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Summary of Changes to

Keys to Soil Taxonomy

January 2014
Chapter and page numbers refer to the published and full format version of the
Keys to Soil Taxonomy, eleventh edition, 2010.
A sentence was added to reflect publication of the twelfth edition to coincide with the 20
World Congress of
Soil Science in Korea.
The following amendments were highlighted as changes for the twelfth edition: Anhydrite in soils of the A!"
impro#ement in classification of $ollisols of Argentine %ampas" and &C'$A(T).
The sentence encouraging use of soil ta*onomy internationally was changed to represent the leadership of
(+CS Soil Science ,i#ision. The name of the Soil Science ,i#ision director was updated.
Chapter 1 ! The Soils That "e Classify
#e$nition of Soil, %.1 ! &dded referen'es to the 1()* and 1((( editions of Soil
Taxonomy and a +iterature Cited se'tion. Corre'ted the 200 'm limit for 'lassi$'ation as
an arbitrary but pra'ti'al limit for soil survey and not 'lassi$'ation per se. &dded
mention of some densi' materials ,non'emented bedro'-s. to the senten'e on series
di/erentiae. 0dited several senten'es on the distin'tions beteen soil and nonsoil as
ell as the dynami' nature of some soil properties.
1uried Soils, %.2 ! Three paragraphs ere shorted to one ith to senten'es. The $rst
senten'e 'ontains a ne simpli$ed de$nition and the se'ond senten'e 'ontains the lin-
to 'hapter 2 here the rules for 'lassi$'ation of buried soils resides. The ne de$nition
still in'ludes a surfa'e mantle of ne soil material but ith a simple minimum thi'-ness
of *0 'm or more. & layer of human3transported material *0 'm or more thi'- as
added as a ne option for buried soils. The surfa'e mantle of ne soil material as
moved immediately belo under a ne header. The sliding s'ale of 40 to *0 'm for the
possible thi'-ness of the surfa'e mantle of ne soil material ,in soils ith thin sola. as
deleted. The de$nition as 'lari$ed and distinguished from human3transported material
by stating that the surfa'e mantle of ne soil material is a layer of naturally3deposited
mineral material.
Chapter 2 ! #i/erentiae for 5ineral Soils and 6rgani' Soils
#istin'tion 1eteen 5ineral Soils and 6rgani' Soils, %.432 ! 7evised the senten'es
in the third paragraph to 'larify the 'on'epts.
Soil Surfa'e and 5ineral Soil Surfa'e, %.2 ! &dded to ne se'tions pre'eding the
de$nition of mineral soils to de$ne their use throughout the Keys to Soil Taxonomy.
Chapter 4 ! 8ori9ons and Chara'teristi's #iagnosti' for the 8igher Categories
&nthropi' epipedon, %.*3: ! &dded a narrative de$nition that pre'edes the re;uired
'hara'teristi's. 5odi$ed the $rst senten'e introdu'ing the re;uired 'hara'teristi's and
added to ne senten'es. 7epla'ed the list of * root3limiting layer ith the phrase
<root3limiting layer= and redire'ted the referen'e to the formal de$nitions 'ontained in
'hapter 1). The re;uired 'hara'teristi's ere revised to remove mixing to 1> 'm, 'olor,
organi'3'arbon 'ontent, and phosphate 'ontent as 'riteria, eviden'es of forming from
human a'tivity ere added, and the 'riteria for minimum thi'-ness as simpli$ed.
5olli' and umbri' epipedons, %.)3> ! Changed <dominant 'olors= from plural to
singular and added footnote 1 at $rst usage ,in the molli' epipedon. to identify the Soil
Survey 5anual ,SS5. as the sour'e do'ument ,SS5. for the de$nition. The 'riteria for
phosphate 'ontent as removed from both epipedons. Changed geomorphi' position in
nely renumbered item ( of the umbri' epipedon from ?raised surfa'es? to ?lo'ally
raised landforms?
%laggen epipedon, %.> ! 0dits ere made to the narrative de$nition that pre'edes the
re;uired 'hara'teristi's. @n the re;uired 'hara'teristi'sA 'hanged geomorphi' position in
item 1 from ?land surfa'es? to ?landforms? produ'ed by long3term additions of manureB
'hanged item 1a to 'larify that artifa'ts do not in'lude standard agri'ultural
amendments or in'idental litter and in'luded an example of ea'hB Changed item 2 to
add human3transported material to the re;uired thi'-ness.
&gri' hori9on, %.( ! @n the re;uired 'hara'teristi's, items 1.a and 1.b are renumbered
as items 1 and 2, respe'tively.
&nhydriti' hori9on, %.10 ! &dded the brief des'ription and re;uired 'hara'teristi's for
this ne diagnosti' hori9on immediately pre'eding the argilli' hori9on.
Cambi' hori9on, %.11 ! Changed one o''urren'e of the phrase <'hroma of 0= to
<neutral 'olors ith no hue ,C. and 9ero 'hroma= in re;uired 'hara'teristi' 2.a.,4.,a. to
'larify the 5unsell 'olor 'hips that are possible ith the 'riterion.
Kandi' hori9on, %.12
o 7epla'ed the phrase <surfa'e hori9on= ith <overlying hori9on= in item 2 to
'larify that -andi' hori9ons 'an o''ur at signi$'ant depths belo the soil surfa'e.
o +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture in criterion for the depth to the
hori.on /item 2.b./011 with 2 sandy soil te*ture classes" in order to clarify the concept.
Catri' hori9on, %.14 ! 7evised item *.b. to repla'e the phrase <ex'hange a'idity= ith
<extra'table a'idity= for 'onsisten'y ith &lbi' subgroups of Catra;ualfs, laboratory
methods of the KSS+, and the C&S@S database. Changed the ord <if= to <and=, to 'larify
that both of the 'hemi'al 'riteria are re;uired for this option of the natri' hori9on.
6rtstein, %.14 ! &dded to senten'es ta-en verbatim from the se'ond edition of soil
taxonomy hi'h de$nes 'ontinuous orstein and the eviden'e for its lateral 'ontinuity.
6xi' hori9on, %.14
o Converted the units for the si9e fra'tion of eatherable minerals in item 4 from
mi'rons to millimeters for 'onsisten'y ith other 'riteria.
o 7epla'ed the phrase <surfa'e hori9on= ith <overlying hori9on= in item * to
'larify that oxi' hori9ons 'an o''ur at signi$'ant depths belo the soil surfa'e.
%etrogypsi' hori9on, %.12 ! Clari$ed the ording of the range of 'ementation 'lasses
involved in the text.
&brupt textural 'hange, %.1* ! The te'hni'al 'riteria ere deleted from the narrative
de$nition and pla'ed into a set of re;uired 'hara'teristi's. & ne item in the 'riteria
re;uires a minimum non'arbonate 'lay 'ontent of > per'ent in the diagnosti' textural
subsurfa'e hori9on. These revisions allo its use in * <pale= great groups, all &brupti'
subgroups, and 4 <pale= subgroups hi'h may have any mineral epipedon and other
diagnosti' textural subsurfa'e hori9ons besides Dust an argilli' hori9on.
&nhydrous Conditions, %.1: ! 7epla'ed the ord <'emented= ith <impregnated= to
avoid the impli'ation that i'e is a pedogeni' 'ementing agent.
@nter$ngering of &lbi' 5aterials, %.1) ! Corre'ted the omission of the -andi' hori9on
in item 1 of the re;uired 'hara'teristi's.
+inear 0xtensibility ,+0., %.1> ! &dded a referen'e to the formal de$nition of <root3
limiting layers= 'ontained in 'hapter 1).
Fibers, %.21 ! Changed the ord ?'oarse? to ?ood? in three statements about ood
fragments. Changed 2 'm to 20 mm to mat'h the units of measurement for diameter
used elsehere in the Keys and in the C&S@S metadata. 7epla'ed the ords ?gravel,
stones, and boulders? ith the ords ?ro'- fragments?, in the de$nition of $bers.
&;ui' Conditions, %.22
o @n the elements of a;ui' 'onditions, revised item 1. '. ,2. ,b. for anthri'
saturation to add manganese to the 'riterion for redox 'on'entrations to support the
narrative about anthra;ui' 'onditions in the last paragraph of the se'tion.
o @n the elements of a;ui' 'onditions, revised item 1. '. ,2. ,'. for anthri'
saturation to 'orre't the usage of dithionite3'itrate for 'onsistent usage elsehere in
the KST.
o @n the elements of a;ui' 'onditions for redu'tion, added the 'hemi'al symbol for
redu'ed iron ,Fe
. to the explanation of the indi'ator dye alpha,alpha3dipyridyl.
&dded a senten'e on use of @7@S tubes to do'ument redu'tion in soils ith very lo
levels of total iron.
%ermafrost, %.2: ! 7epla'ed the ord <'emented= ith <impregnated= to avoid the
impli'ation that i'e is a pedogeni' 'ementing agent.
Chara'teristi's #iagnosti' for 8uman3&ltered and 8uman3Transported Soils, %.40
! &dded this se'tion to 'ontain the folloing ne 'hara'teristi's and 'riteriaA
&nthropogeni' landforms and mi'rofeatures, &rtifa'ts, 8uman3altered material, 8uman3
transported material, 5anufa'tured layer, 5anufa'tured layer 'onta't, and Subgroups
for 8uman3altered and 8uman3transported Soils.
+iterature Cited, %.40 ! &dded referen'e to the Field 5ethods in &r'haeology by 8ester
et. al. for a usage in the narrative de$nition of the anthropi' epipedon. 7evised
referen'es to the Soil Survey +aboratory 5ethods 5anual, Soil Taxonomy, and the Soil
Survey 5anual to the 'urrent 'itation format. &dded the Cational Soil Survey 8andboo-,
%art :2( as a ne referen'e needed for anthropogeni' landforms and mi'rofeatures.
Chapter 2 ! @denti$'ation of the Taxonomi' Class of a Soil
First and se'ond paragraphs" %.41 3 Added se#eral sentences about the assumptions for using the
4eys" added mention of the 5ield 6oo4 for ,escribing and Sampling Soils" chapter 07" and the appendi*" and
e*panded the topic of con#entions for rounding numbers. Added a 89iterature Cited: section at the end of the
chapter which contains the recommended citations for both the Soil Sur#ey $anual and the 5ield 6oo4 for
,escribing and Sampling Soils.
Key to Soil 6rders" %.;; 3 +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture in
criteria for the spodic hori.on /of items C.;.a./<1" C.;.b./21" and C.;.c./21 /a11 with 2 sandy soil te*ture classes"
in order to clarify the concept.
Footnote 1, %.42 3 Corrected the wording of footnote 0 to match the identical footnote /21 in chapter 2.
Key to Soil 6rders" %.;; 3 Added the anhydritic hori.on to item =.0.c. as a diagnostic hori.on for
classifying Aridisols.
Key to Soil 6rders" %.;; 3 +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture in
criterion for the epipedon /of item ).0.a1 with 2 sandy soil te*ture classes" in order to clarify the concept.
Key to Soil 6rders" %.;< 3 Added the folistic epipedon to item K.2.b /01 as a diagnostic hori.on for
classifying &nceptisols. +eorgani.ed item K.2.b. into ; subitems for clarity.
Chapter * ! &l$sols
Key to Suborders, %.4* ! #eleted the phrase <,other than anthra;ui' 'onditions.= from
item F&. This phrase prevented &l$sols hi'h have human3indu'ed 'ontrolled Good
irrigation from 'lassifying in &;ualfs. &nthra;ui' 'onditions 'an be 'reated in soils hi'h
have any prior moisture status or moisture regime.
Key to Hreat Hroups, %.4* ! For the great group &lba;ualfs itali'i9ed the 'onDun'tion
<and= beteen the to 'riteria. &dded e;uivalent units for the saturated hydrauli'
'ondu'tivity limit in mi'rometers per se'ond. Corre'ted the abbreviation for saturated
hydrauli' 'ondu'tivity to <Ksat.=
7hodi' subgroups, %.*:3)0 ! @n'orporated 'hange in the 'riti'al 9one thi'-ness for the
subgroups 7hodi' Kandiudalfs, 7hodi' Kanhapludalfs, 7hodi' %aleudalfs, 7hodi'
Kandiustalfs, 7hodi' Kanhaplustalfs, and 7hodi' %aleustalfs. This 'ompletes the
re;uested amendment for 7hodi' subgroups submitted by the 7aleigh, CC soil survey
regional oI'e, dated 234032010.
&reni' and Hrossareni' subgroups, %.4:3)* ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as
pro*ies for soil te*ture in the criteria of 2> Arenic and ? =rossarenic subgroups" with 2 sandy soil te*ture
classes" in order to clarify the concept.
&;uandi' and Jitrandi' subgroups, %.4:3)* ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements in :
&;uandi' subgroups and 12 Jitrandi' subgroups from <fragments 'oarser than 2.0 mm=
to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in diameter.=
%aleustalfs, %.*( ! 5odi$ed item FCF 4. to 'larify position in the pro$le for 'riterion on
'lay 'ontent and to add to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&ridi' Hlossi' Catrustalfs, %.:) ! #eleted number : from item FCC5 1.b. in the phrase
for normal years.
%alexeralfs, %.)1 ! 5odi$ed item F#F 4. to 'larify position in the pro$le for 'riterion on
'lay 'ontent and to add to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&brupti' 8apli' #urixeralfs, %.)1 ! 5odi$ed item F#&# 1. to 'larify position in the
pro$le for 'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural
&brupti' #urixeralfs, %.)2 ! 5odi$ed item F#&0 to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
8apli' %alexeralfs, %.): ! 5odi$ed item F#F% to move the phrase <in the $ne3earth
fra'tion= into the 2 sets of parentheses in item 2.
Chapter : ! &ndisols
(o changes.
Chapter ) ! &ridisols
%aleargids, %.() ! 5odi$ed item H0C 1. to 'larify position in the pro$le for 'riterion on
'lay 'ontent and to add to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&reni' subgroups, %.(>3102 ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture
in the criteria of 2 Arenic subgroups" with 2 sandy soil te*ture classes" in order to clarify the concept.
Jitrandi' and Jitrixerandi' subgroups, %.((3122 ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements
in 21 Jitrandi' subgroups and 21 Jitrixerandi' subgroups, from <fragments 'oarser than
2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in diameter.=
Key to Hreat Hroups for Cambids, %.10> ! #eleted the great group of &nthra'ambids
along ith the underlying subgroup of Typi' &nthra'ambids.
Fluventi' subgroups, %.10(3111 ! &dded ex'lusionary statements in -ey to subgroups
for 1 Fluventi' subgroup of &;ui'ambids and 4 Fluventi' subgroups of 8aplo'ambids to
prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported material from 'lassifying in
<Guv= taxa.
Key to Subgroups for 8aplo'ambids, %.111 ! &dded ne subgroup of &nthropi'
8aplo'ambids ,ne item 'ode HHCT. beteen the Fluventi' and Keri' subgroups.
&brupti' Keri' &rgidurids, %.11: ! 5odi$ed item HC1C 1. to 'larify position in the
pro$le for 'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural
&brupti' &rgidurids, %.11: ! 5odi$ed item HC1# to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
Key to Subgroups for &;uisalids and 8aplosalids, %.122 ! &dded ne &nhydriti'
subgroups to both great groups. &nhydriti' &;uisalids ,ne item 'ode H1&&. is the $rst
subgroup in -ey for the &;uisalids. &nhydriti' 8aplosalids ,ne item 'ode H11C. is the
third subgroup in -ey for the 8aplosalids ,inserted beteen the %etrogypsi' and Hypsi'
Chapter > ! 0ntisols
Key to Suborders, %.124
o Changed to o''urren'es in &;uents of the phrase <'hroma of 0= to <neutral
'olors ith no hue ,C. and 9ero 'hroma= to 'larify the 5unsell 'olor 'hips that are
possible ith the 'riterion.
o #eleted the suborder of &rents ith item 'ode +C and 'hanged item 'odes for all
subse;uent suborders ,%samments, Fluvents, and 6rthents. and their great groups
and subgroups.
o &dded ex'lusionary statements to the suborder of Fluvents ith ne item 'ode
+# to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported material or
surfa'e mantles of ne soil material not derived from alluvial deposition from
'lassifying in Fluvents.
o &dded item +#.1. to ex'lude soils o''urring on anthropogeni' landforms or
mi'rofeatures from 'lassifying in Fluvents.
o Corre'ted an omission in item +0 4.b. to add the geli' soil temperature regime for
the 'oldest Fluvents.
&;uandi' and Jitrandi' subgroups, %.122314> ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements of
4 &;uandi' subgroups and 11 Jitrandi' ,<vitr. subgroups ,ex'luding 4 subgroups in
%samments. from <fragments 'oarser than 2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in
Key to Hreat Hroups for &;uents, %.12) ! &dded ex'lusionary statements in -ey to
great groups for &;uents to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3
transported material or surfa'e mantles of ne soil material not derived from alluvial
deposition from 'lassifying in Fluva;uents. &dded item +1F.1. to ex'lude soils o''urring
on anthropogeni' landforms or mi'rofeatures from 'lassifying in Fluva;uents.
Key to Hreat Hroups for &rents, %.12) ! #eleted the -ey to remove the great groups
along ith the folloing underlying subgroups on pages 12) and 12>A
o Torriarents
Sodi' Torriarents
#uri' Torriarents
8apli' Torriarents
o Ldarents
&l$' Ldarents
Llti' Ldarents
5olli' Ldarents
8apli' Ldarents
o Lstarents
8apli' Lstarents
o Kerarents
Sodi' Kerarents
#uri' Kerarents
&l$' Kerarents
8apli' Kerarents
&;ui' subgroups of Ldi3, Lsti3, and KeroGuvents, %.1403144 ! Changed six
o''urren'es in &;ui' ,&;u3. subgroups of the phrase <'hroma of 0= to <neutral 'olors
ith no hue ,C. and 9ero 'hroma= to 'larify the 5unsell 'olor 'hips that are possible ith
the 'riterion.
Key to Subgroups of Torriorthents, %.14* ! &dded the ne extragrade subgroup of
&nthralti' Torriorthents ,ne item 'ode +0CH. for the re'lassi$'ation of the no obsolete
Torriarents. @t is added pre'eding the Jitrandi' subgroup.
Key to Subgroups of Ldorthents, %.14* ! &dded the ne extragrade subgroups of
&nthrodensi' Sodi', &nthrodensi', and &nthroporti' Ldorthents ,ne item 'odes +0F1,
+0FC, and +0F#. for the re'lassi$'ation of the no obsolete Ldarents. They are added
pre'eding the Jitrandi' subgroup.
Key to Subgroups of Lstorthents, %.14: ! &dded the ne extragrade subgroups of
&nthrodensi' and &nthroporti' Lstorthents ,ne item 'odes +00F and +00H. for the
re'lassi$'ation of the no obsolete Lstarents. They are added pre'eding the &;ui'
Key to Subgroups of Kerorthents, %.14> ! &dded the ne extragrade subgroups of
&nthralti' Sodi' and &nthralti' Kerorthents ,ne item 'odes +0#1 and +0#C. for the
re'lassi$'ation of the no obsolete Kerarents. They are added pre'eding the Jitrandi'
Key to Subgroups of Ldipsamments, %.121 ! #eleted the intergrade subgroup of
%lagganthrepti' Ldipsamments and added the ne extragrade subgroup of
8aploplaggi' Ldipsamments ,ne item 'ode +CFF..
Key to Hreat Hroups for "assents, %.122 ! &dded an ex'lusionary statement in -ey
to great groups for "assents to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3
transported material from 'lassifying in Fluviassents.
Key to Hreat Hroups for "assents, %.122 ! Corre'ted ording in 'riteria for great
group of Frasiassents to 'larify 0C measurement are made in a 1A* ,soilAater., by
volume, supernatant.
#ystri' Kerorthents, %.14> ! &dded a referen'e to the formal de$nition of <root3
limiting layers= 'ontained in 'hapter 1).
#ystri' Keropsamments, %.122 ! &dded a referen'e to the formal de$nition of <root3
limiting layers= 'ontained in 'hapter 1).
Fluventi' Frasiassents, %.124 ! &dded an ex'lusionary statement in -ey to
subgroups for Frasiassents to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3
transported material from 'lassifying in subgroup of Fluventi' Frasiassents.
Fluventi' %sammoassents, %.124 ! &dded an ex'lusionary statement in -ey to
subgroups for %sammoassents to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3
transported material from 'lassifying in subgroup of Fluventi' %sammoassents.
Fluventi' Sul$assents, %.122 ! &dded an ex'lusionary statement in -ey to subgroups
for Sul$assents to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported
material from 'lassifying in subgroup of Fluventi' Sul$assents.
Chapter ( ! Helisols
Sphagni' Fibristels, %.12* ! &dded ,by volume. to 'riteria for Sphagnum $ber 'ontent.
Key to Hreat Hroups for 6rthels, %.12: ! Simpli$ed 8istorthels ,item &C&. by
substituting the presen'e of a histi' epipedon to ex'lude folisti' epipedons from
meeting the 'riteria.
Fluva;uenti' and Fluventi' subgroups, %.12:312> ! &dded ex'lusionary statements
in -ey to subgroups for : Fluva;uenti' and 2 Fluventi' subgroups to prevent soils
formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported material from 'lassifying in <Guv= taxa.
Citri' &nhyorthels, %.12) ! 7eorgani9ed the 'omplex single 'riterion into one item for
the minimum nitrate 'on'entration and a se'ond item for the 'riti'al produ't of hori9on
thi'-ness times nitrate 'on'entration. Corre'ted the units for nitrate 'on'entration in
item 1 from 'mol,3.M+ to the units reported by the KSS+ ,mmol,3.M+.. Converted 'riti'al
value from 12 to 11> to mat'h the 'orre'ted units and the original intent of @C65%&S
'ir'ular letter Co. 1 of Fanuary 1>, 1((2.
Jitrandi' subgroups, %.12)31*4 ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements of * Jitrandi'
subgroups from <fragments 'oarser than 2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in
Key to Hreat Hroups for Turbels, %.1*0 ! Clari$ed 8istoturbels ,item &1&. by adding
the saturation re;uirement for the histi' epipedon to ex'lude folisti' epipedons from
meeting the 'riteria.
Citri' &nhyturbels, %.1*1 ! 7eorgani9ed the 'omplex single 'riterion into one item for
the minimum nitrate 'on'entration and a se'ond item for the 'riti'al produ't of hori9on
thi'-ness times nitrate 'on'entration. Corre'ted the units for nitrate 'on'entration in
item 1 from 'mol,3.M+ to the units reported by the KSS+ ,mmol,3.M+.. Converted 'riti'al
value from 12 to 11> to mat'h the 'orre'ted units and the original intent of @C65%&S
'ir'ular letter Co. 1 of Fanuary 1>, 1((2.
Chapter 10 ! 8istosols
Fluva;uenti' subgroups, %.1**31*> ! &dded ex'lusionary statements in -ey to
subgroups for ) Fluva;uenti' subgroups to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of
human3transported material from 'lassifying in <Guv= taxa.
Key to Hreat Hroups for "assists, %.1*( ! Corre'ted ording in 'riteria for great
group of Frasiassists to 'larify that 0C measurements are made in a 1A* ,soilAater., by
volume, supernatant.
Chapter 11 ! @n'eptisols
Key to Suborders, %.1:1 ! #eleted the suborder of &nthrepts ith item 'ode K1 and
'hanged item 'odes for all subse;uent suborders ,Helepts, Cryepts, Lstepts, Kerepts,
and Ldepts. and their great groups and subgroups.
Key to Hreat Hroups for &nthrepts, %.1:1 ! #eleted the -ey to remove the to great
groups along ith the folloing underlying subgroupsA
o %lagganthrepts
Typi' %lagganthrepts
o 8aplanthrepts
Typi' 8aplanthrepts
&;uandi' and Jitrandi' subgroups, %.1:231(* ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements of
1: &;uandi' subgroups and 22 Jitrandi' ,<vitr. subgroups from <fragments 'oarser than
2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in diameter.=
Fluva;uenti', Fluventi', and Cumuli' subgroups, %.1:231(* ! &dded ex'lusionary
statements in -ey to subgroups for 12 Fluva;uenti', 20 Fluventi', and 4 Cumuli'
subgroups to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported material from
'lassifying in these taxa.
Key to Hreat Hroups for Ldepts, %.1)* ! @n the great group of 0utrudepts, revised
item KH0.1. to 'larify that free 'arbonates are throughout and revised item KH0.2. to
add a referen'e to the formal de$nition of <root3limiting layers= 'ontained in 'hapter 1).
&reni' 0utrudepts, %.1)( ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture in
the criteria" with 2 sandy soil te*ture classes" in order to clarify the concept.
Torrerti' #ystrustepts, %.1>2 ! #eleted number : from item K0#1 1.b. in the phrase
for normal years.
Chapter 12 3 5ollisols
Key to Suborders, %.1() ! Changed one o''urren'e in &;uolls of the phrase <'hroma
of 0= to <neutral 'olors ith no hue ,C. and 9ero 'hroma= to 'larify the 5unsell 'olor
'hips that are possible ith the 'riterion.
&reni' and Hrossareni' subgroups, %.1(( N 210 ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e
classes as pro*ies for soil te*ture in the criteria of 2 Arenic and 0 =rossarenic subgroup" with 2 sandy soil
te*ture classes" in order to clarify the concept.
&;uandi' and Jitrandi' subgroups, %.1((324( ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements of
2 &;uandi' subgroups and 1) Jitrandi' ,<vitr. subgroups from <fragments 'oarser than
2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in diameter.=
&brupti' &rgia;uolls, %.1(( ! 5odi$ed item @10# to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
Fluva;uenti', Fluventi', and Cumuli' subgroups, %.201324> ! &dded ex'lusionary
statements in -ey to subgroups for > Fluva;uenti', ) Fluventi', and ( Cumuli'
subgroups to prevent soils formed in *0 'm or more of human3transported material from
'lassifying in these taxa.
Key to Subgroups for Catra;uolls, %.202 ! &dd ne subgroup of %etro'al'i'
Catra;uolls ith item 'ode @1C& pre'eding the Jerti' subgroup and 'hange item 'odes
for all subse;uent subgroups.
&brupti' &rgi'ryolls, %.204 ! 5odi$ed item @0#0 to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&brupti' %ale'ryolls, %.20: ! 5odi$ed item @0CC to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
Typi' 8aplogelolls, %.20) ! Corre'ted error in item 'ode to @#&H.
Key to Hreat Hroups for Ldolls, %.20) ! Changed item @81.4. of 'riteria to remove
sandy textures as an option for Cal'iudolls. Changed item @8C.1. of 'riteria to remove a
petro'al'i' hori9on ithin 1*0 'm of the mineral soil surfa'e as an option for %aleudolls.
Key to Subgroups for &rgiudolls, %.20> ! &dded ne subgroup of %etro'al'i'
&rgiudolls ith item 'ode @8#1 folloing the +ithi' subgroup and 'hange item 'odes for
all subse;uent subgroups.
&brupti' &rgiudolls, %.210 ! 5odi$ed item @8#% to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
Key to Subgroups for Cal'iudolls, %.210 ! &dded ne subgroup of &nthropi'
%etro'al'i' Cal'iudolls folloing the Jerti' subgroup and 'hange item 'odes for the
&;ui', Fluventi', and Typi' subgroups.
Key to Subgroups for 8apludolls, %.211 ! &dded ne subgroup of %etro'al'i'
8apludolls ith item 'ode @8F1 folloing the +ithi' subgroup and 'hange item 'odes for
all subse;uent subgroups.
Key to Subgroups for Catrudolls, %.212 ! &dded ne subgroup of &brupti' Catrudolls
folloing the +epti' subgroup and 'hange item 'odes for the Hlossi', Cal'i', and Typi'
Key to Subgroups for %aleudolls, %.212 ! #eleted the subgroup of %etro'al'i'
%aleudolls ith item 'ode @8C1 and 'hanged item 'odes for all subse;uent subgroups.
%aleustolls, %.21* ! 5odi$ed item @H#.2.b. to 'larify position in the pro$le for 'riterion
on 'lay 'ontent and to add to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&ridi' +ithi' 8aplustolls, %.221 ! #eleted number : from item @HHC 1.b. in the phrase
for normal years.
Key to Subgroups for %aleustolls, %.22>3240 ! Corre'ted errors in the ording of the
moisture re;uirement for the frigid Torrerti', Cal'idi', and &ridi' %aleustolls.
%alexerolls, %.241 ! 5odi$ed item @FC.2.b. to 'larify position in the pro$le for 'riterion
on 'lay 'ontent and to add to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
%aleargidi' #urixerolls, %.242 ! 5odi$ed item @F&0 2. to 'larify position in the pro$le
for 'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
&brupti' &rgiduridi' #urixerolls, %.242 ! 5odi$ed item @F&F to 'larify position in the
pro$le for 'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural
8apli' %alexerolli' #urixerolls, %.24* ! 5odi$ed item @F&K 1. to 'larify position in the
pro$le for 'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural
%alexerolli' #urixerolls, %.24* ! 5odi$ed item @F&+ to 'larify position in the pro$le for
'riterion on 'lay 'ontent and to add a ne 'riterion for the abrupt textural 'hange.
Chapter 14 ! 6xisols
Co 'hanges.
Chapter 12 ! Spodosols
&reni' and Hrossareni' subgroups, %.2*)32:4 ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes
as pro*ies for soil te*ture in the criteria of 2 Arenic and ; =rossarenic subgroups" with 2 sandy soil te*ture
classes" in order to clarify the concept.
Key to Subgroups for Fragia;uods, %.2*( ! #eleted the intergrade subgroup of
%lagganthrepti' Fragia;uods and added the ne extragrade subgroup of 8aploplaggi'
Fragia;uods ith same item 'ode. The minimum thi'-ness of the epipedon as
de'reased from 40 to 2* 'm to mat'h the other 8aploplaggi' subgroups.
Key to Subgroups for 8aplohumods, %.2:2 ! #eleted the intergrade subgroup of
%lagganthrepti' 8aplohumods and added the ne extragrade subgroup of 8aploplaggi'
8aplohumods ith same item 'ode. The minimum thi'-ness of the epipedon as
de'reased from 40 to 2* 'm to mat'h the other 8aploplaggi' subgroups.
Key to Subgroups for &lorthods, %.2:4 ! #eleted the intergrade subgroup of
%lagganthrepti' &lorthods and added the ne extragrade subgroup of 8aploplaggi'
&lorthods ith same item 'ode. The minimum thi'-ness of the epipedon as de'reased
from 40 to 2* 'm to mat'h the other 8aploplaggi' subgroups.
Key to Subgroups for Fragiorthods, %.2:4 ! #eleted the intergrade subgroup of
%lagganthrepti' Fragiorthods and added the ne extragrade subgroup of 8aploplaggi'
Fragiorthods ith same item 'ode. The minimum thi'-ness of the epipedon as
de'reased from 40 to 2* 'm to mat'h the other 8aploplaggi' subgroups.
0nti' subgroups of Fragiorthods and 8aplorthods, %.2:432:* ! &dded the phrase
?all of the folloing? to 'riterion 1 of subgroups 0nti' Fragiorthods ,C0CH., 0nti' +ithi'
8aplorthods ,C00&., &;uenti' 8aplorthods ,C000., and 0nti' 8aplorthods ,C00%. to
'larify the re;uirements.
Chapter 1* ! Lltisols
Key to Hreat Hroups, %.2:) ! For the great group &lba;uults added e;uivalent
units for the saturated hydrauli' 'ondu'tivity limit in mi'rometers per se'ond.
Corre'ted the abbreviation for saturated hydrauli' 'ondu'tivity to <Ksat.=
&reni' and Hrossareni' subgroups, %.2:>32>: ! +eplaced te*t that used particle-si.e classes
as pro*ies for soil te*ture in the criteria of 27 Arenic and 00 =rossarenic subgroups" with 2 sandy soil te*ture
classes" in order to clarify the concept.
&;uandi' subgroups, %.2)0 N 2)) ! Corre'ted the fra'tion statements of 2 &;uandi'
subgroups from <fragments 'oarser than 2.0 mm= to <parti'les 2.0 mm or larger in
7hodi' Kandiustults, %.2>4 ! Corre'ted an inappropriate 'hange made in Fune 200( to
the 'riti'al 9one thi'-ness re;uired for the dar-, red 'olors in the subgroup of 7hodi'
Kandiustults. The 'orre'ted thi'-ness value of )* 'm for this subgroup no parallels the
similar taxon of 7hodi' Kandiustalfs ,in &l$sols..
Chapter 1: ! Jertisols
Key to Suborders and Key to Subgroups, %.2>)32(> ! @n the &;uerts suborder and
&;ui' subgroups deleted > o''urren'es of the 'hemi'al symbol for ferrous iron ,Fe
. for
'onsisten'y ith other 'hapters.
Chapter 1) ! Families and Series #i/erentiae and Cames
Family #i/erentiae for 5ineral Soils and 5ineral +ayers of Some 6rgani' Soils,
o &dded human3altered and human3transported material 'lasses to the list of family
di/erentiae beteen parti'le3si9e 'lasses and mineralogy 'lasses.
o &dded the ne se'tion on these 'lasses to its respe'tive pla'e on page 40*
beteen the last strongly 'ontrasting parti'le3si9e 'lass ,)1.. and the se'tion for
mineralogy 'lasses. The 12 'lasses in -eying se;uen'e areA
#e$nition of %arti'le3Si9e Classes and Their Substitutes for 5ineral Soils, %.2((
o @n the se'ond paragraph, expanded the se'ond senten'e stating that pedologi'al
'lassi$'ations separate sand and silt at 20, *0, or :4 mi'rons.
o @n the se'ond paragraph, added a ne senten'e spe'ifying that LS#& and soil
taxonomy use *0 mi'rons as the fun'tional diameter for separation.
o @n the third paragraph, 'orre'ted the number of narroly de$ned parti'le3si9e
'lasses ,from 11 to 10..
o @n the third paragraph, added senten'es on the origin of ro'- fragments, pararo'-
fragments, and artifa'ts. &lso added a senten'e on the treatment of some
artifa'ts as ro'- fragments for assignment of parti'le3si9e 'lasses. &dded a ne
footnote number one ,1. pertaining to artifa't 'ohesion and artifa't persisten'e.
7oot3limiting layers, %.400 ! Clari$ed that 'ontinuous ortstein must be (0 per'ent or
more 'emented and have lateral 'ontinuity. &dded the manufa'tured layer to the list of
root3limiting layers.
Control Se'tion for %arti'le3Si9e Classes and Their Substitutes, %.4023404
o Changed footnote number 1 ,de$nes the term <pumi'eli-e=. to footnote number 2.
o Corre'ted the fra'tion statements in items &.1 and &.2 of the -ey from <more than
2.0 mm in diameter= to <2 mm or larger in diameter.=
o &dded <plus any artifa'ts 2 mm or larger in diameter hi'h are both 'ohesive and
persistent= to the 'riteria for the sandy3s-eletal, loamy3s-eletal, and 'layey3
s-eletal parti'le3si9e 'lasses ,items C.1 through C.4. to a''ount for artifa'ts
hi'h are e;uivalent in fun'tion to ro'- fragments.
o &dded the text <and artifa'ts 2 to )* mm in diameter hi'h are both 'ohesive and
persistent= to the 'riteria for the 'oarse3loamy, $ne3loamy, 'oarse3silty, and $ne3
silty parti'le3si9e 'lasses ,items C.: through C.(. to a''ount for artifa'ts hi'h
are e;uivalent in fun'tion to ro'- fragments.
o 7epla'ed the text on per'ent very $ne sand 'ontent of less than *0 per'ent, ith
the : possible texture 'lasses that are re;uired in the sandy3s-eletal ,item C.1.
and sandy ,item C.2. parti'le3si9e 'lasses.
Key to 5ineralogy Classes, %.40:340)
o &dded the anhydriti' mineralogy 'lass to se'tion C, item 1.
o Corre'ted : o''urren'es of the term ?dithionite3'itrate? for 'onsisten'e usage in the
o 7evised the beginning statements in se'tions 1, C, #, and 0 for 'onsisten'y and
o Simpli$ed the 'riteria for the isoti' mineralogy 'lass in se'tion # of the Key to
5ineralogy Classes to mat'h the same 'riteria in se'tion 0.
Key to Cation30x'hange &'tivity Classes, %.40)340> ! &dded extensive revisions to
the text for the se'tion. Corre'ted an error in the guidan'e for use of 'ation3ex'hange
a'tivity 'lasses in soils having strongly 'ontrasting parti'le3si9e 'lasses. The 'lass
?loamy over 'layey? as an obsolete 'hoi'e and as revised to ?$ne3loamy over
'layey.? &rranged the text under subheadings of Lse of3, Control Se'tion for3, and Key to
the Cation3ex'hange a'tivity 'lasses. These revisions improved the appearan'e and
'larity of the se'tion.
Cal'areous and 7ea'tion Classes of 5ineral Soils, %.40>340( ! 7eorgani9ed the
se'tion to separate and 'larify the lists of ex'luded taxa hi'h do not use either the
'al'areous 'lass or the to rea'tion 'lasses ,a'id, nona'id.. &dded the ne anhydriti'
mineralogy 'lass to families ex'luded from using the 'al'areous 'lass or the a'id and
nona'id rea'tion 'lasses. 0dited the existing subheading and added to ne ones that
are spe'i$' to the 'al'areous 'lass, the rea'tion 'lasses, and the alli' 'lass. Corre'ted
an error in tense at the end of the 2th senten'e, 1st paragraph.
Soil #epth Classes, %.410 and 414 ! Clari$ed that 'ontinuous ortstein must be (0
per'ent or more 'emented and have lateral 'ontinuity. &dded the manufa'tured layer
to the lists of root3limiting layers.
Key to %arti'le3Si9e Classes of 8istosols and 8istels, %.411
o Changed se'tion heading to <Key to %arti'le3si9e Classes of 6rgani' Soils.=
o 7epla'ed the text on per'ent very $ne sand 'ontent of less than *0 per'ent in item
&.2. ith the : possible texture 'lasses that are re;uired in the $ne3earth
o &dded <plus any artifa'ts 2 mm or larger in diameter hi'h are both 'ohesive and
persistent= to the 'riteria for the loamy3s-eletal and 'layey3s-eletal parti'le3si9e
'lasses ,items &.4 and &.2. to a''ount for artifa'ts hi'h are e;uivalent in
fun'tion to ro'- fragments.
5ineralogy Classes of 8istosols, %.412 ! @n the re;uired 'hara'teristi's for the
Ferrihumi' mineralogy 'lass Doined items 1 and 2 sin'e both are re;uired. &dded the
phrase <extra'table by dithionite3'itrate= to item 2 to 'larify the method for measuring
the 'ontent of free iron oxide.
Control Se'tion for the #i/erentiation of Series, %.414 ! 7evised the $rst paragraph
for 'larity. &dded the manufa'tured layer and manufa'tured layer 'onta't to the list of
layers used to de$ne series. &dded the manufa'tured layer to items &2. 12., and C2 in
the Key to Control Se'tion for the #i/erentiation of Series.
Chapter 1> ! #esignations for 8ori9ons and +ayers
5aster 8ori9ons and +ayers, %.41*341:
o 7evised de$nitions for the 6, &, 0, and 1 hori9ons to re'on'ile 'on'epts ith
suIxes i, g, and 9.
o &dded anhydrite to items 1 and 2 of list of eviden'es for the master 1 hori9on.
o #eleted the ord <subsoil= ,te'hni'ally the 1 hori9on. from the de$nition of the
master layer 5.
SuIx Symbols, %.41)341(
o 7evised the de$nition of suIx symbol ObP to permit its use in organi' soils.
o &dded ne suIx symbol OseP for presen'e of sul$des.
o 7evised de$nition of suIx OuP for examples of artifa'ts.
o 7evised 'olor examples used in de$nition of suIx OyyP.
o &dded a senten'e to de$nitions of suIxes OyP and OyyP to allo use for anhydrite.
Conventions for Lsing +etter SuIxes, %.41(
o 7evised the ording of 'onvention 2 for using letter suIxes to 'larify the listing
pre'eden'e hen symbols ', g, and f are used ith the other listed symbols in
the rule.
o 7evised the ording of 'onvention * to permit suIx symbol b to be used in organi'
o #eleted $nal senten'e in the se'tion and reinserted as ne 'onvention : ithout a
;ualifying 'ondition.
o Convention : is renumbered to ) ith the addition of suIx yy to the list of symbols.
Jerti'al Subdivision, %.41( ! 7epla'ed 4 o''urren'es of the obsolete phrase ?&rabi'
numerals? ,$rst used in 1(:2 supplement to the SS5. ith the ord ?numbers.?
#is'ontinuities, %.420 ! Clari$ed the $nal senten'e in the se'tion pertaining to the
examples of di/erent designations for organi' vs. mineral or limni' materials. 7epla'ed
4 o''urren'es of the obsolete phrase ?&rabi' numerals? ,$rst used in 1(:2 supplement
to the SS5. ith the ord ?numbers.?
Lse of the %rime Symbol, %.4203421 ! Corre'ted example of the hori9on se;uen'e
using the prime symbol hen verti'al subdivisions are involved. 7epla'ed 4
o''urren'es of the obsolete phrase ?&rabi' numerals? ,$rst used in 1(:2 supplement to
the SS5. ith the ord ?numbers.?
Lse of the Caret Symbol, %.421! 7epla'ed one o''urren'e of the obsolete phrase
?&rabi' numerals? ,$rst used in 1(:2 supplement to the SS5. ith the ord ?numbers.?
+iterature Cited, %.421 ! &dded to referen'es by Fanning and others on sul$di9ation.
&dded the se'tion named ?Sample 8ori9on and +ayer Se;uen'es? ta-en from the
revised version of 'hapter 4 of the SS5 pre'eding the +iterature Cited se'tion.
&ppendix on +aboratory 5ethods for Soil Taxonomy
7evised $rst paragraph to add a ne referen'e, update existing referen'es, and mention
the Charles 0. Kellogg Soil Survey +aboratory ,KSS+. and CCSS soil 'hara'teri9ation
@n the se'tion on #ata 0lements Lsed in Classifying Soils, a 'onversion as added for
'on'entration in non3S@ unit of measure ,Q. to S@ unit of measure ,g -g31..
%hysi'al &nalyses se'tion, %.4243422
o #eleted the paragraph on &tterberg limits sin'e they are not used as 'riteria in soil
o &dded a ne paragraph on parti'le3si9e distribution and ho the data are used in
soil taxonomy. @n'luded statements 'on'erning $eld3moist measurement for soils
suspe'ted of having andi' soil properties and dispersion in a;ueous ethanol
solutions for soil samples high in gypsum.
o 5odi$ed the paragraph on ater retention di/eren'e ,"7#. to be only ater
'ontent ,retention. at 1*00 -%a tension.
o &dded senten'es to bul- density, linear extensibility, and ater 'ontent ,retention.
to des'ribe ho the data are used in soil taxonomy.
Chemi'al &nalyses se'tion, %.422342:
o Corre'ted several typographi'al errors.
o 7eorgani9ed the 'hemi'al analyses se'tion by grouping similar analytes and
resulting 'al'ulations under ne six ne subse'tion headings. 5odi$ed the
paragraphs on all the analytes to 'larify ho the data are used as 'riteria in soil
o @n ne subse'tion for @on 0x'hange and 0xtra'table Cations updated 2 senten'es in
the paragraphs on base saturation about extra'table 'al'ium hen 'al'ium
minerals are present.
o @n ne subse'tion for Soil p8 added ne paragraphs for saturated paste and
oxidi9ed p8 methods. 0dited existing senten'es on 1A1 ater and 1A2 CaCl2 p8
o @n ne subse'tion on Sulfur and 0xtra'table &nions added a ne paragraph for
nitrate 'on'entration hi'h is used as 'riteria for Citri' subgroups of Helisols and
a ne paragraph for total sulfur hi'h is used for sul$di' materials. &dded a
senten'e to the paragraph for phosphate retention to mention the alternate
name of the analyte. 7epla'ed the se'ond senten'e on ater3soluble sulfate
ith to ne senten'es about the about the ne pro'edure used at the KSS+ for
measuring ater3soluble sulfate in per'ent on a dry mass basis.
o @n ne subse'tion on Carbonates and Cal'ium Sulfates added a ne paragraph for
anhydrite 'ontent.
o @n ne subse'tion on Soluble Salts added a ne paragraph for ele'tri'al
'ondu'tivity 1A1, hi'h is used as 'riteria to 'lassify 8ali' subgroups of
8aplosaprists. &dded a ne paragraph for ele'tri'al 'ondu'tivity 1A*, by volume,
hi'h is used as 'riteria to separate taxa for suba;ueous soils in freshater vs.
bra'-ish environments. Corre'ted error in the senten'e about the use of
ex'hangeable sodium per'entage ,0S%..
o #eleted the paragraph on nitrogen 'ontent sin'e it is not used as 'riteria in soil
o #eleted the paragraphs on sodium3pyrophosphate3extra'table iron and aluminum
and total salts sin'e they are not used as 'riteria in soil taxonomy. They ere
appli'able to the spodi' and sali' hori9ons, respe'tively, prior to publi'ation of
the 2
edition of Soil Taxonomy in 1(((.
o #eleted the paragraph on ater3soluble 'ations and anions sin'e they apply only to
sodium adsorption ratio and ater3soluble sulfate. These data already in'lude
general statements on ho they are determined in the laboratory.
Created a ne <6rgani' &nalyses= se'tion
o 5oved existing paragraph for 'olor of sodium3pyrophosphate extra't, melani'
index, and organi' 'arbon into the ne se'tion.
o Shorted the paragraph on melani' index by deleting to senten'es detailing the lab
o &dded ne paragraphs for $ber 'ontent and organi' matter 'ontent.
5ineral &nalyses se'tion, %.42:342)
o &dded a ne senten'e to the paragraph on petrographi' analysis to 'larify the
'ategories for glass3'oated grains.
o Changed the referen'e do'ument 'ited for a 'omplete list of minerals to the Soil
Survey +aboratory @nformation 5anual ,Soil Survey Sta/, 2011..
6ther @nformation Lseful in Classifying Soil se'tion, %.42)342>
o 7evised the next3to3last paragraph to 'larify the use of 'al'ulated C0C) to 'lay
ratios in taxonomi' 'lassi$'ation.
o #eleted the last paragraph about ratio of C0C3>.2 to 1*00 -%a ater 'ontent sin'e it
represents an unde$ned dataset and is unreferen'ed in SS@7 laboratory manuals.
+iterature Cited se'tion, %.42>
o #eleted the referen'e to the &nnual 1oo- of &ST5 Standards sin'e it as used only
in the deleted paragraph on &tterberg limits.
o #eleted the referen'e by Kimble et al., 1((4 sin'e it is no longer 'urrent ith KSS+
methods and is not idely available.
o Lpdated referen'e for version * of the Soil Survey +aboratory 5ethods 5anual
o &dded referen'es for the Soil Survey Manual and the Soil Survey Laboratory
Information Manual.
o &dded 2 referen'es to do'ument the re'ognition and measurement of anhydrite in

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