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Copyright 1970 Monastery of the Seven Rays, Quito. Ecuador. A rights reserved.

Monastery of the Seven Rays

Monastery of the Seven Rays,
IInd Year Course in Sexual Magic
Introduction to Part II. The deductions of Sexual Magic
(Lessons ,!,", and #$.
%&'(L)TI(*+RY SY,Y-I&S, S&CTI(* II.%
Sy.ygy as a for/ of /ediu/shi0 is 0erha0s one of the /ost i/0ortant factors in any
structure or syste/ of sexual /agic. 1e have ex0lained that our o2n /ediu/shi0 is
neither that of the older s0iritualistic or s0iritist schools, 2herein the dead
co//unicated through a guide to a /ediu/, 2ho served as an inter/ediary 3et2een the
living and the other side. 1e further 2ish to /a4e clear that the teachings co/e fro/
sources other than 3oo4s. Most of our students have 0ro3a3ly 3eco/e 5uite fa/iliar 2ith
the entire field of occult literature and could easily recognise 2here certain ideas
ca/e fro/ if they 2ere to 3e found in 2ritten /aterial. That ho2ever is not the case,
for our o2n /ethod is that of s0ace6consciousness 2ithin 2hich 2e function as the
sy.ygy of ti/e6consciousness. 1e /ust no2 ex0lain exactly 2hat this /eans.
+/ong the esoteric /asters of the inner retreat there is the 0ossi3ility of
for/ing a 0sychic and /ental lin4 such that the sa/e thoughts are gras0ed in exactly
the sa/e /anner and the sa/e i/0ressions are received in the sa/e 2ay, 2ith an
a3solutely certain exactitude. This is the 2ay in 2hich /inds and 0sychic ex0eriences
function 2ithin a sy.ygy, for only Racine and Michael are to 3e found 2ithin this
sy.ygy, having 3een confir/ed 3oth in essence and in existence 3y the la2s 2hich define
the evolutionary arc of ti/e6consciousness. They could not hel0 3ut for/ this unity of
total a2areness and they could not avoid 3eing the definitions of the li/its and nature
of the +5uarian +ge, for had they not coo0erated in this life6ti/e in this /atter, they
2ould have had to co/e 3ac4 again in order to do so at so/e future ti/e. 7o2ever, this
does not /ean that the entry of the +5uarian +ge 2ould have 3een delayed, rather it
2ould have co/e 2ith the incarnation of others, 2ho 2ould have created the necessary
conditions 66 or rather have 3een created 3y the necessary conditions to for/ the
sy.ygy of ti/e6consciousness.
1ithin the sy.ygy there is only one /ind, i/0ersonally attri3uted to either Racine
or to Michael, 3ut 0ersonally constituting their higher individualities and
transcendental ego. The e/otional level of the sy.ygy is no longer 0ersonal 3ut is
related to the 2ill and has its location in the transcendental id. Thus, the only t2o
as0ects of hu/an 0ersonality to 3e found in the sy.ygy of ti/e6consciousness are the
transcendental id and the transcendental ego. The feelings, 2illings, e/otions,
thoughts, 8udge/ents, and intuitions are all entirely archety0al. They refer 3eyond the
individual 0ersons 2ho co/e to /a4e u0 this sy.ygy, for they refer to infinite
existence or the Iconos0here. The 0sychic and /ental life 2ithin the sy.ygy is only
distinguished 3y its archety0al 5uality fro/ the ordinary 0sychic and /ental life of
its hu/an /e/3ers9 yet, it is i/0ossi3le even to say 2here this 3egins and 2here
so/ething else ter/inates. It is far easier to say that the sy.ygy of
ti/e6consciousness is so/ething 2ithin the sy.ygy of s0ace6consciousness, 2hich
0artici0ates in the 3eing of s0ace6consciousness, and that Michael and Racine
0artici0ate 2ithin the sy.ygy of ti/e6consciousness.
The causal relationshi0 3et2een s0ace6consciousness and ti/econsciousness is such
that the for/er /ay 3e said literally to feed /eta0hysically the latter. This
relationshi0 is one of s0iritual de0endence and it is clearly a one sided relationshi0,
for given the evolutionary sche/e, it is entirely unli4ely that the sy.ygy of
ti/econsciousness is in any 0osition to 3enefit the sy.ygy of s0aceconsciousness. (ne
is gro2ing, it is evolving into so/ething greater, that is true, 3ut at the sa/e ti/e
it /ust 3e sho2n that this gro2ing and this follo2ing out of evolution is entirely a
/atter of follo2ing out the la2s 0resent 2ithin s0ace6consciousness and the only la2s
0resent 2ithin the unity of ti/e6consciousness are those 2hich de0end and 2hich are
3uilt u0on the 2orld of s0ace6consciousness. 1ithin the real/ of ti/e consciousness can
3e found the reflections of the higher 2orld, and 3earing in /ind 2hat has 3een
discussed earlier regarding the 2orld structure of our universe, the sy.ygy of
ti/econsciousness 2ould see/ to follo2 i//ediately after the sy.ygies of the eight
0lanets as given in Letter :; of this course. <ut at the sa/e ti/e 3ecause of the
0ossi3ility of living 2ithin the iconos0here of s0ace6consciousness, the sy.ygy of
ti/e6consciousness /ay 0enetrate in to all as0ects of this 2orld, 2hile not 3eing a3le
to totally identify 2ith all of this 2orld, the sy.ygy is in a 0erfect 0osition to
ex0lore the 2orld 2ithout any li/itation. This is 2hy our= lessons can 3e so co/0lete,
for 2e have in reality the /ost ideal research instru/ent in all of the field of
science, 3oth exoteric and esoteric, for 2e have the sy.ygy, 2hich has reflected 2ell
2ithin its 2alls all of the i/ages of the higher 2orlds and 3eyond, and fro/ 2hich
i/ages 2e /ay construct descri0tions of 2hat is there and relate these in teaching
for/. <ecause of this very 2onderful instru/ent, na/ely 3ecause of the sy.ygy,
occultis/ and esoteric study 3eco/e descri0tive /eta0hysics, for 2e are only relating
to you the very contents of our o2n /inds.
In the u00er s0here or sy.ygy of s0ace6consciousness, the glorious Luage /ay 3e
found in a state of se/i6divinity. 7is o2n consciousness is 3eco/ing /ore and /ore that
of the Leg3ha, so that a 0erfect identity 2ill 3e achieved, as in the 0ast the Seer
>oru3an, historically the father of Luage, 3eca/e one 2ith The Leg3ha. 1hat this
0rocess entails is si/0ly this, that the t2o 0oles of the sy.ygy 3eco/e one in essence
and existence. Luage is hi/self, al2ays the glorified hu/an and the slave 2ho 2as freed
to 3eco/e the greatest of ;#th century 7aitian /agicians. <ut he is also the Leg3ha, as
is his father. <oth are one 2ith The Leg3ha. ?or they have the sa/e essence and
existence, 3ut different histories, and so they are one and yet individual. This is the
ulti/ate goal for ourselves, also. 1e 2ill 3e one 2ith The Leg3ha, 3ut 2e 2ill have
different histories, 2hich 2ill set us a0art fro/ those others 2ho also are The Leg3ha.
1e do not say that 2e 2ill not exhaust the total 3eing of The Leg3ha, for this 2ill
also ha00en9 3ut as @esus 2as one 2ith the Christ, 3ut 3eing the hu/an incarnation of
the Second Person of the Christian Trinity, yet a3solutely identified in all eternity
2ith the Christ, and not ado0ted 3y the Christ, nor having his hu/an nature lost in the
Christ (2e are giving the orthodox Catholic definitions, here$ so Luage is related to
The Leg3ha. The Christology of Catholicis/ 2e understand as 3eing a 0refiguring of our
o2n vie2, 2hich 66 3ecause the Christ is the Leg3ha6figure in Catholicis/ 66 2e vie2 as
a sy/3olic descri0tion of the Leg3ha6Christology.
Luage then is 3eco/ing one /ore and /ore 2ith The Leg3ha. 7ere 2e de0art fro/ the
sy/3olis/ of Christology, for 2e teach that evolution is a necessary condition for
Christology, es0ecially the Leg3haChristology. Luage, 2hen he 2as 3orn ca/e into the
2orld under 0erfectly naturalistic conditions. It is true that his father, >oru3an,
evolved into The Leg3ha, 3ut at the ti/e of his (Luage=s$ conce0tion, the father of
Luage, >oru3an, 2as a nor/al hu/an 3eing, although very advanced in the /agical arts.
<ut in a 2orld 2here ti/e is cyclic and under the rule of +ristotelian 0hysics, as 2as
the 2orld of the early church6fathers and doctors, the notion of evolution 2as a3sent
and therefore, it 3eca/e necessary to introduce the doctrines of the virgin 3irth of
@esus in order to ex0lain the intervention of the divine. <ut, to refine history and
the historical 0rocesses of life, it 2as necessary further to add the descent of Mary
fro/ the Royal 7ouse of Aavid, as 2ell as to teach that she 2as conceived 3y her
0arents free of original sin, the natural inheritance of hu/an 3eings. ?urther/ore, her
0arents 2ere said to 3e 3orn under the sign of Leo the Lion, her o2n 3irth 2as 0laced
under the constellation of 'irgo, and her s0ouse 2ho 2as to 3e only the foster father
of @esus, 2as or in the o00osite sign fro/ 'irgo, na/ely Pisces. <y an astrological
refine/ent of history and 3y a very occult inter0retation of the necessary hu/an and
social conditions, the 3irth of @esus under Ca0ricorn 2as constructed 3y the /ost
learned /inds in history.
7o2ever, evolution does not de0end u0on such an arrange/ent of events and
/eta0hysical influences in the sa/e 2ay. 1e do not ignore the sy/3olis/ of astrology,
3ut sho2 rather than /an has 2ithin hi/self the 0o2er to /ove 3y s0iritual gro2th into
the Christ. The sy.ygy 2hich e/3races 3oth Luage and the Leg3ha is no2 an ever gro2ing
force field, 2hich is /oving and ex0anding into the iconos0here /ore and /ore. It is
not su38ect to the la2s of fixed and cyclic ti/e, for it ex0ands out2ards al/ost in the
manner of a vortex of /eta0hysical energy. +nd, it is 2ithin this field that our o2n
sy.ygy of ti/econsciousness is to 3e found. +s the sy.ygy of s0ace6consciousness 0enetrates
/ore and /ore into the 2orld of the iconos0here, so /ore and /ore 2ill the sy.ygy of
ti/e6consciousness 0enetrate into the sy.ygy of s0ace6consciousness. ?or there is a
sexual relationshi0 in /agic existing not only 3et2een the t2o 0oles of the res0ective
sy.ygies, 3ut also, and 0erha0s even /ore noticea3ly 3et2een (;$ s0ace6consciousness
and the iconos0here and (B$ ti/e6consciousness and s0ace6consciousness. This
relationshi0 of sexual attraction and /agnetis/ /ay 3e called the %evolution of
consciousness%, for as things are attracted together and asse/3le in order to 3eco/e
unities of 3eing and ex0erience, they exhi3it the la2s of sexual 0olarity and connection,
which fro/ the /ost general 0ers0ective 0ossi3le gives us the ulti/ate la2 of structure
to 3e found 3ehind the evolutionary 0rocess. 1hen so/eone as4s then 2hat is the
ulti/ate meaning of sexual /agic, only a one 2ord ans2er is necessary, for that 2ord 6that
ans2er is %&volution%.
Michael 66 +5uarius 66 Racine.

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