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RUNNING HEAD: Leadership Styles 1

Leadership Styles
Kimberlee Adeyemi
September 28, 21!
S%sa& 'hise&h%&t
RUNNING HEAD: Leadership Styles 2
Leadership Styles
A leader bl%&tly p%t is a pers(& )h( leads (thers* A leader is p%t i& pla+e t( share a
,isi(&, dri,e (thers, sh() +(mmitme&t, a&d %se the s-ills a&d e.pertise t( lead (thers i&t(
/reat&ess* Leaders als( see pr(blems that &eed t( be 0i.ed (r a series (0 /(als that &eed t( be
a+hie,ed i& (rder t( s%++eed* Leaders &eed t( ha,e +ertai& traits s(me pe(ple are b(r& )ith these
traits )hile (thers de,el(p the traits (,er time 12%-l, 21$3* 4his paper )ill dis+%ss )hat leader
has i&spired me t( be+(me a leader a&d h() the leadership styles are similar*
5a& 6arter is the leader (0 the A%t( Gr(%p i& 'a.aha+hie,* He is the type (0 leader
)h( has a /reat pers(&ality, m(ti,ated t( the ri/ht thi&/ m(rally* He has i&te/rity, +(&0ide&+e,
a&d ma&y years (0 e.perie&+e a&d -&()led/e )ith s-ills a&d e.pertise (0 ,ast ,ariety i& the
tra&sp(rtati(& 0ield* 4he s-ills that he p(ssesses are /reat pla&&i&/ s-ills, he is the type (0 leader
that )he& s(methi&/ is pla&&ed he m(ti,ates a&d +(mm%&i+ates t( ea+h pers(& t( ma-e s%re )e
are all )(r-i&/ t()ards the same /(al* 5a& re0%ses t( let a&y(&e /et i& the )ay (0 a&(ther
pers(&7s /(als (r dreams* He is p(lite b%t persiste&t, +(&sta&t b%t 0(+%sed a&d )a&ts his team t(
stay +(hesi,e t()ards t( +(mm(& /(als a&d i&di,id%al dreams*
5a& 6arter is a tra&s0(rmati(&al leader a&d I see mysel0 li-e him i& ma&y )ays* He is a
r(le m(del a&d ma&y (thers i&+l%di&/ mysel0 l((- %p t( him* I am a L(/isti+s S%per,is(r (,er
28 dri,ers b%t I l((- at mysel0 m(re as a leader* 4he thi&/s that I ma&a/e are the h(%rs (0
ser,i+e, paper)(r-, a&d +(mp%ter systems* 9e(ple t( me are &(t t( be ma&a/ed b%t rather lead t(
ma-e a di00ere&+e a&d p(siti,e impa+t daily* 5a& 6arter is 0%ll (0 +(&0ide&+e i& his de+isi(&s
)here I (0te& times :%esti(& mysel0 later )hether (r &(t I made the ri/ht de+isi(&* I may e,e&
+ha&/e my mi&d a 0e) times a&d this is )here -&()led/e a&d e.perie&+e play a r(le*
RUNNING HEAD: Leadership Styles $
5a& has bee& i& the tra&sp(rtati(& i&d%stry 0(r $# years a&d his e.pertise i& tra&sp(rtati(&
ra&/es 0r(m a dri,er ma&a/er t( the Dire+t(r (0 Sa0ety a&d &() a Se&i(r 9r(;e+t <a&a/er (0 the
A%t( Gr(%p 0(r the last # years* <y e.perie&+e is alm(st 1 years h()e,er the 2# year
di00ere&+e i& s-ills a&d e.pertise d(es ma-e a di00ere&+e* As a tra&s0(rmati(&al leader the leader
a&d the 0(ll()ers m(ti,ate (&e a&(ther t( ad,a&+e* It is a team e00(rt a&d as the leader it is
imp(rta&t t( tra&s0(rm thr(%/h e.ample, setti&/ +halle&/es a&d )(r-i&/ as a team t( be&e0it (%r
(r/a&i=ati(&* >e+a%se (0 his ;(lly pers(&ality he is easy t( /et a l(&/, a /reat m(ti,ati(&al
spea-er, a&d +(mm%&i+ates )ell )ith (thers this is a tra&s0(rmati(&al leader 12%-l, 21$3* <y
pers(&ality is a trait that I already ha,e b%t the (thers are thi&/s that I &eed t( de,el(p* I am
s+ared at times t( +(mm%&i+ate )hat &eeds t( be d(&e, (r m(ti,ate (thers 0eari&/ that )hat I am
d(i&/ is )r(&/*
As a pers(& i& a leadership p(siti(& I &eed t( step?%p i& (rder t( s%++eed* I0 I d( &(t
belie,e i& mysel0 the& (thers )ill d(%bt my ability as )ell* As a pers(& )h( is at times :%iet a&d
shy I &eed t( be m(ti,ated, +halle&/e dri,e& a&d remember there may be s(me(&e li-e me that I
am leadi&/* I& the DiS6 assessme&t I )as +hara+teri=ed as a steadi&ess* I &eed t( be the leader
that liste&s t( the +(&+er&s a&d ta-e i&t( +(&siderati(& (thers 0eeli&/s* It is imp(rta&t t( be a
leader that is i&&(,ati,e a&d +reati,e* I ha,e t( remember that 0i.i&/ the iss%es is m(re imp(rta&t
tha& p(i&ti&/ (%t )h( +a%sed the pr(blem* 5a& d(es &(t p%t the blame (& (&e pers(& )he& a
pr(blem arises it is made a team iss%e* It is imp(rta&t t( lead a&d i&spire (thers t( )a&t t( d( the
ri/ht thi&/, d( it +(rre+tly a&d m(ti,ate them t( d( s(* 'hile as a leader it is imp(rta&t t(
i&0l%e&+e ea+h pers(& t( be the best they +a& be, e&+(mpass the ,al%es (0 the (r/a&i=ati(& a&d
ma-e s%re that all ha,e the ,isi(& that is &eeded t( be s%++ess0%l*
RUNNING HEAD: Leadership Styles !
6(&+l%si,ely i& dis+%ssi(& )ith 5a& )hile I am l((-i&/ %p t( my me&t(r I &eed t(
remi&d mysel0 )hat I &eed t( d( t( be a tra&s0(rmati(&al leader* I ha,e t( tra&s0(rm mysel0 i&
(rder t( be a me&t(r 0(r (thers* It is imperati,e that t( be a tra&s0(rmati(&al leader that +ha&/e,
+ari&/, i&0l%e&+es a&d m(ti,ati(&s +(me 0r(m )ithi&* 4hese are thi&/s that +a&&(t be d(&e
(,er&i/ht b%t +a& be de,el(ped (,er time as s-ills, e.pertise a&d -&()led/e are lear&ed*
RUNNING HEAD: Leadership Styles #
2%-l, G* 121$3* Leadership i& @r/a&i=ati(&s 18th ed*3* Upper Saddle Ri,er, NA: 9ears(&"9re&ti+e

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