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Terms for the 2008 Olympic Games

Expressions from the Exercises
  对这次会议充满热切希望 to nurture/hold fervent hopes about this session
  介绍北京申办奥运会的情况 to present Beijing's bid for the Olympic Games
  国际奥委会评估团 the IOC Evaluation Commission
  举办一届出色的奥运会 to organize an excellent Olympic Games
  留下一份独特的遗产 to hand down a unique heritage
  坚决支持北京申办 2008 年奥运会 to stand firmly behind Beijing in its bid for the 2008
Olympic Games
   中国崇尚奥林匹克精神。China embraces the Olympic spirit.
  支持国际奥委会各项动议 to be a staunch supporter behind the IOC initiatives
  全国性的“全民健身活动”the nationwide “fitness-for-all” sports campaign
  国际奥委会主持的体育赛事 the sports events organized by the IOC
  弘扬奥林匹克精神 to promote the Olympic spirit
  如果北京奥运会有赢余 if there is a surplus in the Games revenue
  建立奥林匹克友谊合作基金 to set up all Olympic Friendship and Cooperation Fund
  如果出现财政赤字,中国政府将予以弥补。If there is a deficit,the difference will be
covered by the Chinese government.
  有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar!
  有古老文化传统又具有现代化魅力的城市 a city with both ancient culture and modem
  我们申办的三个主题为:绿色奥运、科技奥运和人文奥运。The three themes of our bid
are Green Olympics,Hi-tech Olympics and the People’s Olympics.
  传播奥林匹克理想 to spread the Olympic ideal
  国家(排球)队运动员 a player of the national volleyball team
  国家队(主)教练员 national team head coach
  中国奥委会 the Chinese Olympic Committee
  国家各单项体育协会 Chinese National Sports Federations
  国际奥委会反兴奋剂各种决议 the IOC anti-doping decisions
  捍卫奥林匹克的纯洁性 to safeguard the purity of the Olympic
  国际单项体育组织 the International Federations(IFs)
  各大赞助商 sponsors
  博采各家之长 to gather knowledge/experience from around the world
/ adopt the best practice
  玩一种叫做“蹴鞠”的游戏 to play a game called Cuju
  精彩纷呈的事情 wonderful and exciting things
  一座充满活力的现代都市 a dynamic modern metropolis m- full of dynamics
  3000 年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相互交织 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into
the urban tapestry / a combination of
  标志性建筑 the iconic imagery;landmark building / landmarks
  讴歌人类的共同理想 to celebrate the common aspirations of humanity
  基于丝绸之路带来的灵感 with a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road
  我们的火炬接力将开创新局面。Our Torch Relay will break new ground.
  人类古老的文明发源地 the oldest civilizations known to man / origin of human civilizations
  希腊、罗马、埃及、拜占庭、美索不达米亚、波斯、阿拉伯、印度和中国文明 Greek,
Roman , Egypt, Byzantine , Mesopotamian , Persian , Arabian , Indian and Chinese
  以“共享和平,共享奥运”为主题 carrying the message “Share the Peace,Share the
  永恒不息的火焰 the eternal flames
  穿越喜马拉雅山脉 to cross the Himalayas
   2.Related Expressions
  国家体育总局 the State Sports General Administration
  中华全国体育总会 the All China Sports Federation
  国际奥委会执委 member of the Executive Board of the IOC
  亚奥理事会 the Olympic Council of Asia(OCA)
  各国奥委会 the National Olympic Committees,(NOCs)
  国际残奥委会 the-International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
  国际体育界 the international sports community/circles
  国际大学生运动联合会 the International University Sports Federation
    中 国 足 / 篮 / 排 / 网 球 协 会 the Chinese Football / Basketball / Volleyball / Tennis
  中国田径/游泳/桥牌协会 the Chinese Athletics/Swimming/Bridge Association
  中国乒乓/羽毛球协会 the Chinese Table-tennis/Badminton Association
  中国滑冰/自行车/健美操协会 the Chinese Skating/Cycling/Aerobic Association
  中国柔道/拳击/武术协会 the Chinese Judo/Boxing/Wnshu Association
  体育设施标准管理办公室 the Sports Facilities Standard Authority
  北京体育大学 Beijing University of Physical Culture
  奥林匹克研究中心 the Olympic:Research Center
  体育彩票 the Sports Lottery ticket
  竞技性体育 athletic/competitive sports
  娱乐性运动 recreational sports
  健身性运动 fitness/body-building sports/exercises
  健身器材 body-building equipment/apparatus
  《全民健身计划纲要》the National Physical Fitness Program
  体育锻炼标准 standards for physical training
  生活方式不良,体育锻炼不够 unhealthy:lifestyles and inadequate exercise
  体质 physical quality/condition
  年检 annual physical examination
  减肥/瘦身 to lose weight
  节食 to go on a diet
  任何单位和个人不得侵占体育场地设施或挪作他用。No unit or individual is allowed to
encroach (upon sports grounds and facilities or divert them to other purposes.
  发展体育运动,增强人民体质。Promote physical culture SO as to build up the people’S
  “东亚病夫” the sick man of East Asia”
   体育巨人;体育大国 athletic giant;sports power,
  冲出亚洲 to fight one’S way out of the Asian arena
  为国争光 to win honor for the motherland/country/China
  不断在国际比赛中获得好成绩 to keep achieving good results in international competitions
  胜不骄,败不馁”。Do not become cocky with SUCCESS,nor discouraged by defeat;Do
not be
   dizzy with success,nor downcast over defeat,
  友谊第一,比赛第二”。Friendship first,competition second.
  坚持“三严”(严格禁止、严格检测、严厉处罚)原则 to stick to the principle of“Three
Stricts”(strict ban,strict testing and strict penalties against doping)
  药物/兴奋剂检测 steroid/drug/stimulant tests
  兴奋剂检测中心 drug./steroid—testing center
  随机抽样 random checks
  收集尿样 to collect urine samples
  亚特兰大“百年奥运”the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta
  夏/冬季奥运会 the Summer/Winter Olympic Games
  五环旗 the five-ring flag
  奥林匹克精神/理想/运动/大家庭 the Olympic spirit/ideal/movement/family
  弘扬奥林匹克精神,推动奥林匹克事业” Enhancing the Olympic Spirit and Promoting
the Olympic’ Movement
  奥林匹克运动的强大生命力和迷人魅力 the vitality and special appeal of the Olympic
  遵循公平竞争的原则 to observe the principle of fair competition
  更快、更高、更强 Faster,Higher,Stronger(Citius,Altius,Fortius)
  和平、友谊、进步 Peace,Friendship,Progress
  促进东西方文化交流 to promote the exchange of Oriental and Occidental cultures
  奥林匹克知识竞赛 Olympic Games quiz --
  点燃奥林匹克圣火 to light the sacred/holy flame of the Olympics
  "现代奥林匹克之父”顾拜旦 Pierre de Coubertin,founder of the modern Olympiad
  对顾拜旦先生的最好纪念 the best way to pay tribute to de Coubertin
康、进步与和平的化身。In his prose Ode to sport,Pierre de Coubertin passionately described
sport as the embodiment of beauty,justice,courage,health,progress and peace.
  对顾拜旦先生提倡的国际性和世界性原则 in line with the principle of universality as
  by de Coubertin
  符合国际奥委会的规定 to meet the requirements of the International Olympic Committee
  奥运会的举办地 点应该在各国轮流举行。 Venues for the Olympics should be rotated
    使 它 真 正 成 为 一 项 跨 文 化 、 跨 民 族 、 跨 国 度 的 活 动 to make it a truly
multicultural.Multinational and international event
    北 京 2008 年 奥 运 会 申 办 委 员 会 the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bid
  北京奥申委主席、北京市市长 Mayor of Beijing and President of BOBICO
  国家体育总局局长、中国奥委会主席、北京奥申委执行主席 Director of the State Sports
  Administration,Chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee and Executive President of
  北京申办 2008 年奥运会的活动 Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Games
    北 京 29 届 奥 运 会 组 委 会 the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the 29th
  实现“新北京,新奥运”的理念 to fulfill the motto of“New Beijing.Great Olympics”
  “天人合一”的理念 the concept of harmony between man and nature
  奥林匹克公园 the Olympic Green
  运动员村 the Games Village
  亚运会 the Asian Games
  大运村 the Universiade Athletes’Village
  东道国 也 e host country/nation
  主办第一届东亚运动会 to host the First East Asian Games
  第六届远东及南太平洋残疾人运动会 the 6th Far East and South Pacific Games for the
  第十届全国运动会(十运会)the l0th National Games
  全国少数民族传统体育运动会 the National Minorities Traditional Sports Games :也 e
   Ethnic Sports Meet
  全国农民运动会 the National Farmers’Games
  世界大学生运动会 Universiade ; the W0rld University Gaines
  田径运动会 track and field sports meet
  世界锦标赛 world championship
  邀请赛 invitational tournament
  汽车拉力赛 motor rally
  温布尔顿网球赛 the Wimbledon tennis tournament
  汤姆斯/尤伯杯 the Thomas/Uber Cup
  一/二年举行一次 to be held annually/biennially
  运动项目 sport items/event
  男/女子项目 men’s/women's event
  团体/单人项目 team/individual event.
  男/女单 men's/women’S singles
  男/女双 men's/women's doubles
  技巧 sports acrobatics
  上运动 aquatic/water sports
  室内/户外运动 indoor games;outdoor sports
  拳术 barehanded Chinese boxing
  空手道大师 karate master:karateka
  瑜珈功大师 yoga master;yogi
  杨式太极拳 the Yang School Taijiquan (one of the 4 schools in China)
  重/中/轻量级 heavy/middle/light weight
  增加体重 to put on weight
  主/客队 home/visiting team
  国家/种子队 national seeded team
  运动员 athlete/sportsman/player
  选手 competitor/contender/contestant
  种子/优秀选手 seeded/top—ranking player
  短跑 sprint
  换棒 to change the baton
  冲刺 to make a final dash
  冠军 champion;gold medallist;gold medal winner,
  亚军 silver medallist;running-up;second
  第三名 bronze medallist;third
  囊括所有冠军 to sweep/capiture/take all the titles on offer
  个人全能冠军 the individual all-round champion
  世界纪录保持者 world—record holder
  奖牌排名 medal standings/ranking
  排名第一 to rank first .
  天时地利人和 (to enjoy)all necessary/favorable conditions
  竞技状态良好 to be in good form/shape
  发挥失常/欠佳 to lose one’s usual form
  阴盛阳衰 stronger women and feebler men
  刷新纪录 to chalk up/rewrite/renew/surpass a’record·
  破/平世界纪录 to break/equal a world record
  爆冷门;黑马 to produce an unexpected winner;to be a dark horse
  体育道德 sportsmanship -
  公平竞争 fair play
  团结协作/配合意识 teamwork
  团队精神 team spirit
  成为甲级队 to become an A-grade team
  中国队对阿根廷队 China VS.Argentina
  A/B 组 Group A/B
  预赛(淘汰赛) preliminaries;pre-trials
  小组赛 group match
  四分之一决赛 quarter finals
  半决赛 semi finals
  决赛 final
  上/下半场 first/second half
  裁判员 referee;judge ’
  !裁判长 chief referee
  (主)教练 (chief)coach
  守门员 goalkeeper
  后卫/中锋/前锋 defender/midfielder/striker
  把球顶进球门 to head a ball into goal
  发球 to serve the ball
  右/前发球区 right/short service court
  得分/进球 to score a goal
  禁区 penalty zone
  中圈 kick-off circle
  球门区/柱/网 goal area/post/net
  端线 goal line
  点球 spot/penalty kick
  加时赛 overtime period;to go to extra time
  平局 to end in a draw/tie
  观众 spectator
  体育运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast
  拉拉队队长 cheer-leader
  足球迷 football fan
  “足球流氓”/球痞 football hooligan
  体育场 stadium
  体育馆/健身房 gymnasium
  足球场 field/pitch .
  篮球场 basketball court
  溜冰场 skating rink
  靶场 shooting range
  入场券 admission ticket
  开幕/闭幕式 the opening/closing ceremony
  致开/闭幕词 to deliver/make the opening/closing speech
  请……宣布……开幕。 I have the honor to invite…to declare the opening of…
  我宣布 21 届世界大学生运动会开幕!I declare the 21st Universiade open!
  开幕式现在开始!The opening ceremony will now begin.
  我宣布……闭幕! I declare the closing/conclusion of…!/I now declare…close!
  我宣布,开幕式到此结束。祝运动员万事如意,实现梦想!That concludes the opening
  May all the athletes have best.Of luck and fulfill your dream.
  祝运动员发扬更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神!May the athletes be inspired by the
Olympic spirit of“faster,higher and stronger”.
  我代表所有参赛运动员宣誓……In the name of all competitors,I promise…
  裁判员、运动员入场! Now the parade of athletes and referees.
  绕场一周向观众致意 to undertake laps of honor
  全体起立,奏国歌!Please all rise to the national anthem.
  请全体起立。升中华人民共和国国旗,奏中华人民共和国国歌 !All rise for the national
flag and
   national anthem of the People’s Republic of China.
  请坐下! Please be seated.
  表演团体操 to perform group exercises
  ……颁奖仪式开始。The Victory Ceremony for…will now take place.
  荣获金牌的是,……队!The gold medal goes to the first place winner,Team of…
  现在,请各位留在原座位,让主席台的贵宾先离场 0 Ladies and gentlemen,may I have
   attention please.1 would appreciate it if you could remain seated for the departure of the
honored guests at the platform.
  请各位起立,目送贵宾退场!Please rise for the departure of the honored guests

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