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The Energetics of Selling

We warmly invite you to continue deepen your relationship with Spirit as we enter into
the realms of the Energetics of Selling.
In the previous chapters we focused on building a strong foundation and learned tools
on how to manage your energies. We now continue with tools that will specifically assist
you in moving your business forward.
We continue to encourage you to manage your energies using the tools you learned in
the previous chapters for all manners of contrast that occur, especially in regards to the
content and amount of information in this chapter. See the Next Inspired ctions
Section at the end of this chapter for more encouragement!
"ur intention is to serve you in the highest way possible. "ur intention is to encourage
you to explore your beliefs systems and thoughts and to listen to your #ivine $eam, your
Inner %nowing who will easily and effortlessly guide you to become aware of and utili&e
the perfect tools for you to assist you in the activation and integration of this
information with ease, flow and 'oy.
$here is a notable difference in the intention of serving and that of selling. (ost people
thin) about selling as getting someone to do something, and this puts you in a lesser
position, as if you have to convince someone of your value. In serving, each experience is
a sacred opportunity to share a burning desire* the wor) that you are doing is part of a
bigger picture, a bigger tapestry. It is about co+creating and holding the highest
intention of what is to be served.
We have identified a selling process which you can tailor to your needs. ,eview the
process and develop what truly inspires you and wor)s with your style and your perfect
vibrational match. -ave fun!
The Co-creative Session (The Sacred Serving Opportunity)
Every experience is a vibrational experience. If you are focused on how you can sell the
potential client something, you will be vibrating at a level that is a lower level and will be
a match to lower level energies in them. It ma)es a total difference in the )ind of
experience based on the intention you have when interacting with someone.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Sharon doesn.t believe in doing free coaching sessions. What often happens is that
people come to the session with an issue. /ou help them move up the vibrational scale,
which is basically what happens because you help them see a new perspective or have an
ah-ha, and then they do something to move up vibrationally. $hey have some sort of
vibrational relief. $he result is that they feel good.
What happens when someone feels good0 #o you thin) going to hire you0 No,
because there.s nothing to compel them. 1art of it is because they really didn.t have a
strong sense of the activation of the gaps within themselves. $hey didn.t come to a place
of self+discovery of the implications of the challenge and then see for themselves the
possibilities that directly relate to your coaching or to your product or to your service. So
they 'ust feel better. 2ut it.s 'ust li)e putting a band+aid on a big gaping wound.
Stages in the Consultative Selling/Serving Process
I. 1ersonal ligning
II. Setting the Energy Stage
III. Situational 3uestions
I4. Surfacing 5ower 5evel Energies 6the ,esistance7
4. Surfacing the #esire
4I. 4ibrational 8ap
4II. 9o+creating with the 9lient, Next ction
4III. 9onnect with Inner 8uidance
Stage I: Aligning Your nergy !e"ore A#$ A"ter the Serving Opportunity
$his process is very effective in one+on+one personal connections, and can also be
adapted for use in any selling 6serving7 situation.
2efore the experience, align your energy and get connected with your client:customer.
2e clear about what you want to have happen along the way in your selling process from
the start to the end. Identify how you will feel by the time the closing happens. $ruly
connect with the feelings that are aligned with your authentic self and serving your
belief structures. (a)e sure you are connecting on an energetic level. $his will assist you
in communicating with clients at their energetic level. What is it that you are offering
them and what do they need for their next step0 ;EE5 what it is that you want to feel!
$his is the electricity that generates what it is that you will experience.
/ou can script:pre+pave before your contact to assist you in easily and effortlessly
aligning your energies. $he tas)s in the table below are very effective in enabling you to
align your energies with those of your clients:customers.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Personal Aligning Steps
%& State your $esire to Connect to your inner guidance in the
2. State the Intention& 'e(e()er to not )e attached to a speci"ic
outco(e& Your *o) is to serve not sell& Serving is sharing& Selling is
pushing& Serving is o""ering your assistance+ and selling is
(anipulating and ,anting to "ul"ill your o,n agenda&
3. Identi"y the Inner Story+ the lo, level vi)rations& -hat are your
"ears or dou)ts. So(eti(es it can )e help"ul to as/+ 0If x
happened, what am I afraid of? O' 0What if it didn't happen
then what are m! fears, concerns, or stories?
4. #o,+ i" you could+ ,hat areas ("ro( the inner story) ,ould you li/e
to surrender. I" you had a tea( you could delegate things to+ a
(anager that ,ould ta/e care o" everything+ ,hat ,ould you
delegate or surrender to this (anager. (1or e2a(ple: I am
delegating ever! word I spea", the #$estions I as", the whole
thing to m! manager%&
3& sta)lish a 4ision& I(agine all o" this ,or/ed out great and you
,ere telling so(eone a)out it& In a general ,ay+ ,hat happened.
5o, did you "eel.
6. 6et 7o o" Any Attach(ent to speci"ic ,ays it should all ,or/ out&
As/ "or inspired action(s) "ro( your highest guidance and (a/e
note o" it&
8& 7ive Than/s "or it )eing done9 2pect it9
:A;P6 O1 S5A'O#<S P'SO#A6 A6I7#I#7 1O';=6A
%& State $esire' I want to ma)e a deep connection with this person.
>& State Intention: (y intention is to bring Spirit into this conversation and to really
be detached from any specific outcome* to as) <uestions, to be guided in everything I
am saying so the highest good is served.
?& Identi"y Inner Story= >What if they as) me something I don.t )now0 I haven.t
done well lately. It seems li)e people don.t become clients and I am not sure what I
am doing wrong.?
@& -hat Areas o" Inner Story -ant To Surrender: I would li)e to surrender this
whole fear that I can.t do this right, that I am not good at mar)eting or selling.
3& 4ision: (y vision is to ma)e these wonderful connections, for people to feel
magnetically connected to me @ li)e it is 'ust so easy it is li)e falling off a log. I love to
tal) to people* my most favorite thing in the world is sales calls. I connect with ideal
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
clients who adore me, I am the answer to their prayers, and they tell me that all the
A& 6et 7o o" Attach(ent= I am releasing all these fears, doubts, worries, concerns,
and I am as)ing for my Inner coach, 9oach Sharon, to ta)e the wheel, to spea)
through me, to let my voice resonate with power, and let me feel so peaceful and
happy. 1lease let my body react in ways that release that 'oy and allow it to flow
through me right now!
8& nd I 7ive Than/s that this is done. ll of this is complete.
B& #e2t Inspired Action: 1ic) up the phone and call the person right now. I can
ma)e the call right now!
#OT: /ou can use this process of energy aligning for cold calling or networ"
mar"eting as well as wor)ing with >internal customers? in an organi&ation. /ou
simply envision the person smiling, feeling good, happy to tal) to you. 1re+paving this
changes the whole energy of your ability to connect with people. It changes your energy
and allows you to stand in a place of power @ you are then energetically aligned.
W()T *+ ,+- T(I./ IS -SE0-1 )2+-T T(IS 0+34-1)?
W(, IS IT -SE0-1?
In these next sections, we will be examining in detail the 9onsultative 1rocess. $his will
be accomplished through explanations of the information through intellectual and
energetic constructs, examples and sample text actually ta)en from the 9oaching
9onsultation 1rocess $emplate. 1lease see the complete 9oaching 9onsultation 1rocess
$emplate on page AB of this chapter for total integrated understanding.
Stage II: Setting the nergy Stage
Setting the stage is getting on the same page energetically with the person youCre
connecting with. We begin any sacred serving opportunity by allowing an energy of
trust. We are as)ing for a higher fre<uency 6call that 8od, Spirit, Soul, ll $hat Is,
whatever you call that energy7 to be present to allow the highest good to be served for all
concerned. Either aloud, or in your mind, state your intention to partner with higher
energies to lead your words and to create the highest good. #o this in a way that feels
best for you and your personal style.
/ou want to do this prior to tal)ing to your client and then you.ll also get centered on the
call with the client. $his could happen by you sharing your intentions, etc.
S5A'O#<S :A;P6 O1 S5A'I#7 I#T#TIO#S
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Sharon= >"ne of the things I li)e to do is to share my intentions so we can get on
the same page and have greater clarity. Would it be o)ay if I shared my intentions
with you0?
9lient= >")ay.?
Sharon= >(y intention is to really have a productive meeting, to really find out
more about you and how I can best serve you.?
6#ote: $he language you use when setting your intentions depends on who you are spea)ing to. /ou can
use mainstream or ethereal language @ it completely depends on your product or service and the
audience. ;or example, you would use different language for clients for whom you offer angel readings
than when you are promoting your networ) mar)eting s)in care business.7
7et Centered. DTake some deep breaths; relax and let go of all stresses, all
distractions with each out-breath.E
Share your intentions ,ith the client:
;eel a sense of connection and 'oy in the process*
#esire to serve you in highest possible way without attachment*
-elp us both gain clarity about the next step for you* and
-ave fun!
As/+ 0-hat are your intentions. -hat ,ould you li/e to "eel or
e2perience. -hat is your desired outco(e "or our ti(e together.C
2a(ples o" Intentions:
>(y intention is to listen deeply. I want feel a great sense of connection to you. I want to
understand what is important to you. I want to have a clear intention of how to best
serve you.? 6Remember to ask for guidance for the best language to come through you
easily and effortlessly that your audience can see and feel.)
>Would you li)e to share your intentions0? 6If they need some help= >Would you li)e to
have some fun in our conversation today0 Would you li)e us to have a productive
meeting0?7 $hen the client can respond to these suggestions and may offer some of their
If intentions don.t wor) for you, you can as), >What would you li)e to have happen in
our time together, what would you li)e to accomplish, experience0?
'e(e()er to set the stage D encourage the( to )e in an ideal setting&
Suggest that they turn their )ac/ "ro( the co(puter+ (ove to Euiet place+
etc& I" they cannot at that ti(e+ then reschedule9
Stage III: Situational Fuestions to As/ Your Client/Custo(er
Start with the following )ind of <uestions to gather information about the
client.s:customer.s current experience.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
(ow did !o$ find me? 6So you )now what mar)eting efforts are wor)ing, who
you might want to send a than) you note to.7
What motivated !o$ to contact me now? 6that moves into surfacing lower
level energies.7
Share with them in a way that fits your style, that you are not attached to any specific
outcome. -elp them understand what they can expect from you in this conversation.
Stage I4: Sur"acing the 6o,er 6evel nergies (The 'esistance)
In the Energetics of Selling, the energy is moving from a selling platform 6which is
composed of >my agenda, what.s in it for me, and convincing people to do things?7 to a
clear intention of serving 6connecting with spirit and coming from a place of coaching
and support7. $he core element is surfacing the desire N# the resistance. If they are
contacting you, these clients want to create a new reality from the one they have at the
present time. So these <uestions will help you and the client discern how much desire
they have and also the resistance that is the focus of their thoughts, feelings and actions.
It is imperative to be in a very deep listening space and to really care about the person
you are spea)ing to. 6$o loo) at them with the eyes of love.7 /ou want to really 2E with
them @ not be over there telling them what you can do to fix it 6i.e., give him a herb to fix
it or some program or some solution. $his is about building trust in a place of caring and
really listening. It is not about trying to sell them something yet because there are other
variables that need to unfold. "ne of which is for you to determine if this person is a
good match for your products and services.
What is going on in !o$r life right now that !o$ are considering
wor"ing with a coach? Wo$ld !o$ mind sharing this with me? DTake
good notesthinking about what part of your program will address these
What is not wor"ing in !o$r life right now? What dont !o$ want?
Wh! now?
D"ou can addE 6et<s (a/e a list o" everything you don<t ,ant& It helps (e
to )etter understand a)out ,hat<s going on "or you& Tell (e (ore
a)out ,hat you ,ant to change+ ,hat you don<t ,ant& D#e
conversational, relaxed with these $uestions.E
5isten, listen, listen for the gap, the challenges. Why is that a challenge0 Why is it an
$hen get underneath the energy of it. ctivate the gap so you can feel it, so you can
move into helping them surface their desire.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Stage 4: Sur"acing the $esire
-ere is where you as) the <uestions to determine if the person could possibly be a good
match. ,emember to thin) about the <ualities you identified in your Ideal 9lient 1rofile.
/ou can then base the <uestions you as) from these <ualities, needs, issues and
If !o$ co$ld change the wa! things are right now, what wo$ld !o$
change? D%ctivate the gap! &otice when the shift occurs to move onto what
they do want. 'eep digging here as necessary.E
1ets pretend that I have a magic wand and when I wave this magic
wand, !o$ co$ld have an!thing !o$ wanted% .ow what wo$ld !o$r
life 5e li"e? 6aint me a pict$re, tell me !o$r stor!% Whats !o$r
vision? D(old the energy for them and let them share their vision. )mphasi*e
the essences, the feelings allow this to become real to themthis is why they
will hire you really #) there with them in this energy.E
+"a!, !o$ want more 7777777777777 +insert a feeling here)% What
wo$ld it loo" li"e if !o$ had more 77777777777777 +insert same
feeling here)? What wo$ld 5e happening in !o$r life if !o$ had more
GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG +same feeling here). DRepeat for each feeling,essence.
%mp up this feel good energy!E
9oach= >What happens when you come home0?
9lient= >I plop on the sofa.?
9oach= >What time do you plop on the sofa0?
9lient= >Well, after dinner, F pm.?
9oach= >Is that li)e the whole night0 -ow do you thin) that is impacting things at
9lient= >I.m really not there.?
9oach= >-ow do you thin) that is impacting things0 Dreally be with that person as they
begin to go deeper into their feelingsE
9lient= >/eah, really got to do something about it.? Dthey are beginning to see
how having these fears have far reaching effectsE
nergy Shi"ting
$he energy will now want to shift to what they do want* you can actually feel when it is
shifting. $hey want to create something new! 9onsider the <uestions that will fit your
style, product, or service best and remember that the <uestions you as) will be activating
all )inds of new possibilities for your potential ideal clients.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Stage 4I: The 4i)rational 7ap D (5o, your product/service "ills their gap)
$he vibrational gap is the difference between what their current reality is and what they
want to create. $his is the place where you help the person see and feel the gap. In order
to leap over the gap, or build a bridge over the gap, they will need to do something
different from what they have been doing. $hey will need to create some goals and ma)e
changes in thoughts, feelings, and actions. $hey will need to manage their energy in a
more focused way. $his is where they Gsee and feelG that they want to create the new
reality and feel inspired by ac)nowledging the gap.
,e+state the current realities they have shared with you. s) them what they see from
where they are in relation to the gap. Where is the gap? -ave them tell it to you to
bring it to the surface= (ere is my current reality. (ere is what - want.
Share examples of how you have wor)ed with others that have had similar desires, or
how you have moved through similar issues. $his is where your passion and intention to
serve are truly felt! ,eally hear them, feel their desires.
.ow, +pause) Im going to as" !o$ a 8E3, important #$estion and I
want !o$ to tell me the first thing that pops into !o$r mind93ead!?
Whats holding !o$ 5ac" from having this right now?
Thats it? Serio$sl!, thats all there is? D#e genuine here so that they can
feel the energy that what they want -. obtainable!E
9onnect what.s holding them bac) with your story or what you do or what you have
experienced, or what others have experienced. 5et them )now that it.s very common and
that they are not the only ones to experience that. $ie bac) what they say to your
program + what you will do with them that will assist them to get what they want
/ou )now the gap of your client. It is from the previously identified gap that you
determine the products:services you will offer.

1ut yourself in the place of this client @ which you can do because you )now their pain,
because you are them and they are you.
-ow can you shift your beliefs so that you )now what to say to them0 $al) to your inner
coach and ideal client. s) for them to spea) through you to this client&
/ou are selling a product that is a weight loss program where the clients have to go to
the weight loss center. /ou begin to activate the gap with your client, helping them to
surface up all their feelings, vision, etc.
/ou then move into=
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
9oach= >5et me as) you a really important <uestion and what comes first into your
mind. What is holding you bac) from being a reality right now.
9lient= >$he money. >
9oach= >$hat.s it0?
9lient= >$his is an expensive program.?
9oach= >I am so glad you are saying that. When I came here to lose AHHI, that is exactly
what I said. I said, >"hmygosh, that is a lot of money, a lot of money.? 2ut you
)now, I lost AHH pounds. I would have paid AHJ the amount for the energy I got.
I can now pic) up my )ids. I am not even close to diabetic and I was on the
verge. nd I came here and I thought, >"hmygosh,? and my friends said how
did you do this0 I have this referral program and I paid for this program with
my referrals. In one year I lost AHHI and paid for the program with my
referrals. I came here to wor) because I believe in this. 9an I share with you
how this is so different0 -ow this is different is that we have a phone tree. /ou
get a person when >the "reos are calling to me? and we will coach you through
it. We will come to you, throw the "reos in the garbage. $he person will say, >I
need that.? /eah, that is what I thought. nd you )now one woman lost ABHI
and she said >"hmygosh, the money the money the money.? It saved her
Stage 4II: Co-creating ,ith the Client
$his is where you 'oin in energy with the person to create the course of action that will
fit them best. /ou do this by as)ing your highest guidance to lead your words. What
are the next steps? What wants to happen here?
,eiterate the vibrational gap. /our service is to help your clients understand and see
how you can help them leap through the gap. $his is where you GpresentG what you will
do, your style, and your belief for them in getting through the gap to the new reality they
-ave them tell you what they are seeing and feeling. ,emember, you are both on the
same team.
What wo$ld serve them 5est? Wh!? (ave them tell you. 'eep listening
with an open heart and no attachment.
(ow can we ma"e that happen?
(ow do !o$ see me serving !o$ 5est at this point, in the 5igger
pict$re and right now? -nvite them to ask their inner guidance.
/heck in with your own inner guidance. 0o you love the idea of working with
this person1 2here is your energy1 0o they want testimonials1 3isten to what
fears or lower energies may be surfacing for you or the client.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
(ow can we wor" this o$t? 4ently guide them to $uestions that will help
them be in a higher energy of possibilities in how they will feel if your
product,service is a match.
-f they have blocks, ask them5 If we waved a magic wand and dispelled
this pro5lem, is there an!thing else that wo$ld 5loc" $s from
creating this together? 3isten and keep asking your own inner guidance to
5o, does ,hat I have shared resonate ,ith you. )ngage them in talking
and selling themselves.
(ow can coaching with me help to serve !o$ now? Wh! wo$ld this 5e
helpf$l to !o$ now. "ou are helping by coaching the client to choice. -f that
wasn6t true for her she would not have responded7 you simply lay out the
possibilities for her. 8se your own example, another client6s example and really
allow yourself to get into it, into your passion. /oncur with them 9- felt the same
There are a few wa!s we can wor" together depending on the level of
s$pport !o$ want9 /onnect with them heart-to-heart and share why you6d
like to work with them and how. ;ind genuine complements as to why they6d be
a good candidate or client for coaching.
2ith the client, come to some next action that wants to be born. .tate that here.
Note= What information, <uestions, insights are most helpful from this process for you
to integrate into your Lni<ue Serving 1rocess0 5ist them.
9oach= If this client is ready to roll you can as), >So what do you thin)0?
9lient= >What do I thin), are you )idding me @ I am doing this.? 6and then she
vacillates7 >")ay, well I don.t )now. I have to as) my husband because we promised we
would never spend money without tal)ing to each other.?
Now you )now she is not AHHM ready @ and you need to go to the next step for people
li)e this who need to process more.
/ou want them to come from a place of their own inner guidance.
It is totally o)ay for them to go away, feel their way through it and come bac) later.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Stage 4III: Connecting ,ith Inner 7uidance
If the client isn.t ready to move forward, you will need to use your inner guidance. /ou
can as) something li)e, >What do you thin), do you want to move forward on this0?
Sometimes they will say something li)e, >/es, this is great.? "ther times, they will need
more support.
s) them to use a process to connect with their inner guidance for the next action. /ou
can suggest the client write a letter to their inner:gut+level guidance stating all the
reasons why they want to wor) with you and what they feel will be the results.
Encourage them to pour out their heart and soul to their Spirit in this letter. $hen also
pour out their fears and doubts and surrender them to their inner guidance.
Next, they should as) for a sign of the best next step for them to ta)e in wor)ing with
you. $rust that their inner guidance will give them a sign, a dream, a feeling, a )nowing.
s) them to loo) for the sign and they will )now. 6/ou can send them testimonials with
the options, >2y the way, here is what one of my clients said who wor)ed with
me:bought our products.?7 8et in touch with their lower level fears, etc.
What has resonated with !o$ most a5o$t what I shared with !o$ so
far? (ow do !o$ see this wor"ing for !o$? Remember, first you activate
what resonated most, then you feel for where they are. Then they tell you, 9<kay,
this makes sense 7 let6s do this or not.: "ou get a sense of how to help put
something together that will help them or what information you will need to put
together to help them.
-dentify what is in alignment for them at this point. So what I heard toda!
!o$ want to do this, this and this% )nd this will 5e how it will change
!o$r life% Reiterate the vibrational gap.
Weve got a co$ple options for !o$ of how we can pla! together and
Id li"e t: send it to !o$% .ow this ma! so$nd strange, 5$t this is
something I feel is important% )t some level we all "now what is 5est
for o$rselves% I want !o$ to feel strong and confident in ma"ing this
decision a5o$t p$rchasing m! services;prod$ct% I want !o$ to feel
cared a5o$t, and I want !o$ to feel excited and inspired to do this%
(eres what I s$ggest we do 5eca$se I dont want !o$ to ma"e a
decision right now% I am going to email !o$ m! program g$ide after
this call% Id li"e for !o$ to print it o$t9 sit in !o$r favorite space
with !o$r favorite drin" and a pen;highlighter, reall! get
comforta5le and relaxed9 and as !o$ read it, circle, highlight, and
ma"e notes a5o$t an!thing that resonates with !o$, an!thing that
gets !o$ excited, or ma"es !o$r heart fl$tter%
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
Then Id li"e !o$ to write a letter as"ing for g$idance a5o$t which
prod$ct;service, if an! will 5est serve !o$%
9ontinue to coach the client through her issues.
9oach= >")ay, what could you say to your husband about why you want to do this0?
6/ou are helping her to pre+pave7. >If he were going to positive what would he say
bac)0? (aybe, O-oney I support you and I )now it is a lot of money. If you can ma)e
that bac) in referrals than I thin) that is a good idea.. 8reat, do you )now any
people right now that if you showed up PHI lighter would say, O8osh, you loo) great
@ what are you doing0. $hat is how you would get referrals and be able to pay for
your program.? D-elp her to get into possibilities.E
9lient= She may turn around and say, > I am not even going to as) him. -e went on that
fishing trip and didn.t as) meK?
9oach= >What are some possible ways you could get money0 -ome e<uity lines of credit
you can get at a drop of a hat, people who could sponsor you. I had one woman who told
her friend she would pay her bac) AHM, got referrals and was able to pay her bac)K?
6/ou are helping to activate the possibilities.7
9lient= >I did get a notice for a credit card with HM interest for one year. -mmm?
!y activating possi)ilities in her+ pre-paving and putting her in the "uture
energies o" ,hat she truly ,ants D you don<t have to convince her99
I$ IS 2"L$ -"W "<8 9"9- $-E( $" 9-"I9E.
Some people will be ready to go, some need more information, some need to go away
and come bac) and it is totally o)ay for this to occur. $hin) about how you would li)e to
be treated. ;or example, if I need to go and be with it and I want someone to respect
that, then we do the same for others.
Set another time:appointment immediately. #on.t leave it up to them to touch base.
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
This process is de(onstrated around coaching& 5o,ever+ you can use this
,ith any product or any service& -e ,ill help you create this "or yoursel"&
Your *o) is to (anage your energies and allo, Spirit to guide you&
Coaching Consultation Process Template
Here i a temp!ate " a form#!a " for g#i$ing yo# thro#gh thi proce%
Get Centered. &Take some deep breaths; relax and let go of all stresses - all distractions -
with each out-breath.'
Share your intentions with client:
Feel a sense of connection and joy in the process;
Desire to serve you in highest possile way without attachment;
!elp us oth gain clarity aout the ne"t step for you; and
!ave fun#

$hat are your intentions% $hat would you li&e to feel or e"perience% $hat is your
desired outcome for our time together%
$hat is going on in your life right now that you are considering wor&ing with a coach%
$ould you mind sharing this with me% &Take good notesthinking about what part of
your program will address these issues!'
$hat is not wor&ing in your life right now% $hat don't you want%
(f you could change the way things are right now) what would you change% [Activate the
gap! otice when the shift occurs to move onto what they do want. !eep digging here as
*et's pretend that ( have a magic wand and when ( wave this magic wand) you could
have anything you wanted+ ,ow what would your life e li&e% $hat's your vision%
["old the energy for them and let them share their vision. #mphasi$e the essences% the
feelings allow this to become real to themthis is why they will hire you really &#
there with them in this energy.'
-&ay) you want more ............. 'insert a feeling here(; what would it loo& li&e if
you had more .............. 'insert same feeling here(% $hat would e happening in
your life if you had more ................ 'same feeling here(% &)epeat for each
feeling*essence. Amp up this feel good energy!'
,ow) 'pause( ('m going to as& you a /012 important 3uestion and ( want you to tell me
the first thing that pops into your mind41eady% $hat's holding you ac& from
having this%
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
5That's it%6 Seriously) that's all there is% &&e genuine here so that they can feel the energy
that what they want +, obtainable!' Connect (hat) ho!$ing them *ac+ (ith yo#r tory or
(hat yo# $o or (hat yo# ha,e e-perience$, or (hat other ha,e e-perience$. Let them +no(
that it) ,ery common an$ that they are not the on!y one to e-perience that.
.ie *ac+ (hat they ay to yo#r program. /hat (i!! yo# $o (ith them that (i!! ait them to
get (hat they (ant0 &1o#r program'
2or e-amp!e%
6eprogram ne#ra! path(ay to $e,e!op ne( ha*it
7cti,ate their o(n coaching +i!!
8e,e!op foc#
9anage their energy4emotion
Does that ma&e sense%
!ow does what ( have shared resonate with you% &#ngage them in talking and selling
!ow can coaching with me help to serve you now% $hy would this e helpful to you
Connect (ith them heart:to:heart an$ hare (hy yo#)$ !i+e to (or+ (ith them an$ ho(.
&.ind genuine complements as to why they/d be a good candidate or client for coaching.'
5There are a few ways we can wor& together depending on the level of support you

!ere's what ( suggest we do &take the lead' ecause ( don't want you to ma&e a decision
right now+ ( am going to email you my program guide after this call+ ('d li&e for you to
print it out4 sit in your favorite space with your favorite drin& and a pen7highlighter)
really get comfortale and rela"ed4 and as you read it) circle) highlight) and ma&e
notes aout anything that resonates with you) anything that gets you e"cited) or ma&es
your heart flutter+
Then ( recommend that you write a letter to the 8niverse9your inner guidance::as&ing
for guidance on which program would est serve you+ (n this letter) tell the 8niverse
why you're considering coaching; what aout my coaching program feels good to you)
surrender any douts or concerns and then as& the 8niverse to give you signs+ ;s& the
8niverse to give you clear signs on which program) if any) is est for you+
Samp!e ign% 2ou may hear something on the radio that catches your attention+ 2ou may
see a license plate that has my name in it+ Someone might say something that ma&es you
thin& aout me or the program+ So pay attention to the signs+
;nd then) we'll tal& again in two days+ *et's set up a time that's convenient for oth of
us+ &8ate%;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' 2ou can tell me what signs you received+ -&ay%
-n a scale of < to <=) with < eing the lowest and <= eing the highest) where are you
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC
right now regarding the coaching process) even efore writing the letter% ('m as&ing
this to ma&e sure ( have covered whatever you might need in order to e fully complete+
$hat was most valuale today for you% $hat are you ta&ing away% Did ( meet your
desired intention%
Part > : Coaching Consultation Process Template: The Follow:up Call

Get Centered.
State (ntentions.
Did you have the opportunity to write the letter to the 8niverse%
(f yes) what signs did you notice%
$hat did you decide to do%
.o !earn ho( to get o,er <10,000 in $irect coaching #pport from Sharon /i!on to create a i-
or e,en fig#re *#ine #ing pirit#a! princip!e an$ o#t of the *o- mar+eting that rea!!y (or+
7=8 fee! f#n> go to (((.coachingfrompirit.com4my#ccep!an
Copyright 2007 Coaching from Spirit, LLC

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