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... through Bertha Dudde

God's intervention....
The end of the struggle....
The more the world e!omes entangled in error the more it
distan!es itself from God and the more heartless are the a!tions
and thoughts of "eo"le who are worldl# minded. $nd the in!reased
un%indness also "ro"els "eo"le into a!tions whi!h sur"ass all
"revious ha""enings& and so "eo"le indu!e God's intervention
'eo"le no longer realise that what the# are doing is wrong. Gloal
affairs will e steered into a dire!tion for whi!h no earthl# solution
!an e found an#more&
"eo"le's thin%ing is wrong and far removed from the truth&
goodness will e "erse!uted and evil res"e!ted& and thus divine
order will e revo%ed whi!h is ound to result in a !om"lete de!line.
$nd so the da# whi!h "uts an end to the !haos !omes ever !loser&
for the situation is so disastrous for humanit# that God has set an
end to it. $nd this end is a""roa!hing& the end of "eo"le raging
against ea!h other& the end of the war etween nations whi!h !ould
never find God's a""roval e!ause it is a attle for "ower whi!h is
not ased on nole motives.
'eo"le's hatred and heartlessness have given rise to it& #et the#
learn nothing in this attle& the# have e!ome more heartless than
ever and their hate has dee"ened and manages to a!hieve su!h
disgra!eful deeds that the# !annot e sur"assed. $nd God will put
a stop to this activity in a way that He shall thereby be
(e will send a dreadful triulation u"on human%ind whi!h !annot e
averted # their own will. (e will terrif# them and let them feel
their own im"oten!e e!ause the elements of nature will e
unleashed& leaving "eo"le defen!eless and at their mer!#.
$nd this da# will not e long in !oming. )t will arrive so suddenl#
and une*"e!tedl# that it will !ause sheer horror& it will onl# ta%e
hours and #et e of su!h drasti! signifi!an!e that ever#thing will
have !hanged afterwards and "eo"le will onl# graduall# e!ome
aware of the disaster when the# have realised the full e*tent of the
divine intervention.
For God wants to reveal (imself with (is intervention& (e wants to
show them that (e (imself will ring aout the end e!ause "eo"le
!annot find an end& e!ause the# would rather tear ea!h other
a"art than give in and ring the indes!riale adversit# to a !lose.
$nd this is wh# the end will e different from how "eo"le imagine
it& God will demonstrate His power and remove the weapons
from the hands of the earthly rulers, (e will de!ide& and the
out!ome of the war etween the nations will disa""oint those
"eo"le who wanted to a!hieve with violen!e what the# were not
entitled to and who therefore shall re!ognise their hel"lessness.
For it is God Who ultimatel# determines world events& even if
human will thin%s that it dire!ts them. $nd God's wisdom also
re!ognises the most effe!tive means for "eo"le and uses it in order
to !ontrol the !haos whi!h is the result of heartlessness and
therefore has to lead to the downfall if God (imself will not "ut an
end to it.
$nd the "eriod of war will e followed # a new time of !onfli!t
whi!h& however& will not eru"t for the sa%e of worldl# "ower ut for
s"iritual su"rema!#& e!ause the end is near and this s"iritual
attle will still have to e fought& the attle whi!h !on!erns the
faith in +esus ,hrist& the divine Redeemer and (is tea!hing....
'ulished # friends of new revelations of God - )nformation&
download of all translated revelations& theme.oo%lets at/

.... htt"/00en.ertha.dudde.org0

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