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Seminar Topics:
1} PLC (Programmable logic controllers)
2} Thermoforming Process
3} Google Driverless Car
Name : Garav !amesh "a#ar
!oll No$ 402280 Class : %& '&C( ))
&*'ail )+ : garav,1,-./gmail$com
'obile No$ : 0112,--132
4ign$ :
1} PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller)
5 Programmable Logic Controller6 PLC or
Programmable Controller is a +igital com7te rse+
for atomation of t87icall8 in+strial
electromechanical 7rocesses6 sch as control of machiner8
on factor8 assembl8 lines6 amsement ri+es6 or light
fi9tres$ PLCs are se+ in man8 in+stries an+ machines$
PLCs are +esigne+ for mlti7le analoge an+ +igital in7ts
an+ ot7t arrangements6 e9ten+e+ tem7eratre ranges6
immnit8 to electrical noise6 an+ resistance to vibration an+
im7act$ Programs to control machine o7eration are
t87icall8 store+ in batter8*bac:e+*7 ornon*volatile
memor8$ 5 PLC is an e9am7le of a hard real*time s8stem
since ot7t reslts mst be 7ro+ce+ in res7onse to in7t
con+itions #ithin a limite+ time6 other#ise ninten+e+
o7eration #ill reslt$
2} Thermoforming Process
Thermoforming is a manfactring 7rocess #here a
7lastic sheet is heate+ to a 7liable forming tem7eratre6
forme+ to a s7ecific sha7e in a mol+6 an+ trimme+ to create
a sable 7ro+ct$ The sheet6 or ;film; #hen referring to
thinner gages an+ certain material t87es6 is heate+ in an
oven to a high*enogh tem7eratre that it can be stretche+
into or onto a mol+ an+ coole+ to a finishe+ sha7e$
)n the most common metho+ of high*volme6 continos
thermoforming of thin*gage 7ro+cts6 7lastic sheet is fe+
from a roll or from an e9tr+er into a set of in+e9ing chains
that incor7orate 7ins6 or s7i:es6 that 7ierce the sheet an+
trans7ort it throgh an oven for heating to forming
tem7eratre$ The heate+ sheet then in+e9es into a form
station #here a mating mol+ an+ 7ressre*bo9 close on the
sheet6 #ith vacm then a77lie+ to remove tra77e+ air an+
to 7ll the material into or onto the mol+ along #ith
7ressri.e+ air to form the 7lastic to the +etaile+ sha7e of
the mol+$ (Plg*assists are t87icall8 se+ in a++ition to
vacm in the case of taller6 +ee7er*+ra# forme+ 7arts in
or+er to 7rovi+e the nee+e+ material +istribtion an+
thic:nesses in the finishe+ 7arts$) 5fter a short form c8cle6
a brst of reverse air 7ressre is actate+ from the vacm
si+e of the mol+ as the form tooling o7ens6 commonl8
referre+ to as air*e<ect6 to brea: the vacm an+ assist the
forme+ 7arts off of6 or ot of6 the mol+$ 5 stri77er 7late
ma8 also be tili.e+ on the mol+ as it o7ens for e<ection of
more +etaile+ 7arts or those #ith negative*+raft6 n+erct
areas$ The sheet containing the forme+ 7arts then in+e9es
into a trim station on the same machine6 #here a +ie cts
the 7arts from the remaining sheet #eb6 or in+e9es into a
se7arate trim 7ress #here the forme+ 7arts are trimme+$
The sheet #eb remaining after the forme+ 7arts are
trimme+ is t87icall8 #on+ onto a ta:e*7 reel or fe+ into
an inline granlator for rec8cling$
3} Google Driverless Car
The Google Self-Driving Car is a 7ro<ect b8 Google
that involves +evelo7ing technolog8 for atonomos cars$
The soft#are 7o#ering Google=s cars is calle+ Google
Chaffer$ Lettering on the si+e of each car i+entifies it as a
;self*+riving car;$ The 7ro<ect is crrentl8 being le+ b8
Google engineer 4ebastian Thrn6 former +irector of
the 4tanfor+ 5rtificial )ntelligence Laborator8 an+ co*
inventor of Google 4treet >ie#$ Thrn=s team at 4tanfor+
create+ the robotic vehicle 4tanle8 #hich #on the 211?
D5!P5 Gran+ Challenge an+ its @4A2 million 7ri.e from
the @nite+ 4tates De7artment of Defense$ The team
+evelo7ing the s8stem consiste+ of 1? engineers #or:ing
for Google6 incl+ing Chris @rmson6 'i:e 'ontemerlo6
an+ 5nthon8 Levan+o#s:i #ho ha+ #or:e+ on the D5!P5
Gran+ an+ @rban Challenges$

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