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Code of Practice
JUNE 2012
Draft for Public Comment
This draft model Code of Practice for managing risks associated with the use of cranes has
been develoed to suort the model !ork "ealth and #afet$ %!"#& 'ct and (egulations
develoed b$ #afe !ork 'ustralia under the Intergovernmental Agreement for Regulatory and
Operational Reform in Occupational Health and Safety.
#ince 1 Januar$ 2012) si* +urisdictions have imlemented new !"# laws based on the model
!"# laws, -ueensland) New #outh !ales) Tasmania %with a commencement date of 1 Januar$
201.&) the Northern Territor$) the 'ustralian Caital Territor$ and the Commonwealth/
The draft model Code of Practice aims to rovide ractical guidance to ersons conducting a
business or undertaking who urchase) hire and use cranes in worklaces on how to manage
the health and safet$ risks associated with them/ 0t includes information about secific control
measures re1uired under the !"# (egulations/
2eedback is sought on whether the scoe and alication of this Code is aroriate including
whether it,
is helful and eas$ to understand
reflects current state of knowledge and technological develoments in relation to
managing the risks associated with cranes
has an aroriate level of information or is too detailed including whether the
information would be better dealt with in secific guidance rather than a code of ractice
re1uires additional e*amles to rovide clarification/ 0f so) lease rovide relevant
e*amles that $ou think should be included/
0n addition to the above) feedback is sought on the following issues,
1/ (eferencing technical standards %e/g/ 'ustralian #tandards&
There are a wide range of 'ustralian #tandards that al$ to cranes) which cometent
ersons should be aware of and al$ as re1uired) for e*amle) in design and manufacture
or insection and testing/
There is a view that codes of ractice should not reference 'ustralian #tandards unless the
entire standard is relevant) as it laces an e*ectation on dut$ holders to coml$ not onl$
with the code) but also with the referenced standard/ Technical standards can be revised at
an$ time and the$ ma$ or ma$ not rovide the most aroriate information in relation to
managing health and safet$ risks/ #mall businesses ma$ have fewer resources to urchase
'ustralian #tandards than larger businesses/
Comment is sought on whether it is necessar$ to reference articular technical standards in
the Code of Practice/
2/ #tructure of the material
This draft code is length$ as it includes guidance that alies to various t$es of cranes) in
articular mobile and tower cranes/ 0t also covers secific crane rocesses and activities
such as insection and testing/ Comment is sought on whether the material would be more
useful if it was contained in searate documents) for e*amle,
a document on crane insection) testing and maintenance
a document on crane oeration
searate documents on secific t$es of cranes/
This Code reflects the re1uirements of the model !"# (egulations and it includes references
to secific regulations/ Comments should not focus on the regulations themselves) but on the
guidance that is needed to coml$ with the !"# (egulations/
P'3E 2 42 55 JUNE 2012
How do you make a submission?
6ou can rovide $our comments as an individual or $ou ma$ wish to contribute to a +oint
submission through $our emlo$er or union organisation) rofessional association) safet$ grou
or communit$ forum/ 0t is encouraged that wherever ossible) $ou should include evidence and
e*amles to suort $our views on the draft model code/
' Public Comment #ubmission Cover #heet and the Public Comment (esonse 2orm are
rovided for making written submissions/ These are available on the #afe !ork 'ustralia
website at www/safeworkaustralia/gov/au/
0t is referred that submissions are t$ed and submitted electronicall$ to the following email
address, codes7safeworkaustralia/gov/au/ 0f $ou are unable to email $our submission) $ou can
ost it to,
#afe !ork 'ustralia
'ttn, Codes Public Comment
P4 8o* 9:1
Canberra 'CT 2901
!hen a submission is received b$ #afe !ork 'ustralia via email) an automatic resonse will be
sent to confirm receit/ !e do not send individual resonses to submissions received b$ mail/
'll submissions will be made accessible to the ublic on the #afe !ork 'ustralia website)
unless marked ;0N C4N20<ENCE=/
The closing date for making a submission is Friday 24 August 5:00 pm AEST
What happens after the public comment period closes?
#afe !ork 'ustralia will anal$se all written submissions that are received during the ublic
comment eriod/ #afe !ork 'ustralia will review and as necessar$ revise the model Codes of
The revised model Codes of Practice will then be considered b$ the >inisterial Council for
adotion as art of the harmonised !"# laws/
P'3E . 42 55 JUNE 2012
F#RE$#RD %
' &NTR#D(CT&#N )
1/1 !hat is a crane? 5
1/2 !ho has health and safet$ duties in relation to cranes? 5
1/. !hat is involved in managing risks associated with cranes? @
2 *ANA+&N+ R&S,S $&T- CRANES &N T-E $#R,P"ACE '0
2/1 0dentif$ing haAards 10
2/2 'ssessing the risks 11
2/. Controlling risks 11
2/: >aintaining and reviewing risk control measures 12
. !EF#RE (S&N+ CRANES &N T-E $#R,P"ACE '4
./1 Planning the work 1:
./2 #electing a crane 1B
./. "iring cranes 1B
./: (egistering cranes 19
./B Training) information) instruction and suervision 15
./9 0nstallation and commissioning of cranes 1@
./C Public safet$ and site securit$ 20
./5 Emergenc$ Plan 20
4 (S&N+ CRANES &N T-E $#R,P"ACE 22
:/1 Crane documentation and markings 22
:/2 Crane oerating ersonnel 22
:/. Dicences 2.
:/: #etting u the crane 2.
:/B Crane stabilit$ 29
:/9 <ocumented lifting rocedures 2C
:/C >inimising risk when lifting loads 25
:/5 Difting materials .0
:/@ Difting eole .1
:/10 Communication .2
:/11 >inimising the risk of falling from a height ..
:/12 4erator osition ..
:/1. Noise .:
B/1 0nsecting and testing cranes .B
B/2 >aintenance) reair and cleaning of lant .@
B/. Unattended cranes) arking and storage :0
B/: <ecommissioning and dismantling :0
P'3E : 42 55 JUNE 2012
B/B (ecord keeing :1
9/1 >obile Cranes :2
9/2 EesselFmounted cranes :.
9/. #ecial uses of mobile cranes ::
9/: >ultile crane lifts :B
9/B #ingle crane multile winch lifts :C
9/9 Use of other mobile lant as a mobile crane :5
9/C Tower cranes :5
9/5 EehicleFloading cranes :5
9/@ 8ridge and gantr$ cranesB0
APPEND&1 E: "&*&T&N+ AND &ND&CAT&N+ DE3&CES )2
APPEND&1 F: (S&N+ #T-ER P"ANT AS A *#!&"E CRANE )5
P'3E B 42 55 JUNE 2012
This Code of Practice on managing risks associated with cranes is an aroved code of
ractice under section 2C: the !ork "ealth and #afet$ 'ct %the !"# 'ct&/
'n aroved code of ractice is a ractical guide to achieving the standards of health) safet$
and welfare re1uired under the !"# 'ct and the !ork "ealth and #afet$ (egulations %the !"#
' code of ractice alies to an$one who has a dut$ of care in the circumstances described in
the code/ 0n most cases) following an aroved code of ractice would achieve comliance with
the health and safet$ duties in the !"# 'ct) in relation to the sub+ect matter of the code/ Dike
regulations) codes of ractice deal with articular issues and do not cover all haAards or risks
that ma$ arise/ The health and safet$ duties re1uire dut$ holders to consider all risks associated
with work) not onl$ those for which regulations and codes of ractice e*ist/
Codes of ractice are admissible in court roceedings under the !"# 'ct and (egulations/
Courts ma$ regard a code of ractice as evidence of what is known about a haAard) risk or
control and ma$ rel$ on the code in determining what is reasonabl$ racticable in the
circumstances to which the code relates/
Comliance with the !"# 'ct and (egulations ma$ be achieved b$ following another method)
such as a technical or an industr$ standard) if it rovides an e1uivalent or higher standard of
work health and safet$ than the code/
'n insector ma$ refer to an aroved code of ractice when issuing an imrovement or
rohibition notice/
This Code of Practice has been develoed b$ #afe !ork 'ustralia as a model code of ractice
under the Council of 'ustralian 3overnments= Inter-Governmental Agreement for Regulatory
and Operational Reform in Occupational Health and Safety for adotion b$ the Commonwealth)
state and territor$ governments/
' draft of this Code of Practice was released for ublic consultation on 5 June 2012 and was
endorsed b$ the #elect Council on !orklace (elations on Gto be completedH/
This Code rovides ractical guidance to ersons conducting a business or undertaking who
have management or control of cranes in the worklace) as well as to ersons who install)
commission and maintain cranes/ 0t rovides ractical guidance on how to manage health and
safet$ risks associated with cranes in the worklace) from installation) commissioning and use
through to decommissioning and dismantling) and includes information about secific control
measures re1uired under the !"# (egulations for cranes/
This Code should be read in con+unction with the Codes of Practice for Managing Riss of !lant
in the "orplace and Safe #esign$ Manufacture$ Import and Supply of !lant/
How to use this Code of Practice
0n roviding guidance) the word ;should= is used in this Code to indicate a recommended course
of action) while ;ma$= is used to indicate an otional course of action/
This Code also includes various references to rovisions of the !"# 'ct and (egulations which
set out the legal re1uirements/ These references are not e*haustive/ The words ;must=)
;re1uires= or ;mandator$= indicate that a legal re1uirement e*ists and must be comlied with/
P'3E 9 42 55 JUNE 2012
' &NTR#D(CT&#N
'' $4at is a cra5e6
' cra5e is an item of lant intended for raising or lowering a load and moving it horiAontall$
including the suorting structure of the crane and its foundations/
The designs and items of some t$es of cranes) such as mobile cranes and tower cranes) must
be registered under the !"# (egulations/
4ther ke$ terms used in this Code are defined in Appendi% A/
'2 $4o 4as 4ea7t4 a5d safety duties i5 re7atio5 to cra5es6
A perso5 co5ducti5g a 8usi5ess or u5derta9i5g has the rimar$ dut$ under the !"# 'ct to
ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that workers and other ersons are not e*osed to
health and safet$ risks arising from the business or undertaking/ This dut$ includes ensuring) so
far as is reasonabl$ racticable,
the rovision and maintenance of safe lant %such as cranes&
the safe use) handling) storage and transort of lant/
The !"# (egulations include secific duties for a erson conducting a business or undertaking
with management or control of lant) as well as re1uirements for lant that lifts or susends
0f $ou own a crane) $ou will be the erson with management or control of that crane/ 0f $ou hire
or lease a crane) $ou have management or control of that crane for the eriod that $ou have
hired it for and will have resonsibilit$ for ensuring health and safet$ together with the erson
$ou have hired or leased it from/
Desig5ers/ ma5ufacturers/ supp7iers/ importers a5d i5sta77ers of lant must also ensure) so
far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that the lant the$ design) manufacture) imort) sul$ or install
is without risks to health and safet$/
<esigners) manufacturers) imorters and suliers also have duties to rovide information
about the lant to enable other dut$ holders to fulfil the resonsibilities the$ have in managing
the risks associated with it/ 0nformation must be assed on from the designer through to the
manufacturer and sulier to the end user/
2urther guidance is available in the &ode of !ractice' Safe design$ Manufacture$ Import and
Supply of !lant.
#fficers/ for e*amle coman$ directors) have a dut$ to e*ercise due diligence to ensure that
the business or undertaking comlies with the !"# 'ct and (egulations/ This includes taking
reasonable stes to ensure that the business or undertaking has and uses aroriate
resources and rocesses to eliminate or minimise risks that arise from lant used in the
$or9ers have a dut$ to take reasonable care for their own health and safet$ and must not
adversel$ affect the health and safet$ of other ersons/ !orkers must coml$ with an$
reasonable instruction and cooerate with an$ reasonable olic$ or rocedure relating to health
and safet$ at the worklace/ !orkers who oerate certain t$es of cranes must have a relevant
high risk work licence/
P'3E C 42 55 JUNE 2012
'. $4at is i5:o7:ed i5 ma5agi5g ris9s associated ;it4 cra5es6
R 20.: ' erson with management or control of lant at a worklace must manage risks to
health and safet$ associated with the lant/
R .4<.): 0n order to manage risk under the !"# (egulations) a dut$ holder must,
identif$ reasonabl$ foreseeable haAards that could give rise to the risk
eliminate the risk so far as is reasonabl$ racticable
if it is not reasonabl$ racticable to eliminate the risk) minimise the risk so far as is
reasonabl$ racticable b$ imlementing control measures in accordance with the hierarch$
of control
maintain the imlemented control measure so that it remains effective) and
review) and if necessar$ revise) risk control measures so as to maintain) so far as is
reasonabl$ racticable) a work environment that is without risks to health and safet$/
Chater 2 of this Code rovides guidance on how to manage the risks associated with cranes in
the worklace b$ following a s$stematic rocess that involves,
identif$ing haAards
if necessar$) assessing the risks associated with these haAards
imlementing and maintaining risk control measures) and
reviewing risk control measures/
3uidance on managing the risks of lant is available in the &ode of !ractice' Managing Riss of
!lant in the "orplace/
Consulting workers
Consultation involves sharing information) giving workers a reasonable oortunit$ to e*ress
views and taking those views into account before making decisions on health and safet$
S 4%: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must consult) so far as is reasonabl$
racticable) with workers who carr$ out work for $ou who are %or are likel$ to be& directl$
affected b$ a work health and safet$ matter/
S 4): 0f the workers are reresented b$ a health and safet$ reresentative) the consultation
must involve that reresentative/
Consultation with workers and their health and safet$ reresentatives is re1uired at each ste of
the risk management rocess/ 8$ drawing on the e*erience) knowledge and ideas of $our
workers $ou are more likel$ to identif$ all haAards and develo effective risk controls/
0t is imortant to consult $our workers as earl$ as ossible when lanning to introduce new lant
or make an$ changes that ma$ affect their health and safet$/
Consultation, cooperation and coordination of activities with other duty holders
S 40: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must consult) cooerate and coordinate
activities with all other ersons who have a work health or safet$ dut$ in relation to the same
matter) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable/
There ma$ be other businesses who share the worklace where the crane is used or who are
involved in the sul$) installation and maintenance of cranes/ The$ will each have health and
safet$ duties to the e*tent of their abilit$ to influence and control various asects of crane safet$/
Therefore) it is imortant that these dut$ holders consult each other on the risks associated with
the use of the crane and work together in a cooerative and coordinated wa$ to control the
risks) for e*amle) controlling traffic movements in or near the work area/
2urther guidance on consultation re1uirements is available in the &ode of !ractice' "or Health
and Safety &onsultation$ &ooperation and &oordination/
P'3E 5 42 55 JUNE 2012
P'3E @ 42 55 JUNE 2012
2 *ANA+&N+ R&S,S $&T- CRANES &N T-E $#R,P"ACE
There are a range of risks associated with crane oeration and use/ ' risk management rocess
that identifies the haAards and controls the risks will hel maintain the crane so that it is safe to
2' &de5tifyi5g 4a=ards
0dentif$ing haAards involves finding all of the things and situations that could otentiall$ cause
harm to eole/ "aAards associated with cranes generall$ arise from,
the crane itself F for e*amle) haAards associated with the cranes structural condition)
electrical and h$draulic s$stems) mechanical ower sources) moving arts) loadFcarr$ing
caacit$ and oerator rotection
how and where the crane is used I for e*amle) there ma$ be haAards associated with
using a mobile crane as a result of the terrain it is to cross and oerate on %for e*amle)
the sloe or evenness of the ground&) the kind of loads it will lift) and the siAe of the area
in which it is to be used/
The ke$ haAards associated with cranes involve,
structura7 fai7ure F an$ crane comonent) such as the boom) +ib) h$draulic rams or wire
roe could suffer structural fail without warning/ 2or e*amle) a mobile crane ma$ suffer
structural failure if the crane has been overloaded in the structural area of its load chart/
cra5e o:ertur5i5g I for e*amle) this could occur when a crane is overloaded in the
stabilit$ area of its load chart and this ma$ be influenced b$,
o oor ground conditions such as unstable ground
o failure to use or full$ e*tend outriggers or stabilisers
o failure to level the crane or oerating the crane be$ond its gradient limits
o insufficient counterweights are used for the selected load chart
o load limiting devices not functioning
o raid slewing
o high wind conditions/
cra5e co77apse I for e*amle) a tower crane ma$ collase if it becomes unstable
through overloading and this ma$ be influenced b$,
o the incorrect use of counterweights
o crane tower bolts being incorrectl$ tor1ued
o the incorrect installation of crane ties
o oor design of the tower crane base/
co5tact or co77isio5 ;it4 perso5s/ ot4er p7a5t a5d structures F where sufficient
clearance is not maintained between a mobile crane and edestrian traffic routes or
other lant and structures) such as other cranes) concrete uming booms) buildings
and overhead electric lines/
fa77i5g o8>ects I for e*amle) ob+ects falling as a result of erection and dismantling
activities and the wa$ loads are secured during lifting oerations ma$ resent a risk of
in+ur$ to workers and members of the ublic/
perso5s fa77i5g from 4eig4t F for e*amle) when undertaking activities associated with
erecting and dismantling of cranes/
!hen identif$ing haAards $ou should think about all the activities that ma$ be carried out during
the life of the crane at $our worklace) such as, installation) commissioning) oeration)
insection) maintenance) reair) transort) storage and dismantling/
How to identify hazards
0nformation gathered from a range of sources can hel identif$ haAards/ This ma$ include the
P'3E 10 42 55 JUNE 2012
discussions with crane designers) manufacturers) suliers) imorters) maintenance
technicians or engineers and oerators
a visual insection of the crane and an$ associated environmental and oerational
conditions in which the crane is intended to be installed) erected and used
the ergonomic and safet$ needs of crane oerators
insection) testing and maintenance information
anal$sis of in+ur$ and near miss data/
0f $ou have hired or leased a crane) $ou should also consult the erson who owns the crane
about otential haAards because $ou both have resonsibilit$ for ensuring that the crane is
without risk to health and safet$/
22 Assessi5g t4e ris9s
' risk assessment involves considering what could haen if someone is e*osed to a haAard
combined with the likelihood of it haening/ ' risk assessment can hel $ou determine,
how severe a risk is
whether e*isting control measures are effective
what action $ou should take to control the risk
how urgentl$ the action needs to be taken/
' risk assessment is unnecessar$ if $ou alread$ know the risk and how to control it/
To assess the risk associated with the haAards $ou have identified) $ou should consider the
"hat is the potential impact of the ha(ard)
"ow severe could an in+ur$ or illness be? 2or e*amle) lacerations) serious or fatal
crushing in+ur$) electric shock
!hat is the worst ossible harm that an incident could cause? 2or e*amle) could an
incident cause a fatalit$ or in+ur$ to workers or members of the ublic?
Ho* liely is the ha(ard to cause harm)
0s it highl$ likel$ or unlikel$ to haen?
"ow fre1uentl$ are workers and the ublic e*osed to the haAard?
2actors to consider include,
the condition of the crane) for e*amle) its age) maintenance histor$ and how fre1uentl$
it is used
the suitabilit$ and stabilit$ of the crane
the location of the crane) for e*amle) its imact on the design and la$out of the
worklace) environmental conditions) access and egress
abnormal situations) for e*amle) misuse or fluctuation in oerating conditions/
2. Co5tro77i5g ris9s
The wa$s of controlling risks associated with lant are ranked from the highest level of
rotection and reliabilit$ to the lowest/ This ranking is known as the hierarch$ of risk control/ The
!"# (egulations re1uire dut$ holders to work through this hierarch$ to choose the control that
most effectivel$ eliminates or) where that is not reasonabl$ racticable) minimises the risk in the
he hierarchy of control measures
+limination I the most effective control measure is to remove the haAard or haAardous work
ractice associated with the lant/ 2or e*amle) undertake work at ground level to eliminate the
P'3E 11 42 55 JUNE 2012
use of cranes and the need to work at height) or lan the work so that onl$ one lift is re1uired to
eliminate multile crane lifts/
0f elimination is not reasonabl$ racticable) $ou must minimise the risk b$,
Substitution I substitute the lant %or haAardous arts of it& with lant that is safer. 2or e*amle)
relace an oerating cabin that has a restricted field of vision with one that has a clear field of
Isolation I searate the haAardous lant from eole) either b$ distance or h$sical barrier/ 2or
e*amle) use concrete barriers to create an e*clusion Aone to searate mobile lant from crane
oerations and workers/
+ngineering controls I include modifications to lant) for e*amle) enclosing the oerator with a
falling ob+ects rotective structure %24P#& and a roll over rotective structure %(4P#& to
minimise the risk of being struck b$ a falling ob+ect or being crushed if the crane overturns/
Administrative controls I if risk remains) it must be minimised) so far as is reasonabl$
racticable) b$ imlementing administrative controls/ 2or e*amle) crane cleaning or
maintenance rocedures could,
re1uire that all controllers are laced in the JoffJ osition and the main switches are oen
and locked) or
controls are locked out and tagged to revent accidental startFu/
!ersonal protective e,uipment -!!+. I an$ remaining risk must be minimised with suitable
PPE) such as roviding workers gloves) hard hats) and hearing or e$e rotection/
'dministrative control measures and PPE rel$ on human behaviour and suervision) and used
on their own) tend to be least effective in minimising risks/
Combining control measures
0n man$ cases) a combination of control measures will rovide the best solution/ / 2or e*amle)
control measures to reduce the risk of ersons working in the same area from being struck a
crane or its load could include a combination of the following,
searating workers in a work area from the crane oeration through h$sical barriers
installing motion limiting devices to revent the crane or art of the crane moving outside
of its designed range of motion %engineering&
develoing and imlementing a traffic management lan for an$ traffic control re1uired
re1uiring all workers to wear high visibilit$ reflective clothing or vests %PPE&/
24 *ai5tai5i5g a5d re:ie;i5g ris9 co5tro7 measures
R .%: Control measures must be maintained so that the$ continue to rotect workers and other
eole from the haAards associated with lant/ The control measures must be,
fit for urose
suitable for the nature and duration of the work
installed) set u and used correctl$/
R .): ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must review and as necessar$ revise
control measures,
when the control measure is not effective in controlling the risk
before a change at the worklace that is likel$ to give rise to a new or different health and
safet$ risk that the control measure ma$ not effectivel$ control
if a new haAard or risk is identified
if the results of consultation indicate that a review is necessar$
P'3E 12 42 55 JUNE 2012
if a health and safet$ reresentative re1uests a review/
The control measures that are imlemented must be reviewed and) if necessar$) revised to
make sure the$ work as lanned and that no new haAards have been introduced b$ the control
measures/ Controls can be checked b$ using the same methods as in the initial haAard
identification/ Common methods include worklace insection) consultation) testing and
anal$sing records and data/
!hen deciding how fre1uentl$ to carr$ out a review) $ou should consider the level of risk %high
risk lant ma$ need more fre1uent review& and the t$e of lant involved %there ma$ be
articular stages in the life of the lant where a more fre1uent review is needed&/
P'3E 1. 42 55 JUNE 2012
.' P7a55i5g t4e ;or9
R 2'?: The erson with management or control of lant at a worklace must ensure) so far as
is reasonabl$ racticable) that the lant used is secificall$ designed to lift or susend the load/
0f it is not reasonabl$ racticable to use lant that is secificall$ designed to lift or susend the
load) the erson must ensure that,
%a& the lant does not cause a greater risk to health and safet$ than if secificall$ designed
lant were usedK and
%b& if the lant is lifting or susending ersons) the use of the lant comlies with
regulation 220/
Planning is the first ste in ensuring that lifting of a load is done safel$/ Planning includes,
develoment of an initial scoe of work
selection and ac1uisition of the crane%s&
lanning) rogramming) scheduling and organising the work
managing the work/
Planning for crane oerations should start as earl$ as ossible and involve consultation)
cooeration and coordination with all ersons engaged in the work/ These ersons ma$ include
the rincial contractor andLor crane hirer) crane manufacturer andLor sulier) installer)
electricit$ authorit$) designer %for e*amle an engineer&) contractors) crane oerator and crane
Effective lanning will hel identif$ wa$s to rotect ersons who are,
installing) erecting) climbing and dismantling cranes
directl$ involved in the lifting oeration) such as crane the oerator) dogger andLor rigger
erforming other work activities at the worklace
in an area ad+acent to a crane) including a ublic area/
#ome of the issues to be considered when lanning for general crane oerations include,
determining scoe of work and the aroriate crane for the work to be undertaken
ensuring that the ground conditions are ade1uate to suort the weight of the crane and
loads while conducting the lanned lifts
identif$ing the most aroriate location to site the crane to undertake the lanned lifts
and in relation to other buildings) structures and lant at the worklace
ensuring there is ade1uate worklace access and egress for the crane) e1uiment)
eole and other mobile lantLvehicles
liaising with electricit$ sul$ authorities regarding the control measures for working near
overhead electric lines
ensuring that the aroriate number of ersons are available to suort safe crane
'dditional issues to consider when lanning tower crane oerations include,
determining crane re1uirements) including loading ba$s and site access) at the ro+ect
design stage
minimising the number of cranes on site to reduce the likelihood of collision between
cranes andLor other lant
ensuring that each tower crane can be installed at an accetable distance awa$ from
an$ other tower crane and concrete lacement booms) and
P'3E 1: 42 55 JUNE 2012
ensuring there is ade1uate clearance distances maintained %for e*amle) between the
crane and structure being constructed or lant on the structure&
.2 Se7ecti5g a cra5e
0t is imortant to select the t$e and number of cranes to suit the articular needs of a
worklace and the work to be undertaken/ "aAards can be introduced if crane characteristics do
not match the work re1uirements and work environment/
!hen selecting a crane) the siAe and characteristics of the crane should be assessed including,
the worklace conditions) including the ground on which the crane is to be set u) wind
conditions) access roads and rams it must travel on) sace for erection) and an$
obstacles that ma$ imede access or oeration
the weights and dimensions of loads to be lifted and the locations of the loads relative to
the crane
the range of lift heights and radii from the crane and the weight of the loads to be
handled at these oints
the number and fre1uenc$ of lifts to be made
the length of time that the crane will be re1uired at the worklace
the t$e of lifting to be done %for e*amle) recise lacement of loads&
the t$e of carrier re1uiredMthis deends on ground conditions and machine caacit$ in
its various oerating 1uadrants
whether loads are to be walked or carried
whether loads ma$ need to be susended for length$ eriods of time/
0f $ou urchase a crane that re1uires design registration) the sulier must rovide $ou with the
lant design registration number/
!econd"hand cranes
R '??<200: ' sulier of secondFhand lant must ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable)
that an$ faults that ma$ give rise to health and safet$ risks are identified/ The sulier must
rovide information in writing about the condition of the lant and an$ identified faults or) if the
lant is sulied onl$ for sare arts or scra) that it is not to be used as lant/
The insection and maintenance histor$ of secondFhand cranes should be re1uested rior to
urchase) in addition to lant design and item registration details %where re1uired&/ !here the
crane has been in service rior to urchase and information on its condition and safe use is not
available) a cometent erson %for e*amle) a 1ualified mechanical engineer& should be
engaged b$ the sulier to assess the crane and develo this information/
!here a secondFhand crane has been imorted from overseas) the imorter or sulier must
obtain design and item registration) where re1uired) rior to use/
.. -iri5g cra5es
!hen $ou hire a crane $ou and the erson $ou have hired it from will both have duties for
health and safet$/ This is because during the time that the crane is in $our ossession or
oerating at $our worklace $ou will have some control over the wa$ the crane is used/
'n$ erson hiring or leasing crane to others will have duties as a sulier of cranes and as a
erson with management or control of cranes in the worklace/ This means that the$ must
ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that the crane is safe to use and roerl$
maintained/ The$ must also rovide secific information with the crane including on how to
oerate it safel$/
P'3E 1B 42 55 JUNE 2012
8efore $ou hire the crane $ou should ensure that the crane is suitable for its intended use/ 0f
$ou do not have the knowledge or e*ertise regarding crane secifications) limitations and
oerational re1uirements) $ou should consult the crane sulier and rovide all relevant
information regarding the nature of the work) the worklace and the t$e of lift to enable the
sulier to rovide the aroriate crane/ 6ou should also check that the crane has been
insected and maintained b$ the owner according to the manufacturer=s secifications/ This
ma$ involve checking the log book or maintenance manual/ 6ou should also ensure that the
hirer rovides $ou with the manufacturer=s information about the urose of the crane and its
roer use/
0n most cases the sulier will be resonsible for insecting and maintaining the crane/
"owever) if the crane is to be hired for an e*tended eriod of time) $ou and the sulier ma$
develo arrangements to ensure that the crane is ade1uatel$ insected and maintained
throughout the lease/ This ma$ involve the sulier coming to $our worklace to maintain the
crane) or $ou maintaining the crane while it is at $our worklace/
The arrangements $ou make will deend on $our abilit$ to insect and maintain the crane in
accordance with the manufacturer=s secifications/ 0f $ou choose to maintain the crane $ourself
during the lease) $ou should rovide all information and records about the maintenance to the
sulier at the end of the lease/
.4 Registeri5g cra5es
Certain lant designs and items of lant must be registered under #chedule B of the !"#
(egulations before the$ are used in the worklace %referred to as ;registrable lant=&/ Cranes
that are registrable lant must be design registered before the$ are sulied and) where
necessar$) item registered before the$ are used/
Tower crane
#elfFerecting tower crane
>obile crane with a rated caacit$ of greater than 10

3antr$ cranes with a safe working load greater than
B tonnes
8ridge cranes safe working load greater than 10
"oists with a latform movement e*ceeding 2/:
metres) designed to lift eole
Eehicle hoists <
2urther information on registering lant is available in the,
&ode of !ractice' Managing Riss of !lant in the "orplace) and
&ode of !ractice' Safe #esign$ manufacture$ Import and Supply of !lant/
Design #egistration
<esign registration is the registering of a comleted design) from which an$ number of
individual items can be manufactured/ The erson al$ing for design registration ma$ be either
the original designer or the erson with management or control of the crane/
P'3E 19 42 55 JUNE 2012
' crane design must be registered if the crane re1uires design registration and
the design has not alread$ been registered) or
$ou significantl$ change the crane design b$ modif$ing the crane/
!hen a design is registered) the !"# regulator must issue a crane design registration number
and this number must be rovided b$ the sulier to the erson with management or control of
the crane at a worklace/
The erson with management or control of lant must kee the design registration number in a
readil$ accessible location in the vicinit$ of the crane at all times/
Changes to design registration
R 244: 0f the design of an item of lant secified in Part 1 of #chedule B that is registered under
this Part is altered) the altered design must be registered/
R 2)2: ' registration holder must give the regulator written notice of an$ change to,
the registration holderNs nameK or
an$ of the information referred to in the design registration alication or additional
information re1uested b$ the !"# regulator
within 1: da$s after the registration holder becomes aware of the change/
0f a registered crane design is altered or modified so as to re1uire an$ new risk control
measures or if there is an$ change to an$ information rovided at the time of design registration
%or in relation to the registration itself&) the !"# regulator must be notified in writing within 1:
!here an alteration has been made to the design of a crane the erson making the design
change is a designer and has designer duties/ 2or crane design alteration it is likel$ that the
designer will need to erform engineering calculations on the crane design to determine that it
comlies with relevant technical standards/
$tem registration
Plant item registration alies to a secific item of lant and each item re1uires registration/ 0t is
the resonsibilit$ of the erson with management or control of lant to ensure that all registrable
lant items are registered/
0n order to have a crane item registered) it must be insected b$ a cometent erson and a
statement rovided to ensure that it is safe to oerate/
' erson is cometent to insect a crane for item registration uroses if the erson,
educational or vocational 1ualifications in an engineering disciline relevant to the lant
to be insected) or
knowledge of the technical standards relevant to the crane to be insected/
%nce the crane is registered
The !"# regulator will issue a registration document including an item registration number/
The registration document must be ket and made available for an$ insection re1uired under
the !"# 'ct/
The item registration number must be ermanentl$ marked on the crane in a location that will be
readil$ accessible/ 0t will generall$ be a simle task to mark large cranes with the item
registration number b$ either staming or etching the number onto a structural member or b$
fi*ing the number in lace on a late in a osition that will not lead to damage or removal over
P'3E 1C 42 55 JUNE 2012
4n some items) such as a tower crane that ma$ comrise man$ arts assembled in variable a
configuration to suit a articular site) it ma$ not be feasible to mark each comonent of the
lant/ 0n such cases the item registration number should be marked on those comonents that
are readil$ accessible and able to be seen when the crane is full$ assembled/
$tem registration renewal
Plant item registration must be renewed ever$ five $ears/ 'n alication for registration renewal
re1uires a declaration that the crane has been maintained) insected and tested in accordance
with the !"# (egulations/
Changes to item registration
R 2)2: ' registration holder must give the regulator written notice of an$ change to,
the registration holderNs nameK or
an$ of the information referred to in the item registration alication or additional information
re1uested b$ the !"# regulator
within 1: da$s after the registration holder becomes aware of the change/
6ou must inform the !"# regulator if,
the crane is altered to the e*tent that it re1uires new risk control measures
the crane is usuall$ at a fi*ed location but has been moved or relocated) or
the registration holder no longer has management or control of the item of crane/
.5 Trai5i5g/ i5formatio5/ i5structio5 a5d super:isio5
S '?: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must rovide relevant information)
instruction) training and suervision necessar$ to rotect all ersons from risks to their health
and safet$ arising from the work carried out/
R .?: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that information) training
and instruction rovided to a worker is suitable and ade1uate having regard to,
the nature of the work carried out b$ the worker
the nature of the risks associated with the work at the time of the information) training and
instruction) and
the control measures imlemented/
The training rovided must be readil$ understandable b$ an$ erson to whom it is rovided/
0nformation) training and instruction for crane oerations should include,
the safe work rocedures to be used in the setting u and safe oeration of crane
activities) such as traffic rules and clearances from overhead electric lines
knowledge of the crane manufacturer=s oeration and service manuals
the method for insection and maintenance of cranes
the correct use) care and storage of tools and e1uiment) including ersonal rotective
emergenc$ rocedures/
Crane oerators should be closel$ suervised until the$ are cometent in oerating the crane/
!here necessar$) the erson oerating the crane and ersons working with a crane %for
e*amle) a dogger or rigger& must hold an aroriate high risk work %"(!& licence/
>anagement s$stems should be in lace to,
P'3E 15 42 55 JUNE 2012
ensure onl$ those workers who hold an aroriate high risk work licence andLor have
received the re1uired training and instruction and are deemed cometent are authorised
to carr$ out the work
sufficientl$ monitor the work to ensure that agreed safe work rocedures are being
adhered to) including the use of ersonal rotective e1uiment/
The necessar$ safet$ information must also be rovided to ersons who are involved in
installing) commissioning) testing) maintaining or reairing lant) as well as decommissioning)
dismantling or disosing of lant/ This should include information on the t$es of haAards and
risks the lant ma$ ose to the erson when the$ are involved in these activities/
&amiliarisation training
Cranes can be fundamentall$ different in their design) mode of oeration) control la$out and
configuration/ 2or e*amle) there are three different t$es of tower crane, luffing) hammerhead
and selfFerecting tower cranes/
2amiliarisation training rovides crane oerators with an oortunit$ to be familiar with the
design) la$out) oerating functions and maintenanceLinsection re1uirements of a secific
crane/ This training should be rovided to crane oerators rior to commencing work on a crane
for the first time/ This rocess ma$ involve a reresentative from the crane sulier or
manufacturer) articularl$ when the crane is new/ The reresentative should have detailed
knowledge of the oerational and safet$ features of the crane and should also be endorsed b$
the crane sulier or manufacturer as being cometent to deliver an$ familiarisation training/
#efresher training
(egular refresher training should be rovided to ersons who work as art of a crane crew %for
e*amle) crane oerators) doggers and riggers&/ (efresher training will enable the crane crew
to maintain the cometencies originall$ achieved in the relevant licence class for erforming
high risk work and the familiarisation training relevant to the cranes the$ are working with/
(efresher training should include,
the alication of new technolog$) articularl$ for those ersons who obtained their
licence class while working on more basic cranes
health and safet$ haAards) risks and controls
safe crane oeration) maintenance and insection
an$ relevant changes to worklace health and safet$ legislation) manufacturer=s
instructions and technical standards that ma$ have an imact on safe crane oeration/
(efresher training ma$ include,
conducting a training needs anal$sis to identif$ the articular training needs of individual
roviding technical and theoretical information) where re1uired
roviding ractical demonstration and suervision/
.0 &5sta77atio5 a5d commissio5i5g of cra5es
R 20': ' erson that installs) constructs or commissions lant must ensure that the lant is
installed) constructed or commissioned having regard to,
the information rovided b$ the designer) manufacturer) imorter or sulier of the lant
under the 'ct and these (egulations) or
the instructions rovided b$ a cometent erson to the e*tent that those instructions relate
to health and safet$/
R 204: ' erson with management or control of lant at a worklace must,
P'3E 1@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
not commission the lant unless the erson has established that the lant is) so far as is
reasonabl$ racticable) without risks to the health and safet$ of an$ erson
ensure that a erson who installs) assembles) constructs or commissions the lant is a
cometent erson and is rovided with the available information for eliminating or
minimising risks to health or safet$) and
ensure that the rocesses for the installation) construction) and commissioning of lant
include insections that ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that risks associated
with these activities are monitored/
0nstalling and commissioning cranes involves erforming the necessar$ ad+ustments) tests and
insections to ensure the crane is in full working order and meets the secified re1uirements
before it is used/ 0t also involves ensuring that,
the crane is installed andLor commissioned in accordance with the crane designer=s or
manufacturer=s instructions and an$ secified technical standards
the roosed method for installing or commissioning the crane will not adversel$ affect
other lant and structures in the vicinit$
installing and commissioning activities are suervised b$ a cometent erson
onl$ arts and comonents that meet the secifications of either the crane manufacturer
or a cometent erson are used
the comonents are assembled in the correct se1uence using aroriate tools and
e1uiment %including secial tools) +igs and aliances&
the crane is stable during installing and commissioning
ade1uate fall risk controls are imlemented where workers are working at a height
access to and egress from the crane comlies with the relevant technical re1uirements
environmental factors) such as ground load bearing caacit$) wet or wind$ conditions are
all relevant electrical installations associated with the crane coml$ with AS/01S 2333'
+lectrical installations/
&alling ob'ects
0nstalling and commissioning activities ma$ include a risk of ersons being struck b$ falling
ob+ects/ Control measures based on a risk assessment should be imlemented to minimise the
risk/ 2or e*amle,
erect and maintain effective barricades at an aroriate distance around the work area
to revent access F onl$ ersons who are directl$ involved in crane installation and
commissioning activities are to be allowed inside this area
erect and maintain rotective hoardings to rotect ersons in the vicinit$ of the work) or
schedule the crane installation and commissioning to occur when the movement of other
ersons and mobile lant at the worklace is at a minimum/
.% Pu87ic safety a5d site security
'de1uate ublic safet$ must be maintained in areas ad+oining the worklace %for e*amle) on
roads) walkwa$s) water courses&/ Control measures to rotect the ublic include street closures)
hoardings) scaffolding and other t$es of overhead rotection) used either singl$ or in
R 2?): ' erson with management or control of a worklace at which construction work is
carried out must ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that the worklace is secured from
unauthorised access/
2urther guidance on securing a construction worklace is available in the &ode of !ractice'
&onstruction "or/
P'3E 20 42 55 JUNE 2012
.) Emerge5cy P7a5
R 4.: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must ensure that an emergenc$ lan is
reared for the worklace that rovides rocedures to resond effectivel$ in an emergenc$/
Check that the worklace where the crane will oerate has an emergenc$ lan to rovide an
effective resonse in various t$es of emergencies) including how to evacuate eole from the
vicinit$ of the crane in a controlled manner/ Contact numbers for emergenc$ services should be
rominentl$ disla$ed/
' reliable and effective means of communication should be established between all workers in
the vicinit$ of the crane to ermit and ensure effective evacuation of danger areas/
(escue e1uiment for the romt removal of an in+ured worker) including retrieval of the
oerator) as well as a communication s$stem to contact an$ necessar$ ambulance service)
should be available and readil$ accessible/
Emergenc$ rocedures should be communicated to all workers and ma$ include,
a warning s$stem
safe and raid evacuation rocedures) including for in+ured ersons
having trained ersonnel to resond to and oversee the evacuation of in+ured ersons
aroriate medical treatment and evacuation of in+ured ersons
shutting down of the crane
rovision of fire fighting and rescue e1uiment at aroriate locations
disla$ of evacuation rocedures in aroriate location%s&/
P'3E 21 42 55 JUNE 2012
4' Cra5e docume5tatio5 a5d mar9i5gs
(oad charts
Each crane has a secific load chart that sets out how its lift caacit$ varies when considering
how the crane is set u) the weight of the load) boom e*tension and boom angle/ Using the load
chart correctl$ is critical to ensure safe crane oeration/
!here the crane has one main load chart) this should be fi*ed in the oerator=s cabin in a
clearl$ visible location/ !here the crane has numerous load charts %for e*amle) for different
boom and fl$ +ib configurations& the charts must be easil$ accessible for the oerator to verif$
that the crane is not overloaded and ma$ be ket electronicall$ or in hard co$/
The lifting caacit$ of a crane is limited b$,
structural strength when the working radius is small
stabilit$ when the working radius is greater/
0f a crane is overloaded in the structural area of the load chart a structural or mechanical
comonent of the crane ma$ fail/ "owever) if the crane is overloaded in the stabilit$ area of the
load chart the crane ma$ overturn/
The lifting caacities secified on a load chart must never be e*ceeded e*cet during testing of
the crane b$ a cometent erson under controlled conditions/
4n some mobile cranes there ma$ be numerous load charts for differing boom and
counterweight configurations/ The load charts ma$ be comle* and include numerous
conditions that must be comlied with to ensure the crane can safel$ lift a load/ Two imortant
factors that are often overlooked when reading load charts are,
The need to subtract the mass of the hook block and lifting slings from the caacit$ of
the crane at the articular radius) unless otherwise noted on the load chart/ 2or e*amle)
if the load chart states that the crane can lift 20 tonnes at a given radius but the hook
and lifting gear have a combined mass of one tonne the load to be lifted cannot be
greater than 1@ tonnes/ This issue becomes critical for heavier hook blocks and lifting
gear %for e*amle) sreader beams&/
The need to subtract the mass of the fl$ +ib from the caacit$ of the main hook when
lifting from the main hook on the main boom with a fl$ +ib attached to the boom head
%unless this is allowed for and noted on the load chart&/ Caacities of the main boom are
generall$ based on the fl$ +ib being removed/ 0f this issue is ignored) the likelihood of the
crane overturning can be ver$ high/
Crane markings
' mobile crane and its lifting comonents should be marked ermanentl$ and legibl$ in English/
'll oerator controls must be suitabl$ marked to indicate their function and oeration/ The
crane=s comuter should be comatible with these re1uirements and indicate the control
function) otions and settings/
42 Cra5e operati5g perso55e7
' risk assessment will assist in determining the number and cometenc$ of ersons re1uired in
the crane crew to ensure the safe oeration of the crane at a worklace/ The work
arrangements must eliminate or minimise the risk of collision between the crane and other lant)
and loads contacting other structures) overhead electric lines or ersons/ ' risk assessment
should consider the lant to be used and the siAe and comle*it$ of the lifts to be erformed
when determining a crane crew) including crane oerators and ersons to sling loads/
P'3E 22 42 55 JUNE 2012
4. "ice5ces
High risk work licences
The high risk work licences re1uired to erform work with cranes are set out in #chedule . of
the !"# (egulations/ These include licences for crane oerators) doggers and riggers/
!here the erson resonsible for slinging a load is re1uired to e*ercise +udgement in relation to
the suitabilit$ and condition of lifting gear and the method of attaching the sling %including sling
accessories& to the load or crane) then this erson must hold a dogger or rigger high risk work
licence or be an ade1uatel$ suervised trainee/ ' crane oerator ma$ onl$ suervise a trainee
in erforming the work of a dogger if the crane oerator also holds a dogger=s licence/
' matri* showing the t$es of lant that re1uire registration andLor an oerator with a high risk
work licence is included at Appendi% &/
' erson who carries out work with a crane is not re1uired to be licensed as a crane oerator if
the work is carried out,
in the course of training towards certification to be licensed and the erson is under the
suervision of a erson licensed to carr$ out the high risk work
is solel$ for the urose of manufacture) testing) trialling) installation) commissioning)
maintenance) servicing) reair) alteration or disosal of the lant or moving the lant in
the worklace %see also below& and the lant is oerated or used without a load %e*cet
when standard weights with redetermined fi*ing oints are used for calibration&
the work is limited to setting u or dismantling the crane) and the erson carr$ing out the
work holds a licence in relation to rigging) which 1ualifies the erson to carr$ out the
>oving lant in the worklace does not include loading or unloading the lant from a vehicle or
e1uiment used to move the lant/
Driver)s licence re*uirements
4erators of cranes are re1uired to hold the aroriate class of drivers licence before driving a
mobile crane on a road/ This means that a erson who has been granted a licence class to
oerate a mobile crane must also hold the aroriate class of drivers licence to drive that
mobile crane on a road/
44 Setti5g up t4e cra5e
!iting the crane
The siting of cranes should be considered in the lanning hase and occur after careful
consideration of the relevant factors) including,
the crane overturning or collasing due to,
o the failure of the foundations or structure %crane standing& suorting the crane
o failure of the crane to withstand the forces likel$ to be imosed on it
collision between the crane with other lant and structures at the worklace/
+obile cranes
R 2'4: The erson with management or control of owered mobile lant at a worklace must
manage risks to health and safet$ associated with the lant overturning/
' mobile crane can be set u in a range of locations and environmental conditions/ #ome
mobile cranes %ick and carr$& can also carr$ a load while moving %mobiling&/ Crane design)
ground conditions and loads need to be considered when siting and setting u a mobile crane
%see Appendi% #&/
P'3E 2. 42 55 JUNE 2012
ower cranes
!hen siting a tower crane) consider the working radius of the crane in relation to,
other ermanent or temorar$ lant and structures
common access areas for workers and other ersons at the worklace
ublic access areas) such as footaths) roadwa$s and railwa$s/
The siAe and design of tower crane bases must take into account factors such as tower height)
wind seed) terrain t$e) ground t$e and bearing caacit$) boom length and crane lifting
Crane standing
The design of the crane standing must conform to the crane manufacturer=s instructions and be
caable of withstanding the forces likel$ to be imosed on it b$ the crane while inFservice) outF
ofFservice) and during erecting and dismantling/ These forces include,
dead weight of the crane
dead weight of the load and an$ lifting attachments
d$namic forces caused b$ movements of the crane
wind loadings
other loads as identified b$ the designer of the crane standing/
!hen a crane is to be suorted on) or tied to) a ermanent or temorar$ structure) the design
of the structure must be caable of withstanding the forces designed to be imosed on it b$ the
crane ties/ 'de1uate recautions should also be taken to ensure the stabilit$ of the crane when
the crane will be sited in the vicinit$ of underground services) e*cavations or embankments/
Collision between the crane and other plant and structures
R 2'4: The erson with management or control of owered mobile lant at a worklace must
manage risks to health and safet$ associated with the lant colliding with an$ erson or thing/
R 2'5 @4A: The erson must ensure that the lant does not collide with edestrians or other
owered mobile lant/
The siting of a crane should consider haAards such as,
overhead electric lines and other services
nearb$ structures
other cranes or high obstructions) including those on ad+acent worklaces %for e*amle)
concrete lacement booms&
other mobile e1uiment moving within the crane working area
the vicinit$ of airorts and aircraft flight aths for ;high= cranes/
Cranes should be ositioned to maintain sufficient clearance between the crane and its load and
other lan) structures and workers/ ' collision between the crane or its load and other lant or
structures ma$,
damage crane comonents) such as the boom) ma$ seriousl$ weaken the comonent
leading to structural collase of the crane andLor loss of load
result in overturning cranes or other lant
result in droed loads
damage the structure or other lant making it unsafe
result in in+ur$ to ersons in the vicinit$ of the crane) including workers and members of
the ublic/
' risk of in+ur$ from collision ma$ e*ist for e*amle where,
P'3E 2: 42 55 JUNE 2012
a concrete lacement boom is working within the tower crane=s oerating radius) or
tower cranes located on ad+acent sites are oerating in the same air sace/
!hen cranes oerate in ad+acent areas) the$ ma$ share the same airsace/ The ersons in
control of each work area should consult and develo safe s$stems of work to ensure sufficient
clearances are maintained between the cranes/ Each work area should nominate a erson who
has a resonsibilit$ to imlement the safe s$stem of work to minimise the risk of collision/
This issue is articularl$ imortant where mobile cranes are set u on ublic roads/ 0n this
situation) the traffic control rocedures of the road controlling authorit$ must be comlied with/
!here cranes are set u in or near flight aths the local airort oerator must be contacted to
ensure the re1uirements of the Civil 'viation #afet$ 'uthorit$ %C'#'& are met/ !here
necessar$) aircraft warning lights will need to be fitted to the highest art of the crane/
ower cranes
' documented rocedure) such as a safe work method statement) should be reared to
minimise the risk of in+ur$ from a collision/ This rocedure should address the following issues,
siting cranes to minimise the need for other lant to oerate within the crane=s oerating
siting cranes and other lant that have counterweights so that the counterweights cannot
collide with other counterweights) lant) structures of ersons during slewing oerations
the method of communication between the crane crew and other lant oerators
scheduling of work to minimise the time the crane and other items of lant are re1uired
to work in the same area) or at the same height
the tower crane=s climbing rocedure to ensure the crane remains as far above an$
structure or lant %for e*amle) +um forms& as racticable
the fre1uenc$ of regular meetings to monitor and review the effectiveness of control
measures and who should attend such meetings/
!here tower cranes share the same air sace but are sited on ad+acent worklaces) the
rincial contractor from each worklace should consult and cooerate the other to imlement
safe s$stems of work %for e*amle) within the !"# management lans& to ensure sufficient
clearances are maintained between cranes) minimising the risk of collision/ The s$stem of work
should identif$ ersons from each worklace who have this resonsibilit$) scheduling
re1uirements for crane oerations) and a clear method of communication between the
%verhead electric lines
R '00: ' erson conducting a business or undertaking must ensure) so far as is reasonabl$
racticable) that no erson) lant or thing at the worklace comes within an unsafe distance of
an overhead electric line/
0f this is not reasonabl$ racticable) the erson must ensure that a risk assessment is
conducted in relation to the roosed work and control measures imlemented are consistent
with the risk assessment and) if an electricit$ sul$ authorit$ is resonsible for the electric line)
an$ re1uirements of the authorit$/
#iting of the crane must revent contact with overhead electric lines/ Contact with electric lines
while oerating a crane can ose a risk of electrocution and crane failure/ 0t can be e*tremel$
difficult for crane oerators to see electric lines and to +udge distances from them/
Careful lanning and rearation is essential to ensure that work is done safel$ when oerating
a crane in the vicinit$ of overhead electric lines/ Consideration should be given to,
P'3E 2B 42 55 JUNE 2012
identif$ing the nature of the work) the height and voltage of electric lines and the
ro*imit$ of the crane to overhead electric lines
consulting the electricit$ sul$ authorit$ about the work and coml$ing with an$
conditions imosed b$ them
eliminating the risk b$ arranging for the electricit$ sul$ authorit$ to isolate the
electricit$ sul$ for the duration of the work
establishing and imlementing aroach distances to energised electrical conductors
and noFgo Aones in the work area
roviding an effective communication s$stem between workers at the site
ensuring a safet$ observer is used whenever mobile lant is in motion and is likel$ to
come closer than the aroach distances
ensuring the oerator has the aroriate training and cometenc$ to undertake the
emergenc$ rescue rocedures/
'roach distances to energised electrical conductors are set out in the &ode of !ractice'
"oring in the 4icinity of Overhead and 5nderground +lectrical 6ines/ This Code also rovides
information about the t$e of controls that should be in lace when work is undertaken within
unsafe distances/
45 Cra5e sta8i7ity
2ailure to maintain stabilit$ is one of the ke$ factors associated with serious crane incidents/
Things to consider are,
crane oeration arameters that result in an overturning moment greater than the
stabilising moment of the crane F the crane counterweight generall$ rovides the rimar$
stabilising moment
the ground conditions and means of suorting the outrigger ads or the crane t$res
the sloe of the ground F both side sloe and sloe in direction of crane travel
wind conditions F this will var$ deending on the siAe and shae of the susended load
and crane boom
the manner in which loads are to be lifted or moved %for e*amle) when mobiling a
load a sudden sto ma$ cause the load to swing) destabilising the crane&/
Wind conditions
#trong winds imose additional loads on a crane and affect the crane=s stabilit$/ 2or e*amle) a
ma*imum ermissible wind seed of 10 mLsecond %.9 kmLhour& is secified for mobile crane
oeration b$ some crane manufacturers/ Crane configurations designed for wind seeds other
than 10 mLsecond should have the design wind seed marked on the rated caacit$ chart/
!here wind seeds e*ceed the ma*imum figure stated b$ the crane manufacturer for a secific
mobile crane) crane oerations should cease and the crane stowed/ Crane oerators should
recognise that deendent on the boom length and luffing angle) the wind seed ma$ be greater
at the height of the load comared to the wind seed at the height of the crane=s cabin/ 'lso) the
effect of wind gusts will have a different effect on the crane than a constant wind/ 3iven these
variables) crane oerators must base their decision to make a lift based on the information
rovided b$ the crane manufacturer) advice rovided b$ cometent ersons) such as an
engineer or rigger) and their e*erience as a crane oerator/ 0f the oerator believes it is unsafe
to lift the load) it should not be lifted until written authorisation is rovided b$ a cometent
erson) confirming that the load is safe to lift and how it is to be lifted/
P'3E 29 42 55 JUNE 2012
2or e*amle) mobile cranes must be oerated within their engineered design caacit$/ To
ensure the stabilit$ of a mobile crane in wind$ conditions) the following factors should be
The crane manufacturer=s instructions should state the ma*imum wind seed that the
crane ma$ be oerated in irresective of the siAe of the load/
'lthough a crane manufacturer ma$ secif$ a ma*imum wind seed) a lower wind seed
ma$ need to be alied) for e*amle) where the load and boom have large surface
!here the crane is lifting close to its rated caacit$) wind seed is a critical factor as the
safet$ margin is lower and wind can more easil$ imact on the crane=s stabilit$/
!here the lift is a nonFstandard lift) with a susended load or large surface area to be
undertaken in wind$ conditions) a cometent erson should rovide written advice on
safe lifting conditions %for e*amle) a lower ma*imum wind seed than that identified b$
the manufacturer ma$ need to be alied&/
' wind gauge attached to a mobile crane or another reliable method of measuring wind
seed %for e*amle) handheld wind gauge& is recommended/ !here wind gauges are
attached to the crane) the$ should be mounted at the to of the main boom) and
calibrated at redetermined intervals) to ensure the$ rovide accurate readings/
3uidance should be obtained from the crane manufacturer or sulier/
2urther information on crane stabilit$ is included at Appendi% #.
40 Docume5ted 7ifti5g procedures
<ocumented lifting rocedures can greatl$ assist with safe crane oeration as the$ hel to
define resonsibilities and aroach the crane lift in a logical) s$stematic wa$/ 2or e*amle)
comrehensive documented lifting rocedures should be develoed in the following situations,
tiltFu and recast concrete lifts
multile crane lifts) where more than one crane is used to lift a load at an$ one time
lifting of workbo*es with ersons in the bo*es
installation of bridge beams during bridge installation work
working near live overhead electric lines
lifting large ressure vessels or tanks
the use of mobile cranes on barges
erection of tower cranes
erection of wind turbines
heav$ lifts %for e*amle) where the load is B0 tonnes or more&/
<ocumented lifting rocedures for the lift t$es mentioned above should include the following,
secification of the loads to be lifted
secified load working radius range to be used for the cranes
where sotter duties are re1uired %for e*amle) for reventing collision or contact with
electric lines&) what the dut$ is and who is resonsible for erforming the dut$ and
communications s$stems to be used
osition of the load to be lifted and the final osition to which it is to be lifted) where
racticable %for e*amle) a diagram that shows a lan view of the site ma$ assist&
ma*imum wind seed for the crane and an$ lower wind seeds for secified loads) for
e*amle) where the load has a large surface area
verification that the crane standing will suort the ma*imum ground bearing ressure to
be imosed b$ the crane during oerations F this is articularl$ imortant when
erforming heav$ lifts
P'3E 2C 42 55 JUNE 2012
allowance for an$ factors that ma$ re1uire deFrating of the crane %for e*amle) for
multile crane lifts) additional radius caused b$ tilting of tiltFu anels&
rigging re1uirements of the +ob/
Construction work
The erecting and dismantling of a tower crane is construction work and therefore Chater 9 of
the !"# (egulations will al$/
The !"# (egulations define a number of construction activities as high risk construction work/
#ome e*amles of high risk construction work that ma$ be related to or involve the use of
cranes includes construction work that,
involves a risk of a erson falling more than 2 metres
is carried out on a telecommunication tower
is carried out on or near energised electrical installations or services
involves tiltFu or recast concrete
is carried out in an area at a worklace in which there is an$ movement of owered
mobile lant/
#afe work method statements %#!>#& must be reared for high risk construction work/
#!># ma$ include or be accomanied b$ a secific documented lifting rocedure for a crane
2urther guidance on construction work and #!># is available in the &ode of !ractice'
&onstruction "or/
4% *i5imisi5g ris9 ;4e5 7ifti5g 7oads
Difting loads ma$ resent a risk to the health and safet$ of ersons in the vicinit$ of a crane due
damaged or inade1uate lifting gear
une*ected crane movement while mobiling andLor or slewing
crane overload or instabilit$) and
oorl$ secured and droed loads %falling ob+ects&/
R 2'?: The erson with management or control of a crane at a worklace must ensure) so far
as is reasonabl$ racticable) that,
the lifting and susending of loads is carried out with lifting attachments that are suitable for
the load being lifted or susended) and within the safe working limits of the lant
no loads are susended or travel over a erson unless the lant is secificall$ designed for
that urose) and
loads are lifted or susended in a wa$ that ensures that the load remains under control
during the activit$/
(imiting and indicating devices
Dimiting devices are a higher order engineering control that revent a secific crane motion
before the crane moves out of its limits into an unsafe situation/
0ndicating devices are a lower order engineering control that rel$ on a erson=s intervention/
0ndicating devices visuall$ or audibl$ warn the crane oerator that the crane ma$ be
aroaching its set limits or an unsafe situation/
These devices ma$ be used individuall$) or together) for secific crane motions and are
intended as an aid to crane oerators/ The devices should not be relied uon to relace the use
P'3E 25 42 55 JUNE 2012
of the crane=s load chart and oerating instructions under an$ circumstances/ #ole reliance on
these devices in lace of good oerating ractices ma$ cause an accident/
There are a number of devices that can be used including rated caacit$ limiters/ 2urther
guidance on limiting and indicating devices is rovided in Appendi% +/
(ifting gear
Difting gear should be checked before and after use) as well as being regularl$ insected for
suitabilit$ of ongoing use/ Checks should include that,
the lifting gear is tagged and all relevant information listed %for e*amle) relevant
information for a chain sling includes grade of chain) rated caacit$) manufacturer) chain
siAe and an$ relevant 'ustralian #tandard marking&
lifting hooks are rovided with oerable safet$ latches
shackles used as terminal fittings are revented from unscrewing %for e*amle) mousing
or similar&
lifting e$es and inserts are comatible
lifting slings are not damaged %for e*amle) e*cessive wear) damaged strands) cracks)
deformation or severe corrosion&
the sling is aroriate for loads being lifted) including ade1uate caacit$ and rotection
from shar edges/
'll lifting gear) including slings) hooks and material bo*es) should be eriodicall$ insected for
damage and wear b$ a cometent erson and insection records ket/ The eriod between
insections will deend on the severit$ of use) but should generall$ not e*ceed 12 months/ The
eriod between insections of s$nthetic slings and fibre roe slings should not e*ceed .
!here s$nthetic slings are used) rotective sleeves and corner ieces should be used for all
loads/ 'lthough the edges of the load ma$ not aear to be shar) the sling ma$ become
damaged when it is laced under tension/
'll lifting gear should be tagged to identif$ the date of the lifting gear=s last insection/
<ocumented maintenance records for the lifting gear should be available at the worklace/
,ne-pected crane movement
Une*ected crane movement while mobiling andLor slewing can cause the load to swing
une*ectedl$/ Cranes should onl$ be sited and oerated on stable surfaces) with ade1uate
bearing ressure and without significant holes or indentations that ma$ cause une*ected
movement of the crane and the load due to instabilit$/
Crane overload
' crane must not be sub+ected to overloading/ The crane oerator andLor dogger should,
verif$ if the marked load mass is correct and ensure that loads in e*cess of the crane=s
rated caacit$ are not lifted
control crane movement) including mobiling) to revent e*cessive load swing that ma$
overload the crane/
8efore starting to hoist a load) the crane oerator or dogger should make sure that the hoist
roe hangs verticall$ over the load/ Care should be taken to ensure that swinging of the load is
avoided when the lift is taken/ The crane oerator should alwa$s have the load under control
when lowering loads) or when the load is susended/
E*cet in an emergenc$) the crane oerator should not leave the crane cabin or controls while a
load is susended from the crane/
&alling ob'ects
P'3E 2@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
!here ossible) handling loads over ublic access areas) such as footaths) roads) highwa$s)
railwa$s) waterwa$s and buildings) should be avoided/ 0f lifting over these areas cannot be
avoided) aroriate control measures %for e*amle) e*clusion Aones or suitabl$ designed
gantries& must be in lace to control the risk of being hit b$ falling ob+ects during the lifting
.-clusion zones
E*clusion Aones should be established around cranes and ad+oining areas to revent ersons
from entering the area and being in+ured b$ falling materials/ The siAe of the e*clusion Aone
should be based on a written risk assessment/
!here the e*clusion Aone re1uires closure of a ublic footath or roadwa$) aroval must be
obtained from the relevant authorit$) and ersons should be safel$ directed to an alternative
footath/ Dane closures and other oerations that re1uire the erection of barricades and signs
should coml$ with the re1uirements of the local road traffic authorit$) local government
authorities and an$ relevant building or local acts/
4) "ifti5g materia7s
CraneFlifted loads should be slung and secured so that the load %or an$ art of it& cannot fall/
Doads must not be lifted over a erson unless the crane is e1uied with secondar$ backFu
s$stems that revent the load from falling if the rimar$ lifting device fails/ Doads must be
controlled during while being liftedLsusended b$) for e*amle) using tag lines or similar control
+aterial bo-es
The tare mass and safe working load should be clearl$ marked on all material bo*es/
>aterial bo*es should be aroriate for the material being lifted and be engineerF
designed and certified/
2our chains %one in each corner& should be attached to material bo*es during lifting/
#ecificall$ designed material bo*es should be used to lift smaller comonents/ 8o*es
should have enclosed sides or robust mesh) with oenings less than the minimum siAe
of materials being lifted/
>aterial bo*es should be insected and maintained and insection records ket/
Doads within material bo*es should be secured against movement/
>aterials should not be stacked higher than the side of the material bo* unless the$ are
ade1uatel$ secured) but at no time should the material bo* become to heav$/
/eneral lifting
2ormwork frames should be either tied together or lifting slings should be wraed
around the load/
Doads of +oists or bearers should be straed together before lifting/
Timber sheeting should be straed together and lifted in a flat osition/
#heets of lasterboard ma$ be lifted in a secificall$ designed material bo*/ 0f a material
bo* is not used) then the lifting s$stem should,
o be certified b$ an engineer
o secif$ the minimum and ma*imum number of sheets
o secif$ the number and locations of lifting slings
o secif$ the caacit$ of lifting slings/
Tag lines should be used as re1uired to control loads/
P'3E .0 42 55 JUNE 2012
'll loads should be suorted where ossible with dunnage) with the load uniforml$
distributed over the suorting surface/
8asket hitches should not be used wherever ersons ma$ be located near a lifted load)
unless the sling is ositivel$ restrained from sliding along the load/
4? "ifti5g peop7e
R 220: !here eole are lifted using lant that is not secificall$ designed to lift or susend a
erson) the erson with management or control of the lant at a worklace must ensure that,
%a& the ersons are lifted or susended in a work bo* that is securel$ attached to the lantK and
%b& the ersons in the work bo* remain substantiall$ within the work bo* while the$ are being
lifted or susendedK and
%c& if there is a risk of a erson falling from a height) a safet$ harness is rovided and worn b$
the erson in order to revent) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) in+ur$ to the erson as a
result of the fallK and
%d& means are rovided b$ which the ersons being lifted or susended can safel$ e*it from the
lant in the event of a failure in its normal oeration/
Work bo-es
0f it is not racticable to use lant that is secificall$ designed to lift ersons) then a craneFlifted
workbo* ma$ be used to enable workers to erform minor work of short duration in an elevated
work area/ 3enerall$) craneFlifted work bo*es do not rovide a level of safet$ e1uivalent to
roerl$ erected scaffolding) elevating work latforms and other secificall$ designed access
s$stems/ "owever) the use of craneFlifted work bo*es is considered to rovide a higher level of
safet$ than fallFarrest s$stems when used as the rimar$ control measure/
!ork bo*es must be design registered as re1uired b$ #chedule B of the !"# (egulations/
2irst aid bo*es should be clearl$ identified as first aid bo*es and onl$ used for the retrieval of
in+ured ersons/
!hen using a craneFlifted work bo* or a first aid bo*) the crane should meet the following
have at least two brakes) indeendent of each other where failure of a brake or an$
single comonent in the brake I drive train will not result in loss of control of the load) or
a brake acting directl$ on the hoist drum and a hoisting mechanism or other brake
caable of holding the load when not under ower
a minimum rated caacit$ of at least twice the total load of the workbo* and its contents)
at the ma*imum radius for the task to be erformed and not less than a 1000 kg
be fitted with an uer hoist limit %antiFtwo block& that stos oeration of the hoist) luff
and telescoe functions of the crane) or be designed so that twoFblocking cannot
damage an$ art of the crane or lifting gear
levers and foot edals are to be fitted with a constant ressure s$stem that stos the
crane=s motions when the oerator removes ressure from the controls
if fitted with a free fall facilit$) the free fall function is to be locked out with a ke$ed lock
Cranes used to lift a work or firstFaid bo* must be ade1uatel$ maintained and monitored/ !here
a crane has a single brake acting directl$ on the drum) the braking efficienc$ of the hoisting
drive train should be tested b$ hoisting and holding a load,
e1uivalent to the line ull of the hoist winch) or
not less than twice the ma*imum hoisted load/
0n either case the crane should hoist and hold a load that is not less than 200O of the ma*imum
hoisted load/ !ith the load stationar$) all ower and h$draulicLneumatic ower should be
P'3E .1 42 55 JUNE 2012
released and the brake ;backedFoff= or isolated to the e*tent it no longer alies a restraining
force/ The load is then monitored for movement or cree/ The drive train is considered to be a
satisfactor$ braking s$stem if no movement or cree is detected over a B minute testing eriod/
0f the crane is to be used to lift other loads) the above test should be reeated rior to reFlifting
the workbo*/
<uring oeration of the crane with a workbo*) the line ull of the hoist winch shall not e*ceed
that used in the above test/
CraneFlifted work bo*es and first aid bo*es should,
have the safe working load and tare mass and design registration number marked on
the workbo* or first aid bo*
have fallFarrest anchorage oints
be correctl$ tagged lifting slings are to be sulied with the work bo* or first aid bo* and
attached to the lifting oints b$ means of hammerlocks or moused shackles
have a safet$ factor for each susension sling of at least eight for chains and 10 for wire
if the work bo* is rovided with a door) this should be inward oening onl$) selfFclosing
and rovided with a latch to revent accidental oening %first aid bo*es ma$ be rovided
with outward oening doors&
have sides not less than one metre high/
!afety of persons in crane"lifted workbo-es
The following must occur to ensure the safet$ of ersons in a craneFlifted workbo*,
all ersons in the workbo* must wear full bod$ fallFarrest harnesses at all times/
"arnesses must be attached to fallFarrest anchorage oints in the workbo* or to the
main sling ring above the workers= heads
at least one erson in the workbo* holding a doggers licence must ensure correct
directions are communicated to and from the crane oerator) and
emergenc$ retrieval arrangements are imlemented rior to the lift to ensure workers
can safel$ e*it the work bo* in the event of a failure in the crane=s normal oeration/
4'0 Commu5icatio5
' reliable method of signalling between the crane oerator and dogger %or rigger& is essential for
safe crane oeration/ 2ailure to imlement a reliable method of communication ma$ lead to
unsafe crane oerations and contribute to in+ur$ to ersons from,
droed loads
collision with other lant and structures/
4nl$ one dogger should give visual and audible signals at an$ time/ !hen more than one
dogger is involved in a lift) each dogger should understand when resonsibilit$ for their art of
the lifting oeration should be handed over to another dogger/
'n effective means of communication is articularl$ imortant where,
the crane oerator cannot see the load
the crane oerator cannot see the load=s landing area
the crane oerator cannot see the ath of travel of the load or the crane
the crane oerator is not in a osition to make an accurate +udgement of distance) and
it is ossible for the crane to come into contact with overhead electric lines/
Persons using radio e1uiment should be familiar with the manufacturer=s oerating
instructions/ ' dedicated radio fre1uenc$ should be selected for the duration of the crane
P'3E .2 42 55 JUNE 2012
oerations to revent interference with other radio e1uiment being used in the vicinit$ of the
crane/ !ork should sto immediatel$ if there is a loss of radio communication/
The safe use of radio communication usuall$ involves,
the crane oerator and dogger erforming an oerating safet$ check to ensure the
radios are oerational) dr$) erforming satisfactoril$ and a full$ charged batter$ and
sare are available
ensuring oerators are familiar with the secific rocedures for using radio
communication for that worklace
adoting a constant talk method between radio users so that all involved ersons are
aware of the rogress of the lifting oerations at all times
ensuring the crane oerator takes radio instructions from one erson onl$) unless secial
circumstances e*ist that re1uire secific arrangements to be in lace for the use of more
than two radios/
!here radio communication cannot be used) other forms of communication) such as hand
signals and bell) buAAer and whistle signals should be used/ >obile hones should not be used
for directing mobile crane oerations/
4'' *i5imisi5g t4e ris9 of fa77i5g from a 4eig4t
Persons undertaking the installation) erection and dismantling of some t$es of cranes will be
e*osed to the risk of falling when working at a height/
Undertaking a construction activit$ where a erson could fall more than two metres is high risk
construction work and re1uires the rearation of a safe work method statement before the
work commences/
(isk control measures must be imlemented to rotect workers from the risk of falls from height/
Control measures can include,
temorar$ work latforms such as an elevating work latform
travel restraint s$stems
fallFarrest harness s$stems
edge rotection s$stems/
2urther guidance on controlling the risk of falls is available in the &ode of !ractice' Managing
the Ris of 7alls in the "orplace.
4'2 #perator positio5
Protective devices
R 2'4: The erson with management or control of owered mobile lant at a worklace must
manage risks to health and safet$ associated with things falling on the oerator of the lant/
R 2'5 @2A: The erson must ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that a suitable
combination of oerator rotective devices for the lant is rovided) maintained and used/
#uitable oerator rotective devices must be rovided for owered mobile lant) including
cranes/ T$icall$ these could include falling ob+ect rotective structures %24P#& and oerator
restraints/ 2or e*amle) if a erson travels in a mobile crane oerator=s cabin while the crane is
driven b$ another erson) a seat belt is re1uired/
!afe means of access
Cranes should be fitted with safe means of access that allow the crane oerator to safel$
access the crane cabin and other fre1uentl$ accessed areas of the crane/ #afe access includes
the rovision of ladders) footholds) stes and grabs rails/
P'3E .. 42 55 JUNE 2012
'ccess rovisions rovided b$ the crane manufacturer should not be removed or modified
unless a cometent erson secifies otherwise/
The design of crane seating should take account of the e*tensive eriods of time the crane
oerator ma$ send in the seat/ The seating should be comfortable) have ade1uate back
suort and be ad+ustable so that the crane controls can be easil$ accessed b$ the oerator/
Windows and windscreens
Clear vision must be rovided in the oeratorNs cabin at all times/ !indows and windscreens
need to be easil$ accessible for regular cleaning/
Working in heat
"eat stress ma$ occur in hot work environments when heat is absorbed faster than the bod$
can release it/ 4ne wa$ to reduce heat stress on crane oerators is to minimise the heat in the
crane cabin/ Temerature control units sulied with the crane should be maintained and ket in
a serviceable condition according to the crane manufacturer=s instructions/
2urther information on managing hot environments is available in the &ode of !ractice'
Managing the "or +nvironment and 7acilities/
4'. Noise
'ctivities) such as the erection or dismantling of tower cranes) and in articular) the use of an
imact wrench) create noise which can damage hearing immediatel$/ This t$e of noise is
articularl$ damaging to hearing because of its high imulsive noise levels/ 4ther loud noise) for
e*amle that is created b$ the oeration of a crane=s diesel engine without sound roofing) will
graduall$ damage a erson=s hearing after reeated e*osures/
Engineering controls) such as enclosing the engine in a sound roof cabinet) should be alied
to manage e*osure to the noise created b$ the oeration of a tower crane=s diesel engine/
2urther guidance about managing risks associated with noise is available in the &ode of
!ractice' Managing 0oise and !reventing Hearing 6oss at "or/
P'3E .: 42 55 JUNE 2012
5' &5specti5g a5d testi5g cra5es
2ailure to carr$ out aroriate lanned insections) tests and reventative maintenance
rograms in accordance with the manufacturer=s instruction or those of a cometent erson ma$
lead to structural or mechanical failure) collase) decreased safet$ and efficienc$ in the
oeration of cranes/
0nsection and aroriate testing should be carried out fre1uentl$ to ensure arts of the crane
sub+ect to deterioration through corrosion) damage) wear or abrasion are relaced before the$
become unserviceable/
0nsecting and testing of cranes must include the,
ma+or insection re1uired for registrable mobile and tower cranes
regular insection and testing re1uired for all lant) and
insection and testing for lant reFregistration uroses/
0nsecting and testing should generall$ include,
annual insections
commissioning insection and tests
routine insections and maintenance) and
reFoerational insections/
The insection and testing regime for tower cranes should also include reFerection insection
and testing/
R 200: 'n alication for the registration of an item of lant must include a statement that the
item of lant has been insected b$ a cometent erson and assessed b$ that erson as being
safe to oerate/
0nsection records should include the aroriate cometent erson statement that the item of
lant has been insected and is safe to oerate/ 's item registration must be renewed ever$
five $ears) ma+or insection andLor relevant annual insections will enable aroriate
statements to be reared for reFregistration uroses/
0nsection records should include the following information,
!hat was looked at %for e*amle) secification of comonents or areas of the lant
!hat is looked for %for e*amle) checks were conducted for signs of wear) damage)
cracking) corrosion&/
!hat were the assLfail criteria %for e*amle) secif$ing re+ection criteria in accordance
with re1uirements of a ublished technical standard&/
"ow was it looked for %for e*amle) the techni1ues used) such as visual insection for
damaged arts) taking of measurements of comonents and comaring those to
secifications) nonFdestructive e*amination P testing&/
!hat was found %for e*amle) secif$ing the results of the e*aminations) this ma$
include hotograhs or measurements recorded&/
!hat recommendations were made %for e*amle) a cometent ersons ma$ secif$
comonents are to be relaced) or reaired rior to continued use) or after a nominated
oerational eriod&/
!hat actions were undertaken based on the recommendations made %for e*amle)
recording that recommendations were acted uon) and the date that an$ tasks were
P'3E .B 42 55 JUNE 2012
+a'or inspection
R 2.5: The erson with management or control of a registered mobile crane or tower crane at
a worklace must ensure that,
the maintenance) insection and) if necessar$) testing of the crane is carried out b$ a
cometent erson who,
a& has the skills) 1ualifications) cometence and e*erience to insect the lant and is
registered under a law that rovides for the registration of rofessional engineers) or
b& is determined b$ the !"# regulator to be a cometent erson/
the crane is insected,
a& at the end of the design life recommended b$ the manufacturer for the crane) or
b& if there are no manufacturerNs recommendations) in accordance with the
recommendations of a cometent erson) or
c& if it is not reasonabl$ racticable to coml$ with %a& or %b&) ever$ 10 $ears from the date
that the crane was first commissioned or first registered) whichever occurred first/
' ma+or insection must be comleted for registered mobile and tower cranes/ #imilarl$) bridge
and gantr$ cranes should have a regular ;ma+or= insection comleted and the results recorded
so that the$ continue to be safe to oerate/
' erson with the relevant the skills) 1ualifications) cometence and e*erience to insect the
crane %must be a registered rofessional engineer in -ueensland& must oversee and certif$ the
ma+or insection/ ' erson who is determined b$ the !"# regulator to be cometent ma$ also
carr$ out the insection/
$nspecting a crane
'n engineer who has been engaged to oversee a ma+or insection of a crane should have
suitable knowledge and e*erience in undertaking ma+or insections of cranes/ This erson
should be able to make +udgements about the ma*imum allowable amount of wear and
deformation in mechanical and structural comonents) and the associated 1uantifiable assLfail
criteria/ The erson should also be able to demonstrate e*erience in the insection of the
secific crane t$e/
0n forming their oinion) the erson ma$ use the advice of other cometent ersons involved in
the crane insection who are not engineers/ These decisions should be based on information
contained in the crane manufacturerNs instructions) relevant technical standards) sound
engineering rinciles or a combination of all these/
These other cometent ersons ma$) for e*amle) dismantle and insect secific items for wear
or undertake nonFdestructive testing and rovide a reort to the engineer/ This work can also be
referred to as art of the maintenance and testing re1uirements of the ma+or insection/
' erson who insects) maintains or tests a secific art of a crane for the engineer as art of a
ma+or insection should have suitable e*erience and knowledge and be cometent in the
insection of that art of the crane/ 2or e*amle,
' cometent erson insecting welding on a crane should have suitable knowledge and
e*erience in the insection and testing of welds/ This should include knowledge of nonF
destructive testing methods and technical standards.
' cometent erson insecting h$draulic s$stems and circuitr$ on the crane should have
suitable knowledge and e*erience in the insection and testing of h$draulic s$stems/
' cometent erson insecting electrical s$stems on the crane should have suitable
knowledge and e*erience in electrical s$stems) including the abilit$ to read circuit
P'3E .9 42 55 JUNE 2012
diagrams and understand relevant technical standards/ This erson must be a 1ualified
and licensedLregistered electrician where the voltage of the electrical s$stem is greater
than B0 volts alternating current or 11B volts direct current/
' cometent erson carr$ing out nonFdestructive %N<T& testing on crane comonents
should have suitable knowledge and e*erience in N<T methods) for e*amle) an N<T
secialist accredited b$ the National 'ssociation of Testing 'uthorities %N'T'&/
0n these instances) the cometent erson would make a statement that the articular art of the
crane %for e*amle) the welding) h$draulic s$stem or electrical s$stem& has been insected in
accordance with the relevant technical standard andLor engineering rinciles and meets %or
not& the manufacturer=s or a cometent ersons secifications//
$nspection parameters
' ma+or insection is more comrehensive than the annual insection due to the e*tent of
oeration that a crane will be e*osed to over time/ Even if the crane has not been e*osed to
regular oeration during the oerating eriod) the crane ma$ have deteriorated due to the wa$ it
has been stored or the environment it has been oerated in %for e*amle) dirt$ or corrosive
!here the crane manufacturer secifies instructions for the ma+or insection) these instructions
are to be followed/ !here this information is not available or not longer meets acceted
technical standards) a cometent erson should secif$ the re1uirements that rovide an
e1uivalent level of safet$ to the minimum re1uirements established b$ relevant technical
standards/ The e*tent of insection erformed during the ma+or insection will largel$ deend
on this information/
"owever) a number of ke$ items should form art of the ma+or insection/
$nspecting a mobile crane
2or mobile cranes the items to be insected include,
drive train and susension comonents
slew ring
slew ring bolts
hook rollers
drive s$stems %including h$draulic motors) gearbo*es and driveFshafts&
control s$stems
braking s$stems
electrical s$stems
h$draulic s$stems %all c$linders) including outrigger c$linders&
safet$ devices) including rated caacit$ limiters and load indicators
steel wire roes
roe sheaves/
The actual list of items insected will be considerabl$ larger and will be based on the
re1uirements of the crane manufacturer andLor the instructions of a cometent erson/ 0t should
be noted that,
comletion of a ma+or insection does not indicate that the comonents insected will
have an additional life of 10 $ears
it must not be assumed that the items included in the list onl$ re1uire insection at 10F
$earl$ intervals/ 'll items will re1uire some t$e of insection and maintenance at more
P'3E .C 42 55 JUNE 2012
fre1uent intervals %for e*amle) at annual and other insection intervals& in accordance
with the crane manufacturer=s instructions/
!here there is documented evidence that the aroriate insecting and testing has been
carried out on a certain item %for e*amle slew ring bolts) drive s$stems and braking s$stems&
within a reasonable receding eriod as determined b$ a cometent erson) the item ma$ not
need to be stried down in the ma+or insection/ "owever) the cometent erson must still
insect the safe oeration of the item to certif$ that it is oerating safel$ and document the
reasons for the decision/
$nspecting a tower crane
' ma+or insection will involve the e*amination of the structure and all working comonents of
the crane/ This would usuall$ involve striing down the crane unless otherwise determined b$
the cometent erson/ 'll covers and cladding must be removed where necessar$ to enable the
ma+or insection to be carried out/
' ma+or insection of a tower crane re1uires articular attention to be given to the following,
structural) mechanical) electrical) instrumentation) control and oerational s$stems
nonFdestructive testing e*amination to an aroriate standard
controls and emergenc$ sto
braking s$stems
manufacturer=s safet$ ugrades
ade1uac$ of safet$ instructions and manuals
the caacit$ and viabilit$ of ugrading the crane to the re1uirements of the latest
relevant technical standard/
The items to be insected for tower cranes) where aroriate) include,
slew ring
h$draulic motors
h$draulic ums
valve blocks %bodies&
hoist and luff drums
braking s$stems
roe sheaves
h$draulic luffing c$linder
gear bo*es and drive shafts
ins with moving arts %for e*amle) boom heel ins) ram ins&
static ins
steel wire roes
electrical s$stems
control s$stems
electric motors
hook trolle$ %nonFluffing cranes&
hook assembl$/
The full list of items to be insected must be determined b$ the cometent erson/
2urther guidance on tower crane insections is rovided in Appendi% 8/
0nnual inspection
P'3E .5 42 55 JUNE 2012
'n annual insection should include all items secified b$ the crane manufacturer for annual
insection) as well as all items included in the routine insection and maintenance rograms/
'nnual insections should include,
the effective functioning and calibration of all limiting and indicating devices
detailed visual insection and tolerance checking of all structural and wear comonents
checking of tolerances for wear limit
a detailed check for corrosion
a detailed e*amination of critical areas for evidence of cracking
for tower cranes) all relevant items in the reFerection insection and tests that can be
safel$ comleted while the crane is erected/
#outine inspection and maintenance
(outine insection and maintenance should be carried out in accordance with the crane
manufacturer=s instructions/ These insections ma$ include a rogram of weekl$) monthl$ and
1uarterl$ insections) and should include,
all functions and their controls for seed) smoothness of oeration and limits of motion
all emergenc$ and safet$ switches and interlocks) including limiting and indicating
lubrication of all moving arts
insection of filter elements and fluid levels
visual insection and measurements as necessar$ of structural members and other
critical comonents such as brakes) gears) fasteners) ins) shafts) wire roes) sheaves)
locking devices and electrical contactors
signage) including warning signs and control markings
wear on wheels
additional items nominated in the crane manufacturer=s instructions/
'll relacement arts should be identical or e1uivalent to the original arts or comonents/ '
written reort should be reared on comletion of the insection/
Pre"operational inspection
The crane oerator should carr$ out a visual insection and functional tests before the
commencement of each work shift) including insecting and testing the following,
all relevant items indicated in the oerations manual
oerating and emergenc$ controls
safet$ switches and interlocks) including limiting and indicating devices
visual insection of the structure
wire roes to ensure the$ are on the drum and correctl$ reeved on the sheave/
The results of the insection should be entered into a logbook and ket with the crane/
'll ersonal rotective e1uiment should also be insected to ensure it is functioning correctl$/
!here issues are identified these should be recorded) reorted and rectified before the crane is
52 *ai5te5a5ce/ repair a5d c7ea5i5g of p7a5t
Cranes should be maintained) serviced and cleaned according to the manufacturer=s
instructions) cometent erson secifications or) in the absence of such secifications) in
accordance with relevant technical standards and engineering rinciles
P'3E .@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
'll worn or damaged arts of a crane that constitute a haAard or imair the oeration of the
crane should be reaired or relaced/ 0n articular,
reairs are carried out in accordance with manufacturer=s or a cometent ersons
instructions so as to retain the crane within its original design limits
relacement arts and comonents should be identical or e1uivalent to the original
e1uiment arts and comonents
!hen a crane has been damaged to the e*tent that its function or condition is imaired)
resulting in increased risk to health or safet$) it should be immediatel$ taken out of service/ '
cometent erson should assess,
the nature of the damage
whether the crane is able to be reaired) and if so) what reairs must be carried out/
The !"# (egulations re1uire that the oerator controls either revent the erson undertaking
maintenance or cleaning to oerate the lant or if the lant must be oerated during
maintenance or cleaning that there are aroriate risk controls in lace to enable this to occur
without risk to health and safet$/
5. (5atte5ded cra5es/ par9i5g a5d storage
Deaving a crane arked and unattended ma$ encourage unauthorised use of the crane b$
erson who are not cometent crane oerators/ Cranes ma$ also resent a risk to health and
safet$ if measures are not taken to revent them moving of their own accord %for e*amle)
rolling down a sloing surface&/
' crane should not be left unattended unless,
all loads are removed from the hook or lifting device
the hook has been secured or raised to a osition where is clear of other oerations
all owered motions have been disabled
the ke$s removed or the starting device locked out/
!here there is no risk of a tower crane boom contacting other structures) the crane should be
left to weathervane when unattended in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s instructions/
!here it is necessar$ to restrict the movement of the boom of a tower crane) the method of
tethering that is) securing the boom to revent slewing& must be in accordance with the crane
manufacturer=s instructions or determined b$ an engineer/
!hen leaving a mobile crane unattended for a longer eriod of time) ensure the crane=s boom is
folded u and retracted as far as ossible/
0f a crane is to be stored it should be reared as above and,
the manufacturer storage instructions followed
an$ remote control e1uiment isolated
the ower sul$ and controls isolated and locked off
storm anchors alied %if fitted&
doors and windows locked to revent unauthorised access/
P'3E :0 42 55 JUNE 2012
54 Decommissio5i5g a5d disma5t7i5g
R 204: ' erson with management or control of lant at a worklace must,
not decommission or dismantle the lant unless the decommissioning or dismantling can be
carried out) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) without risks to the health and safet$ of an$
ensure that a erson who decommissions or dismantles the lant is a cometent erson and
is rovided with the available information for eliminating or minimising risks to health or
the rocesses for the installation) construction) commissioning) decommissioning and
dismantling of lant include insections that ensure) so far as is reasonabl$ racticable) that
risks associated with these activities are monitored/
The crane should be decommissioned and dismantled in accordance with the manufacturer=s
instructions andLor those reared b$ a cometent erson/
55 Record 9eepi5g
R 2.%: The erson with management or control of the lant at a worklace must kee a record
of all tests) insections) maintenance) commissioning) decommissioning) dismantling and
alterations of the lant for the eriod that the lant is used or until the erson relin1uishes
control of the lant/
Crane records should include,
the uni1ue lant item registration number) if alicable
lant design registration information) if alicable
final %asFbuilt& and aroved design drawings and calculations
relevant methods of test and insection results and data from commissioning
comliance statements andLor test certificates
manufacturer=s secifications
results of insections
results of tests on safet$ devices
information on maintenance and ma+or reairs carried out
information on ma+or modifications
information on aroved uses that deviates from intended oerating or design conditions
results of risk assessments
information) instruction) training rovided to workers
log books) and
oerator cometencies/
' modification to the design of a tower crane can occur) for e*amle) if a different base is
designed to install the tower crane at a different site/ This alteration must be recorded) including
where a static base on a self erecting tower crane is different to that included in the original
design registration/
(ecords ma$ be ket in an$ suitable format and should be transferred with ownershi of the
crane/ ' crane service record) such as a maintenance logbook) of the significant events
concerning the safet$ and oeration of the crane should be ket and readil$ available/ 'll
entries in the maintenance logbook should,
clearl$ describe the work undertaken and arts relaced
identif$ the erson or business who comleted the work and be dated/
P'3E :1 42 55 JUNE 2012
<ocumentation stating that the crane has been insected b$ a cometent erson) and is in a
safe and satisfactor$ condition) should be readil$ available/
The checks) ad+ustments) relacement of arts) reairs and insections erformed) and all
irregularities or damage concerning the crane=s safe use) should be recorded/
'dditionall$) all comlete routine) annual and ma+or insection reorts should be maintained and
made available for e*amination as re1uired/
P'3E :2 42 55 JUNE 2012
0' *o8i7e Cra5es
There are four general t$es of mobile crane oerating in 'ustralia,
h$draulic slewing cranes
lattice boom cranes %including crawler cranes&
h$draulic ickFandFcarr$ %nonFslewing& cranes
vehicleFloading cranes/
#oad travel
2ailure to follow roer recautions before and during road travel ma$ increase the risk of in+ur$
to the crane oerator and other ersons) such as edestrians and other drivers/ The crane
manufacturer=s instructions must be followed when rearing a mobile crane for road travel/
Precautions for road travel include,
securing outriggers %both h$draulic and manual& with a locking device secified b$ the
crane manufacturer) and stowing them in a travelling osition to ensure that there is no
lateral movement
storing loose comonents in aroriate storage areas in accordance with the crane
manufacturer=s instructions or an$ other relevant ublished guidelines for the safe
carriage of loads on road vehicles %for e*amle) the Doad (estraint 3uide %2
ed/ 200:&&
disengaging all drives to h$draulic ums) booms and outriggers) and utting the
controls in the 422 osition
restraining the boom in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s instructions to ensure
there is no unintended movement of the boom/
(attice boom cranes
4n lattice boom cranes) the to of the e*tended boom should not be lowered to a oint below
the horiAontal line that asses through its base ivot in/ 0f the boom tis below this lane) the
angle of ull of the boom luffing roes could cause the boom to buckle before the boom begins
to lift/
Dattice boom cranes should not be moved uhill with an unloaded boom in the near vertical
osition/ The$ should not be oerated,
with the boom at an angle less than that shown on the load chart) or
with the boom hard against the boom backsto to avoid serious damage to the structural
members of the boom F regard the boom backsto as a safet$ device onl$/
Hydraulic boom cranes
!hen e*tending the boom on h$draulicall$ oerated cranes) ensure that the boom sections are
e*tended or retracted in accordance with the manufacturer=s recommendations/ 8oom sections
have failed through being e*tended contrar$ to recommendations/
The crane should not be oerated with the boom at an angle less than that shown in the load
Pick"and"carry cranes
!hen moving a load in the ickFandFcarr$ mode) the dogger should remain in sight of the crane
oerator and not walk in the ath of the crane/ !hen travelling and manoeuvring with a load)
the crane oerator should ensure that,
the slew brake is alied at all times other than when the slew motion is being used
P'3E :. 42 55 JUNE 2012
recautions are taken on uneven road surfaces when loaded or unloaded) as an
undulation in the road surface ma$ move the crane into an unstable Aone
the slewing brake or lock is alied when travelling with a load
the crane is not moved uhill with an unloaded boom in the near vertical osition/
'lwa$s travel slowl$ to revent e*cessive swinging of the load/ The load should be carried as
close to the ground as ossible) and should not lift higher until it is almost in osition/
!here ossible) avoid travelling the mobile crane across sloes or over otholes) deressions)
soft ground) road chambers or shoulders) rail tracks) dunnage wood or an$ ob+ects) as these
could destabilise the crane or load/
!loping ground
Crane roll over can occur when ickFandFcarr$ cranes travel with a load along a side sloe/
!orking on a sloe has the effect of either increasing or decreasing the working radius of the
crane) which ma$ in turn affect the stabilit$ of the crane) and cause the crane to overturn either
forwards) backwards or sidewa$s/
!here the centre of gravit$ of the mobile crane is high above the ground) a minimal ground
sloe can be a ma+or factor in causing the crane to overturn/ This articularl$ alies when,
the boom has a high luff angle
the boom is telescoed out
the centre of gravit$ of the susended load is high/
' side sloe of onl$ two or three degrees can have a drastic effect on the stabilit$ of the crane/
#oft ground) neumatic t$res and susension movement will also tend to increase the side
angle of the crane and make the risk of overturning greater/
>ost manufacturers of mobile cranes with ickFandFcarr$ caabilit$ secif$ the cranes are to be
oerated on firm level ground/ >anufacturers and suliers should rovide clear documented
information on the ma*imum side sloe a crane can safel$ travel over while in ickFandFcarr$
mode/ 2or e*amle) secif$ing the ma*imum allowable side gradient will rovide more secific
information to the oerator comared to the term ;firm level ground=/
0t is ver$ difficult for a ickFandFcarr$ crane to consistentl$ oerate on side sloes at a worklace
where construction work is being erformed/ 0t is recommended that crane manufacturers and
suliers rovide details on the amount of deFrating that must be alied on side sloes if the
crane is designed to travel on gradients of u to five degrees/ !here the crane is not rated for
gradients in e*cess of 1O the manufacturer should state that the crane is not to be travelled on
ground that is not firm and level and where the gradient is in e*cess of 1O/
!here ossible) avoid working or travelling on sloing or uneven ground/ Travel on a sloe
should be u or down the sloe) not across the sloe/ 0f working or travelling on a sloe is
unavoidable) use the crane within the manufacturer=s secified caacit$ for oerating on the
relevant degree of sloe/ (eference should be made to side deFrating caacit$ charts rior to
carr$ing out this work/
/round pressure
>anufacturers and suliers of ickFandFcarr$ cranes should rovide documented information
on the ma*imum ressure alied b$ the crane=s t$res or tracks to the suorting surface/
02 3esse7<mou5ted cra5es
EesselFmounted cranes include cranes that ma$ be oerated on a barge) ontoon or vessel/
The combined mass is to be considered as a vesselFmounted crane/ The vessel should be
anchored during crane oeration/ 0f this is not ossible) then the vessel should be anchored to a
craft alongside it/
P'3E :: 42 55 JUNE 2012
!hen ositioning the crane on a barge) ontoon or vessel in either loaded or unloaded
conditions) the following should be considered,
the effect on freeboard %that is) distance between the vessel=s deck and the water&
the strength of the vessel to suort the crane structure
the installation of stos to revent the crane driving off the vessel=s side
the degree of caacit$ deFrating re1uired for the crane
the method of securing the crane when working outside of smooth water limits/
' cometent erson must determine the list %that is) deck tilt& and freeboard allowable with the
rated caacit$ and test load conditions of the crane/ The cometent erson must be
e*erienced in crane design and stabilit$ of waterborne vessels/ The vessel and crane
combination must be certified as re1uired b$ the 'ustralian >arine #afet$ 'uthorit$ %'>#'&)
which is resonsible for managing surve$ and certification arrangements for 'ustralian shis/
's a general guide) the ma*imum list of the vessel under rated caacit$ conditions should not
e*ceed QB
with one half of the freeboard remaining/ Confirmation should be obtained from the
crane manufacturer on the deFrating of the crane from landFbased ratings when on the barge)
ontoon or vessel/ Note that generall$) the manufacturer=s rated caacities for cranes mounted
on vessels are fre1uentl$ not greater than C0O of the landFbased rated caacit$/
!here the crane can move along the deck of the vessel) lifting should onl$ take lace when the
crane is secured to the deck %for e*amle) b$ chains of ade1uate strength&/
esting before use
The crane and vessel combination should be insected after erection and before the alication
of an$ loads to ensure,
all ties) anchorages and ballast are in lace and correctl$ secured
the crane configuration is in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s or a cometent
erson=s secifications) and
the crane configuration is free from an$ defects that would reclude the vesselFmounted
crane from handling the test load safel$/
The crane should undergo testing of its stabilit$) functions and brakes/ 'fter these tests have
been comleted) a cometent erson must comlete a full assessment to ensure the vessel and
crane combination has withstood the test loadings without structural damage and the
mechanisms function free of an$ defect that will affect the safet$ of the crane/
0. Specia7 uses of mo8i7e cra5es
Working on suspended slabs
>obile cranes are sometimes lifted onto a susended floor or other elevated arts of a building
for either construction or demolition activities/ #usended floors are not usuall$ designed or
intended to suort mobile lant and there ma$ be a risk of the floor or structure collasing/ This
is articularl$ the case for heavier mobile cranes/
Prior to ositioning the crane on the elevated area) written documentation should be obtained
that demonstrates the design floor loading of the building is not being e*ceeded or details the
additional suort re1uired to suort the ma*imum bearing ressure imosed b$ the crane and
the ma*imum load/ !here the floor re1uires strengthening %for e*amle) b$ roing&) an
engineer should rovide written instructions that detail the dimensions) locations and other
secifications of the strengthening to be used/
0f the crane can onl$ be used in articular areas of the building) due to inade1uate strength in
other areas) access to such areas should be revented b$ the use of signed barricades or other
t$es of barriers/
P'3E :B 42 55 JUNE 2012
Not all mobile cranes are sufficientl$ robust to withstand the stresses of demolition work/ The
use of mobile cranes for demolition work should be restricted to cranes designed for arduous
dut$) such as convertible dragline e*cavators/ "$draulic boom cranes should not be used for
demolition ball work) as overstressing of the sliding oints can occur/
'll cranes used for demolition work should be fitted with a suitable falling ob+ect rotective
structure %24P#&) to rotect the oerator from falling ob+ects/
The hoist roe should be revented from leaving the boom oint sheave/ This ma$ include
fitting heav$ dut$ roe guards to the sheave to control the slack roe condition that ma$ occur
as the ball falls/ <amage is likel$ where the demolition ball is attached to the hoist roe/ "oist
roes should not be fi*ed directl$ to the demolition ball/ ' length of chain should be used to +oin
the hoist roe to the demolition ball/ The chain should be at least 19 mm) and at least two
metres in length/
' crane that has been used for demolition ball work must be thoroughl$ insected and verified
b$ a cometent erson to be in a satisfactor$ condition before it is used for general lifting/ The
results of the insection must be noted in the crane=s service logbook/
2urther guidance on demolition is available in the &ode of !ractice' #emolition "or/
,sing cranes for tree lopping
The !"# (egulations allow a crane to be used to lace a erson in a tree to trim or remove the
tree in secific circumstances) known as the crane access method/
8efore a decision is made to use the crane access method a risk assessment must be
conducted to assess that the use of this method does not create a greater risk to the health or
safet$ of the worker than climbing a tree) or using lant secificall$ designed to lift a erson to
access the tree/ 0f the risk assessment shows that the crane access method can be used the
re1uirements of (egulation 221 must be followed/
2urther guidance on using cranes for tree trimming is available in the &ode of !ractice' 9ree
9rimming and Removal : &rane Access Method.
04 *u7tip7e cra5e 7ifts
R 2'?@%A: The erson with management or control of the lant must ensure) so far as is
reasonabl$ racticable) that no load is lifted simultaneousl$ b$ more than 1 item of lant unless
the method of lifting ensures that the load laced on each item of lant does not e*ceed the
design caacit$ of the lant/
Difting a load with two or more cranes re1uires more detailed lanning and suervision to
control the risks/ This is because the effects of the relative motion between the cranes ma$
create additional loadings on the cranes) the load and the lifting gear/ Therefore) the design
caacit$ of the crane is not the ma*imum rated caacit$ but the deFrated caacit$ relevant to
the multiFcrane lift to be undertaken/
!afety measures for multi"crane lifts
!here ossible) avoid hoisting a load with more than one crane/ "owever) where it is necessar$
to lift a load using more than one crane) the following stes should be taken,
the erson in overall control of the lift should hold a minimum intermediate rigger=s high
risk work licence
make an accurate assessment of,
P'3E :9 42 55 JUNE 2012
o the share of the load which is to be carried b$ each crane throughout the comlete
lift c$cle
o how the load sharing is to be roortioned
o how the roortioning is to be maintained during the lift
ensure the instructions to each crane oerator and other ersons involved are clear and
documented %for e*amle) in a safe work method statement& and rehearse the oeration
wherever ossible
use cranes of e1ual caacit$ and similar characteristics
ensure that cranes are aligned in the same direction
use luffing u in reference to luffing down/
>ultiFcrane lifts should not be undertaken unless all cranes are fitted with a load indicator/ Doad
indicators should be fitted to all mobile cranes with a ma*imum rated caacit$ of more than
three tonnes/
Calculated share of the load
!here multiFcrane lifts are to be carried out) a documented lift lan and rocedure should be
reared b$ a cometent erson %for e*amle an engineer& and followed/ T$ical minimum
caacit$ deFrating re1uirements for each crane involved in a multiFcrane lift are,
for two cranes deFrate each crane b$ 20O
for three cranes F deFrate each crane b$ ..O
for four or more cranes F deFrate each crane b$ B0O/
The crane deFratings for multiFcrane lifts should not be less than those identified above and in
some circumstances an increase in the deFrating ma$ be re1uired/ 2or e*amle) where multile
cranes are to be used for the midFair rotation of a recast concrete anel) the following issues
should be considered and allowed for,
the load on each crane will change during rotation
the radius for one or both cranes will change during the lift
rotation should take lace with ade1uate clearance from the ground for full rotation to
ensure that the anel does not strike the ground) the cranes or an$ other ob+ects/
Principles for multiple crane lifting
2actors are to be considered when lanning for multile crane lifts include the,
mass of the load
osition of the centre of gravit$
mass of the lifting gear
safe working caacit$ of the lifting gear
s$nchronisation of crane motions/
+ass of the load
Ensure the total mass of the load and its distribution is either known or calculated/ !here the
information is taken from a design drawing) ensure allowances are made for manufacturing
tolerances/ The accurac$ of the design drawing should be confirmed rior to the lift
Position of the centre of gravity
<ue to the variable effect of manufacturing tolerances and rolling margins) the osition of the
centre of gravit$ ma$ not be accuratel$ known/ 'ccordingl$) the roortion of the load being
carried b$ each crane ma$ be uncertain and ade1uate allowances should be made/ This will
involve reducing the crane caacities further/
+ass of the lifting gear
P'3E :C 42 55 JUNE 2012
Ensure the mass of the lifting gear and its distribution are accuratel$ known and included as
art of the calculated load on the cranes/ !here heav$ or awkwardl$ shaed loads are handled
and significant lifting gear is re1uired) the deFrating of the cranes caacit$ ma$ need to be
further increased to allow for the weight of the lifting gear/
!afe working capacity of the lifting gear
Ensure the distribution of the forces within the lifting gear that will occur during the lifting
oeration is established/ The lifting gear should have a rated caacit$ in e*cess of that needed
for its roortioned load/ <etermine whether secial lifting gear is re1uired to suit the ma*imum
variation in distribution and direction of alied loads and forces which ma$ occur during
multile lifting/
!ynchronisation of crane motions
>inimise the variation in the direction and magnitude of forces acting on the cranes b$
s$nchronising the cranes= motions/ !here ossible) ensure cranes of e1ual caacit$ and similar
oerating characteristics are used/ "owever) in ractice) there will alwa$s be some variation due
to differences in resonse to the activation of the motion controller and the setting and efficienc$
of the braking s$stem/
's it is unlikel$ that the motions of the cranes will be accuratel$ s$nchronised) ensure that an
assessment of the effect of variation in lumb of the hoist roes) which ma$ arise from
ine1ualities of seed) and the means for keeing such ine1ualities to a minimum) is made/ To
allow for these ine1ualities) the lifting oeration should be erformed at low seeds with
e*treme care to ensure the hoist roes are ket as close as ossible to vertical/
The rated caacit$ of a crane is calculated on the assumtion that the load will be raised and
lowered in a vertical lane/ The crane boom has limited strength in the lateral lane/
05 Si5g7e cra5e mu7tip7e ;i5c4 7ifts
' single crane ma$ be used to lift a load using both the main and au*iliar$ winches) for
e*amle) when erecting recast concrete anels/
0n order to move the concrete anel into its vertical osition) the concrete anel ma$ need to be
rotated through using one or two cranes/ Even though the concrete anel will be susended b$
two hoist roes) both roes will need to suort more than B0 er cent of the concrete anel
weight during the rotation/ The actual load should be calculated and documented b$ a
cometent erson before the element is manufactured/
!here a single crane is to be used for midFair rotation) the following should be considered,
The crane must be designed and manufactured for simultaneous multile winch as set
out in the manufacturer=s instructions/
#ome cranes ma$ need to be reconfigured before the$ can be used in this manner/
The main winch and au*iliar$ winch drives should be indeendent/
(igging should ensure that the ma*imum design fleet angle is not e*ceeded %for
e*amle) lifting an element that is laced erendicular to the boom ma$ lace
e*cessive side load on sheaves&/
(otation should be as near as ossible to the lane of the boom/
The load on the main and au*iliar$ winches is to be monitored searatel$ and
simultaneousl$ to avoid overloading of either line and to ensure that the combined load
of both lines does not e*ceed the rated caacit$ of the crane/
The included angle between the main hoist roe and au*iliar$ hoist roe is not to e*ceed
10 degrees unless otherwise secified b$ the manufacturer/
(otation should take lace with ade1uate clearance from the ground for full rotation to
ensure that the anel does not strike the ground) crane or an$ other ob+ects/
P'3E :5 42 55 JUNE 2012
'n engineer should verif$ the minimum re1uired caacit$ of the hoist roes/ The au*iliar$ winch
line asses over the ;(ooster sheave= which is the name given to the sheave mounted on the
short boom e*tension/ (ooster sheaves and the associated rigging on the boom head should
be designed and certified b$ an engineer/
00 (se of ot4er mo8i7e p7a5t as a mo8i7e cra5e
4ther mobile lant ma$ be used as a mobile crane to lift or lower freel$ susended loads %that
is) the load is not inned to the boom or on t$nes) but is susended from the boom b$ means of
a chain or wire roe sling&/ 4ther mobile lant that is sometimes used in this wa$ includes
backhoes) frontFend loaders) e*cavators and telescoic handlers %also known as ;loadFalls= and
;tool carriers=&/
2urther guidance on using other lant as a mobile crane is rovided in Appendi% G/
0% To;er cra5es
There are three general t$es of tower crane used in 'ustralia,
2ailure to erect or dismantle tower cranes in accordance with the crane designer=s or crane
manufacturer=s instructions ma$ result in in+ur$ to ersons and roert$ damage from,
crane collase
falls from heights
falling ob+ects/
The rocess of erecting or dismantling a tower crane is construction work and if it involves high
risk construction work %for e*amle) work where a erson could fall more than two metres& a
safe work method statement must be reared/
' safe work method statement should consider the following,
the crane designer=s or crane manufacturer=s instructions
technical standards relevant to access and egress
the crane=s stabilit$
an$ adverse effects on other lant) structures or work rocesses at the worklace
the use of secial tools) +igs and aliances necessar$ to minimise the risk of in+ur$
control measures for securing crane comonents
the interaction of the crane with other lant
environmental factors) such as wet or wind$ conditions
all relevant electrical installations associated with the crane coml$ with AS 2333'
+lectrical installations/
2urther guidance on the safe erection) use and dismantling of tower cranes is rovided in
Appendi% 8/
0) 3e4ic7e<7oadi5g cra5es
EehicleFloading cranes are intended to be mounted on a broad range of vehicles including tra$
trucks and rime movers/ !hen originall$ introduced) vehicleFloading cranes were used for
loading the truck on which the$ were mounted/ "owever) with the introduction of larger caacit$
vehicleFloading cranes and roortional control) these t$es of cranes are fre1uentl$ used for
traditional crane oerations where either,
P'3E :@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
the load is lifted from the vehicle tra$ to an elevated area at a worklace %for e*amle)
lifting acks of timber from the vehicle directl$ to a building floor&) or
the load is lifted both to and from locations) remote from the vehicle on which the crane
is mounted/
!hile vehicleFloading cranes ma$ be used for the alications stated above) the level of safet$
rovided b$ the lifting setFu should not be less than when a mobile crane is used/
Unless a vehicleFloading crane has been designed for ickFandFcarr$ oeration) it must never
be used in this mode/
Crane and vehicle suitability
EehicleFloading cranes must onl$ be mounted on vehicle t$es and models secified b$ the
crane manufacturer/ 0nstalling a crane on an inaroriate vehicle could lead to structural failure
of the crane or vehicle) or make the vehicleLcrane combination unstable/ !here secondFhand
vehicleFloading cranes are imorted from overseas) the crane and vehicle combination must be
rovided with a comliance late that has been attached b$ an authorised erson in comliance
with +urisdictional transort re1uirements/
The method of mounting the crane to the vehicle must be in accordance with the crane
manufacturer=s secifications andLor the recommendations of a cometent erson/ 'n$ adverse
effects to both the vehicle and crane are to be taken into consideration/ !elding the crane to the
vehicle chassis is unaccetable as it can damage the chassis and also lead to fatigue failure of
the connection/
Design of controls on vehicle"loading cranes
Controls on vehicleFloading cranes must be of the constant ressure %deadman& t$e) and
ermanentl$ marked with clearl$ visible s$mbols/
The osition and la$out of controls on vehicleFloading cranes should be designed so that the
risk of the oerator being crushed against the vehicle or controls b$ inadvertent oeration of the
crane is eliminated/ 2or new vehicleFloading cranes) administrative controls are not suitable to
revent in+ur$ and engineering controls should be used/
'n emergenc$ stoing device should be rovided at ever$ control station on the vehicleF
loading crane/ The emergenc$ stoing device should,
remove the energ$ sul$ to the crane) and bring the crane to a comlete sto when
be readil$ visible and coloured red
be arranged for eas$ access) and located so that the oerator will not be e*osed to
other haAards when activating the device
lock in the ;sto= osition when activated and re1uire manual reset/
%perational issues for vehicle"loading cranes
The vehicleFloading crane must be oerated in accordance with the oerator=s instruction
manual rovided b$ the crane manufacturer and,
oerators of vehicleFloading cranes with a ma*imum load moment caacit$ of 10 metreF
tonnes or more must hold the aroriate "(! licence class %CE&
oerators must be trained in the oeration of the articular vehicleFloading crane
if the load is out of the oerator=s view at an$ stage during the lifting rocess) the
movement of the load must be directed b$ a licensed dogger or rigger
the vehicleFloading crane ma$ onl$ be used with all stabilisers e*tended in accordance
with the crane manufacturer=s instructions F where multile ositions can be used on
stabiliser legs) the legs must be set u in comliance with the manufacturer=s load chart
P'3E B0 42 55 JUNE 2012
stabilisers must be interlocked to revent delo$ment of the crane boom until the
stabilisers have been correctl$ e*tended
the stabiliser legs should be clearl$ marked with ;Aebra striing= to imrove visibilit$
the vehicleFloading crane must onl$ be used so that it is level in accordance with the
crane manufacturer=s secifications %usuall$ not e*ceeding one degree or less&
timbers or other ads secified b$ the crane manufacturer are to be rovided under the
stabiliser feet
crane hooks must be rovided with sringFloaded safet$ latches and must be ade1uatel$
vehicleFloading cranes are not to be used for lifting ersons where rovided) sring lockF
outs on the vehicle are to be activated during crane oeration
the vehicleFloading crane must onl$ be used with a load susended verticall$ from the
hook F the crane is not to be used to drag a load across a suorting surface/
0? !ridge a5d ga5try cra5es
8ridge and gantr$ cranes are commonl$ used in manufacturing environments where there is a
need to regularl$ move loads from one location to another/ The following bridge and gantr$
cranes must be design registered,
bridge cranes with a safe working load of greater than 10 tonnes
gantr$ cranes with a safe working load greater than B tonnes) and
an$ bridge crane or gantr$ crane that is designed to handle molten metal or
haAardous chemicals listed in #chedule 10 of the !"# (egulations/
4erating a bridge or gantr$ crane is skilled work and as there can be a wide range of crane
configurations) oerators must be trained and cometent in their use/ Powered oerations of
bridge and gantr$ cranes include,
traversing F the movement of the crab from one end of the bridge to the other
travelling F the movement of the crane along its runwa$
hoisting F raise and lower are considered to be one owered oeration) and
!here a bridge or gantr$ crane is to be configured for a secial use) this re1uirement should be
discussed with the crane manufacturer andLor sulier rior to urchase/ 2or e*amle) if a
multiFhoist mechanism is re1uired and it is intended to simultaneousl$ use both hoists to lift a
common load that e*ceeds either hoist caacit$) load limiting and movement controlling devices
should be installed to revent either hoist from being overloaded/ 0f these are not installed then
the caacit$ of each hoist must be ade1uatel$ deFrated %for e*amle) b$ 20O&/
#afet$ devices that can assist in controlling risks include,
antiFcollision devices F these revent two or more bridge and gantr$ cranes
oerating on the same runwa$ from colliding with each other and when aroaching the
end of the runwa$
deceleration devices F such as limit switches and twoFstage decelerators) slow the
bridge or gantr$ crane down regardless of what control is being ressed when a
travelling crane is aroaching the end of the runwa$) to revent end sto collision or
over run
loadFlimiting devices I these devices assess the load and revent lifting should the
rating caacit$ of the crane be e*ceeded
antiFfall devices I for e*amle) antiFdro lates) can be fitted to bridge and gantr$
cranes to revent falls of lant in the event of travelFwheel failure/
P'3E B1 42 55 JUNE 2012
' high risk work licence is re1uired to oerate a bridge crane or gantr$ crane that is,
controlled from a ermanent cabin or control station on the craneK or
remotel$ controlled where the remote control has more than . owered oerations/
' high risk work licence is not re1uired to oerate a bridge or gantr$ crane that is remotel$
controlled b$ wa$ of endant or radio and onl$ has a ma*imum of three owered oerations %for
e*amle) traverse) travel and hoist&/
' dogging licence or rigging licence is re1uired b$,
an$ erson other than a licensed crane oerator if the$ e*ercise +udgment in the
selection of slings) the weight of the load or its centre of gravit$
an$ erson who directs a bridge and gantr$ crane oerator in the movement of the
P'3E B2 42 55 JUNE 2012
!arrier ' h$sical structure which blocks or imedes something/
!arricade 'n$ ob+ect or structure that creates a barrier obstacle to control) block assage
or force the flow of traffic in the desired direction
e7e:ati5g ;or9
' telescoing device) hinged device) or articulated device) or an$ combination
of these) used to suort a latform on which ersonnel) e1uiment and
materials ma$ be elevated/
!ridge Cra5e ' crane that,
%a& a consists of a bridge beam or beams) that are mounted to end carriages
at each endK and
%b& is caable of travelling along elevated runwa$sK and
%c& has one or more hoisting mechanisms arranged to traverse across the
' erson who has ac1uired through training) 1ualification or e*erience the
knowledge and skills to carr$ out the task/
' cometent erson has a more secific meaning in the following
2or insection of lant for registration uroses the erson must have,
o educational or vocational 1ualifications in an engineering disciline
relevant to the lant being insected) or
o knowledge of the technical standards relevant to the lant being
2or a ma+or insection of registered mobile cranes and tower cranes the
erson must,
o have the skills) 1ualifications) cometence and e*erience to insect the
lant) and be registered under a law that rovides for the registration of
rofessional engineers %in +urisdictions where such a law e*ists&) or
o be determined b$ the !"# regulator to be a cometent erson/
Doggi5g ;or9 >eans,
%a& the alication of slinging techni1ues) including the selection and
insection of lifting gear) to safel$ sling a loadK or
%b& the directing of a lant oerator in the movement of a load when the load
is out of the oeratorNs view/
'n area from which ersons are e*cluded during the work/
' erson or bod$ engaged in the distribution of electricit$ to the ublic or in the
generation of electricit$ for sul$) directl$ or indirectl$) to the ublic/ 'n
electricit$ sul$ authorit$ ma$ also be known as a network oerator/
P'3E B. 42 55 JUNE 2012
Fai7 safe ' state or condition where) if an$ comonent or function of the lant fails) a
s$stem e*ists to revent an$ increase in the risks/ 2or e*amle) if the rimar$
hoist brake fails on a crane lifting a erson in a workbo*) the secondar$ hoist
brake will revent uncontrolled droing of the workbo*/ "owever) once the
secondar$ brake is engaged) a lower level of safet$ has been reached/ The
situation must be made safe and the fault rectified so that the fail safe caabilit$
is reFestablished/
The reliabilit$ or safet$ integrit$ of the fail safe s$stem should be commensurate
with the determined level of risk %for e*amle) Categor$ 1 to Categor$ : alied
in AS ;3<;' Safety of Machinery&/
+a5try cra5e ' crane that,
%a& consists of a bridge beam suorted at each end b$ legs mounted on end
carriagesK and
%b& is caable of travelling on suorting surfaces or deck levels) whether fi*ed
or notK and
%c& has a crab with one or more hoisting units arranged to travel across the
-oist 'n aliance intended for raising or lowering a load or eole) and includes an
elevating work latform) a mast climbing work latform) ersonnel and
materials hoist) scaffolding hoist and serial hoist but does not include a lift or
building maintenance e1uiment/
"oad c4art ' notice fitted on a crane or hoist secif$ing the rated caacities as sulied b$
the manufacturer/
*o8i7e cra5e ' crane caable of travelling over a suorting surface without the need for
fi*ed runwa$s and rel$ing onl$ on gravit$ for stabilit$/
mo8i7e cra5e
' mobile crane incororating a boom or +ib that cannot be slewed) and includes,
%a& an articulated mobile craneK or
%b& a locomotive crane)
but does not include vehicle tow trucks/
' rollFover rotective structure %(4P#&) falling ob+ect rotective structure
%24P#&) oerator restraining device and seat belt/
The moment that tends to ti the crane over/ !hen the overturning moment
e*ceeds the stabilising moment) the crane will overturn %see also #tabilising
Porta7 8oom
' boom crane or a +ib crane that is mounted on a ortal frame that) in turn) is
suorted on runwa$s along which the crane travels/
mo8i7e p7a5t
Plant that is rovided with some form of self roulsion that is ordinaril$ under
the direct control of an oerator/
P'3E B: 42 55 JUNE 2012
Rated capacity The ma*imum gross load that ma$ be alied to the crane or lifting attachment
while in a articular working configuration and under a articular condition of
Reac4 stac9er ' owered reach stacker that incororates an attachment for lifting and
lowering a shiing container
Riggi5g ;or9 >eans,
%a& the use of mechanical load shifting e1uiment and associated gear to
move) lace or secure a load using lant) e1uiment or members of a
structure to ensure the stabilit$ of those membersK or
%b& the setting u or dismantling of cranes or hoists/
to;er cra5e
' crane,
%a& that is not disassembled into a tower element and a boom or +ib element in
the normal course of useK and
%b& where the erection and dismantling rocesses are an inherent art of the
craneNs function/
mo8i7e cra5e
' mobile crane incororating a boom or +ib that can be slewed) but does not
%a& a frontFend loaderK or
%b& a backhoeK or
%c& an e*cavatorK or
%d& other earth moving e1uiment)
when configured for crane oeration/
>eans the e*ercising of +udgement in relation to the suitabilit$ and condition of
lifting gear and the method of slinging) b$ consideration of the nature of the
load) its mass and its centre of gravit$/
The moment that tends to kee the crane uright/ ;>oment= is the engineering
calculation of force multilied b$ the erendicular distance between the force
and the turning oint/
Structure 'n$thing that is constructed) whether fi*ed or moveable) temorar$ or
ermanent) and includes,
%a& buildings) masts) towers) framework) ielines) transort infrastructure and
underground works %shafts or tunnels&K and
%b& an$ comonent of a structureK and
%c& art of a structure/
;or9 p7atform
%a& a fi*ed) mobile or susended scaffoldK or
%b& an elevating work latformK or
%c& a mast climbing work latformK or
%d& a work bo* suorted b$ a crane) hoist) forklift truck or other form of
mechanical lantK or
%e& building maintenance e1uiment) including a building maintenance unitK or
%f& a ortable or mobile fabricated latformK or
%g& an$ other temorar$ latform that,
%i& rovides a working areaK and
%ii& is designed to revent a fall/
P'3E BB 42 55 JUNE 2012
To;er cra5e >eans,
%a& a boom crane or a +ib crane mounted on a tower structureK and
%b& in #chedule .,
%i& the crane) if a +ib crane) ma$ be a horiAontal or luffing +ib t$eK and
%ii& the tower structure ma$ be demountable or ermanent)
but) in #chedule .) does not include a selfFerecting tower crane/
7oadi5g cra5e
' crane mounted on a vehicle for the urose of loading and unloading the
$or98oB ' ersonnel carr$ing device) designed to be susended from a crane) to
rovide a working area for a erson elevated b$ and working from the device
$or9i5g "oad
"imit @$""A
#ee ;(ated caacit$=/
P'3E B9 42 55 JUNE 2012
' Pre<erectio5 i5spectio5s a5d tests @o5 grou5d i5spectio5A
Tower crane comonents should be insected and tested b$ a cometent erson according to
the manufacturer=s instructions rior to being delivered to the worklace/
!here a tower crane owner is aware a crane will be erected when the scheduled annual
insection is due) then the owner ma$ consider carr$ing out an annual insection during the
reFerection insection/
These insections and tests should include the following,
NonFdestructive Testing %N<T& of welds on vital comonents) such as boom clevises)
butt heal bosses) counterweight roe sheave brackets
N<T of tower crane bolts
N<T of slew ring bolts
N<T of aluminium sheaves
the condition of the ower sul$ cable where used
the condition of motor brakes
the condition of the slew ring gear and inions
air controls and associated valves
the condition of roes and sheaves %for e*amle) erection) hoisting) counterweight and
trolle$& and correct roe tracking
the condition of limit switches and limiting devices
the condition of counterweights
the condition and fitment of machiner$ guarding
brake s$stems) are to be dismantled and insected for wear and damage,
o dr$ brakes F rior to each erection or more fre1uentl$ if directed b$ the manufacturer
o wet brakes F rior to each erection) after B 000 hours of crane oeration or as
directed b$ the manufacturer
all normal service items) including items sulied b$ the crane manufacturer %for
e*amle) temerature control units and ade1uate seating& being maintained in a
serviceable condition according to the crane manufacturer=s instructions) and
other tests as secified b$ the manufacturer/
2urther information on N<T is rovided in art C of this 'endi*/
4nce the tower crane comonents have been delivered to the worklace) the$ must be
insected for an$ ossible damage and wear during transort/
0nsections must also be made of,
the crane base design and engineer=s reort
crane ties and structure to suort them where used
the ower sul$ and earthing/
Crane owners should develo their own reFerection insection and test reort that satisfies the
re1uirements of the !"# (egulations and the manufacturer=s instructions/ The reort should
also reflect the secific t$e and model of crane and reference all relevant design drawings and
test certificates/
2 Commissio5i5g to;er cra5es
2ailure to commission tower cranes in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s or sulier=s
secifications ma$ lead to decreased safet$ and efficienc$ in the oeration of the tower crane/
P'3E BC 42 55 JUNE 2012
Commissioning tower cranes involves erforming necessar$ ad+ustments) tests and insections
to ensure the crane is in full working order to secified re1uirements before the crane is used/
2or further information on the insection and testing is rovided in section B of this code/
!ritten instructions regarding the commissioning of a tower crane should be available to all
relevant ersons at the worklace/ The commissioning of cranes must be carried out in
accordance with these written instructions/
0f rated caacit$ limiters) overload cutFouts or motion switches have been b$assed or
disconnected during erection) the$ are to be reconnected and tested in accordance with a
written rocedure before the crane is ut into oeration/
#esponsibilities of persons who commission tower cranes
' erson who commissions tower cranes should ensure that,
the rocess of commissioning the crane is without risk to health and safet$
as a result of commissioning) the crane can be transferred to active service without risk
to health and safet$ when it is used roerl$) and for the urose for which it was
designed and manufactured
the crane is insected) to determine whether it has been erected in accordance with
design secifications
commissioning methods are in accordance with secifications of the crane manufacturer
or sulier
the commissioning se1uence has been develoed and imlemented according to risk
management rinciles %that is) haAards identified) risks assessed and controls
an erection lan is develoed to cover such things as the se1uence of oerations) and
the safet$ rocedures to be carried out during commissioning
tests are carried out to ensure the crane will erform within design secifications %for
e*amle) dumm$ runs&
stresses which e*ceed design secifications are not imosed on the crane
the crane owner is notified of commissioning results and rovided with aroriate
The following information should be rovided b$ the commissioner of the tower crane to the
crane owner,
an$ roblems identified during commissioning that indicate the crane is not erforming
confirmation that the crane will erform the functions for which it has been
Commissioning inspections and tests
Commissioning insections and tests should be carried out b$ a cometent erson once the
crane has been erected and before it is ut into service/ 4nce the erformance of the crane has
been satisfactoril$ verified b$ the commissioning insections and tests) the crane ma$ be
laced into service/
Commissioning insections and tests should include,
crane electricit$ sul$ where used
crane base weights or ballast where used
tower section identification and access
tower bolts to correct tension
climbing frame and connection
+ib connection ins and retainers
P'3E B5 42 55 JUNE 2012
'Fframe connections and retainers
+ib and deck endant ins and retainers where used
machiner$ guarding
leakage in lines) tanks) valves) ums) and other arts of air or h$draulic s$stems
the condition of the roes and sheaves %for e*amle) erection) hoisting) trolle$ and
counterweight& and correct roe tracking
isolating switches
the condition and hase of the ower sul$ cable
verification that the crane wiring comlies with AS/01S 2333' +lectrical installations
effective oeration of controls including interlocks
effective oeration of indicating devices
effective oeration of travel deceleration switches
effective oeration of hoist uer and lower %where re1uired& working limit switches
effective oeration of warning devices
effective oeration of the hoist and travel brakes when the crane is laden to the
ma*imum rated caacit$
effective oeration of the rescue controlled descent device
other tests secified b$ the crane manufacturer/
Commissioning report
Crane owners should develo their own commissioning reort that satisfies the re1uirements of
the !"# (egulations and the manufacturer=s instructions/ 0t should reflect the secific t$e and
model of crane) and reference all relevant design drawings and test certificates/
. Pre<operatio5a7 i5spectio5
' visual insection and functional test of the crane should be carried out b$ the crane oerator
before the commencement of each work shift/ This should include insection and testing of the
all relevant items indicated in the oerations manual
oerating and emergenc$ controls
safet$ switches and interlocks) including limiting and indicating devices
visual insection of the structure
wire roes to ensure the$ are on the drum and correctl$ reeved on the sheave
wire roes for obvious damage/
The results of the insection must be entered into a logbook and ket with the crane/
'll ersonal rotective e1uiment should be insected to ensure it is functioning correctl$/ 'll
safet$Frelated roblems should be recorded and rectified rior to crane use/
4 Routi5e i5spectio5 a5d mai5te5a5ce
' rogram of routine insection and maintenance should be carried out b$ a cometent erson
in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s instructions/ 0t should include a visual insection of
those relevant items that can be safel$ done while the crane is erected/
(outine insection and maintenance should include the following,
all functions and their controls for seed) smoothness of oeration and limits of motion
all emergenc$ and safet$ switches and interlocks) including limiting and indicating
P'3E B@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
lubrication of all moving arts and insection of filter elements and fluid levels
visual insection and measurements as necessar$ of structural members and other
critical comonents such as brakes) gears) fasteners) ins) shafts) wire roes) sheaves)
locking devices and electrical contactors
signage) including warning signs and control markings
wear on wheels and rails
additional items nominated in the crane manufacturer=s instructions/
'll relacement arts and comonents should be identical or e1uivalent to the original arts or
comonents/ ' written reort must be rovided uon comletion of the insection/
5 A55ua7 i5spectio5s
'n annual insection should be carried out b$ a cometent erson in accordance with the crane
manufacturer=s instructions/
!here a tower crane owner is aware a crane will be erected when the scheduled annual
insection falls due) the owner ma$ consider carr$ing out an annual insection rior to crane
erection or during the reFerection insection/
'n annual insection should include all items secified b$ the crane manufacturer for annual
insection) as well as relevant items included in the routine insection and maintenance
'nnual insections should include,
all relevant items in the reFerection insection and tests that can be safel$ comleted
while the crane is erected
the effective functioning and calibration of all limiting and indicating devices
detailed visual insection and tolerance checking of all critical structural and wear
checking of tolerances for wear limit
a detailed visual check for corrosion) and
a detailed visual e*amination of critical areas for evidence of cracking/
0 *a>or i5spectio5
Tower cranes must undergo a ma+or insection ever$ 10 $ears and include insection of the
structure as well as mechanical comonents/
The following are e*amles of some off the ke$ items re1uiring insection/ #ome of the items
ma$ not be alicable to some t$es of tower cranes because the feature will not e*ist on the
crane/ The full list of items to be insected must be determined b$ the cometent erson/
!lew #ing
(emove the slew ring bolts and slit the slew ring/
>easure the wear in the slew ring/
(elace worn bearings and sacers/
Carr$ out N<T and reair of bearing race/
>easure the backlash and teeth width in the inion drives and ring drive to ensure the$
are within the manufacturer=s secifications/
0f the manufacturer secifies that slew ring bolts can be reused) the bolts are crack
tested b$ N<T) or relace all bolts with new bolts/
Hydraulic motors
(emove) stri down and insect all h$draulic motors/
P'3E 90 42 55 JUNE 2012
(elace all worn valves and other comonents where measurement identifies wear
has e*ceeded the manufacturer=s fail criteria/
Ensure tolerances coml$ with manufacturer=s secifications rior to reassembl$/
Ensure motors are ressure and erformance tested rior to reFentering service/
Hydraulic pumps
(emove) stri down and insect all h$draulic ums/
(elace all worn valves and other comonents where measurement identifies wear
has e*ceeded the manufacturer=s fail criteria/
Ensure tolerances coml$ with manufacturer=s secifications rior to reassembl$/
Ensure ums are ressure and erformance tested rior to reFentering service/
1alve blocks 2bodies3
(emove) stri down and insect all valve blocks/
(elace all worn valves and other comonents/
Ensure tolerances coml$ with crane manufacturer=s secifications rior to reassembl$/
Ensure valves are ressure and erformance tested rior to reFentering service/
Hoist and luff drums
(emove luff drums and relace drive shaft bearings as re1uired/
0nsect grooves on the luff drum/
0nsect the drive inions for wear and correct allowable backlash/
(elace drive inions if the tolerances are outside of the manufacturer=s secifications/
0nsect roe anchor oints to ensure the$ are correct for roe dimensions/
4raking systems
(emove and dismantle all brakes from the crane/
Check ins) srings and bushes for correct tolerance/
(elace rubber seals/
Check istons for correct oeration/
Ensure welds in braking s$stems are crack tested b$ N<T/
0nsect h$draulic s$stems for leaks rior to reassembl$ on the crane/
0nsect wear limits on brake linings/
#ope sheaves
(emove all roe sheaves and relace bearings as necessar$/
Check sheave groove siAe and relace the sheave if it is outside of the manufacturer=s
0nsect sheaves for cracking) alignment and damage/
(elace s$nthetic sheaves if recommended to do so b$ the sheave manufacturer/
Hydraulic luffing cylinder
(emove c$linder and ram from the crane and stri the c$linder and valve blocks/
Ensure gland nuts are crack tested and threads are checked for wear/
(elace seals and reFchrome ram where necessar$/
Ensure the reassembled c$linder is ressure tested and checked for oeration and
Ensure welds on rod ends and cas are crack tested b$ N<T/
/ear bo-es and drive shafts
(emove and dismantle gear bo*es) drive shafts and fle*ible coulings to the e*tent that
a thorough insection is ossible/
P'3E 91 42 55 JUNE 2012
(elace worn and damaged bearings and gears/
Ensure all N<T on boom comonents re1uired in the reFerection tests is carried out/
Ensure ultrasonic chord thickness of boom is erformed/
Ensure a minimum of 10O of lacing welds on each boom section are crack tested b$
N<T/ 0f an$ cracks are found) ensure all lacing welds on the boom section are tested/
(emove all ins/
Ensure N<T is carried out on all connector welds on rimar$ chords/
Ensure a minimum of 10O of lacing welds are crack tested b$ N<T/
Pins with moving parts 2for e-ample, boom heel pins, ram pins3
(emove and insect all ins with moving arts/
>easure the diameter of the in and bush to ensure it is within the manufacturer=s
tolerance/ 0f not) the in must be reFmachined or relaced and the bush relaced/
0nsect restraint s$stems %that is) cheek lates& and grease niles/
!tatic pins
(emove and insect all static ins/
(eair ins if necessar$/
!teel wire ropes
0nsect all roes for wear) including hoist) luff) endant) trolle$ and counterweight roes/
Ensure roes are onl$ relaced with the t$e of roe secified b$ the crane
manufacturer unless a cometent erson secifies otherwise/
0nsect ins and terminations on endant roes/
.lectrical systems 2hazardous voltage3
Ensure a 1ualified and licensed electrician insects switchboards) wiring) motors and
other electrical comonents in accordance with AS 2333' +lectrical installations and
other relevant standards/
(elace damaged or worn comonents/
Ensure signFoff is rovided b$ the electrician/
Control systems 2non"hazardous voltage3
Ensure electrical control s$stems and comonents are insected b$ a cometent
(elace damaged or worn comonents/
Ensure signFoff is rovided b$ the cometent erson/
.lectric motors
(emove and dismantle electric motors from the crane/
0nsect brushes) bearings) switches and motor wiring for damage and wear/
0nsect slines and shaft ke$wa$s for wear and cracks/
Ensure signFoff is rovided b$ the cometent erson/
Hook trolley 2non"luffing cranes3
0nsect hook trolle$ wheels for damage and wear/
(elace hook trolle$ wheels if necessar$/
Ensure welds on the trolle$ are crack tested b$ N<T/
Hook assembly
P'3E 92 42 55 JUNE 2012
<ismantle and dimensionall$ insect the hook assembl$ to ensure it is within the
manufacturer=s secifications/
Ensure the hook is crack tested b$ N<T/
% ReCuireme5ts for 5o5<destructi:e testi5g @NDTA
NonFdestructive testing is the testing of materials to detect internal) surface and concealed
defects or discontinuities) using methods which do not damage or destro$ the material under
'll N<T must be carried out b$ a cometent erson %for e*amle) a erson accredited b$
N'T'&/ The results of N<T must be available at the worklace where the crane is erected/
!hen using N<T for the detection of cracks in metals) the aint must be removed from the
metal surface/
N<T of secific tower crane comonents should take lace at set intervals %for e*amle) reF
erection tests and ma+or insection&/ The following table indicates the minimum fre1uenc$ of
N<T for articular crane comonents/
Compo5e5t tested NDT descriptio5 NDT freCue5cy
8oom clevises Crack test PreFerection
Counterweight sheave bracket welds
F moving counterweights onl$
Crack test PreFerection
Cruciform welds %luffing cranes onl$& Crack test PreFerection
8utt heal bosses %luffing cranes onl$& Crack test PreFerection
8and brake welds Crack test PreFerection
#lew ring bolts %where slew ring has
to be slit at disassembl$&
Crack test minimum 10 O
Tower bolts Crack test minimum 10 O
'luminium sheaves Crack test PreFerection
#lew ring bolts %all slew rings& Crack test all bolts B $ears
8oom chord thickness >aterial thickness testing 10 $ears
#lew ring Crack test 10 $ears
"$draulic luffing c$linder gland nut Crack test 10 $ears
"$draulic luffing c$linder and ram
%rod ends and cas&
Crack test 10 $ears
8oom lacing welds Crack test minimum 10O 10 $ears
'Fframe %all connector welds on
rimar$ chords&
Crack test 10 $ears
'Fframe lacing welds Crack test minimum 10O 10 $ears
"ook Crack test 10 $ears
!elds on hook trolle$ Crack test 10 $ears
Crack testing of booms and counterweight sheave bracket welds
8ooms on nonFselfFerecting tower cranes are connected b$ ins that ass through male and
female clevises on the ends of each boom section/ 'll welds on male and female clevises on
the ends of ever$ boom section should undergo N<T rior to each crane erection for nonFselfF
erecting cranes/ >agnetic article testing is the usual method used for erforming these tests/
P'3E 9. 42 55 JUNE 2012
0n addition to carr$ing out crack testing of connection clevises) luffing crane booms have a
histor$ of cracking in the following areas,
counterweight sheave bracket welds
welds in cruciform area
butt heal bosses/
These areas should also be crack tested b$ N<T rior to each crane erection/
Crack testing of band brakes
4lder designed luffing tower cranes are rovided with band brakes/ 4n some of these cranes)
the steel band is welded to an end fitting that has a in assing through it/ These welds have
been known to crack/
'll luffing tower cranes fitted with band brakes must have the weld between the band and the
end fitting crack tested b$ N<T rior to each erection/ Note that there ma$ not be a weld on
some brake bands/
Crack testing of slew ring bolts
The integrit$ of slew ring bolts is critical for ensuring both the machine deck and boom remain
attached to the tower/ #lew ring bolts ma$ become damaged) and their effective life reduced if
bolts are either under or overFtor1ued/ 4nce removed) slew ring bolts should be relaced unless
the manufacturer=s instructions state the$ can be reused/ 0f bolts can be reused the$ should be
2or tower cranes where the slew ring must be slit each time the crane is moved) 10O of slew
ring bolts must undergo N<T/ 8olts to be tested are to be selected from the slew ring b$ a
cometent erson/ 0f an$ cracks are detected) all bolts should be discarded and relaced with
The referred s$stem of testing slew ring bolts is to comletel$ remove the bolts from the slew
ring and e*amine them b$ magnetic article testing/
Crack testing of tower bolts
Tower bolts are a critical art of the crane) and ermit the effective transfer of load from the
crane boom to the crane base/ Tower bolts ma$ become damaged from +ob to +ob/ Their
effective life ma$ also be reduced if the bolts are either under or overFtor1ued/ !hile all tower
bolts are high tensile bolts) some are made from e*tremel$ high grade steel and ma$ be more
suscetible to cracking/
4nce removed) tower bolts should be relaced unless the manufacturer=s instructions state the$
can be reused/ 0f bolts can be reused) a minimum of 10O of tower bolts must be crack tested b$
N<T rior to each crane erection/ 0f an$ cracks are found) all tower bolts should be discarded
and relaced with new/
' s$stem that ensures all tower bolts are tested over time is referred) however a random
s$stem of testing ma$ also be used/ ' crane owner ma$ decide to test more than 10O of bolts
where deemed necessar$ %for e*amle) due to a histor$ of cracking&/ The tested bolts should be
identified b$ a method that does not damage the bolt/
Chord thickness testing
DatticeFt$e tower crane booms are constructed from steel/ The comonents of these ma$ be
rone to internal and e*ternal corrosion affecting the thickness of the boom/ The thickness of
the chord wall ma$ also be reduced through abrasive blasting of the boom/
'll main chord sections on tower crane booms should undergo thickness testing at intervals not
e*ceeding ten $ears/ Ultrasonic thickness testing is one method of verif$ing whether there is
ade1uate strength in the chords of the boom/
P'3E 9: 42 55 JUNE 2012
Chord sections must be reviewed for structural ade1uac$ when the thickness is shown b$
testing to be @0O or less than @0O of the original thickness/
#ecords of inspections and maintenance
' crane service record) such as a maintenance logbook) of the significant events concerning the
safet$ and oeration of the crane must be ket and readil$ available/ (ecords ma$ be ket in
an$ suitable format) and must be transferred with ownershi of the crane/ 'll entries in the
maintenance logbook are to,
clearl$ describe the work undertaken and arts relaced
be dated
note the name of the erson carr$ing out the work) and
be signed b$ the erson carr$ing out the work/
<ocumentation stating that the crane has been insected b$ a cometent erson) and is in a
safe and satisfactor$ condition) should be readil$ available/
The checks) ad+ustments) relacement of arts) reairs and insections erformed) and all
irregularities or damage concerning the unit=s safe use) must be recorded/
0n addition) all comlete routine) annual insection and ma+or insection reorts must be
maintained and made available for e*amination as re1uired/
) To;er cra5e mai5te5a5ce a5d repair
' tower crane reventative maintenance rogram should be established based on the working
environment and the fre1uenc$ and severit$ of use of the crane/ The following items should
form art of an effective maintenance rogram,
relacement arts and comonents should be identical or e1uivalent to the original
e1uiment arts and comonents
a secific rectification rogram should be carried out where ast e*erience has shown
articular roblems with a crane
all safet$Frelated malfunctions and roblems should be corrected before the crane is
returned to service/
The owner of the tower crane must ensure that,
the necessar$ facilities and s$stems of work are rovided and maintained so as to
minimise the risks to health and safet$ of ersons maintaining) insecting) reairing or
cleaning the crane
insections) maintenance and cleaning are carried out having regard to rocedures
recommended b$ the crane designer and manufacturer) or the relevant 'ustralian
#tandard) or as develoed b$ a cometent erson
reair) insection and) where necessar$) testing is carried out b$ a cometent erson
all safet$ features and warning devices of the crane are maintained and tested
when the crane has been damaged to the e*tent that its function or condition is
imaired) resulting in increased risk to health or safet$) a cometent erson assesses
the damage and advises the owner of,
o the nature of the damage
o whether the crane is able to be reaired) and if so) what reairs must be carried
out to minimise risks to health and safet$
reairs to the crane are carried out so as to retain the crane within its design limits
annual maintenance) reair and insection records are ket for the crane/
P'3E 9B 42 55 JUNE 2012
ower crane repair
'll worn or damaged arts of a crane that constitute a haAard) imair the oeration of the crane)
or ma$ constitute a haAard before the ne*t routine insection) are to be reaired or relaced/ 'll
reaired or new arts must coml$ with the crane manufacturer=s recommendations or
secifications/ !here these are not available) the reaired or new arts must coml$ with the
recommendations of a cometent erson/
? Safe desig5 of to;er cra5es
Crane stability
#tabilit$ is a crucial safet$ issue for tower cranes/ 2ailing to maintain stabilit$ ma$ lead to a
serious incident through mechanical or structural failure) or crane collase/ ' tower crane
should be designed to be stable) and without risk of overturning) falling or moving une*ectedl$
during erecting and dismantling) and under all oerating conditions/
Tower crane stabilit$ deends on,
the stabilising moment of the craneMthe crane counterweight generall$ rovides the
rimar$ stabilising moment
the overturning moment alied b$ the susended load and wind
the footings and foundations designed for the secific crane installation
the design) number and location of crane ties
wind conditionsMstabilit$ will var$ according to the siAe and shae of the susended
load and crane boom/
!tabilising and overturning moments
Doad charts
Doad charts) also called rated caacit$ charts) identif$ what the crane is able to lift safel$/
Doad charts must be written in English) and use metric units/ Difting oerations should not take
lace unless the load chart is fi*ed in the oerator=s cabin in a clearl$ visible location/ The load
chart must be available for the crane oerator to verif$ that the crane is not being overloaded/
The lifting caacities secified on a load chart must never be e*ceeded) e*cet during testing of
the crane) b$ a cometent erson) under controlled conditions or in emergenc$ situations/
Tower crane counterweights are critical in ensuring crane stabilit$/ ' counterweight that is too
light for a load and boom configuration ma$ cause the crane to overturn in the direction of the
susended load/ ' counterweight that is too heav$ for the load and boom configuration ma$
cause the crane to fall over backwards/
Counterweights must be secured to the crane in the manner secified b$ the crane
&ootings and foundations
2ootings and foundations for a tower crane installation must be designed in accordance with
engineering rinciles or relevant technical standards/ This design must consider the results of
geoFtechnical insections secific to the location of the crane installation/
Crane ties
Crane ties la$ a critical art in ensuring the stabilit$ of a tower crane as the height of the crane
increases/ Crane ties must be secured to the suorting structure at set intervals in accordance
with the instructions secified b$ the crane manufacturer and the designer of the crane
P'3E 99 42 55 JUNE 2012
Wind conditions
4erational wind seeds
#trong winds will imose additional loads on a crane and ma$ affect the crane=s stabilit$/ '
ma*imum ermissible oerational wind seed will be included for in the tower crane design but
this ma$ not al$ for oerational uroses %that is) when a crane oerator is at the controls)
and in the rocess of lifting a load&/
Tower crane installations can be designed for a ma*imum oerational wind seed of
C2 kmLhour %20 metresLsecond& as set out in AS =;=>.;' &ranes$ hoists and *inches : 9o*er
cranes/ 'lthough the tower crane base and crane ties ma$ have been designed for this higher
oerational wind seed) crane oerators should not oerate the crane in wind seeds that
e*ceed the manufacturer=s secifications or the$ consider to be unsafe/
' crane manufacturer will generall$ onl$ secif$ a ma*imum wind seed in which to oerate the
crane) ignoring the t$e of load to be lifted/ 0n some cases) there ma$ not be a ma*imum wind
seed secified for the crane itself/ The effect of wind gusts will also have a different effect on
the crane than a constant wind/ ' crane oerator must base the decision to make a lift on
information rovided b$ the crane manufacturer) and rior e*erience as a crane oerator/ 0f the
oerator believes a secific crane oeration is haAardous) the oerator ma$ choose not to
oerate the crane/ 3uidance should be sought from the crane manufacturer or a cometent
erson regarding the conditions under which a lift can take lace safel$/
Dual braking systems
<ual braking s$stems should be used in accordance with relevant technical design standards/
<ual braking s$stems must be rovided on the luff function of all roe luffing tower cranes and
an$ other function secified b$ the crane manufacturer/
'0 E5suri5g sta8i7ity of to;er cra5es
Tower cranes must be oerated within their engineered design caacit$/ To ensure the stabilit$
of a tower crane in wind$ conditions) the following factors should be addressed,
The crane manufacturer should state the ma*imum wind seed that the crane ma$ be
oerated in/ "owever) such ma*imum oerating wind seeds as stated b$ the
manufacturer ma$ in articular circumstances be e*cessive) eseciall$ when the crane
boom and loads have large surface areas/
'n anemometer %wind gauge& should be fi*ed on each tower crane) in an aroriate
location) to rovide an accurate wind seed reading/ The lacement of the anemometer
should not be shielded from the wind) and will var$ according to the t$e of crane/ 2or
e*amle) anemometers should be fi*ed on,
o the to of the 'Fframe on luffing tower cranes) or
o either the 'Fframe or machine deck handFrail on nonFluffing tower cranes/
!here a nonFstandard lift with a susended load or large surface area is to be
undertaken in wind$ conditions) the cometent erson should rovide written advice on
safe lifting conditions/
Climbing oerations should not roceed where wind seed e*ceeds .9 kmLhour %10
metresLsecond&/ "owever) it should be noted that this is a ma*imum wind seed) and
erforming the climbing oeration is u to the discretion of the rigging crew/
%perating tower cranes in wind speeds greater than 56 km7hour
0f a tower crane must be oerated in wind seeds greater than B: kmLhour) a documented risk
assessment should be carried out to determine,
the t$es of loads that can be lifted under these conditions
P'3E 9C 42 55 JUNE 2012
the control measures that need to be alied/
The risk assessment should involve a consultative rocess between the rincial contractor)
crane owner and oerator) and other members of the crane crew/ >atters to be considered
during this consultative rocess include,
load surface area
siAe to weight ratio %densit$& %for e*amle) a timber wall form will be more easil$ affected
b$ the wind than a concrete anel of the same frontal area&
boom length and surface area of the boom) including an$ attachments
the abilit$ of the crane=s slew motors and brakes to oerate safel$ in high winds
the abilit$ of doggers to control load movement) articularl$ when it is being slung or
the abilit$ of the crane oerator to see the load) articularl$ when the load is being slung
or unloaded) and
the effect of wind on crane movement %for e*amle) slewing against wind or luffing down
against wind&) which ma$ resent a risk of roe bunching on the drum and the boom
droing on roe luffing tower cranes/
4nl$ tower cranes that have been designed to oerate in wind seeds greater than B: kmLhour
ma$ be oerated under these conditions/
'' Sig5age o5 to;er cra5es
The attachment of signage on tower crane booms is not recommended as the signage will affect
the oeration of the crane in wind$ conditions/ #igns that are inaroriatel$ attached to the
boom ma$ detach during crane oerations) and result in in+ur$ to ersons in the vicinit$ of the
The design engineer for a tower crane installation must be aware of an$ re1uirement to attach
signage to the boom in order to make allowance for the siAe and weight of the signage/ This
information must be included and allowed for in an$ crane base drawing/ #igns should not be
attached to the tower crane boom unless consideration has been given to the otential wind
loading of the sign) and the resulting imact on the design of the crane base) tower sections and
crane ties/
Certification must be obtained from an engineer that the design of the sign and its attachments
to the crane are ;fit for urose=/ This includes ensuring that maintenance on the sign will not be
re1uired for as long as the crane is on site/
2le*ible signs should be made of a UE resistant material that will not deteriorate over the life of
the crane installation/ 2le*ible signs should be securel$ attached to the crane boom using an
aroriate t$ing s$stem that will withstand otential wind loadings/
#olid signs should be attached to the boom b$ bolted connections that clam around the
outside of the chords or lacings of the boom/ 'n aroriate means of locking the nuts on the
bolts must be used/
!hen attaching solid signs,
holes should not be drilled into the boom
+oints should not be welded on to the boom
straing should not be used
cable ties should not be used/
P'3E 95 42 55 JUNE 2012
'2 Erecti5g a5d disma5t7i5g to;er cra5es
2ailure to erect or dismantle tower cranes in accordance with the crane designer=s or crane
manufacturer=s instructions ma$ result in in+ur$ to ersons from,
crane collase
falls from heights
falling ob+ects/
#esponsibilities for persons erecting or dismantling tower cranes
The rocess of erecting or dismantling a tower crane must minimise the risks to health and
' work method statement for the high risk construction activit$ of erecting or dismantling a tower
crane must be reared and consider the following,
the crane designer=s or crane manufacturer=s instructions
technical standards relevant to access and egress
the crane=s stabilit$
an$ adverse effects on other lant) structures or work rocesses at the worklace
the use of secial tools) +igs and aliances necessar$ to minimise the risk of in+ur$
control measures for securing crane comonents
the interaction of the crane with other lant
environmental factors) such as wet or wind$ conditions
all relevant electrical installations associated with the crane coml$ with '# .000,
Electrical installations/
'. *i5imisi5g ris9 of i5>ury from cra5e co77apse
.recting and dismantling
Tower crane comonents must be insected and tested before being delivered to the
!ritten instructions about erecting and dismantling activities are to be readil$ available on site/
Tower cranes must not be erected or dismantled in conditions e*ceeding the crane
manufacturer=s secifications) or where the wind is such that comonents ma$ become
uncontrollable when susended/ !ind loading must be considered during all erecting and
dismantling) including increased wind loads caused b$ funnelling effects between ad+acent
buildings or structures) and the wind effect on large sections/
Erecting and dismantling activities should be suervised b$ a cometent erson and be in
accordance with the manufacturer=s instruction or those reared b$ a cometent erson/
4bligation holders should ensure that the crane manufacturer=s instructions are followed for the
assembl$ of comonents in the correct se1uence) and that the correct e1uiment and tools are
used/ Crane manufacturers ma$ re1uire se1uential installation or removal of counter+ib)
counterweights and boom comonents/
4nl$ arts and comonents that meet the secifications of either the crane manufacturer or a
cometent erson should be used when erecting a tower crane/ Tower sections should be
clearl$ and ermanentl$ identified with their model t$e and serial number/ Tower sections of the
correct model) or a model of greater strength) must be used/ The tower sections used must be
the same as those secified on the engineer=s crane base drawing/
!hen erecting a tower crane) recautions should be taken to ensure,
onl$ the correct t$e and grade of tower bolts are used when connecting tower sections
P'3E 9@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
bolts and ins used to connect tower sections are comatible with crane comonents)
and are not defective
tower bolts are correctl$ tor1ued to ensure normal oerating conditions do not cause
them to become loose or fatiguedMover tightening of bolts can be as otentiall$
dangerous as insufficient tightening
crane ties are installed in accordance with instructions secified b$ the crane
manufacturer and designer of the crane installation/
Climbing tower cranes
The risk of serious or fatal in+ur$ from crane collase is ver$ high during tower crane climbing
oerations/ The climbing frame has to coe with significant static and d$namic forces involved in
The risk of in+ur$ from crane collase during climbing oerations can be minimised b$,
conducting climbing oerations where racticable outside of normal work hours to
minimise the otential for ersons to be at risk
e*cluding all unnecessar$ ersons from the worklace during climbing oerations
maintaining an e*clusion Aone of sufficient siAe to contain structural failure
rohibiting ersons from entering the area directl$ behind the tower crane %under the
counterweights& during climbing oerations
avoiding slew oerations at all times during climbing oerations
conducting a h$sical insection of the counterweight trolle$s) including side lates)
bolting and ins) safet$ gear) roes and turnbuckles) rior to commencing climbing
'll ersons involved in climbing oerations must receive thorough training and instruction in the
climbing rocedure for the articular model and t$e of crane involved in the climbing se1uence/
The climbing se1uence should be carried out in accordance with the crane manufacturer=s
instructions/ Climbing oerations should not be attemted at wind seeds greater than
.9 kmLhour/ "owever) this does not reclude the crane rigging crew from ceasing work at their
discretion if the$ think safet$ will be comromised at a lesser seed/ Climbing oerations should
not commence if either the recommended ma*imum wind seed or the actual wind seed is
Precautions for certain tower cranes with moving counterweights
#ome tower cranes are rovided with moving counterweights on rails that sloe downwards
awa$ from the crane/ These t$es of tower cranes re1uire the counterweight to be ositioned at
the to of the counterweight rail during the climbing rocess/ The counterweight is ket in
osition b$ means of a latch that locks onto a lug on the bottom of the rail/ To hel revent
inadvertent release of the latch) a secondar$ means of securing the latch in lace should be
rovided %for e*amle) connecting the latch lever to the machine deck with a roe or chain&/
'4 Safe access o5 to;er cra5es
2ailure to rovide safe access for crane oerators and other ersons carr$ing out insection
and maintenance work on a tower crane will lace these ersons at risk of falling from a height/
ower ladders
!herever racticable) hoists should be used to access freeFstanding tower cranes/ These are
t$icall$ available for new cranes or can be retrofitted/ !orkers should not have to climb more
than .0 metres to reach the oerators cabin/
!here ladders are used) the t$e of ladder access ma$ be determined b$ available sace in
the tower/ Dandings) with changes in direction of the ladder) should be rovided where there is
P'3E C0 42 55 JUNE 2012
available sace in the tower/ This s$stem will minimise fatigue) b$ allowing for rest breaks) and
the risk of in+ur$ to workers) for e*amle) in the event of them falling off the ladder/ 0t also allows
workers to take rest breaks while climbing/
!here racticable) the vertical distance between landings should not e*ceed si* metres/
"owever) where the crane manufacturer has designed otherwise) the length of the lowest ladder
in the tower ma$ be u to 12/B metres and subse1uent ladders ma$ be u to 10 metres//
The use of continuous vertical ladders for accessing the total length of the tower is not
recommended/ "owever) where it the tower design results in long ladders) the risk of fall must
be controlled) for e*amle) b$ using a fallFarrest s$stem that does not re1uire the erson to
constantl$ hook on and off/ The s$stem ma$ incororate a vertical rail or roe with a locking
cam device/ The risk of in+ur$ to a erson falling off a ladder can be reduced b$ ensuring the
length of lan$ard between the erson and the vertical rail or roe) does not e*ceed .00 mm/
The rovision of rest latforms beside a vertical ladder is not an ade1uate control measure on
its own to reduce the otential fall distance of the erson/ The use of foldFdown t$e latforms is
also not recommended because the$ can hinder rescue rocedures) and increase the risk of a
erson falling down the ladder/
!elf"erecting tower cranes without cabins
3enerall$) the towers on most selfFerecting tower cranes do not have to be climbed b$ ersons
while in use/ 0nstead) an$ maintenance re1uired on the crane can often be carried out b$
collasing the crane/ "owever) some selfFerecting tower cranes are rovided with ladders on
the towers for maintenance access/ 0f a ladder is rovided for maintenance activities onl$) the
ladder can be vertical and a ermanent vertical rail or roe does not have to be rovided/
"owever) an$ erson climbing the ladder must be rovided with a fallFarrest s$stem/ The use of
work latforms) such as elevating work latforms) should be considered for erforming
maintenance activities/
$nternal guardrail on tower landings
0nternal guardrails on tower landings will minimise the risk of a erson falling internall$ down the
tower/ #ome tower cranes should be rovided with an internal guardrail to tower landings to
rotect ersons from falling down the access hole/ 2or e*amle) either a guardrail on the
internal side of the access hole) or a rail that e*tends around the back of the access hole could
be rovided/ 0t ma$ be imractical to rovide an internal guardrail on the to tower landing) as
slewing of the crane ma$ cause,
the lower end of the ladder to strike and damage the internal guardrail
entrament of an$ ersons on the to tower landing/
/uardrails on machine deck and 0"frame platform
Tower cranes should be rovided with erimeter edge rotection that e*tends around the
machine deck to revent the crane oerator and maintenance workers from falling/ The edge
rotection should consist of a to rail) a midFrail and a kickboard/
0"frame ladder cage issues
' ladder cage should be rovided on the 'Fframe to ensure that if a erson falls off the ladder)
the erson will be confined within the cage and fall onto the machine deck) not off the tower
crane/ The lowest art of the ladder cage should be between 2 m and 2/2 m above the lower
deck/ The horiAontal sacing between the vertical bars on the ladder cage should not e*ceed
1B0 mm/ >esh infill ma$ be used instead of vertical bars/
!addle bag platforms
#addle bag latforms ma$ be re1uired on tower cranes with moving counterweights to rovide
access for riggers during the erection rocess) and for ersons carr$ing out maintenance/
P'3E C1 42 55 JUNE 2012
Climbing over the machine deck guardrail and down a ladder leading onto the latform is not
recommended to ensure ersons do not fall off the tower crane when accessing the saddle bag
#afe access to the saddle bag latform can be achieved b$ either roviding a tradoor in the
machine deck) or a ladder cage on the saddle bag ladder/ This latform should also be rovided
with a to rail) midFrail and kickboard/
Crane 'ib " non"self"erecting types
Tower cranes that re1uire riggers and crane oerators to access the +ibs during erection)
insection and maintenance should be fitted with a rigger=s run and static lines that e*tend for
the comlete length of the +ib/ !hen ersons use the static line) two lan$ards) or a lan$ard with
a ;igtail= at one end) should be used to ensure the erson is attached to the crane at all times/
'5 Se7f<erecti5g to;er cra5es
The use of selfFerecting tower cranes more common) articularl$ on small to midFsiAed building
sites/ ' selfFerecting tower crane can be erected on site without using a mobile crane/ #elfF
erecting tower cranes are generall$ made u of a horiAontal boom that folds out during erection)
and can include a telescoic boom/ The counterweight is rovided at the base of the crane/
Figure ': Se7f<erecti5g to;er cra5e
Unlike most other tower cranes) selfFerecting tower cranes do not re1uire fi*ing to a crane base/
4n both hammerhead and luffing tower cranes) the oerator=s cabin is t$icall$ located at an
elevated osition) close to the butt of the boom/ "owever) selfFerecting tower cranes are rarel$
rovided with a cabin and instead are oerated b$ remote control/ !hile this feature can
sometimes be an advantage) as it allows the oerator to walk around the site) it has also led to
incidents where the crane has collided with electric lines or other obstacles because the
oerator was not located in the best osition/
%peration of self"erecting tower cranes
#elfFerecting tower cranes should be oerated from a designated area/ 't all times during the
lifting oerations) the crane oerator should,
P'3E C2 42 55 JUNE 2012
remain in close ro*imit$ to the crane) and
maintain good visibilit$ of the load/
!here it is not ossible for the oerator to kee the load in sight) a dogger must reort to the
oerator on the osition of the load to ensure safe oeration/
#emote operation
#elfFerecting tower cranes ma$ be oerated remotel$ b$ either,
hardFwired or endant controls) or
wireless controls/
The reliabilit$ of the circuits on the controls should be the same as that achieved b$ controls in a
cabin/ !ireless remotes should be uni1uel$ coded to avoid corrution of signals and
interference from other devices/
(emotel$ oerated tower cranes) including selfFerecting tower cranes) should have a dedicated
oerator who is available to oerate the crane at all times/ ' sufficient number of cometent
ersons should be available to safel$ comlete the lifts) eseciall$ where there are multile
droFoff oints that are out of sight of the oerator/ ' dogger must direct the crane oerator
whenever the load is out of sight of the oerator/
The crane oerator should remain stationar$ when the load is in motion/ 0f the oerator is
re1uired to move to a different location) the crane should not be oerated while moving and the
travel ath is to be free from obstacles) enetrations and other haAards/
0f the crane oerator is also acting as the dogger or undertaking other tasks,
the remote control should be turned off and secured to revent accidental activation of
remote functions or other ersons using the crane
effective communications are to be maintained between the crane oerator and other
ersonnel at all times/
!hen the selfFerecting tower crane is not in use) aroriate control measures must be in lace
to revent unauthorised oeration of the crane/
.rection of barricade around self"erecting tower cranes
Counterweights on selfFerecting tower cranes are located at the base of the crane/ Persons who
encroach into the slewing arc of the counterweights face the risk of being hit b$ them/
'n 1500 mm high barricade %for e*amle) mesh fence&) should be erected around the base of
selfFerecting tower cranes to revent eole from entering this area) and being hit b$ the crane=s
counterweights/ The barricade should be ositioned to rovide enough room to avoid
entrament between the barricade and the counterweights/
P'3E C. 42 55 JUNE 2012
The following matri* shows for secific t$es of lant which re1uire design registration) item
registration or a "igh (isk !ork licence to oerate in relation to cranes,


















8oom t$e elevating
work latform
#elf roelled No
if boom e*tends
Trailer mounted No
if boom e*tends
Eehicle mounted No
if boom e*tends
8ridge crane To running bridge crane
if !DD
R10 t
if certain
conditions al$
Underslung bridge crane
if !DD
R10 t
if certain
conditions al$
Concrete lacement
#tatic mounted with
deliver$ boom

Truck mounted with
deliver$ boom

3antr$ crane 3antr$ crane
if !DD RB
if certain
conditions al$
#emiFgantr$ crane
if !DD RB
if certain
conditions al$
Portside container crane No
"oist #caffolding hoist
if lift is
if lift R2/:m
Personnel and materials

if lift is
if lift R2/:m
Platform hoist
if lift is
if lift R2/:m
P'3E C: 42 55 JUNE 2012


















>ast climbing work
#ingle mast climber No
to install
<ouble mast climber No to install
>obile crane 'rticulated crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R10 t
Crawler crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R10 t
Trailer mounted crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R10 t
Truck mounted crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R10 t
Eehicle self loading crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R10 t
Non slewing mobile crane
if !DD
R10 t

if !DD R. t
>ultiurose tool
!hen e1uied as an
elevating work latform
if boom e*tends
!hen e1uied as a
if !DD R10 t
Tower crane 'rticulated +ib crane
Duffing crane
#elfFerecting crane
Trolle$ +ib crane
!orkbo* Personnel work bo* No
to control
P'3E CB 42 55 JUNE 2012
' *o8i7e cra5es
!tability function of load charts
The stabilit$ factors allow for variables such as,
d$namic factors caused b$ the crane motion and the load %for e*amle) for boom
movement) alication of brakes) swa$ing of the load&) and
wind effects on the load and boom/
The stabilit$ factor of mobile cranes is t$icall$ based on CBO of tiing for stationar$ mode and
99/9O for ickFandFcarr$ mode/ 'll mobile cranes should coml$ with this design re1uirement
and the stabilit$ factor should be written on all load charts for the crane/
!here secondFhand cranes are imorted from overseas) the crane should be stabilit$ tested to
demonstrate it comlies with these stabilit$ re1uirements
!hen the load chart is based on CBO of tiing) the ma*imum caacit$ in the stabilit$ range of
the load chart will be CBO of the susended load that will cause the crane to overturn/ 0n other
words) the actual overturning load will be ../.O greater than the load being lifted/ Therefore) if
a crane=s ma*imum caacit$ at a given radius in the stabilit$ range of the load chart is 10
tonnes) a 1./.Ftonne load will cause the crane to overturn/ "owever) it is also ossible for a
crane to overturn with smaller loads when oerating in wind$ conditions or on sloing ground) or
if the crane is not oerated smoothl$/
The crane counterweight is critical in ensuring crane stabilit$/ ' counterweight that is too light for
a load and boom configuration will cause the crane to overturn in the direction of the susended
load/ 'dditionall$) a crane can fall over backwards due to the effect of the counterweight in
situations when,
the counterweight is too heav$ for the boom configuration
the crane is travelling u a sloe with the boom luffed u
inade1uate timbers are laced under the outrigger ads below the counterweight when
the crane is ositioned on soft ground
outriggers are not e*tended or lowered into osition/
4n the ma+orit$ of smaller mobile cranes) the counterweight is fi*ed and cannot be easil$
removed/ "owever) on an increasing number of larger cranes) some of the counterweights are
designed to be removed for road travel) or when lighter loads are lifted/ 0n this situation) it is
articularl$ imortant to attach the correct t$e and number of counterweights to the crane for
the articular lift to be undertaken/
Counterweights must be secured to the crane in the manner secified b$ the crane
manufacturer/ !here counterweights are removable) each counterweight must be clearl$ and
ermanentl$ identified with the crane manufacturer=s name or trademark and the mass of the
counterweight %referabl$ in tonnes&/
!here the crane is fitted with a rated caacit$ limiter) the data inut into the comuter must be
correct for the counterweight configuration on the crane) and related to that shown on the
aroriate load chart/ This also alies to the boom configuration being used on the crane/
0n some unusual circumstances) additional counterweights not included in the load charts or not
authorised b$ the manufacturer are attached to the crane to increase its caacit$/ 0f this is done)
an engineer should check the comlete crane design and certif$ that the amended design
comlies with relevant technical standards/
P'3E C9 42 55 JUNE 2012
#oles and responsibilities regarding crane stability
!hile the crane oerator is rimaril$ resonsible for crane stabilit$ to ensure a crane will not
overturn) other ersons who are also resonsible for the stabilit$ of a crane include,
the crane manufacturer and sulier
the rincial contractor or relevant erson
the crane owner) and
he crane operator
Crane oerators must have a comrehensive knowledge of the oerating caabilities of the
crane and be cometent to carr$ out the lifting oeration to ensure the crane does not overturn/
The oerator should have the final sa$ about whether a lift should roceed and must be
satisfied that,
the crane is ade1uatel$ suorted on the ground and the crane is level to within the
tolerance secified b$ the crane manufacturer
materials laced under the outriggers or crawler tracks) to hel ensure the crane does
not overturn) are set u to coml$ with the crane manufacturer=s secifications) or the
crane owner=s secifications if the former do not e*ist
the susended load will remain within the rated caacit$ of the load chart
the functions of the crane are oerating roerl$) including all crane motions) brakes)
load moment s$stems and indicators
the wind is not e*cessive for the load being lifted) articularl$ for loads with a large
surface area) and when the load is high above the ground/
Crane oerators and doggers should also regularl$ insect the ground to ensure that
continuous oeration of the crane has not comressed the ground to the e*tent that further
oeration of the crane will be unsafe/
'n oerator should not oerate a ickFandFcarr$ crane on gradients e*ceeding those secified
b$ the manufacturer/ 4erators should not be e*ected to calculate how much to deFrate the
caacit$ of the crane where the crane manufacturer does not rovide written guidance on this
he crane manufacturer and supplier
The crane manufacturer must ensure that the crane comlies with the strength and stabilit$
re1uirements of the design standard to which the crane has been manufactured/ The crane
manufacturer should be able to demonstrate that the stabilit$ of the crane with the stabilit$
factor marked on the load chart/
The crane sulier must ensure that the information about the crane=s stabilit$ factor is rovided
to the crane user/
0 principal contractor or relevant person
' rincial contractor or relevant erson should sul$ the crane crew with all relevant
information on the location of trenches) underground ies) backfilled e*cavations and covered
enetrations at a construction worklace/ 0n some situations) it will not be obvious that the
ground will suort the crane b$ siml$ looking at the ground surface/ !here documentation is
available to the rincial contractor or the relevant erson on ground bearing caacit$) this
information must be made available to the crane oerator/
The rincial contractor or relevant erson should obtain documented information about
the ground bearing ressure from a geoFtechnical engineer when a mobile crane is
P'3E CC 42 55 JUNE 2012
re1uired to erform heav$ lifts including bridge beams and tiltFu or recast concrete
' rincial contractor or relevant erson must rovide this information to the crane owner to
ensure the crane owner can verif$ that the mobile crane will have ade1uate suort to carr$ out
the heav$ lift/
' rincial contractor or relevant erson must not attemt to undul$ influence a crane crew to
erform a lift that the crane oerator considers to be unsafe/
he crane owner
0nformation on the loads imosed b$ each of the outriggers should be available from the
manufacturer/ The crane owner should ensure that the timbers or ads sulied with the crane
will ade1uatel$ suort the crane/ The crane owner ma$ need to seek the advice of a
cometent erson when selecting aroriate materials to suort the outriggers/
!here the timbers or ads sulied b$ the crane owner will not ensure ade1uate crane suort
on soft ground with a bearing caacit$ of less than 10 tonnes er m
the crane owner should
clearl$ state the minimum ground bearing caacit$/ This information should be laced in the
oerator=s cabin/
The crane owner must be given information about the ground bearing caacit$ from the
rincial contractor or relevant erson before a mobile crane can be sulied to heav$ lifts
including bridge beams and tiltFu or recast concrete elements/
4nce this information is obtained) the crane owner can ensure that ade1uate control measures
are available to ensure the crane has ade1uate suort to carr$ out the heav$ lift/
he dogger
The dogger is resonsible for the safe slinging and movement of the load and roviding
accurate directions to the crane oerator on load movement to ensure crane stabilit$/ This
communicating the weight of the load to the crane oerator) where this is known) to hel
ensure the rated caacit$ of the crane and lifting attachments is not e*ceeded
calculating the safe working load of the roes) slings) chains and other lifting accessories
to be used in the lift
roviding the crane oerator with clear and accurate directions
communicating with other ersons in the crane working area
taking ade1uate recautions when directing a ickFandFcarr$ crane across rough
surfaces and checking the area for other haAards/
2 +rou5d co5ditio5s a5d cra5e support
3round conditions can var$ dramaticall$ from one worklace to another) and even within the
one worklace/ 2ailure to address oor ground conditions to ensure crane stabilit$ ma$ cause
the crane to overturn resulting in serious in+ur$ to the crane oerator and other ersons in the
vicinit$ of the crane/
/round factors
2actors that will affect the abilit$ of the ground to rovide ade1uate suort include the
the resence of water) including when it is mi*ed with the soil as mud) and where it is
resent under the surface %for e*amle) underground srings or streams&
the t$e of ground %for e*amle) cla$) sand) rock or a mi*ture of these&
backfilled ground that was reviousl$ an e*cavation or trench
cavities or enetrations in the ground that have been covered but still e*ist
P'3E C5 42 55 JUNE 2012
continued oeration of the crane in one location/
!hen a mobile crane is being set u) the crane oerator can onl$ make a decision based on the
surface of the ground/ !here there is a concern) documented information about the ground
bearing ressure should be obtained from a geoFtechnical engineer/ 3enerall$) rock rovides
the most stable suorting surface for a mobile crane/ "owever) although rock ma$ be resent
on the surface) it ma$ not e*tend far below the surface/ 4ne wa$ to establish how far rock ma$
e*tend below the surface is to e*amine nearb$ e*cavations or trenches at the worklace/ (ock
that e*tends far below the surface rovides a good indication of the ground=s integrit$/ "owever)
this will onl$ rovide a reasonable indication of the ground=s strength when the e*cavation is not
too far from the crane/ 'dditional risks must be managed when outriggers are ositioned close
to an e*cavation/
Care must also be taken with ground that has a ;crust= on its surface/ The surface of this t$e of
ground is usuall$ firmer than the ground underneath/ The firm surface ma$ give the ercetion
that the ground is more stable than it actuall$ is/ 0f the ground is unctured b$ an outrigger) or
the end of a crawler track) the softer ground will be e*osed) which ma$ cause the crane to
!here a mobile crane is continuousl$ oerated in one location) the ground underneath the
outriggers will comact/ 'dditional care must be taken to ensure that the crane has not
comacted the ground to the e*tent that the minimum overturning moment of the crane is
reduced %that is) the crane is more likel$ to overturn&/
Crane pro-imity to e-cavations and trenches
!hen cranes are set u close to e*cavations or trenches) there ma$ be an increased risk of the
sides of the e*cavation or trench wall collasing) causing the crane to overturn/ This risk
increases with softer ground) and the resence of groundwater/ 'dditionall$) the risk of collase
is greater for vertical cuts in the e*cavation wall in comarison to walls that have been battered
back at an angle/ The resence of ;slier$ back=) where there is a naturall$ occurring sli lane
such as a fracture in the ground) can also increase the risk of e*cavation or trench collase/
3enerall$) the following rinciles should be alied when setting u mobile cranes near
!here the ground is comact and nonFfriable %that is) not crumbling& the distance of an$
art of the crane outrigger suort dunnage from the e*cavation should be at least e1ual
to the deth of the e*cavation %general 1,1 rule&/
!here the ground is loose or backfilled %that is) crumbling& the distance of an$ art of
the crane outrigger suort dunnage from the e*cavation should be determined b$ a
cometent erson) for e*amle a geotechnical engineer/
imbers, pads and bog mats
' variet$ of materials can be used to distribute the mass of the mobile crane and the susended
load to the ground/ Dengths of timber %timbers& with rectangular cross sections %as shown in
2igure 2& are the most common form of outrigger ad/ "owever) timber and lastic ads are
also rovided for some cranes %see 2igure .&/
P'3E C@ 42 55 JUNE 2012
Figure 2: Typica7 outrigger pad of tim8ers
Figure .: Cra5e specific outrigger pads
2or heavier lifts) bog mats usuall$ consisting of steel late) are often used under mobile cranes
and ma$ be used under the tracks of crawler cranes or where larger lifts are carried out/
Crawler cranes will generall$ al$ considerabl$ less oint load to the ground than a crane on
outriggers/ This is because of the large area of tracks in contact with the ground in comarison
with the smaller contact area of the outriggers on cranes of similar caacit$/ "owever) for heav$
lifts) and where the ground has oor bearing caacit$) bog mats or other suorting materials
ma$ be re1uired/
Timbers) ads and bog mats should be of dimensions and materials as secified b$ the crane
manufacturer/ 0f the manufacturer has not rovided this information) a cometent erson should
secif$ the minimum siAe of the material to be used/
3enerall$) the following rinciles should be alied to timbers) ads) steel lates and bog mats
used as outrigger ads,
timbers should have a minimum width of 200 mm and minimum thickness of CB mm
P'3E 50 42 55 JUNE 2012
timbers should be laid together so that the width of the timber ad is wider than the
outrigger foot with no gas between timbers
the dimensions of steel lates and bog mats should be determined b$ a cometent
erson) based on the t$e of mobile crane/
Performing heavy lifts
The likelihood of a mobile crane overturning is greater when the crane is oerated near its
ma*imum rated caacit$ or with loads at long radius and ma*imum load chart caacit$/
The crane owner should comare the ground bearing caacit$ with the ma*imum ressure the
crane will al$ to the ground for the lift/ The ma*imum ressure alied b$ a crane is a function
of the crane mass) crane configuration %that is) boom length and centre of gravit$& and the mass
of load on the hook/ The ground bearing caacit$ must be greater than the ma*imum ressure
alied b$ the crane to the ground to ensure ade1uate crane suort/ 0f not) then aroriate
control measures) such as the use of aroriate outrigger ads) must be in lace to increase
the ground bearing caacit$ before the lift is erformed/
Cranes on outriggers 2or stabilisers3
The use of outriggers on mobile cranes hels to rovide greater stabilit$ to the crane when
lifting loads/ 0rresective of the ground conditions) timbers or other means of distributing the
load should alwa$s be laced under the outriggers/
4utriggers should be set according to the manufacturer=s oerating instructions for the secific
t$e of mobile crane/ The outriggers are also used to level the crane/
>an$ older cranes are not designed for lifting with artiall$ e*tended outriggers/ "owever)
modern cranes do have multile osition outriggers/ 0f one or more outriggers are not full$
e*tended) the crane ma$ become unstable during lifting oerations/ 0n some instances) it ma$
not be ossible to full$ e*tend all outriggers/ 4nl$ cranes that have the manufacturer=s aroval
and aroriate overload interlocks to lift with artiall$ e*tended outriggers should be used this
wa$/ 0f a lift is to be undertaken with artiall$ e*tended outriggers) the correct outrigger
configuration) according to the aroriate load chart) must be used/
>anufacturers of cranes should rovide documented information on the ma*imum load and
ressure alied b$ the outriggers to the ground for the different boom configurations sulied
with the crane/ This information should be included in the oeration manual ket in the
oerator=s cabin/
Calculating pressure applied by outriggers
' number of crane manufacturers rovide information on the ma*imum ground ressure that is
alied when the crane is at ma*imum caacit$) in the stabilit$ range of the load chart/ <ifferent
ground t$es will have different ground bearing caacities/ !here the ground consists of a
combination of ground t$es) the oorer ground t$e should be used for determining the
ma*imum ground ressure that can be alied to the ground when the crane is set u on
outriggers/ The table below indicates the t$ical ma*imum ermissible ground ressure
according to the ground t$e/
+rou5d type *aBimum permissi87e grou5d pressure/ P*A1
@to55es per m
"ard rock 200
#hale rock and sandstone 50
Comacted gravel %with u :0
P'3E 51 42 55 JUNE 2012
to 20O sand&
'shalt 20
Comacted sand 20
#tiff cla$ %dr$& 20
#oft cla$ %dr$& 10
Doose sand 10
!et cla$ Dess than 10
The greatest force alied b$ an$ outrigger to the ground will be,
at the oint of tiing) +ust as the crane is about to overturn
when the crane boom is located directl$ above an outrigger foot/
>ost cranes will overturn within the stabilit$ art of the load chart when the ma*imum rated
caacit$ is multilied b$ a factor of 1/../ ' crane will not aroach this condition if setFu
correctl$ with safet$ devices and the oerator does not overload the crane/
Crawler cranes
The ground ressure alied b$ crawler cranes is different to that alied b$ a crane on
outriggers/ 0t is sometimes assumed that the ground ressure will be the same at an$ lace
where the track is in contact with the ground/ "owever) in ractice this is rarel$ the case/
!hen the crawler crane is being used with a susended load) the ground ressure will be
greater under the boom of the crane/ 0f there is no load susended on the crane) the ground
ressure will be greater under the counterweight
The distribution of ground ressure alied b$ a crawler crane will var$ according to the working
radius) load mass) counterweight mass) and slew/
P'3E 52 42 55 JUNE 2012
The urose of limiting devices is to sto a secific crane motion before the crane moves out of
its loadFradius limits into an unsafe situation/ 0ndicating devices are used to visuall$ or audibl$
warn the crane oerator that the crane ma$ be aroaching its set limits or an unsafe situation/
These devices ma$ be used individuall$) or together) for secific crane motions/
Re7ia8i7ity of de:ices
Dimiting and indicating devices are intended as an aid to crane oerators/ The devices should
not be relied uon to relace the use of the crane=s load chart and oerating instructions under
an$ circumstances/ #ole reliance on these devices) eseciall$ indicating devices) in lace of
good oerating ractices ma$ cause an accident/
!here limiting and indicating devices are to be installed on a crane) the safet$ circuits of these
devices should generall$ meet either,
a reliabilit$ level of Categor$ : under AS ;3<;' Safety of machinery) or
a safet$ integrit$ level %#0D& of . under AS ?=@3>' 7unctional safety of
electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems/
These categories of reliabilit$ level and #0D are related to the concet of ;failFsafe=/
Rated capacity 7imiters
!hen an overload is detected a rated caacit$ limiter revents further overloading of the crane
b$ stoing all relevant crane functions that will increase the overload/ (ated caacit$ means the
ma*imum load that ma$ be attached and handled b$ the crane in its current configuration) and
ma$ not include the weight of the hook block) falls of roe) slings and rigging hardware/ The
load to be raised must include the weight of all lifting aliances that are not ermanentl$
attached to the crane/ The crane=s load chart will rovide guidance on an$ deductions that ma$
need to be made/
+obile cranes
(ated caacit$ limiters must be rovided on all mobile cranes manufactured since 2002 with a
ma*imum safe working load of more than three tonnes/ The limiter should revent,
hoisting of a load) within the tolerance of 100 to 110O of the ma*imum rated caacit$
the radius being increased when the load e*ceeds 100 to 110O at the articular radius/
ower cranes
(ated caacit$ limiters must be rovided on all tower cranes regardless of the age of the crane/
The limiter should revent,
hoisting a load e*ceeding 110O of the ma*imum rated caacit$
the radius being increased when the load e*ceeds 100O at the articular radius/
0f the tower crane is designed and manufactured with a load indicator) the load indicator should
be maintained in a serviceable condition/ !here a selfFerecting tower crane is not fitted with a
load indicator) the crane owner should ensure that a s$stem is in lace to regularl$ test the
reliabilit$ and accurac$ of the rated caacit$ limiter/
1ehicle"(oading Cranes
(ated caacit$ limiters should be rovided on all vehicle loading cranes with,
a ma*imum rated caacit$ of one tonne or greater
a gross lifting moment of :0 kNm %kilonewton metres& or greater/
P'3E 5. 42 55 JUNE 2012
The urose of the rated caacit$ limiter is to revent movements that ma$ increase load
moment in e*cess of the rated caacit$) and to also revent an increase of the load radius or
ermissible stresses in the structure/
!here smaller vehicleFloading cranes are not fitted with a rated caacit$ limiter) relief valves
and fittings should be used to rovide overload rotection/
*otio5 7imiti5g de:ices
>otion limiting devices are used to revent h$sical damage to the crane or art of the crane
due to movement of the crane or art of the crane ast its designed range of motion/
+obile cranes
>otion limiting devices must be fitted to a mobile crane to revent motion out of its service
limits/ These devices cause braking) including deceleration where aroriate and stoing)
when the following e*treme ermissible ositions have been reached,
the highest osition of the hook %this is generall$ known as ;antiFtwo block=&
the e*treme ermissible oerating ositions of the +ib %luff limiter&
the end ositions of horiAontall$ telescoing or movable +ibs/
ower cranes
>otion limiting devices must be fitted to tower cranes to revent motion out of their service
limits/ These devices cause braking) including deceleration where aroriate and stoing)
when the following e*treme ermissible ositions have been reached,
the highest osition of the hook
the lowest osition of the hook when ersons are lowered in a workbo* into a shaft
the e*treme ermissible oerating ositions of the +ib %luff limiter& where a luffing motion
is art of normal working oerations
the end ositions of the trolle$ track on the +ib
the end ositions of horiAontall$ telescoing or movable +ibs
the end osition of the tracks for railFmounted travelling tower cranes/
$or9i5g radius i5dicator
+obile cranes
' radius indicator disla$s the radius of the susended load generall$ measured from the centre
of the slew ring/ ' radius indicator should be fitted on all mobile cranes that were originall$
designed with this feature/ The indicator should be disla$ed in metres and be accurate to
S10O and F.O of the actual radius/
ower cranes
' radius indicator must be fitted on all tower cranes/ ' radius indicator disla$s the radius of the
susended load generall$ measured from the centre of the slew ring/ The working radius should
be disla$ed in metres and be accurate to S10O and F.O of the actual radius/ !here the crane
is oerated b$ remote control) and the +ib is horiAontal and full$ visible to the oerator) the
indicator ma$ consist of one metre graduations marked on the +ib with numbers written at
intervals that are not e*cessive %for e*amle) ever$ five metres&/
"oad i5dicators
+obile crane
Doad indicators should be fitted to all mobile cranes with a ma*imum rated caacit$ of more
than three tonnes/ Doad indicators measure and disla$ the mass of the load being lifted/ This
indicator assists the crane oerator to sta$ within the load chart and safe working limit of the
P'3E 5: 42 55 JUNE 2012
crane/ The load indicator should be caable of disla$ing the mass of the susended load at all
1ehicle" (oading Cranes
'll vehicleFloading cranes manufactured after 200. are to be fitted with a load indicator/ The
load indicator must warn the crane oerator when the load e*ceeds @0O of the rated caacit$/
The load indicator must give a searate warning to the oerator and ersons in the vicinit$ of
the crane if the rated caacit$ is being e*ceeded/
The warning for aroach to rated caacit$ must be clearl$ distinguishable from the warning for
e*ceeding the rated caacit$ b$ all ersons while the crane is being oerated/ 8oth warnings
must be continuous/
Free fa77 7oc9<out
!hen a crane is fitted with a free fall facilit$) the free fall function is to be activated with a ke$ed
s$stem that incororated a nonFad+ustable timed reset function/
P'3E 5B 42 55 JUNE 2012
Competency of operators
'll oerators of mobile lant must receive training in the use of the articular e1uiment the$
are re1uired to oerate/ !hen the mobile lant is used as a mobile crane) the oerator of the
mobile lant ma$ re1uire additional training and cometencies/ 0n some circumstances) the
oerator of the mobile lant ma$ also need to hold the aroriate mobile crane licence class/
#ated capacity of other mobile plant
The rated caacit$ of other mobile lant is the ma*imum mass that ma$ be handled at the
ma*imum lift oint radius) or reach) for each lift oint) without the strength and stabilit$
re1uirements being e*ceeded/ !hen determining the allowable load to be lifted) the mass of
an$ attachments) such as buckets or 1uickFhitch) must be deducted) unless the rated caacit$
chart allows otherwise/
To ensure the stabilit$ of the mobile lant) the rated caacit$ of the lant must not be greater
CBO of tiing load in the stationar$ mode
99O of tiing load in the ickFandFcarr$ mode
B0O of tiing for articulated wheel loaders and tool carriers/
#ated capacity limiters
' rated caacit$ limiter revents overloading of the lant b$ stoing all relevant functions when
an overload is detected/ (ated caacit$ means the ma*imum load that ma$ be attached and
handled and ma$ not include the weight of the hook block) falls of roe) slings and rigging
hardware/ The load to be raised must include the weight of all lifting aliances that are not
ermanentl$ attached to the lant/
(oad chart
The load chart for the mobile lant should identif$ each lift oint location) and the corresonding
rated caacit$ for each osition/ The aroriate load chart should be fi*ed inside the oerator=s
cab and show the following information,
manufacturer=s name and model
boom and dier arm identification and length) articularl$ where different boom
configurations ma$ be used
track width) where this is variable
deductions for attachments) such as bucket or 1uickFhitch devices) so that the net
allowable load to be lifted can be determined
one of the following,
o the rated load at the least stable osition
o where variable load rating is rovided for) means to clearl$ determine the load
osition in accordance with the rated caacit$ chart/
(ifting points on earthmoving plant
Difting attachments on earthmoving lant are sometimes sulied b$ the lant manufacturer/ 0f
this is not the case) the attachments should be designed b$ an engineer/ Difting attachments
often consist of a welded assembl$ that fits onto the end of the dier arm when the bucket is
removed/ 'll lifting oints on earthmoving lant should form a closed e$e) to which a load rated
shackle ma$ be attached/
' static strength test at 200O of the rated caacit$ of each lift oint should be carried out/ The
lift oints should not show an$ ermanent deformation after testing/ The test ma$ be erformed
P'3E 59 42 55 JUNE 2012
with the comonent dismantled from the machine F this should be done if alication of the test
load could result in damage to the earthmoving lant/
"ooks should not be used on the dier arm or other attachments of earthmoving lant)
because the load ma$ become unintentionall$ disengaged as the arm rotates/ This can even
occur when the hook is fitted with a latch) because the latch ma$ be damaged %for e*amle)
with a mobile crane) the hook hangs vertical) with an e*cavator) the lifting oint rotates&/
!hen lifting lugs are welded to attachments or other arts of the earthmoving lant) the material
secifications for the two different comonents are to be comatible for welding) and the
aroriate welding rocedures must be followed/
The attachment of lifting lugs to buckets is strongl$ discouraged for the following reasons,
'lication of the lifted load to the outside of the bucket can load the ins and linkages
in a wa$ other than the designer intended/
0t is easier for the oerator to unintentionall$ overload the lant b$ not allowing for the
dead weight of the bucket or because the bucket has earth stuck to the inside/
The lifting chain or sling can be damaged when a bucket is fitted because it ma$ ass
over the front edge of the bucket/
Difting lugs on buckets ma$ be damaged when the bucket is used for digging activities/
' 1uickFhitch is a latching device that enables attachments to be raidl$ connected to the dier
arm or boom end of the lant/ !hile the device saves time and effort) a number of fatalities
have occurred in 'ustralia when e*cavator attachments have fallen off the 1uickFhitch due to
loss of h$draulic ressure/
Docking ins are generall$ used on 1uickFhitches to ensure the attachment is correctl$ engaged
and remains locked in osition on the dier arm/ 'll 1uickFhitch devices should be fitted with a
locking in unless the following can be ensured,
' s$stem is rovided to ensure the 1uickFhitch device is full$ engaged on the bucket or
other attachment/ Note, the s$stem must not rel$ on the oerator carr$ing out a visual
check on the 1uickFhitch attachment from the oerator=s cabin/
!here the 1uickFhitch latching device relies on stored energ$ %for e*amle) h$draulic
fluid ressure or a sring& to be activated) the latching device must be designed so that it
remains engaged in the event of failure of the source of stored energ$ %for e*amle)
dro in h$draulic ressure or sring breakage&/
'n$ factors that will affect the reliabilit$ of the latching device are listed in the 1uickFhitch
manufacturer=s instruction manual/ This includes the need to ensure an$ contaminants in
the h$draulic fluid do not e*ceed limits as secified b$ the manufacturer of the ilotF
oerated check valve) or other e1uivalent device/ Evidence to demonstrate these
conditions are being comlied with must be rovided and ket with the earthmoving
lant %for e*amle) in the lant=s logbook&/
4urst protection and rated lifting capacities
8urst rotection should be fitted on all earthmoving lant used as a crane) where the rated
caacit$ e*ceeds 1 tonne/ The burst rotection is to be fitted to both the boom and dier arm
of the lant/ 8urst rotection should coml$ with the erformance re1uirements of ISO >?;2'
+arthmoving machinery : Hydraulic e%cavator and bachoe loader boom-lo*ering control
device : Re,uirements and tests/
The following additional conditions should be alied,
The ma*imum rated caacit$ is to be in accordance with the manufacturer=s
secifications for the lant/
P'3E 5C 42 55 JUNE 2012
#ingle rated caacit$, Unless the e*cavator is full$ comliant with design re1uirements
of a mobile crane the lifting caacit$ of the lant at its ma*imum lifting radius is the rated
caacit$ and is to be marked on the boom or dier arm/ The rated caacit$ must then
be strictl$ observed at all times) irresective of the radius of the load/ 0nformation should
be available on site to confirm that the rated caacit$ marked on the unit is the same as
that secified b$ the manufacturer/
Eariable rated caacities, !here the lant has variable lifting caacities it should be full$
comliant with the design re1uirements for mobile cranes The manufacturer=s rated
caacit$ chart %load chart& is to be fi*ed to the inside of the oerator=s cabin/ 2or lant
with variable rated caacit$) the lifting caacit$ at minimum radius is to be used to decide
whether burst rotection is re1uired/
8urst rotection device must not be rovided with the abilit$ for the oerator to switch
the device off/
!here the rated caacit$ of the lant is 1 tonne or less and the decision is made not to
fit burst rotection) the lant must not be used to lift loads near workers/
Earthmoving lant owners should seek advice on fitting of burst rotection from original lant
manufacturers) to hel avoid fitting fault$ or unsafe s$stems/
P'3E 55 42 55 JUNE 2012

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