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Happy Body Do-In

by Lilian Kluivers
Do-In, a form of Dao Yin that is further developed in Japan, is a system of
exercises that promotes our energy flow. Do-In combines meridian stretching
with meditative techniques, chi strengthening exercises and acupressure. This
article describes a short sequence that paves the path to happiness.

Remember that evening when you were sitting outside, a cup of tea warming your
hand, watching the sky, feeling the soft wind gently stroking your skin.The moment
when you took a deep breath and had the feeling that everything is just perfect right
Happiness is not something we can achieve by following a certain to do-list. Actually,
happiness is more the feeling that we experience at moments we are not trying to
achieve anything. It is something that happens to us when we are completely here and
now, accepting and enjoying this moment.
So, to experience happiness (even) more often, exercises to arrive here and now are
vital. Examples of such exercises are meditation and ones that balance our chi.
Looking at ourselves in terms of chi makes us understand that when we are distracted,
this can often be seen as a blockage. Especially when we live, so to say, in the past or
future. It takes chi, blood, and might even take jing, if someone is not able to let go and
get in touch with this moment.
Even when this particular moment isnt so great at all, getting in touch with it by
resolving blockages that kept us trapped in time is an important first step. So how to
get there?
Below you can find a series of Do-In exercises. They are easy, effective and can be used
by anyone, whether you are a professional working with chi or not. In fact they are so
easy that as a therapist you can teach them to your clients so they can work on their
energy balance themselves in between the treatments. Always remember to be gentle
to your body. Exercises should never hurt, so take responsibility for your body by
listening to the signs it gives you.
1. Aligning the dantians (energy centers).
Take a sitting posture. Any posture with a straight back is fine. Place your hands on
your knees, or if you like, make a mudra with you fingers. Place for example your
thumb on the side of your index finger on the acupressure point Large Intestine 1 to
promote letting go of that which no longer serves you.

Bring your attention to your head. What do you notice? A lot of thoughts? Maybe even a
vibration when it is very busy in your head? And whatever it is you notice, try to get in
touch with the stillness, the peaceful quietness that is always present behind your
thoughts. Stay there for a minute.
Now bring your attention to your heart. How does your heart feel? And try to get in
touch with the warm and happy sensation that is always there, somewhere in your
heart. Let it shine and grow. Maybe even smile to your heart.

Now bring your attention to your lower belly, right below your navel center. Feel the
energy in this lower dantian (tan den in Japanese) or energy center. The energy wells
out from this center and spreads through your body much like a fountain does. Feel
yourself becoming heavy and grounded. And feel the breath flowing all the way towards
your lower belly. Continue breathing deeply and slowly just like this through the next
2. Opening the governing vessel, Du Mai
Start this exercise by sitting on the floor. Hold your lower legs right below your knees.
(If you are familiar with acupressure points: hold Stomach 36). Make a round spine and
gently roll back to your shoulderblades, and forth sitting straight up. Repeat this twenty
to fifty times.
When this exercise feels awkward just lie on your back and massage the meridians by
swinging from left to right.

3. Opening the joints
Remember the lower dantian we just activated in the first exercise? Try to feel this area
again. Let the movement for this next exercise start in this dantian.
Get down on your hands and knees. Curl your toes to the floor. Start to playfully circle
around your hands and knees. Feel that in this movement you massage almost all the
joints: hands, shoulders, spine, neck, knees, hips, and toes. After about a minute
change direction.

4. Regulating Heart protector and Yang Linking Vessel
This next exercise is an acupressure technique. Lean on your lower arms. Turn one
palm facing up, intuitively decide which one. With the pinky side of the other arm, start
leaning into this first arm, starting from the elbow. With every inhalation lift your arm
and place it a bit closer to your wrist. With every exhalation lean.
Stay a bit longer leaning at the spot two cun (thumb widths) from the increase in your
wrist. This is an acupressure point, Heart Protector 6, regulating one of the curious
vessels called Yin Linking Vessel. This vessel is often blocked when experiences from the
past tend to take too much of your energy.
With your elbow, lean into the center of your hand palm, also a strong acupressure
point working on the emotional energy.
Treat your other lower arm in the same way.

5. Regulating Triple Heater and Yang Linking Vessel
This exercise is quite similar to the previous one. The difference is that you should turn
the hand of the arm youd like to treat with the palm facing down.
Again use the other arm to give shiatsu, now to the outside of your arm.
Also this time pay special attention to the acupressure point two cun from the increase
in your wrist. This is an acupressure point, Triple Heater 5, regulating the curious vessel
called Yang Linking Vessel. This vessel is often blocked when plans for the future tend to
take too much of your energy.
You dont have to lean on the back of your hands, stroke from the wrist towards your
6. Stretching the Heart Meridian
Now take a cross legged position, or if possible take an even exaggerated cross legged
position as I like to call it. Bring the left foot to your right hip, cross the right leg over
this left leg and bring the foot towards your left hip. Your knees should be right above
each other.
Straighten your right arm up, bend the elbow so that the hand is in between your
shoulder blades. Be careful with your neck, keep it straight up.
With your left hand, help the right elbow towards the middle and back so that you feel a
nice stretch from the right armpit towards the right elbow, the Heart Meridian.

If possible, bend your left arm down and backwards and interlace fingers at your back.
Breath slow and deep, change sides after five breaths.
It is possible that the stretch feels totally different on the other side, and this is a sign
that the energy is not evenly divided.

7. Smile meditation
End this sequence by taking a nice sitting posture. Any posture is fine, as long as you
are able to keep your spine straight. Make space between the vertebrae.
Close your eyes, soften your face and place the tip of your tongue behind your front
teeth on the pallet. Focus your attention to your breathing, take deep inhalations; the
lower belly should raise. Exhalations are long and slow.

Now start smiling to yourself.
Smile towards your lower dantian and the area around it, bladder, kidneys, intestines
Smile towards the middle dantian and the area around it, heart, longs
Smile towards your upper dantian, brains
Feel your whole body and spread positive energy through it with every exhalation.

Finish the exercises by bending forward, a sign of gratitude.

Lilian Kluivers is a shiatsu therapist and Do-In teacher and teacher
trainer. She runs Do-In Academy, an international education that aims to help people
use the wisdom of eastern medicine in everyday life. Lilian is an author of two books
about Do-In published in The Netherlands and Belgium.

Do-In is als known as meridian stretching or Acu-yoga.
Do-In is an ancient art of movement that came into existence around 500 BC in China. There the name Dao-
Yin was still used. The literally means the way inside. Do-In is a collection of exercises that can improve
your health through stretching meridians (energy channels that course through the body and are connected to
the major organs). These stretches are combined with deliberate breath work, which is calmly and intently
integrated into all the exercises.
Do-In is accessible for young and old, slim or chubby and also for people that have physical limitations. The
exercises are easily adapted to any physical challenge which we all may have to endure at some point in life,
some through illness or injury. The playful and interactive character of Do-In, where some exercises can only
be performed by two people, is inviting very and stimulating without being too challenging.
Like so many things (nowadays computers and cars), this form of exercise was adopted from the Chinese and
developed further in Japan. Do-In and Shiatsu find their origins in the traditional Eastern healing methods (the
five element theory) which is mainly geared towards preventing illness by detoxifying the body and
harmonizing between the five elements through regular treatment. The five element cycle (or cycle of five
transformations) is always on the move under the influence of internal and external stimuli, so it always
remains to be a work in progress. The power of Do-In manifests itself best through regular and independent
practice (not only in class). Ten to thirty minutes a day is enough to make a real difference in your body and in
your life.
You can also recognize Do-In as a practice in all dojos (exercise halls) for Martial Arts. In this case the
meridians, acupuncture points and Ki (chi, prana, life force energy) are used to neutralize the enemy. Up until a
short while ago this knowledge was kept secret and sharing of this knowledge outside of the dojo was strictly
forbidden. On top of all that according to the ancient traditions Do-In also has an extra secret: it rejuvenates
your body and prolongs your life.
Do-In as training form is inextricably connected to Shiatsu. In the traditional Shiatsu schools Do-In is also
taught without exception. Mostly preceding the Shiatsu lessons the students enjoy an hour of Do-In together, to
warm up, to sharpen the mind and to elevate the general level of energy. It primarily teaches you to feel your
own Ki and to keep it balanced. It also sensitizes you to the energy flows of other people.
By executing the different postures the meridians (energy channels) are stretched and the breath and mind are
brought together as one flowing entity. This enables the body to dissolve blockages in the energy flow, to store
energy and fluids, Ki and essential nutrients to every remote corner of the body and to nourish it. As well as
assisting your body to rapidly release any toxins where needed. During Shiatsu treatments Do-In exercises are
often offered to clients to support their process by executing them at home after and between treatments.
Do-In has already proved to have a positive effective on the respiratory, digestive, muscle, endocrine and
immune system, for many people. A pleasant side effect (but not unimportant) is that long muscles look slim!
Apart from promoting more harmony in the body, Do-In also promotes enhanced mental stability which in turn
guarantees that the internal organs are not weighed down by the detrimental physical effects of stress.
Do-In shows many similarities to yoga, but it is not the same. The goal we are aspiring to nonetheless is: to
further your development in a harmonious and healthy way and to strive for a higher quality of life within your
own boundaries.
The Bodyworks Studio is currently offering Do-In lessons in The Hague,
at Yoga- and Wellness Centre Corazn, Goudenregenstraat 89,
on Sunday morning from 10:30 to 12:00 am.
There are several ways to join class: monthly rate, ten class card, individual classes, but of course always first a
sample class!

More Do-In
Summer Do-In
In July and August (or if the weather is good enough even in June!) the classes are accessible without a
monthly or 10-session subscription. We will be on the beach as much as possible to have the do-in experience
and everyone is welcome to join in. If the weather is bad we will still convene at the Corazon Studio. When the
weather is nice (contact me ahead of time by phone) we move to the beach at Kijkduin. We meet at Gotcha
Beach at 10:15 and find a nice place on the beach to get to work with our group. Each class is 8 euro's, on the
beach that includes a cup of tea or coffee after class.
Come over and give it a try!
The month of September traditionally brings free trial classes for Do-In, so that's a great chance to give it a try,
energize you batteries and find delicous relaxation all in one.
Do-In pics
Giving each other a nice shoulder rub on the beach of Karpathos as part of our warmup.

Staying at The Three Dolphins in Lefkosmade this holiday extra special.
I can't wait till next year to be there again. Please check them out, really worthwhile!

Do in exercises for pregnancy
By suzanneyates / April 23, 2013 / News, Tips and Techniques / 4 comments
Lilian Kluivers is a Shiatsu practitioner based near Amsterdam who has published a general book on
Do in and is now working on one specifically for pregnancy. She is kindly sharing some of her
exercises for my Blog.
Balanced through your pregnancy by Lilian Kluivers
Pregnancy can be a very beautiful and almost magical period in which your body changes daily to
create a warm temple for your developing baby. This takes an enormous amount of energy. Besides
eating healthily and taking enough rest, certain exercises can help to strengthen your and therefore
your babys energy. This article will provide a short series of exercises especially selected for
pregnant women. You can practice them on a daily basis (this will take about 15 minutes) or at least
once a week.
These exercises originate from Do-In, an art of movement which is part of the Chinese medicine.
They promote circulation, relaxation and breathing space. Especially the breathing exercises can be of
great help in the last trimester and during labor. Not only because deep and calm breathing eases the
mind; it can also prevent or diminish backaches.
After practicing this short series youll feel a lively feeling of circulation in the tips of your fingers
and toes, and a greater body awareness. Enjoy!
Full Breathing

Take a sitting posture, for example on a chair or a meditation cushion. Place both hands below your
navel center. Bring all your attention to the breathing; breathe five times very calm and through your
nose. First focus on the movement in your lower belly, diaphragm and chest. The next five breaths
focus on the lower back, then the upper back subsequently the waist and finally the torso as a whole.
Effect: This exercise helps to use the whole capacity of the lungs. This eases the mind and provides
you and your baby with an optimal amount of oxygen.
Relax your neck

Bring your chin to your chest and turn your head slowly to the side, until your right ear is above your
right shoulder. Turn back with your chin to you chest and on to the left side. Repeat five times.
Effect: This exercise helps to relax the muscles in you neck and shoulders. This has a great effect on
the muscles of the perineum.
Flexible shoulders

Lift both shoulders up towards your ears, circle them forward and down.
Circle your shoulders in this way five times forward and five times backwards.
Effect: This exercise releases tension from the shoulders, which are often very tight. Also during the
delivery they can be very tense. Learning beforehand to relax this area can be of great help later on.
Giving room to the wrists

Interlace your fingers . Circle your wrists, both to the front and to the back. Then shake your hands as
if you shake water drops of them.
Effect: By improving circulation the chance of water retention diminishes.
Loosen the ankles

Take a standing posture: feet hip distance apart, toes pointing forward. Make a long spine and relax
your shoulders. Massage the edges of your feet to the floor in a circling motion.
Effect: By improving circulation in your feet and ankles you prevent water retention. This exercise
will help to calm down in the evening and feel awake in the morning.
Hoop those hips

Place your hands on your hips and start circling them. After a few times also circle the other way
Effect: This motion stimulates circulation from the legs through the hips. During the contractions this
exercise like all other pelvic movements helps the baby on its journey downwards.
Swing your back

Start swinging from the center of your body (the lower belly) to the left and right. Feet and knees stay
still. Arms are completely relaxed; in this way the hand softly taps on the back (kidney area) at the
end of each swing. Move ten times left and right. Then close your eyes and feel the effect of this first
few exercises.
Effect: The swinging relaxes the muscles in the spine. The tapping on the kidneys gives extra energy
to you and your baby.

With loose fists and wrists tap all over your body. Start with your head and neck.
Then tap your arms: the most effective is tapping on the inside (the soft part) of the arm from the
armpit towards the fingers. And on the outside of your arm from the fingers back up to the shoulders.
First one arm, then the other.
Then start tapping on the lower back.
On the legs we tap just like the arms in the direction of the energy flow. Start on the thigh. Tap
downwards in a line outside the knee towards the foot. Then move up again on the inside of the shin
an knee. Next move down again on the outside of your leg: if youre wearing a pants this energy path
is about where the stitches at the side of your pants are. Then back up on the inside of your leg
again alongside the stitches.
Finally tap down the back of your leg and back up on the inside of your leg, this time just behind the
stitches of your pants.
The last few weeks of your pregnancy it will probably be a bit difficult to tap on your lower legs. In
that case just tap on the upper legs.
Gently rubbing the belly

Take a sitting posture. Warm your hands together and then place your palms on your belly. Start
stroking circles clockwise on your belly. Repeat at least three minutes.
Effect: This rubbing helps to get in touch with your baby. The baby is very sensitive and will feel the
warmth of your hands. Some midwives even feel this exercise helps to balance the amount of
amniotic fluid.
Lilian Kluivers is a Do-In teacher and teacher trainer in the Netherlands. Her first book (unfortunately
not yet available in English) is about Do-In in general. She now works on a book about Do-In during
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