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American Asiatic
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,.fhe American Magazine on the Orient

. .
January-December, 1921
Asia Publishing Company
627 Lexington Avenue
New York
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Yolume January-December,
Subject Index
Wedding in Afghanistan, A, Ikbal Ali Shah, ill.; Jan. '21, pp.
Amber from Egypt, poem, Agnes Kendrick Gray; Dec. ' 21, p.
992 .
Berber Songs, C. E. Andrews, decoration by Ben Kutcher;
June '21, pp. 524-526
Nomad, poem, Henry Martyn Hoyt; June '21, p. 623
Through the Oleander, Robert Hamilton Rucker, ill.; Feb. '21,
pp. 109-114
Asia General
Chinese Custodians of the Open Door, William Hard, ill.; Dec.
'21, p. 1036 ff.
Give and Take at the Washington Conference; William Hard,
ill.; Nov. 21, pp. 950-966 .
God and Chess at the Washington Conference, William Hard,
ill.; Oct. 21, p. 827 ff.
Shoes of Asia, Roland Gorbold, ill. ; June '21, p. 626 ff.
Agricultural Explorer in China, An, David Fairchild, ill.; Jan.
'21, pp. 7-13
American in Asia, An, Louis Graves, ill. from the Sketch-Books
of Willard Straight. V: Willard Straight as Consul-General
at Mukden, Jan. '21, p. 14 ff.; VI : Willard Straight in Far
Eastern Finance, Feb. '21, pp. 160-166; VII: Willard Straight
and the Chinese Currency Loan; Mar. '21, p. 256 ff.; VIII:
Willard Straight and the Revolution in Peking; Apr. '21, pp.
337-343; IX: Willard Straight Back Home from China; May
'21, pp. 432-438
Can We Keep Up With the British?, John Benjamin Powell, ill.;
Sept. ' 21, p. 788 ff.
Chinese Shallows and Deeps, John Foord; Feb. '21, pp. 122-124
Daughtrs of Cathay, Ida Kahn; Jan. ' 21, pp. 66-68
Digging for the Roots of Our Family Tree, Roy Chapman
Andrews, ill. , May '21, pp. 439-444
Emperor and the Silk Goddess, The, L. Adams Beck, ill. by
Bertram Hartman; Feb. '21, p. 141 ff.
Financial House-Cleaning for China, A, J . 0. P. Bland, ill.;
Jan. '21, pp. 65-61
14'isherman, The, poem, from the Chinese of Shi-tsen Tsu of the
Sung Dynasty, Sophia H. Chen and Francis de Lacy Hyde;
June '21, p. 498
Loveliest Lady of China, The, L. Adams Beck, ill. by Edith
Emerson; Oct. ' 21, pp. 843-848
My Chinese Marriage, M. T. F., ill. hy C. LeRoy Baldridge.
I. In America, June '21, p. 487 ff. II. In Shanghai, July
' 21, p 612 ff. III. First Daughter-in-Law, Aug. ' 21, p.
715 fJ. IV. The Eternal Hills, Sept. '21, p. 781 ff.
New Culture in China, John Dewey, ill.; July '21, p. 581 ff.
Old China and New, John Dewey, ill.; May '21 p. 446 ff.
Oldest University in the World, The, W. Reginald Wheeler;
Aug. '21, p. 721
On the Famine Front in Shantung, John J. Heeren, ill.; June '21,
pp. 540-644
Pictures of Plowing and Weaving, The, R. Meyer Riefstahl,
ill.; II. An Inspiration for Chinese Art; Jan. ' 21, pp. 47-61
Return, The, poem, Alan W. S. Lee; Feb. '21, p. 121
Rise and Fall of Yuan Shih-kai, The, PaulS. Reinsch, ill.; Dec.
' 21, p. 1000 ff.
Saving China, J. 0. P. Bland, ill.; June '21, pp. 499-503
Secret Diplomacy and the Twenty-one Demands, Paul S.
Reinsch, ill.; Nov. '21, p. 937 ff.
Singing Craftsmen of Peking, Sam Dean, ill.; Aug. '21, p. 669 tJ.
Taming the Yellow River, Charles K. Edmunds, ill.; June '21,
p. 538 ff.
Terraced Road of the Sword Mountains, The,
poem, from the Chinese of Li T' ai-Po, Florence Ayscough and
Amy Lowell; Oct '21, p. 848
Translating Chinese Poetry, Witter Bynner, ill.; Dec. '21, p.
993 ff.
Verses on a Painting of Waqg-Tsai, Tu Fu, Translated from the
French of Marquis d'Hervey-Saint Denys by Elizabeth
Titzel; July ' 21, p. 624
Wolf at China's Door, The, Nathaniel Peffer, ill.; Mar. '21,
p. 241 ff.
Far Eaatern Republic
President of the Far Eastern Republic, The, H. V. V. Fay, ill.;
Oct. '21, p. 876 ff.
H atoaiian I sl.and8
Sun-Child, Genevieve Taggard, ill. ; Oct. '21, pp. 867-869
Across Kashmir Snows, V. C. Scott O'Connor, ill.; Jan. '21, pp.
Afloat on the Sacred River, A. Coyle, ill .; July '21, pp. 696-597
Black Bull the Champion, Bernard Sexton, decorations by
Gwenyth Waugh; Aug. '21, p. 676
Deadly Karait, The, Will Levington Comfort and Zamin Ki
Dost, ill. by James Daugherty; Aug. '21, pp. 663-668
Gift of God, The, Margaret Wilson, ill. by Herman Palmer;
Dec. '21, pp. 987-992
Goat's Prophecy, The, Bernard Sexton, decorations by Gwenyth
Waugh; Feb. '21, p. 163
Great River, The, L. Adams Beck, ill.; Aug. ' 21, p. 708 ff.
Hatred of the Queen, The, A StJJr11 of Burma, L. Adams Beck,
ill. by Maxwell Armfield; May '21, p. 393 ff.
Heera Singh and His Neighbors, Narain Ashutor, ill.; Sept. '21,
pp. 761-766
Hindu Stories in American Negro Folk-Lore, W. Norman
Brown, ill. ; Aug. '21, p. 703 ff.
On the Calcutta Road, Rabindranath Tagore, ill. by Wilfred
Jones; Feb. '21, pp. 103-107
Sacred Pastoral of Brindaban, The, poems, Elizabeth Coats-
worth, Jan. '21, pp. 33-40
Speaking of Careers, Margaret Wilson, ill. by Wilfred Jones;
July '21, p. 675 ff.
Bronze Voices of Buddha, Marjorie Latta Barstow, ill.; Jan. '21,
pp. 62-65
Cherry-Blossom of Japan in America, The, ill.; May '21, pp.
Goal for Japanese Ambition, A, J. 0. P. Bland, ill,; Feb. ' 21,
p. 146 ff.
Honorable Placards Club, The, Frederick Starr, ill.; Feb. '21,
pp. 115-121
. '' r - . . . -,n

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Jade Butterflies, poems, Louis Untermeyer; Feb. ' 21, p. 108
Japan's Mandate in the Pacific, Junius B. Wood, ill.; Sept. '21,
pp. 747-753
Left-H8tlded Jingoro and the Builders of the Yomei Gate,
Florence Peltier, ill. by K. Kato; Jan. '21, pp. 41-46
Modern Japanese Fiction, Torao Taketomo; July '21, p. 632 ff.
Moon's Birthday, The, Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore, ill.; Mar. '21,
p. 251 ff.
Moral Factors in Japanese Policy, J. 0. P. Bland, ill.; Mar. '21,
pp. 211-217
Secret Diplomacy and the Twenty-one Demands, Paul S.
Reinsch, ill.; Nov. '21, p. 937 ff.
Somebody-Nothing, An Ancient Japanese Farce, translated by
Michio Itow and Louis V. Ledoux; Dec. '21, pp. 1011-1012
Summer Pilgrimage to Sacred Koya-San, A, Lucy Fletcher
Brown, ill.; July ' 21, pp. 590-595
Malay Archipelago
Camera Man in Borneo, A, Martin Johnson, ill.; Feb. '21, pp.
125-140 .
How Sir Elephant Mastered the Herd, Charles Mayer, ill. by
Will Crawford; Jan. '21, pp. 27-32
Java-And a Story, L. Adams Beck, ill.; June '21, pp. 517-523
Long Chances in the Animal Dealer's Game, Charles Mayer,
ill. by Will Crawford; Feb. '21, p. 154 ff.
Melting-Pot in Java, The, John W. Prins, ill.; Dec., '21 p. 1021 ff.
Sea-Tragedy of the Jungle-Folk, The, Charles Mayer, ill. by
Will Crawford; May '21, p. 413 ff.
Up a Tree in the Jungle, Charles Mayer, ill. by Will Crawford;
June'21, pp. 493-498
Wild Men of Borneo at Bay, Charles Mayer, ill. by Will Craw-
ford; Mar. '21, pp. 218-223
Near East
Drama in the Desert, Joseph Koven; Mar. '21, p. 224
Evening .with the Damned, An, K. K. Ardaschir, ill. ; Aug. '21,
p. 683 ff.
Lady of the Stars, The, Demetra Vaka, ill. by Dorothy P.
Lathrop; Mar. '21, pp. 199-205
My Uncle Ter-Barsegh, Armen Ohanian, translated by Rose
Wilder Lane, ill.; Dec. '21, pp. 998-999.
Off Duty in Bagdad, Roland Gorbold, ill. ; Oct. '21, p. 836 ff.
Tent Pitched Among the Kurds, A, ill.; July
'21, pp. 619-624
New Zealand
Maori Memories, Rex Hunter, ill.; July '21, pp. 587-589
Boy in Persia, A, Youel B. Mirza, ill.; Dec. '21, p. 1006 ff.
Medical Motor Trip Through Persia, A, Mary W. Griscom,
ill.; Mar. '21, pp. 233-240
My Apprentice-Days in Persia, Youel B. Mirza, ill.; Oct. '21,
p. 849 ff.
Philippine Islands
America's Pledge to the Philippines, Manuel L. Quezon, ill.;
Nov. '21, p. 912 ff.
Between, A. Dale Riley, ill. by L. May; Nov. '21, pp. 918-923
"Chino" in the Philippine Islands, The, Walter Robb, ill. ; Nov.
'21, p. 913 ff.
Friendly Estimate of the Filipinos, A, David P. Barrows, ill.;
Nov. '21, pp. 944-949
In the Wake of the Friars, Hazel C. Taylor, ill.; Dec. '21, pp.
Manila Memory, poem, Elizabeth J. Coatsworth; Nov. '21,
p. 923
Philippine Garden, A, Caroline S. Shunk, ill.; July '21 , pp. 625-
J 627
Philippines Before Magellan, The, H. Otley Beyer, ill. I: The
Hindus in Malaysia; Oct. '21, p. 861 ff. II : Early Chinese
Relations with Malay Lands; Nov. '21, p. 924 ff.
Philippines Inside Out, The, Gertrude Emerson, ill.; Nov. '21,
p. 903 ff.
Playing Fair with the Filipinos, 0. Garfield Jones, ill.; Mar. '21,
pp. 245-250
Main Street in a Caucasian Village, Elizabeth Anderson, ill.;
Aug. '21, p. 677 ff.
New Peasants of New Russia, Moissaye J. Ol(in, ill. ; Sept.
'21, p. 754 If.
Side-Lights on Soviet Moscow, Washington B. Vanderlip, ill. ;
May '21, pp. 402-409
Heavenly-Royal City of Siam, The, Florence Burgess Meehan,
ill.: Mar. '21, pp. 206-210
South Sea Islands
Cannibals at the "MovieR", The, Martin Johnson, ill.; May '21,
p. 425 If.
Charting the South Seas, ill.; Apr. '21, p. 307 ff.
Close-ups of a Cannibal Chief, Martin Johnson, ill.; Apr. '21,
p. 346 If.
Dangerous Islands, The, Frederick O' Brien, ill. by W. Wheelock;
Aug. '21, pp. 697-702
Daughters of the Morning, poems, with paintings by Paul
Gauguin; Apr. '21, pp. 321-328
Japan's Mandate in the Pacific, Junius B. Wood, ill. ; Sept. '21,
pp. 747-753
Long Shots f.rom the Malekula Bush, Martin Johnson, ill.;
June '21, p. 532 ff.
Micronesia Under the Moon, Andrew Farrell, ill.; Apr. '21, pp.
Queen of the Tiare Hotel, The, Frederick O'Brien, ill. by Wil-
fred Jones; Apr. '21, pp. 329-335
Red, W. Somerset Maugham, ill. by Elmer Hader; Apr. '21,
p. 301 If.
Rough Weather in the Paumotus, Frederick O'Brien, ill. by W.
Wheelock; Oct. '21, pp. 870-875
Shadow Folk, The, a Tahitian Legend, E. Lloyd Sechrist; Apr.
'21, p. 336
Sky-Pilots in the Paumotus, Frederick O'Brien, ill. by W.
Wheelock; Sept. '21, p. 767 ff.
South Sea Style, The, Robert Morss Lovett, ill.; Apr. '21, p.
316 ff.
White Judge in Tutuila, The, Alexander Stronach, ill.; Apr. ' 21,
pp. 357-361. .
Wild Men of the New Hebrides, Martin Johnson, ill.; July '21,
p. 598 ff. .
Pilgrim-Paths in the Lama Country, Will Thompson, ill.; June
'21, p. 504 If.
Author Index
Anderson, Elizabeth-Main Street in a Caucasian Village, ill.;.
Aug. '21, p. 677 ff.
Andrews, C. E.-Berber Songs, decoration by Ben Kutcher;
June'21, pp. 524-525
Andrews, Roy Chapman-Digging for the Roots of Our Family
Tree, ill.; May '21, pp. 439-444
Ardaschir, K. K.-An Evening with the Damned, ill.; Aug. '21,
p. 683 If.
Ashutor, Narain-Heera Singh and His Neighbors, ill. ; Sept.
'21, pp. 761-766 .
Ayscough, Florence, and Amy Lowell-The Terraced Road of
the Sword Mountains, from the Chinese of Li
T'ai-Po, poem; Oct. '21, p. 848
Barrows, David P.-A Friendly Estimate of the Filipinos, ill.;
Nov. '21, pp. 944-949
Barstow, Marjorie Latta-Bronze Voices of Buddha, ill.; Jan.
'21, pp. 62-65
Beck, L. Adams-Java-And a Story, ill.; June '21, pp. 517-523
-The Emperor and the Silk Goddess, ill. by Bertram Hartman;
Feb. '21, p. 141 If.
-The Great River, ill.; Aug. '21, p. 708 ff.
-The Hatred of the Queen, A Story of Burma, ill. by Maxwell
Armfield; May '21, p. 393 ff.
-The Loveliest Lady of China, ill. by Edith Emerson; Oct. '21,
pp. 843-848
Beyer, H. Otley-The Philippines Before Magellan, ill.; 1: The
Hindu s in Malaysia; Oct. '21, p. 861 ff. II : Early Chinese
Relations with Malay Lands; Nov. '21, p. 924 ff.
Bland, J. 0. P.-A Financial House-Cleaning for China, ill.;
Jan. '21, pp. 55-61
-A Goal for Japanese Ambition, ill.; Feb. ' 21, p. 146 ff.
-Moral Factors in Japanese Policy, ill.; Mar. '21, pp. 211-217
-Saving China, ill.; June '21, pp. 499-503
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Brown, Lucy Fletcher-A Summer Pilgrimage to Sacred Koya-
San, ill.; July '21, pp. 590-595
Brown, W. Norman-Hindu Stories in American Negro Folk-
Lore, ill. ; Aug. '21, p. 703 ff.
Bynner, Witter-Translating Chinese Poetry, ill.; Dec. ' 21,
p. 993 ff.
Chen, Sophia H., and Francis de Lacy Hyde-The Fisherman,
poem, from the Chinese of Shi-tsen Tsu of the Sung Dynasty;
June '21, p. 498
Coatsworth, Elizabeth-Daughters of the Morning, poems,
with paintings by Paul Gauguin; Apr. '21, pp. 321-328
-Manila Memory, poem; Nov. '21, p. 923
-The Sacred Pastoral of Brindaban, poems, ill.; Jan. '21, pp.
Comfort, Will Levington, and Zamin Ki Dost-The Deadly
Karait, ill. by James Daugherty; Aug. '21, pp. 663-668
Coyle, A.-Afloat on the Sacred River, ill. ; July '21, pp. 696-697
Dean, Sam-Singing Craftsmen of Peking, ill.; Aug. '21, p.
669 ff.
Dewey, John-New Culture in China, ill.; July '21, p. 581 ff.
-Old China and New, ill. ; May '21, p. 446 ff.
Edmunds, Charles K.-Taming the Yellow River, ill. ; June '21,
pp. 538 ff.
Emerson, Gertrude-The Philippines Inside Out, ill.; Nov. '21,
p. 903 ff.
Fairchild, David-An Agricultural Explorer in China, ill.; Jan.
'21, pp. 7-13
Farrell, Andrew-Micronesia Under the Moon, ill.; Apr. '21,
pp. 312-315
Fay, H. V. V.-The President of the Far Eastern Republic,
ill.; Oct. '21, p. 876 ff.
Foord, John-Chinese Shallows and Deeps; Feb. '21, pp. 122-
Gorbold, Roland-Off Duty in Bagdad, ill.; Oct. ' 21, p. 836 ff.
-Shoes of Asia, ill.; June '21, p. 526 ff.
Graves, Louis-An American in Asia, ill. from the Sketch-Books
of Willard Straight.
V: Willard Straight as Consul-General at Mukden; Jan. '21,
p. 14 ff.
VI: Willard Straight in Far Eastern Finance; Feb. '21, pp.
VII: Willard Straight and the Chinese Currency Loan; Mar.
'21, p. 266 ff.
VIII: Willard Straight and the Revolution in Peking; Apr.
'21 , pp. 337-343
IX: Willard Straight Back Home from China; May '21, pp.
Gray, Agnes Kendrick-Amber from Egypt, poem; Dec. '21, p.
Griscom, Mary W.-A Medical Motor Trip Through Persia, ill.;
Mar. '21, pp. 233-240
Hard, William-Chinese Custodians of the Open Door, ill.;
Dec. '21, p. 1036 ff.
i'ake at the Washington Conference, ill.; Nov. '21,
pp. 950-955
-God and Chess at the Washington Conference, ill.; Oct. '21,
p. 827 ff.
Heeren, John J.-On the Famine Front in Shantung, ill.; June
'21, pp. 640-544
Hoyt, Henry Martyn-Nomad, poem; June ' 21, p. 523
Hunter, Rex-Maori Memories, ill. ; July ' 21, pp. 587-589
Hyde, Francis de Lacy, and Sophia H. Chen-The Fisherman,
poem, from the Chinese of Shi-tsen Tsu of the Sung Dynasty;
June '21, p. 498
!tow, Michio, and Louis V. Ledoux-Somebody-Nothing, An
Ancient Japanese Farce; Dec. '21, pp. 1011-1012
Johnson, Martin-A Camera Man in Borneo, ill.; Feb. ' 21, pp.
-Close-ups of a Cannibal Chief, ill. ; Apr. '21, p. 346 IJ.
-Long Shots from the Malekula Bush, ill.; June '21 , p. 532 ff.
-The Cannibals at the " Movies", ill.; May '21, p. 426 ff.
-Wild Men of the New Hebrides, ill.; July '21, p. 598 ff.
Jones, 0. Garfield-Playing Fair with the Filipinos, ill.; Mar.
'21, pp. 245-250
Kahn, Ida-Daughters of Cathay; Jan. '21, pp. 66-68
Koven, Joseph-Drama in the Desert; Mar. '21, p. 224
Ledoux, Louis V., and Michio !tow-Somebody-Nothing, An
Ancient Japanese Farce; Dec. '21, pp. 1011-1012
Lee, Alan W. S.-The Return, poem; Feb. '21, p. 121
Lovett, Robert South Sea Style, ill.; Apr. '21, p.
316 IJ.
Lowell, Amy, and Florence Ayscough-The Terraced Road of
the Two-Edged Sword Mountains, from the Chinese of Li
T'ai-Po, poem; Oct. '21, p. 848
M. T. F.-My Chinese Marriage, ill. by C. LeRoy Baldridge;
1: In America; June '21, p. 487 ff. II: In Shanghai; July '21,
p. 612 ff. III: First Daughter-in-Law; Aug. '21, p. 715 ff.
IV: The Eternal Hills; Sept. '21, p. 781 IJ.
Maugham, W. Somerset-Red, ill. by Elmer Hader; Apr. '21,
p. 301 ff.
Mayer, Charles-How Sir Elephant Mastered the Herd, ill. by
Will Crawford; Jan. '21, pp. 27-32
-Long Chances in the Animal Dealer's Game, ill. by Will
Crawford; Feb. '21, p. 154 IJ.
-The Sea-Tragedy of the Jungle-Folk, ill. by Will Crawford;
May '21, p. 413 ff.
-Up a Tree in the Jungle, ill. by Will Crawford; June '21, pp.
-Wild Men of Borneo at Bay, ill. by Will Crawford; Mar. '21,
pp. 218-223
Meehan, Florence Burgess-The Heavenly-Royal City of
Siam, ill.; Mar. '21, pp. 206-210
Mirza, Youel B.-A Boy in Persia, ill.; Dee. '21, p. 1006 If.
-My Apprentice-Days in Persia, ill.; Oct. '21, p. 849 IJ.
O' Brien, Frederick-Rough Weather in the Paumotus, ill. by
W. Wheelock; Oct. '21, pp. 870-875
-Sky-Pilots in the Paumotus, ill. by W. Wheelock; Sept. '21,
p. 767 IJ.
-The Dangerous Islands, ill. by W. Wheelock; Aug. '21, pp.
-The Queen of the Tiare Hotel, ill. by Wilfred Jones; Apr. '21,
pp. 329-335
O'Connor, V. C. Scott-Across Kashmir Snows, ill.; Jan. '21,
pp. 21-26
Ohanian, Armen-My Uncle Ter-Barsegh, translated by Rose
Wilder Lane, ill.; Dec. ' 21, pp. 998-999
Olgin, Moissasre J.-New Peasants of New Russia, ill.; Sept.
'21, p. 754 IJ . .
Pana-Yo-Tides-A Tent Pitched Among the Kurds, ill. ; July
'21, pp. 619- 624
Peffer, Nathaniel-The Wolf at China's Door, ill. ; Mar. '21,
p. 241 ff.
Peltier, Florence-Left-Handed Jingoro and the Builders of the
Yomei Gate, ill. by K. Kato; Jan. '21, pp. 41-46
Powell, John Benjamin-Can We Keep Up With the British?
ill.; Sept. '21, p. 788 ff.
Prins, John W.-The Melting-Pot in Java, ill. ; Dec. '21, p. 1021 ff.
Quezon, Manuel L.-America's Pledge to the Philippines, ill.;
'21, p. 912 ff.
Reinsch, Paul S.-Secret Diplomacy and the Twenty-One De-
mands. ill. ; Nov. '21, p. 937 IJ.
-The Rise and Fall of Yuan Shih-kai, ill.; Dec. ' 21, p. 1000 ff.
Robb, Walter-The "Chino" in the Philippine Islands, ill.; Nov.
'21, p. 913 ff.
Riefstahl, R. Meyer-The Pictures of Plowing and Weaving,
ill.; II: An Inspiration for Chinese Art; Jan. '21, pp. 47-51
Riley, A. Dale-Between, ill. by L. May; Nov. '21 , pp. 918-923
Rucker, Robert Hamilton-Through the Oleander, ill.; Feb.
' 21, pp. 109- 114
Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah-The Moon's Birthday, ill.; Mar.
'21, p. 251 IJ.
Sechrist, E. Lloyd-The Shadow Folk, A Tahitian Legend; Apr.
'21, p. 336
oigitized _by Goog le
Sexton, Bernard-Black Bull the Champion, decorations by
Gwenyth Waugh; Aug. '21, p. 676
Sexton, Bernard-The Goat's Prophecy, decorations by Gwenyth
Waugh; Feb. '21, p. 153
Shah, Ikbal Ali-A Wedding in Afghanistan, ill.; Jan. '21, pp.
Shunk, Caroline S.-A Philippine Garden, ill.; July '21, pp.
Starr, Frederick-The Honorable Placards Club, ill.; Feb. '21,
PP 115-121
Stronach, Alexander-The White Judge in Tutuila, ill.; Apr.
'21, pp. 357-361
Taggard, Genevieve-Sun-Child, ill.; Oct. '21. pp. 867-869
Tagore, Rabindranath-On the Calcutta Road, ill. by Wilfred
Jones; Feb. '21, pp. 103-107
Taketomo, Torao-Modern Japanese Fiction; July '21. p. 632 tJ.
Taylor, Hazel C.-In the Wake of the Friars, ill.; Dec. '21, pp.
Thompson, Will-Pilgrim-Paths in the Lama Country, ill.;
June '21, p. 504 tJ.
Titzel, Elizabeth-Verses on a Painting of Wang-tsai, Tu Fu,
translated from the French of Marquis d'Hervey-Saint Denys;
July '21, p. 624
Untermeyer, Louis-Jade Butterflies, poems; Feb. '21, p. 108
Vaka, Demetra-The Lady of the Stars, ill. by Dorothy P.
Lathrop; Mar. '21, pp. 199-205
Vanderlip, Washington B.-Side-Lights on Soviet Moscow,
ill.; May '21, pp. 402-409
Wheeler, W. Reginald-The Oldest University in the World;
Aug. '21, p. 721
Wilson, Margaret-Speaking of Careers, ill. by Wilfred Jones;
July '21, p. 575 tJ.
' -The Gift of God, ill. by Herman Palmer; Dec. '21, pp. 987-992
Wood, Junius B.-Japan's Mandate in the Pacific, ill.; Sept.
'21, pp. 747-753
Zamin Ki Dost and Will Levington Comfort-The Deadly
Karait, ill. by James Daugherty; Aug. '21, pp. 663-668
Feature Illustrations
Another South Sea Bubble, cartoons by Gluyas Williams; Apr.
'21, pp. 344-345
Bamboo Grove Near Nanking, A, frontispiece; June '21
Chinese Album, A, Monotypes by C. LeRoy Baldridge; Dec.
'21, pp. 1013-1020
City of Heaven, The; May '21, pp. 417-424
Coconut-Palms of Jolo in Sululand, The, frontispiece; May '21
Daughter of the Nawab and Keshav Lal, The, frontispiece;
Feb. ' 21
Daughters of the Morning, paintings by Paul Gauguin with
poems by Elizabeth Coatsworth; Apr. '21, pp. 321-328
Every-day Koreans; June '21, pp. 509-516
Filipinos and Filipinas; Nov. '21, pp. 929-936
In the Darjeeling Market-Place; Mar. '21, pp. 225-232
In the Domain of the Living Buddhas; Aug. '21 , pp. 689-696
In the Moslem Quarter, Jerusalem, f:-ontispiece; July '21
Island of Bali, The; Sept. '21. pp. 773-780
Land Ho!, frontispiece; Apr. '21
Majesty of the Law, The; Oct. '21, pp. 853-860
Men of Borneo; Feb. '21, pp. 129-136
Native Factors in Pacific Problems; Oct. '21, pp. 833-835
One of the Four Hundred Million, pastel by Willard Straight;
May '21, op. p. 433
Sacred Pastoral of Brindaban, The; Indian paintings with
poems by Elizabeth Coatsworth; Jan. '21. pp. 33-40
Shopping East of Suez; Dec. '21, pp. 1027-1029
South of the Line; Apr. '21, pp. 353-356
Straights' Gate-Keeper in Peking, The, water-color by Willard
Straight; May '21. op. p. 432
Street Merchants of Stamboul; July '21, pp. 628-631
Street .. of Steps, Jerusalem, A, frontispiece; Jan. '21
Sunset Over the Harbor of Manila, frontispiece; Oct. '21
Through a Philippine Window, frontispiece; Nov. '21
"Toward Morning I Climbed to the Roof", frontispiece; Dec.
Types from Melanesia; July '21, pp. 601-608
Unexploited Siberia; May '21, pp. 410-412
Wedding of a Turkish Doll, The, frontispiece; Mar. '21
Work and Play in Soviet Russia; Sept. '21, pp. 794-801
Book Reviews
Across Mongolian Plains, Roy Chapman Andrews; June '21,
p. 554
Buddhist Catechism: An Outline of the Doctrine of the Buddha
Gotama in the Form of Question and Answer, Subhadra
Bhikshu; Mar. '21, p. 270
Captain Macedoine's Daughter, William McFee; Apr. '21, p.
294 .
Cashmere, Three Weeks in a Houseboat, A. Petrocokino; Jan.
'21, p. 78
Ckarm of Kashmir, The, V. C. Scott O'Connor; Jan. '21, p. 76
China, Japan and Korea, J . 0. P. Bland; Nov. '21, p. 976 tJ.
China the Mysterious and Marvelous,. Victor Murdock; June
'21, p. 555 .
Chips of Jade: Being Chinese Proverbs with More Folk-Sayings
from Hindustan and Other Orientv.l Countries, Arthur Guiter-
man; Mar. '21, p. 270
Crisis in Russia, The, Arthur Ransome; July '21, p. 652
Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan, Translated by Annie
Shepley Omori and Kochi Doi, with an introduction by Amy
Lowell; Apr. '21, p. 292
Eastern Library, An, V. C. Scott O'Connor; May '21, p. 466
Emperor of Elam and Other Stories, The, H. G. Dwight; June
'21, p. 554
Feast of Lanterns, The, Louise Jordan Miln; Sept. '21, p. 806
From Death to Life, A. Apukhtin; Apr. '21, p. 292
From Persian Uplands, F. Hale; Apr. '21, p. 294
Highlands of Central India, The: Notes on Their Fore:;ts and
Wild Tribes, Natural History and Sports, Captain J. For-
syth; Jan. '21, p. 80
History of Persian Literature under Tartar Dominion (A.D.
1265-1502), Edward G. Browne; Apr. '21, p. 290
History of Zionism, Nahum Sokolow, with introduction by the
Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour; Jan. '21, p. 76
Illustrated Guide to the Federated Malay States, An, Cuth-
bert Woodville Harrison, Editor; Sept. '21, p. 806
In Farthest Burma: the Record of an Arduous Journey of Ex-
ploration and through the Unknown Frontier Ter-
ritory of Burma and Tibet, Captain F. Kingdon Ward, B.A.,
F.R.G.S.; Nov. '21, p. 978
In Unknown China, S. Pollard; Jan. '21, p. 76
Japanese Colour Prints, Basil Stewart; Apr. '21, p. 290
Japanese Hokkus, Yone Noguchi ; Jan. '21, p. 80
Letters from China and Japan, John Dewey and Alice Chip-
man Dewey; Jan. '21, p. 76 tJ.
Letters of a Javanese Princess, Raden Adjeng Kartini; trans-
lated from the original Dutch by Agnes Louise Symmers,
with a foreword by Louis Couperus; May '21, p. 452 tJ.
Mayfair to Moscow-Clare Sheridan's Diary; July '21, p. 652
My Chinese Marriage, M. T. F.; Nov. '21, p. 976
New Jerusalem, The, G. K. Chesterton; May '21, p. 452
Nile to Aleppo, Hector Dinning, Captain, Australian Army;
Nov. '21, p. 978
Outline of the Religious Literature of India, An, J. N. Farquhar,
M.A., D.Litt. Oxon.; June '21, p. 555
Oxford History of India, from the Earliest Times to the End of
1911, The, Vincent A. Smith; Jan. '21, p. 78 ff.
Paul Gauguin, His Lire and Art, John Gould Fletcher; Nov. '21.
p. 976
Peace Tangle, The, John F. Bass; Apr. '21, p. 290
Relatives: Being Further Verses Translated from the Sanskrit,
Arthur William Ryder; Apr. '21. p. 290 ff.
Russia in the Shadows, H. G. Wells; May '21 , p. 452
Ship "Tyre", The, Wilfred H. Schoff; Apr. '21, p. 292
South of Suez, William Ashley Anderson; Apr. '21. p. 290 .
Story of My Life, The, the late Colonel Philip Meadows Taylor;
June '21, p. t54-555
Through Centre! Borneo, Carl Lumholtz; May '21, p. 452
Trapping Wild Animals in Malay Jungles, Charles Mayer ;
Dec. '21, p. 1060
Digitized byGoogle
Villiers: His Five DecAdes of Adventure, Frederick Villiers;
Nov. '21, p. 978
What Japan Thinks, Edited by K. K. Kawakami; Dec. '21,
p. 1060 tf.
What Japan Wants, Yoshi S. Kuno; Dec. '21, p. 1060 tf.
Women's Eyes: Being Verses Translated from the Sanskrit,
Arthur William Ryder; Apr. '21, p. 290
Empire of Madjapahit at Its Zenith in 1380; Oct. '21, p. 863
Empire of Sri-Vishaya Toward the End of the Twelfth Century;
Oct. '21, p. 862
Freeman Plan for Preventing Flood and Famine in Shantung
and Kiangsu; June '21, p. 639
Map Showing Dispersal and Distribution of Principal Races of
Man; May '21, p. 441
Manila as a Commercial Center; Nov. '21, p. 910
Oceania, or the Islands of the South Seas; Apr. '21, p. 310
Old Chinese Chart of the Philippines and Neighboring Coun-
tries, An; Nov. '21, p. 927
Philippine Archipelago and Its Resources, The; Nov. '21, p. 911
Calhoun, W. J., with Sir John Jordan, Na Tung, Duke Tsai
Tse, H. Cordes, Maurice Casenave and Willard Straight;
Mar. '21, p. 259
-And Willard Straight; Apr. '21, p. 341
Casenave, Maurice; Feb. '21, p. 166
-With Sir John Jordan, Na Tung, Duke Tsai Tse, W. J. Cal-
houn, H. Cordes and Willard Straight; Mar. '21, p. 269
Cordes, H., with Sir John Jordan, Na Tung, Duke Tsai Tse,
W. J. Calhoun, Maurice Casenave and Willard Straight;
Mar. '21, p. 269
ft'rench, Lord; Mar. '21, p. 257
Forbes, W. Cameron; Nov. '21, p. 906
His Imperial Majesty of Annam; Dec. '21, p. 1041
Jordan, Sir John, with Na Tung, Duke Tsai Tse, W. J. Calhoun,
H. Cordes, Maurice Casenave and Willard Straight; Mar. '21,
p. 269
Koo, Vi Kyuin Wellington; Mar. '21, p. 212
Marvin, George D., with Willard Straight; Jan. '21, p. 18
Meyer, Frank N.; Jan. '21, p. 8
Na Tung, with Sir John Jordan, Duke Tsai Tse, W. J. Calhoun,
H. Cordes, Maurice Casenave and Willard Straight; Mar. '21,
p. 259 .
Osmeiia, Sergio; Nov. '21, p. 907
Quezon, Manuel L., and His Daughter; Nov. '21, p. 912
Schurman, Jacob Gould, frontispiece; Aug. '21
Straight, Willard; Feb. '21, p. 166
-With George D. Marvin; Jan. '21, p. 18
-With Sir John Jordan, Na Tung, Duke Tsai Tse, W. J. Cal-
houn, H. Cordes and Maurice Casenave; Mar. '21, p. 259
-And William J. Calhoun; Apr. '21, p. 341
Sultan of Sulu; Nov. '21, p. 944
Tsai Tse, Duke, with Sir John Jordan, Na Tung, W. J. Calhoun,
H. Cordes, Maurice Casenave and Willard Straight; Mar. '21,
p. 259
Warren, Charles Beecher, frontispiece; Sept. '21
Wood, General Leonard; Nov. '21, p. 905
Yen, Dr. W. W.; Mar. '21, p. 258
Yuan Shih-kai; Dec. '21, p. 1001
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Poems by Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
My beloved is to me like some youth
Seen for a moment by night in an open doorway.
leaning forward. his hand upon the latch.
He himself dark in the flood of light that pours
from behind him.
I hardly know the features of my beloved.
I am so dazzled by the brightness of love.
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In the first dusk, Krishna, the Divine Herdsman; drives
the cows through the village gates;
Like a river they flow, white and dun and spotted, with strmgs of bells
about their throats and their large,eyed calves at their sides.
The hands of the herdboys are on their sleek flanks:
they are singing as they follow.
The girls carrying pitchers of water tum to look. and from
the windows in the white walls
Veiled women lean down, smiling as they stretch out henna, tipped fingers
Toward Krishna, who walks slowly, blue as evening smoke,
Drawing all souls after him with the music of his flute.
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h ~ herds have gathered under the trees in the coolness
And Krishna plays upon his flute.
He wears a crown and jewels; there is a garland of flowers
about his throat.
As his lips touch the bamboo. he smaes at the young herdgirls,
Who press towards him with gifts or tum to one another
with little gestures of happiness.
A boy comes near to listen,
And ~ e n the geode catde crowd close
To share in this delight that flowers across the meadows.
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From A. CoomartU1Dam11: "Rajpul Painting''
In the black pool there is war between Krishna and the Serpent King.
The waves are stirred to the green shores where the cattle graze
and the anxious villagers wait.
The very shrubs seem to lean their blossoms over the water
to see far below,
Where Krishna. serene and fierce, tramples out the snake's life
under pearl.-anldeted feet.
But around him the snake women bow: he feels their hands
upon him in petition,
Their soft eyes beseech mercy for the lord whom they love,
And he, the Great Lover, falters in his vengeance.
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Over the square fountain on the terrace hangs a fantastiC
tree in bloom,
Dropping its petals down upon the lotus growing in
the water beneath it.
On one side stands Radha, leaning back her head.
Outlined by the wet strands of her hair, to see her face in the
mirror she wears on her finger,
While her pet flamingo stares at her austerely from the
marble balustrade.
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Prom A. CIIOIII<InUwam11: "RajJIW PGWitl(/"
The cow stands quietly to be milked, turning her
kind head over her shoulder;
The rest of the herd has passed into the sheds;
It is evening.
At the door of her house stands Radha, gently holding the calf
And guessing perhaps that the woman's veil of the milker
Covers the face of her lover.
In a minute, in a minute, he will rise
And come towards her;
The dusk will be fuU of the sweetness of new milk
And the sound of the cow breathing as she leans to her calf;
Then he will take her in his arms
And her heart at last will be as quiet as the evening itself.
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The rain is falling in long white arrows:
Under fotus...leaves, in the hollow trunks of trees.
the herdboys shelter,
The birds preen among the branches,
The CXYWS lower their patient white heads:
But the lovers share one cloak
And in its refuge forget the storm about them.
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The wood is filled with long streamers of flowers
And birds that sing among the branches.
In a glade Krishna is standing, towering above the
milkmaids that surround him.
They sway, smiling. from the circle of his arms,
Their draperies swirl along the grass-
Only Radha. whom he does not see, stands straight
among the bright,eyed flowers
Like a cypress in her grief.
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