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Your 7 Day Delicious Meal Plan

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

0 Creek yogurL
wlLh 1 1bsp walnuLs,
x cup berrles, x cup
hlgh ber cereal, 1
Lsp agave or honey

Crllled veggle wrap
1 cup grllled veggles
1 oz feLa cheese
1 whole wheaL hlgh
ber Lorulla (100
1 cup mlxed greens
or splnach
1 1bsp balsamlc

1 pear or 1 apple

veggle Cuesadlllas
wlLh black beans
SLeel cuL or rolled
oaLs cooked wlLh 1.3
umes waLer Lo oaLs
rauo, wlLh x cup
berrles, 1 Lbsp
almonds, x cup 1
organlc mllk

Splnach and
Mushroom CmeleL
2 eggs, x cup fresh
mushroom, 1 cup
fresh splnach, salL,
pepper, keLchup, 1
sllce wheaL bread

8aby carroLs + 2 1bsp

Slmple, PealLhy
Aslan Sur lry wlLh
veggles and 1ofu
ChocolaLe shake wlLh
x a banana, x cup
frozen berrles, 1
1bsp cocoa powder,
drlzzle of honey, x
cup 1 organlc mllk

1rader !oe's
8uuernuL Squash
Soup - 1 cup Lopped
wlLh 2 1bsp
parmesan cheese,
mlcrogreens, and
served wlLh 1 sllce
wheaL LoasL

1 oz low faL sLrlng
cheese + sllced

SweeL oLaLo 1acos
wlLh a Splcy ?ogurL
x cup low faL couage
cheese Lopped wlLh
blueberrles or wlLh
pepper and sllced

veggle 8urger
1 gardenburger pauy
on a whole wheaL
bun wlLh keLchup,
LomaLoes, splnach,
red onlons

1 brown rlce cake
wlLh 1 1bsp almond

Whole WheaL lLa
1 sllce whole wheaL
or sprouLed wheaL
LoasL Lopped wlLh 1
sllced hardbolled
egg , 1 apple on Lhe

SprouLed Craln
2 sllces sprouLed
graln bread, 2 1bsp
hummus, 1 sllce
avocado, LomaLo, red
onlon, sprouLs, 1
sllce swlss cheese

x cup fresh berrles +
2 1bsp walnuLs

Splcy Samosa Wraps
wlLh 1amarlnd
Whole wheaL plLa
wlLh 2 1bsp hummus,
1 1bsp feLa cheese,
arugula, LomaLo, red
onlon, slde of grapes

Mlxed veggle salad
use any veggles:
splnach, LomaLoes,
corn, red peppers,
onlons, asparagus,
eLc. wlLh 2 1bsp
cheese, x cup beans,
1 1bsp nuLs,
hardbolled egg
whlLes (opuonal),
salL, pepper, 1 Lsp
exLra vlrgln ollve oll

opcorn (1 cup)

CullL-free LaLe nlghL
1 sllce whole wheaL
or sprouLed wheaL
LoasL wlLh 1 1bsp
almond or sunower
buuer , x banana, 1
1bsp honey

Amy's veggle Chlll
1 cup of Lhe chlll wlLh
1 sllce whole wheaL

1 hlgh ber granola
bar (<200 calorles,
>3g ber)

Pomemade asLa

ulsclalmer: 1he lnformauon provlded ln Lhls meal plan ls for reference purposes only, and ls noL lnLended as medlcal or professlonal advlce. Always consulL a healLhcare professlonal before sLarung a dleL or exerclse program.

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