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Offline Marketing Simplified

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Offline Marketing Simplified
)*SC+,*M./ ,0)/O/ +.1,+ 0O*C.S:
The i nformati on presented herei n represents the vi ew of the author as
of t he dat e of publ i cat i on. Because of t he rat e wi t h whi ch condi t i ons
change, the author reserves the ri ght to al ter and update hi s opi ni on
based on the new conditions.
The report i s for i nformati onal purposes onl y. Whi l e every attempt has
been made t o veri f y t he i nf ormat i on provi ded i n t hi s report , nei t her
t he aut hor nor hi s af f i l i at es/ par t ner s assume any r esponsi bi l i t y f or
e r r o r s , i n a c c u r a c i e s o r o mi s s i o n s . An y s l i g h t s o f p e o p l e o r
organizations are unintentional.
f advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of
a f ul l y qual i f i ed pr of essi onal shoul d be sought . Thi s r epor t i s not
intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should
be aware of any l aws whi ch govern busi ness t ransact i ons or ot her
busi ness pr act i ces i n your count r y and st at e. Any r ef er ence t o any
person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
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Offline Marketing Simplified
n February 2006, John Ri tskowi tz hosted a tel esemi nar wi th Mi chel
Fortin, David Garfinkel, Yanik Silver, and JP Maroney. Entitled "Million
Dol l ar Roundtabl e, i t was a chance for these marketi ng pros to share
some of t hei r best secret s f or market i ng of f l i ne, whi ch i s somet hi ng
mor e onl i ne Mar ket er s shoul d be doi ng. deal l y we shoul d al l be
marketing both offline and online.
Wel l these fol ks del i vered the goods, and whi l e the cal l l asted about 2
hour s, i t st i l l wasn' t enough t i me t o get t o ever yt hi ng ( i t never i s,
ri ght?). So John compi l ed some of the i deas they tal ked about on the
call, plus lots more ideas to cover the offline marketing spectrum.
Some of t hese i deas ar e mor e t r adi t i onal , such as yel l ow pages
adver t i si ng and cl assi f i ed ads. Of cour se t hat doesn' t mean t hey
should be neglected.
Other i deas are tradi ti onal , but not used as much, or shoul d say not
al ways used as ef f ect i vel y as t hey coul d. Di rect response market i ng
and publ i ci ty are two that come to mi nd.
And t hen t her e ar e r eal l y cr eat i ve i deas t hat ar e of t en over l ooked,
such as valuable joint ventures and strategic alliances. Some of the$e
idea$ ha2e the potential to reall7 deli2er a lot of lead$ and $ale$
3ith minimal traditional C3ork.D
One thing 3e highl7 recommend right no3: Please print this
report out, so you can read it leisurely with pen and highlighter in
hand. Otherwise, we all know how many PDFs we have sitting on
our hard drive, never to be read or acted upon. Don't let that
happen here. here are too man7 great idea$ here not to
;ouEll find the$e idea$ $tart out $ome3hat $impli$ticall7 and
graduall7 get more creati2e and compleJ. So dig in and $tart
thinking a4out ho3 7ou could appl7 the$e idea$ to 7our
4u$ine$$ toda7K
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Offline Marketing Simplified
< a r t * M r a d i t i o n a l
O f f l i n e M a r k e t i n g
Don't think of these methods as too simple or mundane. They are very
effecti ve when done ri ght and combi ned wi th other techni ques i n thi s
1) Cla$$ified ,d$ Thi s i s somethi ng everyone shoul d be testi ng
i n some f or m or anot her . t ' s gr eat f or l ead gener at i ons. You
should still have a strong benefit-driven headline and a clear call
to acti on. Free reports work very wel l wi th cl assi fi eds. My l ocal
paper, the Hartford Courant even has an ongoi ng deal of 3 l i nes
f or 3 days f or f r ee! Even addi ng mor e l i nes onl y ends up
cost i ng a f ew bucks. Wi t h a pr i ce l i ke t hat , t her e' s no r eason
anyone wi th a websi te shoul d not be testi ng ways to draw traffi c
to the site with classifieds.
2) )irect Mail Nothi ng beats di rect response when i t comes to
resul ts-dri ven proven adverti si ng. And messages sent di rectl y to
your hi ghl y targeted market vi a di rect mai l can del i ver a terri fi c
r et ur n on i nvest ment ( RO ) when t est ed pr oper l y. Ther e' s a
wealth of information on direct marketing by Michel Fortin, David
Garfi nkel , Gary Hal bert, Dan Kennedy, and many more experts.
Here are some sites where you can learn more:
P - Michel Fortin's main site
P http://www.worl d-copywri ti ng-i nsti - David
Garfinkel's site
P http://www.thegaryhal bertl - Home of t he Gary
Halbert Letter
P - Dan Kennedy's site
P ht t p: / / www. srds. com - The Standard Rate & Data (SRDS)
Li st Book, a great resource to l ocate mai l i ng l i sts of nearl y
any t ype you can i magi ne. You can al so f i nd i t i n some
larger city libraries.
P - Reference USA i s a great
pl ace to get compi l ed l i sts by i ndustry, SC, demographi cs
and more. t contai ns names, addresses and l ots of other
great information on more than 12 million U.S. businesses,
102 mi l l i on U. S. r esi dent s, 683, 000 U. S. heal t h car e
provi ders, 1 mi l l i on Canadi an busi nesses, and 11 mi l l i on
Canadian residents.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
P ht t p: / / www. usps. com - The US Postal Service website has
a vari et y of t ool s and educat i onal mat eri al s about di rect
mail as well.
3) <o$tcard$ Yes, post car ds ar e a f or m of di r ect mai l , but i t
warrants its own category. Postcards are cheaper to produce and
mai l t han f ul l -bl own di rect mai l packages or sal es l et t ers, and
t hey are great f or generat i ng l eads. Li ke cl assi f i ed ads, a f ree
report or f ree gi f t of t en works wel l here. Post cards are al so a
great way t o st ay i n t ouch wi t h your cust omers and prospect s,
and t hey al so wor k wel l as par t of a sequence of mai l i ngs. A
good place to go for customized postcards is
ht t p: / / www. usps. com (the US Postal Servi ce websi te), because
the USPS has partnered wi th a company that wi l l pri nt and mai l
your postcards for you! Best of al l , you onl y pay for the postage
(i .e. FREE pri nti ng costs). Hint: be sure t o i ncl ude yoursel f on
the mailing list so you can get your own mailing as well.
4) ;ello3 <age$ Anot her gr eat r es our c e t hat i s of t en
underut i l i zed or used i nef f ect i vel y. Yel l ow page ads are great
because when someone sees your ad, t hey are al ready i n t he
market for your product or servi ce. Yel l ow page ads need to be
benef i t s- dr i ven, wi t h your Uni que Sel l i ng Pr oposi t i on ( USP)
stated cl earl y and bol dl y (remember, thi s i s the one pl ace where
y o u r p r o s p e c t s wi l l s e e y o u r a d a l o n g s i d e a l l o f y o u r
compet i t or s) . You want your ad t o st and out f r om t he cl ut t er .
Use a di r ect r esponse t ype of ad, and agai n, f r ee gi f t s or
premiums work well here.
Gary Halbert has written about yellow pages several times in his
newsletter. To find them easily, just enter the following search at
si te:thegaryhal bertl +yel l ow page
Anot her gr eat r esour ce t hat JP Mar oney r ecommends i s Al an
Saltz's course on the subject, available at
http://www.yel l owpagesprofi
A great thread on thi s topi c can al so be found on Mi chel Forti n' s
forum at:
http://www.copywri ewtopi c.php
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Offline Marketing Simplified
5) Space ,d$ f you' re goi ng t o do a space ad, i t wi l l general l y
get bet t er resul t s i f you use t he same l ayout as t he edi t ori al s.
Use the same font styles and sizes for the headline, body, etc. f
t he newspaper uses 2 col umns per art i cl e on t he page your ad
wi l l appear , use 2 col umns i n your ad. f t hey use 3 col umns,
you use 3. The "advertorial approach almost always does better
than traditional space ads that scream "ad.
A gr eat way t o get ver y l ow cost s space ads i s t o use what ' s
known as remnant , or st andby advert i si ng. Ent er t he f ol l owi ng
search in Google to see what mean and to learn more:
si te:thegaryhal bertl +"Nancy
J o n e s "
And you' l l l earn to experi ment i n many creati ve ways to fi nd out
what wor k s f or y ou. A l oc al adv er t i s i ng paper , t he /ar e
/eminder here in the Hartford area, has classified ads and space
ads. But noti ced that one "stone and mul ch company has thei r
space ad featured upsi de-down i n every weekl y i ssue. At fi rst
thought i t was a mi stake. But after seei ng i t upsi de-down week
af t er week, suspect ed t hey f ound t hat t hei r upsi de- down ad
stands out from the cl utter. Peopl e thi nk i t' s a mi stake and read
i t. Yes, i t' s a gi mmi ck. Woul d do i t? Onl y i f i t tested posi ti vel y.
And maybe it has for these folks. Food for thought.
6) /adio/W/*nfomercial$ Yo u mi g h t b e s u r p r i s e d h o w
i nexpensi ve you can get t hese t ypes of sl ot s, especi al l y i f you
use r emnant adver t i si ng. St udy t he best i nf omer ci al s, f or
exampl e (the ones you see over and over agai n.they must be
worki ng or t hey woul dn' t keep ai ri ng t hem), t o get some i deas
on how they are constructed.
7) &l7er$ Who says you can' t hi re a hi gh school student to stuff
mai l boxes or sti ck ' em under wi ndshi el ds? Obvi ousl y i f you are
selling a high-priced financial course, it would be better to target
the wi ndshi el ds of a fancy hotel than your l ocal Wal -Mart. And
bel i eve the US Postal Servi ce al so pri nts them for you l i ke they
d o p o s t c a r d s i f y o u w a n t t o m a i l t h e m . C h e c k o u t
ht t p: / / www. usps. com
8) 0et3orking Your local Chamber of Commerce, trade shows,
semi nars, and anywhere your prospect s hang out are al l good
opport uni t i es f or net worki ng. n many cases, t he hot el bar t he
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Offline Marketing Simplified
ni ght bef or e t he semi nar i s t he best oppor t uni t y f or maki ng
cont act s. t ' s usual l y more ef f ect i ve t o t ry t o capt ure cont act s
and l eads t han t o t r y t o cl ose a sal e on t he spot , so get your
el evat or speech r eady and have pl ent y of busi ness car ds on
9) elemarketing Remember the "Do Not Cal l l i st onl y appl i es
t o consumer s, so i f you do any ki nd of busi ness t o busi ness
sel l i ng, tel emarketi ng i s a vi abl e marketi ng method you can use
effecti vel y. Al so, the "Do Not Cal l l i st may not appl y to you wi th
your cust omers or i f you al ready have a rel at i onshi p wi t h your
10) , rade Sho3 5ooth A great pl ace to capture l eads.
Agai n, a free report or gi ft does wonders. When you get a l ong
l i ne wai ti ng at your booth, many peopl e wi l l stop by j ust to see
what t he f uss i s about . Make your sal es mat er i al s and sal es
peopl e benef i t - dr i ven. Remember what your pr ospect s ar e
thi nki ng: "What' s i n i t for me?
11) 5limp$6 5anner$6 and 5ill4oard$ f i t ' s zoned f or
advertising and it's blank, you have an opportunity.
12) )oor Hanger$ Those same hi gh school st udent s can
help you with door hangers as well.
13) Circular$ Agai n, hi gh school students can al so hel p you
hand out ci rcul ars, post them on communi ty bul l eti n boards, on
t el ephone pol es, wher ever . You can make a donat i on t o your
l ocal church and ask them i f you can l eave a stack at thei r next
bake sal e or bi ngo event. And certai nl y you can arrange to have
your ci r cul ar i ncl uded i n your l ocal newspaper or communi t y
paper. For your money, ci rcul ars are very i nexpensi ve t o pri nt
and distribute.
14) Card )eck$ These stacks of i ndex cards are mai l ed to
targeted audi ences. Each deck can contai n anywhere from 50 to
200 cards or so, each wi t h an advert i sement or coupon. They
may also double as a business reply card on back. Since your ad
i s mi xed i n wi th tons of others, i t' s especi al l y i mportant to have
a great headline and layout that will stand out from the clutter.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
Card decks are i nexpensi ve because al l of t he advert i sers are
shari ng the cost of the mai l i ng. They can cost as l i ttl e as three
cent s a prospect f or l arge mai l i ngs. Even f or smal l er mai l i ngs,
they are generally cheap, which is good for testing.
Make sur e you choose your audi ence wi sel y. Car d decks ar e
great for targeting a niche. Free reports or books work especially
wel l here, because the person fl i ppi ng through the cards wi l l be
at t ract ed t o t he word "FREE. As al ways, make sure t here i s a
cl ear cal l to acti on. Mul ti pl e methods of response usual l y work
bet t er t han a si ngl e met hod. For exampl e, t hey can dr op t he
car d i n t he mai l , cal l a f r ee r ecor ded message, go t o your
websi t e, et c. And you may have some opt i ons wi t h r emnant
space, so always try to negotiate a lower price (how hard is it for
t hem t o st i ck anot her car d i n t hei r mai l i ng.t hei r cost s ar e
incremental and their profit is high even on remnant rates).
A coupl e other ti ps: When you see repeat adverti sers i n a deck,
you have a pretty good i dea that the deck i s worki ng for that ad.
f that ad al so targets your ni che market, i t may be a good one
to test in. Also, test with copy that you already know works.
15) Walue"<ak$ Similar to card decks, "value-paks are little
bookl ets wi th mul ti pl e ads. They are mostl y used wi th coupons,
rather than business reply cards.
16) ,d Maga9ine$ You' ve seen them. Magazi nes that are
little more than a collection of space ads. They are usually local6
and thead$ i n them usual l y aren' t di rect response. By putti ng
your di rect response ad t here, you st and out over al l t he ot her
ads. But t he downsi de i s t hat t hese magazi nes t end t o be l ess
ni che-focused (al though there are certai nl y excepti ons, wi th the
real estate and automobile-themed magazines and newspapers).
17) Catalogue$ Your catal og doesn' t have to l ook l i ke L.L.
Bean or the like to be effective. A good one to study with respect
t o t he ads t hemsel ves i s t he J. Pet erman cat al ogue (check out
ht t p: / / www. j pet erman. com).
Her e' s a good way t o st ar t smal l and wor k up f r om t her e i n
developing a good catalogue:
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Offline Marketing Simplified
a) Try a simple double-sided flyer first and test response.
b) Make sure you l ocate hi ghl y targeted l i sts, as the wasted
cost of mailings is going to be your biggest expense.
c) Cont i nue t o expand, t est , and t weak. Test ever yt hi ng
your l ayout, your copy, your pri cesunti l you fi nd the best
< a r t * * " C r e a t i 2 e O f f l i n e M a r k e t i n g
18) <ackage *n$ert$ f you' re goi ng to mai l out a product
or package to a customer anyway, al ways tuck a sal es l etter for
another product i n the package. t won' t cost you any more, and
when your cust omer r ecei ves t hat package, he or she wi l l be
pl eased wi th the product (assumi ng your product i sn' t j unk) and
be more favorabl e towards another purchase from you. You can
al so j oi nt vent ure wi t h ot her compani es t hat t arget your ni che
market and get them to i ncl ude your i nsert when shi ppi ng thei r
19) Mini"$eminar$ A gr eat way t o bundl e up al l of your
products and servi ces and sel l them from the pl atform. t' s very
i nexpensi ve t o rent a hal l and put on a 2 hour present at i on f or
your t ar get mar ket on somet hi ng t hat i nt er est s t hem. You
posi t i on your sel f as t he exper t , and you get t o pi t ch your
products and services. Be sure to record the event and offer it to
other prospects who may not be abl e to attend the presentati on
in person.
J P Ma r o n e y ( ht t p: / / www. j pmaroney. com) d i d t h i s f o r a
shoestring cost and raked in six figures as a result. Michel Fortin
( has done thi s al so, repeatedl y,
and t o my knowl edge has never f ai l ed t o make money. Look at
t he model of t he Bi g Semi nar ( gsemi .
Speakers don' t get pai d, but sti l l make money by pi tchi ng thei r
products. t works, and anyone who doesn' t have one or more of
these planned is missing out of a lot of extra potential income.
20) ele$eminar$ Basi cal l y a conf er ence cal l , we' ve al l
probably been on many of them. Some have organized them and
have been speakers. They can be pure content (i .e. no obvi ous
pi t c hes ) f or s t r engt heni ng s oc i al pr oof and bui l di ng up
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Offline Marketing Simplified
anti ci pati on for a new product to be rel eased i n the future. They
can be a mi xt ure of cont ent and pi t ch. You can even arrange a
seri es of them as a tel e-course and charge bi g money to attend
(Marc Gol dman and Jay Abraham di d thi s wi th a si x-month l ong
series, one per month, on joint ventures and deal making).
21) Woice 5roadca$t$ A very under-ut i l i zed t echni que. f
you have an exi st i ng r el at i onshi p wi t h your cust omer s or
pr ospect s, t he Do Not Cal l l i st does not appl y. That set s t he
st age f or a gr eat way t o cal l t housands of your cust omer s
si mul t aneousl y when t hey ar e most l i kel y t o be away f r om
home. You si mpl y upl oad your cust omer ' s phone number s,
record the message you want to l eave, and the technol ogy does
the rest.
Exampl e: " Hi , t hi s i s John Smi t h. Sor r y mi ssed you, but
wanted to let you know that our firesale is ending tomorrow.
Voice broadcasts work best when they are part of a sequence.
Exampl e: "Hi , thi s i s John Smi th cal l i ng, from Smi th Publ i shi ng.
' m sorry that mi ssed you, but wanted to l et you know about
a val uabl e l etter and free gi ft we' re sendi ng to your home. You
shoul d be get t i ng i t i n t he next day or t wo. Just l ook f or t he
bright blue envelope.
22) 1ift Certificate$ t ' s general l y known t hat peopl e wi l l
usual l y spend more t han t he gi f t cert i f i cat e amount . So i f you
operate a j ewel ry store, and you mai l your customers a free no-
obl i gat i on $25 gi f t c er t i f i c at e, i t ' s us ual l y a v er y s ound
i nvest ment . Most rest aurant owners al ready know t hat peopl e
general l y don' t di ne al one, so by gi vi ng your cust omers a f ree
gi f t cert i f i cat e, t hey' re bound t o bri ng i n ot hers who wi l l spend
mor e money on f ood and dr i nks. A good var i at i on on t hi s
formula is the free birthday dinner. Generally, nobody is going to
c o me i n o n t h e i r b i r t h d a y a n d e a t t h e i r f r e e d i n n e r b y
themselves. They're going to bring friends, relatives, you get the
HereE$ a great 3a7 to u$e gift certificate$ to get referral$:
Send a l etter to your customers wi th three gi ft certi fi cates. One
t hey can use f or t hemsel ves, and t he ot her t wo t hey can gi ve
away t o f ri ends or rel at i ves. They keep your cust omers happy
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Offline Marketing Simplified
(and happy customers are more l i kel y to speak hi ghl y of you to
ot hers) and t hey compound t hat f act by l et t i ng your cust omers
gi ve t he cer t i f i cat es t o ot her s, t o whom t hey wi l l si ng your
praises. t's like a tell-a-friend script on steroids!
5onu$: Check out what JP Maroney did for a jewelry store client
of his by using gift certificates at:
http://www.copywri t ewtopi c.php
23) Coupon$ Li ke gi ft certi fi cates, coupons are al so a great
way t o " t ouch your cust omer s and br i ng t hem back i nt o your
store (or website or whatever).
24) Conte$t$ The sandwi ch chai n Subway recent l y had a
scratch-off contest, but you had to go online to see if you were a
wi nner . Cont est s ar e a gr eat way t o get l eads and gener at e
sales. HereE$ a tip: al ways i ncl ude an unadvert i sed "second
pl ace that everyone who di dn' t wi n wi l l get. Joe Vi tal e di d that
l ast year, and used an emai l and voi ce broadcast t o announce
your "second pl ace pri ze. woul d have i ncl uded a sequence of
d i r e c t m a i l a s w e l l , b u t t h e p r e m i s e i s t h e s a m e .
Al so, the Nathan' s hot dog eati ng contest i s a great exampl e of
usi ng t hei r pr oduct i n t he cont est i t sel f . f your pr oduct or
service lends itself well to this approach, consider testing it.
25) Cele4rit7 .ndor$ement$ They aren' t as expensi ve as
you mi ght t hi nk ( unl ess you t r y t o get Sean Conner y or Tom
Crui se). The key i s t hat you need t o use cel ebri t i es t hat your
t arget market recogni zes as such. So Tony Ri ce woul d make a
great celebrity for bluegrass and acoustic guitar enthusiasts. Not
so much for gardening fans.
26) C) Sale$letter Peopl e general l y won' t read 90 mi nutes
wort h of copy, but t hey wi l l l i st en t o i t . The percei ved val ue i s
much hi gher t han a t r adi t i onal sal es l et t er as wel l . They can
l i st en t o i t i n t hei r car s, on t hei r wal kmans ( al t hough t oday
everyone has an i Pod.why not use a podcast i nst ead?). The
poi nt i s that you can cram i n a l ot more i nformati on. You can do
t est i moni al s i n t hei r own voi ces, have sound ef f ect s or musi c.
Anything to help advance the sale.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
27) hank ;ou +etter$ Whether you send gi ft certi fi cates,
coupons, a 2 f or 1 speci al , a f ree gi f t , or j ust a f ri endl y t hank
you l etter to stay on your customer' s radar screen, these types
of l etters are memorabl e and encourage your customers to send
you r ef er r al s. As al ways, t hese t ypes of l et t er s shoul d be
personal i zed, and ne2er use a mai l i ng addr ess l et t er on t he
Dear Mr. Smith,
hope you are very pl eased wi th your recent purchase of
my qual i ty artwork. May i t bri ng much vi ewi ng pl easure for
you and your family for years to come.
Bei ng an i ndependent ar t i st , t r ul y appr eci at e your
business! really want to personally thank you!
You should know that a recent painting did was auctioned
l ocal l y f or more t han $10, 000. 00! My work i s f eat ured at
l ocal art shows, and my ori gi nal Si l ent empe$t painting
has been on di spl ay i n t he Wadswor t h At heneum n
Har t f or d si nce 1998. That means i f you hol d ont o your
painting, you'll likely see its value increase considerably.
As y o u ma y k n o w, a l s o p a i n t c u s t o m p o r t r a i t s ,
l andscapes, abst ract art , and t heme-based art work f rom
your choice of subjects.
What does that mean for you?
Good quest i on. j ust moved i nt o a new, mor e spaci ous
st udi o, and ' m havi ng a speci al sal e j ust f or my best
customers. Here' s what want you to do (you' l l l ove thi s):
cal l me r i ght away f or a absol ut el y FREE, no obl i gat i on
quote on any custom pai nti ng you' d l i ke me to do for you.
Don't tell me you have this letter
until after * gi2e 7ou m7 free no"ha$$le :uote.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
Onl7 then t el l me t hat you have t hi s l et t er, and ' l l knock
of f an addi t i onal 21% of f of my al r eady r i di cul ousl y l ow
That way you' l l know for sure haven' t "padded my pri ce
j ust to gi ve the appearance of a sal e. ' m goi ng to l et you
trick meK
Why woul d do thi s? Si mpl e. want you as a customer for
l i f e. Most of my cust omer s come back agai n and agai n,
because they l ove my i nspi rati on and extraordi nary use of
col or s. And t hey appr eci at e t he f act t hat no ot her l ocal
artist enjoys an appreciation on the value of their paintings
as do.
So call me today at (555) 555-5555 for your FREE quote.
Very Truly Yours,
John Artist
P. S. Remember, cal l me ri ght away t o t ake advant age of
this most exclusive offer for my best customers only.
P. P. S. Al so, don' t t el l me t hat you have t hi s l et t er unt i l
after gi ve you my rock bottom pri ce fi rst!
Ok, obviously that's fictitious (it's a reprint from a sample letter
i ncl uded i n my Money Magnet newsl et t er) . Pl us per sonal l y
woul dn' t use pri ce as a sel l i ng poi nt f or an art i st (unl ess your
market warrants i t), but you get the i dea.
One car sal esman col l ect s t he name and address of everyone
who c omes i n t o c hec k out a c ar . Then he s ends t hem a
personal i zed l et t er, t hanki ng t hem f or st oppi ng by, and t el l i ng
more about t he car t hey l ooked at , i t ' s f eat ures, benef i t s, et c.
Even if it results in one more sale a year (and he gets more than
that), it's worth it in his case.
28) .2ent Marketing Ever see those plaza store events, like
when a new Har r y Pot t er book i s r el eased? Al l t he st or es get
together and cel ebrate the l aunch of the book i n di fferent ways.
Obvi ousl y there' s the bookstore rel ease, but the l ocal vi deo and
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Offline Marketing Simplified
game rental store gets i n the act. So does the fami l y restaurant,
i ce-cream vendor, and arcade. Even the dry cl eani ng store can
get i nvol ved and pump up t hei r busi ness, i f t hey st i ck t o a
common t heme. And t hi s i s al l announced ahead of t i me (wi t h
appropri ate press rel eases, etc.) so peopl e comi ng down know
what to expect. "Oh, great, we can get the book for l i ttl e Sal l y,
can dr op of f my sui t at t he cl eaner s, my wi f e can go t o t he
appar el st or e. What a gr eat t i me t hi s wi l l be f or t he whol e
fami l y!
29) Start a alk Sho3 f you have r egul ar cont ent t o
del i ver that your target market wants, your own l ocal tal k show
may be anot her avenue t o cut t hrough t he cl ut t er. Where l i ve
there are plenty of local access stations that have these types of
programs, and i n most cases the communi ty stati ons are free to
air your programs. Think nobody watches them? Well, you're not
goi ng to beat out ,merican *dol, and even infomercials will likely
edge you out , but i nf ormal surveys ' ve conduct ed t el l me t hat
peopl e are aware of these shows, and someti mes watch al l or a
par t of one dur i ng l at e ni ght channel sur f i ng. Ther e ar e even
some r egul ar " shows t hat some of t he l ocal s r el y on f or
i nf ormat i on t hey can' t easi l y get anywhere el se. The key i s t o
n o t d o t h e s a me b o r i n g t h i n g e v e r y o n e e l s e i s d o i n g .
n my l ocal /are /emi nder newspaper, a local cable-access talk
show host who DOES have peopl e wat chi ng adver t i ses f or
guests. f you can' t start your own tal k show, why not appear as
a guest on one? You can get a DVD recordi ng of i t t o use as a
l ead generati on devi ce. You can get great l eads that way i f your
target market i s watchi ng.
30) 8ord of Mouth / Wiral Marketing The key here i s
create somethi ng that peopl e wi l l want to share. Yes, the "tel l a
f r i end s c r i pt s ar e good onl i ne. The gi f t c er t i f i c at e i dea
ment i oned previ ousl y i s anot her. But surel y t here' s somet hi ng
you can t hi nk of t o real l y "wow t hem. You want t o make t hem
say "Wait until Jane sees this!
One of t he keys t o maki ng t hi s wor k ( and any sor t of l ead
generation device) i s to know your customer' s l i feti me val ue. n
ot her words, what does your average cust omer i n t hi s market
( usi ng t he t ype of l ead gener at i on you ar e doi ng) br i ng me i n
profi ts over thei r enti re l i feti me? Let' s say i t' s $25,000. And l et' s
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Offline Marketing Simplified
say your method of gatheri ng l eads converts 10% of l eads i nto
customers. Do you thi nk i t' s wi se to spend $100 per l ead of that
type in your efforts? Seems like a no-brainer to me.
31) Wolunteer Besi des maki ng you feel good about hel pi ng
a worthy cause, i t' s a great way to network i f you can vol unteer
where you come into contact with prospects (or people who have
frequent contact with your prospects).
32) Snu$ual <lace$ for ,d$ shoul d say "unused pl aces.
Wherever a space is zoned for advertising and it's blank, there's
an opportuni ty to get your message out. The si de of a van. The
side of a dump$ter. Wherever.
33) 5e an *n"hou$e Speaker Besi des getti ng great fees to
appear and speak, you establ i sh yoursel f as the expert. And l i ke
your f r ee l ocal mi ni - semi nar , i t ' s a gr eat pl ace t o pi t ch your
products and services.
34) *n"hou$e <re$entation$ JP Maroney tal ked about the
st adi um pi t ch on our cal l . bel i eve he was ref erri ng t o a Chet
Hol mes ar t i cl e t hat t al ked about i n- house pr esent at i ons and
cl osi ng the sal e. ' m not goi ng to say i t better than Chet, so ' l l
refer you to that article so you can read it yourself. Great stuff!
http://www.chethol cl es/i ncreasi ng_your_sal es_rati
35) )imen$ional Mail Or "l umpy mai l , as i t' s known i s a
great way t o get your l et t er opened! They j ust can' t resi st t he
l umpy package. Af t er i t ' s opened, however , your sal es l et t er
shoul d do i ts j ob. f you have a successful sal es l etter, addi ng a
di mensi onal obj ect t o i t wi l l al most al ways bump r esponse. A
gr eat pl ace t o get t hese t ypes of l umpy mai l obj ect s i s f r om
Mitch Carson at http://www.i .
Anot her pl ace t o get "mi l l i on dol l ar bi l l s and rel at ed promot i onal
items is http://www.mi l l i ondol l
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Offline Marketing Simplified
* recei2ed thi$ dimen$ional mail package from )an Oenned7.
,$ 7ou can $ee6 the Clump7 o4Iect6D a pla$tic airplane6 3a$
tied in 3ith the offer6 3hich included free airfare to one of
)anE$ $eminar$. ,l$o note the Chand3rittenD letter. Stand
out from the clutterK
36) 1et ;our Online +i$tE$ Home ,ddre$$ and <hone
0um4er spoke about thi s on the cal l . One techni que Gary
Hal bert used was to ask hi s l i st for thei r home address, because
he want ed t o send t hem somet hi ng t o hel p t hem wi t h t hei r
marketi ng. Then he sent them a l umpy mai l package. But he got
t hei r home address. Now he can send t hem di rect mai l pi eces
and cut through al l the emai l cl utter by bypassi ng i t compl etel y
(wel l , actual l y by suppl ementi ng i t). Yani k Si l ver menti oned thi s
as wel l . He obtai ns thei r home phone number and sends them a
voi ce broadcast (see above). Joe Vi tal e does thi s too. So does
Bi l l Gl az er . Hmm, i f al l of t hes e t op mar k et er s us e t hi s
technique, do you think it works?
37) 1oing Out of 5u$ine$$ f a busi ness wi t h t he same
t ar get mar ket as your s i s goi ng t o shut down soon, why not
acqui re t hei r cust omer l i st ? Most bri ck and mort ar busi nesses
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Offline Marketing Simplified
consi der l i qui dati ng thei r i nventory or equi pment, but not al l of
them are savvy enough to sel l thei r customer l i st. That coul d be
a huge opportunity for you.
38) ,lternate &ranchi$e You know most franchises cost big
bucks t o buy i nt o. Let ' s say you have a pr of i t abl e cl eani ng
busi ness t hat ' s not a f r anchi se, wi t h your own syst em f or
success. You can teach this system to others and sell it for much
cheaper than a franchi se woul d go for. Here' s an exampl e of a
company t hat does j ust t hat : ht t p: / / www. my-mag-uk. com.
es s ent i al l y do t hat wi t h ent r epr eneur s . t eac h t hem my
ma r k e t i n g s y s t e m ( wh i c h a s y o u p r o b a b l y k n o w mo s t
ent repreneurs don' t know a l ot about ef f ect i ve market i ng), and
they gain a doubled or tripled profit margin as a result.
Or, you coul d l ocate such a successful company yoursel f, l earn
their system, and teach it to others in the same manner.
39) Office or 8aiting /oom /ede$ign f you have an
offi ce, wai ti ng room, or recepti on area for your busi ness, get ri d
of all magazines and replace them with testimonials and success
s t or y book s , bef or e and af t er phot o al bums , and ot her
publ i cat i ons desi gned t o advance t he sal e. Repl ace your wal l
pai nt i ngs wi t h f ramed t est i moni al s. Gi ve t hem an aval anche of
40) <re"paid Ser2ice$ Pre-pai d "membershi ps have been
sol d successf ul l y by many busi nesses, such as cosmet i c
surgeons, chi ropract ors, dent al servi ces, mart i al art s school s,
photographers, restaurants, you name i t. The i dea i s to offer a
bundl e of ser vi ces or pr oduct s t hat woul d cost f ar mor e i f
purchased separat el y over t i me t han i f purchased pre-pai d up
41) /eference SS, ment i oned t hi s above i n t he "Di rect
Mai l t opi c, but i t ' s wor t h i t s own t opi c. Why? Because i f you
have a l i br ar y car d, chances ar e you can access i t f or f r ee.
don' t pay the annual thousands of dol l ars requi red to access the
si t e and compi l e l i st s of al l sort s, because my l ocal Newi ngt on
l i brary subscri bes to i t. My free l i brary card gets me i n for free.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
42) Creati2e 5u$ine$$ Card$ Besides using both sides of
your busi ness cards and putti ng a compel l i ng benefi ts-ori ented
message on i t , t here are many ot her creat i ve ways t o put your
busi ness car d t o wor k f or you. Of cour se, odd- shaped and
"rol odex-styl ed cards sti ck out from the crowd as wel l . One real
est at e agent i n Cal i f or ni a hands an ext r a t hr ee bucks and a
busi ness card to the tol l col l ector as he crosses the bri dge i nto
San Francisco. He tells the toll collector that he wants to pay for
t he dr i ver behi nd hi m, and asks hi m t o gi ve t he dr i ver hi s
busi ness card. Ni ne out of ten ti mes, the dri ver cal l s, at l east to
say thank you. He's sold several expensive homes that way as a
A good lead generation device is to offer a free report or other
gift on the back of the card. Then just distribute them where
your prospects live.
At my local Munson's Chocolates outlet, Sales Manager Jim
Florence has his business card fully imprinted with the company
logo, name, phone number, and email address made out
guessed it.CHOCOLATE! (best business card 've ever eaten). A
relatively new technology now allows Munson's to "print in
edible ink everything from text, images, logos, and photographs.
With their business cards, customers get to ta$te their USP. How
many other businesses offer that experience?
43) ,$k ;our Cu$tomer$ t may sound super si mpl e, but i f
you j ust ask your customers what they want and then gi ve i t to
them, you' l l be ahead of your competi tors. For exampl e, there' s
a l ocal denti st who adverti ses on the radi o that he offers a l i ttl e
pi l l t hat wi l l put pat i ent s t o sl eep. Whi l e t hey snooze, he f i xes
year s of negl ect and damage i n one vi si t . Wi t hout aski ng hi s
customers, he may not have come up with this tremendous USP.
44) )o /e$earch to &ind Out 8hat he7 8ant Again, this
seems like a simplistic idea, but you'd be surprised how often it's
over l ooked. For i nst ance, t hat same dent i st j ust ment i oned
above al so adverti ses that nobody i n hi s offi ce wi l l ever l ecture
you about avoi di ng vi si ts to a denti st or fai l i ng to care properl y
for your teeth. They' l l cheerful l y do the work that you need and
that you want, wi thout gui l t or hassl e. That' s a powerful benefi t
t hat most pat i ent s woul d pr obabl y not vol unt eer t o t el l t hei r
dent i st s, i f asked. But by r esear chi ng what dent al pat i ent s
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Offline Marketing Simplified
complain about, and why they avoid going to the dentist as often
as they should, he's addressed another powerful benefit of going
to see him.
45) <o$itioning Jay Conrad Levi nson and Seth Godi n tal k
about thi s i n he 1uerrilla Marketing Hand4ook. When Tom' s of
Mai ne i ntroduced thei r "al l natural toothpaste, they di dn' t want
to di rectl y compete wi th al l the other toothpastes out there. So
they posi ti oned themsel ves as a heal thy al l natural al ternati ves.
They sol d i t i n heal th stores i nstead of supermarkets. Cl ose-Up
toothpaste used a similar tactic. Whereas most other toothpastes
emphasi zed "no cavi ti es and were more fami l y-ori ented, Cl ose-
Up targeted single people and emphasized "whiteness.
An excel l ent book on posi t i oni ng i s <o$itioning: he 5attle for
;our Mind, by Trout & Reis.
46) Wideo 5rochure The same advantages a CD sales letter
( above) has over a pr i nt sal es l et t er ar e even gr eat er wi t h a
vi deo brochure. You can fi l m your own i nfomerci al and even i f i t
never ai rs, you can di st ri but e i t on a DVD or vi deot ape. Unl i ke
infomercials, which have some strict guidelines, video brochures
can cont ai n pr act i cal l y any f or mat . You can use t he " news
broadcast format, whi ch i s restri cted i n i nfomerci al s. The best
vi deo br ochur es ar e t hose t hat l ook l i ke t el evi si on pr ogr ams,
si nce that' s what peopl e expect to see when they are watchi ng
i t . Test i moni al s can now cont ai n vi deo of t he person speaki ng.
Before and after shots are great in this format as well.
47) )ata"5a$ed Marketing Data-based marketi ng can be
a s s i mp l e a s s e n d i n g a g r e e t i n g c a r d o r o t h e r " t o u c h
communi cat i ons wi t h your cust omer s and pr ospect s. A f l or i st
speci al i zi ng i n nat i onwi de del i very of f resh orchi ds uses dat a-
based market i ng qui t e ef f ect i vel y. f you order a bouquet f or a
friend's birthday or anniversary, they note the date and occasion
i n thei r computer. El even months l ater, you' l l recei ve a cal l from
them, remi ndi ng you of the occasi on and aski ng you i f you' d l i ke
t o send anot her bouquet . Rest aurant s do t hi s al l t he t i me wi t h
t he bi r t hday gi f t cer t i f i cat es. Ot her compani es t ake i t a st ep
f ur t her and know when t hei r cust omer s wi l l need a r eor der of
t hei r product . They' l l send a coupon or ot her di scount t o make
another sal e (for exampl e, an oi l change). Nowadays wi th al l of
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Offline Marketing Simplified
t he " r ewar ds and " shopper ' s cl ub car ds, super mar ket s and
chai n st or es not onl y capt ur e ever yt hi ng you pur chase and
when, t hey can send you coupons and di scount s f or t hose
pr oduct s you r egul ar l y pur chase. Amazon sends you emai l s
about books si mi l ar to ones you have purchased when they are
released and during other promotions.
You may want t o consi der st ar t i ng your own Cre3ard$D t7pe
program or something similar.
48) Secret Sale$ You can send your customers a postcard
that has a secret di scount from 10% to whatever on everythi ng
t hey buy i n one vi si t . The cat ch i s t hey have t o come i nt o your
st or e t o f i nd out t he amount of t he di scount . The chance t hat
they may hav e a 75% of f c oupon, f or ex ampl e, i s of t en
irresistible to the customer.
49) ,dd .Jtra ,menitie$ - For physical locations, such as a
car dealership, consider testing an in-house diner, barber, coffee
shop, putti ng green, wi rel ess i nternet, vi deo arcade, pl ayrooms
f or chi l dr en, book st or es, mani cur i st s, cl i mbi ng wal l s, mi ni -
museum, ice-cream shop, etc. These can work well especially for
t hose busi nesses wher e t hei r cust omer s have t o wai t . t may
sound extravagant, but many busi nesses, especi al l y those that
cat er t o t he af f l uent , have done t hi s wi t h resoundi ng success.
Why do you think McDonalds added playgrounds to most of their
restaurants? Why do upscale bookstores have coffee cafs? The
list goes on.
50) 0e3$letter$ Newsl et t er s ar e a gr eat way t o keep i n
t ouch wi t h your cust omer s, of f er t hem speci al di scount s and
coupons, i nform them of upcomi ng events (a wi ne store can tel l
t hei r cust omer s about an upcomi ng wi ne t ast i ng event , f or
example), give them recipes, articles, advice, tips on making the
most of your pr oduct s/ ser vi ces, and much mor e. t ' s a gr eat
pl ace to sl i p i n case studi es, success stori es, testi moni al s, and
pitches for other products and services.
Here are $ome tip$ for running a $ucce$$ful ne3$letter:
P Don' t make i t a st r ai ght sal es pi t ch. You want i t t o be
somet hi ng your cust omers l ook f orward t o recei vi ng. Too
much adverti si ng can turn them off and equate i t wi th j unk
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Offline Marketing Simplified
mai l . ncl ude qual i ty content on a vari ety of subj ects, not
all related to your business. Don't be boring.
P Keep i t regul ar and consi stent. Don' t send i t three ti mes i n
one mont h and t hen wai t 2 mont hs bef ore sendi ng i t out
again. Quarterly is fine, but monthly is much better.
P f you have t r oubl e comi ng up wi t h r egul ar cont ent or
don' t have t he t i me t o commi t t o a newsl et t er, t here are
servi ces t hat wi l l do i t f or you. Dan Kennedy has such a
service (see for
mor e i nf or mat i on) . You can al so subscr i be t o a cont ent
service such as Pages (, where
t hey gi ve you r oyal t y- f r ee ar t i cl es, ar t wor k, and much
more every month.
P Proofread your newsl etter. A spel l checker won' t fl ag "four
when i t shoul d have been "fore. Tool s l i ke Mi crosoft Word
al so have grammar checkers. Check f or f act ual accuracy
and make sur e dat es, t i mes, and pl aces ar e al l cor r ect .
Doubl e- check coupon amount s and ot her numer i cal
P Once you devel op a l ayout t hat wor ks, t r y t o keep i t
consistent from issue to issue.
P Make i t easy on t he eyes t o r ead. Avoi d whi t e t ype on
bl ack or col ored backgrounds. Don' t use dark bl ue type on
a l i ght-bl ue background. Use seri f fonts for the body text.
Don' t make i t l ook l i ke t oo much work t o read. Use whi t e
space liberally.
P Have a pl an before you l aunch your newsl etter. You want
t o have speci f i c goal s about what you want i t t o do f or
you. Shoul d i t be wri t t en i n f i rst -person f rom t he owner?
Or third person, like most newspaper articles? Do you want
t o have regul ar col umns or f eat ures? Guest wri t ers? Do
your homework up front.
P Al ways i ncl ude your contact i nformati on, perhaps even on
each page.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
P Feat ure your cust omers regul arl y. They l i ke t o see t hei r
names i n pri nt , and i t ' s al ways f ar bet t er t o l et t hem sel l
you than for you to sell yourself.
51) 0o2elt7 *tem$ You can put your message on t-shi rts,
hats, coffee mugs, pens and penci l s, mouse pads, you name i t.
The tri ck i s to have a compel l i ng i mage or sl ogan. For exampl e,
a l ogo or busi ness name i s bor i ng. But a cl ever message or
picture with a web address will get noticed more and used more.
52) 1o to the C.dgeD Set h Godi n t al ks about t hi s i n hi s
book &ree <ri9e *n$ide. Basi cal l y, the premi se i s that whi l e your
compet i t or s sel l t o t he " mi ddl e, you f i nd ways t o sel l t o t he
edge. t set s you apar t f r om your compet i t i on, but i t ' s not
necessarily your USP. For example, the first release of that book
came packaged i n a cereal box wi t h t he promi nent "Free Pri ze
nside displayed.
Some more eJample$:
P A mas s age s al on mov es t hei r c hai r s out s i de i n t he
P A secur i t y guar d company of f er s i t s guar ds dr essed as
Beefeaters, Buckingham Palace guards, paramilitary camo-
weari ng hi gh-securi ty guards, Matri x-type outfi ts, or even
attractive white-collar uniforms.
P A l ocal pub bui l t t hei r own cust om j ukebox of t went y-si x
t housand songs i n i t by r i ppi ng t hei r 1, 798 CDs i nt o a
P A restaurant i n Manhattan makes the average Joe' s wai t,
but gives the VPs an unlisted number to get to the front of
the l i ne. Strangel y enough, thi s pl eases both groups (the
VPs l ove to get ri ght i n, and the average fol k feel speci al
by goi ng to an excl usi ve restaurant where cel ebri ti es di ne
a n d t h e w a i t i s l o n g e r d u e t o i t s p o p u l a r i t y ) .
P Mexico has plenty of all-in-one resorts, but only one caters
to overweight people.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
P tells the TV-style news like everyone else,
but they, well, wear less.
P The Four Si st er s r est aur ant i n Myanmar doesn' t bot her
wi t h a check. You pay what you t hi nk t he meal i s wort h.
P Di d you ever noti ce how supermarkets reward thei r worst
cust omers? Shoppers wi t h t he l east amount of i t ems get
t hei r own speci al expr ess l ane, but t he poor schmuck
who' s buyi ng t ons of groceri es (and wort h much more t o
t he st ore as a cust omer) has t o endure t he l ongest l i ne.
What i f a gr ocer y st or e had a speci al l i ne f or t hei r best
c u s t o me r s , s t a f f e d wi t h e x t r a b a g g e r s a n d o t h e r
mechanisms to speed the checkout process?
P Commerce Bank i s open seven days a week. Do you thi nk
t here are peopl e who woul dn' t mi nd havi ng t he opt i on t o
bank on Sundays? And Liberty Bank offers free ATM usage.
They' l l even r ei mbur se you f or f ees char ged by ot her
bank's ATMs.
P A church i n New York Ci t y hol ds an annual barbecue f or
fundrai si ng. Peopl e come from mi l es away because i f they
don' t, they have to wai t a whol e year to come agai n. The
l ocal Ger man cl ub near my house hol ds t hei r Ger man
Fest i val ever y t wo year s f or pr eci sel y t he same r eason.
P Enterprise Rent-A-Car doesn't focus on airport rentals. But
when you need a rental car for a few days while your car is
in the shop, they are the first ones you call. Plus, they pick
you up!
P n the i nstant nternet buyi ng worl d, a l awn care company
real i zed that wai ti ng weeks for a l awn care quote was too
l ong. By usi ng sat el l i t e phot os and publ i c t ax r ecor ds,
t hey' r e abl e t o quot e a cost f or ser vi ce 4ef or e t hei r
prospect s are even cont act ed. Now t hey dri ve down t he
street wi th a stack of Fri sbees, each affi xed wi th a sti cker
contai ni ng the property address and pri ce quote, and toss
each Frisbee onto the lawn.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
<art *** " &ree ,d2erti$ing 8ith
Publ i ci t y i s a gr eat way t o r each a l ot of peopl e wi t h a l i mi t ed
budget . The key i s t o have a message t hat i s newswort hy, whi ch
obviously changes all the time. Years ago it was enough to launch a
new websi t e. Nowadays t hat ' s t oo common. As ' m wr i t i ng t hi s,
t here' s a 12-year ol d gi rl maki ng news because of an experi ment
she conducted for her school ' s sci ence fai r: she had fast-food i ce
sampl es t est ed f or bact eri a and compared t hose t est resul t s wi t h
sampl es of t oi l et wat er f r om t hose same f ast - f ood r est aur ant s
( about 30% of t he i ce sampl es had mor e bact er i a i n i t t han t he
toi l et water).
Besi des or der i ng your next sof t dr i nks sans i ce, t hi s i l l ust r at es
somet hi ng prof oundl y i mport ant : news sel l s. You need somet hi ng
fresh. Something the public would want to know about.
So, t hat bei ng sai d, l et ' s expl or e some ways t o get your f r ee
53) 8rite a /egular Column Whether i n a newspaper,
magazi ne, ezi ne, or of f l i ne newsl et t er , a r egul ar col umn i s a
great way t o est abl i sh you as an expert i n your f i el d. You can
al so send repri nts to your cl i ents and prospects to add proof to
your sales letters and promotional materials.
54) 8rite an ,rticle Arti cl es can be anythi ng from a short
essay on a topi c to a feature arti cl e i n a magazi ne, newspaper,
ezi ne, newsl et t er, you name i t . Agai n, art i cl e repri nt s hel p t he
selling job in adding proof to your persuasion.
55) ,lign 8ith a Charit7 or Other 0on"profit
Organi9ation This is a great way to get free publicity. Let's
say you've created a course on starting a mail-order business on
a shoestring budget. You can hold a free seminar with local low-
income families and youths, give a presentation, and then give
them all free copies of the course. Be sure to issue press
releases with your local newspaper, radio and television stations,
and community publications. Stories like these make great
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Offline Marketing Simplified
humanitarian interest pieces for these media outlets. Who
knows? You could be the next guest on Oprah or the Today
56) *$$ue a <re$$ /elea$e An oldie, but goodie. The trick is
t o make sur e your pr ess r el ease i s a newswor t hy event . For
ex ampl e, s t ar t i ng a new news l et t er i s not nec es s ar i l y a
newswor t hy event ( but i t mi ght i n cer t ai n ni che mar ket s f or
smal l er publ i cat i ons) . ssui ng a pr ess r el ease about a l ar ge
donat i on you ar e gi vi ng, compl et e wi t h r el evant backgr ound
st or y mi ght be newswor t hy. t al l depends on your t ar get
audience and the publication(s). Editors pick up press releases if
t hey t hi nk t her e i s news f or t hei r r eader s. They do not car e
about you or your company. Your press rel ease must be framed
that way. "What' s i n i t for me i s very rel evant here.
57) Create a 0e3$3orth7 .2ent Her e' s an i dea t hat a
l ocal st ereo and el ect roni cs st ore di d t hat 3oul d qual i f y f or a
newsworthy press release:
P They arranged a "supersti ti on obstacl e course on Fri day
the 13 i n thei r parki ng l ot, compl ete wi th l adders to wal k
under, a roami ng bl ack cat, mi rrors to break, umbrel l as to
open indoors, etc.
P They cal l ed al l t he l ocal r adi o st at i ons and i nvi t ed t hei r
morni ng personal i ti es to come down and take the obstacl e
course challenge.
P One r adi o s t at i on t ook t hem up on t hei r of f er , and
broadcast live from the event.
P The r esul t was t hat t ons of peopl e came down t o t hei r
store to watch and take part. And of course pi ck up some
gear or suppl i es whi l e t hey wer e t her e. And t hat , of
course, not onl y provi ded a boost i n sal es f or t hat day, i t
brought i n new cust omers and generat ed l ot s of "word of
mouth adverti si ng for them.
Any busi ness can do somethi ng l i ke thi s; don' t care i f you' re a
conservat i ve l awyer or account ant . The key i s t o f i nd a t heme
and run wi t h i t . There' s no reason why a j ewel er or rest aurant
coul dn' t do somet hi ng l i ke t hat f or Val ent i ne' s Day. Or a l ocal
ri sh pub coul d do f or St . Pat ri ck' s Day. Or any ret ai l out l et f or
Christmas. The list goes on and on.
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58) ,ttend Special .2ent$ Wat ch your l ocal news and
constantl y be on the l ookout for events i n your area where you
can i ncrease your vi si bi l i ty. As al ways, the best l ead generati on
methods are those that i ntroduce your products and servi ces by
wa y o f s o me t h i n g f r e e ( i n e x c h a n g e f o r t h e i r c o n t a c t
information, of course).
59) ake ime to 1et to Ono3 ;our +ocal .ditor$ and
<u4li$her$ t' s a l ot easi er to pi tch a press rel ease or i dea i f
you al ready know someone on the i nsi de. Years ago was i n the
mi ddl e of wri t i ng a book, and st art ed shoppi ng f or an agent ,
f i gur i ng i t was easi er t o go t hat r out e t han t o appr oach t he
publ i shers di rect l y. My wi f e managed i nsurance pol i ci es at t he
ti me for a Fortune 500 company, and one of her cl i ents was the
publ i shi ng fi rm Si mon & Schuster. One day she happened to be
tal ki ng to a promi nent edi tor, and she menti oned my book. The
edi tor tol d her to have me send i t to hi s VP, at hi s request. Just
l i ke that was no l onger an unsol i ci ted submi tter. t was (and to
my knowl edge st i l l i s) Si mon & Schust er' s pol i cy t o not accept
unsol i ci t ed manuscr i pt s. That cont act al one al l owed me t o
bypass that barrier.
60) 8rite a 5ook Wi th Pri nt on Demand (POD) publ i shers,
nowadays i t' s easy and cheap to type up and edi t a book i n your
favori te word processor, upl oad i t to a POD' s server, and have
the book avai l abl e for shi ppi ng wi thi n weeks or l ess. Books are
al s o a gr eat way t o pos i t i on y ou as t he exper t . Ther e' s
somethi ng al most magi cal that takes pl ace when you send your
cl i ent s an aut ographed copy of your l at est book. n t hei r eyes,
you i nstantl y gain credi4ilit7. Your status becomes el evated.
They are more likely to want to do business with you.
Ther e' s l i t t l e doubt t hat successf ul peopl e want t o sur r ound
t hemsel ves wi t h ot her successf ul peopl e. And a book shows
them that you are successful . t gi ves you presti ge. You are now
an aut hor. t ' s f ar easi er t o di smi ss your sel f -cl ai ms i n a sal es
l et t er t han i t i s f r om a book. The f act t hat anyone can have a
book printed is irrelevant (at least for now).
f you don' t have the ti me or pati ence to wri te a book, you have
several options:
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Offline Marketing Simplified
P Yo u c a n d i c t a t e t h e b o o k a n d h a v e i t t r a n s c r i b e d
( el ance. com and gur u. com ar e good pl aces t o get a
t ranscri pt done f or you, but t here are many ot her pl aces
o n l i n e a n d o f f l i n e t o h a v e t h e m d o n e a s we l l ) .
P You can have someone ghost wr i t e t he book f or you. Be
s u r e t o c h e c k o u t t h e i r p r e v i o u s wo r k , t h o u g h !
P You can hol d a t el esemi nar by your sel f or wi t h ot her
exper t s and have i t t r anscr i bed and edi t ed i nt o a book.
P You can get t oget her wi t h ot her expert s i n your f i el d and
e a c h c o n t r i b u t e a c h a p t e r o r t w o f o r a b o o k .
P You can interview other experts and compile it into a book.
P You can take books that are in the public domain, update it
f or t oday, and r el ease i t as a book ( you may want t o
consi der l egal r esour ces t o make sur e your choi ce i s
a c t u a l l y i n t h e p u b l i c d o ma i n .i t ' s n o t a l w a y s
strai ghtforward).
As you can see, i t' s fai rl y easy to have a book done i n very l i ttl e
ti me and at very l i ttl e cost. Just be sure the subj ect and materi al
is relevant and fills a need. deally a book can also be used as a
selling device for a back-end item or as a lead generation device.
61) 5log$6 <odca$t$6 etc. Yes, this is supposed to be about
of f l i ne mar ket i ng met hods, but i n t oday' s i nf or mat i on age,
woul d be ami ss i f di dn' t menti on them.
Check out:
P ht t p: / / www. bl ogger. com
P ht t p: / / www. t ypepad. com
P http://www.moveabl
.for starters. The offline part comes in when you advertise your
blog in the offline world as well (which you should).
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Offline Marketing Simplified
<art *W " Boint Wenture$
Boint 2enture$ (JVs) are one of the best ways to l ure new l eads and
customers. By partneri ng wi th other busi nesses whose customers are
p a r t o f y o u r ma r k e t , y o u h a v e an addi t i onal pr of i t cent er of
i ncremental i ncome. For exampl e, an attorney can refer hi s cl i ents to
an account ant , and t he account ant i n t ur n r ef er s cl i ent s t o t he
attorney. t' s a wi n/wi n si tuati on, because many ti mes a new busi ness
wi l l need bot h an at t orney and an account ant . Dependi ng on whi ch
one they approach fi rst (the l awyer or accountant), they' l l be referred
to the other.
JVs can go much further than thi s si mpl e arrangement, however. They
can be very compl ex, and there can be 3-way deal s goi ng on. n fact,
JV brokers make thei r money by taki ng a sl i ce of the profi ts between
two or more di fferent busi nesses, where he has brokered the deal and
set up everythi ng between them.
The key t o maki ng t hese deal s wor k i s t o make sur e t hat you l et a
prospecti ve JV partner know from the start that:
P You' ve di scovered an addi ti onal profi t center for them that
t hey ar e pr obabl y unawar e of ( of f er pr oj ect ed pr of i t s, i f
P The addi t i onal pr of i t cent er wi l l not det r act i n any way
from thei r current i ncome stream.
P The addi t i onal pr of i t cent er wi l l not i ncur any addi t i onal
costs or labor on their part to implement.
P The addi t i onal pr of i t c ent er wi l l not i nc ur any r i s k
whatsoever on their part.
P You will perform all of the leg work to set it up.
P They can stop at any time for any reason.
There are so many potenti al JVs that are possi bl e that there' s no way
t o cover ever y concei vabl e one her e. So i nst ead wi l l gi ve some
exampl es. Some of t hem may be appl i cabl e t o your busi ness. Some
may not. And, l i ke the accountant and l awyer exampl e gave above,
it's not feasible for me to cover every type of business. Therefore, you
shoul d l ook at each exampl e and see how i t may appl y t o your
business. These examples are designed to get you thinking creatively.
By no means i s thi s an exhausti ve l i st. t' s desi gned to put you i n the
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ri ght mi ndset, where you wi l l l ook at your busi ness and others around
you and see possibilities that you never noticed before.
A great course on JVs i s the BW Ma$ter7 Cour$e, by Jay Abraham and
Marc Gol dman. t may be out of pri nt now, but i f you can get a hol d of
i t , hi ghl y recommend i t . f you have i t , you may recogni ze some of
these exampl es from the course (no need to rei nvent the wheel here).
Others are variations and some examples that have personally done.
One ip: f you t ry t o set up a JV wi t h a busi ness, and t hey al ready
have a deal i n pl ace wi th someone el se, you can take that i nformati on
to thei r competi tor and say "Your bi ggest competi tor i s al ready doi ng
thi s. And i f your partner ever deci des to stop the JV deal , you can go
t o t hei r compet i t or s and say t he same t hi ng ( Hi nt: i f you l et t hem
know you are goi ng to do that, they may reconsi der). Never feel that
you have to partner with one specific business exclusively. deally you
should have JV deals going on all over the place.
You can al so do JVs between your busi ness and another, or you can
broker JVs between two different businesses and take a cut.
Now, onward.
62) Sell an *dea A l awyer knew how t o make a mi l l i on
dol l ars i n a year wi t h one person and t hree associ at es. Si nce
ma n y a t t o r n e y s d o n ' t ma k e t h a t mu c h , h e c o d i f i e d h i s
knowl edge and had someone sel l i t . A r eal t or had a l i st t hr ee
times better than anyone else, so she trained other realtors for a
f ee. A l umber mi l l knew how t o ki l n dr y wood and get gr eat er
qual i t y wood i n l ess t i me wi t h hal f t he energy cost , savi ng hi m
mi l l i ons of dol l ar s. He t aught hi s t echni ques t o ot her l umber
mi l l s. f t here' s somet hi ng remarkabl e about your busi ness, or
somet hi ng you know how t o do bet t er t han 99% of ever yone
el se, you have an opport uni t y t o l i cense or t each your ski l l s t o
63) BW 8ith ;our Supplier$ Your suppl i ers general l y want
you to be more successful , si nce i t means more sal es for them.
They may f und sal es peopl e, mai l i ngs, ext r a st af f , et c. You' l l
never know unless you ask them.
64) Seek Out Other 5u$ine$$ hat Cater to ;our Market
used the l awyer and accountant exampl e above. A real tor may
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Offline Marketing Simplified
JV wi t h movi ng compani es, cust om f r amer s, car pet cl eaner s,
p e s t c o n t r o l s e r v i c e s , l a wn c a r e c o mp a n i e s , p a i n t e r s ,
el ectri ci ans, pl umbers, the l i st goes on. Just be sure to JV wi th
t hose busi nesses who have pr oduct s and/ or ser vi ces your
cust omer s may need ( i . e. a r eal t or JVi ng wi t h a vi deo game
company doesn't make much sense).
Make a l i st of busi nesses who want and need a constant fl ow of
l eads: l awyer s, doct or s, dent i st s, r eal t or s, home r emodel i ng
services, carpet cleaners, pest control services, etc. Broker deals
between them where there is a fit to generate leads.
65) +e2erage 5u7er$ and Seller$ A business broker sent a
l et t er t o 30, 000 CPA f i r ms sayi ng " We' ve got buyer s r eady t o
pay al l cash to buy your practi ce whether you stay or not. 500
peopl e responded, so he took those 500 peopl e out and mai l ed
t he ot her 29, 500 f i r ms sayi ng " We' ve got 500 hundr ed f i r ms
ri ght now t hat are bi g money makers ready t o be sol d. Owners
wi l l st ay or not . Ter ms or cash i s your choi ce. Then i t was a
si mpl e mat t er t o mat ch t he buyers t o t he sel l ers, resul t i ng i n a
million dollar$3orth of commi$$ion$. This is a very powerful
technique that can be used in a variety of different ways.
66) Match &ront".nd/5ack".nd <roduct$ f you sel l a
high-ticket back-end product, you can seek out people who don't
yet have a back- end pr oduct and JV your s vi a an af f i l i at e
pr ogr am. Li kewi se, i f you don' t have a hi gh- t i cket back- end
product, the reverse i s al so true. There are pl enty of expensi ve
p r o d u c t a n d s e r v i c e s e l l e r s o u t t h e r e t o p a r t n e r wi t h .
You can al so broker deal s between busi nesses sel l i ng front-end
books and t apes and busi nesses sel l i ng back- end expensi ve
seminars, for example.
67) BW a Sale$ &orce There are plenty of professional sales
peopl e that sel l a vari ety of di fferent products on a commi ssi on
basi s. t' s a snap to put an ad i n the paper to get these fol ks to
sell your products and services.
68) he 0eon Sign ,pproach cal l t hi s t he "Neon Si gn
Approach because Jay Abraham t al ked about a part i cul ar JV
deal wi t h a neon si gn maker . He woul d have hi gh school and
col l ege st udent s dri ve around at ni ght and l ook f or neon si gns
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Offline Marketing Simplified
that were not l i t or onl y parti al l y l i t. Then he woul d pay them per
"fi nd, and report those l ocati ons to the neon si gn maker. Voi l a!
nstant l eads.
A vari ati on on thi s approach coul d be done wi th motor vehi cl es.
There are numerous servi ces t o get t he names and addresses
from a motor vehi cl e regi strati on pl ate. Those same hi gh school
and col l ege students can be on the l ookout for broken tai l l i ghts,
body damage, cracked wi ndshi el ds and the l i ke. When they fi nd
one, they wri te down the l i cense pl ate i nformati on and gi ve i t to
you. You can t hen suppl y t he l eads t o aut o repai r shops, body
shops, windshield replacement shops.
What i f you owned a furni ture store? You coul d JV wi th door-to-
door sal espeopl e and have t hem on t he l ookout f or badl y worn
furni ture. They' re al ready goi ng to be i n thei r prospect' s l i vi ng
room, right?
How about t he f urnace mai nt enance person who keeps an eye
out for water damage i n the basement? f you offered basement-
s e a l i n g s e r v i c e s , wo u l d n ' t y o u wa n t a s ma n y f u r n a c e
maintenance folks as possible getting you leads?
69) BW Mailing$ For cert ai n product or servi ce of f eri ngs,
direct mail can be prohibitively expensive. That's why card decks
and Val ue-Paks are so popul ar. But asi de f rom t hose t ypes of
mai l i ngs, you can al ways partner wi th a non-competi tor (or two
or three) that offer a compl ementary or si mi l ar product/servi ce
wi t h t he same t ar get mar ket as your s. By spl i t t i ng t he cost of
t he mai l i ng, you st i l l get your message out , but at a much-
reduced cost.
Y?H BW *n$ert$/&l7er$/Circular$ Si mi l ar t o JV mai l i ngs,
you coul d arrange to have your fl yer, i nsert, or ci rcul ar i nserted
i nt o anot her publ i cat i on al ready bei ng mai l ed. Thi s "hi t chi ng a
r i de appr oach wor ks best when your audi ence i s t ar get ed,
al t hough newspaper i nser t s ar e popul ar wi t h l ocal br i cks and
mortar businesses. The JV part comes into play when you pay so
much per l ead or a per cent age of al l sal es r esul t i ng f r om t he
arrangement. Dependi ng on your pri ce structure, you can pay a
percent age of t he f i rst sal e onl y, or a t i ered approach where a
smal l er per cent age i s pai d f or al l f i r st year pur chases, a
per c ent age of t he bac k - end pur c has e, et c . You need t o
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Offline Marketing Simplified
det er mi ne what t ypes of deal s br i ng i n t he bi ggest pr of i t s f or
you, whi l e st i l l pr ovi di ng a val uabl e i ncent i ve f or your JV
partners. ,nd that reall7 goe$ for an7 t7pe of deal.
71) BW a Mini"Seminar or ele$eminar Usi ng t he
l awyer / account ant exampl e agai n, t he t wo coul d get t oget her
and hold a seminar for new business owners, offering a package
deal for both of their services.
72) Sell ;our BW When you have an i ncome st ream f rom a
JV deal you have worked out, you can al ways sel l the ri ghts to
t hat deal t o someone el se. Just l i ke a money- maki ng websi t e
that you can sell, JVs that have a positive cash flow are assets in
thei r own ri ght.
73) BW )eal$ to O4$er2e and +earn &rom a 1uru
Basi cal l y, you can act as a broker or mi ddl e agent bet ween a
per son wi t h a cer t ai n exper t i se and ot her s who want t o l ear n
from the expert.
74) *f ;ouEre the 1uru6 Wice Wer$a f you are t he expert ,
the reverse i s al so true. You coul d JV wi th a mi ddl eman to bri ng
peopl e t o you t o pay f or access t o your exper t i se. Coachi ng
programs are an obvious choice for this approach.
75) BW a )ealmaker f brokeri ng deal s i sn' t your forte, you
can al ways JV wi t h someone who sel l s wel l and knows how t o
negoti ate to pi tch and put the actual deal s together for you. Thi s
way you can si t back and pul l al l the stri ngs whi l e your "agent
handles the stuff you aren't comfortable doing.
76) <ainting &ire H7drant$ One of the first deals Jay
Abraham put together was paying kids to paint fire hydrants.
He'd put all the deals together, the kids would go out and paint,
and he'd pay them a percentage of what he was getting paid. His
value was that he was the one to put it all together, he set up
the deals, and he got the labor organized. This approach works
well anytime there is someone willing to perform the service for
less that you are getting paid.
Even 'ol Tom Sawyer did this when he had to white wash a fence
in Mark Twain's om Sa37er. He got the local kids to do it, and
they loved it.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
77) O2er$tock/Surplu$ Selling t ' s not di f f i cul t t o f i nd
businesses with excess inventory, tie up the rights to unload it at
a di scount, and then fi nd outl ets to sel l i t at retai l . You pocket
t he di f f er ence. On t he f l i p si de, i f you your sel f have excess
i nventory, you coul d JV to fi nd someone to unl oad i t from you i n
the same fashion.
78) BW to the ,ffluent f you can partner wi th a busi ness
t hat sel l s a hi gh- t i cket i t em t o t he af f l uent , her e' s a bl uepr i nt
worth testi ng:
P Choose the most popular high-ticket item they sell.
P Send a l et t er vi a Fedex t o t hei r " A l i st , t hose 20% of
cust omer s t hat ar e r esponsi bl e f or 80% of t hei r pr of i t s.
Tel l t hem about a speci al one-day cl osed door pri vat e by
i nvi te-onl y "showi ng for that one speci fi c product/servi ce.
Hi r e a pr of essi onal copywr i t er t o wr i t e a speci f i c sal es
letter for that one product or service.
P Serve coffee, tea, muffi ns, or whatever i s appropri ate for
that target market on the day of the showi ng. Make i t an
event, more than just the product or service itself. Look for
ways to gai n medi a exposure. Yes, i t' s a pri vate showi ng,
but i f t hei r " A' l i st hear s about i t f r om t he medi a, t hey' l l
want to be there.
P Make sur e t hey have t hei r most knowl edgeabl e st af f on
hand f or t he showi ng. You' re sel l i ng t o t he af f l uent here,
so you don' t want t o cut any corners. Fi nd out what t hey
want and gi ve i t, to them.
P Col l ect your profi ts, but be sure to fol l ow-up wi th a thank
you l etter, i deal l y al so Fedex' d to them. And unadverti sed
bonuses always help!
79) +ead 1eneration BW$ Fi nd out what other busi nesses
your t arget market vi si t s. For exampl e, sel l t o ent repreneurs,
and a l ot of them frequent the UPS Store and other such pl aces.
Fedex/Kinkos and other "copy shops are also ideal places where
live. Many of these places don't capture their customer's name,
addr ess, emai l addr ess, et c. So made an ar r angement wi t h
t hem. set up "t ake ones, where t hey can t ake a brochure f or
f ree, go onl i ne t o my websi t e, f ax me, or mai l me t hei r cont act
i nfo, then send them a free report rel evant to them. gi ve thei r
contact i nfo to the store JV wi th (and noti fy the prospects of
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Offline Marketing Simplified
this hasn't seem to hurt my leads significantly so far). For
those busi nesses (a Stapl es store, bei ng one of them) that are
st ubborn, of f er t o gi ve t hem t he cont act i nf o col l ect f rom al l
t he st ores JV wi t h i n t hei r area. Agai n, you need t o i ncl ude a
di scl ai mer when doi ng t hat , but i n my t est s, t he benef i t has
outweighed the losses.
n a di scussi on wi t h Mi chel Fort i n recent l y, he ment i oned t hat
you need to real l y provi de an i ncenti ve for these busi nesses to
pr omot e you. So t he " t ake one box may not be enough by
i t sel f . Tr ue, t hey ar e get t i ng t he cont act i nf o of some of t hei r
cust omer s ( somet hi ng t hey t hemsel ves shoul d be gat her i ng) ,
but i f they don' t know enough to get that i nformati on i n the fi rst
place, they may not be as anxious to promote your free report or
premi um. ' m experi menti ng wi th several other ways to measure
how wel l they wi l l promote me, and ' l l provi de updates as they
become avai l abl e. To get these free updates, j ust send a bl ank
emai l t o: ( NOTE: you may
al r eady be on t hi s l i st . f you' ve gi ven me f eedback t o our
Febr uar y 2006 cal l wi t h Mi chel For t i n, Davi d Gar f i nkel , Yani k
Silver, and JP Maroney, you are all set).
80) .ndor$ement$ There are peopl e and busi nesses that
have a gr eat per sonal r el at i onshi p wi t h t hei r cust omer s and
prospects. They may not necessarily know this fact. n fact, a lot
of t hem don' t even r eal i ze t he amount of pul l t hey have wi t h
thei r audi ence. Peopl e who recommend certai n stocks or trends,
peopl e who gi v e gr eat c ont ent and i nf or mat i on t o t hei r
subscr i ber s, peopl e who gi ve i nvest ment advi ce, gener al l y
peopl e who have a certai n rapport wi th thei r subscri bers. They
are the ones you want to target. f thei r ni che i s non-marketi ng-
rel at ed, so much t he bet t er i n order t o cut t hrough t hi s ni che' s
cl ut t er . know someone who t ar get ed gol f ent husi ast s f or a
market i ng product , si mpl y because of t hei r t est resul t s. n any
case, if you can JV with this sort of person who will endorse your
product or servi ce, you have a huge advantage. t' s si mpl y one
of t he best ways t o pr i nt money on demand. Pl ease don' t
overlook this technique.
These peopl e may not even real i ze t he rel at i onshi p t hey have
wi th thei r l i st. So you woul d be wel l advi sed to start wi th those
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Offline Marketing Simplified
81) BW ;our +i$t 5uilding: +arge +i$t f you have a l arge
l i st , one of t he easi est ways t o bui l d i t even f urt her i s t o do a
cross mai l i ng. That i s, you partner wi th another l arge l i st owner
i n your target market. You send out hi s message to your l i st, he
sends out your message to his list. Simple. Just remember, once
your pr ospect s or cust omer s ar e on anot her l i st t hat sel l s t o
them, there i s i ncreased message cl utter. That i s, they are now
bei ng pi t ched by your JV part ner AND you. t ' s a t radeof f you
need to consider.
82) BW ;our +i$t"5uilding: Small +i$t Ok, i f your exi sti ng
list isn't large enough to warrant a cross JV mailing as described
above, here's a clever way to build your list up quickly. 've done
thi s, but not to the extent shoul d. ' ve got more deal s l i ke thi s
in the works. Here's how it works:
Let's say your list is on the small side. "John Smith has a huge
list. You want to JV with him, but a cross swap isn't going to
persuade him. You need to be the middleperson between John
Smith and another large list owner.
Jane Doe is another huge list owner. What if you can put John
Smith and Jane Doe together to do a cross mailing, and you get
exposure as well. nstead of a cut of profits, you agree to get a
slice of the list. n other words, perhaps in order to get onto
Jane's list from John's, they have to come through you first. Or,
you could have John mail his list with the agreement that
whatever prospects Jane gets, she'll share with you. t's a
win/win/win situation, because all of you are gaining
ne3pro$pect$ on 7our li$t$.
John gets some of Jane's list.
Jane gets some of John's list.
You get some of Jane' s l i st . Or, i deal l y, you get some of bot h
l i sts. You are the deal maker. t woul dn' t have happened wi thout
you, so dependi ng on the deal you make, why shoul dn' t you get
access to both lists?
83) BW ,d2erti$ing Space Remnant adver t i si ng i s bi g
busi ness t hese days f or t hose who how t o expl oi t i t . What i s
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Offline Marketing Simplified
remnant adverti si ng, aka "stand-by adverti si ng? A repri nt from
my newsl etter wi l l expl ai n:
f you al ready have an effecti ve di rect mai l campai gn, why
not tweak the same wi nni ng l etter and turn i t i nto a space
ad? You al ready have a wi nni ng pi ece. You can save on
cost s by merel y ref ormat t i ng i t a l i t t l e t o creat e a whol e
new ad. Of cour se, dependi ng on your sal es l et t er , t hi s
may or may not wor k . Some l et t er s ar e s pec i f i c al l y
targeted for a parti cul ar ni che market (as they shoul d be).
n t hat case, you may need t o change t he headl i ne or
t weak t he l ead, but i t can usual l y be done f or a l ot l ess
than wri ti ng a new ad from scratch. And you al so gai n the
added advant age of speed. You can get your space ad
wr i t t en i n t hi s f ashi on a l ot f a$t er t han wr i t i ng f r om
scratch. Of course, that's assuming you have the budget to
t ake out hal f -page or f ul l -page ads. What i f your budget
only allows for a smaller space ad?
One of the most chal l engi ng thi ngs about smal l space ads
i s t r yi ng t o f i t i n enough copy t o get t he j ob done. " The
more you t el l , t he more you sel l i s especi al l y t rue when
t he goal of t he ad i s t o pr ovoke an act i on f r om t he
prospect, especi al l y an acti on that i nvol ves more than j ust
picking up the phone or dropping a reply card in the mail.
So what' s the most effecti ve type of space you can use i n
a newspaper?
A l arger one. One that gi ves you pl enty of room to i ncl ude
your l ong and persuasi ve copy. f a prospect doesn' t know
enough about your product or servi ce, and i sn' t convi nced
enough t o act i mmedi at el y, you' ve l ost an oppor t uni t y.
Repeat t hi s t o a c i r c ul at i on of t ens or hundr eds of
thousands, and your ad i s l i ke f l ushi ng per f ect l y good
money ri ght down the toi l et.
Now, t her e' s a woman, Nancy Jones, who near si ngl e-
handedly invented stand-by advertising. What is stand-by
adverti si ng? ' ve gotten her consent to share a l etter she
wrote to newspapers some twenty-odd years ago that wi l l
explain the concept:
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Offline Marketing Simplified
Dear Advertising Director,
Over t he past several years, our cl i ent , t he XYZ
Company, has repeat edl y expressed an i nt erest i n
h a v i n g h i s a d v e r t i s e me n t s p u b l i s h e d i n y o u r
However , our agency has compar ed your open
r a t e w i t h t h a t o f n e w s p a p e r s w h e r e t h e
advert i sement has al ready been publ i shed and we
have found i t necessary to advi se the cl i ent agai nst
i n c l u d i n g y o u r n e ws p a p e r i n h i s a d v e r t i s i n g
schedul es. Thi s deci si on was based mai nl y on t he
f act t he cl i ent ' s advert i sement has been prof i t abl e
onl y i n t hose newspaper s wher e a st and- by or
remnant rate has been offered
As you know, stand-by simply means a newspaper
agr ees t o publ i sh an adver t i sement whenever or
wher ever space becomes avai l abl e and of f er s t o
r educe t he open l i ne r at e t o t he adver t i ser f or
"st andi ng by. " Space may become avai l abl e due t o
last mi nute cancellations of scheduled
adverti sements or because of producti on di ffi cul ti es.
What ever t he reason, t he newspaper wi l l general l y
i nser t a house ad or a publ i c ser vi ce ad t o f i l l t he
hol e i n t he newspaper. Theref ore, more of t en t han
not, the newspaper recei ves no revenue for the use
of this space.
Thus, stand-by advertising has become
advant ageous f or bot h t he newspaper and t he
adver t i ser . The newspaper has t he oppor t uni t y t o
make money on space i t mi ght ot her wi se have t o
give away. The advertiser is able to use a publication
it could not use at the open rate.
Mo r e a n d mo r e n e ws p a p e r s a r e b e c o mi n g
i nvol ved i n st and- by adver t i si ng. Encl osed i s a
cur r ent l i st of newspaper s of f er i ng a st and- by
program and the di scounts they al l ow. We are aware
your newspaper has not of f ered a st and-by rat e i n
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Offline Marketing Simplified
t he past but we woul d l i ke ver y much f or you t o
consi der t hi s possi bi l i t y now. We are encl osi ng an
i nsert i on order f or a f ul l page, a mechani cal and a
check f or t he new amount of t he or der . The net
a mo u n t h a s b e e n c o mp u t e d a t t h e o p e n r a t e
di scount ed by 50% f or st and- by, nor mal f or t he
industry, and 15% for the standard agency discount.
f you accept our of f er, si mpl y hol d t he mat eri al
unt i l space becomes avai l abl e. f and when t he
oppor t uni t y pr esent s i t sel f , r un t he ad, cash t he
check and send us a tear sheet. f you do not wish to
par t i ci pat e at t hi s t i me, si mpl y r et ur n t he check t o
the agency and destroy the mechanical.
Thi s of f er expi res i n 15 days. Pl ease f eel f ree t o
cal l i f you have any questi ons about the offer or our
Nancy Jones
The newspaper j ust can' t resi st t he f act t hat t hey have a
c hec k i n hand, mor e pr of i t s f or t hem, f or ut i l i z i ng
adverti si ng space that woul d have otherwi se yi el ded zero
dollars in revenue.
n a r ecent t el ephone cal l wi t h Nancy, she t ol d me t hat
advert i sers t ypi cal l y pay 3 t i mes t he amount f or a 4-i nch
by 4-i nch ad than she can get for a quarter-page ad. She
has such purchasi ng power now t hat she can get ads at
around N?^ the normal going rateK And that i ncl udes
her f ees. That means wi t h st and-by advert i si ng, you can
get the same size ad as your competitors for one-tenth the
hope your mi nd i s spi nni ng wi t h t he possi bi l i t i es her e.
You can reach Nancy at 727-535-7899
suggest you check out t he f ol l owi ng about her f rom t he
Gary Halbert Letter at:
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http://www.thegaryhal bertl etters/zkkj _adv
erti si ng_more_profi tabl e.htm
t includes her letter above, plus a lot of useful information
f r o m Ga r y . wo n ' t r e p e a t wh a t Ga r y s a y s a b o u t
positioning your ad, or any of the great advice he gives, so
head on over to read it all.
By t he way, i f you haven' t heard of Gary, he' s one of t he
best mar ket er s and copywr i t er s i n t he wor l d. hi ghl y
recommend reading all his newsletters if you don't already,
which you can find at:
http://www.thegaryhal bertl
There are more proven marketi ng i deas i n hi s newsl etters
than there are l eaves on a tree, so get on over there and
st ar t r eadi ng. WARN NG: f you' r e l i ke me, you' l l have
trouble sleeping after reading it, because your mind will be
racing with ideas!
So how can this benefit a JV enthusiast? Well, what do you think
Nancy Jones is doing? She's doing deals with newspapers around
the country and offering reduced advertising costs to her clients.
f you're a marketing consultant, do you think Nancy can help
you and your clients? s it possible to make your own deals with
newspapers, magazines, and other publications? You betcha! Jay
Conrad Levinson even talks a great deal about this in his Guerilla
Marketing books. You merely need to move beyond concept into
By the way, my newsletter, along with lots of unadvertised free
bonuses and other goodies are available for free at:
ht t p: / / www. market i ng-medi c. com/ money. ht ml
84) /ekindle <rocra$tinating Cu$tomer$ Here's
something you can do for your own business, or you can do a JV
with another business and capture some of the "found revenue.
Many customers tend to procrastinate on their purchases. For
example, a dentist may have 3000 patients, but after analysis,
1000 haven't come back in over a year. A sequence of mailings
to these 1000 (with incentives to come back) might bring back a
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certain percentage, of which you can negotiate up front a slice of
the profits.
This may be nothing new to you. But most dentists know about
denti stry, not marketi ng.
Or how about the carpet salesman who has customers that
haven't replaced their carpets in six years. f the average
customer replaces his carpet every five years, you have an
opportuni ty to offer them an i ncenti ve to act now.
85) /ekindle &ormer Cu$tomer$ n addi ti on to customers
t hat pr ocr ast i nat e, t her e wi l l al ways be cust omer s, f or one
r eason or anot her , t hat no l onger pur chase f r om a busi ness.
Per haps t hey' ve moved out of t he ar ea. They may no l onger
have a need for your product/service (i.e. baby clothes.the baby
event ual l y grows up). They may have passed away. There are
l ot s of reasons why. And t hen t here are t hose cust omers who
are dissatisfied.
You want to target most of them. For those that are di ssati sfi ed,
you want t o of f er t hem an opport uni t y t o make t hi ngs ri ght , t o
gi ve t hem a speci al deal i f t hey agree t o gi ve you anot her t ry.
For the others, they are most l i kel y sati sfi ed former customers.
For what ever r eason, t hough, t hey ar e no l onger par t of t he
target market. The best way to capi tal i ze on that si tuati on i s to
get them to refer busi ness to you. f they are sati sfi ed, they may
respond favorabl y to a gi ft certi fi cate that they can pass onto a
f r i end or r el at i v e who S s t i l l par t of t he t ar get mar k et .
Ei ther way, i t' s "found busi ness, and you stand to profi t from i t.
Let ' s say you want t o t ar get chi r opr act or s. You can l ocat e a
bunc h of aut hor s who ar e r eput abl e and r ec ogni z ed by
chi r opr act or s, cont act t hem, and t el l t hem what you' r e doi ng.
Ask to buy a bunch of copi es of thei r book at a di scount i f they
woul d be wi l l i ng t o send a l et t er t o t hese chi r opr act or s al ong
wi t h t hei r book ( at y our ex pens e) . The l et t er woul d s ay
somethi ng l i ke, "Hi , thi s i s John Smi th here. You probabl y know
me t hr ough my book, ' 17 Ways t o Gr ow Your Chi r opr act or
Busi ness Today. ' t ' s been revi ewed i n Heal th .conomi c$, and
' m sendi ng you a copy of my book wi t h my compl i ment s and
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Offline Marketing Simplified
i ntroduci ng you to Jane Doe, because she' s got a great way to
reacti vate your no l onger acti ve pati ents. ' ve asked her to emai l
you in about a week.
86) BW 8ith an ,gent to 5ring in C&oundD 5u$ine$$ f
you want t o f ocus on your cor e busi ness, l i ke t he dent i st
exampl e ment i oned about ( i . e. l et ' s say t hat you' r e t he
dent i st ) , and you' r e not sur e how t o go about br i ngi ng i n t hi s
" f ound busi ness, t her e ar e exper i enced mar ket er s out t her e
who coul d handl e t he nut s and bol t s of t he campai gn. n ot her
words, thi s woul d be the reverse of the previ ous two exampl es,
wher e you ar e t he pr of essi onal , and a deal wi t h a mar ket er
woul d yi el d you addi t i onal busi ness, but wi t hout t he market i ng
headaches. At t he very l east you coul d pay someone t o t each
you how i t s done, or l ear n by exampl e i n obser vi ng t hei r
methods and asking questions.
87) BW a Con$ulting 5ack".nd 8ith a Static <roduct
Seller Let's say that you are a consultant specializing in doing
creati ve real estate deal s. You coul d fi nd someone who sel l s a
st at i c book or course on t he subj ect , t hen part ner wi t h t hem t o
of f er your coachi ng or consul t i ng servi ces on t he back-end f or
those that want to go beyond the book or course. You could offer
your own course, seminars, coaching programs, whatever.
88) BW a Static <roduct 8ith a Con$ulting 5ack".nd And
the opposi te i s al so true. f you sel l a stati c i nformati on product,
why not seek out an expert on the subj ect that you can partner
wi t h and endor se f or addi t i onal t r ai ni ng f or your cust omer s.
Everybody wins!
89) ie Sp the /ight$ to /eal .$tate don't mean real
estate in the traditional sense. mean space. Using the
chiropractor example, what if you opened a satellite office that's
manned once or twice a week in a health club or health food
store? You could put lots of things in those places. Acupuncture,
Shiatsu, massage therapy, weight-loss clinics, exercise products,
the list goes on.
nstead of an office, you could tie up the rights to a display
space or an impulse buy counter near the register. How about a
segment of the store, the rear section of a store, or the front
corner where merchandise or services can be placed? Banks now
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Offline Marketing Simplified
put branches in grocery stores. So do flower shops. Sears put
Allstate nsurance in their stores and created a billion dollar
business. Designer shampoos have space in salons.
f you tie up the space first, then you can go out and find
inventory that you will in essence consign to the space.
Anywhere there is foot traffic is really fair game. Just be sure to
find a product or service that is a match to the foot traffic's
preferences (i .e. the target market).
There are lots of one or two-person companies who manufacture
their own jewelry, or candy, or cookies, or toys, or crafts. Maybe
a local hotdog joint doesn't have cookies on their menu. Put
them together and take a cut. How about craft supplies and raw
materials at a craft show? A service in a hotel that perhaps that
hotel doesn't offer? Maybe free wireless nternet access in
exchange for their contact info. The nice thing is you don't have
to put up any i nventory.
Vacant lots are great to put in cars for sale. Or organize your
own flea market or craft show. A haunted house around
Halloween, sponsored by the local costume shop. A golfing goods
tent that coincides with the timing of the US Open.
've mentioned some of these ideas already, but this example is
about tying up the rights to space. Get the rights first, then
looks for ways to fill it.
90) BW 8i t h ho$e 8ho ,l r ead7 Ha2e 5u$i ne$$
/elation$hip$ ment i oned at t he st ar t of t hi s sect i on t hat
some of t he best compani es t o JV wi t h ar e t hose whom you
al ready have a preexi st i ng rel at i onshi p wi t h. What i f you don' t
have any?
You can JV wi t h t hose peopl e who do! Put an ad i n your l ocal
paper. Go onl i ne and net work wi t h peopl e who do have t hese
r el at i onshi ps. Then cut t hem i n on t he deal and l et t hem
i nt r oduce you. t ' s t he di f f er ence bet ween a col d i nt r o and a
warm or hot one.
91) Start Small Do you have a bi g i dea f or a deal but no
rel ati onshi p wi th the potenti al partner company? You can al ways
start out smal l , wi th a test to val i date your experi ence and the
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Offline Marketing Simplified
resul ts before movi ng onto the bi g deal you had i n mi nd. By the
t i me y o u r s ma l l d e a l i s v a l i d a t e d , y o u k n o w h a v e t h a t
relationship to move to the next level.
92) +et hem 8hite +a4el ;ou Let's assume you are an T
consul ti ng fi rm, and you deci de to JV wi th hardware compani es
t o access t hei r cust omer base and have t hem endor se your
servi ces. The t roubl e i s, you want t o JV wi t h several hardware
maker s, and each one want s you t o use onl y t hei r har dwar e.
How do you get around that and sti l l have access to al l of thei r
lists and endorsements?
One way i s t o l et t hem " whi t e l abel your ser vi ces. n ot her
words, when you consul t for thei r customers, you represent that
har dwar e company. So ever y t i me you go out , you change
"shirts and hats, so to speak. That way each hardware company
has you r epr esent i ng t hem. Basi cal l y, t hey woul d sel l your
services as their own.
Thi nk of i t as a "pri vat e l abel ri ght s si t uat i on, where you sel l
your works to other compani es that they can i n turn repackage
as t hei r own. f you' re l ooki ng t o drum up more busi ness, t hi s
one approach al one coul d bri ng you more than you can handl e.
n ot her wor ds, you may have t o hi r e mor e st af f . t ' s t hat
Li st en, do you t hi nk al l of t he "Geek Squads and such are al l
owned by t he compani es di spat chi ng t hem? No, many ar e
contracted. These are l arge-scal e corporate deal s, but nothi ng
says you can't do something similar on a smaller scale to start.
93) BW the Co$t$ Whet her i t ' s an of f i ce you shar e, or a
r ec ept i oni s t , or an admi ni s t r at i v e as s i s t ant , or s t andby
conference cal l l i nes, you can make deal s wi th other busi nesses
that may not need a ful l -ti me recepti oni st, for exampl e, to keep
the costs down. A l ocal school suppl y busi ness shares an offi ce
wi t h a sur veyor . A smal l downt own Har t f or d mai l or der f i r m
shares of f i ce space and conf erence rooms wi t h an advert i si ng
agency. A New Yor k i nvest ment consul t i ng f i r m shar es t he
mailing address with a Florida realtor who is also licensed in New
Yor k and want s a l ocal pr esence. Thi ngs l i ke of f i ce and mai l
ser vi ces, hel p desk suppor t , and ot her shar ed ser vi ces ar e
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Offline Marketing Simplified
becomi ng more common. f you can' t fi nd one that makes sense
for your business, why not invent your own solution?
94) BW to 5uild ;our +i$t Your l i st i s your greatest asset,
r i ght ? But i f you onl y have 1, 000 names wher e 50, 000 or
100,000 i s the norm (more i s better, ri ght?), then why not JV a
l i st exchange. Bear wi t h me. t ' s t r ue t hat you may not have
much t o of f er t o t he l i st owner of 100, 000+ names, when you
only have 1,000. But it can be done.
One way to do this? Ok, let's pretend that convince a speaker
to do a tel esemi nar wi th me that know at l east 2 or 3 other
100k+ list size owners would love to tell their subscribers about.
Let's couple that with the fact that these list owners want to
build their lists even more. And you do too. You could make a
deal with some of these list owners that whoever opts in to your
teleseminar, you'll do a solo mailing of a product of their choice
to the entire list if they promote the call. Remember they're
delivering a message to their list that their list would be
interested in, and they're interested in getting the names of the
other list owners that will opt-in. So you act as the middle-
person and make all sides happy, while greatly adding to the
size of your list.
've personally done this, and 've got some big promotions on
the way that will grow my list even further. All you need to do is
to contact these people and let them know how they benefit
from the arrangement.
Will everyone welcome the deal? No. But there are plenty who
will. And everyone wins (those are the best kinds of deals, by
the way). This is one of those ideas that will work just as good
online as they do offline.
95) School )eal$ You can contact local community colleges
and ot her educat i onal l ear ni ng i nst i t ut es and of f er t o t each a
course for free or for a sal ary. Whi l e you' l l teach them val uabl e
skills, the logical outcome of your course is for them to purchase
your ful l -course and other i nformati on products. Whi l e haven' t
personal l y done thi s, know of others who have, and i t' s a great
way to both establ i sh you as an expert and make money on the
back- end as wel l . And t he i nevi t abl e publ i ci t y doesn' t hur t ,
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Offline Marketing Simplified
96) Compan7 Speeche$/Seminar$ Lots of companies give
i n-house speeches and semi nars. Most charge a nomi nal sum.
You can do the same, and sel l your products and servi ces. t' s a
great way to get into a company and do your pitch.
97) &riend$ and /elati2e$ One of t he best ways t o get
started i n JV deal maki ng i s by worki ng wi th peopl e you al ready
know wel l and who t r ust you. ' m t al ki ng about f r i ends and
r el at i ves who ar e ent r epr eneur s. Look, t her e' s a r eason why
MLM compani es l i ke Tupperware and the Pampered Chef do so
wel l . Most of thei r fi rst-ti me sal espeopl e sel l to thei r fri ends and
r el at i ves f i r st . My younger br ot her sol d a set of kni ves t o my
mother that she sti l l uses to thi s day (after years). used to sel l
Mas on Shoes door t o door when was a t eenager ( y es ,
admittedly a LONG time ago). Guess who my first buyers were?
Wel l , t he same t hi ng wor ks f or JVs. have some f r i ends who
opened up a restaurant. ' m now worki ng wi th them, wi thout any
money out of t hei r pocket , t o devel op JV deal s t hat wi l l bui l d
additional p r o f i t c e n t e r s f o r t h e m. An d y e s , g e t a c u t .
When you wor k wi t h f ol ks t hat ar e cl ose t o you, you t end t o
have t hei r vest ed i nt erest at heart . And t hat set s t he st age f or
JV deal s wi t h " col d pr ospect s, because you al so want t o be
known as having their best interests at heart.
You are the deal maker. You make i t happen and know al l of the
i ns and out s of busi ness. Thi s comes wi t h t i me, so t he mor e
deals you make (even the unprofitable ones), the better you'll be
e q u i p p e d t o h a n d l e t h e b i g g e r mo r e p r o f i t a b l e o n e s .
98) BW ,n7thing ;ou 0eed Need a r oom t o hol d your
semi nar ? A r ent al car ? Your hot el or ai r f ar e cover ed? Any
expense, r ent al , or use of a pr oduct or ser vi ce? Why not use
your product or servi ce to JV what you need. Mi chel Forti n used
to do thi s wi th a l ocal hotel . He woul d get the room for free and
hol d al l of hi s semi nars there, getti ng new l eads and busi ness.
Whi l e hi s semi nar at t endees were t here, t hey used t he hot el ' s
busi ness cent er , gi vi ng t he hot el busi ness as wel l . t was a
wi n/wi n si tuati on.
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Offline Marketing Simplified
JP Maroney worked out a deal to get his room for free to hold his
mi ni - semi nar as wel l . Jay Abr aham r egul ar l y di d deal s t o get
cars, airfare, you name it.
99) BW for ,irtime Yes, i t' s even possi bl e to JV wi th radi o
and t el ev i s i on s t at i ons f or f r ee ai r t i me f or y our ads and
i nfomerci al s. Every radi o or tel evi si on stati on has some unsol d
ai rti me. They have to use i t for somethi ng. They onl y need to fi l l
a cert ai n amount of publ i c servi ce t i me. Af t er t hat , t he rest of
t he t i me i s used f or t he most prof i t abl e way t hey can come up
wi t h. f you pr esent a compel l i ng of f er t o t hem, your s may be
mor e desi r abl e t o t hem. Si mpl y f i nd out what t hey want , and
offer it to them for an exchange of airtime.
NOTE: Thi s techni que i s done more often than you thi nk, mostl y
by ad agenci es and bi gger compani es. But even wi th that goi ng
agai nst you, there i s sti l l a consi derabl e amount of unsol d ti me
available, especially in the smaller stations. Hint: You donEt have
to do the deal with only one station at a time.
100) +e2erage BW 3ith 5artering This is another little-
known technique you can use to make your deals even more
Let' s say that you found out that your l ocal radi o stati on WXXX
needs a new r oof . So you do a deal wi t h t he l ocal r oof i ng
company J&J Roof i ng, wher e you t r ade your ser vi ces f or a
r oof i ng j ob. J&J char ges $10, 000 f or a new r oof needed by
WXXX. But i t onl y costs them $3,000 i n l abor and materi al s. The
other $7,000 i s profi t. So you provi de $3,000 worth of servi ces
to J&J, get $3,000 worth of labor and materials in result, and are
abl e to gi ve WXXX a new $10,000 roof for onl y $3,000 worth of
services. Now 7ou get J&J's $7,000 profit.
Listen, it does work that way more often than you think. Jewelry,
cars, furni ture, servi ces, and j ust about anythi ng you can thi nk
of pr oduced by a f or - pr of i t company al ways has t hat ki nd of
leverage if you work the deal the right way.
101) Chink Out$ide the 5oJD Yes, know it's a clich.
But i n t hi s case, i t ' s very t rue and prof i t abl e. The exampl es
provided here aren't by a long shot every possible technique you
can use. Rat her , t hey ar e desi gned t o get you t hi nki ng i n t he
Page 47 of 50
Offline Marketing Simplified
p r o p e r " mi n d s e t . Yo u ' l l s o o n s e e t h a t t h e r e a r e mo r e
possibilities and opportunities around you that you may have not
not i ced bef ore. So your j ob i s t o al ways be on t he l ookout f or
them. And recognize them when they do catch your attention.
Wi l l they al ways be profi tabl e? Hardl y. But as you get more and
more exposed to thi s ki nd of creati ve marketi ng thi nki ng, you' l l
be better equi pped to spot the ones that are more frequentl y up
The best advi ce can gi ve you t o t hat end i s t o t r y some of
t hese i deas f or your sel f . Make t hem your own. Fi nd out what
works best for your busi ness and whi ch ones don' t. Read more
t han one news paper eac h day . Read t r ade j our nal s and
magazi nes. Read what your target market reads. There' s
opportuni ty everywhere i f you know where to l ook.
hope these exampl es have hel ped you to devel op the mi ndset to be
on the lookout for opportunitie$ e2er73here.
' ve tri ed to arrange these i deas i n a l ogi cal format, so you can pri nt
t hi s report out and go t hrough each one wi t h a hi ghl i ght er and pen,
making notes, and adding your own thoughts.
Ther e' s a gr eat quot e: " More occur$ from mo2ement than 3ill
e2er happen from meditation and contemplation. And so would
st rongl y urge you t o t ake act i on. Don' t j ust read t hi s and put i t on a
shelf or bury it on your computer's hard drive. Read it. Use it. Own it.
ake action and reap the re3ard$. o 7our great $ucce$$K
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