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Arranged marriage

Marriage is defined as a union between two or more people that established certain rights and
obligations and is enormously affected by one's values, culture and tradition depending on which
country you came from. This essay will tackle the issue on marriages planned by the parents or a
third party commonly known as 'arranged marriages' and selecting your own spouse or what we call
'love marriages.'
Arranged marriages are common in royal and aristocratic families and roughly practiced in countries
like India, Pakistan and China. In India for instance, decisions pertaining to marriage are taken by
elders of the respective family with the intention of keeping the caste lines intact. Also in Pakistan,
two families agree to marry their children while they are still infant, or even before they are born but
the actual marriage takes place when the bride and groom are already in their late teens. In order
for a family to arrange the marriage of their son, they must also have a daughter to be married in
return. But in the case of China, the primacy of family negotiation and observance of traditional rules
are more characteristic of arranged marriage. The groom's parents usually investigate the reputation
and lineage of the bride's family. The bride's family takes the opportunity tO ask about the status
and wealth of the groom's family to ensure that their daughter will be treated well.
However, if you belong to some Western countries and family with Western values, you might have
a different perspective from that of arranged marriages. Chances are, first, you would think that love
is the most important factor to consider when choosing a perspective spouse. Second, you would
have individual autonomy. In other words, you have the option of choosing the person you want to
be with for the rest of your life. Third, you would have an informed decision. Since you know your
partner well on a personal level, you know what to expect then. And lastly, love. It unites two hearts
and share every emotions and understand each other, as love conquers all.
In conclusion, marriages from around the world greatly varies and is mostly influenced by culture
and traditions. Although arranged marriages may sound negative, for some it means living and
preserving their heritage and passing on the tradition to the next future generation. So whether you
go for arranged marriage or love marriage, both system requires trust and commitment which are
essential for a relationship to work out.
In an arranged marriage, the choice of a husband or wife is made by parents or elders. What do you
think of this practise in todays society? Discuss.
Marriage? Such an interesting topic to be discussed. In this century, we always heard that marriage
is a pure relationship between two people in love. However, what is our first impression when it
comes to arranged marriage? I believe, most will say, "arranged marriage?What nonsense! Arranged
marriage in this millennium era? Such an old school and silly thing". But, do not eagerly make early
judgement without thinking about it deeply, it can be relevant and irrelevant too. So, lets have our
chat about pro and cons before jumping to any conclusion.

Based on the statistic that had been made by a non-government organisation, almost 61%of the
women in Malaysia faced a common problem which is late marriage. Late marriage had been an
issue because many female or male workers are worried on finding a partner in their life as they are

not getting much younger. Eventually, it will affects their working performance. So, by choice of a
husband or wife by their parents or elders, thus can avoid the women from been getting involved in
late marriage whether they live in village or in metropolitan city. Besides,the women do not need to
be worry to be andartu as the parents will find and arrange the marriage for them. So, in today
society, this is very practical because a lot of successful person do not have time to find their life
partner based on their busy life.

Besides that, probability of parents making the right choice on choosing a right spouse is usually 0.9.
Parents are more experience in this journey of life and they do know us better than ourselves. They
are the one who take care of us since we were born, and absolutely they want the best for us.
Therefore, there is no doubt that they decide an arranged marriage for us is because they love,care
about us. And there is no reason for them to choose wrong or bad person to be our life partner.
People might say that the choice by our parents may be the wrong one but of course that is not their
intention. So, why not we trust our parents by knowing their candidate first before deciding anything
because parents choice usually comes with full of blessing.

The cons from this situation is those who are involved in arranged marriage,could not cooperate
well with their partner . So, this situation is leading towards divorce and based on the survey that
had been made by Syariah Council officers, almost 75% new partners that had been involved in
arranged marriage sign in to divorce every 3 months. What a shocking result? This shows that not all
arranged marriage is always successful.

Based on the points given it shows that arranged marriage has it's pros and cons and we can
evaluate ourselves whether to be involved with it or not. For some remote area such as in orang asli
community, arranged marriage is a symbolic to their culture. If you think that arranged marriage is
good for you, then practice it. If not, do not risk yourself as marriage is not only about falling in love
and blissful events,it is also about how to accept the incomplete of the other half of you.Last but not
least, think carefully before involved in arranged marriage.
Arranged marriage takes place when parents or the elders in a family choose the spouse for their
child, usually to tighten the bond of families involved, for social or business benefits. Popular in most
ethnics in the olden days, a man normally did not know his wife to be, or vice-versa, at least until a
few months before the wedding day, and in most cases, the couples were not allowed to meet, what
more to have dates like youngsters do today. I believe that this practice, for whatever reasons it may
be, is irrelevant in todays modern world, and is certainly against the global basic human right.
A marriage is like a lifetime contract, where a man and a woman agree to spend the rest of their
lives together under the same roof. To be able to do that they need the bond of love, where
understanding and tolerating each other are among the fundamental aspects of life to be practised.
This will lead to a long and happy marriage that will later be inherited by children, generation after
generation. As in the case of arranged marriage, where couples are supposed to fall in love only after
the wedding, all these are not guaranteed, thus resulting in unhappy marriages, if not short-termed.
Yes, some may argue that couples who are married out of love today are bound to be divorced too,
as obviously reported in cases of artistes and celebrities. In my point of view, these are results of not

true love, more towards the love of materials and the glamorous lifestyles. If only understanding and
tolerance are put as priorities, the marriages will definitely be long-lasting.

Many years ago, in a world where most working sectors were dominated by men, where women
were confined at home for household chores, youngsters had very little chance to meet, make
friends, fall in love and eventually marrying spouses of their choices. This was why arranged
marriage was very much in favour then, without which, the home-bound girls would end up as
spinsters, and the men would suddenly realized that they are old and without families. Imagine
being forced into such a marriage, despite having gone to school, colleges and settling down with
jobs that allow you to meet people of the opposite genders that provide a wide choice of the Mr or
Mrs Right? Certainly it would be a frustrating experience to be married to a stranger without your
desired quality, especially when you have identified one that suits you among your colleagues. This
proves that arranged marriage is not suitable today.

Allowing children to choose their spouses should be a practice that inculcates a sense of
responsibility which could be useful in building happy families and bringing up children of their own
successfully. Parents are then not liable to whatever happen to their childrens marriages unlike in
arranged marriages where they are held responsible for the welfare of their childrens marriage.
Problems arising in their marriage lives should be solved through understanding and tolerance,
which, as mentioned earlier, are the basic elements of love. Parents should be contented to just
share the childrens happiness. This, again proves that arranged marriage is simply irrelevant today.

When a couple decides to tie the wedding knot they would be entering a life where everything is to
be shared, which is impossible to be done with a stranger. Young people should therefore be
allowed to choose their life partners for a happy and long-lasting marriage. Arranged marriage
should not be practised.
The problem that arises between parents and children of becoming age is whether or not his or her
marriage should be arranged. This problem arises more in the Eastern civilization as compared to the
Western due to traditions, customs and religion. It is obvious that many parents agree that it should
be arranged while the children think otherwise. This problem occurs in almost every household

If it is arranged by the parents of the child then it most likely would be a success and a failure. It
would be a success because the parents are more thorough in their search of a spouse for their,
hopefully, soon to be wed child. So the chances of them choosing a person of a bad background, and
unfaithful personality are very slim. So in that perspective, the marriage would be successful.
However, the chances of their child to lead a happy life are also slim, as they may grow to hate their
spouses and refuse to have children with him or her. So in this case the marriage would be a failure.

If it is a love marriage and not arranged by the parents, then it would most likely be a success and a
failure. It would be a failure as our generation is much more reckless, spontaneous and much more
unwise which could lead to a disaster. The child may choose an irresponsible, unfaithful, or/and
inappropriate spouse. They may not care about his or her past, but that could lead to the collapse of
not only their marriage, but their lives. However, the marriage could be proved successful. If it was a
love marriage, then obviously, they would marry someone they love or deeply care about. So no
matter how short and unsuccessful their marriage may be there would be some moments in which
the child would be extremely happy, and isnt that happiness worth all the trouble?

In my opinion, I think that no matter what we do, the marriage would be a success and a fail despite
many cases. I do agree that many marriages arranged and love have been proved quite successful,
but do you, whether youre the parent or child, want to take such a high risk? Would you be ready
for the consequences that can come in either marriage? I think that everyone should marry the one
we love, however I do not agree with having the risk of a short, abrupt and unhappy marriage. So, I
think that the child and the parents should have a say in the marriage, because this event in ones
life could affect it drastically. No matter if the marriage is arranged or not, there would be many ups
and downs we must face, but the parents and children should face them together.
Relationships are the most important things in life. And marriage is one of the most important
relationships. Having said that, it becomes even more important who arranges the marriage,
whether its ourselves or someone else like our parents or friends. Th e issue has taken the place of
an important social problem. Different people have different opinions coming from different age
groups from the different parts of the world.

Marriage as we can see is a commitment of spending the rest of our life with someone. This has a
great impact on our life, career and personality. So, should we let our parents decide so much for us?
To start with, it can be answered positively. They are more experienced and well-placed in the
society. They understand people better and thus, understand us better than we do sometimes.
Moreover, being our parents, they want the best for us all the time.

It may seem to be as simple but in reality its not. The choice of our life partner should have our say
in it. Of course! How can we marry someone who we don't know? Is it possible to stay along with
the person and share everything that we have in our life? From this point of view it mat not look
sensible at all. Considering that all of us has the right to decide for ourselves once we are grown up
and matured, the right of the choosing our life partner should be given to us and no one else unless
of course we forfeit it to someone else.

Coming back to the arguments, we can see around us and observe how many 'love marriages' have
been successful? In some parts of the world they stay in but unfortunately in many other places the
fail to develop into life-long relationships. The mostly young couples complain of misunderstandings,
concealed truths about each other and making a 'hurried and emotional decision', which they regret.

Most of them mentally suffer because of this and their performance goes down. They go on to face
social and psycho logical problems and life-long in some cases.

The only lesson that can be taken from these cases is not to repeat their mistakes. We have to try to
rely on our parents' goodwill and wisdom. We have to let our parents arrange our marriages.

Arrange Marriage Speech

1. To start this, as a Indian bride I would like to ask all of u that how do u feel when u dont have
decision to make for ur life? Ok As a woman, ur life partner should be someone who understand
you and will bring you happiness in future life. A lot of discussion have made from arrange marriage
whether it should be declared legal or illegal, but in any ways, the women are the ones who get hurt
the most. The unexpected consequence may occur in those marriage is both side wont have their
true love and miserable for their whole life. I believe that arrange marriage should be declared
unlawful. I know that parents all want their children have a better life but we-the young people have
the right to choose our partner, choose our future. Arranged marriage can be sources of unhappy or
physical and emotional abuse. Beside it, education is more important.

2. First reason that arranged marriage should be outlawed is woman should have the right to
meet, love and marry a person by her choice. For me and each individual, marriage is the great
watershed of life, making the transition to adulthood. Love!! The main key that forms marriages and
relationships. People dont deserve to be forced to marry someone that they dont truly love.
Various international organizations, including United Nations Childrens Fund have campaigned for
laws to ban arranged marriages, as well as forced marriage.

3. And according to the article 15 and 16 of The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women specifically cover marriage and family law, which support such as ban.
One of my Indian friends Vathsala has forced to marry by her parents. Her future husband is a
businessman and they dont even know each others face. Her life changes after they married, and
she also know he is a cruel and strict man. No happiness and love over 5 years but they still living
together. With me, I feel that marriage without love is worthless. That is why young...

Drugs and Alcoholism Why are Teenagers Involved?
Adolescence is much like a midpoint in ones life; when a person is neither a kid nor an adult. At this
period, teens have passed the age when they were called kids but are not yet qualified to be adults.
Teenagers want to think like adults, behave like adults and also start to view themselves as
independent beings in decision making. All this hormonal changes also come with the negativity of
maturity such as drugs and alcohol. The statistics below show that the percentage of teenagers using
drugs and alcohol in the last decade has increased. Why is this? The answer is that teenagers are
under pressure by their peers, mass media and also the influence of parents.

Peer pressure plays a major role in the harmful behavior of teens. Teens who want to fit in among
their friends are most especially prone to this. They try to make friends and they get friends as much
as possible. Of these friends there are the good ones who give them the knowledge and information
you want need or inquire and there are the ones who give them information about not too good
things like drug, alcohol, parties, e.t.c. This influential communication between a teen and his/her
peer may be directly or indirectly. Directly such as conversations with their friends or indirectly such
as listening to classmates discussing of a party which occurred a night before. Then they begin to
mention alcohol, drugs and violence obviously from what have experienced they talk about it in a
way possible. Then you would like to see how good it is the next weekend you go to that kind of
party. If you can not resist such as a temptation you will begin to do harmful deeds that will
definitely have adverse results in the future.

Lets not put all the blame on teens and their peers alone. The mass media is also responsible in an
understandable way. The media has proven to be a lot damaging than useful in the type of
information meant for mature audience but end up with the immature audience. Soap operas and
frivolous shows shown on TV contain immoral and untrue images of the world as it is more of the
writers imagination or the way directors direct them to act. Most teenagers are probably old
enough to watch this shows but not mature enough to comprehend with the fictitious nature of
movies and soap operas.

Though movies and soaps are rated, underage people are still able to access them. The responsibility
then shifts to the parents whom are meant to control their children from getting misleading
information about drugs, alcoholism and lots more. This can be done through the use of V-chip for
TV and Parental Controls for Internet. Parents who I would disparage of because most parents have
and are taking care of their responsibility and it has worked tremendously.

Happily, in the past year, alcohol and drug usage among teens have decreased nationwide (US). This
is apparently because the media, which is responsible for the frivolous information, has increased
amount of information about drug abuse, alcoholism and their long and short-term side effects.
They have also been informing parents about the use of V chips in their TV set to block out
unwanted programs. These are some of the trends that make we teenagers most liable to the
atrocities of the modern world at an early age.

Importance of Education

Education is very important for our lives. Without education people wouldnt have their high-
developed machine and would believe that the Earth is a planet around that all another planets are
moving. Why people want to have their high education? As for me I have my reasons why I want to
get high education.

First reason I want to get high education is for career purpose. From the early age parents very often
tell to their children that education is very important to find a good job. And this is true because if
you want to be a doctor or a lower, or an engineer you must have an education. Among my friends
in Russia when I was asking them why they wanted to get their high education very often they were
telling me that it is necessary to get a good job and to make a good career. I agree with them
because I think that it is easier to begin my career not from nothing, but with the experience and all
education that I would gain in the University.

Another reason why I want to get high education is because all members in my family have already
received their high education. My father has finished the Institute of Technology, and my mother
has finished Medical Institute. All my life I was listening from them that it is very important to get
high education. When I was trying to pass my exams for the University in Russia my family was very
nervous. It looked like that it wasnt me who wanted to get to the university, but the whole family
were trying with me to pass all exams. I think that familys support in getting education is very
important. At least it was so for me.

Also I want to get my high education because I enjoy studying. All my life I thought that it is very
important to be independent and I was trying to be independent since I was a child. I didnt like to
ask my parents to help me with my homework and I was sitting with my homework sometimes till
late night but I did myself understand that all must be dependent from yourself and not from
someone else. I loved to study and in a high school was an excellent student. All my life I have been
though that I could almost everything if I would really want. When I needed to learn English to pass
my exams to university and my family didnt have enough money to pay for tutoring, I took books in
the library and step-by-step began learning language. First I thought that it would be impossible to
learn language by myself, but I did it and passed all exams to the university. I learned English not just
because I needed it to pass exams in the university but also because I was enjoying study.

High education is very important for me. I want to get my high education for career purpose and for
my family. All of that reasons helped me to make right decision and hopefully I will graduate from
the university.

Animal Testing: Pros and Cons
Animal Testing


The application of animals to test a large number of products from household compounds and
cosmetics to Pharmaceutical products has been considered to be a normal strategy for many years.
Laboratory animals are generally used in three primary fields: biomedical research, product security
evaluation and education. (Animal Experiments) It has been estimated that approximately, 20
million animals are being used for testing and are killed annually; about 15 million of them are used
to test for medication and five million for other products. Reports have been generated to indicate
that about 10 percent of these animals are not being administered with painkillers. The supporters
of animal rights are pressurizing government agencies to inflict severe regulations on animal
research. However, such emerging criticisms of painful experimentation on animals are coupled with
an increasing concern over the cost it would have on the limitation of scientific progress. (Of Cures
and Creatures Great and Small)

Around the world, animals are utilized to test products ranging from shampoo to new cancer drugs.
Each and every medication used by humans is first tested on the animals. Animals were also applied
to develop anesthetics to ease human ailments and suffering during surgery. (Animal Experiments)
Currently, questions have been raised about the ethics surround animal testing. As a result several
regulations have been put in place to evaluate and control the animals being used for testing
purposes. These regulations hope to ensure that such research is carried out in a humanely and
ethical manner. (Testing on Animals: A Patients Perspective) Acceptance of such experimentations is
subject to a lot of argumentation. As the statistics indicate animal testing is dangerous and harmful,
but medical research must continue. We need to find other testing techniques that are advanced in
order to eliminate this harmful process, till then all we can do is continue with our research.

Arguments for testing

The supporters of animal testing argue that if animal testing is eliminated, that many of the
medications and procedures that we currently use today would exist and the development of future
treatments would be extremely limited. They argue that humans have been assisted from the
healthcare developments that have been based on the benefits of animal research and testing for
many years now. Supporters for animal testing argue that research is justified because it assists in
discovering ways to help people and other animals for the future. Surgery on animals has assisted in
developing organ transplant and open-heart surgery techniques. Animal testing has also assisted in
developing vaccines against diseases like rabies, polio, measles, mumps, rubella and TB.
Development of antibiotics, HIV drugs, insulin and cancer treatments depend upon animal tests.
They argue that other testing techniques are not advanced enough. (Animal Experiments) The most
radical progress in reproductive medicine such as oral contraceptives, in vitro fertilization, hormone

replacement therapy, etc., have all been made possible by animal research. (Alternatives to Animal
testing on the Web: FAQs)

Medical procedures like measuring blood pressure, pacemakers and heart and lung machines were
used on animals prior to being tried on humans. Surgery techniques, like those to mend and
eliminate bone diseases were devised out of experimentation on the animals. Animal testing not
only benefits humans but also helps other animals, for example the heartworm medication that was
devised from research on animals has assisted many dogs. The cat nutrition has been better
comprehended through animal research and has assisted cats to live longer and healthier lives.
(Animal Testing: Why Animals Are Used in Research?) Animal models for AIDS are very important
factors that are required to understand the biology of immuno-deficiency viruses in the vivo. This
allows us to raise necessary awareness about the processes of pathogenesis and its prevention by
vaccination and chemotherapy. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs) Those who
support animal testing argue that the society has an obligation to take actions in ways that will
minimize injury and maximize benefits. Banning or restraining the experimentation on animals
would not allow society to achieve such results. It is assumed that a scientists goal is to devise
methods to minimize pain to every extent possible but for now we have to sacrifice on animals to
achieve this result. Activists against this practice portray scientists to be a society of crazy, cruel,
curiosity seekers. However, when one feeds painkillers to animals, one should ask where they came
from and what their purpose is. Is it to improve the quality of human life? (Of Cures and Creatures
Great and Small)

Those who support this procedure argue that the advantages that animal testing has brought to
humans is considered a lot greater in comparison to the costs in terms of the sufferings inflicted on
comparatively less number of animals. They argue that society is required to maximize the
opportunities to generate such valuable consequences even at the cost of inflicting pain to some
animals. Moreover, many argue that the lives of animals may be worthy of some respect, but the
value we give on their lives does not count as much as the value we give to human life. Human
beings are considered living beings that have the capability and sensibility that is much higher than
animals. For example if we were put in a dilemma of saving a drowning baby and a drowning rat is it
almost definite that our instincts will guide us to save the baby first. Is it universally assumed that
humans do not treat the animals as our moral equivalents. In theory, any living thing is considered
an animal if it is not a plant. (Of Cures and Creatures Great and Small)

As humans it is assumed that we have a moral requirement to prevent any animals of unnecessary
suffering. However, as far as animal testing is concerned we are confronted with the moral dilemma
of a choice between the welfare of humans or the welfare of animals. Some supporters of animal
testing argue that moral rights and principles of justice apply only to human beings. Morality is
considered as a social creation out of its eventual process in which we do not associate animals.
Moral rights and moral principles are applicable to those who are part of the moral community
generated by this social process. As animals are not part of this moral community created by these
social processes our moral obligations do not extend to cover them. However, we do have moral
obligations to our fellow human being that involve the liability to decline and prevent needless

human suffering and untimely deaths that in turn may entail the painful tests on animals. (Of Cures
and Creatures Great and Small)

A review by the American Medical Association indicated that about 99 percent of active physicians in
the US believed that animal research has given rise to medical advancement, and about 97 percent
supported the persistent use of animals for basic and clinical research. (What Scientists Say About
Animal Research) Scientists found that there are no such differences in lab animals and humans that
cannot be used in tests. The Research Defense Society RDS, a British organization instituted to
defend animal testing, maintain that most of the complaints made against animal testing are not
found to be correct and that animal testing generates valuable information about how new drugs
react inside a living body. Tests are continued to detect major health problems like liver damage,
enhanced blood pressure, nerve damage or damage to the fetus. Research revealed that the drugs
can be distorted by digestion, and become less successful or more toxic and that such difficulties
cannot be examined by applying cell samples in test tubes. (Vivisection: Fact Sheet) If animal testing
were to be outlawed it would be impossible to attain the significant knowledge that is necessary to
eliminating much suffering and premature deaths for both humans and animals. (Animal

Arguments against testing

The critics of animal testing base their argument on the grounds of morality, the necessity or the
validity of this procedure, whether proper authority to perform such tests is granted, whether such
tests are actually needed and whether such tests practically provide us with any useful information.
The supporters of animal rights say that animals have the right to live their own life peacefully; and
we are not allowed to meddle with them just because we can. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the
Web: FAQs) Deaths through research are considered unnecessary and are morally not different from
murder. Animal dissection is regarded as misleading. (Animal Experiments) Arguments against
animal testing may generate at least two different arguments. Some believe that the goals of this
type of testing are not significant. The blinding of rabbits to have a new kind of mascara is yet to be
justified. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs) Others argue that the reaction of an
animal to a drug is quite different than that of a human being. Animals are involved in testing the
products such as cleaning products that assist humans less than medicines or surgery. (Animal
Experiments) The major disadvantage of animal testing stated by John Frazier and Alan Goldberg of
CAAT are Animal discomfort and death, species-extrapolation problems and excessive time and
expense. (Animal Testing Alternatives) Supporters refute this statement by emphasizing that the
brutal treatment of animals in tests is administered most of the time with anesthesia. (Animal
Testing Alternatives)

The fact that the results attained from experiments on animal testing do not accurately portray their
influence on humans is considered to be a one of the serious argument against the animal testing.
Humans are quite different from other animals, so the consequences of animal testing may not
applicable to humans. They argue that they way one species reacts to a given drug or chemical in a
particular way does not necessarily entail other species will react in the same way. (Alternatives to

Animal testing on the Web: FAQs) An Italian Professor Peitro Croce has been fighting against animal
testing for several years. The arguments he puts forth includes misleading results of animal tests
while they are applied to humans. Parsley is considered to be a deadly poison for parrots yet we use
it to flavor our food; Arsenic, a poison for humans but it is not harmful to sheep. Sheep, goats,
horses and mice can also eat hemlock in large numbers while this is toxic to the humans. Lemon
juice is toxic to the cats. A hedgehog can take a sufficient amount of opium can be taken by a
hedgehog at one sitting but humans cant without the obvious effect. Morphine is regarded as an
anesthetic for humans but if it is administered to cats; it generates a state of frenzied excitement.
(Vivisection: Fact Sheet) Vitamin C is not something dogs, rats, hamsters and mice, have to worry
about taking, for their bodies generate Vitamin C. If humans inhale a small amount of prussic acid
fumes it can kill them. However, toads, sheep and hedgehogs can drink it without any harm;
Scopolamine can kill humans with a dose of just 5 milligrams. To dogs and cats about 100 milligrams
was considered harmless. Information like this can be misleading when scientists try to determine
safe dogages. Penicillin, the first antibiotic, was experimented first on mice. Its application on guinea
pigs would have entailed dangerous consequences, because penicillin controls the floral bacteria in
the stomachs of guinea pigs and destroys them within a few days. The unpredictability of animal
testing was thought to have harmful effect in the case of fialuridine. This drug successfully passed its
animal test phase without much difficulty. However, when it is administered on fifteen human
volunteers it resulted in severe liver damage, causing death to five of them and compelling two
others to have liver transplants.

The Medical Research Modernization Committee MRMC, an American organization for doctors
who are against animal testing, argue that AIDS research in America has been very unproductive.
Animals being infected with HIV were not successful in developing symptoms quite similar to those
humans develop when they have AIDS. Over a decade more than 100 chimpanzees have been
infected with HIV. But only two have become ill. The same description continues to prescribe that
AIDS may have been caused by vivisection, with monkey viruses being mutated to form HIV whist
generating a polio vaccine from baboon tissue. It is definitely true that 15 laboratory workers in the
US have been killed by the Marburg virus and other monkey viruses, and that there have been two
outbreaks of ebola in the US monkey colonies. (Vivisection: Fact Sheet) Critics continue to argue
that animal kept in unnatural conditions, or animals in pain or distress, are not giving rise to accurate
or consistent results anyway. Stringent regulations have not eliminated researchers from abusing
animals even though such instances are rare. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs) As a
result those against animal testing argue that animal testing should be banned immediately.

My Stance:

The arguments for and against animal experimentation are going to continue for some time, both
between the general public and those directly involved. Those who oppose animal testing believe
that all testing associated with the use of laboratory animals should be banned immediately.
However, one could argue by saying that a total ban on the use of animals will prevent a great deal
of basic medical research, and the possible production of certain vaccines. No new medicines would
develop and the safety of workers, the general public and patients would be at stake. On the other
hand, the supporters of animal testing say that humans have always benefited from the health care

developments that depended upon the accomplishments of animal research and would continue to
benefits from animal testing. However, some argue that testing for cosmetics and household
materials is not adequate enough to gain support for this argument. There is a lot of pain that these
animals have to undergo for testing; hence animal testing cannot be supported. But at the same
time all animal testing cannot be banned immediately because it is our only successful channel to
develop medicines and cures. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs)

One cannot argue that all animal testing is useful in all cases but at the same time all animal testing
cannot be disqualified. Hence, I argue that it is essential to continue testing on animal until a truly
effective alternative is developed, but till then we can play our part in trying to cut down on animal
testing. Replacement is not always an alternative. Some significant type of testing just cannot be
done without animals, at least at this moment. (Alternatives to Animal testing on the Web: FAQs)
There are still no alleviation for many diseases contagious diseases like HIV/ AIDS, metabolic
diseases like diabetes, and genetic disease like Cystic Fibrosis and haemophilia. The necessity for a
vaccine against HIV, Hepatitis C and many other infectious diseases is definitely beyond doubt.
(Testing on Animals: A Patients Perspective) Animal testing is morally questionable. It is bad and
wrong but pharmaceutical companies invest millions of dollars for research and to find cures. It is
impossible for all animal testing to be substituted in the immediate future and it will take time to
devise other methods.

Studies are under way in trying to develop alternative methods of testing but they are still not
developed enough. Most of the scientists hope to lessen the use of laboratory animals being used
today and apply a minimum number of animals. Last year it was determined that the toxicity of a
new substance was calculated to be LD 50 lethal dose 50%. The test used about 200 rats, dogs or
other animals to be force-fed different animals. The current variations in protocol have exerted a
ban on the LD50 test, except in extraordinary conditions. Additionally, the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development entails that when a substance kills the first three animals
it is experimented on, further continuation of trials on them is considered irrelevant. In the 1970s,
the Netherlands applied 5000 monkeys per annum to form the polio vaccines. Now, the kidney cell
cultures from just 10 monkeys entails sufficient information to find a vaccine for everyone in the
country. Hormones or vaccines produced in cell cultures are also purer than those formed within the
animal themselves. This further decreases the necessity for animal tests to verify the safety of the
vaccines. (Animal Experiments)

Presently there are improved methods to form safe products for human consumption. The concept
of alternatives has been proposed. In W.M.S. Russell and R.L. Burchs book The Principles of
Humane Experimental Technique. They mention three Rs as alternatives. It involves Reduction in
number of animals applied, Refinement of strategies to minimize pain and distress to the animals,
and Replacement of the animal model with a non-animal standard or a species phylo-genetically
lower. (Why Conduct Literature Searches for Alternatives?) Most of the large manufacturers of
personal care and household products could implement strategies that are considered cost effective,
better predictors of human injury, produce far quicker results, and do not associated with animal
cruelty. (Animal Testing Alternatives)

Government and humanitarian agencies have financed researches into the substitutive strategies
since the 1960s. (Animal Experiments) Revlon Cosmetics has financed research studies for
substitutions to animal testing. They donated $750,000 to the Rockefeller University in 1979. Several
agencies like the John Hopkins Center for the Alternatives to Animal testing CAAT, the
International Foundation for Ethical Research, the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association, and
the Soap and Detergent Association followed the trend and initiated their own projects in finding
alternative solutions. (Animal Testing Alternatives) During the last 15 years, Germany has granted
about $8 million per annum in research grants, while the annual expenditure of Netherlands in these
regards is $2.6 million. The UK government has also acknowledged this cause and has spent nearly
$4 million. The European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods was instituted in 1992 by
the European Commission, and grants about $12.4 million annually. (Animal Experiments) Indicating
that progress is underway.

The most normal kinds of substitute strategies for animal testing are: in-vitro tests, computer
software, databases of tests already performed and even clinical trial experiments on humans.
Application of animal cells, organs, or tissue cultures is also believed to be a substitute irrespective
of the fact that animals are killed in order to use their body parts. The particular tests are Eytex,
Skintex, EpiPack, Neutral Red Bioassay, Testskin, TOPKAT, Ames test and Agarose Diffusion strategy.
Presently, in-vitro in contradiction to in-vivo has advanced as a result of progresses in tissue culture
methods and other analytical strategies. (Animal Testing Alternatives) The effective substitution
involves test tube studies on human tissue cultures, statistics and computer models. People can
substitute animals in some kinds of research. Skin sensitivity experimentation of cosmetics for
example can draw on human volunteers. Human clinical studies and epidemiological studies can find
out a great deal about the strategies of health and disease. The statistical design symbolizes one
form of reduction substitute. The cost effective statistical set of programs that exists now a days
enables researchers to receive the most out the data formed by each animal they apply and
therefore require a fewer animals in aggregate. Researchers can also share animals in order to
reduce the number of killings. For example if a scientists needs to study the brain of a rat, he can
allow the other scientist to make use of the kidneys, or livers or parts for there concerned studies.

Horst Spielmann of ZEBET of the German center for animal testing substitutes has reviewed decades
of industry data on pesticides. He found out while mice and rats are reactionary to a chemical, it
does not have to experience further tests on dogs. Spielmann expects that about 70% of tests on
dogs can now be successfully avoided. There is a common attempt by researchers to use lab animals
that are less prone to undergo the sensations of pain or discomfort. In Canada, many studies have
substituted mammals with fish and now researchers are even attempting to apply bacteria in tests
rather than the rats. Instead of shaving the back of an anaesthetized rabbit to test a skin product,
can we use Corrositex a synthetic material for the same purpose. Similar solutions ought to be
devised for many other kinds of experiments that presently use the animals.


While there has been promise to find alternatives to animal testing, the best researchers can do for
now is try to reduce the number of animals being used. They can resort to new scanning
technologies like magnetic Resonance Imaging, which can assist doctors to learn about disease from
human patients without the actual necessity for invasive surgery, or animal experimentation.
Computer models can be used to devise the reaction of a drug to the animal, as a result it would
eliminate the necessity for live animal experimentations. (Animal Experiments) The development to
the extensive application of substitutes to animal experimentation will persistently gain momentum
as people become more aware about the problem. Though it is hard to eliminate animal testing
completely, consumers can prevent the unnecessary animal testing by boycotting certain products
that dont necessary require animal testing. To conclude, all we has humans can do now is to try to
reduce the number of animals being harmed in these experiments aimed at benefiting society.

Mass Media's Influence
People are more influenced by mass media than they think. What evidence is there to support
this statement?

By Mass Media I mean the whole body of media reaching large numbers of public the major ones
being newspapers, television and the World Wide Web also now as internet. The main purposes of
mass media are to provide information, entertainment and advertisement. In this essay I will discuss
the influence that Mass Media has in the general public and giving the evidence to support the
statement People are more influenced by mass media than they think. .

The history of mass media can be said that started from the ancient Greece. Philosophers, generals
and politicians of the ancient Society discuss issues and after spread to the public by the use of word
of mouth. The ancient Greek Drama and poetry can be considered as a form of mass media,
communicates a message to the society. In other words since the early years people has always
being influenced by Mass Media.

In todays world people cannot leave without Mass Media and with the help of technological
improvements to send messages to the masses is becoming easier and easier. As we are been
shower with tons of advertising, information and other sort of materials by the different types of
Mass Media has influence in our everyday life styles.

Newspapers are typically daily or weekly publication that contains news and opinion of current
events, featuring articles, and advertising. By fact there are now about 9000 daily newspapers
around the world. Therefore newspapers reach a wide audience worldwide, which is why
newspaper is a type of Mass Media.

The newspapers are an incredible influence tool in society; they can easily turn on people emotions
in favor or against an issue or something. This is because we as readers tend to believe everything
that is written in the newspaper even do it might be the wrong information. We can take the case
around 12 years ago of the murder of James Bulger by Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, the
British press had alleged that the kids were influence to commit such an act because of a spiteful
video that they had watched, at the end the end they two kinds had not seen that video. What does
this tell us about the newspapers? They mislead information that goes to the public which
immediately influences the public to react, in this case the parent of kids prosecute the media that
had influence their kids, but they dont know that the same media is influencing them to do act that

The same case of the Bulger Killers according to Salmon Rusty they can only life the rest of their
lives in anonymous peace although they had they had shown an excellent recovery according to

the experts, so in this case what are the press doing? They are influencing peoples feelings
regarding these two individuals for their past acts, which they already pay the time in jail.

Newspapers can be very biased about a story. Although reporter tend of being impartial about a
current event, sometimes is not always likely to be that way. An example of this we can take the
newspaper coverage of the Iraqi war; also know as war on terrorism. In this case the American Press
influenced the readers to unleash feeling of patriotism about their army, which lead to feeling of
prejudice against Middle Eastern looking people. If at the time or still a Middle Eastern looking
person is to be seen in America bring fear to people, the articles published in newspapers help this
influence of fear to spread.

Television is the transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with
accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual
images. Television is of very big influence in todays world. It transmits images and as one has
probably heard of the saying One picture worths more than thousands of words this is way have
a major influence in the viewers. Mainly in the consume habits of the public, yes, advertising is
probably one the most influential item about Mass Media.
Every the average American sees more than 38,000 TV commercials now if we multiply that
amount to 20 seconds, which is approximately the average commercial lasts will give us a result of
760.000 second an average American sees of commercial advertising products. How does this affect
their consuming habits? The fast food industry is a great example of the influence of advertising in
people consuming habits.

According to the documentary by Morgan Spurlock Supersize me, only McDonalds itself spend $1.4
Billion US dollar in direct media advertising, which includes television with the contrast of the 5 a day
vegetable campaign that spend in his peak year the sum of $2 million US dollars. But what those this
figures mean? These means that McDonalds spend a larger amount of cash into advertisement to
persuade the general public to consume their food, especially kids; that are easy to influence with
just giving them toys. What does this influence has on the general American population? More than
60% of Adults in America are overweigh or obese. In others words the advertising of McDonalds and
all fast food industries are working efficiently, they get large sums of profit because of their
influence in the public of buying them.

The clothes industry also used Television as main type of media to advertise it goods. They also use
celebrities and famous athletes in their advertising campaigns. These are very influential in the
population for the reason that many of these athletes and celebrities are like role model for kids.
Michel Jordan, David Beckham can be said to inspired kids to play a respective sport and to even
wanted to look like them. Their popularity influence the society to a great extent that not only them,
but also the clothing firms make large amount of cash of the influenced buyers to look cool
wearing the latest Jordan Shoes .

Propaganda can also be achieving trough use of television. In Bush administration the television
coverage of his speeches about War on Terrorism acquaint that Iraq possessed weapons of mass
destruction. Around year and a half later no weapons of mass destruction have been found. And the
American citizens were convinced about the unproven fact that Iraq has weapons of mass
destruction and were ready to sue it against America. This is other example of the influence of
Television in the viewers.

Internet also known as the World Wide Web (WWW), it contains of a web of computers working
together and connecting to each other like a spider web, and it allows the person to research all
kinds of material on their computer and learn more and the topic or issue they are after. this is the
newest type of Mass Media there it reaches world wide, if one has a webpage made in Thailand
someone in Colombia can see it. That is how amazing Internet is, distances become shorter and

One of the main problems is that Internet is very addictive; games influence kids to spend hours and
hours sitting down in front of the screen practically wasting time. This have an effect on less kids
developing social skills, therefore it link to the depression problem that most teenagers are suffering
from in the 20th century.

One can find anything, absolute anything in the Internet; if we got that The number of World Wide
Web pages indexed by the Google search engine is 3,083,324,652 pages. One look for lets says the
lyrics of the cucaracha in Russian language; there is a pretty high chance of finding it. This is way
Internet is so controversial, finding web pages that helps revels produce weapons, show druggies to
grow drugs, they can influence people to do acts that society consider wrong, I mean extremely
wrong. But at the same time the Internet has help million of people like me to finish their work more
efficiently and I short time.

Other example of the increasing influence of Internet on society is the next fact 2002 online sales
rose 34% to $47.98 billion from $35.87 billion in 2001. Of which, $17.4 billion were in the fourth
quarter alone, up from $12.4 billion in 2001. these number show the increase of use of the internet
in business, therefore advertising in internet is very influential and persuasive too.
Overall I conclude that Mass Media does have an effect of society. For the simple fact that is become
part of our daily routine. Every morning the family guy reads the newspapers to get inform with out
any type of criticisms. Citizens of society spend hours and hours watching Television to get entertain,
the same case with the Internet. So as becoming part of our daily life, we can say that has a
unconscious effect in our habits, like the shopping habits that people has these days, if they
something on television, the Internet or the newspapers there is a high probability that they will
consume it. Or the way society acts, if the Media said that something is wrong, like the Bulger killer
case, society believe it.

The Influence of the Intenet on People's Social and Psychological Realities
Uploaded by nikolovska1 on Jul 08, 2007

The influence of the Internet has caused a change in the way we communicate, learn and shop.
The Internet is probably most famous for the ability to spread information, fact or fiction. We were
once limited to news editors of a local paper, then to national cable news. Now anyone can search
the globe, visit local papers in foreign countries, and see the views of all sides. This ease of
information has also brought with it a large amount of hoaxes, money schemes, and fallacies.
There is no question that easy access to the Internet, like the introduction of mail service and the
invention of the telephone, has changed the nature of peoples connection to others in their social
world. Mail made possible connections among people without physical proximity, and the telephone
facilitated communication among distant people, making rapid connections possible across long

But has this communication revolution changed the pure nature of interpersonal and group
On the one hand, since the primary use of the Internet is communication, some people might
speculate that the Internet will have positive social consequences in peoples everyday lives because
it increases the frequency and quality of interpersonal communications among people. People with
easy access to others would feel better connected and more strongly supported by others, leading
to happiness and engagement in families, organizations, communities, and society more generally.
But, on the other hand, the ease of electronic communication may lead to weaker social ties,
because people have less reason to leave their homes and actually interact face to face with other
people. The Internet allows people to more easily work from their home, to form and sustain
friendships and even romantic attacments from their home, to bank from their home, to vote and
engage in political and social issue based discussions with others (from home).
In this variety of ways, Internet communications can potentially displace face-to-face
communications. I think this point is important because psychologists in many researches have
described and proved such face to face and telephone connections as being of higher quality, when
viewed in terms of their contribution to satisfaction and well-being.
Reading a seriees of longitudinal and experimental studies (e.x. McKenna, Green, and Gleason), who
test a theory of relationship formation on the Internet, these researchers directly adress the
argument that the psychological quality of Internet social interaction is lower than is the
psychological quality of traditional face-to-face interaction.
Consider my own use. Ive received several e-mail messages in the past hour. My boyfriend confirms
the dinner for tonight. Even though it is weekend, my coleagues send me questions about the
pending exam expects a quick answer. So does some graduate student from Europe, that I recently
met on MySpace with an urgent request for a letter of recommendation. My friend Ksenija sends
me an IM to tell me the latest news about her new love. And so on and so on

I assume that I am also living a virtual life, and whats the most interesting of all, all of my friends
online, are also my friends in real life. And if they werent that in the past, I somehow managed to
bring my cyber friends into my real life, so I could here in my real life enable real communication,
real face-to-face talks, real exchange of emotions, feeligs of happiness, satisfaction and well-being.
Id say for me, the Internet is a great new way for doing old things.
So, what else conclusion can I bring except the one that Internet life cannot stand on itself without
real-life communication. It is simple: If we understand the qualities of face-to-face communication
that influence the impact of such communication on people and their social interaction, we would
be able to predict the probable influence of any new communication technology. However,
researchers show that people sooner or later convert their cyber contacts into more traditional face-
to-face, the same as I do. People use the Internet, in other words to help them achieve their real-life
goals. And rather than technologys changing peoples social and psychological reality, in other
words, people change their use of technology to facilitate their creation of a desired social reality.
Internet users should closely examine their behavior, to ensure that excessive time online will not
negatively impact their personal well-being. We shouldn't throw our computers out the window, but
neither should we charge on blindly into complete dependence on the Internet. As with many things
in life, it seems that moderation and balance are key to maximizing the Internet's positive effect.

Three disadvantages of the Internet
The first disadvantage when using the Internet is that your personal information is not safe,
especially important one. In fact, as you surf the web, read emails, download softwares or even chat
with your friends, a Trojan, known as a hidden program, can be sent to your computer without your
knowing. It will steal and transfer all the information you save to the sender. This person, after that,
may make use of or give it to somebody else. For example, if you use Internet to shop online, your
credit card number can be stolen, and then the money in your bank account will probably be used
up. Or if you send some confidential material to your business partners, your opponents may try to
steal it and harm your company.

Pornography is the second disadvantage of the Internet. This is a very serious issue, especially when
it comes to children. Nowadays there are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can
be easily found. These sites are very harmful to the kids, and may incite them to act out sexually
against other ones. According to the study of researcher Dr. Jennings Bryant about 600 American
males and females of junior high school age and above, 31 percent of the males and 18 percent of
the females admitted actually doing some of the things they have seen in the pornography.
Moreover, a recent study has shown that frequent exposure to pornography may cause the children
to involve in sexual illness, sexual addiction and unplanned pregnancies, which have bad influences
on the childrens mental life.

The last con is virus threat. What is a virus? A virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the
normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to
virus attacks and they can end up into slowing down your computers speed, destroying data and
crashing your whole hard disk. Maybe most of us here have at least once suffered from viruses no
matter how hard we have tried to prevent them from infecting the computers by using some anti-
virus programs. So we should know clearly that they cause bad damages , but are inevitable.

In conclusion, the Internet can have some bad effects like unsafe personal information,
pornographys influences on childrens mental life, and virus threat. However, it doesnt mean that
you shouldnt use the internet any more. Its hard to imagine our life without the Internet. What you
should do is just need to be more careful every time when you use the Internet.

What Can Be Done To Help Save The Earth's Environment

Our planet is in great danger. For the last one hundred or so years, the people of earth have wasted
and misused the natural recourses of earth. Several plans have been developed to stop the abuse of
earth. Some of these plans I will discuss in this essay, many of which can be executed by any one.
Environmental problems have become so complex that many individuals feel they can have no effect
on them. Problems like oil spills, hazardous waste, loss of rain forests, endangered species, acid rain,
the ozone layer, the municipal waste crisis can feel out of our control. At the very least, these
problems require group and corporate action or government intervention. However, there are some
things the individual can control. Our waste reduction and recycling activities can make a difference.
That's why so many communities began voluntary recycling programs.

There are some household items that are dangerous if they are just thrown away with the regular
garbage these items can damage the environment and injure plant and animal life some of these
may include moth balls, spot removers, aerosol cans, fluorescent light tubes and shoe polish. Your
local waste management agency has information on how to properly dispose of these items.

A compost bin may be set up in your yard. Compost bins return plant and some food materials to the
soil through decomposition so it can be used as a natural soil additive, called compost. Compost
improves soil texture, increases the ability of soil to absorb oxygen and water. Compost also
suppresses weed growth and reduces the need to add chemicals and pesticides to plants, which may
be harmful to the environment.

Keeping recycle bens in the kitchen may help to stop people from accidentally throwing into the
trash an item that could have been recycled. Some recyclable items include glass, paper, and most
types of mettle. You want to be sure that glass, paper and mettle are all separated into different bins.
Once these bins are full of recyclable materials they can be given to your local recycle center.

Solar panels are a series of mirrors that transform sunlight into solar energy. Solar energy can help
heat water and power home appliances. Solar energy is a great source of clean, non-polluting energy.

The home is not the only place wear people can pitch in and help the environment. School
playgrounds can use recyclable materials for play equipment and to make the play ground safe for
the children. Old rubber tires can be made into a recreation area where kids can crawl in and out.
Sports coaches may also use old tires, by having the kids run through them, to test the kids stamina
and agility. Jungle gyms, slides and swing sets can be made from recycled mettles.

The school and public libraries are great examples of the reuse of materials. Books can be barrowed,
read and returned instead of every one who wants to read a certain book going and purchasing a
copy. The reuse of these books saves thousands of trees that would be used to make copies of books.

The library also offers computers that can be used for research, by using the Internet, by taping the
local or global newspaper web sights and other research centers around the world. Receiving
information through the Internet saves paper and energy consumption is reduced.

By taking school buses or car pools to school instead of individual vehicles, students can not only
save fuel but also reduce both traffic and air pollution. People may also try to invest in electronic
vehicles, which do not pollute. People should make sure to keep maintenance up on their vehicles to
prevent unnecessary toxins from entering the environment.

The idea of a landfill is a great one, but it wont work if people continue to believe it is a place for all
trash. A landfill is a big divot dug out of the earth for garbage disposal.

We need to make sure we dont put chemicals or non-biodegradable substances into these landfills
because they are harmful to plants and animals, they may also contaminate our drinking water. A
few of these chemicals include antifreeze, insecticide, batteries and Styrofoam, for proper disposal
of these items contact your local waste management agency.

You can help save natural resources by taking your old belongings that are no longer needed to a
second hand store or the Salvation Army. A second hand store is a place where people can purchase
donated items at a cheaper price than if they were to buy it brand new. The Salvation Army is much
like a second hand store, but the items are free. Most items found at a second hand store or The
Salvation Army are articles of clothing. The benefit to donating old items is that when people find
what they need at a second hand store or The Salvation Army fewer items are manufactured which
means you are saving natural recourses.

We can help, over the last twenty to thirty years we have been trying every thing in our power to
conserve energy and natural resources, many plans have been developed as to what should be done
all of which are very good ones. The problem with these plans is that not every one contributes to
the efforts to reduce pollution and waste, in fact most of the people I know believe recycling is a
waste of time and they by them selves cannot make the difference. In some cases, I have found
myself questioning my efforts. However, it is still important that we dont quit. If only every one in
every home would decide to do their part and help to keep our air clean, our water unpolluted and
our wild life safe. The Earth is our home and we need to protect it.

Crime Problems
Crime is a serious issue that affects everyone in society. It affects the victims, perpetrators and their
families. Crime has increased drastically within the last decade. More prisons are being built around
the world because there is not enough room to hold inmates. The government has made an attempt
to reduce crime by funding programs such as prevention and intervention for youth at risk , as well
as rehabilitation for prisoners that will be released. Some argue that criminal behavior is due to
environment, others believe that it is genetic, and yet others think that it has to do with personality.
If there were certain personality traits that could be identified with potential criminal behavior,
steps could be taken to try to reduce or diminish the "criminal personality". Although personality is
not the only factor in criminal behavior, there does seem to be a strong association between the
both. Alfred Adler believed that children who failed to solve the vital problem of social interest-who
lack cooperation and a desire for contributing to the well-being of others-will always meet significant
problems later, during their adult years (Adler, 1998). This could include personality problems or
criminal behavior.

Personality develops early in life. That is why early childhood aggression and antisocial behavior
should be taken seriously. Being able to identify potential criminal behavior is vital for prevention
and intervention. Childhood factors shown to relate to the development of antisocial behaviors
include a difficult early temperament, low IQ, academic deficiencies and learning problems, lack of
empathy, underdeveloped social skills, and negative peer relations. (Sutton,Cowen, Crean, & Wyman,
1999). Environmental factors such as family structure and poverty are also associated with potential
criminal behavior. The Federal Bureau of Investigation Report (1993) noted that one violent crime
(e.g. aggravated assault, murder) was committed every 22 seconds in 1992, and 15% of those
arrested for such crimes were under the age of 18 (Sutton, 1999). Juvenile delinquency is
becoming more common. The age at which these young kids are committing crimes is getting
younger. The crimes they are committing are getting more serious. They are not only involved in
vandalism and shop lifting like many people might assume, but they are involved in life threatening
crimes such as assault and murder. According to the FBI, the number of arrests for youth 12 and
younger, in 1996, was 250,000. For youth age 13 and 14, the number was 671,900; and youth age 15
and older accounted for 1,929,800 arrests (Federal Probation, 1996).

As mentioned earlier, being able to identify personality traits that tend to lead to delinquency is
clearly one option to the reduction of crime. However, the problem is that many youth display
similar negative behavior during adolescence. This includes negative attitude, different interests,
and a need for privacy. The key is to be involved in the life of todays youth. Communicating with
them, spending time with them and knowing what they are involved in is part of the process.
According to Peace Research Abstracts Journal, (1999) Helping youth find meaning in their lives
often involves building connectedness-restoring relationships with others, with their sense of
spirituality and with earth. Parents must also be aware of the warning signs and follow up on them .
Warning signs in youth include showing lack of interest in family/school activities, truancy problems
and poor school performance, signs of aggression, and negative peer relationships. When the parent
acknowledges this behavior, the parent can takes steps to improve it, or at least stop it from getting
worse. Individual counseling, and family therapy allows the family to learn how to deal with the
youths antisocial personality and possible delinquent behavior. A number of studies have addressed
the question of general Therapeutic effectiveness and found psychotherapy capable of promoting

lasting behavioral change (Walters, 1999). There are many individuals that with proper guidance will
not become involved in crime. If antisocial behavior is not monitored and treated at an early age,
this behavior can lead to a lifestyle of crime. Alfred Adler believed that childrens problems begin in a
childs ability to cooperate with society, feeling inferior and lack of a life goal. Adler looked at
rehabilitation counseling, parenting skills development, family counseling, and classroom
management in a childs life (Utay, 1996). Adler developed the Encouragement Model for people.
The model serves a purpose of encouragement to promote and activate the social interest of an
individual. It aims at giving an individual a sense of respect and confidence. According to Adler,
"Those who are discouraged fail to operate on the useful side of life and seek to find belonging
through neurotic symptoms" (Evans, T. 1997). The model encourages four characteristics: an
adequate and positive view of the self, an adequate and positive view of others, an openness to
experience, and a sense of belonging. (Evans,T. 1997). Adler believes that there is no magical cure,
however he believes that we must first understand the child, and then we can determine why he or
she has failed to develop adequate social interest.

There are many factors that contribute to our personality. Although human personality and behavior
is very complex, I think that with proper guidance and support children have the potential to be
successful adults. Each child is unique and learns in different ways. Therefore, parents, teachers, and
mentors must learn to reach children and youth. As members of society we must be aware of
negative behavior and/or personality that could possibly lead to criminal behavior in the future. If
we take responsibility for the youth of society as a whole, we will not only improve the life of that
child, but we will improve the world we live in. The lack of connectedness that is portrayed by the
delinquent youth can also be seen by the members of society. The attitude of, " That is not my kid,
therefore that is not my problem" contributes to the criminal society that we live in. I believe that
the prevention, intervention and rehabilitation programs are helpful, but I also think that parents
have the power to prevent their child from engaging in such acts of crime. After all, a parent should
know their child more than any other person in this world. Although, having an antisocial/aggressive
personality does not necessarily guarantee that a child will become a criminal, I believe that taking
the proper steps to insure the positive future for children is the best prevention method that a
parent can use.

The Importance Of Community Service
America is fortunate to be one of the worlds birthplaces of the concept of community service. Early
pilgrims had to serve each other to keep from dying in early times. When the early colonists realized
they had a choice between tyranny or freedom they banded together in every community and
formed minutemen militia to keep their communities safe from the tyranny of British military
oppression. Men, woman, and children with deep conviction and high integrity rose to face the
difficulty of the times with heroic character.

Todays society has problems as well as any other time in our history. People today go homeless and
starve, gangs form power structures and destroy communities through guns, drugs, and fear. Daily
we see dramatic scenes of the very people who should be the lighthouses of community service.
Presidents, congressmen, and even local policemen, all of whom should be setting the example of
community service for the rest of us to follow are instead riddled with corruption, poor character,
and far more concern for themselves than any community they serve.

Community service in its ideal form is a way of doing something positive for the community. When
everything in the community seems to be breaking, families falling apart at the seems, economic
leaders telling us to prepare for a loss of economic will, I get upset and I ask myself have we really
arrived at a true and lasting definition of what community service really means. I have helped feed
the homeless on many occasions through many different church groups. Very much have I enjoyed
providing Christmas presents for families in distress. Ive been part of highly organized community
services like coaching troubled youth in roller hockey. This was what I knew and what I could offer to
my community because I had the opportunity.

These are great experiences and we need to see them bloom in small and large communities all
across the nation. Community service is a positive way of making the community a better place for
everyone. If we can approach community service, and raise the standard so maybe the everyday
people can once again rise to the heroic levels that are so badly needed to turn around the world
and make it better.

Argumentative Essay on Arranged Marriage

Believe it or not there are two types of marriage, the so-called love marriage and the arranged
marriage. Most people today dont agree with arranged marriages but there are some people who
have no say in the matter. Although the arranged marriage is not as desirable as the love marriage it
does have its advantages.

Arranged marriages occur all over the world and in some parts is it popular or compulsory and in
others not so admired. Most arranged marriages take place in countries such as, Pakistan, Japan,
China and India. They are carried out in different ways by many different cultures and religions and
are even carried out here in this country.

In Japan the modern system of arranged marriage is somewhat similar to blind dating in the United
States. When a womens parents think she has reached the age at which she can become a wife they
set up a packet including a photo, her hobbies and interests. The man would have also done this as
well. Then the womans family would show it around to any suitable candidates and if both parties
agree they will meet up and discuss the final arrangements. Rather different to the way we fall in

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Here in England we fall in love by our own accord, we meat a man, or woman, fall in love then cost
our parents a fortune by getting married. But this process would take possibly a number of years as
where in arranged marriages it only takes just a few months.

In India arranged marriages have been around as long as probably the establishment of marriage
itself. The people who play the vital role , the matchmaker are the Aunts to them it comes as
naturally as breathing. The find a suitable husband and then the bride and groom dont often see
each other until their wedding day.

In all arranged marriages you have to be the same nationality. So East Indians marry East Indians. In
the Sikh culture the son or daughter have to marry the same cast, rich marry rich, farmers marry

Most people living in England today may not think much about arranged marriages and that they
cant possibly have any advantages. Well people who think that are partly wrong they arent all good

and they do have their disadvantages but in some cases arranged marriages do work out and it is
happening a lot in our country too.

Arranged marriages are a convenient way of getting married, the pressure for finding a partner is
shared by the family and the chances of being left on the shelf is less likely. Also arranged marriages
are often better planned marriages and tend to be planned many years in advance. Parents start
saving for their childrens wedding day from almost the time when the child is born. The tradition of
having an arranged marriage keeps the family happy. It is often the dream of most parents to see
their child married off to a respectable family, ideally in a respectable fashion. They also provide
stability for both parties and they have a lower divorce rate, but I think this is due to the fact that the
family would not approve of divorce.

There are also a lot of arguments against arranged marriage there is the lack of love and respect
between husband and wife, and if the woman or man is in love with another person before the
wedding and has no choice but to marry the wrong woman it can often be very difficult. There is also
the danger of marring into violence in some cases the husband has been violent towards his wife
and the wife was too afraid to speak out my farther used to beat my mother, for no reason at all,
she was to afraid of him to tell anyone and just put up with it for all the years they were married. I
never wanted to be involved in an arranged marriage, and my mother respected my wishes despite
the disappointment form my farther a passage written by an Asian girl living in England who
witnessed the disadvantages of arranged marriage. It is also much harder to get a divorce under
arranged marriage, it is possible but they would be disowned by their parents and treated badly by
their community so the freedom is lost as well as the freedom of choice for the woman or man who
is forced into such situations. There is also the lack of opportunity to marry for love.

The first time my mother set eyes on my father was on their wedding day, as she entered St
George's Cathedral and walked up the aisle. She says she was so scared that it was as if she was sort
of detached, floating above, looking down below on another woman who was moments away from
being in life-long covenant with a man she'd never seen before. taken from an article written by an
English girl whose parents had been subject to an arranged marriage, very uncommon, and tells us
all about her views on arranged marriages.

So what is your view on arranged marriages? Has this article widened your knowledge? My opinion
is that they are good for some cultures if they are successful but they would never become popular
in England and I feel for those of a different culture that do live here and have no choice in the
matter, although they may not even think about what they are doing really its just their way of life.

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