This number is studied. All such potential confounding
also the approximate atomic weight of an variables cannot be eliminated, however.
atom. See atomic weight. For example, in a study of the effects of
exercise on the risk of heart disease, in
mass spectrometer (MS) A sensitive which a frequently exercising group is
device used for the analysis of organic compared with a nonexercising group,
materials in environmental samples. one important variable related to heart
Extracts prepared from water, sediment, disease that must be equally distributed
biota, or other materials are injected into in the study groups is age. When this is
the instrument, and organic compounds accomplished, the groups are said to be
extracted from the sampled material are matched on age, and any difference in
fragmented by a stream of electrons. The heart disease noted in the groups cannot
positive ions that are produced as a result be attributed to age. Although the exer-
are separated on the basis of their mass. cising group may show a lower risk of
A detector within the system responds heart disease, frequency of exercise may
to each ion and produces a correspond- not be the controlling variable if, for
ing peak in a computer graphics file or on example, the groups are not matched on
chart paper. The height of each peak indi- smoking history.
cates the relative abundance of each ele-
ment in the original organic compound of material balance See mass balance.
interest. The identity of organic materials
recovered from environmental samples can material exchange A step in the man-
be determined by a comparison of the pat- agement of waste in which a facility takes

material flowchart

temporary possession of waste prior to the items that have been separated from the
transfer to a disposal location. normal household garbage by individual
citizens. At a dirty MRF, the sorting of all
material flowchart Part of the waste household garbage for removal of items
management/waste reduction plan for an that can be recycled is done at a central
industrial facility. A complete survey of facility.
a facility in terms of all raw materials,
process chemicals, desired end products, matrix The material in which an envi-
by-products, and wastes of all types is ronmental sample is embedded or con-
conducted, and the losses and emissions tained; the material can be soil, water,
quantified. The data allow the operation dried biomass, or other substances.
to be evaluated in terms of when and
where wastes are generated (and possible matrix interference The adverse influ-
reductions made). ence of the environmental sample matrix
on the ability to detect the presence or
material safety data sheet (MSDS) A amount of a chemical substance in the
written summary of information about sample.
chemical substances required by the
United States occupational safety and maximum acceptable toxicant con-
health administration to be distrib- centration (MATC) The highest con-
uted to all employees who may be exposed centration at which a pollutant can be
to the chemicals and to purchasers of the present and not exert an adverse effect on
chemical materials. The required informa- the biota; used experimentally to deter-
tion for each chemical substance includes mine the toxicity of the chemical.
the address and telephone number for
the manufacturer; common and scientific maximum achievable control technol-
names for the chemical; important physical ogy (MACT) The level of air pollution
and chemical characteristics; fire, explo- control technology required by the 1990
sion, and reactivity data; adverse health amendments to the clean air act for
effects that may be expected after over- sources of certain air toxics. The U.S.
exposure; methods for safe handling, use, EPA bases MACT on the best-demon-
and disposal; and recommended methods strated control technology or practices of
for workplace control of exposure. One the industry.
of many MSDS listings on the Internet is maximum allowable concentration
(MAC) The predecessor workplace air
materials recovery The removal of standard to the threshold limit values.
economically reusable items or substances
from waste material. Used frequently to maximum contaminant level (MCL)
describe the recovery of items usable for The maximal permissible concentration
recycling from municipal solid waste of a drinking water contaminant set by
(e.g., glass and plastic containers, alumi- the U.S. EPA under the authority of the
num beverage cans, and newsprint from safe drinking water act. MCLs are set
household garbage). for inorganic and organic chemicals, tur-
bidity, coliform bacteria, and certain
materials recovery facility (MRF) radioactive materials.
Pronounced “murf.” A building designed
to facilitate the separation, sorting, and maximum contaminant level goal
preparing of recyclable items derived (MCLG) A nonenforceable drinking
from households so that the items are water concentration defined by the U.S.
acceptable to companies that convert the EPA for several listed contaminants that
resources back into commercial items. A cause no known or anticipated adverse
clean MRF normally handles recyclable human health effects, including a mar-

mean relative growth rate

gin of safety. MCLGs are set for certain detoxification and excretion responses of
organic contaminants and for fluoride. animals and not be representative of the
risk posed by lower doses. The cell divi-
maximum exposed individual (MEI) sion in response to the chronic internal
See maximum individual risk; most wounding occurring at the MTD could
exposed individual. itself be the cause of tumors. The MTD,
however, is used to overcome the prob-
maximum holding time The longest lem of finding positive results in studies
period that water samples can be retained of cancers with perhaps a one in 100,000
between the taking of the sample and the risk in humans, in which only around 100
laboratory analysis for a specific material test animals are used for each exposure
before the results are considered invalid. (dose) level.
The times vary from none in the case of
the test for residual chlorine levels to six maximum total trihalomethane po-
months for the testing of radioactivity. tential (MTTP) The highest combined
Some types of analyses require that preser- concentration of chloroform, bromo-
vatives be added to the sample, and some dichloromethane, dibromochloromethane,
require storage of samples at refrigerated and bromoform produced in water contain-
temperatures. See holding time. ing chlorine, chlorine dioxide, or chloro-
amines when held for seven days at 25°C or
maximum individual risk (MIR) The above. The measure is employed to assess
excess lifetime health risk (the risk above the impact of chlorine addition on raw
that of a nonexposed individual) for a cer- water supplies. See trihalomethane.
tain disease (e.g., cancer) in an individual
estimated to receive the highest exposure MCF One thousand cubic feet.
to a particular environmental pollutant.
See most-exposed individual. McPhee, John (1931– ) American
writer Many of McPhee’s works have
maximum permissible concentration environmental themes, among them The
(MPC) The amount of toxic chemical Pine Barrens (1968), a portrait of natu-
or radioactive material in air, water, or ral and human community in New Jersey;
food that would be expected to result in a Encounters with the Archdruid (1971),
maximum permissible dose at the nor- a profile of the environmental activist
mal rate of consumption by an individual. david brower; Coming into the Country
(1977), on Alaska wilderness; Rising from
maximum permissible dose (MPD) the Plains (1986), on Wyoming wilder-
The amount of exposure to toxic chemi- ness; and The Control of Nature (1989),
cals or radioactivity below which no on the vanity of human efforts to control
adverse health effects are anticipated. large-scale natural phenomena.

maximum sustainable yield The mean See arithmetic mean; geomet-

greatest amount of a renewable natural ric mean.
resource (e.g., forests or wildlife) that
can be removed without diminishing the mean free path The average distance
continuing production and supply of the that a molecule in a fluid (air or water)
resource. moves before colliding with another
maximum tolerated dose (MTD)
Used in tests for carcinogenicity, the high- mean relative growth rate (RGR) A
est lifetime dose a test animal can receive measure used under test conditions to
without experiencing significant adverse document the effects of pollutants on the
effects other than cancer. Such large doses growth rate of aquatic algae. Control and
can overwhelm the normal metabolic treatment conditions are compared dur-

mean sea level

ing the active growth of the algae by the mechanical aeration The use of agi-
formula RGR = (log n2 − log n1)/(t2 − t1), tation devices or the injection of com-
where n1 is the number of algal cells at pressed air into treatment basins to
time 1 (t1) and n2 is the number of algal increase the dissolved oxygen level
cells at time 2 (t2). in wastewater. The increase in the
amount of dissolved oxygen accelerates
mean sea level (MSL) In the simplest the decomposition of organic materials
form, the average height of the surface of and prevents the degradation of receiv-
the sea between high and low tide at a ing streams when wastewater is released
given location. The official mean sea level into the environment. See aeration,
is the arithmetic mean of hourly records of aerobic decomposition.
the level of the surface of the sea relative
to a suitable reference point. The hourly mechanical integrity The demon-
records are taken during all stages of the strated absence of significant leaks in the
tide over a 19-year period. There is evi- outer wall of the borehole (well casing),
dence that the MSL has been creeping tubing, or packer of an underground
upward as the Earth has been warming. injection well. Also, the absence of
the downward vertical migration of the
measurement end point Numerical injected fluids through underground
data that can be compared with simi- pathways adjacent to the borehole of the
lar information collected at reference or well.
control sites to judge the effectiveness of
efforts to clean up a contaminated loca- mechanical separation The use of air
tion. These numerical data are related classification, magnetic separation, or
to some desired ecological outcome that other mechanized methods to separate
is to result from the cleanup operation. solid waste into recyclable categories. See
For example, in the cleanup of a location air classifier.
contaminated with polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBS), the desirable ecologi- mechanical turbulence Randomly fluct-
cal outcome might be the protection of uating air motion caused by air moving
the reproductive potential of the hawk. over a rough surface or past objects. The
Since the measurement of PCB concen- eddies produced by this erratic motion
tration in wild hawks would be difficult help dilute polluted air with unpolluted
and potentially dangerous to the animal air by a process called eddy diffusion.
one is trying to protect, the concentration Usually less significant than the effects of
of PCBs in field mice, a common food thermal turbulence.
source in this example, would be used as
the measurement end point. The infor- media Air, surface water, groundwater,
mation collected from field mice would food, and soil that are regulated by federal
be used in association with data on prey or state environmental and health agen-
ingestion rates to determine whether the cies. For example, air represents a medium
PCB contamination is likely to cause into which pollutants are released, with
reproductive problems in the hawk. The the potential for exposure of individuals
cleanup would continue until the concen- to the pollutant through skin contact or
tration of PCB in the mice reached a level breathing. See medium for applications of
considered to be safe for the hawk, the the term to microbiology.
measurement end point. See assessment
end point. median In statistics, the value in an
ordered distribution above which lies 50%
measure of effect See end point. of the values and below which lies 50% of
the values. For distributions with an odd
measure of exposure See exposure; number of terms, the middle value. For
exposure assessment. those with an even number of terms, the


average of the two middle values. For dis- Medical Waste Tracking Act
tributions containing a number of outliers, (MWTA) A 1988 law attached to the
i.e., terms extremely smaller or larger than resource conservation and recov-
most of the values, the median is a bet- ery act that started a two-year medical
ter measure of central tendency than the waste management demonstration pro-
arithmetic mean. gram; the act requires sources generating
certain wastes at a rate greater than 50
median lethal concentration (LC50) pounds per month, excluding incinerator
See lethal concentration—50%. ash from on-site burning, to keep detailed
records of the movement of those wastes
median lethal dose (MLD) See from their facilities to the final disposal
lethal dose—50%. site. Information from the MWTA con-
tributed to the current federal regulation
mediation See alternate dispute res- of medical waste disposal. See medical
olution; environmental dispute reso- waste.
lution; reg-neg.
Mediterranean climate area An area
Medical Literature Analysis and with a climate similar to that of some
Retrieval System (MEDLINE) A regions close to the Mediterranean Sea:
computer database containing toxicologi- namely, wet and cool winters alternating
cal and medical information from over with hot, dry summers. Plants that are
3000 research journals. The system is adapted to this type of climate (such food
operated by the National Library of Medi- crops as wheat, oats, apples, grapes, and
cine, Bethesda, Maryland. Web site: www. melons) have seeds or root structures that
meo/gov. ensure survival over the hot, dry periods.

medical surveillance 1. Attention to medium In microbiology, a sterile

the health status of workers through peri- mixture, either solid or liquid, of nutri-
odic examination and screenings for indi- ents used for the cultivation of bacteria or
cators of adverse health effects associated fungi. Solid media (plural form) are pre-
with employment or exposure to poten- pared by using agar as the agent to solid-
tially hazardous conditions. 2. Periodic ify the liquid solution containing required
examination and screenings of residents in nutrients. See media for the environmen-
the vicinity of a hazardous waste site for tal meaning.
adverse health effects that might be linked
to chemical releases, often the result of a mega- A prefix meaning 1 million. For
court order. example, 1 megawatt equals 1 million
medical waste Discarded parapherna-
lia associated with the practice of medi- megacity A city with a population of
cine, such as bandages, needles, syringes, 10 million or more.
test tubes, and specimen containers. The
clean air act amendments of 1990 megagram (Mg) One million grams,
require the U.S. EPA to set new source 106 grams.
performance standards for medical
waste incinerators, the occupational megahertz (MHz) One million hertz;
health and safety administration a unit of frequency.
has issued blood-borne pathogen regula-
tions (29 CFR 1910.1030), and the U.S. megalopolis An area in which separate
Department of Transportation has ship- cities have expanded to the point that they
ping regulations (49 CFR 173.196). State have fused to create a continuous urban
laws further control the disposal of medi- environment with about 10 million or
cal wastes. See red bag waste. more people.


megaton An expression of explosive mercaptans A group of compounds

energy, applied to nuclear weapons, equal that are sulfur analogs of alcohols and
to 1 million tons of trinitrotoluene (TNT). phenols. For example, the chemical for-
mula of methyl alcohol is CH3OH, and
megawatt A unit of electrical power that of methyl mercaptan is CH3SH. The
equal to 1 million watts. Nuclear power compounds are noted for their odor and
plants are commonly rated with a capacity are used to impart odor to natural gas
of 1,000 megawatts. in public gas supplies. Air emissions from
chemical manufacturers and pulp and
meltdown A theoretical worst-case paper mills may contain mercaptans.
accident at a nuclear reactor. A melt-
down is caused by a loss of coolant with mercury One of a group of elements
a resulting melting of the reactor core classified as heavy metals. Mercury has
and fuel elements. If the molten core of a an atomic number of 80 and an atomic
reactor escaped from the containment weight of approximately 200, and the
vessel housing the reactor, the potential element is the only metal that is a liquid
for catastrophic consequences would be at room temperature. Unlike most other
great. Large amounts of highly radioac- metals, mercury forms covalent bonds
tive materials would be released into the with other inorganic materials as well as
air, water, and soil. The event that most organic compounds. Elemental (metal-
closely followed a theoretical worst-case lic), inorganic (ionic), and organic forms
meltdown was the explosion, with sub- of mercury are released into the environ-
sequent melting of the damaged reactor
ment through natural and anthropogenic
core, at chernobyl. See china syn-
sources. The latter include mining, smelt-
drome; loss-of-coolant accident.
ing, and industrial discharges. The chlo-
ralkali and paper industries were major
melting point The temperature at
sources at one time. The burning of coal
which a solid changes to a liquid. The
and the refining of petroleum continue to
temperature varies and is consistent at
be important sources. Once released into
equal temperatures and pressures for each
the environment, the element can undergo
element or solid.
many transformations and conversions
membrane filter A flat paperlike disk among the three major forms given. The
typically made of modified cellulose. The most common human exposures to ele-
filters have a small pore size that allows mental mercury are by the inhalation of
for the retention of bacteria. These units vapor. The element is rapidly absorbed
are employed to remove bacteria from and distributed by the circulatory system.
liquid samples for examination for public Absorption of mercury from the gastroin-
health purposes as well as for sterilization testinal tract is very limited for elemental
of liquids. These membranes are available mercury but very high for organic forms
in a variety of sizes, with a diameter of of the element. Mercury is excreted slowly
47–50 millimeters the most common. from the body, with about one-half of an
absorbed dose lost in 30 to 90 days. That
membrane filter method A proce- part of the human body most sensitive
dure used to recover and count bacte- to mercury poisoning is the central ner-
ria in samples of liquid substances, such vous system. Symptoms can range from
as water. The liquid is drawn through a mild tingling of the skin to death. See
a membrane filter by using a slight also alkyl mercury; methyl mercury;
vacuum, and the bacteria in the liquid minamata syndrome.
is retained on the filter. The filter disk
is then transferred to a medium suitable meromictic lake A lake in which the
for the growth and incubation of the waters are only partly mixed during the
bacteria. course of a year so that there is permanent

methane hydrate

stratification of the water. Compare chemical substances absorbed. For exam-

dimictic lake. ple, the test for exposure to benzene is
the presence of phenol, a benzene metab-
mesh size A measure of particle size olite, in the urine. See biological expo-
determined by the size of a sieve or screen sure index; biological monitoring;
(mesh) that particles can pass through. metabolism.

mesophyll cells chlorophyll-con- metal fume fever An acute condition

taining leaf tissue. caused by short-term high exposure to
the fumes of zinc, magnesium, or their
mesophyte A plant that requires only oxides. The condition is characterized by
moderate amounts of water for growth. fever, muscle pain, and chills. Symptoms
Compare hydrophyte and xerophyte. begin several hours after the high dose is
mesoscale The scale of air motion
smaller than the synoptic (the scale of metalimnion Same as thermocline.
a weather map) and larger than the
microscale (smaller, turbulent airflow). metamorphic rock Rock formed by
Appropriate horizontal distances are sev- the exposure of sedimentary or igne-
eral tens of kilometers; the time scale is ous material to high temperatures, high
about one day. Air stagnation is a meso- pressures, and chemical processes deep
scale phenomenon. beneath the surface of the Earth. For
example, limestone, a sedimentary rock,
mesosphere The division of the atmo- is converted to marble, a metamorphic
sphere above the stratosphere; this layer rock.
begins at about 50 kilometers in altitude
and extends to about 80 kilometers. metastasis The migration of tumor cells
to new sites in the body where additional
mesothelioma Cancer of the mem- cancerous growth can arise. See carcino-
branes lining the abdominal and chest genesis.
meteorology The study of the atmo-
mesotrophic Describing a body of sphere and weather conditions in the
water with a moderate nutrient content. atmosphere. Knowledge of this science
Compare eutrophic and oligotrophic. is required for an understanding of the
movement and activities of pollutants
metabolism A general term describing released into the atmosphere.
all of the chemical reactions that occur
in the body. Taken collectively, these methane A gaseous hydrocarbon that is
are the life processes. Some of the reac- the main component of natural gas; the
tions involve the utilization of nutrients molecule contains a single carbon atom
as sources of energy or as substances bonded to four hydrogen atoms. anaer-
used to build mass. Some of the reactions obic decomposition produces meth-
involve the breakdown and utilization of ane in a landfill. Also called landfill
macromolecules in the body (e.g., fat). See gas, swamp gas, biogas. See firedamp;
anabolism; catabolism. fossil fuel; greenhouse gas.

metabolite A chemical substance pro- methane hydrate Natural formations

duced by the metabolic reactions of an consisting of mounds of icelike material
organism. Because the body metabolizes on or just below the sea floor containing
most absorbed materials, tests for expo- large amounts of methane trapped within
sure to many materials are analyzed for a lattice of icelike crystals. These stable
their metabolites rather than the original structures are formed at temperatures


and pressures characteristic of oceanic stance present in a sample that can be

depths exceeding 300 to 500 meters. The measured and reported with a 99% prob-
formations, which vary greatly in size, ability (confidence level) that the measured
are especially common in areas along the concentration is above zero.
continental shelf experiencing rapid
accumulation of organic biomass or sedi- methoxychlor A chlorinated hydro-
ments. The formations can occur at shal- carbon insecticide belonging to the
lower depths at the polar regions. The dichlorodiphenylethanes, the class of
methane appears to be of biogenic ori- agents that includes dichlorodiphenyl-
gin, produced by microbes caged within trichloroethane (DDT), but has a rela-
an icelike lattice instead of dissipating in tively short half-life in the environment;
the water. The hydrates also form in pipe- its human toxicity is not well-known. In
lines transporting natural gas from off- animals, high doses cause adverse effects
shore wells, plugging the pipes. Natural on the nervous system, and studies indi-
accumulations of methane hydrate, mostly cate the potential to interfere with repro-
in oceanic environments, appear to hold ductive capacity.
more hydrocarbons than the combined
world inventory of all coal, oil, or conven- methyl bromide A low-molecular-
tional natural gas. One cubic centimeter of weight compound belonging to the halo-
methane hydrate produces up to 164 cubic genated hydrocarbons (CH3Br) that has
centimeters of natural gas upon thawing. been used as a fumigant to enhance the
May be an important source of natural keeping quality of grains. Because methyl
gas fuel in the future. bromide’s ozone-depleting potential
is excessive, it is being phased out under
methanol A one-carbon alcohol provisions of the clean air act to protect
(CH3OH), which has multiple uses. Meth- the ozone layer.
anol is used as an oxygenated fuel addi-
tive to reduce certain air pollutants, as a methylchloroform Also named 1,1,1-
drying agent in gasoline, as a solvent in trichloroethane. A colorless, nonflam-
cleaners, and as an antifreeze. Methanol mable liquid. The primary use is for the
is a poison when ingested. Also known as cleaning of metal surfaces. This agent is
wood alcohol. not likely to cause environmental damage;
however, methylchloroform has an exces-
methemoglobin A hemoglobin mol- sive ozone-depletion potential, and it
ecule with the central iron atom in an is being phased out under provisions of
oxidized (ferric) state. Methemoglobin the clean air act to protect the ozone
cannot combine with and carry oxygen layer.
to the tissues, and thus, a high level of red
blood cells in the methemoglobin state methyl group A functional group
can lead to hypoxia, a deficiency of tis- composed of a carbon atom and three
sue oxygen. Environmental, dietary, or hydrogen atoms. Formula: −CH3.
workplace exposure to nitrite, nitrate,
aniline, and nitrobenzene, among other methyl mercury One of the common
materials, produces methemoglobin in the alkyl mercury compounds in which an
blood. See methemoglobinemia. atom of mercury is bonded to a methyl
(CH4) group. Methyl mercury is produced
methemoglobinemia The disease state by a variety of organisms (chiefly bacte-
characterized by inadequate tissue oxygen- ria) in the natural environment after con-
ation caused by excessive levels of blood tamination by ionic forms of inorganic
methemoglobin. mercury. Methyl mercury is absorbed by
a variety of animals and undergoes bio-
method detection limit (MDL) The accumulation within the food chain.
minimal concentration of a chemical sub- Humans exposed to significant levels of


this compound can experience symptoms microbar One-millionth of a bar. A

ranging from mild neurological disorders unit used to express sound pressures. Stan-
to paralysis or death. The compound dard atmospheric pressure equals about 1
has also been linked to birth defects. See million microbars, or one bar.
microbe Short for microorganism.
methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) Small organisms that can be seen only
An additive to reformulated gasoline with the aid of a microscope. The term
and oxygenated fuel that increases the encompasses viruses, bacteria, yeast,
octane rating while reducing emissions molds, protozoa, and small algae; how-
of volatile organic compounds and ever, microbe is used most frequently to
carbon monoxide. Unlike traditional refer to bacteria. Microbes are important
gasoline, the agent is water soluble in the degradation and decomposition
and disperses quickly in water. Acute of organic materials added to the environ-
effects of overexposure include head- ment from natural and human sources.
aches; eye, nose, and throat irritation; Also called germs.
and dizziness. MTBE is an animal car-
cinogen, but its potential to cause cancer microbial growth The increase in mass
in humans is not known. Its toxic- of microscopic organisms, most often
ity together with the strong taste and reflected in an increase in the number of
odor of the additive have combined to such organisms. Also, commonly associ-
heighten public awareness of the con- ated with the biochemical transforma-
tamination of groundwater by leaking tions that these organisms are capable of
underground storage tanks at retail (for example, the production of wine or
gasoline outlets. See oxygenate. the souring of milk). Refrigeration and the
use of common preservatives are intended
to prevent the growth and metabolism of
spoilage organisms, and the conditions set
for the production of compost from yard
waste are designed to encourage the growth
of such organisms. See bacteria; fungi.

microbial load The total number of

bacteria and fungi in a given quantity of
water or soil or on the surface of food.
The presence of the bacteria and fungi
may not be related to the presence of dis-
ease-causing organisms. The greater the
microbial load, the faster food spoils.

metric ton (t) A unit of mass equal to microbiology The study of organisms
1,000 kilograms or 2204.62 pounds. that can be seen only with the aid of a
microscope. The science deals with the
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) structure and chemical composition of
A measure adopted by the U.S. Bureau of various microbes, the biochemical changes
the Census to track the growth of cities within the environment that are caused by
in the United States. A geographical area members of this group, the diseases caused
(may be an entire county, for example) by microbes, and the reaction of animals,
with a minimum population of 100,000 including humans, to their presence.
and at least 50,000 of the populace resid-
ing in a center city. More than three- microbiota The plants, animals, and
fourths of the population of the United microorganisms that can be seen only with
States lives in 280+ such locations. the aid of a microscope.


microclimate The generalized weather The concentration of airborne solids

conditions for a small area, such as a or liquids must be expressed as a mass
flower bed along the wall of a heated per unit volume, such as micrograms
building; the microclimate can be mark- per cubic meter, but gas concentrations
edly different from the climate of the can also be expressed as volume/volume
larger geographical area surrounding it. ratios, such as parts per million (PPM).
At 25°C and one atmosphere of pressure,
microconsumer A class of heterotro- a gaseous concentration in parts per mil-
phic organisms that utilizes waste mate- lion can be converted to micrograms per
rial from other organisms or the tissues of cubic meter by multiplying the number
dead animals or plants. Mainly composed of parts per million of the substance by
of bacteria and fungi. Compare macro- its molecular weight then multiplying
consumer. by 40.9. For example, a carbon mon-
oxide concentration (by volume) of nine
microcosm A laboratory model of a ppm is equal to nine times the molecular
natural ecosystem in which certain envi- weight of carbon monoxide (28) times
ronmental variables can be manipulated 40.9, or about 10,300 micrograms per
to observe the response. The model test cubic meter.
results are not always applicable to an
actual ecosystem because the microcosm microhydro generator Small turbine
is, of necessity, a simplified collection of device used for generating small amounts
selected physical, chemical, and biological of electricity. This technology is intended
ecosystem components.
for use in small streams and in the supply
of electrical power to one or a small num-
microenvironment 1. Extremely small
ber of homes without interfering with the
habitats occupied by microorganisms: a
ecological or hydrological features.
break in the skin, a small pore on the
surface of a leaf, or a part of the surface
of a grain of sand. These locations may
microinjection Process used for intro-
ducing genes into cells. With the aid of a
present apparently paradoxical circum-
stances, for example, tiny depressions on microscope, a tiny needle is used to inject
the surface of normal teeth that provide deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into a
an environment suitable for the growth recipient cell. The process does not cause
of bacteria that are unable to live in the the rupture or destruction of the cell.
presence of oxygen, even though the
mouth is strongly aerobic. 2. An area in microliter (µl) A volume unit equal to
a home, office, or automobile that can be 1-millionth liter.
considered uniform in terms of the con-
centration of a toxic chemical or other micrometer (µm) A unit of length
agent. equaling 1-millionth meter.

microfauna Animals invisible to the micron Synonym for micrometer. Air-

naked eye, such as copepods and mites. borne particle diameters are commonly
expressed in micrometers.
microflora Plants invisible to the naked
eye, such as diatoms and algae. micronutrient Chemical nutrient re-
quired in very small amounts by an organ-
microgram (µg) A mass unit equal to ism. Plant micronutrients include copper,
1-millionth gram. manganese, iron, zinc, vanadium, molyb-
denum, cobalt, boron, chlorine, and sili-
micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) con. Compare macronutrient.
An expression of the air concentration
of a solid, liquid, or gaseous substance. microorganism See microbe.

Millipore filter

microscopic Describing an object or the orbit around the Sun between circular
organism visible only with the aid of a and elliptical, with a period of 100,000
microscope. Objects that can be seen with years; and variation of the axis of the
the naked eye are called macroscopic. rotation of the Earth from usually point-
ing directly at the North Star (Polaris),
microwave The area of the electro- with a period of 23,000 years.
magnetic spectrum between the infra-
red region and radio waves; energy with millfeed Mineral ores, such as uranium
wavelengths between about 0.003 and 0.3 ore, that enter the refining process.
meter or with frequencies between 100,000
and 1,000 megahertz. Lower-frequency millibar A unit of atmospheric pres-
microwaves (< 3,000 megahertz) are sure; one-thousandth of a bar, or 100
absorbed by internal body tissues. Home pascals. Standard atmospheric pressure
microwave ovens operate at 2,450 mega- equals 1,013 millibars.
hertz. Overexposure can raise the body
temperature and thus can could lead to milliequivalents per liter (meq/l) An
burns or adverse effects on reproduction. expression of the concentration of a
material dissolved in water; the expression
midnight dumping The deliberate dis- is calculated by dividing the concentra-
posal of hazardous waste at a site other tion, in milligrams per liter, by the equiv-
than a permitted disposal facility, often alent weight of the dissolved material.
taking place at night. For example, the equivalent weight of
aluminum is 9.0. A water concentration
migration route The environmen- of aluminum of 1.8 milligrams per liter
tal medium, air, water, or land, through equals an aluminum concentration of 0.2
which waste material can be released. milliequivalent per liter.

migration velocity See drift velocity. milligram (mg) A unit of mass equal to
one-thousandth of a gram.
mil a length unit equaling 0.001 inch.
Often used to express the thickness of a milligrams per liter (mg/l) An expres-
plastic liner used in the construction of sion of water concentration of a dis-
landfills rated to receive municipal solved material; one milligram per liter is
solid waste or hazardous waste. equal to one part per million (ppm).

Milankovitch cycles See milankov- milliliter (ml) A unit of volume, equal

itch theory. to one cubic centimeter (cm3 or cc). One
thousand milliliters equals one liter.
Milankovitch theory An explanation
of climate changes based on changes in million gallons per day (MGD) A
the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. volumetric flow rate used to describe
Based on the work of Milutin Mila- wastewater treatment plant flows, gasoline
nkovitch, a Serbian mathematician and consumption, groundwater pump rates,
astronomer who in the 1920s and 1930s drinking water use, and stream water
determined that the orbit of the Earth movement, inter alia.
around the Sun is neither circular nor
constant. These “wobbles” influence Millipore filter A thin membrane of
global temperature, migration of polar modified cellulose that is used as a fil-
ice caps, and climate. He described three ter in the bacteriological examination of
basic cycles: changes in the tilt of the water or wastewater. The filter is typi-
axis of the Earth between 21.5 and 24.5 cally used to filter a given quantity of
degrees relative to the Sun, with a period aqueous sample, followed by transfer
of 41,000 years; variation in the shape of of the filter to the surface of a special


medium to allow for the growth of the laws include the Mining and Mineral
bacteria that have been retained by the Policy Act of 1970, the federal land
filter. The filters are also used to filter policy and management act, and the
sterilize aqueous solutions. The only sig- surface mining control and reclama-
nificant commercial source of the filters tion act of 1977.
was the Millipore Corporation for many
years. Although the filters are currently mineral water A category of bottled
available from a variety of sources, work- water containing at least 250 parts per
ers in the microbiology area refer to all million total dissolved solids (consisting
such filters as Millipore filters. primarily of dissolved inorganic salts).
The dissolved inorganic salts are present
millirem (mrem) A unit of ionizing in the water when drawn from the aqui-
radiation dose equal to one-thousandth fer and carried to the surface. Inorganic
of a rem. salts are not added artificially. Most min-
eral waters are carbonated with the char-
Minamata syndrome Insidious neu- acteristic effervescence.
rological disorders resulting from the
consumption of fish and shellfish contam- minimization Usually used to refer to
inated by organomercurials. The most a process or plan to reduce the amount of
famous case involved a substantial num- waste material produced or released by a
ber of people near Minamata Bay, Japan. facility. See waste minimization.
Fish and shellfish in the bay accumulated
alkyl mercury discharged into the bay minimum moisture content The
by an industrial facility. (Although inor- amount of water in soil during the driest
ganic mercury can be converted to organic time of the year.
mercury in sediments, the Minamata Bay
contamination resulted from the direct minimum tillage farming A farming
discharge of alkyl mercury compounds.) technique that reduces the degree of soil
Consumption of the contaminated sea- disruption. Crop residues are not plowed
food resulted in several hundred poison- under after harvest, and special planters
ings during the 1950s through the 1970s, dig narrow furrows in the crop residue
ranging from mild neurological disorders when new seeds are sown. Advantages
to paralysis and deaths. See methyl mer- of the technique include reductions in
cury; mercury. energy consumption by farm equipment,
less soil erosion, and lower soil moisture
mine drainage See acid mine drain- losses during the fallow season. Disadvan-
age. tages include the possibility of encourag-
ing insect pests by leaving the crop residue
mineralization The conversion of an in the field and the use of herbicides to
organic material to an inorganic form by control weeds in the place of mechanical
microbial decomposition. cultivation.

Mineral Lands Leasing Act The 1920 mining of an aquifer The overuse of
federal statute authorizing the secretary of an aquifer by withdrawing groundwater
the interior to issue leases for the extrac- at a rate that exceeds the replenishment
tion of coal, oil, natural gas, phosphate, flow of water into the aquifer’s recharge
sulfur, and other minerals from public zone.
lands. The leasing program is adminis-
tered by the bureau of land manage- mining waste Rock, dirt, and other
ment. Later statutes required that the debris displaced in the course of opera-
environmental impact of mining on public tions to remove mineral deposits from the
lands be considered before a lease is issued Earth. The disposal and ultimate disposi-
or that specific controls be applied. These tion of these materials are not subjected to

mixed liquor volatile suspended solids

the same regulatory control as municipal mist eliminator A device placed down-
or industrial solid wastes. stream from a scrubber to remove parti-
cles that were introduced to the airstream
minors A regulatory designation applied by the turbulent gas-liquid contact in
by the U.S. EPA to publicly owned treat- the scrubber. Also called an entrainment
ment works (municipal sewage treatment separator.
plants) serving fewer than 10,000 people,
not requiring a pretreatment program, or mitigation Actions taken to lessen the
processing less than 1 million gallons of actual or foreseen adverse environmental
wastewater per day. (The average amount impact of a project or activity.
of wastewater produced by each person is
100 gallons per day.) Compare majors. mitigation banking The creation,
enhancement, or restoration of wetlands
minute volume The amount of air to offset loss of wetlands by development.
moving through the lungs each minute as See no net loss; section 404 permit.
determined by the product of the breath-
ing rate and the tidal volume. mixed funding agreement Under
the comprehensive environmental
Mirex Trade name of an insecticide bait response, compensation, and liability
used in a failed program to eradicate the act, an agreement to clean up a waste
fire ant from the southern states. The active site that involves payments from both
ingredient is a chlorinated hydrocar- the hazardous substances superfund
bon called dodecachloropentacyclodecane and companies that are held responsible
(C10Cl12), one of the cyclodiene insecti- for the hazardous waste at the site. See
cides. Once called the perfect insecticide, cash-out.
Mirex consisted of a mixture of the active
agent (called GC1283 in the early 1960s) mixed glass Glass containers of differ-
with soybean oil as an attractant and ent colors that have been placed in the
corncob grits to serve as the carrier. The same receptacle for recycling. Mixed glass
agent was dispersed by a variety of mecha- has relatively little recycling value; maxi-
nisms, including by airplane. The ants mal value in recycled glass is achieved
would carry the bait to the nest, and the when glass containers are separated into
colony would be destroyed. Mirex became three categories: clear, green, and amber.
a celebrated case and provided the focus
for technical, social, scientific, political, mixed layer See mixing height.
regional, and legal battles with the United
States Environmental Protection Agency mixed liquor The liquid/activated
and the environmental defense fund sludge mixture undergoing decompo-
on one side and the United States Depart- sition in a wastewater treatment plant’s
ment of Agriculture and Allied Chemical aeration tank.
on the other. Eventually, ownership of the
agent was transferred to the state of Mis- mixed liquor suspended solids
sissippi, followed later by the official ban- (MLSS) A measurement of solid mate-
ning of the agent for use in the control of rial, mainly organic compounds and acti-
fire ants. vated sludge, in the aeration tank of a
wastewater treatment plant.
miscible liquids Two different liquids
(e.g., water and ethanol) that mix and mixed liquor volatile suspended sol-
remain mixed when placed together. Com- ids (MLVSS) That portion of mixed
pare immiscible. liquor suspended solids that vapor-
izes when heated to 600°C; this volatile
mist Liquid aerosol; small droplets fraction is mainly organic material and
suspended in air. thus indicates the biomass present in the

mixed metals

aeration tank. The material that does not mixed stand Describes a wooded area
vaporize in this test, mostly inorganic sub- or forest ecosystem with a variety of tree
stances, is said to be fixed. species present. Compare monoculture.

mixed metals Metal items that have mixed waste Solid waste containing
been collected for recycling but not sepa- diverse materials (e.g., routine household
rated into recyclable categories (e.g., alu- garbage).
minum versus tin cans).
mixing height The altitude, at a partic-
mixed municipal waste Recyclable ular time, below which atmospheric dilu-
items separated from the remainder of the tion of pollutants can occur; the value is
garbage but not sorted into categories. All determined by the environmental lapse
the items, for example, newsprint, plas- rate present that day (or time of day). A
tic containers, bottles, beverage cans, and low mixing height for an extended period
boxboard, collected for recycling from a allows air contaminant concentrations to
residence. increase, possibly to unhealthy levels. See
temperature inversion.
mixed paper Postconsumer paper not
sorted into the common categories of mixing ratio The concentration of
newsprint, boxboard, cardboard, white water vapor in the atmosphere, com-
office paper, magazines, and so forth. monly expressed as grams of water vapor
Mixed paper has less value as a recyclable per kilogram of dry air. See also relative
item than paper sorted into types. humidity; saturation mixing ratio.

mixed plastic Postconsumer plastic mixing zone In water quality manage-

containers that have not been sorted by ment, the area around a point source
resin type. Plastic items intended for recy- outfall (discharge pipe) within which
cling have greater value when separated mixing of the effluent water and the
by resin type. See plastic recycling. receiving water occurs; the water quality


standards in a national pollutant dis- ronment. For example, certain metals can
charge elimination system (NPDES) be chemically bound to soil or clay until
permit do not apply to this dilution vol- they are dissolved into and then move
ume. Mixing zone exceptions to NPDES with acidic groundwater. The carbon
standards are prohibited if the receiving in fossil fuel resources can be said to
(diluting) water does not attain minimal have been mobilized dramatically since
water quality standards. Mixing zones the 19th century, with much of the car-
may also be eliminated for certain toxic bon in the fossil fuels previously stored
water pollutants that can undergo bioac- underground emitted to the atmosphere
cumulation in the aquatic environment. as carbon dioxide when the fossil fuel is
See zone of initial dilution. burned.

mixture Two or more elements or model 1. A simplified representation

compounds present in various propor- of an object or natural phenomenon. The
tions. A mixture can be separated into the model can take many possible forms: a set
constituent parts by physical or mechani- of equations or a physical, miniature ver-
cal means, and the materials composing sion of an object or system. Models allow
the mixture retain their individual physi- estimates of the behavior of the actual
cal and chemical properties. Compare object or phenomenon when the values of
compound. certain variables are changed. Important
environmental models include those esti-
mixture rule The U.S. EPA regulatory mating the transport, dispersion, and fate
provision stating that (1) with certain of chemicals in the environment and eval-
exceptions, any mixture of listed haz- uation of the potential long-term effects of
ardous waste with nonhazardous solid adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
waste is a hazardous waste, and (2) any 2. The action of using a model, for exam-
mixture of characteristic hazardous ple, to model the atmospheric dispersion
waste with nonhazardous solid waste of the emissions from a smokestack.
must be tested to determine whether it
constitutes hazardous waste. moderator A material employed in
a nuclear reactor to decrease the
MMCF Million cubic feet. energy level of fast, high-energy neu-
trons released in fission reactions and
MMCFD Million cubic feet per day; to increase thereby the possibility of a sus-
used to express natural gas production, tained fission reaction. When slow, low-
transport, or combustion rates. energy neutrons collide with nuclei of the
fissionable fuels used in nuclear reactors
mobile incinerator system A movable (e.g., uranium-235), the neutrons are cap-
furnace used for the burning or destruc- tured by those nuclei, causing the produc-
tion of hazardous waste. Commonly tion of an inherently unstable atom that
moved from place to place to participate undergoes fission. When fission takes place,
in the cleanup of abandoned hazardous fragments of the uranium are produced (fis-
waste disposal sites. See hazardous sub- sion products) along with a large amount
stances superfund; incineration. of heat. The fission releases or ejects fast,
high-energy neutrons. These neutrons must
mobile sources Moving emitters of air be slowed in order to increase the chance
pollutants such as automobiles, trucks, that they will collide with another atom of
boats, and airplanes. See area source; fissionable material to create a sustained
stationary source. nuclear chain reaction. The slowing of the
neutrons is the function of a moderator.
mobilization The introduction to the Regular (or light) water, heavy water,
air or water of a chemical material that and graphite are the most common mod-
formerly was not circulating in the envi- erators in nuclear reactors.

modular incinerator

modular incinerator A prefabricated molecular pharming A technique

mass burn incinerator unit that is trans- using transgenic livestock (such as
ported to a municipal waste incineration cows, goats, or sheep) that have been
site. Each modular unit typically has a modified by the introduction of genes
capacity of five to 120 tons per day. See that direct the production of medically
incineration. important molecules. These products
are released in the milk produced by
moisture content The mass of water the altered livestock. The usual practice
contained in a material divided by the involves the placing of the desired gene
total dry mass of the material, usually from some outside source adjacent to
expressed as a percentage. genes that normally promote the produc-
tion of milk by the lactating animal. As a
molal volume The molecular weight result, the medical agent is released in the
of a substance divided by the density of milk of the livestock and is subsequently
that same substance; common units are purified for use for medical purposes.
cubic centimeters per mole (grams per mole Human hormones and agents that dis-
divided by grams per cubic centimeter). solve blood clots and treat emphysema,
hemophilia, and diabetes are manufac-
molar absorptivity For a given chemi- tured by this technology.
cal substance, the proportionality constant
used in the calculation of absorbance for molecular sieve A crystalline alumi-
a given wavelength of light by a solution nosilicate material, e.g. zeolite, with
of the chemical. The beer-lambert law uniform pore spaces that can be used
defines absorbance of a chemical solution to separate molecules by size. Technical
as the product of the molar absorptivity applications include drying of gases, ion
of the absorbing chemical, the length of exchange, catalysis, and gas chroma-
the light path, and the aqueous concentra- tography.
tion of the chemical. The units for molar
absorptivity are typically expressed as per molecular weight The sum of the
molar concentration per centimeter, atomic weights of the atoms in a mole-
where molar concentration is the concen- cule. For example, the molecular weight of
tration of the chemical in water and centi- water (H2O) is 18, the sum of the atomic
meters indicate the length of the light path, weights of two hydrogen atoms (1 + 1 = 2)
i.e., (molar concentration)¯1 × (cm)¯1. and oxygen (16).

molar concentration The number of molecule A group of atoms held

moles of a chemical substance per unit vol- together by chemical bonds. They may be
ume of a medium, for example, 0.2 mole (8 g) either atoms of a single element (O2) or
of sodium hydroxide per liter of water. atoms of different elements that form a
compound (H2O). The smallest unit of a
molarity The number of moles of a compound that retains the chemical prop-
dissolved chemical substance per liter of erties of that compound.
mole fraction An expression of the
mole The SI unit for the amount of a concentration of a chemical substance in
substance that contains avogadro’s num- a solution (water) or mixture (air). Cal-
ber (6.02 × 1023) of atoms or molecules. culated by dividing the number of moles
Frequently expressed as a gram-mole, of the chemical substance by the total
equal to the molecular mass of a substance number of moles of the various substances
in grams. For example, the molecular mass making up the mixture or solution.
of water (H2O) is 18. Thus, one gram-
mole of water equals 18 grams and con- molten salt reactor A device that ther-
tains 6.02 × 1023 molecules. mally oxidizes organic wastes in a bed


of fluid carbonate salts with a very high medicine, as well as cancer diagnosis and
destruction and removal efficiency. treatment. See biotechnology.

monitored natural attenuation In the monoculture The growing of a single

remediation of contaminated groundwa- plant species over a large area.
ter, if natural processes are chosen to accom-
plish a cleanup, the responsible party agrees monofill A solid waste disposal facility
to a long-term monitoring period to ensure containing only one type or class of waste.
that human health and the environment are
protected and that the cleanup is actually monolith A solid mass of waste-con-
working. See natural attenuation. taining material that has undergone
monitoring Sampling and analy-
sis of air, water, soil, wildlife, and so monomer A compound that under cer-
on to determine the concentration(s) of tain conditions joins to other compounds
contaminant(s). of the same type to form a molecular chain
called a polymer. For example, vinyl
monitoring well A well drilled in close chloride monomers can polymerize to
proximity to a waste storage or disposal polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
facility to check the integrity of the facility
or to keep track of leakage of materials monomictic lake A lake that experi-
into the adjacent groundwater. ences overturn once a year, usually in
the fall. Such lakes are usually deep, are
monoclonal antibody A specific pro- located in temperate climates, and do not
tein globulin produced by a clone of freeze over during the winter. Compare
genetically identical cells derived from a dimictic lake.
single antibody-producing cell, termed a
lymphocyte. The cell line therefore pro- monosaccharide A simple carbo-
duces a single type of antibody. The cell hydrate, having one sugar. glucose,
line is produced by fusing an antibody- fructose, and galactose are common
producing cell (each antibody-producing monosaccharides. See disaccharide;
cell releases a single kind of antibody that polysaccharide.
reacts with only one specific antigen) with
a myeloma cell (a type of tumor cell). A monovalent Having a valence of one.
large amount of homogeneous, highly spe- Same as univalent.
cific antibody can be produced. Monoclo-
nal antibodies are important tools in med- monsoon Seasonal winds that develop
ical research, diagnostic and therapeutic in response to the differing rates of heating


of the land and the ocean. The most typi- morbidity rate See incidence.
cal examples are found along the Indian
subcontinent, where the tropical and sub- more developed country (MDC)
tropical summer leads to the heating of the Modern industrial nation. A nation that is
land during that season. As the land heats, characterized by high personal income and
the air in contact with it heats and rises, rates of consumption of natural resources,
drawing cooler, moisture-laden air from low death rates, low birth rates, a high
the ocean (which does not heat as rapidly) standard of living, significant urbaniza-
over the land by strong onshore winds. tion, and massive dissemination of formal
As the oceanic air is in turn forced to rise education.
by a combination of land temperature and
geographic features (e.g., mountains), the mortality The loss of members of a
entrained water condenses, producing tor- population through death; natality
rential rainfall. results in an addition to the number of
individuals in a population.
montane A forest ecosystem in moun-
tainous areas of the tropics. The montane mortality rate The number of deaths
forest has far fewer plant species than does in a given area during a specified period,
the tropical rain forest, which is found usually one year, divided by the number
at lower elevations below the mountains. of persons in the area, multiplied by a
constant, typically 1,000. For example, if
Monte Carlo method A method that 200 deaths occurred in 1999 in Jonesville
produces a statistical estimate of a quan- and if the population of Jonesville was
tity by taking many random samples from 25,000, the 1999 mortality rate was eight
an assumed probability distribution, such per 1000.
as a normal distribution. The method is
typically used when experimentation is most exposed individual (MEI) In
not possible or when the actual input val- a risk assessment of the off-site impact
ues are difficult or impossible to obtain. of a pollutant released by a facility, a
hypothetical person receiving the highest
Montreal Protocol A 1987 interna- dose of the pollutant. For example, in an
tional agreement, subsequently amended analysis of air toxics risk, an individual
in 1990, 1992, 1995, and 1997 that assumed to spend 24 hours per day out-
establishes a schedule for the phaseout of side at the location that is predicted to
chlorofluorocarbons and other sub- have the maximal concentration of the
stances with an excessive ozone-deplet- modeled pollutant emissions. After the
ing potential in participating countries. MEI is identified, the health risk attrib-
The full name is the Montreal Protocol on utable to the exposure is estimated. See
Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer. maximum individual risk.
See ozone layer depletion. Web site: most probable number (MPN) A sta-
tistical estimate of the levels of coliform
moral extensionism Expansion of bacteria in a water sample, expressed as
the rights generally ascribed to humans the number of coliforms per 100 millili-
to nonhuman entities. Holding a position ters. See multiple-tube fermentation
that animals or plants, the land, or the test.
environment as a whole be considered
worthy of moral protection normally mottling, of teeth Discoloration of the
given to humans. See ecocentric; eco- teeth, which can be caused by extended
feminism; leopold, aldo. intake of excessive fluoride. The condi-
tion is seen in certain populations who use
morbidity Statistics related to illness groundwater containing naturally occur-
and disease. ring high fluoride levels.

multiple-tube fermentation test

mousse A water-oil emulsion formed limit weed growth. Items used for mulch
when higher-density crude oil is spilled include compost, stabilized manure, wood
into surface waters. chips, straw, leaves, plastic, and paper.

muck soil Poorly consolidated soil high Müller, Paul (1899–1965) Swiss
in organic content resulting from the par- chemist In 1939, while working as an
tial decay of large amounts of plant mass. industrial chemist for J. R. Geigy Corpo-
Such soil is seldom dry and usually con- ration, a Swiss chemical company, Mül-
sists of very soft mud. Marsh soils. ler identified the insecticidal properties of
mucociliary escalator The mecha- (DDT). Müller received the 1948 Nobel
nism that sweeps particles from the air- Prize in physiology or medicine in rec-
conducting tubes (bronchi and the smaller ognition of the human disease and death
bronchioles) in the lungs. The bronchi and avoided by the use of DDT against insect
bronchioles are lined with hairlike projec- vectors.
tions called cilia, which move in unison to
force a constantly supplied sheet of mucus multiclone Individual cyclones con-
upward from just above the alveolar nected in parallel to control air emissions
region toward the pharynx (throat). of particulate matter.
Trapped particles move upward with the
mucus. multimedia inspection A major gov-
ernment audit of the environmental com-
mucosa A mucous membrane lining pliance of an industrial facility. A team
those parts of the body communicat- from federal and state regulatory agencies
ing with the exterior. The mucosa in the examines permits, laboratory methodolo-
gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts can gies, records, training procedures, moni-
therefore be irritated by certain ingested toring practices, emissions, releases, waste
or inhaled environmental pollutants. management, planning documents, and
other data for all media (air, water, and
muffle furnace A device used to deter- ground). The team usually arrives unan-
mine the organic content of a soil sample. nounced and may remain at a facility for a
A preweighed soil sample is heated in week or more.
the furnace at temperatures sufficient to
vaporize the humus, and the mass lost (the multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome
organic content) is calculated by subtract- (MCS) A condition in which some indi-
ing the sample weight after the furnace viduals are hypersensitive to a variety
treatment from the pretreatment weight. of chemical agents; those thought to have
The device is also used to determine that MCS express discomfort at exposure lev-
fraction of particulate organic matter els that normally have no effect on most
that can be volatilized by heating to high people. The usual symptoms include nasal
temperatures. congestion, headaches, lack of concentra-
tion, fatigue, and loss of memory. Con-
Muir, John (1838–1914) American trolled studies have tended to eliminate
naturalist, preservationist, writer an immunologic mechanism. Proposed
Muir was the first president of the sierra mechanisms underlying the expression
club and an influential promoter of the of the symptoms involve neurological
U.S. national park system. He advocated responses associated with inflammation
preservation. Compare conservation of the nervous system or behavioral and
and pinchot, gifford. psychological reactions.

mulch Natural or synthetic mate- multiple-tube fermentation test A

rial spread over the ground to protect method used to estimate the number of spe-
soil, conserve water, prevent erosion, or cific types of bacteria, such as coliform

multiple use

bacteria, in a water sample. Three dif- (1934); The City in History: Its Origins,
ferent quantities of a sample, for example, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects
10 ml, 1 ml, and 0.1 ml, are placed into (1961); The Myth of the Machine: I. Tech-
three sets of five tubes each containing lac- nics and Human Development (1967);
tose broth. The 15 tubes are allowed to and The Myth of the Machine: II. The
incubate at 35°C for 24 hours, and the Pentagon of Power (1970).
number of tubes in each set of five tubes
showing positive results (gas production) is municipal sewage Wastewater origi-
determined. Most-probable-number tables nating in residences and businesses. On
are then consulted to provide a statistical average, each person produces 100 gallons
estimate of the number of coliform bac- of wastewater per day.
teria in the water sample. The population
levels of different types of bacteria can be municipal solid waste (MSW) Solid
determined by altering the media used and waste, including garbage and trash,
the incubation conditions. See standard that originates in households, commercial
methods. establishments, or construction/demoli-
tion sites. Nonhazardous sludge from
multiple use The policy of allowing municipal sewage treatment plants or
public land to be used for varied purposes, nonhazardous industrial waste can also be
such as timber production, camping and placed in this category of solid waste.
hiking, animal grazing, mineral extrac-
tion, and/or wildlife preservation. The muon An elementary, subatomic par-
national forests and the federally owned ticle with either a positive or a negative
rangelands in the western United States charge and a mass 207 times the mass of
and Alaska are managed under the mul- an electron.
tiple-use principle. The U.S. Forest Service
manages the national forests (the 15% of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
these lands that are wilderness areas Impairments of the nerves, muscles, ten-
do not have multiple-use management), dons, and supportive structures of the
and the bureau of land management body, for example, back pain, tendinitis,
administers the rangelands. and carpal tunnel syndrome. Many MSDs
have been associated with the workplace,
Multiple Use and Sustained Yield and the occupational safety and
Act A 1960 statute directing the U.S. sec- health administration has given MSDs
retary of agriculture to manage the national regulatory attention.
forest system for multiple use and sus-
tained yield, that is, for recreation, wild- muskeg Large boggy area found in
life habitat, and timber production. Canada and Alaska, part of the North
American boreal forest biome.
multistage cancer risk model The
most frequently used model of carcino- mustard gas A group of gases related
genesis; the model assumes that a nor- to 2,2-dichlorodiethyl sulfide. The gas was
mal cell or cells pass(es) through two or used extensively during World War I as a
more stages before becoming a detectable vesicant (blistering gas).
tumor. See carcinogenesis.
mutagen Any agent that has the capa-
Mumford, Lewis (1895–1990) Amer- bility of causing a permanent change in
ican writer Mumford produced works the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of a
on cities, architecture, history, technology, cell. See mutation.
and philosophy, writing over an encyclo-
pedic range in his 30 published books. mutagenicity The ability of an agent
He criticized dehumanizing technologies to cause permanent changes in the genetic
in, inter alia, Technics and Civilization material of a cell. See mutation.


mutation A significant change in the association of species in which none can

genetic material of a cell. These changes carry out the same functions alone) and
can be reflected in the physical or bio- nonsymbiotic mutualism (a relationship
chemical properties of the cell and can between organisms that is of benefit but is
be transferred to offspring of that cell. not obligatory: that is, the organisms are
Most mutations are deleterious but per- capable of independent existence). Com-
sist in a population because they are pare neutralism.
not expressed (are recessive) and thus
are carried in the genotype without mycorrhizal An association between
affecting the appearance or viability of plant roots and fungi. There is an inte-
the organism. Excessive environmental gration between the roots and the fungal
exposures to a variety of agents, includ- mycelium (filaments) to produce a distinct
ing X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, and an morphological unit. The fungal mycelium
array of chemical compounds, can cause can either form an external layer on the
mutations. root or actually invade living cells of the
root structure.
mutualism An interaction between two
or more distinct biological species in which mycotoxin Natural toxic materials
the members benefit from the association. produced by molds. aflatoxin, a natu-
Mutualism describes both symbiotic mutu- ral carcinogen, is a mycotoxin commonly
alism (a relationship requiring an intimate found in rice, peanuts, wheat, and corn.


nanometer (nm) An SI unit of length National Academy of Sciences

equal to 10–9 meter. (NAS) A select society of researchers in
the sciences and engineering who provide
nappe The stream of water flowing advice on scientific, engineering, and med-
over a dam or weir; from the French for ical topics. The NAS (
“sheet.” is part of four groups collectively called
the national academies: the national
narrative standards Water quality research council, the National Acad-
standards that use descriptions to define emy of Engineering (, and
acceptable levels of quality; for example, the Institute of Medicine (
water quality shall be “suitable for wildlife The main Web site is
habitat” or should “allow safe recreational
use.” Also called descriptive criteria and National Acidic Precipitation Assess-
criticized as being too vague. The clean ment Program (NAPAP) A $500+
water act also provides for numeri- million 10-year research effort (1980–90)
cal water quality standards, which define established by the U.S. Congress to study
allowable pollutant levels in terms of cer- the acid deposition problem. The 1990
tain chemical-specific concentrations, report did not fully support the addition
for example, phosphorus levels of less than of Title IV to the 1990 amendments to the
five parts per million, daily average. clean air act, a nationwide acid rain
control program. In 1990, the mandate for
Nash, Roderick (1939– ) American NAPAP to study acid rain was extended
historian, professor, author Nash is indefinitely, and research reports are still
a prolific and influential writer on history issued. Web site:
and environmental management. His
works include Wilderness and the Ameri- National Air Monitoring System
can Mind (1967); The Rights of Nature: A (NAMS) A national network of air
History of Environmental Ethics (1989); monitoring stations designed by the U.S.
and The Nervous Generation: American EPA and individual state environmental
Thought, 1917–1930 (1990). agencies to assess the ambient air qual-
ity in major urbanized areas and used by
natality The addition of members to a the EPA to track long-term air quality
population by the reproductive process of trends. About 1,100 stations monitor for
birth or hatching. Compare mortality. particulate matter, sulfur dioxide,
nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide,
National Academies A group of four ozone, and lead. The NAMS stations are
organizations providing advice to the part of the state and local air moni-
nation on scientific, engineering, and med- toring system.
ical topics: the national academy of
sciences, the national research coun- national ambient air quality standards
cil, the National Academy of Engineering (NAAQS) The ambient air concentra-
(, and the Institute of Medi- tion standards set for particulate mat-
cine ( ter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide,

National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants

ozone, carbon monoxide, and lead to publications and online queries of data-
protect human health (primary standards) bases are available at
or welfare (secondary standards).
National Center for Toxicogenomics
National Atmospheric Deposition A unit of the national institute of
Program (NADP) A network of over environment health sciences dedi-
250 precipitation monitoring sites oper- cated to the study of the interactions
ated by government agencies and private among human genetic makeups, environ-
groups; weekly samples of precipitation mental exposures, and the risk of disease.
are analyzed in a central laboratory for a For more information, visit www.niehs.
number of chemicals. Recently expanded
to include weekly monitoring for mer-
cury. Data are available at http://nadp. National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) A federal agency
that conducts scientific basic and applied
National Audubon Society A large research used by the food and drug
American environmental interest group administration. Visit
that encourages natural resource and wild- for more information.
life conservation. Named in honor of John
James Audubon (1785–1851), who was National Contingency Plan (NCP)
one of the first American conservationists The outline of procedures, organization,
and who gained recognition for his paint- and responsibility for responding to spills
ings of birds. Founded in 1905. Web site: and releases of hazardous substances and oil into the environment. Prepared
by the U.S. EPA as required by sections
National Cancer Institute (NCI) A of the comprehensive environmental
federal agency under the National Insti- response, compensation, and liability
tutes of Health, United States Depart- act and the clean water act. The plan
ment of Health and Human Services, that applies to sudden, accidental releases and
conducts and supports research on can- to nonsudden, gradual leaks. superfund
cer and the identification of carcinogens. site cleanups are performed in accor-
Based in Bethesda, Maryland, the NCI is dance with the NCP. Officially called the
a participant in the national toxicol- National Oil and Hazardous Substances
ogy program. Web site: www.cancer. Pollution Contingency Plan, the NCP is
gov. codified at Title 40, Code of Federal Regu-
lations, Part 300.
National Center for Environmental
Health (NCEH) A federal agency, part National Council on Radiation Pro-
of the centers for disease control tection and Measurements (NCRPM)
and prevention, preventing noninfec- A private group of scientists who rec-
tious and nonoccupational human dis- ommend safe occupational and public
ease by health risk research, public health exposure levels to ionizing radiation.
emergency response, health surveillance Formerly the National Committee on
systems, state and local training programs, Radiation Protection. Based in Bethesda,
and epidemiologic studies. For more infor- Maryland. Web site: www.ncrponline.
mation, visit com.

National Center for Health Statistics National Emission Standards for Haz-
(NCHS) A federal agency, part of the ardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) Na-
centers for disease control and pre- tional technology-based limits set by the
vention, that tracks the health status of U.S. EPA for air emissions of pollutants
the U.S. population using medical records, determined by the agency to pose a signifi-
vital statistics, and surveys. Numerous cant risk of death or serious illness upon

National Environmental Performance Partnership System

long-term exposure. The NESHAPs have manage, protect, and, if needed, restore
been superseded by the air toxics pro- the margins between the land and the
visions of the 1990 amendments to the sea. The NEP seeks to go beyond basic
clean air act. See hazardous air pol- water quality protection to include
lutant; maximum achievable control appropriate economic and recreational
technology. activities and maintenance of the chemi-
cal, physical, and biological integrity of
National Environmental Performance these wetland areas. Grants are available
Partnership System (NEPPS) A pro- from federal sources to formulate plans,
gram of the U.S. EPA and the environ- conduct research, and operate restoration
mental council of the states begun in projects. Web site:
1995 that gives states greater flexibility in estuaries.
the management of environmental quality
within their jurisdictions, with an empha- National Fire Protection Association
sis on self-assessment of progress using (NFPA) An international organization
selected indicators and goals tailored to with voluntary membership whose func-
each state, as detailed in Performance tions are to promote and improve fire pre-
Partnership Agreements (also called Envi- vention and to establish safeguards against
ronmental Performance Agreements). Web the loss of life or property by fire. The
site: organization has produced the National
Fire Code, which lists standards for rec-
National Environmental Performance ommended practices and materials han-
Track A voluntary program started at dling. Based in Quincy, Massachusetts.
the U.S. EPA to provide recognition to Web site:
industrial facilities for utilizing effective
environmental management systems, tak- National Forest Management Act
ing innovative approaches to assuring (NFMA) A 1976 statute that amended
compliance with environmental regula- and expanded the Forest and Rangeland
tions, and emphasizing pollution pre- Renewable Resources Planning Act of
vention practices. It is part of the U.S. 1974. The act requires the secretary of
EPA efforts to build working relation- agriculture to develop a management pro-
ships with stakeholders. Facilities apply gram for national forest lands based on
to participate. Current members number multiple use, sustained-yield principles
around 400. For more information, visit and to implement a resource management plan, including appropriate timber har-
vesting rates, methods, and locations, for
National Environmental Policy Act each unit operated by the national for-
(NEPA) A 1969 statute that requires est system. The NFMA is the basic law
all federal agencies to incorporate envi- by which U.S. national forests are man-
ronmental considerations into their deci- aged. See multiple use and sustained
sion-making processes. The act requires yield act.
an environmental impact statement
for any “major Federal action significantly National Forest System The 155
affecting the quality of the human environ- national forests totaling 193 million acres
ment.” See council on environmental managed by the u.s. forest service.
quality; environmental assessment.
National Grassland In the United
National Estuary Program (NEP) States, an area managed by the U.S. Forest
Authorized by the 1987 amendments to Service to protect grass, soil, water, and
the Clean Water Act, the NEP involves wildlife habitat. The 20 National Grass-
local, state, and federal agencies; citizen lands total almost 4 million acres in the
groups; educators; and other local stake- Great Plains. For more information, visit
holders in the development of plans to

National Parks and Conservation Association

National Institute for Occupational Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Safety and Health (NIOSH) An to protect marine life and habitat. The
agency of the United States public health 13 National Marine Sanctuaries total
service that recommends occupational 150,000 square miles. Web site: www.
exposure limits for chemical and physi-
cal agents and certifies respiratory and
air-sampling devices. Based in Cincinnati, National Monument In the United
Ohio, and Washington, D.C. Web site: States, an area designated to be protected for its historic or scientific interest; man-
aged by the national park service as
National Institute of Environmental part of the national park system.
Health Sciences (NIEHS) A govern-
ment research organization attached to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
National Institutes of Health, United States Administration (NOAA) A federal
Department of Health and Human Services, agency within the Department of Com-
located in Research Triangle Park, North merce responsible for mapping and chart-
Carolina. The purpose of the NIEHS is to ing of the oceans, environmental data
conduct or sponsor research on the adverse collection, monitoring and prediction of
effects of environmental agents on human conditions in the atmosphere and oceans,
health. The research results are used by and management and conservation of
federal environmental regulatory agencies marine resources and habitats. Based in
in their prevention and control programs. Suitland, Maryland, and Rockville, Mary-
Web site: land. Web site:

National Institute of Standards and National Oil and Hazardous Sub-

Technology (NIST) An office within stances Pollution Contingency Plan
the U.S. Department of Commerce estab- (NCP) The full name of the national
lished by Congress “to assist industry in contingency plan.
the development of technology . . . needed
to improve product quality, to modernize national park 1. An area designated
manufacturing processes, to ensure product by a national government to be protected
reliability . . . and to facilitate rapid com- from most types of human development or
mercialization . . . of products based on human activities that may harm the park
new scientific discoveries.” The four major landscape or wildlife. 2. In the United
programs of the NIST are measurement and States, a protected area as in (1); mining
standards laboratories, the advanced tech- and hunting are specifically banned. See
nology project, the manufacturing exten- national park system.
sion partnership, and the Malcolm Baldrige
quality award. Web site: National Park Foundation A private
organization charted by the U.S. Congress
National Marine Fisheries Ser- to enhance citizen support and awareness
vice (NMFS) An agency within the of the national park system. Corporate
national oceanic and atmospheric and individual donations are above $40
administration, U.S. Department of million annually. For more information,
Commerce, established to manage fish visit
populations, track the status of fishery
stocks, and protect vulnerable marine National Parks and Conservation
biota in U.S. coastal waters. See marine Association (NPCA) A private non-
mammal protection act. For more profit group dedicated to protecting the
information, visit American system of national parks; the
NPCA uses education, advocacy, and liti-
National Marine Sanctuary In the gation to accomplish its goal. Web site:
United States, an area managed by the

National Park Service

National Park Service In the United National Priorities List (NPL) A

States, the administrative agency within the list of the hazardous waste disposal sites
U.S. Department of Interior charged with most in need of cleanup; the list is updated
managing the national park system. annually by the U.S. EPA, based primarily
Visit for more information. on how a site scores using the hazard
ranking system. Also called the Super-
National Park System In the United fund list. Web site: www.epa./erfund/sites/
States, public areas designated by Con- npl/npl.htm.
gress to be preserved and managed for
future generations. The almost 400 areas National Research Council (NRC) A
totaling 83 million acres are protected as group of volunteer professionals sup-
national parks, national monuments, ported by the national academy of sci-
national preserves, National Battle-
ences, National Academy of Engineering,
fields, National Cemeteries, National
and Institute of Medicine who, working
Recreation Areas, National Memorials,
through study committees, conduct inde-
National Lakeshores, National Parkways,
National Trails, National Rivers, National pendent research for the U.S. government
Seashores, National Historic Parks, and on public policy issues in science and tech-
National Historic Sites. The National Park nology. Based in Washington, D.C. Web
System is managed by the national park site:
National Response Center (NRC)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimi- The U.S. Coast Guard unit that receives
nation System (NPDES) The program reports of hazardous chemical spills and
established by the clean water act that is responsible for notifying other agencies
requires all point sources discharging that help plan, coordinate, and respond to
into any “waters of the United States” to the release. Based in Washington, D.C. The
obtain a permit issued by the U.S. EPA 24-hour telephone number of the center is
or a state agency authorized by the federal 800-424-8802. See national response
agency. The NPDES permit lists permissi- team; spill cleanup inventory; emer-
ble discharge(s) and/or the level of cleanup gency response notification system.
technology required for wastewater. Web site:

National Preserve In the United States, National Response Team (NRT) A

an area protected from most types of group of 16 federal agencies that coordi-
human development or human activities nate the emergency response to releases
that may significantly harm the park but of oil or hazardous substances. The
in which public sport hunting and mineral NRT, under the leadership of the U.S.
exploration and extraction are allowed.
EPA, serves as an umbrella organiza-
Managed by the national park service
tion at the federal level; its functions
as part of the national park system.
include evaluating methods to respond
National Primary Drinking Water to discharges or releases; recommending
Regulations (NPDWR) Regulations needed changes in the response organiza-
for public drinking water supply systems tion; making recommendations related to
that include health-based standards for the training, equipping, and protection of
various contaminants and monitoring and response teams; evaluating response capa-
analysis requirements. Issued by the U.S. bilities; reviewing regional responses to
EPA under authority of the safe drink- discharges; and coordinating the activities
ing water act. See maximum contami- of federal, state, and local governments as
nant level; maximum contaminant well as private organizations in response
level goal. Compare national second- to discharges. See national contin-
ary drinking water regulations. Web gency plan; regional response team.
site: www.epa./ewater/mcl.html. Web site:

natural draft

National Science Foundation (NSF) National Toxicology Program (NTP)

An independent U.S. government agency An organization within the U.S. Depart-
based in Washington, D.C., that supports ment of Health and Human Services
basic and applied research in science and (DHHS) charged with coordinating toxi-
engineering. Web site: cology research. The NTP Report on Car-
cinogens lists chemicals to which large
National Secondary Drinking Water numbers of American are exposed that
Regulations (NSDWR) Regulations can (or may) cause cancer in humans. The
governing the operation of public water sup- agencies involved are the Food and Drug
ply systems under the Safe Drinking Water Administration (national center for
Act. The regulations define secondary maxi- toxicological research), the national
mum contaminant levels, that is, the maxi- cancer institute, the national insti-
mal concentrations of certain substances in tute for occupational safety and
drinking water that affect aesthetic quality. health, and the national institute of
The national primary drinking water environmental health sciences. The
regulations set standards intended to NTP executive committee also includes
protect public health. Web site: www.epa. the heads of other federal health research
groups and regulatory agencies. Web site:
National Stream Quality Accounting
Network (NASQAN) A data system National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
operated by the U.S. Geological Survey
An international conservation organiza-
that, since 1995, compiles measurements
tion headquartered in Vienna, Virginia,
of water pollutant concentrations in four
that promotes sustainable management of
major rivers in the United States: the
wildlife and other natural resources. Larg-
Mississippi (which includes the Missouri
est U.S. conservation organization. Web
and Ohio), the Columbia, the Colorado,
and the Rio Grande. Between 1973 and site:
1995, NASQAN collected water quality
data from over 600 watersheds. Web site: National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) In the United States, public lands managed
by the U.S. fish & wildlife service for
National Strike Force (NSF) Units the conservation of wildlife and wildlife
within the U.S. Coast Guard that respond habitat.
to spills of oil or hazardous substances
as part of the national response team native Describing an indigenous species.
following the national contingency
plan. Force units are based along the natural attenuation In the remedia-
Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts. They tion of contaminated groundwater, the
provide, among other services, communi- reduction in concentration or mobility
cation support, advice, and assistance in of toxic materials that occurs by natural
the event of discharges; shipboard dam- physical, chemical, and/or biological means,
age control; containment and removal of which can include adsorption to soil and
discharges; and diving activities related to clay particles and biodegradation. See
damage assessment and surveys. Web site: monitored natural attenuation.
natural draft A gas flow created by the
National Technical Information difference in pressure between hot gases
Service (NTIS) An agency that sells and the atmosphere, such as the draft
reports from government-funded studies operating in a fireplace chimney, incinera-
to the public. Located in Springfield, Vir- tor stack, or natural-draft tower. See
ginia. Web site: also forced draft; induced draft.

natural-draft tower

natural-draft tower A cooling tower taminate drilling pipe by forming radio-

that is designed to remove waste heat active scale or, if discharged into surface
from a heated effluent. The air that waters, can potentially accumulate in an
receives the heat from the water rises and aquatic ecosystem.
exits the tower by convection currents
without the aid of blowers or fans. natural minor See true minor; com-
pare synthetic minor.
natural experiment An unplanned sit-
uation in which parts of a human popula- natural organic matter (NOM) In
tion are exposed to an environmental risk drinking water treatment, organic car-
factor and others similar in other ways bon present in the source water. chlo-
to the exposed group are not, much as if rination or ozonation can react with
the exposed and control groups were part the NOM to produce disinfection by-
of a laboratory experiment. Differences in products.
disease incidence in the two groups can
be used to judge the strength of the risk natural radioactivity ionizing radia-
factor. tion from sources that are not related to
human activities, for example, cosmic rays
natural gas A colorless, odorless, flam- and radiation emitted by radioisotopes
mable mixture of methane, ethane, pro- found naturally in the crust of the Earth.
pane, butane, and other hydrocarbons.
Often found with petroleum deposits. A Natural Resources Conservation Ser-
clean-burning fuel widely used for heating
vice (NRCS) In the United States, an
agency in the Department of Agriculture
and cooking.
assisting private land managers, farmers,
and ranchers in the conservation and man-
natural history The study of nature agement of soil, water, and grazing lands.
(e.g., plants; animals; geological, chemical,
Formerly the Soil Conservation Service.
or other physical aspects of the Earth) in a
Visit for more infor-
nontechnical manner. Description of the
mation. See bennett, hugh.
distribution of a plant or animal as well
as the interactions of organisms within the natural resources damages Monetary
natural environment. penalties assessed by a court against a
source that spills or otherwise discharges
natural increase A positive change in excessive amounts of hazardous sub-
the number of individuals in a community stances or oil into the environment. As
as a result of a larger number of births authorized by the comprehensive envi-
than deaths. ronmental response, compensation,
and liability act and the oil pollu-
natural logarithm (ln) The value of the tion act, the assessment is based on the
exponent that the base, e, must have to expense required to clean up and restore
equal a given number. The natural loga- the natural resources (estuary, shoreline,
rithm of y is the value of x in the expression surface water body, and so forth) harmed
ex = y. For example, the natural logarithm by the discharge. State and federal admin-
of 5 is the power (x) to which e (approxi- istrative agencies are trustees who receive
mately 2.718282) must be raised to equal the monetary award for use in restoration.
5, or ex = 5; therefore x is about 1.60944.
Natural Resources Defense Council
naturally occurring radioactive mate- (NRDC) A private U.S. environmental
rial (NORM) radioactive material organization, founded in 1970. A par-
in fluids moved to the surface during the ticipant in numerous lawsuits that have
production of oil or gas, usually in the shaped national environmental policies.
produced water. The material can con- For example, NRDC suits resulted in the


listing of lead as a criteria pollutant to the conservation of plant and animal

(NRDC v. Train, 1976) and the adoption species through the protection of natural
of best-available technology effluent stan- habitats. The organization purchases and
dards for toxic water pollutants (NRDC manages land in association with private
v. Train, 1976; see flannery decree). landowners and government organiza-
Headquarters in New York City. Web tions for the protection of diverse land
site: and aquatic habitats. The conservancy
oversees the largest system of private
natural selection A natural process by nature sanctuaries in the world, with
which certain members of a population holdings in 50 states and Canada, and
that are well adapted to prevailing envi- the group has partnerships with like-
ronmental conditions survive and repro- minded organizations in Latin America,
duce at greater rates than those organisms the Caribbean, and Asia. Headquartered
not suited to that particular environment. in Arlington, Virginia. Web site: www.
Expressed by Charles Darwin, the process
is often referred to as the survival of the
fittest (i.e., the genetic makeup that best navigable waters Water to which the
fits the environment is most successfully clean water act applies; such waters
passed to offspring) and is considered to include “the waters of the United States,”
be the selection pressure that drives evo- that is, any body of water with any con-
lution. nection to interstate waters or commerce,
including almost all surface water and
natural sink 1. A habitat that serves to wetlands. There is no requirement, despite
trap or otherwise remove chemicals such the name, that vessels be able to navigate
as plant nutrients, organic pollutants, or these waters.
metal ions through natural processes. For
example, a river that enters a swamp may near field The area very close to a noise
carry a substantial amount of dissolved source in which the sound pressure level
plant nutrients but the water exiting the does not drop with the inverse square of
swamp will have lower nutrient concen- the distance from the source (inverse
trations. The swamp has then served as square law). Compare far field.
a sink to trap the nutrients that are no
longer available for subsequent plant near infrared Electromagnetic radia-
growth downstream from the swamp. 2. tion with wavelengths from 0.75 microm-
A natural process whereby pollutants are eter to 1.5 micrometers. See infrared
removed from the atmosphere. A sink pro- radiation.
cess can be physical (particulates removed
by rain), chemical (the reaction of ozone near miss Any unintentional or
with nitric oxide to form nitrogen unplanned event in an industrial setting
dioxide and oxygen), or biological (the that could have resulted in a violation
uptake of airborne hydrocarbons by soil of health, safety, or environmental stan-
microorganisms). Also called a scavenging dards. The event is characterized as a near
mechanism. miss regardless of its consequences. These
occurrences are recorded and studied, and
natural water Any bottled water corrective action is taken to prevent future
obtained from a groundwater source, accidents that may have unfavorable out-
including spring water, well water, arte- comes related to health, safety, or envi-
sian water, or mineral water. Water not ronmental standards.
obtained from a municipal water supply.
necrosis Localized death of body tissue
Nature Conservancy, The (TNC) An that results in the development of a lesion
international, private, nonprofit orga- characterized by inflammation and pus
nization, founded in 1951, dedicated accumulation. A festering sore.

negative externality

negative externality See externality. neoplasm The growth of new or abnor-

mal tissue that has no prescribed physi-
negawatt Negative watt. Describing the ological function. A tumor. See benign
electrical energy saved by conservation or neoplasm; malignant neoplasm.
efficiency measures.
nephelometer A device that measures
negligible residue An amount of pes- the scattering of light by particles (or bac-
ticide remaining in or on raw agricul- teria) suspended in air or water compared
tural commodities that would result in with a reference suspension. The instru-
a daily intake of the agent regarded as ment consists of a light source aimed at
toxicologically insignificant. See pesticide a sample cell and a detector placed at
residues. right angles to the light path through the
sample. The light scattered at right angles
negotiated rulemaking In admin- is measured by a nephelometer in neph-
istrative law, a process sometimes used elometric turbidity units; the decrease
to draft rules (regulations) by which in light transmitted directly through the
administrative agency staff consult indus- sample cell is a measure of turbidity in
trial representatives, members of envi- jackson turbidity units.
ronmental activist groups, and any other
stakeholder as the regulations are being nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU)
developed. The interaction, which may A unit used to express the cloudiness (tur-
include the assistance of facilitators, is bidity) of water as measured by a neph-
designed to produce consensus and pre- elometer. Nephelometric turbidity units
vent litigation. are approximately equal to jackson tur-
bidity units.
nekton Animal in an aquatic system
that is free-swimming, independent of cur- neritic Of the shallow regions of a lake
rents or waves. Compare benthos and or ocean that border the land. The term is
plankton. also used to identify the biota that inhabit
the water along the shore of a lake or
nematode Roundworm. One of the ocean.
most common kinds of animals, with
about 10,000 species known. Members of Nessler reagent An aqueous solution
this group live in almost all known hab- of mercury and potassium salts of iodine
itats, ranging from polar regions to the and sodium hydroxide that is used to test
tropics and from soil to the deep ocean. for the presence of ammonia in water or
Depending on the species, nematodes can reaction mixtures.
be parasitic to humans, livestock, and
plants. Some common human patho- net community productivity (NCP)
gens are hookworm, pinworm, intestinal The gain of biomass within a defined
roundworm, and whipworm. region over time. The total amount of car-
bon dioxide fixed by the photosynthetic
neo-Luddite See luddite. plants within the area (primary pro-
duction) minus that amount of carbon
neo-Malthusian Describing adherents dioxide lost through metabolism at all
to the belief that human population growth trophic levels within the same region.
and the attendant resource use cannot be
sustained without catastrophic conse- net energy yield A measurement used
quences. The neo-Malthusian worldview to compare different energy-conversion
goes beyond food scarcity, which was the systems, calculated as the ratio between
focus of thomas robert malthus, predict- the output of useful energy (available to
ing the exhaustion of fossil fuels, freshwater, do useful work) and the energy cost of
and metal resources. See malthusian. construction, fuel extraction, energy con-

new source performance standards

version, energy transmission, and disposal the central nervous system devel-
of waste produced by the conversion. The ops; results from excessive exposure to
ratio for hydroelectric power has been toxic compounds during early embryonic
estimated to be about 20:1, indicating that development.
the yield of useful energy is high relative
to the energy that must be expended to neurotoxin A substance that can dam-
recover the hydroelectric power, whereas age or destroy nerve tissue. botulism
the ratio for biogas (methane produced toxin represents a common example.
from the anaerobic decomposition of
biomass) is estimated to be on the order neuston Small particles or microorgan-
or 2:1, indicating that it takes the expen- isms found in the surface film that covers
diture of almost as much energy to uti- still bodies of water.
lize the resource as the amount of useful
energy recovered. neutralism A circumstance describing
the absence of interactions between two
net precipitation A factor used to eval- species when those organisms are living in
uate the potential for leachate generation close association. Compare mutualism.
at a waste disposal site. The factor is com-
puted for a specific location by subtracting
neutralization Moving the pH of
the annual evaporation from lakes in the
a matrix to 7 or neutral. If the water is
region from the normal annual rainfall.
acidic, a caustic or a basic material is
added to absorb or otherwise remove
net primary productivity (NPP) The
some of the protons so that neutrality will
number of grams of carbon dioxide fixed
be achieved. On the other hand, if water
by photosynthesis of plants per unit area
is too alkaline (pH above 7), acid is added
or volume of water minus the number of
to lower pH until neutrality is achieved.
grams of carbon dioxide produced during
Frequently, the pH of wastewater must be
the respiration of those plants. See also
gross primary productivity; primary adjusted to achieve neutrality before treat-
productivity. ment or release into the environment.

net reproductive rate (R0) In popula- neutrino A very small subatomic parti-
tion ecology, the average number of surviv- cle released from unstable atoms that emit
ing offspring produced by each individual beta particles as they undergo radioac-
during its lifetime. A population with an R0 tive decay. The particle does not carry a
of 1 is experiencing zero growth. charge as do the protons and electrons of
an atom.
netting See bubble policy; emission
reduction credits; emissions trading; neutron One of the elementary particles
netting out. in the nucleus of all atoms except hydro-
gen. A neutron does not have a charge,
netting out The exemption of cer- and the atomic mass is approximately 1,
tain facility modifications from a more- the same as the mass of the proton.
detailed air pollution permit process (a
new source review) if the emissions of new source performance standards
a particular pollutant from the proposed (NSPS) 1. Pollutant-specific national
modification and emission reductions of uniform air emission standards for new
the same air pollutant within the same or modified stationary sources, set by
source result in no net increase in facility the U.S. EPA by facility type, based on
emissions for that pollutant. available emission control technology. 2.
Effluent limitations set by the U.S. EPA for
neural tube defects Malformation new point sources of water pollution.
or other harm to the tissue from which The standards are applied to an industry

new source review

category, such as a petroleum refinery or face waters can lead to excessive growth of
a phosphate manufacture. aquatic plants. High groundwater nitrate
levels can cause methemoglobinemia in
new source review (NSR) The proce- infants. See cultural eutrophication;
dural steps defined by an environmental eutrophication; nitrite.
regulatory agency for the issuance of a
permit for a new facility (or major modi- nitric acid A strong mineral acid hav-
fication of an existing facility) that will ing the formula HNO3. This acid is one of
emit significant quantities of air pollut- the constituents of acid rain.
ants. The review includes specification or
approval of air pollution control devices nitric oxide (NO) The gas formed by
or methods and air quality dispersion heating air to high temperatures (ther-
modeling of the estimated emissions of a mal nox) or by the oxidation of organic
facility to assess their impact. nitrogen contaminants in a fuel during
combustion (fuel nox).
newton (N) The SI unit of force equal-
ing a mass of one kilogram accelerated nitrification The oxidation of ammo-
at one meter per second per second, nia to nitrate by bacteria in soil or
Expressed as 1 N = 1 kg m s–2. water.

new towns Planning models that nitrile group A functional group

attempt to construct environments that composed of one carbon atom and one
combine urban living with a close asso- nitrogen atom joined by a triple bond.
ciation with nature. Planned communities Formula: −C ≡ N.
providing for clusters of residential and
commercial development separated by nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) Chemical
extensive green areas. See green belt. considered a substitute for sodium tri-
polyphosphate in detergents. The poly-
new urbanism An urban design move- phosphate is added to detergents to act as
ment that proposes the planned growth a builder, or agent to bind with ions of
of cities in such a way that minimizes the calcium, iron, and magnesium, thus pre-
impact of population growth on the nat- venting the accumulation of deposits of
ural environment and enhances the qual- detergent on clothing. The water pollution
ity of life of city inhabitants. The many resulting from the large amounts of phos-
concepts associated with the movement phorus in streams and lakes stimulated the
include restoration of urban centers, search for a substitute. The national tox-
preservation of historic neighborhoods, icology program has determined that
and the redesign of suburbs based on there is sufficient evidence that NTA is an
replicating the higher densities of older animal carcinogen. Limited use of NTA as
cities, easing pedestrian access to com- a builder indicated that the agent was effec-
mercial centers, and providing public tive; however, concerns about lawsuits and
transportation. product boycotts resulted in cancellation
of plans to use the agent. See cultural
niche In ecology, a term that includes eutrophication; eutrophication.
both the habitat and role (functional sta-
tus) of an organism within an ecosystem. nitrite An oxidized nitrogen molecule
with the chemical formula NO2¯. Nitrite
night soil Solid human excrement. can be formed from nitrate (NO3¯) by
microbial action in soil, water, or the
nitrate A chemical compound having human digestive tract. Excessive nitrate
the formula NO3–. Nitrate salts are used levels in rural well water, caused by fer-
as fertilizers to supply a nitrogen source tilizer application, can cause methemo-
for plant growth. Nitrate addition to sur- globinemia, typically in infants. Sodium

nitrous oxide

nitrite preservative added to bacon, lunch nitrogenous BOD The amount of

meats, hot dogs, ham, and other foods molecular oxygen required for the micro-
can react with dietary amines (compounds bial oxidation of ammonia and nitrite
found in cereals, fish, cheese, beer, and contaminants in a specified volume of
others) to form carcinogenic nitro- wastewater. This type of oxygen demand
samines. However, relative to nitrites can complicate the interpretation of data
formed by normal body metabolism and obtained from the determination of the
dietary intake of natural nitrates (in many biochemical oxygen demand (bod)
vegetables), the health risk of nitrite pre- of treated sewage, although a chemical
servatives is small. can be added to the bod test to prevent
ammonia oxidation. Ammonia and nitrite
nitrogen cycle A model illustrating the are oxidized by chemoautotrophic bacte-
conversion of nitrogen from one form to ria. See chemoautotrophs.
another through a combination of biologi-
cal, geological, and chemical processes. nitrogenous waste Wastewater that
The process is continuous, with N2 in the contains organic or inorganic forms
atmosphere (constituting about 80% of of nitrogen, including ammonia and
the gas in the atmosphere) converted to nitrate.
forms usable by biota and then ultimately
returning to the atmosphere as N2. nitrogen oxides (NOx) Gases con-
taining nitrogen and oxygen; they include
nitrogen dioxide (NO2) A brownish NO, NO2, NO3, N2O, N2O3, N2O4,
colored gas that is a major ingredient in and N2O5. The first two, nitric oxide
photochemical smog. This oxide of (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), are
nitrogen is readily produced in the atmo- the primary NOx air pollutants. About
60% of U.S. NO and NO2 emissions are
sphere from nitric oxide by the addi-
from stationary sources (smokestacks),
tion of an oxygen atom (NO + ½O2 →
and most of the remaining 40% is from
NO2). Nitrogen dioxide can be converted
transportation exhaust, mainly from auto-
by atmospheric reactions to peroxyacyl
mobiles. nitrous oxide is a significant
nitrate or to nitric acid, an ingredi-
greenhouse gas. See fuel nox; ther-
ent in acid deposition. See nitrogen
mal nox.
nitrosamines A large and diverse fam-
nitrogen fixation The conversion ily of synthetic and naturally occurring
of nitrogen in the atmosphere (N2) to a compounds having the general formula
reduced form (e.g., amino groups of (R)(R´)N—N=O. Almost all are carcino-
amino acids) that can be used as a nitro- genic, with biochemical activation to a
gen source by organisms. The process is cancer-causing intermediate taking place
important since all organisms require a in tissue fluids. Different members of the
source of nitrogen for nutrition, and N2 family of compounds and different con-
cannot be used by the great majority of centrations of the same nitrosamine result
the biota to satisfy that need. Biological in cancer development in different tissues:
nitrogen fixation is carried out by a vari- liver, lungs, esophagus, kidney, pancreas,
ety of organisms; however, those respon- among others. Several nitrosamines pro-
sible for most of the fixation are certain duced from nicotine by bacterial activ-
species of blue-green algae, the soil bac- ity during the tobacco curing process are
terium Azotobacter, and the symbiotic responsible, in part, for the cancer-causing
association of plants of the legume variety potential of smoking and use of smokeless
and the bacterium Rhizobium. In indus- tobacco products.
try, the haber process is used to fix
atmospheric nitrogen for use as fertilizer. nitrous oxide (N2O) A colorless gas
See also symbiosis. introduced to the atmosphere by microbial

no further remedial action planned

metabolism; used as an anesthetic (laugh- hertz, rounded to the nearest 0.05. The
ing gas). N2O strongly absorbs infra- coefficient is used for comparing the sound
red radiation, and rising atmospheric absorption characteristics of materials.
concentrations have implicated it as an
important greenhouse gas (contributor no migration 1. A demonstration by
to global warming). a municipal solid waste landfill that
there is no potential for hazardous sub-
no further remedial action planned stances to migrate from the landfill into
(NFRAP) The designation applied by an aquifer. U.S. EPA approval of a no
the U.S. EPA when an assessment of a haz- migration petition exempts the landfill
ardous waste disposal site indicates that from groundwater monitoring at the site.
the site does not pose a significant health 2. For a hazardous waste treatment,
risk to the public or risk for damage to the storage, or disposal facility, a demon-
environment. Sites rated as NFRAP are stration that a waste that would otherwise
now removed from the U.S. EPA active list be subject to the land disposal ban will
of waste sites, known as the comprehen- not migrate into an aquifer; a success-
sive environmental response, com- ful demonstration allows the waste to be
pensation, and liability information buried.
system (CERCLIS). No further activity
is anticipated under the comprehensive nominal variable A sample character-
environmental response, compensa- istic expressed as a class or descriptive cat-
tion, and liability act. Waste site list- egory, such as marital status, ethnic group,
ings are available at socioeconomic class, and religious pref-
erence. These are qualitative, not quan-
noise Unwanted sound. Noise differs titative, data, and only nonparametric
from most environmental insults in that if tests are appropriate for data collected as
the source is stopped, it disappears imme- nominal variables. See also ordinal vari-
diately and has no residual accumula- able; parametric tests.
tion. Noise also has important subjective
aspects. No direct measurements can quan- nomograph A graphical solution to a
tify the loudness of a noise or the distur- multivariable equation. Parallel vertical
bance quality. The occupational safety scales, one for each variable, are arranged
and health administration workplace such that a straight line across the scales
standard for an eight-hour exposure is a produces values for all variables that
limit of 90 decibels, a-weighting net- together solve the equation.
work (dba). There are no enforceable fed-
eral community noise standards, but the nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) Or-
Federal Aviation Administration and the ganic liquid that is relatively insoluble in
Department of Urban Development have water and less dense than water. When it
established a guideline, which is a day- is mixed with water or when an aquifer
night sound level of 65 dBA. See noise- is contaminated with this class of pollut-
induced hearing loss and other entries ant (frequently hydrocarbon in nature),
that start with the word sound. these substances float on the surface of
the water. Compare dense nonaqueous
noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) A phase liquid.
permanent threshold shift attribut-
able to excessive noise exposure; hearing nonattainment area (NAA) A geo-
loss beyond the normal decline with age. graphical area that does not meet a
national ambient air quality stan-
noise reduction coefficient The arith- dard for a particular pollutant. The
metic average of the sabin absorption extent of the area is defined by air quality
coefficients for a certain material at the monitoring data, air quality dispersion
frequencies of 250, 500, 1,000, and 2,000 models, and/or the judgment of the state


environmental agency and the U.S. EPA. by the routine mechanisms that lead to
The clean air act requires a state imple- the destruction of materials in the natu-
mentation plan to contain the steps nec- ral environment. Some materials that are
essary to become an attainment area. described as nondegradable will eventually
be degraded under the influence of long-
nonbinding preliminary allocation of term biological, chemical, or geological
responsibility (NBAR) An allocation factors; however, the rate of decomposi-
by the U.S. EPA of percentages of total tion is very slow. chlorinated hydro-
cleanup costs for a hazardous waste site carbons are described as nondegradable.
to each potentially responsible party
under the authority of the comprehen- nondestructive testing (NDT) In geo-
sive environmental response, compen- physical surveying, methods used to detect
sation, and liability act. The system is subsurface water, subsurface containers,
used to encourage settlements. or the areal extent of groundwater con-
tamination without soil borings. The test-
nonbiodegradable Describing organic ing involves the use of acoustic sounding,
compounds, usually synthetic, that are not infrared radiation, X-rays, magnetic field
decomposed or mineralized by microor- perturbation, electrical resistivity, and
ganisms. This term is somewhat archaic other methods.
and has been replaced by recalcitrant
in most circumstances. nondiscretionary (duty) See citizen
suit provision.
noncommunity water system As
defined in safe drinking water act nondispersive infrared analysis
(sdwa) regulations, a drinking water sup- (NDIR) An analytical method that
ply and distribution system that serves at uses the molecular absorption of infra-
least 15 connections or 25 or more people red radiation to measure the concen-
but not on a year-round basis, for example, tration of certain chemical compounds in
the system at a summer camp. The SDWA the ambient air. A broad (nondispersive)
applies different requirements depending band of infrared radiation is used, in con-
on a water system’s classification. trast to the particular wavelength tuning
applied in methods like ultraviolet
noncontact cooling water Under photometry. NDIR is the U.S. EPA ref-
clean water act regulations, cooling erence method for ambient measurements
water that does not have direct contact of carbon monoxide.
with raw material, products, by-prod-
ucts, or waste. national pollutant dis- no net loss In wetlands conserva-
charge elimination system permits for tion, the policy of identifying replacement
noncontact cooling water systems control wetland for any wetland habitat that is
thermal pollution, and, if necessary, destroyed by development. See con-
set limits for chemical additives used to structed wetlands; mitigation bank-
inhibit corrosion or to control pipe scale. ing; section 404 permit.

nonconventional pollutants Under the nonferrous metal Metal that is not

clean water act, water pollutants not attracted by a magnet, such as aluminum,
listed as conventional pollutants, toxic copper, and lead. Recycling operations
pollutants, or thermal discharges. The non- cannot use magnetic separation for
conventional agents include chloride, iron, materials made of nonferrous metals.
ammonia, color, and total phenols.
nonfissionable Describing an atom
nondegradable An adjective that des- that is not capable of undergoing nuclear
cribes an organic compound or substance fission, or breaking into two or more
that is not decomposed or metabolized pieces, when bombarded by neutrons.

nongovernmental organizations

Commonly used to refer to a specific iso- nonparametric tests Statistical pro-

tope of some element, other isotopes of cedures that yield information about
which normally undergo nuclear fission. populations but not about population
For example, uranium 235 is an isotope parameters. This type of test uses data
of uranium that is capable of undergoing from nominal variables or ordi-
fission, whereas uranium 238 is an iso- nal variables and does not require the
tope of uranium that is nonfissionable.
assumptions about sample population dis-
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) tributions that must be made or acknowl-
Excluding commercial businesses, the array edged using parametric tests.
of private research groups, foundations,
advisory agencies, professional societies, nonpersistent pollutant A substance
and political organizations holding an inter- that can cause damage to organisms when
est in environmental affairs and resource added in excessive amounts to the envi-
utilization (and a host of other causes). ronment but is decomposed or degraded
by natural biological communities and
nonhazardous oil field waste (NOW) removed from the environment relatively
Waste generated by drilling of and pro- quickly. Compare persistent pollutant;
duction from oil and gas wells that is not
classified as a hazardous waste by reg-
ulations of the U.S. EPA. Typical NOW
wastes include drilling muds, drill cut-
nonpoint source A diffuse, uncon-
tings, drilling fluids, and produced fined discharge of water from the land
water. to a receiving body of water. When this
water contains materials that can poten-
nonionizing radiation Electromagnetic tially damage the receiving stream, the
radiation that contains less than 10–12 runoff is considered to be a source of pol-
electron volts per photon, which is lutants. Runoff from city streets, park-
not sufficiently energetic to produce ions ing lots, home lawns, agricultural lands,
when absorbed by matter, in particular individual septic systems, and construc-
water. Examples are ultraviolet light, tion sites that enters lakes and streams
visible light, and radio waves. See ioniz- constitutes an important source of sedi-
ing radiation. ments, oil and grease, and nutrients caus-
nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHC) ing eutrophication. Nonpoint sources
Hydrocarbon compounds present in ambi- are the largest contributors to the nation’s
ent air that participate in photochemical remaining water pollution problems. See
reactions leading to an accumulation of storm water runoff.
photochemical oxidants, especially
ozone. Methane is excluded because nonpolar solvent A solvent with no
it is relatively nonreactive and does not positive polarity or negative polarity.
contribute to the atmospheric reactions This type of solvent is a good dissolver
forming ozone. Compare nonmethane of other nonpolar materials. For exam-
organic compounds. ple, oils dissolve in benzene because
both are nonpolar materials. Compare
nonmethane organic compounds polar solvent.
(NMOC) Airborne nonmethane hy-
drocarbons, plus any oxygenated hydro-
nonpotable Describes water that is
carbons, such as aldehydes and ketones,
that participate in photochemical reactions undrinkable because it may contain exces-
producing ozone or other photochemi- sive levels of infectious agents, hazardous
cal oxidants. chemicals, or other substances that render
it unpalatable.
nonparametric statistics See non-
parametric tests. nonreactive See inert.

North American Free Trade Agreement

nonrenewable energy A source of non-time-critical removal action Un-

energy such as oil or natural gas that is der the provisions of the national con-
not replaceable after it has been used. In tingency plan, a chemical release that
contrast, firewood and hydroelectricity does not require an emergency (immedi-
production are sources of renewable ate) response; however, the response must
energy. begin within six months. See removal
action; time-critical removal action.
nonrenewable resource A natural
resource such as coal or mineral ores that nonylphenol An organic chemical used
is not replaceable after its removal. In con- in the manufacture of antioxidants and
trast, food crops and timber forests are surfactants. Nonylphenol is a biodeg-
renewable resources. radation product of nonylphenol eth-
oxylates and is often found in wastewater
nonroad emission Air pollutant treatment plant effluent. Some studies have
released by internal combustion engines found that nonylphenol can act as an envi-
that do not power cars or trucks (e.g., ronmental hormone. See alkylphenol
farm vehicles, lawn and garden equip- ethoxylates.
ment, stationary construction equipment,
and water recreation vehicles). nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) sur-
factants used in household detergents,
nontarget organism Plant or animal pulp and paper manufacture, industrial
harmed by pesticide use other than the cleaners, and in many other industrial
target organism. processes. nonylphenol is a decomposi-
tion product of the NPEs. See alkylphe-
nonthreshold pollutant Any chemi- nol ethoxylates.
cal or physical agent for which any
human exposure is assumed to produce no-observed-adverse-effect level
an increased risk of an adverse effect. (NOAEL) See no-observed-effect
ionizing radiation and chemical com- level.
pounds that are suspected to be human
carcinogens are considered by the regu- no-observed-effect level (NOEL) In
latory policy of the United States to be a toxicology study, the highest dose at
nonthreshold pollutants. See threshold which no adverse effect is observed. Also
dose; threshold effect; threshold called the no-observed-adverse-effect
hypothesis. level.

normal solution A solution containing

one gram equivalent weight per liter.

North American Agreement for Envi-

ronmental Cooperation (NAAEC) A
parallel agreement to the north ameri-
can free trade agreement (NAFTA)
that focuses on environmental enforce-
ment and environment/trade issues; the
NAAEC created the commission for
environmental cooperation of Can-
ada, Mexico, and the United States. Web

North American Free Trade Agree-

ment (NAFTA) The 1993 agreement
liberalizing trade among the United States,

North American Industry Classification System

Mexico, and Canada. Environmental con- and, often, public hearings at locations
cerns prompted some, but not all, U.S. across the country. The agency responses
environmental groups to oppose NAFTA. to public comments appear in another
The main issues were the relatively less Federal Register and the rules may be
stringent environmental regulations in revised and reproposed for further com-
Mexico, looser environmental compliance ments or are issued (promulgated) as final
standards causing the possible relocation with only one round of comments.
of U.S. plants to Mexico, and possible
relaxation of U.S. environmental standards notice letter 1. A formal notice from
attendant to the new free trade rules, espe- the U.S. EPA to a potentially respon-
cially those related to pesticide residues sible party that a remedial investi-
on Mexican produce. The environmental gation/feasibility study or a cleanup
issues were at least partly solved by the action is to be undertaken at a site at
north american agreement for envi- which hazardous substances have been
ronmental cooperation, a supplemen- released or pose a substantial threat of
tal side agreement on the environment, not release in accordance with the compre-
part of NAFTA, that implements an array hensive environmental response, com-
of environmental protection measures. pensation, and liability act. 2. A letter
written to an environmental administra-
North American Industry Classifica- tor under the citizen suit provisions of
tion System (NAICS) A numerical various environmental laws, informing the
code system that classifies businesses by administrator that the potential plaintiff
type. The NAICS is replacing the stan- alleges a failure to perform a nondiscre-
dard industrial classification (SIC) tionary act. The citizen suit cannot begin
codes in the United States, Canada, and until 60 days after the notice letter (also
Mexico as an outgrowth of the north called a 60-day letter).
american free trade agreement
(NAFTA). The NAICS puts a greater notice of deficiency A communication
emphasis on services and technology than from the U.S. EPA or a state agency to
the SIC codes. an applicant for an environmental per-
mit indicating that additional informa-
North American Water and Power tion is required from the applicant before
Alliance (NAWAPA) A controversial the agency can complete its regulatory
scheme to channel water from Alaska and review.
western Canada through the Canadian
Rocky Mountains to the western United notice of intent to cancel An
States and upper Mexico. The project announcement by the U.S. EPA that it is
has never moved from the planning stage starting cancellation proceedings for a
thanks to the excessively high economic pesticide.
and environmental costs involved.
notice of intent to deny A communi-
nosocomial Describing a disease or cation from the U.S. EPA or a state agency
infection contracted in a hospital because to an applicant for an environmental per-
of either excessive exposure to infectious mit indicating that the agency has made
organisms or the general compromised a preliminary decision to deny (not issue)
condition of the patient. a permit.

notice-and-comment rule making notice of intent to suspend An

The process used by the U.S. EPA to write announcement by the U.S. EPA that it will
rules (regulations or standards) that imple- issue a suspension order for a pesticide.
ment federal environmental laws. The
rules are proposed in the federal regis- notice of noncompliance A commu-
ter, followed by a public comment period nication from a state agency or the U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission

EPA that a facility is in violation of envi- that converts the mechanical energy into
ronmental protection regulations. In many electrical energy. The heat in the reactor is
cases, a facility that is not complying with produced by controlled fission reactions.
regulations is issued a monetary penalty
for noncompliance based on the economic nuclear fission See fission.
advantage enjoyed by not controlling
emissions. See ben model. nuclear fusion See fusion.

notice of violation (NOV) An official nuclear reactor A device to promote

communication from the U.S. EPA or a and control nuclear fission for pro-
state enforcement department that a facil- ducing heat and then steam to gener-
ity has violated a regulation or exceeded ate electricity or for producing a certain
the discharge limits or other provisions of radioisotope. All reactors have a core
the operating permit. See compliance containing nuclear fuel, which serves as
order; compliance schedule. the energy source, and control rods,
which regulate the rate of fission. The
notice of violation—potential penalty fuel is usually a mixture of uranium 238
(NVPP) Official communication issued (about 97%) and uranium 235 and/or
by a governmental regulatory agency to an plutonium 239 (about 3%). The fuel
industrial facility warning of the possible is formed into pellets and packed into
imposition of a financial penalty for a vio- metal tubes called fuel rods. The core is
lation of environmental protection regu- immersed in coolant (commonly water).
lations. Facility management may explain The system is energized by removal of
what happened to cause the violation and the control rods. Heat generated by fis-
what steps are being taken to decrease the sion is used to make steam, which is used
likelihood of future violations to convince to turn generators that produce electric-
the regulatory agency to reduce or waive ity. Some reactors operated for the U.S.
the penalty. government produced plutonium, tritium,
and other radionuclides used in nuclear
not in my backyard (NIMBY) An weapons; weapons-grade production
expression of public opinion acknowledg- ended by 1990. Other than their safe
ing that waste materials must be treated operation, one of the primary environ-
and disposed of, but asserting that this mental concerns related to nuclear reac-
should be done somewhere else. See tors is the accumulation of waste materi-
also build absolutely nothing any- als that are very radioactive and remain
where near anyone; not in my term dangerous for hundreds of years. These
of office; yes, in my backyard, for a radioactive wastes accumulate in the
price. fuel rods as the reactor operates and
within the reactor structure itself. Conse-
not in my term of office quently, used fuel rods and reactors that
(NIMTOO) The slogan sometimes are decommissioned are sources of large
attributed to politicians voting against new amounts of dangerous radioactive waste.
landfills or other potentially controver- See boiling-water reactor; pressur-
sial projects. See also build absolutely ized-water reactor.
nothing anywhere near anyone; not
in my backyard; yes, in my backyard, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
for a price. A five-member U.S. government commis-
sion with supporting staff responsible for
nuclear energy Electricity generated issuing licenses for the construction and
using the heat produced in a nuclear operation of nuclear power plants; the
reactor to boil water with the resulting commission succeeded the Atomic Energy
production of steam. The steam turns a Commission in January 1975. Web site:
turbine that is connected to a generator

nuclear waste

nuclear waste See radioactive waste. chemical basis of heredity. See deoxyri-
bonucleic acid; ribonucleic acid.
Nuclear Waste Policy Act (NWPA) A
1982 federal statute that established a nucleus 1. In terms of atomic structure,
schedule to identify a site for and construct the corelike center of an atom containing
an underground repository for spent fuel protons and neutrons and surrounded
from nuclear power reactors and high- by the electron cloud. The nucleus con-
level radioactive waste from federal tains almost all of the mass of an atom.
defense programs. Initially three sites were 2. In terms of the structure of biological
recommended: Deaf Smith County, Texas; cells, the largest of the structures within a
Hanford Reservation, Washington; and cell, containing the genetic material, that
Yucca Mountain, Nevada. A 1987 amend- is, the genes, chromosomes, and deoxy-
ment to the NWPA provided for further ribonucleic acids, that determines the
studies at the yucca mountain site only. properties of a cell and directs the heredi-
The NWPA is being implemented by the tary transmission of features to daughter
Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Man- cells when the original divides.
agement (OCRWM) within the depart-
ment of energy. Web site: www.ocrwm. nuclide A general term for the various
configurations of protons and neutrons
in atomic nuclei. On the basis of the num-
ber of protons in the nucleus, over 100
nuclear winter Predicted consequences
different elements have been identified.
of a war involving the use of a large num-
An element often has several isotopes
ber of nuclear weapons. The detonation of
with different numbers of neutrons. The
the weapons and the resulting fires have
elements and their various isotopes num-
been predicted to cause high concentra-
ber about 1,000 nuclides.
tions of dust and smoke in the atmosphere.
The high particulate levels are predicted to
nuisance In common law, an interfer-
remain long enough to reduce the amount ence with the use and enjoyment of one’s
of solar radiation reaching the surface of property. Environmental nuisance can be
the Earth dramatically, lowering surface the basis of a lawsuit against someone
temperature to harmful levels worldwide. who is polluting another’s land or ground-
These theoretical predictions have been water, for example.
questioned strongly and remain a subject
of much debate. null hypothesis The hypothesis to be
tested; the statement that there is no dif-
nucleic acid See deoxyribonucleic ference between two populations in terms
acid. of a measured or observed variable. Statis-
tical tests are used to determine whether
nucleon Common name applied to a a significant difference exists, that is,
particle in the nucleus of an atom. The whether the null hypothesis should be
most common are the proton and the rejected.
nutrient Any substance that an organism
nucleotide The basic chemical unit obtains from the environment for use as
from which DNA and RNA are make. an energy source, growth factor (such as a
Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous vitamin), or basic material for the synthesis
base (adenine, thymine, guanine, or cyto- of biomass. The term is often used to iden-
sine in DNA; adenine, uracil, guanine, or tify substances used for growth by plants.
cytosine in RNA) bonded to a five-car-
bon sugar, which in turn is bonded to a nutrient cycle The cyclic conversions of
phosphate group. The linear sequence of nutrients from one form to another within
nucleotides in DNA and RNA form the the biological communities. A simple

nutrient sink

example of such a cycle would be the pro- several changes in oxidation state (N2,
duction and release of molecular oxygen NO3–, R-NH2, and NH4+) during the
(O2) from water (H2O) during photo- cycling of this element through the biolog-
synthesis by plants and the subsequent ical community and into the air, water, or
reduction of atmospheric oxygen to water soil, and back. See carbon cycle; nitro-
by the respiratory metabolism of other gen cycle; phosphorus cycle.
biota. The cycle of nitrogen is much more
complex, as the nitrogen atom undergoes nutrient sink See natural sink.


obligate An adjective used to indi- a permit from the U.S. EPA is required
cate a property that a biological organ- to discharge waste into the oceans, for
ism must have in order to survive or carry example, the disposal of dredged material.
out metabolism. For example, an obligate Permits for the dumping of sewage sludge
anaerobe is a bacterium that grows and or industrial waste are not allowed after
carries out metabolism only when no gas- 1991 except under emergency conditions
eous oxygen (O2) is present. See aerobic; that threaten health and safety.
ocean floor sediment Unconsolidated
Occupational Safety and Health Act material that settles and accumulates on
(OSHAct) The 1970 federal stat- the floor of the deep ocean. These mate-
ute that established the occupational rials can be fine muds and clays, quartz
safety and health administration for grains, dust, glacial debris derived from
the purpose of ensuring, to the extent fea- the landmasses, oozes that comprise
sible, a safe and healthy workplace. The microscopic shells of plants or animals,
act has produced an extensive body of and substances precipitated directly from
health and safety regulations, a detailed seawater.
record-keeping system of employee expo-
sure to potentially harmful agents and of oceanic boundary layer The upper
workplace injuries and illnesses, periodic layer of the ocean, in which currents are
workplace inspections, and the creation driven by wind and frictional influences
of the national institute for occupa- predominate.
tional safety and health to conduct
studies of occupational hazards and rec- oceanic crust One of the two basic
ommend standards. types of materials forming the outermost
layer of the surface of the Earth. The oce-
Occupational Safety and Health anic crust is the thinner but denser of the
Administration (OSHA) An agency of two types of crust; is composed primarily
the U.S. Department of Labor responsible of basalt rocks; and is the material under-
for issuing and enforcing regulations to lying the ocean basins.
protect the safety and health of workers.
Authorized by the occupational safety oceanic island Landmass formed from
and health act. Web site: www.osha. features arising from the ocean basins,
gov. particularly from volcanic activity. An
island that is not derived from continental
Ocean Dumping Act See marine pro- or granitic material. Some oceanic islands
tection, research, and sanctuaries of the Pacific region have been formed
act. through the growth of coral.

ocean dumping permit Under the oceanic trench Very deep regions of
Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988, which the ocean, commonly close to the conti-
amended the 1972 marine protec- nents, where the denser basaltic oceanic
tion, research, and sanctuaries act, crust is being forced downward by the

Odum, Howard

overriding action of the less dense, but a sound. Each interval is the range repre-
more massive, granitic continental crust. sented from a given frequency to twice the
The resulting down-folding of the oce- given frequency. Often, 11 octave bands
anic crust results in the formation of deep are used, starting at 22 hertz (Hz) and
trench-shaped features on the ocean floor. ending at 44,800 Hz. Therefore, the first
octave band is 22–44 Hz, the next, 44–88
ocean thermal energy conversion Hz, and so on, up to the 11th band, rep-
(OTEC) The use of the solar energy resented by 22,400–44,800 Hz. The cen-
absorbed by the ocean to produce electric- ter band frequency for each octave band
ity. The temperature difference between is the geometric mean of the frequen-
the warm surface water and the cooler, cies at each end of the range; for example,
deeper water is as much as 20°C in the the center band frequency of the 22–44
tropics, and the movement caused by this Hz octave band is the square root of the
thermal gradient can drive an evapora- product of 22 and 44, or approximately
tion-condensation cycle of a fluid to turn a 31.5 Hz.
turbine generator. Low efficiency and salt-
water corrosion are two current techni- octylphenol ethoxylates See alkyl-
cal problems with OTEC. Web site: www. phenol ethoxylates.
odds ratio An estimate of disease risk
octane number A measure of the used in epidemiological case-control
tendency of gasoline to knock, or ignite studies. The ratio is calculated as the rate
prematurely, in an internal combus- of exposure (to the suspected causative
tion engine. A fuel with a low knocking agent) in the diseased group divided by the
potential, isooctane, is arbitrarily given rate of exposure in the nondiseased group.
an octane number of 100, and a higher- Compare relative risk.
knocking fuel, n-heptane, is given a value
of 0. The octane number of a fuel is deter- odor fatigue The loss of odor sensitiv-
mined by equating the knocking tendency ity that occurs after a period of continu-
of the fuel to the knocking of a mixture of ous exposure to an odor.
isooctane and n-heptane. The octane num-
ber is the volume percentage of the iso- odor threshold The lowest concen-
octane in the equated isooctane/n-heptane tration of a vapor or gas that can be
mixture. The higher the octane number, detected as an odor by a stated percentage
the greater the antiknock property and the of a panel of test individuals.
more smoothly an internal combustion
engine operates. Odum, Eugene (1913–2002) American
ecologist A major contributor to devel-
octanol-water partition coefficient oping ecology as a discipline, Odum
(Kow) A ratio derived from the laboratory authored the classic general text in the
measurement of the solubility of a chemical field, Fundamentals of Ecology, first pub-
compound in water relative to solubility in lished in 1953, last edition 1971. He often
n-octanol. The ratio is expressed as micro- collaborated with his brother howard
grams of substance per milliliter of n-octa- odum, who is well known for his work in
nol divided by the micrograms of the same systems ecology.
substance per milliliter of water. The coeffi-
cient can be related to the water solubility, Odum, Howard (1924–2002) Amer-
the sorption to soil organic matter, and ican ecologist Howard Odum pio-
the bioconcentration factors of certain neered the concept of self-organization in
organic compounds. ecosystems, with energy quality and transfer
contributing to the organization. His works
octave bands A series of frequency include Energy: Basis for Man and Nature
intervals used to analyze the makeup of (1976) and Systems Ecology (1983). Often


collaborated with his brother and fellow characteristic of that used for copiers, typ-
ecologist eugene odum. ing, and office printers. White paper made
with chemical pulping processes. Differ-
off-gas The normal gas emissions from ing from newsprint and slick, coated stock
any process vessel or equipment. used to print magazines.

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste off-road vehicle See all-terrain ve-

Management (OCRWM) See nu- hicle.
clear waste policy act.
offset An air quality management
Office of Information and Regulatory rule that requires a facility locating or
Affairs (OIRA) The executive branch expanding in an area that does not meet
agency within the office of management a national ambient air quality stan-
and budget that reviews the regula- dard for an air pollutant to reduce emis-
tory impact analysis documents submit- sions or obtain emission reductions from
ted by federal administrative agencies for other facilities in an amount greater than
all major regulations and standards. The the additional emissions of the nonattain-
OIRA, following executive order 12866, ment pollutant associated with the new or
seeks to maximize the benefits and mini- expanded facility. The emission reductions
mize the burdens of new federal rules. Web must “offset” the new emissions for the
site: pollutant that violates an ambient stan-
dard. Emission reductions from existing
Office of Management and Budget sources within the facility are an appli-
(OMB) An agency in the executive cation of the bubble policy, sometimes
branch with responsibility for drafting the called an internal offset. See emission
annual budget of the federal government. reduction credits; emissions trading;
The OMB also reviews major regulatory netting out; nonattainment area.
proposals, in accordance with executive
order 12866. See office of informa- off-site facility A destination for the
tion and regulatory affairs. Web site: treatment, storage, or disposal of an industrial waste that is not at the location
of the generation of the waste. The tox-
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency ics release inventory compiles off-site
Response (OSWER) The administra- transfers of waste.
tive unit of the U.S. EPA responsible for
solid and hazardous waste management, oil and gas waste Drilling muds, brines
including responses to chemical releases. recovered along with oil and gas in pro-
Web site: duction wells, and other liquid and sludge
wastes associated with the drilling for and
Office of Technology Assessment recovery of crude oil and gas. These wastes
(OTA) An agency established in 1972 are typically contaminated with metal ions
to provide Congress with background and and high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons.
overview reports on various technically See also naturally occurring radio-
complex issues. OTA reports have influ- active material; nonhazardous oil
enced a wide range of legislation, including field waste.
key environmental protection statutes. In
1995, Congress voted to close the agency. Oil and Hazardous Materials
An archive of OTA publications is kept at Technical Assistance Data System
Princeton University. Web site: www.wws. (OHMTADS) A system developed by the U.S. EPA to provide technical informa-
tion to units responding to spills or releases
office paper A class of recyclable paper of hazardous substances. The database
consisting of uncoated high-grade paper includes more than 1,400 chemicals.

Olmsted, Frederick Law

oil boom See boom. are used as adhering surfaces for the oil,
which is pressed out or scraped off into a
oil desulfurization The removal of sul- holding tank.
fur from oil fuels to reduce the amount of
sulfur dioxide released into the atmo- oil spill Release of crude oil or of petro-
sphere when the fuel oil is burned. Reac- leum products prepared from crude oil
tion with hydrogen gas is a common step. into the environment. See sheen rule.
See hydrocracker.
Oil Spill Trust Fund Money held for
oil fingerprinting A method for estab- use in emergency response to oil spills.
lishing responsibility for oil discharged Created by a provision of the oil pollu-
illegally into the environment. Oil recov- tion act of 1990, funded by a tax on oil
ered from each deposit has a characteristic production.
mixture of hydrocarbons. By employing
instruments capable of measuring the suite old field Cropland that is no longer
of hydrocarbons present in oil discharged used to produce an agricultural crop and
into the environment then comparing the that has been allowed to revert to natural
results with previously determined charac- plant cover.
teristics of oil from known locations (com-
paring fingerprints), the source of spilled old growth Forests that either have
oil may possibly be determined. Compli- never been cut or have not been cut for
cating the comparison are evaporation, many decades. Forests characterized by a
photochemical reactions, biodegradation, large percentage of mature trees.
and dissolution changes in the oil after it
enters the environment. Oil fingerprinting olfactometer A device that allows a
is also used by exploration companies to selected group of evaluators (odor panel)
determine the underground flow of hydro- to compare the odor from a sample of
carbons by comparing samples taken from ambient air to a series of different concen-
different wells. trations of a reference odorant. Each panel
member inhales air delivered through a
Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90) mask or sample port of the olfactometer
The federal statute that requires oil spill then selects the reference dilution that best
contingency plans and establishes liability matches the strength of the sample odor.
for oil spill cleanups similar to the liability The olfactometer-odor panel approach
for hazardous substance cleanups under attempts to introduce a degree of objec-
the comprehensive environmental tivity to the identification and control of
response, compensation, and liabil- odors in community air.
ity act. OPA90 was enacted after the
oil spill from the exxon valdez in 1989. oligotrophic Describing a body of
Responses must be in accordance with the water with low content of plant nutrients.
national contingency plan. New ves- Compare eutrophic and mesotrophic.
sels operating in U.S. waters must meet
additional design standards, including Olmsted, Frederick Law (1822–1903)
double bottoms. American landscape architect With
Andrew Jackson Downing and Cal-
oil reserves Petroleum deposits that can vert Vaux, Olmsted designed New York
be economically extracted. See reserves. City’s Central Park, while serving as
the park superintendent. With Vaux, he
oil shale See kerogen. designed, inter alia, Riverside subdivision
in Chicago, Prospect Park in New York
oil skimmer A device that collects and City, and the 1893 World’s Fair in Chi-
removes oil from a water surface. Ropes, cago. For more information, visit www.
belts, rotating drums, and similar devices

Olson, Sigurd

Olson, Sigurd (1899–1982) American oncogenic Describing any virus, chemi-

conservationist, writer Olson lived and cal, or radiation that has the capacity to
worked in Ely, Minnesota, bordering the give rise to tumors. The term is most fre-
vast Quetico-Superior wilderness, which quently used to describe viruses. See car-
he actively protected. While serving as an cinogenic.
adviser to the U.S. Department of Interior
and in various positions with conservation one-hit theory The assumption that a
organizations, including the izaak wal- single molecular interaction between a
ton league of america, wilderness chemical or ionizing radiation and
society, and the National Parks Associa- a cell, or “hit,” can cause irreversible
tion, he helped establish parks and wilder- changes in the cell, leading to a tumor.
ness areas across the United States. Of his
many books, the most widely known is 100-year floodplain The land border-
his first, The Singing Wilderness (1956). ing a river or stream that one could rea-
For more information, visit www.uwm. sonably expect to flood once every 100
edu/Dept/JMC/Olson. years on the basis of the historical records
of rainfall in the area of land that drains
omnivore An animal that eats both into the waterway. See floodplain.
plants and animals, such as a human being.
Compare carnivore and herbivore.
on-scene coordinator (OSC) A fed-
eral official designated by the U.S. EPA or
the U.S. Coast Guard to direct and coordi-
onboard control See onboard refu-
nate federal responses to oil spills and the
eling vapor recovery.
releases of hazardous substances. The
OSC is responsible for removal actions
Onboard Diagnostics II (OBD-II)
after spills. The prevention or minimiza-
The automobile industry standard engine
tion of the release of oil or hazardous sub-
performance test system. The OBD-II com-
stances is the responsibility of the reme-
puter supplies electronic sensor output to
dial project manager.
diagnose engine problems and to maintain
U.S. EPA emission control standards. on-site A location on the same or geo-
graphically continuous property or on
onboard refueling vapor recovery properties connected by a private right-
The capture of gasoline vapors (volatile of-way.
organic compounds) when a vehicle
is refueled. The vapors are stored in an on-site disposal See on-site facility.
activated carbon canister under the hood
then routed into the engine when the on-site facility In waste management,
vehicle is started, preventing loss of the a hazardous waste disposal facility
vapors to the atmosphere. Also called located on the same property with the
onboard controls. Compare stage ii plant that generates the waste. Also used
vapor recovery. to designate any operation to dispose of
nonhazardous solid waste on geographi-
once-through cooling See open-cycle cally continuous property occupied by the
cooling. plant that produces the solid waste.

oncogene A gene that is involved in cell on-site handling, storage, and pro-
division through the regulation of the cell cessing In waste management, activities
cycle. Alteration or damage to oncogenes associated with the management of waste
caused by exposure to chemicals or ion- at a location that is the same as or is geo-
izing radiation is associated with the graphically continuous with the property
development of certain cancers. on which a waste is generated.

ordinal variable

on-site release The discharge of pol- left wild or converted to parks or recre-
lutants into the air, water, ground, or ation areas. See smart growth.
an injection well on the same or geo-
graphically continuous property occu- open system An environment or defined
pied by an industrial facility. The toxics area that is characterized by an ongoing
release inventory compiles on-site input of chemical elements used to support
releases annually. the growth of plant and animal communi-
ties and a corresponding loss of biomass
opacity For smokestacks, the degree of or chemical elements from the area to the
light transmission through the plume indi- outside. Compare closed system.
cating the concentration of particulate
matter in the exhausting air. See ringel- open water loop Any process in which
mann chart; smoke reader. water is routed through a facility, then
not reused, but discharged into a surface
open access system A resource that is water body after any appropriate treat-
held in common and for which there are ment. Compare closed water loop.
no ownership, management, or regulatory
rules. The resource is depleted or damaged operable unit In the cleanup of a haz-
through excessive use unless the commu- ardous substances superfund site,
nity has unarticulated controls that ensure each of the discrete activities associated
the continuing availability of the resource. with the cleanup (e.g., removal of contam-
See tragedy of the commons. inated earth or transport of drums stored
on site). The remedial investigation/
open canopy A forest where the feasibility study defines and evaluates
tree foliage covers less than 20% of the the operable units.
ground. The forest floor in such a system
receives enough sunlight to support the optical coefficient An expression of
growth of brush. the fraction of light energy striking a sur-
face that is absorbed, is reflected, or passes
open-cycle cooling The practice of through the material.
withdrawing surface or well water to cool
the condensers of an electric power plant opt in To adopt provisions of environ-
or other industrial equipment, followed by mental control statues and their accompa-
release of the heated water to the ocean, a nying regulations although the measures
river, or a lake. See closed-cycle cool- do not legally apply. For example, some
ing; open water loop. states require the use of reformulated
gasoline (RFG) in certain urban areas
open dump A landfill operated with- although these areas are not among those
out the environmental safeguards required where its use is mandated.
by current law. All open dumps were
forced by the resource conservation oralloy Uranium that has been enriched
and recovery act of 1976 to upgrade to with the fissionable isotope uranium-235.
sanitary landfill status or to close. The mixture is capable of supporting a
sustained chain reaction.
open-pit mining See strip mining.
order of magnitude A factor of 10
open range Natural grazing land, fre- times.
quently federal land on which cattle own-
ers place stock. ordinal variable A characteristic
expressed by rank or order. For example, a
open space In urban planning, land sample group might be classified by shades
area in a city that does not contain built of the color red, with the number 1 being
structures. These parcels of land may be the lightest red and 10 the darkest red.


Although the ranking is often in numeri- in the carbonates and cyanides. 2. The
cal order, the data do not represent actual amount of organic material in soil or water.
quantities; there is no indication of the
measured difference between the ranked organic carbon partition coefficient
samples. Used only in nonparametric (Koc) A measure of the extent to which
tests. See also nominal variable. an organic chemical is adsorbed to soil
particles or sediment. The measure is
organic Of or related to a substance expressed as the ratio of the amount of
that contains carbon atoms linked by adsorbed carbon per unit mass of total
carbon-carbon bonds. All living mat- organic carbon (milligrams of carbon
ter is organic. The original definition of adsorbed per kilogram organic carbon)
the term organic related to the source of to the equilibrium concentration of the
chemical compounds; organic compounds chemical in solution (milligrams dissolved
were those carbon-containing compounds carbon per liter, or kilogram, of solu-
obtained from plant or animal sources, tion). Higher values of Koc indicate greater
whereas inorganic compounds were organic carbon adsorption and greater
obtained from mineral sources. We now retention of the organic chemical in the
know that compounds containing bonds soil. Lower values indicate less retention
between carbon atoms can be made in the and greater transport of the chemical in
laboratory and industrially. the ground or surface water.

organic acid A compound consist- organic compounds See organic.

ing of carbon atoms that are linked
with carbon-carbon covalent bonds that organic load The amount of organic
release hydrogen ions when put into material added to a body of water. The
solution in water. A simple organic acid quantity of material, usually added by
is vinegar, chemically known as acetic human activities, that must be mineral-
acid. Organic acids are responsible for ized or degraded within a particular envi-
the bitter taste of citrus fruits, and some ronment.
large-molecular-weight organic acids
are responsible for some body odor. See organic matter Normally used to refer
acid; organic. to the remains of plant or animal matter
or to fecal material.
Organic Act 1. The 1916 federal stat-
ute establishing the National Park Service organic nitrogen Nitrogen that is
to manage national parks, monuments, bound to carbon-containing compounds.
and reservations so as “to conserve the This form of nitrogen must be subjected
scenery and the natural and historic to mineralization or decomposition
objects and the wild life therein and to before the nitrogen can be used by the
provide for the enjoyment of the same in plant communities in aquatic and terres-
such manner and by such means as will trial environments. By contrast, inorganic
leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment nitrogen is in the mineral state and more
of future generations,” providing a strong readily utilized by plant communities. See
stewardship impetus for U.S. public organic waste.
lands. 2. Any document establishing or
providing the organizational framework organic phosphorus Phosphorus bound
for a unit of government. to carbon-containing compounds. See
organic nitrogen.
organic carbon 1. Carbon atoms in an
organic compound that are linked to other organic solvent A liquid hydrocarbon
carbon atoms by a covalent bond. Used such as methyl ethyl ketone or toluene
to distinguish such compounds from inor- used to dissolve paints, varnishes, grease,
ganic forms of carbon, such as those found oil, or other hydrocarbons.


organic waste Carbon-containing organ of Corti The cells in the ear that
materials that are discarded into the translate vibrations into nerve impulses to
environment. The term is often used as a be sent to the brain. Different cells react to
euphemism for domestic sewage. different sound frequencies. The aging pro-
cess and excessive noise can damage these
organism A living biological form that cells and cause permanent hearing impair-
can carry out common life functions such ment. The cells responding to higher-fre-
as utilization of nutrients, growth, and quency sounds are almost always harmed
reproduction. The term is applied to all first. See threshold shift.
biological forms except viruses.
organomercurials Common name ap-
organismal cloning Technology that plied to organic molecules complexed with
produces two or more genetically iden- mercury. These compounds are toxic to
tical animals. The successful pioneering humans at low doses; the target organ
experiment was the creation of Dolly, is the nervous system. The most well-
the lamb that was the first cloned ani-
known member of the group is methyl
mal. A mammary cell was removed from
a donor sheep and grown in laboratory
tissue culture. An unfertilized egg was
organophosphates A family of or-
removed from a second sheep and the
ganic insecticides that includes tetraethyl
nucleus removed. The mammary cell
pyrophosphate, diazinon, malathion,
from the laboratory culture and the egg
and parathion. The compounds, which
from which the nucleus was removed
were fused and then induced to divide are esters of phosphoric acid, contain
in a laboratory setting. The product was phosphorus as an integral component
then transferred to a surrogate ewe, in of the molecules. Members of this fam-
which normal embryonic development ily of insecticides interfere with nerve
took place. The lamb that was born to transmission through the inhibition of
the surrogate ewe was genetically identi- cholinesterase. In humans, they cause
cal to the donor sheep from which the headache, weakness, and dizziness in
original mammary cell was removed. The lower doses and paralysis, convulsions,
end product is a mammal created by a and coma in higher doses. Members of
process that does not require the partici- the family react readily with clay par-
pation of a male sperm donor. ticles, ions, and other components of
soil. They are relatively nonpersistent in
organochlorine See chlorinated hy- the environment. See cholinesterase
drocarbons. inhibitors.

orifice meter

orifice meter A device for measur- osmotic pressure The pressure caus-
ing gas flow rates in which the gas flows ing osmosis to occur across a semi-
through a hole (orifice) in a plate posi- permeable membrane separating two
tioned in a pipe. The difference in static different solute concentrations. For two
pressure measured upstream and down- liquids separated by a semipermeable
stream of the plate is used to compute the membrane, with pure water on one side
gas flow rate. and a solution of salt in water on the
other side, osmotic pressure is equal to
orographic lifting The upward move- the product of the molarity of the salt
ment of air when currents in the atmo- solution, the universal gas constant,
sphere encounter mountains. The rising air and the absolute temperature of the
expands and cools, condensing moisture solution, using appropriate units.
in the air as clouds and resulting in pre-
cipitation. The air descending on the other osmotroph An organism that obtains
side of the mountains has lost moisture, nutrients through the active uptake of sol-
and, as the air descends, it is compressed uble materials across the cell membrane.
and warms. This class of organism, which includes the
bacteria and fungi, cannot directly utilize
orphan site See abandoned site. particulate material as nutrients. Compare
to phagotroph.
Orsat analysis A determination of the
relative amounts of selected gases in a outage 1. The difference between the
smokestack by using chemical-specific sol- volume capacity of a container and the
vent absorption. actual content. 2. The period when indus-
trial equipment is shut down for routine
osmosis The diffusion of a solvent (typ- maintenance. 3. An interruption of electric
ically water) across a membrane (either power delivery, resulting from a power
natural or artificial) separating two solu- plant failure or a break in the distribution
tions of different concentrations. The system.
semipermeable membrane allows the
passage of water but prevents the passage Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
of substances dissolved in the water. The The federal statute authorizing the
water movement is from the more dilute Department of Interior to sell leases on
solution toward the more concentrated the federal portion of the continental
solution and continues until the two solu- shelf. The lease auctions are mainly for
tions are equal in concentration. If pres- exploration and production of oil and gas
sure is applied to the more concentrated resources. The act requires the secretary of
side, the flow of water reverses, from the the interior to manage, with coastal states’
concentrated side to the more dilute side. participation, the development of outer
See reverse osmosis. continental shelf renewable resources
and nonrenewable resources to mini-
osmotic lysis The rupture of a cell mize adverse environmental, economic,
placed in a dilute solution. For example, and social effects, recognizing that marine,
when a red blood cell is placed in distilled coastal, estuarine, and onshore areas all
water, water moves into the cell because could be harmed by the federal leasing.
of the osmotic pressure generated as a
result of the concentration of the materi- outfall The location where wastewater
als inside the cell. As the amount of water is released from a point source into a
increases within the cell, the cell membrane receiving body of water.
can no longer withstand the pressure and
ruptures. The process is not unlike puffing outgassing The loss of vapors or gases
air into a balloon until it pops. by a material, usually as a result of raising

oxidation pond

the temperature of and/or reducing the over an extended period. See carrying
pressure on the material. capacity.

Outstanding Natural Resource Waters oversight In U.S. federal environmental

(ONRW) Specific bodies of water desig- law, congressional review of an adminis-
nated by the states under provisions of the trative agency’s implementation and man-
clean water act for preservation, pro- agement of the regulatory programs for
tection, reclamation, or enhancement. The which it is responsible. The U.S. EPA is
water bodies are chosen for their wilder- subject to oversight by 10 House of Rep-
ness, aesthetic, and ecological properties. resentatives committees, 10 Senate com-
mittees, and 30 subcommittees of the two
outwash Sand and gravel deposited by legislative branches. Some of the statutes
meltwater from glaciers. Individual depos-
identifying the U.S. EPA as the federal
its tend to be of uniform particle size.
administrative agency are the clean air
overburden The rock and dirt that act; clean water act; toxic substances
overlie a mineral deposit and that must be control act; resource conservation
removed before the mineral deposit can be and recovery act; comprehensive
extracted by surface mining. environmental response, compensa-
tion, and liability act; pollution
overdraft The sustained extraction of prevention act; and national environ-
groundwater from an aquifer at a rate mental policy act, each creating many
greater than that at which the aquifer separate programs requiring congressional
is recharged, resulting in a drop in the oversight.
water table. Also called mining of an
aquifer. overturn See fall turnover; spring
turnover; turnover.
overfishing The removal of a suffi-
ciently large number of certain fish from oxidant See photochemical oxidant.
a body of water such that breeding stocks
are reduced to levels that will not sup- oxidation An array of reactions involv-
port the continued presence of the fish in ing several different types of chemical
desirable quantities for sport or commer- conversions: (1) loss of electrons by a
cial harvest. Compare sustained-yield chemical (the most common definition),
harvesting. (2) combination of oxygen and another
chemical, (3) removal of hydrogen atoms
overland flow The discharge of waste- from organic compounds during biological
water in such a way that the water flows metabolism, (4) burning of some mate-
over a defined land area prior to entering
rial, (5) biological metabolism that results
a receiving stream. The movement over
in the decomposition of organic mate-
vegetated land fosters the removal of plant
rial, (6) metabolic conversions in toxic
nutrients from the wastewater. See ter-
tiary treatment. materials in biological organisms, (7) sta-
bilization of organic pollutants during
overpack An external, secondary con- wastewater treatment, (8) conversion of
tainer used to enclose a packaged haz- plant matter to compost, (9) decomposi-
ardous substance, hazardous waste, tion of pollutants or toxins that contami-
or radioactive waste. nate the environment. See reduction.

overshoot The extent to which the oxidation pond A pond into which
number of animals in the population of an organic waste (sewage) is placed to
a specific species exceeds the number that allow decomposition or mineralization
a particular environment can support by aerobic microorganisms.

oxidation-reduction reaction

oxidation-reduction reaction A cou- ture, for example, alcohols and ketones

pled reaction in which one atom or mol- used in paints.
ecule loses electrons (through oxidation)
and another atom or compound gains oxygen cycle The use and production
electrons (through reduction). of molecular oxygen (O2) within the bio-
sphere. The oxygen in the atmosphere is
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) See nitro- in dynamic equilibrium in that diatomic
gen oxides. oxygen is continually produced during
photosynthesis and is continually uti-
oxides of sulfur (SOx) See sulfur lized in aerobic metabolism as well as in
oxides. various chemical reactions.

oxidize See oxidation. oxygen demand The molecular oxy-

gen (O2) required by biological and
oxidizing agent Any material that chemical processes in water. The amount
attracts electrons, thereby oxidizing of molecular oxygen that dissolves in
another atom or molecule. The oxidizing water is extremely limited; however, the
agent is reduced: that is, gains electrons. involvement of oxygen in biological and
The material donating the electrons is the chemical processes is extensive. Conse-
reducing agent. Chlorine and oxygen quently, the amount of oxygen dissolved
are good oxidizing agents. See oxidation. in water becomes a critical environmental
restraint on the biota living in water. The
metabolism of large organisms such as
oxyfuel See oxygenated fuel.
submerged plants and fish, the microor-
ganisms engaged in decomposition, and
oxygenate The primary additives to
spontaneous chemical reactions all require
reformulated gasoline. A group of
(demand) a portion of a limited resource,
compounds that contain oxygen as part of
molecular oxygen. See biochemical
the structure. The addition of these addi-
oxygen demand; chemical oxygen
tives (in amounts up to 15% by volume)
demand; dissolved oxygen.
increases the octane number of the final
product and, by promoting more complete oxygen-demanding waste Any organic
fuel combustion, decreases the emission of material that, when discharged into a natu-
volatile organic compounds and car- ral waterway, stimulates the metabolism
bon monoxide. Some of the compounds of bacteria with a corresponding use of dis-
serving as oxygenates are methanol, solved oxygen. Often used as a euphe-
ethanol, methyl tertiary butyl ether mism for domestic sewage. See oxygen
(MTBE), ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), demand.
and tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME).
See oxygenated fuel. oxygen depletion The removal of dis-
solved oxygen from a body of water
oxygenated fuel 1. Gasoline contain- as a result of bacterial metabolism of
ing oxygenate. 2. For tailpipe carbon degradable organic compounds added to
monoxide emission reductions, gasoline the water, typically by human activities.
containing 2.7% oxygen by weight. Fed-
eral regulations require oxygenated fuel oxygen sag curve A graph of the mea-
to be used during the winter months in sured concentrations of dissolved oxygen
areas not meeting the carbon monoxide in water samples collected (1) upstream
air quality standards. See also oxygenate; from a significant point source of readily
reformulated gasoline. degradable organic material, (2) from the
area of the discharge, and (3) from some
oxygenated solvent A solvent contain- distance downstream from the discharge,
ing oxygen as part of the chemical struc- plotted by sample location. The amount of

ozone layer

Oxygen sag curve

dissolved oxygen is typically high upstream, ozone-depleting potential (ODP) De-

diminishes immediately downstream from scribing the relative damage to the ozone
the discharge location (causing a sag in the layer caused by chlorofluorocar-
line graph), and returns to the upstream bons and certain brominated compounds.
levels at some distance downstream from Chemical compounds are rated in terms of
the source of pollution. the ODP of CFC-11, which equals 1.

oxyhemoglobin The hemoglobin of ozone hole A seasonal drop in strato-

red blood cells that is bound to molecu- spheric ozone concentration over a large
lar oxygen. Hemoglobin of red blood cells area of Antarctica. The sharp drop in
that is functioning normally. See car- ozone concentration is linked to winter-
boxyhemoglobin. time polar stratospheric clouds in the
polar vortex, a region above the South
ozonation The use of ozone gas (O3) Pole with very strong winds and isolated
as a disinfectant to reduce microbial from the rest of the atmosphere. The polar
load and to kill dangerous pathogenic stratospheric clouds convert chlorine
bacteria. The treatment can be applied atoms from chlorofluorocarbons into
to a public drinking water supply before chemical forms that destroy ozone. The
the water enters the distribution system increasing solar input during the South-
or to wastewater before discharge into a ern Hemisphere’s spring provides energy
receiving stream. that accelerates the ozone destruction.
The ozone hole abates by late spring. See
ozone Triatomic oxygen (O3). A very ozone layer; ozone layer depletion.
reactive gas produced by photochemical
reactions or lightning in the troposphere ozone layer An area of the stratosphere,
and by the absorption of ultraviolet about 12 to 30 miles in altitude, where
radiation in the lower stratosphere. In the intensity of short-wavelength ultra-
sufficiently high concentrations at ground violet light from the sun (between 130
level, the gas acts as an irritant to the eyes and 200 nanometers) is sufficiently high
and respiratory tract. See ozone layer; to convert normal diatomic oxygen (O2)
photochemical air pollution; photo- to ozone (O3). The ozone thus formed
chemical oxidants. provides a measure of protection to plant

ozone layer depletion

and animal life on the surface of the Earth ozone threshold value The ambient
because the substance absorbs ultraviolet air quality standard for ground-level
radiation at wavelengths that are muta- ozone used by the European Environ-
genic (about 250 to 270 nanometers). See ment Agency.
ozone layer depletion.
Ozone Transport Assessment Group
ozone layer depletion The destruction (OTAG) A 1995–97 united effort by the
of ozone molecules in the ozone layer U.S. EPA, the environmental council
of the stratosphere by chemical reactions
of states, and industrial and environmen-
with materials released by human activities.
tal representatives that studied the trans-
The main ozone-consuming chemicals are
port of ground-level ozone or chemical
the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and
the halons, both of which are extremely precursors to ozone across state boundar-
stable in the troposphere, with typical ies, especially focusing on the northeastern
atmospheric lifetimes of 60 to 100 years. U.S. corridor from Washington, D.C., to
If the CFCs or halons migrate to the strato- Boston. OTAG was prompted by the con-
spheric ozone layer, the ultraviolet radi- cern that the state implementation plan
ation there is strong enough to break the for controlling ozone formation within the
molecules apart, releasing chlorine atoms (from boundaries of each state was not work-
CFCs) or bromine atoms (from halons), ing and that a coordinated response was
which react with and destroy ozone. See required. See ozone transport commis-
montreal protocol; ozone hole. sion; ozone transport rule.

Ozone layer

Ozone Transport Rule

Ozone Transport Commission A formation. The work of the ozone

group of environmental officials from 12 transport assessment group con-
Northeast and mid-Atlantic states, the cluded that interstate movement of ozone
District of Columbia, and the U.S. EPA or its precursors required a multistate
authorized by the clean air act to assess approach. Each state is given a fixed level
the interstate movement of ground-level of nitrogen oxide emissions and is free to
ozone and ozone precursors and to choose which mix of controls it will use
coordinate their ozone control measures. to reduce emissions to the state limit. The
The work of the ozone transport program includes a market-based emis-
assessment group provided important sions trading program that allows sources
technical background to the commission. that achieve emission reductions beyond
Web site: See ozone their requirements to sell the emission
transport rule. reduction credits to another source
for which installation of control devices
Ozone Transport Rule A U.S. EPA would cost more than the cost of the cred-
program requiring 22 states to revise their its. This trading program is modeled after
state implementation plans to control the successful use of the tradable emis-
emissions of nitrogen oxides, which are sion allowance program in the control
precursors to ground-level ozone of acid rain.


p (p-value) A value, calculated by vari- wood, or similar material. The use of

ous statistical tests, used to evaluate the excess material has been criticized because
relationship between two sets of data. of the contribution to the solid waste that
The p statistic provides a mechanism for must be managed, although packaging
deciding whether the differences between maintains freshness, prevents unsanitary
two sample populations in regard to some contamination, allows efficient stacking
characteristic or disease incidence are due and display of goods, prevents damage
to sampling variability alone or whether during shipping: all of which also permit
the observed differences are real. For goods to be shipped long distances at rea-
example, consider a study done to investi- sonable costs. The printed material on the
gate the association between smoking and packaging conveys important consumer
bladder cancer. The null hypothesis is information such as nutritional value,
that cigarette smoking is not a significant proper storage conditions, and direc-
risk factor for the development of bladder tions for safe use and disposal. “Excess”
cancer. Observations from the study reveal packaging is often used to discourage
that the incidence of bladder cancer among shoplifting of small items. In these ways,
smokers is 16 per 10,000 individuals and packaging has also contributed to the
the incidence among the nonsmokers is democratization of consumption.
eight per 10,000 individuals. The question
is, Is this observed difference real? The p- packed bed absorber See packed
value computed for the study is 0.01. This tower.
p-value means that, if the two groups are
actually part of the same population (there packed tower An air pollution control
is no relationship between bladder cancer device in which contaminated air is moved
and smoking and the null hypothesis is through a tower containing materials
true), then there is one chance in 100 that (packing) that have a large surface area;
a random sampling of that population will the air contaminants are then absorbed
produce a difference as large as was actu- into a liquid flowing over the packing
ally observed, that is, 16 per 10,000 in materials. The flow is usually countercur-
the smokers and eight per 10,000 in the rent; that is, the liquid falls downward and
nonsmokers. Consequently, if we are will- the air is forced upward through the tower.
ing to accept a 0.01 chance that we could See also spray tower; tray tower. Com-
be wrong, the null hypothesis would be pare packed tower aeration.
rejected and the conclusion would be that
cigarette smoking increases one’s risk of packed tower aeration A process
developing bladder cancer. The conclusion for the removal of organic contaminants
is that the observed difference is real based from groundwater. The groundwater
on our acceptance of the p-value. flows downward inside a tower filled with
materials (packing) over a large surface
packaging Container or wrapping used area. Air is introduced at the bottom of
to protect, store, or display a commod- the tower and is forced upward past the
ity. The covering material may be made falling water. Individual organic contami-
of cardboard, plastic, paper, boxboard, nants are transferred from the water to the


air, according to the gas and water equi- palustrine Describing marsh or wet-
librium concentration values of each con- lands.
taminant. See also air stripping; henry’s
law constant. paper tape sampler An air-sampling
device for suspended particulate mat-
packer A device lowered into a well to ter. Sampled air is directed toward a filter
produce a fluid-tight seal. tape. The tape is moved periodically, and
the series of small circular dust spots pro-
packing Corrosion-resistant materi- duced is evaluated by measuring the trans-
als, such as porcelain, stainless steel, or mittance of white light through the spots
polypropylene, used in a packed tower compared with the transmittance through
to maximize gas-liquid contact for pollut- an unsoiled filter. See coefficient of
ant removal efficiency. Packing types vary haze.
by shape and include Berl saddles, Less-
ing rings, Pall rings, Raschig rings, and paper trail See administrative record.
Intalox saddles.
parabolic mirror Curved reflective
pahoehoe flow Hawaiian term (pro- surfaces that, when facing the Sun, reflect
nounced “pa ho’e ho’e”) used to describe light energy on a central point. The mirror
a type of basaltic lava flow from a vol- is used in systems termed high-tempera-
cano. The lava is characterized by molten ture solar energy projects. A long array
material containing much more gas than of such mirrors are positioned so that the
normal, resulting in a thin, fast-moving energy is concentrated on a tube contain-
flow of lower viscosity. ing a heat-absorbing liquid that is elevated
to a high temperature. The heat collected
in the tube can be coupled to a power-gen-
paint filter liquids test (PFLT) A test
erating system.
used to determine the presence of free
liquids in an untreated waste sample or
paraffins Straight- or branched-chain
in a sample of a waste that has undergone
hydrocarbons with carbon-carbon single
stabilization/solidification. The test
bonds; the members of this group are
is performed by placing the sample in a
relatively nonreactive. A large compo-
supported funnel lined by a paint filter; if nent of crude oil. Also called aliphatic
no liquids pass through the filter and flow hydrocarbons. When the carbon atoms
from the funnel within five minutes, no are arranged in a ring structure, they are
free liquids are present. called cycloparaffins.
palatable water Drinking water that is paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) A
free of tastes, odors, color, or turbidity pathological condition in humans caused
that would render it unacceptable to the by the consumption of certain marine
public. (Despite the factors that make the mussels or clams that have fed on plank-
water unacceptable for drinking, it does tonic dinoflagellates of the genus Gony-
not represent a danger to human health.) aulax. The mussels or clams become con-
taminated with a neurotoxin produced
paleoclimate Climate of the geologic by the dinoflagellates, and subsequent con-
past, before recorded measurements. sumption by humans can result in paraly-
sis and death. The condition occurs in
palisade parenchyma Along with the conjunction with the phenomenon known
spongy parenchyma, chlorophyll-con- as the red tide, a bloom of dinoflagellate
taining cells between the upper and lower populations in marine waters.
epidermis, or outer layers, of a leaf. These
cells can be damaged by excessive expo- parameter The true value of a popu-
sure to some air pollutants. lation characteristic. The estimate of a

parametric tests

parameter, called a statistic, is a measure- in terms of toxicity to target organ-

ment of a sample of the population. For isms and nontarget organisms. The
example, the average height of 12-year- relatively high toxicity to humans associ-
old girls, based on measuring the height ated with the inhibition of nerve function
of 10 girls, may be stated as 54 inches, a resulted in many bizarre accidents when
statistic. The parameter corresponding to the agent was introduced in the 1950s.
the true average height of all 12-year-old Workers carelessly handled this new insec-
girls is unknown but is approximated by ticide as they did DDT-related agents
the sample results. because they did not appreciate the imme-
diate toxicity of this compound as com-
parametric tests Statistical tests that pared with the relatively benign nature of
attempt to draw inferences about popula- organochlorine insecticides.
tion parameters, for example, the mean
or standard deviation. These tests use parenteral In animal toxicology stud-
quantitative data (measurements) and ies, the administration of the test chemical
require certain assumptions about the sam- by any route other than oral; most often
ple population data distributions. Compare by skin absorption or via inhalation.
nonparametric tests.
parent material The rock from which
paraquat The best-known example of a soil is derived; bedrock.
the bipyridyl herbicides, 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-
bipyridylium dichloride. Large exposures Parshall flume A device commonly
to the agent result in damage to the lungs, used to measure flow rates of water enter-
liver, and kidneys. For a fatal exposure, the ing a wastewater treatment facility. As the
cause of death is usually associated with untreated wastewater enters a treatment
respiratory distress even when the herbicide facility by way of an open channel, the
is taken by mouth. Evidence of lung dam- water is forced to flow through a con-
age can become apparent up to two weeks stricted section built into the channel. The
after the exposure, at which time the agent geometry of the constricted area allows
has been eliminated from the body. Para- for the calculation of the flow rate on the
quat adsorbs strongly to soil particles and basis of the height of the water as it enters
resists microbial degradation. the constricted region. Unlike most other
devices used to measure flow rates, the
parasite An organism (the parasite) flume is designed to allow for monitoring
whose natural habitat is either on or inside the flow rate of water that carries a large
another, larger organism (the host). The amount of suspended particulate mat-
presence of the parasite results in damage ter, which would foul most other devices
to the host. used to monitor liquid flows

parasitism A biological interaction Part A Under the resource conserva-

between species in which a parasite gains tion and recovery act, the first part
nourishment by living on or inside a host of the two-part permit application for a
organism. The interaction is beneficial to hazardous waste treatment, storage,
the parasite and detrimental to the host. or disposal facility; the form asks for
general information about the facility.
parathion One of the early organo- interim status facilities are said to oper-
phosphate insecticides developed in ate under a Part A permit. See part b.
the 1940s and used as a replacement for
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane Part B The detailed, technical second
(DDT). The agent, O,O-diethy-O-p-nitro- part of the permit application for a haz-
phenyl phosphorothioate, is a stable, aro- ardous waste treatment, storage, or
matic compound that binds tightly to sed- disposal facility under the resource
iments. The insecticide has little specificity conservation and recovery act.

particulate organic matter

Approval of Part B constitutes a final per- particulate matter 1. In water pollu-

mit to operate the facility. See part a. tion, material in either the solid or dis-
solved state. Insoluble particulate matter
partial closure In hazardous waste man- includes particulate substances that either
agement, the closure of one or more parts settle from water that is allowed to stand
of a treatment, storage, and disposal or are removed by passing the water
facility, such as a tank, surface impound- through a filter. Sand, clay, and some
ment, or waste pile, while the remainder of organic matter constitute insoluble par-
the facility remains in use. The closure must ticulate matter. Dissolved substances that
follow the requirements found in Title 40 neither settle if water is allowed to stand
of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts nor are removed by passage through a
264 and 265, as appropriate. filter, but will be recovered if the water
is allowed to evaporate, are called dis-
partial pressure The pressure exerted solved particulate matter or dissolved
by an individual gas in a gaseous mixture. solids. Salt is an example of this type. 2.
If the mixture of gases is assumed to behave In air pollution, solid particles or liquid
as an ideal gas, the sum of the individual droplets suspended in air or carried by
partial pressures in a mixture is equal to a stream of air or other gas through a
the total pressure of the mixture of gases. duct, for example. See particulate mat-
For example, the atmosphere contains ter, 10-micron diameter; particulate
roughly 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and matter, 2.5-micron diameter; par-
many other gases, which total the remain- ticulate organic matter; particulate
ing 1%. Of a total atmospheric pressure of phosphate.
760 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), the
partial pressure of the nitrogen is about particulate matter, 10-micron diam-
593 mm Hg (78% of 760 mm Hg), the eter (PM10) Airborne particles with
oxygen partial pressure is about 160 mm diameter equal to or smaller than 10
Hg (21%) and the other gases total about micrometers. The size range is defined in
7 mm Hg. See dalton’s law. the ambient air quality standard for par-
ticulate matter established by the U.S.
particle size distribution A presen- EPA. Particles of this size can penetrate
tation of the relative masses of airborne deep into the respiratory system and can
particles in different size ranges present potentially damage the gas-exchange sur-
in an air sample. For example, the air faces of the lung or be absorbed into the
might contain particles 0–2 micrometers blood, with possible systemic toxic effects.
in diameter, 15 milligrams (8% of total); See alveolar region.
2–4 micrometers, 20 milligrams (11% of
total); and so on. particulate matter, 2.5-micron diam-
eter (PM2.5) Airborne particles with
particulate See particulate matter. diameters equal to or smaller than 2.5
microns, small enough to penetrate to the
particulate control device Any of sev- gas-exchange area (alveolar region) of
eral types of air pollution control equip- the lungs. The U.S. EPA has established
ment that remove particulate mat- a national ambient air quality stan-
ter from exhaust gases. See baghouse; dard for PM2.5. See particulate mat-
scrubber; electrostatic precipita- ter, 10-micron-diameter.
tor; packed tower; spray tower; tray
tower. particulate organic matter (POM)
Material of plant or animal origin that is
particulate loading The mass of solid suspended in water. The amount of this
materials present in a given amount of type of material suspended in water can
air or water. A measure of air or water be estimated by first removing the sus-
pollution. pended material from water by filtration

particulate phosphate

then either directly measuring the amount to estimate dispersion coefficients for
of carbon retained on the filter or estimat- a gaussian plume model. For a par-
ing the amount of carbon present from the ticular stability class at a given distance
weight lost upon heating of the filter in downwind from a source of air pollution,
excess of 500°C. Generally, the greater the the model uses dispersion coefficients and
amount of particulate matter present, the other variables to estimate the air con-
more severe the water pollution problem. centration of the released pollutant. The
See volatile organic carbon. classes represent different combinations of
solar insolation and wind speed present
particulate phosphate That portion during a pollutant release. See stability
of the total amount of phosphate (PO4–3) class, atmospheric.
suspended in water that is attached to
particles and does not pass through a fil- passive remediation remediation by
ter. The aggregates can be either inor- natural processes. See monitored atten-
ganic or organic. This form of phosphate uation; natural attenuation.
must be solubilized before use as a plant
nutrient. passive smoking The involuntary
inhalation of environmental tobacco
particulates See particulate matter. smoke (ETS) from another person’s ciga-
rette, cigar, or pipe. Studies have shown
partition coefficient A measure of the an increased risk of respiratory illnesses in
children and adults exposed to ETS. The
distribution of some chemical between
U.S. EPA has classified ETS as a human
two immiscible solvents. See octanol-
carcinogen. Also called secondhand smoke.
water partition coefficient.
passive solar system A design that
partitioning The division of a chemical captures sunlight to heat a structure. Solar
into two or more compartments in an
energy is captured directly through the
ecosystem or body of an organism.
use of large windows, special structural
materials, or greenhouses, and that heat
parts per billion (ppb) A unit of mea- is distributed within the structure without
sure commonly employed to express the the aid of mechanical devices such as fans.
number of parts (e.g., grams) of a chemi- Compare active solar system.
cal contained within a billion parts of
gas (air), liquid (water), or solid (soil). Passmore, John (1914–2004) Aus-
Conversions of various parts per billion tralian philosopher Passmore was the
expressions to metric units are given in the author of Man’s Responsibility for Nature
Appendixes. See concentration. (1974), which stresses human reliance
on the natural world and the fundamen-
parts per million (ppm) A unit of tal requirement for a true stewardship
measure commonly employed to express of nature, rejecting those who claim that
the number of parts (e.g., grams) of a Western civilization is the root cause of
chemical contained within a million parts ecological problems.
of gas (air), liquid (water), or solid (soil).
Conversions of various parts per million patchiness In ecology, describing the
expressions to metric units are given in the uneven distribution of organisms within a
Appendixes. See concentration. habitat or particular environment.

pascal (Pa) The SI unit of pressure patchy In ecology, describing an eco-

equal to one newton per square meter. system with a heterogeneous habitat.
Expressed as 1 Pa = 1 N m–2.
pathogen A microorganism, such as a
Pasquill-Gifford stability class One bacterium or fungus, that has the capacity
of six atmospheric stability categories used to cause disease under normal conditions.

percent saturation

pathway 1. Physical course traveled by pentachlorophenol (PCP) A synthetic

a pollutant from a source to an exposed compound very similar to hexachloro-
organism. The route can be through air, sur- benzene; the only difference is the sub-
face water, groundwater, sediment, dust, or stitution of one of the chlorine atoms (Cl)
food. 2. The series of chemical conversions with a hydroxyl group (OH). (See hexa-
occurring as a substrate or toxic material chlorobenzene for a diagram.) The sub-
is metabolized in an organism. Each step is stance has been used in the United States
catalyzed by a specific enzyme. since 1936 as an insecticide, herbicide,
and fungicide. The treatment of wood
pay-as-you-throw pricing A munici- to prevent attack and decomposition by
pal solid waste management program fungi and insects is one of the major uses
under which residents pay collection and for this chemical. Because it is widely used
disposal fees based on the amount of dis- and because the material is persistent
cards collected by the city rather than in the environment, PCP can routinely be
a flat fee regardless of the amount dis- recovered from soil and water samples at
carded. The payment can be based on concentrations less than one part per bil-
either weight or volume. lion. Such concentrations do not represent
a health hazard. Adverse reactions to the
peak load The maximum electricity agent have been reported as a result of
demand in an area, expressed on a daily, accidental exposures to relatively high
seasonal, annual, or other time basis.
concentrations. Commercial preparations
of the chemical have been found to be
peak shaving The use of supplemental contaminated with other polychlori-
electricity-generating units to meet large
nated compounds, such as dibenzo-
but short-term power demands. See peak
para-dioxin and dibenzofurans. PCP is
now a restricted-use pesticide, mean-
ing that it is not available to the general
peat The residue of partly decomposed
plant material in which various plant parts public.
such as stems can easily be discerned. The
residue is mined for use as a soil builder perc See perchloroethylene.
in gardening or as a low-grade fossil fuel.
Peat is considered to be an early stage in percent destruction See destruction
the conversion of plant residues to coal. and removal efficiency; four nines;
six nines.
pelagic Describes marine biota that live
suspended in the water. Compare benthic. percent error An expression of the error
of a measurement as a fraction of the mea-
pelagic zone That part of the marine surement itself. For example, a measure-
or oceanic environment occupied by the ment could be expressed as 50 centimeters,
water. A shark is termed a pelagic fish plus or minus 2%, meaning that the true
because it spends its life swimming around value is thought to be within 49 (50 − 0.02
in the water. Contrast with benthic. × 50) and 51 (50 + 0.02 × 50).

penetration In air pollution control, percent saturation The amount of a

an expression of the fraction of particu- solid or liquid that is dissolved in a solu-
late matter in a gas stream that is not tion as a fraction of the total amount of
removed by a collection device. material that could be dissolved. If 14
grams of sodium chloride (salt) is dissolved
penstock A channel through which in a total volume of 100 ml of water, the
water is directed to a turbine; the path for saturation is about 50% because a total
water in a dam generating hydroelec- of 28 grams of salt will dissolve in that
tric power. volume of water.

perched water

perched water Groundwater held from replacements for chlorofluoro-

above the water table because the water carbon coolants, insulating fluids, and
is positioned on a layer of impermeable direct contact cooling to uses in the cos-
stone or other material. metics industry.

perchloroethylene A colorless, non- perforated tray absorber A mechanical

flammable chlorinated hydrocarbon device designed to remove unwanted mate-
used as a solvent, in dry cleaning and metal rials from an exhaust gas. A series of plates
degreasing, and in coatings and adhesives. containing holes are arranged so that a liq-
Molecular formula Cl2C=CCl2; synonyms uid that reacts with or traps the pollutant
include tetrachloroethylene, ethylene tet- flows over the trays as the exhaust gas is
rachloride, perchlor, perc, PCE, inter alia. forced through the holes. This arrangement
At high doses, perchloroethylene acts as a provides for maximal contact between the
central nervous system depressant. exhaust gas and the liquid.

percolation The natural movement of performance curve A graph depicting

water through subsurface soil as driven by the performance of a pollution control
gravity. The process allows for the migra- device for various conditions; for exam-
tion of water and entrained pollutants ple, the collection efficiency of a cleaning
from the surface into groundwater. device for various sizes of airborne par-
ticulate matter.
perc test Short for percolation test; a
measurement of a soil’s ability to absorb performance data In environmental
liquids discharged by a septic system. See regulation, information collected dur-
leaching field. ing the operation of a process or for a
proposed treatment technique that is
percutaneous Describing the absorp- used to determine whether the process
tion of chemicals through the intact skin. or technique meets design, regulatory, or
emission criteria. May be used to make
perennial species Plants that do not die decisions on the issuance or renewal of a
back over winter: herbs, shrubs, and trees. permit for operations.
This type of plant has the capacity to store
carbon derived from the atmosphere for Performance Partnership Agreement
long periods. See national environmental perfor-
mance partnership system.
perennial stream A stream flowing
throughout a normal year in a clearly performance standards Environmen-
defined channel. See ephemeral stream; tal or workplace health and safety stan-
intermittent stream. dards written in terms of the result to be
achieved but without detailed require-
perfluorocarbon A class of synthetic ments for specific actions. Compare
compounds consisting of fluorine and specifications standards. See also new
carbon atoms. Examples include per- source performance standards.
fluoropropane (three carbon atoms),
perfluorobutane (four carbon atoms), period For electromagnetic radiation,
perfluoropentane (five carbon atoms), and the inverse of frequency, or the time
several more complex structures. These required for one wave cycle to pass a
compounds are exceptionally stable, col- given point. Frequency is given in units of
orless, odorless, noncorrosive, nonflam- inverse time (1/second); a period is given
mable, and essentially nontoxic. They do in time units (seconds).
not lead to the destruction of the ozone
layer but they have high global warm- periodic table An arrangement of the
ing potential. Their applications range chemical elements by atomic number

permit by rule

(increasing number of protons) to show ing loss begin with a permanent thresh-
the relationships among elements. Hori- old shift in the higher sound frequencies.
zontal rows are called periods; vertical See temporary threshold shift.
rows are called groups.
permeability The ease with which
peripheral nervous system The part water and other fluids migrate through
of the nervous system exclusive of the geological strata or landfill liners. Com-
brain and spinal cord. pare impermeability, porosity.

periphyton Microscopic plant species permeable pipe A type of pipe, usually

attached to submerged objects in aquatic made of polyvinylchloride (PVC) with
ecosystems. Compare nekton and holes in it, used in two common appli-
plankton. cations. One, drain fields for residential
wastewater treatment systems are con-
permaculture The practice of designing structed using this type of pipe to allow
systems of food production, waste man- the treated wastewater to be distributed
agement, housing, technology, and com- for absorption by the ground. Two, irriga-
munity development in such a way that tion systems are constructed of this pipe to
human habitats can be sustained into the allow water to be distributed to the crop
indefinite future. area from the piping system.

permafrost Soil layers that remain fro- permeant An animal that can move freely
zen throughout the year. The upper layers among different types of environments, or
of soil in the tundra region of the Arctic an animal that can move freely from one
thaw during the summer months; how- group of animals to another group.
ever, the lower layers remain frozen.
permissible exposure limit (PEL) An
permanent hardness Water hard- employee’s allowable workplace exposure
ness that cannot be reduced or removed to a chemical or physical agent; the levels
by heating the water, a reflection of the are set and enforced by the occupational
presence of dissolved calcium, magnesium, safety and health administration. See
iron, and other divalent metal ions. threshold limit value.
These ions react to form insoluble pre-
cipitates. See hardness. Compare tempo- permit Required under many federal
rary hardness. and state environmental protection stat-
utes, the official document containing the
permanent retrievable storage A limitations applicable to a source’s dis-
waste disposal option considered for charge into the air, water, or land, as well
nuclear high-level waste. The mate- as many other statute-specific provisions.
rial would be placed in containers and the Sometimes called the “license to pollute.”
containers put into a secure location, a salt Discharge permits are required under
mine or a special warehouse, from which provisions of the clean air act, clean
they could be recovered in the future water act, and resource conservation
should the need arise. Burial of waste in and recovery act, among many others.
a landfill would not be considered retriev-
able storage. permit by rule Permission to perform
certain activities that does not require an
permanent threshold shift (PTS) An individual, detailed permit application.
irreversible reduction in hearing ability for Environmental protection agencies define
a certain sound frequency. Exhibited by an activities that, if performed as stipulated,
enduring increase in the hearing thresh- will have minimal impact on human
old level. Normal hearing loss with age health or the environment. If the activity
(presbycusis) and noise-induced hear- falls under the permit by rule program,

permit requirements

then a facility, contractor, or business is ally produced pollutants, the produc-

required to notify the agency of the activ- tion and use of which it seeks to elimi-
ity, then abide by the regulatory require- nate, and unintentionally produced
ments, to avoid expensive and lengthy pollutants, for which the aim is mini-
permit review. mal emissions. See bioaccumulation;
biological magnification. For more
permit requirements The performance information, visit
standards of a permit. international/pops.htm.

peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) A compo- persistent pesticide A chemical used

nent of photochemical air pollution to control unwanted plants or insect pests
with the chemical formula CH3C(=O)NO2; and only slowly decomposed, often by
excessive exposure to this compound can physical rather than biological processes,
cause eye irritation and injuries to vegeta- after application.
tion. See peroxyacyl nitrate.
persistent pollutant Some substance
peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN) Air pollut- that does not undergo ready decomposi-
ant created by photochemical reactions tion or degradation when added to the
involving sunlight, reactive hydrocarbons, environment. The term is usually applied
and oxides of nitrogen. The general chem- to materials such as dieldrin, dichloro-
ical formula is RC(=O)NO2; R stands for diphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and
a hydrocarbon group. The most common polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),
species is peroxyacetylnitrate. See which remain in the environment for years
photochemical air pollution. after their release.

persistence The relative ability of a personal air samples Air samples

chemical to remain chemically stable after taken with a small device carried by a
release into the environment. Persistent worker and with a filter or other collection
chemicals resist biodegradation and apparatus placed in his or her breathing
thus are of greater concern in the treat- zone.
ment of wastes.
personal protective equipment (PPE)
persistent See persistence. Items worn to protect against workplace
hazards, such as air-purifying respi-
Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic rators, supplied-air respirators, a
chemicals (PBT chemicals) A list of self-contained breathing apparatus,
chemicals targeted by the U.S. EPA for steel-toed boots, nonflammable clothing,
their long life in the environment (persis- earplugs, gloves, or safety glasses.
tence), ability to build up in organisms,
and likelihood of movement up food person-gray A unit that reflects the
chains. See bioaccumulation; biologi- total radiation exposure of a defined group
cal magnification. Visit (population) of people. A population dose,
pbt for more information. in person-grays, is found by multiplying
the number of persons within each sub-
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) group of the population receiving a cer-
Chemicals targeted by the Convention on tain radiation dose by that dose (in grays)
Persistent Organic Pollutants for inter- and summing the products obtained from
national regulatory attention. These sub- each of the other subgroups. For example,
stances have a long life in the environment a population of eight individuals, two of
(persistence), are retained in the bodies whom receive a dose of four grays (eight
of organisms, and increase in concentra- person-grays) and six of whom receive
tion as they move up food chains. The a dose of five grays (30 person-grays), is
treaty distinguishes between intention- exposed to a total of 38 person-grays.

Peterson dredge

person-rem Same as person-gray pesticide rain Agricultural pesticides

except that the amount of radiation is carried by air currents and washed out
given in rems. by rain a considerable distance from the
field on which they were applied. During
persons at risk The number of indi- the first part of a rainfall, the raindrops
viduals who can possibly experience a can have excessively high concentrations
health-related event during a period. See of various chemicals being washed out,
person-years-at-risk; population at including pesticides.
pesticide residues Small amounts of
person-years-at-risk (PYAR) A unit insecticides, fungicides, or herbicides
that reflects both the number of individu- remaining in or on food when consumed.
als who have been exposed to potentially
toxic substances or radiation and the pesticide tolerances See tolerances.
length of time during which adverse side
effects have been expected from that expo- pesticide treadmill The need for the
sure. The unit is computed by multiplying application of an insecticide at an increas-
the total number of individuals exposed ing rate or amount as a result of the grad-
times the number of years since the expo- ual increase in insecticide resistance within
sure began. PYAR is used as the denomi- the target group. Or the ongoing require-
nator in an incidence rate or mortality ment for the development of new agents
rate. to combat insect strains that are resistant
to previously used chemical agents.
perturbation Some action or event that
disrupts the normal functioning of the pest resurgence A dramatic reappear-
environment. ance of a specific strain of insect pest in an
environment that has been treated with an
pest Any organism that degrades a agent to kill or destroy the insect in ques-
resource; usually used to refer to insects tion. Often caused by the development of
that damage food crops or cause human an insecticide-resistant strain of pest or the
misery. depletion of other animals that kept the
insect population under control.
pesticide A chemical agent used to
kill an unwanted organism. Most of the Peterson dredge A device used to col-
agents are not highly selective in their lect sediment samples for the identifica-
action; however, they can be placed into tion of bottom-dwelling animals in lakes
categories depending on their target spe- and streams. The device has the appear-
cies. The most common pesticides are the ance of a closed metal cylinder sectioned
insecticides (chemical agents applied to the in half through the long axis. The two
environment to kill insects). Another class sections are hinged together in such a
of materials used in great quantities are way that they resemble large jaws when
the herbicides (chemical agents applied to locked open for deployment by wire.
the environment to kill unwanted plants). When the device is on the bottom and the
Fungicides, which are frequently used line is pulled to retrieve the apparatus,
as preservatives to prevent rotting, and the apparatus is levered in such a way
rodenticides, which are used to control that the two halves close to trap a sample
mice, rats, and similar animals, represent of sediment. Weights can be attached to
two lesser-used classes of chemicals. The the outside of the cylinder sections to
pesticides were introduced to control vec- provide a deeper bite into the sediment.
tor-transmitted diseases, to increase agri- The Peterson dredge is useful in the sam-
cultural productivity, to exercise urban pling of sediments that have a high con-
pest control, and to preserve materials tent of sand and gravel. Also called the
such as wood. Peterson grab.

petri dish

petri dish The customary device for fering from exposure to low dissolved
the isolation and/or cultivation of bacte- oxygen. The parasitic stage swims with
ria in the laboratory. The standard dish the aid of flagella and infects the hapless
is 100 × 15 millimeters and consists of fish, producing a sore or lesion and even-
two overlapping halves. A solid medium tually contributing to the death of the fish.
(agar) is placed in the bottom portion of The organism also appears to be capable
the dish for inoculation of cultures of of infecting humans handling the fish or
bacteria. swimming in the water. Laboratory work-
ers, swimmers, and fishers infected with
petroleum A liquid fossil fuel con- the organism have experienced a distinc-
sisting of various hydrocarbons. Also tive clinical syndrome characterized by
called oil. The mixture is found in vari- skin lesions, headaches, lightheadedness,
ous geological deposits and can be refined and chronic difficulties with learning and
to produce such products as gasoline, fuel memory.
oil, kerosene, and asphalt. See crude oil;
crude oil fraction; heavy oil. pH A unit used to express the strength
of an acidic or basic solution; calculated
petroleum derivatives Chemical com- as the negative logarithm of the hydro-
pounds derived from hydrocarbons, gen ion concentration. Values commonly
either products from the refining of crude range from 0 to 14: less than 7.0 is acidic
oil or chemicals released when oil or an and greater than 7.0 is basic. A pH of 7.0
oil product evaporates or is degraded, such is considered neutral. Because the units are
as gasoline, kerosene, various organic sol- derived from common logarithms, a dif-
vents, or other volatile organic com- ference of one pH unit indicates a 10-fold
pounds. (101) difference in acidity; a difference of
two units indicates a 100-fold (102) differ-
petroleum exclusion The exclusion of ence in acidity.
oil and natural gas from the definition of
a hazardous substance under the com- phagocytic Describing a cell capable
prehensive environmental response, of engulfing particles. For example, white
compensation, and liability act. blood cells and cells that reside in lymph
More specifically, the exclusion applies nodes can engulf and destroy bacteria
to crude oil and crude oil fractions and other microorganisms that enter the
(except certain fractions listed as hazard- body.
ous substances), natural gas, natural
gas liquids, liquefied natural gas, and phagotroph An organism that obtains
synthetic natural gas. nutrients through the ingestion of solid
organic matter. This class of organism
Pfiesteria piscicida A very small includes all animals from the simplest, sin-
(about seven micrometers) single-celled gle-celled animal (for example, protozoa)
marine dinoflagellate (alga) capable of to the higher forms. Organisms have some
producing a powerful toxin. The organ- type of device to ingest particles, a diges-
ism has been detected in coastal waters, tive system, and a system to discard waste
especially those subjected to pollution products.
with organic material. Pfiesteria species
can assume more than 20 different shapes pharmacogenomics The study of how
depending on the life cycle, including a a drug (or another foreign chemical) will
difficult-to-detect cyst stage, an amoeboid be metabolized by an individual, given the
stage, and a very toxic vegetative stage. person’s particular genetic makeup.
Normally an inhabitant of coastal sedi-
ments, the organism produces a parasitic pharmacokinetics The study and math-
stage when the overlying water contains ematical description of the absorption,
a multitude of fish, especially fish suf- distribution, partitioning, metabo-

phosphogypsum pile

lism, and excretion of a drug or pollutant phenology The scientific study of the
in an organism. changes in biological organisms that coin-
cide with the yearly seasons, such as the
phase In chemistry, the liquid, solid, timing of plant emergence and the pro-
or gaseous parts that can be physically gression of fall tree colors from north to
separated from a quantity of matter—for south.
example, a report may say that the liquid
phase in the sediment sample measured phenotype The genetically based traits
2.5 liters. of an organism that are actually observ-
able as some morphological, behavioral,
Phase I Under the resource conser- or biochemical characteristic of the organ-
vation and recovery act (RCRA), the ism. Because some traits are not expressed
first phase of the assumption of respon- (are recessive), they may not be reflected
sibility by a state for administering the in the appearance of the plant or animal.
RCRA hazardous waste (subtitle c) pro- The total genetic makeup of the organism
gram. Phase I state authorization refers is termed the genotype.
to regulations identifying hazardous
wastes and the standards for generators, phenyl group The chemical group
transporters, and treatment, storage, C6H5 that is contained in many organic
or disposal facilities with interim sta- compounds, both natural and synthetic.
tus. Compare phase ii. For example, polychlorinated biphe-
nyls contain two phenyl groups.
Phase I environmental assessment
Performed by purchasers of real estate to pheromone A substance produced by
document any required innocent land- an animal that serves as a chemical sig-
nal to other members of the same species,
owner defense under the liability provisions
for example, the sex attractant produced
of the comprehensive environmental
by many animals and chemical substances
response, compensation, and liability
used to mark territory. Pheromones are
act. The assessment usually involves a title
used in integrated pest management.
search, an examination of public records of
activities on the site, aerial photographs, an
phon A unit used to express the per-
inspection of surrounding land use, and a ceived loudness of a sound. For a par-
site visit. ticular sound, the unit is equal to the
decibel level of a 1,000-hertz sound eval-
Phase II Under the resource conser- uated by a group with healthy hearing to
vation and recovery act, the second be of the same loudness as that particular
phase of the assumption of responsibil- sound. fletcher-munson contours are
ity by a state for the hazardous waste expressed in phons. Compare sone.
(subtitle c) program, which covers the
detailed, technical requirements for issu- phosphates The general term used to
ing final permits to treatment, stor- describe phosphorus-containing deriva-
age, or disposal facilities for hazardous tives of phosphoric acid (H3PO4). The
wastes. chemical containing the phosphate group
(PO4–3) can be either organic or inorganic
phenol An ingredient or chemical and either particulate or dissolved. An
intermediate for many plastics, drugs, important plant nutrient. See eutrophi-
and explosives; the chemical formula is cation; phosphorous; phosphorous
C6H5OH. Commonly known as carbolic cycle.
acid. Environmental exposures primarily
are through industrial employment. The phosphogypsum pile A special waste
compound has an adverse effect when dis- generated by the processing of phosphate
charged into sewage treatment systems. ore, primarily calcium phosphate, using


sulfuric acid to produce phosphoric acid, substances released by automobiles and

which is used in the fertilizer and chemical industrial facilities. The most important
industries. The by-product is calcium sul- pollutants that undergo these reactions
fate or gypsum. An estimated 1 billion tons are volatile organic compounds and
is stored in Florida, the location of over nitrogen oxide. These are converted by
90% of the phosphate ore in the United sunlight to nitrogen dioxide, ozone,
States. This solid waste contains acidic and peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN). These
residues and may contain radioactive ele- gases can mix with particulate matter
ments (naturally occurring radioac- and produce concentrations of pollutants
tive material). Rainwater runoff from high enough to impart a tint to the air,
these piles of waste constitutes a pollutant popularly called smog. See photochemi-
source that must be controlled and treated cal cycle; photochemical oxidants.
prior to release. Also called phosphogyp-
sum stacks in some regulations. Photochemical Assessment Monitor-
ing Stations (PAMS) Urban air qual-
phosphorus (P) An essential chemical ity monitoring sites established to assist a
element in the growth of plants and ani- state in efforts to lower the intensity and
mals. Phosphorus often acts as the plant frequency of ozone (smog). The PAMS
nutrient that limits the growth of aquatic record weather conditions and measure
and terrestrial vegetation. Fertilizers fre- concentrations of volatile organic com-
quently contain a source of phosphorus. pounds, ozone, and nitrogen oxide. See
The addition of excess levels of this ele- photochemical air pollution; photo-
ment to freshwater environments causes chemical oxidants.
the overgrowth of algae. See eutrophica-
tion; limiting factor. photochemical cycle A complex series
of chemical reactions leading to an
phosphorus cycle A series of inte- accumulation of ozone or other pho-
grated biological, geological, and chemi- tochemical oxidants in the tropo-
cal reactions (biogeochemical cycling) sphere. Generally, the cycle involves
involved in the conversion of phosphorus the absorption of sunlight by nitrogen
from a solid mineral form in rocks, to a dioxide (NO2), causing the conversion
soluble form, to organic biomass, and to of the dioxide into NO and [O] (atomic
and from soluble to insoluble form in a oxygen). The atomic oxygen is very reac-
continuous cyclic manner. tive and can combine with a diatomic
oxygen molecule (O2, the usual form of
photic Related to either the presence or oxygen in the atmosphere) to form ozone
the effects of light. (O3). The O3 can react with the NO
to form NO2 and O2 (the photolytic
photic zone That area of a body of cycle). If reactive hydrocarbons are pres-
water into which light penetrates. The ent, atmospheric reactions can convert
upper portion of a lake or sea within them to free radicals, which can oxi-
which light is sufficiently abundant to dize the NO formed by the initial splitting
support the growth of phytoplankton. of NO2. If oxidized to NO2, NO cannot
Compare aphotic. react with and destroy the O3, thus allow-
ing ozone to accumulate with a resulting
photochemical Describing a chemical rise in the concentration of ozone.
reaction that is driven by the energy avail-
able in sunlight. photochemical oxidants Components
of photochemical air pollution that
photochemical air pollution A type include ozone, peroxyacyl nitrate
of air pollution resulting from the produc- (especially peroxyacetylnitrate), and
tion of chemicals in the atmosphere by oxygenated hydrocarbons, such as the
reactions between sunlight and airborne aldehydes. The photochemical oxidant


present in the highest concentrations in photomultiplier tube An electronic

the ambient air is ozone. The U.S. EPA device in some analytical instruments that
initially set a national ambient air enhances the photon signal emitted by
quality standard for all photochemical a reaction or interaction used to detect
oxidants but now uses a single standard the presence of a particular chemical sub-
for ozone to represent the group. stance. Photons are emitted by certain
chemical reactions or by an interaction
photochemical smog See photo- between a specific wavelength of electro-
chemical air pollution. magnetic energy and the substance being
photodegradable plastic A plastic
polymer that decomposes or depolymer- photon A quantum of electromag-
izes under the influence of sunlight. At one netic radiation. A unit of intensity of
time, proposed as a partial solution to lit- electromagnetic radiation, including light.
ter and to the nonbiodegradable nature of A photon has properties that relate to both
plastic. particles and waves. A photon has no charge
or mass; however, it does have momen-
photoelectric effect An electric current tum. Photon energy equals the product of
induced when light strikes certain met- planck’s constant and frequency.
als, the principle behind the operation of
automatic exposure meters in cameras and photoperiod The time (hours or min-
photovoltaic devices. utes) that plants are exposed to light. For
example, the photoperiod in North Amer-
photoionization detector (PID) An ica is longer in the summer than in the
analytical instrument used to quantify the winter.
presence of organic compounds. Ultravio-
let light with an energy content equal to or
photoprocessing pollution Liquid
waste from facilities that process photo-
greater than a chemical-specific ionization
graphs or X-ray images of various types.
potential removes the outermost electrons
The discards include spent chemicals for
from a molecule of the target substance.
developing and fixing of negatives and
The resulting current flow is proportional
to the number of ionized molecules.
photosensitization The increased sus-
photolysis The breakdown of a mate- ceptibility of the skin to ultraviolet
rial by sunlight. Photolysis is an important light caused by exposure to photosensitiz-
degradation mechanism for air pollut- ing agents such as coal tar, derivatives
ants and for contaminants in surface water of coal tar, hexachlorophene, and certain
and in the terrestrial environment. plant products.

photolytic cycle An atmospheric reac- photosynthate Carbohydrates and

tion that forms ozone in the tropo- other organic molecules produced and
sphere. The cycle involves the splitting, often released by algae during the process
by the absorption of energy available in of photosynthesis.
sunlight, of a nitrogen dioxide molecule
(NO2) into NO + [O] (atomic oxygen). photosynthesis A process in green
The atomic oxygen atom [O] can then plants and some bacteria during which
combine with a diatomic oxygen molecule light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll-
(O2) to form ozone (O3). In the absence of containing molecules and converted to
reactive hydrocarbons, the ozone that is chemical energy (the light reaction). Dur-
formed is destroyed by reacting with the ing the process, carbon dioxide is reduced
NO to form NO2 and O2. See also pho- and combined with other chemical ele-
tochemical cycle. ments to provide the organic intermedi-


ates that form plant biomass (the dark See monitored natural attenuation;
reaction). Green plants release molecu- natural attenuation; remediation.
lar oxygen (O2), which they derive from
water during the light reaction. phytotoxicant A chemical that can
damage or kill plants in aquatic environ-
photovoltaic Producing an electric cur- ments.
rent as the result of light striking a metal;
the direct conversion of radiant energy phytotoxicity The ability of chemicals
into electrical energy. to damage or kill plants in aquatic envi-
photovoltaic cell See solar cell.
phytotreatment Biological technology
phreatophyte A plant with roots used to treat wastewater, typically that
extending to the water table and with a which contains excessive plant nutrients.
relatively high transpiration rate. Such As rooted plants or algae are allowed to
plants can move a significant amount of grow, the nutrient is removed from the
groundwater to the atmosphere. wastewater and converted into plant mass.
Adaptations of the technology can also be
phthalates Agents added to plastics applied to the removal of hazardous sub-
to improve their flexibility. Over 25 dif- stances from contaminated sediment. See
ferent compounds are produced for com- bioremediation; tertiary treatment.
mercial use; di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), diisononyl phthalate (DINP), and pica The tendency of children to eat
di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) are the most nonfood items, such as chips of old paint.
common. Because they are used in every See lead.
major category of consumer products and
because they are only slowly degradable, pico- (p) An SI unit prefix meaning
phthalates are distributed throughout the 10–12.
environment. The level of acute toxicity of
the compounds is very low. Chronic expo- picocurie (pCi) A unit of radioactivity
sure can cause adverse reproductive effects equal to 1 × 10–12 curie.
and excess tumors in rodents, but evidence
indicates that the toxicity is species specific picocuries per liter (pCi/l) 1 × 10–12
and that humans are not a sensitive group. curie of radioactivity per liter of air.
The unit used to express radon levels in
phylogeny The evolutionary develop- indoor air.
ment of a group or species of organisms.
piezometer An instrument used for the
physical factors Those nonbiological determination of water table elevation
factors that influence the growth, devel- or the water level in a tightly cased well,
opment, and survival of organisms (e.g., the latter called the potentiometric
temperature, light, climate, chemicals, and surface.
piezometric height See hydraulic
phytomass biomass of plant origin. head.
Compare zoomass.
piezometric surface See potentio-
phytoplankton Microscopic plants, metric surface.
such as algae, suspended in aquatic envi-
ronments. pig 1. A container used to store or
ship radioactive materials. The container
phytoremediation The use of vegetation is constructed of materials that act as
to remove contaminants from soil or water. shielding to prevent the transmission of


high-energy radiation. 2. A device forced placard An identifying sign required on

through unlined cast-iron water pipes by trucks, railcars, and large containers car-
hydraulic pressure to scrape iron oxide rying hazardous materials. The dia-
scale from the inside surfaces. mond-shaped placard will usually display
a four-digit identification number. See haz-
pillow lava The cylinder-shaped (pic- ardous material transportation law.
ture a structure formed by toothpaste
being pushed from a tube as it is squeezed
vigorously) mass of lava produced
when lava from a basaltic eruption is
extruded under water. The lava cools rap-
idly, yielding the semitube appearance.

Pinchot, Gifford (1865–1946) Amer-

ican conservationist Pinchot was the
first head of the U.S. forest service and
a promoter of sustainable use of natural
resources. See conservation. Compare
preservation; muir, john.

pioneer community The first plant spe-

cies to colonize a land area that is essen-
tially free of plant life. The nonvegetated
areas may be present because of previous
farming, surface mining, or severe fires. Placard
These initial plant communities usually give
way to different species that arrive later.
See primary succession; succession. Planck’s constant (h) The constant
relating the energy content of electromag-
pitchblende A mineral ore containing netic radiation to its frequency; the con-
commercial quantities of the elements ura- stant is equal to 6.626 × 10-34 joule-second.
nium and radium.
Planck’s law The radiation energy
pitot tube A device used to measure
emitted per unit area by a blackbody, by
the velocity of a gas or liquid. Two con-
wavelength (λ) at absolute temperature T
centric tubes are oriented in the same
axis as the material flow, and the tubes is expressed by
measure the total pressure and static Eλ = 2πhc2λ– 5 ÷ exp (hc/λkT) – 1,
pressure of the flowing fluid. The differ- where h is planck’s constant, c is the
ence between the total pressure and static speed of light, and k is boltzmann’s
pressure is the velocity pressure, which constant. Planck’s law also expresses
can be related to the velocity of the fluid. the energy value (E) of a photon of elec-
tromagnetic radiation by E = hv, where v
pKa The negative logarithm of the acid is the radiation frequency.
dissociation constant. Lower pKa val-
ues indicate stronger acids.
planetary boundary layer The lowest
layer of the troposphere, in which tur-
pKb The negative logarithm of the base
dissociation constant. Lower pKb val- bulent conditions are found. See ekman
ues indicate stronger bases. spiral; geostrophic wind.

pKs The negative logarithm of the solu- plankton Microscopic plants and ani-
bility product constant for a chemical mals that live suspended in water. Gener-
compound dissolving in water. ally, these organisms move along with

plant nutrients

currents. See phytoplankton; zooplank- plate boundaries According to the

ton. Compare benthos and nekton. theory of plate tectonics, the locations
where the rigid plates that compose the
plant nutrients The primary min- crust of the Earth meet. The plates move
eral ingredients of fertilizer: phosphate slowly on the molten material beneath in
(PO4¯3), nitrate (NO3¯), ammonium the process called continental drift.
(NH4+), and potassium (K+) together with As the plates meet, the boundaries can
an extensive array of chemical elements be classified as divergent (places where
used in lesser amounts to support the the plates are moving apart, as at the
growth of plants. See eutrophication; midocean ridges of the Atlantic Ocean),
limiting factor; trace elements. convergent (places where the plates are
colliding, as at the Himalayas), and trans-
plant-wide applicability limitation form (places where the plates are sliding
(PAL) A pollutant-specific 12-month past each other, as in California).
emission rate that applies to the sum of
all sources of the pollutant inside one plate count A method used to deter-
industrial plant. The emission points are mine the microbial population of a sample
monitored using government-approved of soil, water, or biological material. The
calculation methods or measured (e.g., source material is suspended or mixed
using continous emission monitor- with a sterile solution, and a portion of
ing) and summed to determined compli- the mixture is applied to the surface of
ance with the overall limit. a suitable agar medium in a petri dish.
Theoretically, each bacterium present in
plasmid A general term used to describe the sample applied to the dish divides until
a small circular piece of deoxyribonu- a visible colony develops. By counting the
cleic acid (DNA) that exists indepen- colonies after incubation and applying the
dently of the nuclear chromosomes that necessary mathematical manipulations, the
control most traits of a cell or organism. number of bacteria in the original sample
An extrachromosomal piece of genetic can be determined.
material. Plasmids are useful in genetic
engineering. See ti plasmid. plate tectonics A concept stating that
the crust of the Earth is composed of
plasticizers Chemical additives (often crustal plates moving on the molten mate-
phthalates) used to increase the flexibil- rial below. Seven major and many minor
ity of plastics. plates are recognized. The seven major
plates constitute the great majority of the
plastic recycling The conversion of crust and are named for the continents or
postconsumer plastic containers into oceans (Pacific, Eurasian, African, Aus-
items that are suitable for other consumer tralian, North American, South Ameri-
uses. The diversion of plastic containers can, and Antarctic). These and the minor
from the solid waste stream. The recycling plates are moving slowly but relentlessly.
of plastic is complicated by the number of The boundaries of the plates are the foci
resins used to manufacture consumer plas- for earthquakes and volcanic activity.
tic; consequently, plastic must be sorted Deep ocean ridges are formed where plates
into resin type to facilitate reentry of the diverge or move apart; transform faults like
material into the commercial market. those in California are formed when plates
On containers and many other consumer slide past one another; ocean trenches and
items, the resin is identified by a number volcanic activity are produced when one
code that appears in a triangle composed plate overrides another and pushes the
of three arrows. The codes, developed by underlying plate into the mantle. The lat-
the Society of the Plastic Industry, together ter boundary is characteristic of areas like
with resin types and common products are the region bordering the western Pacific
listed in the Appendixes. Ocean. See plate boundaries.

plume rise

plate tower scrubber See scrubber; immediately with the stream water. The
plate tower. mass of hot water remains detectable for
some distance downstream. In ground-
plenum A chamber in a ventilation sys- water, the leachate leaking downgradi-
tem used for air distribution via connect- ent from a site of buried waste material.
ing ducts. In air pollution, visible or invisible gases,
vapors, or particulate matter emitted from
plug flow See continuous-flow system. a smokestack or moving downwind from
an urban area. See urban plume.
plugged and abandoned Describing
an unsuccessful exploration well for oil plume reflection The assumption in
or natural gas; the well borehole is sealed the gaussian plume model, used for
and the drilling equipment removed from air quality dispersion estimates, that an
the site. expanding plume carried downwind from
an elevated source (stack) will, when the
plugging Stopping the flow of water, plume reaches the ground, reflect back
gas, or oil into or out of a well. Also, upward instead of being absorbed.
cementing or otherwise blocking the cas-
ing of a dry oil, gas, or water well. plume rise The movement of an iden-
tifiable mass of gas (plume) upward for a
plume A relatively concentrated mass period after its exit from a stack; the move-
of emitted chemical contaminants spread- ment is caused by (1) the vertical momen-
ing in the environment. In surface water, tum of the exiting gas, which, when spent,
the effluent added to a receiving stream allows the plume to bend over with the
near a point source. For example, when wind; and (2) the buoyancy effect of the
a heated-water discharge is added to a lower-density hot gas mixture. Plume rise
stream, the heated water does not mix is estimated to calculate effective stack

Plume and effective stack height


height (physical stack height plus plume water-cleaning device at the entrance of
rise), which is a required input to models the water to the residence (point-of-
that estimate air concentrations downwind entry treatment device) or at an indi-
from the stack. vidual faucet (point-of-use treatment
device) in a household; sometimes used
plutonium-239 (239Pu) A radioactive in homes supplied by a private well that
element, not found in natural ores, pro- does not meet drinking water standards.
duced in nuclear reactors by the bom-
bardment of uranium 238 with fast point-of-use treatment device An
neutrons. The atomic number of plu- apparatus connected to a single tap sup-
tonium is 94. The 239 isotope is a fis- plying drinking water at a residence or
sionable material used as the primary other facility to remove particulate matter
nuclear fuel in nuclear weapons. Pluto- or organic contaminants from the water
nium-239 is a long-lived isotope and is supply. Only the water from one tap
extremely toxic to humans. would be treated.

pneumoconiosis A general term for point source An identifiable and con-

diseases of the lung resulting from chronic fined discharge point for one or more
overexposure to dusts. See asbestosis; water pollutants, such as a pipe, chan-
coal workers’ pneumoconiosis; sili- nel, vessel, or ditch. Compare nonpoint
cosis. source.

Pogo principle “We have met the poise (P) A unit, equal to 1.0 gram per
enemy and he is us,” the tag line in the centimeter-second, of viscosity.
“Pogo” cartoon appearing on Earth Day
1971, by Walt Kelly, showing Pogo and poison See toxic chemical.
Porkypine gingerly stepping through a
garbage dump. polarity A property of a molecule that
causes one side or end of the molecule to
poikilotherm See ectotherm. have a slight negative charge and the other
a slight positive charge. When two atoms
point of compliance (POC) For a are joined with a covalent bond, they
hazardous waste treatment, storage, share a pair of electrons. For example, the
or disposal facility, the location, speci- water molecule is composed of one oxy-
fied by the operations permit of the facil- gen atom joined to two hydrogen atoms
ity, for a downgradient well. Each well by covalent bonds. The oxygen atom
is placed to detect the presence of any exerts a slightly stronger attraction for
contaminants released from the facility the shared electrons than do the hydrogen
into groundwater that will move into the atoms. Consequently, the oxygen atom is
uppermost aquifer in the area. slightly negative and the hydrogen atoms
are slightly positive in character. This cre-
point-of-entry treatment device An ates a molecule with a positive pole and a
apparatus connected to the drinking water negative pole. Solvents composed of mole-
supply entering a residence (or other build- cules that exhibit polarity (water) are bet-
ing) to remove particulate matter, dissolved ter able to dissolve ionic materials than are
calcium, or other metals (see hard water), solvents consisting of molecules that do
or organic contaminants from the water not exhibit polarity (nonpolar solvents,
supply. All of the water entering the home e.g., carbon tetrachloride). See polar sol-
from a municipal supply would be treated. vent. See hydrogen bonding.

point-of-use/point-of-entry (POU/POE) polarized light microscopy Use of a

An approach to the management of the light microscope, equipped with polarizing
quality of drinking water that locates a filters (which screen out all light waves not

pollution indicator organism

vibrating or moving in the same plane), dust on cars and in homes. Pollen transfer
to observe specific optical characteris- is an important component of plant repro-
tics of geological materials. This type of duction and fruiting.
microscopy is useful in the identification
of asbestos. pollutant A chemical or physical agent
introduced to the environment that may
polar solvent A solvent, with a slight lead to pollution.
negative charge on one part of the mole-
cule and a slight positive charge at another Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) A
position, that dissolves other polar mate- one-number representation of the air qual-
rials. The most common polar solvent is ity of an urban area. The index (number)
water. See polarity; compare nonpolar is obtained by combining data from air-
solvent. sampling stations for different air pol-
lutants using a standardized method. PSI
polar stratospheric clouds Water- values falling within certain numerical
nitric acid mixtures on which reactions ranges are then described by standard ter-
occur that release chlorine from the com- minology: 0–50, good; 51–100, moderate;
pounds ClONO2 and HCl. When chemi- 101–200, unhealthy; and so on. The index
cally bound, the chlorine does no harm was developed to communicate summary
to the ozone layer, but when released, air quality information to the public.
it reacts with and destroys stratospheric
ozone molecules. See ozone hole; ozone polluter pays principle The environ-
layer; ozone layer depletion. mental management theory under which
the (potential) emitter of a pollutant pays
polar vortex A region of extremely for controls to reduce emissions and/or
cold air that forms over Antarctica during pays a fee to compensate for residual harm
the winter months in the Southern Hemi- resulting from the emissions. In practice,
sphere. The strong winds move in a circle, these two could be used in combination to
and the air is isolated from the rest of the minimize any externality from the pol-
atmosphere. (Although there is an Arctic luting activity.
polar vortex also, it is not as strong or as
isolated.) polar stratospheric clouds pollution The addition of one or more
form in the vortex and result in the sea- chemical or physical agents (heat, elec-
sonal ozone hole over Antarctica. tromagnetic radiation, sound) to the air,
water, or land in an amount, at a rate,
polishing The removal of low con- and/or in a location that threatens human
centrations of dissolved, recalcitrant health, wildlife, plants, or the orderly
organic compounds from either water functioning or human enjoyment of an
intended for human consumption or waste- aspect of the environment.
water that has been subjected to primary
treatment and secondary treatment. pollution exclusion clause A feature
The passage of water through activated of a comprehensive general liability
charcoal is a frequently employed polish- policy since approximately 1970; the
ing technique. Also called carbon filtra- clause excludes bodily injury or property
tion; carbon treatment. See carbon damage coverage for routine emissions or
polishing. gradual leaks of pollutants from a facility.
See environmental impairment liabil-
pollen Male reproductive structure of ity policy.
plants. Pollen release in the spring often
triggers hay fever or allergic responses in pollution indicator organism A plant
sensitive individuals, and the presence of or animal species that is not normally
large amounts of pollen can cause a yel- present in an aquatic environment unless
low discoloration in the air and a yellow the body of water has been subjected to

pollution offset

damage by pollution. For example, Esche- polybrominated biphenyl An addi-

richia coli is a bacterium that is not found tive used in the manufacture of plastics to
in the aquatic environment unless the sys- make them difficult to burn. This additive
tem has been contaminated by the addi- was used to make plastics that withstood
tion of fecal material. The organism elevated temperatures (for example, to
signals the presence of pollution. make computer monitors, television sets,
and some fire-resistant plastic foams). The
pollution offset See offset. manufacture of the additive was discon-
tinued in the 1970s. The polybrominated
pollution prevention (P2) Concept biphenyls are recalcitrant and can still
that moves away from regulations requir- be detected in some highly contaminated
ing the treatment of exhausts and efflu- sediments.
ents to remove offending substances,
or away from the protection of human polycentric In urban planning, describ-
health and the environment by the ing large urban areas characterized by a
cleanup of contaminated land or water. collection of interconnected urban centers,
Rather, pollution prevention means each of which has a complete set of ser-
eliminating the source of the pollutant, vices and supporting facilities. A single,
recycling process waste, converting waste concentrated downtown center does not
material to products, and eliminating the serve the entire area, but each “satellite”
toxicity of process residuals or by-prod- has a full complement of services. Such
ucts. For example, eliminating the source arrangements describe old cities plus out-
of the pollutant can involve modification lying communities in which the central-
of the process, change of raw materials, ized activities in the downtown area of the
internal recovery of solvents for reuse, old city are now dispersed.
and substitution of process chemicals.
One of the Codes of Management Prac- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) A
tice of the responsible care initiative of diverse mixture of aromatic compounds
the american chemistry council. See that in the past were used extensively as
source reduction. insulating and cooling agents in electrical
transformers, as plasticizers in waxes, and
Pollution Prevention Act A 1990 in the manufacture of paper and inks. The
federal statute that requires facilities to compounds are very stable, are widely dis-
emphasize actions that reduce pollution at tributed in the environment, and undergo
its source; the reduction can be in volume bioaccumulation in mammals. Excessive
and/or in toxicity and should follow the exposures cause a severe acnelike eruption
environmental management hierar- (chloracne) in humans, and the material
chy. See pollution prevention. has been shown to induce cancer devel-
opment in mammals. As required by the
pollution sink See sink. toxic substances control act (1976),
the U.S. EPA has written extensive regula-
pollution trading See emissions trad- tions for the manufacture, use, marking,
ing; tradable emission allowance. storage, disposal, and cleanup of PCBs.
They are found under Title 40, Part 761,
polyactic acid A biodegradable plas- of the code of federal regulations.
tic packaging material made from pro-
cessed corn. polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)
Contaminants found in commercial prepa-
polyampholytes A class of polyelec- rations of polychlorinated biphenyls
trolytes that contain both positively and pentachlorophenol that may be
charged (cationic) and negatively charged responsible for some of the physiological
(anionic) functional groups in the same effects ascribed to those compounds. Expo-
polymer. sure to the furans results in severe acnelike


eruptions (chloracne) in humans; they agents, thickeners, coagulants, dis-

are less toxic than the dioxins, which also persants, water conditioners, soap and
contaminate the two classes of chemicals detergent additives, soil conditioners,
indicated. See dibenzofurans. and superabsorbers in disposable diapers
and in oil recovery processes. Also called
polycyclic Describing chemical com- macroions and polyions. See polyampho-
pounds composed of multiple units of the lytes; primary treatment.
six-carbon aromatic nucleus benzene.
anthracene and related compounds are polyethylene (PE) Plastic resin consist-
polycyclic. See polycyclic aromatic ing of polymerized or linked ethylene (a
hydrocarbons. two-carbon hydrocarbon) that is used in
numerous construction, industrial, and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons consumer products. high-density poly-
(PAH) A group of aromatic ring com- ethylene is used in the manufacture
pounds that are derivatives of anthra- of containers for water or milk (natural
cene, which consists of three benzene color) or household chemicals, juices, and
rings in a row. Other aromatic rings or other liquid (pigmented). low-density
organic groups are attached to the anthra- polyethylene is commonly used in appli-
cene. They are found in coal, tar, and cations requiring film plastic.
petroleum and are emitted by combustion-
related activities. Many different com- polyethylene terephthalate (PET) A
pounds can be formed through metabolic
plastic used for beverage containers and
conversions involving the basic aromatic
collected by many recycling programs.
nucleus within biological systems, as well
The most commonly recycled plastic resin.
as during chemical syntheses, because
Coded with a number 1 on the recycling
of the reactive nature of anthracene and
derivatives of this compound. This class of
compounds appears to be responsible in
part for the cancer-causing properties of
polyions See polyelectrolytes.
cigarette smoke.
polymer Macromolecule composed of
polycyclic hydrocarbons See polycy- repeating units of some smaller molecule
clic aromatic hydrocarbons. (monomer). Many natural materials (cel-
lulose, proteins, starches, nucleic acids)
polycyclic organic matter (POM) A and synthetic materials (nylon, plastic,
class of organic compounds of importance rubber) are made by linking smaller units.
in air pollution. These toxics are defined in Cellulose is a natural polymer composed
the U.S. Clean Air Act as compounds with of glucose molecules; polyethylene plas-
more than one benzene ring and a boil- tic is an artificial polymer composed of
ing point of 100°C or higher. POM is an ethylene molecules.
important component of diesel exhaust. See
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. polymorphism In biology, genetic vari-
ations present within populations.
polyelectrolyte Synthetic or natural
polymer containing many positive or polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
negative charges. This material is water (PAH) See polycyclic aromatic
soluble, promotes changes in the fluid hydrocarbons.
properties of aqueous suspensions and
slurries, is strongly reactive with parti- polynuclear organic matter (POM) See
cles or ions carrying the opposite charge, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
and is frequently resistant to biological
decomposition. These polymers have polysaccharide A carbohydrate com-
wide applications as flocculation posed of a chain of three or more mono-

polyvinyl chloride

saccharides. Starch and cellulose are population explosion A rapid increase

polysaccharides. See disaccharide. in the number of individuals of a specific
species in a defined location. Commonly,
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) A strong the number of individuals exceeds the
synthetic polymer plastic used in pipes, capacity of the environment to provide
toys, electrical coverings, and many other resources, leading to a population crash.
products. Produced from vinyl chloride See carrying capacity; r-strategist.
monomer. See vinyl chloride.
population momentum The impetus
population All of the members of a for continued expansion of the number of
single species that inhabit a defined geo- people in a country when the age structure
graphical area. The snow goose popula- is characterized by a large number of chil-
tion of a marsh would consist of every dren. Even if birth control efforts are effec-
member of the species Chen caerulescens tive in the adult community and the num-
found in that marsh. ber of new births per person decreases, the
number of people in the country expands
population at risk (PAR) The number as the large population of children reach
of persons who can potentially contract or reproductive age.
develop a disease, adverse health effect, or
condition; the proper denominator for use population risk A risk estimate equal
in calculating the rate of a disease or con- to the product of individual life-
dition, which is the number of diseased time risk and the size of the popula-
persons divided by the population at risk. tion exposed. Population risk is typically
See rate. expressed as the number of excess cases of
a disease, such as cancer, per year attribut-
population crash A sudden and dra- able to a given exposure. See unit risk
matic decline in the numbers of individ- estimate.
uals of a specific species within an area
of interest. The reasons are varied and pore space The space between soil,
include loss of food source, introduction sand, or rock fragments. See saturated
of a predator species, disease, environmen- zone; unsaturated zone.
tal toxins, and extreme weather events or
natural disasters. pore water See interstitial water.

population density The number of porosity A description of the total vol-

persons per unit land area, using specific ume of soil, rock, or other material that is
political or geographic boundaries. occupied by pore spaces. A high porosity
does not equate to a high permeability in
population dose The sum of the radi- that the pore spaces may be poorly inter-
ation doses received by individuals in a connected.
given population, expressed as person-
grays or person-rems. A measure of portal-of-entry effect Adverse con-
total population exposure to ionizing sequences that are experienced at the
radiation. location where the body encounters or is
exposed to a toxin. If a dangerous sub-
population equivalent (PE) A way to stance causes chemical burns, then the skin
express the strength of industrial waste in is damaged as a direct result of contact
terms of the comparable amount of bio- with the chemical. This is different from
chemical oxygen demand (BOD) in the damage to a target organ. The liver,
household wastewater produced by one for example, is damaged when a chemical
person. An industrial waste that has a PE gains entry into the system at some loca-
of 1,000 is equivalent to the BOD of waste tion (or portal of entry) and subsequently
produced by 1,000 people. is transported via the circulatory system to

potential temperature

the liver, where the damage is done. See known at all. Postmodernists would rewrite
primary irritant; secondary irritant. many words in this definition with quota-
tion marks, as “progress,” “development,”
positive association The direct rela- “scientific reasoning,” “knowledge.” For
tionship between two variables, the values environmental issues, this philosophy at
of which fluctuate together in the same least partially underlies the social move-
direction. For example, as the strength of ments known as environmentalism, eco-
incoming solar radiation increases sea- feminism, and environmental justice.
sonally, the atmospheric temperature
increases. potable water Water suitable for
human consumption. Compare nonpo-
positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) table; palatable water.
The routing of automobile crankcase
emissions back into the cylinders for potency See cancer potency factor.
combustion. The process lowers the
amount of hydrocarbons released into potency slope factor See cancer
the atmosphere. potency factor.

post-closure plan A document pre- potential energy The energy available

pared by a hazardous waste treatment, in a substance because of position (water
storage, or disposal facility outlining held behind a dam) or chemical composi-
the groundwater monitoring and report- tion (hydrocarbons). This form of energy
ing, waste containment provisions, and can be converted to other, more useful
security arrangements for the 30-year forms (for example, electrical energy).
period after closure.
potentially responsible party (PRP)
postconsumer recycling Recovery of Any hazardous waste generator, owner,
materials that have served their intended or operator of a hazardous waste disposal
final use for remanufacture into commer- facility or transporter identified by the
cial items. Reuse of materials that have U.S. EPA as potentially liable for the cost
passed through the hands of the intended of cleaning up a site under the compre-
consumer (e.g., newsprint from discarded hensive environmental response,
newspapers or glass from beer bottles). compensation, and liability act. All
Contrast preconsumer recycling. companies that disposed of hazardous
wastes in a disposal facility are potentially
postconsumer waste See postcon- responsible if problems relating to public
sumer recycling. health or environmental pollution develop
in the future as a result of the presence
post-materialist values A personal of the disposal facility. See contribution
philosophy that rejects modern material- rights; cost recovery; de micromis;
ism based on the accumulation of posses- de minimis; innocent landowner;
sions. Generally rejects continued indus- joint and several liability.
trial expansion and advocates a return to
natural surroundings and an emphasis on potential temperature The tempera-
living “in harmony with nature.” ture of a dry air parcel if compressed or
expanded, without loss or gain of heat
postmodernism An outlook that does from the surroundings, to a pressure
not accept the concept of progress, indus- of 1,000 millibars. The potential tem-
trial development based on scientific rea- perature is sometimes used to express
soning and technology, domination of atmospheric stability. If potential
nature by human beings, rational planning temperature increases with altitude, the
of ideal social order, or the standardiza- atmosphere is stable; if it decreases with
tion of knowledge. Indeed, truth cannot be altitude, the atmosphere is unstable.

potential to emit

potential to emit Under the clean mass in pounds divided by a material’s

air act, the amount of a pollutant a molecular weight, in pounds. One
facility would emit when operating at the pound (mass) is equal to 454 grams; there-
full rated capacity, taking normally oper- fore, one pound mole is 454 times the
ating control devices into account. This amount of one gram mole.
can be lowered by an agreement between
the source and the regulatory agency stat- pounds per square inch (absolute)
ing that the source operations will be (psia) Common units for the expression
limited to a certain level. The potential of absolute pressure exerted by gases
of a source to emit pollution is used to relative to zero pressure. Absolute pres-
classify the facility as a major source, sure units are required in ideal gas law
a true minor source, or a synthetic calculations.
minor source.
power (P) The rate at which work is
potentiation The enhancement of the
done, expressed as work/time. Units of
toxic effects of one chemical by another
power are the watt and horsepower.
when two agents or drugs have a greater
One watt of power is equal to one joule
effect than would be expected by the addi-
tive effects of the two drugs. For exam- per second. One horsepower equals about
ple, the drug disulfiram is not toxic when 33,000 foot-pounds per minute or 746
taken alone in therapeutic doses; however, watts.
this medication is used to discourage alco-
hol consumption by alcoholics. Intake of pozzolanic Certain materials contain-
alcohol after the administration of disulfi- ing silicates or aluminosilicates that
ram causes the person to become violently solidify when combined with cement or
ill because the agent interferes with the lime. This type of material is used to trap
metabolism of ethanol. The occupational (immobilize) certain hazardous waste con-
exposure to carbon tetrachloride produces taminants before land disposal. Common
much more pronounced liver toxicity sources of pozzolanic materials are fly
when the individual is also exposed to iso- ash, lime kiln dusts, and slag from blast
propyl alcohol. furnaces.

potentiometric surface The water level precautionary principle In environ-

in a tightly cased well, or the level to which mental management, the belief that if a
water would rise if a well were sunk at a technology, chemical, physical agent, or
particular point. For an artesian well, human activity can be reasonably linked
for example, the potentiometric surface is to adverse effects on human health or
above ground level. the environment, then controls should
be implemented even if the problem or
poundal A British unit of force, equal
the cause-effect relationship is not fully
to one pound (mass) accelerated at one
understood; to wait for scientific certainty
foot per second per second. One poundal
equals 0.13827 newtons. Compare (or near certainty) is to court disaster.
precipitant An agent added to a liq-
pound-force (lbf) A British unit of uid mixture to encourage the formation
force, equal to one pound (mass) acceler- of solid materials that will settle from the
ated by gravity. Equal to 4.44 newtons. mixture. For example, alum (aluminum
Compare poundal. sulfate) is added to sewage to promote
the formation of floc, which facilitates
pound mole (lbmol) A term for the the removal of organic materials from the
amount of material, based on the number wastewater. See coagulation; primary
of molecules. One pound mole equals the treatment.

preliminary remediation goals

precipitate The solid that settles from predator An animal that kills and eats
a liquid suspension. The solid produced other animals.
by a chemical reaction involving chemicals
that are in solution. See coagulation; predictive maintenance A system
precipitant. for the protection of fixed equipment or
vehicles through the monitoring of a spe-
precipitation 1. Deposition of water from cific characteristic that can provide an
the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface, as indication that certain mechanical prob-
a solid or liquid. 2. The deposition of sol- lems are looming if corrective action is not
ids from a liquid to the bottom of a water taken. For example, one might maintain
body, reaction vessel, wastewater treatment a surveillance of the chemical compo-
sedimentation reservoir, or a test tube. See nents of crankcase oil to determine when
coagulation; precipitate. oil changes would be appropriate. Con-
trast with preventative maintenance
precipitation scavenging The removal which would require the crankcase oil be
of particles or certain gases from the atmo- changed every three months regardless of
sphere by rain or snow. the conditions.

precision The repeatability of a series preheat The heating of a raw material

of test results; whether the testing method or reactant before it is added to some pro-
gives the same answer under the same set cess, or the heating of a gas exhaust before
of circumstances. The answer is not neces- release into the atmosphere.
sarily accurate. Compare accuracy.
preliminary assessment and site
preconsumer recycling Using or reus- inspection (PA/SI) The first data col-
lection and evaluation at a site contain-
ing materials before they have reached the
ing hazardous waste that may require
consumer. The items include raw materi-
remediation under the comprehensive
als, by-products, mill waste, shavings, or
environmental response, compensa-
other items that result from the fabrication
tion, and liability act. Depending on
process, for example, wastepaper generated
the assessment results, no further action
during the paper-making process that is may be recommended or the site may be
put back into the pulping process for reuse. scheduled for a listing site inspection
Contrast postconsumer recycling. and possible inclusion on the national
priorities list.
precursor In air pollution, an air con-
taminant that reacts with sunlight and/or preliminary assessment information
other compounds to produce new chemi- rule (PAIR) A requirement of the
cal materials, for example, the production regulations implementing the toxic sub-
of ozone from the atmospheric reactions stances control act under which the
involving the precursors nitrogen oxides U.S. EPA gathers certain information
and volatile organic compounds. about a chemical substance, including
the location and quantity manufactured,
precycling Describes the practice of an estimate of worker exposure, and con-
making purchases on the basis of the sumer uses. The agency uses this infor-
potential to recycle the product after use. mation for a preliminary assessment of
Adherence to precycling means that if the risk posed by the chemical to human
items cannot be recycled, they are not pur- health and the environment.
chased because they will contribute to the
accumulation of solid waste. preliminary remediation goals (PRGs)
In the cleanup of a contaminated waste
predation The process of one animal’s site, estimates of maximum chemical con-
killing and eating another. centrations in air, water, and soil that

premanufacturing notice

can be present without adverse effects on preservative Chemical additive inten-

human health, including on susceptible ded to prolong the useful life of a prod-
groups. The concentrations are estimated uct or food. Those items added to food
by using assumed exposure factors and to assist in maintaining quality, without
toxicity data. For example, if chemi- causing damage to human health.
cal X has shown no adverse effects for
a daily dose of two milligrams and the pressed-wood products Materials used
only exposure to chemical X is via drink- in the construction and furniture indus-
ing water pumped from a well drawing try composed of wood chips, particles,
groundwater from beneath the contami- veneers, or other fiber that are bonded
nated site, then using a standard factor of together by adhesives applied with heat
two liters of tap water consumed per day and pressure. Particleboard is an exam-
yields a preliminary remediation goal of ple of such a product. The environmen-
one milligram of X per liter in the ground- tal issues associated with these products
water at the site, assuming the chemical is are the reuse of a potentially discarded
not a carcinogen and without accounting waste material to make a new product and
for absorption rates, uncertainty fac- potential indoor air pollution, caused
tors, and other necessary assumptions. by the volatilization of chemicals from the
U.S. EPA guidance emphasizes that PRGs wood, for example, formaldehyde.
are only screening concentrations, and a
measured concentration for a chemical in pressure (p) Force per unit area. En-
air, water, or soil above a PRG at a site closed fluids exert a force perpendicular
only leads to further evaluation and is not to the surface of the containing vessel. The
necessarily the cleanup target concentra- shape of the container does not affect the
tion. See applicable or relevant and fluid pressure. At equilibrium, the general
appropriate requirement. expression for the relationship between
pressure at a point in a fluid and the eleva-
premanufacturing notice (PMN) Un- tion (depth) z is
der provisions of the toxic substances dp
= -ρg
control act, toxicity test results and/or dz
other appropriate data required to be sub- where ρ is the fluid density and g is gravi-
mitted to the U.S. EPA by a producer of any tational acceleration. This is called the
new chemical or existing chemical proposed hydrostatic equation. This expression
for a significant new use. The act requires indicates that an increase in elevation is
the agency to determine whether the new accompanied by a drop in pressure.
chemical or new use will pose an “unrea- For pressures p1 and p2 at the eleva-
sonable risk” to human health or the envi- tions z 1 and z 2 , p2 − p1 = -ρg(z 2 − z 1).
ronment. See significant new use rule. Elevation z 2 is higher than elevation z 1.
For stationary incompressible fluids
presbycusis The normal loss of hear- (liquids), density is constant and the abso-
ing ability in the higher frequencies due lute pressure pabs at a certain depth h
to age. below the point z 2 at the surface of the
liquid is expressed as Pabs = ρgh + pa ,
prescribed burning A forest manage- where h = z 2 − z 1 and pa is atmospheric
ment technique that uses planned fires to pressure, equal to p2 at point z 2 .
maintain a desirable ecological balance. For stationary compressible fluids
Also termed fire ecology. (gases), because density varies with eleva-
tion z, the pressure change between two
preservation The natural resources policy elevations is expressed as an integral:
that stresses the aesthetic aspects of forests, p1 − p2 = ∫ zz1 ρg dz.
rivers, wetlands, and other areas and tends Pressure is typically expressed in pounds
to favor leaving such areas in an undisturbed per square inch, newtons per square
state. Compare conservation. meter, or pascals.

pretreatment standards for new sources

pressure filter A device used to remove collection system. Pressure sewers are clas-
fine particulate matter from water; the sified by the way they prevent solids from
filter consists of a filter medium, such as entering and fouling the sewer system. In
sand or anthracite coal, packed in a water- grinder-pump systems, solids are ground
tight vessel. into a slurry before being pumped into
the collection system. Others use a sep-
pressure gradient The change in pres- tic tank at each household to remove the
sure with distance, from lower to higher solids before the sewage is pumped to the
pressure, or vice versa. See isobar; pres- sewer. A pump is located in each septic
sure gradient force. tank effluent pump (step) unit; septic tank
effluent filter (stef) units drain the sewage
pressure gradient force The force by gravity to a larger collection tank serv-
causing horizontal air flow from areas of ing several households, from which it is
relatively high pressure to areas of rela- pumped into the main collection system.
tively low pressure. Air flow is perpendicu- See vacuum sewer.
lar to the lines of equal pressure (isobars).
Air moving under the pressure gradient pressurized-water reactor (PWR) A
force (wind) is deflected to the right by the type of nuclear reactor in which water
coriolis force in the Northern Hemi- is employed to transfer heat produced
sphere. Centrifugal force and friction also in the reactor core. The water that is in
affect wind direction and velocity. contact with the reactor core, called the
primary loop, is maintained under high
pressure head The hydraulic energy pressure to prevent boiling. Compare
represented by the water pressure per unit boiling-water reactor.
weight. The numerical value is expressed
in length units: water pressure in pounds presumptive test The first of three
per square foot divided by the unit weight steps in the analysis of water or wastewa-
of the water, in pounds per cubic foot, ter for the presence of fecal bacteria.
equals the pressure head, in feet. The sum Portions of a water sample are inoculated
of the pressure head and elevation head into lactose broth and incubated for 24
is the hydraulic head. See also head, hours at 35°C. The presence of acid and
total. gas after that time is a positive test result,
and the water is presumed to be contami-
pressure ridges Geological formations nated. See completed test; confirmed
associated with lava flows from volcanic test.
regions. The lava flows cool more quickly
on the surface, producing a crust. The hot pretreatment Under the clean water
gases trapped beneath the surface push up act, the required alteration and/or reduc-
and crack the surface, forming permanent tion of certain water pollutants in a waste
ridges on it. stream before the wastewater is dis-
charged into a publicly owned treat-
pressure sewer A type of wastewater ment works (POTW). The purpose of
collection system used in rural areas as a this requirement is to prevent discharges
less expensive alternative to the gravity that will reduce the efficiency of the water
sewer used in urban areas. The polyvinyl treatment facility or to treat materials that
chloride (PVC) pipe in pressure sewers is are not treated or are inadequately treated
of smaller diameter (two to four inches) by the POTW.
and is buried just below the frost line, not
as deep as the clay or concrete pipe sys- pretreatment standards for existing
tems in urban areas needing a downward sources (PSES) See pretreatment.
flow between lift stations. The pumps
in a pressure sewer are located at each pretreatment standards for new
household or are placed at nodes in the sources (PSNS) See pretreatment.


Pressurized-water reactor

prevalence The number of cases of a area can only worsen by a fixed amount
disease or pathological condition present for particular pollutants above a defined
in a given population at a certain time, baseline concentration, even if the
expressed as a rate; for example, three national ambient air quality stan-
cases of measles per 1,000 persons during dard for the pollutant is met. The United
the month of April. Compare incidence. States is divided into Class I, II, and III
areas, and the classification determines
prevalence study See cross-sectional how much the air quality in the area can
method. deteriorate; Class I allows the smallest
deterioration. See increment consump-
preventative maintenance A system tion; increments.
for the protection of fixed equipment or
vehicles through upkeep on a set schedule. prey An animal that is potentially or
For example, one might change crankcase actually killed and consumed by another
oil every three months regardless of the animal (the predator).
level of use. Contrast with predictive
maintenance, which would require the primacy State agency authority to
crankcase oil be monitored for the pres- enforce federal environmental regulations;
ence of agents that indicate when an oil granted by the U.S. EPA if the state meets
change is necessary. certain criteria.

prevention of significant deteriora- primary air pollutant A pollutant

tion (PSD) A Clean Air Act regulatory that is emitted directly into the air from a
program under which air quality in an source and found in the ambient air in the

primary treatment

same form, such as ambient carbon mon- surface by natural pressure. See enhanced
oxide that was emitted by an automobile. oil recovery; secondary recovery.
Compare secondary air pollutant.
primary settling tank A holding tank
primary clarifier In a wastewater where raw sewage or other wastewater is
treatment plant, the clarifier that is used retained to allow the settling and removal
early in the treatment process, after the of particulate material. The material that
water passes through the bar racks and separates from the suspension is often
grit chamber. termed sludge. See primary treatment.

primary consumer In a food chain, a primary sludge The sludge produced

heterotrophic organism that feeds on by primary treatment in a wastewater
plants. An herbivore. An animal that eats treatment plant.
other animals is a secondary consumer.
primary standards Standards set by
primary industry categories The the U.S. EPA for the maximal amount of
34 types of facilities requiring the best- pollutants that can be present in air and
available technology economically water without adverse health effects on
achievable (BAT) for toxic water pollut- humans. The six air pollutants with pri-
ants under the Clean Water Act. They are mary standards are particulate matter,
listed as Appendix A to Title 40, Part 122, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
of the code of federal regulations. nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and lead.
See flannery decree. The primary standards for drinking water
are set for about 80 chemical, biological,
primary irritant A chemical that, upon or physical agents, ranging from arse-
overexposure, causes irritation to the nic to fluoride and from pesticides
skin, eyes, or respiratory tract at the site to radionuclides and microorganisms.
of contact but does not cause an adverse Compare secondary standards.
systemic effect. For example, ammonia
inhalation causes irritation of the upper primary succession The development
respiratory tract but no other systemic of plant and animal communities in a
effect in the body. Compare secondary land area that does not contain topsoil,
irritant. for example, in an area covered by lava
that has solidified. This type of succession
primary pollutant A general term for contributes to and depends on the slow
a pollutant in the environment that is in weathering of rock. Compare secondary
the same chemical form as it was when succession.
released. Compare primary air pollut-
ant and secondary pollutant. primary treatment The removal of
particulate materials from domestic waste-
primary producer See autotroph; water, usually by allowing the materials
producer. to settle as a result of gravity; setting can
be hastened by the addition of alum or
primary productivity The weight of polyelectrolytes that increase floc-
plant biomass accumulated as a result of culation and coagulation. Typically
photosynthesis, per unit area or volume the first stage of treatment encountered
of water over a specific interval. The value by domestic wastewater entering a treat-
can be expressed as gross primary pro- ment facility. The wastewater is allowed
ductivity or net primary productiv- to stand in large tanks, termed clarifi-
ity. See also secondary productivity. ers or settling tanks. Also, any process
used for the decomposition, stabiliza-
primary recovery The oil and gas pro- tion, or disposal of sludges produced by
duced from a well that is forced to the settling. The water from which the solids

principal organic hazardous constituents

have been removed is then subjected to variety of biotransformations that fol-

secondary treatment. low the ingestion and metabolism of the
chemical by animals, including humans.
principal organic hazardous constitu- Most chemicals known to induce cancer
ents (POHCs) Chlorinated organic fall into this category. For example, afla-
compounds found in certain chemical toxin produced by the mold Aspergillus
waste mixtures used to determine the in grain stored under moist conditions
destruction and removal efficiency and subsequently ingested by an animal is
of a hazardous waste incinerator. See converted to aflatoxin-2,3-epoxide within
trial burn. the tissues of that animal. The epoxide
form of the toxin then combines with
prior informed consent (PIC) proce- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to cause
dure A voluntary program run by the the mutation needed to induce cancer
United Nations food and agricultural development.
organization and the united nations
environment program that obtains for- procaryotic (prokaryotic) Describing
mal consent from a country’s designated an organism composed of cells that do not
national authority before that country contain membrane-bound organelles such
receives an international shipment of cer- as nuclei, mitochondria, or chloroplasts.
tain hazardous chemicals that have been The genetic material of this type of cell
banned or their use severely restricted in is not associated with large chromosomes
the exporting country. within the nucleus, as is characteristic of
higher plants or animals. The bacteria and
priority pollutants A list of 129 chem- blue-green algae constitute this group.
icals in 65 classes of chemical materials Compare eucaryotic.
defined as toxic pollutants by Section 307
of the 1977 clean water act, which also procedure violations A program
requires technology-based standards used by industrial facilities to reduce the
for the control of these chemicals. Also see incidence of injuries and environmental
flannery decree. releases. The program maintains surveil-
lance to determine when a prescribed
probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) procedure to protect the safety of work-
The analytical estimation of the probabil- ers or to ensure environmental protection
ity of an undesired consequence using the was not followed. In these events, neither
probabilities of events that will lead to the injuries nor environmental contamination
consequence, such as a study of the likeli- occurred; however, the failure to follow
hood of a catastrophic release of radiation prescribed procedures could have caused
from a nuclear power plant. See event a problem and must not be repeated to
tree; fault tree. prevent future problems. A proactive pro-
gram to prevent future accidents.
probability density function The
relationship depicting a random variable process chemical Chemical that is a
x and the relative frequency of that value, raw material, intermediate, or product.
f(x), where f(x) is nonnegative. The area Some process chemicals or their by-prod-
under a curve plotted (x, f(x)), is equal ucts may be released as pollutants. See
to one. The area under the curve between feedstock.
two values of x, a and b, is the probability
that x lies between a and b. The prob- process hazards analysis (PHA) An
ability density function is fundamental to exercise performed by an industrial facil-
statistics and risk assessment. ity as part of the process safety man-
agement program to identify failures in
procarcinogen A chemical that is con- equipment, piping, storage vessels, and so
verted to an active carcinogen through a on that could cause toxicity, fire, or explo-

product stewardship

sion hazards to workers or the public. See to the surface with the oil. The produced
event tree; fault tree; hazard and water can comprise a large fraction of the
operability study. total fluids extracted and is either pumped
back into an underground formation via
process safety management A regu- an injection well or treated and dis-
latory program of the occupational charged to surface water. See naturally
safety and health administration occurring radioactive material.
designed to minimize the likelihood and
consequences of the accidental release producer Any organism that is involved
of chemicals that pose toxicity, fire, and in the fixation of carbon dioxide that
explosion hazards. See chemical aware- results in the gain of organic biomass
ness and emergency response; risk within an environment, primarily green
management plan; seveso directive; plants. The green plants, together with a
title iii. few types of bacteria, assimilate carbon
dioxide and other inorganic nutrients into
process variable A measured char- organic material, which, in turn, serves as
acteristic, such as temperature, pressure, food for consumers. The activity of pro-
flow rate, or a chemical quantity such as ducers is an important process removing
carbon dioxide level, used to monitor a carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. See
process. The process is adjusted to main- consumer.
tain the chosen variables within the cor-
rect limits and is used to maintain product production efficiency See assimila-
quality, to control by-product (pollutant)
tion; ecological efficiency.
releases, and to monitor the performance
of air pollution control devices and waste-
productivity The rate of biomass
water treatment units.
accumulation within an environment as
a result of photosynthesis. The rate of
process vent Opening through which
plant growth. See gross primary pro-
gases from an industrial operation are
ductivity; net primary productivity;
continually or periodically discharged,
primary productivity.
usually without emissions control.

process waste The discards of an products of incomplete combustion

industrial operation. Something that is a (PICs) Potentially hazardous organic
by-product or discard produced as a result materials formed during the incineration of
of an industrial operation. A sludge col- wastes containing chlorinated organic com-
lected in a device to remove solids from pounds. PICs in the exhaust gases of an
crude oil at a refinery would be a pro- incinerator could include polycyclic aro-
cess waste, and the facility must determine matic hydrocarbons, dibenzofurans,
whether it must be managed as a hazard- and tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin.
ous waste. Office trash collected in the
management office of the refinery would product stewardship One of the six
be classed as a commercial solid waste and codes of management practice under the
would rarely meet the definition of a haz- responsible care initiative organized by
ardous waste. the american chemistry council. Basi-
cally, the code requires a manufacturer of
process water Any water that comes in a chemical to be responsible for the health,
contact with a raw material or product. safety, and environmental consequences of
The water is often released as wastewater a product from the time of product design
after use. through manufacture to ultimate disposal.
Under the provisions of this code, wastes
produced water As crude oil is are considered a product for which the
extracted from a well, the water that rises generating facility is responsible.

profundal zone

profundal zone In deep lakes, the promulgate To announce, propose, or

deep-water stratum found beneath the issue in final form any rules or regulations
limnetic zone, or the shallow portion of by an administrative agency. See adminis-
the lake where light is sufficient for plant trative procedure act; code of fed-
growth. This dark, low-oxygen zone often eral regulations; federal register.
experiences conditions that support the
activity of decomposers. pronatalist Describing an individual
or a policy that encourages an increase in
progeny The offspring of animals or the human birth rate in order to achieve
plants. The term is also used to describe a larger human population. Compare
the products of radioactive decay. See antinatalist.
propagule 1. Seed, cutting, or other
programmatic impact statement An plant parts capable of separately and indi-
environmental impact statement pre- vidually starting a new plant. 2. A piece of
pared for a broad action or a series of fungal biomass that is capable of starting
cumulative actions to be taken by a fed- the development of a fungal colony if the
eral agency, such as the development of proper nutritional and environmental con-
a new technology or a series of mineral ditions are met. The piece can be a viable
leases on public lands. fragment of fungal hyphae or a spore.

Project XL An initiative of the U.S. proportional counter An instrument

EPA to give states and the regulated indus- used to measure ionizing radiation.
trial community the flexibility to develop The device usually consists of a gas-filled
comprehensive strategies as alternatives cylinder with a wire running through the
to the heterogeneous collection of current center. A voltage is applied to the wire.
regulations. The XL program was for Any ionizing radiation ionizes the gas in
eXcellence and Leadership and was seek- the cylinder, allowing a current to flow.
ing innovative, cost-effective regulatory The output voltage is proportional to the
approaches in contrast to the prevailing number of ionizing events.
system of command and control reg-
ulation. The program expired in 2003, proportionate mortality ratio (PMR)
but descriptions of numerous success- The fraction of deaths attributable to a
ful projects are found at specific disease in an exposed population
projectxl. divided by the fraction of deaths caused
the same disease in a control (nonexposed)
Promethean environmentalism Used population.
as a term to ridicule and scorn those
who are optimistic about the future on Proposition 65 The Safe Drinking
the basis of scientific rationality and the Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of
potential for human ingenuity and enter- 1986, a California state law that requires
prise to find cures for societal problems. larger businesses to warn any individuals
Term inspired by Prometheus, a character who may be exposed to certain chemicals
in Greek mythology who suffered torment discharged by that business into water or
for his sin of pride. See cornucopian; land (i.e., into routes that lead to poten-
cornucopian fallacy; malthusian. tial sources of drinking water, either sur-
face water or groundwater). Warnings
promoter In the two-stage model of (on labels, for example) are required for
carcinogenesis, a substance that converts chemicals that have been listed by the
an initiated cell to a tumor. Many promot- state as carcinogens or reproductive toxins
ers stimulate cell growth. Some hormones and that will result in an exposure that
can serve this function. See carcinogen- poses a “significant risk.” The act also
esis; initiator. requires government employees to inform

psychrometric chart

local government officials if an illegal dis- als. They are important members of the
charge of a hazardous waste that occurs in food webs in natural environments and
their jurisdiction may be harmful to public in wastewater treatment facilities. A few
health or safety. Web site: www.oehha. species cause diseases, including malaria, encephalitis, amebic dysentery, and
prospective study See cohort study.
proximate analysis A chemical analy-
protective factor (PF) In industrial sis that determines the fractions of volatile
hygiene, an expression of the efficiency of carbon, fixed carbon, water, and non-
a respirator used to protect the wearer combustibles in a waste. This crude analy-
from harmful air concentrations. The sis is an attempt to classify a waste for
factor is calculated as the ratio of the air possible incineration without undertaking
concentration of a particular air contami- a more extensive analysis of the precise
nant outside the respirator to the concen- chemical composition of the material.
tration of the contaminant inside it. A Compare ultimate analysis.
higher PF means greater protection from
that material. proximity principle A policy requiring
that storage, treatment, and disposal of a
protein One of the major macromol- waste be performed as near to the point
ecules in biological systems. Composed of waste generation as is technically and
of long chains of amino acids linked by economically feasible.
peptide bonds, covalent bonds between
the amino group of one amino acid proxy climate indicators Direct mea-
and the carboxy group of the adjacent surements of temperature and precipita-
amino acid. Proteins differ on the basis tion spanning the last several hundred
of the kinds, number, and linear sequence years are available for only a few loca-
of amino acids. enzymes are protein mol- tions. Past climatic conditions available in
ecules. One gene directs the synthesis of the “fossil record” are termed proxy cli-
one protein. mate indicators because close examination
reveals information about climate long
proteinuria Excessive protein in the before direct measurements of tempera-
urine; a sign of kidney disease or toxicity. ture and precipitation began. Some of the
indicators are to be found in mud deposits
proton One of the elementary nuclear left by floods, annual layers in the Green-
particles. The particle is located in the land and Antarctic ice sheets, glacier-fed
nucleus of atoms, has a mass number of 1, lake sediment (varve), pollen and vegeta-
and carries a positive charge. The number tion analysis in sediments, archaeological
of protons in the nucleus of an atom is remains of mammals, tree rings, and ocean
referred to as the atomic number. bed deposits.

protoplast An intact bacterial cell or psychrometer An instrument used to

plant cell from which the cell wall has determine relative humidity that consists
been removed. Protoplasts are produced of two thermometers, one dry (dry-bulb
in the laboratory and must be protected temperature) and the other with a bulb
from osmotic lysis. surrounded by a wetted wick (wet-bulb
temperature). Relative humidity can be
protozoa Unicellular animals, most of read from a psychrometric chart by
which lack cell walls, ingest food particles, using the two thermometer readings.
and move about freely. Most are harmless
to humans and are important members of psychrometric chart A graph show-
aquatic and soil communities involved in ing the relationships among dry-bulb
the decomposition of organic materi- temperature, wet-bulb temperature,

public comment period

absolute humidity, relative humid- public health approach In environ-

ity, and dew point. mental management, an emphasis on the
reduction of risks of human exposures and
public comment period The time potential adverse health effects. Top prior-
allowed for the public to relay views con- ity is assigned on the basis of providing
cerning a planned action as announced for the protection of the largest number of
in the federal register by an admin- individuals and preventing the most severe
istrative agency (e.g., the U.S. EPA). The impacts on people.
administrative procedure act requires
that agencies follow the procedures of public health assessment A study
notice-and-comment rule making. performed to identify the concentrations
and distribution of toxic materials in air,
public domain Land owned by the fed- water, or soil and to estimate the exposure
eral government, equal to about 650 mil- and possible adverse effects on human
lion acres or almost 30% of the United health of the contamination. The agency
States. This property is managed by vari- for toxic substances and disease reg-
ous agencies in the Departments of the istry performs a public health assessment
Interior and Agriculture. See bureau for all hazardous waste sites on the
of land management; federal land national priorities list. See hazard-
policy and management act; fish and ous substances superfund.
wildlife service; mineral lands leas-
ing act; multiple use; multiple use Public Health Service (PHS) Started
and sustained yield act; national in 1798, a career service corps of almost
forest management act; national 6,000 health professionals working in a
park service; taylor grazing act; number of different international, federal,
national forest system; wilderness state, and local agencies, with an overall
area. goal of improving the health of the citi-
zens of the United States. Commissioned
public health The organized pursuit of officers in the Public Health Service work
good community health, including physi- with the centers for disease control
cal and mental well-being. The primary and prevention, the agency for toxic
focus of public health research and activ- substances and disease registry, the
ity is on the prevention of human disease, food and drug administration, the
which involves the maintenance of safe environmental protection agency,
and healthy physical, chemical, and bio- the national institutes of health, and
logical conditions for human populations. many others. For more information, visit
This includes controls on and monitoring See public health.
of the food supply (fresh, packaged, and
restaurant food), surface water, ground- public hearing See hearing.
water, indoor air, outdoor air, workplace
health and safety, farm and ranch animals, publicly owned treatment works
pets, human immunization status, and (POTW) A sewage treatment plant
exposure to ionizing and nonionizing radi- owned and operated by a public body,
ation. Public health is also involved in case usually a municipal government.
tracking of communicable diseases, design
and operation of consumer products, acci- public notice On certain occasions,
dent prevention (especially vehicles), and the U.S. EPA and other regulatory agen-
promotion of safe and healthy behav- cies are required to inform the public of
ior, such as campaigns against tobacco significant regulatory or pollution events.
use and excessive alcohol consumption, For example, the public must be informed
encouragement of vehicle seat belt use and when the U.S. EPA issues a draft permit
a balanced diet, and prevention of sexu- or schedules a public hearing. Under the
ally transmitted diseases. provisions of the safe drinking water

purgeable organic halogens

act, violations of the national primary housing, city utilities, educational institu-
standards for drinking water must be tions, cultural events, obtainable employ-
announced to the public. ment, and modern medical facilities, to
name a few. See push factors.
public trust doctrine First seen in the
law of the Roman Empire, the doctrine pulmonary edema An abnormal accu-
that reserves, as a public trust, the public’s mulation of fluids within the lungs. The
use of certain natural resources, in par- condition can result from a bacterial infec-
ticular common resources such as oceans, tion or from an irritation caused by expo-
lakes, rivers, and the atmosphere. Ongoing sure to certain chemical agents.
public use implies that the resources must
be protected by public trustees, such as pulp A general term applied to a soft
state and federal regulatory agencies. In spongy mass, for example, the soft part of
common law, public trust resources were a fruit. From an environmental perspec-
originally defined as submerged land tive, pulp most often refers to the soggy
along waterways, but the public trust has mass of cellulose fibers that result from
been increasingly applied more widely to the processing of trees into paper. Trees
include aquatic life, terrestrial wildlife, are debarked, chipped, and then converted
parklands, and possibly archaeological to pulp by either mechanical means or by
and historical artifacts. digesting the wood with chemical agents.
After washing, the pulp is spread into thin
Public Utility Regulatory Policies layers that are eventually dried and con-
Act of 1978 (PURPA) Section 210 verted into paper.
of PURPA is designed to encourage alter-
nate forms of electric power generation pump and treat A cleanup technique
by requiring public utilities to purchase for contaminated groundwater; the water
power from small generators classified is pumped to the surface, contaminants
as qualifying facilities by the federal removed, and the cleaned water pumped
energy regulatory commission. The back underground. See air stripping.
public utility must pay the small genera-
tor a rate equal to the incremental cost pumped storage Water that is pumped
(also called the avoided cost) that it would upgrade into a reservoir or lake during
incur to generate the additional power. periods of low electrical power consump-
Small generators participating in PURPA tion. The water added to the reservoir is
include stations that burn biomass (e.g., later released through the hydroelectric
rice hulls), small-scale hydropower units, facility to generate electricity during times
solar cells, landfill-generated methane, of high power demand. See peak shaving.
cogeneration plants, and wind farms.
See qualifying facility. purgeable organic A volatile organic
compound that has a boiling point less
public water system A utility that pro- than or equal to 200°C and that is less
vides piped water for human consumption than 2% water soluble.
to at least 15 service connections or 25
individuals. purgeable organic carbon (POC) The
amount of carbon in the purgeable
pug mill A mechanical device used to organics that can be removed from soil
blend dry solids with waste material in or water.
order to improve handling characteristics
of the waste. purgeable organic halogens (POX)
Those organic derivatives containing chlo-
pull factors In urban planning, used to rine, bromine, or fluorine that are found
categorize conditions in urban areas that within the purgeable organic materials
draw people from rural areas: available that can be removed from soil or water.


purging Cleaning pipes or containers weight of organisms residing in each tro-

by removing stale air or water from equip- phic level in a given area as a horizontal
ment before use or sampling. bar. The mass of plants within the area
are placed on the bottom, and the mass
push factors In urban planning, used represented by the top predators is
to categorize conditions in rural areas that placed on the top, with other forms of
stimulate the movement of people into the biota placed at intervening levels. Once
city environment: poverty, unemployment, arranged in an order representative of the
lack of medical care, dilapidated housing, feeding structure in the community, the
and isolation, to name a few. See pull drawing resembles a pyramid.
pyramid of energy A drawing that
putrefaction The partial degradation is the same as the pyramid of biomass
of organic materials in the presence of except that the total caloric content of the
an insufficient oxygen supply. The result organisms at each trophic level is used
is the release of noxious decomposition to construct the representation.
products and gases.
pyramid of numbers A drawing that
putrescible Describing any substance is the same as the pyramid of biomass
that is likely to result in the production except that the number of individual organ-
of a rotten, foul-smelling product when isms at each trophic level is represented.
decomposed by bacteria; examples are the
plant and animal waste material in munic- pyranometer An instrument used to
ipal solid waste. measure direct solar radiation and indirect
sky radiation, the incoming solar energy
P waste Acutely hazardous chemicals that is scattered downward to the surface.
defined as listed hazardous waste by the
U.S. EPA in the Code of Federal Regulations, pyrethroid A class of natural insecti-
Title 40, Part 261.33. See also f waste; cides developed from pyrethrum extracted
hazardous waste; k waste; u waste. from plants belonging to the genus Chry-
santhemum. Agents in this group of mate-
pyramid, ecological See pyramid of rials are nonpersistent in the environment.
biomass; pyramid of energy; pyramid See nonpersistent pollutant.
of numbers.
pyrite A mineral consisting of iron sul-
pyramid of biomass A visual repre- fide. Burning of the mineral (frequently
sentation obtained by depicting the total done when high-sulfur coal is burned)


results in the release of sulfur oxides high that the ashlike fragments fuse into a
(SOx) into the atmosphere, which contrib- dense mass.
utes to acid rain.
pyrolysis The thermal destruction of
pyroclastic flow See ash flow. some material (e.g., coal, oil, wood, or
other organic substance) in the absence of
molecular oxygen. Also termed destructive
pyroclastic texture The result of ash
flow associated with a volcanic erup-
tion characterized by the release of very pyrophoric Describing a material that
hot gases, fragments of rock, and ash. As can ignite spontaneously in air at less than
the material settles, the temperature is so 130°F.


q1* See cancer potency factor. them by their ionizing potential. See rela-
tive biological effectiveness.
quad (q) An energy unit representing 1
quadrillion (a million billion, or 1 × 1015) quantitation limit The minimal
BTUs that is sometimes used to discuss amount of some chemical that can be
national or global energy production or detected and measured with a suitable
consumption. Compare quint. degree of reliability with currently avail-
able instruments. Usually three to five
qualifying facility A business that is times the instrument detection limit.
certified as a small power production unit
or a cogeneration facility by the fed- quantitative analysis The examina-
eral energy regulatory commission tion of a substance or sample to determine
in accordance with the provisions of the the precise amounts of certain chemicals
public utility regulatory policies or elements that are present in air, water,
act of 1978 (PURPA). soil, or other media. Compare qualita-
tive analysis.
qualitative analysis The examination
of a substance or sample to determine quantitative variable A characteristic
what chemical compounds or elements that can be measured and expressed in
are present irrespective of the amounts of units that describe the quantity present,
those compounds or elements. Compare for example, length, mass, or time. Com-
quantitative analysis. pare categorical variable.

qualitative variable See categorical quantum A unit of energy conveyed

variable. by an electromagnetic wave. The mag-
nitude of the unit is proportional to the
quality assurance/quality control frequency of the wave; for example, a
(QA/QC) All methods and procedures unit of ultraviolet light (relatively high fre-
used to obtain accurate and reliable results quency) conveys more energy than a unit
from environmental sampling and analy- of infrared light (relatively low frequency).
sis. Includes rules for when, where, and Also referred to as a photon.
how samples are taken; sample storage,
preservation, and transport; and, during quarternary ammonium compounds
the analysis, the use of blanks, duplicates, A class of chemicals related to ammo-
and split samples. nium chloride in that the hydrogen atoms
attached to the nitrogen are replaced by
quality factor (QF) A factor by which various organic compounds. These com-
a dose of ionizing radiation is multi- pounds are of low toxicity to people, are
plied to obtain a quantity that corresponds readily soluble in water, and are strongly
to the biological effect of the radiation. antimicrobial. They are found in soaps
The factor adjustment reduces radiation and disinfectants that are widely used
exposures to a common scale, weighing as cleaning and sanitizing agents in hos-


pitals, nursing homes, and other public quench tank Tank holding water used
places. to cool industrial processes.

quencher The inlet section of a ves- quint (Q) An energy unit representing 1
sel designed to remove particles from an quintillion (1 × 1018) BTUs that is sometimes
exhaust gas. The hot exhaust gas is cooled used to discuss national or global energy
before particles are removed. production and consumption. See quad.


rabbit A container used for substances inversion conditions, the dispersive capabil-
to be subjected to exposure in a nuclear ity of the atmosphere is lowered, and air
reactor. pollutants typically increase in concentra-
tion. See also subsidence inversion.
rad See radiation absorbed dose.
radiation shielding Material, such as
radiant heat infrared energy emitted lead, placed between people and a source
by a surface; the amount of heat is pro- of ionizing radiation to reduce human
portional to the fourth power of the abso- radiation exposure.
lute temperature of the radiating body,
according to the stefan-boltzmann radiation sickness Acute adverse
law. health effects, such as gastrointestinal
upset, decreased blood cell production,
radiation Emitted energy, as particles and loss of hair, caused by overexposure
or as electromagnetic waves. Based on to ionizing radiation.
energy content, the two major divisions
are ionizing radiation and nonioniz- radiation sterilization The use of ion-
ing radiation. izing radiation, such as gamma rays,
either to render a plant or animal inca-
radiation absorbed dose (rad) The pable of reproduction or to kill all micro-
non-SI unit expressing the amount of radi- organisms associated with some material
ation absorbed by any medium: one rad or product.
is equal to an energy absorption of 100
ergs per gram of medium (usually human radiative forcing Factors contribut-
tissue). The equivalent SI unit is the gray: ing to a change in the amounts of energy
one gray equals 100 rads. absorbed or the rate at which energy is
emitted by the Earth. Cyclic variations
radiation chemistry The study of the in solar energy output and changes in
effects of alpha particles, beta par- the greenhouse gas concentrations in
ticles, x-rays, and gamma rays on the the atmosphere are examples of positive
structure and properties of matter. radiative forcing. See global warming;
greenhouse effect; sunspot cycle.
radiation inversion An atmospheric
temperature inversion (cooler air radical In chemistry, an atom or group
beneath warmer air) caused by the loss of atoms possessing an odd (unpaired)
of heat, or infrared energy, from the electron. Such structures are highly reactive
ground on a cool, clear night. This radia- and short-lived. Also referred to as free
tion heat loss causes the air closest to the radicals. Radicals are of immense impor-
ground to be cooler than the air above it. By tance in the toxicity of organic chemicals
midmorning, incoming solar energy warms in the body, and the generation and con-
the air near the ground sufficiently to rees- trol of radicals influence the development
tablish the normal atmospheric tempera- of tumors and resistance to infectious dis-
ture profile within the atmosphere. During eases. Some of the nutritional supplements


taken as vitamins influence the generation radiocarbon See carbon 14.

and removal of radicals in the body.
radiochemical Describing the activities
radioactive Describing an unstable atom of radiochemistry.
that undergoes spontaneous decay, releas-
ing ionizing radiation. See radioac- radiochemistry The study of the prop-
tive decay. erties and use of radioactive materials.
radioactive decay The spontaneous radiography The production of images
emission of mass or energy from the by using radiation other than visible light.
nucleus of an unstable element. The emis- The term usually refers to the produc-
sion results in the production of a new tion of images of the human body using
element or a different isotope of the same x-rays.
element. These new products may in turn
undergo further decay. Each step in the radioisotope An unstable form of
decay process takes place at a predictable an element that undergoes radioac-
rate normally expressed as a half-life. tive decay, emitting energy in the form
See decay series; ionizing radiation; of gamma rays or mass in the form of
radioactive series; radioisotope. alpha particles or beta particles.
radioactive isotope An unstable atom
radiometer A general term for an
of a single element that differs from other
instrument that measures electromag-
forms of the same element in terms of
netic radiation.
the number of neutrons in the nucleus.
Undergoes spontaneous decay, releas-
radionuclide See radioisotope.
ing ionizing radiation. See isotope;
radioactive; radioactive decay.
radiopaque Describing a material that
radioactive series A series of elements does not allow radiation to penetrate or
produced by radioactive decay of unsta- pass through. The property of a shield-
ble atoms, with one decay product fol- ing agent.
lowing another until a stable element is
reached. For example, the uranium series radiopoison A substance, such as
begins with uranium-238 and ends with boron, that stops a fission chain reac-
lead-206. The other two naturally occur- tion by absorbing neutrons and thereby
ring radioactive element series are the tho- preventing neutrons from striking a
rium and actinium series. See decay series; nucleus that can undergo fission.
radiosensitivity The susceptibility of
radioactive waste Useless residual mate- living organisms or certain body tissues
rial and equipment produced by nuclear to the adverse effects of exposure to ion-
power generation, nuclear reactor izing radiation. The very young are
decommissioning, nuclear weapons manu- quite sensitive; sensitivity decreases with
facture, medical applications, and research. increasing age. Sensitive human body tis-
Depending on the radioactivity and the sues include the lining of the gastrointesti-
half-life of the materials, they are clas- nal tract and the bone marrow.
sified as low-level waste or high-level
waste. See decommissioning. radiosonde A device containing meteo-
rological instruments and a radio trans-
radioactivity The property exhibited mitter that is carried aloft by a balloon.
by certain unstable elements of sponta- Measurements of air temperature, pres-
neously emitting mass or energy from the sure, and humidity are transmitted to the
nucleus. See radioactive decay; radio- ground, and wind speed and direction as
isotope. a function of altitude are determined by

radius of influence

ground tracking of the position of the bal- radwaste A term for radioactive waste.
loon at various times. See rawinsonde.
rainbow report The informal term for
radius of influence For a groundwater the U.S. EPA document Status of Pesti-
well, the horizontal distance from the well cides in Registration, Re-registration, and
to the point at which the water table Special Review, which reports the regis-
is not influenced (lowered) by the with- tration status of pesticides in use, those
drawal of water from the aquifer. undergoing special review, and those
being reassessed as required by the 1996
radius of vulnerability zone The food quality protection act (FQPA).
distance from the point of an accidental The FQPA amended the federal insecti-
release of a hazardous air pollutant cide, fungicide, and rodenticide act,
within which the air concentration of mandating that U.S. EPA review pesticide
the chemical could cause acute irreversible ingredients with special emphasis on their
health effects: that is, how far one can be risks to infants and children and that pes-
from the release of a toxic material and ticide ingredients approved before 1984
still suffer adverse effects, given the poor- be reregistered, using the current (more
est expected air dispersion of the chemi- restricted) review criteria. The report chap-
cal. See level of concern; risk man- ters are different (a rainbow of) colors. See
agement plan. special review; tolerances, pesticide.

radon (Rn) A radioactive element rain forest See tropical rain forest.
with an atomic number of 86 and an
atomic weight of 222. The substance rain shadow The dry area on the down-
is a gas that is produced directly from wind side of a mountain range. Most of
radium as part of the uranium decay the moisture precipitates on the windward
series. The chemically inert gas enters or upwind slopes as the air is forced to
homes through soil, water, and building rise and cool by the topographic features
materials. The threat is not uniformly of the mountain. Little water remains in
distributed across the United States. For the atmosphere as it descends on the lee-
example, the average radon exposure ward side of the mountain.
to dwellers of Colorado and Illinois is
about four times that of Louisiana and rainsplash Soil erosion caused by
South Carolina residents. Even in those a raindrop hitting bare soil with enough
states where the average exposure is high, force to dislodge soil particles, moving
specific localities differ markedly from them a short distance.
one another. In some areas, a significant
source of exposure to radon is tap water ramp method, landfill A method for
obtained from wells. The threat arises the placement of solid waste in a land-
from inhalation of the gas released from fill in which the waste is handled in the
the water during use: showering, bathing, same way as in the area method, but
and cooking. Ingestion of radon-contain- part of the cover material is obtained
ing water is not a hazard. from an excavation at the base of each
layer of waste, which forms a ramp.
radon daughter Element produced
by the radioactive decay of radon, Ramsar Convention Officially named
including isotopes of polonium and bis- “The Convention on Wetlands of Interna-
muth. These compounds, which are also tional Importance, especially as Waterfowl
radioactive, contribute significantly to the Habitat,” a treaty first signed by represen-
hazard associated with exposure to radon. tatives from 18 nations in Ramsar, Iran, in
1971. The convention now has 150 con-
radon decay products See radon tracting parties and has listed almost 1,600
daughter. wetlands, totaling around 330 million acres

rate constant

(134 million ha), for conservation manage- rappers In air pollution control, devices
ment. For more information, visit www. used on an electrostatic precipita- tor to dislodge the dust on the collection
plates mechanically. Magnetic impulse
range 1. For a set of observations, the rappers are raised by an energized coil and
difference between the lowest and highest drop by gravity, striking rods attached to
values. 2. The thickness of some mate- the collecting plates. Hammer/anvil rap-
rial needed to absorb a specific type of pers have hammers attached to a rotat-
radiation. 3. The geographic habitat of ing shaft; as the hammers fall, they strike
a species. anvils attached to the collecting plates.

range-finding test An analysis of the raprenox A process used to limit the

toxicity of a pollutant chemical to an release of nitrogen oxide (NOx) pro-
aquatic organism that determines the con- duced during combustion. The NOx is
centration range to be used in the more converted to nitrogen gas (N2) by mixing
precise definitive test. The organisms the hot combustion gas with cyanuric acid.
are exposed to a wide range of concentra-
tions of the specific chemical for a rela- Raschig rings A type of packing used
tively short time so that a narrow range in packed tower gas absorption devices.
for use in future detailed analysis can be
determined. See bioassay. Rasmussen report A study commis-
sioned by the United States Atomic Energy
rangeland Natural prairie or grassland Agency, named for the study director,
suitable for grazing cattle. These areas are Norman Rasmussen, that estimated the
also useful for agriculture and recreation, probability and consequences of an acci-
generating conflicts in land use choices for dent at a nuclear power plant, published
federally owned rangeland. See bureau of in 1975. One conclusion was that the
land management; federal land policy chance of injury to an individual from a
and management act; national forest serious accident leading to a meltdown
management act; taylor grazing act. was negligible. The report is also referred
to as wash-1400.
range of tolerance See limits of
tolerance. rasp A machine that grinds bulky solid
waste into manageable smaller pieces.
Rankine (R) An absolute tempera-
ture scale. Degrees Rankine equal degrees rate In public health statistics, the fre-
Fahrenheit plus 460. quency of a health-related event, calculated
as the number of persons experiencing the
Rankine cycle The model for the sim- event during a period divided by the num-
ple steam power plant. The boiler of the ber of persons in the population at risk.
power plant heats the water to a super- The value is usually expressed in a way
heated state at a constant pressure, and at that allows the use of whole numbers; for
the exit of the system, the condenser pro- example, if deaths in an area divided by
duces a liquid that allows for the proper the area population equal 0.008 per year,
operation of the heat pump. this is written as eight deaths per 1,000
persons per year.
rapid sand filter A water treatment
method that removes suspended solids rate constant (K) The proportional-
or colloids as drinking water passes ity constant appropriate to the rate of a
through a sand-filtering medium. Gener- chemical reaction. In the differential equa-
ally used after a sedimentation treat- tion dX/dt = −KX, the concentration of
ment. The filters are cleaned periodically X is decreasing at a rate proportional to
by backwashing. the remaining concentration of X. Such

rating curve

a reaction is called a first-order reac- regulations in the code of federal

tion, and the K in the equation is the rate regulations, Title 40, Part 261.23. See
constant. characteristic hazardous waste.

rating curve A graph depicting the dis- reactivity A property of a chemical

charge of a river or stream as a function substance in relation to other substances;
of its water elevation (stage) at a certain the likelihood of a substance’s interacting
point along its bank. chemically with other substances in the
environment or in the body. See reactive
rational method A simple procedure waste.
for calculating the direct precipitation
peak runoff from a watershed, using the reactor-year A unit equaling one
rainfall intensity, the area of the water- nuclear reactor in operation for one
shed, and a runoff coefficient appropriate year. Probabilities of serious nuclear acci-
for the type of watershed runoff surface. dents are often stated in reactor-years. For
example, if a meltdown occurred once in
rawinsonde A radiosonde that is 20,000 reactor-years and if 500 nuclear
tracked from the ground to determine reactors were in operation, a meltdown
wind speed and direction at various alti- would be expected every 40 years.
tudes. The term is derived from radar,
wind, and radiosonde. readily water-soluble substances In
water pollution, chemicals that are soluble
raw sewage Wastewater that has not in water at a concentration equal to or
undergone any treatment for the removal greater than one milligram per liter.
of pollutants.
ready biodegradability A property of
raw water Groundwater or surface those substances that produce positive,
water before it is treated for use as a pub- unequivocal results when used in decom-
lic water supply. position tests.

Rayleigh scattering The scattering of reaeration (of streams) The natural

visible radiation by gaseous molecules in process by which flowing stream water is
an unpolluted, particle-free atmosphere. mixed with the atmosphere, resulting in
The degree of scattering is greatest at the the addition of dissolved oxygen to the
shorter wavelengths of visible light. See water.
extinction coefficient; visible range.
reagent A laboratory chemical added
reactant An element or compound that to a test for the purpose of promoting a
takes part in a chemical reaction. specific reaction (for example, sulfuric
acid is added to promote the digestion
reactive organic gases (ROG) Gases of samples for the measurement of the
participating in atmospheric reactions amount of nitrogen present) or developing
that create photochemical air pol- a colored compound in a specific proce-
lution, or ozone. These gases include dure (for example, sulfanilamide and N-
the volatile organic compounds but (1-naphthyl)-ethylenediamine are added
exclude methane. Also called nonmeth- to the laboratory test for the presence of
ane hydrocarbons and nonmethane nitrites in water; the intensity of the color
organic compounds. produced is determined by the amount of
nitrite present).
reactive waste Solid waste exhibit-
ing the hazardous waste characteris- Realo A “realistic” environmental activ-
tic of interacting chemically with other ist, one wishing to solve environmental
substances in ways defined by U.S. EPA problems by reform and electoral politics.

recharge zone

The concept arose in the European green all when released into the environment.
political parties, first in Germany. Consequently, this type of material accu-
Compare fundi. mulates in water, soil, or biota.

reasonable further progress (RFP) A receiving water Any surface water

necessary feature of a state implemen- body into which treated or untreated
tation plan (SIP) in an area with dirty wastewater is discharged.
air. An SIP outlines the emission controls
and other methods that a state will use to receptor 1. A substance, compound, or
achieve the national ambient air qual- location on the surface of a cell that binds
ity standards by a certain date, several a specific chemical. This binding process
years away. The schedule of controls is can stimulate the cell to respond in certain
required to show incremental progress ways or can take place before the uptake
toward the clean air goal during the period of the substance into the cell. 2. A person,
before the deadline in a way that prevents plant, animal, or geographical location
“bunching” controls just before the SIP that is exposed to a chemical or physi-
compliance date. cal agent released to the environment by
human activities.
reasonable worst case In risk analysis,
a scenario that considers risks of events recessive gene A gene that is not
that are not the very worst that can pos- expressed unless paired with a similar
sibly happen but are roughly in the upper recessive gene. When male and female
10%. The assumptions used in estimating gametes fuse in the reproductive process,
the potential dose of a toxic chemical from individual gametes furnish one member
a contaminated waste site or from an acci- of each pair of chromosomes that will
dental release often use a worst-case sce- determine the genetic makeup of the off-
nario as an upper bound but also present spring. If the gametes are from plants and
a (more) reasonable worst case version. See if plant height is governed by one gene, the
alternate case scenario. possible genes may be h for short variety
and H for tall variety. In the case where
reasonably available control measure H is dominant and h is recessive, a plant
(RACM) The provisions in a state with gene pair HH or Hh would be tall,
implementation plan (SIP) for reducing since h is recessive and is not expressed in
air emissions of particulate matter, 10- the presence of the H gene. The gene pair
micron diameter (PM10) from certain in a short plant would have to be com-
sources in an area that does not meet the posed of hh. Compare dominant gene.
PM10 national ambient air quality
standard. recessive gene disorder A genetic
disorder that is exhibited in an offspring
reasonably available control tech- only if that offspring is double recessive
nology (RACT) The minimal level of for the gene that controls the condition.
emission control technology required for In that circumstance, each parent would
existing air pollutant sources in nonat- have contributed a recessive gene to the
tainment areas. The RACT controls child.
apply to emissions of the pollutant(s) for
which the area does not meet the national recharge basin A synthetic lake or
ambient air quality standards. reservoir designed to allow infiltration
of water into the ground to recharge an
rebuttable presumption against regis- underlying aquifer.
tration (RPAR) See special review.
recharge zone A land area into which
recalcitrant Of a substance that is water can infiltrate into an aquifer rela-
degraded at an extremely slow rate if at tively easily. The infiltration replenishes

recirculation cooling system

the aquifer. The location is also called a with the artificial modification of micro-
recharge area. organisms for use in the manufacture of
products that are useful to humans. See
recirculation cooling system A pro- genetic engineering.
cess design that reuses industrial cooling
water after heat from the water is trans- recombinant microorganism See re-
ferred to the atmosphere through evapora- combinant bacteria.
tion of a small amount of it.
recommended daily allowance (RDA)
RECLAIM An innovative emissions A guideline set by the federal food and
reduction program operated by the South drug administration for the amounts
Coast Air Quality Management Dis- of nutrients (such as iron, calcium, pro-
trict in Southern California since 1994. tein, and vitamins B and C) needed daily
Sources of nitrogen dioxide and sul- for the maintenance of good health. Vary-
fur dioxide are issued air emission ing RDAs are set for adults and children
credits equal to their allowable emissions over three years old, children under four
(which decline each year). The source is years, infants to one year old, and preg-
free to choose the mix of control tech- nant or lactating women.
niques it uses to meet emission limits.
Each source must possess emission cred- recommended exposure limits (RELs)
its equal to its actual emissions for the Chemical and physical exposure levels
year. This means that if a source controls determined by the national institute
its emissions to a level below the amount for occupational safety and health
of its emission credits, the credits are sur- (NIOSH) to be protective against acute
plus. RECLAIM allows a source to sell and chronic adverse health effects. NIOSH
the credits to another source that needs RELs are used by the occupational
the allowances to match its emissions. safety and health administration in
This is the same approach instituted setting its workplace standards, permis-
under the 1990 Clean Air Act amend- sible exposure limits.
ments acid rain control program. See
tradable emission allowance. recommended maximum contaminant
level (RMCL) See maximum contami-
reclamation Restoring land to the nat- nant level goal.
ural state after destruction associated with
some economic activity such as surface reconstructed source In air quality
mining. The original contour of the land management, a facility in which compo-
is restored as much as is feasible, topsoil nents are replaced to such an extent that
and fertilizer are applied, and vegetation the fixed capital cost of the new compo-
native to the region is planted. nents exceeds 50% of the capital costs
of constructing a totally new facility; the
recombinant bacteria Bacteria in reconstructed source is subject to new
which the deoxyribonucleic acid source review. Regulations normally
(DNA) has been modified by technology require a new source to meet more strin-
to introduce new genes. The best known gent pollution control regulations than an
example is Pseudomonas syringae, a genet- old (existing) facility.
ically engineered bacterium usable in the
control of frost damage to strawberry and recordable injury At a work site, an
potato crops. See genetic engineering. injury that involves a loss of conscious-
ness, a lost or restricted work day, or
recombinant DNA Genetic material requires treatment beyond first aid, regard-
modified in the laboratory by combining less of who administers it. The treatment
genetic material from two or more organ- guidelines are defined by the Bureau of
isms. The technology is used in association Labor Statistics.

red bag waste

recordable injury rate See accident a community, the likelihood that the used
rate; recordable injury. container will return to the manufacturing
process is remote or nonexistent despite
record of decision (ROD) The document its technical feasibility.
containing the choice of remedial action
to be taken at a hazardous waste super- recycling The practice of collecting and
fund site; the ROD is based on the reme- reprocessing waste for resource recov-
dial investigation/feasibility study. ery. See recovery; sorting; source
separation; waste hierarchy.
recoverable resource 1. Natural depos-
its of mineral resources and fossil fuels recycling economic development advo-
that are well defined and accessible with cates Specialists working with states to
available technology, extraction of which develop financing, marketing, and permit-
is economically nonfeasible. 2. Commer- ting options for recycling businesses; part
cial products (e.g., newsprint or bottles) of the U.S. EPA Jobs Through Recycling
that can be recycled or reused after serving Initiative. The EPA program is now inac-
their originally intended purpose. tive, but the Web site lists alternate sources
of financing and technical assistance. For
recovered material Used items, materi- more information, visit
als, or by-products that have been diverted epaoswer/non-hw/recycle/jtr.
from the usual discard in a solid waste
disposal facility. Items for recycling. This recycling mill Industrial facility
category does not include mill scrap or involved in the manufacturing of new
shavings that are put back into the manu- products from items that are collected for
facturing process as a matter of routine. recycling.

recovery In industrial operations and recycling symbol Identification code

waste management, the extraction of use- stamped on plastic containers. Developed
ful materials or energy from waste or pro- by the Society of the Plastics Industry in
cess operations. One of the goals of the association with the recycling industry to
resource conservation and recovery facilitate the sorting of plastic containers
act. into different resin types for subsequent
recovery rate Percentage of a solid
waste stream that is recovered as usable
items for recycling. Symbol Plastic
re-creation Establishment of a biologi- 1 Polyethylene terephthalate
cal community to replace one that has (PET)
been destroyed by the actions of humans. 2 High-density polyethylene
Reestablishment of biota in a severely (HDPE)
damaged zone. 3 Vinyl (V)
4 Low-density polyethylene
recyclable Used to describe a product (LDPE)
or material for which the technical ability 5 Polypropylene (PP)
exists for reformulation within a manu- 6 Polystyrene (StyrofoamTM)
facturing process to make a similar or (PS)
derivative product. The characterization 7 Other
of a container as recyclable does not mean
that it can actually be converted to a new
item in every community. For example, if red bag waste Infectious waste, the
the system for collection, processing, and name of which is derived from the red
remanufacture of plastic does not exist in plastic bags used for clear identification.

Red Book

Red Book 1. The 1976 publication reduced tillage system An agricul-

issued by the U.S. EPA, Quality Criteria tural practice that involves the cultivation
for Water, that has been used as a basis of crops in fields that are not plowed (or
for ambient water quality standards. 2. plowed very little) before planting. The
The Food and Drug Administration 1982 objectives are to reduce erosion, conserve
guidelines for animal toxicity testing, Prin- energy, and protect water supplies.
ciples for the Safety Assessment of Direct
Food Additives and Color Additives Used reducing agent Any substance that loses
in Food. See also gold book. electrons when involved in an oxidation-
reduction, or a substance that combines
red border review The final stage of a with oxygen during a chemical reaction.
new U.S. EPA regulation before it is signed See oxidation; reduction.
by the administrator.
reduction A chemical reaction during
Red Data Book A collection of infor- which electrons are added to an atom or
mation on threatened species in a par- molecule. For organic compounds, the
ticular country. Red Data Books employ addition of electrons is frequently accom-
species status classifications defined by panied by the addition of hydrogen atoms.
the international union for the con- Also called hydrogenation of organic com-
servation of nature and natural pounds.
resources. See red lists.
reentry Air that is exhausted from a
redemption program See bottle bill. building but reenters the building via the
intake ducts or other openings. This pro-
Red Lists A collection of the conserva- cess can contribute to indoor air pollu-
tion status of animals and plants world- tion by the reintroduction of pollutants.
wide compiled by the species survival
commission of the international union reference daily intake (RDI) The
for the conservation of nature and international term equivalent to recom-
natural resources (IUCN). Species are mended daily allowance.
classified as extinct, extinct in the wild,
critically endangered, endangered, vulner- reference dose (RfD) The lifetime
able, lower risk, data deficient, and not (chronic) daily exposure level to a non-
evaluated. The species status report for carcinogen that protects sensitive human
individual countries is called a red data populations from adverse effects; usually
book. Web site: calculated as the no-observed-adverse-
effect level divided by an uncertainty
redox potential An expression of the factor and expressed as milligrams of
oxidizing or reducing power of a solution. the chemical per kilogram body weight
per day. Developed by the U.S. EPA for
red tide An unusual condition associ- exposure evaluations at superfund sites
ated with a bloom or excessive growth and applied in agency risk assessments.
of dinoflagellates in marine waters,
resulting in a red, brown, or yellow tint reference method A pollutant- and
in the water. The event causes the death medium-specific sampling and analy-
of marine biota and the accumulation of sis protocol designated by the U.S. EPA
toxins in mussels or clams. Consump- as the officially acceptable technique for
tion of the toxin-containing shellfish can determining the concentration of that
cause paralytic shellfish poisoning or chemical in a certain medium or the emis-
severe gastric distress in humans. sion rate of that chemical from a source.
See equivalent method.
reduced sulfur compound See hydro-
gen sulfide; total reduced sulfur. reflection See plume reflection.

Regional Response Team

reflux A method that uses solvents to refuging In ecology, the aggregation

extract certain classes of chemicals from of large numbers of organisms in a small
solid materials. For example, the extrac- area with nearby food supplies—bird col-
tion of methanol-soluble chemicals from onies, for example.
soil can be accomplished by placing the
soil into a reflux apparatus that allows refuse All organic solid waste produced
the methanol in a reservoir to be boiled, by a community. The combustible fraction
the vapor to be condensed, and the con- of solid waste, including garbage, rubbish,
densate to percolate through the soil sam- and trash.
ple and return to the boiling reservoir. As
the methanol cycles through the system refuse-derived fuel (RDF) An energy
several times, the methanol in the reservoir resource produced by the separation of
accumulates soil materials that dissolve in combustible materials (refuse) from
the methanol. municipal solid waste. This material is
then combined with coal and burnt as a
reforestation The planting of trees refuse-derived fuel, which is usually 5% to
on land from which the forest has been 25% refuse.
refuse reclamation The conversion of
reformulated gasoline (RFG) Gas- municipal solid waste into useful prod-
oline containing at least 2% oxygen by ucts by recycling and/or composting.
weight and a maximum of 1% benzene by
volume. Also, RFG emissions of volatile regenerative farming Agricultural tech-
organic compounds and selected toxic niques and land management practices
chemicals must be reduced by certain dedicated to restoring productivity to
percentages below established 1990 base- damaged soil and sustaining productivity
lines. Federal regulations require RFG use on all farmland through crop rotation,
in areas having excessively high ozone use of cover crops, provision of ground
(SMOG) readings. See also oxygenate; cover, retaining of plant residues in the
oxygenated fuel. field, and reduction of the use of synthetic
pesticides and other chemicals.
refraction The bending of light as it
passes through transparent material. regional administrator (RA) The head
of one of the 10 multistate regions orga-
refractory 1. A highly heat-resistant nized by the U.S. EPA.
material that can be used as a lining for
incinerators or furnaces. 2. Describing a Regional Response Center (RRC)
material or substance that is difficult to Under the national contingency plan,
metabolize within biological systems or designated location in each of the 10 fed-
react chemically during chemical pro- eral regions that provides communications
cesses. See also waterwall incinerator. and coordination for the response to an
oil or hazardous substance release.
refrigerant A fluid used to transfer See also national response center;
heat, absorbing heat when, as a liquid, regional response team.
it evaporates and expands and releasing
heat when it condenses back to a liquid. Regional Response Team (RRT) A
Refrigerants are circulated as a closed group under the joint leadership of the
cycle, without intentional loss, in freez- U.S. EPA and the U.S. Coast Guard that
ers, refrigerators, and air cooling systems. serves as the organizational unit to pro-
See chlorofluorocarbons; freons; vide for planning and preparedness activi-
greenhouse gases; montreal pro- ties related to spills or discharges of oil
tocol; ozone-depleting potential; and hazardous substances and for
ozone layer depletion. coordination and technical advice during


such spills or discharges in each of the 10 regulated medical waste See medical
U.S. EPA multistate regions. See national waste; medical waste tracking act.
response center.
regulations The detailed requirements
registration In pesticide regulation, the and standards written by an administra-
U.S. EPA process leading to approval of tive agency such as the U.S. EPA follow-
a pesticide’s use in the United States, fol- ing the dictates of a statute. At the federal
lowing the requirements of the federal level, proposed and final regulations are
insecticide, fungicide, and rodenti- published in the federal register and
cide act. The registration defines crops codified in the code of federal regula-
on which it can be applied, timing and tions. Also called rules. See adminis-
amount of its application, requirements trative procedure act.
for its purchase (over-the-counter or only
to licensed individuals), labeling contents, regulatory compliance Meeting the
and proper disposal. A pesticide that is requirements imposed by state or federal
“banned” has had its registration revoked regulations for planning, construction,
or, more commonly, its use severely operation, or closure of applicable facili-
restricted. ties or activities.

Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemi- Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) A

cal Substances (RTECS) A publi- federal statute requiring administrative
cation of the national institute of agencies to examine the impact of new
occupational safety and health that regulations and standards on small busi-
is intended to identify all known toxic nesses, small nonprofit organizations, and
materials and to list toxicity and reference small governmental units and to explore
information on each entry. The RTECS is ways to lessen the regulatory burden. See
available only through vendors. Web site: regulatory impact analysis.
Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) 1.
reg-neg A (reg)ulatory (neg)otiation In the United States, a formal estimate of
process in which a committee of interested the benefits and costs of new regulations
parties (e.g., the U.S. EPA, industry repre- and standards, as required by executive
sentative, public interest groups) draft a order 12866, the regulatory flexibil-
proposed regulation before it is released ity act and, in some cases, the unfunded
for public comment in the federal reg- mandates reform act. 2. In the mem-
ister. Normally, the U.S. EPA drafts the ber countries of the Organization for Eco-
proposed regulations alone. The method is nomic Cooperation and Development, a
designed to speed up the writing of regu- similar system to conduct a formal esti-
lations required by statutory law and to mate of the benefits and costs of any new
minimize litigation. See stakeholders. regulations or standards and the commu-
nication of the estimated impacts to gov-
regolith On Earth, the loose, frag- ernment decision makers.
mented rock between bedrock and soil.
Regolith is formed by weathering and rehabilitation When used in an envi-
erosion. ronmental context, the organized replace-
ment or enhancement of physical and
regulated asbestos-containing mate- biotic components of the natural envi-
rial (regulated ACM) Asbestos-con- ronment that were degraded by human
taining material that is friable or is likely actions. The complete reestablishment of
to become friable and therefore subject to the original conditions is not necessarily
federal asbestos regulations. achieved.

remedial design/remedial action

reheater A device used to increase in a specified volume of air to the maxi-

the temperature of an exhaust gas after mal amount that can be held by the same
particles have been removed. scrubbers volume of air at a specified temperature
used to remove particles from an exhaust and pressure. If the relative humidity is
gas require that the temperature of the 50% in a room, the air contains one-
gas-particle mixture be lowered before half the amount of water vapor that it is
cleaning can take place. After the scrub- capable of holding at the temperature and
bing process, the gas must be reheated atmospheric pressure in the room. Also
before release in order to prevent dam- expressed as the mixing ratio divided by
age to downstream equipment, to prevent the saturation mixing ratio times 100.
the release of a visible plume through the See absolute humidity.
smokestack, or to enhance the rising and
dispersion of the released gas. relative risk In environmental risk
assessment or epidemiology, the ratio
Reid vapor pressure (RVP) The of the risk of some adverse condition
American Society for Testing and Materi- developing in individuals exposed to pol-
als method for measuring the vapor pres- lution to the risk of that same condition
sure of volatile organic compounds developing in an unexposed population.
(VOCs). To control the evaporative losses Relative risk can be estimated by using a
of VOCs, the U.S. EPA requires refineries cohort study. See odds ratio.
to produce gasoline with a lower vapor
pressure during the warmer months. release A spill, leak, escape, or loss of a
regulated chemical agent into the environ-
Reilly, William (1940– ) American ment, including air, water, or land.
lawyer Reilly was the administrator
of the EPA, 1989–93, and former head of release height The height above the
the world wildlife fund and the Con- ground from which an air pollutant is
servation Foundation. emitted. A higher release height produces
lower ground level concentration at
relative biological effectiveness (RBE) points downwind of the source.
A comparison of the effect of some type
of ionizing radiation to that caused relict Describing a species or commu-
by 200-keV x-rays. The relationship to nity that is unchanged from some earlier
gamma rays is about 1, whereas the rela- period.
tionship to fast neutrons is approxi-
mately 10, meaning that the latter type relict species See relict.
of radiation is about 10 times more effec-
tive than x-rays in producing biological rem See roentgen equivalent man.
damage. The RBEs are used as the qual-
ity factor to adjust absorbed doses remedial action The permanent cleanup
of different types of ionizing radiation or treatment of a contaminated environ-
to a constant scale. See linear energy ment. The technology used depends on the
transfer. nature of the contamination; treatment may
use biological, chemical, or thermal technol-
relative density See specific gravity. ogy. Compare removal action. See reme-
dial design/remedial action; remedial
relative ecological sustainability The investigation/feasibility study; reme-
ability of a natural environment to main- dial project manager; remediation.
tain and perpetuate itself over an indefi-
nite period. remedial design/remedial action (RD/
RA) Under the national contingency
relative humidity The ratio of the plan, the cleanup work at the site of the
amount or weight of water vapor present hazardous substance release, usually a

remedial investigation/feasibility study

hazardous waste site. The RD/RA fol- or non-time-critical. Removal actions are
lows the record of decision, which immediate responses to releases or threat-
itself follows the first step in the cleanup, ened releases, whereas remedial actions
the remedial investigation/feasibility entail longer-term, permanent cleanups.
study (RI/FS). See time-critical removal action.

remedial investigation/feasibility study renaturation In ecology, returning an

(RI/FS) A detailed technical study of ecosystem to its native state after some
the type and extent of contamination at a external disruption. Among many difficul-
superfund site, including the alternatives ties, detailed knowledge of species compo-
for its cleanup. See remedial action. sition and interaction, nutrient pathways,
hydrology, etc., is lacking.
remedial project manager (RPM) The
federal official responsible for directing renewable energy A source of energy
and coordinating federal remedial actions that is replaced by natural phenomena or
at sites on the national priorities list. natural growth aided by human activity,
remedial action is taken to prevent or such as biomass or the water held behind
minimize the release of a hazardous sub- by a dam that is used to generate electricity.
stance into the environment. removal
action is the responsibility of the on- renewable energy production incen-
scene coordinator. tive (REPI) A provision of the Energy
Policy Act of 1992 intended to encourage
remediation 1. Organized methods ap- the development of renewable power proj-
plied in response to an excessive release ects. Tax credits are available for electric-
of a hazardous substance that elimi- ity produced by wind energy or biomass
nate or adequately reduce the risk of dam- and for solar energy and geothermal
age to human health or the environment. investments. See also public utilities
Includes pump and treat; stabiliza- regulatory policy act (PURPA).
tion; solidification. See in situ reme-
diation; remedial action. 2. Generally, renewable resource A supply of a bio-
the reduction in chemical concentration logical organism that can be replaced after
or mobility, leading to a reduced risk to harvesting by regrowth or reproduction of
human health or the environment, by the removed species, such as seafood or
either natural processes or human action. timber.
See bioremediation; monitored natu-
ral attenuation; natural attenua- Reorganization Plan Number 3 The
tion; phytoremediation. executive order issued by President Rich-
ard Nixon in 1970 that created the U.S.
remote sensing 1. The use of imagery environmental protection agency.
generated by high-flying aircraft or Earth-
orbiting satellites to study the resources replicate One or more duplicates of a
of the Earth or aspects of environmental test, analysis, experiment, exposure, and
quality. 2. The use of ground devices to so on.
study atmospheric conditions aloft or to
determine air pollutant concentrations reportable quantity (RQ) The size
in the upper urban atmosphere or in a of a spill or release of a hazardous sub-
smokestack plume. stance or material requiring a report to the
U.S. Department of Transportation, the
removal action Under provisions of U.S. EPA, or a state or local environmen-
the national contingency plan, the tal agency. Title 40, Section 302.4, of the
selected type and timing of the coordinated code of federal regulations provides
response to a chemical release. Actions can a list of reportable quantities of U.S. EPA-
be immediate (emergency), time-critical, designated hazardous substances.

residence time

repository A site for the isolation of Research and Special Programs Ad-
radioactive wastes from humans or ministration (RSPA) The U.S. Depart-
the biological environment until the waste ment of Transportation agency responsible
radioactivity decays to near-back- for regulations covering the transport of
ground levels. Such storage facilities would hazardous materials in commerce. See
be located about 2,000 feet below the sur- hazardous materials transportation
face in geological strata that are stable, act (HTMA). Web site:
dry environments with good heat-dissipat- gov.
ing properties. The site would be designed
to isolate high-level waste for about Research Triangle Park (RTP) An
10,000 years. See high-level nuclear area in North Carolina containing the
waste facility; nuclear waste policy offices of many U.S. EPA technical and
act; yucca mountain. scientific activities together with a variety
of private laboratories and public institu-
representativeness Describing how tions of higher education.
well a sample of air, water, soil, or food
represents the whole from which it was reservation In public land manage-
taken. ment, a permanent dedication of land
to, usually, a single purpose, such as a
representative sample See represen- national forest, wildlife refuge, or
tativeness; sample. wilderness area.

reprocessing nuclear fuel See fuel reserve capacity Normally unused treat-
ment capacity built into a wastewater trans-
port and treatment system to provide for
the increased flow that results form excess
reproducibility The ability of a test,
rainfall or population growth. The capacity
analysis, or experiment to yield the same
to expand operations of a wastewater treat-
results when repeated under the same cir-
ment system without new construction.
cumstances. The likelihood that duplicate
tests will produce the same results. See
reserves Natural resources that can be
precision. exploited in an economically feasible man-
ner employing current technology. Com-
reproductive strategy See k-selected; pare resources.
reservoir At the planetary scale, a stor-
Request for Information (RFI) An age depot for chemical substances; for
enforceable request sent to a discharger example, the atmosphere is a reservoir for
by the U.S. EPA or a state environmental carbon as carbon dioxide. See stocks.
agency for technical data to be used to
establish permit limitations or source con- reservoir rock Porous rock containing
trol standards, inter alia. RFI provisions oil or natural gas.
are found in the clean air act, clean
water act, resource conservation residence time 1. The time a chemi-
and recovery act, and comprehensive cal substance spends in a biological or
environmental response, compensa- environmental “container” such as
tion, and liability act. a lake, the human body, or the atmo-
sphere under equilibrium conditions,
reregistration As required by the food calculated by the mass of the material in
quality protection act, the periodic the container divided by the flow rate in
review of a registered pesticide to deter- (or out). 2. The amount of time a speci-
mine the proper regulatory constraints on fied volume of liquid or gas spends in
the pesticide’s continued use. a certain device. The residence time for

residential use

sewage undergoing treatment is the time resistivity For fly ash, the resistance
a specified volume of sewage stays in the of the ash to the conduction of electric-
treatment facility. ity. Low resistivity reduces the collection
efficiency of electrostatic precipita-
residential use In pesticide manage- tors by allowing the electrostatic charge
ment, the application of pesticides in and attracting the particles of ash to the collec-
around homes, apartments, motels, and tion plate to drain away. High-resistivity
other living/working areas. ash holds a negative charge and can repel
other particles (back corona); resistivity
residential waste Solid waste gener- also causes the particles to adhere strongly
ated in a household, usually discarded to the plate, making them difficult to
consumer goods: yard waste, beverage remove. See fuel gas conditioning.
containers, newsprint, food waste, card-
board, and others. resistivity survey A type of noninvasive
survey of soil for the detection of buried
residual Material that remains. Often metal objects and chemical contaminants
used in association with the pollutant load capable of conducting an electric current.
that remains after the operation of some The method is especially useful for the
pollution control device, as in nutrients evaluation of groundwater depth and site
after wastewater treatment or particulate geological characteristics.
material that passes through a filtering
apparatus. The higher the residual, the less resolving time The time that must
efficient the process. elapse between two radiation impulses
in order for them to be detected as two
discrete events by an electronic radiation
residual chlorine See combined avail-
detection device.
able chlorine; combined residual
chlorination; free available chlo-
resource conservation Most com-
rine; free residual chlorine.
monly used to describe the protection,
improvement, and prudent management
residual risk Under the air toxics
of natural resources, including land, both
provisions of the 1990 amendments to the
agricultural and uncultivated. The pro-
clean air act, the risk to public health tection of soil from erosion or degrada-
or the environment that remains after tion, conservation of water, provision of
the application of maximum achievable habitat for wildlife, sustaining of forage
control technology. and grazing plants, efficient energy use,
recycling/reuse, and organization of local,
residue Remains after some treatment state, and national environmental stew-
or process, for example, ash that remains ardship efforts are commonly considered
after incineration or salts that remain after to be resource conservation activities.
the evaporation of seawater.
Resource Conservation and Recovery
resilience stability The ability of a Act (RCRA) The federal statute pro-
biological community or ecosystem to viding for the comprehensive management
recover its original condition after a severe of nonhazardous and hazardous solid
stress or perturbation. Compare resis- wastes. The U.S. EPA, in its implementing
tance stability. regulations, sets minimal standards for all
waste disposal facilities and, for hazard-
resistance stability The ability of a ous waste, regulates treatment storage
biological community or ecosystem to and transport. See basel convention;
withstand a stress or perturbation without corrective action; hazardous and
adverse change to its structure or function. solid waste amendments; manifest
Compare resilience stability. system; medical waste tracking act;

response action

municipal solid waste; sanitary land- anaerobic respiration. In either case,

fill; secure landfill; solid waste; potential energy present in the organic
subtitle c; subtitle d; underground nutrients is converted to a chemical
storage tank. form useful to the cell. Most organisms,
including humans, are capable of aerobic
resource partitioning In ecology, the respiration, whereas only a few types of
sharing of different environmental resources bacteria are capable of anaerobic respira-
(e.g., different food items) by biological tion. See adenosine triphosphate.
organisms that occupy the same general
surroundings. The process reduces direct respiration/biomass ratio An expres-
competition among organisms and allows sion of ecological turnover, the ratio
diverse species to occupy the same location. of total community respiration (often
Compare competitive exclusion. expressed in grams per square meter per
day) to community biomass (in grams
resource recovery The processing of per square meter). The ratio indicates the
solid waste to extract recyclable paper, rate of energy flowing through the com-
glass, metals, or combustible material. munity compared with the mass of the
Also, the recovery of energy (steam) by the community.
direct incineration of waste. See recov-
ery; recycling; waste-to-energy. respirator Any device designed to
deliver clean air to the wearer. See air-
resources The total amount of any purifying respirator; self-contained
rock, mineral, or fuel in the crust of the breathing apparatus; supplied-air
Earth. See reserve. respirator.

Resources for the Future (RFF) A respirator fit test (RFT) A method
nonprofit organization based in Wash- used to determine whether a working
ington, D.C., that conducts research on a respirator provides the proper protec-
wide range of topics related to environ- tion when worn by a particular worker.
mental quality management and natural A quick, simple, and low-cost RFT is
resources use, largely from an economic the qualitative test, which involves the
perspective. Founded in 1952, the organi- wearer’s response to a test atmosphere
zation’s Web site is containing an easily detected material
such as banana oil or irritant smoke. If
respirable particulate See particu- the wearer can detect the material in the
late matter, 10-micron diameter; par- test atmosphere, the respirator does not fit
ticulate matter, 2.5-micron diameter. properly. Quantitative fit testing is more
accurate but more expensive and time-
respiration 1. For a person or animal, consuming and is not widely used. In the
the act of breathing. 2. The metabolism of quantitative analysis, trained technicians
an individual cell, tissue, or organism that use instruments to determine the presence
results in the release of chemical energy and extent of any respirator leaks.
derived from organic nutrients. 3. A spe-
cific series of reactions in a cell during respiratory fibrotic agent See asbes-
which electrons removed during the oxi- tosis; crystalline silica; fibrosis;
dation of organic nutrients (substrates) silicosis.
are transferred to a terminal acceptor.
When the terminal acceptor is molecular response action General term applied
oxygen, the process is termed aerobic to the prescribed resolution of an iden-
respiration. When the terminal acceptor is tified threat to human health and safety
an inorganic substitute for molecular oxy- or to the environment. The appropriate
gen, such as sulfate or nitrate, the process federal or state agency may direct, for
proceeds without oxygen and is termed example, the removal of hazardous mate-

Responsible Care®

rials from a disposal site, cleanup of an thermore, the ends of the region where the
accidental spill of a dangerous material, cut occurs are configured in such a way
containment of a waste on-site, halting of that it possible to attach other DNA units
additional groundwater contamination, or by using laboratory technology. About
removal of asbestos from a public build- 2,000 different restriction enzymes have
ing. See national contingency plan; been described; the most well known is
remedial action; removal action. EcoRI from Escherichia coli.

Responsible Care® An initiative of the resuspended Describing particles that

american chemistry council intended have been remixed with the air or water
to improve the health, safety, environmen- from which they have settled or collected.
tal performance, and community outreach For example, sediment particles settle from
of member companies. Member compa- river water if the water is allowed to stand.
nies are required to adopt the initiative Those particles may be remixed with the
as a condition of membership and are water if turbulent conditions recur.
expected to improve the safe management
of chemicals continuously in a manner retardation In groundwater, the
that is responsive to the public. The focus slower movement of contaminants than
of the initiative consists of Codes of Man- the movement of the groundwater itself,
agement Practice that address commu- caused by ion exchange of some met-
nity awareness and emergency response, als or the adsorption of the dissolved
worker health and safety, pollution pre- organic carbon to solid carbon materi-
vention, process safety, distribution, and als in the soil. See natural attenuation;
product stewardship. Web site: www. sorption.
retention basin A permanent lake or
restoration See ecosystem restora- pond used to slow storm water runoff. See
tion; reclamation. detention basin.

restoration ecology See ecosystem retention time See residence time.

retort A bulb-shaped laboratory appa-
restricted-use pesticide (RUP) pesti- ratus for heating some material in the
cide that can be purchased and used only absence of oxygen.
by specially trained and certified people
because it constitutes a special hazard to retrofit The addition of new parts or
applicators and the environment, even equipment that were not previously avail-
when used as directed. able or required when the facility was
built, such as pollution control equipment;
restriction enzyme Short for restric- a type of upgrading.
tion endonuclease, a class of enzymes
that have the ability to cleave both strands retrospective study See case-control
of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic study.
acid (DNA). The natural function of these
enzymes is to protect a cell from DNA reuse The use of an item more than once.
from outside sources. These enzymes are As an example, serving the reuse market
useful in genetic engineering because for washing machines would involve col-
they cleave DNA on the basis of recog- lecting discarded machines, refurbishing
nizing a specific sequence of nucleotide old units to put them in working order,
bases; consequently, the same location then selling the used machines. As a com-
within a DNA molecule is cleaved each parison, serving the recycling market for
time. A large DNA molecule can be cut washing machines would entail collecting
into a number of small fragments. Fur- discarded appliances, shredding to recover


ferrous metal, and using the recovered by the impact of inertial forces as the
metal to manufacture iron reinforcing bars. fluid flows around a particle compared
See waste hierarchy. with the straight flow in a pipe or duct.

reverse osmosis A process used in ribbon sprawl The development of res-

water purification in which pressure is idential areas and businesses along major
applied to the more concentrated (con- roadways, such as the Interstate Highway
taminated) solution on one side of a System, that carry traffic into a city.
semipermeable membrane. The result
is the movement of water, but not con- ribonucleic acid (RNA) A biologi-
taminants, from the more concentrated cal macromolecule, common to all
side to the more dilute side, thus separat- organisms, involved in the conversion
ing clean water from the contaminated of the genetic information contained in
water. See osmosis. the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
or genes of the cell, into properties or
revolving fund As authorized by the characteristics by which all organisms
Water Quality Act of 1987, a source of are described. Two classes of RNA are
loans to be used to construct or upgrade instrumental in the conversion of the lin-
sewage treatment plants (publicly ear sequence of bases in DNA into specific
owned treatment works). The U.S. proteins: transfer RNA, which carries
EPA and each state provided the initial specific amino acids for polymerization
funds, 80% federal and 20% state. Pre- into proteins, and messenger RNA, which
viously operated as the construction determines the linear sequence of amino
grants program. acids in specific proteins. The sequence of
nucleotides in the genes (DNA) is incor-
Reynolds number (Re) A dimensionless porated into the RNA molecule through a
number that represents the ratio of inertial polymerization process termed transcrip-
forces to viscous forces for fluid flow in a tion. Other types of RNA molecules par-
pipe or duct or around an obstacle, such ticipate in forming the physical structure
as an airborne particle. The expression for of parts of a cell.
fluid flow in a pipe or duct is
Re = ρDv/µ, Richardson number (Ri) A dimen-
where ρ is the fluid density, D is the pipe/ sionless number for a fluid (usually air) at
duct diameter, v is the fluid velocity, and a certain place and time relating stability
µ is the fluid viscosity. For fluid flow to wind shear. E expressed as follows:
around a particle it takes the form Ri = (g/Θ)(dΘ/dz)/(dµ/dz)2 ,
Re = dpv r ρ/µ, where Θ is the potential temperature,
where dp is the particle diameter, v r is z is the elevation, µ is the wind velocity, g
the velocity of the particle relative to the is the acceleration of gravity. The value of
fluid, ρ is fluid density, and µ is the fluid the number indicates the dominant type
viscosity. For fluid flow in a pipe or duct, (low values) of turbulence present, either
a Reynolds number below about 2,100 mechanical or convection (high values).
(viscous forces dominant) is considered See mechanical turbulence; ther-
to be streamline, smooth, or laminar mal turbulence.
flow; above 4,000 (inertial forces domi-
nant) the flow is turbulent; 2,100–4,000 richness 1. The total number of spe-
is a transition zone. For the flow of fluid cies in an area, usually expressed as the
around a particle, a Reynolds number less number of species divided by the total
than 1.0 is laminar flow, or in the Stokes number of individuals, or the number of
regime, and as the value increases above species per unit area. See species rich-
1.0, turbulence increases. The difference ness index; diversity; evenness. 2. The
between the conditions for laminar flow relative abundance of the fissionable iso-
around particles and in pipes is explained tope of uranium, uranium (235u), in a


mixture of uranium containing both of for 100% black smoke. See also smoke
the naturally occurring isotopes of the reader.
element (235U and 238U).
Rio Declaration The agreement final-
rickets A medical condition, normally ized at the United Nations Conference on
seen in children, characterized by poor Environment and Development held in
bone structure resulting from a deficiency 1992 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The goal
of vitamin D. of the accord is the establishment of a new
and equitable global partnership through
rift A trough or depression that is the creation of new levels of cooperation
formed when two plates that constitute the among nation-states. The 27 principles of
surface of the Earth pull apart. The term the declaration commit signatory nations to
is commonly used to refer to the areas working toward international agreements
in the deep sea where there are divergent that respect the interests of all and protect
plate boundaries. New crust material is the integrity of the global environmental
formed as the plates are pulled apart by and developmental system. Peace, devel-
tectonic forces. See plate tectonics. opment, and environmental protection are
presented as interdependent and indivis-
right to know (RTK) 1. Describing ible. The official name of the agreement is
statutes, regulations, and policies that the Rio Declaration on Environment and
require the public disclosure of informa- Development. See earth summit.
tion about chemical releases and chemi-
cal storage, including types and amounts. riparian 1. Describing the legal doctrine
See seveso directive; title iii. Web site: that a property owner along the banks of 2. Describing regulations a surface water body (lake, river) has the
that require that employees be given infor- primary right to withdraw water for rea-
mation about workplace chemical hazards. sonable use. 2. Related to plant communi-
See hazard communication standard. ties located on the banks of rivers.

rill A term generally applied to a type risk assessment An analytical study of

of erosion from nonvegetated regions of the probabilities and magnitude of harm
agricultural fields. A small channel eroded to human health or the environment asso-
into the soil surface by runoff. A signifi- ciated with a physical or chemical agent,
cant amount of topsoil can be lost by way activity, or occurrence. The assessment
of rill erosion. involves estimates of the types, quanti-
ties, and locations of the release of harm-
rill erosion A type of damage done to ful substances or energy; a dose-response
the topsoil of exposed land, commonly evaluation linking exposure to possible
pasture or cropland, by rainwater run- harm; a characterization of the exposure
off that collects in small channels cutting of humans, wildlife, or ecosystem com-
through the earth. The damage can be cor- ponents to the release; and a summary
rected with normal tilling. using the foregoing analysis to produce
the overall risk assessment The final step
ring compound Normally used to refer is also known as risk characterization.
to an organic compound containing an See dose-response assessment; expo-
aromatic structure typified by benzene, sure assessment; hazard identifica-
in which six carbon atoms are joined in a tion; source/release assessment.
closed circle or ring.
risk-based corrective action (RBCA)
Ringelmann chart An illustration con- The use of a risk assessment, along
taining shades of gray that can be used to with chosen levels of acceptable risk, to
estimate the density of smoke. The scale choose cleanup goals at a site contami-
varies from 0, for clear stack gases, to 5, nated by hazardous substances. RBCA

risk management plan

(“Rebecca”) differs from other cleanup exposure to a physical or chemical agent.

strategies in that the goal is not necessar- Compare unit risk estimate.
ily the removal of hazardous substances to
levels approximating their background risk extrapolation model Any of a
concentrations or to maximum contami- variety of methods used to apply the mea-
nant level goals for groundwater but sured results of animal toxicology test-
reduction of the actual risk the substances ing, especially those involving a potential
pose to human health, based on exposure. carcinogen, to the risk of adverse effects
Risk reduction can be accomplished by in humans. The extrapolation involves
removal of the hazardous substances (e.g., the species differences, the estimation of
pump and treat) but also by sequestra- the risk at much lower doses than those
tion of the material so that exposure does used in the testing, a longer human expo-
not occur, point-of-use/point-of-entry sure time, and possibly a different route
treatments, monitored natural atten- of exposure (human inhalation risk from
uation, or other site-specific approaches animal ingestion data). See linearized
determined by the risk assessment. The multistage model; scaling factor;
american society for testing and surface area scaling factor.
materials published the first RBCA guid-
ance, which has been adopted by govern- risk factor Any exposure, habit, or per-
ment agencies. RBCA has been extensively sonal characteristic linked to an increased
applied to leaking underground stor- risk of an adverse health effect or condi-
age tank cleanups. tion.

risk-based targeting Concentration of risk management plan (RMP) Risk

environmental enforcement and compli- analysis and public communications
ance efforts in areas and activities that required by provisions of the 1990 amend-
pose relatively greater risk to human ments to the clean air act. The U.S. EPA
health and the environment. See compar- regulations “Section 112(r) regs” require
ative risk assessment. certain industrial, utility, military, water
treatment, and small business facili-
risk characterization An estimation ties that either manufacture or use any
of the nature, magnitude, and likelihood one of 140 different chemicals to docu-
of adverse effects on human health or the ment prevention and emergency response
environment using the results of the previ- programs, including worst-case sce-
ous analyses in a risk assessment. narios and alternate case scenarios
that involve on-site storage of hazard-
risk communication 1. For routine ous chemicals. The documentation must
exposures to chemical or physical hazards, include an assessment of the chemical haz-
the characterization of potential adverse ards at the facility, description of the steps
health effects resulting from exposure to being taken to reduce the possibility of
toxic materials in such a way that the infor- accidental releases, and plans to mitigate
mation is comprehensible to the public. 2. the circumstances of an accident should
For accidental exposures to chemical or one occur. The objectives of the program
physical agents, the characterization of the are to establish and maintain communi-
probabilities of the release and subsequent cations with the community, emergency
range of exposures along with the dose- responders, police and fire departments,
response relationships potentially leading to medical services, and neighboring indus-
acute or chronic health effects in a way that trial facilities concerning potential chemi-
is comprehensible to the public. It is gener- cal emergencies; to assess the “what if”
ally agreed that is cannot be fully realized. risks associated with potential chemical
releases; and, using the analysis, to lower
risk estimate The probability of an the probability and potential consequences
adverse health effect associated with an of catastrophic chemical releases. See

risk quotient

also bhopal; level of concern; local Rocky Mountain Institute A non-

emergency planning committee; tier profit research, consulting, and education
i, tier ii reports; title iii. organization that specializes in energy use
and conservation, now expanding into
risk quotient In pesticide regulation, water management. Founded in 1982 by
exposure divided by toxicity, where tox- Amory B. and L. Hunter Lovins. The RMI
icity is acute or chronic, using various main building in Old Snowmass, Colo-
toxicity end points, and exposure is the rado, demonstrates the energy efficiency
estimated environmental concen- technologies advanced and applied by the
tration or an assumed dose. The risk organization. The organization’s Web site
quotient is compared with the level of is
concern to determine the potential risk
to nontarget organisms.
rod deck absorber A device used to
remove pollutants from an exhaust gas.
The exhaust gas is put in contact with a liq-
risk ratio See relative risk.
uid slurry used to remove pollutants from
it. Mixing of the liquid and gas is enhanced
risk-specific dose (RSD) The daily by decks of cylindrical rods positioned per-
dose or exposure level that implies a pendicular to the gas and liquid flows.
given risk level, for example, the dose of
chemical A, in grams per kilogram body rodenticide A pesticide designed to
weight per day, corresponding to a one in kill, repel, or disrupt the reproductive pro-
100,000 lifetime excess cancer risk. cess of rodents.

river mile One mile, following a river’s roentgen (R) The quantity of radia-
center line. tion (x-rays or gamma rays) that pro-
duces one electrostatic unit charge (2.08
R-meter A type of ionization meter de- × 109 ion pairs) in 1 cm3 of dry air at 0°C
signed to measure radiation in roentgens. and one atmosphere of pressure. Roent-
gens per unit time is the normal expres-
Roadless Area Review and Evaluation sion used when the unit is used to report
(RARE) Studies performed by the U.S. radiation exposures. One roentgen equals
Forest Service that included an inventory 2.58 × 10–4 coulomb per kilogram of air.
of roadless areas in the national for-
est system. Under the provisions of the roentgen equivalent man (rem) A
national forest management act and non-SI unit of radiation dose that incor-
the multiple use and sustained yield porates both the amount of ionizing
act, the Forest Service may elect to pro- radiation absorbed by tissue (rad) and
hibit the construction of roads in part or the relative ability of that radiation to pro-
duce a particular biological change, called
all of the roughly 40 million acres of now-
the relative biological effectiveness
roadless land (there are 190 million acres
(RBE). Expressed as rem = rad × RBE,
of national forests), managing them, in
where rad is an absorbed dose of 100 ergs
effect, as wilderness areas. per gram of tissue (0.01 gray). RBE is
also called the quality factor. The unit
Rocky Flats The site of a former is frequently applied to total body expo-
nuclear weapons plant outside Denver, sure for all types of ionizing radiation.
Colorado, now managed by the U.S. Approximately 0.1 to 0.2 rem per year
department of energy. The plant oper- represents the level of exposure of individ-
ated from 1951 to the late 1980s and uals to natural background radiation.
required a massive hazardous chemical Five rem per year is the maximum occu-
and radiation waste cleanup under super- pation exposure allowed. An exposure of
fund. A citizen advisory board (www. 100 rems in a single incident is thought to monitors the cleanup. increase the risk of leukemia, and an expo-

rough fish

sure of 600 rems over 48 hours is a suffi- of the average sound pressure (Prms) from
cient dose to kill 100% of the individuals a series of sound wave amplitude mea-
exposed. The corresponding SI unit is the surements. The value is represented by
sievert (Sv); one sievert equals 100 rems. 1/ 2
⎡1 T ⎤
Prms = ⎢ ∫O P (t) dt ⎥⎦
rollback model A control strategy by ⎣T
which excessive environmental concentra- where P is an instantaneous pressure mea-
tions of pollutants are to be reduced by surement and T is the averaging time. This
lowering the emissions of all sources by an method is used because sound wave ampli-
equal percentage. The percentage reduc- tude values fluctuate around a zero pres-
tion is calculated by using the amount by sure, positive to negative, and squaring the
which the ambient concentration exceeds pressure measurements avoids an average
a standard. For example, if the ambient air pressure of zero. Sound-level meters per-
standard for pollutant A is 8 and the mea- form these calculations internally.
sured ambient concentration is 10, then a
20% reduction by all sources is required rotameter A device used to measure gas
(10 minus 8, divided by 10, times 100). flow rates; the meter consists of a tapered
tube containing a float that rises as gas
room-and-pillar mining A method flows through the tube and that remains
employed in the underground mining of suspended as long as the gas flow is con-
coal in which portions of the coal deposit stant. The height of the float is read, using
are left undisturbed as columns that sup- calibrated marks on the tube, and con-
port the roof of the mined cave to prevent verted to a flow rate.
collapse. Compare long wall mining.
rotary kiln A long, inclined rotating
room constant In noise control, the drum designed to manufacture cement
sum of the surface areas of the various or lime, used for thermal destruction of
materials in a room, weighted by their hazardous waste. Typical kiln operat-
respective sabin absorption coeffi- ing temperatures and furnace residence
cients. The room constant includes walls, time ensure excellent destruction and
doors, floor, and ceiling, together with all removal efficiency of the waste.
furniture, cabinets, draperies, and so on.
Room constant units are area-sabins, for rotating biological contactor (RBC)
example, three m2-sabins. See biodisc.

Roosevelt, Theodore (1858–1919) rotating biological filter See biodisc.

American president, vice president,
governor, mayor, sheriff, police commis- Rotenone A commercial preparation
sioner, navy secretary, state assembly- containing extracts of the tuber roots of
man, soldier, writer, naturalist Roosevelt plants of the genus Derris. The most com-
championed the conservation of the envi- mon use is to paralyze the fish in a pond
ronment and his accomplishments include or other body of water for their removal
establishing 150 National Forests, 51 or collection in ecological studies. The
Federal Bird Reservations, four National extracts have also been used to control
Game Preserves, five National Parks, 18 head lice.
National Monuments, and 24 Reclama-
tion Projects, inter alia. He was responsi- rough fish Fish species that are not
ble for protecting lands totaling some 230 valued commercially and are not prized
million acres. See www.theodoreroosevelt. in sport fishery. Often these species are
org for more information. more resistant to environmental dam-
age; for example, they would be selected
root-mean-square sound pressure for in water bodies with low dissolved
(RMS sound pressure) An expression oxygen.


roughness A descriptor for the friction by the administrative procedure act.

produced by a surface; used in air qual- See code of federal regulations; fed-
ity dispersion modeling to estimate the eral register; negotiated rulemaking;
wind speed at stack height from a mea- reg-neg.
surement of wind speed at 10-meter eleva-
tion. Wind speed increases with distance rules Standards and regulations issued
from the ground, but it increases by a by administrative agencies to implement
larger amount if the surface is rough (fric- statutes. See rulemaking.
tion producing). Roughness is also a factor
in mechanical turbulence: the greater Rule 702 The federal rule of evidence
the roughness, the stronger the mechanical that states, “If scientific, technical, or other
turbulence and the greater the dispersive specialized knowledge will assist the trier of
power of the atmosphere. fact to understand the evidence or to deter-
mine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as
route of exposure The way in which an expert by knowledge, skill, experience,
an organism is exposed to a chemical training, or education, may testify thereto
agent, such as inhalation, ingestion, or in the form of an opinion or otherwise.”
skin contact. Expert witness testimony in toxic tort
and other environmental law cases is sub-
r-selected A type of reproductive strategy ject to Rule 702 and its 1993 interpretation
of a species that allocates a relatively high by the U.S. Supreme Court in Daubert v.
proportion of energy available in nutrients Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
to reproduction and a relatively low pro-
portion to the maintenance and survival of ruminant animals Cattle, sheep, goats,
individual members of the species. See r- deer, camels, giraffes, antelopes, buffalo,
strategist. Compare k-selected. and similar grazing animals that have a four-
chambered stomach. The largest chamber,
r-strategist A type of animal whose
which receives the ingested hay or grass, is
reproductive behavior is characterized
termed the rumen. The rumen is a large fer-
by “boom-to-bust” swings in population
mentation vessel in which a community of
levels. Typically, animals with this type
bacteria, yeast, and other organisms digest
of reproductive strategy produce large
the cellulose-based food to produce nutri-
numbers of offspring in a short period to
take advantage of favorable environmen- ents usable by the mammal. Without the
tal conditions. These explosions in num- community of microbes in the rumen, these
bers of animals are routinely followed by animals could not subsist on a diet of hay.
dramatic declines in numbers once the
conditions change slightly. Likewise, the run In environmental sampling and
dramatic increases in population levels analysis, the period during which an emis-
normally exceed the capacity of the habi- sion sample is taken, as in a sampling run
tat to support the species. The result is a for a smokestack. The term is also used
precipitous decline in numbers of organ- as a slang expression to describe the per-
isms present. See carrying capacity; r- formance of a laboratory analysis: “The
selected. Compare k-strategist. Ames test was run.”

rubbish Nonkitchen solid waste, such runoff That portion of rainwater or

as yard litter, junk, or other material. Also snowmelt that enters surface streams
called trash. rather than infiltrating the ground.

rulemaking The public drafting, amend- rutherford (Rd) A unit of radioactiv-

ing, and finalizing of rules (regulations) ity equal to 106 disintegrations per second.
by administrative agencies, such as the U.S. The si unit of radioactivity is the bec-
EPA, under the authority of a particular querel. One rutherford equals 106 bec-
statute and following the process dictated querels. See curie.


sabin The SI unit used to compare the safety control rod ax man (SCRAM)
sound absorption ability of materials. A The individual responsible for the emer-
sabin is the unit area of a totally absorbent gency lowering of control rods into the first
surface, that is, a surface that does not nuclear reactor operated by the United
reflect any sound. One square meter-sabin States during the World War II Manhattan
is one square meter of perfect absorption. Project. The control rods were suspended
Sound-absorbing materials are assigned a by ropes; in the event of a malfunction, this
sabin absorption coefficient, which is individual was assigned the responsibility
expressed as a fraction of a sabin. of cutting the ropes with an ax to allow the
control rods to fall into the reactor, thereby
sabin absorption coefficient Fraction stopping the fission reaction. The acro-
of a sabin assigned to different materials nym SCRAM is used today to signify any
indicating their sound absorbance rela- sudden shutdown of a nuclear reactor by
tive to a totally absorbent surface. A sabin the emergency insertion of control rods to
absorption coefficient of 0.15 indicates stop the fission chain reaction.
that 15% of the sound energy striking the
surface will be absorbed and 85% will safety factor In risk assessment, an
be reflected. Sabin absorption coefficients adjustment used at one or more points in
vary with sound frequency. The average the analysis to account for uncertainty. For
absorption coefficient, over several frequen- example, no-observed-adverse-effects
cies, for a material is the noise reduction level for adult males may be reduced by
coefficient. See room constant. a factor of 10 when applied to the general
population. See uncertainty factor.
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) A
federal statute enacted in 1974, and sub- safe water Water that does not contain
sequently amended, that requires the U.S. dangerous levels of microbes or toxic chemi-
EPA to set and enforce chemical and cals. Although the water may be safe, it may
radioactivity standards for public drink- have a disagreeable taste, color, or odor. See
ing water supplies. The act also began palatable water; potable water.
an underground injection control
program to protect underground drink- safe yield The amount of water that can
ing water sources and established a spe- be removed from an aquifer or surface
cial sole source aquifer designation source without threatening the long-term
process, wellhead protection pro- supply available in the resource. If more
gram, source water assessment pro- water is removed from a reservoir during
gram, and source water protection a year than the amount added to the reser-
program. See disinfection by-prod- voir over the same period, the yield is not
ucts; maximum contaminant level; safe and the reservoir is being depleted.
maximum contaminant level goal;
national primary drinking water sag curve See oxygen sag curve.
regulations; secondary drinking
water regulations; secondary maxi- Sagebrush Rebellion A political move-
mum contaminant level. ment that arose in the American West and

sag pipe

Alaska in the late 1970s, opposing restric- saltwater intrusion The movement of
tive rules governing the use of federally seawater into inland coastal areas nor-
owned lands under the federal land mally flooded with freshwater. The term
policy and management act of 1976 is applied to the flooding of freshwater
and the administrative agency implement- marshes by seawater, the migration of sea-
ing the act, the bureau of land manage- water up rivers and navigation channels,
ment. Ninety-three percent of all federally and the movement of seawater into fresh-
owned land is found in the 12 states that water aquifers along coastal regions.
joined the movement to strengthen state
authority over public land use. Bureau of sample A representative portion with-
Land Management multiple use policies drawn from a larger whole to determine
helped defuse the movement. some characteristic, such as the concen-
tration of some constituent in a body of
sag pipe See inverted siphon. water, the atmosphere, or a waste stream.
For example, if one wishes to investigate
salinity The amount of salts dissolved the level of lead contamination in a lake,
in water. The term is usually reported in a 500-milliliter portion of water can be
grams per liter (parts per thousand), and the withdrawn from the lake and the amount
unit symbol 0/00 is normally used. Although of lead determined from the 500-milliliter
the measurement takes into account all of sample. The results are taken to be repre-
the dissolved salts, sodium chloride nor- sentative of the total lake.
mally constitutes the primary salt being
measured. As a reference, the salinity of sample size The amount of water, air,
seawater is approximately 35 0/00. waste, and so forth withdrawn from a
larger whole in order to measure the level
of some constituent. The term is also used
salinization The accumulation of salts
to refer to the number of individual por-
in soil to the extent that plant growth
tions removed from the whole. See sample.
is inhibited. This is a common problem
when crops are irrigated in arid regions;
sampling plan A description of the pro-
much of the water evaporates and salts
cedures to be used for examining a geo-
accumulate in the soil.
graphic area, the atmosphere in a specified
region, or a body of water to survey for the
Salmonella The genus of bacteria that presence of a specific collection of pollutant
cause typhoid fever and that are associ- chemicals or for the presence of pathogenic
ated with some types of food poisonings. microorganisms. The document typically
includes the type of samples to be collected,
salmonellosis The bacterial disease the number of samples to be drawn, the
caused by the presence of bacteria of the correct procedures to be employed, and the
genus Salmonella. The disease is a type handling of samples after collection. Also
of food poisoning characterized by a sud- called a sampling protocol.
den onset of gastroenteritis involving
abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, nausea, sampling station A defined location
and vomiting. A variety of foods, such as from which samples of soil, water, air,
sweets, meats, sausages, and eggs, can be or some other medium will be obtained.
the mode of infection. Pet turtles and birds A location from which a waste stream is
can also transmit the bacteria. monitored.

salt A chemical class of ionic com- sampling variability Differences among

pounds formed by the combination of an replicate samples taken to determine the
acid and a base. Most salts are the result level of some constituent in a larger whole.
of a reaction between a metal and one or For example, five separate 500-milliliter
more nonmetals. portions may be taken at the same loca-


tion within a lake to determine the level of mercial, or industrial wastewater (sew-
lead contamination in the water. The dif- age). See sewer.
ferences among the quantities of lead found
in the separate portions are referred to as sanitary survey An on-site inspection
the sampling variability. by a trained public health technician to
assess environmental conditions in a com-
sand filter A device used to remove par- munity, with special emphasis on com-
ticles from drinking water prior to distri- municable diseases. The survey could
bution to customers. The water is allowed include sewage treatment and disposal
to percolate through a chamber containing facilities, public or private water supplies
sand of various grain sizes, with the finest and distribution, solid waste collection
grain size located on the top. The particles and disposal methods, pest control activi-
in the water are removed at the surface ties, and public swimming pools.
of the sand and later discarded by reverse
flushing. sanitary waste Wastewater released
from households and rest rooms; sewage.
sandstone aquifer The type of aqui-
fer supplying groundwater to the upper sanitized copy A document submitted
Middle West, Appalachia, and Texas. by a facility to an environmental regulatory
The water-bearing formation is often con- agency from which confidential information,
tained by shale strata, and the water has such as a trade secret, has been removed.
high levels of iron and magnesium.
saprophage An organism that con-
sanitary landfill A method of ground sumes dead organic matter. See detritus;
disposal of solid waste in which waste detritus food chain.
material is spread in relatively thin layers,
compacted, and covered with clean earth saprophytic Describing an organism
(cover material) by the end of each that derives nutrition from dead organic
working day, as required by current land material, as contrasted with a parasite,
disposal regulations for municipal solid an organism that obtains nutrition at the
waste. The daily cover minimizes the expense of a living organism.
odors, insects, rodents, blowing trash, and
smoldering fires that often characterized saprotroph See saprophage.
the now-banned open dumps.
sarcoma A malignant tumor, the
sanitary sewer A pipe or network of growth of which begins in connective tis-
pipes used to transport municipal, com- sue. See carcinogenesis.


saturated In organic chemistry, describ- water is Gonyaulax. See paralytic shell-

ing an organic compound having no dou- fish poisoning.
ble or triple bonds between the carbon
atoms. Compare unsaturated. scale Deposits of solids (usually salts of
calcium) that adhere to the inner surfaces
saturated zone The zone in the crust of pipes, boilers, scrubbers, and mist con-
of the Earth, extending from the water trol devices. hard water leaves a deposit
table downward, in which pore spaces (scale) in steam irons, coffee makers, and
in the soil or rock are filled with water water heaters. Scale in drilling pipes can
at greater than atmospheric pressure. Also be radioactive. See naturally occur-
called the zone of saturation. Compare ring radioactive material.
unsaturated zone.
scaling factors Adjustments used in
saturation current The movement, by cancer risk assessments to compensate
an applied potential, of all ions in a gas. for the differences in size and metabolic
This is a measure of the ion production rate between humans and experimen-
rate and can be used as a method of gaug- tal animals. The various scaling factors
ing the radioactivity of a substance. applied to dose-response data are based
on relative body weights, relative surface
saturation mixing ratio The maxi- areas, and differences in the mass of food
mum water vapor concentration in the and water ingested per body mass per day.
atmosphere for a given air temperature. See surface area scaling factor.
The higher the air temperature, the higher
the saturation mixing ratio. scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
Use of a microscope that employs a beam
saturation point 1. The maximum of electrons as the source of illumination.
amount of a chemical (solid, liquid, or The specimen to be examined is usually
gas) that can dissolve in water at a given coated with some metal such as gold, and
temperature. 2. Same as saturation mix- the beam of electrons moves back and
ing ratio. forth over (scans) the surface of the speci-
men. The electrons that are reflected from
savanna One of the major types of the surface form an image on a screen.
natural terrestrial communities. A region The instrument can also be used to deter-
where the natural flora is dominated by mine the composition of metal ions in a
grasses, sedges, and small shrubs. specimen.

Sax hazard ratings A three-point inte- scarify In land restoration activities,

ger scale for chemical hazard used by R. J. to stir the surface of the ground with an
Lewis in the multivolume work Danger- implement in preparation for replanting.
ous Properties of Industrial Materials: 1,
represents low hazard; 2, medium hazard; scavenger 1. An animal that usually
3, high hazard. The guide also includes derives its nutrition by consuming refuse
rankings for eye and skin irritation, muta- or decaying organic matter (dead animals).
genicity, and carcinogenicity; lists of 2. A person who rummages through dis-
hazardous substances and hazardous cards to recover recyclable items.
materials; and various environmental
and workplace standards. scavenging coefficient The expo-
nential constant (L) in an exponential
saxitoxin The primary toxin pro- decay model for the physical removal of
duced by dinoflagellate protozoan during particulate from the air by rainfall
blooms known as red tide in marine Xt = X0e –Lt ,
waters. The genus of protozoan involved where X0 is the particulate concentration
in the generation of the red color in the at time 0, t is the number of time units

scientific support coordinator

since the rainfall began, e is the base of worm reenters the water, where an imma-
the natural logarithm, and Xt is the par- ture worm later infects humans who have
ticulate concentration at time t. contact with the infected water.

scavenging mechanisms See natural Schumacher, E. F. (1911–1977) English

sink. economist Schumacher was a critic of
large-scale dehumanizing technologies; he
scenario In environmental management, advocated “appropriate technology” in
a working set of assumptions used to esti- Small Is Beautiful: Economics as If People
mate or predict outcomes. Planning for Mattered (1973). He wrote against “materi-
possible future events may involve the alistic scientism” in his more philosophical
choice of several different scenarios, includ- work, A Guide for the Perplexed, published
ing those thought more likely to happen in 1977, the year of his death. For more
and those estimated to be extremely rare. information, visit www.schumachersociety.
See alternate case scenario; reason- org.
able worst case; worst-case scenario.
Science Advisory Board (SAB) An
scenic river See wild and scenic riv- independent federal organization estab-
ers system. lished to review the scientific merits of
research done by the U.S. EPA and the
scheduled outage A planned shut- scientific basis for regulations and stan-
down of industrial equipment for periodic dards proposed by the agency. The techni-
inspection and maintenance of machinery. cal review is accomplished through com-
Also called a turnaround. mittees, for example, Drinking Water,
Environmental Health, Environmental
scheduled wastes A listing of haz- Engineering, Ecological Processes and
ardous wastes, ranked by their health Effects, Integrated Human Exposure, and
and environmental hazards and their the clean air scientific advisory com-
volume, for which the U.S. EPA was mittee. See standards, environmental.
required to set predisposal treatment Web site:
standards. A waste meeting the treat-
ment standards may be disposed of in a scientific method A systematic method
landfill or surface impoundment. The of inquiry that includes the identification of
list was divided into thirds and treatment a specific question or problem, the accumu-
standards were required by the hazard- lation of the available information relating
ous and solid waste amendments to to that question, the proposal of a tentative
be issued for each third by a certain date, answer to the question or problem, the con-
or a restriction on disposal of the waste duct of methodical observations or experi-
would take effect. See land disposal ments to test the proposed answer, and the
ban; soft hammer. rational interpretation of the results of the
observations or experiments. The founda-
schistosomiasis A debilitating dis- tion of the method is the testing of human
ease, common in underdeveloped regions speculations against the reality of nature.
of the world, caused by a small round-
worm, Schistosoma. The disease is trans- scientific support coordinator (SSC)
mitted to humans through contact with Under the national contingency plan
water contaminated by fecal material. for spills or releases of oil or hazard-
Infected humans discharge eggs in feces. ous substances, an official responsible
These eggs hatch in freshwater, producing for providing scientific support to the on-
a small immature form of the parasite that scene coordinator or remedial proj-
infects snails common in streams, ponds, ect manager. The SSC also serves as the
and lakes. The life cycle of the worm con- liaison between the federal responders and
tinues in the snail, and a second immature the scientific community.

scintillation counter

scintillation counter An instrument scrap metal processor Facility in-

that detects and measures radioactivity volved in the recovery of used metal, com-
by counting flashes of light (scintillations) monly steel, for entry into the recycling
produced when radiation strikes certain industry.
chemicals. A sample that is suspected
of containing radioactive substances is scree The stones or debris that accumu-
placed in a vial and mixed with a solu- late at the base of a hill. Material that has
tion referred to as a cocktail, a mixture of rolled down a hill and come to rest at the
fluors (compounds that emit light when bottom.
struck by ionizing radiation). The
system is useful in quantifying radiation screening 1. In the testing of chemicals
from weak sources used in laboratory for health effects, any method useful for
experimentation. the preliminary evaluation of their toxic
potential. Short-term biological tests can
scoping An early stage in the environ- be included, for example, the ames test.
mental impact assessment that is required 2. In public health studies, any method
of all major U.S. government “actions” by used to indicate the desirability of further
the national environmental policy testing of individuals, such as a screen-
act. Scoping identifies the most impor- ing questionnaire that indicates alcohol
tant environmental issues raised by the abuse. 3. In water pollution control, the
proposed action. All public and private initial separation of large entrained debris
organizations that may be affected and from the wastewater at the entry point of
thus should be part of the impact assess- a treatment facility. See bar racks.
ment are invited to the scoping meetings
or are identified and informed as part of screening risk assessment A study of
the scoping process. See environmental the probabilities and magnitude of poten-
impact statement. tial harm to human health or to the envi-
ronment performed with little specific
Scott, Peter (1909–1989) English information concerning a chemical or
conservationist Scott was the cofounder physical agent or circumstance. The evalu-
and first chairman of the worldwide ation is done to identify exposures and
fund for nature (later known as the operations that should be examined more
World Wildlife Fund). He was also a thoroughly. See risk assessment.
sailor, painter, glider pilot, ornithologist,
author, decorated World War II gunboat scrubber A device designed to remove
commander, broadcaster, and academic pollutant particles or gases from exhaust
administrator. He was knighted in 1973. streams produced by combustion or indus-
trial processes.
scram 1. See safety control rod ax
man. 2. See support center for regu- scrubber, impingement An air partic-
latory air models. ulate control device that passes dirty
air through a water spray then removes
scrap 1. Materials discarded during the particulate-containing water by depo-
manufacturing processes, sometimes sition (impingement) on a solid surface.
referred to as mill scrap. These materials
are frequently put back into the manufac- scrubber, plate tower An air pollution
turing process or used in other economi- control device used to remove hydrogen
cally beneficial ways. Common examples chloride gas from the exhaust gas of an
are trimmings produced in the manufac- incinerator burning chlorine-containing
ture of paper or cuttings from the manu- substances. A series of metal plates con-
facture of steel or aluminum products. 2. taining holes through which an aque-
Postconsumer recyclable steel collected ous alkaline solution is forced is used to
for use in manufacturing of steel. ensure contact of the exhaust gas with the

secondary irritant

neutralizing agent. The hydrogen chloride variables that is actually the result of a
is converted to salt and thus is removed confounding variable. When the con-
from the exhaust. founding variable is controlled, the link is
no longer seen. For example, a group of
scrubber, spray An air pollution con- workers exposed to chalk dust is seen to
trol device that removes particulates or have a greater risk of lung disease than a
gases from an airstream by spraying liquid group not exposed to chalk dust, but the
into the air duct then collecting the pollut- exposed group has a much higher portion
ant-containing droplets. See spray tower. of smokers than the unexposed group.
In this example, the cigarette smoke is
scrubber, venturi An air pollution the more probable cause of the disease
control device that operates by the intro- increase in the exposed group than the
duction of a liquid into a narrow throat chalk dust, and the association between
section (venturi) of an air duct that is car- chalk dust and lung disease is a secondary
rying a contaminant. The high velocity in association.
the venturi, compared with the low initial
liquid velocity, produces efficient contact secondary clarifier See final clari-
between the injected scrubbing liquid and fier; secondary settling tank.
the contaminant to be removed. See ven-
turi effect. secondary consumer An animal that
obtains nutrition by eating other animals.
sea breeze The sea-to-land surface wind Secondary consumers are also referred to
that typically occurs in coastal areas dur- as carnivores. An animal that eats only
ing the day. The wind is caused by the plants is a primary consumer.
thermal rising of the air above the land,
which warms more readily than the water. secondary containment Any wall, lin-
See land breeze. ing, curbing, dike, or other barrier that
contains a spill or leak of a container
Secchi depth A crude measurement holding a chemical material.
of the turbidity (cloudiness) of surface
water. The depth to which a Secchi disc, secondary drinking water regulations
which is about 8–12 inches in diameter Guidelines set by the U.S. EPA under the
and has a black-and-white pattern, can no safe drinking water act that apply to
longer be seen. aesthetic qualities of the drinking water
that are important to its public acceptance.
secondary air pollutant A substance See secondary maximum contaminant
formed in the atmosphere by chemical level. Compare national primary
reactions involving primary air pollut- drinking water regulations.
ants. These secondary compounds are
not released directly by pollutant sources secondary electron An electron ejected
and therefore can be controlled only indi- from an atom or molecule after a collision
rectly, through controls on the compounds with a charged particle or photon of light.
(ingredients) from which they form. For
example, ozone is a secondary air pollut- secondary irritant A chemical that, upon
ant produced by sunlight-driven reactions overexposure, can cause irritation to the
involving volatile organic compounds skin, eyes, or respiratory system at the site
and nitrogen oxides, and emissions of of contact and absorption but that exerts
these precursor materials are controlled an adverse effect on an organ or organ
to limit ozone formation. See photo- system elsewhere in the body that is more
chemical air pollution. pronounced than the contact irritation. For
example, liquid organic solvents can
secondary association (indirect asso- penetrate the unprotected skin of the hands
ciation) An apparent link between two and forearms and cause irritation in these

secondary maximum contaminant level

areas, but absorption of the solvent through retain environmental qualities not related to
the skin and entry into the bloodstream can the protection of human health. secondary
lead to adverse systemic effects associated drinking water regulations are set for,
with depression of the central nervous sys- among other characteristics, taste and color,
tem. Compare primary irritant. and some secondary air standards define
concentrations that are not harmful to plant
secondary maximum contaminant life. Compare primary standards.
level (SMCL) The maximum concen-
tration or level of certain water contami- secondary succession The orderly
nants in public water supplies set by the and predictable changes that occur over
U.S. EPA to protect the public welfare. The time in the plant and animal communi-
secondary levels are written to address aes- ties of an area that has been subjected to
thetic considerations such as taste, odor, the removal of naturally occurring plant
and color rather than health standards. cover. This type of succession occurs
See safe drinking water act. Compare when agricultural fields are taken out of
maximum contaminant level and maxi- use or when forested areas are subjected
mum contaminant level goal. to severe fires that destroy all vegetation.
In both cases, the topsoil remains for the
secondary pollutant A general term regrowth of natural plant communities.
applied to pollutants that are formed by Compare primary succession.
chemical reactions in the environment.
These reactions form compounds other secondary treatment A phase in the
than the substances released by the pri- treatment of wastewater. This aspect of
mary sources of pollution. See primary treatment usually follows the removal of
pollutant; secondary air pollutant. particulate materials from domestic waste-
water (see primary treatment). In this
secondary productivity The increase second phase, conditions are established
in biomass by consumers at one tro- to maximize the functions of bacteria in
phic level per year, equal to the amount destroying or mineralizing dissolved or
of biomass ingested from lower trophic suspended organic materials that are not
levels, less predation and respiratory removed by the primary process. A bio-
losses. See primary productivity. chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and
total suspended solids (TSS) reduction
secondary recovery The injection of of 85% or a discharge limit of 30 milli-
water into an underground petroleum grams/liter, 30-day average, for BOD and
deposit to force the remaining oil into TSS is required for secondary treatment.
recovery wells. This technique is used to Specific types of units employed in second-
recover additional oil from old wells after ary treatment include a trickling filter,
the removal of the oil that can be easily aeration, activated sludge process,
pumped to the surface (primary recov- and the biodisc.
ery). See enhanced oil recovery.
second law of thermodynamics One
secondary settling tank A tank used of the laws that describe the movement of
to hold wastewater that has been sub- energy within the environment. Two basic
jected to secondary treatment. floc, approaches can be used to interpret the sec-
or particles of organic matter formed dur- ond law. One involves the observation that
ing the secondary processes, is allowed to whenever any form of energy is employed
settle from the suspension for subsequent to do useful work, the conversion of
removal. Also called a secondary clarifier energy to work is not 100% efficient: a
or final clarifier. portion of the energy source is always lost
from the system as heat. Another way to
secondary standards Allowable amounts describe the second law relates to the level
of materials in air or water that are set to of organization within a system. Any sys-


tem tends to become more disorganized; is produced. An equilibrium between the

when energy is converted from one form concentration of these two elements is
to another, randomness increases. The established such that the activity of each
measure of randomness is entropy. element is equal. The activity is calculated
from the equation A = λN, where λ is the
second third See land disposal ban. decay constant for the element and N is
the number of atoms of the element pres-
Second World Term applied to the ent. The decay constant of each element
socialist countries of Eastern Europe that is equal to the natural log of 2 divided
were part of the former Soviet Union. by the half-life of the element (λ = [ln 2]/
These countries are industrialized, but the half-life). Consequently, an element with
economies of these countries are not well a long half-life demonstrates low activ-
developed. ity, and the opposite is true of an element
with a short half-life. At equilibrium, the
section In land surveying, a block of activity of radium-226 equals the activity
land one mile square, equal to 640 acres. of radon-222 (λN[radium] = λN[radon]).
Since the λ for radium is much smaller
Section 404 permit The wetland than the λ for radon, the concentration of
dredge and fill permit issued under regula- radium is much larger than that of radon
tions written to conform to Section 404 of when equilibrium is reached.
the clean water act. The permit is actu-
ally granted by the U.S. Corps of Engi- secular trend A trend over a relatively
neers; the Section 404 regulations are writ- long period of time. In public health statis-
ten by the U.S. EPA. See constructed tics, if a disease is strongly associated with
wetlands; mitigation banking; no net age, as most are, then a long-term rise in
loss; taking. the incidence or mortality rate of the dis-
ease may be explained by a shift in the age
Section 106 order An administra- distribution of the population to the older
tive order issued by the U.S. EPA that years. Much of the rising secular trend in
directs a potentially responsible party cancer incidence and mortality rates in the
to perform a specific remedial action or United States during the last century is
a removal action at a site in response to explained by the aging of the population,
a release or threatened release of a haz- with the important exception of cancers
ardous substance that poses “imminent associated with tobacco consumption.
and substantial endangerment to the pub-
lic health or welfare or the environment.” secure landfill A ground location for
The order is authorized by Section 106 the deposit of hazardous waste. The
of the comprehensive environmental material is placed above natural and syn-
response, compensation, and liability thetic liners that prevent or restrict the
act. leaching of dangerous substances into
groundwater. A piping network called a
Section 1002 See arctic national leachate collection system is placed
wildlife refuge. beneath the facility to allow the pumped
removal of any liquid that accumulates
secular equilibrium The stable rela- in the landfill. Access to the location is
tionship established in nature between a restricted, and wells are used to monitor
radioactive substance that has a long the leaching of any dangerous materials
half-life and a decay product that into groundwater. A type of treat-
has a much shorter half-life. For exam- ment, storage, or disposal facility.
ple, radium-226 has a half-life of about
1,600 years. As this element decays with sediment Soil particles, sand, clay, or
the emission of radiation, radon-222, other substances that settle to the bottom
which has a half-life of about 3.8 days, of a body of water. Wind, water, and gla-


cier erosion are natural sources of sediment. different plants as possible. The goal is
Human causes of sediment accumulation to protect plant diversity and to provide
are mainly earth-moving activities, such varieties for future breeding research. The
as agricultural or construction operations. establishment of such repositories is a
The term is frequently used to signify the response to the potential loss of many nat-
mud at the bottom of a stream or lake or ural species through habitat destruction
the deposits left by receding flood waters. and other types of environmental damage.

sedimentary Describes geological strata seepage Percolation of water or other

comprising deposits of particulate materi- liquid through soil. The material may be
als that were deposited in some area by from ponds, underground tanks, ditches, or
mechanical means. Such materials include water storage facilities and may represent a
gravels, muds, clays, and shales. The term threat to underground water supplies.
also applies to rocks formed through the
consolidation of fine-grained materials. seeps Groundwater/surface water con-
For example, limestone can be formed nections caused by river or stream erosion
from accumulations of calcareous shells into a near-surface aquifer.
derived from small marine organisms.
segregated ballast tank (SBT) Separate
sedimentary rock Geological deposits compartment in an oceangoing oil tanker
derived from material that has been bur- for oil and water used as ballast. SBTs
ied and compacted and undergone fusion prevent the discharge of oil when a ship
into stone. pumps out its ballast tanks before loading.

sedimentation 1. The removal of solid selection bias A source of error in a

materials from a fluid suspension by grav- scientific study that results when certain
itational settling, which can be hastened people, animals, water samples, or another
by the addition of alum or polyelectro- group is selected at a greater (or lower) fre-
lytes that increase flocculation and quency than its occurrence in the sampled
coagulation. Solids suspended in water population. For example, if 50 of the 60
are removed by allowing the water to stand persons selected for a study of the possible
in a tank, pond, or lagoon for a time suffi- health effects of community air pollution
cient to allow them to settle to the bottom. are smokers but only 50% of the popula-
See primary settling tank; primary tion smokes, the study may draw incorrect
treatment; settling chamber; settling conclusions when comparing health status
pond. 2. The removal of airborne particles of one community with that of another
from the atmosphere by gravitational set- (if the sample from the other community
tling or their controlled removal by slow- is properly drawn) because smoking and
ing an exhaust stream through a device the associated health effects are overrepre-
sufficiently to allow particles to settle out sented in one community sample.
before the air exits the device.
selective harvesting The cutting of
sediment oxygen demand (SOD) The mature or diseased trees to encourage the
amount of dissolved oxygen removed growth of trees of differing ages or species.
from the water covering the sediment in The removal of trees of only a certain age
a lake or stream as a result of microbial or species. Compare clear-cutting.
activity. The greater the contamination
of sediment with organic matter, the selective herbicide A selective pesti-
greater the removal of dissolved oxygen cide that kills certain plant species and is
from the water by microorganisms. not harmful to others.

seed bank Organized effort to store selective pesticide A chemical that is

under safe conditions seeds from as many acutely toxic to certain pest species but

semivolatile organic compound

is not significantly harmful to nontarget of alkylbenzene sulfonate. The U.S.

organisms. EPA used a modified SCAS test to estab-
lish the biodegradability of carbon com-
self-absorption In nuclear science, pounds. The test involves the addition of
a process in which radioactive material activated sludge to an aeration cham-
absorbs the radiation released by radio- ber containing the carbon compound
active decay events within the material, to be tested. The modified SCAS test is
lowering the external radiation emitted referenced as Office of Prevention, Pesti-
by the material. This phenomenon occurs cides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS) test
when the energy of the released radiation 835.3210.
is relatively weak.
semilogarithmic graph A graphic
self-contained breathing apparatus representation of data with one axis hav-
(SCBA) A respirator equipped with ing an arithmetic scale and the other axis
an air supply separate from the ambient having a logarithmic scale. The arithme-
air. The device is used in confined spaces tic axis may be time units, for example,
(which may not contain adequate oxygen) and the axis with the logarithmic units
or when actual or threatened air contami- may show the number of individuals in a
nation levels make an air-purifying res- population. Exponential growth produces
pirator otherwise inappropriate. a straight line when the number of organ-
isms is plotted against time on a semiloga-
self-purification The removal of rithmic graph.
organic material, plant nutrients, or
other pollutants from a lake or stream by semipermeable membrane A natural
the activity of the resident biological com- or synthetic membrane that allows pas-
munity. biodegradable material added sage by a small molecular solvent (water)
to a body of water is gradually utilized by but blocks larger molecules, such as dis-
the microorganisms in the water, lowering solved salts. See osmosis; osmotic lysis;
the pollution levels. If excessive amounts osmotic pressure; reverse osmosis.
of additional pollutants are not added
downstream, the water undergoes self- semistatic test During measurements
cleansing. This process does not apply to of the toxicity of chemical substances to
pollution by nonbiodegradable organic aquatic test organisms, a laboratory pro-
compounds or metals. cedure in which all of the water in a con-
tainer holding the test organism is changed
self-quenched counter tube A device by emptying and refilling, frequently on a
for measuring radioactivity that includes daily basis. This contrasts with a static
a substance to control the reactions that test, in which the water in the container
occur in the device when radiation is is not changed for the duration of the
encountered. A Geiger counter may con- procedure, and a flow-through test,
tain such a device. in which freshwater is constantly flushed
through the test container.
self-scattering The dispersing of radi-
ation by the material emitting radiation. semivolatile organic compound A
If the radioactive substance scatters the class of organic contaminants consist-
radiation as the radiation is released, the ing of relatively high-molecular-weight
measured activity of a sample increases. hydrocarbons and synthetic derivatives of
hydrocarbons. Compounds are placed in
semicontinuous activated sludge test this class because of a restricted volatil-
(SCAS test) A test used by the Soap ity at ambient temperatures; they evapo-
and Detergent Association (a trade and rate less readily than volatile organic
research organization based in New compounds. Overexposure to many of
York) to evaluate the biodegradation these agents represents a health hazard.


Common examples include a variety of septage Liquids and/or solids pumped

chlorinated derivatives of benzene and out during the periodic cleaning of a
phenol, aniline and related compounds, domestic septic tank.
toluene, and various polycyclic aro-
matic hydrocarbons. septic system Apparatus used to treat
sanitary waste from an individual resi-
senescent Describing plants or specific dence or business. Such systems range
ecosystems that are nearing the end of from a simple underground tank with
their normal life span. For example, a lake the overflow connected to a system of
that is filling with accumulated aquatic underground drain pipes (septic tank) to
vegetation, dead plant material, and sophisticated mechanical units equipped
sediments can be described as senescent with aeration devices and disinfection
because it is nearing extinction as a pro- capability. See pressure sewer; primary
ductive lake environment. treatment; secondary treatment.

sensible heat transfer The removal or septic tank A buried tank used to treat
addition of heat energy that is accompa- domestic wastes. The sanitary waste
nied by a change in temperature through from a household is deposited and retained
conduction and convection. Compare in a covered tank to allow solids to settle
latent heat transfer. to the bottom and to provide an environ-
ment for the decomposition of organic
sensitivity 1. The ability of a test to components by anaerobic bacteria. The
identify true cases accurately, such as the liquid effluent that flows from the tank
number of carcinogens a screening test is allowed to seep into the soil. See leach-
identifies in a group of materials contain- ing field.
ing carcinogens. Expressed as the per-
centage of true cases identified by the septic tank effluent filter (STEF) See
test. 2. The relative ability of a labora- pressure sewer.
tory instrument to detect some chemical
in a reliable fashion. 3. The character- septic tank effluent pump (STEP) See
istic of a group that is susceptible to a pressure sewer.
physical, chemical, or biological agent,
causing adverse effects in them at lower sequential sampling The collection of
doses than would be required to harm a series of separate air or water samples at
the general population. timed intervals.

sensitivity analysis Testing the compo- seral stages The various transitions in
nents of a model to determine the change the orderly and predictable changes in a
in the model’s prediction based on the biological community from the pioneer
relative change in each component; can community stage to the climax stage.
be used to decide which component mea- See succession.
surements/estimates should be emphasized
in the application of the model, that is, sere In ecology, a complete sequence
which values have most effect on the pre- of trans-itions in the orderly and pre-
dicted outcome. dictable changes that occur in biologi-
cal communities over time. See seral
sensitization reaction An allergic stages; succession.
response to a chemical substance that is
preceded by a sensitizing exposure. Once set back An energy-saving protocol
an individual is sensitized to a substance, involving manual or automatic timer set-
quite low doses can elicit an adverse ting of a thermostat to a lower tempera-
response affecting the skin or respiratory ture for those winter days or hours when
system. See allergen. a building is not occupied and need not

sewage lagoon

be heated to a comfortable level or at a ditions are considered to be the worst

higher temperature at similar off hours natural case, the dissolved oxygen levels
during summer. during such episodes are used to establish
ambient water quality standards for the
settleable solids Bits of debris, sedi- stream.
ment, or other solids that are heavy
enough to sink when a liquid waste is Seveso The town in northern Italy near
allowed to stand in a pond or tank. See which a chemical plant accident occurred
primary settling tank; primary treat- in 1976. A trichlorophenol production
ment; sedimentation; settling cham- unit exploded, forming the highly toxic
ber; settling pond. compound dioxin in the escaping gases,
which contaminated a large downwind
settling chamber An enclosed con- area with a population of over 100,000.
tainer into which wastewater contami- Seveso received the most severe impact
nated with solid materials is placed and and gives its name to the disaster. See
allowed to stand. The settleable solids seveso directive.
suspended in the water sink to the bottom
of the container for removal. See primary Seveso Directive Industrial safety regu-
settling tank; secondary settling lations adopted in 1982 (82/501/EEC) and
tank; sedimentation; settling pond. updated in 1997 (96/82/EEC, called Seveso
II) by the 12 nations in the European Eco-
settling pond An open lagoon into nomic Community (EEC) in response to
which wastewater contaminated with the seveso disaster. The rules, which man-
solid pollutants is placed and allowed to date additional accident planning and pub-
stand. The settleable solids suspended lic release of chemical hazard information,
in the water sink to the bottom of the are similar to the right to know rules in
lagoon, and the liquid is allowed to over- the United States. See title iii.
flow out of the enclosure. See primary
settling tank; sedimentation; set- Seveso II See seveso directive.
tling chamber.
Sevin The trademark for carbaryl, a
settling tank Same as settling chamber. carbamate insecticide with relatively low
acute toxicity to vertebrates.
settling velocity The rate of down-
ward movement of particles through air or sewage wastewater from homes,
water. This gravitational settling removes businesses, or industries; mainly refers to
particles naturally and is also used in pol- the water transport of cooking, cleaning,
lution control devices, for example, the kitchen, or bathroom waste.
primary settling tanks and secondary
settling tanks in a sewage treatment sewage fungus A thick filamentous
plant and the gravity settling chambers growth that develops in water contami-
that remove larger-diameter (faster-set- nated with sewage. The filamentous mate-
tling) particulate air contaminants. The rial is composed predominantly of the
settling velocity of a particle is often the bacterium Sphaerotilus natans.
same as the terminal settling velocity.
sewage lagoon A shallow pond where
7Q10 The period of lowest stream natural processes are employed to treat
flow during a seven-day interval that is sanitary waste from households or pub-
expected once in every 10 years. During lic rest rooms. Solid material settles to the
the time of low flow, the amount of dis- bottom and is degraded by anaerobic
solved oxygen in the water would be microbial communities. The enclosure is
expected to be the lowest encountered open to the atmosphere, which allows for
under normal conditions. Since such con- the aerobic mineralization of organic

sewage sludge

compounds in the upper layers of the shale oil A thick oil recovered from
water. The decomposition processes are shale rock. The liquid is obtained by
analogous to those described for primary heating the pulverized rock to high tem-
treatment and secondary treatment. peratures to vaporize the kerogen lay-
The effluent from these ponds is usually ered within it; condensation of the vapor
allowed to flow into nearby streams with- follows. The recovered oil can be modi-
out further purification. fied and refined to yield useful petroleum
products. See
sewage sludge See sludge. for more information.
sewage treatment plant Facility de- shale shaker An oscillating wire mesh
signed to receive the wastewater from
that catches drill cuttings from a well
domestic sources and to remove materials
as drilling fluid passes through.
that damage water quality and threaten
public health when discharged into receiv-
ing streams. The substances removed are
shallow ecology The outlook that
classified into four basic areas: grease views the value of the natural world in
and fats, solids from human excrement terms of its usefulness to humans. Human-
and other sources, dissolved pollutants ity’s stewardship for nature is still appli-
from human wastes and decomposition cable. See conservation; utilitarian
products, and dangerous microorgan- conservation. Contrast deep ecology;
isms. Most facilities employ a combina- environmentalism; preservation.
tion of mechanical removal steps and
bacterial decomposition to achieve the Shannon-Weaver index (H) A spe-
desired results. Chlorine is often added to cies diversity expression, equal to
discharges from the plants to reduce the −∑ Pi log Pi ,
danger of spreading disease by the release where Pi is the number of individuals in
of pathogens. See chlorination; disin- species (i) divided by the total number of
fection by-products; primary treat- individuals in a community, and the log
ment; secondary treatment; tertiary Pi is the (natural or base 2) logarithm of
treatment. Pi. The sum is taken for all i species in the
community. The Shannon-Weaver index
sewer The piping system or conduit incorporates aspects of species diver-
used to carry runoff water or wastewa-
sity, evenness, and richness.
ter. Various types of systems fulfill dif-
ferent functions; for example, a storm
sharps Implements such as needles and
sewer carries runoff from rainfall, a
scalpels discarded after medical use. Also
sanitary sewer carries wastewater from
a household or public rest room facility, includes various glassware items and micro-
and a combined sewer transports both scope slides used for medical applications
runoff and sanitary waste. that may pose a danger when broken.

sewerage The total system for collect- sheen rule The informal term for the
ing, transporting, and treating wastewa- minimal reportable oil spill on surface
ter, including pipes, pumps, and sewage water. A spill large enough to produce
treatment plants. a film, discoloration, or sheen must be
reported to the national response cen-
shale Rock or mineral deposits that ter to be included in the emergency
contain solid, waxy hydrocarbons termed response notification system data-
kerogen. The hydrocarbons can be base. The oil spill reporting requirements
extracted and utilized as source material are found in Title 40, Section 110, of the
for petroleum products. See shale oil. Code of Federal Regulations.

shortwave radiation

sheet erosion The loss of thin layers of age treatment plant during a short
soil from unprotected surfaces, commonly period; it may exceed the capacity of the
agricultural lands. Most typically, the loss treatment plant, allowing incompletely
of soil that results from the flow of water treated water to be discharged. 2. An
across the exposed soil surface. Compare industrial wastewater that contains such
rill erosion. an unusual amount or class of material
that satisfactory treatment is not possible
sheetflow A broad, shallow overland flow under normal operation. Such an event
of storm water. Also called a sheetflood. may occur during an accidental release
or a process upset. 3. raw water from
sheet piling Material, often concrete or a source of drinking water containing
steel, placed vertically in the ground to unusually large amounts of plant matter,
contain erosion or the lateral movement suspended solids, color, or other agents
of groundwater. that make satisfactory processing difficult.

shelter in place Program to protect shock wave A large-amplitude wave

people living in proximity to chemical created as an object travels through a
production facilities and oil refineries. medium at a faster rate than the typical
In the event of an accidental release of a wave speed for that medium, for example,
dangerous agent into the atmosphere, per- faster than the speed of sound in air. In
sons in the path of the release as it moves such cases, the force of the moving object
downwind are advised to go indoors, creates waves that do not travel from the
close all windows and doors, turn off air- object in all directions, as is the case at
conditioning and heating units, and tune slower speeds, but are restricted in move-
into local radio and television stations for ment to the rear and sides of the object.
statements from emergency management The large amplitude is the result of the
agencies. See community awareness and great compression at the front of the
emergency response; local emergency object and the large degree of rarefaction
planning committee; risk management behind. A sonic boom is an example of a
plan; title iii. shock wave.

shelterwood cutting The harvesting of short-term exposure limit (STEL) An

all mature trees from a forest area through occupational air concentration standard
a systematic removal over one or more using 15-minute averaging time within
decades. This method of cutting is fol- an eight-hour workday. A STEL is set for
lowed to encourage the growth of imma- a material that can cause adverse health
ture trees where their development is effects if workers are exposed to higher
inhibited by the shading of older trees. concentrations for short periods. Materials
not requiring a STEL can have short-term
shielding Material, such as lead, that is peaks in concentration without adverse
used to reduce the passage of radiation. effect, and only their overall eight-hour
See half-value layer. average must be below a certain limit.

Shigella The genus of a bacterium asso- short-term sampling The collection of

ciated with human dysentery, a disease samples over a restricted interval.
characterized by severe diarrhea with
blood and pus in the feces. The disease is short ton A U.S. ton; 2,000 pounds.
transmitted through the consumption of Compare long ton.
water, food, or beverages contaminated
with fecal material. shortwave radiation Part of the range
of wavelengths of energy emitted by the
shock load 1. An extraordinarily large Sun, including ultraviolet, visible, and
amount of contaminant released to a sew- near infrared radiation.


shredding The mechanical division of Sv over two days is sufficient to kill 100%
material into one- or two-inch-diameter of the individuals exposed.
pieces. Solid waste is often shredded, then
compacted to increase the density before sigmoid growth A population growth
disposal in a landfill. See compacted pattern that traces out an S-shaped, or
solid waste; compacting. sigmoid, curve. In a population, sigmoid
growth begins at an exponential rate, but
sick-building syndrome A medical the rate slows as any limiting factor
condition involving acute adverse health is encountered, until a rough equilibrium
effects or discomfort that appear to be level of population is reached, the car-
related to the accumulation of air pollut- rying capacity of the ecosystem for
ants distributed throughout a building or this type of population. See exponential
confined to a single room or floor. Some growth.
cases are relatively easy to diagnose, as in
nausea caused by a solvent used in wax
or paint, whereas others defy understand-
ing. The accumulation of mold spores and
dust mites leading to allergic responses
among sensitive individuals is a common
scenario. The drive for energy efficiency by
restricted entry of outside air and failure
to control moisture levels inside buildings
are often contributing factors. See indoor
air pollution.

Sierra Club A large organization in the

United States that is concerned with envi-
ronmental issues. Founded in 1892. Based
in San Francisco, California, the orga-
nization is active in public education, in
lobbying of legislative and administrative
bodies, and, through the affiliated Sierra significant biological treatment sec-
Club Legal Defense Fund, in the courts. ondary treatment meeting a discharge
Web site: limit of 30 milligrams/liter biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) and a total sus-
sievert (Sv) The SI unit of radiation pended solids (TSS) discharge limit of 30
dose that takes into account both the milligrams/liter, as a 30-day average or as
physical properties of the radiation and a reduction of BOD and TSS of 85%.
the biological properties of the material
absorbing it. The unit is equal to the radi- significant figures The digits in a
ation dose actually absorbed by the body number starting with the first nonzero
(in grays) times a quality factor asso- digit to the left of the decimal point (or
ciated with the energy level and ionizing starting with the first digit to the right
potential of the particular radiation. The of the decimal point if no nonzero digits
sievert is the preferred unit of radiation are to the left of the decimal point) and
dose for the design of radiation protection ending with the rightmost digit. These
devices and for expression of standards digits indicate the accuracy of measure-
limiting human exposure to ionizing radi- ments from which the number derives.
ation. A dose of 0.05 Sv is the maximal For example, 78.0 has three significant
annual occupational exposure allowed in figures and indicates a known accuracy
the nuclear industry; a dose of 1 Sv in a to the nearest 10th; 0.078 has three sig-
single incident is thought to increase the nificant figures and indicates a known
probability of leukemia; and a dose of 6 accuracy to the nearest 1,000th.

Simon, Julian

Significant New Alternatives Policy silicic eruption A type of volcanic

(SNAP) program A U.S. EPA list- eruption characterized by highly explo-
ing of acceptable substitutes for chlo- sive and violent explosions. The magma is
rofluorocarbons and other chemicals silica-rich and the material is so thick and
with ozone-depleting potential that viscous that the gas does not escape eas-
are being phased out by provisions of the ily; as a result, little lava flow occurs. The
clean air act and the montreal pro- buildup of large domes that explode pro-
tocol. Web site: duces large amounts of ash flow. Com-
snap. pare basaltic eruption.

significant new use rule (SNUR) Un- silicosis A lung disease caused by pro-
der the toxic substances control act, longed exposure to high levels of small-
the requirement that a producer of a diameter dust with a high crystalline
chemical already approved for manufac- silica (free-silica) content. The disease
ture notify the U.S. EPA if it will be used is characterized by scarring of lung tissue
in a new and different way. The new use (fibrosis) and subsequent loss of lung
may trigger a regulatory review. elasticity and gas exchange capacity. Black
lung disease is a form of silicosis.
significant potential source of con-
tamination Sources identified as part sill Structure produced by the flow of
of the source water assessment pro- basaltic magma associated with a volcano.
gram under the provisions of the safe As magma rises in a volcano, the pressure
drinking water act. Potential sources associated with the lava flow forces the
of contamination of groundwater and molten material into the space between
surface water include agriculture, feed- geological strata, producing a buried lava
lots, atmospheric deposition, ero- flow extending between layers constituting
sion, construction activities, dredging, subterranean deposits.
industrial point sources, leakage from
underground storage tanks, mining, siltation The settling of finely divided
logging, urban runoff, accidental spills, particulate (previously suspended sol-
septic tanks, municipal landfills, ids) on the bottom of a lake, stream, or
hazardous waste land disposal, oil drill- reservoir. See sediment.
ing and production, and waste injection
wells. silviculture A branch of forestry dealing
with the cultivation and management of
silica Silicon dioxide. The fibrotic form trees in order to produce a crop resource
is crystalline silica, called free silica or on a continuing basis.
quartz. The quartz content of inhaled dust
is positively related to the risk of develop- Simon, Julian (1932–98) American
ment of silicosis. See fibrosis. economist Simon was the author of
The Ultimate Resource (1981; 1996)
silica gel A nontoxic, water-absorbing and, with Herman Kahn, The Resource-
activated silica used as a drying agent. ful Earth: A Response to Global 2000
(1984). These are just two of his many
silicates Compounds containing silicon publications in which he argues strongly
and oxygen and sometimes also hydrogen against those worrying about overpop-
or various metals. crystalline silica ulation or resource depletion. Won a
in workplace air is an inhalation hazard. famous bet with paul ehrlich over raw
Silicate compounds can occur as deposits material price trends (Ehrlich thought
on the inside surface of steam and water that scarcity would force prices up; they
pipes. See silicosis. went down).

simple asphyxiant

simple asphyxiant A gas present at a ular feature of its state implementation

concentration high enough to reduce the plan (SIP). The requested revision will,
oxygen concentration in the air to a level according to the U.S. EPA, work toward
below the minimum required for proper or achieve compliance with the national
human respiration, about 18% by volume. ambient air quality standards.
The gases that can act as simple asphyxi-
ants may be nontoxic to humans, but they site A general term used to describe a
become dangerous if their presence is at location of interest, such as a waste dis-
oxygen-excluding concentrations. They posal site, industrial site, site inspection,
are used as purge or blanketing gases in or sampling site.
closed tanks and vessels and pose a simple
asphyxiation hazard to workers enter- site assessment program See prelimi-
ing these confined spaces for inspection nary assessment and site inspection.
or cleaning. Examples of simple asphyxi-
ant gases are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, site inspection See preliminary assess-
helium, ethane, and methane. See chemi- ment and site inspection.
cal asphyxiant.
site safety and health plan 1. A gen-
Sinclair, Upton (1878–1968) Amer- eral workplace plan that identifies poten-
ican writer Sinclair wrote The Jungle tial safety and health hazards, outlines
(1906), an exposé of unsanitary condi- the controls necessary to minimize the
tions in the meatpacking industry that hazards, provides employee training on
strongly influenced the passage of the Pure the basic features of the plan, and, to be
Food and Drug Act (1906) and the Meat effective, has senior management’s com-
Inspection Act (1906) in the early wave of mitment to the plan’s execution. 2. A spe-
sanitary reform in the United States. See cial plan for workers at sites containing
food, drug, and cosmetic act; wiley,
hazardous waste or hazardous sub-
stances. See hazardous waste opera-
tions and emergency response.
sink See natural sink.
SI units The International System of
sinkhole Collapse of the ground sur-
Units (le Système International d’Unités)
face as a result of the loss of underground
defined by an international gathering
support provided by groundwater. These
areas can be quite large, involving loss of convened to establish agreements on the
roads, trees, and homes. most frequently used units of measure-
ment. The Conference of Weights and
sinking agent Chemical additive that, Measures in 1960 adopted standard mea-
when applied to a floating oil discharge, sures based on the meter/kilogram/second
causes oil to sink below the surface of the units and radiation quantities based on
water. The application of sinking agents is the becquerel, gray, and sievert. The
generally not permitted by regulations of units adopted by the conference repre-
the U.S. EPA governing the treatment of sent the currently preferred measures of
oil discharges. length, mass, time, radiation, and so on.
See the Appendixes.
sinusoidal wave A wave varying in
amplitude with the sine of an independent six nines The incineration destruction
variable. Sound waves are oscillations requirement for waste containing poly-
around atmospheric pressure and are chlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) at a
sinusoidal. concentration greater than 500 parts per
million: 99.9999%. See destruction
SIP call A regulatory notice issued by the and removal efficiency; four nines;
U.S. EPA requiring a state to revise a partic- trial burn.

sludge digestion

60-day letter See notice letter 2. slow neutron neutron (subatomic

particle) possessing a kinetic energy of
skimmer See oil skimmer. about 100 electron volts or less. This
class of neutrons is needed to produce
skin dose The amount of radiation nuclear fission reactions. Compare fast
absorbed by the skin; the sum of the neutron.
amount of radiation dose in the air above
the skin and that scattered from below by slow sand filtration (SSF) A gravity
bone and other body parts. filtration system to render surface water
safe to drink. raw water from a river or
skin sample Sampled water that is lake is allowed to percolate slowly through
not representative of the cross-sectional a fine sand filter. A rich biological commu-
nity, a biofilm, consisting of bacteria and
flow in a pipe or conduit. A skin sample
protozoa, develops in the top few inches of
can result if the tap opens on the inside
the filter. As the water moves, the chemi-
wall of the pipe and can be prevented by
cal and biological quality of the water
using sampling taps that extend toward improves through a complex of biological,
the center of the pipe, away from the biochemical, and physical processes. The
wall. technology is widely used to process drink-
ing water in major European cities and is
skyshine The gamma radiation re- one of the methods of choice in develop-
leased through the roof of a nuclear source ing countries. Slow sand filtration is gain-
and reflected back to the ground by the ing popularity in those communities in the
atmosphere. United States that rely on surface water
as a source of drinking water because the
slag The nonmetallic glasslike material technology decreases contamination by
formed in a blast furnace or smelter when disinfection by-products such as the
impurities react with a flux. Slag floats as a trihalomethanes, reduces the regrowth
liquid on top of the process and after cool- of microorganisms in the distribution sys-
ing and solidification is used in cement. tem, and removes natural organic material
contaminating the raw water.
slaker A mechanical device in which
dry lime (calcium oxide) or magnesium sludge A general term used to designate
oxide is powdered and mixed with water a thick suspension of waste products hav-
to produce alkali consisting of calcium ing the consistency of paste or soft mud,
or magnesium hydroxide. such as the particulate waste collected
during the treatment of sewage or the
SLAPPs See strategic lawsuits against muddy sediment that collects in a boiler
used to produce steam. Sludge high in
public participation.
organic matter is produced by municipal
sewage treatment plants, food proces-
slash and burn An agricultural practice
sors, refineries, and paper mills. Sludge
involving the rapid destruction of natu-
low in organic matter is produced by some
ral forest for limited farming activity. The chemical and power plants. See activated
natural forest is cleared, the residue from sludge; activated sludge process;
the clearing process is burned, and crops sludge digestion; sludge disposal;
are planted for a few years. When the fer- sludge volume index.
tility of the soil is depleted, the process is
repeated in a new area, and the initial land sludge digestion The biological decom-
is abandoned. position of solids collected during the
operation of a facility designed to remove
slope factor See cancer potency organic wastes from domestic or indus-
factor. trial sources. The total volume of solids is

sludge disposal

reduced by the mineralizing activity of bac- form in which some raw material is added
teria, and the sludge remaining is rendered to an industrial process. Compare liquor.
less reactive because the easily degraded
compounds have been removed. slurry wall Material placed in a trench
in the ground to prevent the lateral move-
sludge disposal The removal and dis- ment of groundwater. Often made of a
carding of thick watery suspensions of cement-bentonite (clay) mixture, a slurry
particulate waste matter. Final disposal wall is used to retard the movement of
may involve the removal of excess water leachate out of and groundwater into
and the subsequent burning of the solids a hazardous waste disposal landfill and
or placement of the dewatered material in to contain the spread of a contaminated
a landfill. groundwater plume.

sludge volume index (SVI) A labora- small-quantity generator (SQG) A

tory test result used to indicate the rate at facility that produces small amounts
which sludge is to be returned from the of hazardous waste and is therefore
discharge end of an aeration tank to the subject to less stringent management
inflow (upstream) end. The SVI is calcu- requirements by federal regulations.
lated as SVI = (SV/MLSS) × 1,000, where SQGs (often pronounced “squeegees”)
SV is the sludge volume (solids settled in a are currently defined as those producing
one-liter graduated cylinder after 30 min- more than 100 kilograms of hazardous
utes, in milliliters/liter) and MLSS is the waste but less than 1,000 kilograms per
level of mixed liquor suspended sol- month. State regulatory agencies may
ids, in milligrams/liter. The SVI employs require registration of SQGs. See con-
units of milliliters/gram. ditionally exempt small-quantity
slug 1. A short rod containing fis-
sionable material (fuel) for a nuclear Smart Growth An initiative of the
reactor. 2. A unit of mass in the British United States Environmental Protection
system equal to 32 pounds (14.6 kg) of Agency to achieve additional improve-
mass. Compare poundal; pound-force. ments in the environmental quality of
American cities through land use and
slurry A watery mixture of insoluble development strategies as metropolitan
matter such as lime. The mixture is pour- areas grow in population. The chief focus
able and can be transported by pipe. The of the initiative revolves around three

sodium tripolyphosphate

issues. One, future development should tions limiting smoke emissions to a certain
be concentrated in those areas where number on the opacity scale. See ringel-
the natural environment has previously mann chart.
been degraded. Enlargement of cities to
accommodate increases in population snail darter A small fish in the perch
should not come at the expense of nat- family found in the Little Tennessee River
ural forests or agricultural areas. Two, system and listed as an endangered spe-
future development of urban areas should cies, thus potentially blocking the comple-
result in a reduction in the vehicle miles tion of the tellico dam being constructed
traveled. Such a reduction would go by the tennessee valley authority.
a long way toward minimizing the most After a court fight, the dam was com-
important indirect negative impact that pleted. The main darter population was
city growth has on environmental qual- lost when the river flow was disrupted,
ity: air pollution associated with vehicle but the fish has been found in other area
use. Three, future development of urban streams and has been downgraded to
areas should result in a reduction of the threatened species status. See tellico
amount of storm water runoff from dam.
the city into receiving streams and lakes.
Water pollution associated with runoff social ecology A radical humanist out-
from city streets is an important negative look based on the rejection of the cen-
impact associated with the expansion of trality of humans, simple living, intimate
cities. See infill. contact with nature, decentralization of
power, support for biological diversity,
smelter A facility that melts metal ores direct personal action to protect nature,
as part of the process used to separate
and fostering of societal change based on
metals from other compounds present in
ecological principles.
them. Smelters are potential sources of
sulfur dioxide and particulate mat-
Society of Environmental Toxicol-
ter air pollutants, and air and water
ogy and Chemistry (SETAC) A
discharges must be controlled for metal
nonprofit professional society dedicated
contamination. Smelters are also large
to the scientific study of environmental
generators of waste material, including
hazardous waste. problems and the judicious application
of scientific knowledge to public policy.
smog A general term that is currently Founded in 1979, SETAC represents a
used to describe (1) any condition in multidisciplinary approach to environ-
which visibility is reduced by air pollution mental management, linking working
or (2) elevated levels of photochemical scientists with industry technical groups
oxidants in the atmosphere. See photo- and government policymakers. The Web
chemical air pollution. site for the organization is www.setac.
smoke An aerosol produced by the
incomplete burning of carbonaceous mate- sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) A
rials (i.e., wood or fossil fuels). The builder, or water softener, contained
aerosol consists of a mixture of gases and in many detergents. Water softeners bind
visible particles. calcium and magnesium ions in water,
preventing the reaction of the ions with
smoke reader A person trained to the surfactant (soap) and the loss of clean-
quantify the opacity (darkness) of emis- ing effectiveness. The phosphates in STPP
sions from a smokestack or flare. The may not be removed by municipal water
reader classifies the smoke with a 0–5 treatment plants and are contributors to
scale, from white to deep black. Many eutrophication in the surface waters
pollution control agencies have regula- receiving municipal wastewater.

So Far as Is Reasonably Practicable

So Far as Is Reasonably Practicable soil absorption field See leaching

(SFAIRP) As used in Great Britain’s field.
workplace health and safety agencies,
a guideline principle stating that the soil air Below-ground air in the spaces
resources used to lower the risk of harm between soil particles. decomposition of
should be proportionate to the adverse organic matter in the soil can cause high
effects avoided. Functionally equivalent concentrations of carbon dioxide in the
to as low as reasonably practicable, soil air. The carbon dioxide combines with
although the two have different legal ori- water to form carbonic acid, thereby
gins. For a detailed description, visit www. increasing the acidity of the groundwater.
soil amendment Any material added to
soft detergent A synthetic clean- soil that enhances its physical properties.
ing agent that is biodegradable. These See soil conditioner.
chemicals do not accumulate in the envi-
ronment. soil and sediment adsorption isotherm
test A test method that measures the
softening The removal of metal ions adsorption of a chemical substance to
such as calcium and magnesium from soil or sediment and thus indicates the
water supplies. The conversion of hard likely distribution pathways in the envi-
water to soft water. See sodium tri- ronment. A readily adsorbed substance
polyphosphate. increases in concentration in a soil or sedi-
ment layer upon addition to the soil, and
soft hammer The provision in the haz- a substance that is not adsorbed moves
ardous and solid waste amendments freely through the soil into groundwater
allowing scheduled wastes to avoid or runs off into surface water.
an automatic land disposal ban if the
U.S. EPA failed to issue treatment stan- soil conditioner Any bulky, complex
dard regulations for a waste on time. Land natural organic material, such as plant
disposal is permitted only if the disposal litter, peat, compost, or other organic
site is equipped with an approved com- material derived from the partial decom-
posite liner and a leachate collection position of plant or animal remains, that
system and the disposer has attempted to is mixed with soil to restrict compaction,
treat the waste in an acceptable manner in improve aeration, control acidity, and
the absence of a treatment standard. provide for mineral balance and beneficial
microbial growth. Soil conditioner also
soft pesticide A pesticide that is read- enhances the slow release of plant nutri-
ily biodegradable and is decomposed ents, such as nitrogen and phosphorus
a short time after distribution into the compounds. See humus.
Soil Conservation Service (SCS) See
soft water Water that contains low natural resources conservation
concentrations of metal ions such as cal- service.
cium and magnesium. This type of water
does not precipitate soaps and detergents. soil core A sample of soil taken by forc-
Compare hard water. ing a cylindrical device into the ground
perpendicular to the horizontal. The
softwoods Wood products from coni- resulting sample contains a circular sec-
fers such as pine, spruce, and fur, which tion of each layer of sediment.
dominate the forests of the temperate
regions. The term does not relate to the soil flushing A treatment technique for
hardness of the wood. Compare hard- cleaning soil contaminated with inorganic
woods. or organic hazardous waste; the pro-

solar backscatter ultraviolet (SBUV) data

cess involves the flooding of the soil with soil sorption coefficient (Kd) A param-
a solution, which may be acidic or basic eter relating the partitioning of a chemi-
or may a contain surfactant, and the cal between soil and water in a soil-water
subsequent removal of the leachate via mixture. The coefficient is computed by
shallow wells or subsurface drains. The Kd = C s /C w
recovered leachate is then purified. where C s is the amount of a specific
chemical bonded to the soil (micrograms
soil horizon Horizontal layers of soil, chemical per gram of soil) and C w is the
each of which has a different characteris- concentration of the same substance dis-
tic. A collection of soil horizons is a soil solved in the water (micrograms of the
profile. chemical per gram of water).

soil moisture regime The changes in soil structure The physical properties
the moisture content of soil during a year. of different soils. Sand has little structure
because sand particles do not tend to stick
soil profile The layers of soil revealed together, whereas clay has a firm structure
when one digs through the Earth or because clay particles pack tightly together
removes a core sample: The three basic to form a solid material.
horizontal layers that may be observed in
a soil profile are the A, B, and C soil
soil texture A classification of soils
horizons. The A horizon, or topsoil, is
based on the size distribution of mineral
the main source of plant nutrients. Soluble
grains composing the soil. The relative
materials leach from the A horizon down
proportions of silt, sand, clay, and gravel
to the subsoil, or B horizon. This is the
are normally given.
zone of clay accumulation. The deepest
layer, the C horizon, is composed of par-
tially weathered bedrock. See soil core.
soil thin-layer chromatography A
method used to estimate the potential for
leaching a chemical from soil by mea-
soil screening levels (SSLs) Risk-based
soil concentrations developed by the U.S. suring the mobility of the chemical in soil
EPA for use at sites on the national pri- under controlled conditions.
orities list, that is, sites being cleaned up
after the national contingency plan, as soil vapor extraction The removal of
provided for in the comprehensive envi- volatile organic compounds from a
ronmental response, compensation, defined soil volume by applying a vacuum
and liability act (cercla; Superfund). via a set of wells, drawing organic vapors
The SSL concentrations were developed to the surface. See in situ stripping.
by using exposure assumptions and dose-
response data. They are not intended to soil vapor survey A noninvasive
be acceptably low levels for cleanups, nor method for the detection of volatile
do all concentrations above the SSLs nec- organic compounds or semivolatile
essarily trigger soil remediation for that organic compounds in shallow subsur-
chemical. The U.S. EPA intends the screen- face soil. The technology is especially use-
ing levels to be used to eliminate parts ful in the analysis of soils that have high
of cleanup sites from further evaluation sand content and shallow groundwater.
and to eliminate chemicals or chemical A probe is driven into the ground, and
exposure pathways during the remedial samples of vapors in the soil are drawn to
investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) the surface for analysis on-site or in the
required of all Superfund cleanups. U.S. laboratory.
EPA guidance notes that the SSLs can also
be applied at sites undergoing voluntary solar backscatter ultraviolet (SBUV)
remediation or at site cleanups conducted data Vertical profile stratospheric
as part of a corrective action/order. ozone measurements by national oce-

solar cell

anic and atmospheric administration transformations (photolysis) in chemi-

satellite instruments. Used in ozone layer cals present in surface water bodies at
depletion studies. shallow depths. Solar irradiance varies
with latitude and the time of year. Values
solar cell An electrical device that con- are used with the molar absorptivity
verts sunlight directly into an electric cur- of a waterborne chemical to calculate the
rent. Also referred to as a photovoltaic half-life of the specific chemical in the
cell, it consists of a thin wafer of silicon environment due to photolysis.
containing a small amount of a metal that
emits electrons when struck by sunlight. sole source aquifer An aquifer desig-
nated by a provision of the safe drinking
solar constant A quantity used to iden- water act (the Gonzales Amendment)
tify the amount of solar radiation strik- as the principal or only source of drink-
ing the upper portion of the atmosphere. ing water for a geographical area. This
Specifically, the amount of radiant energy designation bars the use of federal funds
striking a surface positioned at the top for projects in the recharge zone that
of the atmosphere and lying perpendicu- may threaten public health by degrading
lar to the solar radiation when the Earth groundwater quality in the aquifer. See
is an average distance from the Sun. The critical aquifer protection area;
quantity is about two calories per square source water assessment program;
centimeter per minute, or two langleys source water protection area; source
per minute. The quantity is used in cal- water protection program.
culations relating to the input of solar
energy into the atmosphere. solidification The addition of agents
that solidify liquid or semiliquid hazard-
solar energy The term is normally ous waste before burial to reduce the
applied to the conversion of direct sun- leaching of the waste material and the
light into usable forms of energy. passive possible migration of the waste or con-
solar systems are designed to maxi- stituents of the waste from the facility.
mize the warming of a residence by the Usually accompanied by stabilization. See
Sun, and active solar systems involve stabilization, waste.
the storage of water heated by the Sun in
tanks with subsequent pumping of the hot solid waste Waste material not dis-
water to heat a home or other structure. carded into surface waters via water
Sunlight can also be converted to electric- treatment systems or directly into the
ity, either directly, by using solar cells, atmosphere. Under federal regulations,
or indirectly, by focusing sunlight on a the term can include waste in solid or
boiler, producing electricity with a steam liquid form as well as gaseous material.
turbine. The most active use being made municipal solid waste and all hazard-
of solar energy by individual homeown- ous waste are by definition solid waste.
ers is the heating of water. Several experi-
mental programs are under way to gener- solid waste management A unified
ate commercial quantities of electricity by approach to the handling and disposal of
employing the energy in sunlight to gener- discards from the point of generation to
ate steam. Solar cells are used to power the point of final disposition or disposal.
handheld calculators as well as to provide The primary elements include generation,
electricity to operate electrical devices in storage, collection, source reduction,
remote areas. recycling, processing, and final dis-
posal. See resource conservation and
solar irradiance in water An expres- recovery act.
sion of the amount of light flux from a
clear sky, over a certain wavelength range, solid waste management plan Docu-
that is available to cause photochemical mentation specifying the key elements of

sonic boom

waste disposal for an industrial facility, ing fluid is injected into the geological strata
city, region, or state. See solid waste containing the mineral, and the dissolved
management. material is recovered by wells. The method
is applied to mine salt (sodium chloride) and
solid waste management unit potash (potassium chloride), among others.
(SWMU) The property on which haz- See heap-leach extraction.
ardous waste management occurs, such
as a surface impoundment, landfill, solvent The dissolving medium, or liq-
incinerator, waste pile, or tank and the uid portion, of a solution. Water is fre-
adjacent land used for storage, transfer, or quently referred to as the universal solvent.
preliminary treatment of the waste. The term solvent is also applied to organic
materials (e.g., benzene, acetone, or gaso-
solubility The relative capacity of a line) used to clean (dissolve) oils or grease
substance to serve as a solute. Sugar has from machinery, fabrics, and other surfaces
high solubility in water, whereas gold has or to extract hydrocarbons from some
low solubility in water. source material. Many organic solvents
are flammable and/or toxic. See solvent
solubility product constant (Ks) The refining.
product of the molar concentrations
of the ions in solution that result from solvent recovery A method to minimize
partial dissolution of a solid chemical hazardous waste by recovering process
compound in water. Each compound has solvents for reuse. Common techniques
its own equilibrium dissolved concentra- involve distillation of the solvent from
tion, and the solubility product is a con- a solvent-containing mixture.
stant for that compound. For example, the
Ks of an equilibrium between solid ferric solvent refining A process used to
hydroxide [Fe(OH)3] and dissolved Fe+3 remove sulfur and other contaminants
and OH– ions is 1 × 10–38, which means from coal. Powdered coal is mixed with
that the product of the molar concentra- an organic solvent, such as anthracene,
tions of Fe+3 and OH – is 1 × 10–38. Usually which puts about 95% of the carbon com-
expressed as pKs, which is the negative pounds in the coal into solution. The coal
logarithm of Ks. Therefore, the pKs for recovered from the solution contains less
ferric hydroxide is 38. than 1% of the sulfur and ash-forming
material present in the original coal.
solum The top two soil layers, com-
posed of the topsoil (A horizon) and the somatic cell Every cell of the body
subsoil (B horizon, or layer of leached except the germ cells, which produce
material deposition). The solum excludes gametes (sperm and egg).
the parent material layer (C horizon). See
soil profile. sone A unit used to express the perceived
loudness of a sound. The unit is equal to
solute The substance that is dissolved in the loudness of a 1,000-hertz tone with a
a solution. sound pressure of 40 decibels; if listeners
judge that a sound is three times as loud,
solution A homogeneous mixture of a for example, as this 1,000-hertz tone, the
solute in a solvent. When sugar (the sound has a loudness of three sones.
solute) is dissolved in water (the solvent),
the molecules that the sugar crystal com- sonic boom The intense sound waves
prises are separated from one another and created by objects traveling faster than the
dispersed throughout the liquid medium. speed of sound (about 1,100 feet per second
or 750 miles per hour). The shock wave
solution mining The extraction of solu- pressure wave can be as large as 2,000–
ble mineral deposits by fluids. The leach- 3,000 newtons per square meter, which is


strong enough to shake houses. Normal sound power The sound energy emit-
speech sound levels are about 0.01 new- ted by a source per unit time, usually
ton per square meter. Concern over sonic expressed in watts. Sound power causes
booms restricts some faster-than-sound air- sound pressure.
craft to certain flight paths. For example,
supersonic speeds by the Concorde were sound power level The sound energy
restricted to areas over open water. emitted by a sound source per unit time
and expressed in decibels. sound power
sorbent A material that absorbs or (W), in watts, is converted to sound power
adsorbs solids, liquids, gases, or vapors,
level (LW), in decibels, by
such as the material in a workplace res-
LW = 10 log (W/W0),
pirator that selectively removes gases
where Wo is the reference power (1 ×
or vapors as air passes through. Sor-
10¯12 watt).
bents must be matched to the type of
substance(s) to be removed. See absorp-
tion; adsorption.
sound pressure The periodic fluctua-
tion above and below atmospheric pres-
sorbing agent A material placed on an sure created by an oscillating body. The
oil spill to absorb or adsorb the oil; the pressure differences are often expressed in
oil and the material then can be removed newtons per square meter.
together. See absorber; adsorber.
sound pressure level The expression of
sorption The physical or chemical link- sound pressure in decibel units. Because
age of substances, either by absorption the average of the sound pressure fluctua-
or by adsorption. tions above and below atmospheric pres-
sure (equal positive and negative values)
sorting The separation of municipal would be zero, the measured pressures
solid waste into recyclable categories are squared, summed, then averaged. The
of material: paper, metals, and glass, for square root of the average, termed the root
example. Sorting can be performed by mean square, is then converted to decibels
households or at centralized facilities. See L P = 20 log10 (p/p 0),
materials recovery facility. by where Lp is the sound level, p is the
root mean square sound pressure, and po
sound absorption coefficient See sabin is the reference sound pressure (commonly
absorption coefficient.
2 × 10¯5 newton per square meter). Noise
meters perform these conversionsinternally
sound intensity The average sound
and display sound pressure level in decibels.
power passing through a unit area per-
pendicular to the direction that the sound See decibels, a-weighting network.
is traveling. Common units for sound
intensity are watts per square meter. sound wave A sinusoidal variation
around atmospheric pressure caused by
sound intensity level The expression a vibrating body. See sinusoidal wave.
of sound intensity in decibel units. The
sound intensity level (LI), in decibels, is source material Any material that
computed as is not a special nuclear material but
L I = 10 log (I/Io), contains at least 0.05% uranium, tho-
where I is the measured sound intensity rium, or any combination of the two.
and Io is the reference intensity (1 × 10¯12
watt per square meter). source measurement The noise level
produced by a tool, machine, or process.
sound level See sound pressure level. See ambient noise.

span drift

source reduction solid waste man- sources of potential contamination of

agement program designed to reduce the the source water for an area’s drinking
amount of solid waste from households water. The protection areas include land
and industrial facilities through alteration with potential sources of groundwater
of practices so that solid waste is not pro- contamination and any watershed that
duced. Therefore, the amount of material contributes runoff that may contaminate
to be used as landfill, incinerated, or recy- surface waters used for drinking water
cled is lowered. See pollution preven- supplies.
tion; waste hierarchy.
Source Water Protection Program
source/release assessment An esti- (SWPP) Under provisions of the safe
mate of the types, quantities, and loca- drinking water act, after a state com-
tions of the release of harmful substances pletes its source water assessment pro-
or energy into the indoor or outdoor envi- gram, the next step is the implementation
ronment. The results are used in a risk of protective measures for the source
assessment. water serving as drinking water supplies.
The SWPP is to be operated by state and
source separation A system intended local representatives, using regulations or
to facilitate the recycling of items in nor- voluntary measures to reduce or eliminate
mal household discards. Newsprint, white the potential threat to drinking water sup-
paper, glass, plastics, aluminum, and steel plies within the state. See significant
(cans) items (to mention some of the pos- potential source of contamination;
sible categories) are placed in separate source water protection area; well-
containers for collection at curbside or for
head protection program.
deposit at drop-off locations. The system
facilitates the cleaning and preparation of
sour gas Natural gas that contains a
the recyclable items for sale and conver-
high level of hydrogen sulfide, which
sion into new commercial products. See
has a very foul odor at the least and poses
materials recovery facility.
a severe health hazard at the worst.
source water groundwater or sur-
face water used for a public drinking
southern oscillation The changing
water supply. sea level atmospheric pressures over the
eastern Indian Ocean (measured at Dar-
Source Water Assessment Program win, Australia) and the pressure over
(SWAP) A safe drinking water act the eastern Pacific Ocean (measured at
program that requires states to identify and Tahiti). When the pressure is high at Dar-
describe the water sources for the drinking win and low over Tahiti, el niño condi-
water supplies in the state, including the tions occur.
land above groundwater supplies and
the watershed areas that feed surface Spaceship Earth Term coined in sepa-
water supplies; to identify significant rate 1966 works by Kenneth Boulding,
potential sources of contamination of the “The Economics of the Coming Space-
water sources; and to investigate the sus- ship Earth,” and barbara ward, Space-
ceptibility of the water sources to that con- ship Earth. Usually used to emphasize the
tamination. See source water protec- precarious aspect of life and the environ-
tion area; source water protection mental factors that sustain it. See fuller,
program; wellhead protection area. buckminster.

source water protection area Land span drift A gradual change in the
identified under the source water instrument response to a span gas. This
assessment program required by the source of measurement error is reduced by
safe drinking water act that contains frequent calibration.

span gas

span gas A gas with a known concen- isms after a division within a single group
tration of a chemical substance introduced or species. A group of organisms capa-
into an analytical instrument as a cali- ble of interbreeding is segregated into
bration step. The initial concentration of two or more populations, which gradu-
a span gas is typically about 80% of the ally develop barriers to reproduction.
operating range of an instrument. Other, These barriers can be extrinsic—that is,
more dilute gas concentrations are then the separated populations may reproduce
used to create a calibration curve. at different locations or at different times
of the year—or intrinsic, characterized by
span value For measurements of envi- some genetic barrier that makes attempts
ronmental pollutant concentrations, the to crossbreed unsuccessful. When the
upper limit of the scale on the measuring reproductive isolation is maintained long
instrument. See span drift; span gas. enough, the separated groups may develop
into separate, distinct, identifiable species.
sparging Bubbling air through water to
remove volatile chemicals. species The members of a group of
organisms that can successfully interbreed
spatter cone Feature associated with with each other under natural conditions.
lava flows. Areas around fissures or cracks The members of the group generally resem-
in the surface where globs of lava splash ble each other and occupy a specific geo-
out and form little conical mounds. graphic region. The term is also applied to
taxonomic classifications into which indi-
special nuclear material Elements capa- vidual specimens are placed. These taxo-
ble of undergoing nuclear fission, including nomic groupings usually, but not always,
plutonium-239, uranium-233, uranium- correspond to the natural biological groups.
235, or uranium enriched with uranium-
233 or uranium-235. See enrichment. species composition The types and
abundance of organisms inhabiting a spec-
Special Review A declaration of the ified locality.
U.S. EPA issued under the authority of the
federal insecticide, fungicide, and species density The total numbers of
rodenticide act that the registration individuals of a species found in a defined
(use permit) of a pesticide is in question area of a habitat for a particular period.
because new data indicate that the agent Such calculations are of value in that they
poses an “unreasonable” risk to human provide information on the magnitude of
health or the environment. The declara- the population of some species occupying
tion does not imply cancellation or a given area. The formula is
suspension of the chemical; the agency D = (n/a)/t,
can still weigh the risks and benefits of the where D is the density, n in the number
pesticide and allow a continuation of the of individuals, a is the area studied, and t
registration. Formerly called a rebuttable is the period during which the study was
presumption against registration (RPAR). conducted.

special waste Any solid waste requir- species diversity A measurement that
ing special handling beyond the usual incorporates both the number of different
and customary procedures; examples are species, or individual types of organisms,
used tires, house furniture and appliances, that inhabit a given location (richness)
crankcase oil, hospital waste, household and the number of individuals of each type
hazardous waste, and some industrial present (evenness). Generally, undisturbed
solid waste. locations have a higher species diversity
than that found in similar habitats that
speciation The formation of two or have undergone extensive environmental
more genetically distinct groups of organ- alteration. See shannon-weaver index.

specific rate

species frequency The percentage of specific conductance A measure of the

the sampling areas in which a represen- ability of a solution to conduct an electric
tative of a specific species is found. The current, mainly dependent on the concen-
frequency is independent of the number of trations and types of ion in the solution,
individuals of each species located in each expressed in units of conductance/length,
sampling area. such as micromhos per centimeter. Used in
groundwater monitoring as an indication of
species richness index A mathemati- the presence of ions of chemical substances
cal expression that indicates the number that may have been released by a leaking
of species in a community relative to landfill or other waste disposal facility. A
the total number of all individuals in that higher specific conductance in water drawn
community. The number of organisms from downgradient wells than in that
constituting each species is not consid- from upgradient wells indicates possible
ered in the index. See evenness; species contamination from the facility.
specific gravity A comparison of the
Species Survival Commission (SSC) density of a substance (frequently a liquid)
Over 7,000 volunteer scientists and con- to the density of a reference substance (nor-
servationists from 179 countries work- mally water). Specific gravity (SG) is given
ing with the international union for SG = r/r w,
conservation of nature and natural by where r is the density (weight per unit
resources (the world conservation
volume) of the unknown substance and r w
union) to collect data on animal and
is the density of water. The parameter has
plant species and their habitat toward the
no units and is frequently used to deter-
goal of species conservation and the main-
mine the concentration of a solution.
tenance of biodiversity. The SSC, oper-
ating through 110 specialist groups, pub-
lishes the red lists, publications covering specific heat The ratio of the amount of
the conservation status of animals and heat (calories or joules) required to raise
plants worldwide. Web site: http://www. the temperature of one gram of a sub- stance 1°C to the amount of heat required
to raise the temperature of one gram of
specific activity The total radioactiv- water 1°C (which is one calorie). Every
ity of a specified substance per gram of substance has a characteristic specific heat.
that compound or element. For example, the value is 1.000 calorie for
water and 0.092 calorie for copper, mean-
specifications standards Environ- ing that more heat is required to raise the
mental or workplace health and safety temperature of one gram of water than is
standards that stipulate in detail what needed to produce the same temperature
actions must be taken to be in compli- increase in one gram of copper.
ance: how a control device will be con-
figured, where labels will be placed on specific molal volume The volume
a container and what size print they occupied by one mole of a liquid. The
will have, and so on. Compare perfor- volume can be calculated by dividing the
mance standards. molecular weight of the substance by
the liquid density. Common units are
specific collection area (SCA) The ra- cubic centimeters per gram-mole.
tio of the total collecting surface area
of an electrostatic precipitator to the specific rate In public health statistics,
volumetric flow rate of the airstream. a rate that is limited to a certain age, sex,
Other variables being equal, higher spe- ethnic group, or year category, such as the
cific collection areas are more efficient at 1987 death rate for 70-year-old African-
particulate matter removal. American females. See crude rate.

specific weight

specific weight (γ) The weight (force) spike 1. A known amount of a chemi-
per unit volume of a material, expressed cal added to an environmental sample to
as γ = ρg, where ρ is the material density detect the accuracy of an analytical instru-
and g is the acceleration of gravity. ment. 2. To add a known amount of a
chemical to an environmental sample.
specific yield The volume of water
available per unit volume of aquifer Spill Prevention Control and Coun-
if drawn by gravity. Specific yield is termeasure Plan (SPCC Plan) A writ-
expressed as a percentage; for example, ten description of prevention, detection,
if 0.2 cubic meter of water drains from 1 and containment measures a facility has or
cubic meter of aquifer sand, the specific will use to prevent, minimize, or respond
yield is 20%. to oil spills into water. Regulations writ-
ten by the U.S. EPA under the authority
spectrometer An instrument used to of the clean water act require certain
identify and measure the wavelength “non-transportation-related onshore and
of electromagnetic radiation emit- offshore facilities” to have a SPCC plan.
ted by elements when heated to high tem- Transportation-related facilities that have
peratures. Since each chemical element the potential to spill oil in harmful quanti-
emits a unique spectrum, the technique ties are regulated by the U.S. Department
can be used to detect small quantities of of Transportation. See national con-
substances. The elemental composition of tingency plan, oil pollution act of
stars can be deduced from the spectrum 1990.
of radiation emitted by the star.
spirometer An instrument for determin-
spectrophotometry An analytical meth- ing lung flow and volume capacities. The
od that uses the intensity of radiation lung function test results are used to detect
absorbed at certain wavelengths to detect lung disease or adverse effects on the respi-
the presence of specific chemical elements. ratory system of the inhalation of occupa-
tional or community air contaminants.
spent fuel Fuel from a nuclear power
reactor that can no longer efficiently sus- spirometry The testing of lung function
tain a continuous fission reaction. The through the use of a spirometer.
fuel assembly used to power a nuclear
power plant becomes depleted of fission split sample Material collected from an
fuel (i.e., certain forms of uranium), and environmental medium (for example, sedi-
waste products from the fission reactions ment or water) that has been divided into
accumulate within the fuel elements. As a two or more portions so that each portion
result, the efficiency of the nuclear reaction can be a different analytical laboratory.
decreases and the rods are said to be spent. Split samples are used in comparison of
The rods are usually removed after 1.5 the results from different laboratories or
years of use. The used rods emit a signifi- different technologies and in quality assur-
cant amount of heat and are very radio- ance procedures.
active. Spent fuel rods removed from
commercial power reactors are stored on spoil 1. The refuse or rubble that
site and constitute a significant disposal or accumulates when soil, rock, or sand is
recycling problem. See nuclear reactor; removed to allow access to mineral depos-
nuclear waste policy act. its. 2. The sediment removed from a chan-
nel by dredging operations.
spent fuel pool A storage facility where
fuel rods that have been removed from spongy parenchyma Chlorophyll-con-
a nuclear reactor are held underwater taining cells in a leaf that lie under the
for cooling, then moved to dry storage on palisade parenchyma. If excessive air
site. See spent fuel. contaminant exposure to vegetation dam-

spring turnover

ages the spongy parenchyma or palisade spray tower A device used for the
cells to the point of tissue collapse, the removal of gases or particles from an
leaf becomes discolored and the damaged exhaust gas. The dirty gas stream typically
areas may fall away, leaving holes in the is directed through the bottom of a tower
leaf. and flows past a finely divided spray that
removes the pollutants. The cleaned gas
spotted owl The northern spotted owl exits the top of the tower, and the water
(Strix occidentalis caurina) was listed as drains to the bottom. See also packed
a threatened species under the provi- tower; tray tower.
sions of the endangered species act
(ESA) in 1990. The key features of spe-
cies protection by the ESA are the delin-
eation and protection of critical habi-
tat, which for the spotted owl has been
defined as old growth forests from
northern California to British Columbia.
Around 80% of the old growth forests in
this area have been logged, diminishing
the spotted owl population, leading to its
threatened status. (Definition of the owl’s
habitat has been the subject of much
debate since the finding that the spotted
owl lives in a variety of forest types, not
solely in old growth forest.) Around 90%
of the remaining old growth forest in the
spotted owl’s range is on federal land
managed by the U.S. forest service and
the bureau of land management, and
logging on this land has been drastically
curtailed by the habitat protection pro-
visions of the ESA. The decline in the
logging industry in the Pacific Northwest
became a national issue of logging jobs
versus owls.

spray-back system A treatment tech- spring Natural flow of groundwater

nique for leachate in which the leach- from a subsurface aquifer to the surface.
ate is collected then directed back through
the landfill. The aerated liquid enhances spring turnover The mixing of water
biological decomposition of the leachate in a lake during the spring of the year.
and the waste in the landfill. See leach- This process takes place most frequently
ate collection system. in lakes located in temperate zones where
the winter temperatures are low enough
spray chamber A device that removes during the winter to result in freezing
certain organic compounds from an air- of the lake surface. As the ice melts in
stream by condensation. A cooling mate- the early spring, the water temperature
rial, usually water, is sprayed into a cham- is the surface gradually warms to that
ber, and the condensed organics exit with of the underlying water. Since the water
the water. In addition to the removal of temperature is then uniform from top to
the condensable contaminants, the con- bottom, the force exerted by the winds is
densation greatly reduces the volume of sufficient to promote mixing of the sur-
the waste exhaust. Also called a contact face and deeper waters. Compare fall
condenser. turnover.


springwater Under the food and ents by means other than solidification.
drug administration regulatory defi- Techniques include chemical precipita-
nition, bottled water derived from an tion or pH alteration to limit solubility
aquifer from which water flows natu- and mixing of the waste with sorbents
rally to the surface. Spring water can such as fly ash to remove free liquids.
be collected through a well that taps an Liquid wastes can be solidified into a
underground formation that feeds a natu- material that resembles concrete, and the
ral spring, but it cannot be pumped to the block of material can then be safely dis-
surface. The water collected by the use of posed of in a hazardous waste landfill.
a well must be of the same chemical com-
position as that of the water flowing from stabilization pond A shallow diked area
the natural spring. used to allow adequate mixing of treated
or untreated wastewater before discharge
spurious count A term used to describe into a surface water body. The mixing pre-
the recording of false radiation reading vents excessive swings in the acidity or
caused by malfunctions of, interference alkalinity of a discharge, for example.
with, or improper use of radiation detec-
tion devices. stabilization/solidification (S/S) See
solidification; stabilization, waste.
stability See atmospheric stability;
stability class, atmospheric. stabilized grade The grade (slope) of
a water channel at which no erosion or
stability class, atmospheric A classifi- deposition occurs.
cation of atmospheric turbulence, or air
contaminant dispersive capability, devel- stable 1. Describing an element or iso-
oped by F. Pasquill and F. A. Gifford. tope that does not undergo radioactive
Atmospheric turbulence is categorized by decay. A stable material may be the end
the letters A through F with A being the of a radioactive series. 2. Describing
most dispersive and F the least. The most air that does not readily disperse pollut-
important variables determining the sta- ants. See stability class, atmospheric.
bility class at a given time are wind speed
and amount of sunshine or solar insola- stable isotope A form of an element
tion. Stability class is used to calculate that is not radioactive: that is, an iso-
dispersion coefficients. tope that does not undergo radioactive
stability index See langelier index.
stack downwash The movement of a
stabilization A broad expression smokestack plume toward the ground,
used to denote a process that is intended instead of, more commonly, upward.
to lessen the damage that a pollutant Stack downwash (also called stack-tip
or discharge causes in the environment. downwash) can occur if the exit velocity
For example, the stabilization of sew- of the stack gas is significantly less than
age involves allowing microorganisms the wind speed at the top of the stack.
to degrade those components that can Certain air quality dispersion mod-
be decomposed. The water that is sub- els have a stack downwash option, which
sequently released into the environment simulates this phenomenon. Model results
does less damage than the release of raw under the stack downwash assumption, all
sewage. See solidification; stabiliza- other variables being equal, predict higher
tion, waste. ground-level concentrations.

stabilization, waste A hazardous stack flue The innermost channel in a

waste treatment process that decreases the smokestack through which exhaust gas is
mobility or solubility of waste constitu- carried.

standard deviation

stack gas The gaseous product of a standard addition technique corrects for
process (usually combustion) that exits the interference. See calibration curve.
through a stack or flue.
standard air Air under defined standard
stack sampling The collection of rep- temperature and pressure conditions. The
resentative portions of the gases and par- U.S. EPA usually defines 25°C and one
ticulate matter that are being discharged atmosphere as standard conditions.
through a smokestack or duct. This type Many occupational health calculations use
of sampling allows direct estimation of the either 16°C or 20°C and one atmosphere,
amount and types of air pollutants being and most other applications use 0°C and
released. one atmosphere.

stage II control System designed to limit standard air density The density of
the release of gasoline vapors (volatile dry air at the chosen standard condi-
organic compounds) during the refuel- tions. At 0°C and one atmosphere of
ing of automobiles. The technology, which pressure, the density of dry air is 1.293
captures and returns vapors, is applied to kilograms per cubic meter; at 25°C, one
the pumps at gasoline outlets. Compare atmosphere, the density is 1.184 kilograms
onboard refueling vapor recovery. per cubic meter.

stagnation Persistent atmospheric con- standard conditions Arbitrary refer-

ditions characterized by limited vertical ence conditions established for comparing
and horizontal air motion, resulting in an reactions that involve gases. The density
increase in the concentration of air con- and other properties of gases depend on
taminants. See temperature inversion. the temperature and pressure under which
the gas exists. Standard conditions repre-
stakeholder Any individual or any orga- sent a way that gases can be compared
nization that has an interest in the outcome under different circumstances. They are
or operation of, for example, a regulation, frequently set at 0°C and one atmosphere,
industrial operation, or legislative action. but environmental and occupational cal-
An interest in this context transcends finan- culations assume different air tempera-
cial interest in the outcome; for example, tures. See standard air.
residents near an industrial facility are
stakeholders in the facility even if they or standard cubic feet per minute
their family do not own stock in the com- (SCFM) Common volumetric flow
pany, do not work in the facility, or do rate units for air. The standard con-
not have any financial interest in a supplier ditions used determine the density and
to or customer of the facility. The drafting therefore the standard flow rate expressed.
and enforcement of environmental regula-
tions and permits by local, state, and fed- standard curve See calibration curve.
eral administrative agencies allow partici-
pation by stakeholders. See reg-neg. standard deviation (σ) The square
root of the variance of a data set, an
standard addition technique In ana- indication of the “spread” of the data set
lytical chemistry, a method in which a around the mean, or average. The vari-
known amount of a standard solution is ance for a large data set is calculated as
added to the sample being measured. The follows:
process can be used if a constituent in the
∑ ( xi − x)
sample other than the one being measured
interferes with the response of the analyti- σ= ,
cal instrument, thus giving incorrect results n
because the pure calibration standards where xi is an individual observation, x is
are not subject to this interference. The the mean, and n is the number of obser-

Standard Industrial Classification

vations. For smaller data sets (less than standard population A group used to
50) the sample standard deviation (σ) is compare the mortality rates or mor-
calculated by replacing n with n − 1 in the bidity rates of two different populations.
equation. The distribution of some characteristic
within the standard population as related
Standard Industrial Classification to mortality or morbidity (especially age)
(SIC) A numbering system used by the is used as the standard, and any differ-
federal government to group industrial facil- ences in the distribution of the charac-
ities by category. The full SIC number has teristic in the two groups is statistically
four digits. The first two digits (range 01– taken into account in the comparison. See
99) indicate the major industrial category, age adjustment, direct method; age
and the last two digits classify the company adjustment, indirect method.
further. For example, major category codes
20–39 identify manufacturing facilities; code standard pressure In chemistry, phys-
28 within this range is the major category ics, and environmental science, one atmo-
number for chemicals and allied products, sphere, 760 mm Hg, 101,325 pascals. See
and SIC number 2869 is the classification standard conditions; standard tem-
for industrial organic chemicals not else- perature.
where classified. Environmental regulations
are often applied to facilities within cer- standards, environmental Allowable
tain SIC codes. The SIC codes have been conditions or actions that protect against
replaced by the north american industry unwanted effects on human health or wel-
classification system (NAICS). fare, wildlife, or natural processes. Such
standards can be defined as ambient chem-
Standard Methods A short form for ical concentrations, chemical or radio-
Standard Methods for the Examination of active material emission or effluent rates,
Water and Wastewater, which is prepared emission or effluent chemical concentra-
and published jointly by the american tions, sound levels, or radioactivity levels
public health association, american as well as harder-to-measure taste, odor,
water works association, and water and appearance criteria. Many standards
environment federation. The book are set to a level, concentration, or emis-
serves as the primary reference for ana- sion rate that equates to an acceptably low
lytical methods employed in investigations risk. See ambient standard; effluent
and monitoring of water purification, standard; emission standard.
sewage treatment and disposal, water pol-
lution, sanitary quality, and other func- standard temperature In chemistry
tions. A new edition is published every five and physics, 0 degree Celsius, 32 degrees
years. Fahrenheit, or 273 kelvins. In environmen-
tal science, 25 degrees Celsius, 77 degrees
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Fahrenheit, or 298 kelvins. See standard
Area (SMSA) See metropolitan sta- conditions; standard pressure.
tistical area.
standard temperature and pressure
standard mortality ratio (SMR) The (STP) See standard conditions; stan-
ratio of the occurrence of a specific cause dard pressure; standard temperature.
of death in a given test population to the
mortality rate of the same cause in a standing, legal In environmental law,
standard population. The numeri- the legal position required to seek judi-
cal value is based on 100 incidents in the cial review of the actions of a government
standard population; therefore, a ratio of agency. Standing is gained by a plaintiff
500 means that the test population had a who is experiencing an adverse personal
mortality rate five times that of a standard impact (legal or bodily injury), called
population due to the same specific cause. injury in fact. Once thought to be a barrier

state management plan

to third-party (concerned citizen) interven- State Emergency Response Commis-

tion in environmental agency decisions, sion (SERC) A group in each state
the definition of standing has been much appointed by the governor in accordance
relaxed by court decisions, giving environ- with provisions of the Emergency Plan-
mental interest groups ready access to the ning and Community Right-to-Know
courts. Also, most major environmental Act, which is title iii of the superfund
statutes have specific provisions for pri- amendments and reauthorization
vate citizen legal action that do not require act of 1986. The commission is respon-
injury in fact to a plaintiff. See citizen sible for forming and working with local
suit provision. emergency planning committees (at
the county level) to collect information on
standing crop The quantity of plant chemicals stored and released by affected
biomass in a given area. For example, the facilities. The SERC also reviews emer-
amount of plant material per acre of for- gency plans written by the Local Emer-
est or swamp or per cubic meter of water. gency Planning Committees and responds
Usually expressed as mass (dry) per unit to public requests for the inventory and
area or energy content per unit area. chemical release information.

standing stock See standing crop. state hazardous waste plan Docu-
mentation detailing how a state intends
stannosis The presence of tin oxide to manage hazardous waste gener-
dust in the lungs, resulting from occu- ated within it or hazardous waste stored,
pational exposure. Stannosis is detected treated, or transported through it.
by a chest X-ray. Few if any of the 200
reported cases has been accompanied by State Implementation Plan (SIP) The
the chronic lung damage, such as fibro- written agreement between an individual
sis, that is associated with dusts contain- state and the U.S. EPA describing how the
ing free silica or asbestos. state will comply with the provisions of
the clean air act, especially the attain-
State and Local Air Monitoring Sys- ment and maintenance of the national
tem (SLAMS) Nonfederal air quality ambient air quality standards. See sip
monitoring stations meeting siting and call.
quality assurance requirements established
by the U.S. EPA. Some stations are used to State Implementation Plan call (SIP
track compliance with air quality stan- call) A U.S. EPA order for a state to
dards, some to measure the air in areas revise its state implementation plan.
of expected high concentrations for cer-
tain pollutants, and others to determine state management plan (SMP) A pro-
the background concentration for air gram to restrict the use of certain pesti-
contaminants. cides that threaten groundwater qual-
ity under the provisions of the federal
State and Territorial Air Pollution Pro- insecticide, fungicide, and rodenti-
gram Administrators/Association of cide act. Each state SMP is to assess the
Local Air Pollution Control Officials potential for groundwater resources to be
(STAPPA/ALAPCO) A group of air contaminated by pesticides, describe mea-
pollution control agency representatives sures to be used to lessen the threat of
from 50 states, four territories, and over contamination, implement a monitoring
150 municipalities who share informa- program to detect contamination, inform
tion on air pollution issues and regu- pesticide users of the SMP and its goals,
latory compliance. Its headquarters is and provide for public awareness and par-
located in Washington, D.C. Web site: ticipation in the groundwater protection program.

state variables

state variables The components that functions as the control and is not subjected
make up a system in mathematical mod- to manipulation in the laboratory or envi-
els used to describe the environment. The ronment and one that is subjected to some
state variables have certain states, or con- alteration in the physical, chemical, or bio-
ditions, at a given time. For example, in a logical surroundings (termed the experimen-
simple box model, the amounts of phos- tal or test group). For example, an experi-
phorus in aquatic vegetation, sediments, mental group of animals may be subjected
and water at a given time could be chosen to increased noise levels while the control
as the state variables. group is held under the same conditions
except for the noise. If subsequent measure-
static pressure The pressure exerted by ments of the hearing ability of the animals
a fluid at rest. Static pressure in air is due in the two groups demonstrate a difference
to the weight of the atmosphere and is between the two groups, statistical tests
usually equivalent to barometric pres- of significance can be applied to deter-
sure. See hydrostatic pressure. mine the likelihood that the observed differ-
ences are due to the exposure to the sound
static reserve index A resource use or are the result of natural sampling vari-
model that assumes that there is a fixed ability. For P-value, see p.
reserve size and that resource use rates will
remain constant. Under this assumption, the statistical tests of significance Math-
depletion time for the resource is calculated ematical methods of stating the prob-
by dividing the current reserves by the use ability that two data sets are not from the
rate. The model does not account for the same population: in other words, there
dynamic effects of price increases resulting is an actual difference in some character-
from resource depletion. Higher resource
istic between the two groups. These tests
prices dampen demand (use rate), increase
are commonly used in cases in which one
the use of available substitutes, and increase
group has been exposed to a treatment (or
discovery and production of the resource.
pollutant) and the other has not. After the
Technological improvements that increase
treatment, some characteristic of the two
resource use efficiency and lower discovery
groups is measured. A difference between
and production costs are also omitted.
the treated and untreated groups may be
static test A laboratory test in which due to sampling variability or to the
the water is not changed and there is no exposure. A statistical test can determine
flow in or out of the test vessel when the the probability that the difference is not due
toxicity of chemical substances to aquatic to sampling variability. If the observed dif-
test organisms is being measured. See ference between the exposed group and the
flow-through test; semistatic test. nonexposed group has only a small prob-
ability of being the result of sampling vari-
stationary growth phase A particular ability, then the observer may conclude that
growth phase in the cultivation of bacteria the difference observed is the result of the
in which there is no increase in the num- exposure. See statistically significant.
ber of cells over time. Any cell division
that takes place is balanced by cell death. statutory law Written law passed by
This phase of growth follows the expo- state or federal legislatures, such as the
nential growth phase. clean water act. The common law is not
written by legislative bodies but is based
stationary source A fixed (nonmoving) on precedent. Environmental law is mainly
source of air emissions, such as an oil concerned with statutory law and the regu-
refinery or power plant. See area source; lations issued in support of the legislative
mobile source. acts. See administrative law.

statistically significant Describing a dif- stay time The time that personnel may
ference between two groups, one of which remain in a restricted area before accumu-

Stockholm Conference

lating the maximum permissible dose of reproduce well within only a narrow range
radiation. of water temperatures. See eury-.

steady state In a system with a flow- sterile 1. A condition in which a quan-

through of material or energy, the equi- tity of water, soil, or other substance
librium condition in which flow in equals does not contain viable organisms such as
flow out. See box model. viruses and bacteria. The term, however, is
not synonymous with clean. 2. Animals or
steady-state or apparent plateau In humans that are not capable of reproduc-
testing chemical substances for their bio-
tion because of the absence of gametes.
concentration potential in fish, the sit-
uation in which the amount of chemical
sterilization 1. The process of killing,
substance taken into the test fish from the
inactivating, or removing microorganisms
water is equal to the amount being elimi-
(bacteria, viruses, or fungi) from a quan-
nated from the test fish. If the substance
bioconcentrates in the fish, the steady- tity of water, soil, or other liquid or solid
state condition follows an uptake phase material. The normal methods of steriliza-
in which the absorption rate exceeds the tion involve agents such as heat, chemicals,
elimination rate. or radiation. 2. The process of rendering
an animal incapable of reproduction.
steam stripping The removal of vol-
atile organic compounds from con- stewardship 1. An environmental phi-
taminated groundwater or wastewater losophy holding that humans have respon-
by forcing steam through the liquid. The sibility to protect and care for nature. 2.
higher wastewater temperature increases Under the responsible care initiative
the evaporation rate of the volatile con- of the american chemistry council, a
taminants. Steam stripping can remove code holding chemical companies answer-
more contaminants than air stripping. able for their products from the time the
See packed tower aeration. idea for the product is developed until the
ultimate disposal of the product after use.
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (σ) The
constant relating the power radiated from a sticky tape sampler A device designed
blackbody surface and the temperature of to collect airborne particulate matter
the object, where W = watts, m = meters, by surface adhesion.
5.670 × 10 W
σ = 2 4 stippling The spotty injury to a leaf
m K
surface caused by excessive exposure to
and K = kelvins. See stefan-boltzmann
air contaminants. Chronic exposure to
ozone, for example, causes stippling in
Stefan-Boltzmann law The equation broad-leaved vegetation.
describing the rate of radiation emitted
by an object, expressed as H = AeσT4, stochastic Describing an event or process
where A is the surface area, e is an emis- that involves random chance or probability.
sivity factor (between 0 and 1), σ is the
stefan-boltzmann constant, and T is stock In ecological cycles and models, the
the absolute temperature of the object, amount of a material in a certain medium
assumed to be a blackbody. or reservoir; for example, the stock of the
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which
steno- A prefix meaning “narrow,” used equals about 2.9 × 1015 kilograms.
in ecology to describe the limits of tol-
erance for organisms. For example, a fish Stockholm Conference See united
species may be described as stenother- nations conference on the human
mal, meaning the organism can grow and environment.

stock solution

stock solution A concentrated solution Stokes’s law The relationship that

of a chemical used as a reagent in a labo- defines, for low velocities, the frictional
ratory procedure. For example, a labora- force resisting the movement of a spheri-
tory test may require 100 milliliters (ml) cal body through a fluid (air or water)
of a 0.01% solution of sodium chloride. as 6π times the product of the radius of
To eliminate the requirement of weigh- the sphere, the velocity of the sphere, and
ing 0.01 gram (g) of salt and adding that the viscosity of the fluid. Stokes’s law
amount to 100 ml of distilled water every is used to determine the rate at which an
time that one is to perform the test, a stock object will fall through air or water, which
solution of sodium chloride containing 1 g is important in the design of pollution
salt per 100 ml can be prepared. When the control systems. The terminal settling
test is to be performed, 1 ml of the con- velocity is reached when the gravita-
centrated solution can be added to 99 ml tional force downward is equal to the fric-
of distilled water, and the test performed tional force (upward).
much more quickly.
stomata Small openings in the surface
Stoddard solvent A solvent used for of plant leaves that allow gas transfer. Air
dry cleaning, spot removal, and degreasing pollutants can cause direct internal dam-
that has relatively low human toxicity, as age to vegetation by entering the stomata.
evidenced by its threshold limit value
of 100 parts per million. stopping power The rate of energy loss
by ionizing radiation per unit thickness
stoichiometric condition See stoi- or per unit mass of radiation shielding.
chiometric ratio.
storage In reference to groundwater
stoichiometric ratio In air pollution reservoirs, the water naturally retained
control, the air-fuel mixture containing in an aquifer plus any water artificially
just enough air to oxidize the fuel com- recharged to the aquifer by pumping.
pletely. Under these conditions, all air
oxygen would be consumed and the stack Storage and Retrieval of Aeromet-
gas would contain no oxygen. Combus- ric Data (SAROAD) A database of
tion of fuels actually requires more oxygen the U.S. EPA containing air quality mea-
than the amount indicated by the theoreti- surements from federal, state, and local
cal stoichiometric ratio, and excess air is monitoring stations. Each station has a
introduced to the combustion chamber. unique SAROAD number. The SAROAD
database is now part of the aerometric
stoker Mechanical equipment (or per- information retrieval system (AIRS).
son, in the past) for feeding waste materi-
als or coal into an incinerator or furnace. storage facility In hazardous waste
management, a facility that stores haz-
Stokes diameter An equivalent diam- ardous waste before treatment or dis-
eter for a (usually airborne) particle, posal on the site or before transport to
defined as the diameter of a perfect sphere another treatment or disposal facility.
with the same settling velocity and Industries or businesses that generate haz-
density as the particle. For example, a ardous waste are not usually classified as
nonspherical particle that is six microm- storage facilities. Regulations for large
eters across with density of two grams per hazardous waste generators state that,
cubic centimeter may have a Stokes diam- with certain exceptions, hazardous waste
eter of five micrometers, meaning that the may accumulate on site for at most 90
nonspherical particle has the same settling days before the generator is subject to the
velocity as a five-micrometer sphere with a rigorous permit requirements of a storage
density of two grams per cubic centimeter. facility. Longer storage times are allowed
See aerodynmaic diameter. for small-quantity generators.

strategic lawsuits against public participation

storm sewer A network of pipes and energy level upon release, over time they
conduits buried underground that drain may vary in their range of energy level
rainwater from city streets. See storm because of interactions within the material
water runoff. being traversed.

storm surge Ocean water that comes straight-chain hydrocarbons Com-

ashore along with a tropical cyclone pounds of carbon and hydrogen in which
(hurricane in the Atlantic and a typhoon in multiple carbon atoms are bonded to each
the Pacific). Two factors contribute to the other in a straight line. Other hydrocar-
rising water associated with these storms. bons can be branched, as when carbons
One, water is pushed onshore by the are bonded at right angles to the primary
winds of the storm. Two, the low atmo- chain. Some hydrocarbons can have two
spheric pressure associated with the storm or more isomers, one straight chain and
allows a dome of water to form under the the other(s) branched. Straight-chain
storm. The low atmospheric pressure and hydrocarbons are aliphatic compounds.
the onshore winds combine to raise the Compare aromatic.
sea level associated with the storm by as
much as 15 to 20 feet or more. About nine strata Distinct horizontal layers in
of 10 deaths associated with hurricanes geological deposits. Each layer may dif-
are caused by this dramatic rise in sea level fer from adjacent layers in terms of tex-
relative to the land surface. ture, grain size, chemical composition, or
other geological criteria. The term is also
storm water discharge See storm applied to layering of other material such
water runoff. as the atmosphere.

storm water runoff Rainwater that is strategic lawsuits against public partic-
potentially contaminated by flowing over ipation (SLAPPs) Countersuits filed by
ground in industrial facilities, municipal industries, developers, or other defendants
roadways, or vehicle parking areas. Under against environmental activist groups in
the 1987 amendments to the clean water response to the activists’ suing to stop land
act, many sites with storm water runoff development, curb pollution, or conserve
are required to obtain a national pol- natural resources. The SLAPPs accuse the
lution discharge elimination system activist-plaintiffs of libel, slander, or defa-
(NPDES) permit. mation, inter alia. Although a SLAPP may
have a poor chance of proving the allega-
straggling The variation in energy con- tions, the burden of defending the SLAPP
tent of particles released in nuclear events. may cause a citizen group to abandon the
Although they may all be of the same original claim.


stratification The layering of a body from the secondary treatment require-

of water caused by temperature or salin- ments if they discharge into stressed waters.
ity differences among the layers. Also,
the layering of materials in sedimentary stressors Chemical, physical, or biologi-
rock. See strata. cal agents that can have an adverse effect
on human health or the environment.
stratopause The boundary in the atmo-
sphere between the stratosphere and the strict liability A legal standard apply-
next highest layer, the mesosphere. ing to certain abnormal uses of land (often
hazardous activities) that treats any inju-
stratosphere The second layer of the ries to persons resulting from the activity
atmosphere above the Earth. The air as the fault of the activity, without proof
surrounding the Earth consists of dis- of negligence. hazardous waste manage-
tinct zones, distinguished by the tem- ment is held to a strict liability standard.
perature gradient within each layer. The
stratosphere begins at about seven miles strip cropping An agricultural practice
of altitude and extends up to about 30 involving the planting of crops in bands
miles. The air temperature in this layer that serve as barriers to erosion by wind
generally increases as altitude increases. and water.
The ozone layer of the atmosphere
is located within the stratosphere. See strip-cutting Forestry method for the
atmosphere. cutting of trees in such a way that the
integrity of the forest system is maintained.
Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Exper- The land is laid out in parallel strips about
iment (SAGE) data Vertical profile 30 to 40 yards wide. Trees are removed
stratospheric ozone measurements by sat- from alternating strips, leaving the forest
ellite instruments. Used in ozone layer undisturbed between harvested areas. Dur-
depletion studies. ing the next cutting cycle, the untouched
areas are harvested. Judicious scheduling of
stratospheric ozone See ozone layer. cutting within the strips allows the forest
to be maintained as a continuing resource.
stream channelization See channel- The technique permits natural reseeding
ization. and regrowth to occur and has less impact
on wildlife than does clear-cutting.
streamline A line parallel to the non-
turbulent flow (laminar flow) of a fluid, strip-farming An agricultural technique
indicating the path that the fluid takes involving the planting of different crops in
around objects, such as airflow around a alternating strips within a field. The alter-
building. nation of crops in strips within the same
field helps prevent the spread of insect
Streeter-Phelps equation An equa- pests and can be used to limit soil erosion
tion representing the change in dissolved if one crop remains in the field while the
oxygen content with distance downstream crop in the alternate row is removed.
from a source of biochemical oxygen
demand. See oxygen sag curve. strip-mining See surface mining.

stressed waters As defined by the stripper well A low-output oil well that
clean water act, ocean waters that lack is only marginally profitable to operate; a
a “balanced indigenous population of shell- well producing fewer than 10 barrels of
fish, fish, and wildlife,” whose poor spe- oil per day.
cies diversity is caused solely by human
actions. publicly owned treatment stripping Method for the removal of
works are not eligible for an exemption unwanted dissolved gases from water.


Stripping techniques involve increasing the coasts of Mexico and South America are
surface area of the water to be stripped examples of these regions. The zones
and maintaining the atmospheric parital are also referred to as convergent plate
pressure of the gas(es) to be removed at boundaries.
a low level relative to the partial pressure
of the gas dissolved in the water. Oxygen, sublimation The conversion of a sub-
ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, volatile stance in the solid phase directly to the
organic compounds, and carbon diox- gas phase without an intervening liquid
ide are commonly stripped from water. phase, as in the changing of snow directly
See air stripping; steam stripping. into water vapor without melting.

strontium-90 (90Sr) A radioactive submerged plant Aquatic vegetation

isotope released by the detonation of that has roots, stems, and leaves. The
nuclear weapons. With a half-life of plant is rooted in the bottom of a water-
about 28 years, the isotope can bioac- course, but the leaves remain submerged
cumulate in the bones, where strontium below the surface of the water. Sea grasses
replaces calcium in the human body. are examples of this type of vegetation.

structure-activity relationship (SAR) submicrometer A distance less than

The connection between the molecular one micrometer, or less than one-millionth
structure of a chemical and its toxicity. of a meter. Often used to describe the
Although SAR is only poorly predictive, diameter of very small particles.
an untested chemical similar in composi-
tion and spatial arrangement to a mate- submicron Synonym for submicrom-
rial known to be a human toxicant would eter.
be suspected of exhibiting similar toxic
effects on the basis of a SAR analysis. subsidence The sinking of the land. The
process can be natural, as in the sinking
stuff and burn The practice of intro- of the land relative to sea level in coastal
ducing waste to an incinerator at a rate areas, or artificial, as in the collapse of the
greater than the waste combustion rate in ground as a result of the removal of water,
the incinerator. coal, or mineral deposits from the under-
lying strata. See subsidence inversion.
subbituminous A grade of coal that
has a heat content higher than that of lig- subsidence inversion A temperature
nite but lower than that of bituminous. inversion. The sinking air in the center of
See coal. a high-pressure weather system compresses
the air below and raises the temperature
subchronic exposure In toxicology, of this upper-level air above that of the air
doses that extend to approximately 1/10 below. Inversion conditions suppress ver-
the lifetime of an organism. For humans, tical motion of air contaminants and thus
5–10 years; for rats, 2–4 months. allow their air concentrations to increase.
The high-pressure systems associated with
subcutaneous Beneath the skin; a route subsidence inversions can remain in an
of exposure of chemical substances to test area for several days or more. See radia-
organisms. tion inversion.

subduction zone According to the the- subsidiarity The principle directing

ory of plate tectonics, a region at the that decisions and actions should be made
boundary of two of the plates that form and undertaken at the lowest level of gov-
the crust of the Earth where one of the ernance that is feasible and effective. In
plates is forced downward into the man- environmental management, following the
tle. The deep ocean trenches off the Pacific admonition, Think Globally, Act Locally.


subsoil A soil horizon located bet- suction lysimeter A sampling device

ween the topsoil and bedrock. The subsoil for the collection of groundwater from the
generally lacks organic content and con- unsaturated zone; a sample is drawn by
sists of materials reflecting the weathering applying a negative pressure to a porous
of bedrock and the washing of material ceramic cup embedded in the soil layer.
from the overlying horizons.
sulfate In the atmosphere, a small-
substituted ring compound A chemi- diameter aerosol composed of oxidized
cal compound consisting of one or more sulfur dioxide in the form of sulfate
closed rings of carbon atoms and their salt (e.g., ammonium sulfate) or sulfu-
attached hydrogen atoms but with one or ric acid. Sulfates are an inhalation haz-
more of the hydrogen atoms replaced by ard and an important contributor to acid
another chemical substance. For example, deposition. In the soil, inorganic mole-
polychlorinated biphenyl is composed of cules (SO43¯) serve as plant nutrients when
two six-carbon rings with a varying num- present in appropriate concentrations. In
ber of hydrogens replaced by chlorine the salt marsh, precursors for the micro-
atoms. See ring compound. bial production of hydrogen sulfide.

substrate 1. The solid surface on sulfide ore A natural metal deposit

which an organism moves about or chemically combined with sulfur. Copper,
attaches, such as the sediments, rock, or zinc, mercury, and lead are commonly
sand on the bottom of a water body. found in nature as sulfides. The removal
2. In biochemical reactions, the chemical of sulfur from the ore in smelters, called
material on which enzymes act. Enzyme roasting, is an important (localized) source
action is typically specific to a particular of atmospheric sulfur dioxide.
substrate. The combination of enzyme
and substrate is called the enzyme-sub- sulfur cycle A series of integrated bio-
strate complex. logical, geological, and chemical reac-
tions (termed biogeochemical cycling)
Subtitle C The section of the federal involved in the conversion of sulfur from
resource conservation and recovery an inorganic state in soil, water, air, and
act that applies to hazardous waste rocks to a soluble form; to organic bio-
management. See subtitle d. mass; and back to the inorganic state
once again. Some aspects of the cycling
Subtitle D The section of the federal of sulfur are (1) the anaerobic decom-
resource conservation and recovery position of biomass, producing the many
act in which standards for the construction reduced sulfur compounds implicated
and operation of municipal solid waste in the odors associated with the decompo-
disposal facilities are outlined. The stan- sition process; (2) the anaerobic reduction
dards apply primarily to the management of sulfate in seawater sediments; (3) the
of nonhazardous waste. See subtitle c. oxidation of iron sulfide compounds in
abandoned mines, leading to the develop-
succession The orderly and predictable ment of extremely acidic water that drains
changes in the biological communities from the mine (acid mine drainage);
within a specific locality over time from an and (4) the production of sulfur diox-
initial or pioneer community to a final ide when hydrogen sulfide or high-sul-
stage, or climax. The climax community fur coal is burned.
is stable and self-sustaining, with little
change in species composition in the sulfur dioxide (SO2) A compound of
absence of large-scale perturbations such sulfur containing one sulfur atom and two
as extreme weather events, catastrophic oxygen atoms; a major air pollutant pro-
fire, or extensive human activity. Also duced by the burning of sulfur-contain-
referred to as ecological succession. ing compounds. See acid aerosol; acid

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act

rain; criteria pollutants; sulfuric sunset provision The stipulation that

acid; sulfur oxide; tradable emission a regulation or an administrative agency
allowance. automatically loses effect or ceases oper-
ations on a specific date unless positive
sulfuric acid A strong, highly corrosive measures are taken to justify continuance.
acid. The acid is a colorless, oily liquid
that is a strong dehydrating and oxidizing sunspot A relatively cooler area on the
agent. Sulfuric acid is a widely used indus- Sun’s surface formed by strong magnetic
trial chemical and is formed in the atmo- fields. Sunspot activity oscillates from a
sphere as a result of reactions produced maximum to a minimum on a cycle that
by the emission of sulfur dioxide. See averages 11 years. The changes in sun-
acid rain. spots have been linked to changes in the
weather and climate of the Earth.
sulfur oxides (SOx) A mixture of com-
pounds of sulfur containing an indeter- sunspot minima Relatively long peri-
minate number of oxygen atoms. When ods of very low sunspot activity; observed
sulfur-containing compounds are burned, during a.d. 1100–1250, 1460–1550, and
a variety of compounds containing sul- 1645–1715. The 70-year period starting
fur and oxygen can be produced (SO2, in 1645 is called the Maunder minimum.
SO3). When the exact composition is not
known, the notation SOx is used to signify superchlorination The addition of
the unknown mixture. Sulfur oxides are a chlorine to water at levels that oxidize
major category of air pollution. dissolved organic carbon compounds
that may otherwise cause taste or odor
sump A tank or drainage pit that col- problems. This chlorine treatment is
lects water or other fluids for eventual beyond that necessary to kill pathogens.
Superfund See comprehensive envi-
sunscreen Lotion containing chemical ronmental response, compensation,
agents that absorb ultraviolet light. and liability act; hazardous sub-
These preparations can protect individu- stances superfund.
als from the damaging effects of sunlight,
including sunburn and skin cancer. Sun- Superfund Amendments and Reautho-
screens are rated with a sun protection rization Act (SARA) The 1986 amend-
factor (SPF) ranging from about 4 to 50 ments to the comprehensive environ-
or better. The numerical value relates mental response, compensation, and
to the time that an individual can stay liability act (the Superfund law). SARA
in the Sun without burning. If a person included provisions that increased the size
can safely stay in the Sun for one hour, of the hazardous substances super-
a sunscreen with an SPF of 5 extends the fund, required new cleanup standards,
time to 5 × 1 hour or 5 hours. The SPF and started the superfund innovative
time to sunburn applies to ultraviolet technology evaluation (SITE) pro-
radiation–b range (UV-B) because UV- gram. title iii of SARA, the Emergency
B is the primary cause of sunburn and skin Planning/Community Right-to-Know Act
cancer risk. Some sunscreens also protect of 1986, requires that for certain chemi-
against ultraviolet radiation–a range cals, facilities make public annually the
(UV-A), which promotes tanning but also amounts they routinely (or accidentally)
contributes to skin aging. UV-A protec- release into the air, water, or ground. Title
tion does not have an approved, standard III also requires, for certain chemicals,
protection rating yet. In order to be effec- that facilities make public annually the
tive, the lotion must be applied in the amounts stored and their locations within
amount and at the intervals suggested on the facility. The chemical storage provision
the instructions. was accompanied by the creation of state

Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments Plan

emergency response commissions and of crude oil, often in excess of 500,000

local emergency planning commit- deadweight tons. The supertankers are
tees, which compile this information and the largest ships in the world. Their size
plan for public responses to the possible results in very efficient transport of crude
accidental release of the stored chemicals. oil; however, their ability to maneuver is
limited. Stopping distances are measured
Superfund Comprehensive Accom- in miles. Often these ships are too large
plishments Plan (SCAP) Part of the to enter ports. They are offloaded at deep-
comprehensive environmental res- water locations, and the oil is transported
ponse, compensation, and liability to shore facilities by pipeline. Accidents
information system (CERCLIS), a involving supertankers can result in large-
listing of the status of superfund sites scale environmental damage due to the
that are included and those that are not release of millions of barrels of cargo.
included on the national priorities
list, including completed and planned supplemental environmental project
removal/remediation actions. Web site: (SEP) An activity that is directly ben- eficial to the environment performed by
a company that has been convicted of
Superfund Innovative Technology Eval- violating pollution standards. The cost
uation program (SITE) A cooperative of the project is considered partial fulfill-
arrangement between private companies ment of the company’s required penalty
and the U.S. EPA to demonstrate, evaluate, payment.
and encourage the commercial development
of improved technologies for the permanent supplied-air respirator A respirator
cleanup of superfund sites. delivering clean air to the wearer from an
external source through a hose. In con-
Superfund site A hazardous waste trast, an air-purifying respirator cleans
landfill or other area that represents a the air by filtering or chemical sorption as
threat to public health or the environment the wearer inhales.
because of the presence of hazardous
substances. Locations are placed on the Support Center for Regulatory Air
national priorities list and are cleaned Models (SCRAM) The U.S. EPA Web
up by the responsible parties or by use of site that supplies technical documentation
proceeds from the hazardous substance and executable computer code for the air
superfund. Cleanups follow the national quality dispersion models approved
contingency plan. See comprehensive for use in air pollution regulatory pro-
environmental response, compensa- grams (called guideline models). Web
tion, and liability act; hazard rank- site:
ing system; listing site inspection;
potentially responsible party; prelim- surface area scaling factor In cancer
inary assessment and site inspection. risk assessments, a factor used to con-
vert animal dose rates to equivalent human
supernatant The clear fluid that is dose rates on the basis of their relative
removed from the top of settling cham- body surface areas. This method relies on
bers or settling ponds in which settle- the proportionality between body surface
able solids are sinking. The liquid is also area and basal metabolism. The dose
referred to as overflow. rate units are typically milligrams of a
chemical per square meter of surface area
supersonic Faster than sound. See per day. Of the several adjustment meth-
shock wave; sonic boom. ods available, surface area scaling is the
method most frequently used by the U.S.
supertanker The largest class of ships, EPA to calculate human cancer risks from
designed to transport enormous quantities laboratory data. See scaling factor.

surrogate standard

surface casing Used in oil and gas surface tension The force that causes the
wells, the well pipe inserted as a lining surface of a liquid to contract, causing it to
near the surface of the well to protect behave as though it were a stretched mem-
freshwater zones from contamination by brane or elastic skin. The behavior is the
drilling fluids, hydrocarbons, or saltwater result of the intermolecular forces between
rising from deeper levels. the molecules constituting the liquid. Each
liquid molecule (for example, liquid water)
surface collecting agents Chemical is pulled in all directions by the forces
additives spread on oil spills in an aquatic exerted by surrounding molecules. The mol-
environment to control the thickness of ecules at the air-liquid interface are attracted
the oil layer. only by those molecules below and on the
sides. As a result, the molecules are pulled
surface compaction Increasing soil back into the body of the liquid. For water,
density by applying force at the surface; the result is that needles and some insects
the process is used in the installation of a sit on top of the surface, and water beads
clay liner. In contrast, solid waste typi- on waxed surfaces. detergents reduce sur-
cally undergoes compaction into bales or face tension, allowing water to wet surfaces
compaction in collection vehicles before it by decreasing the attraction between water
is buried. molecules. See surfactant.

surface impoundment See impound- surface water Water that occupies riv-
ment. ers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, and wet-
lands. Also, water that falls to the ground
surface mining The process of remov- as rain or snow and does not evaporate or
ing mineral deposits that are found close percolate into the ground.
enough to the surface so that the construc-
tion of tunnels is not necessary. The soil and surface water rule See surface water
strata that cover the deposit are removed treatment rule.
to gain access to the mineral deposit. The
primary environmental concerns related to Surface Water Treatment Rule
this technique are the disposition of spoils (SWTR) U.S. EPA regulations issued
removed to gain access to the deposit and under the provisions of the safe drink-
the need to restore the landscape that ing water act that require public water
remains after the complete removal of the systems that use surface water supplies or
deposit. Water pollution is also a concern groundwater influenced by surface water
because runoff from the mining area is to filter and disinfect the source water
frequently rich in sediment and minerals. before distribution to the public. The basis
Also called strip mining. Compare under- of the regulation is to control the levels
ground mining. See surface mining of giardia, legionella, and cryptospo-
control and reclamation act. ridium species and of viruses in the source
water. The Cryptosporidium sp. control
Surface Mining Control and Recla- regulation is also called the Enhanced Sur-
mation Act (SMCRA) A federal law face Water Treatment Rule.
passed in 1977 requiring all surface coal
mining operators to meet detailed perfor- surfactant An agent that is used to
mance standards, including the restoration decrease the surface tension of water,
of the surface-mined land to its original useful for removing or dispersing oils or
condition. The act also imposed a fee on oily residues. Most detergents are sur-
each ton of coal removed, to be used for the factants; the term is derived from surface
reclamation of land subject to unregulated active agent.
or poorly regulated strip mining in the past.
surrogate standard An organic com-
surface roughness See roughness. pound used in gas chromatography as

Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results

a standard for accuracy and precision dissolved and suspended matter. Those
estimates. The compound is chosen to be solid materials that are retained on a filter
of similar chemical makeup to the actual prescribed by the specific technique being
organic compounds being measured and followed are referred to as particulate mat-
therefore behaves similarly in the analyti- ter. The suspended particulate matter can
cal procedure. A known amount of the by subdivided into two fractions: volatile
surrogate is introduced along with the and fixed. The volatile particulates are
sample containing other organic com- those that are lost when the filter is heated
pounds as an internal control of methods to about 550°C, and the fixed particulates
and instruments. are those that are not lost upon heating to
550°C. The volatile substances are gener-
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End ally considered to be of biological origin,
Results (SEER) A summary of infor- and the fixed solids are considered to be
mation from each cancer registry in the minerals. 2. In air quality management,
United States. The registries collect data solid particles or liquid droplets suspended
from 10% of the U.S. population and in air or carried by a stream of air or other
include a cross section of urban, rural, and gases through a duct, for example. See
regional populations. A program of the particulate matter; particulate mat-
national cancer institute, the SEER ter, 2.5-micron diameter; particulate
data are considered to be national aver- matter, 10-micron diameter.
age cancer incidence rates. Local and state
cancer incidence rates are often compared suspended solids Same as suspended
with SEER rates. Web site: HTTP://seer. particulate matter.
suspension 1. The dispersion of small
survival curve A graph obtained by particles of a solid or liquid in a gas-
plotting the fraction of organisms surviv- eous or aqueous medium. 2. In pesticide
ing an increasing dose of some dangerous regulation, the immediate ban of a pes-
agent such as radiation or toxic chemical. ticide deemed by the U.S. EPA to pose
an imminent hazard to human health
survivorship curve A graph of the or the environment. If a high probability
number of individuals born in the same of serious harm cannot be demonstrated,
year who are alive at the beginning of a the agency may begin cancellation pro-
series of succeeding periods. For example, ceedings.
if in year one 100 individuals are born, at
the beginning of year two perhaps 90 are sustainable agriculture Practices em-
living, at the start of year three 87 survive, ployed in the production of food and fiber
and so on. that take a long-term view of the require-
ments for maintaining the productivity of
suspect material Roofing, flooring, sid- the land; conservation and steward-
ing shingles, ceiling tiles, insulation, and ship of the land. Some of the aspects are
other building materials that may contain maintenance and regeneration of the soil,
asbestos. water, and essential biological resources
through the prevention of erosion, nutri-
suspended load The soil, sand, rocks, ent deprivation, and salt accumulation.
and other particulate material carried Also included are the production of food
along in the water of a river, stream, or and fiber in sufficient quantity and qual-
drainage feature. ity to provide for the needs of the pub-
lic and for the financial stability of the
suspended particulate matter 1. farmer.
In water quality management, a sample
drawn from natural water or from a waste- sustainable development Describes ef-
water stream consists of a mixture of both forts to guide economic growth, especially


in less developed countries, in an environ- and analytical protocols for testing waste
mentally sound manner, with emphasis on regulated under the resource conserva-
natural resource conservation. Also des- tion and recovery act. The publication
cribed as development that proceeds in a is available in paperback, CD-ROM, and
way that extends the lifetime of natural online at
resources as long as possible. See brundt- See characteristic hazardous waste;
land commission report. corrosivity; ignitability; reactiv-
ity; toxicity characteristic leaching
sustained nuclear reaction A continu- procedure.
ous series of fission events. Nuclear fis-
sion involves the splitting of the nucleus of swill A thick liquid waste material con-
an atom such as uranium-235. As a result sisting of food scraps and water.
of the fission process, heat energy, radia-
tion, large fission products (which are symbiosis An association between two
actually atoms of other elements produced different organisms so that both profit
by the fragmentation of the uranium from the relationship. See mutualism.
atom), and neutrons are released. The
process continues as individual uranium symbiotic Describing a relationship
atoms undergo sequential fission reactions between either bacteria and animals or
if certain conditions are met: the energy plants, an animal and plant, animals of
level of neutrons that are released must different species, or plants of different spe-
be lowered or moderated, and some of cies such that both members of the pair
the moderated neutrons must hit another
benefit from the association. The associa-
atom of uranium-235. When these two
tion is so strong that neither member can
conditions are satisfied, the chain reaction
exist or carry out certain activities alone.
perpetuates itself. See moderator.
For example, the presence of bacteria of
the genus Rhizobium in root structures
sustained-yield harvesting The remov-
of legumes (plants that produce seeds in
ing of renewable resources, such as
a pod) results in the fixation of atmo-
trees, at a rate that allows sufficient
regrowth to maintain a continuous supply spheric nitrogen for use as a nutrient. Nei-
for cutting in the future. ther the bacterium nor the plant can carry
out the function alone.
swamp A tract of land that is saturated
with water and that is covered intermit- sympatric Describing two or more
tently with standing water. The area is species occupying the same geographical
usually overgrown with thick vegetation area.
dominated by shrubs and trees.
synapse The point at which a nerve
swampbuster provision A wetland impulse travels from one nerve cell to
conservation measure in federal farming another. This transfer requires the release
legislation excluding farmers from partici- and activity of a variety of chemicals.
pation in USDA farm support programs if Some toxic agents, such as the organo-
they plant on land meeting the definition phosphate and carbamate insecticides,
of a wetland. See wetlands. affect organisms by suppressing the func-
tioning of these chemicals. See cholines-
sweetening The removal of odorous sul- terase inhibitors.
fur contaminants from petroleum products.
syncrude See synfuel.
SW-846 The common term for the
U.S. EPA publication Test Methods for synecology The study of the interac-
Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemi- tions among different populations within
cal Methods, which contains sampling an ecosystem. Compare autecology.

synergistic effect

synergistic effect An effect that occurs synthetic natural gas (SNG) A gas-
when two or more agents act in such a eous hydrocarbon fuel produced by the
way that the total effect is greater than processing of coal, primarily composed
the predicted sum of the individual agents of methane. See synfuel.
acting alone. For example, the two air pol-
lutants sulfur dioxide and particulate synthetic organic chemical manufac-
matter have a greater adverse effect on turing industry (SOCMI) About 400
human health than would be expected major sources regulated as a group by cer-
from the sum of their individual toxicities. tain air and water pollution control regu-
lations (e.g., the hazardous organic
synfuel A gas or liquid hydrocarbon fuel neshap [HON] rules).
produced from coal or shale. The use of
coal to produce these alternative fuels pres- synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs)
ents a variety of environmental problems, General term used to describe carbon-
ranging from damage done at the mine to containing molecules made by human
emissions of sulfur oxide, polycyclic beings. Hydrocarbon feedstocks, crude
aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy oil, and natural gas are common raw
metals. The problems related to the use of materials that are converted into synthetic
shale center around the high demand for materials.
water during processing and the substan-
tial amount of solid waste that results. synthetic seawater An artificial prod-
uct of the approximate ionic composition
synoptic scale Large-scale weather pat- of water in the oceans.
terns, as used on a typical weather map, with
horizontal units of several hundred to sev- synthetic vitreous fibers (SVFs) See
eral thousand kilometers and time units of man-made mineral fibers.
one day to one week. This scale of analysis
combines atmospheric data from hundreds systemic In toxicology, affecting the
of weather stations to produce patterns such whole body or portions of the body other
as low-pressure systems and fronts. than the site of entry of a chemical sub-
stance. For example, a material may con-
synthetic fuel Same as synfuel. tact the skin and cause a localized irri-
tant effect at the site of contact. If it also
synthetic mineral fibers (SMFs) See penetrates the skin and gains access to the
man-made mineral fibers. blood, it can have a systemic effect.

synthetic minor Under the title v systems audit A comprehensive exami-

permit regulations of the 1990 amend- nation of an environmental sampling and
ments to the clean air act, a source that analysis project, including sampling tech-
has the potential to emit pollutants at niques, calibration methods, and an
a rate that would classify it as a major appraisal of the quality assurance plan.
source but has actual emissions that put it
in the minor source category. The actual systems ecology The use of mathemati-
emissions take into account enforceable cal analyses to study the operations, factors,
limitations (control devices) imposed on and processes that influence the association
the source. See true minor. of organisms and their surroundings.


tacking The binding of mulch fibers by the flash point of a liquid. The liquid
mixing them with an adhesive chemical is placed in an open container and then
compound during land restoration projects. heated until an ignition source sparks a
flame. The open cup method results in a
tag closed cup (TCC) Tagliabue lower vapor concentration above the liq-
closed cup, a standard method for deter- uid and thus produces flash point higher
mining the flash point of a liquid. The than the tag closed cup method.
liquid is placed in a closed vessel and then
heated until an ignition source sparks a taiga See boreal forest.
flame. The closed cup method enhances
the vapor concentration above the liquid tailings The remaining waste material
and thus produces a lower flash point than after metal is extracted from ore.
the tag open cup method.
tailpipe standards Allowable vehicle
taggant chips Microscopic multilay- emission rates set by U.S. EPA regula-
ered and multicolored particles used for tions under the provisions of the clean
air act. The standards are written as the
identification. The chips are manufactured
mass of pollutant that may be emitted
with a unique sequence of colored lay-
per mile traveled; for example, a light-
ers that positively identifies a registered
duty vehicle may not exceed 3.4 grams of
user. Fluorescent and magnetic layers are
carbon monoxide per mile driven. See
included to locate the chips, and the color
catalytic converter; inspection and
sequence is read with a 100× microscope.
maintenance; low-emission vehicle;
If mixed with explosives or toxic wastes,
three-way catalyst; zero emission
the particles can be used to solve crimes vehicle.
that involve terrorism or illegal waste
dumping. Also called microtaggants. tail water The runoff from land that is
being irrigated. The water may be high in
tagged molecule An atom of a radio- fertilizer and pesticide concentrations and
active element used within some mol- may contain an accumulation of inorganic
ecule for the purpose of studying the salts. See salinization.
behavior of that molecule. For exam-
ple, carbon dioxide (CO2) containing a take Under the endangered species
radioactive isotope of carbon (14C) act, no person may “take” an endan-
might be used to study carbon dioxide gered species, which is defined in the act
fixation by plants through determining as “to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot,
the inclusion of the radioactive form of wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or
carbon in the carbohydrates produced by to attempt to engage in such conduct,”
the plant during photosynthesis. See 16 USC 1532 (19). Focusing on the word
carbon 14. harm in the take statutory definition, the
courts have held that habitat modifica-
tag open cup (TOC) Tagliabue open tion, including activities on private land,
cup, a standard method for determining may be stopped by the ESA if the activities


will take a protected species. See inciden- target organism An undesirable or

tal take for a partial exemption to the harmful insect, fungus, rodent, or other
take prohibition. pest that a pesticide is designed to kill.

taking In law, the Fifth Amendment to target theory A concept used to explain
the U.S. Constitution prohibits the taking the interaction of ionizing radiation
of private property for public use without and biological specimens in which the
just compensation. An issue in environ- ionization that is produced in the cell by
mental law is whether some regulations the radiation damages a specific target or
prevent a landowner from using prop- location within that cell. One or more ion-
erty to an extent that is the equivalent izing events may be required to take place
of a taking of the property, for example, within the cell before a specific physiologi-
for a public highway. Takings questions cal condition is observed.
have arisen most often in wetlands or
endangered species protection regula- tar sands Sandy deposits containing
tions that prevent land development or bitumen, a viscous petroleum-like mate-
other use. rial that has a high sulfur content. Bitu-
men can be thermally removed after sur-
talc A soft mineral, usually light tan or face mining of the sands, upgraded, and
white in color, composed of magnesium then refined to oil products. Large tar
silicate. The main ingredient in talcum sand deposits are in Alberta, Canada. The
powder. Chronic exposure to this agent smaller amounts in the United States are
of workers in the rubber and cosmetics almost all in Utah. See heavy oil; shale
industries results in pulmonary fibrosis. oil. See for
more information.
Tansley, Arthur (1871–1955) Eng-
taxon Any formal classification cat-
lish plant ecologist Tansley was the
egory used to array biological organisms
first to use the term ecosystem. He
into groups such as order, family, genus,
founded the Journal of Ecology and edited
or species. Plural, taxa.
the publication for 21 years. He was
knighted in 1950.
Taylor Grazing Act A 1934 federal
statute that, with the federal land pol-
tar balls Nonvolatile hydrocarbon icy and management act, governs the
clumps remaining in water after the vol- management and preservation of federal
atile fractions have evaporated from public land, excluding national forests and
crude oil that has been discharged or national parks. Establishes grazing dis-
spilled into the marine environment. When tricts and issues grazing permits.
washed ashore, these residues, which
range from marble size to beachball size, technical adviser See technical assis-
spoil beaches. tance grant.

tare The determination of the empty technical assistance grant (TAG) Un-
weight of a container or vessel in order to der the provisions of the comprehensive
allow for the future quantification of con- environmental, response, compensa-
tents by weighing the full or partially full tion, and liability act, funds provided
container and computing the difference. to communities directly affected by the
cleanup of a hazardous waste site on
target organ The body organ (e.g., the the national priorities list (Superfund
liver) or organ system (respiratory, ner- site). The grant is awarded to a commu-
vous) that is most likely to be adversely nity group to hire a technical adviser to
affected by overexposure to a chemical or interpret scientific and engineering data
physical agent. developed as part of the cleanup. The goal

temperate deciduous forest

is for the community to understand the ventional control technology; best

site’s risk to human health and the envi- demonstrated available technology.
ronment sufficiently to participate in the
decisions concerning the goals and meth- technology forcing Describing stan-
ods of the cleanup work. dards or levels of control called for in
environmental statutes or regulations for
technical-grade active ingredient which existing technologies are inadequate
(TGA) The pure form of a chemical and therefore require technical advance-
used as a pesticide that is delivered to a ments to achieve.
processor for formulation into a commer-
cial product. technopolis 1. Name applied to a model
of futuristic city development in which the
technologically enhanced naturally growth in a city would be vertical rather
radioactive material (TENR material) than outward. 2. An urban area attractive
A naturally occurring source of radioac- to and the home of high-technology busi-
tive elements to which humans are exposed nesses. 3. An urban area with a high-tech-
as a result of some human activity, such as nology telecommunications infrastructure.
underground mining, ore processing (e.g.,
phosphogypsum piles), or drilling of Tellico Dam The tennessee valley
wells. Also called technologically enhanced authority project to dam the Little
naturally occurring radioactive material. Tennessee River that was almost can-
See naturally occurring radioactive celed by a small fish, the snail darter.
material; produced water. The snail darter was found in the Lit-
tle Tennessee River and listed as an
technological optimist One who endangered species because its habi-
believes that technology and human enter- tat would be destroyed by the Tellico
prise will overcome the adverse effects of Dam reservoir. The U.S. Supreme Court,
industrialism and its accompanying pollu- in TVA v. Hill, 437 U.S. 153 (1978),
tion problems. See cornucopian. ruled that the endangered species act
(ESA) applied to the case, and the dam
technology based Describing emission construction was stopped. In 1979, a
or effluent limitations that are not defined review board, also known as the god
in terms of allowable releases that achieve committee, created by an amendment
a desirably low ambient pollutant con- to the ESA, ruled for the snail darter and
centration (ambient standard) but against the dam. The ESA was amended
instead are based on the pollutant control later in 1979 to exclude the Tellico Dam
efficiency that is achievable using current project, and the dam was completed. The
technology, for example, the best avail- snail darter was reclassified to a threat-
able control technology standard ened species status in 1984 after the
for air emissions and the best available discovery of other small populations in
technology economically achiev- nearby rivers.
able for water discharges of toxic chemi-
cals. See technology-based effluent temperate deciduous forest A geo-
limitation. graphic region characterized by distinct
seasons, moderate temperatures, and rain-
technology-based effluent limitation fall from 30 to 60 inches per year. These
(TBEL) In water quality management forests are found in eastern North Amer-
under the clean water act, the tech- ica; eastern Australia; western, central,
nology-based standards applicable to and eastern Europe; and parts of China
various types of pollutants and pollutant and Japan. Typical trees in the North
sources. See best available technology American deciduous forest are oak, hick-
economically achievable; best con- ory, maple, ash, and beech.


temperature A measure of the average temporary threshold shift (TTS) The

energy of the molecular motion in a body short-lived reduction in hearing ability for
or substance at a certain point. certain frequencies caused by noise over-
exposure. Exhibited by an increase in the
temperature inversion In the atmo- hearing threshold level. Recovery is
sphere, the condition in which air tem- usually complete within 16 to 24 hours.
perature increases with increasing altitude See permanent threshold shift.
over a certain altitude range. The inver-
sion layer can be at ground level or aloft. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) A
The condition results in a layer of warmer federal agency established in 1933 to
air above cooler air, a circumstance that encourage the economic development
inhibits atmospheric mixing and disper- of the Tennessee River valley. The TVA
sion of pollutants. The two types are built dams for hydropower, navigation
radiation inversion and subsidence improvement, and flood control. It also
inversion. began reforestation and erosion control
projects. Later, it constructed nuclear
and coal-fired electric power stations and
is now the largest public electric power
company in the United States. For more
information, visit

10 percent rule In ecology, the max-

im stating that about 10% of the energy
available at one trophic level is passed
upward and stored in the bodies of organ-
isms at the next-higher trophic level. The
relatively small transfer of energy is due
in part to respiration requirements of
the energy consumers. Also, parts of
ingested organisms are excreted, and not
all available organisms are harvested.
Approximately the same relationship can
be demonstrated when the transfer of car-
bon from one trophic level to the next is
examined. See ecological pyramid.

tephra Dust, ash, and pumice ejected

by the eruption of a volcano and carried
downwind before settling to Earth.

teratogen A chemical substance or

physical agent that significantly increases
the risk of malformation or adverse devel-
temporary hardness Water hardness opment of a fetus.
that can be reduced or removed by heat-
ing. Heating drives off carbon dioxide, terminal settling velocity For a parti-
shifting the carbonate buffer system cle falling in a nonturbulent fluid (liquid or
equilibrium so that carbonate ions com- gas), the velocity reached when the drag, or
bine with dissolved calcium or magnesium frictional resistance, on the particle equals
ions, form solids, and precipitate. This the gravitational force on the particle. The
process lowers the calcium/magnesium ion measure is used in the design of chambers
water concentration, lowering the hard- in which particles are removed from air or
ness. Also called carbonate hardness. from water by gravitational settling. The


horizontal flow rate through the chamber cal techniques, such as the application of
must allow time for the particles to reach wastewater to land to allow the growth
the bottom of the settling chamber. See of plants to remove plant nutrients. See
stokes’s law. advanced wastewater treatment;
ammonia stripping; carbon polishing;
terpenes Natural products consisting of phytotreatment.
10 carbon atoms found in the oils
extracted from many types of plants. This tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF or
family of compounds provides plants and TCDBF) A polyhalogenated hydrocar-
flowers with their fragrance, and some of bon found as a contaminant in commer-
the terpenes are used commercially in per- cial preparations of polychlorinated
fumes and flavoring agents. Some, such as biphenyls (PCBs). This contaminant may
camphor from the camphor tree, have been be responsible for some of the adverse
used as medicines since antiquity. Terpenes effects of PCBs. The molecule is very simi-
can contribute to the biogenic volatile lar in chemical structure to tetrachlo-
organic compounds in the atmosphere rodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) and
during certain times of the year. is frequently referred to as dibenzo-para-
dioxin. The toxicity, potency, and bio-
terracing A series of levels on a hillside, logical effects are very similar to those of
one above another. Hillside farming on ter- TCDD.
races greatly reduces water erosion of soil.
terrestrial ecology The study of the (TCDD) An aromatic halogenated
relationships among land-dwelling organ- hydrocarbon that is one of the most feared
isms and their habitat. chlorinated compounds. Dioxin is pro-
duced during the synthesis of precursors
terrestrial radiation The infrared used in the manufacture of trichloro-
radiation emitted by the surface of the phenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-t). The com-
Earth and the atmosphere. Solar radiation pound is toxic to liver and kidney function
is absorbed in the atmosphere, by surface and has been shown to induce a variety of
tumors in animal models. Adverse effects
waters, and by the ground; the energy is rera-
on the immune system of mammals have
diated as heat (longer-wavelength infrared
also been noted. chloracne is the most
radiation) and, after atmospheric absorption
common symptom resulting from human
and transfers, eventually lost to space. See
exposure. TCDD has been involved in a
greenhouse effect; wien’s law.
number of well-publicized environmen-
tal cases, the most famous of which is
territoriality Animal behavior trait in contamination of the herbicide mixture
which animals define an area around their known as agent orange used as a defoli-
nest, den, or home and then defend the ant during the Vietnam War. Also referred
area with gusto, most commonly against to as dioxin and dibenzo-para-dioxin. See
members of the same species. seveso; times beach.
tertiary treatment Method for the
purification of wastewater beyond Tetrachlorodibenzo-para -dioxin
the conventional methods of primary
treatment (physical) and secondary
treatment (biological). Facilities may
apply one or more of the tertiary treat-
ment methods, which remove inorganic
nitrogen and phosphorus or dissolved
organic carbon. Methods range from
chemical techniques, such as the addition
of lime to remove phosphates, to biologi-


tetrachloroethylene See perchloro- level. The predictions of Malthus were

ethylene. based on pessimistic assumptions. See
malthus, thomas robert; malthusian.
tetraethyl lead An antiknock addi-
tive in gasoline that was the single largest therapeutic index (TI) The ratio of the
source of lead emissions into the atmo- dose of a drug that causes adverse effects
sphere until the phaseout of the additive in to the dose producing therapeutic effects.
the United States completed in 1989. The higher the TI, the safer the drug.

theoretical maximum residue contribu- therm A unit of heat equal to 100,000

tion (TMRC) In pesticide regulation british thermal units (BTUs).
of a proposed new pesticide or a new use of
an existing pesticide, an assumed maximal thermal decomposition products Gases
exposure used in the registration review or vapors evolved from heating, but not
by the U.S. EPA. The TMRC is used for burning, a material. These chemicals can
pesticides that do not pose a cancer risk. pose a toxicity or fire/explosion hazard.
The hypothetical maximum amount of a
pesticide residue received by a person thermal inversion See temperature
is estimated by using the tolerance (maxi- inversion.
mal concentration of the pesticide residue
on food) and a person’s assumed daily thermal NOx nitrogen oxide formed
intake of all foods that may contain the by the heating of combustion air to the
residue, all containing the maximum toler- point at which atmospheric nitrogen and
ance (concentration) allowed. The TMRC atmospheric oxygen combine. Fuel NOx
is then compared with the allowable daily is the primary source of the nitrogen oxide
intake of the chemical (reference dose). emissions from human activities. Compare
If the TMRC exceeds the reference dose, fuel nox.
the U.S. EPA denies a registration for
the new pesticide. See federal insecti- thermal plume The hot water dis-
cide, fungicide, and rodenticide act; charged from a power generation facility
tolerances. or other industrial plant. When the water
at elevated temperature enters a receiv-
theoretical oxygen demand (TOD) ing stream, the hot water is not immedi-
The amount of oxygen required for com- ately dispersed and mixed with the cooler
plete decomposition of a substance. The waters of the lake or river. The warmer
calculation is based on the empirical for- water moves as a single mass (plume)
mula of specific substances. downstream from the discharge point
until it cools and gradually mixes with
theory of diminishing returns David that of the receiving stream. See thermal
Ricardo’s economic theory that as fac- pollution.
tors of production (input) were added,
the return (output) per additional input thermal pollution The addition of
declined. As labor inputs rose, therefore, excessive waste heat to a water body, usu-
the return (output) declined per unit of ally by the discharge of cooling water
labor added. Thomas Malthus extended from an electric power plant. The shift to
Ricardo’s theory to predict that as the a warmer aquatic environment can cause
human population rose, more labor would a change in species composition and
be added to food production, but, given lower the dissolved oxygen content of
the fixed amount of available land and the water.
the theory of diminishing returns, food
production would not keep pace with thermal power plant A facility
the growing population. As a result, this that generates electricity by using some
would regulate population at a starvation energy source to convert water to steam.


The steam is then used to turn turbine thermonuclear A nuclear reaction that
generators. requires extremely high temperature (107–
108 K) as the activation energy to initiate
thermal stratification The formation the fusion process.
or condition of well-defined horizon-
tal water temperature zones in a lake or thermoplastic The common plastics,
pond. See epilimnion; fall turnover; such as polyethylenes and polyethyl-
hypolimnion; spring turnover. ene terephthalate, composed of long,
linear polymers. Termed thermoplastic
thermal system insulation (TSI) Ma- because they become soft when heated;
terial applied to the exterior of pipes, consequently, they can be molded into
ducts, tanks, or similar items to prevent various shapes while soft.
heat loss or gain.
thermoset polymer The hard plas-
thermal treatment of hazardous tic formed from cross-linked molecules.
waste Any treatment of hazardous Examples include acrylics and epoxys.
waste that involves exposure of the mate- These cannot be melted with heat.
rial to elevated temperatures in an effort
to change the characteristics of the waste, thickener A settling pond or tank
for example, incineration, pyrolysis, where the concentration of solids is
plasma processes, and microwave dis- increased by allowing settling and removal
charge. See destruction and removal of clarified liquid (supernatant). The sol-
efficiency; four nines; six nines; trial ids that are pumped from the bottom of
burn. the pond or tank are much thicker than
the incoming fluid.
thermal turbulence Randomly fluctu-
ating air motion caused by ground-level Thiobacillus An aquatic or terres-
air being heated at the surface and rising trial genus of bacteria that is capable of
past and through the upper air. The errati- oxidizing elemental sulfur, sulfide ions,
cally moving eddies thus produced are thiosulfates, and other forms of inor-
typically larger than those produced by ganic sulfur to derive the energy needed
mechanical turbulence and are more in metabolism. Bacteria belonging to this
effective in the dilution of air pollutants genus fix carbon dioxide (are autotro-
by mixing cleaner air with contaminated phic) and produce sulfuric acid as an
air. See eddy diffusion. end product. They can increase the acid-
ity of soil or water to levels that result
thermocline The sharp boundary in the destruction of natural environ-
between the epilimnion and the hypo- ments. Bacteria belonging to this genus
limnion in certain lakes and ponds in are termed chemoautotrophs.
the temperate zone during the summer
months. Characterized by a rapid change third third See land disposal ban.
in water temperature over a short dis-
tance, from the warmer epilimnion to the Third World Less developed countries
cooler hypolimnion. Little mixing occurs that have not created advanced industrial
across the thermocline. See thermal economies.
Thirmerosal An organometallic pre-
thermodynamics The study of the servative that consists of nearly 50% ethyl
involvement of heat energy in chemical mercury. Since the 1930s, the agent has
or physical reactions and the conversion been used as a preservative in products
of energy from one form to another. See such as cosmetics, tattoo inks, eyedrops,
first law of thermodynamics; second and contact lens solutions. The trade
law of thermodynamics. name of the agent is Merthiolate. Tincture

Thoreau, Henry David

of Merthiolate was used for decades as a agency that is tested as a three-hour

skin antiseptic. Use of the agent as a pre- average. Concentrations for time inter-
servative in vaccines has been proposed vals less than three hours may exceed the
as a possible cause of the development of three-hour standard, as long as the time-
autism in young children. The agent is no weighted average over the three hours
longer produced in the United States, and is maintained. For example, for a chemical
its use as a preservative in vaccines has with a three-hour standard of 40 ppm, the
been discontinued. air concentration of the chemical could be
60 ppm for one hour and 15 ppm for two
Thoreau, Henry David (1817–62) hours. The three-hour average in this case
American writer Thoreau argued the would be one hour × 60 ppm + two hours
virtues of a simple life. He is best known × 15 ppm ÷ three hours, or 30 ppm, less
for Walden; Or Life in the Woods (1854), than the 40 ppm standard.
in which he described his time living in a
small cabin near Concord, Massachusetts. Three Mile Island Location of the
Also having environmental themes are A most publicized accident associated with
Week on the Concord and Merrimac Riv- the operation of a nuclear reactor in the
ers (1849) and The Maine Woods (1864, United States. The island is in the Susque-
after his death). hanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylva-
nia. Beginning at 4:00 a.m. on March 28,
thorium A naturally occurring element 1979, the Three Mile Island Unit 2 power
with an atomic number of 90 and an plant suffered a partial meltdown result-
atomic weight of about 232. The ele-
ing from the loss of cooling water caused
ment can be converted to uranium-233, a
by a combination of equipment mal-
fissionable isotope of uranium, by expo-
function and human error. The accident
sure to neutron irradiation. See fission-
caused significant damage to the reactor
able material.
and contamination by radioactive materi-
als within the containment structure; how-
threatened species A specific plant
ever, little, if any, damage was done in
or animal species whose population level
in some sections of the natural range is the surrounding community. In the wake
very low and that is likely to become an of the potential disaster, President Carter
endangered species without interven- appointed the Kemeny Commission to
tion. See endangered species act. recommend improvements in reactor safe-
guards, which included improved operator
three-hour average In environmental training, additional emergency planning,
monitoring, concentrations of chemi- and renewed emphasis on probabilistic
cals directly measured from a continu- risk assessment to identify potential fail-
ous three-hour sample or reported as the ures. See loss-of-coolant accident.
time-weighted average of concentra-
tions measured for intervals less than three-way catalyst A device that
three hours each, but totaling three hours. controls all three of the top automobile
For example, six 30-minute air samples emissions. An oxidizing catalyst converts
may contain 40 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm, 10 hydrocarbons (unburned fuel) to carbon
ppm, 15 ppm, and 35 ppm of a chemical. dioxide and water and oxidizes carbon
The three-hour average of the six mea- monoxide to carbon dioxide; a reduc-
surements is 25 ppm, calculated by the ing catalyst converts nitrogen oxides
sum obtained by weighing each reading by to atmospheric nitrogen. See catalytic
0.5 hour and then dividing by three hours. converter; tailpipe standards.
See averaging time.
threshold The lowest dose of a chemical
three-hour standard A concentra- or other agent that results in an observable
tion set by an environmental management effect, either adverse or beneficial. Dose

tidal station

levels lower than the threshold do not threshold planning quantity (TPQ)
have a discernible effect. See endpoint. For a chemical designated as an extre-
mely hazardous substance by title
threshold dose The smallest physical iii of the superfund amendments and
or chemical exposure that results in an reauthorization act, the inventory
observable adverse biological effect. Com- amount at a facility that necessitates that
pare nonthreshold pollutant. See the material be reported by the facility and
endpoint. be included in the emergency response plan
for chemical spills or releases. TPQs are
found at Title 40, Part 355, of the code of
federal regulations (40 CFR 355).

threshold shift A reduction in hearing

ability at a given frequency. The change
can be either permanent or temporary. See
permanent threshold shift; tempo-
rary threshold shift.

tidal energy The mechanical energy

associated with the rising and falling of
water level during the movement of the
tides. See tidal power.

tidal marsh Coastal property that is

alternately flooded during high tide and
threshold effect The adverse effect exposed at low tide. This margin around
caused by the threshold dose for a the continents contains plant and animal
particular physical or chemical agent and communities that are like neither those in
route of exposure; the dose required to the sea nor the uplands away from the
cause the threshold effect varies by indi- coast. These areas are unusually produc-
tive in terms of biomass accumulation
vidual. See endpoint.
(productivity) and serve as nursery
areas for many marine species constitut-
threshold hypothesis The concept that ing fishery resources. The marsh acts as
holds that no damage is done to a cell a buffer area protecting the uplands from
or organism when that unit is exposed to storm damage because it absorbs a sig-
chemical agents or radiation below certain nificant part of the energy of a storm com-
concentrations or intensities. Compare ing in from the sea. They also protect the
nonthreshold pollutant. oceanic system because they absorb many
pollutants washed down from the uplands
threshold level See threshold dose. and thereby prevent the pollutants from
entering the ocean.
threshold limit value (TLV) The air-
borne concentration of a gas or particle tidal power The conversion of the
to which most workers can be exposed on mechanical energy associated with the ris-
a daily basis for a working lifetime with- ing and falling of water level caused by the
out adverse effects. The TLVs are set by tides into electric energy. Rising and fall-
the american conference of govern- ing waters are forced into large turbines,
mental industrial hygienists. See per- which then turn and activate generators.
missible exposure limit. See tidal energy.

threshold limit value ceiling (TLV-C) tidal station 1. A recording location for
See ceiling limit. measuring the fluctuations in tidal height

tidal volume

over time. 2. A facility designed to gener- or 63.2% of the final steady-state value,
ate electricity by capturing some of the when the quantity varies with time (t) as
energy available as a result of the ebb and 1 – e¯kt, where e = 2.71828, the base of
flood of the tides. See tidal power. the natural logarithm. Also, the time
required for a physical unit to fall to
tidal volume 1. The volume of air in 1/e (36.8%) of the initial value when the
one normal breath, about 0.5 liter in adult physical unit varies with time as e¯kt.
humans. 2. The volume of water entering
and leaving a bay or salt marsh as the water time-critical removal action (TCRA)
level fluctuates as a result of the tides. Under the provisions of the national
contingency plan, a chemical release
tiering The preparation of an environ- that does not require an emergency
mental impact statement (EIS) for a (immediate) response; response must begin
broad action by a federal agency (pro- within six months. See non-time-criti-
grammatic impact statement) and the cal removal action; removal action.
subsequent preparation of short, detailed
statements for site-specific projects. Times Beach The city of 2,800 in Mis-
souri that, in 1972–73, hired a waste con-
Tier I, Tier II reports As required by tractor to spray oil on its unpaved roads
the emergency planning and commu- as a dust control measure. Ten years later,
nity right-to-know act, chemical inven- in 1982, the waste oil was discovered to
tory forms that must be submitted to the be contaminated with the toxic chemi-
state emergency response commission cal dioxin. In late 1982, after the U.S.
(SERC), the local emergency plan- EPA had begun sampling for dioxin along
ning committee (LEPC), and the local the roadways, the nearby Meramec River
fire department. Tier I reports are annual flooded the city, spreading the dioxin-con-
public disclosures of the estimated ranges taminated soil throughout business and
and the maximum amounts of certain haz- residential areas. The centers for dis-
ardous chemicals stored at a facility, the ease control and prevention issued a
average daily amounts, and the general
health advisory for Times Beach residents
locations of the stored materials. Tier II
to relocate permanently. Federal Superfund
forms give more detailed information on
money was allocated to purchase prop-
the same chemicals covered by Tier I, such
erty from all the residents. After a mas-
as the storage conditions and specific loca-
sive cleanup effort, including the incinera-
tion within the facility. Tier II reports may
tion of over 250,000 tons of contaminated
be submitted in place of Tier I forms vol-
soil, what was formerly the town of Times
untarily, and they must be submitted on
Beach is now a 500-acre state park.
request by the SERC, LEPC, or local fire
department. See risk management plan;
title iii. time-weighted average (TWA) A
method used to calculate the daily expo-
tight-building syndrome See sick- sure of a worker to an airborne chemi-
building syndrome. cal. The duration of exposure to various
airborne concentrations, usually during
tilth 1. The general physical condition an eight-hour day, is summed, then aver-
of soil in reference to agricultural use. 2. aged. Expressed as
Land used for agriculture, as opposed to
pasture or forest. ∑ CiTi
TWA = i=1
timberline See tree line. N
where C is the air concentration mea-
time constant The time required for a sured during period i, Ti is the length of
physical quantity to rise from 0 to (1 – 1/e), period i, and N is the number of periods.


For example, the TWA for an exposure any of over 600 toxic chemicals and chemi-
to a chemical level of 20 parts per mil- cal categories to the air, water, or land.
lion (ppm) for two hours and 100 ppm See extremely hazardous substance;
for six hours is 80 ppm (2 × 20 + 6 × 100, hazards analysis; cameo®; thresh-
divided by 8). old planning quantity; tier i, tier ii
reports; toxics release inventory.
Ti plasmid From tumor-inducing plas-
mid. A small, extrachromosomal piece Title V permit Under the 1990 amend-
of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ments to the clean air act, an integrated
characteristically found in the bacterium permit program for a facility’s emissions
Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This plas- of air pollutants, similar to the national
mid induces crown gall tumor (a knotty pollutant discharge elimination
growth) in plants that are infected with it. system (NPDES) of the clean water
The T-DNA segment of this plasmid can act. The permit specifies emission limits,
be used as a carrier to introduce foreign reporting requirements, an annual com-
genes into plants. pliance certification, public notice rules,
and, as applicable, continuous emission
tipping At a solid waste disposal facil- monitoring (CEM).
ity, the dumping of the contents of a waste
truck, often by hydraulic lifting of one end tolerance limits See limits of toler-
of the load. See tipping fee. ance.

tipping fee The per truck or per ton tolerances An extensive listing (pre-
monetary charge to dispose of solid waste pared by the U.S. EPA and published in
at a sanitary landfill. Title 40, Parts 180, 185, and 186, of the
code of federal regulations) of the
tire processor Business or facility amounts of pesticide residues that are
engaged in the processing of used tires for allowable in or on agricultural products
disposal or recycling. For example, the as a result of pesticide application prior
tires may be shredded into small pieces. to harvest or slaughter. The amounts are
expressed in parts by weight of each spe-
Title III The section of the superfund cific chemical per 1 million parts by weight
amendments and reauthorization act of the commodity (parts per million).
that required nationwide chemical emer- See federal insecticide, fungicide,
gency planning and annual public report- and rodenticide act; food quality
ing of industrial releases of hazardous protection act; theoretical maximum
substances. Also known as the Emer- residue contribution.
gency Planning and Community Right-to-
Know Act. (1) The emergency planning is ton See long ton; short ton; tonne.
for chemical accidents but also includes
the public release of information about tonne A unit of mass equal to 1,000
chemicals used and stored in a community. kilograms. See long ton; short ton.
Emergency planning began with the pri-
vate community awareness and emer- tons per day (TPD) A mass per time
gency response program established by unit often used to describe municipal
the chemical industry and continued with solid waste generation rates. When
the chemical emergency planning under describing disposal at a municipal solid
Title III. Similar analyses were repeated by waste facility, the annual tonnage divided
the risk management plans required by by 260 days (52 five-day weeks).
the clean air act. (2) Under the right-to-
know provisions, Title III requires facili- top-down Describing the emission
ties to make annual public reports of the control approach that, when setting
amounts of routine or accidental releases of best-available control technology

top predator

for an individual source permit, begins Total Coliform Rule The U.S. EPA
with the most stringent control technol- regulatory program under provisions of the
ogy available for facilities of that industry safe drinking water act that sets limits
type. If the particular source can demon- on total coliforms in drinking water.
strate that, for economic or technical rea- Coliform microorganisms are present in
sons, the most stringent technology is not the digestive tract of humans and some
appropriate, then the next most stringent animals. If they are found in water, their
technology is examined, and so on, until presence indicates that the water treatment
a technology cannot be eliminated. This is inadequate or the distribution system is
approach puts the burden on the permit being contaminated, and follow-up tests
applicant to demonstrate that it cannot for fecal coliforms are required. Health
use the most stringent technology. problems associated with coliform con-
tamination include gastroenteritis or
top predator An animal at the top of diseases caused by other pathogens pos-
the food chain. These predators have sibly present in water contaminated with
few natural enemies and are not likely to feces. See indicator organisms; maxi-
be caught and eaten by other species in mum contaminant level; maximum
a community. Because of the ability of contaminant level goal.
these predators to consume large amounts
of prey, these organisms are important in total coliforms All coliform bac-
maintaining the ecological balance in a teria, regardless of their source. fecal
defined geographical area. coliforms are bacteria from the digestive
tract of humans and warm-blooded ani-
topsoil The topmost layer of soil, the a mals. See total coliform rule.
horizon. The composition of the material
normally is a mixture of substances rang- total dissolved phosphorus That form
ing from clay and silt particles to organic of phosphorus-containing chemical that
matter derived from the decomposition passes through a filter. Most commonly,
of plant and animal remains. The texture this class consists of inorganic forms of
and color are distinct from those of the phosphorus and represents that form of
underlying layers. Without this layer of phosphorus that is available for uptake
soil, the land is of little use in agriculture. by plants and use as a plant nutrient.
See humus. Contrast particulate phosphate. See
total carbon (TC) A measure of the
amount of carbon-containing compounds total dissolved solids (TDS) A mea-
in water. The measure includes both sure of the amount of material dissolved
organic and inorganic forms of carbon as in water (mostly inorganic salts). The
well as compounds that are soluble and inorganic salts are measured by filter-
insoluble. The typical laboratory analysis ing a water sample to remove any sus-
involves the conversion of all forms of pended particulate matter, evaporat-
carbon to carbon dioxide and the subse- ing the water, and weighing the solids that
quent measurement of the carbon dioxide remain. An important use of the measure
produced. The TC value is an estimate of involves the examination of drinking
the potential damage that an effluent can water. Water that has a high content of
cause in a receiving stream as a result of inorganic material frequently has taste
the removal of dissolved oxygen from problems and/or water hardness prob-
the water. The measurement of total car- lems. As an example, water that contains
bon requires less sample, is quicker, and an excessive amount of dissolved salt
yields more reproducible results than the (sodium chloride, a dissolved solid that is
measurement of either chemical oxy- frequently encountered) is not suitable for
gen demand or biochemical oxygen drinking. See total solids; total sus-
demand. See total organic carbon. pended solids.

total petroleum hydrocarbons

total fertility rate Within the human water pollutant that can be discharged into
population, the number of children, on a water body without violating a water
average, born to women during their life- quality standard. The amount of pol-
time, calculated by summing, for a par- lutant is set by the U.S. EPA, under provi-
ticular year, the age-specific birth rates for sions of the clean water act, when the
women during their childbearing years. agency determines that existing technol-
The total shows the results of current birth ogy-based effluent limitations on the
rates extended through women’s child- water pollution sources in the area will not
bearing years and is therefore a projection. achieve one or more ambient water qual-
A rate equal to 2 for a particular coun- ity standards. (The polluted lake or stream
try is considered to be a replacement rate, in this case is termed an impaired water
assuming no infant deaths or immigration. body.) The process results in the alloca-
Rates greater than 2 indicate that the pop- tion of the TMDL to the various sources in
ulation of the country is increasing, and a the area; the amount from point sources
rate of less than 2 indicates that the popu- is the wasteload allocation, and the
lation of a country in on the decline. amount from nonpoint sources is the
load allocation.
total growth rate The net change in
the population of a country resulting from total organic carbon (TOC) A mea-
all positive and negative influences on the sure of the amount of organic materi-
number of people in it: births and move- als suspended or dissolved in water. The
ments of people into the country versus measure is very similar to the assay of the
(minus) deaths and movements of people total carbon content; however, samples
out of the country. See emigration; are acidified prior to analysis to remove
immigration. the inorganic salts of carbonates and
bicarbonates. The assay of total organic
total injury incident rate See acci- carbon is an estimate of the potential dam-
dent rate. age that an effluent can cause in a receiving
stream as a result of the removal of dis-
total inorganic carbon (TIC) The solved oxygen from the water. The mea-
total amount of inorganic salts of car- surement of total organic carbon requires
bonates and bicarbonates present in less sample, is quicker, and yields more
water without regard to whether they reproducible results than the measurement
are in suspended particulate form or dis- of either chemical oxygen demand or
solved. Water that contains an excessive biochemical oxygen demand. As a pol-
amount of these salts is considered to be lution indicator, this method is more reli-
hard water. The dissolved materials able than the assay of total carbon when
interfere with the functioning of soaps and the wastewater contains high amounts of
detergents and can form adherent scale total inorganic carbon.
in boilers, pipes, and steam equipment.
total ozone mapping spectrometer
total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) See (TOMS) data stratospheric ozone
kjeldahl nitrogen. measurements by Nimbus 7 satellite instru-
ments for 1978–93; used in the analysis of
totally enclosed treatment facility A trends in ozone layer depletion.
building containing pollution-control
equipment that is directly connected to total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)
an industrial process. The arrangement is A general term used to describe the amount
constituted to prevent the release of any of hydrocarbons (molecules containing
hazardous material into the environment. primarily carbon and hydrogen as part
of a relatively large molecular structure)
total maximum daily load (TMDL) derived from crude oil or hydrocarbons
The maximum quantity of a particular manufactured from crude oil fractions

total reduced sulfur

that can be extracted and quantified from bromoform. This class of water pollut-
contaminated soil or water. The absolute ants are generated when water contain-
“total” is operationally difficult to deter- ing dissolved organic carbon, much
mine because of the great array of material from natural sources, is disinfected with
in crude oil and the limitations of extrac- chlorine. See disinfection by-products;
tion technology and instrumentation. trihalomethanes.

total reduced sulfur (TRS) The sum toxaphene A commercial chlorinated

of the nonoxidized sulfur compounds hydrocarbon insecticide, prepared as
emitted to the air from a facility. These a mixture of around 170 different com-
compounds are responsible for some of pounds. Toxaphene was used extensively
the disagreeable odors associated with on cotton crops. The international
industrial sources. Sulfur emissions from a agency for research on cancer
kraft paper mill using the kraft process (IARC) has rated toxaphene 2B (probable
might include hydrogen sulfide, methyl human carcinogen). In 1982, the U.S. EPA
mercaptan, dimethyl sulfide, and dimethyl canceled the registration for toxaphene
disulfide. TRS from a sulfur recovery pro- for almost all uses in the United States.
cess in an oil refinery might include hydro-
gen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, and carbon toxemia A pathological condition in a
disulfide. See mercaptans. person or animal caused by the presence
of a toxic substance of chemical or bio-
total solids (TS) A measure of the logical origin in the body. The toxic sub-
amount of material that is either dissolved stance can be natural or synthetic.
or suspended in a water sample, obtained
by allowing a known volume to evaporate toxic Describing a material that can
then weighing the remaining residue. Total cause acute or chronic damage to biologi-
solids equals the sum of the measurements cal tissue after excessive physical contact
of total dissolved solids and total or absorption.
suspended solids.
toxicant Any chemical that has the
total suspended particulate (TSP) potential of causing acute or chronic adverse
The measured concentration of airborne effects in animals, plants, or humans.
particulate matter, often expressed as
micrograms of particulate per cubic meter toxic chemical A term that lacks pre-
of sampled air. cision. Generally, a compound that has
an adverse effect on the normal biologi-
total suspended solids (TSS) A mea- cal functions of an organism when the
sure of the amount of particulate mat- organism is exposed to a relatively small
ter that is suspended in a water sample. dose. The compound can be either nat-
The measure is obtained by filtering a ural (commonly called a toxin) or syn-
water sample of known volume. The par- thetic (commonly called a toxicant), and
ticulate material retained on the filter is the adverse biological outcome can vary
then dried and weighed. Compare total from the inhibition of a simple enzymatic
dissolved solids. See total solids. reaction, which would be unnoticed by
a person, to a dramatic outcome such as
total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) The death. Complicating the issue further are
sum of the concentrations of individual the observations that some food items
members of a family of halogenated (salt, for instance) can cause death if con-
derivatives of methane in drinking water. sumed in sufficient quantities and some
The concentrations of the following are beneficial medications owe their therapeu-
employed to compute the sum in milli- tic usefulness to an inherent toxicity. See
grams per liter: chloroform, dibromoch- dose-response relationship; endpoint;
loromethane, bromodichloromethane, and xenobiotics.


Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Sys- toxicity characteristic leaching proce-

tem (TRIS) A U.S. EPA database of chem- dure (TCLP) A test that measures the
icals released and chemicals stored on-site mobility of organic and inorganic chemical
submitted to the U.S. EPA under provisions contaminants in wastes. The test, designed
of the Emergency Planning and Community by the U.S. EPA, produces an estimate of
Right-to-Know Act; the annual data are the potential for leachate formation by a
available from 1987 on. See title iii. Query waste if placed in the ground. If the TCLP
U.S. EPA data at is applied to a solid waste sample and the
extract leached from the waste contains
toxic cloud Airborne plume of a gas, concentrations of specified materials exceed-
vapor, fume, radioactive material par- ing allowable levels, the waste is defined as
ticulate matter, or aerosol that is a hazardous waste, meeting the toxic-
capable of causing damage to the human ity characteristic. The TCLP replaced the
population or to the environment. See extraction procedure toxicity test.
toxic chemical. See characteristic hazardous waste;
constituent concentrations in waste
toxic colonialism A term given to the extract table; constituent concentra-
practice of shipping waste from developed tions in wastes table; sw-846.
countries to less developed countries for
the purpose of ultimate disposal. Several Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE)
programs control waste exports. The prior As part of a facility’s national pollutant
informed consent (PIC) procedure, discharge elimination system water
managed by the United Nations, limits permit, a study to determine the chemical
shipments of certain hazardous chemicals compounds that must be limited to com-
to those expressly approved by the receiv- ply with water quality-based standards or
ing country. Under the provisions of the to reduce acute or chronic toxicity of the
resource conservation and recovery facility’s discharge water as determined by
act, shipments of hazardous waste from whole effluent toxicity testing.
the United States to other countries must
have the informed consent from the import- toxicity testing Use of fish, inverte-
ing country. The terms of the basel con- brates, or mammals to determine the
vention, ratified by over 120 countries, adverse effects of a potential toxic sub-
ban the export of hazardous waste from stance. See bioassay.
developed to lesser-developed nations.
toxicogenomics The study of how a
toxic dose The amount of some mate- human genetic profile affects the risk of
rial (toxic chemical) to which a person an adverse effect from an environmental
must be exposed before a measurable neg- exposure. Web site: http://www.niehs.nih.
ative outcome is noted. See dose; dose gov/nct.
rate; dose response; dose-response
relationship; endpoint. toxicological profile A fact sheet con-
taining a characterization of a potentially
toxicity The ability of a chemical sub- dangerous compound in terms of proper-
stance to cause acute or chronic adverse ties, effects on biota, and dose-response
health effects in animals, plants, or humans. relationship.

toxicity assessment A compilation of toxicology The study of chemical

research and observations of a chemical’s agents that cause diminished health and
potential toxicity for different doses and death in organisms, including humans.
dose rates via different exposure routes The study involves the chemical proper-
in different species. See dose response; ties, recognition, identification, measure-
dose-response relationship; endpoint; ment, distribution, and metabolism of
toxic chemical. hazardous substances to which organisms

Toxicology Data Network

are exposed. The science also includes the requiring the inventory is to inform citi-
prediction of potential adverse effects on zens about the chemical releases in their
organisms, including humans, associated community. The TRI is a right to know
with different doses of chemicals. law, not a pollution control statute; how-
ever, the public reporting requirement has
Toxicology Data Network See had a significant positive effect in reduc-
toxnet. ing the amounts of material released. Web
Toxicology Information on Line
(TOXLINE) A database operated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, The 1976 federal law that authorizes the
Maryland, containing information on U.S. EPA to regulate or prohibit the manu-
adverse effects of chemical compounds. The facture, sale, or use of any new or existing
National Library of Medicine is part of the chemical substance if the agency determines
National Institutes of Health, Department that the material poses an unreasonable
of Health and Human Services. See toxnet. risk to human health or the environment.
Web site: The main focus of the law is on the review
of new chemicals or proposed new uses of
toxic pollutant A substance that, when existing materials, which starts with a pre-
added to the environment in amounts and manufacturing notice (PMN) sent by
under conditions that result in excessive the chemical producer to the agency. The
exposure, causes damage to the natural PMN may include the results of toxicity
environment or to human health. See end- testing of the chemical and other pertinent
point; toxic chemical; toxic dose. information required for the “unreasonable
risk” determination. The indoor radon
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) In- abatement act and the asbestos hazard
formation supplied by companies to the and emergency response act are actu-
U.S. EPA and subsequently made available ally part of the TSCA. See significant
to the public covering the toxic emissions new use rule.
from certain manufacturing facilities. The
report is mandated by the emergency toxic tort The basis of a lawsuit alleg-
planning and community right-to- ing harm to health or property caused by
know act (EPCRA) as part of the super- exposure to emissions of chemicals from
fund amendments and reauthoriza- an industrial site. Toxic tort litigation
tion act (SARA) and also by provisions seeks monetary damages and/or a court
of the pollution prevention act. Cer- injunction against the chemical releases.
tain industrial operations that produce,
prepare, use, or import above-threshold toxic waste Superfluous chemical com-
amounts of 600+ chemicals and chemical pounds or mixtures that have the potential
categories are required to report. In gen- to cause adverse effects on human health
eral, the chemicals are chosen for the list or the environment. See hazardous
if, at excessive doses, they increase the risk waste; compare hazardous substance.
of cancer, birth defects, nervous system
disorders, or other chronic health effects toxin A substance produced by plants
or are expected to cause serious adverse or microorganisms that has the ability to
effects in the environment. The report cause adverse health effects in animals or
includes the amounts of these chemicals humans upon excessive exposure.
released into the air and surface water,
disposed of by deep-well injection, sent TOXNET The Toxicology Data Net-
to publicly owned treatment works, work, a suite of toxicology databases
transferred off-site, recycled off-site, and available from the National Library of
used for energy production during each Medicine. The following environmental
calendar year. The basic purpose behind health and toxicology databases are avail-

Tragedy of the Commons

able: (1) Chemical Carcinogenesis Research tracer A stable, easily detected substance
Information System (CCRIS), maintained or a radioisotope added to a material to
by the national cancer institute, con- follow the location of the substance in an
tains over 9,000 chemical records on carci- organism or in the environment or to detect
nogenicity and mutagenicity. (2) haz-map, any physical or chemical changes it under-
information on hazardous substances and goes. Tracer applications include study of
occupational diseases. (3) ChemID-plus® atmospheric dispersion of pollutants, fol-
has 370,000 chemical records in National lowing the uptake of fertilizers by plants,
Library of Medicine databases. (4) Devel- and study of the metabolism and excretion
opmental and Reproductive Toxicology/ of compounds introduced to the human
Environmental Teratology Information body. See tagged molecule.
Center (DART®/ETIC) Database, main-
tained by the National Library of Medicine, tradable emission allowance A per-
contains more than 100,000 references mit giving the holder the right to emit
on reproductive and development toxicol- one unit of a pollutant per given period,
ogy. (5) Environmental Mutagen Informa- for example, the right to emit one ton
tion Center (EMIC) Database, maintained of sulfur dioxide per year. Tradable
by the National Library of Medicine, has allowances are limited by an administra-
over 100,000 references on genotoxicity tive agency to the total level that they
by physical, chemical, or biological agents. determine will not cause any significant
(6) gene-tox, created by the U.S. EPA, adverse effects. The allowances are ini-
includes mutagenicity data on over 3000 tially allocated by past emission patterns,
chemicals. (7) Hazardous Substances Data lot, auction, or set price. If the program is
Bank (HSDB)®, maintained by the National part of a plan involving emission reduc-
Library of Medicine, has human exposure tions over several years, the number of
data, industrial hygiene data, and regula- permits in circulation drops with time.
tory information on over 5,000 chemicals. Facilities with lower marginal costs for
(8) integrated risk information system emission control may reduce their emis-
(IRIS), from the U.S. EPA, has data on over sions below the number of permits they
500 chemicals for use in human health risk hold and sell those they do not need to
assessments. (9) toxline® is the National a facility with higher control costs, for
Library of Medicine database of over 3 which the purchase of allowances is
million bibliographic entries on chemi- cheaper than implementation of further
cal toxicology. (10) The toxics release controls. This market-efficient approach is
inventory, compiled by the U.S. EPA, lists being used as part of the acid rain con-
annual releases of selected chemicals into trol program begun under the clean air
the air, water, or land. (11) International act amendments of 1990 and in Southern
Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER), data California’s reclaim program. See also
for human health risk assessments. (12) emissions trading.
Household Products Database, material
safety data sheets for chemicals in over Tragedy of the Commons Idea
6,000 consumer brands. Web site: http:// adapted from the title of an essay by gar- rett hardin originally published in Sci-
ence in 1968. Hardin likened the human
trace elements Elements essential to effect on the planetary environment to
plant or animal life but required in only overgrazing of a commons (shared grazing
small amounts, such as the trace amounts land): individual decisions based on incre-
of manganese, zinc, iron, molybdenum, mental personal benefit (adding another
cobalt, and copper. animal to the pasture, driving an automo-
bile), when added together, ruin the com-
trace metals Metals present in low mon environment (overgrazing, pollution).
concentrations in air, water, soil, or food His chief concern in the essay was world
chains. overpopulation, but the analogy has been

Train, Russell

widely applied to pollution of common transgenic From one species, a gene

resources such as air and water. William that is cloned and transferred to an organ-
Foster Lloyd (1794–1852) was the first to ism of a different species. The process
describe the tragedy of the commons. results in the conferring of a new trait
on the recipient organism. See genetic
Train, Russell (1920– ) American engineering.
conservationist, lawyer Russell Train
served as the second EPA administra- transgenic plant Plant, usually of
tor, 1973–77, and first chairman of the agricultural importance, that contains
council on environmental quality, genes from other species. These added
1970–73. He is the former head of the genes confer certain desirable traits, such
world wildlife fund and the Conserva- as resistance to insects, plant diseases, or
tion Foundation. particular herbicides. The best-known
transgenic plant is the FlavrSavr tomato,
trammel net A net used in fish sam- which has been engineered genetically to
pling, which contains a layer of large- contain an artificial gene that prevents
mesh netting on each side of a smaller- overripening for a longer period than is
mesh gill net. possible in traditional tomatoes. There-
fore, these tomatoes can be allowed to
Trans-Amazon Highway Begun in ripen on the vine instead of being picked
1970, a 3,000-mile road running across green. See genetic engineering.
northern Brazil from the Atlantic Ocean to
Peru. The highway was intended to open translocation A disorder of cellular
the Brazilian interior to economic devel- chromosomes caused by breakage of a
chromosome followed by a combining
opment but has been severely criticized as
of the broken fragment with the wrong
producing extensive deforestation, loss
chromosome as the cell attempts to repair
of species diversity, and species extinc-
the damage caused by the initial breakage.
tion in the Amazon Basin by farming,
Such damage can be caused by exposure
ranching, logging, and mining activities.
to an excessive amount of X-rays.
See agenda 21; earth summit; global
warming; lateritic soil; sustainable translocation factor In models of the
development; tropical rain forest. distribution of chemical materials in the
environment, a factor, different and spe-
transfer station In solid waste managa- cific for each chemical, used to estimate
ment, a facility at which waste collected the movement of a chemical from soil to
by smaller trucks is reloaded into larger plants, from animal feed to animal tissues,
trucks for more efficient transport to a dis- or from animal feed to milk.
tant disposal site.
transmission electron microscopy
transformation The conversion of a (TEM) A microscopy technique in which
normal animal or human cell to a tumor illumination is provided by a beam of elec-
cell. See carcinogenesis. trons passed through electron-transparent
items. Cells, even bacteria, must be sliced
transformed cell Cell that has been very thinly and treated with specific reagents
converted from a normal cell to a tumor to allow observation of their interior. Com-
cell. The term is frequently used in associ- pare scanning electron microscopy.
ation with cells grown in tissue culture in
the laboratory and converted by exposure transmissivity (T) The flow of water
to a chemical or radiation. See carcino- through a cross-sectional area of an aqui-
genesis. fer under a unit hydraulic gradient (1
foot change in elevation per 1 foot hori-
transgene See transgenic. zontal distance) during a set time inter-

treatability study

val (1 day). The cross-sectional area is of atomic number of uranium) produced

unit width (1 foot) times aquifer thick- during the operation of a nuclear reac-
ness (feet). The flow of water (ft3 per day) tor and nuclear weapon fabrication. The
equals KDA, where K is the hydraulic alpha particle emissions from TRU
conductivity (feet per day), D is the waste have an activity greater than 100
aquifer thickness (feet), and A is the cross- nanocuries per gram. Part of the TRU
sectional area (ft2). See darcy’s law. waste now at Department of Energy facili-
ties around the United States will be trans-
transmutation The process of radio- ported to the waste isolation pilot
active decay during which one element plant in New Mexico.
is converted to another through the loss of
radiation of some type. transuranium Those elements with an
atomic number greater than that of ura-
transparency The portion of light that nium, which is 92.
passes through water without distortion
or absorption. A measure of the turbid- trapping Describing the behavior of a
ity of water or other liquid. plume being emitted from a smokestack
beneath a temperature inversion. The
transpiration The direct transfer of inversion prevents vertical dispersion of
water as a gas from plant leaves to the the stack gases, causing higher ground-
atmosphere. Transpiration combined with level pollutant concentrations. Compare
evaporation from the soil is called evapo- coning; fanning; fumigation; lofting;
transpiration. looping.

transportation control measure (TCM) trash The fraction of solid waste that
Lowering of air pollution in a community is not food waste; includes paper, glass,
through reductions in the use of automo- wood, and aluminum cans. Some compo-
biles (reducing the vehicle miles trav- nents are biodegradable (such as paper
eled). Auto-related pollution is reduced and wood), and others potentially can
through such steps as increased use of be recycled (such as aluminum cans and
public transportation, requirements for glass). Also called rubbish.
car pooling, park-and-ride lots, special
lanes to encourage high occupancy rates trash fish Fish with little or no commer-
in vehicles, parking restrictions, restric- cial value because of the species involved,
tion or elimination of vehicular traffic in their small size, or otherwise low qual-
some areas, telecommuting, and encour- ity. These fish are often bycatch in trawls
agement of the use of bicycles. Compare seeking to capture economically important
indirect source review; inspection species. Often such fish are simply thrown
and maintenance. overboard, used in direct animal feeds or
converted to fish meal.
transporter Commercial enterprise in-
volved in picking up properly prepared trash-to-energy See waste-to-energy.
hazardous waste from those generating
the waste and conveying the material to a tray tower An air pollution control
treatment, storage, or disposal facil- device that removes pollutants from an
ity. See arranger liability; manifest exhaust by forcing the gas up through a
system; potentially responsible party. tower containing trays above which the
scrubbing liquid is introduced. Holes in
transuranic waste (TRU waste) A the trays increase the gas-liquid contact.
type of high-level waste containing See also packed tower; spray tower.
uranium-233, daughter products of ura-
nium-233, and radioactive elements with treatability study A test of a hazard-
atomic number greater than 92 (the ous waste cleanup technology either in a


laboratory (bench-scale) or as a pilot tree line The dividing point, caused by

test at an actual waste cleanup site. Part of changing latitudes or altitudes, between
the remedial investigation/feasibility areas with environmental conditions that
study at a Superfund site. support trees and those that do not. The
tree line in North America defined by lati-
treated Describing wastewater that tude runs across northern Canada. Tree
has undergone one or more forms of pol- lines also exist at lower latitudes because
lutant removal. of the altitudes in such places as the Rocky
treated regulated medical waste Dis-
carded paraphernalia associated with tremolite A fibrous mineral of the
medical practice (e.g., bandages, syringes, asbestos group consisting of hydrated
tubing, gloves) that has been disinfected silicates of calcium and magnesium. A
to reduce the threat of infection associated small amount of this mineral is marketed
with processing; however, the discarded as asbestos.
items have not been destroyed by incinera-
tion or shredding. See medical waste. trench method, landfill A technique
for the placement of municipal solid
treatment The removal, mitigation, or waste in a landfill. The waste is spread
control of chemical, biological, or radiation and compacted in two-foot layers within
hazards from water, air, soil, or food. For trenches 100–400 feet long, 15–25 feet
air, see activated charcoal; baghouse; wide, and 3–6 feet deep. The cover mate-
catalytic converter; cyclone collec- rial for a full trench is obtained from the
tor; electrostatic precipitator; par- excavation of an adjacent trench. See also
ticulate control device; scrubber. For area method; landfill.
soil and groundwater, see air stripping;
bioremediation; in situ oxidation; in trial burn An extensive controlled test
situ remediation; in situ stripping; ion of the destruction and removal effi-
exchange; phytoremediation; pressure ciency of an incinerator. The results are
filter; pump and treat; soil vapor used to establish the operating conditions
extraction. For water, see chlorina- specified in the permit for a facility. See
tion; pressure sewers; pretreatment; thermal treatment of hazardous
primary treatment; publicly owned waste.
treatment works; secondary treat-
ment; tertiary treatment; sewage trichloroethylene A two-carbon ali-
treatment plant. For waste, see incin- phatic compound (C2HCl3) in the general
eration; pyrolysis; solidification; sta- class of chemicals referred to as haloge-
bilization, waste; treatment, storage, nated or chlorinated hydrocarbons.
and disposal facility. The chemical is used as a solvent and
industrial chemical. The compound has
treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) been shown to cause liver and kidney
Describing a facility where hazardous damage and to cause tumors in some ani-
waste is treated, stored, and/or disposed mal models. Listed as a hazardous air
of as defined by the resource conserva- pollutant by the clean air act amend-
tion and recovery act. Such facilities ments of 1990. See air toxics.
include landfills, surface impound-
ments, waste piles, and incinerators. trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)
A chlorophenoxy herbicide used to con-
treatment, storage, or disposal facility trol broadleaf weeds and woody plants.
(TSDF) See treatment, storage, or An ingredient, along with dichloro-
disposal. phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), in agent
orange, the toxic defoliant used dur-
treatment technology See treatment. ing the Vietnam War. Synthesis of the

tropical rain forest

chemical results in a slight contamina- to remove pesticide residue from spent

tion with tetrachlorodibenzo-para- containers, which involves three rinses of
dioxin. freshwater.

trickle irrigation See drip irrigation. tritium A synthetic isotope of hydro-

gen containing one proton and two neu-
trickling filter A wastewater treatment trons in the nucleus.
apparatus used to remove soluble or col-
loidal organic compounds. The filter con- trommeling The removal of small-
sists of a large open tank filled with small diameter dense solids with a trommel
stones. Clarified wastewater (from which screen. Shredded solid waste is placed in
the particulate material has been removed) a rotating screened drum, and smaller par-
is sprayed over the surface of the stone bed ticles fall through the screen.
and allowed to trickle through. Microbial
communities that coat the stones miner- trommel screen A cylindrical screen
alize the organic compounds by aerobic with a shaft through the center, around
metabolic processes as the water trickles which the screen rotates. The apparatus is
downward. See clarification; colloids; used for waste separation. Smaller-sized,
secondary treatment. denser materials, such as glass fragments
and grit, fall out and larger components
trihalomethanes (THMs) A group of remain behind.
low-molecular-weight halogenated hydro-
carbons including chloroform, bromo- trophic level A feeding level within a
dichloromethane, dibromochloromethane, food web. The nature of the food of an
and bromoform. The group includes sus- organism determines the trophic level of
pect human carcinogens. Small amounts the organism. primary producers, which
of THMs have been detected in raw water constitute the first trophic level, are plants
collected from surface sources used as a that utilize inorganic materials as nutrients.
public water supply, and concentrations Organisms at the second trophic level, ani-
have been shown to be increased during the mals that obtain nutrients from the con-
chlorination phase of the water purifi- sumption of plants, feed on organisms in
cation process. The most marked increase the first trophic level. Some animals that
during chlorination has been recorded in feed only on other animals are described as
water containing suspended particulate occupying the third trophic level. See eco-
matter and/or humic substances. See dis- logical pyramid; food chain.
infection by-products.
trophic structure The food chain or
trip blank A sample container to which feeding relationships within a specific bio-
a clean sample matrix (water, soil, or logical community.
other) is added, which is carried to and
from the location where environmental tropical rain forest The richest natu-
samples are collected. The trip blank is ral terrestrial environment in terms of the
analyzed along with the actual samples amount of biomass and the number of
and serves as a check for sample or sample species present. These forests occupy the
container contamination during transit. equatorial regions of South and Central
America, Central Africa, and Southeast
triple rinse 1. A laboratory procedure Asia. Such forests include up to five times
associated with the processing of labora- the number of species of trees found in
tory glassware and other implements to temperate regions and an unrivaled num-
remove any vestige of contaminants. After ber of species of associated plants and
cleaning, the items are washed three times animals. Paradoxically, the soil of the
with deionized or distilled water. 2. In typical rain forest is very thin and low
pesticide management, the method used in plant nutrients; many rain forests


have lateritic soil. The temperatures A tsunami is an oceanic wave, also termed
usually remain between 70°F and 95°F a seismic sea wave, generated most com-
year-round, and rainfall typically varies monly by slippage (vertical displacement)
between 50 and 200 inches per year. The of the ocean floor along a fault in asso-
destruction and disturbance of tropical ciation with an earthquake or a rock slide.
rain forests are of environmental concern The waves are characterized by long wave-
because of the loss of many species (some lengths (200 km) and small wave height
yet to be described), conversion of the (1 m). Consequently, such waves would
land to a semidesert condition, disruption pass under a vessel unnoticed. As the wave
of the climactic patterns of the region, and approaches a shoreline, the bottom of the
worsening of the global balance in carbon wave is affected by the bottom topographi-
dioxide production and utilization, among cal features, dragging across the bottom
other factors. See agenda 21; conven- and slowing. The wave length decreases,
tion on biodiversity; convention on and the height increases to tens of meters
international trade in endangered (10 to 30 feet is not uncommon). On the
species of wild fauna and flora; coast, one would experience the beaching
debt for nature swap; earth summit; of the wave as first a falling of water level
global warming; richness. then a rising of sea level in a relatively
short period, 10 to 20 minutes. The dam-
tropopause The boundary in the atmo- age done to coastal areas by these waves
sphere between the layer next to the sur- is normally associated with the strong cur-
face of the Earth (troposphere) and the rents associated with the flood and ebb
next highest layer (stratosphere). See currents as the wave washes over the land
atmosphere. then recedes. Those areas that have build-
ing within a few meters of the normal high
troposphere The layer of the atmo- tide line are most severely impacted.
sphere closest to the surface of the Earth
extending up to about nine to 16 km. See tuberculation The accumulation of knots
atmosphere. or small mounds of iron and manganese
oxide inside iron pipes, causing a restriction
true minor Under the title v permit of flow. The deposits are caused by corro-
regulations of the 1990 amendments to sion and bacterial metabolism of the iron
the clean air act, a source that does not pipe, forming an oxide precipitate.
have the potential to emit pollutants
at a rate that would classify it as a major tuff Rock formed from the accumula-
source. See synthetic minor. tion of ash resulting from a volcanic erup-
tion. The ashlike materials that are ejected
trustee 1. Under the comprehensive from the volcano settle and fuse into a
environmental response, compensa- rock formation that is similar to that of
tion, and liability act, a federal or sedimentary rock.
state agency that may sue for natural
resources damages. 2. Under the pub- tumor See benign neoplasm, malig-
lic trust doctrine, persons, organiza- nant neoplasm; neoplasm.
tions, companies, or government agencies
that are stewards of natural resources for tumorigenicity The ability of cells
present and future generations’ use. See from a tissue culture to grow and pro-
stewardship. duce tumors when inoculated into a host
tsunami (pronounced “sue-nah-me”).
A Japanese word roughly meaning “large tumor registry See cancer registry.
waves in harbors.” These waves are com-
monly termed “tidal waves,” which they tundra A biome located in the north-
are not, since they have no relation to tides. ern regions of the continents of North

24-hour average

America, Europe, and Asia, characterized standing American natural resource con-
by the absence of trees and the presence of servation policies.
permafrost (permanently frozen subsoil).
The natural vegetation consists of small turnover 1. In ecology, the rate of pro-
shrubs, mosses, and lichens. ductivity divided by the standing crop,
or biomass. Expressed as
turbidity A measure of the amount of T = P/B,
suspended matter in water or some other where P is productivity (in units of mass
fluid as determined by the relative light per area-time) and B is biomass (in units
transmission of the suspension. The typi- of mass per area). Turnover is expressed
cal scales used are percentage transmis- in units of 1/time. 2. See fall turnover;
sion or transmittance, which varies from
spring turnover.
0% to 100% of the light passing through
the sample, and optical density or absor-
bance, which is a logarithmic scale vary- turnover rate The rate (for example, in
ing from 2 to 0, in which 2 is the most milligrams per cubic meter of water per
turbid and 0 is the least turbid. About day) at which some material is metabo-
0.3 on the absorbance scale corresponds lized or decomposed in the environment.
to 50% transmittance. See jackson tur-
bidity unit; nephelometer; nephelo- turnover time 1. In ecology, the aver-
metric turbidity unit; secchi depth. age time (t) required for the biomass in an
ecosystem to replace itself, the inverse of
turbine A device with blades connected turnover, in time units. Expressed as
to a central shaft that converts the energy t = B/P,
in a moving fluid or gas into rotational where P is the productivity (in units of
mechanical energy. In steam and gas mass per area-time) and B is the biomass
turbines, hot gases expand through and with units of mass per area. 2. In micro-
rotate the turbine blades. Water and wind biology, the time required to metabolize
turbines capture and convert the energy of a specific substance in a body of water or
falling water or blowing wind into rota- in soil.
tion. The mechanical energy from turbines
is used in pumps and electric generators. turtle excluder device (TED) An addi-
tion to a shrimper’s trawl net that allows
turbulence See mechanical turbu- shrimp into the net but blocks entrance of
lence; thermal turbulence. larger organisms. Required by federal and
state regulations to prevent the accidental
turbulent flow Fluid flow exhibiting netting and drowning of sea turtles, espe-
random fluctuations in speed and direc-
cially the Kemp’s Ridley (Lepidochelys
tion. Compare laminar flow; see reyn-
kempii), which is on the endangered
olds number.
species list.
turnaround The period during which
an industrial facility or generating station 24-hour average In environmental
is shut down for planned maintenance. monitoring, concentrations of chemi-
cals directly measured from a continuous
Turner, Frederick Jackson (1861– 24-hour sample or reported as the time-
1932) American historian Turner weighted average of concentrations mea-
was the author of “The Significance of the sured for intervals less than 24-hours each,
Frontier in American History,” reprinted but totaling 24 hours. For example, four
in The Frontier in American History six-hour air samples may contain 100 ppm,
(1920). His description of the influence of 10 ppm, 5 ppm, and 85 ppm of a chemical.
wilderness and undeveloped public lands The 24-hour average of the four measure-
on American thought is useful for under- ments is 50 ppm. See averaging time.

24-hour standard

24-hour standard A concentration transport of radioactive materials. The

set by an environmental management containers must maintain their integrity
agency that is tested as a 24-hour aver- without leakage of radioactive material or
age. Concentrations for time intervals less loss of shielding under certain instances
than 24 hours may exceed the 24-hour of heat, cold, free drop, and other factors.
standard, as long as the time-weighted Type B packaging must meet higher stan-
average over the 24 hours is maintained. dards in terms of radiation shielding and
Suppose a chemical has a 24-hour stan- structural integrity.
dard of 60 ppm. The air concentration of
a chemical could be 10 ppm for 20 hours type A/type B quantities Types and
and 250 ppm for four hours. The 24-hour maximum amounts of radioactive mate-
average in this case would be 20 hours × 10 rials that can be transported in type a and
ppm + four hours × 250 ppm ÷ by 24, or type b packaging, respectively.
50 ppm, and the standard would be met.
type I error When judging the results of
2,4-D See dichlorophenoxyacetic a scientific study, the rejection of the null
acid. hypothesis although the null hypothesis
is true. See type ii error.
2,4,5-T See trichlorophenoxyacetic
acid. type II error When judging the results
of a scientific study, the acceptance of
type A/type B packaging Containers the null hypothesis although the null
designed to meet federal regulations for the hypothesis is false. See type i error.


ultimate analysis A chemical analysis the biological effects of UV light of dif-

that measures the concentrations of ferent wavelengths. Ultraviolet radiation
certain individual elements or compounds within the range of 130 to 200 nanometers
in a material. When it is performed for is responsible for the generation of ozone
combustible waste, the concentrations of within the stratosphere. See ultraviolet
carbon, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, hydro- radiation–actinic range; ultraviolet
gen, and noncombustibles (ash) are typi- radiation–a range; ultraviolet radia-
cally determined. Compare proximate tion–b range; ultraviolet radiation–c
analysis. range.

ultraclean fuels fossil fuels that have ultraviolet photometry An analytical

had impurities removed before burning so method that employs the selective molecu-
that little or no pollutant removal from lar absorption of particular ultraviolet
the exhaust gas is required. For example, wavelengths to identify and measure the
an ultraclean coal would have sulfur concentrations of certain chemicals in
impurities removed and a low ash con- air or water. The method is also called
tent, producing low sulfur dioxide and ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
particulate matter emissions. The U.S.
department of energy has a program ultraviolet radiation–actinic range
to encourage the development of ultra- That range of the spectrum of ultravio-
clean fuels. See coal gasification; coal let (UV) radiation that has the most pro-
liquefaction. The Clean Coal Centre is nounced biological effect, such as muta-
based in London. Web site: www.iea-coal. tions and skin cancer; the wavelengths extend from 280 to 320 nanometers (all of
the UV-B and part of the UV-C range).
ultrasonic Describing acoustic waves
with frequencies above 20 kilohertz and ultraviolet radiation–A range (UV-A)
therefore not audible by the human ear. That part of the spectrum of ultravio-
let radiation that encompasses the wave-
ultraviolet (UV) That portion of the lengths from 320 to 400 nanometers. This
electromagnetic spectrum that extends portion is also referred to as near-ultra-
from the violet range of visible light (wave- violet since the range is nearest to that
length equal to about 400 nanometers) to of visible light (wavelengths longer than
the x-rays (wavelength equal to about 10 400 nanometers). Radiation within this
nanometers). Radiation falling between the range is transmitted through air and to
wavelengths of X-rays and 100 nanome- some extent through glass. A portion of the
ters is referred to as extreme or vacuum radiation within this class causes tanning
ultraviolet and is of little biological inter- of the skin, especially when the radiation
est since radiation in this range of wave- is of high intensity. UV-A also contributes
lengths is not transmitted through air. The to skin aging and cataract risk. Most (95%
remaining portion of the spectrum (100 to to 99.9%) of the ultraviolet light used in
400 nanometers) is divided into A, B, and tanning salons is within the A range. See
C ranges for the purpose of differentiating sunscreen.

ultraviolet radiation–B range

ultraviolet radiation–B range (UV-B) The higher the UF, the lower the accept-
That part of the spectrum of ultravio- able human dose:
let (UV) radiation that encompasses the Factor Applied to
wavelengths from 280 to 320 nanometers 10 Valid data on human exposures
(middle-ultraviolet). Radiation within 100 Valid chronic animal studies
this range is not well transmitted through
1,000 Animal studies with less than
glass. UV-B is the primary cause of sun-
chronic exposure
burn, skin aging, and skin cancer risk. See
1–10 An additional factor when using
ozone layer depletion; sunscreen.
a lowest-observed-adverse-
effect level instead of a no-
ultraviolet radiation–C range (UV-C) obse rv e d -a dv e r se-e f f e c t
That part of the spectrum of ultravio-
let (UV) radiation that encompasses the
wavelengths from 100 to 280 nanometers. a reference dose, a lifetime daily
This portion is also referred to as far- exposure set to protect sensitive human
ultraviolet since the range is most distant populations, is calculated by using a no-
from the wavelengths of visible light. The observed-adverse effect level or a
germicidal effect of UV light is strongest lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
within this region: a wavelength of 260 divided by an appropriate uncertainty fac-
nanometers is the most effective at killing tor. The food quality protection act
microorganisms. of 1996 requires that the U.S. EPA apply
an additional factor of 10 for protection
ultraviolet spectrophotometry See against pesticide residue in foods that
ultraviolet photometry. have a threshold dose (i.e., to protect
against noncancer health effects). The
ultraviolet-visible absorption spec- additional factor is to protect infants and
trum (UV-VIS) The absorption pattern children. The U.S. EPA may apply a factor
of certain chemical compounds of elec- lower than 10× only if the agency can show
tromagnetic energy at wavelengths that it is protective to infants and children.
within those of visible and ultraviolet radi-
ation. Various molecules absorb radiation unconfined aquifer An aquifer with
at specific wavelengths and consequently no low-permeability zones between
can be analyzed in both a qualitative and the saturated zone and the surface; an
a quantitative manner. The technique is aquifer with a water table. Also called a
especially useful in the analysis of organic water table aquifer.
molecules that contain double bonds
between carbon atoms. unconventional oil Hydrocarbon con-
tained within such geological deposits as
uncertainty factor (UF) An adjust- shale or tar sands. A hydrocarbon prod-
ment applied to experimental toxicity data uct can be recovered from these materials
to set acceptable human dose levels to pro- and refined into fuels. See bitumen; shale
tect against noncancer health effects. The oil; synfuel.
UF is intended to account for the uncer-
tainties introduced by the extrapolation underflow The slurry of concentrated
of animal data to humans, the variation solids or sludge that is removed from the
in susceptibility within the human popu- bottom of a settling chamber, clari-
lation, the use of acute exposure data fier, or thickener.
to predict safe chronic exposure levels,
and/or the use of data from an oral route Underground Injection Control (UIC)
of exposure to set inhalation standards. A program required in each state by a pro-
The U.S. EPA uses the following uncer- vision of the safe drinking water act for
tainty factors as guidelines; their applica- the regulation of injection wells, includ-
tion is specific to each risk assessment. ing a permit system. An applicant must

United Nations Conference on the Human Environment

demonstrate that the well has no reason- appropriations to support the new manda-
able chance of adversely affecting the qual- tory program. Many federal environmental
ity of an underground source of drinking protection statutes have been guilty of this
water before a permit is issued. See class offense. The Unfunded Mandate Reform
i, ii, iii, iv, and v injection wells. Act of 1995 attempts to lessen this problem
by requiring that proposed major federal
underground mining A technique of legislation include an estimate, by the con-
removing coal and mineral ores from the gressional budget office, of the burden
Earth that involves cutting tunnels below the law will impose on state and local gov-
the surface to gain access to the deposit(s). ernments and the private sector and that the
The environmental problems that can cost estimate will be available to Congress
be associated with underground mining before the members vote on the legislation.
include the runoff from the spoil carried
to the surface and acid mine drainage. Unified Air Toxics Web site An
Compare surface mining. Internet clearinghouse for resources on the
measurement, risk assessment, sources,
underground source of drinking water health effects, and control of routine or
(USDW) An aquifer that (1) supplies accidental releases of hazardous air pol-
a public water system or (2) can poten- lutants, also called air toxics. Although
tially supply a public water system and is the stated purpose of the site is sharing of
currently used for human consumption or information by and for regulatory agen-
has a total dissolved solids concen- cies, this is a valuable source for students,
tration of less than 10,000 milligrams per industry, and the public. Web site: www.
liter and is not exempted. underground
injection control rules protect under-
ground sources of drinking water. The unintentionally produced pollutants
regulatory definition, including the list of 1. Chemicals that are by-products of
exemptions, is found at 40 CFR 144.3. manufacturing and released into the envi-
ronment in wastewater or exhaust gases,
underground storage tank (UST) Un- or 2. Chemicals released as products
der resource conservation and recov- of incomplete combustion. Compare
ery act regulations, a tank with at least intentionally produced pollutants;
10% of the volume beneath the ground, persistent organic pollutants.
including attached pipes, with some
exemptions. Underground storage tanks unit See si units.
must meet certain performance standards,
have spill and overfill controls, and be unit density A density of one gram per
monitored regularly for leaks. See leak- cubic centimeter or one gram per millili-
ing underground storage tank trust ter; the density of water at 4°C.
fund. For regulatory details from the U.S.
EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks United Nations Commission on Sustain-
see able Development (UNCSD) See com-
mission on sustainable development.
undiscovered resource Usually desig-
nates oil or mineral deposits that are sus- United Nations Conference on Envi-
pected to be present on the basis of pre- ronment and Development See earth
liminary evaluation of geological data but summit.
whose presence has not been confirmed by
exploration. United Nations Conference on the Hu-
man Environment The 1972 meeting of
unfunded mandate Any action re- 113 nations, many other intergovernmental
quired of state and local governments by agencies, and nongovernmental orga-
federal statutes and regulations but without nizations held in Stockholm, Sweden, to

United Nations Environment Program

discuss global environmental issues. Estab- specific code sections and other reference
lished action plans for over 100 environ- material.
mental problems and became the model for
subsequent global conferences on popula- United States Code Service (U.S.C.S.)
tion, energy, water, climate, human settle- A cumulative supplement to the united
ments, food, and outer space. The Stock- states code published during the six-year
holm conference began the united nations interval between releases of new editions
environment program. See convention of the complete code.
on biodiversity; earth summit.
United States Environmental Protec-
United Nations Environment Program tion Agency (U.S. EPA) See environ-
(Programme) (UNEP) An agency of mental protection agency.
the United Nations, headquartered in Nai-
robi, Kenya, responsible for coordinating United States Forest Service (USDA
intergovernmental efforts to monitor and Forest Service) Established in 1905, the
protect the environment. See basel con- federal agency in the U.S. Department of
vention; convention on biodiversity; Agriculture that manages the national
convention on international trade in forest system, totaling 193 million acres.
endangered species of wild fauna and For more information, visit
flora; earthwatch; global environ-
ment facility; global environment United States Geological Survey
monitoring system; intergovernmen- (U.S.G.S.) An agency of the U.S.
tal panel on climate change; mon- Department of the Interior based in Res-
treal protocol. Web site: ton, Virginia; responsible for assembling
technical geographical and geological
United Nations Framework Conven- information about public lands and water-
tion on Climate Change See frame- ways to improve management of wildlife,
work convention on climate change; water, air, energy, and mineral resources.
kyoto protocol. Web site:

United Nations/North America number unit risk The lifetime risk of cancer
(UN/NA number) A four-digit num- per unit dose of exposure. See cancer
ber used internationally to identify a haz- potency factor; unit risk estimate.
ardous material; for example, UN/NA
1203 is gasoline. unit risk estimate The cancer potency
factor expression for air exposures;
United States Army Corps of Engineers expressed as an inverse concentration, usu-
(USACE) See corps of engineers. ally per micrograms per cubic meter. The
actual or estimated air concentration of a
United States Code (U.S.C.) A multi- chemical, in micrograms per cubic meter,
volume compilation of all federal statutes, multiplied by the unit risk estimate, gives
arranged by 50 subject titles. A new edition the lifetime risk of contracting cancer as a
is published every six years, with supple- result of inhaling the chemical.
ments issued during the intervening period. Lifetime risk = 1 x µg
The code is available online at www.gpoac- of cancer µg m3 See united states code m3
service; united states code annotated. unit air
risk concentration
United States Code Annotated units units
(U.S.C.A.) A multivolume collection of The exposure is assumed to be 24
the entire united states code plus state hours per day for 70 years. See cancer
and federal court decisions applicable to potency factor.

upper explosive limit

univalent Having a valence of one. with air or water at less than atmospheric
Same as monovalent. pressure; the area of the ground from the
surface down to the water table. The
universal gas constant (R) The con- region is also called the zone of aeration or
stant of proportionality (R) in the equa- vadose zone. Compare saturated zone.
tion of state and the ideal gas law.
For one gram-mole of a gas, PV = RT, unstable In chemistry, describes ele-
where P is the pressure, V is the volume, ments or compounds that react easily or
and T is the absolute temperature. spontaneously to form other elements or
The constant is expressed in many dif- compounds. For example, ozone (O3) is
ferent units to match the units for P, V, an extremely unstable gas because it reacts
and T. A common form is 82.06 atm-cm3 readily with many materials. Likewise,
gram-mole¯1 K¯1, where atm is the pres- radioactive materials form new elements
sure in atmospheres and K is the Kelvin as they undergo radioactive decay:
temperature. uranium 238 is converted to thorium as
a result of the release of radiation.
Universal Transverse Mercator coor-
dinates (UTM coordinates) A map upgradient well A groundwater moni-
coordinate system covering the world toring well, such as those required at
from 80 degrees north to 80 degrees south facilities that treat, store, or dispose of
with 60 north-south zones, each covering hazardous waste using a surface
six degrees of longitude and divided into impoundment or landfill, that allows
eight-degree latitude sections. The zones sampling and analysis of groundwater
overlap 0.5 degree on each side. Each zone that is upstream from the facility before it
has an individual origin, and the coordi- can be affected by any escaping contami-
nates are read in meters east and meters nants (leachate). The results of the anal-
north of the origin. The coordinates often yses are used for comparison to the results
are used to define emission locations in of groundwater sampled from downgra-
air quality dispersion modeling. dient wells.

unreasonable risk Part of the defini- upper-bound risk level A risk level
tion of unreasonable adverse effects in derived from a cancer risk assessment.
the provisions of the federal insecti- The upper bound is derived by using con-
cide, fungicide, and rodenticide act servative (on the side of increased risk)
(FIFRA). The registration of a pesticide assumptions in the risk assessment and the
can be changed (restricted) if unreasonable upper confidence limit of the statisti-
adverse effects are being caused by its cur- cally estimated cancer potency factor.
rent use. The U.S. EPA must determine The level of risk is reported as the 95%
that the pesticide poses an “unreasonable upper-bound risk, meaning that there is
risk to man or the environment, taking only a 5% chance that the true risk is
into account the economic, social, and greater than the upper-bound risk.
environmental costs and benefits of the use
of the pesticide,” to conclude that unrea- upper detection limit The highest
sonable adverse effects are occurring. See concentration of a chemical that can
cancellation; suspension. be reliably measured with available instru-
mentation technology. When the environ-
unsaturated In organic chemistry, a mental concentration exceeds this upper
compound having one or more double or threshold, the samples must be diluted to
triple bonds between the carbon atoms. assure the recovery of meaningful data.
Compare saturated.
upper explosive limit (UEL) The
unsaturated zone The upper layers of highest concentration of a substance in air
soil in which pore spaces or rock are filled that burns or explodes when ignited. At

upper flammable limit

concentrations higher than this level, the the fissionable isotope of uranium (ura-
amount of oxygen in the mixture is not nium 235) in a given mass of uranium. As
sufficient to support combustion. Com- recovered from natural deposits, uranium
pare lower explosive limit. consists of about 0.7% of the fissionable
isotope (235U) and 99.3% of the nonfis-
upper flammable limit (UFL) See sionable isotope uranium-238 (238U). The
upper explosive limit. relative abundance of the fissionable ura-
nium 235 must be increased to about 3%
upper respiratory tract (URT) The before the uranium can be used as a fuel
mouth, nasal passages, pharynx, and larynx. in a nuclear reactor. See fuel enrich-
ment; graham’s law.
upset An exceptional incident, beyond
the reasonable control of a company uranium fuel cycle The mining, refin-
holding a water discharge or air emission ing, fabrication, transport, and recycling
permit, in which there is an accidental of uranium along with the disposal of
release of pollutants greatly in excess of wastes from both the purification pro-
the discharges or emissions allowed by the cesses and the reprocessing of used fuel
permit. An equipment failure is a common rods. See fuel reprocessing.
cause of an upset.
uranium tailings The residue of the
uptake The incorporation of a pollutant mining of uranium ores and the purifica-
into an exposed organism. See absorbed tion of uranium from those ores. This resi-
dose; absorption. due presents a disposal problem because
of the release of radioactive elements such
upwelling The appearance of water as radon gas.
from the deep ocean at the surface. This
usually occurs along the coasts of conti- uranium-235 (U-235 or 235U) A
nents (such as the coast of Peru along the fissionable isotope of the element ura-
west coast of South America) where the nium found in naturally occurring ura-
prevailing winds push the surface waters nium deposits at a concentration of
away from the land area, allowing waters about 0.7% of the total uranium present
from the deep ocean to rise to the surface. in the geological deposit. See uranium
The deep waters carry plant nutrients to enrichment.
the surface, resulting in an elevated level
of primary productivity and abundant uranium-238 (U-238 or 238U) A non-
fish populations. fissionable isotope of the element ura-
nium. U-238 contains three more neutrons
uranium (U) A rare heavy metal with than U-235 and is the most commonly
an atomic number of 92. The most com- occurring form of the element (99.3%).
mon atomic weight in naturally occur- See uranium enrichment.
ring uranium is 238. The element was little
used until about 1942, when uranium was urban heat island Describing the consis-
identified as a potential fission fuel use- tently higher air and surface temperatures
ful in the operation of nuclear reactors in urban areas relative to the surround-
and as a fuel in nuclear weapons. Uranium ing countryside. This is explained by the
is found in natural deposits combined with higher release of waste heat in the city and
other elements, principally oxygen. See the presence of asphalt, brick, concrete,
fissionable material; uranium enrich- and other materials that absorb and retain
ment; uranium fuel cycle; uranium higher amounts of heat energy than does
tailings; uranium-235; uranium-238. vegetative cover.

uranium enrichment A process that urban plume The downwind impact

results in an increase in the amount of zone of air contaminants or products of

UV index

atmospheric reactions involving com- used oil Oil drained from the crankcase
pounds released within the confines of an of automobiles, vans, trucks, and other
urban area. vehicles. This oil presents a potential pol-
lution problem, especially when individu-
urban runoff Storm water from city als change oil in their personal vehicles.
streets and associated property. sedi- The oil that is drained from the vehicle is
ment, sand, detritus, oil and grease, often used to control weeds on the lawn
plant nutrients, and pesticides that and in ditches around the home, poured
accumulate during dry periods are flushed down the drain into a municipal sewer
from the surface and swept into receiv- system, or put into an old container and
ing streams or lakes. Because the soil sur- thrown into the trash. Such practices are
face is covered with streets, homes, busi- not advisable because the oil is rich in
nesses, parking lots, and so forth, both the hydrocarbon oxidation products and sus-
amount and the velocity of urban runoff pended metals.
are much higher than those from the same
extent of rural property receiving the same Users’ Network for Applied Model-
amount of rainfall. Some urban runoff ing of Air Pollution (UNAMAP) See
sources now require a storm water run- support center for regulatory air
off permit under the clean water act. models.
See first flush.
utilitarian conservation A natural
urban sprawl Commonly an uncom- resource management philosophy based on
plimentary term describing the growth of the proposition that resources should be
suburban environments adjacent to large used for the greatest good, for the great-
cities, replacing wildlife habitat and agri- est number of people, and for the longest
cultural land with residential and retail time. Careful scientific management pre-
development. Sprawl is characterized by serves resources for future generations
low-density, single-family housing, com- without denying their use and enjoyment
mercial strips along highways, and a by the current generation. This was the
dependence on the automobile as the pri- basis of the pragmatic progressive pro-
mary means of transportation. grams followed by President theodore
roosevelt and gifford pinchot in the
use cluster Chemicals, processes, and establishment of the national park sys-
technologies that can be substituted for tem in the United States. Compare altru-
each other in performing a particular istic preservation; conservation;
function. If the use of a specific chemi- preservation; muir, john.
cal results in the release of a hazardous
waste that presents a significant pollution UV index A daily forecast of the
problem, perhaps some alternate material amount of ultraviolet (uv) radiation
within the use cluster can be substituted, reaching the surface of the Earth in a
maintaining the process while reducing the specific location during the peak hours
pollution potential. of sunlight, 11:30–12:30 standard time.

Index Category Protection

0–2 Minimal Sunscreen SPF 15
3–4 Low Above, plus protective clothing
5–6 Moderate Above, plus UV-A/UV-B sunglasses
7–9 High Above, plus attempt to avoid the sun, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
10+ Very high Above, plus avoid sun, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

U waste

The index is available in 58 U.S. cities, irradiance is divided by a standard 25-

for at least one city in each state, and is milliwatt-per-square-meter scaling fac-
based on methodology and data from the tor to produce the UV index value. The
national oceanic and atmospheric numerical scale varies from 0 to about
administration (National Weather Ser- 15; it can be interpreted by using a table
vice) and the U.S. EPA. The amount of from the U.S. EPA.
surface UV radiation at the peak period See ozone layer depletion; sun-
is dependent on the height of the Sun screen; ultraviolet radiation–a range;
in the sky (varying by latitude and time ultraviolet radiation–b range.
of year), the elevation above sea level,
the amount of ozone in the stratosphere
U waste 1. Discarded commercial
(ozone layer), and the expected cloud
products containing chemicals identified
cover for the day. The index is not based
as listed hazardous waste by the EPA
on measurements but is calculated as a
forecast. Next-day stratospheric ozone in Title 40, Part 261.33, of the code of
is predicted by using solar backscat- federal regulations. See also f waste;
ter ultraviolet data or TIROS opera- hazardous waste; k waste; p waste.
tional vertical sounder data from satellite 2. Short for universal waste. Includes
measurements. Cloud cover is predicted batteries, mercury switches, fluorescent
by using standard weather forecasts. The lamps and tubes, mercury thermostat, and
ultraviolet irradiance is adjusted for lati- mercury thermometers. See Title 40, Part
tude, season, and altitude, then weighted 273, of the Code of Federal Regulations.
by the sensitivity of human skin to differ- For more information, see
ent ultraviolet wavelengths. The adjusted epaoswer/hazwaste/id/univwast/.


vacuum filtration Drawing air or a have negative valences: that is, they receive
liquid through a filter medium by creat- electrons during bonding.
ing reduced air pressure on the opposite
side of the filter medium from the air or Valley of the Drums The A. L. Taylor
liquid material that will pass through the site in Brooks, Kentucky, that served as a
filter. chemical dump and drum recycling center
from 1967 to 1977. The operator would
vacuum sewer A type of wastewater empty the contents of the drums into a
collection system used in rural areas as a shallow pit, then recycle the container. The
less expensive alternative to the gravity chemical contamination on the 13-acre
sewer used in urban areas. The waste- site, which was largely waste from paints
water is collected through small-diameter and coatings, included metals and a variety
pipes by a central vacuum pump. The costs of volatile organic compounds. A U.S.
of smaller pipes and shallow pipe burial EPA emergency response began in 1979
are much lower than the costs of clay or under provisions of the clean water act,
concrete pipe systems in urban areas need- and the notorious site gained Superfund
ing a downward gravity flow between lift status in 1981, having been instrumental in
stations. However, vacuum sewers do not the passage, in 1980, of the comprehen-
separate solids before collection, and the sive environmental response, compen-
sewage is treated at a conventional waste- sation, and liability act (superfund).
water treatment facility; that treatment The cleanup removed over 8,000 drums
raises the costs associated with this system and installed controls to prevent off-site
when compared with pressure sewers, contamination. The site was removed from
another system of rural wastewater collec- the national priorities list in 1996.
tion. Vacuum sewers have not been used
extensively in the United States. valued environmental component
Those characteristics or attributes of a nat-
vadose zone The area of the ground ural system considered to be sufficiently
below the surface and above the region important to justify special consideration
occupied by groundwater. See unsatu- when threatened by human activity or
rated zone. natural hazards.

Valdez Principles Now known as the van Dorn sampler See ekman water
CERES Principles. See coalition for envi- bottle.
ronmentally responsible economies.
vapor The gaseous form of a material
valence The number of electrons that is normally found in the solid or liq-
an atom contributes or receives when a uid state at room temperatures, for exam-
chemical bond is formed or when ions ple, water vapor, which is water in the
are formed from the elements. Atoms gas phase. Vaporization occurs when mol-
contributing electrons in reactions or dur- ecules in the solid or liquid gain enough
ing ionization, such as metals, have posi- energy to escape the material, especially
tive valences. Nonmetals, such as chlorine, with an increase in temperature.

vapor capture system

vapor capture system Any arrange- varve Sediment layers deposited annu-
ment of hoods, ducts, hoses, piping, or ally on the bottom of a glacier-fed lake.
a ventilation system designed to recover They can be used to estimate climate con-
the organic vapors released in a process ditions in the past. See proxy climate
or activity. Usually the captured vapors indicators.
are routed into the process for recov-
ery. See activated charcoal; carbon vascular bundle Tissue in a plant
adsorber; onboard refueling vapor responsible for transport of materials from
recovery; stage ii controls. the roots up and from the leaves down.

vapor density The density of a pure vasoconstriction A shrinking of the

gas or vapor compared with the den- diameter of blood vessels, restricting blood
sity of hydrogen or the density of air. flow and increasing blood pressure.
When used in chemical hazard analysis,
the comparison is with air and the ratio vasodilation A widening of the diame-
is based on an assumed air density of ter of blood vessels, increasing blood flow.
1.0; therefore, lighter-than-air gases
have a vapor density less than 1.0, and
vector An organism, such as a mosquito,
those with values greater than 1.0 are
flea, or tick, that carries a pathogenic
heavier than air. Note that a gas or vapor
microorganism from one host to another.
released into the environment mixes with
the surrounding air, causing the vapor
density of the mixture to approach 1.0 vector-borne Describing a disease trans-
in many cases, and behavior of the vapor mitted by a vector.
from a spilled liquid may not be accu-
rately predicted by using a vapor density vegetative control Pollution prevention
based on the pure material. See heavier- design involving the use of plant cover and
than-air gas. grass buffer strips to reduce erosion.
Used in storm water runoff control.
vapor incinerator See afterburner.
vehicle miles traveled (VMT) A sta-
vaporize To change liquid (or solid) tistical measure describing the vehicle use
into a vapor; to evaporate. in a defined geographical area as calcu-
lated from the sum of the miles traveled
vapor pressure The pressure exerted by all vehicles in the area over a prescribed
by a gas or vapor. These pressures are period. VMT can rise with an increase in
experimentally determined by establishing the number of vehicles in use or with an
an equilibrium between the gas and liquid increase in the average miles driven per
phases of the substance in a closed vessel vehicle, or with both.
at a specific temperature. Vapor pressures
increase with an increase in liquid tem- velocity (v) The distance moved in
perature. The higher the vapor pressure, a given direction per unit time, such as
the greater the tendency of the liquid to meters per second (m s¯1).
evaporate. Common units are millimeters
of mercury (mm Hg) and pounds per velocity head (VH) The kinetic energy
square inch (absolute). in a hydraulic system. Velocity head is
given by
variance 1. A statistical expression of v2
the spread of a data set about the mean, vH =
or average. See standard deviation. 2. 2g,
A waiver of certain environmental regula- where v is the fluid flow velocity and g is
tory requirements for a facility, process, the acceleration due to gravity. The sum
or unit. of the elevation head, pressure head,


and velocity head equals the total energy mitting signatory nations to research the
of a hydraulic system. See head, total. causes and consequences of ozone layer
depletion; no protective measures were
velocity pressure (VP) For air flowing included. Subsequent meetings introduced
in a duct, the air pressure attributable to a worldwide phaseout of the chloro-
the impaction of the moving air molecules. fluorocarbons and other compounds
Expressed in the same way as velocity head, with ozone-depleting potential. The
v2 first supplement to the Vienna Conven-
VP = tion that provided for controls to protect
2g, the ozone layer was the montreal proto-
where VP is the velocity pressure, v is col. Amendments to the Montreal Proto-
air velocity, and g is gravitational accel- col were agreed on at meetings in London,
eration. The total pressure in a duct is Copenhagen, Montreal again, and Beijing.
the sum of the static pressure and the For the text of the Vienna Convention and
velocity pressure. its amendments see Web site: http://ozone.
velometer A device for measuring air
velocity, often used in studies and analy- vinyl chloride A gaseous organic com-
sis of workplace airflow and in the design pound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and
and operation of local exhaust ventilation chlorine; vinyl chloride monomers (indi-
systems. The portable instrument indicates vidual units) are used to make the poly-
air velocity by using a spring-loaded vane mer (a long chain), polyvinyl chloride.
(plate) that is deflected by the moving air. Occupational exposure to vinyl chloride is
linked to a rare liver cancer, angiosarcoma.
Also called a swinging vane anemometer.
Workplace exposure to vinyl chloride is
See anemometer.
regulated by the occupational safety
and health act. The U.S. EPA has set a
ventilation In exposure studies, air community air emission standard for vinyl
intake to the lungs. chloride under the national emission
standards for hazardous air pollut-
ventilation rate (respiration) The ants provision of the clean air act. See
volumetric breathing rate: for adult males, hazardous air pollutants.
about 23 cubic meters/day; for adult
females, 21 cubic meters/day; and for chil- virtually safe dose (VSD) A dose or
dren, 15 cubic meters/day. exposure level for a carcinogen corre-
sponding to an individual lifetime can-
venturi effect The increase in the veloc- cer risk considered to be essentially zero;
ity of a fluid stream as the fluid passes sometimes suggested as a lifetime risk of
through a constriction in a channel, pipe, or one in 1 million.
duct. Calculated by the continuity equa-
tion Q = VA, where Q is the volumetric virus In biology, a biological form that
has no capacity to carry out the normal
flow rate, A is the area of flow, and V is the
functions associated with living organ-
fluid velocity. Because Q does not change,
isms, such as metabolism, respiration,
if A gets smaller, then V must increase.
and reproduction. This biological form is
extremely small; it cannot be seen with the
venturi scrubber See scrubber, venturi. most powerful microscope that depends on
light for illumination. Structurally, viruses
vertical dispersion coefficient See dis- consist of nuclear material (the gene)
persion coefficient. encased within a protein or protein-lipid
covering. Viruses are reproduced by the
Vienna Convention for the Protection host cell that they infect. The host range of
of the Ozone Layer A 1985 interna- viruses is very limited. For example, viruses
tional agreement reached in Vienna com- that infect animals will not infect plants,


and those that infect dogs often will not the human eye. The wavelengths range
infect humans, etc. Viruses are often named from about 400 nanometers (violet light)
for the disease state that they produce in to about 710 nanometers (red light). Also
the host; for example, the influenza virus called visible light.
causes influenza symptoms in humans.
vitrification A process forming a highly
viscosity (h) A measure of the resis- stable noncrystalline material; glassifica-
tance of a fluid to flow. For liquids, viscos- tion. Proposed as a treatment for high-
ity increases with decreasing temperature. level waste. The waste is encased in a
For gases, viscosity increases with increas- glasslike medium, which resists high tem-
ing temperature. Expressed as mass per peratures and leachate formation indefi-
length-time (e.g., kilograms per meter-sec- nitely. See high-level nuclear waste
ond). A common viscosity unit is the poise, facility.
named for the French physician Jean Louis
Poiseuille (1799–1869): one poise equals volatile Describes a substance that
1.0 gram per centimeter-second. The vis- evaporates or vaporizes rapidly at room
cosity of water at 20°C is 0.01002 poise; temperatures.
therefore the centipoise (one-hundredth of
a poise) is often used; this makes the vis- volatile hydrocarbons Organic com-
cosity of water equal to 1.002 (rounded, pounds composed of carbon and hydrogen
1.0) centipoise. Also called dynamic vis- that evaporate rapidly at room tempera-
cosity. Compare kinematic viscosity. tures, for example, gasoline, methanol,
and benzene.
visibility In the atmosphere, the dis-
tance to which an observer can distinguish volatile organic analysis (VOA) The
objects from their background. The deter- assay of carbon compounds with a high
minants of visibility include the charac- vapor pressure, commonly hydrocar-
teristics of the target object (shape, size, bons and hydrocarbon derivatives, in the
color, pattern), the angle and intensity of atmosphere or wastewater. The tech-
sunlight, the observer’s eyesight, and the nology commonly involves gas chroma-
extent of light absorption and scattering tography coupled with use of a mass
caused by air contaminants. See air qual- spectrometer. See volatile organic
ity-related value; extinction coeffi- compounds.
cient; koschmieder relationship.
volatile organic carbon (VOC) A
visibility protection The clean air act measure of the amount of particulate
requirement that air quality-related organic matter in a water sample that is
values, including visibility, be protected in lost upon heating. The measure is obtained
class i areas as part of the prevention by passing a given quantity of water
of significant deterioration control through a glass fiber filter, then drying
program. The 156 Class I areas include and weighing the solids retained on the fil-
national parks and wilderness areas. ter. The preweighed filter is then heated to
The state implementation plans for about 500°–600°C, and a second weight
states with Class I areas must include visi- is obtained. The amount lost during the
bility protection measures, such as controls heating process is termed VOC.
on small-diameter particulate matter
and sulfur dioxide emissions (to con- volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
trol sulfate formation). The U.S. EPA has A category of organic compounds with rel-
added a Regional Haze Rule to its existing atively high vapor pressure, a major cat-
visibility regulations. See visibility. egory of air contaminants. Most VOCs are
carbon-hydrogen compounds (hydrocar-
visible range That part of the electro- bons), but they may also be aldehydes,
magnetic spectrum that can be seen by ketones, chlorinated hydrocarbons,

vulnerability analysis

and others. Thousands of individual com- matter, and detritus to have been suspended
pounds exist, including the unburned in the water passed through the filter.
hydrocarbon compounds emitted from
automobiles or industrial processes and volatility A measure of the tendency of
the organic solvents lost to evaporation a solvent or other material to evaporate
from household, commercial, or indus- at normal temperatures.
trial cleaning and painting operations and
other activities. Some VOCs participate volatilization The process of evapora-
in the atmospheric reactions that lead to tion.
photochemical air pollution, and
excessive exposure to certain individual volcanic ash Rock formed as lava
compounds is associated with skin irrita- droplets and globs are blown out of a vol-
tion, central nervous system depression, canic vent and cool before reaching the
and/or an increased risk of cancer. Large ground, forming particles of varying size.
quantities of VOCs are introduced to the Small particles of ash can travel great dis-
air by vegetation; these are termed bio- tances from the volcano.
genic volatile organic compounds.
Control techniques for VOC include volcanic glass Rock with a glassy tex-
adsorption on activated charcoal, ture that forms when molten rock cools
use of the catalytic converter, stage so rapidly that the formation of crystal
ii control, onboard refueling vapor grains is inhibited. Glassy texture forms
recovery, use of the carbon adsorber, on the crust of lava flows.
lowering of reid vapor pressure, and
use of reformulated gasoline. See air volcanic neck A vent of a volcano
toxics; hazardous air pollutants. through which gases, ash, and larger par-
ticles exit to the outside.
volatile organic sampling train
(VOST) The air-sampling apparatus volume reduction compaction, shred-
specified by the U.S. EPA for the collection ding, incineration, or composting of
of organic material that is not completely solid waste for the purpose of reducing
destroyed in a waste incinerator. Analysis the volume occupied in a sanitary land-
of the collected organics determines incin- fill. The processes are intended to reduce
erator efficiency. See also destruction the expenses associated with landfill disposal
and removal efficiency; products or to extend the life of a landfill.
of incomplete combustion; principal
organic hazardous constituents. volumetric flow rate For a liquid or
gas, the volume moving past a point per
volatile solids See volatile sus- unit time. For example, a smokestack
pended solids. exhaust of 10 cubic meters per second
would result if gas exited a stack two
volatile suspended solids (VSS) An meters square at five meters per second.
indirect measure of the amount or weight Actual flow rate (Q) is expressed as Q =
of particles composed of organic material AV, where A is the cross-sectional area of
suspended in a given amount of water. A the pipe, duct, or stack, and V is the veloc-
specified amount of water or wastewater ity of the liquid or gas.
is filtered. The filtrate, the liquid passing
through the filter medium, is discarded. The volumetric water content That por-
material remaining on the filter is dried and tion of the volume of a soil sample that is
weighed. The filtered material is then heated occupied by water, expressed as percent-
to 550°C and weighed again. The difference age by volume.
between the two measures constitutes the
weight loss on ignition and is considered to vulnerability analysis As part of a
be the amount of all animal matter, plant hazards analysis, an assessment of the

vulnerable species

locations and sizes of the areas that might vulnerable species A category used in
be harmed by an accidental release of a the red lists published by the species
hazardous substance. The radius of survival commission of the interna-
vulnerable zones are estimated by using tional union for the conservation
mathematical models that simulate the of nature and natural resources
behavior of a chemical moving downwind (IUCN). A vulnerable species has “a
or the spatial effects of an explosion or high risk of extinction in the wild in the
fire. The vulnerable zone is examined for
medium-term future” if it meets any of
the presence of sensitive populations, such
the IUCN detailed criteria, including a
as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes.
Hazards analyses under title iii (of the declining trend in population size, a
Emergency Planning and Community shrinking of the species range, a suffi-
Right-to-Know Act) and risk manage- ciently low breeding stock, or a forecast
ment plans required by the clean air probability of 10% that the species will
act both include a vulnerability analysis. become extinct in the wild within 100
See bhopal; extremely hazardous sub- years.
stance; level of concern; local emer-
gency planning committee; tier i, tier vulnerable zone See vulnerability
ii reports. analysis.


Waldsterben German for “forest waste diversion credit A financial in-

death.” Associated with the belief that centive for recycling. Municipalities and
widespread forest decline in Germany and private recycling companies are paid on
other parts of Europe was being caused by the basis of the total tonnage of recy-
air pollution. clable resources that were diverted from
landfill disposal.
Ward, Barbara (1914–81) English
economist, conservationist, and author waste exchange A clearinghouse that
Ward’s works on the environment include matches disposers of waste materials to
Spaceship Earth (1966), Progress for a facilities that can use the waste as a fuel or
Small Planet (1980), and Only One Earth: raw material. For an example, visit www.
The Care & Maintenance of a Small
Planet (1972), with rené dubos.
waste-heat recovery Transfer of excess
waste broker An individual or com- heat produced in one process to provide
pany serving the waste management indus- heat to another system.
try by matching buyers and sellers of waste
material that has commercial potential. A waste hierarchy The preferred order
materials recovery facility involved of waste management, which is source
in the separation of recyclable items reduction, reuse, recycling, incinera-
from municipal solid waste may use tion with energy recovery, and, finally,
such a broker to locate and make arrange- landfill disposal.
ments with a buyer of the discarded mate-
rial. See waste exchange. waste immobilization See immobili-
waste characterization 1. An estima-
tion of the types and quantities of mate- waste ink Fluid remaining from the
rials in a waste stream; for instance, blending or use of inks in the printing
the waste can be sampled, sorted by type, industry. Such fluids are considered haz-
then weighed to determine the relative ardous because of the likely presence of
sizes of the waste categories by weight. solvents, toxic organic compounds,
An alternate method of characterization oils, and metals used as pigments.
is the materials flow methodology, which
uses data on the production of goods (by Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) An
weight) combined with product life to underground facility near Carlsbad, New
estimate the relative sizes of the waste Mexico, used for the disposal of transura-
categories. Materials flow makes adjust- nic waste arising from nuclear weapon
ments for food and yard wastes, imports activities. Wastes are buried 2,000+ feet
and exports, and recycling, none of below the surface in rooms formed inside
which is captured by production data. geologically stable salt beds that are 2,000
2. Determination of the physical, chemi- feet thick. WIPP is run by the U.S. depart-
cal, and microbiological properties of ment of energy and government contrac-
discards. tors. Web site:

wasteload allocation

wasteload allocation (WLA) A sys- waste shipment record (WSR) A

tem designed to limit the total discharge required document describing the genera-
of pollutant materials into a receiv- tion, transportation, and ultimate disposi-
ing stream because the stream does not tion of a waste containing asbestos.
achieve one or more ambient water
quality standards specified by tech- waste sources Refers to the different
nology-based effluent limitations. sectors that produce solid waste: com-
In this case, a total maximum daily mercial buildings, households, agricultural
load (TMDL), which is the maximum operations, mining, construction projects,
amount of the pollutant(s) that can be demolition operations, medical facilities,
released without violating water quality wastewater treatment facilities, and others.
standards, is calculated. Each source is
allocated part of the TMDL; the amount waste stabilization See stabilization/
allotted to point sources is the waste- solidification.
load allocation; the amount allotted to
nonpoint sources is termed the load waste stream The total quantity of
allocation. See water quality-based solid discards from a city, company, or
effluent limitation. institution. The discards may be recycled,
burned, or landfilled.
waste minimization A reduction in the
types and quantities of industrial waste, a waste-to-energy (WTE) The incin-
reduction in waste toxicity, or an increase eration of municipal solid waste with
in recycling and reuse. For hazardous energy recovery, usually in the form of
waste, reducing quantity is not as impor- hot water, steam, or, via further conver-
tant as minimizing the wastes that are sion, electricity.
persistent, undergo bioaccumulation,
or are toxic (referred to as PBT chemi- waste treatment lagoon Pond oper-
cals). Waste minimization focuses on the ated to facilitate the biological treatment of
waste produced at the site of production wastewater; often used for animal waste.
or manufacturing. See persistent bio- When maintained in an aerobic condi-
accumulative and toxic chemicals; tion, such ponds represent a low-cost and
pollution prevention; resource con- efficient treatment, reducing biochemical
servation and recovery act; source oxygen demand and total solids. How-
reduction; waste reduction. ever, when these ponds are overloaded with
organic material, anaerobic conditions
waste reduction A decrease in the develop, causing odor problems. In-ground
amount of municipal solid waste systems for industrial wastewaters are
requiring disposal; also called source subject to land disposal ban and land
reduction. Some methods and manage- disposal restrictions and must have
ment initiatives include restricting or oth- liners, leachate collection systems,
erwise lowering consumption, increasing and groundwater monitoring wells. See
the expected lifetime of a product, reduc- impoundment; settling pond; sewage
ing the amount of packaging needed, lagoon.
reducing the weight of products, and
enhancing the ability of a product to be waste treatment plant 1. For wastewa-
recycled. Waste reduction focuses on the ter, a facility designed and operated so that
waste produced by consumers. See pol- the water can be released into the environ-
lution prevention; resource con- ment without causing damage to human
servation and recovery act; waste health or to the environment. See primary
minimization. treatment; publicly owned treatment
works; secondary treatment; sewage
waste separation See materials recov- treatment plant; tertiary treatment. 2.
ery facility; source separation. For a public drinking water supply, a facil-

Water Environment Federation

ity operated to assure that the piped water core. A nuclear reactor is a device designed
delivered to the public is safe and pleasing to promote the fission of an appropriate
to use. See chlorination; disinfection fuel (such as uranium 235) in a controlled
by-products; groundwater rule; maxi- manner. The heat produced during the fis-
mum contaminant level; safe drinking sion event must be removed from the device
water act; secondary maximum con- to prevent excessive buildup. Water is usu-
taminant level; surface water treat- ally used as the heat transfer agent. Other
ment rule; total coliform rule. coolants used in nuclear reactors of other
designs are liquid sodium and inert gases.
wastewater Water discharged from See light-water reactor.
homes, businesses, and industries that con-
tains dissolved, suspended, and particulate water cycle See hydrologic cycle.
inorganic or organic material. The term is
also used as a synonym for sewage. Also water dilution volume (WDV) The
called domestic wastewater. volume of water required to dilute radio-
active waste to a concentration meet-
water-air ratio (Kw) An expression for ing drinking water standards. Typically
the partitioning of a substance present in a expressed in cubic meters of water per
dilute solution between the water and the metric ton of radioactive waste.
overlying air. The ratio is computed by
Kw = C w /C A, water droplet coalescence Merging
where C w is the water concentration of of small particles of water in clouds into
the chemical (micrograms of the chemi- drops that are sufficiently large to fall as
cal per cubic centimeter of water) and C A precipitation.
is the air concentration of the chemical
(micrograms of the chemical per cubic
Water Environment Federation A pri-
vate, nonprofit technical and educational
centimeter of air).

water balance A measure of the

amount of water entering and the amount
leaving a system.

waterborne Of or related to something

that is carried by water, for example, a
disease transmitted by water contaminated
by a disease-causing microorganism.

waterborne disease Diseases of

humans, commonly involving the digestive
tract, that are transmitted from one indi-
vidual to another by water. Typhoid fever,
dysentery, cholera, and giardiasis are
common examples.

water column A hypothetical cylinder

of water from the surface to the bottom
of a stream, lake, or ocean within which
physical, chemical, and/or biological prop-
erties can be measured.

water-cooled reactor A nuclear reac-

tor that employs water to cool the reactor

Water Environment Research Federation

group dedicated to wastewater treatment allocation. The TMDL is the maxi-

and water quality protection, including mal amount of the pollutant that can be
surface water, groundwater, and both released into the stream without violating
point source and nonpoint source con- the ambient water quality standard for the
trols. Based in Alexandria, Virginia. Web pollutant. A point source permit would
site: reflect the source wasteload allocation for
the offending pollutant as a WQBEL, for
Water Environment Research Federa- example, an allowable phosphorus dis-
tion A private research group funded by charge of five pounds per day.
municipal sewage treatment plants and
industrial wastewater treatment facilities; water quality criteria The aqueous
affiliated with the water environment concentration limits for pollutants in
federation. Supports ongoing research in water that is to be used for specific pur-
collection and treatment systems, human poses. The criteria are set for individual
heath and environmental effects, biosol- pollutants and are based on different
ids management, and watershed man- water uses, such as a public water supply,
agement. Some research is done in cooper- an aquatic habitat, an industrial supply,
ation with U.S. EPA water programs. Web or recreational facility.
water quality limited segment A por-
water hyacinth A floating freshwater tion of a stream where the condition of
plant belonging to the genus Eichhornia. the water does not meet water quality
Introduced into the United States in the standards and/or where standards are not
late 19th century as an ornamental plant, expected to be achieved after technology-
water hyacinth has become a prolific nui- based effluent limitations on all point
sance weed that clogs waterways in the sources are applied. Therefore, controls
southern United States. beyond the technology-based discharge
limits are required for the stream segment
waterlogging Filling of the spaces to meet the ambient standards. See load
among soil grains with water, thereby allocation; total maximum daily
displacing air. The process deprives plant load; wasteload allocation; water
roots of needed oxygen and promotes the quality-based effluent limitation.
development of anaerobic conditions as
the soil microbes remove the remaining water quality standards Regulations
oxygen. Most agricultural crops cannot specifying the intended use of a body of
grow in such soils. The event characteristi- water and establishing the criteria to be
cally occurs when fields are overirrigated, used to protect the designated use. The
rainfall is excessive, fields are flooded, and standards are prepared by each state and
drainage is inhibited. are subject to the approval of the U.S.
water quality-based effluent limitation
(WQBEL) The allowable discharge of water reactive Describing any sub-
any water pollutant by a point source stance that reacts spontaneously with
into a water quality limited segment: water to release a flammable or toxic gas,
that is, a stream that does not meet the such as sodium metal.
ambient water quality standard for
that pollutant even though technology- watershed That area of land that drains
based effluent limitations have been into a lake or stream.
applied. In this circumstance, the regula-
tory agency sets a total maximum daily water softener An apparatus designed
load for that stream segment and allo- to remove divalent metal ions (the most
cates to the point sources for that pollut- important of which are calcium, magne-
ant part of what is termed the wasteload sium, and iron) from water, often replacing

weighted average

the divalent or trivalent ions with the mon- the interior from 1981–83. His tenure was
ovalent sodium ion. See ion exchange. controversial for environmental activist
groups because he advocated exploration
water soluble Describes a material that for and extraction of fossil fuels, minerals,
dissolves in water, for example, table sugar. and timber on federal lands. Supporter of
the sagebrush rebellion.
water-soluble fraction (WSF) The
portion of crude oil or oil product that wave energy A form of renewable
dissolves in water. energy that originates by solar insolation
producing wind over the oceans, in turn
water-source heat pump Heating unit creating waves. The energy from the rise
designed to transfer heat from groundwa- and fall of the surface water can be used
ter to the inside of a building (heating) or to generate electricity. Large-scale, reli-
from a building into the ground (cooling). able, and economically feasible applica-
Open well systems pump groundwater up tions are not yet available.
then inject it back into the ground in a dif-
ferent well. Ground loop (closed) systems wavelength For electromagnetic ra-
recirculate the same water or water/cool- diation, the distance between correspond-
ant mixture into the ground and back. Also ing points of a wave cycle. Wavelength and
called ground source heat pump, geothermal frequency are inversely proportional. See
heat pump, and earth-coupled heat pump. electromagnetic spectrum.

water table The uppermost level of the weak acid A compound that releases
below-ground, geological formation that small amounts of hydrogen ions when
is saturated with water. Water pressure in dissolved in water. As a result, low con-
the pores of the soil or rock is equal to centrations of hydronium ions are formed
atmospheric pressure. relative to the volume of water employed.
An example of a weak acid is acetic acid,
water treatment The processing of which is used as vinegar. See acid.
source water (well water or surface
water) for distribution in a public drink- weathering The breakdown of rock
ing water system. See water treatment through a combination of chemical, physi-
plant. cal, geological, and biological processes.
The ultimate outcome is the generation of
waterwall furnace See waterwall soil.
Weibull model A dose-response
waterwall incinerator An energy relationship represented by P(e) = γ +
recovery system used in some munici- (1 – γ) (1 – e¯AD6), where P(e) is the proba-
pal waste incinerators. The combustion bility of an adverse effect given a continu-
chamber of the incinerator is lined with ous dose D, γ is the background response
steel tubes containing circulating water. rate, and a and b are fitted constants. Used
The heat from the combustion boils the for extrapolation from high-dose obser-
water, and the steam can be sold or used vations to low-dose exposures.
to turn turbines in an electric generator.
See incineration. weighted average For a series of
recorded observations, the sum of the
watt (W) The SI unit of power equal products of the frequency of certain values
to one joule per second. Expressed as and the value of the observation divided
1 W = 1 J s¯1. by the total number of observations. For
example, for one measurement of five
Watt, James (1938– ) American grams, three measurements of seven grams,
politician Watt was U.S. secretary of and two measurements of two grams, the

weight fraction

weighted average is [1(5) + 3(7) + 2(2)]/6 = a circle with the well at the center and
five grams. See time-weighted average. a radius of one to two miles. Potential
sources of contaminants that may infiltrate
weight fraction An expression of con- into the water well through the borehole,
centration of materials in solutions or such as abandoned wells, underground
mixtures. The weight fraction of a certain storage tanks, hazardous materials stor-
material is the weight of the material in age locations, and businesses that have a
question divided by the total weight of potential for contaminating groundwater,
the solution or mixture. For example, in a are identified, then removed or controlled.
mixture of A, B, and C, Local government controls include zoning
weight fraction of A = restrictions, inspections, public education,
(weight of A)/(weight of A + B + C) and monitoring. See significant poten-
tial source of contamination; source
weighting networks A frequency-spe- water assessment program; source
cific adjustment made by a sound level water protection area; source water
meter to the measured decibel levels that protection program; underground
accounts for the increased sensitivity of the injection control.
human ear to higher-frequency sounds and
lower sensitivity to lower frequencies. Three well plug Any watertight or gastight
networks are available, called A, B, and C. seal installed in a well to prevent the flow
of fluids or gases.
The A-weighted scale is by far the most
frequently used because it best matches the
well purging The removal of water that
sound frequency sensitivity of the human
has accumulated in a well so that a fresh
ear at the sound levels most commonly
quantity of groundwater can enter the
encountered. See decibels, a-weighting
well. The water that enters the well after
network; fletcher-munson contours.
purging is more reflective of the chemical
status of water in the sands of the aqui-
weight of evidence The extent to which fer than the water that has been standing
available data support the judgment that a in the well piping for some time.
chemical, at certain doses in certain indi-
viduals, will cause (or significantly increase well stimulation Cleaning, enlarging,
the risk of) an adverse health effect. or increasing the pore space of a well used
for the injection of fluids into subsurface
weir An underwater dam or barrier in a geological strata. See injection well.
channel or ditch placed to limit or control
water flow; water flows over the top of well water Water produced from
the weir. a well drilled or bored into the ground;
usually pumped but sometimes free-flow-
welded tuff Structure formed after the ing (artesian water). Often a source of
accumulation ash, rock, hot crystal frag- raw water for a public water supply. See
ments, and volcanic glass ejected from a aquifer; groundwater.
volcano. The hot materials fuse together,
producing a coherent mass. West Antarctic ice sheet That part of
the ice covering Antarctica about which
well field A relatively small area of land most concern is expressed in discussions
containing several wells producing water of global warming. The concern is
or oil. based on past episodes of rapid sea-level
rise. The West Antarctica ice, separated
wellhead protection area A prescribed from the eastern sheet by the Transantarc-
area around a well producing water for tic mountain range, is the most prominent
distribution to the public. Depending on remaining ice-filled marine basin on Earth.
the circumstances, the area consists of The ice sheet on the western side of the

Wetlands Reserve Program

continent has lost about two-thirds of its that are inundated or saturated by surface
mass since the last glacial maximum about or ground water at a frequency and dura-
20,000 years ago. tion sufficient to support, and that under
normal circumstances do support a preva-
wet adiabatic lapse rate The rate of lence of vegetation typically adapted for life
temperature decrease as a parcel of air sat- in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands gen-
urated with water rises and the pressure erally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and
decreases, given by similar areas.” The three parts of the defi-
dT nition address soil hydrology, soil types,
γs = − and vegetation. The Wetlands Delineation
dz Manual published by the Army Corps of
where dT is the temperature change, dz
Engineers in 1987 is the official guide used
is the change in altitude, and γs is the
for wetlands identification. In 1989, a new
saturated (wet) adiabatic lapse rate.
wetlands manual, the Federal Manual for
Because moisture is condensing in the
Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional
rising parcel of air and releasing latent
Wetlands, was released, and a 1991 revi-
heat, the temperature drop with increas- sion was also proposed, but Congress voted
ing altitude is less than the (dry) adia- to continue with the 1987 guidance pending
batic lapse rate, or about 0.6°C per 100 further study. A new manual incorporating
meters. The rate assumes that there is no the improvements is pending. The clean
exchange of heat between the parcel and water act requires anyone who discharges
the surrounding air by conduction or dredged material or fill into the waters of
mixing. See dry adiabatic lapse rate. the United States (which include wetlands)
to get a permit (section 404 permit)
wet-bulb temperature The tempera- from the Army Corps of Engineers, with
ture reading from a thermometer with a approval from the U.S. EPA. This means
wetted wick surrounding the bulb. The that any development or clearing of land
evaporative loss of latent heat from the classified as a wetland, even if far from an
wick lowers the temperature reading. Used estuary, stream, or lake, must have a permit
with the dry-bulb temperature and a to proceed. The wetlands permit requires
table to compute relative humidity. See the applicant to show that alternatives to
psychrometer. the wetlands destruction are not available,
that the project will incorporate reasonable
wet deposition The introduction of controls to minimize loss, and that unpre-
acidic material to the ground or to sur- ventable damage will be replaced by wet-
face waters by sulfuric and nitric acids dis- lands addition or conservation elsewhere.
solved in rainfall or snow. Compare dry See constructed wetlands; mitigation
banking; no net loss; swampbuster
deposition. See acid rain.
provision; wetland loss. Web site:
wetland loss The conversion of land
that is intermittently covered with water
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) A
to uses that degrade the unique biological voluntary program, directed by the U.S.
community characteristic of such areas. Department of Agriculture, organized to
The loss of coastal wetlands and the sub- preserve and restore wetlands. A land-
sequent conversion of wetland areas into owner can sell a conservation easement
open water in Louisiana are major envi- (agreement to manage the land as wetland
ronmental problems in that state. Web habitat only) to the Department of Agri-
site: See wetlands. culture that will last permanently or for
30 years. The WRP will also share the cost
wetlands The regulatory definition used of restoring wetland with the landowner,
by the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Army Corps including restorations without an ease-
of Engineers reads, “Wetlands are areas ment agreement.

wet scrubbing

wet scrubbing A process that removes sion. From the German damf, “vapor.”
particles, gases, or vapors from an exhaust See damp.
gas by passing the exhaust through a
shower of water or water that contains white goods Refrigerators, stoves,
an agent to react with the material to be clothes washers and dryers, and other
removed. See scrubber, impingement; appliances contained in municipal solid
scrubber, plate tower; scrubber spray; waste.
scrubber, venturi.
White Paper 1. A publication focused
wet stack A stack that is capable of on a specific topic, usually providing
handling moisture that condenses from background information and arguing for a
the exhaust gas exiting a scrubber. particular decision, action, or policy. Used
by government agencies, business groups,
wet test meter A laboratory instrument and advocacy organizations. 2. A publica-
used mainly to calibrate the volume of air- tion of the European Commission propos-
flow in other instruments. The meter con- ing an action or set of actions to be taken
sists of a set of compartments of equal vol- by the European Community. Usually pre-
ume that can rotate inside an outer casing. ceded by a background green paper.
The compartments are partially submerged
in water or other liquid. Air enters the meter whole-body dose The exposure of the
and forces the liquid out of a compartment, entire human body to radiation, for exam-
causing the compartments to rotate. As the ple, background radiation. This type
open end of each compartment rotates past of exposure is also of importance when a
the top of the meter, the air flows out of the radioisotope is inhaled or ingested then
meter. The measurement of the liquid level uniformly distributed throughout the body.
in the meter indicates the amount of air
released by each compartment, and a coun- whole effluent toxicity testing (WET
ter determines the number of compartments testing) The exposure of living organ-
that were filled with air. This information is isms to the discharge released from an
used to compute the airflow. industrial or wastewater treatment facility
for the purpose of determining the effects
wheeling The transfer of electricity of the effluent on natural biological organ-
from one system through another to users; isms. The method replaces the measure-
occurs when one system buys power from ment of the concentrations of specific
another or when retail customers purchase chemicals in the discharged water. Some
power from a company that does not have of the organisms tested are fish, shrimp,
electric lines connecting it to the customer. water fleas, oysters, and sea urchins. Also
Can also refer to the transfer of natural called biomonitoring. See bioassay.
gas or drinking water.
Wien’s law The physical law relating
whey The clear fluid that separates the peak wavelength of electromag-
from the solid curd when milk is allowed netic radiation emitted by a radiating
to coagulate, or sour. The curd contains body to the surface temperature of that
most of the protein solids from the milk body. The higher the temperature, the
(casein), and the whey contains most of shorter the peak wavelength of the energy
the small, soluble compounds. Whey rep- emitted. For example, the Sun emits an
resents a waste liquid produced in the energy spectrum with a peak wavelength
manufacture of some cheeses and has a of about 480 nanometers, which is within
high biochemical oxygen demand. the visible part of the electromagnetic
spectrum; since the surface temperature of
white damp carbon monoxide pres- the Earth is much lower than that of the
ent in an underground mine after blasting Sun, the energy emission spectrum of the
or remaining after a mine fire or explo- Earth has a much longer peak wavelength,

wind rose

about 10,000 nanometers, which is in the environments. May also be used to describe
infrared radiation, or radiant heat, all biota that have not been domesticated.
range. The emission can be expressed as
λT = constant, where λ is the peak wave- Wiley, Harvey (1844–1930) American
length in nanometers, T is the absolute consumer advocate Wiley was the head
temperature of the body in Kelvin, and the of the Department of Agriculture Bureau
constant is equal to 2.9 × 106 nanometers- of Chemistry where he led “Poison Squad”
K. The Earth’s outgoing infrared radiation tests that demonstrated the toxicity of
is absorbed by greenhouse gases. See many early food additives, leading to
global warming; greenhouse effect. the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, a
predecessor to the food, drug, and cos-
Wild and Scenic Rivers System Over metic act. See sinclair, upton.
100 designated stream segments through-
out the United States chosen for their windbreak Rows of trees or shrubbery
scenic, historic, aesthetic, or scientific established to protect or shield homes,
characteristics to be protected from over- land, or crops from the damage caused by
use and economic development. Managed high winds.
by the National Park Service, U.S. Depart-
ment of Interior. Web site: wind farm Area occupied by a multi-
rivers. tude of wind turbines installed to generate
electricity from the wind power produced
Wilderness Act See wilderness area. by strong prevailing winds. Altamont Pass,
California, is a typical example.
wilderness area Large tracts of federal
land, most over 5,000 acres, that are set window (infrared) The wavelength
aside and allowed to remain in a natural
range of the infrared radiation from
state. Such activities as construction of
the surface of the Earth, between about
roads, development of recreational facili-
eight and 12 micrometers, that is poorly
ties, removal of trees, and hunting are pro-
absorbed in the atmosphere by the most
hibited. In some cases, even the fighting of
important greenhouse gases, water
fires started by natural means is limited.
vapor and carbon dioxide. This character-
The 1964 Wilderness Act allows the U.S.
istic allows a portion of the heat radiated
government to set aside sections within
by the Earth to escape directly to space.
the national forest system, national
parks, and national wildlife refuges as
wilderness areas, which are administered by wind power Electricity generated by
the national park service, Forest Service, wind turbines. See wind farm.
fish and wildlife service, and bureau
of land management. There are about wind profile power law The expres-
650 areas in the National Wilderness Area sion used to estimate the (higher) wind
Preservation System, totaling over 100 mil- speed at the top of a smokestack by using
lion acres, about 50% of which is in Alaska. a measure of wind speed at ground level;
Web site: the law is applied in air quality disper-
sion modeling. It is expressed as
Wilderness Society, The An Ameri- (u2 /u1) = (z 2 /z1)p
can environmental organization concerned where u 2 is the wind speed at the higher
with protecting wildlife habitat and wild- altitude z 2 , u1 is the wind speed at the
life refuges as well as preserving public lower altitude z 1, and the exponent p var-
lands. Headquarters in Washington, D.C. ies with atmospheric turbulence.
Web site:
wind rose A diagram depicting the
wildlife Most commonly used to refer to strength and direction of the winds as
the vertebrate animal population in natural measured over time at a specific station.


windrow A long, narrow compost pile. original water sample. The released iodine
In large-scale operations, the design allows is titrated with a standard solution of
convenient access of machines, which turn thiosulfate, using starch as the indicator.
(mix) the material periodically.
Winogradsky column A laboratory
Winkler method A standard proce- microenvironment containing soil, water,
dure for measuring the level of dissolved and microorganisms. The column was
oxygen in water. This laboratory analy- instrumental in the discovery of microbial
sis, also called the iodometric method, is involvement in the process of nitrifica-
a reliable titrimetric procedure. A solu- tion and the description of chemoautotro-
tion of divalent manganese and a strong phic bacteria. The apparatus can be used
alkali are added to a water sample. The to observe the ecological changes caused
oxygen dissolved in the water oxidizes by the metered addition of test chemicals.
the manganous hydroxide to hydroxides See chemoautotroph.
of higher valences. In the presence of
iodide ions and acidification, the oxi- wipe test A sampling method used to
dation of the metal is reversed with the determine the presence of hazardous
release of iodine in amounts equivalent or radioactive substances that can be
to the amount of oxygen dissolved in the removed from surfaces. For the detection

World Bank

of radioactive contamination, for exam- Withdrawal followed by reservation for

ple, a small piece of absorbent material a single use, such as a wilderness area,
(filter paper) is wiped across a table, sink, has been a method of setting aside public
or other surface, and the absorbent mate- lands for environmental preservation.
rial is then assayed for radioactivity.
work A force acting over a distance.
wise use movement A diverse collec- The work W done by a constant force F
tion of interest groups, emerging in the late on a body that undergoes a displacement
1980s, that takes its name from gifford s is expressed as W = (F cos q)s, where q
pinchot, who wrote in his biography, is the angle between the force and the dis-
“Conservation means the wise use of the placement. The SI work unit is the joule,
earth and its resources for the lasting good or one newton-meter. The work unit in
of men” (Breaking New Ground, 1947). the U.S. system is the foot-pound.
Their common enemy is the agenda of
radical environmentalist groups, especially working face 1. The location within
restrictive federal land use policies and the a solid waste disposal site (landfill)
controls on economic development imple- where waste is discharged and compacted
mented by the endangered species act before burial with cover material. 2.
and wetlands regulation. The movement The exposed end of a coal seam as it is
represents a strong backlash against the being mined.
tactics of radical environmental groups,
although wise use activists employ many working level (WL) A measure of the
of the same methods used successfully by radioactivity of gases released by the
the environmentalists. Some wise use advo- radioactive decay of radon. The unit
cates have reacted violently to what they is used as an expression of radon exposure
consider tree worshiping at the expense of level for individuals. One WL is the com-
human needs. Also used to identify those bined radioactivity of radon and its short-
who advocate unrestricted access to natu- lived daughter products in one liter
ral resources. See abbey, edward; con- of air that emits a total alpha energy of
servation; federal land policy and 1.3 × 105 million electron volts upon com-
management act; leopold, aldo; mul- plete decay to 210Pb. U.S. EPA guidelines
tiple use; preservation; roadless area for residential radon levels recommend
review and evaluation; sagebrush taking actions to lower exposure if indoor
rebellion; snail darter; spotted owl; WL measurements are greater than about
watt, james; wild and scenic rivers 0.02 WL, which corresponds to about
system; wilderness area. four picocuries per liter of air. See radon
withdrawal, of water The removal
of water from a surface or underground working-level month (WLM) A unit
source without regard for any quality for individual exposure to radioactivity
change that occurs as a result of with- resulting from the inhalation of air con-
drawal and use. In contrast, if the water taminated with a sufficient amount of the
quality is degraded such that reuse is lim- radioactive decay products of radon
ited, the water is said to be consumed. See to equal one working level of radioactiv-
consumption of water. ity for 170 working hours (one month of
working in a contaminated environment).
withdrawal, public land In the man-
agement of public lands, the temporary World Bank Established in 1944, the
or permanent suspension of all or some World Bank provides financial and tech-
of the laws that allow public land to be nical support to developing countries via
used for certain purposes, such as min- two agencies. The International Bank for
eral extraction. Allowed by the federal Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)
land policy and management act. helps low-to-middle income nations, and

World Climate Applications and Services Programme

the International Development Association through regional offices with national

(IDA) helps the world’s poorest countries. governments to support programs in food
The World Bank supports sustainable and water sanitation, epidemiological sur-
development by funding environmental veillance, communicable disease control,
impact studies and development projects and many other areas. Headquarters are
that enhance environmental health and in Geneva, Switzerland. Web site: www.
the conservation of natural resources.
Headquarters are in Washington, D.C.,
and there are over 100 offices in the 184 World Meteorological Organization
member countries. For more information, (WMO) A United Nations agency
visit started in 1950 to promote and coordi-
nate meteorological data collection and
World Climate Applications and Ser- research among member nations. The
vices Programme (WCASP) Operated organization, based in Geneva, Switzer-
by the United Nations, a subprogram of land, provides a scientific voice on the state
the world climate programme intended and behavior of the atmosphere and world
to promote the use of climate informa- climate. Some of the activities are weather
tion and other data in activities relating to prediction, climate change monitoring
food, water, energy, urban planning, and and research, ozone layer monitoring,
construction. Web site: and forecasting of tropical storms. The
WMO established the world climate
World Climate Data and Monitoring programme and its related research activ-
Programme (WCDMP) Operated by ities. Web site:
the United Nations, a subprogram of the
world climate programme intended to World Resources Institute (WRI) A
promote the improved collection, digiti- nonprofit research organization that seeks
zation, quality control, storage, retrieval, to protect public health and the environ-
and use of climate-related information. ment by providing useful information and
Web site: analysis of local, regional, national, and
global environmental issues. Headquarters
World Climate Programme (WCP) A are in Washington, D.C. Web site: www.
United Nations activity operating under
the world meteorological organiza-
tion. Started in 1979 to coordinate and World Summit on Sustainable Devel-
sponsor data collection and research on the opment A 2002 conference in Johan-
world’s climate. Web site: nesburg, South Africa, held to assess the
implementation of agenda 21, 10 years
World Commission on Environment after the 1992 earth summit. The con-
and Development (WCED) The ference was organized by the United
United Nations panel that published Our Nations commission on sustainable
Common Future in 1987, in which it pro- development. For more information,
moted sustainable development, draw- visit or www.
ing international attention to the concept.
See brundtland commission report.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World Conservation Union See inter- Established in 1995, the WTO adminis-
national union for the conservation ters agreements, ratified by the signatory
of nature and natural resources. governments, that outline rules for orderly
and open exchange of goods and services
World Health Organization (WHO) among the world’s trading nations. The
A multinational agency dedicated to WTO rules support sustainable devel-
improving and maintaining public health; opment and allow nations to manage
founded in 1948. The organization works trade to protect endangered species and

worst-case scenario

enforce environmental health and safety the United States is Worldwide Fund for
measures. At the end of 2005, the WTO Nature. Web site:
had 149 member countries. Headquar-
ters are in Geneva, Switzerland. For more worst-case scenario Part of the risk
information, visit management plans required of certain
industrial, utility, military, water treat-
Worldwatch Institute A private ment, and small business facilities that
research and policy organization empha- either manufacture or use any of 140
sizing global environmental issues. Pub- different chemicals. The worst case is an
lishes State of the World and Vital Signs, accident at a facility involving the theo-
annual reports of trends in population, retical release of the largest amount of
energy use, food resources, pollution emis- a hazardous chemical or a theoretical
sions, and species conservation. Head- catastrophic fire or explosion. Documents
quarters in Washington, D.C. Web site: must be developed to illustrate steps that are being taken to reduce the likelihood
of the theoretical worst-case occurrence
Worldwide Fund for Nature See and to manage the emergency response
world wildlife fund. in the event of an accidental release that
affects the community outside the facil-
World Wildlife Fund International ity. Worse-case scenario planning is also
private organization dedicated to natural performed under the Emergency Plan-
resource conservation and wildlife pro- ning and Community Right-to-Know Act
tection, especially of endangered spe- (title iii). Compare alternate-case
cies. Founded in 1961. Name outside scenario; reasonable worst case.


xenobiotics A general term for chemi- diagnostic imaging technologies. Excessive

cals foreign to their surroundings, for exposure to X-rays has resulted in muta-
example, chemicals present in organisms tions, abnormal fetal development, and
or the environment that are not naturally cancer development.
found there. The presence of xenobiotics
almost always is an indicator of human X-ray diffraction An analytical method
activity. Examples include most pesti- that involves exposing samples to X-rays.
cides, synthetic organic chemicals, The radiation is reflected from the sample
and most food additives. in response to the structure of the crystals
that compose the sample. Consequently,
xenon (Xe) A heavy, relatively inert the method is useful in the identification
gas found in very minute quantities in the of elements in materials and coatings.
atmosphere. The gas is employed in flash- Because of the structure of the asbestos
bulbs used for photographic purposes and crystal, it is especially useful in detecting
may be produced as a fission product in this element in old construction material.
a nuclear reactor.
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) A technique
xeric Describing an organism that that can be used to visualize the presence
requires little moisture or a habitat con- of X-rays. Certain substances absorb the
taining little moisture. Dry. electromagnetic energy of X-rays, then
emit that energy as an altered form of
xerophyte A plant, such as cactus, electromagnetic radiation, usually
adapted to a dry environment. Compare as visible light. The glowing of a mate-
hydrophyte and mesophyte. rial when struck by X-rays. The technol-
ogy is employed to produce X-ray images
X-ray electromagnetic radiation on video screens (fluoroscopy) that allow
having a wavelength shorter than that instant viewing or viewing of a system
of ultraviolet light and usually longer such as the gastrointestinal tract in motion
than that of gamma rays. Essentially the rather than the still photographic images
same as a gamma ray except that X-rays produced on standard X-ray films. The
originate outside the atomic nucleus and technology is also employed to lessen the
gamma rays originate inside the nucleus. medical exposure of patients to X-rays.
X-rays are a form of ionizing radiation Intensifying screens made of fluorescent
and have excellent penetrating ability; materials can produce X-ray images by
they are used in a variety of medical treat- using radiation at a much lower dose than
ments (cancer therapy, for example) and that required by standard film techniques.


yard waste That part of solid waste pro- see

duced at a household or business consisting htm.
of grass clippings, leaf litter, plant residues,
landscaping wastes, and similar items. yellow boy Deposit on the bottom of
Some communities require the separation streams contaminated with acidic drain-
of such material from the other household age from coal mines and some mines from
discards. Alternatives to landfill disposal the removal of other minerals. The depos-
include incineration and composting. its vary in color from yellow to brownish
red and consist of various oxides of iron.
years of life lost 1. The expected short- The most common cause is acid mine
ening of a lifetime due to exposure to a drainage or runoff from piles of mine
hazardous material or to radiation. Cal- tailings. The yellow boy deposits indicate
culated from the expected lifetime for a a strongly acidified water.
nonexposed person minus the expected
lifetime of a person exposed to the dan- yellow cake Uranium oxide (U3O8)
gerous agent. 2. The estimated years of that results from the refining of uranium
life lost from premature death caused by ore. The purified material contains 99.3%
a disease or trauma, such as the years of uranium 238 and 0.7% uranium 235.
life lost caused by automobile accidents The term is applied because of the color
or prostate cancer. Also called years of and texture of the material.
potential life lost.
yes, in my backyard, for a price
Yellow Book A U.S. EPA publication, (Y, IMBY, FAP) The slogan adopted
The Yellow Book: Guide to Environmen- by certain communities willing to site a
tal Enforcement and Compliance at Fed- waste disposal facility nearby in exchange
eral Facilities, written for managers at the for an acceptable economic benefit.
roughly 15,000 federal facilities to explain
and outline the requirements of federal Yucca Mountain The site in Nevada
and state environmental regulations. The proposed as the repository for spent fuel
350+ page manual is a useful compendium from nuclear reactors and high-level
of environmental laws for students, indus- waste. Approximately 90% of the waste
try representatives, and interested citizens. to be deposited in this location will be from
The manual is available at commercial nuclear power plants, with the
compliance/resources/publications/civil/ remainder to come from defense programs.
federal/yellowbk.pdf. For information on See nuclear waste policy act. Web site:
cleanup management at federal facilities,


zeolite Hydrated aluminum silicate the product of their magnitude and prob-
minerals used as a molecular sieve and ability, the policy problem posed by a
for their ion exchange properties, e.g., in catastrophic harmful scenario that has a
water softeners. very low probability of occurrence. For
example, the introduction of an extremely
zero discharge 1. The goal, in the pre- potent human carcinogen as an additive
amble to the clean water act, of zero to aspirin might cause tens of thousands
pollutants in water discharges. 2. Describ- of excess cancers over several decades, but
ing a facility that does not release any the likelihood of such a chemical evading
wastewater to the environment but recycles the normal toxicity screenings for addi-
and reuses it internally. Also called zero tives is very low.
wastewater discharge systems or closed-
circuit systems. 3. Describing a regulatory zero-order reaction A chemical reac-
requirement that certain (not all) pollut- tion in which the rate of reaction is inde-
ants be undetectable in a waste stream, for pendent of the concentration of a reac-
example, a zero discharge standard for cer- tant or the concentration of any other
tain persistent, bioaccumulative, and chemicals present. Compare first-order
toxic chemicals (PBT chemicals) into reaction.
Lake Superior. Zero discharge is some-
times softened to “virtually eliminate.” zero population growth (ZPG) A
condition in which a population in a given
zero drift For pollution-monitoring location neither increases nor decreases
equipment, the change in the monitor over time. The increases due to births and
response from the zero calibration value immigration are balanced with decreases
and the monitor response to a zero cali- caused by deaths and emigration.
bration input at a later time, such as 24
hours later; how the instrument’s “zero” zero pressure A complete vacuum;
reading changes on the instrument read- the zero reference point on the absolute
out, above or below zero, with time. pressure scale. Note that zero gauge
pressure equals atmospheric pressure.
zero emission vehicle (ZEV) Auto-
mobile or light truck that operates with- zero tolerance In pesticide regulation,
out the release of air pollutants from the a requirement that no amount of pesticide
vehicle itself, typically an electric car or may remain on an agricultural commod-
one that uses hydrogen as the fuel (fuel ity when shipped; in effect, the toler-
cell technology). The california air ance for these pesticides is the accepted
resources board has been a leader in analytical limit of detection. Tolerance
promoting ZEVs. Of course, a bicycle is a levels are established under the authority
zero emission vehicle. For more informa- of the federal insecticide, fungicide,
tion, see and rodenticide act and the food,
drug, and cosmetics act. See delaney
zero-infinity dilemma In a risk analy- clause; food quality protection act;
sis that ranks environmental hazards by pesticide residue; registration.


zone of aeration See unsaturated upon water density gradients near the out-
zone; vadose zone. fall and the design of the diffuser (end of
the outflow pipe).
zone of engineering control The area
occupied by a hazardous waste treat- zone of leaching A layer of soil, also
ment, storage, or disposal facility termed the E horizon, usually consisting
that the owner or operator can readily of a thin layer of soil sandwiched between
decontaminate if a leak is detected, thus the topsoil or A horizon and the subsoil or
preventing hazardous waste or hazardous B horizon. This zone represents a transi-
constituents from entering groundwater tion layer that is distinct chemically and
or surface water. physically from the layers above or below.
The zone of leaching is a layer of soil that
zone of initial dilution (ZID) 1. That has been modified by the accumulation of
area where the discharge from an out- dissolved and suspended materials from
fall first mixes with the receiving water; the layer above and the removal of soluble
much smaller than the mixing zone. materials by percolation of the water.
water quality standards for acutely See soil horizon; soil profile.
toxic pollutants apply outside the zone
of initial dilution but inside the (larger) zone of saturation See saturated
mixing zone. Water quality standards for zone.
chronic effects apply only outside the mix-
ing zone. 2. For publicly owned treat- zoomass biomass of animal origin.
ment works that discharge into marine Compare phytomass.
waters and are allowed to discharge waste-
water that has not undergone secondary zoonotic Describing a pathogen that
treatment, that area where the discharge normally infects wild animals but can
from an outfall first mixes with the receiv- infect humans if the carrier and humans
ing water. Beyond this area, water quality have contact. For example, Lyme disease
standards apply. This volume is dependent is caused by a pathogenic bacterium nor-


mally carried by ticks that infect deer. The sion. Consequently, animals belonging to
bacterium can be transmitted to humans this class drift along with the currents.
by the bite of deer ticks, given a close
association of deer and humans in some Z tables Listings of workplace exposure
locations. limits for toxic and hazardous substances
published by the occupational safety
zooplankton The small, often micro- and health administration. The tables
scopic, animals in aquatic environments are found in the code of federal regu-
that possess little or no means of propul- lations, Subpart Z, Title 29, Part 1910.


I. Acronyms (and Other Abbreviations) 472

II. Unit Prefixes 490

III. Approximate Unit Equivalents 490

IV. BTU Content of Common Energy Units 492

V. Concentrations 492

VI. Standard (Average) Human Factors 493

VII. Plastic Recycling Codes 494

VIII. Earth Statistics 494

IX. Atmosphere Statistics 495

X. Water Statistics 495

XI. World Population Growth 496

XII. The Carbon Cycle 496

XIII. The Chemical Elements 497

XIV. The Greek Alphabet 498


I. Acronyms (and Other Abbreviations)

a acceleration
Å angstrom
AA atomic absorption spectrophotometer
ABC Association of Boards of Certification
ABC lines adiabatic cooling lines
ABS alkyl benzene sulfonate
A/C air-to-cloth ratio
ACC American Chemistry Council
ACE Army Corps of Engineers
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists
ACH air changes per hour
ACLs alternate concentration limits
ACM asbestos-containing material
ADP AHERA-designated person
ADR alternate dispute resolution
AEC Atomic Energy Commission
AEGLs Acute Exposure Guideline Levels
AES atomic emission spectroscopy
AFO animal feeding operation
AFR air-to-fuel ratio
AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
AIRS Aerometric Information Retrieval System
AI test adsorption isotherm test
AL action level
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable
amu atomic mass unit
ANOVA analysis of variance
ANPR advance notice of proposed rule making
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
APA Administrative Procedure Act
APCA Air Pollution Control Association
APEOs alkylphenol ethoxylates
APHA American Public Health Association
API American Petroleum Institute
APR air-purifying respirator
APWA American Public Works Association
AQCR air quality control region
AQMA air quality maintenance area
AQRV air quality-related value
AQS ambient quality standard
AQS air quality standard
ARAR applicable or relevant and appropriate
As arsenic
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials


ASTSWMO Association of State and Territorial Solid

Waste Management Officials
ATP adenosine triphosphate
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
ATV all-terrain vehicle
AU animal unit
AWMA Air and Waste Management Association
AWWA American Water Works Association
BACM best available control measures
BACT best available control technology
BADT best available demonstrated technology
BANANA build absolutely nothing anywhere near
BaP benzo(a)pyrene
BAPMon Background Air Pollution Monitoring
BART best available retrofit technology
BAT best available technology economically
BCF bioconcentration factor
BCT best conventional control technology
BDAT best demonstrated available technology
Be beryllium
BEI biological exposure index
BEIR report Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation report
BEJ best engineering judgment
BGH bovine growth hormone
BHC benzene hexachloride
BiOp Biological Opinion
BIRP Beverage Industry Recycling Program
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BMP best management practices
BNA Bureau of National Affairs
BOD biochemical oxygen demand
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
BPJ best professional judgment
BPT best practicable control technology
Bq becquerel
BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy
BSP Biodiversity Support Program
bST bovine somatotropin
Bt Bacillus thuringiensis
BTEX benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene
BTU British thermal unit
BWR boiling-water reactor
C carbon
C coulomb
12C carbon 12
14C carbon 14
CAA Clean Air Act
CAER Community Awareness and Emergency


CAFE standard corporate average fuel economy standard

CAFO concentrated animal feeding operation
CAG Carcinogen Assessment Group
CAI carcinogenic activity indicator
CAIR comprehensive assessment information rule
cal calorie
CAM compliance assurance monitoring
CAMU corrective action management unit
CANDU Canadian deuterium-uranium reactor
CAPA critical aquifer protection area
CARB California Air Resources Board
CASAC Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
CAS number Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
CBA cost-benefit analysis
CBI confidential business information
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CCR consumer confidence report
CCW table constituent concentrations in wastes table
CCWE table constituent concentrations in waste extract
CCX Chicago Climate Exchange
CDBF chlorinated dibenzofurans
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center
CEA cost-effectiveness analysis
CEC cation exchange capacity
CEC Commission for Environmental Cooperation
CEM continuous emission monitoring
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Information
CERES Coalition for Environmentally Responsible
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CGI combustible gas indicator
CGL policy comprehensive general liability policy
CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHIPs Chemical Hazard Information Profiles
CHRIS Chemical Hazard Response Information
Ci curie
CI pipe cast-iron pipe
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endan-
gered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Cl2 chlorine
CLP contract laboratory program
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
CNG compressed natural gas


CNS central nervous system

CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
COD chemical oxygen demand
COE Corps of Engineers
Coh coefficient of haze
COHb carboxyhemoglobin
COLIWASA composite liquid waste sampler
CPF cancer potency factor
CPF carcinogenic potency factor
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPT cone penetrometer technology
CRP child resistant packaging
137Cs cesium 137
CSD Commission on Sustainable Development
CSF confidential statement of formula
CTGs Control Techniques Guidelines
CWA Clean Water Act
CWLMs cumulative working-level months
2,4-D dichiorophenoxyacetic acid
DAF dissolved air flotation
DAL defect action level
dB decibel
dBA decibels, A-weighting network
DBPs disinfection byproducts
DDD dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane
DDE dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene
DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
DE dose equivalent
DEIS draft environmental impact statement
DES diethylstilbestrol
DfE design for the environment
DMR discharge monitoring report
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNA Designated National Authority
DNAPL dense nonaqueous phase liquid
DO dissolved oxygen
DOC dissolved organic carbon
DOE Department of Energy
DOM dissolved organic matter
DRE destruction and removal efficiency
DU Dobson unit
ECCS emergency core cooling system
ECD electron capture detector
ECOS Environmental Council of the States
ECx experimental concentration–percent
EDB ethylene dibromide
EDC ethylene dichloride
EDD enforcement decision document
EDF Environmental Defense Fund
EEC estimated environmental concentration
EGR exhaust gas recirculation
Eh Redox potential


EHS extremely hazardous substance

EIL policy environmental impairment liability policy
EIQ emission inventory questionnaire
EIS environmental impact statement
Ek kinetic energy
EMAP Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
EMMI environmental monitoring methods index
EMPACT Environmental Monitoring for Public Access
and Community Tracking
enhanced I&M enhanced inspection and maintenance
EOP end-of-pipe technology/treatment
EOX extractable organic halogens
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-
to-Know Act
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
EP toxicity test extraction procedure toxicity test
ERA expedited removal action
ERCs emission reduction credits
ERDA Energy Research and Development Adminis-
ERNS Emergency Response Notification System
ERT environmental response team
ERTS Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ESA Endangered Species Act
ESP electrostatic precipitator
ETS environmental tobacco smoke
eV electron volt
EW equivalent weight
f/cc fibers per cubic centimeter
F/M ratio food-to-microorganism ratio
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FD forced draft
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDCA Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
FDFs fundamentally different factors
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEPCA Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FEV1 forced expiratory volume
FFV flexible fuel vehicle
FGD flue gas desulfurization
FHSA Federal Hazardous Substances Act
FID flame ionization detector
FIFRA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
FIP Federal Implementation Plan
FLPMA Federal Land Policy and Management Act
FMVCP Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program
FOE Friends of the Earth
FONSI finding of no significant impact
FPC Federal Power Commission


FPC fish protein concentrate

FQPA Food Quality Protection Act
FRRRPA Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources
Planning Act
FTP Federal Test Procedure
FVC forced vital capacity
FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
g gram
G/C gas-to-cloth ratio
GAC granular activated carbon
GAO General Accounting Office
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GC gas chromatography
GCM global climate model
GCM general circulation model
GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
GCR gas-cooled reactor
GEMI Global Environmental Management Initiative
GEMS Graphical Exposure Modeling System
GEMS Global Environment Monitoring System
GEP stack height good engineering practice stack height
GIS geographic information system
GLC ground level concentration
GLP Standards Good Laboratory Practice Standards
GMW gram molecular weight
GPCD gallons per capita per day
GPO Government Printing Office
GPP gross primary productivity
GPS global positioning system
GRAS generally recognized as safe
GRI Global Reporting Initiative
GW gigawatt
GWP global warming potential
Gy gray
h Planck’s constant
H Shannon-Weaver index
HAA5 haloacetic acids
HAAs hormonally active agents
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
HACS Hazard Assessment Computer System
HAPs hazardous air pollutants
HAZMAT hazardous material
HAZOP hazard and operability study
HAZWOPER hazardous waste operations and emergency
HCB hexachlorobenzene
HCP habitat conservation plan
HCS hazard communication standard
HDD halogenated dibenzo-p-dioxin
HDF halogenated dibenzofuran
HDPE high-density polyethylene
HEPA filter high-efficiency particulate air filter


HHW household hazardous waste

HIT Hazard Information Transmission
hi-vol high-volume air sampler
HLW high-level waste
HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
HOCs halogenated organic compounds
HON hazardous organic NESHAP
HPV chemicals high production volume chemicals
HQ hazard quotient
HRS Hazard Ranking System
HSI heat stress index
HSL hazardous substance list
HSWA Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments
HTGR high-temperature gas reactor
HVAC system heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
HVL half-value layer
HWM facility hazardous waste management facility
HWR heavy-water reactor
HYVs high-yielding varieties
Hz hertz
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAQ indoor air quality
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
ICR information collection request
ICRP International Commission on Radiological
ICS intermittent control system
ICS incident command system
ICSU International Council of Scientific Unions
ICSU International Council for Science
ID induced draft
IDL instrument detection limit
IDLH immediately dangerous to life and health
IGEMS Internet Geographical Exposure Modeling
I&I infiltration and inflow
IIR injury incident rate
IJC International Joint Commission
I&M inspection and maintenance
IMO International Maritime Organization
INFOTERRA International Environmental Information
[I]/[O] indoor/outdoor concentration ratio
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPM integrated pest management
IR infrared radiation
IR incident rate
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
IRLG Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group
IRPTC International Register of Potentially Toxic
ISC model Industrial Source Complex model


ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISO 14000 International Standards Organization
document on environmental management
ISR indirect source review
IUCN International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources
IWC International Whaling Commission
J joule
JTU Jackson turbidity unit
k kinetic energy
K carrying capacity
K rate constant
K Kelvin
K Boltzmann constant
Ka acid dissociation constant
Kb base dissociation constant
kcal kilocalorie
Kd soil sorption coefficient
kg kilogram
KH Henry’s law constant
Koc organic carbon partition coefficient
Kow octanol-water partition coefficient
Ks solubility product constant
Kw water-air ratio
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
l liter
LA load allocation
LAER lowest achievable emission rate
LAS linear alkyl sulfonate
lbf pound-force
lbmol pound mole
LC50 lethal concentration—50%
LC50 median lethal concentration
LCLO lethal concentration, low
LD lethal dose
LD50 lethal dose—50%
LDL lower detectable limit
LDLO lethal dose, low
Ldn day-night sound level
LDPE low density polyethylene
LEA local education agency
LEL lower explosive limit
LFL lower flammable limit
LEPC local emergency planning committee
LET linear energy transfer
LEV low-emission vehicle
LIDAR light detection and ranging
LLRW low-level radioactive waste
LLW low-level waste
LMFBR liquid-metal fast breeder reactor
ln natural logarithm


LNAPL light nonaqueous phase liquid

LNG liquefied natural gas
LOAEL lowest-observed-adverse-effect level
LOC level of concern
LOCA loss-of-coolant accident
LOD limit of detection
LOEL lowest-observed-effect level
log logarithm
low-E low emissivity
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
LSI listing site inspection
LSS life-span study
LULU locally undesirable land use
LUST trust fund leaking underground storage tank trust fund
LWR light-water reactor
ly langley
m3 cubic meter
MAB Man and Biosphere program reserve
MAB reserve Man and Biosphere program
MAC maximum allowable concentration
MACT maximum achievable control technology
MATC maximum acceptable toxicant concentration
MCF thousand cubic feet
MCL maximum contaminant level
MCLG maximum contaminant level goal
MCS multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome
MDC more developed country
MDL method detection limit
MEDLINE Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval
MEI most exposed individual
MEI maximum exposed individual
meq/l milliequivalents per liter
mg milligram
Mg megagram
mg/l milligrams per liter
MGD million gallons per day
MHD generation magnetohydrodynamic
MHz megahertz
MIR maximum individual risk
ml milliter
MLD median lethal dose
MLSS mixed liquor suspended solids
MLVSS mixed liquor volatile suspended solids
MMCF million cubic feet
MMCFD million cubic feet per day
MMMFs man-made mineral fibers
MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act
MOE margin of exposure
MOS margin of safety
MPC maximum permissible concentration
MPD maximum permissible dose
MPN most probable number


MPRSA Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries

mrem millirem
MRF materials recovery facility
MS mass spectrometer
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
MSDs musculoskeletal disorders
MSDS material safety data sheet
MSL mean sea level
MSR mammalian selectivity ratio
MSW municipal solid waste
MTBE methyl tertiary butyl ether
MTD maximum tolerated dose
MTTP maximum total trihalomethane potential
µg microgram
µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter
µl microliter
µm micrometer
MWTA Medical Waste Tracking Act
N newton
N2O nitrous oxide
NA Avogadro’s number
NAA nonattainment area
NAAEC North American Agreement for Environmental
NAAQS national ambient air quality standards
NADP National Atmospheric Deposition Program
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
NAICS North American Industry Classification
NAMS National Air Monitoring System
NAPAP National Acidic Precipitation Assessment
NAPL nonaqueous phase liquid
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASQAN National Stream Quality Accounting Network
NAWAPA North American Water and Power Alliance
NBAR nonbinding preliminary allocation of
NCEH National Center for Environmental Health
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCI National Cancer Institute
NCP net community productivity
NCP National Contingency Plan
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances
Pollution Contingency Plan
NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection
and Measurements
NCTR National Center for Toxicological Research
NDIR nondispersive infrared analysis
NDT nondestructive testing
NEP National Estuary Program
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act


NEPPS National Environmental Performance Part-

nership System
NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutants
NFMA National Forest Management Act
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NFRAP no further remedial action planned
NGOs nongovernmental organizations
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health
NIHL noise-induced hearing loss
NIMBY not in my backyard
NIMTOO not in my term of office
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health
NIST National Institute of Standards and
nm nanometer
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NMHC nonmethane hydrocarbons
NMOC nonmethane organic compounds
NO nitric oxide
NO2 nitrogen dioxide
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric
NOAEL no-observed-adverse-effect level
NOEL no-observed-effect level
NOM natural organic matter
NORM naturally occurring radioactive material
NOV notice of violation
NOW nonhazardous oil field waste
Nox nitrogen oxides
Nox oxides of nitrogen
NPCA National Parks and Conservation Association
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
NPDWR National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
NPEs nonylphenol ethoxylates
NPL National Priorities List
NPP net primary productivity
NRC National Research Council
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRC National Response Center
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council
NRT National Response Team
NSDWR National Secondary Drinking Water
NSF National Strike Force
NSF National Science Foundation
NSPS new source performance standards
NSR new source review
NTA nitrilotriacetic acid


NTIS National Technical Information Service

NTP National Toxicology Program
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
NVPP notice of violation-potential penalty
NWF National Wildlife Federation
NWPA Nuclear Waste Policy Act
NWR National Wildlife Refuge
OBD-II Onboard Diagnostics II
OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste
ODP ozone-depleting potential
OH¯ hydroxide ion
OHMTADS Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical
Assistance Data System
OIRA Office of Information & Regulatory Affairs
OMB Office of Management and Budget
ONRW Outstanding Natural Resource Waters
OPA90 Oil Pollution Act of 1990
OPRC International Convention on Oil Pollution
Preparedness, Response, and Cooperation
OSC on-scene coordinator
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health
OSHAct Occupational Safety and Health Act
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
OTA Office of Technology Assessment
OTAG Ozone Transport Assessment Group
OTEC ocean thermal energy conversion
p pressure
p pico-
P power
P poise
P phosphorus
P2 pollution prevention
Pa pascal
PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PAH polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
PAIR preliminary assessment information rule
PAL plant-wide applicability limitation
PAMS Photochemical Assessment Monitoring
PAN peroxyacyl nitrates
PAN peroxyacetylnitrate
PAR population at risk
PA/SI preliminary assessment and site inspection
Pb lead
PBT chemicals Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic
PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls
PCDFs polychlorinated dibenzofurans
pCi picocurie
pCi/l picocuries per liter


PCP pentachlorophenol
PCV positive crankcase ventilation
PE polyethylene
PE population equivalent
PEL permissible exposure limit
PET polyethylene terephthalate
PF protective factor
PFLT paint filter liquids test
PHA process hazards analysis
PHS Public Health Service
PIC procedure prior informed consent
PICs products of incomplete combustion
PID photoionization detector
PM10 particulate matter, 10-micron diameter
PM2.5 particulate matter, 2.5-micron diameter
PMN premanufacturing notice
PMR proportionate mortality ratio
POC purgeable organic carbon
POC point of compliance
POHCs principal organic hazardous constituents
POM polynuclear organic matter
POM polycyclic organic matter
POM particulate organic matter
POPs Persistent Organic Pollutants
POTW publicly owned treatment works
POU/POE point-of-use/point-of-entry
POX purgeable organic halogens
ppb parts per billion
PPE personal protective equipment
ppm parts per million
PRA probabilistic risk assessment
PRGs preliminary remediation goals
PRP potentially responsible party
PSD prevention of significant deterioration
PSES pretreatment standards for existing sources
PSI Pollutant Standards Index
psia pounds per square inch
PSNS pretreatment standards for new sources
PSP paralytic shellfish poisoning
PTS permanent threshold shift
239Pu plutonium 239
PURPA Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978
p-value statistical test result used for significance
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PWR pressurized-water reactor
PYAR person-years-at-risk
q quad
Q directivity factor
Q quint
QA/QC quality assurance/quality control
QF quality factor
R roentgen


R universal gas constant

R Rankine
R0 net reproductive rate
RA Regional Administrator
RACM reasonably available control measures
RACT reasonably available control technology
rad radiation absorbed dose
RARE Roadless Area Review and Evaluation
Raw airway resistance
RBC rotating biological contractor
RBCA risk-based corrective action
RBE relative biological effectiveness
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Rd rutherford
RDA recommended daily allowance
RDF refuse-derived fuel
RDI reference daily intake
RD/RA remedial design/remedial action
Re Reynolds number
regulated ACM regulated asbestos-containing material
RELs Recommended Exposure Limits
rem roentgen equivalent man
REPI renewable energy production incentive
RFA Regulatory Flexibility Act
RfD reference dose
RFF Resources for the Future
RFG reformulated gasoline
RFI Request for Information
RFP reasonable further progress
RFT respirator fit test
RGR mean relative growth rate
ρ density
Ri Richardson number
RIA Regulatory Impact Analysis
RI/FS remedial investigation/feasibility study
RMCL recommended maximum contaminant level
RMP risk management plan
RMS sound pressure root-mean-square sound pressure
Rn radon
RNA ribonucleic acid
ROD record of decision
ROG reactive organic gases
RPAR rebuttable presumption against registration
RPM remedial project manager
RQ reportable quantity
RRC Regional Response Center
RRT Regional Response Team
RSD risk-specific dose
RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration
RTECS Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical
RTK right to know
RTP Research Triangle Park


RUP restricted use pesticide

RVP Reid vapor pressure
S entropy
SAB Science Advisory Board
SAGE data Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment
SAR structure-activity relationship
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
SAROAD Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data
SBT segregated ballast tanks
SBUV data Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet
SCA specific collection area
SCAP Superfund Comprehensive Accomplishments
SCAS test semicontinuous activated sludge test
SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus
SCFM standard cubic feet per minute
SCRAM safety control rod ax man
SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory Air Models
SCS Soil Conservation Service
SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SEP supplemental environmental project
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
SETAC Society of Environmental Toxicology and
SFAIRP So Far as Is Reasonably Practicable
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
SIP State Implementation Plan
SIP call State Implementation Plan call
SI units SI units
SITE Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation
SLAMS State and Local Air Monitoring System
SLAPPs strategic lawsuits against public participation
SMCL secondary maximum contaminant level
SMCRA Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
SMP state management plan
SMR standard mortality ratio
SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
SNAP program Significant New Alternatives Policy
SNG synthetic natural gas
SNUR significant new use rule
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SOCMI synthetic organic chemical manufacturing
SOCs synthetic organic chemicals
SOD sediment oxygen demand
SOx sulfur oxides
SOx oxides of sulfur
SPCC Plan Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure


SQG small quantity generator

90Sr strontium 90
S/S stabilization/solidification
SSC scientific support coordinator
SSC Species Survival Commission
SSF slow sand filtration
SSLs soil screening levels
STAPPA/ALAPCO State and Territorial Air Pollution Program
Administrators/Association of Local Air
Pollution Control Officials
STEF septic tank effluent filter
STEL short-term exposure limit
STEP septic tank effluent pump
STP standard temperature and pressure
STPP sodium tripolyphosphate
Sv sievert
SVI sludge volume index
SWAP Source Water Assessment Program
SW-846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,
Physical/Chemical Methods
SWMU solid waste management unit
SWPP Source Water Protection Program
SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule
2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
2,4,5-T trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
t metric ton
T absolute temperature
T transmissivity
TAG technical assistance grant
TBEL technology-based effluent limitation
TC total carbon
TCC tag closed up
TCDBF tetrachlorodibenzofuran
TCDD tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin
TCDF tetrachlorodibenzofuran
TCLP toxicity characteristic leaching procedure
TCM transportation control measure
TCRA time-critical removal action
TDS total dissolved solids
TED turtle excluder device
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TENR material technologically enhanced naturally radioac-
tive material
TGA technical-grade active ingredient
THMs trihalomethanes
TI therapeutic index
TIC total inorganic carbon
TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen
TLV threshold limit value
TLV-C threshold limit value ceiling
TLV-C ceiling limit
TMDL total maximum daily load
TMRC theoretical maximum residue contribution


TNC Nature Conservancy, The

TOC total organic carbon
TOC tag open cup
TOD theoretical oxygen demand
TOMS data Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOXLINE Toxicology Information on Line
TOXNET Toxicology Data Network
TPD tons per day
TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons
TPQ threshold planning quantity
TRE Toxicity Reduction Evaluation
TRI Toxics Release Inventory
TRIS Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System
TRS total reduced sulfur
TRU waste transuranic waste
TS total solids
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act
TSD treatment, storage, or disposal
TSDF treatment, storage, or disposal facility
TSI thermal system insulation
TSP total suspended particulate
TSS total suspended solids
TTHMs total trihalomethanes
TTS temporary threshold shift
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
TWA time-weighted average
235U uranium 235
238U uranium 238
U uranium
U.S.C. United States Code
U.S.C.A. United States Code Annotated
U.S.C.S. United States Code Service
UEL upper explosive limit
UF uncertainty factor
UFL upper flammable limit
UIC Underground Injection Control
UN/NA number United Nations/North America number
UNAMAP Users’ Network for Applied Modeling of Air
UNCSD United Nations Commission on Sustainable
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
URT upper respiratory tract
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
USDAFS United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
USDW underground source of drinking water
U.S. EPA United States Environmental Protection
USDAFS United States Forest Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
UST underground storage tank
UTM coordinates Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates


UV ultraviolet
UV-A ultraviolet radiation–A range
UV-B ultraviolet radiation–B range
UV-C ultraviolet radiation–C range
UV-VIS ultraviolet-visible absorption spectrum
v velocity
VH velocity head
VMT vehicle miles traveled
VOA volatile organic analysis
VOC volatile organic carbon
VOCs volatile organic compounds
VOST volatile organic sampling train
VP velocity pressure
VSD virtually safe dose
VSS volatile suspended solids
W watt
WCASP World Climate Applications and Services
WCDMP World Climate Data and Monitoring
WCED World Commission on Environment and
WCP World Climate Programme
WDV water dilution volume
WET testing whole effluent toxicity testing
WHO World Health Organization
WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant
WL working level
WLA wasteload allocation
WLM working-level month
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WQBEL water quality–based effluent limitation
WRP Wetlands Reserve Program
WSF water soluble fraction
WSR waste shipment record
WTE waste-to-energy
WTO World Trade Organization
Xe xenon
XRF X-ray fluorescence
Y, IMBY, FAP yes, in my backyard, for a price
ZEV zero emission vehicle
ZID zone of initial dilution
ZPG zero population growth


II. Unit Prefixes

tera (T) 1 x 1012 trillion

giga (G) 1 x 109 billion
mega (M) 1 x 106 million
kilo (k) 1 x 103 thousand
hecto (h) 1 x 102 hundred
deka (da) 1 x 101 ten
deci (d) 1 x 10–1 one-tenth
centi (c) 1 x 10–2 one-hundredth
milli (m) 1 x 10–3 one-thousandth
micro (m) 1 x 10–6 1-millionth
nano (n) 1 x 10–9 1-billionth
pico (p) 1 x 10–12 1-trillionth

III. Approximate Unit Equivalents

1. Mass
1 kilogram = 1,000 grams = 2.205 pounds
1 metric ton = 1,000 kilograms
1 pound = 453.6 grams = 7,000 grains = 16 ounces = 0.4536 kilogram
1 ton = 2,000 pounds = 907.2 kilograms
2. Length
1 meter = 100 centimeters = 3.281 feet = 39.37 inches
1 kilometer = 1,000 meters = 0.6214 mile = 3,281 feet
1 mile = 5,280 feet = 1,760 yards = 1,609 meters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1 micrometer = 1 × 10–6 meter
1 nanometer = 1 × 10–9 meter
1 angstrom = 1 × 10–10 meter
3. Area
1 square meter = 1 × 104 square centimeters
= 10.764 square feet
= 1,550 square inches
= 1.196 square yards
1 square foot = 929.03 square centimeters
= 0.0929 square meter
= 144 square inches
= 0.1111 square yard
1 hectare = 10,000 square meters = 2.47 acres
1 acre = 0.405 hectare = 43,560 square feet
1 square kilometer = 0.386 square mile
1 square mile = 2.59 square kilometers = 640 acres
4. Volume
1 cubic centimeter = 0.001 liter = 0.061 cubic inch


1 liter = 1,000 cubic centimeters

= 1.057 quarts (U.S.)
= 61.02 cubic inches
= 0.0353 cubic foot
1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters = 1 stere
= 1 × 106 cubic centimeters
= 35.31 cubic feet
= 264.2 gallons (U.S.)
1 gallon (U.S.) = 4 quarts (U.S.) = 3.785 liters
1 quart (U.S.) = 2 pints (U.S.) = 0.946 liter
1 pint (U.S.) = 16 ounces = 0.473 liter
1 cubic mile = 4.17 cubic kilometers
1 acre-foot = 43,560 cubic feet = 1,233.5 cubic meters
1 barrel of petroleum = 42 gallons (U.S.)
5. Energy
1 joule = 1 kilogram-meter2/second2 = 1 newton-meter = 1 watt-second
= 0.239 calorie = 9.48 × 10–4 British thermal units
= 0.7376 foot-pound
= 2.78 × 10–7 kilowatt-hour
= 1 × 107 ergs = 6.24 × 1018 electron volts
1 calorie = 4.184 joules
1 calorie (food) = 1 kilocalorie = 1,000 calories
1 British thermal unit (BTU) = 1055 joules = 252 calories
1 kilowatt-hour = 3.6 × 106 joules = 3,412 British thermal units
1 quad = 1 × 1015 British thermal units = 1.05 × 1018 joules
6. Power
1 watt = 1 joule/second = 3.412 British thermal units/hour
1 kilowatt = 1000 watts = 1.34 horsepower
1 horsepower = 550 foot-pounds/second = 0.746 kilowatt
7. Force
1 newton = 1 kilogram-meter/second2 = 1 × 105 dynes
8. Pressure
1 pascal = 1 newton/square meter
= 1.45 × 10–4 pound per square inch
= 9.87 × 10–6 atmosphere
1 atmosphere = 101,325 pascals = 101.33 kilopascals
= 14.7 pounds per square inch
= 760 millimeters (mm) Hg = 29.92 inches Hg
= 406.8 inches of water = 33.9 feet of water
= 1,013 millibars = 1.013 bars
= 760 torrs
1 pound per square inch = 0.068 atmosphere = 6,895 pascals
= 51.7 mm Hg = 27.68 inches of water
1 torr = 133.32 newtons/square meter = 1/760 atmosphere
1 bar = 1 × 105 pascals = 0.9869 atmosphere
9. Speed
1 meter/second = 3.281 feet/second = 2.237 miles per hour
1 mile/hour = 0.447 meter/second = 1.609 kilometers/hour
= 1.467 feet/second = 88 feet/minute
10. Viscosity (dynamic)
1 poise = 100 centipoise = 0.1 kilogram/(meter-second)
= 1 dyne-second/square centimeter


1 centipoise = 1 × 10–3 kilogram/(meter-second)

= 0.01 gram/(centimeter-second)
= 3.6 kilogram/(meter-hour)
= 2.42 pounds/(foot-hour)
11. Radioactivity and radiation dose
1 curie = 3.7 × 1010 nuclear disintegrations per second
1 becquerel = 1 nuclear disintegration per second
1 rad = 100 ergs of absorbed radiation per gram of absorbing medium
= 0.01 joule per kilogram of medium
1 gray = 100 rads = 1 joule per kilogram
1 sievert = 100 rems
1 rem = an equivalent radiation dose
= rad times a quality factor (QF), which varies by type of radiation
for gamma, beta, and X-rays, QF = 1
for fast neutrons and protons, QF = 10
for alpha particles, QF = 20
12. Temperature
degrees Celsius = 5/9 × (degrees Fahrenheit – 32)
degrees Fahrenheit = (9/5 × degrees Celsius) + 32
Kelvins = degrees Celsius + 273.15

IV. BTU Content of Common Energy Units

1 barrel (42 gallons) of crude oil = 5,800,000 Btu

1 gallon of gasoline = 124,000 Btu
1 gallon of heating oil or diesel fuel = 139,000 Btu
1 cubic foot of natural gas = 1,026 Btu
1 gallon of propane = 91,000 Btu
1 short ton of coal = 20,681,000 Btu
1 kilowatthour of electricity = 3,412 Btu
Source: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration

V. Concentrations

Concentration is an expression of how much of a material is in a given amount of

another material or environmental medium (air, water, soil, food). Environmental con-
taminant concentrations are usually described as the mass of a chemical in a given mass
(or volume) of a medium or as the volume of a material in a given volume of a medium.
Concentrations of contaminants in water are expressed as the mass of a contami-
nant per given volume (typically one liter) of water or as the mass of a contaminant per
given mass of water. An example of a mass/volume concentration is the number of mil-
ligrams of chemical X in one liter of water. Now, one liter of water (at 4°C) has a mass

of 1,000 grams. Therefore, the mass of chemical X, in milligrams/liter, is equivalent to
the mass of chemical X in milligrams/1,000 grams, a mass/mass expression. There are
1 million milligrams in 1,000 grams, or one milligram is one-millionth of 1,000 grams.
Therefore, a concentration of one milligram per liter is equal to one part per million. It
follows that one microgram per liter is equal to one part per billion, and so on. The fol-
lowing units are used interchangeably in expressions of water pollution concentrations.
mass/volume mass/mass dimensionless
milligrams/liter = milligrams/1,000 grams = parts per million (ppm)
micrograms/liter = micrograms/1,000 grams = parts per billion (ppb)
nanograms/liter =nanograms/1,000 grams = parts per trillion (ppt)
The concentrations of aerosols (airborne solids or liquids) in air are expressed as
the mass of a substance in a given volume (typically one cubic meter) of air. Typical
expressions are milligrams of chemical X per cubic meter (m3) of air or micrograms of
chemical X per cubic meter of air. These aerosol concentrations are not equivalent to
parts per million, parts per billion, and so forth.
Concentrations of gases or vapors in air are expressed as the volume of a gaseous
material in a given volume of air (volume/volume) or as the mass of the material per given
volume of air (mass/volume). A concentration of one liter of chemical X per 1 million liters
of air is equivalent to a concentration of one part per million of X; one liter of chemical Y
in 1 billion liters of air is a concentration of one part per billion. The alternative expres-
sion of the air concentration of a gaseous chemical is a mass per volume, for example, the
number of milligrams of X in a given volume (typically one cubic meter) of air.
Volume/volume concentrations and mass/volume concentrations of gaseous air
contaminants are convertible, using the molecular weight of the gas or vapor and the
density of air. For air at 25°C and a pressure of one atmosphere (U.S. EPA standard
conditions), the following conversions can be used.

micrograms of a substance A per cubic meter of air =

(parts per million of A) × (molecular weight of A) × 40.9

parts per million of A = micrograms of substance A per cubic meter of air

× (1/molecular weight of A) × (1/40.9)

VI. Standard (Average) Human Factors

Factor Man Woman Child (3–12)

Body mass (in kilograms) 70 60 15–40
Skin surface area (in square meters)
no clothing 1.8 1.6 0.9
normal clothing 0.1–0.3 0.1–0.3 0.05–0.15
Respiration (in liters per minute)
resting 7.5 6.0 5.0
light activity 20 19 13
Air volume breathed
(in cubic meters per day) 23 21 15
Fluid intake
(in liters per day of water, milk,
beverages) 2 1.4 1.0


See the three-volume Exposure Factors Handbook, from the U.S. EPA National Cen-
ter for Environmental Assessment, for an extensive compilation of standard factors
used to estimate human exposure to toxic chemicals (

VII. Plastic Recycling Codes

Code Resin Name Primary Use Recycled Product

1 PETE polyethylene soft drink bottles fiberfill products
terephthalate water bottles carpet backing
2 HDPE high-density milk jugs plastic lumber
polyethylene food containers detergent bottles
3 V polyvinyl chloride construction plastics drainage pipe
4 LDPE low-density plastic bags garbage bags
5 PP polypropylene frozen food containers automotive products
6 PS polystyrene Styrofoam items insulation
7 Other mixed resins containers construction

VIII. Earth Statistics

Area Value
Total 509.5 × 106 km2
Land 149.5 × 106 km2
Water 360.0 × 106 km2
Asia 44.5 × 106 km2
Africa 30.3 × 106 km2
North America 24.2 × 106 km2
South America 17.8 × 106 km2
Antarctica 14.1 × 106 km2
Europe 10.0 × 106 km2
Australia/Oceania 8.6 × 106 km2

Mass Value
Earth 6.0 × 1024 kg
Atmosphere 5.1 × 1018 kg
Oceans 1.4 × 1021 kg
Crust 2.5 × 1022 kg
Mantle 4.0 × 1024 kg


Other Value
Average radius, Earth 6.4 × 106 m
Average diameter, Earth 12.7 × 106 m
Circumference, at equator 40.1 × 106 m
Average distance, Earth to Sun 1.5 × 1011 m
Mean elevation, continents 840 m
Mean depth, oceans 3,800 m
Surface gravity 9.8 m/sec2
Solar constant 1,365 W/m2
Effective blackbody temperature, 254 K

IX. Atmosphere Statistics

Mass 5.1 × 1018 kg

Average molecular weight 28.96
Moles of dry air 1.8 × 1020
Density at sea level, 25°C 1.18 kg/m3
Components of clean dry air Volume, % Volume, ppm
Nitrogen 78.08 780,800
Oxygen 20.95 209,500
Argon 0.93 9,300
Carbon dioxide 0.0375 375
99.9975 999,975
Average water vapor content 1.3 × 1016 kg

X. Water Statistics

Mass, total 1.4 × 1021 kg

Mass, oceans 1.35 × 1021 kg
Mass, water vapor 1.3 × 1016 kg
Mass, ice 2.9 × 1019 kg
Mass, freshwater 3.5 × 1019 kg
Density, 4°C 1,000 kg/m3
Volume, oceans 1.3 × 109 km3
Depth, ocean mixed layer 75 m
Volume, ocean mixed layer 2.7 × 107 km3
Salinity, oceans 34.5 parts per thousand


XI. World Population Growth

Year Population, millions

1000 310
1500 500
1750 790
1800 980
1850 1,260
1900 1,650
1910 1,750
1920 1,860
1930 2,070
1940 2,300
1950 2,520
1960 3,020
1970 3,700
1980 4,440
1990 5,270
2000 6,060
Source: United Nations Population Division.

XII. The Carbon Cycle

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XIV. The Greek Alphabet

A α alpha
B β beta
Γ γ gamma
Δ δ delta
Ε ε epsilon
Ζ ζ zeta
Η η eta
Θ θ theta
Ι ι iota
Κ κ kappa
Λ λ lambda
Μ μ mu
Ν ν nu
Ξ ξ xi
Ο ο omicron
Π π pi
Ρ ρ rho
Σ σ sigma
Τ τ tau
Υ υ upsilon
Φ φ phi
Χ χ chi
Ψ ψ psi
Ω ω omega


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