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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
Chapter 2 - Energy Management is the KEY
to Transformation
One of the frst steps in creating a new business is to frst come to an awareness
that you want to make some vibrational changes an that you are willing to take
small! incremental "or baby# steps to achieve this$ %lso remember that we are
eternal beings! an as the teacher %braham says! &You never get it wrong an you
never get it one! an you can't ever get it wrong since you never get it one$ (o!
there is always the ne)t moment$
*f you are reaing this! you are reay to start a +E, business! a new relationship
with your business an a new relationship! in many ways! with yourself so that you
are able to e)perience more trust an more ease$ ,e want to share with you some
of the ways we have foun that are very useful in activating the new patterns you
want to activate$
The patterns that you have that are not serving you in your business are patterns
that have become very repetitious$ Your thoughts are -ust thoughts you think over
an over again until they create a well-worn path or neural pathway in your brain$
,hat you think about a problem or an issue is where you go almost automatically in
your brain! by efault$ Your feelings an thoughts have a fre.uency$ ,e are all
literally like raio transmitters sening out fre.uencies$ ,here we are activate
from a neural pathway stanpoint has a lot to o with what we attract into our
e)perience$ The key to creating a successful life an business is to manage your
emotions or the energy that you are transmitting$
Our whole energy fel aroun us serves like business cars$ ,hatever you are
thinking an feeling most often is house in that energy$ ,hen you change what's
happening in your energy fel then you change that point of attraction$ /art of
making those shifts is taking consistent steps each ay to raise your vibrations$ ,e
are going to share with you some suggestions of how you can begin to create a
whole new energy pattern$
You may have your own practices! but we want to encourage you to try the ones we
share in this program$ *n my e)perience you will feel a greater sense of ease an a
greater sense of peace as you move towar your vision by using these techni.ues$
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
(ome of these things you may have hear of before but we suggest you try them
an start to notice the shifts$ They are very simple! but e)tremely powerful! when
applie aily! in raising your vibrational output0
Introduction to New Tools
1$ 1irst! * suggest you begin your ay 2 every ay - by scripting your ay to
pre-pave how you want to feel by looking at things you have to o in the ay
an writing these out or typing them on the computer$ This is a very
powerful way to pre-pave the energy! an to begin to activate more of the
patterns you want$ /lease refer to %ppeni) % at the en of the 3hapter for
4$ +e)t! * suggest you buil your Power Team "an *nner Team# base on the
skills that you want to activate in yourself to have an ama5ing business$ *f *
coul give you carte blanche an say you can hire anyboy you want - money
is no ob-ect - who woul you select6 *entify the positions you woul fll an
have these covere by iniviuals on your team$ You alreay have those
aspects within yourself an when you focus on more of what you want! it's
ama5ing the way goo things will start coming to you$ /lease refer to the
/ower Team %ctivation on page 7 of this 3hapter$
8$ ,hen we're builing a business! we often feel like we are oing it all by
ourselves$ *t's a lonely roa$ There's a tremenous amount of power an
really a neural pathway shift that comes from creating a power team$ You
want to think of the places where you feel less competent or tasks you islike
oing$ /ut positions on your power team to hanle these$ This becomes a
roamap for later to ientify the positions you actually will have on your
team$ 9ight now you may not even be in the position to hire those people on
your Team but you know that you eventually want those positions flle$ You
want those skill sets serving you$
%nrew 3arnegie talke about having *nner Team meetings$ :e woul go into
his room in silence$ :e woul -ust have this sense that he was connecting
with his team an he woul receive information$ :e woul have insights an
he woul have a sense of guiance$ You want to tap into this higher sense of
how you can activate those skill sets in yourself$
;$ The last tool of this energetic founation is to look for the positive
evidences of having the kin of ay you scripte$ You want to look for not
only physical manifestations of evience! but you also want to look for
feelings$ *n oing this you are amping up a greater sense of appreciation an
you are activating neural pathways that are more about appreciation an
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
gratitue$ ,rite own things that make you feel great or when une)pecte
things happen that make you smile$ Often <<$<= of your ay is more
wonerful than you think an yet if you are like most of us! you probably
focus on that 1= or $>= that is not .uite right$ %s you focus on the part
that's not goo! you activate more of that in your neural pathways so then
you've got a spiral e?ect happening$
This combination of steps in this founation is meant to issipate an eactivate
the unhealthy patterns an to also activate new patterns so you can attract
more of what you want an have a process to manage the ay-to-ay
e)periences that help make those changes at a cellular level$
%s you begin to keep track of positive eviences - not -ust from a physical
manifestation stanpoint but also from a feeling stanpoint - you will see these
growing an growing$ The more you place your intention on looking for things
that are working an looking for things that feel goo! the more goo you will
fn$ %n the more you fn those things the better you will feel$ The better you
feel! the more you will be in alignment with what it is that you want to attract$
That becomes a cycle in a positive irection for you$
Energy Fundamentals
This program is esigne to work at all levels to assist you in raising your energy
fel to a more positive vibration$ %s we recogni5e an shift our inner state of min
"feeling@emotion#! we then manifest our true intent. *t is critical to unerstan that
this process isnAt -ust about ac.uiring marketing skills! sales techni.ues! or any
other systems that will help you have an ama5ing business$ This is a process that
focuses 1*9(T on your inner feelings@emotions an ultimately! your beliefs$ *f you
line up the energy! all the rest will fall into place an the action you are to take will
be inspire$ The people you attract will want to help you an will love playing with
you0 *t is all easier when you work it at the energy level frst0
,hat is important is how we are vibrating an running our energy on a moment-by-
moment basis$ :ence! our frst goal in this process is to evelop the ability to get to
a place of higher vibration for the inspire action "ne)t step# to present itself to us.
*t is so important for us to unerstan the concept of both our energy an our
energy fels$ Once you begin to unerstan this concept at a cellular level "raising
your vibration level# an practice it aily! you will automatically move in the
irection of the goal you have alreay visuali5e$
You will .uickly reali5e that it oesnAt matter to your success how the economy is
oing! whether stocks are up or own! or how many assets you currently own$ ,e
can all e)ploe our businesses an Bourish! as long as we begin to awaken these
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
energy principles within ourselves$ Once you unerstan that this process is all
about running our energy at a positive high fre.uency! you will be on your way to
seeing changes$ There are always people making money "even in a recession# an
those are the clients an customers that we want to attract0 *n orer to o that! we
have to be minful of an manage our energy accoringly$
,e are all walking business cars$ *n other wors! our energy fels are our
business cars0 ,hatever we are thinking an feeling are literally being house in
this energy fel$ Cy changing what is happening in our energy fel we can change
our vibrational point of attraction$
,e have a current reality or e)perience that is irectly e.ual to our beliefs$
,hatever the e)periences we are having in our business or personal life right now!
e)ists because we are holing beliefs that are a vibrational match to them$ *n orer
to have the ieal vision that we want! with all the clients! ollars! peace! harmony!
etc$! we have to be a vibrational match to these higher vibrations$
*magine it0 :ow e)citing0 These principles allow us to create any reality we want!
at any moment of the ay! by changing our energy fel! by changing the level of
fre.uency of our beliefs$
*n the book! *nfnite Min, by Dalerie :unt! she e)plains a way to confrm the
e)istence of the human energy fel! which has given creibility to the iea of
vibrational fre.uency$ :unt says that as we raise our vibrational fre.uency! we are
raising our energy fels an impacting what we are attracting to ourselves$ Our
energy fels interact with other peopleAs energy fels! an as we shift an pivot
our energy fel! it impacts other peopleAs e)perience of us$ Even our name
vibrates i?erently0
:ere are some basic energy funamentalsE
1$ ,e create what we want by managing our energy$
4$ +o one can vibrate for us$
8$ Management of energy is your own work$
;$ Fining up the energy is a must$
>$ 1eelings an emotions are the vibrational point of attraction$
G$ ,hen we shift our feelings! even a little! to a somewhat higher fre.uency
from the original state! we change our point of attraction an are at that
moment more of a vibrational match to more easily manifest what we esire$
7$ Energy work takes practice$
H$ Ce minful of your energy$
<$ You are a walking business car$
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
The Faw of %ttraction is the supreme! fair manager of all the electrical signals
"vibrations#$ *t is truly Io given for all of us to have the opportunity to play on a
level playing fel$ %s soon as we are observing something! for e)ample! JOh! my
business isnAt where * want it to be!J we are vibrating at that level$ ,e achieve
vibrational matching with that fre.uency! an so we are attracting more of those
,hatever we are observing an feeling emotion about! we are achieving a harmony
with that fre.uency an that is what we are therefore letting in0
The current ominant patterns that we hol about various topics are allowing us to
emit an electrical signal that vibrates at that fre.uency! which is then instantly
being respone to through an orchestration of other signals similar to ours$ ,e are
continually rawing to us those vibrational matches$ *t is easy to want to give creit
or to blame others for our e)periences "both positive an negative#! but no one can
choose our thoughts or vibrate for us$ ,e are 1KK= responsible for our thoughts!
feelings an actions$
*n orer to have something that we want show up in our e)perience! we have to
match it vibrationally - that is at the feeling level$ ,e nee a particularly clear
vision "at the feeling level# of what that outcome woul feel like for us$ Our
thoughts create our feelings an our feelings are the birthplace of the vibration we
sen$ ,e can tell how we are vibrating by how we feel$ *n aition! how we feel is
what we are sening out an@or letting into our lives$ *tAs all about the feelings$
These are the vibrations that are the gas in the car0
,hat we are e)periencing "vibrating# is always about what thoughts! feelings! an
actions we are focusing on! observing an giving attention to in our lives most
often$ 9emember! if we give our attention to the lack in our lives or business by
thinking about how we o not have many clients! how fning them is har! money
is tight an we are not goo at marketing! etc$! then we feel the pang of yearning!
of frustration an worry$ %t that moment we are a match to that fre.uency$ The
more we are a match to a specifc fre.uency! the stronger the signal of that
fre.uency becomes in our energy fel$
Once again! you nee to reali5e that ol beliefs are -ust thoughts you are use to
thinking "emitting signals# about$ You continuously! in each moment! emit electrical
signals that immeiately raw in similar "either positive or negative# electrical
signals base on the iniviual circumstances$
Cut how o we each begin to manage these feelings an emotions6 %re we all
walking aroun with electrical meters to etermine what we are sening out6 +o$
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
*nstea! we have a wonerful! built-in electrical system calle our feelings$ ,hen
we begin to work with the Faw of %ttraction! we sometimes may begin to -uge
ourselves when something less than positive shows up$ ,e may beat ourselves up!
thinking that we are not oing it right or that we seem unprofessional to have
negative emotions$ Those lower fre.uency feelings "or vibrations# are in fact a
really goo thing0 They communicate with us to wake up an begin to transform
our actions in business an in life$ ,hen we wake up! pivot an realign our
thoughts! feelings an actions! ama5ing results begin to occur$
Our thoughts come so fast that itAs impossible to monitor each one of them$
:owever! we can usually ientify our feelings even as we are thinking other
thoughts$ /aying attention to our feelings inicates the irection of our thoughts$
%s we begin to irect our thoughts towar what it is that we want to feel! we
automatically begin to move towar higher fre.uencies$ *f we are thinking negative
thoughts about situations we o not want in our lives! we create lower level
feelings$ ,e will then have lower fre.uency matches$ :ere are some more
important points to rememberE
1$ ,e create what we observe$
4$ ,e raw in e)periences! people! an things that we match with our
8$ +o one can choose our thoughts or feelings e)cept us$
;$ ,e are fully responsible for our own thoughts! feelings! an actions$
>$ ,e must have a clear vision "at the feeling level# to attract what we are
G$ ,e can manage our feelings an emotions in the moment by taking baby
7$ ,hen we have lower fre.uency "negative emotions#! it can be a goo thing
because then we know that we are not at that moment connecte to the
H$ ,e transform through taking baby steps towar what we want when we are
aware of our thoughts an our feelings$
<$ /aying attention to feelings will assist us in hearing our thoughts$
1K$ ,e can irect thoughts to what we are wanting$
$rimary Feelings
,e e)perience two primary feelingsE positive -- love "being in connection to the
universal energy Bow# an negative -- fear "not being in harmony at that moment
with the universal energy Bow#$ One vibrates faster "love#! the other slower "fear#$
Each of these feelings is really -ust a i?erent type of energy$ Our feeling or
emotion! therefore! helps us unerstan what we are creating "%FFO,*+I *+#
through our thoughts$ %s the thought grows! the feeling or emotion becomes
greater as we begin to think of what we want$ %s you begin to utili5e The Law of
Attraction! the thoughts become bigger an bigger an the positive feelings an
emotions come into your life in an increasingly powerful way$
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
*n summary! if you want to create positive! lasting change .uickly! "i$e$! allow
something to enter or e)perience# then you must focus on what you want an feel
goo about it! until more an more thoughts are magnife an gathere$ This
process brings greater an more powerful feelings an emotions into your life$ You
then become a very powerful magnet0 Your positive state of being attracts more
an more positive events0 *f you feel or emote the feeling of being poor! you cannot
attract prosperity$ *f you are feeling fat! then you cannot attract thin$ Your mental
state of being "positive an negative# is the basis from which you attract more to
*t is this feeling level that is the vibrational point of attraction$ 9emember! thought
plus feeling@emotion creates the most powerful magnet for positive change in your
life$ Thought plus feeling@emotion is your access to the power of the Lniverse0
Thoughts without feeling@emotion are usually not very creative! powerful! or
magnetic$ (uch thoughts sen out such a weak signal to the Lniverse that they
rarely o?er true change$ The ma-ority of our thoughts have no great magnetic or
creative power$ *n orer to a?ect true change! we must bring in the feeling@emotion
of what we wish to attract to ourselves$
Connection with your Inner Team %Inner &uidance'
Cuiling an *nner Team is a very e?ective way to connect an help ourselves
overcome resistance$ ,hen builing your team an etermining the number of
members on your team! use the benchmark .uestion! does it feel good? The
important thing is to create the Team an activate the relationship with your Team$
You can use your Team when going for a -ob interview! when in isharmony with
another! or even for your chil whoAs being bullie$ The goal here is to be
connecte to your Team all the time$
,hy is this so important6 Cecause you are aligning your will with the Lniverse!
creating your *nner Team0 You are not oing this alone0 *t is very important to
begin this new chapter in your esire to create a new reality with creating your non-
physical an physical positive energy Team$ You can ientify anything "ol fears!
oubts or any energies less than love# - an then you can align this with your
TeamAs power to help you transcen %+Y seeming negative energy$ You are here in
this /rogram to remember how to manage your energy an how to create what you
esire to serve the highest goo0
Creating your Inner %(i)ine' Team e*ercise
:ow many of you feel that you are alone6 :ow many feel that you on't have
support6 This is an opportunity to activate an utili5e your *nner "Mivine# Team$ You
may choose to call it your Coar of Mirectors! your Mivine Team! your personal Task
1orce! etc$ 3ustomi5e the name epening upon your focus! your clients! etc$
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
E*ercise+ *f you coul fll a role an have no particular person in min for this role
2 write own three roles that woul be helpful for you to have in your life that woul
help you move forwar$
Note+ 3ustomi5e these roles base on the focus of your client$ They coul inclue
a business manager! aministrative assistant or marketing person$ 3onsier
aing someone like a Cliss Manager or a Noy 3oorinator or whatever appeals to
you as a ;
position$ ,e nee someone to help increase our fun0
Here is a sample -acilitation o- an Inner Team process using the three roles
.ust mentioned+
Create a sacred space where you will not be disturbed. Close your eyes, and tae
a few deep!cleansing breaths. "ow as for the #rst person to step into your #rst
role. $hen they come to you, it may be people from the past, celebrities, people in
a boo, people you may never now%they may come to you through smell, scent,
etc. &magine a door made out of anything that you want. &t can be connected to
whatever you want%describe it. &s there any color to it? &s there any carving on the
doors? 'ive the details of your e(perience. Loo around the edge of the door and
notice the light shining around it and how brilliant it is. )n the other side of the
door is your Team who has been waiting for you, and they are so e(cited for this
moment. $hen you are ready, open the door and wal through.
$hat do you sense? $hat is there for you? *ense the energy and light + describe
your e(perience. As your #rst activator ,Team member- to please step forward.
.escribe the sense of this person. As the person the name that they want to be
called. As if there are any words they want to say. Than them for being here,
and tell them that you will be contacting them soon.
As the second activator to please step forward. .escribe the sense you get from
this person. As the person the name that they want to be called. As if there are
any words they want to say. Than them for being here, and tell them that you will
be contacting them soon.
As the third activator to please step forward. .escribe the sense you get from this
person. As the person the name that they want to be called. As if there are any
words they want to say. Than them for being here, and tell them that you will be
contacting them soon.
"ow as your /liss 0anager to please step forward. .escribe the sense of this
person. As the person the name that they want to be called. Than them for
being here, and tell them that you will be contacting them soon.
Than all of your Team members for being such a wonderful part of your life%as
them for any words of wisdom. Than them one more time and come bac through
the door and bac to the room.
You will be working with your Team aily$ They are there for your support$ *magine
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
that you are the 3hairman of the Coar! an this is your boar$ They will come an
go$ Iive them assignmentsO ask them .uestions! especially in the beginning$ ,rite
own .uestions an see what answers you receive$ You may also get answers from
license plates! billboars! or what other people say to you$ Keep a pocket notebook
so that you can recor this information$ You can call a boar meeting whenever you
nee support$ Fisten to the guiance an look for wors of wisom$
Every time you o this e)ercise! you get new members as well as getting it at a
i?erent level$ /lay with this e)ercise to gain new reali5ations an how to take it to
the ne)t level$ Ce sure to encourage your clients to play! have fun! an e)plore
creating their ieal Team$
:ave a strategy meeting everyay with your *nner Team$ This is where you get
inspiration an information$ Cegin by setting the tone 2 imagery! -ournaling!
listening to music 2 whatever easily an e?ortlessly brings to min what you are
grateful for$
This is a most powerful tool for you$ (haron has share this story with us$ & was
given information every day on my practice and building it. & followed the guidance
to the letter. )ne day, & was told to tae my newborn out for a day outside in the
fresh air. & had seven people who called me about coaching them1 and & thought &
needed to follow!up from our previous conversations. &nstead, & spent the day with
2oy outside on a beautiful &ndian summer .ay in the fall. $hen & returned, my
message machine had seven messages on it. All seven people in one day called to
hire me3
Most important is to have fun! e)plore! an iscover what works best for you$ There
is no right or wrong answer$ Ce as aring an creative as you are guie to be$ %n
remember! you can change your *nner Team any time that you like$
Energy /loc0s to connecting with your Inner Team
The energy blocks to connecting with your *nner Team may inclueE
9esistance to giving up control or surrenering to your *nner Team
1ear of sharing messages from your *nner Team with others
1ear that you won't receive any two-way communication from your Team or
inner guiance$ *nner guiance can come in various ways through feelings!
knowing! synchronicities! or reams$ ,atch an feel for any promptings or
nuging$ Ce an energy etective an have fun with this process$
*mpatience with the unfoling of the process after receiving message"s# from
your *nner Team
Misbelief that connecting to your *nner Team is as easy as it is
The fear that you are unable to istinguish between your *nner Team an your
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
9eluctance to act upon guiance from your *nner Team
(eeming impatience with the process of creating a team$ +otice any
seeming resistance in the class an ask for your inner guiance to show you
what wants to be activate in you$ The /rogram may stir up energy an
emotions that want to come to the surface an then you may be able to
activate a belief or pattern that will serve you even better0
(istinguishing 1etween your Inner &uidance and your Ego
:ere are some suggestions for istinguishing between your *nner Team "Iuiance#
an your egoE
:ow oes what *'m getting in my two-way communications make me feel6
"i$e$! love! -oy! e)pansion vs$ fear! an)iety or tension! etc$#
,hen getting messages that make me feel love! -oy! e)pansion "(pirit#! is it
immeiately followe by my *nner 3ritic@+aysayer "ego#6
Your *nner Team is supportive an always has a win-win perspective for all
concerne$ *n Moreen Dirtue's book! Mivine Iuiance! she provies a chart to
istinguish true from false guiance "see page <1 of her book#$
2haron3s &uidance on Inner Team 2essions
$hen & began, & was guided to begin &nner Team sessions both morning and night to
strengthen the Trust factor and create a real friendship with my &nner Team. 0y
inner team includes several masters from various cultures and religions. & was
guided to #nd a personality that felt less intimidating so & could feel worthy to mae
this connection. Can you imagine having a morning meeting with 2esus or
/uddha or 'od?3 *o 4obin $illiams showed up when & connected to the 2esus
energy3 5e is fun and personable, and for me, he feels very comforting. Tina
Turner showed up as the .ivine 0other energy for me. 6se whatever feels best to
you as you create this loving real relationship3 &f you feel so guided, you may use
the following process that & was given. 7eel free to change the 8uestions to suit
your style or eliminate or add 8uestions that you feel guided to use. Customi9e it as
you are directed to do.
2ample 5orning 2ession+ E*ample o- Creating 6our Inner Team
Coaching 2ession+
1$ Cegin with a prayer! sacre invocation! or inspire intent$ Try hanwriting it or
o it on your computer$
4$ (tate your intention for the session with our *nner Team$ *f there is a specifc
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
issue you want to resolve! state that as your intention an use the session to work
on that$
8$ Cegin with gratitue$
;$ 3reate a two-way ialogue$ Your *nner Team asks youE
a# ,hat o you nee toay6
b# ,hat can you give to me to take care of for you6
c# ,hat tasks woul you like to assign to me toay6
# ,hat ol beliefs@feelings seem to block you6
>$ 3reate a mantra or aPrmation for the ay with a little higher vibration$
G$ ,ait an see if you feel prompte to write anything back$ Nust notice anything
that seems to want to come from our pen or computer keyboar$
7$ Ce gentle with this process$
H$ +eale Monal ,alsch wrote some ama5ing books$ 3onversations with Io is
about simply asking Io .uestions an waiting for answers0 You can open this line
of communication too0
(ample Morning (essionE E)ample of Nournaling your *nner Team (ession
1$ Cegin with a prayer! sacre invocation! or inspire intent$
4$ (tate your intention for the session with your *nner Team$ *f there is a specifc
issue you want to resolve! state that as your intention an use the session to work
on that$
8$ Cegin with gratitue$
;$ 3reate a two-way ialogue$ Your *nner Team asks youE
a# ,hat is bothering you toay6 ,hat are you afrai of6 ,hat are you
worrie about or concerne with6
b# :ow can * specifcally help you6 "+otice if there is resistance or feelings
of not trusting your *nner Team or any anger or tight feelings in your boy#$
c# ,hat information o you seek from me toay6 (tate a problem! issue!
challenge or opportunity an sit with it 2 breathing in an out until you
feel inspire to write$
>$ %fter you receive the inspirational information! number your paper from 1-4K
an allow your *nner Team 4K ways to solve this$
a# %ct on at least one of these immeiately$
b# (ee an feel the ay before you going well$ %ll the things you o are
successful$ Take a few moments to Jalign your energyJ by seeing the ay an
1EEF*+I the ay going -ust as you woul like it to$
G$ Iive thanks0
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
2ample E)ening 2ession+
1$ Cegin with a prayer! sacre invocation or inspire intention$
4$ (tate your intention for the session with your *nner Team$ *f there is a specifc
issue you want to resolve! state that as your intention an use the session to work
on that$
8$ Cegin with gratitue$
;$ 3reate a two-way ialogue$ Your *nner Team asks youE
a# ,hat happene toay that was wonerful6
b# ,hat happene that was not so wonerful6
c# ,ho o you nee to forgive toay6 Yourself6
# ,hat are you learning from the not so wonerful things toay or lately6 *f
it is a stretch to see the blessing or learning! then ask how you woul like to
feel about the situation$
e# ,hat o you nee help with to see i?erently6
f# ,hat o you want to CE tomorrow6 ,hat are the .ualities you most want
to e)ue6
g# ,hat o you seem to nee help with6
>$ ,ait an see if you feel prompte to write anything back$ Nust notice anything
that seems to want to come from our pen or computer keyboar$
G$ Ce gentle with this process$
7$ (et your intentions to have a restful! -oyful night's sleep an to wake refreshe$
H$ (ee your home an all in it safe! healthy! an happy$
<$ Iive thanks0
Tips -rom Former $articipants+
& often have team meetings on the computer and then print them out and put
them in my :ournal. & type the date, drop down a couple of lines, write ;Team
0eeting; and then start with a 8uestion or thaning my team for something.
Actually, now &<ve created a template for the team meetings with a little angel in the
corner. & also have one for dreams, visions, and regular :ournal entries.
& type in regular font1 and when & feel ;done,; & switch to italics and then my team
answers and we go bac and forth. That reminds me, & have some gratitude to
e(press1 time to go to a meeting3
& have a big sheet of paper on my wall about being debt!free and ;than you
team.; & see that sheet every day when & get up and when & go to bed. This
morning as & looed at it, & started thining about being debt!free. 0oney!wise, yes.
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
/ut then & started thining about freedom from debt and then armic debt came
into my mind. & don<t now how it all got mushed around in my mind, but the end
result was that & received the message to start doing some wor around
&ntuitively & now this is important and tied in with the money issues, but if you as
me to e(plain it in words, & can<t and & don<t thin & need to. 2ust doing the
forgiveness wor seems to be the thing....perhaps another sacred contract coming.
Creating a deeper relationship 7 a deeper connection
%n essential aspect to creating a eeper relationship an connection with your
Mivine Team is to create a (acre (pace$ ,e learn new patterns of being connecte
with (pirit 2 physically! emotionally! intellectually! energetically! an spiritually$ The
purpose of (acre (pace is to re-pattern our physical an emotional sense of
&safety@security!Q our emotional an intellectual sense of &connecteness!Q an our
intellectual an energetic sense of &allowing$Q
,e have become conitione with our patterns of safety@security! connecteness!
an allowing 2 both consciously an unconsciously$
+otice what patterns in your life isconnect you from being in the present moment$
These may inclue always keeping busy! using rugs or alcohol! 5oning out with TD
or games! minless activities! etc$
+otice your patterns that reconnect with self an bring you a heightene sense of
connection$ These may be minful or conscious awareness! yoga! being in nature!
e)ercise! etc$
Nust observe these patterns 2 without -ugment 2 or making yourself right or wrong$
Cecome aware of your patterns an know that you have the power to choose which
patterns you want to use in any situation$
Cegin each ay by scripting your ay an focusing on the feelings you want to feel
in each situation! pro-ect an opportunity$ Then start looking for the positive
eviences that are everywhere for you 2 such as a great meal that elights you!
people that support you! a boy that feels great! traPc that clears at the right time!
rain that stops -ust when you nee to rive across town! people on the course E-
group who hol the vision for you! an many other e)amples$ Fook an feel aroun
in your ay an 1*+M things that are working! feel goo! elight you! energi5e you!
or work out for you0
(tart to notice all of the things that are working! feeling great! an you will start
activating that higher vibration more an more$ ,hen you fn yourself feeling less
than great! on't beat up on yourself! -ust fn the best thought! feeling! or action in
that MOME+T! an hol the intention that you are working your way up the
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
vibrational laer! an be gentle with yourself0
This is one of the KEY( to having all the things you say that you want$ The
vibrational work is yours 2 no one can o that for you! an that is so much more
powerful than the action -ourney$
1$ (tart each ay with your centering process$
4$ ,hen your min is clear of istractions! begin scripting your aily intentions$
8$ Fook for positive eviences an recor them in your -ournal$
$ositi)e E)idences
You start your scripting from where you are an you start looking for evience"s# of
what is working$ *f you are not feeling super energi5e! focus on how you want to
feel! what you nee help with! an what you nee to activate at a eeper level$
Cegin to look for evience"s# of you having the kin of ay you scripte an keep an
Evience Nournal of when you are feeling great! when une)pecte things happen
that make you smile! what great e)periences you are seeing! hearing! feeling! an
knowing$ You nee to focus more on what is working 2 what is happening that feels
goo for you 2 in orer to be more of a vibrational match to all that you are wanting$
This is a big part of the work that you nee to o in orer to have an ama5ing life
an to e)perience all you want Bowing to you easily0
Ne*t Inspired Actions+
1$ /lay with scripting your ay an how you want to feel$ You may even want to
share your scripting on the e-group$ +otice the i?erence in how you feel when you
script your ay an when you on't$ 1or e)amples! please refer to %ppeni) % at
the en of this 3hapter$
4$ (tart a positive evience -ournal that you a to after each section of your ay$
1or e)ample! after breakfast! lunch! an inner look at what is workingO write own
the wonerful things you e)perience so far in this ay! the situations that were
resolve! the goo things! the moments you felt great0 +otice what is happening
overall in your vibrational ay$ On the other sie! what has triggere you6 ,hen
are you in a lower level vibration6 *s there a pattern or theme6 Lsually you have
two to three ominant patterns that are keeping you from allowing in more of what
you want$ *f you can pinpoint them an start making some shifts! you will see
ama5ing things happening$
8$ Make a connection to your /ower Team$ Make a list of the people! the energies
that you want on a team$ ,hat skills o you want to activate in you to have an
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
%M%R*+I business6 Think of the places where you feel less than competent or
tasks you islike oing! i$e$! billing! aministration! etc$! an put a position on your
team that hanles this$ Each ay begin to inclue a conscious connecting with this
team of helpful iniviuals$ Think of having a aily meeting with your team$ %sk
.uestionsO ask for the guiance! the support an the resources that you want$ :ol
a power meeting every morning in writing with your Team$ Tell your team your
fears! your worries! your nees an allow yourself to surrener all of that to your
Team$ Even if you feel silly oing this e)ercise! it is activating more of these
.ualities an skills in YOL0 Then begin to look for signs an eviences that you an
your /ower Team are on the -ob0
;$ Ce honest with yourself$ Fisten to the wors you speak! the things you focus on$
%re you looking for what is right6 ,hat is working6 Or o you more often focus on
what might happen6 ,hat is not going well6 ,hat is not here yet6 *f you keep a
log for -ust one week you will be able to pinpoint the beliefs that are serving you
an the beliefs an patterns that are not serving you$ Keep track in all areas of your
life - not -ust in areas relate to your business$
*f you on't have enough money! are there other areas in your life where you feel a
sense of lack6 *t is the 1EEF*+I you are looking for that is not a match to what you
want$ Ce a etective an start recogni5ing the areas that rain you6 Fook for an
feel the things you are oing that suck your energy$ Then as you evelop this new
business! you can attract solutions an take actions so that you have systems in
placeO so you are only oing what you love the most an what you are brilliant at0
1irst you have to become aware of the lower level patterns that are resulting in what
you on't want or that seem to keep what you want -ust out of your reach$ *t all
starts here0
Appendi* A
2cripting E*ample -rom 2haron !ilson+
Here3s an e*ample o- a script+
Today is a glorious day8 I loo0 -or things that e*cite me that are wor0ing.
I ta0e my attention away -rom anything that is not ser)ing me. I allow
mysel- to -eel 1etter and 1etter. I ha)e great connections with people
today. $eople adore me8 They -eel so connected to 2pirit through our
I easily complete my 1usiness pro.ect and mar0eting plan. $eople are
9oc0ing to this new o:ering 7 the per-ect people are so e*cited to .oin
this8 !e touch the hearts o- so many; and we -eel so good8
I -eel 1etter a1out the situation o- <<<<<<. It all wor0s out somehow. I
partner with my 2pirit today to create millions o- dollars -or me and all my
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, C ! All rights reserved"
Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
students and clients. I am a magnet to connection -or success; health; .oy;
lo)e and F=N888
That this all wor0s out and that I can >nd the 1est words to com-ort my si*
year old. I am also grate-ul -or all the lo)ed ones that remain in physical
-orm. 2o this is a power-ul way to acti)ate the attraction mechanism 1y
helping to ad.ust your )i1rational output. Then all day long I will loo0 -or
E,I(ENCE o- this day 7 I !I >nd things to 1e appreciati)e o-. I will
search -or reasons and opportunities to laugh and 0now that this is the
?"/ that is mine. No one can )i1rate -or me; and I need to ta0e -ull
)i1rational responsi1ility -or e)erything in my e*perience; and then I am
The e)ample above is a short e)cerpt from one of my actual scripts$ Moes it make
sense to you6 * look over everything * am to o! things * am worrie about! what *
want! what * am frustrate with! etc$ Then * script the feelings an how * want to
feel$ * allow myself to move up the vibrational scale a little bit at a time$ *f * can't
feel super happy! * on't try to fake it$ My father-in-law passe away an my script
on that particular ay was that &Today is easier than yesterday in all & am dealing
with, and tomorrow & will feel even better.
(o start where you are$ (hare your script each ay an look for eviences an
watch how fast you see great things showing up0 Mon't iscount what seems like
small things 2 they are all part of the vibrational output that is attracting what you
esire to you now0
"ther 2cripting e*amples+
! Today & want to feel a greater sense of ease and =ow. & want to feel a sense that
everything will wor out, and & have plenty of time to do what & want.
! & want all my meetings, e!mails and conversations to =ow easily and to serve in
the highest way for me and the person connected.
! & want to e(perience each moment in its fullness and #nd the good in each
moment + to stop at intervals and truly notice what is woring and what &
appreciate + to A0> up my vibration even higher.
! & want to feel that all the pro:ects that & have are moving forward :oyfully and
easily, even though & have been out of the o?ce for a few days.
! & want to feel more :oy, more energy after a very long and emotional weeend.
! & want to feel renewed and refreshed3
! & want to see and feel and hear wonderful positive evidences for all the people &
wor with, that are in our program, or at any level are connected to me.
! & want to help them A0> up their abilities to attract even more to themselves.
! This wee & want to mae choices about vendors & am considering using that
come from a place of ease and connection and o@er a true win!win for everyone.
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Advanced Spiritual Business Building Program
! & want to teach ama9ing and activating classes.
! & want to serve others in ways that feel good for me and for them.
Note+ Often when people begin scripting it begins to look more like wishing an
scripting things you want but on't believe you can have yet$ 9eview the e)amples
liste above to assist you in fne-tuning your scripting process$
Help-ul 2cripting Hints+
*t is more helpful vibrationally to take some steps "baby steps# in your scripting$
*magine that you live in an apartment an are worrie about paying the rent$ You
woul really prefer to live in a mansion$ (cripting that you live in a mansion only
reinforces your vibration where it is now 2 which is not in a mansion 2 worrie about
money an feeling a sense of lack$
(omething that woul serve you better woul be to script about how you want to
feel "i$e$! & want to feel lie & am moving ahead #nancially. & want to see more
evidences of money coming to me. Today & will loo for things to appreciate.#
You want to feel goo when you are scripting$ *f you on't! or if it feels like an
e)ercise! then you nee to make an a-ustment to it$ ,hen you are vibrationally
making a small shift! you will feel more hopeful! an also feel more of a sense of
possibilities! or at least some level of increase comfort$
% goo thing to o is to look at what is happening that you on't like! or are worrie
about or are very focuse on$ Each ay! script it in that ay 2 in the moment 2 an
watch the energy shift from one ay to the ne)t$
You can also move issues that bring up negative feelings to a more general script
likeE & allow myself to be a magnet for money. & allow myself to feel more peace
about #nances. & had a great meeting with A2B and everything wored out so well.
*he felt happy.
You will use i?erent wors epening where on the vibrational scale you are! an
you will see the wors changing as your vibration changes$ You may start out with a
vibration likeE Today & want to feel less worried. Then you will fn the wors
amping up to what you want an are reBecting that you are feeling happier as the
ays go by$ You keep moving up the vibrational scale$ This is an inication that the
vibrational shift is happening$
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