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2014 0729
Posted by: admin | on ctober !" 2012
Thats a little brown bottle of rocket fuel! Hydrogen
Peroxide, Natures Super Fluid

#22 $ %uper &'uid $ (riend o( mine to'd me how she hated )ettin) sic* as a chi'd. $''
the remedies were just horrib'e. +od 'i,er oi' (or co'ds" )ar)'e sa't (or a sore throat" iodine
(or cuts" butter (or burns. -es butter. %he (e't her parents were cheap" a'ways )oin) to the
cupboard and s'atherin) on whate,er and sayin) .this is how my /om and your )reat
0randmother too* care o( us1. 2oday she1d ca'' 911. #ow saturated (at hea's a b'ister was
ne,er (u''y exp'ained o( course" the cod 'i,er oi' was rea''y just a pun" she now hates sa't
and her 3ad1s marine *it iodine was e4ui,a'ent to hot sauce on wounds. #orrib'e yes. 5ut
re'ie( came in the (orm o( a brown p'astic bott'e" (or her cuts at 'east. 6t was 78 hydro)en
peroxide. #er parents decided to enter the 20th century and spent 29 cents (or this
power(u'" ,ersati'e and hea'in) wonder ('uid. %ome home remedies are worth human
tria's" others just toast. &ortunate'y the studies o( the hea'in) properties o( hydro)en
peroxide" (irst written about in 1!1!" ha,e pro,en it to be an anti:bacteria' anti:,ira'
$ bit o( history
6t was &rench chemist ;ouis:<ac4ues 2henard who (irst disco,ered hydro)en peroxide"
e,entua''y manu(acturin) what he ca''ed xy)en =ater. 2hat is because hydro)en
peroxide is water" #2" with an extra oxy)en mo'ecu'e" ma*in) #22. 6ts a natura''y
occurrin) substance created when our o>one 'ayer" 7" is struc* by u'tra,io'et 'i)ht in the
presence o( moisture" whereby a sin)'e oxy)en mo'ecu'e 'ea,es the o>one to bond to
water )i,in) us #22. ?ain then pro,ides us trace amounts o( hydro)en peroxide
throu)h (resh (ruits and ,e)etab'es" but our bodies a'so ma*e it" with the hi)hest
concentration in a mother1s breast mi'*. 2henard1s xy)en =ater didn1t (ind a mar*et"
but once a)ain the &rench inspired a re,o'ution" this time in hea'th" which (ound its way
to $merica1s shore.
%o o( course you *now that oxy)en is essentia' to 'i(e" we can sur,i,e up to 14 days
without water" ! wee*s without (ood" we are dead a(ter 19 minutes without oxy)en. 6ts
used by our 4uadri''ion p'us ce''s (or comp'ex metabo'ic processes that rid ce''u'ar toxins"
maintain immunity" support proper brain (unction" rebui'd tissues" re'ease en>ymes to
assimi'ate nutrients" counter a)in) and more. ur cha''en)e is to )et enou)h o( it. ur
atmospheric oxy)en supp'y 'ess than 200 years a)o was 408" today its 19:218. $nd this
'ower percenta)e is bein) spoi'ed by po''ution" whi'e de(orestation e'iminates a natura'
oxy)en )enerator. 2he in)estation o( jun* (ood" stress" acidity" taps into oxy)en reser,es
ta*in) it away (rom its primary metabo'ic (unction. $nd our 'un) capacity decreases 98
e,ery decade o( 'i(e. =hat we end up with is an anaerobic en,ironment in our bodies"
meanin) oxy)en star,ed" that is the breedin) )round o( parasites and in(ectious a)ents.
@ar'y %cienti(ic ?esearch
%ome o( the ear'iest writin)s on hydro)en peroxide appeared in the <ourna' o( the
$merican /edica' $ssociation in 1!!!" where 6.A. ;o,e /.3 wrote:
B$(ter a six months1 tria' o( the peroxide o( hydro)en" considerin) the nature o( the a)ent
and its e((ect upon puru'ent matter and bacteria" 6 (ee' justi(ied in conc'udin) the peroxide
o( hydro)en is a most e((icient means o( c'eansin) puru'ent sur(aces" deep ca,ities and
sinuses" and stimu'atin) the hea'in) process in u'ceratin) parts. $s a destroyer o(
microbes it is o( )reat ,a'ue as a 'oca' app'ication in diptheria and scar'et (e,er" o>aena"
cory>a and whoopin) cou)h.C
3r. @dward ?osenow D1!79:19EEF he'd the basic tenet that we 'i,e in a sea o(
microor)anisms" with our bodies bein) a re(u)e (or mi''ions o( these 'itt'e in,aders who
set up shop in the )o'dy 'ox re)ion o( their choosin). 6t is here that they eat" mu'tip'y"
(i)ht others" in(ect" po''ute" per(orm metamorphosis and their presence shows up as
in('ammation" ca'ci(ication o( joints" *idney/'i,er stones" hardened arteries" brain p'a4ue
and ce''u'ar death. #e notated the description o( 79 diseases that cou'd be e'iminated or
contro''ed by the inta*e o( oxy)en to create an aerobic" oxy)en rich" en,ironment that
*i''s o(( harm(u' bacteria that can1t thri,e in its presence. #ydro)en peroxide is the
easiest way to enrich the body with oxy)en" it is an oxy)en supp'ement.
,er the 'ast 29 years o,er 7000 artic'es ha,e been written about hydro)en peroxide1s
e((icacy" with the wor* o( 3r. +har'es &arr and &ather ?ichard =i''he'm" amon)st
do>ens" presentin) data (rom both ora' and intra,enous use 'ayin) the )round wor*. $t
(irst it was not (u''y understood why the oxy)en content o( b'ood and body tissue
increase dramatica''y when it is in)ested. 6t was thou)ht that our ce''s stripped the extra
oxy)en mo'ecu'e away" 'ea,in) the water to join the rest our ,ita' body ('uids" but this
howe,er in not conc'usi,e.2hen 3r. &arr was ab'e demonstrate that hydro)en peroxide
stimu'ates en>ymes systems" which increase metabo'ic rate" causin) sma'' arteries to
di'ate which increase b'ood ('ow and the body1s distribution and consumption o( oxy)en
to increase. 6ts use was wide spread throu)h the 1940Gs unti' prescription medications
were introduced.
Aow the bene(its. 2his is a partia' 'ist o( sic*nesses reported success(u''y treated with
hydro)en therapy. 6t is o( course hi)h'y recommended to see* ad,ice and )uidance o( a
doctor experienced in oxy)en therapy.
$''er)ies #eadaches
$'titude %ic*ness #erpes %imp'ex
$'>heimer1s #erpes Hoster
$nemia #6I 6n(ection
$rrhythmia 6n('uen>a
$sthma 6nsect 5ites
5acteria' 6n(ections ;i,er +irrhosis
5ronchitis ;upus @rythematosis
+ancer /u'tip'e %c'erosis
+andida Parasitic 6n(ections
+ardio,ascu'ar 3isease Par*insonism
+erebra' Iascu'ar 3isease Periodonta' 3isease
+hronic Pain Prostatitis
3iabetes 2ype 11 ?heumatoid $rthritis
3iabetic 0an)rene %hin)'es
3iabetic ?etinopahty %inusitis
3i)estion Prob'ems %ore 2hroat
@pstein:5arr 6n(ection J'cers
@mphysema Iira' 6n(ections
&ood $''er)ies =arts
&un)a' 6n(ections -east 6n(ections
&ormu'ations and Proper Jse
Aow hydro)en peroxide is distributed in percenta)es o( purity. #ere is the 'ist.
!"# Phar$aceutical %rade: 2his is the )rade so'd at your 'oca' dru)store. 6t is not
recommended (or interna' use. 6t contains an assortment o( stabi'i>ers which shou'dn1t be
in)ested. Iarious stabi'i>ers inc'ude: acetani'ide" pheno'" sodium stanate and tertrasodium
&# 'eautician %rade: 2his is used in beauty shops to co'or hair and is not
recommended (or interna' use.
!(# )eagent %rade: 2his is used (or ,arious scienti(ic experimentation and a'so
contains stabi'i>ers. 6t is a'so not (or interna' use.
!(# to !*# +lectronic %rade: 2his is used to c'ean e'ectronic parts and not (or interna'
!"# Technical %rade: 2his is a more concentrated product than the ?ea)ent 0rade and
di((ers s'i)ht'y in that phosphorus is added to he'p neutra'i>e any ch'orine (rom the water
used to di'ute it.
!"# Food %rade: 2his is used in the production o( (oods 'i*e cheese" e))s" and whey:
containin) products. 6t is a'so sprayed on the (oi' 'inin) o( aseptic pac*a)es containin)
(ruit juices and mi'* products. 2#6% 6% 2#@ A;- 0?$3@ ?@+//@A3@3 &?
6A2@?A$; J%@.
,(# Fuel %rade: 2his is used as an oxy)en source (or roc*et (ue'.
2he 78 used on s*in abrasions )i,es you a tic*'e" but any hi)her )rade to touch your s*in
wi'' burn the b'eep out o( you. $ simp'e douse o( water and you are (ine. $ pint o( 78
hydro)en peroxide has 10 pints o( oxy)en" whi'e the (ood:)rade 798 has 170 pints. 6t1s
recommended use consists o( drops into !o>s o( 'i4uid" so the inta*e is ,ery di'uted. 2he
interna' use o( hydro)en peroxide is not condoned by the &3$. %ome specu'ate that its
because its cheap and non:patentab'e. 5ut in 'i)ht o( the many years o( research" doctors
such as those who practice at the 5io:#ea'th +enter in ?eno Ae,ada" are pro,idin)
inte)rated care centered around oxy)en.
2he (o''owin) is a home treatment p'an to *i'' a'' the bad stu((.
3ay K :Aumber o( 3rops/ 2imes Per 3ay E:! o> )'ass o( juice" disti''ed water" a'oe ,era
1 L 7 / 7
2 L 4 / 7
7 L 9 / 7
4 L E / 7
9 L 7 / 7
E L ! / 7
7 L 9 / 7
! L 10 / 7
9 L 12 / 7
10 L 14 / 7
11 L 1E / 7
12 L 1! / 7
17 L 20 / 7
14 L 22 / 7
19 L 24 / 7
1E L 29 / 7
6t is best to drin* your hea'in) be,era)e on an empty stomach or 7 hours a(ter eatin). -ou
wi'' experience a uni4ue a(ter taste" han) in there its worth it and just ha,e a chaser c'ose
by i( its just too much. $'so ma*e sure to drin* p'enty o( disti''ed water to ('ush out a''
those intruders. 2hen a'' you ha,e to do is maintain your c'ean temp'e with the (o''owin)
su))ested inta*e to taper your treatment to >ero.
6 ha,e been on this re)ime myse'( and ha,e witnessed the bene(its o( pain(ree" anti:
in('ammation and a dai'y ener)y boost (rom this experiment so (ar. #ow about youM
/aintenance ?e)ime:
6n most situations a(ter the abo,e 1E day pro)ram" the amount o( #202 can be tapered o((
)radua''y as (o''ows:
29 drops once e,ery other day (or 1 wee*
29 drops once e,ery third day (or 2 wee*s
29 drops once e,ery (ourth day (or 7 wee*s
$ *ey website (or more in(ormation is: http://www.(ood)rade:
6t is this author1s mission to push (or pre,ention and *eep you out o( the hospita'. =hi'e
oxy)en therapy has many pro,en bene(its" it is on'y part o( a o,era'' re)ime o( exercise"
eatin) nutrient dense (oods/juices" meditation/4uiet time and 'au)hter.
2o your hea'th and prosperity.

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