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English T1

1024/1023 /

I. Reading
Text 1
Read the following text and answer the questions below.
Paragraph Having a positive outlook is a choice. You can choose to think
thoughts that elevate your mood, and generally color your day with
brighter, more hopeful approaches to the things you do. If you want to
know how to think more positively, just follow these tips.
Paragraph Understand the benefits of being a positive thinker. Choosing to think
more positively will help you take control of your life and make your
everyday experiences more pleasant. It will also have countless
benefits on your mental and physical health as well as your ability to
deal with change.
Paragraph Set meaningful goals. Whatever your goal may be, you should keep
yourself busy working on it and believe in the cause you have set for
yourself. With each goal you achieve, no matter how small, you will
gain confidence and your self-esteem will increase. This will feed
more positivity in your life.
Paragraph Explore your creative side. Taking the time to be artistic and to work
with your hands or explore your most original thoughts can do
wonders for your power to think outside the box. There are a number
of ways you can express yourself to become more positive. For
example, you can take a photography or oil-painting class.
Paragraph Avoid filter-thinking. This is when you choose to only hear the
negative message in something communicated to you. For example,
your teacher might have praised you on a work well done, but he/she
mentioned a small area where you might make a few changes next
time. Your teacher is trying to help you identify where you could fix
just a few minor issues, and you are too busy turning this feedback into
a criticism, failing to see the praise. If you think this way, then you
will never see the positive in any situation.


0214 /0213 /

Circle the most suitable answer from a, b, c or d.
1. The writer of the text aims to _________.
a. describe thinking skills
c. list the ways of being creative

b. debate countless experiences

d. give guidelines on positive thinking

2. The text could be seen in a/an _________.

a. counseling website
c. medical brochure

b. fashion magazine
d. nutrition leaflet

3. The word generally in Paragraph 1 is a/an _________.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adverb
d. adjective
4. According to Paragraph 2, thinking positively leads to _________.
a. a hard experience
b. a well-balanced life
c. financial benefits
d. fearful changes
5. The root of the word meaningful in Paragraph 3 is _________.
a. meaningfully
b. meaning
c. meant
d. mean
6. According to Paragraph 4, attending an oil-painting class _________.
a. develops positivity
b. wastes time
c. makes an artist
d. ensures a job
7. Filter-thinking is a way of _________.
a. making changes to your work
c. responding to praise

b. considering the negative side

d. criticizing people

8. The word identify in Paragraph 5 likely means _________.

a. find
b. think
c. review
d. discuss
9. To achieve your goals, you need to _________.
a. change your mind
b. avoid being busy
c. ignore small ones
d. believe in them
10. In which Paragraph would the following sentence BEST fit?
"This is a great way to give your mind a break as you focus on the images on
your canvas."
a. Paragraph 2
b. Paragraph 3
c. Paragraph 4
d. Paragraph 5


0214 /0213 /

Text 2
Read the following text and answer the questions below.





Wolves are legendary because of their howl, which they use to

communicate. A lone wolf howls to attract the attention of his pack,
while communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to
another. Much like barking domestic dogs, wolves may simply begin
howling because a nearby wolf has already begun.
Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. Gray wolves are by
far the most common and were once found all over the Northern
Hemisphere. Though wolves almost never attack humans, they are
considered one of the world's most fearsome animals. They do attack
domestic animals, and countless wolves have been shot, trapped, and
poisoned because of this tendency.
Red wolves live in the southeastern United States, where they are
endangered. These animals actually became extinct in the wild in 1980.
Scientists established a breeding program with a small number of
captive red wolves, and have reintroduced the animal to North Carolina.
The maned wolf lives in South America. Physically, this animal
resembles a large, red fox more than its wolf relatives.
Wolves live and hunt in packs of around six to ten animals. They are
known to roam large distances, perhaps 20 kilometers in a single day.
These social animals cooperate on their preferred prey - large animals
such as deer, elk, and moose. When they are successful, wolves do not
eat in moderation. A single animal can consume 9 kilograms of meat at
a sitting. Wolves also eat smaller mammals, birds, fish, lizards, snakes,
and fruit.
Wolf packs are established according to a strict hierarchy. The
dominant male is at the top and his mate not far behind. Usually this
male and female are the only animals of the pack to breed. All of a
pack's adults help to care for young pups by bringing them food and
watching them, while others hunt.


0214 /0213 /

Circle the most suitable answer from a, b, c or d.
11. The text is mainly about _________.
a. reintroducing wolves
c. maned wolves

b. wolves in general
d. wolves' fables

12. The OPPOSITE of the word fearsome in Paragraph 2 is _________.

a. friendly
b. brave
c. evil
d. wild
13. The word established in Paragraph 3 likely means _________.
a. discussed
b. refused
c. started
d. tried
14. Paragraph 5 mainly discusses the _________ of wolves.
a. diet
b. types
c. packs
d. habitat
15. The word packs in Paragraph 6 is a/an _________.
a. adjective
b. adverb
c. verb
d. noun
16. According to the text, it can be inferred that _________.
a. wolf packs of five hunt for food
b. farmers shoot wolves to keep their animals safe
c. females are responsible for taking care of young pups
d. maned wolves are the most common all over the world
17. What is NOT TRUE about wolves?
a. Dogs and wolves are of one family.
b. Wolves may send messages by howling.
c. Small animals are the best prey for wolves.
d. The United States aimed to reintroduce red wolves.

Complete the following table with information from Paragraph 6.

Wolf Pack Members
- the dominant male
18. _________________

19. __________________ 20. __________________


/ 0214 /0213

II. Writing
1. Sentence Writing
Write TWO meaningful simple sentences and THREE compound or complex
sentences about the pictures below.
You may use connectives such as and, but, so, yet, etc.

Picture 1
Picture 2
___________________________________________________________________ 1.
___________________________________________________________________ 2.
___________________________________________________________________ 3.
___________________________________________________________________ 4.
___________________________________________________________________ 5.


0214 /0213 /

2. Essay Writing
Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic.
Making new friends is essential for a successful social life.
Discuss this issue giving good advice on how to do that well.
The following ideas may help you.
- looking neat
- giving more than taking
- common interests
- joining activities

- kind and friendly

- avoiding criticism
- communicating with others
- wait and select


/ 0214 /0213


The End



I. Reading

(60 marks)

Text 1
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Making a backyard mud or clay oven like the tanoor is a great
family project, and once completed, you will be able to make
fantastic breads, harees or grilled fish. In order to build such an
oven you need sand, mud, firebricks, newspaper and water.
Step 1. To start, you need to mix 1 bucket of clay with 4 buckets of
sand. Then add water to make thick mud. After that, add straw and
mix. Keep adding straw until the mixture is no longer sticky.
Step 2. Make a fireproof base for your oven. A good base is a layer
of rocks. Then lay about 8 inches of mud on top of the rocks. For
the floor, lay 4 inch-thick firebricks on top of the mud.
Step 3. To build the oven, put a pile of sand on top of the firebricks
and add water, as needed, so it will stick together. When it is domeshaped, cover it with wet newspaper.
Step 4. Lay about 4 inches of mud on top of the newspaper. Shape
the top of the mud layer inwards as you go up, and press the mud
together tightly. Dont worry about the doorway. You will cut this
Step 5. When the mud is completely dry, cut a hole where the
doorway will be and start removing the sand as it is easy to take it
away. Stop when you reach the newspaper layer. Remove the rough
edges of the doorway so it becomes smooth and even. The height of
the doorway should be 65% of the height of the oven, so as to allow
enough airflow into the oven.
Step 6. When ready to use, light a big fire in the oven, and let it
burn for a few hours. Sweep out all the ash, wait for about half an
hour and your oven is ready.

Page 1 of 7

(3 marks each question)

1. Step number 1 is about ___________.
a. planning for the project
c. choosing the location

b. finding the material

d. preparing the material

2. Straw should be added to the mud to make the mixture ___________.

a. stickier
c. thinner

b. drier
d. hotter

3. The word lay in step 2 is similar in meaning to ___________.

a. take off
b. move in

b. break out
d. put down

4. The fireproof base of the oven is made of ___________.

a. sand
c. rock

b. mud
d. newspaper

5. The word shape in Step 4 is a/an ___________.

a. adverb
c. adjective

b. verb
d. noun

6. Which of the following affects the airflow in the oven?

a. The height of the doorway
c. The shape of the doorway

b. The fire in the oven

d. The quality of the oven

7. The word ash in Step 6 is similar in meaning to

a. grass
c. dust


b. wood
d. soil

8. Sand is the most suitable material for shaping the dome of the oven because it ___________.
a. can be easily removed
c. makes the oven stronger

b. is a natural material
d. is the cheapest material

9. Where does the following sentence best fit?

For example, if your oven was 20 inches tall, then your door should be about 13 inches tall.
a. Step 2
b. Step 3
c. Step 4
d. Step 5
10. This text is mainly about ___________ homemade ovens.
a. the advantages of
c. the process of making

b. how to cook using

d. the history of

Page 2 of 7

Text 2
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Paragraph 1

Imaginary worlds or virtual worlds are computer-based environments. Here you can
create a realistic, digital image of yourself and then interact and socialize with others.
Virtual worlds offer key opportunities for enrichment in the training, education,
medical and business sectors.

Paragraph 2

For example, in a virtual world, a student who studies design can walk into a room,
put furniture in it and get a real sense of space. The student can also change the
environment with colour and furniture. In many areas, few classroom experiences can
offer the same level of reality.

Paragraph 3

Just as in the real world, theres good and bad in virtual worlds. This does not mean
there is no value in experiencing some of the risks of life in an online environment.
Protective behaviour is essential. Learners should know what personal information
not to give out. They should also know how to respond when asked for personal
details. These skills are a must in todays technological world.

Paragraph 4

However, there are some ugly aspects to any virtual world. There is a belief that
virtual worlds attract a higher number of criminals than what exists in real life. This
is probably true. This is because there is a risk of coming into contact with unwanted
images or individuals in most interactive online environments. Another aspect is the
high cost. Kids may need to spend much money on decorating their virtual worlds,
because some items like high fashion clothes need to be bought online.

Paragraph 5

The only way to get away from this is to provide all users with protective strategies,
such as the ability to determine what is right and when to turn the computer off. This
is a role educators must take very seriously.

11. The writer defines a virtual world as a/an ___________ one.
a. criminal
b. imaginary
c. physical
d. protective
12. According to paragraph 2, a design student can ___________ by using virtual worlds.
a. make new friends
b. talk to his family
c. create and experiment
d. take examinations
13. We can infer from paragraph 3 that the writer ___________.
a. opposes the use of virtual worlds
b. finds no value in facing online risks
d. promotes preparing for virtual worlds
c. is against investing in virtual worlds
14. The opposite of the word personal in paragraph 3 is ___________.
a. private
b. public
d. interesting
c. special
Page 3 of 7

Complete the following table with information from paragraph 4.

Negative Aspects of Virtual Worlds
15. ________________________________________________________________.
16. ________________________________________________________________.
17. ________________________________________________________________.

18. The word interactive in paragraph 4 is a/an ___________.

a. noun
b. adverb
c. verb
d. adjective
19. The word determine in paragraph 5 is similar in meaning to ___________.
a. argue
b. ignore
c. decide
d. suspect
20. The purpose of this text is to discuss the ___________ of virtual worlds.
a. development

b. background

c. pros and cons

d. programming

Page 4 of 7

II. Writing

(40 marks)

A. 1. Sentence Writing (15 marks)

Write two simple and three complex / compound sentences about the pictures below.

1. (Simple Sentence)
2. (Simple Sentence)
3. (Compound/Complex Sentence)

(Compound/Complex Sentence)

5. (Compound/Complex Sentence)

Page 5 of 7

A.2. Essay Writing

(25 marks)

Write an essay of about 200 words discussing the following topic:

Some people prefer to spend their summer holidays in their home countries because it is cheaper and
encourages local tourism. Other people, however, prefer to spend their holidays abroad because they
believe that visiting foreign countries will enrich their experiences and skills.
Discuss the above statement and give specific reasons to support your ideas and views.

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Marking Key




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Spelling &




I. Reading

(60 marks)

Text 1


Read the text below and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.

(3 marks each)

paragraph 1

Giving good advice is a talent as sometimes we get into trouble because of the way we
offer it. The ability to give advice in a positive and constructive way is an art. Here are
some tips to help you offer advice effectively.

paragraph 2

Listen first. While this rule is true for all good communication, it is especially true when
giving advice. Major issues are not always easy to see, so by listening first, you allow
the speaker to describe the situation in detail and this enables you to understand it more
fully. As a result the other person is more likely to listen to what you have to say.

paragraph 3

Ask for permission. Unwelcome advice is particularly damaging and disrespectful as it

implies that a person is not able to tackle his or her own issues. Asking if your advice is
wanted shows respect and prevents anger.

paragraph 4

Know what youre going to say. It is a good idea to write down some key points so you
will remember your exact intention. Jotting down your ideas will also help you to
remain logical, clear-minded and confident.

paragraph 5

Offer without insisting. It is wrong to make the assumption that you know what is best
for another person. There is often much that you are not aware of. You should offer
your experiences and ideas with the attitude that your advice is another point of view.
Trust the listeners inner wisdom to decide what is right for him or her.

paragraph 6

Giving advice can be compared to a waiter in a fine restaurant who holds out a dessert
tray and says to the guest, Here, if you wish, and the guest takes what is right for him
or her. Often, by not insisting, you increase the chances of your words being considered.

Page 1 of 7

1. This text is mainly about ______.
a. strategies for giving advice
c. best times for giving advice

b. types of advice
d. peoples reactions to advice

2. Paragraph 2 focuses on the importance of ________.

a. dealing with problems
c. listening attentively

b. mending relationships
d. helping others

3. The root of the word disrespectful in paragraph 3 is ______.

a. disrespect
b. respects
c. respect
d. respectful
4. How can you avoid annoying others when giving advice?
a. Describe situations in detail.
b. Check if your advice is wanted.
c. Insist on giving your opinion.
d. Show confidence in what you say.
5. The word exact in paragraph 4 is similar in meaning to ______.
a. precise
b. approximate
c. estimated
d. probable

Complete the following table with information from the text.

Reasons for writing down points when giving advice:

to remember your intention.

6. ________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________

9. The word assumption in paragraph 5 is a / an ______.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adverb
d. adjective

Page 2 of 7

10. Comparing advice to a dessert tray being held out to a guest suggests that accepting advice is
a. a choice
b. compulsory
c. preferable
d. expensive

Text 2
Read the text below and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d. (3 marks each)
paragraph 1

The Arabian Oryx is a medium-sized antelope, weighing up to 90 kg and especially well

adapted to life in the desert. Its natural habitat is a harsh climate and barren terrain with
little water in which it sometimes has to cover over 150 kilometers in search of new
grazing. It can survive without water for long periods of time by relying on dewdrops
that have formed on the plants upon which it feeds.

paragraph 2

The Oryx has an unusual ability to interpret signals given by rain that are carried on the
wind. In response to these signals, the female Oryx will lead a herd in search of fresh
pasture which will have resulted from rainfall. The adult male rarely travels with these
herds that are made up of about five animals, usually females and their calves.

paragraph 3

The Oryx has long spear-like straight horns, and a thick horse-like neck and a strong
muscular body. Males defend females and territories from other males and this may
result in injury or death. The female Oryx usually gives birth to its first calf in the
second year of her life and yearly after that as the pregnancy period is 8.5 months.

paragraph 4

Unfortunately, as a result of illegal hunting and habitat destruction, the Oryx that once
roamed the Arabian Peninsula became almost extinct. However, thanks to the efforts of
the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency, the Arabian Oryx is now being reintroduced into
its natural habitat.

paragraph 5

Today, the UAE hosts the largest group of Arabian Oryx in the world as approximately
4000 of these graceful animals can be found here. Over the next four years, 100 more
captive-born Arabian Oryx will be released into a suitable habitat in Abu Dhabi. This
long commitment to conserving the precious wildlife of this region has ensured the
survival of endangered species like the Arabian Oryx.

11. The main purpose of this passage is to ______.
a. warn
c. compare

b. inform
d. persuade

Page 3 of 7

12. According to the text, ______ helps the Oryx cope with the lack of water in the desert.
a. the desert climate
b. additional weight
c. the barren terrain
d. moisture on plants
13. The Oryx are led to new pastures by the ______ in the herd.
a. males
b. calves
c. females
d. poachers
14. Why do Oryx follow rain signals?
a. To prevent injury
c. To give birth to calves

b. To avoid hunters
d. To locate grazing land

15. The word defend in paragraph 3 is a / an ______.

a. verb
c. adverb

b. noun
d. adjective

16. It can be inferred that due to their spear-like shape, Oryx use their horns to ______.
a. carry their young
b. send signals
c. find food
d. attack enemies
17. In which paragraph would the following sentence fit best?
An amazing fact is that newborn Oryx are able to run with the herd immediately after
a. paragraph 1
b. paragraph 2
c. paragraph 3
d. paragraph 4
18. Reasons for significant decrease in the number of the Oryx can be found in ______.
a. paragraph 2
b. paragraph 3
c. paragraph 4
d. paragraph 5
19. The opposite of the word unfortunately in paragraph 4 is ______.
a. sadly
b. finally
d. luckily
c. shockingly
20. The word endangered in paragraph 5 is similar in meaning to ______.
a. familiar
b. threatened
c. common
d. usual

Page 4 of 7

. :
NOTE: Any copying from reading texts will be considered off point.

II. Writing
A. 1. Sentence Writing

(40 marks)
(15 marks)

Write 5 sentences (2 simple and 3 compound/complex) about the picture below.

1. (Simple Sentence)
2. (Simple Sentence)
3. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
4. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
5. (Compound/Complex Sentence)
Page 5 of 7

A.2. Report Writing

(25 marks)
Write a report of 200 words about the UAE as a holiday destination. Use the information given in
the box to produce a meaningful report.
Make sure your report includes:
an introduction
body paragraphs (2-3)
a conclusion
Facts about the UAE
Basic Information:
Location: Arabian Gulf
Religion: Islam
Culture: rich traditional / modern
When to go:
October March (good weather / shopping festivals)
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (largest carpet / 85m dome)
Ferrari World (fastest roller coaster)
Masdar City (green city)
Burj Khalifa (tallest building 828m)
Palm Islands (largest / man-made)
shopping bargains / sales
desert safaris / sand boarding / camel riding
diving / snorkeling
Water parks: AquaVenture / Wild Wadi
Reasons to go:
top hotels / safe / friendly people / trip of a lifetime
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Good Luck

Page 7 of 7

2102 / 2102


Text 1
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.


Most students have started this new academic year with a decision to study harder.
Now, science can help them achieve their goal. Recent discoveries in brain research
point to better ways to learn.


How does the brain save information? Our memory actually has three components.
Sensory memory takes in information from our five senses, but this information lasts
for just a few seconds. Short-term memory works like a holding area for new
information - thats where you keep the phone number while you dial it. But if you can
put the phone number into long-term memory, you will remember that same phone
number next week. Long-term memory holds everything from irregular verbs to the
names of all your cousins.


When you study, you transfer new information into long-term memory. Every time
we learn something new, the structure of the brain actually changes, as we build new
connections to information that we already know. When there are more connections to
new information, it is easier to find it again.


For effective study, find the most important information and organize it. Your brain
can process only a limited amount of information at one time, so focus on the heading
and the main ideas.[A] Then remember to make the new brain connections stronger.
One technique is to recite the ideas out loud. This is the most powerful way to
transfer information from short-term to long-term memory. [B] It is also wise to give
the new material time to soak in because your brain has to build new physical
connections. [C]Its better to study for several short sessions than one long session.
[D] Understanding how the brain works will lead to a successful academic year.

2102/2102 /

1. The text is mainly about _____________.
a. the importance of the five senses
c. the features of sensory memory

b. the structure of the human brain

d. techniques for improving memory

2. The word better in paragraph 1 is a/an _____________.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adjective
d. adverb
3. What is the function of a holding area in the brain?
a. It keeps information for more than a week.
b. It helps you remember names.
c. It saves information for a little while.
d. It stores irregular verb forms.
4. The root of the word information in paragraph 3 is _____________.
a. informing
b. inform
c. informs
d. informed
5. The word transfer in paragraph 4 is similar in meaning to _____________.
a. move
b. allow
c. save
d. clear
6. Where in paragraph 4 would the following sentence best fit?
Another method is drawing a picture of the information to activate the visual part of the brain.
7. This text is most probably taken from a/an _____________.
a. science fiction story
b. sports magazine
c. adventure story
d. scientific magazine
Fill in the following table with information from paragraph 2.
Types of Memory



2102/2102 /

Text 2
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Paragraph Man has always been fascinated by the migration of birds since ancient times. And yet, so
many thousands of years later, we still dont know all the secrets of their migration. By
migration, we mean the movement of birds south in the autumn and north in the spring, or
moving from lowlands to highlands, or from inland to the coast.


We know that some birds go to warmer climates because they cant survive winter
conditions. Also those birds that feed on insects, or rodents, wont find any food in winter.
Whatever the reason is, how do they actually know when to make this long flight? It is
believed that birds can tell when the days get shorter in autumn and longer in spring. This
fact acts as an alarm clock to tell them that it is time to move along. So it is the change in
the length of the day and the disappearance of food that makes birds head to warmer
places. Of course, there may be other factors involved.
You may wonder how far birds actually fly to find better conditions. Most birds make
short journeys during their migration. Some birds, however, travel as much as 22,000 miles
during the course of the year, going back and forth. It may take these birds 20 weeks to
make their trip down to the Antarctic region on an average of 1, 000 miles a week. For
example, the American Golden-Plover makes a nonstop flight over the open ocean for a
distance of about 2,400 miles. What remains remarkable about the migration of birds is
that the date of departure and arrival has been found to vary from year to year.

1. The purpose of this text is to ______________.
a. inform
b. argue
c. advise
d. advertise
2. According to the text, birds migrate to warmer areas because ________ there.
a. there is plenty of food
b. there is plenty of rain
c. of the stormy weather
d. the day is shorter
3. The root of the word disappearance in paragraph 2 is ________.
a. appear
b. appeared
c. disappears
d. disappear
4. The word head in paragraph 2 is a / an ________.
a. noun
b. verb
c. adverb
d. adjective
5. As the American Golden Plover is able to fly nonstop, we infer it has ________.
a. sharp eye sight
b. colorful feathers
c. strong wings
d. hooked claws
6. The word remarkable in paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to ________.
a. incredible
b. manageable
c. acceptable
d. available

2102/2102 /

7. We can understand that the writer is amazed at the ________ of birds.

a. food
b. size
c. migration
d. appearance
Complete the following table with information from paragraph 3.
Facts about the Migration of Birds
Maximum distance covered

8. _____________________________

Time taken

9. _____________________________

Average distance travelled per week


10. ____________________________
Antarctic region

Text 3
Read the following text and answer the questions by circling a, b, c or d.
Paragraph 1 Young people have many demands on their time, so they often find it hard to be active. As
physical activity keeps childrens bodies and minds fit and healthy, your child needs at least
60 minutes of physical activity every day. However, many children are spending far too
much time in front of screens.
Paragraph 2 According to a psychologist at the Royal College of Child Health, children born today will
have spent a full year of 24-hour days watching screen media by the time they are 7 years
old. The average screen time for adolescents is now at 6.1 hours a day and rising, as most
young people have access to about 5 screens at home. Research shows that even average
levels of daily screen viewing are clearly associated with diabetes and heart disease.
Paragraph 3 Even though it is not possible to stop your child from using electronic media altogether, you
can set some limits. For example, you can start by thinking about how much screen time
your child has every day. If it is more than you would like, you can work out a daily
schedule for using electronic media. The best way to cut down on screen time is to have the
television, computers and even the mobile phones in your homes family areas, rather than
in the childrens bedrooms. Setting boundaries on the use of mobile phones can also help to
create opportunities for family activities.
Paragraph 4 However, you may also be worried that homework is to blame. If so, try talking to teachers
about how much homework is supposed to be done. Next, look at how much your child is
actually doing. Then, if you think your child is being overloaded, talk to the teacher to work
out a solution.

2102/2102 /

1. The main purpose of this text is to give readers tips on how to______.
a. use mobile phones properly
b. cope with a lot of homework
c. plan enjoyable family activities
d. limit the use of electronic devices

The word demands in paragraph 1 is a / an ______.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adverb
d. adjective


How much time will children have spent watching screens by the time they are seven years old?
a. 1 year
b. 24 hours
c. 6.1 hours
d. 60 minutes


The opposite of the word clearly in paragraph 2 is ______.

a. openly
b. directly
c. vaguely
d. definitely


By including detailed facts about research that has been done, the writer wants to ______.
a. entertain young readers
b. encourage people to use laptops
c. show the benefits of homework
d. prove that screen-watching is dangerous


According to the text, getting children to stop spending time in front of screens ______.
a. is an easy and simple task
b. depends on the help of teachers
c. takes time, but can be done
d. is unrealistic and not achievable


The word opportunities in paragraph 3 is similar in meaning to ______.

a. problems
b. chances
c. challenges
d. difficulties


Keeping all electronic media in the family room is the best way to cut down on screen time
a. parents can monitor what kids are doing
b. children can do their homework together
c. families can play computer games together
d. electronic media can be used in the day


In which paragraph would the following sentence fit best?

However, these limits should apply to you as well as the children.
a. Paragraph 1
b. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 3
d. Paragraph 4


The writer of this text hopes that ______ in particular will read it.
a. children
b. parents
c. teachers
d. psychologists

2102/2102 /

Sentence Writing

Write two simple and three complex / compound sentences describing the picture below.

1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________________

/ 2102/2102

Write two simple and three complex / compound sentences describing the picture below.

___________________________________________________________________________________ 1.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 2.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 3.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 4.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 5.

2102/2102 /

Essay Writing
Write an essay of at least 200 words about the following topic:
Planning is an important life skill. You need to plan for your studies and future.
In your essay advise your classmates on how to plan well. Discuss the following:
The importance of planning in ones life
How to prioritize your tasks
How good planning will assist you in your life

/ 2102/2102



& Spelling





Grade 12 First Trimester



Reading Text A
1. b (use)
2. a (lose)
3. b (do not sweat much)
4. d (desert plants)
5. d (adjective)
6. c (paragraph 3)
7. b (cooler)
8. 8 (food)
9. a (domestic)
10. a (riches)
11. b (fat)
12. c (transportation)
13. 161 km
14. 13 minutes
15. 40 km

Reading Text B
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. d
10. c

Mock Exam - Model Answers

Date: Dec 2010

Question 11
Because people were hungry and could not live their normal lives OR ANY other relevant reason
Question 12
This is s a good story because it shows us how we should respect our environment and our leaders.
No because things are different now and we dont rely on the flooding of the river for our food.
Any other relevant reason
Why was the King respected for what he did? Complete the table.
Give a reason
Give example
13. The King reacted to
14. He sent a message to
the peoples
the Ruler Mater
messages about the
river not flooding

long term effect

15. the people could rely on the King to
help them in future times of
disaster and they live their life as
normal growing food, looking after
their families and working

1024/1023 /

I. Reading
Text 1
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c

(give guidelines on positive thinking)

(counseling website)
(a well-balanced life)
(develops positivity)
(considering the negative side)
(believe in them)
(Paragraph 4)

Text 2
11. b (wolves in general)
12. a (friendly)
13. c (started)
14. a (diet)
15. d (noun)
16. b (farmers shoot wolves to keep their animals safe)
17. c (Small animals are the best prey for wolves.)
18 19 20. (mate/female adults young/pups)

(In any order)


0214 /0213 /

II. Writing

1. Sentence Writing
Please follow the rubrics.
Every sentence gets 3 marks: 0 or 1 for Meaning, 0 or for Vocabulary, 0 or 1 for Grammar
A complete sentence
that has meaning
related to the prompt.


Accurate and specific word
choice that fully describes the
picture, the situation, the cause
and effect.


Gender, pronouns,
person agreement, tense,
plural, etc., must all be



* If all the sentences are simple, the first TWO Correct Sentences get full marks and
the other THREE sentences half of the mark even if correct.
* If all or most of the sentences are compound or complex, give full marks for each
CORRECT sentence.
* Any written piece that might reflect any of the following will be scored Zero:
- Canned (sentences/ essays)
- Romanized Arabic (sentences/ essays)
- Memorized (sentences/ essays)
- Clichs (sentences/ essays)
- Copying the prompts or chunks from other parts of the text


0214 /0213 /

2. Writing Essay


Writes with a
clear purpose.

A range of ideas
that are well

Writes with some

understanding of


Presents some
ideas on the topic.
Presents one idea
within the topic
with some
Presents only one
idea within the
topic without any
Content limited.
Content vaguely
address the topic
or question.

Grammar &



Writes using a
combination of
sentences simple,
compound and
complex where
meaning is clear.

A wide range of
accurate and
appropriate word
choices that fully
express complete

Logical sequence
introduction, body,

Uses sentence level

punctuation most of the

Ideas supported in the

body of the text.

Maybe be some
minor errors.

May use idioms.

Writes using simple


vocabulary used but
not always clear.

Spells complex words

correctly most of the time.
Spelling of common
words is consistently
Uses some sentence level
punctuation e.g. commas.

Meaning is mostly

Writes with some

errors of tenses,
Writes simple
sentences with some

Writes a list of
words with a little /
very confusing

Simple vocabulary
Common words
used appropriately.

Uses paragraphs with

some sequence and
organization evident
but lacks an element
e.g. introduction or

Uses paragraphs with

some sequence
evident e.g. within
the body only.

Simple vocabulary
used appropriately

Sequence is not clear.

Limited expression /
repeated structures
and vocabulary.

Sequence is not
evident, could be a
list of words.


Spells complex words

correctly intermittently.
Spelling of common
words is correct.
Uses capital letters and
full stops.
Spells some common
words correctly.
Punctuation sometimes
used correctly.
Spelling interferes with
Capital letters and full
stops not used.
Spelling interferes with

Non Attempt / Off-point

* Any written piece that might reflect any of the following will be scored Zero:
- Canned (sentences/ essays)
- Romanized Arabic (sentences/ essays)
- Memorized (sentences/ essays)
- Clichs (sentences/ essays)
- Copying the prompts or chunks from other parts of the text




1. d
2. b
3. d
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. c

Text One
preparing the material
put down
the height of the doorway
can be easily removed
step 5
the process of making
Text Two

11. b
12. c
13. d
14. b
18. d
19. c
20. c

create and experiment
promotes preparing for virtual worlds
meeting criminals
unwanted images/individuals
Any order is accepted.
high cost
pros and cons

II. Writing
A. Sentence Writing

(5 x 3 marks each correct sentence)

Please follow the rubrics.

Every sentence gets 3 marks: 0 or 1 for Meaning, 0 or 1 for Vocabulary, 0 or 1 for Grammar


Complete sentence
that has meaning
related to the prompt

Accurate and specific word
choice that fully describes
the picture, the situation
Page 1 of 2

Gender, pronouns, person
agreement, tense, plural, etc.,
must all be correct.

B. Essay Writing

(25 marks)


Grammar /



Spelling / Punctuation

Writes with a clear


Writes using a
combination of
sentences simple,
compound and
complex where
meaning is clear.

A wide range of
accurate and
appropriate word
choices that fully
express complete

Logical sequence in
clear paragraphs

Uses sentence level

punctuation most of the

Maybe be some
minor errors.

May use idioms.

Writes with some

understanding of purpose.

Writes using simple


Uses paragraphs

Presents some ideas on

the topic.

Meaning is mostly

vocabulary used
but not always

Presents one idea within

the topic with some

Writes with some

errors of tenses,

Simple vocabulary

Uses paragraphs with

some sequence
evident e.g. within
the body only.

Uses capital letters and full


A range of ideas that are

well structured.

Please follow the rubrics.

Common words
used appropriately.

introduction, body,
Ideas supported in
the body of the text.

Some sequence and

organization evident
but lacks an element
e.g. introduction or

Spells complex words

correctly most of the time.
Spelling of common words is
consistently correct.

Uses some sentence level

punctuation e.g. commas.
Spells complex words
correctly intermittently.
Spelling of common words is

Spells some common words


(3-5 mistakes)

Presents only one idea

within the topic without
any elaboration. Content

Writes simple
sentences with
some confusion

Simple vocabulary
used appropriately

Sequence is not

Punctuation sometimes used

Spelling sometimes
interferes with meaning.

addresses the topic or

Writes a list of
words with little/
very confusing

expression /
repeated structures
and vocabulary

Sequence is not
evident, could be a
list of words.

Capital letters and full stops

not used.

Non Attempt / Canned essays / Off-point Essays

Page 2 of 2

Spelling interferes with


Grade 12 First Trimester



Reading Text A
1. b (use)
2. a (lose)
3. b (do not sweat much)
4. d (desert plants)
5. d (adjective)
6. c (paragraph 3)
7. b (cooler)
8. 8 (food)
9. a (domestic)
10. a (riches)
11. b (fat)
12. c (transportation)
13. 161 km
14. 13 minutes
15. 40 km

Reading Text B
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. d
5. b
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. d
10. c

Mock Exam - Model Answers

Date: Dec 2010

Question 11
Because people were hungry and could not live their normal lives OR ANY other relevant reason
Question 12
This is s a good story because it shows us how we should respect our environment and our leaders.
No because things are different now and we dont rely on the flooding of the river for our food.
Any other relevant reason
Why was the King respected for what he did? Complete the table.
Give a reason
Give example
13. The King reacted to
14. He sent a message to
the peoples
the Ruler Mater
messages about the
river not flooding

long term effect

15. the people could rely on the King to
help them in future times of
disaster and they live their life as
normal growing food, looking after
their families and working


Answer Key

A. Reading I (Giving Advice)

1. a strategies of giving advice

(each item 3 marks)

2. c listening attentively
3. c - respect
4. b - Check if your advice is wanted.
5. a - precise
6. To remain logical.
7. To be clear-minded.

(6-8/any order)

8. To be confident.
9. b - noun
10. a a choice.
Reading II (Oryx)
11. b - inform
12. d- moisture on plants
13. c - females
14. d to locate grazing land
15. a - verb
16. d - attack enemies
17. c - paragraph 3
18. c - paragraph 4
19. d - luckily
20. b - threatened

Page 1 of 3


. :
NOTE: Any copying from reading texts will be considered off point.

B. Writing
1. Sentence Writing

(5 x 3 marks each correct sentence)


Please follow the rubrics.

Every sentence gets 3 marks: 0 or 1 for Meaning, 0 or 1 for Vocabulary, 0 or 1 for


Complete sentence
that has meaning
related to the prompt

Accurate and specific word
choice that fully describes
the picture, the situation

Gender, pronouns, person
agreement, tense, plural, etc.,
must all be correct.

If all the sentences are simple, the first TWO CORRECT sentences get full marks
and the other THREE sentences half of the mark even if correct.
If all or most of the sentences are compound and/or complex ones, give full marks
for each CORRECT sentence.

Page 2 of 3

2. Report Writing
(25 marks)
Please follow the rubrics.

Grammar /



Spelling / Punctuation

Writes with a clear


Writes using a
combination of
sentences simple,
compound and
complex where
meaning is clear.

A wide range of
accurate and
appropriate word
choices that fully
express complete

Logical sequence in
clear paragraphs

Uses sentence level

punctuation most of the

Maybe some minor


May use idioms.

Writes with some

understanding of purpose.

Writes using simple


Uses paragraphs

Presents some ideas on

the topic.

Meaning is mostly

vocabulary used
but not always

Presents one idea within

the topic with some

Writes with some

errors of tenses,

Simple vocabulary

Uses paragraphs with

some sequence
evident e.g. within
the body only.

Uses capital letters and full


A range of ideas that are

well structured.

Common words
used appropriately.

introduction, body,
Ideas supported in
the body of the text.

Some sequence and

organization evident
but lacks an element
e.g. introduction or

Spells complex words

correctly most of the time.
Spelling of common words is
consistently correct.

Uses some sentence level

punctuation e.g. commas.
Spells complex words
correctly intermittently.
Spelling of common words is

Spells some common words


(3-5 mistakes)

Presents only one idea

within the topic without
any elaboration. Content

Writes simple
sentences with
some confusion.

Simple vocabulary
used appropriately

Sequence is not

Punctuation sometimes used

Spelling sometimes
interferes with meaning.

addresses the topic or

Writes a list of
words with little/
very confusing

expression /
repeated structures
and vocabulary

Sequence is not
evident, could be a
list of words.

Capital letters and full stops

not used.

Non Attempt / Off-point Report

Page 3 of 3

Spelling interferes with


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