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‫شكرا للجميع وسوري يامالك‬

‫وهذي بقية االسئله‬

following a radical mastrctomy patient to be positioned
on her operativ side
on her un operrative side
in simi - fowler,s with her affected arm flat on bed
in semi-fowler,s with her affected arm elevated
) ‫االجابه االخيره ( في وضعية سيمي فاولر مع رفع الذراع بجوار العمليه‬

the major operative complication following a cholecystectomy is

paralytic ileus
‫) مادري ليه بس المدرسه تقول كذا‬:‫اكثر المضاعفات بعد استئصال المراره االلتهاب الرئوي‬

a30 years old male patient has burns on the front & back of both his legs & arms. the
appropriate percentage of his body that has been involved is
‫الفقره االخيره‬

during a retention catheter or bladder irrigation the nurse must usr

stirile equipment & wear sterile gloves
clean equipment & maintain surgical asepsis
stirile equipment &maintain medical asepsis
clean equipment & technique
) ‫مش متأكده من االجابه بس اعتقد ثالث فقره ( ادوات معقمه مع المحافظه على تعقيم طبي‬

the millimiters of drug that should be used to give 0.5 gm if tha label on the bottle
reads 5 gm in 10 ml is

doctor order / stock * quantity

1ml = 10 * 5 /0.5

following total hip replacement , immadiately post operative you would expect orders
to include
head of bed eleveted to 45 C angle
operative leg maintain in abduction
buck,s traction unit 1 hip can be put through range of motion
turn on operative side only immadiately post operatively
‫الفقره الثانيه ( الساق اللتي اجريت لها العمليه في وضع التباعد‬

when you are administering hepain the substance you will keep at the bedside as the
antidote is
magnesium sulfate
vitamin K
protamin sulfate
calcium gloconate
) ‫االجابه الفقره الثالثه ( سلفات البروتامين‬

what you will observe for a patient is on anti coagulant therapy

bleeding from any site of the body
weight reduction
) ‫الفقره االولى ( النزف من اي منطقه في الجسم‬

robert reinholdt , a construction worker , is seen in the ER with low blood pressure ,
normal pulse , cool skin teperature and weakness . these are clinical signs of
heat exhaustion
heat stroke
heat cramp
) ‫االجابه االخيره ( انخفاض درجة حرارة الجسم عن المعدل الطبيعي‬

which of the following would be an appropriate site for taking a pulse on 2-year -old
) ‫الفقره االولى ( الكعبري‬

if measuring BP were necessary in the leg . the nurse would expect the diastolic
pressure to be
mm hg higher than in the branchial artery 10-40
mm hg lower than in the branchial artery 30_20
50mmhg higher than in the branchial artery
essentially the same as that in the branchial artery
) 40_10‫الفقره االولى ( اعلى من الضغط في الشريان الذراعي بـ‬

the nurse cuold best auscultate the point of maximum impulse PMI in 8_year_old gina
at the
fourth intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
fifth intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
second intercostal space , right of midclavicular line
third intercostal space , left of midclavicular line
) ‫الفقره الثانيه (المسافه الضلعيه الخامسه اليسرى‬

a 21_year _old , female patient asking when sould she do the self examination for the
breast during the month . the nurse should answer
any time you think of it
at the same time each month
on the first day of your menestrual period
on the last day of your menstrual period
) ‫الفقره االخيره ( في اليوم االخير من الدوره‬

mrs. jarett has abdominal pain of unkown origin . durin the abdominal examination ,
? which of the following is most accurate
.the palpitation sould be performed first
auscultation is best don with mrs.jarrett in the sitting position
bowel sounds shuold be heard by examining each quadrant for 3 _ 5 minutes
a paralytic ileus would result in low , growling sounds
‫ واستبعدنا الثالثه النه مستحيل بيتحمل‬, ‫مش عارفه االجانبه بس هي محصوره بين الفقرتين االولى والثانيه‬
‫ دقائق‬5_3 ‫المريض االلم وانت تفحص كل ربع من بطنه مدة‬

wich of the following could contribute to caosing a nosocomial infiction

. washing hands before applying a dressing
taping a plastic bag to the bed rail for tissue disponsal
placing a foley bag on the bed when transferring a client
using betadine to cleans the skin before starting an IV line
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( ربط كيس بالستيكي على جوانب السرير لرمي المناديل‬

the nurse employs surgical aseptic technique when

placing soilde linen in moisture_resistant bags
inserting an intravennous catheter
disposing of syringes in punture_proof containers
washing hands before changing a dressing
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( عند ادخال الكانيوال او القسطره الوريديه‬
‫بصراحه انا انصدمت اول ماعرفت انه الزم اتبع التعقيم الجراحي عند ادخال الكانيوال الني عمري ماشفت‬
(:‫ممرضه تتبع هالطريقه وانا كمان كم مره اركب الكانيوال دون تعقيم‬

mr. wallshas alarg abdominal incision that requires a dressing . the incision is paked
with half_inch iodoform packing (soaked in betadine( and covered with a dry steril 4
by 4 inch gauze. when changing the dressing , the nurse accidentally drops the
packing onto the client,s abdomin. the nurse should
add more betadine to the packing and insert it to incision
throw the paking away and preoare a new one
pick up the packing with steril forceps & gently place it into the incision
rinse the packing with sterile water & put the packing into the incision with sterile
) ‫االجابه الفقره الثانيه ( تتخلص من الضماد وتجهز واحد جديد‬

the overall rule for avoiding accidents with equipment in the hospital is for the nurse
always lock wheels
never operate equipment without prior instruction
always unplug equipment when moving the client
never use equipment without a person to assist you
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( عدم تشغيل االجهزه بدون معلومات سابقه‬

jessica , age 4 years , is scheduale ti recive an IV line the most appropriate type of
restraint to use on jessica to prevent her from trying to remave the IV line would be a
wrist restraint
jacket restraint
elbow restraint
mummy restraint
) ‫الفقره االولى ( التقييد بالرسغ‬

the workmen cause an electrical fire when installing a new piec of equipment in the
intensive care unit . mr. ritchey is on a ventilator on the next room . the first action the
nurse should take is to
attempt to eztinguish the fire
pull the alarm
call the pysician to optain orders to take mr.richey off the ventilator
use an ambu bag & remove mr.richey from the area
‫الفقره االخيره هي االجابه الصحيحه‬

two nurses are standing on opposite side of the bed to move mr.chtrowx up in bed
with a draw sheet . where should the nurses be standing in relation with mr.
? chatrowx,s body as thy prepare to move him
even with his thorax
even with his soulders
even with his hips
even with his knees
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( سحبه من مستوى الكتف‬

mr. harlan has right _ sided hemiparesis . the nurs helps him to walk by
standing at his left side and holding his arm
standing at his left side and holding one arm around his waist
standing at his right sid and holding his arm
standing at his right sid and holding one arm around his waist
) ‫الفقره الرابعه ( تقف عند جانبه االيمن ( المصاب ) وتلف احدى يديها حول وسطه‬

pressure ulcer form primarily as a result of

prolonged illness or diseases
restricted mobility
nitrogen buildup in the underlying tissues
poor nutrition
) ‫الفقره الثانيه ( نتيجة قلة الحركه‬

the nurs notes a client,s skin is redden with a small abrasion and serous fluid present .
the nurse would classify this stage of ulcer formation as
stage 1
stage 2
stage 3
stage 4
) ‫على حسب التقسيم اللي انا درسته الجابه بتكون الفقره الثانيه ( المرحله الثانيه‬

mr. gibbs has rheumatoid arthritis

and is prone to skin breakdown . he is also somwhat immobile becaus of his arthritic
pain . which of the following is the best intervention for his skin integrity
he should be allowed to sit up on chair 4 hour intervals
the care providers suold keep the head of his bed in a high fowler,s position to
.increase his circulation
a written schedual of turning & positioning mr.gibbs sould be kept
he sould perform pelvic muscle training exercises several times a day
) ‫الفقره الثالثه ( االحتفاظ بجدول مكتوب لتغيير وضعية المريض‬

the nurse prepares to irrigate mrs.notz,s wound . the primarry reason for this
procedure is to
remove debris from the wound
decreas scar formation
improve circulation to the wound
decreas irritation from wound drainge
)‫الفقره االولى ( الزالة النسيج الميت من الجرح‬

when turning a client , the nurse notices a reddened area on the cooccyx. what skin
care interventions should the nurs use on this area
clean & dry the area & add a protective moisturizer
hydrogen peroxide
normal saline solution
) ‫الفقره االولى ( تنظيف المنطقة وتجفيفها واضافة مرطب للحمايه‬

mr. milani has alarg abdominal wound that requires a dressing chang every 4 hours .
he will be discharged to his home setting where he will continue the dressing care
which of the foliowing is true concerning his healing process
. an antiseptic agent is best followed with a rinse of sterile saline solution
.a heat lamp should be used every 2 hours to rid the wound area of contaminants
.sterile technique should be emphasized to mr. milani & his family
.adressing covering should allow the wound area to remine moist
) ‫الفقره الثالثه ( تقنيه معقمه جدا يجب ان يتبعها سيد ميالني وعائلته‬

with advancing age , which of the following normal physiological changes in sensory
function occurs
decreased sensitivity to glare
increased number of taste buds
difficulty discriminating vowels sounds
decreased sensitivity to pain
‫(سوري‬:‫ماعندي اجابه اكيده‬
‫واتمنى تستفيدون من االسئله انشاهلل‬
‫والبقيه قريب انشاهلل‬

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