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Chapter 1.

Getting Started with ANSYS

1.1. Performing a Typical ANSYS Analysis
The ANSYS program has many finite element analysis capabilities, ranging from a simple,
linear, static analysis to a complex, nonlinear, transient dynamic analysis. The analysis guide
manuals in the ANSYS documentation set describe specific procedures for performing analyses for
different engineering disciplines. The next few sections of this chapter cover general steps that are
common to most analyses.
A typical ANSYS analysis has three distinct steps:
uild the model.
Apply loads and obtain the solution.
!eview the results.
1.2 Bilding a !odel
uilding a finite element model re"uires more of your time than any other part of the analysis.
#irst, you specify a $obname and analysis title. Then, you use the preprocessor to define the element
types, element real constants, material properties, and the model geometry.
1.2.1. Specifying a "o#name and Analysis Title
This tas% is not re"uired for an analysis, but is recommended. $efining the "o#name
The jobname is a name that identifies the ANSYS $ob. &hen you define a $obname for an
analysis, the $obname becomes the first part of the name of all files the analysis creates. 'The
extension or suffix for these files( names is a file identifier such as .).* y using a $obname for each
analysis, you insure that no files are overwritten.
+f you do not specify a $obname, all files receive the name %&'( or file, depending on the operating
system. You can change the default $obname as follows:
y using the initial $obname entry option when you enter the ANSYS program, either via the
launcher or on the ANSYS execution command. #or details, see the ANSYS Operations
#rom within the ANSYS program, you can use either of the following:
)tility !en*%ile*Change "o#name $efining an Analysis Title
The ,tility -enu.#ile./hange Title, defines a title for the analysis. ANSYS includes the title
on all graphics displays and on the solution output.
1.2.1.+. $efining )nits
The ANSYS program does not assume a system of units for your analysis. 0xcept in
magnetic field analyses, you can use any system of units so long as you ma%e sure that you use that
system for all the data you enter. ',nits must be consistent for all input data.*
1.2.2. $efining (lement Types
The ANSYS element library contains more than 123 different element types. 0ach element
type has a uni"ue number and a prefix that identifies the element category: 0A-4, 56AN077,
S86+)9:, etc. The following element categories are available:
?+S/8elastic 'or viscoplastic*
The element type determines, among other things:
The degree@of@freedom set 'which in turn implies the discipline@@structural, thermal, magnetic,
electric, "uadrilateral, bric%, etc.*
&hether the element lies in two@dimensional or three@dimensional space.
0A-4, for example, has six structural degrees of freedom ',=, ,Y, ,A, !8T=, !8TY, !8TA*, is a
line element, and can be modeled in B@) space. 56AN077 has a thermal degree of freedom 'T0-5*,
is an eight@node "uadrilateral element, and can be modeled only in C@) space.
You must be in the general preprocessor, to define element types.
You define the element type by name and give the element a type reference number.
This table of type reference number versus element name is called the element type table.
&hile defining the actual elements, you point to the appropriate type reference number using
'!ain !en*Preprocessor*Create*(lements*(lem Attri#tes*.
-any element types have additional options, %nown as <0Y85Ts, and are referred to as
<0Y85T'1*, <0Y85T'C*, etc. #or example, <0Y85T'9* for 0A-4 allows you to choose results to
be calculated at intermediate locations on each element, and <0Y85T'B* for S;066:B allows you to
suppress extra displacement shapes. You can specify <0Y85Ts using
'!ain !en*Preprocessor*(lement Type*Add,(dit,$elete*.
1.2.+. $efining (lement -eal Constants
0lement real constants are properties that depend on the element type, such as cross@sectional
properties of a beam element. #or example, real constants for 0A-B, the C@) beam element, are
area 'A!0A*, moment of inertia '+AA*, height ';0+>;T*, shear deflection constant 'S;0A!A*, initial
strain '+ST!N*, and added mass per unit length 'A))-AS*. Not all element types re"uire real
constants, and different elements of the same type may have different real constant values.
You can specify real constants using menu pathsD see the ANSYS Commands Reference for further
information. As with element types, each set of real constants has a reference number, and the table
of reference number versus real constant set is called the real constant table. &hile defining the
elements, you point to the appropriate real constant reference number using
'!ain !en*Preprocessor*Create*(lements*(lem Attri#tes*.
&hile defining real constants, %eep these rules and guidelines in mind:
#or models using multiple element types, use a separate real constant set 'that is, a different
reference number* for each element type. The ANSYS program issues a warning message if
multiple element types reference the same real constant set. ;owever, a single element type
may reference several real constant sets.
To verify your real constant input, use
)tility !en*'ist*(lements*Attri#tes . -ealConst
)tility !en*'ist*(lements*Attri#tes /nly
)tility !en*'ist*(lements*Nodes . Attri#tes
)tility !en*'ist*(lements*Nodes . Attri#tes . -ealConst
)tility !en*'ist*Properties*All -eal Constants
)tility !en*'ist*Properties*Specified -eal Const
#or line and area elements that re"uire geometry data 'cross@sectional area, thic%ness,
diameter, etc.* to be specified as real constants, you can verify the input graphically by using
the following procedure in the order shown:
)tility !en*PlotCtrls*Style*Si0e and Shape
)tility !en*Plot*(lements
ANSYS displays the elements as solid elements, using a rectangular cross@section for lin% and shell
elements and a circular cross@section for pipe elements. The cross@section proportions are
determined from the real constant values.
1.2.+.1. Creating Cross Sections
+f you are building a model using 0A-44, 0A-1EE, or 0A-1E9, you can use the section
commands >,+ path e"uivalents to define and use cross sections in your models. See Beam
Analysis and Cross Sections in the ANSYS Structural Analysis Guide for information on how to use
the eamTool to create cross sections.
1.2.1. $efining !aterial Properties
-ost element types re"uire material properties. )epending on the application, material
properties may be:
6inear or nonlinear
+sotropic, orthotropic, or anisotropic
/onstant temperature or temperature@dependent.
As with element types and real constants, each set of material properties has a material
reference number. The table of material reference numbers versus material property sets is
called the material table. &ithin one analysis, you may have multiple material property sets
'to correspond with multiple materials used in the model*. ANSYS identifies each set with a
uni"ue reference number.
&hile defining the elements, you point to the appropriate material reference number using the
!ain !en*Preprocessor*2Attri#tes2*$efine*$efalt Attri#s
1.2.3. Creating the !odel Geometry
8nce you have defined material properties, the next step in an analysis is generating a finite element
model@@nodes and elements@@that ade"uately describes the model geometry. The graphic below
shows some sample finite element models:
%igre 12+. Some sample finite element models
There are two methods to create the finite element model: solid modeling and direct generation. &ith
solid modeling, you describe the geometric shape of your model, then instruct the ANSYS program to
automatically mesh the geometry with nodes and elements. You can control the siFe and shape in the
elements that the program creates. &ith direct generation, you GmanuallyG define the location of each
node and the connectivity of each element. Several convenience operations, such as copying
patterns of existing nodes and elements, symmetry reflection, etc. are available.
)etails of the two methods and many other aspects related to model generation@@coordinate systems,
wor%ing planes, coupling, constraint e"uations, etc.@@are described in the ANSYS Modeling and
Meshing Guide. !odel Generation
The ultimate purpose of a finite element analysis is to re@create mathematically the behavior of an
actual engineering system. +n other words, the analysis must be an accurate mathematical model of a
physical prototype. +n the broadest sense, this model comprises all the nodes, elements, material
properties, real constants, boundary conditions, and other features that are used to represent the
physical system.
+n ANSYS terminology, the term model generation usually ta%es on the narrower meaning of
generating the nodes and elements that represent the spatial volume and connectivity of the actual
system. Thus, model generation in this discussion will mean the process of defining the geometric
configuration of the models nodes and elements! The ANSYS program offers you the following
approaches to model generation:
Creating a solid model within ANSYS.
Using direct generation.
Importing a model created in a computer-aided design (CAD) system. Typical Steps &n4ol4ed in !odel Generation within ANSYS
A common modeling session might ollow this general outline
(detailed inormation on italici!ed su"#ects can "e ound elsewhere
in this guide)$
egin by planning your approach. )etermine your ob$ectives, decide what basic form your
model will ta%e, choose appropriate element types, and consider how you will establish an
appropriate mesh density. You will typically do this general planning before you initiate your
ANSYS session.
0nter the preprocessor to initiate your model@building session. -ost often, you will build your
model using solid modeling procedures.
0stablish a "or#ing plane.
>enerate basic geometric features using geometric primiti$es and Boolean operators.
Activate the appropriate coordinate system.
>enerate other solid model features from the bottom up. That is, create #eypoints, and then
define lines, areas, and $olumes as needed.
,se more Boolean operators or number controls to $oin separate solid model regions
together as appropriate.
/reate tables of element attributes 'element types, real constants, material properties, and
element coordinate systems*.
Set elements attribute pointers.
Set meshing controls to establish your desired mesh density if desired. This step is not
always re"uired because default element siFes exist when you enter the program. '+f you
want the program to refine the mesh automatically, exit the preprocessor at this point, and
activate adapti$e meshing.*
/reate nodes and elements by meshing your solid model.
After you have generated nodes and elements, add features such as surface%to%surface
contact elements, coupled degrees of freedom, and constraint e&uations.
Save your model data to 'obname!).
0xit the preprocessor. Comparing Solid !odeling and $irect Generation
You can use two different methods to generate your model: solid modeling and direct generation. &ith
solid modeling, you describe the geometric boundaries of your model, establish controls over the siFe
and desired shape of your elements, and then instruct the ANSYS program to generate all the nodes
and elements automatically. y contrast, with the direct generation method, you determine the location
of every node and the siFe, shape, and connectivity of every element prior to defining these entities in
your ANSYS model.
Although some automatic data generation is possible, the direct generation method is essentially a
hands@on, GmanualG method that re"uires you to %eep trac% of all your node numbers as you develop
your finite element mesh. This detailed boo%%eeping can become tedious for large models,
contributing to the potential for modeling errors. Solid modeling is usually more powerful and versatile
than direct generation, and is commonly the preferred method for generating your model.
+n spite of the many advantages of solid modeling, you might occasionally encounter circumstances
where direct generation will be more useful. You can easily switch bac% and forth between direct
generation and solid modeling, using the different techni"ues as appropriate to define different parts of
your model.
%o help you #udge which method might "e more suita"le or a gi&en situation'
the relati&e ad&antages and disad&antages o the two approaches are
summari!ed here. Solid !odeling
8n the plus side, solid modeling
+s generally more appropriate for large or complex models, especially B@) models of solid
Allows you to wor% with a relatively small number of data items.
Allows geometric operations 'such as dragging and rotations* that cannot be done with nodes
and elements.
Supports the use of GprimitiveG areas and volumes 'such as polygonal areas and cylindrical
volumes* and oolean operations 'intersections, subtractions, etc.* for Gtop downG
construction of your model.
#acilitates your use of the ANSYS program(s design optimiFation features.
+s re&uired for adaptive meshing.
+s re"uired in order to do area mesh refinement after loads have been applied 'solid model
loads are also re"uired*.
!eadily allows modifications to geometry.
#acilitates changes to element distributionD you are not bound to one analysis model.
;owever, solid modeling
/an sometimes re"uire large amounts of /5, time.
/an 'for small, simple models* sometimes be more cumbersome, re"uiring more data entries
than direct generation.
/an sometimes GfailG 'the program will not be able to generate the finite element mesh* under
certain circumstances. $irect Generation
(n the plus side' direct generation
Is con&enient or small or simple models.
)ro&ides you with complete control o&er the geometry and num"ering o
e&ery node and e&ery element.
*owe&er' direct generation
Is usually too time consuming or all "ut the simplest models+ the &olume
o data you must wor, with can "ecome o&erwhelming.
Cannot "e used with adapti&e meshing.
-a,es design optimi!ation less con&enient.
-a,es it di.cult to modiy the mesh (tools such as area mesh re/nement'
SmartSi!ing' etc. cannot "e used).
Can "ecome tedious' re0uiring you to pay more attention to e&ery detail
o your mesh+ tedium can sometimes cause you to "ecome more prone to
committing errors.
1.2.3.+ &mporting Solid !odels Created in CA$ systems
As an alternati&e to creating your solid models within ANSYS' you can create
them in your a&orite CAD system and then import them into ANSYS or analysis.
%his has the ollowing ad&antages$
You can a&oid a duplication o e1ort "y using e2isting CAD models to
generate solid models or analysis.
3ngineers can use amiliar tools to create their models.
*owe&er' models imported rom CAD systems may re0uire e2tensi&e repair i
they are not o suita"le 0uality or meshing.
1.2.5. Apply 'oads and /#tain the Soltion
+n this step, you use the S86,T+8N processor to define the analysis type and analysis options, apply
loads, specify load step options, and initiate the finite element solution. You also can apply loads
using the 5!057 preprocessor. $efining the Analysis Type and Analysis /ptions
You choose the analysis type based on the loading conditions and the response you wish to
calculate. #or example, if natural fre"uencies and mode shapes are to be calculated, you would
choose a modal analysis. You can perform the following analysis types in the ANSYS program: static
'or steady@state*, transient, harmonic, modal, spectrum, buc%ling, and substructuring.
Not all analysis types are valid for all disciplines. -odal analysis, for example, is not valid for a
thermal model. The analysis guide manuals in the ANSYS documentation set describe the analysis
types available for each discipline and the procedures to do those analyses.
Analysis options allow you to customiFe the analysis type. Typical analysis options are the method of
solution, stress stiffening on or off, and Newton@!aphson options.
To define the analysis type and analysis options, use !ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*New
Analysis or !ain !en* Preprocessor*'oads*-estart and the appropriate analysis option
+f you are performing a static or full transient analysis, you can ta%e advantage of the Solution
/ontrols dialog box to define many options for the analysis. #or details about the Solution /ontrols
dialog box, see Solution.
You can specify either a new analysis or a restart, but a new analysis is the choice in most cases. A
single frame restart that allows you to resume a $ob at its end point or abort point is available for static
'steady@state*, harmonic 'C@) magnetic only*, and transient analyses. A multiframe restart that allows
you to restart an analysis at any point is available for static or full transient structural analyses. See
Restarting an Analysis for complete information on performing restarts. The various analysis guides
discuss additional details necessary for restarts. You cannot change the analysis type and analysis
options after the first solution.
8nce you have defined the analysis type and analysis options, the next step is to apply loads. Some
structural analysis types re"uire other items to be defined first, such as master degrees of freedom
and gap conditions. The ANSYS Structural Analysis Guide describes these items where necessary. Applying 'oads
The word loads as used in ANSYS documentation includes boundary conditions 'constraints,
supports, or boundary field specifications* as well as other externally and internally applied loads.
6oads in the ANSYS program are divided into six categories:
)8# /onstraints
Surface 6oads
ody 6oads
+nertia 6oads
/oupled@field 6oads
You can apply most of these loads either on the solid model '%eypoints, lines, and areas* or the finite
element model 'nodes and elements*. #or details about the load categories and how they can be
applied on your model, see (oading in this manual.
Two important load@related terms you need to %now are load step and substep. A load step is simply a
configuration of loads for which you obtain a solution. +n a structural analysis, for example, you may
apply wind loads in one load step and gravity in a second load step. 6oad steps are also useful in
dividing a transient load history curve into several segments.
Substeps are incremental steps ta%en within a load step. You use them mainly for accuracy and
convergence purposes in transient and nonlinear analyses. Substeps are also %nown as time steps@@
steps ta%en over a period of time.
Note@@The ANSYS program uses the concept of time in transient analyses as well as
static 'or steady@state* analyses. +n a transient analysis, time represents actual time, in
seconds, minutes, or hours. +n a static or steady@state analysis, time simply acts as a
counter to identify load steps and substeps.
1.2.5.+. Specifying 'oad Step /ptions
6oad step options are options that you can change from load step to load step, such as number of
substeps, time at the end of a load step, and output controls. )epending on the type of analysis you
are doing, load step options may or may not be re"uired. The analysis procedures in the analysis
guide manuals describe the appropriate load step options as necessary. See (oading for a general
description of load step options. &nitiating the Soltion
To initiate solution calculations, use either of the following:
!ain !en*Soltion*Crrent 'S
!ain !en*Soltion*soltion6method
&hen you issue this command, the ANSYS program ta%es model and loading information from the
database and calculates the results. !esults are written to the results file 'Jobname.RST,
Jobname.RTH, Jobname.RMG, or Jobname.RFL* and also to the database. The only difference is
that only one set of results can reside in the database at one time, while you can write all sets of
results 'for all substeps* to the results file.
You can solve multiple load steps in a convenient manner:
!ain !en*Soltion*%rom 'S %iles
Solution discusses this and other solution@related topics.
1.2.7. -e4iew the -eslts
8nce the solution has been calculated, you can use the ANSYS postprocessors to review the results.
Two postprocessors are available: General Postproc and Time8ist Postpro.
You use the general postprocessor, to review results at one substep 'time step* over the entire model
or selected portion of the model. The command '!ain !en*General Postproc*, valid only at the
egin level. You can obtain contour displays, deformed shapes, and tabular listings to review and
interpret the results of the analysis. This postprocessor offers many other capabilities, including error
estimation, load case combinations, calculations among results data, and path operations.
You use the time history postprocessor, to review results at specific points in the model over all time
steps. The command '!ain !en*Time8ist Postpro*, valid only at the egin level. You can obtain
graph plots of results data versus time 'or fre"uency* and tabular listings. 8ther capabilities include
arithmetic calculations and complex algebra..
Chapter 2. 'oading
2.1. Loading Overview
The main goal of a finite element analysis is to examine how a structure or component responds to
certain loading conditions. Specifying the proper loading conditions is, therefore, a %ey step in the
analysis. You can apply loads on the model in a variety of ways in the ANSYS program. Also, with the
help of load step options, you can control how the loads are actually used during solution.
2.2. 9hat Are 'oads:
The word loads in ANSYS terminology includes boundary conditions and externally or internally
applied forcing functions, as illustrated in (oads. 0xamples of loads in different disciplines are:
Structural) displacements, forces, pressures, temperatures 'for thermal strain*, gravity
*hermal) temperatures, heat flow rates, convections, internal heat generation, infinite surface
Magnetic) magnetic potentials, magnetic flux, magnetic current segments, source current density,
infinite surface
+lectric) electric potentials 'voltage*, electric current, electric charges, charge densities, infinite
,luid) velocities, pressures
%igre 221. 'oads inclde #ondary conditions as well as other types of loading
6oads are divided into six categories: )8# constraints, forces 'concentrated loads*, surface loads,
body loads, inertia loads, and coupled@field loads.
A -O, constraint fixes a degree of freedom ')8#* to a %nown value. 0xamples of constraints
are specified displacements and symmetry boundary conditions in a structural analysis,
prescribed temperatures in a thermal analysis, and flux@parallel boundary conditions.
A force is a concentrated load applied at a node in the model. 0xamples are forces and
moments in a structural analysis, heat flow rates in a thermal analysis, and current segments
in a magnetic field analysis.
A surface load is a distributed load applied over a surface. 0xamples are pressures in a
structural analysis and convections and heat fluxes in a thermal analysis.
A body load is a volumetric or field load. 0xamples are temperatures and fluences in a
structural analysis, heat generation rates in a thermal analysis, and current densities in a
magnetic field analysis.
.nertia loads are those attributable to the inertia 'mass matrix* of a body, such as gravitational
acceleration, angular velocity, and angular acceleration. You use them mainly in a structural
Coupled%field loads are simply a special case of one of the above loads, where results from
one analysis are used as loads in another analysis. #or example, you can apply magnetic
forces calculated in a magnetic field analysis as force loads in a structural analysis.
2.5. 8ow to Apply 'oads
You can apply most loads either on the solid model 'on %eypoints, lines, and areas* or on the finite
element model 'on nodes and elements*. #or example, you can specify forces at a %eypoint or a
node. Similarly, you can specify convections 'and other surface loads* on lines and areas or on nodes
and element faces. No matter how you specify the loads, the solver expects all loads to be in terms of
the finite element model. Therefore, if you specify loads on the solid model, the program automatically
transfers them to the nodes and elements at the beginning of solution.
2.5.1. Solid2!odel 'oads; Ad4antages and $isad4antages
Solid@model loads are independent of the finite element mesh. That is, you can change the
element mesh without affecting the applied loads. This allows you to ma%e mesh
modifications and conduct mesh sensitivity studies without having to reapply loads each time.
The solid model usually involves fewer entities than the finite element model. Therefore,
selecting solid model entities and applying loads on them is much easier, especially with
graphical pic%ing.
0lements generated by ANSYS meshing commands are in the currently active element
coordinate system. Nodes generated by meshing commands use the global /artesian
coordinate system. Therefore, the solid model and the finite element model may have
different coordinate systems and loading directions.
Solid@model loads are not very convenient in reduced analyses, where loads are applied at
master degrees of freedom. 'You can define master )8# only at nodes, not at %eypoints.*
Applying %eypoint constraints can be tric%y, especially when the constraint expansion option
is used. 'The expansion option allows you to expand a constraint specification to all nodes
between two %eypoints that are connected by a line.*
You cannot display all solid@model loads.
Notes a#ot Solid2!odel 'oads
As mentioned earlier, solid@model loads are automatically transferred to the finite element
model at the beginning of solution. The ANSYS program overwrites any loads that already
exist on corresponding finite element entities.
)eleting solid@model loads also deletes all corresponding finite@element loads.
2.5.2. %inite2(lement 'oads: Advantages and )isadvantages
!educed analyses present no problems, because you can apply loads directly at master
There is no need to worry about constraint expansion. You can simply select all desired
nodes and specify the appropriate constraints.
Any modification of the finite element mesh invalidates the loads, re"uiring you to delete the
previous loads and re@apply them on the new mesh.
Applying loads by graphical pic%ing is inconvenient, unless only a few nodes or elements are
The next few subsections discuss how to apply each category of loads@@constraints, forces,
surface loads, body loads, inertia loads, and coupled@field loads@@and then explain how to
specify load step options.
2.6.3. DOF Constraints
DOF constraints shows the degrees o reedom that can "e constrained in each
discipline and the corresponding ANSYS la"els. Any directions implied "y the
la"els (such as U4' 5(%6' AY' etc.) are in the nodal coordinate system. 7or a
description o di1erent coordinate systems' see the ANSYS Modeling and
Meshing Guide.
Commands for -O, constraints shows the commands to apply, list, and delete )8# constraints.
Notice that you can apply constraints on nodes, %eypoints, lines, and areas.
Ta#le 221. $/% constraints a4aila#le in each discipline
$iscipline $egree of %reedom ANSYS 'a#el
,=, ,Y, ,A
!8T=, !8TY, !8TA
Thermal Temperature T0-5
?ector 5otentials
Scalar 5otential
A=, AY, AA
0lectric ?oltage ?86T
Turbulent <inetic 0nergy
Turbulent )issipation !ate
?=, ?Y, ?A
elow are examples of some of the >,+ paths you can use to apply )8# constraints:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*2'oads2*Apply*load type*/n Nodes
)tility !en*'ist*'oads*$/% Constraints*/n <eypoints
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*load type*/n 'ines
See the ANSYS Commands Reference for additional >,+ path information and for descriptions of the
commands listed in Commands for -O, constraints.
2.5.5. %orces =Concentrated 'oads)
,orces a$ailable in each discipline shows a list of forces available in each discipline and the
corresponding ANSYS labels. Any directions implied by the labels 'such as #=, -A, /S>Y, etc.* are
in the nodal coordinate system. 'See Coordinate Systems in the ANSYS Modeling and Meshing
Guide for a description of different coordinate systems.* Commands for applying force loads lists the
commands to apply, list, and delete forces. Notice that you can apply them at nodes as well as
Ta#le 22+. >%orces> a4aila#le in each discipline
$iscipline %orce ANSYS 'a#el
#=, #Y, #A
-=, -Y, -A
Thermal ;eat #low !ate ;0AT
/urrent Segments
-agnetic #lux
0lectrical /harge
/S>=, /S>Y, /S>A
#luid #luid #low !ate #68&
elow are examples of some of the >,+ paths to use for applying force loads:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*2'oads2Apply*load type*/n Nodes
)tility !en*'ist*'oads*%orces*/n <eypoints
!ain !en*Soltion*2'oads2Apply*load type*/n 'ines
See the ANSYS Commands Reference for descriptions of the commands listed in Table C@4. -epeating a %orce
y default, if you repeat a force at the same degree of freedom, the new specification replaces the
previous one. You can change this default to add 'for accumulation* or ignore by using one of the
!ain !en*Preprocessor*2'oads2Settings*%orces
!ain !en*Soltion*2'oads2Settings*2-eplace 4s. Add2%orces Scaling %orce ?ales
The following command allows you to scale existing force values:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/perate*2Scale %( 'oads2%orces
!ain !en*Soltion*/perate*2Scale %( 'oads2%orces
2.5.5.+. Transferring %orces
To transfer forces that have been applied to the solid model to the corresponding finite element
model, use one of the following:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/perate*2Transfer to %(2*%orces
!ain !en*Soltion*/perate*2Transfer to %(2*%orces
To transfer all solid model boundary conditions, use:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/perate*2Transfer to %(2*All Solid 'ds
!ain !en*Soltion*/perate*2Transfer to %(2*All Solid 'ds
2.5.7. Srface 'oads
Surface Loads Available shows surace loads a&aila"le in each discipline and
their corresponding ANSYS la"els. %he commands to apply' list' and delete
surace loads are shown in Commands for appling surface loads. You can apply
them at nodes and elements' as well as at lines and areas.
Table 2-5. Surfae loads available in ea! disi"line
$iscipline Srface 'oad ANSYS 'a#el
Structural 5ressure 5!0S/
;eat #lux
+nfinite Surface
-axwell Surface
+nfinite Surface
-axwell Surface
Surface /harge )ensity
+nfinite Surface
#luid@Structure +nterface
All Superelement 6oad ?ector S06?
1. )o not confuse this with the 5!0S degree of freedom
elow are examples of some of the >,+ paths to use for applying surface loads.
!ain !en*Preprocessor*2'oads2*Apply*load type*/n Nodes
)tility !en*'ist*'oads*Srface 'oads*/n (lements
!ain !en*Soltion*2'oads2*Apply*load type*/n 'ines
See the descriptions of the commands listed in Commands for applying surface loads in the ANSYS
Commands Reference for more information.
Note@@The ANSYS program stores surface loads specified on nodes
internally in terms of elements and element faces. Therefore, if you use
both nodal and element surface load commands for the same surface,
only the last specification will be used.
ANSYS applies pressures on axisymmetric shell elements or beam elements on their inner or outer
surfaces, as appropriate. +n@plane pressure load vectors for layered shells 'S;06691 and S;06699 *
are applied on the nodal plane. <0Y85T'11* determines the location of the nodal plane within the
shell. &hen you use flat elements to represent doubly curved surfaces, values which should be a
function of the active radius of the meridian will be inaccurate. Applying Pressre 'oads on Beams
To apply pressure loads on the lateral faces and the two ends of beam elements, use one of the
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*2Strctral2*Pressre*/n Beams
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*2Strctral2*Pressre*/n Beams
You can apply lateral pressures, which have units of force per unit length, both in the normal and
tangential directions. The pressures may vary linearly along the element length, and can be specified
on a portion of the element, as shown in the following figure. You can also reduce the pressure down
to a force 'point load* at any location on a beam element by setting the 'O,,S* field to @1. 0nd
pressures have units of force.
%igre 22@. (Aample /f Beam Srface 'oads Specifying Node Nm#er ?erss Srface 'oad
The command '!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*2%or Srface 'd2*Node %nction, or
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*2%or Srface 'd2*Node %nction* specifies a GfunctionG of node
number versus surface load to be used when you apply surface loads on nodes or elements. +t is
useful when you want to apply nodal surface loads calculated elsewhere 'by another software
pac%age, for instance*. You should first define the function in the form of an array parameter
containing the load values. The location of the value in the array parameter implies the node number.
2.5.7.+. Specifying a Gradient Slope
You can use either of the following to specify that a gradient 'slope* is to be used for subse"uently
applied surface loads:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*2%or Srface 'd2Gradient
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*2%or Srface 'd2Gradient
You can also use this command to apply a linearly varying surface load, such as hydrostatic pressure )sing Srface (ffect (lements to Apply 'oads
Sometimes, you may need to apply a surface load that the element type you are using does not
accept. #or example, you may need to apply uniform tangential 'or any non@normal or directed*
pressures on structural solid elements, radiation specifications on thermal solid elements, etc. +n such
cases, you can overlay the surface where you want to apply the load with surface effect elements and
use them as a GconduitG to apply the desired loads. /urrently, the following surface effect elements
are available: S,!#121 and S,!#12B for C@) models and S,!#12C and S,!#124 for B@) models.
2.5.@. Body 'oads
Body loads a$ailable shows all body loads available in each discipline and their corresponding
ANSYS labels. The commands to apply, list, and delete body loads are shown in Commands for
applying body loads. You can apply them at nodes, elements, %eypoints, lines, areas, and volumes.
Ta#le 227. Body loads a4aila#le in each discipline
$iscipline Body 'oad ANSYS 'a#el
Thermal ;eat >eneration !ate ;>0N
/urrent )ensity
?irtual )isplacement
?oltage )rop
?olume /harge )ensity
;eat >eneration !ate
#orce )ensity
1. )o not confuse this with the T0-5 degree of freedom.
elow are examples of some of the >,+ paths to use for applying body loads:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*2'oads2Apply*load type*/n Nodes
)tility !en*'ist*'oads*Body 'oads*/n PicBed (lems
!ain !en*Soltion*2'oads2Apply*load type*/n <eypoints
)tility !en*'ist*'oads*Body 'oads*/n PicBed 'ines
!ain !en*Soltion*2'oads2Apply*load type*/n ?olmes
See the ANSYS Commands Reference for descriptions of the commands listed in Commands for
applying body loads.
Note@@ody loads you specify on nodes are independent of those
specified on elements. #or a given element, ANSYS determines which
loads to use as follows:
+t chec%s to see if you specified elements for body loads.
+f not, it uses body loads specified for nodes.
+f no body loads exist for elements or nodes, the body loads specified in command ta%e
2.5.@.1. Specifying a )niform Body 'oad
The following command specifies a uniform body load at all nodes in the model. -ost often, you use
this command or path to specify a uniform temperature fieldD that is, a uniform temperature body load
in a structural analysis or a uniform starting temperature in a transient or nonlinear thermal analysis.
This is also the default temperature at which the ANSYS program evaluates temperature@dependent
material properties.
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*Temperatre*)niform Temp
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*)niform Temp
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*Temperatre*)niform Temp
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*)niform Temp
2.5.@.3. -epeating a Body 'oad Specification
y default, if you repeat a body load at the same node or same element, the new specification
replaces the previous one. You can change this default to ignore using one of the following:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*Nodal Body 'd
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*(lem Body 'ds
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*Nodal Body 'd
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*(lem Body 'ds
The settings you specify with either command or its e"uivalent >,+ paths stay set until they are reuse
the command or path. To reset the default setting 'replacement*, simply issue the commands or
choose the paths without any arguments.
2.5.@.5. Transferring Body 'oads
To transfer body loads that have been applied to the solid model to the corresponding finite element
model, use one of the following:
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/perate*Body 'oads
!ain !en*Soltion*/perate*Body 'oads
2.5.C. &nertia 'oads
The set of commands for inertia loads are listed below:
Ta#le 22C. &nertia loads commands
G)& !en Paths
!ain !en*Preprocessor*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Soltion*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*Gra4ity
!ain !en*Preprocessor*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*-otating Coords
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*-otating Coords
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*-otating Coords
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*%'/T-AN Set )p*%low (n4ironment*-otating Coords
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*/ther*Coriolis (ffects
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*/ther*Anglar Accel
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*/ther*Anglar Accel
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*/ther*Anglar Accel
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*/ther*Anglar Accel
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/ther*&nertia -elief
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/tpt Ctrls*&ncl !ass Smmry
!ain !en*Soltion*/ther *&nertia -elief
!ain !en*Soltion*)na#ridged !en*/tpt Ctrls*&ncl !ass Smmry
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Apply*/ther*Anglar ?elocity
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*/ther*Anglar ?elocity
!ain !en*Soltion*Apply*/ther*Anglar ?elocity
!ain !en*Soltion*$elete*/ther*Anglar ?elocity
+nertia loads are effective only if your model has some mass, which is usually supplied by a density
specification. 'You can also supply mass to the model by using mass elements, such as -ASSC1, but
density is more commonly used and is more convenient.* As with all other data, the ANSYS program
re"uires you to use consistent units for mass. +f you are accustomed to the ritish system of units,
you might sometimes wish to use "eight density 'lbIin
* instead of mass density 'lb@sec
*, for
,se weight density in place of mass density only under these conditions:
The model will only be used in a static analysis.
No angular velocity or angular acceleration is applied.
>ravitational acceleration is unity 'g J 1.3*.
A handy way to specify density so that you can use it readily in either a Gconvenient,G weight@density
form or Gconsistent,G mass@density form is to define a parameter for gravitational acceleration, g:
Ta#le 221D. 9ays of specifying density
Con4enient %orm Consistent %orm $escription
g J 1.3 g J BE:.3 5arameter definition
-5,)0NS,1,3.CEBIg -5,)0NS,1,3.CEBIg )ensity of steel
A/06,,g A/06,,g >ravity load
2.7.1. /tpt Controls
8utput controls, as their name indicates, control the amount and nature of output from an analysis.
There are two primary output controls:
Ta#le 2211. /tpt controls commands
G)& !en Paths Prpose
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads* /tpt Ctrls*$B,-eslts %ile
!ain !en*Soltion*Sol>n Control;Basic Ta#
!ain !en*Soltion*/tpt Ctrls*$B,-eslts %ile
/ontrols what ANSYS writes
to the database and results
file and how often it is
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads* /tpt Ctrls*Sol Printot
!ain !en*Soltion*/tpt Ctrls*Sol Printot
!ain !en*Soltion*)na#ridged !en*/tpt Ctrls*Sol
/ontrols what is printed
'written to the solution
output file, Jobname.OUT*
and how often it is written.
The following command allows you to delete load step files from within the ANSYS program.
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*/perate*$elete 'S %iles
!ain !en*Soltion*/perate*$elete 'S %iles
Another useful load step related commands ,which allows you to delete all loads and reset all
load step options to their defaults. You can use it, for example, to Gclean upG the load step
data before reading in a load step file for modifications.
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*$elete*All 'oad $ata*data type
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*-eset /ptions
!ain !en*Preprocessor*'oads*Settings*-eset %actors
!ain !en*Soltion*-eset /ptions
!ain !en*Soltion*Settings*-eset %actors

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