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|oduu urd

|q| \c|'uqo
Cupu.'c: |ur|s
urd S,s'ous
MKS lechnology GmbH ollers relloble ond lnnovollve producls ond
solullons ln lhe llelds ol Reocllve Power Compensollon, Power Cuollly
ond Energy Monogemenl lo cuslomers worldwlde.
lhe lounders ond key personnel hove over 2 yeors ol consolldoled
lnlernollonol experlence ln deslgn, developmenl ond monuloclurlng ol
Power Copocllors, Reoclors, Power Foclor Correcllon Equlpmenl,
Hormonlc Flllers, Meosurlng Devlces ond Energy Monogemenl Syslems.
Cur lnnovollve producls ore deslgned ond bulll on sound englneerlng
prlnclples wllh lolol quollly ond cuslomer sollslocllon os o guldlng rule.
Ve ore commllled lo dellverlng o poslllve volue lo eoch ond every cllenl,
bocked by our dedlcollon lo lhe hlghesl slondords ol cllenl sollslocllon,
relloblllly ond lnlegrlly.
Aller oll, onylhlng else ls slmply nol good enough!
Klous A. 5chroeder
Monoglng Dlreclor
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor Lnlte
MKS lechnology GmbHollers o wlde ronge lhe power copocllor unlls boslcolly lwo lypes ol loll ore generolly used:
ol MV ond HV copocllors ond syslems lor comprlse ol o lorge number ol lndlvlduol
Mechonlcolly slll loll
lnduslrlol ond ullllly nelworks. lhe producls elemenls [wlndlngs| whlch ore connecled ln
Loser cul loll
ore englneered ond monuloclured by sulloble serlesporollel comblnollons. Eoch
lhe olumlnumloll ls wound ln such o monner
Meher Copocllors Pvl Lld ol lhelr sloleollhe elemenl hos severol loyers ol dleleclrlc ond
lhol one edge exlends beyond lhe dleleclrlc.
orl plonl ol Bongolore, lndlo. sulloble conducllng ploles.
lhls ls colled Exlended Foll Conslrucllon.
MKS MV ond HV power copocllor unlls ore lhe dleleclrlc used ls o speclolly surloce
lhe olher edge ol lhe loll whlch ls lnslde lhe
deslgned ond monuloclured lo ochleve l r eol ed, hl gh el ecl r l col sl r engl h
wlndlng ls olwoys lolded ll mechonlcolly slll
relloble perlormonce under o vorlely ol polypropylene lllm. lhe surloce lreolmenl ol
loll ls used. However, ll loser cul loll ls used,
oppllcollon condlllons. lhe lllm enobles superlor lmpregnollon ol
edge loldlng ls nol requlred [loser cul loll ls
lhe wlndlng, lhereby enobllng hlgher
lhe copocllor lechnol ogy used ls
used only ln speclol coses or on cuslomer
perlormonce levels necessory ln odverse
generlcolly relerred lo os FlLM + FClL
requesl|. Alyplcol exlendedloll conslrucllonls
oppllcollon condlllons.
lechnology l.e. lhe dleleclrlc ls plosllc lllm
ond lhe conducllng molerlol ls melol loll. lhe conducllng ploles ore speclolly
lhe need lor uslng lwo dlllerenl lypes ol loll
processed copocllor grode olumlnumloll.
All copocllors comply wllh lEC 08Z1 Porl
ls lo meel vorylng syslem poromelers ond
1,2,3,4 ond vorlous olher lnlernollonol
perlormonce requlremenls ln dlllerenl
oppllcollon condlllons.
MV & HV Copocllor unlls
The reIiobiIity of the MV ond HV copocitors ond systems is the Pllol ossembly lor every bonk lo ensure correcl molchlng ol porls
resuIt of:
Exlenslve experlence ond experllse ln oppllcollon englneerlng
Corelul selecllon ond sourclng ol row molerlols ond componenls
Cur quollly ossuronce syslem ls bosed on quollly dlrecllves lhol ore
lnlenslve lesllng on oll molerlols used
blndlng lhroughoul lhe compony. ll ollows lnlegrollon ol nollonol ond
lnlernollonol slondords wllh cuslomer speclllcollons ond our own
Advonced producllon lechnlques ond hlgh oulomollon levels lo
perlormonce crllerlo.
mlnlmlze humon error
Slrlngenl process quollly checks
Comprehenslve llnol lesllng
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor Lnlte
lhe wound copocllor elemenls
ore ossembled lnlo slocks whlch
ore lhereoller wropped wllh
mulllple loyers ol hlgh grode
lnsulollng molerlol lo ensure
sulllclenl lnsulollon belween llve
porls ond lhe melol enclosure.
lhe lnsuloled slocks ore lhen
ossembled lnlo sulloble melol
enclosures whlch ore mode lrom
ellher mlld sleel or slolnless sleel
dependlng on oppl lcollon
condl l l ons ond cusl omer
lhe ossembled copocllor slocks
ore l hen sub| ecl ed l o o
prolonged, hlgh vocuum drylng
ond lmpregnollon process. lhe
lluld used lor lmpregnollon ls
hlgh grode synlhellc lnsulollng
oll whlch ls speclolly processed
bel or e bel ng used. lhe
lmpregnollng lluld ls nonPCB
lype ond ls choroclerlzed by low
blooccumulollon ond ropld blo
degrodollon ln lhe envlronmenl.
lhe bushlngs ore deslgned lo
ensure leok lree perlormonce ol
lhe copocllors.
Power copocllors ore generolly
provlded wllh lnlernol dlschorge
reslslors whlch enoble lhe
copocllor lo dlschorge lrom lls
peok volloge volue lo o sole
volue os per lnlernollonol

Figure - 1(e} Extended foil conetruction with nechenicelly elit foil
lechanica||y s|it eoQe
Layers cf
Fc|oeo EoQe

Figure - 1(b} Extended foil conetruction with leeer cut foil
Laser cut eoQe
Layers cf
Power copocllor unll prolecllon ls
usuolly ochleved by lwo dlsllncl luse
Exlernol Fuse
lnlernol Fuse
ln lhe cose ol exlernol luse copocllors,
eoch copocllor unll ls prolecled by on
exlernol luse whlch moy be expulslon
or HRC lype. lhe exlernol luse wlll
lsolole lhe complele copocllor unll
lrom lhe clrcull ln lhe evenl ol ony
lnlernol loull.
ln lhe lnlernol luse copocllor, eoch
copocllor elemenl ls provlded
lnlernolly wllh o luse os o resull ol
whlch only lhe loully elemenl wlll be
lsololed lrom lhe clrcull lhereby
ollowlng lhe copocllor unll lo remoln ln
clrcull wllh o sllghlly reduced oulpul.
A generol exlernol luse ond lnlernol
luse orrongemenl ls shown ln Flgure 2.
lhe dlmenslonol delolls ol some lyplcol
copocllor unlls ol exlernol ond lnlernol
luse lype ore glven ln Flgure 3 [o & b|
ond ln loble 1 &2.
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor Lnlte
nterna| E|ement Fuse
Discharge Resistor
Capacitor with interna| e|ement Fuses
Externa| Fuse
Discharge Resistor
Capacitor with Externa| Fuses

Figure - 2 lnternel end Externel Fuee Arrengenent

Figure - 8(b}
see ncte

Figure - 8(e}
see ncte
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor Lnlte
7.8 - 12
1.8 - 8.G 5O 75 1GO 188 191 22O 28O
8.G - 7.8 75 1GO 188 191 22O 28O
95 1GO 188 191 22O 28O
1OO 1.8 - 8.G 82O 21 75 188 191 22O 28O
8.G - 7.8
75 82O 188 191 22O 28O 7.8 - 12
95 82O 188 191 22O 28O
15O 1.8 - 8.G 48O 8O 75 188 191 22O 28O
12 - 22 15O 8O1 48O 188 191 22O
7.8 - 12 95 48O 188 191 22O 28O
2OO 7.8 - 12 28O 22O 191 188 95 G4O
8O1 22O 191 188 G4O 15O 12 - 22
7.8 - 12
188 191 22O 28O
8O1 22O 191 188 8OO 15O 12 - 22
8OO 95 188 191 22O 28O
12 - 22 15O 9GO 188 191 22O 8O1
85O 7.8 - 12 95 G75 178 191 22O 28O 58
12 - 22 15O G75 178 191 22O 8O1
4OO 7.8 - 12 95 7G5 178 191 22O 28O G5
8O1 22O 191 178 7G5 15O 12 - 22
7.8 - 12 8OO 48
0ulpul Vo|lage BlL A C B E
uu|l we|ghl
Capac|lo| uu|l Capac|lo| uu|l |meus|ous (|u mm)
Tab|e-1 - NV 0apac|Iors W|IhouI |nIerna| Iuses (exIerna| Iuse proIecIed)
hole. |meus|ous aud we|ghls a|e |ud|cal|ve. B|ud|ug d|meus|ous aud we|ghls a|e o|de| spec|l|c. P|ease coulacl NKS lo| e/acl dela||s.
Tab|e-2 - NV 0apac|Iors W|Ih InIerna| Iuses
25 8.G - 7.5 15O 75 481 188 191 22O 28O
7.8 - 1O.5 188 191 22O 28O 95
2OO 574 88 188 191 22O 28O
95 718 188 191 22O 28O
8G1 5O 188 191 22O 28O
78O 178 191 22O
0ulpul Vo|lage BlL A C B E
uu|l we|ghl
Capac|lo| uu|l
7.8 - 1O.5
7.8 - 1O.5
7.8 - 1O.5
7.8 - 1O.5
7.8 - 1O.5
95 8GO 178 191 22O
Capac|lo| uu|l |meus|ous (|u mm)
lhe need lor MV ond HV copocllors lo be lnslolled ln lnduslrlol lhe copocllor bonks ore generolly melol enclosed ond prolecled
eleclrlcol nelworks ls prlmorlly lo meel lhe compensollon ogolnsl occldenlol conlocl. lherelore, lhere ls usuolly no need lor
requlremenls ol lndlvlduol MV lnducllon molors ond lor overoll lenclng ol lhe copocllor bonk lnslollollon.
power loclor compensollon ol lhe MV , HV bus.
MKS ollers compocl melol enclosed MV ond HV copocllor bonks ln o
lhe compensollon , power loclor correcllon requlremenls ol MV , ronge ol deslgn opllons whlch comply wllh lnlernollonol slondords.
HV levels ore normolly encounlered ln lorge, power lnlenslve
lhe bonks ore dellvered complele wllh oll porls mounled ond lnlernol
lnslollollons ond process lnduslrles. lyplcol exomples ore:
connecllons mode. lherelore, lnslollollon ond commlsslonlng ol such
Sleel, Alumlnumond olher melollurglcol plonls bonks ls slmple ond qulck. lhe only exlernol connecllons needed ore
lhe power supply cobles ond reloy connecllons lor prolecllon.
Cemenl plonls
Alyplcol 1000kVAr, 12kV, 3 Phose, 0Hz melol enclosed lndoor MV
Chemlcol, Ferllllzer ond olher process lnduslrles
copocllor bonk ls shown ln Flgure 4.
Lorge pumplng lnslollollons
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor 5getene
Ior Induetrlnl Applltntlone

Rotings, dimensions ond other detoiIs shoII be mode ovoiIobIe on request

Figure - 4
1000kVAr, 12kV, 8 Pheee, 60Hz High Voltege metel Encloeed
lndoor Cepecitor enk With lnrueh Current Liniting Heectore
h0 F8E
h0 F8E
lhe conslrucllon ol lhe copocllor bonk ollows lor eosy perlodlc Bonk rollngs ol MV &HV copocllor syslems lor lnduslrlol oppllcollons
checks ond molnlenonce work ol slle. slorl lrom oround 100kVAr ond go uplo severol lhousond kVAr
dependlng upon lhe oppllcollon requlremenls.
Due lo lhe modulor conslrucllon ol lhe bonks, ll ls usuolly posslble lo
odd copocllor unlls lo ochleve hlgher oulpuls. lhls ls o mo|or benelll Alyplcol 3000kVAr, 13.2kV, 3 Phose, 0Hz Melol Enclosed, Double
lo lhe user slnce lhe bonk oulpul con be modllled ol mlnlmol cosl. Slor Connecled MV Copocllor Bonk used lor cenlrol , group
compensollon ls shown ln Flgure .
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor 5getene
Ior Induetrlnl Applltntlone

Rotings, dimensions ond other detoiIs shoII be mode ovoiIobIe on request

Figure - 6
8000kVAr, 18.2kV, 8 Pheee, 60Hz metel Encloeed, Double Gter Connected
mV Cepecitor enk With Neutrel Current Treneforner
MK5 offers MV pole mounted copocitor bonks suitoble for. Pole mounled copocllor bonks con be conllgured ln o wlde ronge ol
slzes ond volloges. Addlllonolly, lhey con olso be provlded wllh
plo 38kV, 100 2400 kVAr
vorlous occessorles such os monuol or oulomollc lood breok swllches
0 , 0 Hz
ond conlrol , oulomollon equlpmenl. Llghlnlng orreslors ond , or
Culdoor oppllcollon
lnslrumenl lronslormers con olso be mounled on lhe rocks.
Mounllng on slngle or double dlslrlbullon poles
lhe deslgn ol lhe pole mounled bonks con be mode lo ollow oddlllon
Swllchlng wllh pole mounled copocllor swllches
ol vorlous occessorles oller lnlllol lnslollollon. lhls enhonces lhe
lulure llexlblllly ond exponslon opllons ol lhe bonk. Bosed on oppllcollon requlremenls, MV pole mounled copocllor
bonks moy be:
Pole mounled bonks ore complelely loclory ossembled ond dellvered
wllh oll lnlerconnecllons sullobly prewlred ond reody lor pole Slngle or lhree phose lype
mounled lnslollollon.
lnlernolly or exlernolly lused
A lyplcol pole mounled copocllor bonk orrongemenl olong wllh lhe
lhe slruclurol molerlol lor pole mounllng rocks moy be ol olumlnum
oulomollc swllchlng devlce ls shown obove.
olloy or sleel dependlng on oppllcollon condlllons ond lnslollollon
Aedlun 1oltnge
ole Aounted Lnpntltor Rnnke
11kV, 00kVAr Aulomollcolly swllched pole mounled copocllor bonk
Rotings, dimensions ond other detoiIs shoII be mode ovoiIobIe on request
MV ond HV substotion copocitor bonks find opplicotion in The copocitor bonk design con be mode suitoble for mounting of
electricol substotions of tronsmission ond distribution networks vorious equipment like inrush current limiting series reoctors,
ond industriol instollotions. They ore generolly outdoor type ond neutrol current tronsformers etc.
comprise of copocitor rocks, elevoting structure (to ochieve
Atypicol externol fuse bonk instollotion is shown obove.
necessory ground cleoronce if required}, bose ond inter-rock
We hove extensive experience in supplying such engineered
insulotors to provide desired insulotion (8L} ond connecting
systems involving MV ond HV copocitor bonks os well os MV ond
moteriols such os busbors or broided connectors.
HV switchgeor ond protection equipment to vorious industries
The bonks moy be connected in series or series-porollel
ond utilities.
orrongement ond the units moy be mounted verticolly or
The scope of supply includes copocitor bonks with oll ossocioted
horizontolly os required. The structurol moteriols moy be of steel
equipment like circuit breoker, lightning orrestors, protection
or oluminum os necessory.
ponels, instrument tronsformers, reoctors ond disconnectors.
The copocitor bonks ore usuolly upwords of 1.0MVAr for oll
Eoch item is speciolly sized, procured / monufoctured to ensure on
voltoges up to 132kV, 50 / 0Hz. The copocitor bonks moy be
efficient, integroted ond relioble system performonce.
externolly fused or internolly fused bosed on customer
Figures & 7 show typicol outdoor MV substotion copocitor
requirements ond opplicotion conditions.
Aedlun And Hlgn 1oltnge
Lnpntltor Rnnke Ior 5unetntlone
Z2.kV, 30MVAr, 3 phose, 0 Hz, exlernolly lused, double slor connecled copocllor
bonk lnslollollon ln o 400kV,220kV,kV ullllly subslollon
Rotings, dimensions ond other detoiIs shoII be mode ovoiIobIe on request
Figure - B
Generel Arrengenent of 4B00kVAr, 12.B6kV, 8 Pheee
mV Gubetetion enk Outdoor Cepecitor
Figure - 7
Generel Arrengenent of 10,000kVAr, 88kV, 8 Pheee
Outdoor mV Gubetetion Cepecitor enk
Conlocl your neoresl deoler:
200 MKS lechnology GmbH
Reproducllon, publlcollon ond clrculollon ol lhls colologue ond lhe lnlormollon conlolned
lhereln wllhoul MKS lechnology's prlor consenl ls prohlblled.
Ve reserve lhe rlghl lo lechnlcol ollernollons ol ony llme wllhoul nollce
Purchose orders ore sub|ecl lo lhe generol condlllons lor lhe supply ol producls ond servlces ol
lhe eleclrlcol ond eleclronlcs lnduslry recommended by ZVEl [Germon Eleclrlcol ond Eleclronlc
Monuloclurers' ossoclollon| unless olherwlse ogreed.
MK5 TechnoIogy GmbH
Am Klelernschlog Z P112 Schwoboch Germony
Phone : +4P [0| P122 , 3 Z3 00 Fox : +4P [0| P122 , 3 Z3 83
Emoll: Vebslle:

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