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l Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.

Dakota pe!"A#
De$e&(er ), 2013
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.

'est $ase
Dakota +ile stru$ture
Setti!g up +iles
Dakota utput
Co&pili!g , -i!ks
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Dakota Project
Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and
Terascale Applications

an open source toolkit that provides a flexible, extensible interface

between analysis codes and iteration methods

Useful tool for parametric and optimization studies.

developed by Sandia National Laboratories

Salo&e.#ECA pe!"A#
Dakota Interface
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
'est $ase
/eat $ore
0e 1ill $ouple Dakota 1ith ope!"oa& to do a para&etri$ study

. (2e$tive +u!$tio! 3 Average 'e&perature at the outlet
. Desig! para&eter 3 velo$ity at the i!let.

Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Dakota "ile Stru$ture
I! this tutorial 1e 1ill &odi+y the i!put +iles dire$tly si!$e 1e 2ust have o!e
para&eter, +or &ore $o&pli$ated $ases you $a! use the 4aguar G5I.
'his is the i!itial +iles stru$ture o+ our Dakota $ase. 0e start (y $opyi!g the
ope!"A# $ase 60, $o!sta!t, syste& dire$tories a!d all the +iles like e++'a(le7
i!side the $ase(ase dire$tory
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Set up dakota%o+%h.$ore.i!
si&ulator%s$ript is the s$ript 1here 1e tell
Dakota 1hat to do i! ea$h dire$tory $ase
6e8. -au!$h rhoSi&ple"oa&7 a!d 1hi$h
results to e8tra$t.
'he desig! para&eter 9819
i! our $ase the i!let velo$ity
0e ask Dakota to per+or& the
a!alysis 1ith a! i!let :elo$ity
ra!ge (et1ee! 0.1 a!d ;&<s,
a!d to e8e$ute 12 steps.
It 1ill produ$e a :i!let ve$tor
para&eter o+ !u&%steps =1
ele&e!ts 6see +ollo1i!g slide7
I!let velo$ity ra!ge
:e$tor para&eter
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
I! the te&plateDir 1e save the +ollo1i!g 5.te&plate +ile3
Set up o+ 5.te&plate
Dakota 1ill set i! >81? the
values o+ the desig!
para&eter as spe$i+ied i!
the dakota%o+%h.$ore.i! +ile
:e$tor @ara&eter
:elo$ity i!let
613 ele&e!ts7
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Set up si&ulator%s$ript
A1 is para&s.i! +ro& DAB'A
A2 is results.out retur!ed to Dakota
0e e8tra$t the average ' value Coutlet +ro& the
log +ile a!d 1e give the value to Dakota output A2
5si!g 5.'e&plate Dakota 1ill set the
!e1 i!let velo$ity i!to the 0<5 o+ the !
step $ase 6$opied +ro& the $ase(ase7

E8e$utio! o+ the a!alysis
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Si!$e 1e have set stepD12, Dakota has $reated 13 1orkdir3
It has3 $opy the ope!"A# $ase +ro& $ase(ase dir, $reate 1orkdirE, a!d lau!$hed
the a!alysis +or ea$h o+ those dire$tories 1ith the spe$i+i$ velo$ity i!let 1ithi! the
ra!ge spe$i+ied i! the dakota%o+%$avity.i! +ile.
Dakota +i!al "ile Stru$ture
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Dakota utput
Dakota has lau!$hed the $ase 13 ti&es
velo$ity at i!let
+ro& 0.1 to ;&<s
A!d 1e get as output the o(2e$tive +u!$tio! 6te&perature
average at the outlet7.
'he &ore the i!let velo$ity i!$reases, the ti&e i! $o!ta$t 1ith
the h.$ore redu$es, so 1e 1ill get a lo1er te&perature at the
I+ you 1a!t to relau!$h the a!alysis to $lea! up everythi!g
type i! ter&i!al3
:%i!let '%outlet
Saved i! ta(le%out.dat
:%i!let '%outlet
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Co&pili!g , -i!ks
Installation Susume
If after installin the !"#$%" binaries, you experience library errors while runnin it
with $pen&$"', you need to compile !"#$%" from source.
()"S$N* OpenFOAM uses a library called which has the same
name of a DAKOTA library ,see the !"#$%"-installation-dir.lib directory/. %o use
!akota and $pen&$"' toether you need to compile !akota usin static libraries
SOLUTION* In the !akota 0makeLists.txt set*
instead of
option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries?" O! "#$% line
set libraries as static in the followin way*
" option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries?" O!
" Build stati& libraries OL'
set(BUILD_S(A(I)_LIBS O )A)HE BOOL "Set to O to build stati& libraries" *OR)E!
In this way instead of 23 you will et static libraries ,1.a/ and !akota and $&
can work toether.
Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved.
Co&pili!g , -i!ks
Useful links
2 !akota download*
2 Some simple tutorials to et started with !"#$%"4$&5.5
2 my post installation instructions for 0ent$S 6.7

l Copyright ESI Group, 2013. All rights reserved. l Copyright ESI Group, 200G. All rights reserved.

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