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McKamey Manor

Badly made website (note the backgrounds are old as shit stuff that gets pos
ted all the time):

Video explaining that he's going to tone it down:

Bearded Mario Brothers video. Quit after 20 minutes, forced to continue for
another 3 hours.

2013 Promo Video, first video shown to /x/. It's the earlier setup, but stil
l pretty sick.

Interview with Russ

Interview on tactics and breaking and more. DOESN'T KNOW WHO LAS VEGAS VOYEU

Yelp Site (complete with examples of Russ's odd behavior and bad customer se
rvice to one person in particular)

Russ's email:

Russ's Facebook:

Homepage of "Operation Greyhound" the charity Russ donates the dog food he u
ses as payment for entrance: (front for something?)
Most forms are "under construction" despite the site being online since Frid
ay, March 02, 2007

Picture of Russ in hospital after brain surgery:

Haunted house basically uses torture techniques to break participants. Bindi
ng, waterboarding, force feeding, disorientation, and then the owner films it al
l for an unknown audience and his own sick pleasure.
Haunts last 6-8 hours. A short version lasts 3
Place cost a ton of money, but has no charge to get in.
Participants have not disclosed much in the way of what they experienced. So
me anons proposed coercion techniques.
Russ screens all participants before hand. Makes things personal, specific.
Participants are given a waiver. They are not allowed to quit once starting.
They can only leave if they are in medical or psychological danger, as judged b
y Russ.
Media personnel have been given a short "media tour" not showing them the ov
erly extreme bits.
Uses former "survivors" as actors.
Spends extra time filming thoughts of participants, trying to get them to en
dure more and dig for their terror.


McKamey Manor is an extreme "home haunt" attraction ran by Russ McKamey in S
an Diego, California. It began as a fairly standard "extreme" haunted house, whe
re the actors touch the participants, but has become something more, in this ano
n's opinion.

McKamey is an invite only event, with a waiting list of reportedly 17,000 pe
ople on it. It has become fairly popular over the past few years. Russ has reinv
ented his haunted tour into something akin to Hostel, starting with abduction an
d then submitting his participants to various events of torture.

"Operation Greyhound"
Bruna Palmatier >
a fan of Brad Thor, Lee Child & Don Winslow:
all authors of books involving murder, assasinations & government ops.
a fan of Californians for Population Stabilization, The Independent Institut
e, and CUFI (Christians United for Israel):
all non-profit groups.

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