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Unit Code ICS 2100

Unit Name Introduction to Computer Systems

Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite NONE
Purpose To introduce students to computer systems, including input/output devices, internal system
unit components and computer applications.
At the completion of this unit, a student should be able to
!. "dentify appropriate computer i/o devices for a given activity
2. #se application pac$ages appropriate for a given information processing tas$
%. &emonstrate competence in 'or$ing 'ith multiple applications to solve a problem.
4. &escribe different data types used to e(change data bet'een computers as 'ell as
be able to convert bet'een different data formats.
)asic s$ills related to familiarity and use of computers and internal *rocessing #nit
components. "nput/output ergonomics, operating systems and computer communications.
#se of application pac$ages such as te(t processors, spreadsheets, databases and 'eb
+ectures, learning 'or$shops, demonstrations in computer labs, and group tas$s.
,hal$ board/'hite board ,*ro-ectors, ,omputer +abs,
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+
!. 1ooldridge, 2. An "ntroduction to ,omputing3 O(ford #niversity *ress, +ondon,
2. )arna, Arpad3 and &an *orat. "ntroduction to 6icrocomputers and
6icroprocessors3 7ohn 1iley and 8ons, N9 !405.
Required *2+ !. A,6 Transactions in Embedded ,omputing 8ystems
2. 7ET, : A,6 7ournal on Emerging Technologies in ,omputing 8ystems
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. ,omputer 8ystems A *rogrammer;s *erspective, 2andal E. )ryant and &avid 2.
O;<allaron, 2nd Ed., *< 2.!.
2. &avid *atterson and 7ohn <ennessy. ,omputer Organi=ation and &esign : The
<ard'are/8oft'are "nterface, 2evised 4th edition, 6organ >aufman, 2.!!, "8)N
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
1. Theory of ,omputing 8ystems / 6athematical 8ystems Theory
2. 7ournal of ,omputing 2esearch 2epository A,O22B
%. "EEE computer
Unit Code ICS 2101
Unit Name Computer Organi/ation
Contact Hours 02
Pre-Requisite NONE
Purpose To eCuip the learner 'ith $no'ledge about concepts of computer organi=ation.
At the end of the course a student should possess
!. &escribe
!. Dundamental processor architectures.
2. "dentify instructions sets.
%. +ist cache principles.
"ntroduction to computer organi=ation, *rocessor architectures and "nstruction sets 2"8,
A2educed "nstruction 8et ,omputersB, ,"8, A,omple( "nstruction 8et ,omputersB, addressing
modes and superscalar. Assembly language. &ata processing. Arithmetic unit ,arry loo$:
ahead adders, 8ubtractors, and shifters. +ogic unit. ,ombinational and seCuential multipliers
and dividers. Dloating:point number representation and arithmetic. &ata path design.
,ontrol unit design. 6icroprogramming. *ipelining. 6emory <ierarchy.
)asics of digital logic and hard'are construction. 6emory organi=ation and cache principles.
8ystem buses. "nput/output methods and devices.
+ectures, &emonstrations, Eroup &iscussions, hands:on laboratory 8essions
Any visual aid eCuipments, chal$board, 'hiteboards, computer laboratory.
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+
!. <ennessy and *atterson, ,omputer Architecture A Fuantitative Approach, %rd ed.,
6organ >aufmann, 2..2.
2. 7. <ayes, ,omputer Architecture and Organi=ation, %rd ed., 6cEra':<ill, !44?.
Required *2+ !. "EEE
2. 7ournal of the A,6
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. 6. 6ano, ,omputer 8ystem Architecture, %rd ed., *rentice <all, !44%.
2. *atterson and <ennessy, ,omputer Organi=ation G &esign The <ard'are/8oft'are
"nterface, %rd ed., 6organ >aufmann, 2..@.
%. ,om puter Organi=ation and &esign, %rd edition, 2evised 2eprint.
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
1. 7ournal of ,omputing 8ciences in ,olleges
2. ,O22 : ,omputing 2esearch 2epository
3. ,O6*#TE2 : "EEE ,omputer
4. ,A,6 : ,ommunications of the A,6
@. 7ournal of The American 8ociety for "nformation 8cience and Technology
Unit Code ICS 2102
Unit Name Introduction to Computer Programming
Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite None
Purpose To give the student an abstract vie' or problem solving using computer programs
)y the end of the course, the learner should be able to
!. &escribe the internal representation of variables
2. #se structured programming constructs to 'rite modular programs,
%. 1rite programs that read te(t data from files.
8tructured programming #sing , problem solving techniCues, algorithms, pseudo code,
synta(, semantics, , &ata 8tructures A,onstants, variables, arrays, arrays of stringsB, data
types, Operators, statementsAe(pressions, compound and nested statementsB, input/output
and control structures 8eCuencing, alternation, looping and 2ecursion control constructs.
8ubprograms functional and procedural abstractions and data abstraction.
+ectures, +aboratory 'or$, code snippets, e(ample pro-ects, assignments.
Any visual aids, lecture notes, ,omputers, video/audio tutorials, chal$boards or 'hiteboards
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+
!. , <o' to *rogram : @th Edition by &eitel published by *rentice <all3 "8)N .:!%:
2. , *rogramming +anguage, 2nd editionH, )rian 1. >ernighan and &ennis 6. 2itchie.
Required *2+
!. 8cience of ,omputer programming.
2. 7ournal of *rogramming +anguages.
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. The , )oo$ I 6i$e )anahan, &eclan )rady, 6ar$ &oran.
2. , Elements of 8tyle I 8teve Oualline.
%. *rogramming in Ob-ective:, 2.., 2/ by E 8tephen E. >ochan.
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. 7ournal of Dunctional *rogramming.
2. 7ournal of Dunctional and +ogic *rogramming
%. ,ommunication of A,6
Unit Code S2L 2111
Unit Name HI34%IS
Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite NONE
Purpose To eCuip learners 'ith $no'ledge on <"J/A"&8
)y the end of this course, the learner should be able to
!. &escribe the history of se(ually transmitted diseases.
2. Evaluate <"J/A"&8 treatment and management methods.
%. #nderstand the role social and cultural practices play in <"J/A"&8 transmission.
5enera$ Introduction *ublic health and hygiene, human physiology, se( and se(uality. <istory
of se(ually transmitted diseases A8T&B3 <istory of <uman "mmunodeficiency Jirus/AcCuired
"mmune:deficiency 8yndrome A<"J/A"&8B, ,omparative information on trends, global
distribution, 7ustification of importance of course. 6io$ogy o7 *HI34%IS+8 Overvie' of immune
system, natural immunity of <"J/A"&8, The A"&8 Jirus and its life cycle, disease progression
AepidemiologyB, transmission and diagnosis. !reatment and management8 Nutrition. *revention
and control3 Abstain, be faithful, ,ondom use, &estigmati=e <"J/A"&8 AA),&B method anti:
retroviral drugs and vaccines. *regnancy and A"&8. 6anagement of <"J/A"&8 patients.
Socia$ and Cu$tura$ practices8 2eligion and A"&8. 8ocial stigma on <"J/A"&8. )ehavioural
change. Joluntary ,ounselling and Testing AJ,TB services. &rug abuse and A"&8, alcohol and
hard drugs. *overty and A"&8. Damilies and A"&8 orphans. Eovernment *olicies Elobal
policies of A"&8. +egal rights of A"&8 patients. "ntellectual property rights. %IS impact8
Damily set:up/society, population, agriculture, education, development and economy and other
+ectures, +aboratory 1or$, ,ode 8nippets, E(ample *ro-ects, Assignments.
Any Jisual Aids, +ecture Notes, Jideo/Audio Tutorials, ,hal$boards Or 1hiteboards Etc.
*!ype %nd
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+ African Aids Epidemic. 7ohn "liffe A2..5B
Aids 8cience and 8ociety <ung Dan, 2oss D. ,onner and +uis *. Jillarrea A2..0B
Required *2+
!. Journal of the American 6edical "nformatics Association
2. 7ournal of A"&8/<"J
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. A"&8 The )iological )asis ". Ed'ard Alcamo A!440B
2. A"&8 and Accusation <aiti and the Eeography of )lame. *aul Darme
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. The 7ournal of the "nternational A"&8 8ociety
A"&8 G *ublic *olicy 7ournal
2. The American 7ournal of *ublic <ealth
Unit Code ICS 210:
Unit Name Internet !ec"no$ogies
Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite ",8 2!.! "ntroduction to ,omputer 8ystems.
Purpose The goal of the course 8tudents should become familiar 'ith fundamental 'eb
technologies to enable them to establish a 'eb presence that is either personal or
Learning Outcomes )y the end of this course you should
&escribe fundamental 'eb technologies.
&escribe the "nternet;s structure and operation in general.
"dentify 1eb servers.
Course escription 1eb pages3 <yperte(t mar$:#p language A<T6+B3 <TT*/#niversal resource +ocator
A#2+B. *rotocols Transmission ,ontrol *rotocol/"nternet *rotocol. *oint of
*resence/8erial +ine "nternet *rotocol3 ,onnectivity to the "nternet. "nternet Address
6ethods of connectivity. ,haracter:bases vs. Eraphic based interface. "8*s.
"ntroduction to <T6+3 )uild a 1eb page using )asic Tags, Enhance the appearance of a
1eb page using Dormatting Tags3 "ncorporate "mages into a 1eb page3 Add +in$s to a
1eb page3 Add Tables to a 1eb page3 ,reate a Dorm to accept input from a user3
6anipulating Jideo streaming on a 'eb page3 "ntroduction to formatting languages and
client side scripting ,88 and 7avascript. A brief survey of current technologies A7AK,
!eac"ing #et"odo$ogies +ectures, +aboratory 'or$, code snippets, e(ample pro-ects, assignments.
Instructiona$ #ateria$s Any visual aid eCuipments, chal$board, 'hiteboards, computer laboratory.
Course %ssessment ,ontinuous Assessments A%./B
Dinal 1ritten E(amination A0./B.
!e't(oo)s Required *2+
!. )eginning <T6+, K<T6+, ,88, and 7ava8cript A1ro( *rogrammer to
*rogrammerB by 7on &uc$ett A&ec %., 2..4B.
2. HTML and XHTML, the Definitive Guide, 6
Edition by Chuck Musciano !"#eilly
,ourna$s Required *2+ !. "nternet 2esearch
2. 7ournal of &ocumentation.
!e't(oo)s -urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. +earning 1eb &esign A )eginner;s Euide to AKB<T6+, 8tyle8heets, and 1eb
Eraphics by 7ennifer Niederst 2obbins and Aaron Eustafson A7un !@, 2..0B .
2. "ntroducing <T6+@ AJoices That 6atterB by )ruce +a'son and 2emy 8harp A7ul 2!,
%. <T6+, K<T6+, and ,88, 8i(th Edition by Eli=abeth ,astro AAug 25, 2..5B.
,ourna$s -urt"er Reading *%t
#ost .+
!. 7ournal of the American 8ociety for "nformation 8cience.
2. 7ournal of ,omputer 8cience.
Unit Code HR 2101
Unit Name Communication S)i$$s
Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite NONE
Purpose To assist students improve their proficiency in both oral and 'ritten communication, and to acCuire
good study s$ills and habits.
At the end of the course the students should be able to
!. ,ommunicate more effectively in the English language.
2. #nderstand effective communication techniCues and processes.
%. &evelop and practice communication s$ills, including s$ills in verbal, nonverbal, listening,
critical thin$ing, small group and public spea$ing.
4. Analy=e and assess effective human communication.
@. "dentify and avoid mannerisms that hamper effective communication.
5. &evelop good study habits and 'rite good Cuality term papers and pro-ects.
,ommunication definition, elements, process, purposes, Cualities, and barriers. Oral communication
public spea$ing, persuasion, intervie's, committee meetings, and tutorial discussion. +istening s$ills
efficient listening, barriers, and listening to lectures. 1riting s$ills essay, correspondence, reports, and
summary. 2eading s$ills efficient reading, barriers, s$imming, scanning, and study reading. Jisual
communication chal$board, transparencies, stencils, slides, television, and films. *ublic communication
public relations, and advertising. 8ource of information intervie's, Cuestionnaires, library, observation,
and e(periments.
+ectures, +aboratory 'or$, code snippets, e(ample pro-ects, assignments.
Any visual aids, lecture notes, video/audio tutorials, chal$boards or 'hiteboards etc.
*!ype %nd
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+
!. !.! 'ays to improve your communication s$ills instantly, by )ennie )ough, 4th Edition, 2..@
2. The hard Truth About soft s$ills 1or$ *lace +essons 8mart *eople 'ish they had learned
sooner, by *eggy >lavs, 2..?
Required *2+
!. ,ommunication 2esearch. +ondon 8age periodicals *ress.
2. European 7ournal of communication. +ondon 8age publications.
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. )int, *.&. )urnett, 8. Ereenhalgh and *. 2obins, A!44.B. LA #niversity ,ourse in Academic
,ommunication 8$ills I 1or$boo$M. Nairobi #niversity *ress.
2. A(elrod, 2. ). G ,ooper, ,. 2. A!4??B. The 8t. 6artinNs Euide to 1riting. 2nd ed., N.9 8t.
6artinNs *ress.
%. &onders, E. 7oseph A!4?.B. <o' to 8tudy. Nairobi #=ima *ress +td.
4. &ermond, 1 G E. *eople A!44!B. ,ommunication and organi=ation, 2nd ed. +ondon *itman
,ourna$s 7or
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. 7ournal of management development.
2. "nternational, -ournal of Educational management.
Unit Code S#% 2102
Unit Name Ca$cu$us 2
Contact Hours 42
Pre-Requisite 86A 2!.!,alculus !
Purpose To eCuip learners 'ith advanced ,alculus concepts.
)y the end of this unit, the learner should be able to
!. &escribe applications of higher derivatives.
2. 8olve numerical integration problems.
%. To improve the problem solving s$ills of students
*arametric and implicit differentiation including second and higher derivatives, and application to
eCuations of tangent and normal. ,urve s$etching and asymptotes. 8mall changes. <yperbolic functions
their definition, differentiation and integration. TechniCues of integration po'ers of trigonometric
functions, standard substitution including trigonometric and hyperbolic functions and t method, parts and
partial fractions. 8olution of first order ordinary differential eCuations by separation of variables.
Application of integration to $inematics including simple harmonic motion, arc length, plane and surface
area, and volume, in ,artesian coordinates. Numerical integration trape=oidal, mid:ordinate, 8impson;s
and prismoidal rules. ,omple( numbers Argand diagrams, arithmetic operations and their geometric
representation. 6odulus and argument. &e 6over;s theorem and its applications to trigonometric identities
and roots of comple( numbers.
+ectures, &iscussions, Tutorials, assignments.
Any visual aids, lecture notes, video/audio tutorials, chal$boards or 'hiteboards etc.
*!ype %nd
!ype &eig"t
,ontinuous Assessment Tests %./
E(amination 0./
Total !../
Required *2+ !. )ac$house, 7.>., <oulds'orth 8.*.T, A2...B.*ure 6athematics. ! G 2, +ongman.
2. )radley E., 8mith >., A!44?B.,alculus and Analytic Eeometry. *rentice <all.
Required *2+ !. 7ournal of ,alculus of Jariations and *artial &ifferential ECuations
2. ,alculus 7ournal
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. 6anes, 8. G 8arita A. A!4?4B. 6athematical Analysis. +ondon 8tanley Thornes *ublisher +td.
2. 6endelson, E. A!445B. 8chaumNs Outline of Theory and *roblems of )eing ,alculus. A2
Ne' 9or$ 6cEra' <ill.
-urt"er Reading
*%t #ost .+
!. 7ournal of "nCuiry:)ased +earning in 6athematics
2. American 7ournal of Applied 8ciences
%. Transactions of The American 6athematical 8ociety
4. "nternational 7ournal of 6athematical Education in 8cience and Technology

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