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Closed user group A number of subscribers are protected against calls from subscribers outside the group

Microelectronics Technology The application of solid-state semi-conductors to provide greater reliability smaller size and automated design
Communicating by radio A method of sending or receiving sounds, pictures and data through the air by means of electro-magnetic waves
Abbreviated address call The subscribers uses only 2-digit numbers for a limited number of other subscribers
Lasers Light sources producing light of a closely defined wavelength
PCM Means of transmission involving the sampling and coding of analogue signals
Stored program control An electronic system which uses data processing and computer techniques switching
Datex A pacet switched networ which provides a means of synchronous data transmission
Teletex An international service enabling subscribers to e!change correspondence on an automatic memory-to-memory basis
Intermediate repeaters Line amplifiers are mounted in underground housings
ISDN A networ capable of processing the telephone networ , telegraph networ and data telecommunication networ integratedly
Connect hen !ree A call to an engaged connection is put in a queue and established when is becomes free
Data sitching exchange An e!change controlling the set-up and clear-down of data calls and monitoring the connections and functions of the networ
The control part o! SPC A part made up of circuits and programs which tae care of the more intelligent functions in the e!change
"emote concentrator "emote parts of an e!change that enable #$M transmission to be used further out in the local networ
Common channel signaling The use of one pair of channels not directly associated with the traffic circuits, to perform all signaling functions on a complete
in!ormation source men or machines for generating information to be transferred, %nformation generated are classified into voice, codes and video
&charaters, graphs, pictures'(
Transmitter a device or equipment for converting information generated into signals that are transferred via a transmission line(
Stored Program Control the application of data-programing techiques to an e!change, providing greater control and fle!ibility in the operation of an
Charge Advice The subscriber is informed of the cost of a call on completion of a call
Transmission line A medium for transferring signals from a transmitter to a receiver( $oa!ial cables, optical cables, space and wave guides are used
widely for this purpose
#sers Men or machines that receive information recovered from the receiver
Intergrated Digital Transmission and
)peech and other signals are digitally encoded and a commom method of time-division multiple!ing is used(
"emote Concentrators "emote parts of an e!change that enable #$M transmission to be used further out in the local networ(
"eceiver A device or equipment used to convert signals that have been received into original signals
Common Chanel Signaling The use of one pair of channels not directly associated with the traffic circuits, to perform all signaling functions on a complete
$ideotex A service that enables a subscriber to obtain alphanumeric and* or graphic information over the #)T+
Nordic Public Data Netor% A circuit switched networ that provides a means of synchronous data transmission
Tele!ax A new service that provides for the transmission and reproduction of some pictures and printed matter(
&lectronic Mail A new service that enables ,ideote! subscribers to send massages direct and instantaneously to one another(
Direct Call -n dialing the subscribers is always connected to a pre-determined number
'roup Number The same number is used for several equivalent terminals ( The connection made to a free terminal(
.( /uring their conversations , none of the subscribers are aare that their speech is being bro%en up into small batches of time(
2( (ere the first satellites see as a way of communicating with people who lived in isolated areas of the world0
)* Is the sampling rate determined by using )hannon1s Theory which states that the sampling frequency must be double ma!imum frequency of the signal0
+* Machine run information announcement service is characterized by the machine which acts as information source and by men who serve as users(
.( The switching system networ should be designed and then set up by considering call quality, call processing capacity, installation and operation cost, and the
relationship between the transmission and switching system(
2( /oes a switching part consist of wires and contacts over which signals and speech connections
are established such as the switching system(
.( ,as many of the world1s telecommunications administrations explored other digital solutions by designing networs that offer a much higher quality of service than
2( The components are !ixed onto printed circuits boards, and if there is a fault, the defective printed circuit board can be taen out and replaced by another(
2( -ne of the functions of an e!change is to establish a path enabling a signal to be transmittes between two subscribers(
3( Is Local area networ de!ined as transmission and switching systems which provide high-speed communication between devices located on a single side0
-* The technology of electrical telecommunications has developed rapidly ever since telegraph and telephone systems ere invented*
.* Can all types of radio-pager display the number of the telephone that the caller is ringing from/
2( The control part is made up of circuits and programs which ta%e care o! the more intelligent functions in the e!change(
3( IS A digital e!change which uses a pair of signaling channels0
.( The sampling rate is determined by using )hannon1s Theory which states that the sampling frequency must be double ma!imum frequency of the signal(
2( ,o many functions does an e!change per!orm when a telephone call is handled0
Mng ni ht c chia thnh my phn? Local Area Netor% 0LANs1 may be defined as transmission and transmiting systems that provide high-speed
communication between devices located on a single site(
LAN is defined as transmission and transmiting systems that provide high-speed communication between devices located
on a single site(
! i"m c#a nh$n tin v% t!y&n' "adio2paging systems enable us to be contacted even though we do not have a telephone within easy reach (
The main advantage of radio-paging is that you can be contacted wherever you are, even though you may be a long way
from a telephone set(
(" ti&n hnh ) c!c g*i i+n thoi th, t-ng i ph.i
th/c hi+n 0 ch1c n2ng c3 4.n'
In handling a telephone call an e!change performs( three essential functions4
'it establishes a path enabling a signal to be transmitted between two subscribers(
(it dialogues with other parts of the networ(
(it processes all other information from the networ and decides whether calls can be established or not(
An exchange performs three essentia5 f!ntions 6hen a te5ephone ca55 is hand5ed'
Ng7i ta s8 d9ng mch : d;y " <&t n=i 3eteen the subscriber and the local e!change, two-wire circuits are used, often placed in symmetric cable pairs(
>r!y?n t@n hi+! t3ng t/ c s8 d9ng <" tA <hi
i+n thoi ra 7i
hen the telephony was introduced,analogue system was used
The analogue transmission has 4een !sed ever since te5ephone 6ere invented
Mng dB 5i+! c%ng cng 5 mng s= 4ao gCm nhBng
Public data netor% are digital networ which consists of some components such as /)5,/$$,/$5(((
PDN consists of some components s!ch as DEFG DHHG DHFJ6hich are interconnected'K
Ngy cng cL nhi?! mng s= <hMc nha! c thi&t
More and more digita5 net6or<s 6ere designed'
Mt t-ng i c thi&t 5Np cho phOp t@n hi+! c
tr!y?n i'
An exchange is established a path enabling a signal to be transmitted between subscribers(
An exchange esta45ishes a path ena45ing a signa5 to 4e transmitted 4et6een s!4scri4ers'K
>e5efaP 5 g, Tele!ax is a new service that providing for the transmission and reproduction of some pictures and printed matter(
0 ch1c n2ng c3 4.n c#a v+ tinh In principle, the satellite operates as an intermediate repeater6 signals are received, amplified and transmitted to the
ground station on the receive side(
t-ng i s= 5 t-ng i c s d9ng mt %i <Qnh 4Mo
a digital exchange is an e!change which uses a pair of signalling channels
(" Mp 1ng tin cNy <hi vNn hnh ng7i ta s8
d9ng cMp treo v cMp ngm R mng ni ht
due to the demands on operating reliability,local networs are built up using aerial or underground cables
+h7ng quy 89c c:a truy;n th<ng =i>n t? l@ n;n tAng
c:a h> thBng =i>n thoCi v@ =i>n bDo =Ec lFp trong
suBt quD trGnh s? dHng mCng thuI bao =i>n thoCi v@
mCng chuyJn mCch chuyJn tiKp =i>n bDo(
The conventional electronically communications services are based on the telephone and the telegraph systems which
independently run through the utilization of the subscriber telephone networ and telegraph relay switching networ(
TCi trCm chuyJn tiKp =Lu cuBi nMm trong cDc trCm
mNt =Ot v@ cDc tPng =@i chuyJn tiKp, cDc tQn hi>u
thoCi =8Rc =i;u chK Kt hRp tr89c hi truy;n dSn
Interminal repeater stations, situated in ground stations and transit e!changes, speech signals are modulated and
combined before transmission
MHc =Qch c:a bE tFp trung l@ thu thFp l8u l8Rng tT
mEt sB mCch thuI bao riIng lU
The purpose o! the concentrator is to collect traffic from a number of individual subscriber circuits
MCng l89i viVn th<ng quBc tK =W phDt triJn nhanh
chXng J tT hi =i>n thoCi ra =Yi
the telecommunication netor% has depeloped rapidly since telephone was invented

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