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D2013-01-13 18:12:51
mFormAdd.message.Add to bouquet=Zid Servizz/i ma' Bouquet Gdid jew ezistenti
mFormAdd.message.Bouquet % already exists, enter a different name or leave the n
ew name blank and click on a existing bouquet.=Il-Bouquet % jezisti diga'. Dahha
l isem differenti jew halli l-isem gdid vojt u ikklikkja fuq Bouquet ezistenti.
mFormAdd.message.No selection made and no new Bouquet name provided!=Ma saret eb
da ghazla u ma gie provdut ebda isem gdid ta' Bouquet!
mFormCompareSet.message. % servicenames updated in active fileset=% L-ismijiet t
as-Servizzi gew aggornati fis-Sett ta' Fajls attiv
mFormCompareSet.message. % services added to active fileset=% Servizzi mizjuda f
is-Sett ta' Fajls attiv
mFormCompareSet.message. % services deleted from active fileset=% Servizzi mnehh
ija mis-Sett ta' Fajls attiv
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare active set with other set=Qabbel is-Sett ta' Faj
ls attiv ma' Sett Iehor
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare and merge services files:~ % services added to a
ctive fileset~ % services deleted from active fileset~ % servicenames updated in
Active fileset~~New and updated services are marked with Flag "X" and different
line color in the serviceslist.=Rizultat tal-Aggornament tas-Sett tal-Fajls att
iv:~ % Servizzi mizjuda mas-Sett ta' Fajls attiv~ % Servizzi mnehhija mis-Sett t
a' Fajls attiv~ % Ismijiet tas-Servizzi aggornati fis-Sett ta' Fajls attiv~~Serv
izzi godda u aggornati huma immarkati bhala godda (u immarkati b'kulur ahdar) ta
ht 'Servizzi'.
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare and merge services files:=Qabbel u ghaqqad il-Fa
jls tas-Servizzi:
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % added to b
ouquet %=Qabbel is-Servizzi: Servizz % fuq is-Satellita ta' % mizjud mal-Bouquet
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % added=Qabb
el is-Servizzi: Servizz:fuq is-Satellita ta'%mizjud%
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service % on satellite at % deleted fr
om services and from % bouquets=Qabbel is-Servizzi: Servizz % fuq is-Satellita t
a' % imnehijja minn=-'Servizzi' u minn % 'Bouquets'
mFormCompareSet.message.Compare services: service/package % on satellite at % up
dated. New servicename/Package: %=Qabbel is-Servizzi: Servizz/Pakkett % fuq is-S
atellita ta' % aggornat. Isem gdid Servizz/Pakkett: %
mFormCompareSet.message.No differences found between loaded file-set and the ser
vices file from the Dreambox=Ebda differenza bejn is-Sett ta' Fajls illowdjat u
dak ta' fuq id-Dreambox
mFormCompareSet.message.Old Servicename / Package=Isem antik tas-Servizz / Pakke
mFormCompareSet.message.Servicename=Isem tas-Servizz
mFormDetail.message.Do not specify the audio PID if you also specify the AC3 PID
.=Tispecifikax l-Audio PID jekk tispecifika wkoll l-AC3 PID.
mFormDetail.message.Enter extra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satellite, :
0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terrestrial and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.=Dahhal pa
rametri ohra hawn. Normalment: :2:0 ghal satellita, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 ghal Terres
trial u :6887000:2:3:3 ghalservizzi tal-Cable.
mFormDetail.message.Enter something in all fields marked with a red *!=Dahhal xi
haga fejn issib immarkat b* hamra!
mFormDetail.message.Frequency must be a numeric value!=Il-frekwenza jrid ikollha
valur numeriku!
mFormDetail.message.Service Details=Dettalji tas-Servizz
mFormDetail.message.You must first enter the satellite position and frequency fi
elds before you can calculate the namespace.=L-ewwel trid iddahhal il-Pozizzjoni
tas-Satellita u l-Frekwenza qabel tkun tista' tikkalkula in-Namespace.
mFormEditSatXML.message.Are you sure you want to delete this transponder?=Cert l
i trid thassar dan it-Transponder?
mFormEditSatXML.message.Edit: %=Editja: %
mFormFiles.message.Are you sure you want discard all changes you ever made to th
is set~and restore to the original files?=Cert li trid tinjora kull tibdil li gh
amilt u tmur lura ghall-Fajls originali?
mFormFiles.message.Are you sure you want discard all changes you made since you
last saved?=Cert li trid tinjora t-tibdil li ghamilt mindu issejvjajt l-ahhar?
mFormFiles.message.Backup Date=Data tal-Backup
mFormFiles.message.Backup Size=Daqs tal-Backup
mFormFiles.message.Directory is %=Id-Directory huwa %
mFormFiles.message.dreamboxEDIT File Info and Restore=Fajl ta' Informazzjoni u B
dil mill-Gdid.
mFormFiles.message.Error copying % to %=Zball fl-ikkopjar % lejn %
mFormFiles.message.Error trying to delete file %=Zball waqt li qed tnehhi l-Fajl
mFormFiles.message.File % copied to %=Il-Fajl % gie ikkopjat go %
mFormFiles.message.File % deleted=Il-Fajl % tnehha
mFormFiles.message.Filename=Isem tal-Fajl
mFormFiles.message.Original Date=Data Originali
mFormFiles.message.Original Size=Daqs Originali
mFormFiles.message.Restore file(s) to last backup=Erga' biddel il-Fajl (s) skond
l-ahhar Backup
mFormFiles.message.Restore file(s) to original files=Erga' biddel il-Fajl (s) bh
al dak (dawk) Original (i)
mFormFTP.message.** Getting directory list % **=** Qed tingieb il-lista ta' Dire
ctories % **
mFormFTP.message.** Retrieving file "%" **=** Qed jigi irkuprat il-Fajl "%" **
mFormFTP.message.** Retrieving file list of "%" **=** Qed tigi rkuprata l-Lsta t
al-Fajls ta'- "%" **
mFormFTP.message.** Sending file "%" **=** Qed jintbaghat il-Fajl"%" **
mFormFTP.message.Aborting receive files on user request.=Il-kmand biex tircievi
l-Fajls thassar! Jekk trid terga' tipprova, erga' ikklikkja fuq 'Ircievi l-Fajls
mFormFTP.message.and a reboot command is issued.=flimkien ma' kmand ta' Reboot.
mFormFTP.message.and a reload command is issued.=flimkien ma' kmand ta' Reload .
mFormFTP.message.and custom command "%" is issued=u kmand komuni "%"nhareg
mFormFTP.message.but NO further reload or reboot command was issued (as is confi
gured on the options panel).=imma EBDA kmand iehor ta' Reload jew Reboot ma nhar
eg (kif konfigurat taht 'Ghazliet').
mFormFTP.message.Connect error setting up telnet session for sending reload comm
and.=Zball fl-ikkonnettjar waqt l-issettjar ta' Sessjoni Telnet biex tibghat kma
nd ta' Reload.
mFormFTP.message.Could not connect to Dreambox on IP adress %, check the IP addr
ess and/or your network.=Ma tistax tikkonettja mad-Dreambox b'dak l-IP Address %
, iccekkja l-IP Address u/jew in-Network tieghek.
mFormFTP.message.Could not connect to Dreambox. Check IP Address, network settin
gs and status of Dreambox.=Ma tistax tikkonnettja mad-Dreambox. Iccekkja l-IP Ad
dress, in-Network Settings u li Status tad-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Could not disconnect from Dreambox.=Ma tistax tiskonnettja minn
mFormFTP.message.Could not login to Dreambox. Check username and password.=Ma ti
stax taghmel login mad-Dreambox. Iccekkja l-Isem tal-User u l-password.
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" already contains one or more of the files you are
going to download.~~Are you sure you want to overwrite them?=Id-Directory li gh
azilt "%" diga' fih xi Fajl/s bhal dawk li ser tircievi~~Cert li trid tkompli?
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" contains no "%" file.=Id-Directory "%" ma fih ebd
a "%" Fajl.
mFormFTP.message.Directory "%" does not exist on your PC. Please first select a
valid directory.=Id-Directory "%" ma jezistix fuq il-PC. Jekk joghgbok ghazel Di
rectory validu.
mFormFTP.message.Dreambox response: %=Rispons mid-Dreambox: %
mFormFTP.message.Error retrieving file "%" from the Dreambox.=Zball waqt l-irkup
rar tal-Fajl"%" mid-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Error retrieving file list from the Dreambox.=Zball waqt l-irku
prar tal-Lista tal-Fajls mid- Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Error sending file "%" to the Dreambox.=Zball waqt li tibghat F
ajl "%" lejn id-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Error sending user command.=Zball waqt li qed tibghat kmand.
mFormFTP.message.File "%" not found on the Dreambox.=Il-Fajl "%" ma nstabx fuq i
mFormFTP.message.File "%" not sent to the Dreambox. File does not exist.=Il-Fajl
"%" ma ntbaghatx lejn id- Dreambox. Il-Fajl ma jezistix.
mFormFTP.message.Files on Dreambox in %:=Il-Fajls fuq id-Dreambox qeghdin go %:
mFormFTP.message.First of two steps completed.=Tlestiet l-Ewwel Parti tar-Reload
mFormFTP.message.FTP - Transfer Files=FTP - Trasferiment ta' Fajls
mFormFTP.message.Neither a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory
"%" on the Dreambox. Check the dream path settings on the option panel to point
to the correct Dreambox directories and try again.=La fajl tas-"servizzi" w'anq
as ta' "lamedb" ma nstab god-Directory "%" god-Dreambox. Iccekkja s-Settings tah
t 'Ghazliet' biex turik id-Directories korretti tad-Dreambox u erga' ipprova.
mFormFTP.message.Neither a "services" nor a "lamedb" file was found in directory
"%" on the Dreambox.=La Fajl tas-"servizzi" w'anqas ta' "lamedb" ma nstab go d-
Directory"%" go d-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Network response: %=Rispons tan-Network: %
mFormFTP.message.Receive the complete file-set from the Dreambox=Ircievi s-Sett
ta' Fajls mid-Dreambox
mFormFTP.message.Reload command ready.=Il-kmand ta' Reload issa huwa komplut.
mFormFTP.message.Second of two steps completed.=L-ahhar Parti tar-Reload issa tl
estiet ukoll.
mFormFTP.message.Select and/or create a directory on your PC to store the file-s
et=Ghazel (jew ikkreja) Directory fuq l-PC biex tissejvja fih is-Sett ta' Fajls
li ser tircievi mid-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Send a reboot command to the Dreambox to activate the changed f
ile-set.=Ibghat kmand ta' Reboot lejn id-Dreambox biex tattiva t-tibdil li sar f
is-Sett ta' Fajls.
mFormFTP.message.Send a reload settings command to the Dreambox to activate the
changed file-set. This might take a minute to complete!=Ibghat kmand ta' Reload
tas-Settings lejn id-Dreambox. Din tista' tiehu ftit minuti sakemm titlesta!
mFormFTP.message.Send the complete file-set to the Dreambox=Ibghat is-Sett ta' F
ajls lejn id-Dreambox
mFormFTP.message.Send the on the option panel specified custom Telnet command.~C
urrenty defined command:~~----------------------------------------------~%~-----
-----------------------------------------=Ibghat il-kmand Telnet specifikat minn
ek taht Ghazliet.~Kmand kurrenti definit:~~-------------------------------------
mFormFTP.message.Sending auto reload command succeded.=Kmand ta' Reload intbghat
et b'success.
mFormFTP.message.Sending password %=Tintbaghat il-password %
mFormFTP.message.Sending reboot command=Tintbaghat kmand ta' Reboot
mFormFTP.message.Sending reload command failed. See the log for more information
.~~Reboot the Dreambox by hand to activate the new settings.=Il-kmand ta' Relaod
falla. Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni.~~Ghamel Reboot tad-Dreambox man
walment biex tattiva is-Settings il-godda.
mFormFTP.message.Sending Reload commands.=Bhalissa qed jitwettaq Reload tas-Sett
ings fuq id-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Sending start enigma2 command=Qed jintbghat kmand ta' Start Eni
mFormFTP.message.Sending stop enigma2 command=Qed jintbghat kmnad ta' Stop Enigm
mFormFTP.message.Sending user command: %=Jintbaghat il-kmand mill-User: %
mFormFTP.message.Sending username %=Jintbaghat l-Isem tal-User %
mFormFTP.message.Starting FTP Download from Dreambox.=Jinbeda l-FTP Downlowd mid
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully received the file-set from the Dreambox.=Is-Sett ta
' Fajls wasal b'success mid-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox %=Is-Sett
ta' Fajls intbaghat b'success lejn id-Dreambox%
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox.~~To activ
ate the changes you must select "Reload" or "Reboot settings in Dreambox"!=Is-Se
tt ta' Fajls intbaghat b'success lejn id-Dreambox.~~Biex tattiva it-tibdil, trid
taghzel jew "Reload is-Settings fuq id-Dreambox" jew "Reboot id-Dreambox"!
mFormFTP.message.Succesfully transferred the file-set to the dreambox.=Is-Sett t
a' Fajls intbaghat b'success lejn id-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Terminating telnet=Telnet imwaqqaf.
mFormFTP.message.There are changes made that are not yet saved!~You have to save
them before they can be transferred to the Dreambox!~~Save them now?=Hemm tibdi
l li ghadu ma giex issejvjat!~Trid tissejvjhom qabel tibghathom lejn id-Dreambox
!~~Trid tissejvja issa?
mFormFTP.message.There were errors retrieving the files from the Dreambox.~Check
the log for more information.=Kien hemm xi zbalji waqt l-irkuprar ta Fajls mid-
Dreambox.~ Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni.
mFormFTP.message.There were errors tranferring the files to the Dreambox.~Check
the log for more information.=Kien hemm zi zbalji waqt it-trasferiment ta' Fajls
lejn id-Dreambox.~Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni.
mFormFTP.message.This might take up to a few minutes to let the Dreambox complet
e the reloading.=Ir-Reload tas-Settings fuq id-Dreambox tista' tiehu xi ftit min
uti sakemm titlesta. Jekk joghgbok, stenna ftit.
mFormFTP.message.Unused bouquet "%" removed from Dreambox.=Bouquet mhux uzat "%"
imnehhi mid-Dreambox.
mFormFTP.message.Unused lamedb file removed from Dreambox.=Il-Fajl lamedb mhuz u
zat tnehha mid-Dreambox
mFormFTP.message.User command sent.=Il-kmand tieghek intbaghat.
mFormFTP.message.You must select a local directory before you can transfer the f
iles from the Dreambox to your PC.=Trid taghzel Local Directory qabel titrasferi
xxi l-Fajls mid-Dreambox lejn il-PC.
mFormFTP.message.You must select a local directory before you can transfer the f
iles from your PC to the Dreambox.=Trid taghzel Local Directory qabel titrasferi
xxi l-Fajls mill-PC lejn id-Dreambox
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Empty marker ignored (%)=Marker vojt injorat (%)
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Filedate=Data tal-Fajl
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Filename=Isem tal-Fajl
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Import individual User Bouquets=Importa User Bou
quets individwali
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Importing user bouquet file %=Qed jigi importat
il-Fajl tal-User Bouquets %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Radio Favourite (%) without corresponding servic
e not loaded=(%) Radio Favoriti (%) bla Servizzi mhux illowdjat
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to bouquet s
kipped:=Referenza fil-Bouquet tar-Radio (%) ghall-Bouquet injorati:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skip
ped:=Referenza fit-TV User Bouquet (%) ghall-bouquet injorata:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Services with User Bouquet imported from individ
ual User Bouquet files:~~- Services with TV User Bouquet imported: %~~- Services
with Radio User Bouquet imported: %=User Bouquet importat minn Fajls tal-User B
ouquets individwali:~- TV User Bouquet importat %~- Radio User Bouquet importat
: %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Services with User Bouquet imported from individ
ual User Bouquet files:~~- Services with TV User Bouquet~ imported: %~ errors:
%~~- Services with Radio User Bouquet~ imported: %~ errors: %~~See the log fi
le for details about the errors.=User Bouquet importat minn Fajls tal-User Bouqu
ets individwali:~- TV User Bouquet importat: %, zbalji: %~- Radio User Bouquet i
mportat: %, zbalji %~~Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar dettalji dwar l-izbalji.
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.TV Favourite (%) without corresponding service n
ot loaded=TV Favoriti (%) bla Servizz mhux illowdjat
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%)
skipped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli fir-Radio User Bouquet (%) injorati:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%)
to User Bouquet itself skipped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli fir-Radio User Bouquet (
%) lejn l-istess Bouquet injorati:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) ski
pped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli fit-TV User Bouquet (%) injorati:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to
User Bouquet itself skipped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli fit-TV User Bouquet(%) lejn
l-istess Bouquet injorati:
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.User Bouquet files (*.tv and *.radio) in directo
ry %=Il-Fajls tal-User Bouquets (*.tv u *.radio) qeghdin god-Directory %
mFormImportUserBouquets.message.User Bouquet name=Isem tal-User Bouquet
mFormLog.message.Log file saved in %=Il-Fajl tal-Log issejvjat go %
mFormLog.message.Show program log=Dettalji fil-Log Fajl tal-Programm
mFormMain.message.- errors in bouquets file: %=- zbalji fil-Fajl tal-Bouquets:
mFormMain.message.- errors in services file: %=- zbalji fil-Fajl tas-Servizzi:
mFormMain.message.- errors in file(s) (Radio): %=- zbal
ji fil-Fajl (s) tal-User %
mFormMain.message.- errors in file(s) (TV): %=- zballji fi
l-Fajl (s) tal-User %
mFormMain.message.-- (Only (not empty) bouquets created via an original Dreambox
transponderscan are processed by this function.)=-- (Il-Bouquets biss (mhux voj
ti) ikkrejati permezz ta' Transponderscan originali tad-Dreambox huma processati
mFormMain.message."%" deleted from %="%" imnehhija minn %
mFormMain.message.% ... invalid transponders skipped.=% ... transponders invalid
i injorati.
mFormMain.message.% ... new transponders added,=% ... transponders godda mizjuda
mFormMain.message.% bouquet entries read.~% bouquetnames prefixed with satellite
position.~~(Only (not empty) bouquets created via an original Dreambox transpon
derscan are processed by this function.)=% Entraturi gol-Bouquet moqrija.~% ismi
jiet tal-Bouquets predefiniti bil-Pozizzjoni tas-Satellita.~~(Il-Bouquets biss (
mhux vojti) ikkrejati permezz ta' Transponderscan originali tad-Dreambox huma pr
ocessati b'dil-funzjoni).
mFormMain.message.% Bouquets with % services deleted=% Bouquets b' % Servizzi im
mFormMain.message.% deleted from %=% imnehhija minn %
mFormMain.message.% entries deleted from one or more bouquets.=% Servizz/i imneh
hi/ja minn Bouquet wiehed jew aktar.
mFormMain.message.% entries deleted=% Entraturi imnehhija
mFormMain.message.% existing transponders, =% Transponders ezistenti,
mFormMain.message.% existing transponders,~% new transponders added,~% invalid t
ransponders skipped.=% transponders ezistenti,~% transponders godda mizjuda,~% t
ransponders invalidi injorati.
mFormMain.message.% invalid transponder definitions skipped. See the log for mor
e information.~This is not a severe error, you can just continue.=% Definizzjoni
jiet zbaljati ta' transponders injorati. Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni
.~Dan m'huwiex zball gravi, tista' tkompli.
mFormMain.message.% locks from services removed,~% locks from bouquets removed,~
% other locks removed.=% Servizzi tnehhewlhom il-Locks tal-Genituri. ~% Bouquets
tnehhewlhom il-Locks tal-Genituri. ~% Ohrajn tnehhewlhom il-Locks tal-Genituri.
mFormMain.message.% renamed to % in %=% imsemmi mil-gdid bhala % go %
mFormMain.message.% services added to bouquet %=% Servizzi mizjuda gol-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.% Services added to Bouquets per package.~~% new Bouquets crea
ted:~%=% Servizzi mizjuda mal-Bouquets skond il-Pakkett.~~% Bouquets godda ikkre
mFormMain.message.% services added to bouquets per satellite.~~% new bouquets cr
eated:~%=% Servizzi mizjuda mal-Bouquets skond is-Satellita.~~% Bouquets godda i
mFormMain.message.% services deleted from services and from % bouquet(s)= % Ser
vizzi tnehhew minn 'Servizzi' u minn % 'Bouquet(s)'
mFormMain.message.%~%~ChNr %~Package %~%~Frequency % %~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSI
D %, NID %, Type %=%~%~ChNr %~Pakkett %~%~Frekwenza % %~%~SID %, Namespace %, TS
ID %, NID %, Tip %
mFormMain.message.%~%~This is a marker~%=%~%~Dan huwa marker~%
mFormMain.message.%~%~This is not a regular service but~a subservice of a multip
le service~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSID %, NID %, Type %=%~%~Dan m'huwiex Servizz
regolari imma~Sottoservizz ta' Servizz multiplu~%~SID %, Namespace %, TSID %, NI
D %, Tip %
mFormMain.message.%~Parental Lock ON=%~Lock tal-Genituri Attivata/Mnehhija
mFormMain.message... All files are loaded but unsupported references were found
in the TV and/or Radio User Bouquet list!=.. Il-Fajls kollha gew illowdjati imm
a nstabu referenzi invalidi gol-listi tat-TV u/jew Radio User Bouquet!
mFormMain.message... Although you will loose these unsupported references, you c
an still go on editing and saving.=.. Ghalkemm ser titlef dawn ir-referenzi inva
lidi, tista' tibqa' teditja u tissejvja.
mFormMain.message... or a circular reference to User Bouquet itself, probably cr
eated by accident=.. jew referenza cirkolari ghall-istess User Bouquet, forsi ik
krejat b'kumbinazzjoni
mFormMain.message... Those references were skipped as they were references to th
e complete services list, the complete bouquets list=.. Dawk ir-referenzi gew in
jorati ghax kienu referenzi ghall-lista shiha ta' Servizzi, il-lista shiha ta' B
mFormMain.message.A newer version of dreamboxEDIT is available but the auto-chec
k message is skipped=Hemm Versjoni Gdida ta' dreamboxEDIT imma l-messagg ta' icc
ekkjar awtomatiku inqabez
mFormMain.message.A newer version of dreamboxEDIT is available online: %=Versjon
i gdida ta' dreamboxEDIT hija disponibbli on-line: %
mFormMain.message.All fields must be entered!=Il-linji kollha jridu jimtlew!
mFormMain.message.All files are loaded, but with errors:~ errors in services fil
e: %~ errors in bouquets file: %~ errors in file(s) (TV): %
~ errors in file(s) (Radio): %~~Check the log file for m
ore information!~~All errors are related to invalid definitions and references w
ithin the selected settings files.~This means the files are now cleaned up and c
ontain only valid items. You can now go on editing the settings.=Il-Fajls kollha
gew illowdjati, imma bl-izbalji:~ zbalji fil-Fajl tas-Servizzi: %~ zbalji fil-F
ajl tal-Bouquets: %~ zbalji fil-Fajl (s) (TV): %~ zbalji fi
l-Fajl (s) (Radio): %~~Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informa
zzjoni!~~L-izbalji kollha huma relatati ma' definizzjonijiet u referenzi invalid
i gol-Fajls tas-Settings maghzula.~Dan ifisser li l-Fajls issa gew irrangati u f
ihom biss informazzjoni valida. Tista' tibqa' teditja is-settings.
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete "%" from %?=Cert li trid tnehh
i "%" minn %?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete % services from all lists?=Cer
t li trid tnehhi % Servizzi kompletament mill-Listi kollha?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete % services from this bouquet?=
Cert li trid tnehhi % Entratura/i minn dal-Bouquet?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to delete service "%" from all lists?=Ce
rt li trid tnehhi s-Servizz "%" ghal kollox?
mFormMain.message.Are you sure you want to sort the services within this bouquet
?=Cert li trid tissortja s-Servizzi li jinsabu go dal-Bouquet?
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % copied from % to %=Il-bouquet % ikkopjat minn % lejn
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % renamed to %=Il-Bouquet % gie msemmi mill-gdid bhala
mFormMain.message.Bouquet % with % services removed=Il-Bouquet % ma' % Servizzi
mFormMain.message.Bouquet details=Dettalji tal-Bouquet
mFormMain.message.Bouquet name: %~Bouquet number: %~(modified with dreamboxEDIT)
=Isem tal-bouquet: %~Numru tal- Bouquet: %~(modifikat bi dreamboxEDIT)
mFormMain.message.Bouquet name: %~Bouquet number: %~(original as scanned by Drea
mbox)=Isem tal-bouquet: %~Numru tal- Bouquet: %~(kif originarjament skennjat mid
mFormMain.message.bouquets saved in %=Bouquets issejvjati go %
mFormMain.message.Cable service=Servizz tal-Cable
mFormMain.message.Create bouquet % for satellite position %: service % already i
n bouquet %=Ikkreja Bouquet % skond il-Pozizzjoni tas-Satellita%: Servizz % diga
' jinsab gol-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Creating bouquet per package: service % already in bouquet %=T
ikkreja Bouquet skond il-Pakkett: Servizz % diga' jinsab gol-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Creating bouquet per position: service % already in bouquet %=
Tikkreja Bouquet skond il-Pozizzjoni: Servizz % diga' jinsab gol-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Delete User Bouquet: % from list % not found ....=Nehhi l-User
:Bouquet % mill-Lista % ma stabx ....
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from bouquet number %=Imnehhi % min-numru tal-Bouque
t %
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from Radio user bouquet number %=Imnehhi % min-numru
tar-Radio User Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Deleted % from TV user bouquet number %=Imnehhi % min-numru ta
t-TV User Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" already contains one or more of the files you ar
e going to download.~~Are you sure you want to overwrite them?=Id-Directory "%"
diga' fih Fajl wiehed jew aktar bhal dawk li ser tircievi mid-Dreambox.~~Cert li
trid tkompli?
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "%".~~You must first use
the FTP option to copy all necessary files from the dreambox to your PC.=Id-Dir
ectory "%" ma fih ebda Fajl jismu "%"~~L-ewwel trid tuza l-FTP biex tikkopja l-F
ajls kollha necessarji mid-Dreambox lejn il-PC.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "bouquets"~~You must fir
st use the FTP option to copy all necessary files from the dreambox to your PC.=
Id-Directory "%" ma fih ebda Fajl jismu "Bouquets"~~L-ewwel trid tuza l-FTP biex
tikkopja l-Fajls kollha necessarji mid-Dreambox lejn il-PC.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" contains no file called "satellites.xml"~You can
continue editing the file-set but now there is no translation from satellite po
sition to satellite name available.~~You might consider to first copy all necess
ary files from the dreambox to your PC with the FTP function.=Id-Directory "%" m
a fih ebda Fajl jismu "satellites.xml"~Tista' tibqa' teditja s-Sett ta' Fajls im
ma issa m'hemmx mezz kif tasal mill-Pozizzjoni tas-Satellita ghall-Isem tas-Sate
llita.~~Tista' tikkonsidra li l-ewwel tikkopja l-Fajls necessarji kollha mid-Dre
ambox lejn il-PC permezz ta' FTP.
mFormMain.message.Directory "%" does not exist on your PC. Please first select a
valid directory on the FTP screen.=Id-Directory % ma jezistix fuq il-PC. L-ewwe
l ghazel Directory validu taht 'FTP'.
mFormMain.message.Directory % selected=Id-Directory % maghzul %
mFormMain.message.Do you want dreamboxEDIT to check for a newer version on a reg
ular base?~(You can later always change this setting on the options panel)=Trid
li d-Dreambox ticcekkja jekk hemmx xi Versjoni gdida fuq bazi regolari?~(Din l-g
hazla tista' dejjem tbiddilha sussegwentement taht 'Ghazliet')
mFormMain.message.dreamboxEDIT % started=dreamboxEDIT % beda
mFormMain.message.Duplicate bouquet not loaded: % type: % (%:%:%:% hex: %:%:%:%)
=Bouquet duplikat ma giex illowdjat: % tip: % (%:%:%:% hex: %:%:%:%)
mFormMain.message.Duplicate Radio favourite (%) not loaded=Radio Favoriti duplik
at (%) mhux illowdjat
mFormMain.message.Duplicate record skipped. Satellite: % (%):=Rekord duplikat in
jorat. Satellita: %(%):
mFormMain.message.Duplicate TV favourite (%) not loaded=TV Favoriti duplikat (%)
mhux illowdjat
mFormMain.message.Edit package name=Editja l-Isem tal-Pakkett
mFormMain.message.Empty marker ignored (%)=Marker vojt injorat (%)
mFormMain.message.Empty or invalid file for import.~~A valid file:~- is a by dre
amboxEDIT exported bouquets file,~- has 26 columns (tab delimted),~- starts with
a row containing the fieldnames.=Fajl vojt jew invalidu ghall-importazjoni.~~Fa
jl validu:~- huwa Fajl li fih Bouquets esportati permezz ta' dreamboxEDIT,~- fih
24 kolonni (delimitat bit-tab),~- jibda b'ringiela li fiha l-ismijiet tal-posti
mFormMain.message.Empty or invalid file for import.~~A valid file:~- is a by dre
amboxEDIT exported services file,~- has 22 columns (tab delimted),~- starts with
a row containing the fieldnames.=Fajl vojt jew invalidu ghall-importazzjoni.~~F
ajl validu:~- huwa Fajl li fih Servizzi esportati permezz ta' dreamboxEDIT,~- fi
h 20 kolonni (delimitat bit-tab),~- jibda b'ringiela li fiha l-ismijiet tal-post
mFormMain.message.Enter (part of) packagename to filter below services on=Ikteb
parti mill-isem tal-Pakkett biex tara s-Servzzi ta' go fih
mFormMain.message.Enter (part of) servicename to filter below services on=Dahhal
parti mill-Isem tas-Servizz biex tfittxu fil-Lista tas-Servizzi murija hawn tah
mFormMain.message.Enter the number of services to look for=Dawk biss b'dan l-gha
dd specifku ta' Servizzi
mFormMain.message.Enter the search argument=Dahhal il-Kliem li ser tfittex bihom
mFormMain.message.Entry % deleted=Entratura % imnehhija
mFormMain.message.Error processing Cut action for %: service not found in Servic
etable=Zball waqt l-ipprocessar ta' azzjoni Aqta' %: Servizz ma nstabx fit-Tabel
la Servizzi
mFormMain.message.Error reading services file=Zball biex jinqara il-Fajl tas-Ser
mFormMain.message.Explanation of errors found within TV and/or Radio User Bouque
t:=Spjega tal-izbalji misjuba go TV u/jew Radio User Bouquet:
mFormMain.message.Export file saved to %=Il-Fajl esportat gie issejvjat f' %
mFormMain.message.Exporting services to %=Esportar tas-Servizzi lejn %
mFormMain.message.FEC must be a value in the range 0 - 9=FEC irid ikun bejn 0 -
mFormMain.message.File % copied from % to %=Il-Fajl % ikkopjat minn % lejn %
mFormMain.message.File % not found in "%"=Il-Fajl % ma nstabx go "%"
mFormMain.message.File satellites.xml not found in current directory %=Il-Fajl s
atellites.xml ma nstabx god- Directory kurrenti %
mFormMain.message.File services not found in "%"=Il-Fajl tas-Servizzi ma nstabx
go "%"
mFormMain.message.Files loaded with errors=Il-Fajls gew illowdjati bl-izbalji
mFormMain.message.Files loaded=Fajls illowdjati
mFormMain.message.Flags must be a value in the range 0 - 15=Il-Marki jrid ikollh
om valur ta' bejn 0 u 15
mFormMain.message.Import of exported bouquets file finished. There were % servic
es added, % bouquet entries added and % error(s) found (see log).=L-importazzjon
i tal-Fajl tal-Bouquets esportati lesta. Kien hemm % Servizzi mizjuda, % Bouquet
/s mizjud/a u % zball(ji) misjuba (Mur taht 'Log').
mFormMain.message.Import of exported bouquets file: error in line %, column %=Im
portazzjoni tal-Fajl tal-Bouquets esportati: zball fil-vers %, kolonna %
mFormMain.message.Import of exported services file finished. There were % servic
es added and % error(s) found (see log).=Importazzjoni tal-Fajl tas-Servizzi esp
ortati lesta. Kien hemm % Servizz(i) mizjud(a) u % zball (ji) misjub (a) (Mur t
aht 'Log')
mFormMain.message.Import of exported services file: error in line %, column %=Im
portazzjoni tal-Fajl tas-Servizzi esportati: zball fil-vers %, kolonna %
mFormMain.message.Internal error: invalid call to progressbar routine, command i
s "%"=Zball: invalid call to progressbar routine, il-kmand huwa "%"
mFormMain.message.Invalid bouquet entry in "%" not loaded: SID: %, Namespace: %,
TSID: %, NID: %, Type: %: Service not found.=Entratura gol-Bouquet invalida "%"
mhux illowdjata: SID: %, Namespace: %, TSID: %, NID: %, Tip: %: Serviizz ma nst
mFormMain.message.Invalid line found (not enough values) and skipped in file "bo
uquet"=Misjub vers invalidu (valuri insufficjenti) u injorat gol-Fajl "Bouquet"
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing or invalid
not-hexadecimal parameter %=Vers ivalidu gos-Settings misjub u injorat: paramet
ru non-hexadecimali nieqes jew invalidu %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing or invalid
not-numeric parameter %=Vers invalidu gos-Settings misjub u injorat: parametru
non-numeriku nieqes jew invalidu %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: missing parameter
%=Vers invalidu gos-Settings misjub u injorat: parametru nieqes %
mFormMain.message.Invalid line in settings found and skipped: not enough paramet
ers:=Vers invalidu gos-Settings misjub u injorat: parametri insufficjenti:
mFormMain.message.Invalid or damaged services file found, unable to continue loa
ding!The services file is missing one or more required sections.~~Check that the
file contains the following sections:~~transponders~ -- data --~ end~~services~
-- data --~end=Il-Fajl tas-Servizzi misjub huwa invalidu jew fih xi hsarat, ma
tistax tibqa' tillowdja! Il-Fajl tas-Servizzi fih taqsima jew aktar neqsin.~~Icc
ekkja li l-Fajl fih dawn it-Taqsimiet:~~Transponders~ -- Data --~Tmiem~~Servizzi
~ -- Data --~Tmiem
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: fec_inner not found=Rek
ord ta' Satellites.xml invalidu injorat: fec_inner ma nstabx
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: polarization not found=
Rekord ta' Satellites.xml invalidu injorat: Polarizzazjoni ma nstabitx
mFormMain.message.Invalid satellites.xml record skipped: symbol_rate not found=R
ekord ta' satellites.xml invalidu injorat: Symbol_Rate ma nstabitx
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for package %=Ikkreja Bouquet ghall-Pakkett %
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for satellite %=Ikkreja Bouquet ghas-Satellita %
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for this package=Ikkreja Bouquet ghal dan il-Pakk
mFormMain.message.Make Bouquet for this satellite=Ikkreja Bouquet ghal din is-Sa
mFormMain.message.Marker Text=Test tal-Marker
mFormMain.message.Maximum number of 147.967 % user bouquets reached.=Numru massi
mu ta'147.967 % User Bouquets.
mFormMain.message.Messages about new version % are skipped=% Messaggi dwar Versj
oni gdida gew injorati
mFormMain.message.Network response: %=Rispons tan-Network: %
mFormMain.message.New version notes:~~Error: file "%" not found~~=Noti dwar Vers
joni gdida:~~Zball: il-Fajl "%" ma nstabx
mFormMain.message.No (more) occurrences of "%" found in services.=Ma nstabux akt
ar rekords "%" gos-Servizzi.
mFormMain.message.No directory for file-set selected. Files are not saved.=Ma nt
aghzel ebda Directory fejn kellu jigi issejvjat is-Sett tal-Fajls. Ghalhekk, il-
Fajls ma gewx issejvjati!
mFormMain.message.No file-set open and no directory selected.~~You must first se
lect or create a directory before you can import your exported bouquets file and
save.~Do you want to select or create a directory now?=Ebda Sett ta' Fajls mift
uh u ebda Directory maghzul.~~L-ewwel trid taghzel jew tikkreja Directory qabel
tkun tista' timporta il-Fajl tas-Bouquets esportati u tissejvja.~Trid taghzel je
w tikkreja Directory issa?
mFormMain.message.No file-set open and no directory selected.~~You must first se
lect or create a directory before you can import your exported services file and
save.~Do you want to select or create a directory now?=Ebda Sett ta' Fajls mift
uh u ebda Directory maghzul.~~L-ewwel trid taghzel jew tikkreja Directory qabel
tkun tista' timporta il-Fajl tas-Servizzi esportati u tissejvja.~Trid taghzel je
w tikkreja Directory issa?
mFormMain.message.No new bouquet possible. Maximum number of 1000 bouquets is re
ached.=ma tistax iddahhal aktar Bouquets. Numru massimu ta' 1000 Bouquets milhuq
mFormMain.message.Package name=Isem tal-Pakkett
mFormMain.message.Parental Lock is On=Lock tal-Genituri Attivata/Mnehhija
mFormMain.message.Please first select an entry in the part of the list where the
new entry should be added=L-ewwel ghazel entratura fil-parti tal-lista fejn l-e
ntratura l-gdida ghandha tiddahhal
mFormMain.message.Polarization must be a value in the range 0 - 3=Il-Polarizzazj
oni ghandu jkollha valur ta' bejn 0 u 3
mFormMain.message.Prefixing bouquet names: bouquet % created=Ismijiet tal-Bouque
ts irrangati minn qabel: Bouquet % ikkrejat
mFormMain.message.Prefixing bouquetnames: % bouquet entries read,% bouquetnames
prefixed with satellite position.=Ismijiet tal-Bouquets irrangati minn qabel: %
entraturi tal-Bouquets moqrija, % Isijiet tal-Bouquets irrangati minn qabel skon
d il-Pozizzjoni tas-Satellita.
mFormMain.message.Previous check was done on %=L-ahhar iccekkjar kien sar sar Nh
ar %
mFormMain.message.Processing ZAP command for service: %=Ipprocessa il-kmand 'Aql
eb fuq is-Servizz maghzul' ghas-Servizz: %
mFormMain.message.Radio Favourite (%) without corresponding service not loaded=R
adio Favoriti (%) minghajr Servizz relatat mhux illowdjat
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet % saved in %=Radio User Bouquet % issejvjat
go %
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet details=Dettalji tar-Radio User Bouquet
mFormMain.message.Radio User Bouquet index file % saved in %=Il-Fajl tal-Indici
% Radio User Bouquet isejvjat go %
mFormMain.message.Ready updating satellites.xml=Satellites.xml aggornati
mFormMain.message.Reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skipped:=Refere
nza go Radio User Bouquet (%) lejn il-Bouquet injorata:
mFormMain.message.Reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to bouquet skipped:=Referenza
go TV User Bouquet (%) lejn il-Bouquet injorata:
mFormMain.message.Remove bouquets with only x services=Nehhi il-Bouquets specifi
kati hawn
mFormMain.message.Rename service % in this userbouquet=Ghati isem gdid lis-Servi
zz % go dal-User Bouquet
mFormMain.message.Renamed service: %~Real name: %=Isem gdid: %~Isem veru: %
mFormMain.message.SatPos % (%)=PozSat % (%)
mFormMain.message.SatPos %=PozSat %
mFormMain.message.Saving file-set in %=Issejva s-Sett ta' Fajls go %
mFormMain.message.See earlier logged messages for more details=Ara l-messaggi li
gew illoggjati qabel ghal aktar dettalji
mFormMain.message.Select Directory=Ghazel Directory
mFormMain.message.Select the exported bouquets file to import=Ghazel il-Fajl tal
-Bouquets Esportati biex jigi importat
mFormMain.message.Select the exported services file to import=Ghazel il-Fajl tas
-Servizzi Esportati biex jigi importat
mFormMain.message.Select the services file to compare with=Ghazel il-Fajl tas-Se
rvizzi li ser tqabbel mieghu is-Sett ta' Fajls attiv
mFormMain.message.Service % added to bouquet % (%)=Servizz % mizjud gol-Bouquet
% (%)
mFormMain.message.Service % added to bouquet %=Serviziz % mizjud gol-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to list %=Servizz % mizjud mal-Lista %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to new bouquet %=Servizz % mizjud go Bouquet g
did %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to services list %=Servizz % mizjud taht 'Serv
izzi' %
mFormMain.message.Service % added to User Bouquet %=Servizz % mizjud gol-User Bo
uquet %
mFormMain.message.Service % already exists in bouquet %~~Skip this warning for t
he remainder of this action?=Dan is-Servizz % diga' jezisti gol-Bouquet %~~Tinjo
ra din it-Twissija ghall-kumplament ta' din l-azzjoni?
mFormMain.message.Service % already exists!~~Select "Yes to all" to skip this wa
rning during the remainder of this operation=Dan is-Servizz % diga' jezisti!~~Gh
azel "Yes To All" biex tinjora din it-Twissija ghall-kumplament ta' din l-azzjon
i ta' Twahhil
mFormMain.message.Service % deleted from services and from % bouquet(s)=Is-Servi
zz % gie imnehhi ghal kollox.
mFormMain.message.Service % deleted from User Bouquet %=Is-servizz % gie imnehhi
mill-Bouquet %
mFormMain.message.Service % set to type TV=Is-servizz % issettjat ghat tip TV
mFormMain.message.Service without corresponding transponder definition not loade
d=Is-Servizz bla definizzjoni relatata ta' Transponder mhux illowdjat
mFormMain.message.Service=Servizz saved in %=Servizzi issejvjati go % saved in %=Servizzi Lock issejvjati go %
mFormMain.message.Starting import of exported bouquets file "%"=Tibda l-importaz
zjoni tal-Fajl tal-Bouquets Esportati "%"
mFormMain.message.Starting import of exported services file "%"=Tibda l-importaz
zjoni tal-Fajl tas-Servzzi Esportati "%"
mFormMain.message.Terrestrial service=Servizz Terrestri
mFormMain.message.The currently active profile is "%".~You can define profiles o
n the options panel.=Il-profil attiv kurrenti huwa "%".~Tista' tiddefinixxi l-Pr
ofili u tibdel bejniethom taht 'Ghazliet'.
mFormMain.message.The directory you selected contains either no services data or
an old version of the setting files.~This version of dreamboxEDIT only supports
file-sets belonging to (unofficial) images 1.04.a.5 released after february 14t
h 2003.~~To edit older file-sets use dreamboxEDIT version 1.41 or older.=Id-Dire
ctory li ghazilt jew ma fihx Data dwar Servizzi jew fih Versjoni qadima tal-Fajl
s tas-Settings.~Dil-Versjoni ta' dreamboxEDIT tissapportja biss Settijiet ta' Fa
jls ta' Images 1.04.a.5 (mhux ufficjali) mahrugin wara -14 ta' Frar 2003.~~Biex
teditja Settijiet ta' Fajls ohrajn uza dreamboxEDIT Versjoni 1.41 jew eqdem.
mFormMain.message.The entry you selected in the details panel is not a regular s
ervice but a "sub service",~which means there is no corresponding service defini
tion.=L-entratura li ghazilt taht 'Ghazliet' mhijiex Servizz regolari imma "Sott
o servizz",~jigifieri m'hemmx definizzjoni relatata tas-Servizz.
mFormMain.message.The service you selected in the details panel is currently not
available in the services panel~due to the there made selection on type or sate
llite=Is-Servizz li ghazilt taht 'Dettalji' m'huwiex disponibbli bhalissa taht '
Servizzi' ~minhabba l-ghazla ta' Tip jew Satellita
mFormMain.message.The version of the settings set is now changed to %.~~This mea
ns that the next time you save this settings set it will be saved in that format
.~Be aware: a version 4 set will NOT work for a Dreambox that expects a version
2 set.~And a version 2 set not on a receiver that expects version 4 (Enigma2).~~
You can always see which version is selected at the bottom statusbar on the main
screen of dreamboxEDIT!=Il-Versjoni tal-Fajl Set issa nbidlet ghal %.~Dan ifiss
er li malli tissejvja s-Settings, dawn jigu issejvjati f'dal-format~Twissija: Se
t Versjoni 3 u 4 ma jahdmux fuq Dreambox li tirrikjedi Set Versjoni 2~U Versjoni
2 Set ma jahdimx fuq Dreambox li tirrikjedi Set Versjoni 3 jew 4 (Enigma 2)~~Ve
rsjoni 4 huwa Enigma 2 bi drivers wara Awissu 2008
mFormMain.message.The ZAP command did not receive the normal 0 returncode from t
he Dreambox.=Il-kmand 'Aqleb fuq is-Servizz maghzul' ma rceviex il-kodici 0 norm
ali mid-Dreambox.
mFormMain.message.There are alternatives defined for this service=Ghal dan is-Se
rvizz hemm alternattivi definiti fuq id-Dreambox
mFormMain.message.There is no file-set loaded to upload to the Dreambox.=M'hemm
ebda Sett ta' Fajls biex tupplowdja lejn id-Dreambox
mFormMain.message.There is no newer version of dreamboxEDIT available online=M'h
emmx Versjoni aktar recenti ta' dreamboxEDIT dsponibbli on-line
mFormMain.message.There were % service entries with errors found.~See the log fo
r more information=Kien hemm % entraturi ta' Servizzi b'xi zbalji.~Mur taht 'Log
' ghal aktar informazzjoni.
mFormMain.message.There were errors retrieving the files from the Dreambox.~Chec
k the log for more information.=Kien hemm xi zbalji waqt li kont qed tircievi l-
Fajls mid-Dreambox.-Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the choosen type of parental control: Blackli
st or Whitelist.~You can choose the type to be used on your Dreambox (only with
newer Dreamboxes that use settings-type 3 or 4!).~~When using Blacklist: all loc
ked services are shown in red,~with Whitelist all allowed services are shown in
green.=Hawnhekk issib it-tip ta' Lock tal-Genituri: Blacklist jew Whitelist~Tist
a' taghzel liema tip li trid tuza fuq id-Dreambox (Din tghodd biss ghal Dreambox
es li juzaw Settings-type3!).~Meta tuza l-Blacklist: is-Servizzi Locked jigu mur
ija bl-ahmar.~Bil-Whitelist, is-Servizzi mhux Locked jigu murija bl-ahdar.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the IP settings of the currently active profi
le.=Hawnhekk issib is-Settings tal-IP tal-Profil attivat bhalissa.
mFormMain.message.This field shows the receiver type (Satellite/Cable) for the n
ot-multiple-receiver Dreambox models=Hawnhekk issib it-tip ta' Receiver (Satelli
ta/Cable) ghal Mudelli ta' Dreambox not-multiple-receiver
mFormMain.message.This field shows the version type of the currently loaded sett
ings.~You can switch between versions in the "Tools" menu (normally not needed).
=Hawnhekk issib it-tip ta' Versjoni tas-Settings illowdjati bhalissa.~Tista' tbi
ddel bejn il-Versjonijiet gol- Menu "Ghodda" (normalment mhux bzonnjuz).
mFormMain.message.TV Favourite (%) without corresponding service not loaded=TV F
avoriti (%) bla Servizz relatat mhux illowdjat
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet % saved in %=TV User Bouquet % issejvjat go %
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet details=Dettalji tat-TV User Bouquet
mFormMain.message.TV User Bouquet index file % saved in %=Fal % TV User Bouquet
issejvjat go %
mFormMain.message.Unable to complete dreamboxEDIT Version Check (%)=Ma setghax j
itkompla l-iccekkjar tal-Versjoni (%) ta' dreamboxEDIT
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) skipped:=Refer
enzi inkompatibbli go Radio User Bouquet (%) injorati:
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in Radio User Bouquet (%) to User Bouque
t itself skipped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli go Radio User Bouquet (%) lejn l-iste
ss Bouquet injorati:
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) skipped:=Referenz
i inkompatibli go TV User Bouquet (%) injorati:
mFormMain.message.Unsupported reference in TV User Bouquet (%) to User Bouquet i
tself skipped:=Referenzi inkompatibbli go TV User Bouquet (%) lejn l-istess Bouq
uet injorati:
mFormMain.message.Updating satellites.xml with currently loaded transponder data
=Updejtjar ta' satellites.xml bit-Transponder Data ta' bhalissa
mFormMain.message.You are already running the latest version of dreamboxEDIT.=Di
ga' qed tuza l-ahhar Versjoni ta' dreamboxEDIT.
mFormMain.message.You can not delete the last TV or Radio user bouquet, there mu
st always remain at least one list in each category.=Ma tistax tnehhi l-ahhar TV
jew Radio User Bouquet, trid dejjem thalli talanqas wiehed f'kull kategorija.
mFormMain.message.You can not lock subservice %=Ma tistax taghmel lock ta' Sotto
servizz %
mFormMain.message.You can not ZAP to a marker.=Ma tistax taqleb fuq Marker izda
fuq xi Servizz.
mFormMain.message.You have selected a directory that already contains a file-set
.~When you later save the set you are now building, you will completely overwrit
e the existing set.~~Are you sure want to continue with this directory?=Ghazilt
Directory li diga' fih Sett ta' Fajls.~ Meta aktar tard tissejvja s-Set li qed t
aghmel, thassar kompletament is-Sett ezistenti.~~Cert li trid tkompli?
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before making an export file?=Ghadek ma issejvjatx it-tibdil li ghamilt!~~T
rid tissejvja qabel taghmel Fajl ghall-Esportazzjoni?
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before opening a new set?~(Choosing "No" means any changes you made, will b
e lost)=Ghadek ma issejvjatx it-tibdil li ghamilt!~~Trid tissejvja qabel tiftah
Sett ta' Fajls iehor?~~Jekk taghzel 'No' it-tibdil li ghamilt, jintilef kollu!
mFormMain.message.You made changes that are not yet saved!~~Do you want to save
them before quiting?~(Choosing "No" means any changes you made, will be lost)=Gh
adek ma issejvjatx it-tibdil li ghamilt!~Trid tissejva qabel tohrog?~Jekk taghze
l 'No', it-tibdil li ghamilt, jintilef kollu!
mFormMain.message.ZAP command failed. See log for more information.~Check IP add
ress, HTTP Port, username and password.=Il-Kmand 'Aqleb fuq is-Servizz maghzul'
ma rnexxiex. Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni.~ Iccekkja l-IP Address, l-
HTTP Port, l-Isem tal-User u l-Password.
mFormMain.message.ZAP command failed. See log for more information.=Il-Kmand 'Aq
leb fuq is-Servizz maghzul' ma rnexxiex. Mur taht 'Log' ghal aktar informazzjoni
mFormMain.message.ZAP to service (disabled in options)=Il-Kmand 'Aqleb fuq is-Se
rvizz maghzul' qieghed dizattivat taht 'Ghazliet'. Mur fuq 'Ghazliet' biex tatti
mFormMain.message.Zap to service=Aqleb fuq is-Servizz maghzul
mFormNewVersion.message.dreamboxEDIT New version info=Rizultat tat-tfittxija gha
l xi versjoni gdida ta' dreamboxEDIT.
mFormOptions.message.All fields must be filled=Il-postijiet kollha jridu jimtlew
mFormOptions.message.Can not add a new profile. A profile with the name "New Pro
file" already exists.=Ma tistax izzid Profil gdid. Profil iehor bl-isem ta' "Pro
fil Gdid" diga' jezisti. has to be patched to make this channels
visible on has to be patched to make this channels
visible on Enigma2
mFormOptions.message.Could not connect to the Dreambox on address %, port %.~~Ch
eck the IP address and the port number and try again.=Ma stajtx tikkonnettja mad
-Dreambox bl-Address %, Port %.~~Iccekkja l-IP Address u n-numru tal-Port u erga
' ipprova.
mFormOptions.message.Could not login to the Dreambox with username "%" and passw
ord "%".~~Check the username and password and try again.=Ma stajtx tilloggja mad
-Dreambox b'dak l-Isem tal-User "%" u Password "%".~~Iccekkja l-Isem tal-User u
l-Password u erga' ipprova.
mFormOptions.message.Delete not possible. There must always remain at least one
profile.=Ma tistax tnehhi. Trid thalli dejjem almenu Profil wiehed.
mFormOptions.message.Double Click=Ikklikkja darbtejn
mFormOptions.message.dreamboxEDIT Options=Ghazliet fuq dreamboxEDIT
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the satellites.xml file to and from=Dahhal il-post tal-Fajl fu
q id-Dreambox fejn dreamboxEDIT jaqra u jikteb il Fajl satellites.xml minn u lej
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the services and bouquet files to and from=Dahhal il-post tal-
Fajl fuq id-Dreambox fejn id-dreamboxEDIT jaqra u jikteb il-Fajls tas-Servizzi u
mFormOptions.message.Enter the file path on the Dreambox where dreamboxEDIT shou
ld read and write the user bouquet files to and from=Dahhal il-post tal-Fajl fuq
id-Dreambox fejn dreamboxEDIT jaqra u jikteb il-Fajls tal-User Bouquets.
mFormOptions.message.Enter the IP address of the Dreambox (like or M
yDreambox.DYNDNS.COM etc.)=Dahhal l-IP Address tad-Dreambox (ez.:
mFormOptions.message.Enter the password for the Dreambox (normally: dreambox)=Da
hhal il-password tad-Dreambox (soltu tkun: dreambox)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the port used for FTP by the Dreambox (normally 21)=D
ahhal il-Port uzat mid-Dreambox ghall-FTP (soltu jkun 21)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the port used for HTTP by the Dreambox (normally 80)=
Dahhal il-Port uzat ghall-HTTP mid-Dreambox (normalment 80)
mFormOptions.message.Enter the username for the Dreambox (normally: root)=Dahhal
il-User Name tad-Dreambox (soltu jkun: root)
mFormOptions.message.Failed to connect to the Dreambox on IP address % (port %)=
Ma stajtx tikkonnettja mad-Dreambox b'dak l-IP Address% (Port %)
mFormOptions.message.First select the profile you want to delete.=L-ewwel ghazel
il-Profil li trid tnehhi.
mFormOptions.message.FTP Port must be a numeric value (default is 21)=L-FTP Port
jinhtieg valur numeriku validu (dak predefinit huwa 21)
mFormOptions.message.Here you can enter (part of) the command prompt on the Drea
mBox. dreamboxEDIT waits for this prompt when sending Telnet commands like Reboo
t.=Hawn tista' iddahhal (parti) mill-Kmandi ghad-DreamBox. dreamboxEDIT iwettaqh
om meta int tibghat il-Kmand permezz ta' Telnet bhal Reboot.
mFormOptions.message.Here you can enter a command that can be send to the Dreamb
ox from the FTP panel, for instance to start a script for a customised reboot.=H
awn tista' taghmel Kmand biex jintbaghat lid-Dreambox permezz tal-FTP, per esemp
ju biex tibghat script ghal Reboot personalizzat.
mFormOptions.message.HTTP Port must be a numeric value (default is 80)=L-HTTP Po
rt jinhtieg valur numeriku validu (dak predefinit huwa 80)
mFormOptions.message.If you want to enable the ZAP function, you must enter the
IP address of the Dreambox!=Jekk trid tattiva il-funzjoni 'Aqleb fuq is-Servizz
maghzul', trid iddahhal l-IP Address tad-Dreambox!
mFormOptions.message.Successfully connected to the Dreambox FTP server!~IP addre
ss, FTP port number, username and password are correct.=Irnexxielek tikkonnettja
b'success mal-FTP Server tad-Dreambox!~l-IP Address, in-Numru tal-Port FTP, l-I
sem tal-User u l-Password huma kollha korretti.
mFormOptions.message.Successfully connected to the Dreambox on IP address % (por
t %)=Irnexxielek taqbad mad-Dreambox b'dak l-IP % (port %)
mFormOptions.message.Test the IP address and Username / Password by trying to co
nnect to the Dreambox (this might ake up to a minute)=Ipprova l-IP Address u Ism
ek / Password billi tipprova tikkonnettja mad-Dreambox (din tista' tiehu xi ftit
minuti )
mFormOptions.message.Test the IP address by trying to connect to the Dreambox (t
his might take up to a minute)=Ipprova l-IP Address biex tqabbad ma-Dreambox (di
n taf tiddum xi ftit minuti)
mFormOptions.message.The IP Address must be a valid IP address like~
or MyDreambox.DYNDNS.COM etc.=L-IP Address irid ikun Ip Address validu bhal~192.
168.0.5 jew MyDreambox.DYNDNS.COM ecc.
mFormOptions.message.You must enter the Dreambox HTTP port (normally 80).=Trid i
ddahhal l-HTTP Port tad-Dreambox (normalment 80).
mFormOptions.message.You must first enter the Dreambox IP Address.=L-ewwel trid
iddahhal l-IP Address tad-Dreambox.
mFormSelectiveReceive.message.No selection for the files to receive has been mad
e.=Ma saret ebda ghazla ta' Fajls li trid tircievi.
mFormSelectiveReceive.message.Select the files to receive from the Dreambox=Ghaz
el il-Fajls li trid tircievi mid-Dreambox.
mFormTransponder.message.Enter extra parameters here. Normally: :2:0 for satelli
te, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 for Terrestrial and :6887000:2:3:3 for Cable services.=Dahh
al parametri ohra hawn. Normalment: :2:0 fghal satellita, :0:5:5:3:3:4:4:2 ghal
Terrestrial u :6887000:2:3:3 ghal Servizzi tal-Cable.
mFormTransponder.message.Enter something in all fields marked with a red *!=Dahh
al xi haga kull fejn hemm immarkat hekk bl-ahmar *!
mFormTransponder.message.Frequency must be a numeric value!=Il-Frekwenza tinhtie
g valur numeriku!
mFormTransponder.message.Transponder data of % services changed.=Id-dettalji tat
-Transponder ta' % Servizzi inbidlu.
mFormTransponder.message.Transponder data=Dettalji tat-Transponder
mFormTransponder.message.You changed the key data of the transponder definition
but a transponder with this key already exists.~~Are you sure you want to add th
e services of this transponder to the already existing transponder?=Inti biddilt
l-informazzjoni ewlenija tat-Transponder u diga' jezisti Transponder bl-istess
informazzjoni ewlenija.~~Cert li trid izzd is-Servizzi ta' dan it-Transponder ma
' dak ezistenti?
mFormTransponder.message.You must first enter the satellite position and frequen
cy fields before you can calculate the namespace.=L-ewwel trid iddahhal il-Poziz
zjoni tas-Satellita u l-Frekwenza qabel tkun tista' tikkalkula in-Namespace.
pFormAbout.lblAdapted.Caption=Code based on DreamBoxEdit by Llamaware && Digsat.
pFormAbout.lblDevelopedBy.Caption=dreamboxEDIT is developed and maintained by dh
pFormAbout.lblTranslators.Caption=With many thanks to all people who made the va
rious translations of this program!
pFormAbout.lblTutorialsby.Caption=Thanks go to for the great
video tutorials.
pFormAbout.lblWebsite.Caption=Go to the dreamboxEDIT website
pFormAdd.Label1.Caption=Ghazel Bouquet gdid jew ezistenti biex izzid mieghu is-S
pFormAdd.Label2.Caption=Isem tal-Bouquet Gdid
pFormAdd.Label3.Caption=jew Bouquet ezistenti
pFormCompareSet.bCheckAll.Caption=Ghazel Kollox
pFormCompareSet.bImport.Caption=Aggorna is-Sett ta' Fajls attiv bis-Servizzi itt
pFormCompareSet.bUncheckAll.Caption=Taghzel Xejn
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox1.Caption=Differenzi fis-Servizzi bejn is-Sett ta' Fajls
attiv u l-Fajl tas-Servizzi moqri.
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox3.Caption=Kif tinterpreta ir-rizultati tat-Tqabbil
pFormCompareSet.GroupBox4.Caption=Fajl tal-Informazzjoni
pFormCompareSet.Label1.Caption=Directory tas-Sett ta' Fajls attiv:
pFormCompareSet.Label2.Caption=Il-Fajls tas-Servizzi gew imqabbla' ma'
pFormCompareSet.Label3.Caption=Meta taghzel "Aggorna is-Sett ta' Fajls attiv bis
-Servizzi itikkjati" isehh kif gej:-
pFormCompareSet.Label4.Caption=Is-Servizzi ittikkjati murija bhala Update jigi a
ggornat l-Isem tas-Servizz u/jew l-Isem tal-Pakkett taghhom.
pFormCompareSet.Label5.Caption=Tista' tuza li Spacebar biex taghzel/ma taghzilx
is-Servizzi li ghamilt 'highlighted'.
pFormCompareSet.Label6.Caption=Is-Servizzi ittikkjati murija bhala Add jizdiedu
fis-Sett ta' Fajls attiv.
pFormCompareSet.Label7.Caption=Is-Servizzi ittikkjati murija bhala Delete jitneh
hew mis-Sett ta' Fajls attiv.
pFormCompareSet.Label8.Caption=Jekk trid, hawnhekk tista' iddahhal l-Isem tal-Bo
uquet tas-Servizzi Godda:
pFormCompareSet.lExplanation.Caption=Il-Fajl moqri, jitqies bhala Fajl aktar gdi
d mill-Fajls attivi. Mela, l-entraturi tal-Fajl moqri, li ma jinstabux ukoll gol
-Fajls attivi, jigu murija bhala Add (bl-ahdar) fil-kolonna Azzjoni. Entraturi t
al-Fajls attivi li ma jinstabux ukoll fil-Fajl moqri, jigu murija bhala Delete (
bil-griz). Pero' dawn ma jigux awtomatikament ittikkjati ghall-ipprocessar. F'ka
z ta' tibdil li jkun jirrigwardja biss l-Isem tas-Servizz jew tal-Pakkett, dawn
jigu murija bhala Update (bil-blu) fil-kolonna Azzjoni.
pFormDetail.bCalculate.Caption=Ikkalkula n-Namespace
pFormDetail.cbNew.Caption=N (New): This service was marked as new at the last se
rvice scan
pFormDetail.cbNODVB.Caption=K (Keep): Parametri tas-Servizz (dxNoSDT)
pFormDetail.cbNoPMT.Caption=P (Use PIDS): Minflok il-PID kurrenti uza dejjem dak
specifikat (dxNoDVB)
pFormDetail.cbNoShow.Caption=H (Hide): Turix dan is-Servizz taht 'Servizzi Kollh
a' (dxDontshow)
pFormDetail.gbMemo.Caption=Jinsab gol-Bouquets
pFormDetail.GroupBox4.Caption=Dettalji tat-Transponder
pFormDetail.GroupBox5.Caption=Dettalji tas-Servizz
pFormDetail.GroupBox6.Caption=Dewmien (f'MS):
pFormDetail.Label15.Caption=Dawn l-ghazliet jinfluwenzaw il-mod kif id-Dreambox
titratta das-Servizz
pFormDetail.Label16.Caption=(1: TV, 2: Radio, iehor: Data)
pFormDetail.Label20.Caption=Lock tal-Genituri
pFormDetail.Label21.Caption=Parametri ohra.
pFormDetail.Label3.Caption=Tip ta' Servizz
pFormDetail.Label30.Caption=Parametri ohrajn
pFormDetail.Label31.Caption=* postijiet obbligatorji
pFormDetail.Label4.Caption=ID tas-Servizz
pFormDetail.Label5.Caption=Pozizzjoni tas-Sat
pFormDetail.Label6.Caption=ID tat-Trasponder
pFormDetail.Label7.Caption=ID tan-Network
pFormDetail.lReminder.Caption=In-numri kollha li jidhru hawn,iridu jkunu f'forma
pFormEditSatXML.bReload.Caption=Erga' illowdja t-Tabella
pFormEditSatXML.DeleteTransponder1.Caption=Nehhi it-Transponder
pFormEditSatXML.Insertcopyoftransponder1.Caption=Dahhal kopja tat-Transponder
pFormEditSatXML.InsertTransponder1.Caption=Poggi Transponder
pFormEditSatXML.Label1.Caption=Isem tal-Fajl:
pFormEditSatXML.Label10.Caption=4: 5/6
pFormEditSatXML.Label11.Caption=5: 7/8
pFormEditSatXML.Label12.Caption=2: Xellug
pFormEditSatXML.Label13.Caption=3: Lemin
pFormEditSatXML.Label14.Caption=Ghadd ta' Transpond. got-Tabella:
pFormEditSatXML.Label16.Caption=1: Network Skan
pFormEditSatXML.Label17.Caption=2: Uza BAT
pFormEditSatXML.Label18.Caption=4: Uza ONIT
pFormEditSatXML.Label19.Caption=8: Injora NITs ta' Networks maghrufa
pFormEditSatXML.Label20.Caption=6: 8/9
pFormEditSatXML.Label21.Caption=7: 3/5
pFormEditSatXML.Label22.Caption=8: 4/5
pFormEditSatXML.Label23.Caption=9: 9/10
pFormEditSatXML.Label25.Caption=0: DVB-S
pFormEditSatXML.Label26.Caption=1: DVB-S2
pFormEditSatXML.Label28.Caption=0: Auto
pFormEditSatXML.Label29.Caption=1: QPSK
pFormEditSatXML.Label3.Caption=0: Orizzontali
pFormEditSatXML.Label30.Caption=2: 8PSK
pFormEditSatXML.Label4.Caption=1: Vertikali
pFormEditSatXML.Label6.Caption=0: Auto
pFormEditSatXML.Label7.Caption=1: 1/2
pFormEditSatXML.Label8.Caption=2: 2/3
pFormEditSatXML.Label9.Caption=3: 3/4
pFormFiles.bRestToLBU.Caption=Erga' biddel il-Fajls ittikkjati skond l-ahhar Bac
pFormFiles.bRestToOrg.Caption=Erga' biddel il-Fajls ittikkjati skond l-Originali
pFormFiles.Label2.Caption=Jekk id-Data/Daqs jidhru hodor, il-Backup jew il-Fajl
originali ma jaqblux mal-Fajl kurrenti u jistghu jergghu jinbidlu mill-gdid skon
d kif jidher hawn taht.
pFormFTP.bCustomCmd.Caption=Ibghat kmand Telnet personalizzat
pFormFTP.bEnigma2Restart.Caption=Restart Enigma2
pFormFTP.bReboot.Caption=Reboot id-Dreambox
pFormFTP.bReceive.Caption=Ircievi l-Fajls mid-Dreambox
pFormFTP.bReload.Caption=Reload is-Settings fuq id-Dreambox
pFormFTP.bSend.Caption=Ibghat il-Fajls lejn id-Dreambox
pFormFTP.cbAutoReload.Caption=Reload awtomatiku ta' Settings Enigma2
pFormFTP.cbCleanUpDreambox.Caption=Nehhi l-Bouquets mhux uzati mid-Dreambox
pFormFTP.cbPiconUpload.Caption=Uplowdja l-Picons meta tibghat il-Files lejn id-d
pFormFTP.cbProfileName.Hint=Ghazel il-Profil ghad-Dreambox (tista' taghmel il-Pr
ofili taht 'Ghazliet').
pFormFTP.cbSelectiveReceive.Caption=Ghazel il-Fajls li trid tircievi
pFormFTP.GroupBox1.Caption=Konfigurazzjoni tal-FTP
pFormFTP.GroupBox2.Caption=Log tal-FTP
pFormFTP.Label14.Caption=Ghazel IP Settings Set
pFormFTP.Label4.Caption=Directory lokali
pFormFTP.lIPAddress.Caption=IP Address
pFormImportUserBouquets.bCheckAll.Caption=Ghazel Kollox
pFormImportUserBouquets.bRefresh.Caption=Aggorna l-Lista tal-Fajls
pFormImportUserBouquets.bUncheckAll.Caption=Taghzel Xejn
pFormImportUserBouquets.GroupBox1.Caption=User Bouquets (*.tv u *.radio)
pFormImportUserBouquets.Label1.Caption=Taghzilx il-Fajls li ma tridx tipprocessa
! (ghazel/taghzilx dejjem permezz ta' li SpaceBar)
pFormImportUserBouquets.puCheckall.Caption=Ghazel kollox ghall-ipprocessar
pFormImportUserBouquets.puUncheckall.Caption=Taghzel xejn ghall-ipprocessar
pFormLoadPicon.Label1.Caption=Loading Picons, please wait...
pFormLog.bSave.Caption=Issejva l-Log Fajl tal-Programm fuq il-PC
pFormLog.Label1.Caption=Messaggi tal-Programm:
pFormMain..Caption=black box
pFormMain..Caption=iOS dark
pFormMain..Caption=Office2007 Black
pFormMain..Caption=Office2007 Blue
pFormMain..Caption=Office2010 Blue
pFormMain..Caption=Snow Leopard
pFormMain..Caption=Windows 8
pFormMain..Caption=WMP 2008
pFormMain.AddAlternativepopup.Caption=Add alternatives to service
pFormMain.AddaNewService1.Caption=Zid Servizz Gdid
pFormMain.Addthissatellitetobouquet1.Caption=Zid Bouquet ghal dis-Satellita
pFormMain.AssignPicontoservice.Caption=Assign Picon to service
pFormMain.AutoInsertMarker.Caption=Dahal Marka awtomatikament.
pFormMain.cbCrypto.Hint=Filter the below displayed services on encryption
pFormMain.cbProfileName.Hint=Select the profile for the target Dreambox.
pFormMain.cbSatName.Hint=Iffiltra is-Servizzi li jidhru hawn taht skond l-isem t
pFormMain.cbSatSystem.Hint=Filter the below displayed services on dvb system
pFormMain.cbTVRadio.Hint=Iffiltra is-Servizzi li jidhru hawn taht skond it-Tip
pFormMain.ChangetypetoTV1.Caption=Biddel it-Tip ghal TV
pFormMain.ClearallNewflags1.Caption=Nehhi l-Marka tas-Servizzi l-Godda maghzula
u li huma immarkati bl-ahdar taht 'Servizzi'.
pFormMain.CloseStream.Hint=Close Stream
pFormMain.CopyEditthisservice1.Caption=Ikkopja/Editja d-Dettalji ta' dan is-Serv
izz (inkluz dawk tat-Transponder)
pFormMain.CopyservicereferenceDet.Caption=Copy service reference to clipboard
pFormMain.CopyservicereferenceServ.Caption=Copy service reference to clipboard
pFormMain.CreateBouquet1.Caption=Ikkreja Bouquet
pFormMain.DeletefromallBouquets1.Caption=Nehhi s-Servizz(i) minn Bouquets
pFormMain.Deletefromalternatives1.Caption=Delete entry Del
pFormMain.Deletefromfavourites1.Caption=Nehhi l-entratura/i Del
pFormMain.Deletesatellite1.Caption=Nehhi s-Satellita
pFormMain.DeleteService1.Caption= Nehhi s-Servizz(i) ghal kollox Del
pFormMain.DetCopy.Caption=Ikkopja Ctrl+C
pFormMain.DetCut.Caption=Aqta' Ctrl+X
pFormMain.DetLock.Caption=Attiva/Nehhi il-Lock tal-Genituri Ctrl+L
pFormMain.DetPaste.Caption=Wahhal Ctrl+V
pFormMain.DreamBoxEdit1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (Basics)
pFormMain.dreamboxEDITAdvancedFeatures1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (Advanced Features)
pFormMain.dreamboxEDITNewFeatures1.Caption=dreamboxEDIT (New Features)
pFormMain.EditMarker1.Caption=Editja t-test tal-Marka
pFormMain.EditTransponder.Caption=Editja d-Dettalji tat-Transponder tas-Servizzi
kollha li jinsabu go dan it-Transponder
pFormMain.fmCheckfornewversion.Caption=Iccekkja jekk hemmx xi Versjoni Gdida ta'
pFormMain.fmClearLocks.Caption=Nehhi kollha f'daqqa u minn kulimkien il-Locks ta
pFormMain.fmClearNew.Caption=Clear ALL "N" and "X" flags
pFormMain.fmClearSatXML.Caption=Naddaf satellites.xml (halli biss Satelliti ghas
-Servizzi ezistenti)
pFormMain.fmCompareDB.Caption=Qabbel is-Servizzi illowdjati ma' dawk tad-Dreambo
pFormMain.fmCompareDisk.Caption=Qabbel is-Servizzi ilowdjati ma' dawk fuq il-PC
pFormMain.fmEditSatXML.Caption=Editja satellites.xml
pFormMain.fmExit.Caption=Ohrog minn dreamboxEDIT!
pFormMain.fmExportBouquetsExcel.Caption=Esporta il-Bouquets kollha bil-format Ex
pFormMain.fmExportServicesExcel.Caption=Esporta s-Servizzi kollha bil-format Exc
pFormMain.fmFFTPDown.Caption=Ircievi l-Fajls malajr mid-Dreambox permezz ta' FTP
pFormMain.fmFFTPUp.Caption=Ibghat malajr il-Fajls lejn id-Dreabox permezz ta' FT
pFormMain.fmFiles.Caption=Uri/Erga' biddel il-Fajls
pFormMain.fmImportExportedBouquets.Caption=Erga' Importa l-Fajl tal-Bouquets Esp
pFormMain.fmImportExportedServices.Caption=Erga' importa l-Fajl tas-Servizzi Esp
pFormMain.fmImportUserBouquets.Caption=Importa l-Fajls tal-User Bouquets
pFormMain.fmLanguageTool.Caption=Language Tool
pFormMain.fmPiconCleanup.Caption=Remove all unused Picons from local Picon direc
pFormMain.fmSaveAs.Caption=Issejvja bhala ...
pFormMain.fmSearchRepeat.Caption=Kompli Fittex
pFormMain.fmSwitchVersion2and3.Caption=Ibdel is-Settings minn Settings-type2 gha
l Settings-type3 jew minn Settings-type 3 ghal Settings-type 2
pFormMain.fmUpdSatXML.Caption=Aggorna satellites.xml (zid ohrajn minn 'Servizzi'
pFormMain.iLogo.Hint=Click here to check for a new version of dreamboxEDIT or to
go directly to
pFormMain.InsertMarker1.Caption=Dahhal Marka
pFormMain.InsertMarkerPackage.Caption=Mal-Bidla tal-Pakkett
pFormMain.InsertMarkerPos.Caption=Mal-Bidla tas-Satellita
pFormMain.IPTVClipboard.Caption=Paste from clipboard
pFormMain.Label1.Caption=Total ta' Servizzi:
pFormMain.Label3.Caption=Servizzi Murija:
pFormMain.Label5.Caption=Items in list:
pFormMain.LocateInServices1.Caption=Fittex dan is-Servizz taht 'Servizzi'

pFormMain.MakeaBouquetperSatellite1.Caption=Ikkreja Bouquet ghal kull Satellita
pFormMain.MakeBouquetforeachPackage1.Caption=Ikkreja Bouquet ghal kull Pakkett
pFormMain.MakeBouquetperPackage1.Caption=Ikkreja Bouquet ghal dan il-Pakkett
pFormMain.MarkservicesnotinBouquet1.Caption=Immarka bhala Godda s-Servizzi li ma
jinsabu f'ebda User Bouquet u urihom bl-ahdar taht 'Servizzi'.
pFormMain.puLogoCheckfornewversion.Caption=Iccekkja jekk hemmx xi Versjoni Gdida
pFormMain.puLogoGotowebsite1.Caption=Goto website
pFormMain.ReadVersionNotes.Caption=Aqra n-Noti tal-Versjoni l-Gdida
pFormMain.Removeemptymarkers1.Caption=Nehhi Marki 'vojta'
pFormMain.RemovePiconofservice.Caption=Remove Picon of service
pFormMain.RenameBouquet1.Caption=Ghati isem gdid lill-Bouquet
pFormMain.Renameserviceinbouquet1.Caption=Ghati isem gdid lis-Servizz gol-Bouque
t Ctrl+R
pFormMain.Renameserviceto1.Caption=Ifformattja l-Isem tas-Servizz awtomatikament
pFormMain.Renumberallservices1.Caption=Innumera mill-gdid is-Servizzi Kollha field shows the receiver type (Satellite/Cable) for the n
ot-multiple-receiver Dreambox models
pFormMain.SelectAudioTrack1.Caption=Audio Track
pFormMain.SelectDeinterlaceMode1.Caption=Deinterlace mode
pFormMain.ServCopy.Caption=Ikkopja Ctrl+C
pFormMain.ServCut.Caption=Aqta' Ctrl+X
pFormMain.servLock.Caption=Attiva/Nehhi il-Lock tal-Genituri Ctrl+L
pFormMain.ServPaste.Caption=Wahhal Ctrl+V
pFormMain.SetKeepFlag.Caption=Parametri tas-Servizz/i
pFormMain.SetKeepFlagOff1.Caption= Aggorna l-Parametri awtomatikament!
pFormMain.SetKeepFlagOn1.Caption= Zomm il-Parametri kif inhuma!
pFormMain.SetPackagename1.Caption=Editja l-Isem tal-Pakkett
pFormMain.ShowDetails1.Caption=Uri/Editja d-Dettalji ta' dan is-Servizz (minbarr
a dawk tat-Transponder)
pFormMain.Sortlistalfabeticaly1.Caption=Uri s-Servizzi b'Ordni Alfabetiku
pFormMain.StreamEdit.Caption=IPTV and other streaming services
pFormMain.StreamEdit_Edit.Caption=Edit selected
pFormMain.StreamService_Det.Caption=Stream service Ctrl+S
pFormMain.StreamService_Serv.Caption=Stream service Ctrl+S
pFormMain.tbAbout.Hint=Uri Info fuq dal-Programm
pFormMain.tbExit.Hint=Ohrog minn dal-Programm
pFormMain.tbFFTPDown.Hint=Ircievi Sett ta' Fajls permezz ta' FTP b'ammont minim
u ta' djalogi fl-ahhar Directory uzata
pFormMain.tbFFTPUp.Hint=Illowdja Sett ta' Fajls permezz ta' FTP b'ammont minimu
ta' djalogi
pFormMain.tbFiles.Hint=Ara liema Fajls gew ikkrejati. Erga' biddel skond xi Sett
ta' Fajls precedenti.
pFormMain.tbFTP.Hint=Ittrasferixxi Sett ta' Fajls bejn il-PC u d-Dreambox
pFormMain.tbLog.Hint=Ibbrowsja l-Log Fajl biex tara x'ghamilt mindu ftaht dal-Pr
pFormMain.tbOpen.Hint=Iftah Sett ta' Fajls minn fuq il-PC
pFormMain.tbOptions.Hint=Issettja certi Ghazliet ta' dreamboxEDIT
pFormMain.tbSave.Hint=Issejvja t-tibdil li sar fis-Sett ta' Fajls fuq il-PC
pFormMain.toggleParentalLock1.Caption=Attiva/Nehhi il-Lock tal-Genituri
pFormMain.tvCleanUp0.Caption=Nehhi l-Bouquets vojti
pFormMain.tvCleanUp1.Caption=Nehhi l-Bouquets li ghandhom ghadd specifiku ta' Se
pFormMain.tvDelete.Caption=Nehhi l-Bouquet
pFormMain.tvInsert.Caption=Dahhal Bouquet Gdid
pFormMain.tvPrefix.Caption=Zid mal-Bouquet il-prefiss tal-Pozizzjoni tas-Satelli
pFormMain.tvShowServices.Caption=Uri s-Servizzi
pFormMain.tvSort.Caption=Uri l-Bouquets b'Ordni Alfabetiku
pFormMain.VolumeDown.Hint=Volume down
pFormMain.VolumeDownStream.Hint=Volume down
pFormMain.VolumeUp.Hint=Volume up
pFormMain.VolumeUpStream.Hint=Volume up
pFormMain.Yadif2x1.Caption=Yadif (2x)
pFormMain.ZapInfo.Caption=Currently active service on
pFormMain.ZAPtoservice1.Caption=Aqleb fuq is-Servizz maghzul!
pFormMain.Zaptoservice2.Caption=Aqleb fuq Servizz maghzul Dbl-cli
pFormNewVersion.bGotoDL.Caption=Mur fuq il-Pagna tad-Downlowd
pFormNewVersion.bReset.Caption=Biddel l-Ghazla li ghamilt hawn fuq
pFormNewVersion.bSkipVersion.Caption=Injora din l-Ghazla ghall-Iccekkjar Awtomat
iku, imma avzani meta jkun hemm Versjoni gdida.
pFormNewVersion.GroupBox1.Caption=X'hemm Gdid fil-Versjoni Gdida.
pFormNewVersion.GroupBox2.Caption=Ghazliet ghall-Iccekkjar Awtomatiku hekk kif j
iftah Dreambodedit
pFormNewVersion.Label2.Caption=Il-Versjoni Kurrenti
pFormNewVersion.Label3.Caption=Il-Versjoni disponibbli On-Line
pFormNewVersion.Label4.Caption=Ghadd ta' granet bejn Icekkjar Awtomatiku u iehor
pFormOptions.bDefaultColors.Caption=Biddel skond il-kuluri predefiniti
pFormOptions.bDefaultsEnigma2.Caption=Enigma2 settings
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForCable.Caption=Receiver tal-Cable
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForSat.Caption=Receiver tas-Satellita
pFormOptions.bDefaultsForTerrestrial.Caption=Terrestrial Receiver
pFormOptions.bDeleteProfile.Caption=Nehhi l-Profil immarkat
pFormOptions.bNewProfile.Caption=Profil Gdid
pFormOptions.bRDDefaults.Caption=Skond kif Predefiniti
pFormOptions.bResetTCPIP.Caption=Biddel l-ghazliet kollha TCP/IP skond kif prede
pFormOptions.bResetWidth.Caption=Biddel il-wisa' tal-Listi tal-Pagna Principali
tal-Prog. skond kif predefiniti
pFormOptions.bSaveProfile.Caption=Save Profile
pFormOptions.bSetOptionsToDefaults.Caption=Biddel l-ghazliet generali kollha sko
nd kif predefiniti
pFormOptions.bTestFTP.Caption=Ipprova Ismek/Password
pFormOptions.bTestIP.Caption=Ipprova l-IP Address
pFormOptions.bTVDefaults.Caption=Skond kif Predefiniti
pFormOptions.Button1.Caption=Add special services
pFormOptions.cbAllowDuplicates.Caption=Halli entraturi duplikati gol-User Bouque
pFormOptions.cbAutoCheckVersion.Caption=Iccekkja awtomatikament ghal xi Versjoni
Gdida ta' Dreambxedit malli tiftah il-Programm
pFormOptions.cbAutoload.Caption=Malli jiftah dreamboxEDIT, illowdja awtomatikame
nt l-istess Sett ta' Fajls li tkun uzajt l-ahhar.
pFormOptions.cbConfirmDelete.Caption=Itlob konferma qabel thassar xi haga
pFormOptions.cbConfirmSort.Caption=Itlob konferma qabel tissortja s-Servizzi gol
pFormOptions.cbDeleteBackup.Caption=Don't save backup files (Warning: This optio
n will remove any backup file from your save directory)
pFormOptions.cbEnableZAP.Caption=Attiva jew Nehhi l-Kmand 'Aqleb fuq is-Servizz
pFormOptions.cbHidePassword.Caption=Ahbi l-password taht 'Ghazliet' (biddel b'as
teriski )
pFormOptions.cbNewSatXMLBottom.Caption=Zid it-Transponders Godda isfel nett meta
pFormOptions.cbOldStyleSelDir.Caption=Enable old style path selection dialog
pFormOptions.cbPiconActivate.Caption=Nizzel u uri l-picons ghas-servizzi murija
fil-Bouquets List
pFormOptions.cbQuickFTP.Caption=Attiva l-kmand FTP Ta' Malajr fuq it-Toolbar tal
-Pagna Principali tal-Programm
pFormOptions.cbSaveTVRadio.Caption=Issejvja l-ghazla All / TV / Radio / Data ta
l-Pagna Principali
pFormOptions.cbShowActiveService.Caption=Show currently active service and volum
e control in main window
pFormOptions.cbShowDetails.Caption=Uri d-dettalji kollha tas-Servizzi taht 'Serv
pFormOptions.cbShowDetHint.Caption=Uri d-dettalji bhala Suggeriment taht 'Dettal
pFormOptions.cbShowReboot.Caption=Uri l-ghazla "Reboot Dreambox" taht 'FTP'
pFormOptions.cbShowResult.Caption=Uri dejjem Messagg bir-rizultat ta' l-Azzjoni
pFormOptions.cbShowSignalStrength.Caption=Show signal strength indicator
pFormOptions.cbSortUseService.Caption=Uza dejjem l-Ismijiet tas-Servizzi meta ti
ssortja 'Servizzi'
pFormOptions.cbTransliteration.Caption=Enable transliteration support for greek
and cyrillic (only russian) letters
pFormOptions.cbVLCActive.Caption=Enable VLC support
pFormOptions.cbZAPNoErrorCheck.Caption=Attiva jew Nehhi l-Messagg tal-Iccekkjar
tal-Izbalji tal-funzjoni 'Aqleb fuq is-Servizz maghzul'
pFormOptions.cbZAPStream.Caption=Enable ZAP to service before streaming (for sin
gle tuner receivers)
pFormOptions.DirLabel.Caption=VLC installation directory
pFormOptions.eFTPPassive.Caption=Passiv (predefinit)
pFormOptions.gbLocalPath.Caption=Local file paths
pFormOptions.gbPaths.Caption=Fejn jinsabu l-Fajls fuq id-Dreambox
pFormOptions.gbPrNetwork.Caption=Network Settings
pFormOptions.GroupBox1.Caption=Ghazla FTP Ta' Malajr
pFormOptions.GroupBox2.Caption=Tip Servizz TV
pFormOptions.GroupBox3.Caption=Format l-Isem tas-Servizz
pFormOptions.GroupBox4.Caption=Tip Servizz Radio
pFormOptions.Label1.Caption=IP Address tad-Dreambox:
pFormOptions.Label10.Caption=Mur fuq in-Numri tas-Servizzi li dreamboxEDIT ghand
u jqis bhala "TV"
pFormOptions.Label11.Caption=Mur fuq in-Numri tas-Servizzi li dreamboxEDIT ghand
u jqis bhala "Radio"
pFormOptions.Label12.Caption=Numru ta' Jiem bejn iccekkjar awtomatiku u iehor.
pFormOptions.Label13.Caption=Port tal-HTTP
pFormOptions.Label14.Caption=Fejn jinzammu l-Picons fid-Dreambox
pFormOptions.Label15.Caption=(predefinit 80)
pFormOptions.Label16.Caption=(predefinit 21)
pFormOptions.Label17.Caption=Hawn tista' iddahhal it-test tal-format kif specifi
kat taht "Format l-Isem tas-Servizz awtomatikament" fid-'Dettalji tat-TV jew Rad
io User Bouquet.
pFormOptions.Label18.Caption=Background color for transparent Picons
pFormOptions.Label19.Caption=Biddel il-postijiet fejn jinsabu l-Fajls tad-Dreamb
ox skond kif predefiniti:
pFormOptions.Label2.Caption=Dahhal il-kuluri:
pFormOptions.Label20.Caption=Fajls tas-Servizzi u Bouquets:
pFormOptions.Label21.Caption=Fajls tal-User Bouquets
pFormOptions.Label22.Caption=Fajl Satellites.xml:
pFormOptions.Label23.Caption=PNG Directory lokali
pFormOptions.Label24.Caption=Local path for Picons
pFormOptions.Label3.Caption=Isem il-User tad-Dreambox
pFormOptions.Label4.Caption=Password tad-Dreambox
pFormOptions.Label5.Caption=FTP Port
pFormOptions.Label6.Caption=Kmand Telnet konfigurat mill-User biex jintuza minn
pFormOptions.Label7.Caption=X'tista' taghmel meta tibghat FTP Ta' Malajr lejn id
pFormOptions.Label8.Caption=Tip FTP:
pFormOptions.Label9.Caption=Kmand iehor mid-Dreambox (jew parti ) biex jigi icce
kkjat f'Sezzjonijiet Telnet
pFormOptions.lProfilename.Caption=Profil maghzul:
pFormOptions.pRowColor.Caption=Row Color
pFormOptions.pSelectionColor.Caption=Selection Color
pFormOptions.RadioGroup1.Caption=Picon dimensions
pFormOptions.RadioGroup2.Caption=Snapshot format
pFormOptions.rbCustomCmd.Caption=Kmand biex taghmel Telnet
pFormOptions.rbNothing.Caption=Taghmel Xejn
pFormOptions.rbReboot.Caption=Kmand biex taghmel Reboot
pFormOptions.rbReload.Caption=Kmand biex taghmel Reload Settings
pFormOptions.TabSheet3.Caption=Skema ta' Kuluri
pFormReleaseNotes.GroupBox1.Caption=New version notes:
pFormReleaseNotes.sLabel1.Caption=Do you want to show this message again next ti
me you start dreamboxEDIT?
pFormSearchInfo.cbNoSearchInfo.Caption=Do not show this message again
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo1.Caption=Use enhanced filter expressions (SQL styl
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo2.Caption=% as substitute for zero or more characte
rs (e.g. %sky% shows all services with "sky" in name),
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo3.Caption=_ as substitute for exactly one character
(e.g. _sky_ in package filter shows services of provider "BSkyB")
pFormSearchInfo.lblSearchInfo4.Caption=\ as escape character (e.g. %\%% shows al
l services with "%" in name)
pFormSelDir.Label1.Caption=Directory Name:
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbSatellitesXML.Caption=Satellites.xml / Terrestrial.xml /
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbServices.Caption=Servizzi (inkluz il-Fajl tal-Lock tal-G
enituri )
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbUserBouquetsRadio.Caption=Radio User Bouquets
pFormSelectiveReceive.cbUserBouquetsTV.Caption=TV User Bouquets
pFormSelectiveReceive.GroupBox1.Caption=Ghazel il-Fajls li trid tircievi
pFormSplash.lAction.Caption=Jinfetah il-programm...
pFormStreamEdit.Label3.Caption=Service Type
pFormStreamEdit.Label4.Caption=Service ID
pFormStreamEdit.Label6.Caption=Transponder ID
pFormStreamEdit.Label7.Caption=Network ID
pFormStreamEdit.lReminder.Caption=All numbers on this screen must be entered in
decimal format!
pFormStreamEdit.sGroupBox1.Caption=Service Data
pFormStreamEdit.sGroupBox2.Caption=DVB/TS Data
pFormStreamEdit.sRadioServiceType.Caption=Service Type
pFormStreamEdit.sRadioStreamType.Caption=Stream Type
pFormTransponder.bCalculate.Caption=Ikkalkula Namespace
pFormTransponder.GroupBox1.Caption=Servizzi go dan it-Tansponder
pFormTransponder.GroupBox4.Caption=Dettalji tat-Transponder
pFormTransponder.Label1.Caption=Twissija:- Kull tibdil li taghmel, ikun jghodd u
koll ghas-Servizzi kollha li jinsabu f'dan it-Transponder!
pFormTransponder.Label2.Caption=Parametri Ohrajn
pFormTransponder.Label31.Caption=* Postijiet obbligatorji
pFormTransponder.Label5.Caption=Pozizzjoni tas-Satellita.
pFormTransponder.Label6.Caption=ID tat-Transponder
pFormTransponder.Label7.Caption=ID tan-Network
pFormWait.Label1.Caption=...stenna ftit, sakemm jitlesta. Grazzi.

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