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AP Psych

Semester Final: Review Guie
Prologue: The Story of Psychology
!" #efinition of $sychology
!!" Wilhelm Wunt
!!!" %war &itchener an structuralism
!V" William 'ames an functionalism
V" Psychological $ers$ectives: neuroscience( evolutionary( )ehavior genetics( $sychoynamic *Sigmun Freu+( )ehavioral
*'ohn ," Watson an ,"F" S-inner+( cognitive *'ean Piaget+( social.cultural( an humanistic */arl Rogers an A)raham
V!" A$$lie versus )asic research
V!!" Psychologists versus $sychiatrists
V!!!" %nuring issues of $sychology: $ersons vs" situation( rationality vs" irrationality( min vs" )rain( nature vs" nurture( sta)ility
vs" change( an iversity
!1" ,io$sychosocial a$$roach
Ch 14: Social Psych
!" Social $sychologists
!!" Attri)ution &heory
A" Funamental Attri)ution %rror
1. #avi 2a$olitano an George Goethals e3$eriment at Williams
2. When are we more li-ely to commit FA% with
!!!" Attitues
A" When o our attitues guie our actions4
V" Role $laying
A" Phili$ 5im)aro Prison %3$eriment
V!" /ognitive issonance theory
V!!" /hameleon effect
V!!!" /onformity
A" Solomon Asch e3$eriment
," What are conitions that strengthen conformity4
/" 2ormative social influence
#" !nformational social influence
!1" 6)eience
A" Stanley 0ilgram e3$eriment
," When is o)eience highest4
1" Social facilitation
1!" Social loafing
1!!" #einiviuation
1!!!" Grou$ $olari7ation
1!V" Grou$thin-
1V" 0inority influence
1V!" Pre8uice
A" What are the social roots of $re8uice4 Social ine9ualities( ingrou$ )ias( sca$egoating
," What are the cognitive roots of $re8uice4 /ategori7ation( vivi cases( 8ust.worl $henomenon( other.race effect
1V!!" Stereoty$es: !m$licit( $rivate $u)lic
1V!!!" Aggression
A" What are the )iological causes of aggression4 Genetic( neural( )iochemical influences
," What are the $sychological causes of aggression4 Frustration.aggression $rinci$le( o)servational learning
/" %ffects: catharsis vs" s$ill.over effect
1!1" Social &ra$s
11" %nemy Perce$tions
11!" Pro3imity
A" 0ere e3$osure effect
11!!" Physical attraction
A" %ffects
," Relationshi$ to self.esteem
A" :niversal as$ects
11!!!" Similarity
A" Rewar theory
11!V" Passionate love
A" &wo.factor theory of emotion
11V" /om$anionate love
A. %9uity
," Self.isclosure
11V!" Altruism
A" ,ystaner !ntervention
1. #arley an ;atane %3$eriment
2. Genovese murer
3. What increases os of getting hel$4
," Social e3change theory
1. Reci$rocity norm
11V!!" Social res$onsi)ility norm
11V!!!" 0irror.image $erce$tions
11!1" Su$erorinate goals
111" GR!& < %3am$le
Ch 1: Thining Critically !ith Psychological Science
!" !entify an escri)e the limits to intuition
A" =insight )ias
," False consensus effect
/" 6verconfience effect
#" !llusory correlation
%" ,elief $erseverance
F" /onfirmation )ias
G" Ranom events
!!" Scientific 0etho
A" /ritical &hin-ing
," &heories
!!!" #escri$tive research
A" #escri)e an iscuss the avantages an isavantages of each of the following:
1" /ase stuies
>" 2aturalistic o)servation
?" Surveys
a+ Woring effects / framing
@" %3$eriments
!V" /haracteristics of correlational stuies
A" /orrelation coefficient
," !entify e3am$les of $ositive an negative correlations *strength an irection+
/" Scatter$lots
V" #escri)e how scientific e3$eriments are conucte
A" =y$othesis
," 6$erational efinition
/" Ranom assignment
#" Ranom sam$le
%" Po$ulation
F" #istinguish )etween ine$enent an e$enent varia)les
G" #istinguish )etween e3$erimental an control grou$s
=" #escri)e an ientify confouning varia)les( single.)lin stuies( ou)le.)lin stuies( e3$erimenter )ias( $lace)o
effects( etc
!" Re$lication
V!" /haracteristics of escri$tive statistics
A" 0easures of /entral &enency
1" Arithmetic mean
>" 0oe
?" 0eian
@" S-ewe istri)ution
," 0easures of Variation
1" Range
>" Stanar eviation
?" 2ormal curve
V!!" /haracteristics of inferential statistics
A" Statistical significance
V!!!" %thical Guielines: consent( e)riefing( harm( ece$tion
Ch ": Thining an# Language
!" /haracteristics of &hin-ing
A" /ognition
," /once$ts
/" Prototy$es
!!" /haracteristics of Solving Pro)lems
#" Algorithm
%" =euristics
F" !nsight
!!!" 6)stacles to Solving Pro)lems
A" /onfirmation ,ias
," Fi3ation
/" 0ental set
#" Functional fi3eness
!V" 0a-ing #ecisions an Forming 'ugments
A" Re$resentativeness =euristic
," Availa)ility =euristic
/" 6verconfience
#" Framing
%" ,elief ,ias
F" ,elief Perseverance
G" &he fear factor
H. &he $erils an $owers of intuition
V" &he ,rain an ;anguage
A" A$hasia
," ,rocaAs area
/" Wernic-eAs area
#" Angular gyrus
%" Parallel $rocessing
Cha$ter 1%: &ntelligence
A" 0oern &ests of 0ental A)ilities
1" A$titue &est
>" Achievement &ests
," &est /onstruction
1" Stanari7ation
>" 2ormal /urve
a+ Flynn %ffect
?" Relia)ility
@" Valiity
a+ Preictive Valiity
)+ /ontent Valiity
Ch ': Learning
!" ;earning
!!" Associative learning
!!!" /lassical conitioning
A" ,ehaviorism
," Pavlov an his classic e3$eriment
1" :/S
>" :/R
?" /S
@" /R
B" Ac9uisition
C" %3tinction
D" S$ontaneous recovery
E" Generali7ation
F" #iscrimination
/" 'ohn ," Watson an ;ittle Al)ert
#" /ognitive Processes relate to classical conitioning
1" Preicta)ility
%" ,iological Processes relate to classical conitioning
!V" 6$erant conitioning
A" Res$onent )ehavior
," 6$erant )ehavior
/" ,"F" S-inner
1" ;aw of effect
>" 6$erant cham)er
?" S$acing
#" Reinforcement
1" Primary reinforcers
>" Seconary reinforcers
?" Positive reinforcement
@" 2egative reinforcement
B" Positive $unishment
C" 2egative $unishment
a+ #isavantages of $unishment
D" /ontinuous reinforcement
E" Partial reinforcement
F" Fi3e ratio scheule
1G" Varia)le ratio scheule
11" Fi3e interval scheule
1>" Varia)le interval scheule
%" ;atent learning
1" /ognitive ma$
F" 6ver8ustification effect
1" !ntrinsic motivation
>" %3trinsic motivation
G" ,iological $reis$ositions
V" 6)servational learning
A" 0oeling
," 0irror neurons
/" ,anura < ,o)o #oll e3$eriment
#" Positive o)servation learning
1" Prosocial )ehavior
%" &elevision an meia
Ch (: The Biology of )in#
!" Fran7 Gall < $hrenology
!!" ,iological $sychologists
!!!" 2eural /ommunication
A" 2eurons
1" ;a)el neuron an unerstan functions: enrite( a3on( myelin sheath( cell )oy( a3on terminal )utton
>" Action $otential: ions( resting $otential( selectively $ermea)le a3on( e$olari7ation( re$olari7ation(
hy$er$olari7ation( refractory $erio( e3citatory signals( inhi)itory signals( threshol( all.or.none res$onse
," =ow 2eurons /ommunicate
1" Syna$tic transmission: syna$se( neurotransmitters( reu$ta-e
/" =ow 2eurotransmitters !nfluence :s
1" :nerstan chart: functions an e3am$les of malfunctions
>" %nor$hins: o$iate rece$tors( runnerAs high
?" Agonists
@" Antagonists
B" ,loo.)rain )arrier
!V" &he 2ervous System
A" &he Peri$heral 2ervous System
1" Peri$heral 2S
a+ Somatic: sensory an motor neurons
)+ Autonomic: sym$athetic an $arasym$athetic
," &he /entral 2ervous System
1" S$inal /or
a+ Refle3es: $athway of han.withrawal refle3
>" ,rain
a+ !nterneurons
)+ 2eural networ-s
V" &he ,rain
A" &he &ools of #iscovery
1" ;esion
>" %lectrical stimulation H Iee$ )rain stimulationJ
?" %%G
@" /&
B" P%&
C" 0R!
D" f0R!
," ;ower.;evel ,rain Structures
1" ,rain 0a$
>" Stuies
a+ 0oru77i an 0agoun H reticular formation of cat
)+ ;uver an ,ucy H amygala of rhesus mon-ey
c+ 6ls an 0ilner H hy$othalamus of rats / $leasure center < rewar eficiency synrome
/" &he /ere)ral /orte3
1" Structure of the corte3
>" Glial cells
?" Stuies
a+ Fritsch an =it7ig ma$$ing of motor corte3
)+ Phineas Gage
@" ;anguage
a+ A$hasia
)+ =ow we use language: visual area( angular gyrus( Wernic-eAs area( ,rocaAs area
B" Plasticity < numerous stuies *hemis$herectomy+
#" 6ur #ivie ,rains
1" S$it )rain stuies
>" =emis$heric s$eciali7ation
?" =aneness
@" #isa$$earing south$aws
V!" &he %nocrine System
A" =ormones
," Arenal glans: e$ine$hrine an nore$ine$hrine
/" Pituitary glan
VII. #rugs an /onsciousness */h ?: /onsciousness+
A" #e$enence an Aiction
1" &olerance
>" Withrawal
?" Physical e$enence
@" Psychological e$enence
B" 0isconce$tions a)out aiction
," Psychoactive #rugs
1" #e$ressants: alcohol( )ar)iturates( o$iates
>" Stimulants: am$hetamines( cocaine( ecstasy
?" =allucinogens: ;S#( mari8uana
/" !nfluences on #rug :se
1" ,iological influences
>" Psychological an /ultural influences
Ch 1(: Stress an# *ealth
!" ,ehavioral meicine
!!" =ealth $sychology
III. Stress an stressors H )enefits an angers
A" Stress Res$onse System
1" Stress hormones
>" Res$onses H fight or flightK withrawalK give su$$ort
?" General aa$tation synrome: alarm reaction( resistance( e3haustion
@" Sym$athoarenomeullary system *SA0 H fast system+ an hy$othalamic.$ituitary arenocortical system
*=PA/ H slow system+
B" Stressful ;ife %vents: catastro$hesK significant life changesK aily hasslesK $erceive controlK $overty an
ine9ualityK $sychological conflicts *a$$roach.a$$roach( avoiance.avoiance( a$$roach.avoiance+
a+ &ransactional theory
)+ /ognitive A$$raisal H $rimary a$$raisalK seconary a$$raisal
," Stress an the =eart
1" /oronary heart isease
>" &y$e A versus &y$e , an stuies
/" Stress an Susce$ti)ility to #isease
1" Psycho$hysiological illnesses
a+ !mmune system: lym$hocytes
)+ A!#s
c+ /ancer
+ /onitioning !mmune System
#" /o$ing with Stress
1" Pro)lem focuse co$ing vs" emotion focuse co$ing
>" Perceive control
?" 6$timism
@" Social su$$ort
%" 0anaging Stress
1" Aero)ic e3ercise
>" ,iofee)ac- an 0eitation
?" S$irituality
Ch +: Consciousness an# the T!o,Trac )in#
!" /onsciousness
!!" /ognitive 2euroscience
!!!" #ual Processing: &he &wo &rac-e 0in
A" ,linsight
," Visual Action &rac- versus Visual Perce$tion &rac-
/" :nconscious Parallel Processing versus Se9uential /onscious Processing
!V" Selective attention
A" /oc-tail Party %ffect
," Selective !nattention
/" !nattentional ,linness
1. /hange ,linness
2. /hoice ,linness
V" /ircaian Rhythm
1. !nfluence of light H su$rachiasmatic nucleus( $ineal glan( melatonin
V!" Slee$ Stages
A" Awa-e
1. Al$ha Waves
," Stage 1
1. =allucinations or =y$nagogic Sensations
/" Stage >
1. Slee$ S$inles
#" Stage ?
1. #elta Waves
%" Stage @
F" R%0
1. #reams
2. Genital Arousal
3. 0uscle Paralysis Slee$ Paralysis
4. Parao3ical Slee$
V!!" Slee$ &heories
A" Slee$ $rotects
," Slee$ hel$s us recu$erate
/" Slee$ hel$s restore an re)uil our faing memories of the ayAs e3$eriences
#" Slee$ fees creative thin-ing
%" Slee$ su$$orts growth
F" Slee$ an athletic $erformance
V!!!" %ffects of Slee$ ;oss: #e$ression( !m$aire Performance( 6)esity( Viruses( Slows Reactions
!1" 0a8or Slee$ #isorers
A" !nsomnia
," 2arcole$sy
1. 6re3in
/" Slee$ A$nea
#" 2ight &errors
%" Slee$wal-ing an slee$tal-ing
1" #reams
A" /ommon themes
," Why We #ream
1. Satisfy our own wishes
a+ 0anifest content versus latent content
2. &o file away memories H information $rocessing
3. &o evelo$ an $reserve neural $athways H $hysiological function
4. &o ma-e sense of neural static H activation.synthesis theory
5. &o reflect cognitive evelo$ment
6. R%0 re)oun
1!" =y$nosis
A" /an anyone e3$erience hy$nosis4
1. Postural sway
," =ighly hy$noti7a)le $eo$le
/" /an hy$nosis enhance recall of forgotten events4
1. =y$notically refreshe memories
#" /an hy$nosis force $eo$le to act against their will4
%" /an hy$nosis hel$ $eo$le heal or relieve their $ain4
1. Posthy$notic suggestions H heaaches( asthma( an s-in isorers( $ain" 2ot alcohol or smo-ing
1!!" %3$laining the =y$noti7e State
A" =y$nosis as a Social Phenomenon
," =y$nosis as #ivie /onsciousness
1. #issociation
2. !ce ,ath Stuy
Ch -: Sensation an# Perce$tion
!" Sensation *)ottom.u$ $rocessing+ vs" Perce$tion *to$.own $rocessing+
A" Proso$agnosia
," Psycho$hysics
/" &ransuction
!!" ,asic Sensation Princi$les:
A" A)solute threshol
," #ifference threshol *'ust 2oticea)le #ifference+
1. We)erAs ;aw
2. FechnerAs ;aw
/" Signal etection theory
#" Sensory aa$tation
%" Su)liminal Perce$tion
1. Priming
!!!" All of the iagrams for the senses: vision( hearing( taste( smell( touch( -inesthesia( vesti)ular
!V" &he $hysical energy( rece$tors( location of rece$tor( route of stimuli $rocessing( elements of stimulus an relate $erce$tion(
relate theories( e3am$les of sensory aa$tation an sensory interaction for each sense
A" Vision
1. Wavelength *hue+
2. Am$litue *intensity+
3. Parts of the eye: $u$il( iris( lens( retina *ros an cones+( o$tic nerve( )lin s$ot( fovea
4. Accommoation
5. Feature etectors
6. Parallel $rocessing
7. Loung.=elmholt7 trichromatic *three.color+ theory of color vision
8. 6$$onent $rocess theory of color vision
9. Gestalt $sychology an $rinci$les
a+ Figure.groun
)+ Pro3imity
c+ /ontinuity
+ /losure
e+ Similarity
f+ /onnecteness
10. #e$th $erce$tion
a+ Visual cliff
)+ ,inocular cues of e$th $erce$tion
*1+ Retinal is$arity
*>+ /onvergence
c+ 0onocular cues of e$th $erce$tion
*1+ !nter$osition
*>+ Relative height
*?+ ;inear $ers$ective
*@+ Relative motion *motion $aralla3+
*B+ Relative clarity
*C+ &e3ture graient
11. 0otion Perce$tion
a+ Phi $henomenon
12. Perce$tual /onstancy
a+ /olor /onstancy
*1+ ,rightness *;ightness+ /onstancy
*>+ Sha$e an Si7e /onstancies
13. Visual !nter$retation
a) Restore Vision an Sensory restriction
)+ Perce$tual aa$tation
," =earing
1. Fre9uency *$itch+
2. Am$litue *louness H eci)els+
3. Parts of the ear: outer ear *$inna( auitory canal( earrum+( mile ear *hammer( anvil( stirru$+( inner ear
*cochlea( )asilar mem)rane+( auitory nerve
4. =earing loss: sensorineural hearing loss( conuction hearing loss( tinnitus
a+ /ochlear im$lant
5. Pitch Perce$tion: Place &heory( Fre9uency &heory( Volley Princi$le
6. Auitory ;ocali7ation
/" &ouch
1. Pressure( Warmth( /ol( an Pain
2. Gate./ontrol &heory
a+ %nor$hins
)+ Phantom ;im) Sensations
#" &aste
1. Sweet( Salty( Sour( ,itter( :mami
%" Smell
F" Vesti)ular Sense
G" Kinesthesis
V" Sensory !nteraction
A" 0cGur- %ffect
," %m)oie /ognition
/" Synaesthesia
V!" 6ther Perce$tual Princi$les
A" Visual ca$ture
," !llusions
1. Pon7o illusion
2. 0uller.;yer illusion
/" 6)server characteristics
1. %3$erience an culture
2. /ognitive style: fiel.ine$enent an fiel.e$enent
3. %3$ectations: $erce$tual set( conte3t effects( schemas( stereoty$es
4. Personality
5. %motion
6. 0otivation
7. Values
V!!" %SP
Ch .: )e/ory
!" What are Iflash)ul)J memories4
!!" 0emory is usually efine )y three $rocesses" %3$lain each an give an e3am$le"
A" %ncoing
," Storage
/" Retrieval
!!!" WhatMs the ifference )etween automatic $rocessing an effortful $rocessing4
!V" =ermann %))inghaus was a $ioneer in the stuy of memory" ,riefly summari7e his finings"
V" WhatMs the ifference )etween maintenance rehearsal an ela)orative rehearsal4 Which is )etter for long term memory4
V!" %3$lain the following terms as they relate to memory
A" effect
," S$acing effect
/" Serial $osition effect
V!!" &here are a num)er of -ins of encoing" %3$lain them
A" Semantic encoing
," Acoustic encoing
/" Visual encoing
V!!!" %3$lain the following ways of organi7ing information for )etter encoing"
A" /hun-ing
," Forming hierarchies
/" 0nemonic evices
!1" &here are three stages of memory" %3$lain each an the su)categories:
A" Storage
1" iconic memory
>" echoic memory
," Short.term memory
1" =ow many items can we hol in short term memory4
>" =ow long oes short.term memory last4
/" ;ong.term memory
1" WhatMs the )est way to get information into long.term memory
>" %3$lain %))inghausM famous Nforgetting curveN"
1" Why is the famous /anaian neurosurgeon Wiler Penfiel im$ortant in the stuy of where memories are locate" What i
he fin an what inMt he fin" =ow i he o his research4
1!" Actually( memory ta-es $lace on the neural level" %3$lain the conce$t of Nlong term $otentiation"N
1!!" =ow o stress an hormones affect memory4
1!!!" %3$lain the following insofar as they relate to memory:
A" !m$licit memories
," %3$licit memories
/" Role of the hi$$ocam$us
1!V" %3$lain the following insofar as they relate to the retrieval $rocess
A" Recall
," Recognition
/" Relearning
#" Priming
%" Retrieval cues
F" /onte3t effects
G" #e8a vu e3$erience
=" State.e$enent memory
!" 0emories as moo.congruent
1V" %3$lain the ifference )etween $roactive interference an retroactive interference"
1V!" Forgetting ta-es $lace for a num)er of reasons" %3$lain them:
A" #ecay
," Re$ression
/" 0otivating forgetting
#" !nterference
1V!!" %li7a)eth ;oftus is the worlMs e3$ert on the relia)ility of eyewitness testimony" What i she fin4 %3$lain:
A" 0isinformation effect
," Source amnesia
/" Why chilrenMs memory is $articularly inaccurate
#" &hera$ists who Nhel$N $atients with Nrecovere memoriesN
1V!!!" S$ea-ing of chilren( a)use an hel$ing them eal with their accusations against aults who allegely a)use them( what
guielines o all the ma8or $sychiatric associations rely on when soliciting testimony from chilren4
1!1" ;ist the strategies that serve as a way to remem)er information( es$ecially for acaemic learning"
Questions #1, #, !n" ## !n" !""e" so$e in Question #%, #&, ##, !n" #' ( I !$ sti)) usin* t+e O,i*in!) -uestions, .ut I
/!nte" to *i0e 1ou t+ose te,$s to +e)2 1ou un"e,st!n" !n" !22)1 t+e$ in t+!t 3onte4t( It si$2)1 +e)2s 1ou /it+ 1ou,
o0e,!)) un"e,st!n"in* o5 so$e tou*+ te,$s t+!t 3!n +e)2 1ou on t+e MC !s /e))( A*!in I !$ usin* t+e o,i*in!) -uestions
!n" 1ou /i)) see !)) t+e o,i*in!) te,$s STILL in t+ese -uestions( I 2)!3e" o,i*in!) ones !t t+e .otto$ o5 t+is Stu"1 6ui"e(
1irections: Pre$are for these 2ree Res$onse 3uestions4 O50 of the/ !ill 6e gi7en on your 2inal 08a/ 1ay4
3uestion 91:
%llie( a new stuent at S-inner =igh School( is etermine to ma-e friens" When she attens the first $sychology clu)
meeting( she fins herself in the room with twenty strangers who seem to -now each other well" She $lans to atten a few
more meetings )efore eciing whether she will 8oin" She will have to atten at least five meetings in orer to $artici$ate
in the $sychology clu)As 8eo$ary tournament at the en of the semester" =owever( the su)8ect of $sychology oes not
come easy to her( an she worries that the time commitment will interfere with her stuies
A" #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t coul =%;P $lay a role in %llieAs 9uest for
frienshi$" Lou may use a ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1" &he mere e3$osure effect
>" 0nemonic evice
?" Su$erorinate goals
@" 0irror neurons
," #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t coul =!2#%R %llieAs 9uest for
frienshi$" Lou may use a ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1" !n.grou$ )ias
>" &y$e A Personality
?" Funamental attri)ution error
@" Amygala
/" #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t will etermine whether she will )ecome a
full.time mem)er of the $sychology clu) an $artici$ate in the 8eo$ary tournament"
1" Availa)ility heuristic
>" 2egative reinforcement
3. A$$roach.avoiance conflict
@" /onformity

3uestion 9(:
'ames is in a riverAs eucation course $re$aring to ta-e his riving test" &he course inclues )oth )oo- wor- an riving
on the roa to $re$are stuents for a written test an a roa test"
A" #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts might influence his a)ility to rive a car uring the
roa test" #efinitions without a$$lication o not score"
1" Reticular formation
>" 6)servational learning
?" Proceural memory
@" Somatic nervous system
B" ;inear Pers$ective
C" !nattentional ,linness
," #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts relates to the results of the written test" #efinitions
without a$$lication o not score"
1" Preictive valiity
>" Semantic memory
?" !nformation.$rocessing theory of reams
/" After the written an roa tests( 'ames tells his family( who ha full confience in him from the )eginning( that he
)elieves he $asse an will receive his riverAs license" =e canAt )elieve how much time he s$ent stuying
)ecause he thought )oth tests were so easy" =owever( )efore he ta-es a 8oy rie aroun town( he will go home to
ta-e a na$ )ecause he is e3hausteO #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts may have
affecte his confience an feelings" #efinitions without a$$lication o not score"
1" =insight )ias
>" General Aa$tation Synrome
?" Self.fulfilling $ro$hecy
3uestion 9 +:
For each of the $airs )elow( use an e3am$le to show how the first term in each $air affects or is relate to the secon"
#efinitions alone without e3am$les will not score"
1" Functional fi3enessP $ro)lem solving
>" 6$erational efinitionP re$lication
?" ReinforcementP over8ustification effect
@" 0eianP s-ewe istri)ution
B" Varia)le interval scheulePe3tinction
C" Role $layingP attitues
D" Serial $osition effectP recall
E" Presence of othersP $erformance
F" AgonistP neurotransmitter
1G" We)erAs lawP ifference threshol
11" Volley $rinci$leP $erce$tion of $itch
1>" Retinal is$arityP e$th $erce$tion
1?" Pro3imityP $erce$tion
3uestion 94:
&ime is an im$ortant varia)le in many $sychological conce$ts" #efine each conce$t an escri)e a s$ecific e3am$le that
clearly emonstrates an unerstaning of how each of the following conce$ts relates to or is affecte )y time" :se a
ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1" Refractory $erio in neural firing
>" Fi3e.interval scheules
?" !conic memory
@" %))inghausA forgetting curve
B" Flynn effect
C" /ircaian rhythm
D" Presentation of a conitione stimulus */S+ an unconitione stimulus *:/S+ in classical conitioning
E" Slee$ /ycle
F" Sym$athoarenomeullary system *SA0+ of stress
1G" Soun locali7ation
11" S$ontaneous recovery
1>" Fre9uency theory of $itch $erce$tion
3uestion 9::
6ne of the most useful generali7ations in $sychology is that I)ehavior is aa$tiveJ" !n other wors( organisms )ehave in
ways that foster survival or hel$ them )etter function in their environment" #efine an then escri)e how each $rinci$le
emonstrates this generali7ation"
1" Pruning an $roliferation of )rain evelo$ment
>" ,iological $re$areness of classical conitioning
?" Re$ression
@" #rug tolerance
B" Stereoty$es
C" 'ust.worl $henomenon
D" Sensory aa$tation
E" R%0 re)oun
F" Gate.control theory of $ain
1G" Parallel $rocessing
11" Functions of slee$
1>" Autonomic nervous system
3uestion 9-:
A researcher esigns a stuy to investigate the effect of misleaing information into oneAs memory of an event" !n the
stuy( researchers show $artici$ants a $hotogra$h of a woman staning near a man who is seate on a $ar- )ench with a
chil" &he woman a$$ears to )e shouting at the man" Partici$ants in the first grou$ are e3$ose to the I$u)lic $ar-J
$hotogra$h for ten secons an then are shown( each for ten secons( several other $hotogra$hs of $eo$le interacting"
Partici$ants in the secon grou$ are e3$ose to the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h an nothing else" Afterwars( the
$artici$ants are as-e a)out what they saw in the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h" &he researcher com$ares the mean num)er of
mista-es )etween the two grou$s an fins that the $artici$ants in the first grou$ ma-e more mista-es than the secon
grou$ when trying to recall the etails of the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h" S$ecifically( a significant num)er of $artici$ants
in the first grou$ escri)e the man as )eing an aggressor in an a$$arent isagreement with the woman"
#efine an then e3$lain how the following elements a$$ly to the esign of the research stuy an/or the conclusions that
can )e rawn )ase on the research:
1" /ontrol grou$
>" Ranom assignment
?" Statistical significance
@" #e)riefing
B" #ou)le.)lin stuy
C" 6)server /haracteristics */onte3t %ffects+
D" Perce$tual Set
#efine an then e3$lain how each of the following terms influences the $erce$tion an memory of the $artici$ants:
E" Retroactive interference
F" Reconstructive memory
1G" Short.term memory
11" State.e$enent memory
1>" Framing
1?" /onfirmation )ias
QQQ 1" !f the $olitical conservatism of female stuents who 8oin sororities is greater than that of female stuents who
o not( the ga$ in the $olitical attitues of the two grou$s will $ro)a)ly wien as they $rogress through
college" &his woul )e )est e3$laine in terms of
A+ social loafing"
,+ the )ystaner effect"
/+ einiviuation"
#+ grou$ $olari7ation"
QQQ >" Wei #ong was as-e to memori7e a long list of wors that inclue Ishi$( effort( $rofessor( an in9uire"J =e
later recalle these wors as I)oat( wor-( teacher( an 9uestion"J &his )est illustrates the im$act of
A+ source amnesia"
,+ the s$acing effect"
/+ im$licit memory"
#+ semantic $rocessing"
QQQ ?" A forest ranger may notice the faintest scent of a forest fire( whereas much stronger )ut less im$ortant oors
fail to catch her attention" &his fact woul )e of greatest relevance to
A+ the Loung.=elmholt7 theory"
,+ o$$onent.$rocess theory"
/+ signal etection theory"
#+ fre9uency theory"
QQQ @" When =ailey tol her roommate a)out the chemistry e3am she ha 8ust com$lete( she -nowingly e3aggerate
its ifficulty" Su)se9uently( her memory of the e3am was that it was as ifficult as she ha re$orte it to )e"
&his )est illustrates
A+ the misinformation effect"
,+ moo.congruent memory"
/+ the self.reference effect"
#+ $roactive interference"
QQQ B" After )eing tol that his $arents have 8ust )een involve in a serious automo)ile accient( ,ill is li-ely to
e3$erience an out$ouring of
A+ serotonin"
,+ o$amine"
/+ e$ine$hrine"
#+ lym$hocytes"
QQQ C" Scientists who efen the use of animals in e3$erimental research ty$ically claim that
A+ the well.)eing of humans shoul )e $lace a)ove the well.)eing of animals"
,+ com$etent scientists have no 8ustifia)le reason to en the lives of animals"
/+ animals shoul )e use only in research that irectly )enefits the animals involve"
#+ allegations that la)oratory animals are sometimes e3$ose to stress are sim$ly untrue"
QQQ D" &he $arasym$athetic nervous system is to the sym$athetic nervous system as QQQQQQQQ is to QQQQQQQQ"
A+ $u$il ilationK $u$il contraction
,+ raising )loo $ressureK lowering )loo $ressure
/+ inhi)ition of igestionK stimulation of igestion
#+ lowering of )loo sugarK raising of )loo sugar
QQQ E" &he final e3am in a calculus course woul )e an e3am$le of a*n+ QQQQQQQQ test"
A+ a$titue
,+ achievement
/+ stanari7e
#+ general intelligence
QQQ F" A loss of $hysical coorination an )alance is most li-ely to result from amage to the
A+ hy$othalamus"
,+ cere)ellum"
/+ cor$us callosum"
#+ amygala"
QQQ 1G" &he area of the retina where the o$tic nerve leaves the eye is calle the
A+ )lin s$ot"
,+ visual corte3"
/+ cornea"
#+ lens"
QQQ 11" #r" 5immer has esigne a test to measure golfersM -nowlege of their s$ortMs history" &o inter$ret scores on it(
he is $resently aministering the test to a re$resentative sam$le of all golfers" #r" 5immer is clearly in the
$rocess of
A+ esta)lishing the testMs valiity"
,+ conucting a factor analysis of the test"
/+ stanari7ing the test"
#+ esta)lishing the testMs relia)ility"
QQQ 1>" #amage to the QQQQQQQQ woul most li-ely interfere with a $ersonMs a)ility to form new memories of a family
vacation tri$"
A+ )asal ganglia
,+ hi$$ocam$us
/+ cere)ellum
#+ amygala
QQQ 1?" Seals in an a9uarium will re$eat )ehaviors( such as sla$$ing an )ar-ing( that $rom$t $eo$le to toss them a
herring" &his )est illustrates
A+ res$onent )ehavior"
,+ s$ontaneous recovery"
/+ o)servational learning"
#+ o$erant conitioning"
QQQ 1@" Some scientists have suggeste that mirror neurons most clearly $rovie us with the ca$acity for
A+ s$ontaneous recovery"
,+ intrinsic motivation"
/+ intermittent reinforcement"
#+ imitation"
QQQ 1B" &he tenency to )elieve that $eo$le get what they eserve an eserve what they get is calle
A+ the reci$rocity norm"
,+ the sca$egoat theory"
/+ the 8ust.worl $henomenon"
#+ the funamental attri)ution error"
QQQ 1C" Punishment is a $otentially ha7arous way for teachers to control young chilrenMs )ehaviors )ecause
A+ the more severely chilren are $unishe for unesira)le )ehaviors( the more li-ely they will e3hi)it those
,+ chilren will forget how to $erform $unishe )ehaviors even when the )ehaviors may )e 8ustifie an
/+ the use of $unishment coul conition chilren to fear the teachers an avoi school"
#+ $unishment cannot even tem$orarily restrain unesira)le )ehaviors"
QQQ 1D" Accoring to the fre9uency theory
A+ most soun waves are a com$le3 mi3ture of many fre9uencies"
,+ high.fre9uency souns trigger a wave of activity that $ea-s near the )eginning of the )asilar mem)rane"
/+ the rate at which im$ulses travel u$ the auitory nerve matches the fre9uency of the tone )eing hear"
#+ fre9uent or $rolonge stimulation of a sensory rece$tor causes that rece$tor to )ecome less sensitive"
QQQ 1E" After watching a scary television movie( 'ulie $erceive the noise of the win rattling her front winows as
the soun of a )urglar )rea-ing into her house" =er mista-en inter$retation )est illustrates the influence of
A+ $erce$tual set"
,+ inter$osition"
/+ $erce$tual aa$tation"
#+ )ottom.u$ $rocessing"
QQQ 1F" A ramatic increase in chilrenMs violent $lay immeiately after they viewe a vieo of the IPower RangersJ
illustrates the role of television as a source of
A+ res$onent )ehavior"
,+ s$ontaneous recovery"
/+ negative reinforcement"
#+ o)servational learning"
QQQ >G" Which $roceure hel$s to ensure that the $artici$ants in a survey are re$resentative of a larger $o$ulation4
A+ ranom assignment
,+ re$lication
/+ naturalistic o)servation
#+ ranom sam$ling
QQQ >1" When she misse her morning )us rie to wor-( ShellyMs )loo $ressure rose an she e3$erience a thro))ing
heaache" =er $hysical res$onses to missing the )us were
A+ stressors"
,+ stress a$$raisals"
/+ stress reactions"
#+ emotion.focuse co$ing res$onses"
QQQ >>" !nformation is carrie from the )oyMs tissues an sensory rece$tors to the central nervous system )y
A+ interneurons"
,+ sensory neurons"
/+ motor neurons"
#+ enocrine glans"
QQQ >?" Framing refers to
A+ a methoical ste$.)y.ste$ $roceure for solving $ro)lems"
,+ the way in which a $ro)lem or issue is $hrase or wore"
/+ the grou$ing of similar o)8ects( events( ieas( or $eo$le into a category"
#+ a sim$le thin-ing strategy for solving $ro)lems efficiently"
QQQ >@" 0r" an 0rs" ,erry have five chilren ages >( ?( D( F( an F" &he meian age of the ,erry chilren is
A+ C"
,+ D"
/+ E"
#+ F"
QQQ >B" 0any $eo$le $erceive car8ac-ings as more serious threats to their lives than failing to use seat )elts )ecause
car8ac-ings are so much more memora)le" &his )est illustrates the im$ortance of
A+ )elief $erseverance"
,+ a universal grammar"
/+ confirmation )ias"
#+ the availa)ility heuristic"
QQQ >C" Some researchers )elieve that aictive isorers such as alcohol e$enence may )e lin-e to
A+ neurogenesis"
,+ hemis$herectomy"
/+ A/h antagonists"
#+ a rewar eficiency synrome"
QQQ >D" 6$inion change resulting from inciental cues such as a s$ea-erMs attractiveness illustrates
A+ informational social influence"
,+ $eri$heral route $ersuasion"
/+ su$erorinate goals"
#+ social facilitation"
QQQ >E" Short.term memory ca$acity can )e increase through
A+ retrograe amnesia"
,+ chun-ing"
/+ the serial $osition effect"
#+ $roactive interference"
QQQ >F" /om$are with ros( cones are
A+ more sensitive to im light an more sensitive to fine etail"
,+ less sensitive to im light an less sensitive to fine etail"
/+ more sensitive to im light an less sensitive to fine etail"
#+ less sensitive to im light an more sensitive to fine etail"
QQQ ?G" !f a set of stanari7e test scores is normally istri)ute( having a mean of DB an a stanar eviation of C(
a$$ro3imately FB $ercent of the scores are somewhere )etween
A+ D> an DE"
,+ DB an ED"
/+ CF an E1"
#+ C? an ED"
QQQ ?1" When the transmission of A/h is )loc-e( the result is
A+ e$ression"
,+ aggression"
/+ muscular $aralysis"
#+ schi7o$hrenia"
QQQ ?>" ;ars was feeling e$resse at the time of his high school grauation" ;ars is es$ecially li-ely to recall his high
school grauation when he is
A+ e$resse"
,+ ha$$y"
/+ rela3e"
#+ unemotional"
QQQ ??" Lou woul $ro)a)ly )e ;%AS& li-ely to commit the funamental attri)ution error in e3$laining why
A+ you faile a college test"
,+ a classmate you onMt -now was late for class"
/+ your $rofessor gave a )oring lecture"
#+ the college aministration ecie to raise ne3t yearMs tuition costs"
QQQ ?@" &he $rinci$les of continuity an closure )est illustrate the im$ortance of
A+ $erce$tual aa$tation"
,+ retinal is$arity"
/+ $erce$tual constancy"
#+ to$.own $rocessing"
QQQ ?B" Which theory suggests that altruistic )ehavior is governe )y calculations of rewars an costs4
A+ attri)ution theory
,+ social e3change theory
/+ cognitive issonance theory
#+ the two.factor theory of emotion
QQQ ?C" ;uana eits manuscri$ts for a $u)lisher an is $ai R>B for every three $ages she eits" ;uana is reinforce on
a QQQQQQQQ scheule"
A+ fi3e.interval
,+ fi3e.ratio
/+ varia)le.interval
#+ varia)le.ratio
QQQ ?D" 0yra has such low self.esteem that she is often on the loo-out for critical comments a)out her a$$earance an
$ersonality" 0yraMs )ehavior )est illustrates the angers of
A+ confirmation )ias"
,+ the framing effect"
/+ trial an error"
#+ algorithms"
QQQ ?E" &he chemical messengers of the enocrine system are calle
A+ neurotransmitters"
,+ hormones"
/+ agonists"
#+ genes"
QQQ ?F" &he nee to use a rug sim$ly to relieve negative emotions rather than to relieve $hysical withrawal
sym$toms is an inication of
A+ $sychological e$enence"
,+ )linsight"
/+ rug tolerance"
#+ issociation"
QQQ @G" Although 0anuel was sitting right ne3t to his $arents( he smelle a s-un- minutes )efore they i" A$$arently(
0anuel has a lower QQQQQQQQ for s-un- oor than his $arents have"
A+ critical $erio
,+ tolerance level
/+ a)solute threshol
#+ sensory aa$tation
QQQ @1" !f a neurosurgeon irectly stimulate $arts of your sensory corte3( which of the following woul you most
li-ely e3$erience4
A+ inistinct oors
,+ flashes of light
/+ re$etitive souns
#+ a sense of )eing touche
QQQ @>" A $atient who ha long feare going into elevators was tol )y his thera$ist to force himself to enter >G
elevators a ay" &he thera$ist most li-ely wante to encourage the QQQQQQQQ of the $atientMs fear"
A+ generali7ation
,+ latent learning
/+ sha$ing
#+ e3tinction
QQQ @?" After stuying )iology all afternoon( Alon7o is having ifficulty remem)ering etails of the organic chemistry
material he memori7e that morning" Alon7oMs ifficulty )est illustrates
A+ retroactive interference"
,+ the s$acing effect"
/+ $roactive interference"
#+ source amnesia"
QQQ @@" Pigs traine to $ic- u$ large wooen coins su)se9uently elaye receiving a foo reinforcer )ecause they
woul re$eately ro$ an $ush the coins with their snouts" &his )est illustrates
A+ s$ontaneous recovery"
,+ higher.orer conitioning"
/+ instinctive rift"
#+ latent learning"
QQQ @B" Accoring to the o$$onent.$rocess theory( cells that are turne IonJ )y QQQQQQQQ light are turne IoffJ )y
A+ reK )lue
,+ )lueK green
/+ yellowK green
#+ yellowK )lue
QQQ @C" %vience that reams reflect the )rain maturation an style of thin-ing associate with a reamerMs age an life
e3$erience woul )est su$$ort the QQQQQQQQ theory of ream content"
A+ wish.fulfillment
,+ neural activation
/+ )ehavioral
#+ cognitive evelo$ment
QQQ @D" !ncorrectly inter$reting a correlation )etween two factors as evience of causation is )est avoie )y ma-ing
use of
A+ e3$eriments"
,+ survey research"
/+ case stuies"
#+ naturalistic o)servation"
QQQ @E" 0oney is to foo as QQQQQQQQ is to QQQQQQQQ"
A+ elaye reinforcerK immeiate reinforcer
,+ seconary reinforcerK $rimary reinforcer
/+ iscriminationK generali7ation
#+ $artial reinforcementK continuous reinforcement
QQQ @F" 2eurogenesis refers to
A+ the initiation of an action $otential"
,+ the formation of new neurons"
/+ the release of neurotransmitters into the syna$tic ga$"
#+ the rea)sor$tion of neurotransmitters )y a sening neuron"
QQQ BG" An overwhelming esire for harmony in a grou$ increases the $ro)a)ility of
A+ social facilitation"
,+ the mere e3$osure effect"
/+ grou$thin-"
#+ the $henomenon"
QQQ B1" Which of the following slee$ isorers woul )e the most inca$acitating for a commercial )us river4
A+ night terrors
,+ insomnia
/+ slee$wal-ing
#+ narcole$sy
QQQ B>" A correlation )etween levels of im$ulsiveness an annual income of HG"DB woul inicate that
A+ lower levels of im$ulsiveness are associate with lower levels of annual income"
,+ higher levels of annual income are associate with lower levels of im$ulsiveness"
/+ it is im$ossi)le to $reict annual income levels from -nowlege of im$ulsiveness levels"
#+ im$ulsiveness has no causal influence on annual income"
QQQ B?" What will most li-ely ha$$en as a neurosurgeon seates the entire right cere)ral hemis$here of a right.hane
$atient who is as-e to count alou with )oth arms e3tene u$war4
A+ &he $atientMs left arm will fall lim$ an he will )ecome s$eechless"
,+ &he $atientMs right arm will fall lim$ an he will )ecome s$eechless"
/+ &he $atientMs left arm will fall lim$ )ut he will continue counting alou"
#+ &he $atientMs right arm will fall lim$ )ut he will continue counting alou"
QQQ B@" &hose who rely on the case.stuy metho nee to )e es$ecially alert to the angers of
A+ hinsight )ias"
,+ re$lication"
/+ ranom assignment"
#+ false generali7ation"
QQQ BB" 0easures of central tenency are most useful for
A+ ranom sam$ling"
,+ summari7ing ata"
/+ ranom assignment"
#+ constructing scatter$lots"
QQQ BC" Ali insists that intellectual s-ills are inheriteK /laire argues that intelligence is evelo$e through eucational
e3$eriences" Ali an /laire have iffering $ers$ectives on intelligence that
A+ com$lement each other"
,+ are im$ossi)le to test scientifically"
/+ illustrate the istinction )etween )ehavior an mental $rocesses"
#+ illustrate the conflict )etween $sychology an $sychiatry"
QQQ BD" A varia)le.interval scheule of reinforcement is one in which a res$onse is reinforce only after a*n+
A+ s$ecifie time $erio has ela$se"
,+ un$reicta)le num)er of res$onses has )een mae"
/+ s$ecifie num)er of res$onses has )een mae"
#+ un$reicta)le time $erio has ela$se"
QQQ BE" As Shero wal-e away from the camera( the image of his )oy fille a smaller area of the television screen"
2evertheless( viewers i not $erceive Shero as suenly shrin-ing" &his illustrates
A+ $erce$tual aa$tation"
,+ si7e constancy"
/+ closure"
#+ inter$osition"
QQQ BF" &he movement of $ositively charge ions across the mem)rane of a neuron can $rouce a*n+
A+ glial cell"
,+ action $otential"
/+ myelin sheath"
#+ interneuron"
QQQ CG" Which $ers$ective woul suggest that the facial e3$ressions associate with the emotions of lust an rage are
A+ cognitive
,+ )ehavioral
/+ evolutionary
#+ social.cultural
QQQ C1" %3ce$tionally clear memories of emotionally significant events are calle
A+ sensory memories"
,+ flash)ul) memories"
/+ moo.congruent memories"
#+ re$resse memories"
QQQ C>" &he )est evience that animals evelo$ cognitive ma$s comes from stuies of
A+ sha$ing"
,+ generali7ation"
/+ latent learning"
#+ seconary reinforcement"
QQQ C?" Souns an wors that are not immeiately attene to can still )e recalle a cou$le of secons later )ecause
of our QQQQQQQQ memory"
A+ flash)ul)
,+ echoic
/+ $roceural
#+ iconic
QQQ C@" &he a)ility to $ay attention to only one voice at a time is calle
A+ ual $rocessing"
,+ change )linness"
/+ neuroaa$tation"
#+ the coc-tail $arty effect"
QQQ CB" !f researchers foun that $eo$le ta-e longer to ientify wors such as assertive an bold as IstrongJ when the
wors are associate with female faces rather than with male faces( this fining woul illustrate
A+ einiviuation"
,+ im$licit $re8uice"
/+ cognitive issonance"
#+ the funamental attri)ution error"
QQQ CC" 2asee) isagrees with his classmates on an issue" #uring a class iscussion of the issue( 2asee) is 06S&
li-ely to conform to his classmatesM o$inion if he
A+ has a high level of self.esteem"
,+ oes not have to reveal his $ersonal o$inion at the close of the class iscussion"
/+ )elieves the rest of the class is unanimous in their $osition"
#+ ver)ally e3$resses his own uni9ue o$inion early in the class iscussion"
QQQ CD" /ini $refers to ta-e e3ams in the late afternoon rather than uring the morning( )ecause her energy level an
a)ility to concentrate are )etter at that time" =er e3$erience most li-ely reflects the influence of the
A+ R%0 re)oun"
,+ menstrual cycle"
/+ circaian rhythm"
#+ hy$nagogic state"
QQQ CE" !n a istri)ution of test scores( which measure of central tenency woul li-ely )e the most affecte )y a
cou$le of e3tremely high scores4
A+ meian
,+ moe
/+ stanar eviation
#+ mean
QQQ CF" #r" 6choa evelo$s tests to accurately ientify the most 9ualifie 8o) a$$licants in a large manufacturing firm"
Which $sychological s$ecialty oes #r" 6choaMs wor- )est re$resent4
A+ evelo$mental $sychology
,+ inustrial.organi7ational $sychology
/+ )iological $sychology
#+ clinical $sychology
QQQ DG" &he first $hase of the general aa$tation synrome is
A+ stress a$$raisal"
,+ resistance"
/+ alarm"
#+ a8ustment"
QQQ D1" &ests esigne to assess what a $erson has learne are calle QQQQQQQQ tests"
A+ factor analysis
,+ a$titue
/+ stanari7e
#+ achievement
QQQ D>" After giving in to her friensM re9uest that she rin- alcohol with them( 1C.year.ol 'essica foun that she
coulnMt resist the $ressure they e3erte on her to try cocaine" =er e3$erience )est illustrates
A+ ingrou$ )ias"
,+ the mere e3$osure effect"
/+ the $henomenon"
#+ the )ystaner effect"
QQQ D?" A ranom sam$le of females was o)serve to e3hi)it a lower average level of self.esteem than a ranom
sam$le of males" &o assess the li-elihoo that this o)serve ifference reflects a real ifference in the average
self.esteem of the total $o$ulation of males an females( you shoul
A+ construct a scatter$lot"
,+ calculate a correlation coefficient"
/+ $lot the istri)ution of self.esteem levels among all males an females"
#+ conuct a test of statistical significance"
QQQ D@" With her eyes close an her nose $lugge( /hanra was una)le to taste the ifference )etween an onion an a
$ear" =er e3$erience )est illustrates the im$ortance of
A+ sensory interaction"
,+ the 0cGur- effect"
/+ retinal is$arity"
#+ synaesthesia"
QQQ DB" 2atassia )elieves that )oys learn to )e more aggressive than girls $rimarily )ecause )oys are more fre9uently
$ressure to efen themselves with fists" 2atassiaMs )elief is )est escri)e as an e3am$le of the QQQQQQQQ
A+ )ehavioral
,+ cognitive
/+ $sychoynamic
#+ neuroscience
QQQ DC" After getting a slight )urn from the s$ar- of a flic-ering cam$fire( 'ulie )ecame afrai of getting close to
lighte gas stoves" &his )est illustrates the aa$tive value of
A+ latent learning"
,+ s$ontaneous recovery"
/+ generali7ation"
#+ sha$ing"
QQQ DD" 6rville thin-s his girlfrien erives more )enefits from their relationshi$ than he oes( even though he
contri)utes more to the relationshi$" 6rville most clearly )elieves that their relationshi$ lac-s
A+ self.isclosure"
,+ romantic love"
/+ e9uity"
#+ su$erorinate goals"
QQQ DE" Which of the following is a mnemonic that ma-es effective use of vivi imagery4
A+ long.term $otentiation
,+ the s$acing effect
/+ the $eg.wor system
#+ echoic memory
QQQ DF" &he reu$ta-e of a neurotransmitter such as serotonin woul involve the rea)sor$tion of serotonin into a*n+
A+ a3on terminal"
,+ receiving neuron"
/+ myelin sheath"
#+ glial cell"
QQQ EG" !f Professor Kosi)a surgically remove the amygala of a la)oratory rat( the rat woul most li-ely )ecome
A+ hungry"
,+ se3ually arouse"
/+ $hysically uncoorinate"
#+ less aggressive"
QQQ E1" &he )ehavior genetics $ers$ective woul )e most irectly concerne with assessing the relative influences of
A+ )ehavior an mental $rocesses"
,+ conscious an unconscious motives"
/+ nature an nurture"
#+ s$ace $ractice an masse $ractice"
QQQ E>" &y$e A is to QQQQQQQQ as &y$e , is to QQQQQQQQ"
A+ realisticK iealistic
,+ introverteK e3traverte
/+ har.rivingK easygoing
#+ o$timisticK $essimistic
QQQ E?" /hronic slee$ e)t is most li-ely to $romote
A+ slee$ a$nea"
,+ o)esity"
/+ insomnia"
#+ night terrors"
QQQ E@" 6ne o$tion for ealing with stress( which is more common among women than men( is
A+ withrawal"
,+ the fight.or.flight reaction"
/+ the res$onse"
#+ the general aa$tation synrome"
QQQ EB" #amage to the association areas in the frontal lo)e is most li-ely to interfere with the a)ility to
A+ formulate $lans"
,+ recogni7e familiar faces"
/+ unerstan wor meanings"
#+ recogni7e familiar voices"
QQQ EC" /hristmas is to holiay as QQQQQQQQ is to QQQQQQQQ"
A+ categoryK $rototy$e
,+ heuristicK algorithm
/+ algorithmK heuristic
#+ $rototy$eK category
QQQ ED" &he $art of the left tem$oral lo)e that is involve in unerstaning language is -nown as
A+ ,rocaMs area"
,+ the motor corte3"
/+ Wernic-eMs area"
#+ the sensory corte3"
QQQ EE" Avocates of the social influence theory of hy$nosis are li-ely to argue that
A+ hy$nosis is a uni9ue state of consciousness"
,+ hy$noti7e $eo$le are sim$ly enacting the role of Igoo hy$notic su)8ects"J
/+ most hy$noti7e $eo$le are consciously fa-ing hy$nosis"
#+ hy$notic susce$ti)ility is $ositively correlate with alcohol e$enence"
QQQ EF" ;ong.term $otentiation refers to
A+ the im$act of ee$ $rocessing on retention"
,+ an automatic tenency to recall emotionally significant events"
/+ an increase in a neuronMs firing $otential"
#+ the $rocess of learning something without any conscious memory of having learne it"
QQQ FG" Fre9uency is to $itch as am$litue is to
A+ rhythm"
,+ louness"
/+ hue"
#+ wavelength"
QQQ F1" &o stuy some effects of alcohol consum$tion( #r" /hu teste the $hysical coorination s-ills of >1.year.ol
men who ha 8ust run- either @( >( or G ounces of alcohol" !n this stuy( the ine$enent varia)le consiste of
A+ the age of the research $artici$ants"
,+ the $hysical coorination s-ills of the research $artici$ants"
/+ the amount of alcohol consume"
#+ the effects of alcohol consum$tion"
QQQ F>" !n Alous =u3leyMs Brave New World( infants evelo$ a fear of roses after roses are $resente with electric
shoc-" !n this fictional e3am$le( the $resentation of the roses is the
A+ conitione stimulus"
,+ unconitione stimulus"
/+ unconitione res$onse"
#+ conitione res$onse"
QQQ F?" &he e$olari7ation of an a3on is most li-ely to occur when
A+ $ositively charge ions rush into the a3on"
,+ negatively charge ions rush into the a3on"
/+ $ositively charge ions rush out of the a3on"
#+ negatively charge ions rush out of the a3on"
QQQ F@" While reaing highly familiar wors at a very ra$i s$ee( 0egan effortlessly unerstans almost every wor"
&his a)ility highlights the im$ortance of
A+ flash)ul) memory"
,+ automatic $rocessing"
/+ the s$acing effect"
#+ the $eg.wor system"
QQQ FB" 2erve cells in the )rain receive$$orting nutrients an insulating myelin from
A+ glial cells"
,+ neurotransmitters"
/+ motor neurons"
#+ hormones"
QQQ FC" &he tragic ecision to launch the s$ace shuttle Challenger resulte in $art from the minimal e3$ression of
issenting views among 2ASA $ersonnel an avisors" &his )est illustrates the angers of
A+ social facilitation"
,+ einiviuation"
/+ grou$thin-"
#+ the )ystaner effect"
QQQ FD" Re$eating someoneMs name several times shortly after )eing introuce to that $erson is an effective strategy
A+ chun-ing"
,+ rehearsal"
/+ im$licit memory"
#+ automatic $rocessing"
QQQ FE" #istant trees were locate closer to the to$ of the artistMs canvas than were the near)y flowers" &he artist was
clearly using the istance -nown as
A+ linear $ers$ective"
,+ closure"
/+ relative height"
#+ inter$osition"
QQQ FF" !n 0ilgramMs o)eience e3$eriments( IteachersJ were ;%AS& li-ely to eliver the highest levels of shoc-
A+ the e3$eriment was conucte at a $restigious institution such as Lale :niversity"
,+ the e3$erimenter )ecame too $ushy an tol hesitant $artici$ants( ILou have no choice( you must go on"J
/+ the IteachersJ o)serve other $artici$ants refuse to o)ey the e3$erimenterMs orers"
#+ the IlearnerJ sai he ha a heart conition"
QQQ 1GG" &o assess the effectiveness of flu vaccine for county resients( 0r" /arlson wants to aminister vaccine
in8ections to all county resients rather than give half of them a $lace)o in8ection" 0r" /arlson is most clearly
unerestimating the im$ortance of
A+ testing a large sam$le"
,+ o$erationally efining his $roceures"
/+ re$licating o)servations of other researchers"
#+ creating a control grou$"
Ans!er ;ey
1" #
>" #
?" /
@" A
B" /
C" A
D" #
E" ,
F" ,
1G" A
11" /
1>" ,
1?" #
1@" #
1B" /
1C" /
1D" /
1E" A
1F" #
>G" #
>1" /
>>" ,
>?" ,
>@" ,
>B" #
>C" #
>D" ,
>E" ,
>F" #
?G" #
?1" /
?>" A
??" A
?@" #
?B" ,
?C" ,
?D" A
?E" ,
?F" A
@G" /
@1" #
@>" #
@?" A
@@" /
@B" #
@C" #
@D" A
@E" ,
@F" ,
BG" /
B1" #
B>" ,
B?" /
B@" #
BB" ,
BD" #
BE" ,
BF" ,
CG" /
C1" ,
C>" /
C?" ,
C@" #
CB" ,
CC" /
CD" /
CE" #
CF" ,
DG" /
D1" #
D>" /
D?" #
D@" A
DC" /
DD" /
DE" /
EG" #
E1" /
E>" /
E?" ,
E@" /
EC" #
ED" /
EE" ,
EF" /
FG" ,
F1" /
F>" A
F?" A
F@" ,
FC" /
FD" ,
FE" /
FF" /
1GG" #
Original 2ree res$onse 3uestions 6eing use# on 2inal
3uestion 91:
%llie( a new stuent at S-inner =igh School( is etermine to ma-e friens" When she attens the first $sychology clu)
meeting( she fins herself in the room with twenty strangers who seem to -now each other well" She $lans to atten a few
more meetings )efore eciing whether she will 8oin" She will have to atten at least five meetings in orer to $artici$ate
in the $sychology clu)As 8eo$ary tournament at the en of the semester" =owever( the su)8ect of $sychology oes not
come easy to her( an she worries that the time commitment will interfere with her stuies
#" #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t coul =%;P $lay a role in %llieAs 9uest for
frienshi$" Lou may use a ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1" &he mere e3$osure effect
>" 0nemonic evice
?" Su$erorinate goals
@" %motional intelligence
B" 6)server /haracteristics *Values+
%" #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t coul =!2#%R %llieAs 9uest for
frienshi$" Lou may use a ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1" !n.grou$ )ias
>" &y$e A Personality
?" !maginary auience
@" Funamental attri)ution error
B" 6)server /haracteristics *%3$ectations+
F" #efine each following conce$t an then emonstrate how each conce$t will etermine whether she will )ecome a
full.time mem)er of the $sychology clu) an $artici$ate in the 8eo$ary tournament"
1" Availa)ility heuristic
>" 2egative reinforcement
?" A$$roach.avoiance conflict
@" /onformity

3uestion 9(:
'ames is in a riverAs eucation course $re$aring to ta-e his riving test" &he course inclues )oth )oo- wor- an riving
on the roa to $re$are stuents for a written test an a roa test"
#" #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts might influence his a)ility to rive a car uring the
roa test" #efinitions without a$$lication o not score"
1" /ognitive ma$
>" Reticular formation
?" 6)servational learning
@" Proceural memory
B" Somatic nervous system
C" ;inear Pers$ective
%" #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts relates to the results of the written test" #efinitions
without a$$lication o not score"
1" Preictive valiity
>" G.factor
?" Formal o$erational stage of cognitive evelo$ment
@" Semantic memory
B" 6)server /haracteristics *%3$erience an /ulture+
F" After the written an roa tests( 'ames tells his family( who ha full confience in him from the )eginning( that he
)elieves he $asse an will receive his riverAs license" =e canAt )elieve how much time he s$ent stuying
)ecause he thought )oth tests were so easy" =owever( )efore he ta-es a 8oy rie aroun town( he will go home to
ta-e a na$ )ecause he is e3hausteO #efine an then escri)e how each of the following conce$ts may have
affecte his confience an feelings" #efinitions without a$$lication o not score"
1" =insight )ias
>" General Aa$tation Synrome
?" Self.fulfilling $ro$hecy
3uestion 9 +:
For each of the $airs )elow( use an e3am$le to show how the first term in each $air affects or is relate to the secon"
#efinitions alone without e3am$les will not score"
1@" Functional fi3enessP $ro)lem solving
1B" 6$erational efinitionP re$lication
1C" ReinforcementP over8ustification effect
1D" 0eianP s-ewe istri)ution
1E" Varia)le interval scheulePe3tinction
1F" Role $layingP attitues
>G" Serial $osition effectP recall
>1" Presence of othersP $erformance
>>" AgonistP neurotransmitter
>?" A)solute &hreshol P" Sensation
3uestion 94:
&ime is an im$ortant varia)le in many $sychological conce$ts" #efine each conce$t an escri)e a s$ecific e3am$le that
clearly emonstrates an unerstaning of how each of the following conce$ts relates to or is affecte )y time" :se a
ifferent e3am$le for each conce$t"
1?" Refractory $erio in neural firing
1@" Fi3e.interval scheules
1B" !conic memory
1C" Grou$ $olari7ation
1D" %))inghausA forgetting curve
1E" Flynn effect
1F" Sensory aa$tion
>G" Presentation of a conitione stimulus */S+ an unconitione stimulus *:/S+ in classical conitioning
3uestion 9::
6ne of the most useful generali7ations in $sychology is that I)ehavior is aa$tiveJ" !n other wors( organisms )ehave in
ways that foster survival or hel$ them )etter function in their environment" #efine an then escri)e how each $rinci$le
emonstrates this generali7ation"
1?" Pruning an $roliferation of )rain evelo$ment
1@" ,iological $re$areness of classical conitioning
1B" Stranger an3iety
1C" Re$ression
1D" #rug tolerance
1E" Stereoty$es
1F" 2atural selection
>G" 'ust.worl $henomenon
>1" Sensory Aa$ta$tion
3uestion 9-:
A researcher esigns a stuy to investigate the effect of misleaing information into oneAs memory of an event" !n the
stuy( researchers show $artici$ants a $hotogra$h of a woman staning near a man who is seate on a $ar- )ench with a
chil" &he woman a$$ears to )e shouting at the man" Partici$ants in the first grou$ are e3$ose to the I$u)lic $ar-J
$hotogra$h for ten secons an then are shown( each for ten secons( several other $hotogra$hs of $eo$le interacting"
Partici$ants in the secon grou$ are e3$ose to the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h an nothing else" Afterwars( the
$artici$ants are as-e a)out what they saw in the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h" &he researcher com$ares the mean num)er of
mista-es )etween the two grou$s an fins that the $artici$ants in the first grou$ ma-e more mista-es than the secon
grou$ when trying to recall the etails of the I$u)lic $ar-J $hotogra$h" S$ecifically( a significant num)er of $artici$ants
in the first grou$ escri)e the man as )eing an aggressor in an a$$arent isagreement with the woman"
#efine an then e3$lain how the following elements a$$ly to the esign of the research stuy an/or the conclusions that
can )e rawn )ase on the research:
1@" /ontrol grou$
1B" Ranom assignment
1C" Statistical significance
1D" #e)riefing
1E" #ou)le.)lin stuy
1F" 6)server /haracteristics */onte3t %ffects+
#efine an then e3$lain how each of the following terms influences the $erce$tion an memory of the $artici$ants:
>G" Retroactive interference
>1" Reconstructive memory
>>" Short.term memory
>?" State.e$enent memory
>@" Framing
>B" /onfirmation )ias

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