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Model Calibration

San Francisco
Prepared for
Cingular Wireless
Nikhil Vanmali
March 2005
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Table of Contents
Table of Figures .................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4
Sure! Measurement Methodolog! ................................................................................. "
Site Selection ................................................................................................................... 6
Route Selection ............................................................................................................... 6
Transmitter and Receiver Configuration ......................................................................... 7
Survey Data Filtering ...................................................................................................... 9
Processing Log files (.log ............................................................................................... 9
!ie"ing Survey Statistics ............................................................................................... #$
To !ie" % Survey &istogram ........................................................................................ #$
To !ie" Clutter Distri'ution &istogram ....................................................................... #(
To !ie" % Survey Regression %nalysis ......................................................................... #6
Clutter #eclassification ................................................................................................... $%
&lanet 'eneral Model ...................................................................................................... $(
Tuning a Planet )eneral *odel .................................................................................... #9
Develo+ing an o+timi,ed +lanet general model ............................................................ -#
Model calibration #e)orts .............................................................................................. *4
#. Dense .r'an .............................................................................................................. -/
-.# .r'an Flat ............................................................................................................... -(
-.- .r'an Flat ............................................................................................................... -6
$.# .r'an &illy .............................................................................................................. -7
$.- .r'an &illy .............................................................................................................. -0
/. Su'ur'an Flat ............................................................................................................ -9
(.# Su'ur'an &illy ......................................................................................................... $1
(.- Su'ur'an &illy ......................................................................................................... $#
6. 2ater Facing Flat ..................................................................................................... $-
7. 2ater Facing &illy .................................................................................................... $$
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
0. 3ridges ....................................................................................................................... $/
9. %griculture 4+en Flat ............................................................................................... $(
#1. %griculture 4+en &illy ............................................................................................ $6
##. &ig5"ay Flat ........................................................................................................... $7
#-. &ig5"ay &illy .......................................................................................................... $0
#$. Forest Flat ............................................................................................................... /#
#/. Forest &illy .............................................................................................................. /-
#(. *ountain .................................................................................................................. /$
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 44
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Table of Figures
Figure *.$+Table of ,rie Test Sites................................................................................. "
Figure *.$+ -ntenna &attern for -S&&*.3"' ................................................................ %
Figure *.*+ - T!)ical /og File.......................................................................................... (
Figure *.3+ &rocessed ,rie ,ata..................................................................................... .
Figure *.4+ 0eader File....................................................................................................$1
Figure *.2+ Filter Windo3............................................................................................... $$
Figure *."+ -eraging Windo3.......................................................................................$$
Figure *.%+ 0istogram Windo3...................................................................................... $4
Figure *.(+ Clutter ,istribution......................................................................................$2
Figure *..+ #egression -nal!sis......................................................................................$"
Figure 3.$+ 45am)le of Clutter #eclassification .......................................................... $%
Figure 4.$+ &lanet 'eneral Model &arameters Tem)late............................................ $.
Figure 4.*+ 6$76* 8)tions.............................................................................................. *1
Figure 4.3+ Sure! Selection............................................................................................*$
Figure 4.4+ Model Tuning Windo3................................................................................ **
Figure 4.2+ -utomatic Model Tuner Settings................................................................*3
Figure 2.$+ 0igh3a! 0ill! #egression -nal!sis............................................................ 3.
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
This report details the procedures carried out by Marconi Wireless to produce calibrated
models for use in &lanet 4V.
Marconi Wireless has been commissioned to deelop calibrated propa!ation models to be
used in fifteen different morpholo!ies in San Francisco. These models are for use in radio
net"or# plannin! and optimi$ation of the e%istin! &SM '(00M)$ net"or#s in San
Francisco* thus enablin! +in!ular ,F en!ineers to fully e%ploit the benefits of the Planet
-. propa!ation soft"are* i.e. adanced interference and fre/uency plannin! actiities
3er the years Marconi Wireless has ac/uired e%tensie e%perience in the propa!ation
measurements and modelin! for +4M1* T1+S* &SM(00* 4+S'500* P+S'(00 and
i4-6 net"or#s in -urope* 6orth and South 1merica* 1sia* 1ustralia and 6e" 7ealand.
The #no"led!e !ained has been applied in the successful desi!n of cellular systems
"hilst also satisfyin! all pre8planned coera!e re/uirements at systems launch. Preious
plannin! "or# has demonstrated the adanta!e of usin! propa!ation models that are
based on actual measurements carried out in the area of interest* in place of standard
models such as the 3#umura8)ata model 0deeloped in 9apan2 or the Walfisch8:#e!ami
model 0deeloped in -urope2. The use of the calibrated model !ies a realistic indication
of cell site count* capital outlay and time scales re/uired to proide the desired coera!e
and rollout. Furthermore* the use of calibrated models proides assurance in the choice
of transmittin! sites and e%pected si!nal coera!e and calculation of interference.
:n the fulfillment of the main ob;ecties set out by +in!ular* Marconi has underta#en the
follo"in! tas#s<
+ollection of 4rie data from sites selected by +in!ular
4rie data conersion into Planet -. format
Model calibration
Prediction analysis usin! the ne" models
Production of a report to describe the propa!ation model and processes
The measurements and data collection has been performed by Marconi Wireless on sites
that are meant to be representatie of intended coera!e re!ions and in a ariety of areas
dependin! on the terrain and the clutter distribution. The sites hain! been selected by
+in!ular -n!ineers hae been used to deelop !eneric models* "hich utili$e detailed
topo!raphical terrain hei!ht and clutter database. Sufficient measurement data should be
obtained to characteri$e the area and to model =3S conditions and to some e%tend 6=3S
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Marconi?s radio net"or# plannin! tool* Planet -.* includes adanced surey analysis @
processin! capabilities* "hich hae been utili$ed in the deelopment of a !eneric model
from the surey data. The models hi!hli!ht the dependency of the receied si!nal leel
on the base station hei!hts* the distance from the base stations* fre/uency* terrain and the
effect of local clutter. Topo!raphical terrain and clutter databases of 30m meters
resolution* supplied by +in!ular* hae been employed in this process. The clutter
database comprises of '2 clutter cate!ories. The data processin! and model tunin! "as
carried out in Marconi?s office in 4allas.
This report describes the procedures adopted and results obtained from the measurement
and modelin! "or#.
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Sure! Measurement Methodolog!
Site Selection
The sites for the model calibration process "ere selected "ith the help of local +in!ular
-n!ineers due to their e%tensie #no"led!e of the local terrain and morpholo!y. The sites
chosen in each morpholo!y "ere meant to be representatie of the antenna hei!hts so as
to enable !ood modelin! of antenna hei!ht !ain.
The number of sites selected for each class "ould ensure that sufficient data points "ould
be collected to calibrate the models. The sites that "ere chosen are as sho"n in Fi!ure 2.'
Model Name Site $ Site * Site 3 Site 4 Site 2
4ense Arban P=00> SF00B SF2C0 SF253 SF25'
Arban Flat P=00' SF5B> SF50B S1005 S100(
Arban )illy P=3C' SF530 SF'53 S13'0 S1305
Suburban Flat P=(03 SF5>( SF2>B SF('> S15B5
Suburban )illy P=2BC P=00C SFB2C SF'55 S60B0
Water Facin! Flat B1C0B P=035 SF'C' SF55B S1553
Water Facin! )illy P=055 P=0C5 SF0BC SF''5 S1>BB
Brid!es P=020 P=03B P=3'( SF0CC SF0''
1!riculture 3pen Flat SF3(3 SF53B +.5'> +.53> S1'CB
1!riculture 3pen )illy SF>0> SF>05 SF>0B SFC3> SFC32
)i!h"ay Flat P='02 SF553 F,0>2 F,025 S1B5'
)i!h"ay )illy P=''0 SFB25 F,005 F,0'5 P=550
Forest Flat P=325 P=0B> B13B21 SF'B5 SF2'B
Forest )illy SFC23 SF5'' F,0'0 F,02( S15'2
Mountain P=0(0 SFC'( SF5(C P=C>C P=C02
Figure *.$+Table of ,rie Test Sites
Route Selection
1fter all the sites "ere selected* surey routes for each site "ere identified. The
measurement routes "ere selected to proide a mi%ture of main roads and side roads
tan!ential and arbitrary orientation "ith respect to the selected base stations and the
particular antenna confi!uration of each sector. The routes "ere selected to coer a radius
of appro%imately 5 miles from the Base Station To"er "ith a irtual inner circumference
of > miles of radius in "here the density of data collected "as increased for the suburban
and rural sites. For the urban sites the radii "ere reduced to 2 and > miles.
1lthou!h all the 4rie Test routes "ere pre8defined for a ma%imum radius of about 5
miles* the 4rie Test teams "ere instructed to continue driin! further a"ay from the site
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
if the ,SS: had not fallen belo" leels of D''0 dBm. This is to ensure that the
propa!ation models can accurately predict far8field Path =oss.
Transmitter and Receiver Configuration
6ormally* for model tunin!* a lo" !ain omni directional antenna "ith a "ide ertical
beam "idth is used. :n our scenario "e used 1SPP2(3B antenna that has an antenna !ain
of B dBd and operates in '5508'((0 M)$ fre/uency ran!e.
Figure *.$+ -ntenna &attern for -S&&*.3"'
For most cases transmittin! po"er "as set to (.5 Watts in &MT20 Transmitter that can
!enerate both +W and di!itally modulated test si!nals.
The e/uipment used to collect the ne" surey data consisted of a S)ectrum Tracker*
"hich is a &rayson Wireless narro" band receier operatin! at '(00 M)$. The receier
produces a lo! file in 1S+:: format for eery recordin! session that has a specified lo!
file name. 1 typical lo! file is sho"n in the Fi!ure 2.2 sho"n belo".
The receier "as set to /inear -eraging mode for ,SS: and &PS stampin! in "hich
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
the ,SS: si!nal is sampled at >00 samples per second* and is conerted into milli"atts
and aera!ed oer a specified time frame #no"n as the #SSI 9)date Interal. The
aera!e is conerted bac# to dBm. This ,SS: samplin! is more mathematically correct
and "ill proide better results in fast8fadin! enironments.
Figure *.*+ - T!)ical /og File
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Survey Data Filtering
:n order to ta#e the adanta!e of Planet?s linear re!ression and model optimi$ation
capabilities* the data needs to be filtered and formatted appropriately. :f the data
!atherin! system is one of the ones supported by Planet* then the data "ill be
automatically imported and conerted by the Surey =oader tool* under the File menu.
)o"eer* if the data is !athered by a system that is not supported by Planet* the data must
be conerted and placed "ithin the proper directories. The e%pected data formats are
described in +hapter B of the Planet Technical ,eference &uide. Asually* the user can
either create their o"n pro!ram to conert the data or use Marconi?s serices to do it. :n
this case* Marconi "as in char!e of preparin! the data to be ready for Planet -..
Processing Log files (.log)
3ne can add a surey directly to the pro;ect if it is in Map:nfo table format 0.tab2 and is
mappable 0i.e. the ability to ie" surey points in a map "indo"2. :n our case "e used
the Marconi proprietary ,TI to S&T tool to process the lo! files and conert them to
1S+:: format "ith fle%ible delimiters and contained minimum three columns "ith
latitude7 longitude and signal strength coordinates specified.
Figure *.3+ &rocessed ,rie ,ata
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
3nce "e add or import the drie data to the pro;ect* it !ets added to the surey mana!er
node under pro;ect e%plorer in the cate!ory Sure!s #SSI :Inalid 0eader;* "hich
contains sureys that hae inalid parameters or no antenna information in the pro;ect.
The alid antenna information is entered and once these alues are populated the surey
moes from Sure!s #SSI :Inalid 0eader; to Sure!s #SSI.
Figure *.4+ 0eader File
The filterin! sta!e inoles settin! the alues of the 1nalysis filters in the Planet Sureys
"indo". The alues chosen "ere bet"een <21d=m and >$$1d=m. 4ata samples in
clutter classified as "ater or as sea "ater "ere also deleted* as the samples only e%ist here
due to clutter misclassification or &PS error* and do not sere to add alue to surey data
for tunin! the model. This is illustrated in Fi!ure 2.5.
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Figure *.2+ Filter Windo3
Surey aera!in! is done at a distance of 41? 0EB.3 m for '(00M)$2 to account for
#aleigh Fading. 1lso the scanner collects successie measurements* it is almost certain
that there "ill be numerous readin!s at the same location or at locations that aren?t
further a"ay this is measured by specifyin! the aera!in! distance in the aera!in!
distance field.
Figure *."+ -eraging Windo3
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
This filtered and aera!ed results file is the data that "ill be used to produce the Planet
&eneral Model.
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Viewing Survey Statistics
The statistics about the collected sample points in one or multiple Sureys can be ie"ed
Statistics are !enerated usin! the follo"in! types of !raphs<
Survey &istogram< 4isplays the points of the si!nal stren!th surey data in a
histo!ram and a cumulatie histo!ram. Fou can also ie" the mean* standard
deiation* and the root mean s/uare of the points 0,MS2.
Survey Clutter Distri'ution< 4isplays the number of points of the surey data by
clutter class in a stac#ed format.
Survey Regression %nalysis< 4isplays the points of si!nal stren!th mapped s. the
distance to the antenna "ith either a user8defined or =ee model re!ression line. Fou
can also edit some of the re!ression parameters and ie" a Free Space cure.
These !raphs enable you to ie" statistics of multiple sureys simultaneously. This is
useful "hen you "ant to compare statistics on surey data.
To View Survey !istogram
'. :n the &ro@ect 45)lorer* in the 8)erational ,ata cate!ory* choose the surey that
you "ant to ie" in a histo!ram.
2. ,i!ht8clic# one of the sureys and choose -nal!Ae 8 0istogram.
The Surey )isto!ram dialo! bo% opens* displayin! a histo!ram for the chosen surey as
sho"n in fi!ure 2.C
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Figure *.%+ 0istogram Windo3
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
To View Clutter Distri"ution !istogram
'. :n the &ro@ect 45)lorer* in the 8)erational ,ata cate!ory* choose the surey that
you "ant to ie" in a clutter distribution histo!ram.
2. ,i!ht8clic# one of the sureys and choose -nal!Ae D Clutter ,istribution.
The Surey +lutter 4istribution dialo! bo% opens* displayin! a clutter distribution
histo!ram for the sureys as in fi!ure 2.5
Figure *.(+ Clutter ,istribution
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
To View Survey Regression nalysis
Fou can ie" a re!ression cure of sureys that hae alid antenna files.
'. :n the &ro@ect 45)lorer* in the 8)erational ,ata cate!ory* choose the sureys that
you "ant to ie" in a re!ression histo!ram.
2. ,i!ht8clic# one of the sureys and choose -nal!Ae 8 #egression.
The Surey ,e!ression 1nalysis dialo! bo% opens* displayin! a re!ression cure for the
chosen surey.
Figure *..+ #egression -nal!sis
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Clutter #eclassification
:n order to create a model for the morpholo!y Brid!es* that contained surey points that
are eleated "ell aboe the natural terrain "e created a ne" clutter class called Brid!es.
This enabled us to distin!uish the points that are classed as transportation on brid!es to
hae an independent classification of their o"n and separate them from the points that are
classed as transportation on the land. The fi!ure belo" illustrates such case.
Figure 3.$+ 45am)le of Clutter #eclassification
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
&lanet 'eneral Model
Planet -. proides a platform* "hich enables us to reali$e !eneral models similar to
3#umura8)ata by utili$in! the topo!raphical terrain and clutter databases. The basis of
the Planet &eneral* "hich is a slope based model* is the follo"in! e/uation for receied
I J' I J2 lo! 0d2 I J3 log 0)eff2 I J>Diffraction I J5 log 0)eff2 log 0d2
I JB 0)meff2 I J
< ,eceied po"er in dBm
< Transmit po"er in dBm
J'< +onstant offset in dB* determines the startin! point for the solution e/uation alon!
J2< Multiplyin! factor for lo! 0d2* a !rid cell independent alue that defines the
empirically based slope of the e/uation
J3< Multiplyin! factor for lo! 0)eff2* "hich accounts for the !ain due to antenna
J>< Multiplyin! factor for diffraction calculation. 1 alue of $ero means that
diffraction in the enironment is not ta#en in to account. 1 alue is usually tuned
to empirical results bet"een 0.2 and 0.5.
J5< Multiplyin! factor for lo! 0)eff2 lo! 0d2* "hich ad;usts both the solution e/uation
alon! F8a%is and the slope of the e/uation.
JB< :t is a correction factor applied to compensate for the !ain due to mobiles
effectie antenna hei!ht.
The !ain in dB due to clutter type.
)meff< Mobile effectie antenna hei!ht.
)eff< -ffectie base station antenna hei!ht.
d< 4istance in meters* of the receier from the transmitter.
The effectie antenna hei!ht 0)eff2 in meters described in the preious e/uation may be
calculated usin! the follo"in! al!orithms.
-bsolute S)ot 0eight
The al!orithm uses the e/uation< )eff H )
I K )
D )
The absolute alue of K )
D )
K is used. Thus the effectie antenna hei!ht is not limited
to )
as the mobile hei!ht 0)
2 !oes aboe the base hei!ht 0)
4ffectie -ntenna 0eight at the mobile
The standard propa!ation model uses the mobile effectie antenna hei!ht to!ether "ith a
linear correction factor 0JB2.
)meff H 0hom I hm2 8 hob
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Tuning a Planet #eneral $odel
The components of the Planet &eneral Model can be optimi$ed usin! the 1utomatic
Model Tuner 01MT2 tool. The 1MT optimi$es the clutter absorption loss and J' to J5
To determine the J factors that can be automatically tuned* 1MT performs correlation
and cross<correlation tests bet"een the predicted path loss and lo! 0d2* d
and lo!
2. The correlation factor calculations determine the model components that are
similar to the actual path loss. 1 hi!h correlation ale bet"een model components and
path loss implies hi!h similarity* indicatin! that the components can model the path loss
Follo"in! are the recommended model parameters of defaultB&lanet'eneralModel to
be used "hile tunin! a model usin! 1MT
Figure 4.$+ &lanet 'eneral Model &arameters Tem)late
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
'eneral Tab
Model 8 Follo"in! scenario illustrates the options aailable* "here the user is re/uired to
specify "hether the intended output is a one8slope based model or a t"o8slope based
model. 4ependin! on this selection one needs to specify the distance from the site after
"hich the model uses the second set of parameters.
Figure 4.*+ 6$76* 8)tions
6nife 4dge
Mer!in! 4istance D :t is the distance in meters that #nife8ed!es closer than are treated as
a sin!le #nife8ed!e and is set to '00 meters in this case.
#eceier height D +hoose global to set the receier hei!ht !lobally. The per clutter
option is meant to be used "hen it is re/uired to set the receier hei!ht for each clutter
class in the file.
&ath Clutter Tab
-nable path clutter 4isabled
Tro)oscatter 4ffect Tab
-nable Troposcatter -ffect 4isabled
8kumura Tab
+orrection Factors 4isabled
4ffectie -ntenna 0eight Tab
1l!orithm Type< 1bsolute Spot )ei!ht
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Develo%ing an o%timi&ed %lanet general model
This section describes the recommended method for deelopin! an optimi$ed Planet
&eneral Model
#ecommended Method
:n the pro;ect e%plorer* in the operational data cate!ory* ri!ht clic# sureys that are
included in the model and choose Model Tuning
Figure 4.3+ Sure! Selection
From model to tune list choose defaultB&lanet'eneralModel or a template file that is
created based on it.
From the Model Tuner list* choose &lanet -MT Version $.1
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Figure 4.4+ Model Tuning Windo3
From the Model Tunin! dialo!ue bo% clic# -dit Tuner
Planet 1utomatic Model Tuner dialo! bo% opens
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Figure 4.2+ -utomatic Model Tuner Settings
4o all of the follo"in!
'. From 63 and 62 list* choose 0ata* and set +lutter 3ffsets to 0
2. From the 6$* 6** and 64 lists* choose 8)timiAe
3. +lic# 3J to close the dialo! bo% and clic# 3J to proceed "ith the model tunin!
>. To further optimi$e the model
From the J'* J2 and J> list* type alues obtained in the preious step
From the Clutter 8ffsets list* choose 8)timiAe
+lic# 3J to close the dialo! bo% and clic# 3J to proceed "ith the model tunin! process.
-%amine the mean error for each site. Clutter offsets "ith alues less than .1<.2C are
considered to be unreliable estimates. Anless you thin# that these alues are reasonable*
unreliable clutter alues should not be used and their alues should be set to 0 or a alue
based on the alues of the other clutter offsets.
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
Model calibration #e)orts
'. Dense (r"an
Propa!ation Model< 4enseMArbanM3.'.'
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< SF2538F1-3
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< C3'5
6umber of Surey Points Ased< C3'B
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 88888888
J' 82(.020
J2 8>B.000
J3 85.530
J> 0.200
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
)i!h 4ensity Arban 80.B' 0.B' ((.(C CCC
+ommercial :ndustrial 8'.'2 '.'2 '00.00 2'5'
,esidential "ith Trees '.00 '.00 ((.>3 >B3
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees '.30 '.30 '00.00 3'35
3pen 82.00 2.00 ((.C' 53(
Transportation 82.5B 2.5B (>.3C 22'
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation C.C(
,oot Mean S/uare C.C(
Ma%imum .alue 23.53
Minimum .alue 82>.(>
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
).' (r"an Flat
Propa!ation Model< urbanMflat2sureyscl
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< SF50BO''08B0M1
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '2'20
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '2''C
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2 Aser Settin!
J' 8'5.C00 0Aser supplied alue2
J2 8>>.000 0Aser supplied alue2
J3 85.530 0Aser supplied alue2
J> 0.550 0Aser supplied alue2
J5 B.550 0Aser supplied alue2
+lutter See +oefficients 03ptimi$e2
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Pts
+ommercial :ndustrial 82.B5 2.B5 '00.00 20C(
,esidential "ith Trees 2.05 2.05 '00.00 20('
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees '.30 '.30 '00.00 >533
&rass 1!riculture 8'.C( '.C( 5B.55 3'
3pen 83.55 3.55 '00.00 33CC
Forested 4ense .e!etation 0.5B 0.5B 2C.0C B
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation C.05
,oot Mean S/uare C.05
Ma%imum .alue BB.22
Minimum .alue 830.0'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
).) (r"an Flat
Propa!ation Model< urbanMflat3sureyscl
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< P=00'O''08B0M1
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 22C2'
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 22C05
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2 Aser Settin!
J' 83>.'00 0Aser supplied alue2
J2 8>0.>00 0Aser supplied alue2
J3 85.530 0Aser supplied alue2
J> 0.200 0Aser supplied alue2
J5 B.550 0Aser supplied alue2
+lutter See +oefficients 03ptimi$e2
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Pts
+ommercial :ndustrial 0.55 0.55 '00.00 B35B
,esidential"ithTrees 3.5( 3.5( '00.00 2(''
,esidential"ithFe"Trees '.'5 '.'5 '00.00 5235
&rass1!riculture 80.3' 0.3' ((.2( 3>5
3pen 8'.5( '.5( '00.00 5(>5
Sea"ater 85.53 5.53 ''.>C '
Transportation 8>.'( >.'( '00.00 '23(
Forested4ense.e!etation 0.5B 0.5B ((.(2 535
Water 85.>0 5.>0 (0.25 '32
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation B.(3
,oot Mean S/uare B.(3
Ma%imum .alue 20.30
Minimum .alue 82(.25
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
*.' (r"an !illy
Propa!ation Model< urbanhilly2sureyscl
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< S1305O''08501
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 25>5B
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 25>5'
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2 Aser Settin!
J' 8'2.(00 0Aser supplied alue2
J2 8>2.'00 0Aser supplied alue2
J3 85.530 0Aser supplied alue2
J> 0.3C0 0Aser supplied alue2
J5 B.550 0Aser supplied alue2
+lutter See +oefficients 03ptimi$e2
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Pts
+ommercial:ndustrial 2.>> 2.>> '00.00 B5''
,esidential"ithFe"Trees 0.2( 0.2( '00.00 3353
&rass1!riculture 85.25 5.25 5(.2C '5C
3pen 8'.3( '.3( '00.00 '05'(
Transportation 82.>3 2.>3 ((.50 >CC
1irport 8B.50 B.50 '0.23 '
Forested4ense.e!etation 2.CC 2.CC 52.55 3'
Water 80.(5 0.(5 B5.55 B2
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation C.C5
,oot Mean S/uare C.C5
Ma%imum .alue 22.00
Minimum .alue 83'.2'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
*.) (r"an !illy
Model< urbanhilly3sureyscl
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< P=3C'O''08501
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '52(5
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '52('
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2 Aser Settin!
J' 83>.500 0Aser supplied alue2
J2 83(.500 0Aser supplied alue2
J3 85.530 0Aser supplied alue2
J> 0.3C0 0Aser supplied alue2
J5 B.550 0Aser supplied alue2
+lutter See +oefficients 03ptimi$e2
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Pts
)i!h4ensityArban B.5' B.5' (5.(( 35C
+ommercial:ndustrial 8'.B( '.B( '00.00 32C(
,esidential"ithTrees 0.55 0.55 '00.00 >C5'
,esidential"ithFe"Trees 0.BC 0.BC '00.00 B53>
&rass1!riculture 8B.>2 B.>2 ('.CC 'B3
3pen 82.30 2.30 '00.00 '555
Sea"ater 3.3C 3.3C B5.25 5>
Transportation 8'.50 '.50 ((.03 3B'
Forested4ense.e!etation 0.(> 0.(> ((.(2 B0C
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation C.35
,oot Mean S/uare C.35
Ma%imum .alue 2C.30
Minimum .alue 83(.B5
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
+. Su"ur"an Flat
Model 6ame< suburban>flatcl
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< P=(03O''08501
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 235C(
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 235B5
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue
J' 832.50
J2 835.>0
J3 85.53
J> 0.50
J5 B.55
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients<
+lutter +lass 6umber of Pts .alue0dB2 4elta0dB2+onfidence
+ommercial:ndustrial 2C>> 3.2 3.2 '00.0
,esidential"ithTrees B'55 2.3 2.3 '00.0
,esidential"ithFe"Trees 505C 0.' 0.' '00.0
&rass1!riculture 2>B 85.3 5.3 (>.(
3pen 50(3 85.2 5.2 '00.0
Sea"ater ''5 0.0 0.0 52.3
Transportation C0( 8B.0 B.0 ((.(
Forested4ense.e!etation C'B >.> >.> ((.(
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.0
Standard 4eiation 5.0
,oot Mean S/uare 5.0
Ma%imum .alue 2B.2
Minimum .alue 83>.'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
,.' Su"ur"an !illy
Model 6ame< subhilly'
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< P=2BCO''085018F
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 23C>(
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 23C>(
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue
J' 8>2.B0
J2 833.00
J3 85.53
J> 0.C0
J5 B.55
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients<
+lutter +lass 6umber of Pts +lutter loss 4elta +onfidence
+ommercial:ndustrial C(3 2.0 2.0 '00.0
,esidential"ithTrees 250B 2.> 2.> '00.0
,esidential"ithFe"Trees B35( 3.B 3.B '00.0
&rass1!riculture '50' 82.5 2.5 '00.0
3pen ''C3' 82.C 2.C '00.0
Transportation (2 0.0 0.0 CC.>
Forested4ense.e!etation >3C 80.5 0.5 ((.2
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.0
Standard 4eiation C.(
,oot Mean S/uare C.(
Ma%imum .alue 3'.2
Minimum .alue 82(.5
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
,.) Su"ur"an !illy
Model 6ame< hillysub2
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< SF'55O''08501
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '2C0B
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '2C02
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue
J' 82(.00
J2 8>'.>0
J3 85.53
J> 0.>0
J5 B.55
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients<
+lutter +lass 6umber of Pts +lutter loss 4elta +onfidence
Transportation (50 8C.> C.> '00.0
+ommercial:ndustrial >'2 82.' 2.' (5.3
,esidential"ithTrees 35B' '.B '.B '00.0
,esidential"ithFe"Trees B>2( 0.5 0.5 '00.0
&rass1!riculture '2B 8>.' 0.0 5'.3
3pen BC5 80.5 0.5 ((.5
Forested4ense.e!etation >B> 0.B 0.B (5.(
3erall Model Performance

-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.0
Standard 4eiation 5.5
,oot Mean S/uare 5.5
Ma%imum .alue 2>.5
Minimum .alue 835.'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
-. .ater Facing Flat
Propa!ation Model< WaterFlat'.3.'
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< B1C0B8F1-
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 20BC0
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 20BC0
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 8'(.C50
J2 83(.000
J3 85.530
J> 0.3C0
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 80.0B 0.0B '00.00 >(5>
,esidential "ith Trees '.3B '.3B '00.00 22C(
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees '.'3 '.'3 '00.00 >CB3
&rass 1!riculture 82.C( 2.C( (C.(2 25C
3pen 80.(2 0.(2 '00.00 B50C
Sea "ater '.5> '.5> CB.2' BC
Transportation 80.5( 0.5( '00.00 '505
Forested 4ense .e!etation 82.CC L 2.CC B0.B3 35
3erall Model Performance

-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation B.(>
,oot Mean S/uare B.(>
Ma%imum .alue 2C.>B
Minimum .alue 8>>.>'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
/. .ater Facing !illy
Propa!ation Model< WaterM)illyM'.B.>
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< P=0C58F1-
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< (5C(
6umber of Surey Points Ased< (5C(
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 825.2(0
J2 8>2.000
J3 85.530
J> 0.250
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 8'.B0 '.B0 '00.00 (0'
,esidential "ith Trees 80.B> 0.B> '00.00 22(5
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees 80.(C 0.(C '00.00 23(0
&rass 1!riculture 82.2B 2.2B (5.25 '55
3pen 80.2' 0.2' '00.00 2205
Transportation 82.CC 2.CC 5(.>3 '05
Forested 4ense .e!etation 3.50 3.50 '00.00 '525
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation B.33
,oot Mean S/uare B.33
Ma%imum .alue 3>.55
Minimum .alue 82(.>C
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
0. 1ridges
Propa!ation Model< Brid!esM5.'.'
6umber of Sureys< 5
6ame of Surey0s2< P=0208F1-3
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '''52
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '''>C
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 85'.2C0
J2 830.500
J3 85.530
J> 0.300
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
Brid!es 8'B.'( 'B.'( '00.00 '550
)i!h 4ensity Arban ''.5B ''.5B ((.(B B0>
+ommercial :ndustrial 2.'3 2.'3 '00.00 20'5
,esidential "ith Trees 3.0' 3.0' '00.00 '205
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees 3.(> 3.(> '00.00 20C3
&rass 1!riculture 80.'3 0.'3 5'.3> 53
3pen 0.0( 0.0( '00.00 2>B3
Transportation '.C> '.C> '00.00 '0B>
Forested 4ense .e!etation B.BB B.BB C'.32 5>
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation B.(0
,oot Mean S/uare B.(0
Ma%imum .alue 30.3C
Minimum .alue 82B.50
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
2. griculture 3%en Flat
Propa!ation Model< 1!rMFlatM'.C.'
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< +.5'>8F1-
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 5'00'
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 50(5B
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 833.330
J2 835.'00
J3 85.530
J> 0.C30
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial >.C( >.C( '00.00 2>(5
,esidential "ith Trees B.C3 B.C3 '00.00 '3B0
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees B.35 B.35 '00.00 5'2(
&rass 1!riculture 8'.'2 '.'2 '00.00 BB20
3pen 8'.3C '.3C '00.00 33055
Transportation 80.55 0.55 '00.00 '(0B
Forested 4ense .e!etation 0.(( 0.(( ((.>0 355
3erall Model Performance

-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation C.'>
,oot Mean S/uare C.'>
Ma%imum .alue 2>.05
Minimum .alue 835.BB
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
'4. griculture 3%en !illy
Propa!ation Model< 1!rM)illyM'.5.'
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< SF>0>8F1-2
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 3(55B
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 3(5C3
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 83>.030
J2 835.550
J3 85.530
J> 0.500
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 2.'( 2.'( '00.00 3'3B
,esidential "ith Trees >.3' >.3' '00.00 3''(
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees 3.(3 3.(3 '00.00 CCB(
&rass 1!riculture 83.>B 3.>B '00.00 >B55
3pen 8'.(C '.(C '00.00 '5>>5
Transportation 8>.'B >.'B (5.52 3C5
1irport 8'0.3B '0.3B >(.2C 25
Forested 4ense .e!etation 2.23 2.23 '00.00 200C
Marsh Wetland 0.C2 0.C2 'C.'5 3
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 80.00
Standard 4eiation C.(5
,oot Mean S/uare C.(5
Ma%imum .alue 2C.(5
Minimum .alue 8>'.55
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
''. !ig5way Flat
Propa!ation Model< )i!h"ayMFlatM2.2.'
6umber of Sureys< 5
6ame of Surey0s2< F,0258F1-2
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 3B(>C
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 3B(3(
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 8>>.>00
J2 830.(B0
J3 85.530
J> 0.(00
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 5.5( 5.5( '00.00 '0(C
,esidential "ith Trees (.55 (.55 '00.00 '>0(
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees ''.>' ''.>' '00.00 2(5>
&rass 1!riculture 82.(C 2.(C '00.00 >02B
3pen 8'.B> '.B> '00.00 25'23
Transportation 80.5' 0.5' '00.00 20(3
1irport 8(.55 L (.55 3(.2' 'B
Forested 4ense .e!etation 80.0C 0.0C (2.3C '('
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation C.50
,oot Mean S/uare C.50
Ma%imum .alue 2C.(C
Minimum .alue 835.53
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
'). !ig5way !illy
Propa!ation Model< )i!h"ayM)illyM2.5.'
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< F,0058F1-2
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '3>50
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '3>>C
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 8>(.'20
J2 832.520
J3 85.530
J> 0.BB0
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 5.50 5.50 ((.35 B'B
,esidential "ith Trees '>.'5 '>.'5 ((.5' C((
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees '0.(5 '0.(5 ((.(5 ''55
&rass 1!riculture 8'.55 '.55 '00.00 '53B
3pen 83.52 3.52 '00.00 C5((
Transportation 2.(5 2.(5 ((.(( '252
Forested 4ense .e!etation 83.05 3.05 5B.5' '5(
Water 85.C0 L 5.C0 5.C3 '
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation (.'2
,oot Mean S/uare (.'2
Ma%imum .alue 2B.>B
Minimum .alue 82C.00
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
0igh3a! 0ill! < - T3o<Model -))roach
The 1T@T sites later selected as a replacement for +in!ular sites in the )i!h"ay )illy
morpholo!y did not !o to!ether in terms of its propa!ation characteristics "ith the
ori!inal site selection* !iin! us a hi!h standard deiation. We felt it is best to hae a
t"o8model approach to this class !iin! us a )i!h"ayM)illyMM'M'.5.' model deried
from sites F,005 and F,0'5 and the )i!h"ayM)illyMM2M>.3.' model deried from sites
SFB25 and P=''0.
Figure 2.$+ 0igh3a! 0ill! #egression -nal!sis
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
$*.$ 0igh3a! 0ill! M$
Propa!ation Model< )i!h"ayM)illyMM'M'.5.'
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< F,0058F1-'
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '3205
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '3'((
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 2.C20
J2 8>2.'B0
J3 85.530
J> 0.500
J5 B.550
$*.* 0igh3a! 0ill! M*
Propa!ation Model< )i!h"ayM)illyMM2M>.3.'
6umber of Sureys< 2
6ame of Surey0s2< SFB258F1-MM2
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< 5>53
6umber of Surey Points Ased< 5>52
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 8>C.((0
J2 83B.B00
J3 85.530
J> 0.250
J5 B.550
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
'*. Forest Flat
Propa!ation Model< ForestMFlatM5.5.'
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< B13B28F1-'
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< (B02
6umber of Surey Points Ased< (5(5
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 835.5B0
J2 8>2.000
J3 85.530
J> 0.>00
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 8>.B> >.B> ((.(C BB>
,esidential "ith Trees 0.50 0.50 '00.00 5BC>
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees 0.>C 0.>C '00.00 '3'C
&rass 1!riculture 83.B' 3.B' 5B.C0 ''C
3pen 8'.22 '.22 '00.00 '2>5
Transportation 3.CB 3.CB ''.05 '
Forested 4ense .e!etation 0.22 0.22 ((.(' 5C>
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation C.20
,oot Mean S/uare C.20
Ma%imum .alue 2'.(5
Minimum .alue 83>.5'
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
'+. Forest !illy
Propa!ation Model< ForestM)illyM3.>.'
6umber of Sureys< 3
6ame of Surey0s2< F,0'08F1-3
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< '5'5'
6umber of Surey Points Ased< '5'C5
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 852.(B0
J2 835.5(0
J3 85.530
J> 0.2C0
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial 3.2' 3.2' (5.'5 25(
,esidential "ith Trees >.C> >.C> ((.(> C53
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees >.0> >.0> ((.(( ((5
&rass 1!riculture 83.B5 3.B5 (5.>3 2B5
3pen 8'.52 '.52 '00.00 '0(2
Transportation 80.5> 0.5> (5.'3 3BC
Forested 4ense .e!etation 80.>0 0.>0 '00.00 ''>'>
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation 5.'5
,oot Mean S/uare 5.'5
Ma%imum .alue 22.(B
Minimum .alue 82B.>5
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
',. $ountain
Propa!ation Model< MountainM2.5.'
6umber of Sureys< >
6ame of Surey0s2< P=C028F1-5
6umber of Surey Points ,ead< B23>(
6umber of Surey Points Ased< >550'
Model +oefficients
+oefficients .alue 0dB2
J' 825.''0
J2 83(.B(0
J3 85.530
J> 0.550
J5 B.550
+lutter See +oefficients
+lutter +oefficients
+lutter +lass .alue 0dB2 4elta 0dB2 +onfidence 0N2 6um. Points
+ommercial :ndustrial '.C0 '.C0 '00.00 >55'
,esidential "ith Trees 2.C> 2.C> '00.00 5552
,esidential "ith Fe" Trees 2.>5 2.>5 '00.00 '03(5
&rass 1!riculture 83.32 3.32 '00.00 35C0
3pen 8'.55 '.55 '00.00 '>(B5
Transportation 80.2B 0.2B '00.00 3(5'
1irport 3.'5 L 3.'5 ''.5B '
Forested 4ense .e!etation 82.2( 2.2( '00.00 5'5B
3erall Model Performance
-rror Parameter .alue 0dB2
Mean 0.00
Standard 4eiation B.C0
,oot Mean S/uare B.C0
Ma%imum .alue 2B.'5
Minimum .alue 8>C.(2
Cingular Wireless San Francisco Model Calibration
This report has outlined details of the data collection and propa!ation modelin! "or#
carried out by Marconi for the +in!ular net"or# in San Francisco.
The follo"in! delierables hae been achieed<
The measurement campai!n by Marconi has been completed proidin! a lar!e
/uantity of data to calibrate Planet propa!ation models
Fifteen calibrated models hae been produced for +in!ular
To achiee these delierables Marconi has receied assistance from +in!ular Wireless in
the follo"in! areas<
Model assi!nments and site selection
Support to set up +W Transmitter at desired location
The use of calibrated models "ill allo" the coera!e area of each cell to be predicted
accurately. :t "ill also allo" Planet -. to be used for Fre/uency Plannin! and
interference predictions.

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