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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation

The objectives are:
Explore the menu bar commands in Management Reporter
Review the toolbar options
Examine the navigation pane display options
Investigate the view pane
Create a building block group
The user interface for Management Reporter is designed in a straightforward and
intuitive manner, similar to that found in a Microsoft


or Microsoft


This part of the training explores each of the primary components in the
interface. Examples throughout the training show when to use the various
commands and how to define a new building block group that store the reports,
rows, columns, and reporting trees created during training.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Menu Bar
The menu bar contains the commands that are used in Management Reporter.
Users can access several of the commands by highlighting an option and then
right-clicking. Some commands are also available by pressing a single related
key on the keyboard or by pressing a combination of keyboard shortcuts
File Menu
The File menu enables Management Reporter administrators and report designers
access to common commands such as new, open, close, close all, save, and exit.
Users who have the generator role do not see the new or save commands. Notice
that icons that correlate to the toolbar also display for the open and save
The New command includes a sub-menu that contains each of the building block
components, in addition to folder, user, and group. The sub-menu also lists
related shortcut key combinations.
Additional file menu options include the following:
Properties - displays the name and description for the active
building block. Properties can be updated from this window. This
command does not appear for generators.
Generate Report - is only active on the report definition page.
Report Groups - is used to group reports to generate consecutively.
View Report - opens the most recent version of the report. It is only
active on the report definition page if the report has previously been
Recent Building Blocks - displays a list of the six report, row,
column, or reporting tree definitions most recently used.
Save My Report Overrides - this option is available only to users
assigned the generator role.
Remove My Report Overrides - this option is available only to
users assigned the generator role.
Edit Menu
What users see on the Edit menu depends on which page is active. As with other
menus, the commands only become active when they are applicable.
The basic edit commands include Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear, Find, and
Replace. Each command also has a keyboard shortcut.
The row definition Edit menu includes the following additional commands:
Insert Rows from Dimensions
Renumber Rows...

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
Row Links...
Rounding Adjustment...
Manage Dimension Sets...
Insert Row
Delete Row
These commands are explored in more detail later in this training.
The column definition includes the basic edit commands plus:
Insert Column
Delete Column
The reporting tree definition includes the basic edit commands. In addition, the
following commands are available:
Insert Reporting Units from Dimensions
Insert Reporting Unit
Delete Reporting Unit
View Menu
The View menu determines what displays on the screen. By default, the
navigation pane, all toolbars, and status bar are shown.
The status bar appears at the bottom of the screen. In addition to the system
status, the status bar displays the active company and current user. The welcome
page can be opened at any time by selecting it from this menu.
Format Menu
The Format menu display is consistent across all building block pages.
However, Styles and Formatting is the only active command from the report
The Styles and Formatting dialog box displays a list of available font styles, in
addition to the New and Modify options. When users are defining fonts, they
work with the standard Windows formatting options. These same options display
on the formatting toolbar, which is discussed later in this training.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Additional options in the Format menu include the following:
Column Width - displays the current width of the selected column.
Users can enter the desired width or auto-size by double-clicking the
right-border of the column header.
Hide - enables a user to suppress the display of the selected column.
Unhide - restores the display of hidden columns.
Company Menu
The Company menu displays based on security roles and is available to report
designers and Management Reporter administrators.
NOTE: Security roles are discussed in the Management Reporter Security part of the
The Company menu contains the following options:
Companies - are the primary point of entry into Management
Reporter. At least one company must be defined. The demo database
includes the Fabrikam, Inc. (FW) and Fabrikam Europe, Inc. (FWE)
Building Block Groups - are associated with a company and contain
the reports, row, column, and reporting tree definitions. Refer to
Building Block Groups later in this training for additional
The XBRL menu enables report designers and Management Reporter
administrators to configure the taxonomies, entities, and units used in creating
reports with XBRL set as the output type.
The XBRL menu contains the following options:
These options are discussed in the XBRL Reporting part of the training.
Go Menu
The Go menu enables users to select the building block definition they want to
see detailed in the navigation pane.
Security users, groups, and companies are also available for Management
Reporter administrators.

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
Tools Menu
The Tools menu is available to all users. However some commands are available
only to administrators or designers.
The Tools menu commands are discussed in upcoming sections of the training
and include the following:
Report Queue Status
Report Wizard
Source System Information
Checked Out Items
Refresh Cached Financial Data
Report Library Permissions
o User preferences include the startup options of show Welcome
page, load last loaded report, show open window, or show empty
o Default settings include the report library location and
Management Reporter files location
Window Menu
The Window menu displays standard window commands including Tile
Horizontally, Tile Vertically, and Cascade. Up to nine items display before the
More Windows option is activated.
Freeze and Unfreeze commands appear where applicable in the row, column, and
reporting tree definitions, letting the user freeze horizontal rows or freeze vertical
Help Menu
The Help menu allows access to the online help for Management Reporter, in
addition to information about the version of Management Reporter installed.
In addition to using the menu bar commands, users have the option of clicking an
icon on the toolbar for many frequently used functions. The toolbar display is
accessed on the View menu. By default, toolbars appear at the top of the screen;
however, they can be dragged and dropped to new locations as you want. Toolbar
icons become active when they are applicable.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

When accessing a row, column, or reporting tree definition, the formula bar is
also displayed.
Standard Toolbar
The standard toolbar contains icons for many functions that are standard across
Microsoft applications including new, open, save, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo,
and search. Icons are grayed out when not available for use.
In addition to these standard functions, the following icons are displayed:
Insert Row - adds a row, column header row, or reporting unit
Insert Column - inserts a new column to a column definition
Protect/Unprotect - password-protects the active definition -
available to report designer or Management Reporter administrator
security roles
Promote/Demote - moves a reporting tree unit up or down in the
Expand All/Collapse All - displays the reporting tree hierarchy in
the method selected
Report Wizard - available to report designer or Management
Reporter administrator security roles
Help - starts the Management Reporter Help
The row definition standard toolbar also displays the following icon:
Row Links - specify the source of data links
Formatting Toolbar
The formatting toolbar displays information related to the current text and
enables users quick access to changing the style's display.
Styles and Formatting opens the dialog box letting users review all defined
styles and their formatting, in addition to create new styles.
The following icons are related to text in the active cell:
Font size
Decrease Indent
Increase Indent

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
Fill Color
Font Color
NOTE: Changes made in the current cell apply only to that cell whereas changes made
in the style and formatting dialog box apply to all uses of a style that have not been
changed at the cell level.
Management Reporter Toolbar
Like the other toolbars, the Management Reporter toolbar displays icons that are
currently active. From the report definition, access is available to the building
blocks assigned to the report, in addition to the last generated version of the
report (if it has been previously generated). When a user places the cursor over
the Generated on icon, the tool tip displays the date that the report was
generated. The Generate Report icon and the Generate Report Groups icons
are also active.
Within the building blocks, only the report definition icon is active.
Navigation Pane
The navigation pane displays by default on the left side of the screen and can be
resized by dragging the right-side border. Users select from the four types of
definitions available: report, row, column, and reporting tree. Administrators are
also able to view the Security button, allowing them to access information
related to users, groups, and companies. The navigation pane is turned on or off
on the View menu or by pressing the Alt and F1 keys.
NOTE: Users assigned to the generator role only view the Report button in the
navigation pane.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Users choose between buttons, shown by default, or icons for display on the
navigation pane. The active selection displays in light blue.
Two methods are available to display icons in place of buttons. Click the drop-
down arrow in the lower-right corner of the pane and then click the following:
Show Fewer Buttons - causes the lowest button in the display to
become an icon. Click Show More Buttons to return the left-most
icon to a button display.
Add or Remove Buttons - enable users to click the specific option
to appear as an icon.
Folders are available to organize the definitions shown in the navigation pane.
Definitions can be organized into a single level of folders.
Defined folders can be deleted or renamed as needed.
Folders appear in alphabetical order following any definitions that
are not placed into a sub-folder.
Right-click to access the New Folder option. New folders can also be
created by going to the File menu, then the New sub-menu, and
selecting the Folder option.
Consider using folders to organize definitions by type, user, or recipient.
Users can view the report definition associated with a building block by right-
clicking the definition name and then clicking Associations.
NOTE: Associations must be removed before a building block can be deleted.
View Pane
The view pane displays the building block that is active when you are defining
and generating reports. Display in the view pane is controlled by the Window
menu options.

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
Building Block Groups
Building block groups are collections of reports, rows, columns, reporting trees,
and dimension sets that are associated with a company. Companies can share
building block groups or each company can have a unique group assignment.
In this part of training, users create a new building block group and assign it to
the FW company. Report, row, column, and reporting tree definitions are then
created and saved within this new building block group.
NOTE: Dimension sets are an optional component used in row definitions. Their use is
covered in the Balance Sheet Reporting part of training.
Create a New Building Block Group
Follow these steps to create the Training building block group:
1. On the Company menu, click Building Block Groups.
2. Click New.
3. Type the name "Training" and the description "Training class
building blocks."
4. Click OK.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Notice that the new building block group displays in addition to default and
Demo Reports.
In addition to the standard functions of new, modify, save as, and delete, users
can also import and export definitions between building block groups. This
functionality is introduced later in the Review Plus part of the training.
Assign a Building Block Group
Follow these steps to assign the Training building block group:
1. On the File menu, click Close All.
2. On the Company menu, click Companies.
3. Verify that the FW company is selected and then click Modify.
4. Click the Building block group drop-down arrow and select
Training. Notice that a new building block group can also be created
from this window.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Close on the Companies dialog box.
Because the FW company is now associated with a new, empty building block
group, all definitions are currently blank.

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
This training provided students with an opportunity to explore the landscape of
Management Reporter. Menu commands and toolbar icons were introduced and
students received a high-level review of customization options.
In addition, students created and assigned a new building block group that is used
to store the definitions created in upcoming exercises.

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Test Your Knowledge
Test your knowledge with the following questions.
1. The New command is available from which of the following? (Select all that
( ) File menu
( ) Go menu
( ) Standard toolbar
( ) Management Reporter toolbar
2. The navigation pane is shown by default. It can be closed by which of the
following? (Select all that apply)
( ) Double-clicking in the pane
( ) Dragging it off the page
( ) Accessing on the View menu
( ) Pressing the Alt and F1 keys
3. Which of the following applies to building block groups? (Select all that
( ) Building block groups are collections of reports, rows, columns,
reporting trees, and dimension sets
( ) Building block groups may only be applied to a single company
( ) Definitions can be imported and exported between building block
( ) A new building block group can be defined from the modify company
dialog box

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Chapter 2: Management Reporter Navigation
Quick Interaction: Lessons Learned
Take a moment and write down three key points you have learned from this



Microsoft Official Training Materials for Microsoft Dynamics

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Report Design in Management Reporter 2.0 for Microsoft Dynamics

Test Your Knowledge
1. The New command is available from which of the following? (Select all that
() File menu
( ) Go menu
() Standard toolbar
( ) Management Reporter toolbar
2. The navigation pane is shown by default. It can be closed by which of the
following? (Select all that apply)
( ) Double-clicking in the pane
( ) Dragging it off the page
() Accessing on the View menu
() Pressing the Alt and F1 keys
3. Which of the following applies to building block groups? (Select all that
() Building block groups are collections of reports, rows, columns,
reporting trees, and dimension sets
( ) Building block groups may only be applied to a single company
() Definitions can be imported and exported between building block
() A new building block group can be defined from the modify
company dialog box

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