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2809 Stoneleigh Drive ! Lansing MI 48910 ! (714) 519-1221 ! !
2013-present Research Coordinator for Associate Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education, MSU
2012-present Lead Instructor and Developer for ANP 204: Introduction to Medical Anthropology, MSU
2012-present Curriculum Developer for Anthropology, Centers for Integrative Studies in General Science
(CISGS), Social Science (ISS), and the Humanities (IAH)
2012-present Chair of Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Study Group, Society for Medical Anthropology
2010-2015 Ph.D., Anthropology, Michigan State University (A.B.D)
2006-2009 M.A., Anthropology, Michigan State University
2002-2005 B.A., Anthropology, University of California, Irvine
2014 $3,750: Course Development Fellowship in CISGS, MSU
2013 $1,000: Foundations of Science MOOC Development Fellowship, The Gates Foundation
2012 $6,000: Cultural Heritage Informatics Fellowship, MSU
2012 $3,000: Disciplinary Leadership Fellowship, The Graduate School, MSU
2011 $5,000: Course Development Fellowship in Anthropology, MSU
2011 $19,250: Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
2015 Certification in College Teaching, MSU School of Social Science
2013 Preparing Future Faculty for the Assessment of Student Learning (PFF-ASL) Fellow, MSU
2012 Ron Hart Award for Outstanding Teaching, MSU Department of Anthropology
2010 Teaching Award, MSU Center for Integrative Studies in General Science
2009 Learning Leader Award, MSU Department of Residence Life
2014 Curriculum Developer for ISB 204: Applications in Biomedical Sciences, MSU
2013 Developer/Consultant for Foundations of Science MOOC, Center for Integrative Studies, MSU
2013 Teaching Assistant for Cultural Heritage Informatics Field School in Data Visualization, MSU
2010-2014 Online Course Assistant/Developer (8 courses), Department of Anthropology, MSU
2011 Instructor/Co-developer for ANP 201: Introduction to Sociocultural Diversity, MSU
2009 Course Supervisor (35 sections, 12 TAs), ISB 208L: Applications in Biological Sciences, MSU
2008-2010 Mentor/Facilitator, Teaching Assistant Program, MSU
2006-2009 Instructor for ISB 208L: Applications in Biology and Science and Society, MSU

Daniels, Tazin Karim, Erin Mobley and Alex Chavez. 2015. #Adderall: Constructions of Prescription Drug Use
in Digital Spaces. Journal of Medical Internet Research. (In progress)
Daniels, Tazin Karim, Justin Kenton and Shivani Pandya. 2015. Selling Study Drugs: Direct-to-Consumer
Advertising of Cognitive Enhancing Drugs. Social Science & Medicine. (In progress)
Karim, Tazin. 2013. Teaching Anthropology in the Digital Age. General Anthropology. Volume 20 (1). Spring
2013. Pg: 1-9
Karim, Tazin. 2013. The @Adderall_RX Girl: Pharmaceutical Self-branding and Identity in Social
Media. Ethnography Matters.
Karim, Tazin. 2013. Practical Training for the Digitally Il/literate Anthropologist. Savage Minds.
Karim, Tazin. 2013. #Adderall: Positionality and Ethics in Social Science Research. Savage Minds.
Karim, Tazin. 2013. The Commodification of Celebrity Health. The Anthropologies Project.
Karim, Tazin. 2013. Passing with Pills: Redefining Performance in the Pharmaceuticalized University. The
Anthropologies Project.
Karim, Tazin. 2012. Meducating Our Children: The Moral Influence of Adderall on Education, Parenting, and
Treatment. Somatosphere.
Karim, Tazin. 2012. Medical Imaginaries and Technological Futures. Somatosphere.
2015 Anthropology and Higher Education Capstone Session, Invited Discussant, Society for Applied
Anthropology Conference, Pittsburg, PA (submitted)
2014 Teaching Anthropology Online: Best Tools and Practices for Quality E-Learning Workshop Leader,
American Anthropological Association Conference, Washington D.C. (accepted)
2014 Professional Perspectives in the Anthropology of Drugs Panel co-chair and co-organizer, American
Anthropological Association Conference, Washington D.C. (accepted)
2014 Silk Roads: Place and space in alcohol, tobacco and other drug use Panel co-organizer, Society for
Applied Anthropology Conference, Albuquerque, NM
2013 Looking Back, Moving Forward: Reflections on Public Engagement in the Anthropology of Alcohol,
Drugs, and Tobacco Roundtable co-organizer, American Anthropological Association Conference,
Chicago, IL
2012 Drug Ab/Use: Border Constructions and Crossings in the Anthropology of Psychoactive
Substances Panel chair and co-organizer, American Anthropological Association Conference, San
Francisco, CA
2012 Anxieties and Vantage Points: Drug Use between the Boundaries of Moralized Health Discourses
Panel co-organizer, American Anthropological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA
2012 "Border Patrol: Technologies of Moral Bureaucracy and Immobility" Panel co-organizer, American
Anthropological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA
2012 Permeable Borders: Negotiating Boundaries of (Il)licit Substance Use Panel co-organizer, American
Anthropological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA
2011 Tracing the Future: Lines of Difference and Possibility in Medical Technology Panel chair and co-
organizer, American Anthropological Association Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2011 Medical Imaginaries and Technological Futures Panel chair and co-organizer, Society for the Social
Studies of Science (4S) Conference Cleveland, Ohio
2014 Prescribing Productivity: The Biomedicalization of Professional, Athletic, and Academic Labor
through the use Cognitive Enhancing Drugs, Paper presentation, Society for Cultural Anthropology,
Detroit, MI (submitted)
2014 #Adderall: Constructions of Prescription Drug Use in Digital Spaces, Paper presentation, Society for
Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM (accepted)
2013 Engaging participants and researchers in a shrinking ethnographic world: Challenges and changes for
the modern anthropologist Roundtable participant, American Anthropological Association Conference,
Chicago, IL
2012 The Moral Economy of Adderall: Redefining Health and Performance in the American University
Paper presentation, American Anthropological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA
2011 Experimenting with Study Drugs: Legacies of Pharmaceutical Normalization and Enhancement
Individual paper, American Anthropological Association Conference Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2011 From ADHD Brains to Academic Gods*: Transforming Subjectivities through Cognitive
Enhancement Individual paper, Society for the Social Studies of Science Conference, Cleveland, Ohio
2011 Dissertation Research on Stimulant Use on College Campuses Individual paper, Graduate Academic
Conference, Michigan State University
2010 A is for Adderall: Pharmaceutical Interventions in Higher Education Individual paper, American
Anthropological Association Conference New Orleans, LA
2010 War Rape and Prison Rape: Theoretical Perspectives Joint paper with Dr. Christina DeJong, American
Society for Criminology, San Francisco, CA
2009 The Medicalization of Menstruation: DTCA of Birth Control Pills Individual paper, Society for
Medical Anthropology Conference, Yale University, New Haven, CT
2014 Introduction to Medical Anthropology Guest lecture, ANP 201: Introduction to Sociocultural
Diversity, Michigan State University
2014 Implementation of Embedded Course Assessments Research presentation, Center for Integrative
Studies, Michigan State University.
2013 Digital methods in Anthropological Research Guest lecture, ANP 429: Ethnographic Field Methods,
Michigan State University
2013 Introduction to Medical Anthropology Guest lecture, ANP 201: Introduction to Sociocultural
Diversity, Michigan State University
2012 Meducating our Children: The Moral Influence of Adderall on Education, Parenting and Treatment in
the U.S. Anthropology departmental presentation, Michigan State University
2012 Medicalization and the Media Guest lecture, ANP 270: Women and Health, Michigan State
2012 Domestic Drug Ethnographies Guest lecture, ANP 201: Introduction to Sociocultural Diversity,
Michigan State University
2012 Socio-cultural Analyses of Drug Use Guest lecture, ANP 320: Social and Cultural Analysis, Michigan
State University
2012 Racial and Socioeconomic Factors in U.S. Drug cultures Guest lecture, ISS 215: Social Difference &
Inequality, Michigan State University
2011 Dissertation Planning and Field Methods Guest Lecture, ANP 834: Topics in Medical Anthropology,
Michigan State University
2011 Pharmaceutical Interventions in Higher Education Anthropology departmental presentation, Michigan
State University
2011 Nonmedical Use of Adderall and ADHD Drugs among College Students Joint paper with John
Taylor, Psy. D., MSU Counseling Center Michigan State University
2010 Medicalization and the Media Guest lecture, ANP 270: Women and Health, Michigan State
2010 I have an ADHD Emergency Joint paper with John Taylor, Psy. D., Michigan Association on Higher
Education and Disabilities (MI-AHEAD) conference, Michigan State Universit
2009 Direct-to-Consumer-Advertising of Birth Control Anthropology departmental presentation, Michigan
State University
2009 Introduction to Medical Anthropology Guest Lecture, ANP 201: Socio-Cultural Diversity, Michigan
State University
Dr. Heather Howard
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Michigan State University
&'()*+ (517-353-4600)
Dr. Howard is the chair of my dissertation committee. She can speak to my research skills, teaching abilities,
and my overall performance in the medical anthropology program at Michigan State University.

Dr. Ethan Watrall
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Associate Director of MATRIX, Michigan State University (517-884-2476)
Dr. Watrall is the faculty in charge of the online course initiative for the Department of Anthropology, as well
as the Cultural Heritage Informatics initiative at MSU. He can speak to my leadership and management skills,
my teaching abilities, and my proficiency in digital anthropology.

Dr. Gilbert Quintero
Chair of the Department of Anthropology, University of Montana (406-243-5825)
Dr. Quintero is member of the Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Study group as well as research collaborator. He
can speak to my leadership, research and writing skills, and future potential for research and publication in
medical anthropology.

Dr. Julie Libarkin
Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Michigan State University (517-614-5349)
Dr. Libarkin is the faculty in charge of my current assistantship developing curriculum and conducting
assessment research in the Centers for Integrative Studies in General Science, Social Science, and the
Humanities. She can speak to my leadership and management skills, my teaching abilities, and proficiencies in
conducting assessment research.

Dr. Melissa McDaniels
Assistant Dean of the Graduate School, Director of the Teaching Assistant Program, Michigan State University (517-355-7625)
Dr. McDaniels and I have collaborated on number of teaching-related projects at MSU and has invited me to
present on issues such as Educational Technology to graduate teaching assistant during the MSU Spring
Teaching Institute. She can speak to my teaching credentials, presentation and lecturing abilities, and
proficiency in innovative teaching tools and strategies.

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