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Nowadays, internet is the mean most used by people to access information of any kind.
This is mainly due to its speed in finding showing thousands of sites that may contain
relevant information related to the subject of our inquiry. Taking in mind this principle
system engineers have created many search engines such as Google, Mozilla Firefox,
Safari, Bing etc, to facilitate the exploration and collection of data; documents, images, and
in general any type of file that can be uploaded to the web. But unfortunately the fact that
there are such tools do not guarantee that all persons who access to internet for information
have succeeded in developing this exercise, or in some cases the problem is not in the
search but in the irresponsible or improper use which is given to the material consulted, this
can be evidenced in plagiarism problems or in the using of ideas of others without a proper
These kinds of phenomena are now present in many classrooms in different institutions at
all educational levels that exist in the Colombian territory. In the case of universities do not
all provide an academic space where students could be instructed to consult and manage
information needed for the development of their career, and the Amazonia University is
not exactly among the institutions that offer this program because it gives short inductions
for searching database from the library and other databases that have an agreement with
the institution, but there is not an area responsible for teaching good study methods to help
students in their training process for ensuring an integral education during their careers.
For the reasons mentioned above and as a requirement for our degree as English teachers it
was planned for the first semester of 2015 to work with seventh, eighth and ninth semester
from night English Program at Amazonia University located in Florencia-Caquet. The
general aim is to raise awareness through workshops, video tutorials and a webpage about
different strategies for consulting and managing of information from internet. It is
important clarify that these means will be created and developed by the researchers
students. First, the production of video tutorials which will be published on You Tube.
Then, in a webpage students is going to find more information about the topic, and finally
the implementing of workshops where attendees can receive training on good strategies to
be implemented for searching information on Internet and how this could be used
properly, making emphasis on the most famous engine worldwide search, Google.
Finally, this program can be directed at anyone interested in being part of this process like
advanced levels of public and private schools from Florencia-Caquet, groups of teachers
or students from other semesters in the University . This project is intended not only to
instruct a group of students to improve their research techniques and use the information
obtained from the web, but also to give a tool to improve their academic performance in
different subjects of their career, and also to be applied it in their professional activities as
college graduates from Amazonia University.

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