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... through Bertha Dudde

Contact with the deceased ....
Souls close to Earth ....
Countless souls are close to earth whose state o !aturit" is still
#er" low and who thereore still har$our the desire or earth
$ecause the higher s%heres are still inaccessi$le to the!.
&hese souls are oten still unaware o the act that the" no longer
$elong to earth' that is' the" still don(t )now that their %h"sical
lie on earth has co!e to an end' and thereore the" still re!ain
in their old en#iron!ent and want to tal) to %eo%le without'
howe#er' $eing heard $" the!.
So!eti!es it can ta)e a long ti!e until the" realise that the"
ha#e nothing to do with the Earth an"!ore. *t ta)es a long ti!e
until the" ind the!sel#es in their new en#iron!ent and inall"
sta" awa" ro! Earth.
&his stage o ignorance is not #er" satisactor" or the soul' or it
inds no understanding and hel% an"where $ecause it turns to
%eo%le who cannot hel% in the wa" it desires to $e hel%ed.
Onl" the realisation that it has %assed awa" ro! earth or good
and that people can only offer their help through prayer
!oti#ates the soul to relect on its %resent state and to consider
the %ossi$ilit" that it !ight $e a$le to change this state itsel.
&hen it will %a" attention to e#er" o%%ortunit" which raises its
degree o !aturit".
Onl" then will it ta)e stoc) o itsel and tr" to hold itsel to
account' which will oten result in $itter re!orse that it did not
use earthl" lie in accordance with God(s will.
+nd during this re!orseul !ood it is oten #isited $" $eings o
light which a%%roach it under a co#er so as not to $e recognised
as $eings o light.
&hese draw the soul(s attention to the suering o other souls
and tr" to awa)en its co!%assion or the!. &hen it will de%end
on its inner attitude as to whether the $eings o light will %ro#ide
it with strength or lea#e it to its ate again until its co!%assion
or the need" souls outweighs its own suering and the $eings o
light continue their inluence anew' and then with successul
Earth is surrounded $" countless souls which' in a !anner o
s%ea)ing' still li#e on earth' $ut un)nown to those %eo%le who
deine e#er"thing the" cannot see and touch as non,e-istent'
and who thereore reuse to $elie#e that the souls o the
deceased surround the %eo%le who sta" $ehind.
For the" can onl" $e seen with s%iritual e"es' howe#er' the
%h"sical e"e is $lind' conse.uentl" the souls are una$le to !a)e
the!sel#es )nown $" an" !eans' $ecause %eo%le do not react to
the!' since the" are de%endent on the di#ine natural laws in
which God /i!sel has %laced the!.
&he" onl" see and hear with %h"sical organs' $ut the souls o the
deceased re.uire s%iritual #ision. +nd so there is no connection
$etween the souls o the deceased and %eo%le on earth' in a
%urel" worldl" sense0
onl" an entirel" s%iritual connection e-ists' and this can onl" $e
esta$lished i the hu!an $eing on earth is willing to har!onise
with the souls' that is' i the hu!an $eing on earth $elie#es in
the soul(s lie ater death and as a result o this $elie tries to
co!!unicate with these souls.
Consciousl" getting in touch with the s%iritual world is the
%rere.uisite so that contact can $e esta$lished $etween %eo%le
and the souls in the $e"ond' which !a)es a !utual
understanding %ossi$le.
+nd then it de%ends on who is !ore )nowledgea$le' the hu!an
$eing or the soul in the $e"ond. For the informed participant
shall instruct the uninformed one.
* the soul in the $e"ond is in a #er" i!!ature stage' then the
hu!an $eing can con#e" his )nowledge to it $" s%ea)ing to the
soul' which the souls can understand and hear #er" well. But' i a
hu!an $eing lac)s )nowledge' he will $e instructed $"
)nowledgea$le s%iritual $eings once his will desires this
+nd thus "ou hu!ans on earth can #er" $eneiciall" inluence the
souls which are close to earth' since the state o their !aturit" is
usuall" inade.uate' with little )nowledge and thereore not !uch
strength. B" trans!itting the )nowledge with lo#ing thoughts
the" can $e hel%ed insoar as it ena$les the souls to detach
the!sel#es !ore easil" ro! earth and at the sa!e ti!e turn
their attention to e.uall" suering souls in the $e"ond.
&his can awa)en lo#e in the! and the" will su$se.uentl" $e
introduced to urther )nowledge $" the $eings o light' which
recognise the souls( change o heart' and then' on their %art'
hel%ull" su%%ort the souls ....
1u$lished $" riends o new re#elations o God 2 *nor!ation'
download o all translated re#elations' the!e,$oo)lets at3


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