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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Bukidnon
* * *
Oce of the !"n##uni"n# P"nlun#sod
$%C$RPT FROM T&$ MI'(T$! OF T&$ )*T& R$+(LAR !$!!IO' OF T&$ T&IR,
!A'++('IA'+ PA'L('+!O, OF T&$ CITY OF MALAYBALAY- B(.I,'O'- &$L, AT T&$
!P !$!!IO' &ALL O' OCTOB$R *- /0012
PR$!$'T3 &on2 Cit4 5ice M"4or I#n"cio 62 7ubiri- Presidin# Ocer
&on2 Cit4 Councilor M"nuel L2 ,inl"4"n
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Auror" F2 ,eticio
&on2 Cit4 Councilor A8"do C2 $str"d"
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Provo B2 Antip"s"do- 9r2
&on2 Cit4 Councilor 9"i8e P2 +ellor- 9r2
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Bob Roberto T2 C"s"nov"
&on2 Cit4 Councilor A8"dor O2 Melende:
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Melchor P2 M"r"8"r"
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Cl"rit" C2 C"rb";"l
&on2 Cit4 Councilor Rhe" 54el C2 M"sk"ri<o
AB!$'T 3 &on2 Cit4 Councilor Conr"do M2 B"rroso =On Le"ve>
&on2 Cit4 Councilor $lecit" '2 B"r#ol" =On Le"ve>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
!ponsored b43 &on2 A8"do C2 $str"d"
The Ordin"nce $st"blishin# Policies !"fe#u"rdin# the Poultr4 "nd Livestock
Industries- "nd Co88unities "#"inst Avi"n In@uen:" ,ise"se for8 p"rt of the
continuous preventive 8e"suresApro#r"8 in rel"tion to the possible occurrence of
Avi"n In@uen:" outbre"k in the Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"42
Avi"n In@uen:"- co88onl4 knoBn "s Bird Flu is " dise"se th"t #re"tl4 "Cects
poultr4 industries2 Much 8ore to the eCect of this dise"se to our econo84- the 8ost
i8port"nt f"ctor th"t needs p"r"8ount "ttention is the c"use of this dise"se rel"tive
to the he"lth c"re of the people2
The Ordin"nce $st"blishin# Policies !"fe#u"rdin# the Poultr4 "nd Livestock
Industries- "nd Co88unities "#"inst Avi"n In@uen:" ,ise"se "i8s to protect the
Poultr4 "nd Livestock Industries "nd Investors- 8ost i8port"ntl4 to prioriti:e the
he"lth c"re of the constituents of the Cit42
&ence- the p"ss"#e of this ordin"nce sh"ll ensure the vi"bilit4 of Poultr4 "nd
Livestock Industries "nd "ssure the productive "nd he"lth4 inh"bit"nts of the Cit4 of
M"l"4b"l"42 The Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4 dee8 it necess"r4 th"t it is the collective
responsibilit4 especi"ll4 "8on# the poultr4 investors "nd the concerned "#encies of
the Loc"l +overn8ent (nit of M"l"4b"l"4 to ensure the proper i8ple8ent"tion of
Biosecurit4 8e"sures to prevent the possible spre"d of Avi"n In@uen:" or Bird Flu2
!eries of /001
A' OR,I'A'C$ $!TABLI!&I'+ POLICI$! !AF$+(AR,I'+ T&$ PO(LTRY A',
LI5$!TOC. I',(!TRI$!- A', COMM('ITI$! A+AI'!T A5IA' I'FL($'7A ,I!$A!$2
Be it ord"ined b4 the !"n##uni"n# P"nlun#sod of M"l"4b"l"4 Cit4- in session
This ordin"nce sh"ll be cited "s3
An ordinance establishing Policies Safeguarding Poultry and Livestock
Industries, and Communities against Avian Infuenza Disease!
The Cit4 +overn8ent of M"l"4b"l"4 bein# "n A#ro?b"sed Industri"l Center
Bith " f"st developin# A#ricultur"l $cono84 Bith Poultr4 "nd Livestock "s Pri8e
Industr4 ensures eCective i8ple8ent"tion throu#h proper surveill"nce- est"blish8ent
of Eu"r"ntine- preventive pro#r"8s "nd !ecurit4 8e"sures fro8 Avi"n In@uen:"
,ise"se sh"ll be developed "nd properl4 8"n"#ed to #ener"te e8plo48ent
opportunities "nd "tt"in food sucienc4 toB"rds pro#ressive Cit42
!ection DF =">- =b>- =*>- =)> of R2A2FDG0 #r"nts to the Loc"l +overn8ent (nits
the poBers "nd disch"r#e functions "nd responsibilities enu8er"ted in s"id l"B
"8on# Bhich is the prevention "nd control of pl"nt "nd "ni8"l pests "nd dise"seH
d"ir4 f"r8s- livestock 8"rkets- "ni8"l breedin# st"tions- "nd "rtiIci"l inse8in"tion
centers- "nd "ssist"nce in the or#"ni:"tion of f"r8erJs "nd "s Bell "s the tr"nsfer of
"ppropri"te technolo#42

For purposes of cl"rit4 K in further"nce of the i8port"nce "nd purposes of this
ordin"nce- the ter8s "re deIned "s folloBs3
A> Disease Free Area L h"s no &i#hl4 P"tho#enic Avi"n In@uen:" =&PAI> or
'otiI"ble Avi"n In@uen:" ='AI> b"sed on the reEuire8ents speciIed b4
the OI$ Intern"tion"l Ani8"l &e"lth Code?/00*2
B> Premises L "n4 poultr4 holdin# f"cilit4 th"t 8i#ht h"ve been possibl4
eMposed to "n &PAI virus- such th"t Eu"r"ntine- 8onitorin# "nd
surveill"nce- but no pre?e8ptive sl"u#hter- "re B"rr"nted2
C) Quarantine Zone Level 1 L is the :one Bithin the Three =)> kilo8eter
r"dius fro8 the !uspect Pre8ises2 This sh"ll cover "ll poultr4 holdin#
f"cilities includin# 8";or 8"rkets- processin# pl"nts "nd #ener"l service
D) Quarantine Zone Level 2 L is the :one Bithin the Three =)> kilo8eter
r"dius fro8 the infected pre8ises2 This sh"ll cover "ll poultr4 holdin#
f"cilities includin# 8";or 8"rkets- processin# pl"nts "nd #ener"l service
E) Infected Premises L An4 Poultr4 &oldin# F"cilit4 in Bhich =&PAI> or "
hi#hl4 virulent str"in of in@uen:" is conIr8ed to eMist2
F) Suspect products L sh"ll be the poultr4- poultr4 products- poultr4 B"stes
or "n4 ite8 introduced fro8 "n infected pre8ises TBent4 One =/D> d"4s
prior to the decl"r"tion of the pre8ises "s infected2
) Control Zone L sh"ll be the :one Bith " !even =F> kilo8eter r"dius fro8
the peripher4 of the Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / th"t sh"ll serve "s " buCer
betBeen the Infected Pre8ises "nd the ,ise"se Free Are"s2
!) Quarantine L period of isol"tion of "ni8"ls "nd hu8"ns to prevent the
spre"d of " dise"se2
I) "ildlife L 6ild "ni8"ls "nd bird collectivel42
#) Communit$ L consist of D0 or 8ore houses in " cluster2
%) Poultr$ L do8estic"ted birds kept for e##s or 8e"t2
& ' &
L) Stampin( out L the for8 used to describe the er"dic"tion process of
infected poultr4 "Cected b4 Avi"n In@uen:" A 5irus2
)) Poultr$ inte(rators L refers to poultr4 incorpor"tors like !"n Mi#uel Foods
Corp2- T4son A#ro 5entures Inc2- 5it"rich foods- etc2
*) Commercial Scale Poultr$ Farm L consist of 8ore th"n D-000 he"ds2
+) ,ac-$ard Poultr$ Farm L consist of less th"n 10 he"ds2
P) Livestoc- L do8estic"ted "ni8"ls like c"ttle- ho#s- horses- sheeps K
#o"ts- c"r"b"os kept for 8e"t "nd 8ilk "nd dr"ft purposes2
12D Cit4 Loc"l Avi"n In@uen:" $Mecutive Co88ittee3 (CLAIEC) There hereb4
cre"ted the Cit4 Loc"l Avi"n In@uen:" $Mecutive Co88ittee to be co8posed of3
C.airman3 Cit4 M"4or
Co&C.airman3 Ch"ir8"n of the Co88ittee on A#riculture- !"n##uni"n#
)em/ers3 Cit4 5eterin"ri"n
Cit4 A#riculturist
P'P Chief
,IL+ Ocer
ABC President
Cit4 &e"lth Ocer
12/ PoBers "nd Functions

"> The Cit4 Loc"l Avi"n In@uen:" $Mecutive Co88ittee sh"ll eMercise
"ll poBers "nd functions necess"r4 "nd incident"l to c"rr4 out this
b> Th"t it sh"ll likeBise cre"te the Loc"l Avi"n In@uen:" T"sk Force
=LAITF> Bhich sh"ll co8pose of3
Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce =C5O>
Cit4 A#riculture Oce =CAO>
Philippine '"tion"l Police =P'P>
,ep"rt8ent of interior "nd Loc"l +overn8ent =,IL+>
Cit4 Pl"nnin# "nd ,evelop8ent Oce =CP,O>
Ar8ed Forces of the Philippines =AFP>
'"tion"l Census "nd !t"tistics Oce ='C!O>
Associ"tion of B"r"n#"4 C"pt"ins =ABC>
Cit4 &e"lth Oce =C&O>
Co88unit4 $nviron8ent "nd n"tur"l Resources =C$'RO>
Poultr4 Inte#r"tors
Cit4 Ad8inistr"torJs Oce
Cit4 Prosecutors Oce
Cit4 Le#"l Consult"nt
Cit4 Tre"surers Oce
c> The LAITF sh"ll "8on# the8selves cre"te the Five =1> units te"8
Bhose 8e8bers "nd represent"tives sh"ll co8e fro8 #overn8ent "nd
non?#overn8ent sector2
d> The Five units Te"8 sh"ll be "s folloBs3
12/2D "a#id Action $eam3sh"ll be co8posed of 8e8bers Bho sh"ll c"rr4 out the
i88edi"te di"#nosis of !uspect Pre8ises "nd the initi"tion "nd i8ple8ent"tion of
the st"8pin# out procedures2
12/2/ Surveillance $eam3 sh"ll be co8posed of 8e8bers Bho sh"ll conduct the
re#ul"r surveill"nce "nd proIlin# of poultr4 dise"ses in the identiIed priorit4 "re"s2
D2 The t"r#et poultr4 popul"tion durin# the surveill"nce sh"ll be the n"tive
Chickens- ducks- turke4s- b"ck4"rd #"8e foBls "nd Eu"ils2
/2 If there is " need- blood s"8plin# "nd tr"che"lAclo"c"l sB"bs sh"ll be collected
fro8 t"r#et poultr4 in the identiIed b"r"n#"4s2
)2 The blood s"8ples sh"ll be tested in the Re#ion"l Ani8"l ,ise"se ,i"#nostic
L"bor"tor4 =RA,,L> AT Re#ion"l Oce in C"#"4"n de Oro Cit42
*2 The Protected Are"s "nd Bildlife Bure"u =PA6B> of the ,ep"rt8ent of $nviron8ent
"nd '"tur"l Resources =PA6B?,$'R> sh"ll report "n4 occurrence of de"d
8i#r"tor4 or Bild birdAs "nd sh"ll sub8it the de"d bird s"8pleAs for di"#nosis
"nd l"bor"tor4 test2
12 The =PA6B?,$'R> sh"ll coordin"te Bith the "uthorities of the Loc"l +overn8ent
(nits of the ,ep"rt8ent of Interior "nd Loc"l +overn8ent =L+(?,IL+> "nd the
P'P Cit4 !t"tions on the enforce8ent of the R2A2OD*F- or the 6ildlife Act2
G2 $st"blish "nd M"int"in ,"t"b"se- this includes the list of "ll f"r8 or poultr4
oBners in the cit4- "s Bell "s other supportin# unitsAindustries th"t h"ndles
poultr4 "nd poultr4 products2
F2 For poultr4 de8o#r"phics- "ll b"r"n#"4s h"vin# poultr4 in e"ch "re" sh"ll h"ve
the folloBin# d"t"2
A2 List of f"r8 oBners- f"r8 loc"tion- popul"tion densit4-
h"tcheries- processin#Asl"u#hter houses- "vi"ries "nd feed
B2 !pecies of the poultr43 broiler breeders- l"4er
breeders- l"4ers- broilers- #"8e foBl- ducks- Eu"ils n"tive chicken- hobb4
C2 ,ise"se proIle- biosecurit4 pr"ctice- v"ccin"tion
pro#r"8sH "nd
,2 M"rketin# pr"ctice3 live bird 8"rket- fresh chilled or
P2 The Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4 throu#h the Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce "nd Cit4 A#riculture
Oce sh"ll t"ke "n "ctive role in the surveill"nce of Avi"n In@uen:"2 The
re)sponsibilit4 sh"ll be Bith the Cit4 5eterin"ri"n "nd Cit4 A#riculturist2
O2 All the concerned st"C in the Ield- p"rticul"rl4 A#ricultur"l Technolo#ist should
h"ve sucient knoBled#e "bout the AI dise"se "nd its epide8iolo#ic"l
beh"vior2 A sep"r"te foru8As48posi" Bill be conducted to brief the8 "ll 8"ters
re#"rdin# AI2
D02 A census of the nu8ber of poultr4 popul"tion Bithin the loc"lit4 sh"ll be
conducted b4 the Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce Bith the help of the Cit4 A#riculture
DD2 The Cit4 5eterin"ri"n should sub8it " 'e#"tive Monitorin# Report to the
provinci"l Oce2 Re#ul"r reportin# should be done in order to est"blish "
d"t"b"se for proIlin# of the poultr4 sectorJs he"lth st"tus2
12/2) %uarantine $eam3 sh"ll be co8posed of 8e8bers Bho sh"ll ensure the
i8ple8ent"tion of the prescribed 8ini8u8 biosecurit4 8e"sures "s st"ted in the
Loc"l Avi"n In@uen:" Prep"redness Pro#r"82
12/2* Census $eam3 sh"ll be co8posed of 8e8bers Bho Bill conduct periodic
identiIc"tion "nd consolid"tion of d"t" on poultr4 popul"tion- kinds "nd loc"tion in
the "re"2
12/21 Information &ducation Communications $eam3 sh"ll be co8posed of
8e8bers Bho sh"ll ensure "deEu"te "B"reness of the #ener"l public on 8"tters "nd
upd"tes pert"inin# to Avi"n In@uen:"2
A. 5"rious co88unic"tion 8edi" sh"ll be used to re"ch the
B. Over"ll 8ess"#e content of 8"teri"ls to be developed for the
Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4 sh"ll focus on AI rel"ted infor8"tion especi"ll4 re"chin#
out to the b"ck4"rd f"r8ers2 Le"@ets reproduction "nd distribution
re#"rdin# AI h"ve been st"rted "nd " se8in"r to "ll b"r"n#"4 sh"ll be
conducted "s p"rt of the I$C2 This sh"ll be coordin"ted Bith the Cit4
A#riculture Oce throu#h its A#ricultur"l Technolo#ist in ever4 b"r"n#"42
G2D Poultr4 &oldin# F"cilities such "s co88erci"l f"r8s- b"ck4"rd units-
h"tcheries- processin# pl"nts- sl"u#hterhouses- "vi"ries "nd feed 8ills sh"ll co8pl4
Bith the folloBin#3
A2> A lo#book should be 8"int"ined "t "ll ti8es b4 the securit4 #u"rd "t the
8"in #"te of the poultr4 est"blish8ent2
1. '"8e of person
2. Ti8e of "rriv"l "nd dep"rture
3. 5ehicle pl"te nu8ber =if "pplic"ble>
4. L"st poultr4 or livestock f"cilit4 visited Kd"te
5. Purpose of visit
6. ,escription of ite8s brou#ht intoAout of the f"r8 "nd the
correspondin# sourceAdestin"tion2
B2> !trict i8ple8ent"tion of rest period =the ti8e interv"l for8 the Irst
disinfection to the lo"din# of the neMt b"tch of poultr4> "nd the proper
disinfection procedures of f"r8houses "nd other structures in the f"r8 should
be enforced2
C2> Biosecurit4 control points =e2#2 #"tes- shoBer roo8s- footb"ths- fu8i#"tion
boMes> should be in pl"ce2
,2> Poultr4 houses- feed stor"#e roo8 "nd e## roo8 should be in"ccessible to
str"4 "ni8"ls "nd free @4in# birds2
$2> All poultr4 8ort"lities should be disposed oC properl4 Bithin f"r8 pre8ises
or oBn b"ck4"rd throu#h buri"l- co8postin# or inciner"tion2
F2> Poultr4 "nd sBine 8ust not be #roBnAkept in the s"8e holdin# f"cilit42
&oldin# f"cilities in the 8"rket "nd st"lls should observe " h4#ienic
G2/ Rep!"#$%
D2 Reportin# to the Cit4 5eterin"r4 OceACit4 A#riculture Oce or its
"#ricultur"l Technolo#ist in ever4 b"r"n#"4 of "n4 unusu"l de"th of
chickens "nd other foBls2
/2 Reportin# to the ne"rest he"lth center or b"r"n#"4 he"lth Borker of "n4
suspected c"se of hu8"n bird @u2
)2 Reportin# to the C$'RO of s8u##lin#- tr"din# or c"pture of Bild birds b4
"n4 individu"l2
G2) M&#'#()"#$ * B)!)$%)+ He)'", E-e!%e$.+ Re/p$/e Te)-/
The B&$RTs sh"ll be 8obili:ed pursu"nt to ,IL+ MC 'o2 /00)?O1 d"ted M"4 F-
/00) to "ssist in the i8ple8ent"tion of the MCAIPP2
The 8ove8ent of poultr4 "nd poultr4 b4?products fro8 nei#hborin# cities "nd
8unicip"lities to the Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4 includin# fro8 one b"r"n#"4 to "nother sh"ll
be re#ul"tedAcontrolled2 The 8ove8ent sh"ll onl4 be "lloBed Bhen the licensed "nd
deputi:ed veterin"ri"n fro8 the "re" of ori#in h"s issued " he"lth certiIc"te "nd
tr"nsport per8its2 M"l"4b"l"4 Cit4 sh"ll enforce the BAI Me8or"ndu8 d"ted 9ul4 D)-
/00* on the Loc"l tr"nsport of "ni8"ls th"t includes poultr4 "nd poultr4 b4?products2
A. Poultr4 includes 8"rket"ble broilers- culls- d"4 old chicks- pellets-
#"8e foBls- n"tive chicken- ducks- h"tchin# e##s "nd hobb4 birds2
B. Poultr4 b4?products include 8"nure- used litter- oC"l- fe"ther-
8ort"lities- etc2
C. $st"blish Eu"r"ntine p"rticul"rl4 in B"r"n#"4 ,"lB"n#"n "nd A#l"4"n
hi#hB"4 bound"ries2 Tr"ined personnel fro8 the P'P Bith personnel fro8 the
C5O sh"ll 8"n this checkpoints2

D. $st"blish outpost "t B"r"n#"4 C"n?"4"n "nd B"r"n#"4 !"n 9ose to
8onitor intr"nce of foBls- livestock- poultr4 b4?products fro8 8unicip"lities of
C"b"n#l"s"n "nd L"nt"p"n respectivel42
IdentiIc"tion of suspect pre8ises sh"ll "dhere Bith the observ"tion "s set
forth b4 the 8"nu"l of procedures of the '"tion"l +uidelines of Avi"n In@uen:"
Protection Pro#r"8 speciIc"ll4 for b"ck4"rd r"isers- "n4 uneMpl"ined 8ort"lit4 of
poultr4 in TBo=/> or 8ore households Bithin the b"r"n#"4Apurok in " sp"n of tBo
O2D The veterin"r4 services of " co88erci"l poultr4 loc"ted in suspect pre8ises
sh"ll initi"te "nd co8plete- Bithin /* hours fro8 reportin# b4 the Ield personnel- the
di"#nostic procedures "s folloBs3
A2 The veterin"ri"n of " poultr4 f"r8 concern sh"ll conduct on f"r8 testin# of
" 8ini8u8 of )0 clo"c"l sB"bs collected fro8 poultr4 th"t recentl4 died or
fro8 poultr4 shoBin# "n4 s48pto8=s> usin# " r"pid test for In@uen:" A
B2 The veterin"ri"n of " poultr4 f"r8 concern sh"ll collect "nother set of )0
clo"c"l sB"bs to be sub8itted to the RA,,L?RF( %- C"#"4"n de Oro Cit42
All pertinent infor8"tion "ndAor @ock histor4 should be provided "s
indic"ted in the st"nd"rd for8"t2
C2 A 8ini8u8 of )0 blood s"8ples sh"ll be collected fro8 the @ock2 These
should be sub8itted to the RA,,L?RF( %- C"#"4"n de Oro Cit4 for $LI!A
testin# for 'C,- IB- ILT "nd foBl choler" "s diCerenti"l ,i"#nosis2
The oBner of the b"ck4"rd f"r8 should report Bithin /* hours to the ne"rest
b"r"n#"4 oci"l- Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce or the A#ricultur"l Technolo#ist "ssi#ned in
e"ch b"r"n#"4 "bout the occurrence of uneMpl"ined 8ort"lit4 in order to initi"te the
folloBin# di"#nostice procedures3
A2 The Cit4 5eterin"ri"n sh"ll report "ll pertinent histor4 to the Ani8"l &e"lth
,ivision =A&,> of the BAI "t RF(?% C"#"4"n de Oro Cit42
B2 The folloBin# sh"ll conduct "n in?f"r8 investi#"tion Bithin /* hours "fter
receivin# " report on suspected AI occurrence2
Cit4 5eterin"ri"n
RA,,L Technici"n
R"pid Action Te"8
The RF( % L ,A in coordin"tion Bith the Cit4 +overn8ent of M"l"4b"l"4 !h"ll
decl"re " Eu"r"ntine :one level D2
D02D !trict 8ove8ent control of hu8"ns- poultr4- livestock "nd other "ni8"l
products Bithin the )?.8 r"dius- Bith stipul"tions on pen"lt4 for non?co8pli"nce2
D02/ The Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4 throu#h the Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce "nd RF( %? ,A sh"ll
identif4 poultr4 holdin# f"cilities Bithin the )?.8 r"dius :one2 OBners of the poultr4
holdin# f"cilities sh"ll be "dvised of the 8ove8ent control2
D02) The Loc"l Ani8"l &e"lth Oci"ls =C5O- C&O- P'P> sh"ll tr"ce "ll "ni8"l "nd
hu8"n 8ove8ent respectivel4- up to /0 d"4s prior to the onset of the Irst clinic"l
si#n=s> in the suspect pre8ises2
D02* The C#"+ Ve"e!#$)!#)$ sh"ll "cco8plish " for8"l epide8iolo#ic"l report
Bithin ) d"4s indic"tin# the poultr4 popul"tion under Eu"r"ntine "nd " risk "n"l4sis
of possible spre"d of the infection b"sed on recorded 8ove8ents "ni8"ls- poultr4
products- eEuip8ent "nd hu8"ns2
D021 The C#"+ He)'", O3.e sh"ll "dvise residents Bithin the )?.8 Nu"r"ntine
7one Level D th"t 8ove8ent in "nd out "re "lloBed provided the4 do not #et into
cont"ct Bith "nother poultr42
DD2D The suspect pre8ises sh"ll be recl"ssiIed into infected pre8ises Bhen the
virus isol"tion tests in PA&C?BAI "re positive2
DD2/ ConIr8"tor4 di"#nosis of suspect pre8ises sh"ll folloB procedure "s st"ted
in the M"nu"l of Procedure of the '"tion"l +uidelines of Avi"n In@uen:" Protection
DD2) The C#"+ Ve"e!#$)!#)$ sh"ll "cco8plish " for8"l report includin# "ll the test
procedures conducted- results "nd diCerenti"l di"#nosis to the ,irector of BAI
reco88endin# the recl"ssiIc"tion of suspect pre8ises to infected pre8ises2
DD2* The for8"l decl"r"tion of the "re" "s infected pre8ises b4 the director of BAI
sh"ll be co88unic"ted to the L+( for "ppropri"te "ction2
DD21 (pon the decl"r"tion of the infected pre8ises- the RF( %? ,A- in coordin"tion
Bith the BAI "nd L+(- !&ALL ,$CLAR$ A )?.8 r"dius fro8 the infected pre8ises to
be " Nu"r"ntine 7one Level /2
D/2D 7ones for st"8pin#?out "ctivit43 !t"8pin# out sh"ll be i8ple8ented in the
infected pre8ises "nd the Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / "nd sh"ll be under the "uthorit4
of BAI?,A2
D/2/ All susceptible poultr4 in the identiIed :ones sh"ll be killed on the spot "t the
shortest possible ti8e2
D/2) The "ctivit4 sh"ll be i8ple8ented b4 the folloBin# personnel3
D/2)2D Me8ber of the R"pid Action Te"8
A2 C5OA,A represent"tive
B2 Oci"l 5eterin"ri"n in c"se of poultr4 inte#r"tors
C2 P'P =D8ilit"r4 personnel per thous"nd he"ds of poultr4
to be destro4ed>
,2 Represent"tive fro8 the C&O
D/2)2/ $Mc"v"tion oper"tor
D/2)2) F"r8 &e"ds
D/2* &u8"n s"fet4 in the st"8pin# out "ctivit4 sh"ll be observed "dherin# to the
M"nu"l of Procedures in the '"tion"l +uideline of Avi"n In@uen:" Protection Pro#r"82
D/21 All person Bho h"ve been in close cont"ct Bith the infected "ni8"ls sh"ll
B"sh their h"nds freEuentl4 Bith so"p "nd B"ter2 This sh"ll be folloBed b4 h"nd
disinfection Bith " F0Q "lcohol or iodine b"sed h"nd B"sh2
D/2G All person eMposed to poultr4 in the infected pre8ises "nd in Nu"r"ntine 7one
Level / sh"ll be under close 8onitorin# b4 the Cit4 &e"lth Oce2

D/2F The Cit4 &e"lth Oce sh"ll prescribe the use of proph4l"ctic 8edic"tion for "ll
persons involved in the st"8pin# out "ctivit4 in the infected pre8ises2

D/2P The 8ethods "nd procedures b4 Bhich poultr4 sh"ll be destro4ed sh"ll folloB
the 8"nu"l of Procedures of the '"tion"l +uideline of Avi"n In@uen:" Protection
D/2O 6hen "pplic"ble- Poultr4 houses durin# the sl"u#hter procedure should be
closed doBn to prevent the "irborne spre"d of virus "nd to 8ini8i:e entr4 of free
@4in# Bild birds th"t c"n co8e in cont"ct Bith the infected birds "nd spre"d infection
D/2D0 C"rc"sses should be pl"ced in int"ct pl"stic b"#s before brin#in# these to the
buri"l site2
D)2D All poultr4 products "nd 8"teri"ls "ssoci"ted Bith destro4ed poultr4 in the
Infected Pre8ises "nd Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / sh"ll be included in the dispos"l2 This
sh"ll include rice hulls- e##s- 8"nure- feeds- etc2
D)2/ Loc"tionH An on?site loc"tion for buri"l of c"rc"sses "nd other cont"8in"ted
8"teri"ls sh"ll be desi#n"ted so th"t subseEuent 8onitorin# of cont"8in"tion level
or eMposure of restocked popul"tion c"n be e"sil4 "chieved2
D)2) An oC site loc"tion c"n be used if 8ultiple Infected Pre8ises "re
si8ult"neousl4 found in the surroundin# "re" =D k8 dist"nce "t 8ost>2
D)2* Buri"l pit construction "nd buri"l "ctivit4 sh"ll "dhere Bith the M"nu"l of
Procedures of the '"tion"l +uideline of Avi"n In@uen:" Protection Pro#r"82
D*2D 'umans3 The ,O& throu#h the Cit4 &e"lth Authorities sh"ll rele"se
infor8"tion 8"teri"ls st"tin# "ll necess"r4 #uidelines on hu8"n 8ove8ent
li8it"tions K restrictions2

D*2/ F"r8 personnel or "n4 person not shoBin# si#ns "nd s48pto8s of "n4 dise"se
co8in# fro8 "n Infected Pre8ises sh"ll be sub;ect to Eu"r"ntine in the desi#n"ted
te8por"r4 Eu"rters for D0 d"4s fro8 the l"st d"4 of st"4 in the Infected Pre8ises2
D*2) All entr4 "nd eMit of persons sh"ll be closel4 8onitored "nd recorded b4 the
D*2* The Cit4 &e"lth Oce personnel sh"ll conduct d"il4 8onitorin# for fever
"ndAor respir"tor4 si#ns "8on# people Bho Bere in close cont"ct Bith poultr4 fro8
the !uspect Pre8ises2 Appropri"te "ssist"nce "nd Eu"r"ntine procedures Bill be
"pplied "s needed- b"sed on the "ssess8ent of the Cit4 &e"lth Ocer2
D*21 Anti?vir"l dru#s should be #iven Bithin the Irst / d"4s of eMposure to persons
in close cont"ct Bith poultr4 =Bithin the ) k8 r"dius>2
D*2G Move8ent of persons fro8 Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / to the infected pre8ises
sh"ll be restricted "nd Bill be "lloBed onl4 upon "pprov"l of Loc"l &e"lth Authorities
=C&O> in coordin"tion Bith ,O&2
D*2F Move8ent of persons fro8 Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / to the Control 7one sh"ll
be "lloBed but these persons should co8pl4 Bith the polic4 prohibitin# visit to "n4
poultr4 holdin# f"cilit42
D*2P Persons involved in the st"8pin# out "ctivit4- hoBever sh"ll be restricted "nd
"lloBed 8ove8ent onl4 "fter D0 d"4s fro8 the l"st d"4 of st"8pin# out "ctivit4
Bhich sh"ll be 8onitored b4 the Loc"l &e"lth Authorities =C&O>2
D*2O Poultry and Poultry Products3 Move8ent of "n4 live poultr4 "nd poultr4
products "nd b4?products fro8 the Infected Pre8ises "nd Nu"r"ntine 7one Level /
sh"ll be enforced b4 the Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce throu#h its deputi:ed Me"t Inspectors
in cooper"tion Bith the loc"l P'P2
D*2D0 Checkpoints 8"nned b4 loc"l P'P "lon# thorou#hf"res in the peripher4 of
Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / should be in pl"ce to ensure co8pli"nce of the "bove ite82
D12D Identi(cation of Control )one3 (pon decl"r"tion of infected pre8ises- BAI?
,A sh"ll direct the L+( =Cit4 of M"l"4b"l"4> to include " F k8 :one r"dius fro8 the
peripher4 of the bound"r4 of the Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / "s Control 7one2

D12/ Surveillance of Poultry3 !tr"te#ic poultr4 popul"tion sh"ll be sub;ected to "
r"pid test procedure for the detection of In@uen:" A durin# st"8pin# out "ctivit42
D12) The Cit4 5eterin"r4 OceACit4 A#riculture Oce throu#h its A#ricultur"l
Technolo#ists sh"ll intensif4 the infor8"tion c"8p"i#n for "ll poultr4 r"isers to
8onitor poultr4 for "n4 Eu"lif4in# indic"tion of !uspect Pre8ises2
D12* Observ"tion of 8ild respir"tor4 si#ns in "n4 poultr4 popul"tion should be
i88edi"tel4 reported to the Cit4 5eterin"r4 Oce so th"t i88edi"te ev"lu"tion of
poultr4 he"lth st"tus c"n be done2
D121 *onitoring of other livestock3 All livestock especi"ll4 sBine- Bithin the
Control 7one should be 8onitored "nd ev"lu"ted b4 the Cit4 5eterin"ri"n for "n4 si#n
of " vir"l respir"tor4 dise"se2

Poultry and Poultry Products3
A2 An4 "ctivit4 involvin# the #"therin# of "n4 poultr4 species
sh"ll be prohibited durin# the period of !t"8pin# Out "nd Restockin# of
the Infected Pre8ises2 This sh"ll include cockI#htin#- s"le of live bird in
public 8"rket or in "n4 ro"d netBork- tr"de f"ir or shoB of poultr4- etc2
B2 Move8ents of poultr4 "nd poultr4 products out of the
Control 7one sh"ll be prohibited durin# the Irst D1 d"4s fro8 the
decl"r"tion of the infected pre8ises- "fter Bhich- "n4 8ove8ent should
be "cco8p"nied b4 " 5eterin"r4 &e"lth CertiIc"te issued b4 the
C2 Move8ent of poultr4 b4?products =e2#2 8"nure- used rice
hull> out of the Control 7one sh"ll be prohibited fro8 the period of
!t"8pin# Out to the Restockin# of the Infected Pre8ises2
,2 Move8ent of live poultr4 fro8 " ,ise"se Free 7one
throu#h the Control 7one sh"ll be "lloBed provided th"t3

These "re "cco8p"nied b4 " 5eterin"r4 &e"lth
The In"l destin"tion sh"ll be outside the Control
7one r"dius or to " ,ise"se Free Are"2
$2 Me"t fro8 poultr4 co8in# fro8 Infected Pre8ises "nd the
Nu"r"ntine 7one Level / should not- in "n4 inst"nce- be used "s hu8"n
food nor "s feed for other "ni8"l popul"tion2

F2 A 5eterin"r4 &e"lth CertiIc"te issued b4 " 5eterin"ri"n
should "cco8p"n4 8ove8ent of live sBine fro8 the Control 7one2
? DD ?
+2 Move8ent of hu8"ns fro8 the Control 7one sh"ll be
DF2D Poultr4 v"ccin"tion sh"ll be considered " control option onl4 in situ"tions
Bhen " c"se of neB Infected Pre8ises occurs Bithin the i88edi"te vicinit4 of the
Control 7one Bhile !t"8pin# Out "nd Restockin# of the precedin# c"se of Infected
Pre8ises is bein# undert"ken2
DF2/ The decision to use " v"ccine for Avi"n In@uen:" sh"ll be co88unic"ted to
"nd "#reed upon b4 "ll sectors of the poultr4 industr42
DF2) 5"ccin"tion of the poultr4 sh"ll be i8ple8ented onl4 to province=s> Bithin " 10
k8 r"dius fro8 the Infected Pre8ises2
DF2* Onl4 Ai v"ccines "pproved b4 BAI?,A sh"ll be used2
DP2D It is strictl4 prohibited to "cEuire "nd s"le foBls- pet birds- Bild birds- #"8e
foBls "nd birds co8in# fro8 countries "Cected b4 bird @uA"vi"n in@uen:"2
DP2/ C"tchin#- #ettin# ne"r or keepin# in c"ptivit4 Bild birds2
DP2) !"le of live chickens- ducks- turke4s- #"8e foBls- K Eu"ils Bhile there is "
thre"t of bird @u2
DP2* Pl"cin# chickens- ducks "nd pi#s to#ether in one "re"- c"#es or pens2
DP21 Chickens- ducks- #"8e foBls "nd Eu"ils "re prohibited to ro"8 freel42
An4 person Bho sh"ll viol"te "n4 of the provisions of this ordin"nce or
obstruct or i8pede or "ssist in obstructin# or i8pendin# the M"l"4b"l"4 Cit4 Loc"l
Avi"n In@uen:" T"sk Force or person in "uthorit4 in hisAher beh"lf in the eMecution of
"n4 of the provision of this ordin"nce or sh"ll for#e- counterfeit "lter or destro4 or
re8ove "n4 certiIc"te p"ssed- or "n4 le#"l p"pers issued b4 virtue of the provision of
the ordin"nce or sh"ll f"il to present hisAher "ni8"l=s> for inspection- v"ccin"tion
"ndAor tre"t8ent sh"ll be li"ble to prosecution "nd upon conviction sh"ll for e"ch
oCense be pen"li:ed Bith i8prison8ent of not 8ore th"n One 4e"r or " Ine not
eMceedin# Five Thous"nd Pesos =1-000200> or both upon the discretion of the court2

If for "n4 re"son or re"sons "n4 provision=s> of this ordin"nce is found to be
inconsistent Bith the st"tutes of the Philippine Constitution thereb4 renderin# it
inv"lid- the other provision hereof not "Cected sh"ll re8"in to be in force "nd in
This ordin"nce sh"ll t"ke eCect upon its "pprov"l "fter due co8pli"nce Bith
reEuisite public"tion2
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
I &$R$BY C$RTIFY th"t the fore#oin# resolution is true2
!"n##uni"n# P"nlun#sod !ecret"r4
APPRO5$,- OCTOB$R *- /0013
Cit4 5ice M"4or
Presidin# Ocer
City Mayor


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