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ABC Corp.

Stock Option Grant Notice

(2008 Equity Incentive Plan
ABC Corp. (the Company), pursuant to its 2012 Equity Incentive Pan (the Plan), here!y "rants to
#ptionho$er an option to purchase the nu%!er o& shares o& the Co%pany's Co%%on (toc) set &orth !eo*. +his
option is su!,ect to a o& the ter%s an$ con$itions as set &orth herein an$ in the #ption A"ree%ent, the Pan, an$ the
-otice o& E.ercise, a o& *hich are attache$ hereto an$ incorporate$ herein in their entirety.
0ate o& 1rant/ 2arch 13, 2012
4estin" Co%%ence%ent 0ate/ 2arch 13, 2012
-u%!er o& (hares (u!,ect to #ption/ 1,500
E.ercise Price (Per (hare)/ 60.01
+ota E.ercise Price/ 615.00
E.piration 0ate/ 2arch 17, 2013
!ype o" Grant# Incentive (toc) #ption
-onstatutory (toc) #ption
E$erci%e Sc&e'ule/ (a%e as 4estin" (che$ue Eary E.ercise Per%itte$
(e%tin) Sc&e'ule/ +he shares *i vest in a series o& &orty8ei"ht (93) successive equa %onthy insta%ents
%easure$ &ro% the 4estin" Co%%ence%ent 0ate.
Pay*ent# By one or a co%!ination o& the &oo*in" ite%s ($escri!e$ in the #ption A"ree%ent)/
By cash or chec)
Pursuant to a :e"uation + Pro"ra% i& the (hares are pu!icy tra$e$
By $eivery o& area$y8o*ne$ shares i& the (hares are pu!icy tra$e$
A''itional !er*%+Ackno,le')e*ent%# +he un$ersi"ne$ #ptionho$er ac)no*e$"es receipt o&, an$ un$erstan$s
an$ a"rees to, this (toc) #ption 1rant -otice, the #ption A"ree%ent an$ the Pan. #ptionho$er &urther
ac)no*e$"es that as o& the 0ate o& 1rant, this (toc) #ption 1rant -otice, the #ption A"ree%ent, an$ the Pan set
&orth the entire un$erstan$in" !et*een #ptionho$er an$ the Co%pany re"ar$in" the acquisition o& stoc) in the
Co%pany an$ superse$e a prior ora an$ *ritten a"ree%ents on that su!,ect *ith the e.ception o& (i) options
previousy "rante$ an$ $eivere$ to #ptionho$er un$er the Pan, an$ (ii) the &oo*in" a"ree%ents ony/

I& this is an Incentive (toc) #ption, it (pus other outstan$in" Incentive (toc) #ptions) cannot !e &irst exercisable &or
%ore than 6100,000 in vaue (%easure$ !y e.ercise price) in any caen$ar year. Any e.cess over 6100,000 is a -onstatutory
(toc) #ption.
+ite/ Chie& E.ecutive #&&icer

A!!AC-/EN!S/ #ption A"ree%ent, 2003 Equity Incentive Pan an$ -otice o& E.ercise
A!!AC-/EN! I
Option A)ree*ent
2008 Equity Incentive Plan
Notice o" E$erci%e

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