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of the

A Salutation A Direct Connection to The Great Central Sun -
God's Celestial Kingdom - The Divine Fire Source - the Mother -
The Infinite Living Heart of the Father's Infinite Living Mind
From Fire to Light An Uninterrupted Communion-
Of Breath, and Sight of Color.
To Re-align and Re-enter the Vibrations
Of the Natural Law the Inner World of God.
A Polarity Alignment from Core to Core as in Heart to Heart
To achieve an Express Cleansing, Revitalizing
And a Natural Empowerment of Heart.
Please note:
After completing the steps of the "Initiation", the Abbreviated Version of the Lifestream Alignment
should be done in the Morning, before leaving home and before retiring for the Night. The radiation of
the vibrations are cleansing, revitalizing and empowering but also nourish and provide a protective
shield. This shield will synchronize our entire energy self and as it radiates its rhythm into the world, it
will attract enhancing and liberating situations into our life. At the same time it can be seen as
nourishment and clothing for our energy self and body.
Above all, this exercise brings the celestial fire into spirituality. This fire does not only renew the will
principle but assures refinement into "pure or divine will" through identification with the heart principle
as in "Sacred Heart, - the Feminine aspect of God - as the Mother. It is the fire of the will that brings
about action and action leads to integration. (The mother can also be regarded as the "Loving Nature of
God" .)
It is essential to inhale through the nostrils and exhale through the mouth.
Now we begin...
1. Light A Candle that has been especially dedicated for this purpose.
(Lighting the candle symbolizes the respect for the element fire that is a vital and essential
energy source on the exterior level of life. On the interior level it provides us with the
necessary energy current for physical and mental motivation in daily life.)
2. Stand Straight And Lift Your Arms High Above Your Head.
(Stretch from your hips as high as you can. It should inspire a feeling of elevation.)
3. Visualize as in "think - imagine" that way up above your head is a Great Golden Sun
- with Beacons - Rays of Golden Light streaming onto and into your head.

4. Now decide to Inhale Golden Colored Air - the Light from this Sun -
simultaneously lower your arms and with your hands guide this air as a golden liquid into
your head and onward down into your whole body. See your entire body, from the inside
to the outside turning totally gold.
Exhale while guiding the golden liquid light into your feet.
5. Now state:
"Mother-Father God I Thank You For This Life
Please Revitalize my Soul with the Essence of Your Heart.
I ask that my Soul and the Light of its true Spirit - this my Greater Self
take Charge and Integrate with my Mental, Emotional and Physical Body.
I claim this my Whole Energy Form as my Space of Responsibility -
I allow No-one, or Anything to have Control over me!
Praise be Mother-Father God!"
6. Take another Breath of Golden Light and for a moment hold your breath:
See your entire body glowing in golden light.
Exhale with your hands pointed towards the Earth direct the golden light into the Earth.
Retain your hands in this position and return to normal breathing.
See the Golden Liquid Light run through the center of your feet into the Earth. -
turning into a Golden River that runs speedily to the Center of the Earth - the volcano
that symbolizes the Heart of Mother Earth

7. Speak to the Heart of Mother Earth:
"I bring you the gift of "Golden Light" from the Great Central Sun -
the Sacred Heart of Mother-Father God.
Please empower me with the Essence of your Heart
so that I can truly perceive the Sacredness in All Life,
Learn your language and thus step lightly upon your Sacred Soil,
Have strength and courage to move and grow with all Seasons of Life
Attain Balance and Harmony and thus join you in doing your Work of Love."
Praise to the Mother - the Source! Praise to the Father - the Creator!
See the RUBY RED Liquid Fire rising from the volcano - seeping over its edge
and forming a river.
8. Now see this river running speedily towards your feet.
With a deep In-Breath pull the ruby red liquid light into your feet.
With your hands, still pointed to the earth, guide this ruby red river up and through your
legs up into your heart - hold your breath and while holding both your hands over the
heart area, look at your "Golden Heart" that is now filling with the ruby red light -
Inhale deeply and guide the ruby red light with your hands onward into your head.
Now see you whole body immersed in the ruby red.
With firm intent exhale the ruby red liquid light through the top of your head into the
Gold; simultaneously straighten your hands with your fingers pointed into the Golden
Return to normal breathing.
See the two colors join (the Ruby Red and the Gold) and as they do so a
brilliant Copper is springs forth. (This symbolizes the union between Father Sky and
Mother Earth and acknowledges the joining of the polarities between the highest from
above to the highest of below, facilitated through your own heart and entire form.)
9. Inhale Copper Light (Copper represents the entire Soul Family as well as True
Freedom & Liberty) Turn your hands palms out and slowly bring your arms down your
side drawing a Ring of Copper colored Fire around your whole body.
Exhale as your hands meet - palm to palm and with fingers pointed at your feet join
the ends of the Ring of Copper Fire.
10. Raise your folded hands to your heart (as in prayer).
Breathe in deeply and imagine yourself standing in a shower of Golden-Copper Light.
See it sparkle and shine brilliantly with an inner Ruby Red Glow! Slowly exhale, while
raising your folded hands up above the center of your head and stretch from your hips
up into the golden stream of light. This stream is now a very WIDE, like a SOLID
PILLAR of sparkling GOLD from which shower beacons of copper light that totally
engulf your whole being, expanding out into a Copper Ring of Fire for Protection.
11. Now Inhale Copper Colored Air and See/imagine yourself Immensely Tall
while bringing your folded hands down over the center of your forehead across your third eye,
touching your nose, your mouth and down to your heart, Exhale and state:
I Claim the Divine Fire of my Soul and the Light of Its Spirit.
I Am Liberated into My True Heritage of the Golden Fire -
To Expand My Divine Heart and the Light of My Divine Mind.
Expand and Grow continually into a true and free vast self, serving
The Divine Plan On Earth in the Name of Jesus Christ (or, Divine Source of Creation).
Glory and Praise to the Law of Love - the Sacred Heart!
In Truth I Am Free and Clear of Fear & Limitations and manifest my Vast Self!

12. If you choose to stay with this color sequence & visualization instead of going any further into
the complete or abbreviated version of the Lifestream Alignment, your radiant self needs to be
completed with violet. As we serve we need to emit the radiance of Peace and Calm and at the
same time evolve into unconditional love. Stretch up again and inhale from the Great
Golden above VIOLET. Exhale and see it flowing down engulfing your whole vast self.
About Decrees:
1. All decrees only need to be stated once. They should only be repeated when you feel the
need to do so. A decree represents the symbol of the intent and thereby serves as a seal.
Therefore, each time you inhale and exhale the co-ordinate color scheme, the initial decree is re-
activated without having to be restated. This applies to all decrees and their symbols mentioned
in subsequent chapters.
2. We have forgotten the true meaning of a decree and its true power. A decree looses its power
when it is repeated routinely. It should also be noted that the wording of the initial decree is merely
given as a guideline, to set the tone - they can be changed into your own words. Provided your own
words still convey the original meaning and come from the heart. There is no prayer as powerful as the
one spoken in your own words that express your sacred intent.
Application after Statement of the Decree:
1. Once the decrees have been stated, all subsequent practices or exercises should only
consist of the decision to do it i.e.: "I will offer my praise by connecting with Mother-Father God,
and continue by only engaging the thought of the various colors and breath coordinated with the
physical movement. It is not a lengthy process and only requires the time it takes you to
think and breathe.
2. Ultimately, the visualization of the color process can be repeated at any time during the
course of the day when the need for extra energy is perceived. Particularly, when an express
clearing is required or a re-balancing to achieve a clearer or better focus. It is a natural way of
focusing rather than willing our selves into being focused. In this instant the ring of
copper fire does not have to be included. No statements need to be made when approached with
the "knowing feeling" of the "Unity within the One Divinity". Instead, merely think, inhale and
exhale the gold and the ruby-red into the resultant tall copper self.
Decisions or Choices:
1. From now on we approach all and everything of life by engaging our whole self. All
choices that need to be made, whether mundane in origin or sublime are made by first taking a
deep breath of golden air through the nose and for an instant seeing the vast luminous energy
2. Integration of the highest energy frequencies into physical life is thereby made much
easier. This also helps in training the mind to accept this new concept of a vast & unlimited self
instead of having to function from the limitations of our conscious mind.
**Thus from our inner fire the true light of our spirit will expand and illuminate all
aspects of visible and invisible creation in the reality of the "One Light".
Following this initiation we can now choose to continue with the Abbreviated Version of
the Avillion Lifestream Alignment or, simply continue with the initial color sequence of the
initiation process. This allows us to remain connected to the Divine Cosmic Life Source and
serve unconditionally.
The Abbreviated Version aims at attaining flexibility, detachment and protection from
unnecessary obstacles. As a Cosmic Alignment it expands beyond this universe and any
other, into the Golden Lifestream of the Sacred Heart of the Supreme Source. Its
resonance makes it much easier to live and serve life in the present moment. The
present moment of now is the most powerful moment we can be in as it places us into Gods
This is only the beginning. It is highly recommended to learn the entire Lifestream
Alignment as it offers a protection through the inner core self to the external world.
The Entire Lifestream Alignment helps to keep us in that moment as we begin to live life
fully in contemplative awareness. At the same time it activates and sharpens the finer
senses and its algorithm aligns our 7 chakras into 12 and brings them into alignment with
the 12 Solar chakras. Continued application leads to our inner Treasure Chest while
clearing ourselves and all we touch of the darkest shadows and fear. Thus, it is a process in
Spiritual Alchemy for its vibrations to radiate through our entire being into this physical
world and reunite all of life into the Great Heart of the Divine or Supreme Source of All.

Abbreviated Version of the Lifestream Alignment
for Daily Use in the Morning and at Night.
Vibrant Gold: Sacred Heart as the Great Central Sun: The Celestial Kingdom of Heaven.
The inceptive fire force from the Source - the Mother and thereby the "Heart and Will principle" of the
Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven. The supreme unity of heart and light in the Infinite Living Heart and Mind
of God - the Father Creator.
1. As before raise your arms high to reach into the Golden Lifestream. Give yourself a
nice stretch from your hips up and with your eyes closed, see yourself standing in a vibrant
golden stream of light connecting you directly into the Sacred Heart (Gt. Central Sun) of
Mother/Father God for REACTIVATION.
2. Inhale and Exhale Gold into your whole body bring your arms down as you direct the
golden liquid light through your feet into the Center of the Earth. into the Heart of the Earth
Core - the Great Central Sun in the 3rd dimension.
The Volcano at the center of the earth is the heart of the Earth. The Great Central Sun's
anchor of love for the manifestation of the Law of Love in all life on earth. Having exhaled the Gold into
her Ruby Red heart, see the golden essence mingle with the ruby red molten lava, rejuvenating the
anchor of the of the Great Central Sun.
3. Ruby Red: Inhale the vibrant ruby-red through your whole body. . Hold your breath
and see your body with a golden core, engulfed in ruby-red. - for REJUVENATION.

4. Now exhale Ruby Red into the Golden Lifestream that is now like a wide
luminescent pillar over your body and above your head. See the ruby join the Gold spiraling
up into the infinite golden space. As both colors unite a fountain springs to life with Copper Rays
streaming down into your Head and engulfing your entire golden form.
5. Inhale the COPPER Rays and as you exhale your whole body is engulfed by a brilliant
copper hue, making you 10 times or more tall and wide.
Additionally, your Vast Self encircled by a Ring of Copper Fire like a ring of pass-not emitting rays
of protection to ward off interfering energies. Also your Vast Copper Self symbolizes your
"Greater Sense of Discernment". Essential for true self liberation into a detached self to
become aware of the greater community of heart.
Copper is the outcome of the Sacred Union A Universal Heartfire. A Family Union of
Heart: animal, vegetable, mineral, elements and elementals all elevated and rejuvenated by the
light of the celestial fire in the union of spirit and soul.
In essence it is a WAKE UP CALL to all our relations. You will now walk AS LIGHT
INTO this world!
Salutation: Bring your hands back in front of you (folded as in prayer) and state:
IN TRUTH I AM and Am at one with the Universal Heartfire
ready to express the Law of Love
serving the Divine Plan on Earth.
May the essence of the Golden Rays of the SACRED HEART
touch All whose life I touch today
and move forward into this world
The Violet: Now being awake, all require nourishment that is desirable to everyone and everything
and at the same time it address their core needs. The Violet Ray of St. Germain and the Arch Angel
Raphael for transformation and transmutation provides this quality nourishment. The Violet Ray is the
most beautiful gift we can give to anyone no judgment, no condition it is in its totality the surrender
into unconditional love. The first to receive these very fine vibrations is you.
6. Reach back up into the Golden Lifestream and inhale Violet and exhale Violet
through your body & feet into the Center of the Earth. See yourself totally engulfed
in Violet. Try and develop the habit to give all and everything into the Violet flame first. Be they
worries, all your joys, dreams, goals and disappointments. From the nastiest to the nicest people
or situations. Complex experiences and memories of the past gift them all with the violet flame.
Instead of judging we surrender all and just focus on doing our very best with each task at hand.
7. Reach up into the Lifestream and now inhale all the colors of the Rainbow! The
steps to heaven to the Solar Planes of the Arch Angels. The Rainbow lends natural and true
expression to Artists. The greatest Art is in Living Life Creatively and serve life in being
inspirationally creative. Exhale the rainbow into the center of the Earth.
8. The Silver Tube of Light: Inhale gold and with both hands reach into the golden
Lifestream and while exhaling pull down a tube of brilliant silver over your entire vast
self. See it sink into the Heart of the Earth. Now state:
I ask for guidance, protection and direction
on this my sacred space on Earth and for all whose Life I touch this day.
The silver tube offers many qualities but above all it calms the radiation of the activated energy form,
which can be felt as threatening to those of a lesser vibratory rate. We do not need to be confronted by
unnecessary challenges.
9. One Reality in the Union of the 6-Pointed Star of PEACE and the 5-Pointed
Earth Star - symbolizes Liberation from All Duality. The symbol of the great union in the
One Reality of All Life. Its radiation holds many merits but also sharpens the finer senses, which
eventually leads to the development of our 12 senses.
Inhale again as you lift both hands up into the top opening of the Silver Tube.
There is a brilliant Silver Star the Great Star of Peace waiting to be picked up. Take
the star with both hands and as you exhale guide it through your whole form.
While doing so you can state:
I ask to be healed from all duality within me and from those on my path.
Inhale again and exhale as you see it enter the center of the Earth.
Hold your breath for the moment it takes to see the Star of Peace beaming its
brilliant silver-white light onto the five-pointed Earth Star. All its tarnish is
disappearing and inhale as the magnetic force of the Star of Peace is lifting the Earth
Star up and now pull both through your whole body.
As you do this you can state:
Remove all obstacles from my path so that
I can serve more expeditiously in the one reality of the Great Light
and prosper at the same time.
Exhale as you release both through the top of your silver tube into the Sacred
Heart. Hold your breath and see both unite and as they do so there is a Brilliant 12
Pointed Star inhale it and like fireworks see it explode into a vast sea of brilliant
crystalline silver - white stars. Exhale and see your self totally engulfed in brilliant silver-
white light and state:
God is Light - I Am Light and In God I Trust
In truth I am - Thou Art - We Are - All One Light!
And with Every Breath I take in Thy Presence I Abide!

More detailed information is available at the Avillion Aura Photography Booth.

For further information contact:
Rev. Ingrid Jolly, Avillion of Universal Insight, P.O. Box 517, LINDEN, VA 22642
Or visit our website:

Avillion seeks to cultivate the Timeless Wisdom of Heart and in this spirit we offer a variety of services.
Please visit our website at:

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