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A Project Report Submitted In Partial Fulfillment Of The
Requirements for the Award Of The
Degree of Master of Science (Geoinformatics)


June 2010



To my dearest father and mother, for their love, compassion, understanding, and endless
support of my academic and professional career. I owe you everything.
To my sister, Elham, and my brother, Ahmad, thank you for cherishing my life.
To my uncles and aunts for their lovely encourage.



I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my supervisor,
Associate Professor Mohammad Nor Said, Head of Geoinformatics, Faculty
Geoinformation and Science Engineering of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. His wide
knowledge has been of a great value for me.
I wish to acknowledge my friend Noradila Rusli for her valuable data and
friendly help. Without her software (XPSWWM), I couldnt fulfill my project.
Last and but not least, thanks to all my friends, Hossein, Mohammad, Twins,
Ashkan, Fadi, Hassanein, Amir, Javad and Farhang in College 16, xb2. I had great time
with them during two years living in Malaysia. My appreciation also goes to my friends
Roozbeh Zarei and Ali Monemi. I never forget their great cuisine. There is no such
meaningful word than .. Thank You So Much.



The growing urbanization is typically associated with increasing stormwater
runoff and non point source pollution. Low Impact Development (LID) is extended as a
new approach for stormwater management. LID components are utilized as
supplementary devices besides conventional drainage system in urban areas to decrease
the runoff and remove the non point source (NPS) pollution from the stormwater. In the
previous studies, various hydrologic models are driven to calculate the volume of
stormwater and NPS pollution. In addition, some prior literatures discussed the LID
effects on the quality and quantity of stormwater runoff but most of those researches are
restricted to LID site design and LID landscape. In this project, a fuzzy GIS model based
on the LID site design criteria and hydrology principles introduced to find the suitable
areas for LID components in the study area. To evaluate the accuracy of GIS fuzzy
technique, a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model (SWMM) is exploited to derive
the peak flows of conventional drainage system. The comparison between the results of
two models, illustrates the accuracy of fuzzy criteria and their weights. Also, analyses
are performed to calculate the effects of LID on amount of runoff and NPS pollution. A
simple GIS model is used to estimate the NPS pollution in the study Area. According to
experimental projects, the LID component effects on pollution and amount of runoff are
calculated by the removal fraction. The final results show LID is a very effective in
removing NPS pollution and runoff stormwater although its capability to absorb runoff
in flash flood isnt very reliable.



Urbanisasi tumbuh biasanya berkaitan dengan peningkatan limpasan stormwater dan
pencemaran titik sumber bukan. Kesan Pembangunan Rendah (LID) diperpanjang sebagai
pendekatan baru untuk pengurusan stormwater. bahagian LID dimanfaatkan sebagai tambahan
selain sistem drainase konvensional di daerah perkotaan untuk mengurangkan runoff dan
memadam sumber bukan point (NPS) pencemaran dari stormwater tersebut. Dalam kajian
sebelumnya, berbagai model hidrologi terdorong untuk menghitung volume stormwater dan
pencemaran NPS. Selain itu, beberapa literatur sebelumnya membahas kesan LID pada high dan
kuantiti limpasan stormwater tetapi sebahagian besar kajian tersebut dihadkan untuk desain
halaman LID LID dan landskap. Dalam projek ini, model GIS fuzzy berdasarkan kriteria desain
halaman LID dan prinsip-prinsip hidrologi diperkenalkan untuk mencari daerah yang cocok
untuk bahagian LID di daerah kajian. Untuk menilai ketepatan teknik fuzzy GIS, curah hujan-
limpasan model simulasi dinamik (SWMM) dimanfaatkan untuk menurunkan puncak arus
sistem drainase konvensional. Perbandingan antara keputusan dua model, menggambarkan
ketepatan kriteria fuzzy dan berat mereka. Juga, analisis dilakukan untuk menghitung kesan LID
pada jumlah limpasan dan pencemaran NPS. Model GIS mudah digunakan untuk
menganggarkan pencemaran NPS di Daerah kajian. Menurut projek percubaan, kesan bahagian
LID mengenai pencemaran dan jumlah limpasan dikira oleh fraksi penghapusan. Keputusan
akhir menunjukkan LID adalah sangat berkesan dalam menghapuskan pencemaran NPS dan
stormwater limpasan walaupun kemampuan untuk menyerap limpasan banjir kilat adalah tidak
sangat bisa diandalkan.

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