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International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
e#!e rs
Me#! ers, duall
represented ! t&e /U
Formation 1 2anuar 1334
Headquarters Centre Willia# Rappard, 5ene-a, $.it6erland
Membership 143 #e#!er states
Official languages /n%lis&, Frenc&, $panis&
Director-General (ascal La#
13: #illion $.iss francs ;appro<' 9=3 #illion U$>? in
Staff :A=
Website .to'or%
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
WTO .as esta!lis&ed on 1st 2anuar 1334' In April 133A, t&e Final Act .as si%ned at a #eetin% in
Marra+es&, Morocco' T&e Marra+es& Declaration of 14t& April 133A .as for#ed to stren%t&en t&e .orld
econo# t&at .ould lead to !etter in-est#ent, trade, inco#e %ro.t& and e#plo#ent t&rou%&out t&e
.orld' T&e WTO is t&e successor to t&e 5eneral A%ree#ent of Tariffs and Trade ;5ATT?' India is one of
t&e founder #e#!ers of WTO' WTO represents t&e latest atte#pts to create an or%anisational focal point
for li!eral trade #ana%e#ent and to consolidate a %lo!al or%anisational structure to %o-ern .orld affairs'
WTO &as atte#pted to create -arious or%anisational attentions for re%ulation of international trade'
WTO created a Bualitati-e c&an%e in international trade' It is t&e onl international !od t&at deals .it&
t&e rules of trades !et.een nations'
$o#e of t&e i#portant functions and o!*ecti-es of WTO are C0
Functions of WTO
T&e for#er 5ATT .as not reall an or%anisationD it .as #erel a le%al arran%e#ent' On t&e ot&er &and,
t&e WTO is a ne. international or%anisation set up as a per#anent !od' It is desi%ned to pla t&e role of
a .atc&do% in t&e sp&eres of trade in %oods, trade in ser-ices, forei%n in-est#ent, intellectual propert
ri%&ts, etc' Article III &as set out t&e fi-e functions of WTOD
;i? T&e WTO s&all facilitate t&e i#ple#entation, ad#inistration and operation and furt&er t&e o!*ecti-es
of t&is A%ree#ent and of t&e Multilateral Trade A%ree#ents, and s&all also pro-ide t&e fra#e .or+ for
t&e i#ple#entation, ad#inistration and operation of t&e plurilateral Trade A%ree#ents'
;ii? T&e WTO s&all pro-ide t&e foru# for ne%otiations a#on% its #e#!ers concernin% t&eir #ultilateral
trade relations in #atters dealt .it& under t&e A%ree#ent in t&e Anne<es to t&is A%ree#ent'
;iii? T&e WTO s&all ad#inister t&e Understandin% on Rules and (rocedures 5o-ernin% t&e $ettle#ent of
;i-? T&e WTO s&all ad#inister Trade (olic Re-ie. Mec&anis#'
;-? Wit& a -ie. to ac&ie-in% %reater co&erence in %lo!al econo#ic polic #a+in%, t&e WTO s&all
cooperate, as appropriate, .it& t&e international Monetar Fund ;IMF? and .it& t&e International Ban+
for Reconstruction and De-elop#ent ;IBRD? and its affiliated a%encies'
Obecti!es of WTO
I#portant o!*ecti-es of WTO are #entioned !elo.C
;i? to i#ple#ent t&e ne. .orld trade sste# as -isualised in t&e A%ree#entD
;ii? to pro#ote World Trade in a #anner t&at !enefits e-er countrD
;iii? to ensure t&at de-elopin% countries secure a !etter !alance in t&e s&arin% of t&e ad-anta%es resultin%
fro# t&e e<pansion of international trade correspondin% to t&eir de-elop#ental needsD
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
;i-? to de#olis& all &urdles to an open .orld tradin% sste# and us&er in international econo#ic
renaissance !ecause t&e .orld trade is an effecti-e instru#ent to foster econo#ic %ro.t&D
;-? to en&ance co#petiti-eness a#on% all tradin% partners so as to !enefit consu#ers and &elp in %lo!al
;-i? to increase t&e le-el of production and producti-it .it& a -ie. to ensurin% le-el of e#plo#ent in
t&e .orldD
;-ii? to e<pand and utili6e .orld resources to t&e !estD
;-iii? to i#pro-e t&e le-el of li-in% for t&e %lo!al population and speed up econo#ic de-elop#ent of t&e
#e#!er nations'
WTO Structur
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
T&e Ministerial Conference ;MC? is at t&e top of t&e structured or%ani6ation of t&e WTO' It is t&e supre#e
%o-ernin% !od .&ic& ta+es ulti#ate decisions on all #atters' It is constituted ! representati-e ;usuall,
Ministers of Trade? all t&e #e#!er countries'
T&e 5eneral Council ;5C? is co#posed of t&e representati-es of all t&e #e#!ers' It is t&e real en%ine of
WTO .&ic& acts on !e&alf of t&e MC' It also acts as t&e Dispute $ettle#ent Bod as .ell as t&e Trade (olic
Re-ie. Bod'
T&ere are t&ree councils -i6 C t&e Council for Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual (ropert Ri%&ts
;TRI($? operatin% under t&e 5C' T&ese councils .it& t&eir su!sidiar !odies carr out t&eir specific
Furt&er t&ere are t&ree co##ittee, -i6, t&e co##ittee on Balance of (a#ents Restrictions ;CBO(R? and
t&e co##ittee o Bud%et, Finance and Ad#inistration ;CFBA? .&ic& e<ecute t&e functions assi%ned to t&e# !
t&e WTO A%ree#ent and t&e 5C'
T&e Ad#inistration of t&e WTO is conducted ! t&e $ecretariat .&ic& is &eaded ! t&e Director 5eneral
;D5? appointed ! t&e MC for t&e tenure of four ears' Ee is assisted ! t&e four Deput Directors fro# different
#e#!er countries' T&e annual !ud%et esti#ates and financial state#ent of t&e WTO are presented ! t&e D5 to
t&e CBFA for rei-e. and reco##endations for t&e final appro-al ! t&e 5C'
Durin% t&e 5reat Depression of t&e 13@=s, countries
atte#pted to s&ore up t&eir failin% econo#ies ! s&arpl
raisin% !arriers to forei%n trade, de-aluin% t&eir currencies
to co#pete a%ainst eac& ot&er for e<port #ar+ets, and
curtailin% t&eir citi6ensF freedo# to &old forei%n e<c&an%e'
T&ese atte#pts pro-ed to !e self0defeatin%' World trade
declined s&arpl ;see c&art !elo.?, and e#plo#ent and
li-in% standards plu##eted in #an countries'
T&is !rea+do.n in international #onetar cooperation led
t&e IMFFs founders to plan an institution c&ar%ed .it&
o-erseein% t&e international #onetar sste#Gt&e sste# of e<c&an%e rates and international pa#ents
t&at ena!les countries and t&eir citi6ens to !u %oods and ser-ices fro# eac& ot&er' T&e ne. %lo!al
entit .ould ensure e<c&an%e rate sta!ilit and encoura%e its #e#!er countries to eli#inate e<c&an%e
restrictions t&at &indered trade'
The Bretton Woods agreement
T&e IMF .as concei-ed in 2ul 13AA, .&en representati-es of A4 countries #eetin% in t&e to.n of
Bretton Woods, Ne. Ea#ps&ire, in t&e nort&eastern United $tates, a%reed on a fra#e.or+ for
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
international econo#ic cooperation, to !e esta!lis&ed after t&e $econd World War' T&e !elie-ed t&at
suc& a fra#e.or+ .as necessar to a-oid a repetition of t&e disastrous econo#ic policies t&at &ad
contri!uted to t&e 5reat Depression'
T&e IMF ca#e into for#al e<istence in Dece#!er 13A4, .&en its first 93 #e#!er countries si%ned its
Articles of A%ree#ent' It !e%an operations on Marc& 1, 13AH' Later t&at ear, France !eca#e t&e first
countr to !orro. fro# t&e IMF'
T&e IMFFs #e#!ers&ip !e%an to e<pand in t&e late 134=s and durin% t&e 13:=s as #an African
countries !eca#e independent and applied for #e#!ers&ip' But t&e Cold War li#ited t&e FundFs
#e#!ers&ip, .it& #ost countries in t&e $o-iet sp&ere of influence not *oinin%'
"ar !alue s#stem
T&e countries t&at *oined t&e IMF !et.een 13A4 and 13H1 a%reed to +eep t&eir e<c&an%e rates ;t&e -alue
of t&eir currencies in ter#s of t&e U'$' dollar and, in t&e case of t&e United $tates, t&e -alue of t&e dollar
in ter#s of %old? pe%%ed at rates t&at could !e ad*usted onl to correct a Ifunda#ental diseBuili!riu#I in
t&e !alance of pa#ents, and onl .it& t&e IMFFs a%ree#ent' T&is par -alue sste#Galso +no.n as t&e
Bretton Woods sste#Gpre-ailed until 13H1, .&en t&e U'$' %o-ern#ent suspended t&e con-erti!ilit of
t&e dollar ;and dollar reser-es &eld ! ot&er %o-ern#ents? into %old'
Management Of Fund
T&e t.el-e #e#!er e<ecuti-e co##ittee #ana%es t&e affairs of IMF' Fi-e #e#!ers are t&e
representati-es of U'", U'$'A, C&ina, France and India' T&e re#ainin% are elected ! t&e ot&er
#e#!ers countries' Its &ead office in in U'$'A'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
Source Of $MF
T&e initial capital of IMF .as J'4 !illion dollar .&ic& .as contri!uted ! t&e A3 #e#!ers' T&e Buota of
eac& #e#!er countr .as fi<ed in proportion to t&e national inco#e and -olu#e of forei%n trade' /-er
countr .as reBuired to pa in t&e for# of %old and do#estic currenc'
Obecti!es of the $MF%
In t&e first article of t&e FundKs C&arter t&ere &a-e !een descri!ed t&e si< o!*ecti-es of IMF' T&e are asC
1' To increase international cooperation ! pro-idin% consultanc ser-ices re%ardin% international
#onetar issues'
9' To assist in t&e !alanced %ro.t& of .orld trade, .&ic& .ill !e &elpful in raisin% t&e efficienc,
e#plo#ent and inco#e of t&e .orld'
@' To $ta!ili6e t&e e<c&an%e rate and discoura%e t&e tendenc of co#petiti-e de-aluation'
A' To a!olis& t&ose restrictions .&ic& are o!stacles in t&e .a of World Trade and create a #ulti0lateral
sste# of pa#ents'
4' T&e countries facin% deficit in t&eir !alance of pa#ents can !orro. fro# IMF to finance te#poraril'
:' To reduce t&e -olu#e and ti#e period of diseBuili!riu# ;deficit? in !alance of pa#ents'
F&'(T$O'S OF $MF F&'D
)* Merchant Of (urrencies%-
IMF #ain function is to purc&ase and sell t&e #e#!er countriesK currencies'
+* Helpful For The Debtor (ountries %-
If an countr is facin% ad-erse !alance of pa#ent and facin% t&e difficult to %et t&e currenc of
creditor countr, it can %et s&ort ter# credit fro# t&e fund to clear t&e de!t' T&e IMF allo.s t&e de!tor
countr to purc&ase forei%n currenc in e<c&an%e for its o.n currenc upto H4L of its Buota plus an
addition 94L eac& ear' T&e #a<i#u# li#it of t&e Buota is 9==L in special circu#stances'
,* Declared Of Scarce (urrenc# %-
If t&e de#and of an particular countr currenc increases and its stoc+ .it& t&e fund falls !elo. H4L
of its Buota, t&e IMF can declare it scare' But IMF also tries to increase its suppl ! t&ese #et&ods'
)* "urchasing C0 IMF purc&ases t&e scare currenc ! %old'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
+* Borro-ing C0 IMF !orro.s fro# t&ose countries scare currenc .&o &as surplus a#ount'
,* "ermission C0 IMF allo.s t&e de!tor countries to i#pose restrictions on t&e i#ports of creditor
.* To promote e/change stabilit#C 0 T&e #ain ai# of IMF is to pro#ote e<c&an%e sta!ilit a#on% t&e
#e#!er countries' $o it ad-ises t&e #e#!er countries to conduct e<c&an%e transactions at a%reed rates'
On t&e ot&er &and one countr can c&an%e t&e parit of t&e currenc .it&out t&e consent of t&e IMF !ut
it s&ould not !e #ore t&an 1=L' If t&e c&an%es are on lar%e scale and IMF feels t&at accordin% t&e
circu#stances of t&e countr t&ese are essential t&en it allo.s' T&e countr can not c&an%e t&e e<c&an%e
rate if IMF does not allo.'
0* Temporar# aid for the de!alued currenc#C 0 W&en t&e de-aluation polic is indispensa!le or an
countr t&en IMF pro-ides loan to correct t&e !alance of pa#ent of t&at countr'
1* To a!oid e/change depreciation% - IMF is -er useful to a-oid t&e co#petiti-e e<c&an%e
depreciation .&ic& too+ place !efore .orld .ar 9'
Go!ernance Structure
T&e Board of 5o-ernors is t&e supre#e !od
of IMF, .&ic& is &eaded ! a 5o-ernor and
an alternate 5o-ernor .&o are appointed !
t&e #e#!ers of t&e Fund' T&e !oard of
5o-ernors deals .it& t&e entr of ne.
#e#!ers, deter#ination of Buotas and
distri!ution of $DRs' Board of 5o-ernors
consists of one 5o-ernor fro# eac& of its 1JA
#e#!ers' 9A of t&e 5o-ernors sit on
International Monetar and financial
co##ittee and #eet a ear' T&ere is an
annual #eetin% of t&e Fund .&ic& is &eld
once in a ear all #e#!ers participate in it'
T&e ot&er !i% aut&orit in t&e IMF is
M/<ecuti-e BoardN' It &as a Mana%in%
Director .&o is t&e C&air#an of t&e
e<ecuti-e !oard and controls da0to0da
#atters of t&e Fund' IMF &as t.o co##itteesC
;1? Interi# Co##ittee no. replaced ! IM FC,
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
;9? De-elop#ent Co##ittee' T&e Interi# Co##ittee deals .it& international liBuidit and .orld
#onetar arran%e#ents' Moreo-er t&is co##ittee analses t&e a#end#ents of t&e Articles of t&e
A%ree#ent' W&ere as t&e de-elop#ent co##ittee su%%ests t&ose #easures .&ere ! t&e real resources
could !e transferred to t&e de-elopin% countries' Till t&e end of 9==@ t&e total staffs of IMF .as 9J==
.&ic& .as fro# 1A1 countries' T&e Fund &as its &eadBuarters at Was&in%ton .it& its offices at (aris and
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
International Ban+ for Reconstruction and De-elop#ent ;IBRD?, co##onl referred to as t&e World
Ban+, is an international financial institution .&ose purposes include assistin% t&e de-elop#ent of its
#e#!er nationKs territories, pro#otin% and supple#entin% pri-ate forei%n in-est#ent and pro#otin%
lon%0ran%e !alance %ro.t& in international trade'
T&e World Ban+ .as esta!lis&ed in Dece#!er 13A4 at t&e United Nations Monetar and Financial
Conference in Bretton Woods, Ne. Ea#ps&ire' It opened for !usiness in 2une 13A: and &elped in t&e
reconstruction of nations de-astated ! World War II' $ince 13:=s t&e World Ban+ &as s&ifted its focus
fro# t&e ad-anced industriali6ed nations to de-elopin% t&ird0.orld countries'
Organi2ation and Structure%
T&e or%ani6ation of t&e !an+ consists of t&e Board of 5o-ernors, t&e Board of /<ecuti-e Directors and
t&e Ad-isor Co##ittee, t&e Loan Co##ittee and t&e president and ot&er staff #e#!ers' All t&e po.ers
of t&e !an+ are -ested in t&e Board of 5o-ernors .&ic& is t&e supre#e polic #a+in% !od of t&e !an+'
T&e !oard consists of one 5o-ernor and one Alternati-e 5o-ernor appointed for fi-e ears ! eac&
#e#!er countr' /ac& 5o-ernor &as t&e -otin% .&ic& is related to t&e financial contri!ution of
t&e 5o-ern#ent .&ic& &e represents'
T&e Board of /<ecuti-e Directors consists of 91 #e#!ers, : of t&e# are appointed ! t&e si< lar%est
s&are&olders, na#el t&e U$A, t&e U", West 5er#an, France, 2apan and India' T&e rest of t&e 14
#e#!ers are elected ! t&e re#ainin% countries'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
/ac& /<ecuti-e Director &olds -otin% in proportion to t&e s&ares &eld ! &is 5o-ern#ent' T&e
!oard of /<ecuti-e Directors #eets re%ularl once a #ont& to carr on t&e routine .or+in% of t&e !an+'
T&e president of t&e !an+ is pointed ! t&e Board of /<ecuti-e Directors' Ee is t&e C&ief /<ecuti-e of
t&e Ban+ and &e is responsi!le for t&e conduct of t&e da0to0da !usiness of t&e !an+' T&e Ad-isor
co##ittees appointed ! t&e Board of Directors' It consists of H #e#!ers .&o are e<pects in different
!ranc&es of !an+in%' T&ere is also anot&er !od +no.n as t&e Loan Co##ittee' T&is co##ittee is
consulted ! t&e !an+ !efore an loan is e<tended to a #e#!er countr'
(apital 3esources of World Ban4%
T&e initial aut&ori6ed capital of t&e World Ban+ .as > 1=,=== #illion, .&ic& .as di-ided in 1 la+&
s&ares of > 1 la+& eac&' T&e aut&ori6ed capital of t&e Ban+ &as !een increased fro# ti#e to ti#e .it& t&e
appro-al of #e#!er countries' On 2une @=, 133:, t&e aut&ori6ed capital of t&e Ban+ .as > 1JJ !illion
out of .&ic& > 1J=': !illion ;3:L of total aut&ori6ed capital? .as issued to #e#!er countries in t&e
for# of s&ares' Me#!er countries repa t&e s&are a#ount to t&e World Ban+ in t&e .asC
1' 9L of allotted s&are are repaid in %old, U$ dollar or $pecial Ri%&ts ;$DR?'
9' /-er #e#!er countr is free to repa 1JL of its capital s&are in its o.n currenc'
@' T&e re#ainin% J=L s&are deposited ! t&e #e#!er countr onl on de#and ! t&e World Ban+'
T&e o!*ecti-es are assi%ned ! t&e World Ban+C
1' To pro-ide lon%0run capital to #e#!er countries for econo#ic reconstruction and de-elop#ent'
9' To induce lon%0run capital in-est#ent for assurin% Balance of (a#ents ;Bo(? eBuili!riu# and
!alanced de-elop#ent of international trade'
@' To pro-ide %uarantee for loans %ranted to s#all and lar%e units and ot&er pro*ects of #e#!er
A' To ensure t&e i#ple#entation of de-elop#ent pro*ects so as to !rin% a!out a s#oot& transference
fro# a .ar0ti#e to peace econo#'
4' To pro#ote capital in-est#ent in #e#!er countries ! t&e .asD
;a? To pro-ide %uarantee on pri-ate loans or capital in-est#ent'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
;!? If pri-ate capital is not a-aila!le e-en after pro-idin% %uarantee, t&en IBRD pro-ides loans for
producti-e acti-ities on considerate conditions'
World Ban+ is plain% #ain role of pro-idin% loans for de-elop#ent .or+s to #e#!er countries,
especiall to underde-eloped countries' T&e World Ban+ pro-ides lon%0ter# loans for -arious
de-elop#ent pro*ects of 4 to 9= ears duration'
The main functions can be e/plained -ith the help of the follo-ing points%
1' World Ban+ pro-ides -arious tec&nical ser-ices to t&e #e#!er countries' For t&is purpose, t&e Ban+
&as esta!lis&ed MT&e /cono#ic De-elop#ent InstituteN and a $taff Colle%e in Was&in%ton'
9' Ban+ can %rant loans to a #e#!er countr up to 9=L of its s&are in t&e paid0up capital'
@' T&e Buantities of loans, interest rate and ter#s and conditions are deter#ined ! t&e Ban+ itself'
A' 5enerall, Ban+ %rants loans for a particular pro*ect dul su!#itted to t&e Ban+ ! t&e #e#!er
4' T&e de!tor nation &as to repa eit&er in reser-e currencies or in t&e currenc in .&ic& t&e loan .as
:' Ban+ also pro-ides loan to pri-ate in-estors !elon%in% to #e#!er countries on its o.n %uarantee, !ut
for t&is loan pri-ate in-estors &a-e to see+ prior per#ission fro# t&ose counties .&ere t&is a#ount .ill
!e collected'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
&nited 'ations (onference On Trade 5nd De!elopment 6&nctad7
United Nations Conference on Trade and De-elop#ent ;UNCTAD? is a 5ene-a !ased UN institution
esta!lis&ed in 13:A' Ea-in% a lon% &istor in t&e UN sste#, UNCTAD can !e seen as a product of
efforts of de-elopin% countries !e%an in earl 13:=Ks to de-elop a coalition to press for c&an%es in t&e
functionin% of t&e international econo#ic re%i#e ! esta!lis&in% a uni-ersal foru# to deal .it& all
de-elop#ent0related issues in a co#pre&ensi-e fas&ion'
Inte%ratin% de-elopin% countries into t&e .orld econo# ! ta+in% into consideration t&eir de-elop#ent
needs is t&e #ain o!*ecti-e of t&e UNCTAD' $ince its esta!lis&#ent, UNCTAD &as !eco#e a trul a
+no.led%e0!ased institution, s&apin% polic de!ates on de-elop#ent' T&e Conference &as 13A #e#!ers
as of 2ul 9=1@'
T&e t&ree +e functions of UNCTAD areC
0!ein% a foru# for inter%o-ern#ental deli!erationsD
0conductin% researc&, polic analsis and collectin% dataD and
0pro-idin% tec&nical assistance especiall for t&e Least De-eloped Countries ;LDCs?'
T&ese +e functions are #ainl underta+en ! t&e $ecretariat .&ic& can !e descri!ed as t&e e<ecuti-e
!od t&at pro-ides su!stanti-e and tec&nical ser-ices to t&e inter%o-ern#ental !odies of UNCTAD in
t&eir discussions and deli!erations' In pursuit of its tas+s, $ecretariat .or+s in close cooperation .it&
#e#!er %o-ern#ents and ot&er rele-ant or%ani6ations .it&in or outside t&e scope of t&e UN $ste#'
enerali2ed S#stem of "references 6GS"7
5enerali6ed $ste# of (references ;5$(? is one of t&e #ost i#portant ad-anta%es ena!led ! UNCTAD
for de-elopin% and least de-eloped countries'
T&e ai# of t&e 5$( is to increase t&e s&are of t&e de-elopin% countries in .orld trade' Accordin%l, 5$(
pro-ides t&e opportunit for de-elopin% countries and t&e LDCs to e<port certain products deter#ined
! t&e preference pro-idin% countries dut free or .it& dut rates'
Despite !ein% a de-elopin% countr, as a result of its Custo#s Union .it& t&e /U, Tur+e is !ot& a
preference %i-in% and preference recei-in% countr' Wit&in t&is fra#e.or+, Tur+e !enefits fro# t&e
5$( re%i#es of t&e U$, Canada, 2apan, Ne. Oealand, Russian Federation and "a6a+&stan' In order to
!e a!le to !enefit fro# t&e preferential re%i#e, so#e preference %i-in% countries de#and For# A
certificate, .&ic& is a tpe of rules of ori%in docu#ent, issued in accordance .it& t&e rules and
procedures deter#ined ! UNCTAD' Wit&in t&is fra#e.or+, t&e e<a#ples of t&e cac&et and seals of t&e
or%ani6ations aut&ori6ed to appro-e t&ese certificates are notified to UNCTAD, annuall, ! t&e
Ministr of /cono# ;5eneral Directorate of A%ree#ents? .it& t&e ai# of infor#in% rele-ant
aut&orities of preference %i-in% countr'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#
International Institution WTO, IMF IBRD & UNCTAD
T&e $ecretariat also cooperates .it& #e#!er t&e pri-ate sector, includin% trade and industr
associations, researc& institutes and uni-ersities .orld.ide in perfor#in% its functions'
$ince $epte#!er 1, 9=1@, t&e $ecretar05eneral of UNCTAD is Dr' Mu+&isa "itui fro# "ena' T&e
UNCTAD $ecretariat &as a!out A:= staff #e#!ers and an annual re%ular !ud%et of appro<i#atel >H=
#illion and >@@ #illion of e<tra0!ud%etar tec&nical assistance funds'
T&e Buadrennial Conference is t&e &i%&est decision0#a+in% !od of UNCTAD' Durin% t&ese
conferences t&e #e#!er states e-aluate current trade and de-elop#ent issues, disscuss a-aila!le polic
options and de-elop %lo!al polic responses for t&e issues #ost pro#inent in %lo!al econo# for
de-elopin% countries .&ile at t&e sa#e ti#e re%ular .or+ of t&e or%ani6ation' first
%at&erin% in 13:A, t&ere &a-e !een t&irteen Buadrennial conferences, t&e last of .&ic& too+ place in
Do&a, Patar, on 9109: April 9=19' T&e t&e#e of t&e last Conference .as MDe-elop#ent0centered
%lo!ali6ationC To.ards inclusi-e and sustaina!le %ro.t& and de-elop#ent'N
Inte%ration of de-elopin% countries, especiall t&e LDCKs, into t&e .orld econo# is an issue of
i#portance for Tur+e' UNCTAD is one of t&e !est appropriate fora to pus& for de-elop#ent friendl
policies in t&e international econo#ic order' Besides, Tur+e acti-el participates at e<pert le-el in
UNCTAD or%ani6ations and foru#s .&ere t&e de-elop#ent pro!le#s of t&e de-elopin% countries and
LDCKs are discussed and solutions are su%%ested'
Lecture notes prepared for MBA final ear students ! "o#al $in%& C&au&an Assitt' (rofessor )CMT Bi*nor
For #ore lecture notes feel free to #ail at +o#al'ra*poot,%#ail'co# or -isit +o#alsin%&c&au&an'.e!s'co#

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