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Faculty Member:____________________ Dated: ________________

Semester:_____________ Section: ________________

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE-342 Microwave Engineering


Introduction to ADS (Advance Design System) and Design and
Simulate Ohm,s Law in ADS.


Reg. no. Performance
Marks / 5
Marks / 10
Marks /

Lab 2
Simulate OHMs Law in ADS (Advanced Design System)
Examine the Main window commands and icons
Create a new project and schematic design
Setup and perform a basic resistor circuit and verify OHMs law
Display the simulation data on a plot and save files
Step 1: Start ADS. Go through the ADS startup guide (ADS intro.pdf) and get familiar with the interface
Step 2: Click File->New Project and name the project as Exp1

Step 3: If a Schematic Wizard starts, ignore the wizard (Press Cancel)
Step 4: A schematic Design window will display as follows

Some of the commonly used components are available as toolbar buttons as follows

Put following components
Resister: R - Available under Lumped-Component Palette
DC Source: V_DC Available under Sources-Freq Domain
Ground: Available on Toolbar
Ampere Meter: I_Probe Available under Probe Components
Arrange the components on the schematic diagram as follows
Connect the components together using Wire component available on toolbar

Component Palette List. It lists
various categories of components
Components within the
selected Palette

Wire Rotate

ADS assign default values to the components as follows
Voltage Source V_DC: Vdc = 1.0 V
Resister R: R = 50 Ohm
Step 5: In order to simulate the circuit and analyze its behavior we define variables and assign the value
ranges to these variables. Put variable component VAR available under Data Items palette.
Once placed in the schematic, double click on the VAR component to get following window

Instance name is the name of the component. You may change it if required.
Under Name field, write VS and press Add button. A new parameter VS will be added in the list with
default value of 1.0. Press OK button
Step 6: Double click on the voltage source V_DC to get following window

It shows the default value of Vdc as 1.0 V. We need to change this and assign it the variable VS Click
on Equation Editor to get following window

Delete the 1.0 under Vdc= text field.
Select VS in the variables listing and click on Insert. Press OK

Now the default value of Vdc has changed to VS. Now we need to assign the value range to VS. Press OK to
close the variable window

Step 7: In order to simulate the circuit, put a simulate component DC available under Simulation-
DC Palette. Once placed on the schematic, double click on the Simulation component to get following window

There are four tabs in this window with Sweep Tab as the default one. Under this tab, write VS in the
Parameter sweep field. And write following values as ranges
Start: 0
Stop: 10
Step-size: 1
This will sweep the values of VS from 0 to 10 with step size of 1, so the simulation will run 11 times and well
get 11 outputs displayed on same output window
Keep all other options as such. Click OK to close the window

Step 8: Your design is now ready to be simulated. Either press F7 or select Simulate under Simulate menu.
Following window will appear to show the status of simulation

Any error messages (if any) will be shown in this window.
If there are no errors, another window will open as follows

This window displays the output result based on the type of view selected.
Select the Rectangular Plot and drop it in the main window to show the following window

Output display types
Rectangular Plot

Step 9: We want to see a plot of Current Vs Voltage to verify OHMs law.
Select I_Probe1.i and Click on Add Vs button. Another window appears to select the Independent variable.
Select VS and press OK. Again Press OK to see the output plot as follows

This plot clearly verifies the OHMs law. With a resister of 50 ohms, as the voltage VS is swept from 0 to
10 volts, current changes from 0 to 0.2 amperes as shown in the plot
Step 10: Save the plot as well as the design windows.
Step 10: As we have verified OHMs law with a resister having fixed value of 50 ohms and changing the input
voltage from0 to 10 volts, thus resulting in current variations from 0 to 0.2 amperes.
What if we want to verify OHMs law for various values of resistor, say 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 Ohms
separately. This essentially means selecting the appropriate value of resistor and running the simulation.
Repeating the process 5 times for each value of resistor.
There is another powerful feature of ADS that allows repetition of the sweep for multiple values of resistor with
a single click. All five graphs will thus be displayed in same plot.
In order to do this we define a new variable RR in the variable VAR component.
Step 11: Double click on VAR component in the schematic and add the RR variable with default value of

Step 12: Double click on the resister component and change its default value from 50 to RR
Step 13: Add a new component parameter sweep PrmSwp under Simulation-DC palette. Once
added, double click on the component to get the following window

Write RR in the parameter to sweep field and write following values
Start: 10
Stop: 50
Step-size: 10
Then click on Simulations tab and write DC1 (default name of the simulation component).

This essentially means that for every value defined in the parameter sweep variable, the simulation defined in
the DC1 will be executed.
Click OK to close the window

Step 14: Now press F7 or select simulation under simulation menu to get following plot

This graph shows five plots in a single window, one each for the five different resister values (10,20,30,40,50 ohms).

Plot the following circuit using ADS

Plot the graph of IC Vs VCE with following sweep values
VCE: 0 to 10 volts, step size = 1 volt
IB: .1 mA to 1 mA, step size = .1mA
BJT used in the circuit is BFP450 that is accessible from the component library. To put this
component, use following procedure
Select Insert Menu -> Component -> Component library
In the Component library window, select Packaged BJTs under RF Transistor library.
Press the Find components button in toolbar and write BFP450 and press Apply.
Select the component in search result and then click in the schematic window to place
the component.
The Current Source I_DC is available under Source-Freq Domain palette

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