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Layout: The contents page has definitely followed the rule of

thirds in contrast with the cover page. The columns and rows of
the thirds can be clearly identified although theyre not
completely equal but its still effective. In each column there is a
supplement image subheadings and page numbers and titles
underneath. The last column is different though as the image is
followed by text from the editor and another paragraph below.
Theres a great deal of bordering, outlining and use of shapes to
defines each section of the contents page to give a
professional, easy to follow look of this page. Generally the
whole page is packed with different things which intrigues the
audience with the amount portrayed here.
Subheadings: All the subheadings are presented in the same
way a sense of organisation and avoids being
overwhelmed. The headings themselves are basic and
usually one worded to aids the reader in specifically finding
what they want straight away.
Grab Quotes: Gives extra information to each page title,
giving the reader more of a reason to go onto the allocated
page. The font and text size is smaller and subordinate to its
title to denote that its not vital to read it but its a bonus to
the viewer.
Main Image: A slight low angle shot of the Black veil brides,
focusing particularly on the lead singer Andy Biersack. This
shot is taken from a performance and evidently in the midst of a
song as Andy is clearly singing that fact its taken whilst in
action makes the reader feel involved and like theyre there.
There is no direct address which is surprising for a main image
as pressure and involvement is conventional. However the fact
that hes doing something and the readers a witness still emits
interaction therefore the absence of direct address is
acceptable. The image is followed by a caption which is quote
comical towards the position of Andy. Also the page number on
the image is abnormally large which indicates that this is a main
story and persuades the reader to go to the allocated page.
Title: The appearance of the contents title breaks the
normally trend of magazines as you would expect it to be
going across the top of the page and have a similar
appearance to the masthead. However this title is positioned
more to the right as opposed to left where the important
things are meant to be located and has a shrill like font
completely different to the mastheads. Although a few
conventions have been challenged here it still works I feel
the genre of the music being focused on gives the magazine
an excuse to be different and challenge the rules here. The
title is positioned in a circle and the dark background makes
the title stand out and the fact its being highlighted gives it
the dominance of the page.
Issue Number and Date: This is located at the top of
the page which is necessary as it is classed as general
and information. The issue number and date
encourages the reader to collect different issues
magazine so its important it is clearly displayed. To
Page numbers: The listed page numbers are in
chronological order and so theres an organised and
sensible approach applied here. The page numbers
with the images break the number order and have a
different font, size and colour to the others but this
is admirable as it highlights these pages are of more
interest than the others. The numbers are located
on the left side of the columns, which follows
convention as the most important things should stay
to the left.
Supplement Images: All these shots are medium close up where
the facial expressions and their poses are focused upon and the
images themselves are of equal size. The model on page 44 is
blowing blue dust towards where the page number is this draws
attention to the page number. Direct address isnt used here
which is acceptable. The image for page 24 is a shot of two
people, direct address is applied although isnt intense due to
them wearing sunglasses. This links with a fun, carefree tone as
they are creating a mess and dont seem to care about the
abnormality of wearing sunglasses indoors. The final image is
unusual as it is an image of the editor as he gives a personal
message the tone here is quirky as he is being embrace by a
python however this adds to the strange, fun tone being applied
by the magazine.
Font: Like the cover page a variety of different font types
are being used on this page. Each font type shows the role of
each text e.g. the headings, the page number etc.. and the
text size also differs depending on the importance of the
content. The most contrasting font type on the page is the
contents title which is conventional as the title should
always stand out as its own thing.
Colour Scheme: Follows the same colour scheme of red,
yellow, black and white. However there is a difference in the
balance of colour as opposed to all being used equally the
focus is more on black and white as theyre used for general
features and yellow and red are used on a minor scale to
highlight key elements. In the first two columns are get all
the colours in a section which demonstrates consistency.

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