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Document for Manually Upgrading

Oracle Database to

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Table of Contents!
1)Installation of Oracle 11gR2 ( ) as a new Oracle Home.
2)re!"#gra$e %te#s.
&)"#gra$e %te#s.
4)ost!"#gra$e %te#s.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2
<Customer Logo>
I)Installation of Oracle 11gR2 ( as a new Oracle Home:
Installation rocess'
1)Unzip the software and execute '.run!nstaller'
!t will launch the Data"ase 11# $elease % !nstaller
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 3
<Customer Logo>
%)&elect ''reate and confi#ure a data"ase' as !nstallation (ption.
'lic) on *+ext,
-)&elect '!nstall data"ase software onl.' as /rid !nstallation (ptions
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 4
<Customer Logo>
'lic) on *+ext,
0)&elect '&in#le !nstance data"ase !nstallation' as !nstall
'lic) *+ext,
1)&elect '2n#lish' as 3roduct 4an#ua#es
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age #
<Customer Logo>
Clic( on )*e+t,
5)&elect '2nterprise 2dition' as Data"ase 2dition
'lic) on *+ext,
6)&pecif. the path for (racle 7ase director. for the !nstallation (wner and (racle Data"ase
8ome Director..
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age $
<Customer Logo>
Clic( on )*e+t,
9)&elect 'd"a' :default option) as Data"ase Administrator:(&D7A) /roup
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age %
<Customer Logo>
'lic) on *+ext,
;)!nstaller will chec)s for the prere<uisites= !n this we #et some warnin#s. >e can i#nore
those warnin#s ". selectin# the '!#nore All' chec) "ox.
&elect *!#nore All' chec) "ox
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age &
<Customer Logo>
!nstaller will prompt the warnin# messa#e=
'lic) on *?es, and continue the !nstallation
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age '
<Customer Logo>
1@) The !nstaller will summaries the /lo"al &ettin#s information
'lic) on *!nstall,
11) +ow the !nstallation will start
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 10
<Customer Logo>
'lic) on *+ext,
1%)After !nstallation is completed= !nstaller will as) to run the *, script as 'root' user.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 11
<Customer Logo>
$un the script and 'lic) on *exit,
II)re!"#gra$e %te#s'
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 12
<Customer Logo>
1) -ll t.e ste#s nee$ to /e #erforme$ after .a0ing set t.e en0ironment of t.e
#re0ious 0ersion of t.e Oracle 1ata/ase. *ote t.e $ata/ase must /e
running in normal mo$e in t.e ol$ release.
%) 4o# into the s.stem as the owner of the (racle Data"ase 11# $elease % :11.%.@.%) (racle
8ome director. and 'op. the 3reAUp#rade !nformation Tool :utlu11%i.s<l) from the (racle
Data"ase 11# $elease % :11.%.@.0) ($A'42B8(C2rd"msadmin director. to a director.
outside of the (racle 8ome= such as the temporar. director. on .our s.stem.
-) 'han#e to the director. where utlu11%i.s<l had "een copied in the preDious step.
0)&tart &E4F3lus and connect to the data"ase instance as a user with &?&D7A priDile#es.
Then run and spool the utlu11%i.s<l file. 3lease note that the data"ase should "e started
usin# the source (racle 8ome:ie. 11.%.@.%)
The output of the utlu11%i.s<l is
(racle Data"ase 11.% 3reAUp#rade !nformation Tool @-A%-A%@10 @9G05G1-
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 13
<Customer Logo>
&cript HersionG 11.%.@.0.@ 7uildG @@1
AA> nameG D2H
AA> DersionG 11.%.@.%.@
AA> compati"leG 11.%.@
AA> "loc)sizeG 91;%
AA> platformG 4inux x95 50A"it
AA> timezone fileG H10
Ta"lespacesG Ima)e adJustments in the current enDironmentK
AA> &?&T2C ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG 1%1;; C7
AA> T2C3 ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG 5@ C7
AA> 'TLD ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG %9 C7
AA> A33&BT&BEU2U2& ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG 0@9; C7
AA> A33&BT&BTLBDATA ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG 5;11% C7
AA> &?&AUL ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG -95;0 C7
AA> A33&BU+D(T&1 ta"lespace is ade<uate for the up#rade.
.... minimum re<uired sizeG 0@@ C7
Mlash"ac)G (MM
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 14
<Customer Logo>
Update 3arametersG IUpdate (racle Data"ase 11.% init.ora or spfileK
+oteG 3reAup#rade tool was run on a lower Dersion 50A"it data"ase.
AA> !f Tar#et (racle is -%A7it= refer here for Update 3arametersG
AA +o update parameter chan#es are re<uired..
--> If ar!"t Ora#l" is $%-&it' r"f"r ("r" f)r *+dat" ,aram"t"rs-
-- .) u+dat" +aram"t"r #(an!"s ar" r"quir"d.
R"nam"d ,aram"t"rs- 0*+dat" Ora#l" 1atabas" 11.2 init.)ra )r s+fil"2
-- .) r"nam"d +aram"t"rs f)und. .) #(an!"s ar" r"quir"d.
Obs)l"t"/1"+r"#at"d ,aram"t"rs- 0*+dat" Ora#l" 1atabas" 11.2 init.)ra )r s+fil"2
-- .) )bs)l"t" +aram"t"rs f)und. .) #(an!"s ar" r"quir"d
C)m+)n"nts- 0(" f)ll)3in! databas" #)m+)n"nts 3ill b" u+!rad"d )r install"d2
--> Ora#l" Catal)! 4i"3s 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" ,a#5a!"s and 6+"s 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> 78"r9"r 7A4A 4irtual Ma#(in" 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" :1; f)r 7a9a 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> R"al A++li#ati)n Clust"rs 0u+!rad"2 I.4ALI1
--> OLA, Anal6ti# <)r5s+a#" 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> OLA, Catal)! 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 1#
<Customer Logo>
--> EM R"+)sit)r6 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" "=t 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" :ML 1atabas" 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" 7a9a ,a#5a!"s 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> Ora#l" int"rM"dia 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> 8+atial 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
--> 1ata Minin! 0u+!rad"2 I.4ALI1
--> Ora#l" OLA, A,I 0u+!rad"2 4ALI1
Mis#"llan")us <arnin!s
<AR.I.>- --> 1atabas" #)ntains I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts +ri)r t) u+!rad".
.... (" list )f in9alid 8@8/8@8EM )b?"#ts 3as 3ritt"n t)
.... r"!istr6$s6s_in9_)b?s.
.... (" list )f n)n-8@8/8@8EM )b?"#ts 3as 3ritt"n t)
.... r"!istr6$n)ns6s_in9_)b?s.
.... (" list )f n)n-8@8/8@8EM )b?"#ts 3as 3ritt"n t)
.... r"!istr6$n)ns6s_in9_)b?s.
.... *s" utlui)b?.sql aft"r t(" u+!rad" t) id"ntif6 an6 n"3 in9alid
.... )b?"#ts du" t) t(" u+!rad".
.... *8ER 1M8@8 (as 1A I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts.
.... *8ER 8,4 (as 1 I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts.
.... *8ER A,,8 (as B I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts.
.... *8ER E*L_*8 (as C I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts.
.... *8ER HR_RE,OR8_*8ER (as 1 I.4ALI1 )b?"#ts.
<AR.I.>- --> @)ur r"#6#l" bin #)ntains $C )b?"#tDsE.
.... It is REF*IRE1 t(at t(" r"#6#l" bin is "m+t6 +ri)r t) u+!radin!
.... 6)ur databas". (" #)mmand-
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 1$
<Customer Logo>
,*R>E 1&A_REC@CLE&I.
.... must b" "="#ut"d imm"diat"l6 +ri)r t) "="#utin! 6)ur u+!rad".
<AR.I.>- --> 1atabas" #)ntains s#("mas 3it( )b?"#ts d"+"nd"nt )n 1&M8_L1A, +a#5a!".
.... R"f"r t) t(" 11! *+!rad" >uid" f)r instru#ti)ns t) #)nfi!ur" ."t3)r5 ACLs.
.... *8ER A,,8 (as d"+"nd"nt )b?"#ts.
<AR.I.>- --> 7O&_F*E*E_,ROCE88 9alu" must b" u+dat"d
.... @)ur #urr"nt s"ttin! )f G2G is t)) l)3.
.... 8tartin! 3it( Ora#l" 1atabas" 11! R"l"as" 2 D11.2E' s"ttin!
.... 7O&_F*E*E_,ROCE88E8 t) A #aus"s b)t( 1&M8_8CHE1*LER and
.... 1&M8_7O& ?)bs t) n)t run. ,r"9i)usl6' s"ttin! 7O&_F*E*E_,ROCE88E8
.... t) A #aus"d 1&M8_7O& ?)bs t) n)t run' but 1&M8_8CHE1*LER ?)bs 3"r"
.... unaff"#t"d and 3)uld still run. (is +aram"t"r must b" u+dat"d t)
.... a 9alu" !r"at"r t(an % Dd"fault 9alu" is 1AAAE +ri)r t) u+!rad".
.... .)t d)in! s) 3ill aff"#t t(" runnin! )f utlr+.sql aft"r t(" u+!rad"
Ora#l" r"#)mm"nds !at("rin! di#ti)nar6 statisti#s +ri)r t)
u+!radin! t(" databas".
) !at("r di#ti)nar6 statisti#s "="#ut" t(" f)ll)3in! #)mmand
3(il" #)nn"#t"d as 8@81&A-

E:EC*E dbms_stats.!at("r_di#ti)nar6_statsH

Ora#l" r"#)mm"nds r"m)9in! all (idd"n +aram"t"rs +ri)r t) u+!radin!.
) 9i"3 "=istin! (idd"n +aram"t"rs "="#ut" t(" f)ll)3in! #)mmand
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 1%
<Customer Logo>
3(il" #)nn"#t"d A8 8@81&A-
8ELEC nam"'d"s#ri+ti)n fr)m 8@8.4$,ARAMEER <HERE nam"
C(an!"s 3ill n""d t) b" mad" in t(" init.)ra )r s+fil".
Ora#l" r"#)mm"nds r"9i"3in! an6 d"fin"d "9"nts +ri)r t) u+!radin!.
) 9i"3 "=istin! n)n-d"fault "9"nts "="#ut" t(" f)ll)3in! #)mmands
3(il" #)nn"#t"d A8 8@81&A-
8ELEC Dtranslat"D9alu"'#(rD1LEMM#(rD1AE'I IEE NROM s6s.9$+aram"t"r2
<HERE *,,ERDnam"E OIE4E.I A.1 isd"faultOINAL8EI
ra#" E9"nts-
8ELEC Dtranslat"D9alu"'#(rD1LEMM#(rD1AE'I IEE fr)m s6s.9$+aram"t"r2
<HERE *,,ERDnam"E O I_RACE_E4E.8I A.1 isd"faultOINAL8EI
C(an!"s 3ill n""d t) b" mad" in t(" init.)ra )r s+fil".
(" 1M8@8 s#("ma "=ists in t(" databas". ,ri)r t) +"rf)rmin! an
u+!rad" Ora#l" r"#)mm"nds t(at t(" 1M8@8 s#("ma' and its ass)#iat"d
)b?"#ts b" r"m)9"d fr)m t(" databas".
R"f"r t) t(" Ora#l" 1ata Minin! Administrati)n >uid" f)r t("
instru#ti)ns )n ()3 t) +"rf)rm t(is tas5.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 1&
<Customer Logo>
8FL> s+))l )ffH
1)'hec)ed the spool file and made necessar. chan#es to the Data"ase.
a) 'hec)ed for the inte#rit. of the source data"ase prior to startin# the up#rade ". downloadin#
and runnin# d"up#dia#.s<l script.

O s<lplus as"a
s<l> alter session set nlsBlan#ua#eN'American'P
s<l> Qd"up#dia#.s<l
s<l> exit
/)The d"up#dia#.s<l script reported some inDalid o"Jects= so= ran
O($A'42B8(C2rd"msadminutlrp.s<l :multiple times) to Dalidate the inDalid o"Jects in the
data"ase= until there is no chan#e in the num"er of inDalid o"Jects.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 1'
<Customer Logo>
I$enti2e$ t.e In0ali$ o/3ects4
5)'hec) for T!C2&TAC3 >!T8 T!C2R(+2
8FL> s"l"#t P_4ER8IO. fr)m r"!istr6$databas"H
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 20
<Customer Logo>
6)'hec) that the +ational 'haracterset :+4&B+'8A$B'8A$A'T2$&2T) is UTM9 or A415UTM15.
select Dalue from +4&BDATA7A&2B3A$AC2T2$& where parameter N '+4&B+'8A$B'8A$A'T2$&2T'P
!f this is UTM9 or A415UTM15 then no action is needed.

9)>hen up#radin# to (racle Data"ase 11# $elease % :11.%)= optimizer statistics are collected for
dictionar. ta"les that lac) statistics. This statistics collection can "e time consumin# for data"ases
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 21
<Customer Logo>
with a lar#e num"er of dictionar. ta"les= "ut statistics #atherin# onl. occurs for those ta"les that lac)
statistics or are si#nificantl. chan#ed durin# the up#rade.
To decrease the amount of downtime incurred when collectin# statistics= we can collect statistics prior
to performin# the actual data"ase up#rade.
(racle recommends us to use the D7C&B&TAT&./AT82$BD!'T!(+A$?B&TAT& procedure to
#ather these statistics
5) (ptimizer &tatistics G The optimizer statistics are determined ". runnin# a script *anal.ze.s<l,=
which is downloaded from the oracle metalin).
This script :anal.ze.s<l) should not return an. errors
&<l> spool anal.ze.s<l
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 22
<Customer Logo>
8"t 9"rif6 )ff
8"t s+a#" A
8"t lin" 12A
8"t ("adin! )ff
8"t f""dba#5 )ff
8"t +a!"s 1AAA
8+))l anal6Q".sql
8ELEC IAnal6Q" #lust"r GIMM#lust"r_nam"MMIG 9alidat" stru#tur" #as#ad"HI
NROM dba_#lust"rs
<HERE )3n"rOI8@8I
8ELEC IAnal6Q" tabl" GIMMtabl"_nam"MMIG 9alidat" stru#tur" #as#ad"HI
NROM dba_tabl"s
<HERE )3n"rOI8@8I
A.1 +artiti)n"dOI.OI
A.1 Di)t_t6+"OIIOI OR i)t_t6+" is .*LLE
8ELEC IAnal6Q" tabl" GIMMtabl"_nam"MMIG 9alidat" stru#tur" #as#ad" int) in9alid_r)3sHI
NROM dba_tabl"s
<HERE )3n"rOI8@8I
A.1 +artiti)n"dOI@E8IH
8+))l )ff
(is #r"at"s anal6Q".sql
1@)2nsure that all snapshot refreshes are successfull. completed= and that replication is stopped.
8ELEC 1I8I.CDR*.CDlast_r"fr"s(EE
NROM dba_sna+s()t_r"fr"s(_tim"sH
11)2nsure that no files need media recoDer. and that no files are in "ac)up mode.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 23
<Customer Logo>

This should return no rows.
1%)$esolDe outstandin# distri"uted transactions prior to the up#rade.
1&) To chec) if a stand". data"ase exists= issue the followin# <uer.
8ELEC 8*&8RD9alu"'I.8RD9alu"'IOI'I.8RD*,,ERD9alu"E'I8ER4ICEIEER1E
NROM 9$+aram"t"r
<HERE nam" LI;E Il)!_ar#(i9"_d"stKI A.1 *,,ERD9alu"E LI;E I8ER4ICE
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 24
<Customer Logo>

10)2nsure the users &?& and &?&T2C haDe '&?&T2C' as their default ta"lespace.
>e must haDe sufficient space in the ta"lespace or "e set to extents unlimited.
8FL> 8ELEC us"rnam"' d"fault_tabl"s+a#"
NROM dba_us"rs
<HERE us"rnam" in DI8@8I'I8@8EMIEH
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2#
<Customer Logo>
11)2nsure that if the audO ta"le exists that it is in the &?& schema and in the &?&T2C ta"lespace.
8FL> 8ELEC )3n"r'tabl"s+a#"_nam"
NROM dba_tabl"s
<HERE tabl"_nam"OIA*1$IH
15)'hec) whether data"ase has an. externall. authenticated &&4 users.
8FL> 8ELEC nam" NROM"r$
<HERE "=t_us"rnam" I8 .O .*LL
A.1 +ass3)rd O I>LO&ALIH
16)+ote down the location of datafiles= redo lo#s and control files. Also ta)e a "ac)up of all
confi#uration files li)e listener.ora= tnsnames.ora= etc. from O($A'42B8(C2.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2$
<Customer Logo>
8FL> 8ELEC nam" NROM 9$#)ntr)lfil"H
8FL> 8ELEC fil"_nam" NROM dba_data_fil"sH
8FL> 8ELEC !r)u+S' m"mb"r NROM 9$l)!fil"H.
19) &top the listener for the data"ase.
Olsnrctl stop (7!D2H
1;)&hutdown the data"ase
shut immediate
%@)7ac)up the Data"ase
>e haDe ta)en the cold "ac)up of the (7!D2H Data"ase.
>e haDe "rou#ht down the serDices of (7!D2H and ta)en the "ac)up of all the files re<uired.
%1)Ca)e sure the followin# enDironment Daria"les point to the new (racle 8ome :11.%.@.0)
A ($A'42B7A&2
A ($A'42B8(C2
A 3AT8
22) 'opied the init file and tnsnames.ora from the "ac)up locations to the respectiDe
locations in the new (racle 8ome.:11.%.@.0)
2&) Update the orata" entr. to set the new ($A'42B8(C2 pointin# to ($'4 and disa"le
automatic startup.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2%
<Customer Logo>
III)Upgrade Steps:
1)At the operatin# s.stem prompt= chan#e to the O($A'42B8(C2rd"msadmin director. of
11.%.@.0 (racle 8ome
$ #d $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
$ sql+lus G/ as s6sdbaG
%)&tart the up#rade ". issuin# 'startup U3/$AD2'
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2&
<Customer Logo>
-)&et the s.stem to spool results to a lo# file for later Derification after the up#rade is completed and
start the up#rade script.
8FL> s"t "#() )n
8FL> 8,OOL u+!rad".l)!
8FL> T#atu+!rd.sql
8FL> s+))l )ff
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 2'
<Customer Logo>
0)After the a"oDe script is completed= the data"ase will "e in the shut down state.
&tart the data"ase in the normal mode and run 'utlu111s.s<l' for chec)in# the Dalidit. of the products
Halidit. of the products installedG
1)$un catuppst.s<l= located in the O($A'42B8(C2rd"msadmin director.= to perform up#rade
actions that do not re<uire the data"ase to "e in U3/$AD2 mode.

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<Customer Logo>
5)$un utlrp.s<l to recompile an. remainin# stored 34&E4 and SaDa code in another session.
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 31
<Customer Logo>
6)'hec) for the inte#rit. of the up#raded data"ase ". runnin# d"up#dia#.s<l script
9) Codif. the listener.ora file.
Mor the up#raded instance:s) modif. the ($A'42B8(C2 parameter to point to the new
%tart t.e listener
()*"ost Upgrade +teps
1)'hec) the current Dersion of the (racle time zone definitions in the up#raded data"ase
8FL> #)nn / as s6sdba
8FL>8ELEC 9"rsi)n NROM 9$tim"Q)n"_fil"H
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 32
<Customer Logo>
%)Up#rade &tatistics Ta"les 'reated ". the D7C&B&TAT& 3ac)a#e.
!f we created statistics ta"les usin# the D7C&B&TAT&.'$2AT2B&TATBTA742 procedure= then
up#rade these ta"les ". executin# the followin# procedure.
-)'reate a serDer parameter file with an initialization parameter file.
8FL> #r"at" s+fil" fr)m +fil"H
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 33
<Customer Logo>
4)C.ange t.e 6o#timi7er8$9namic8sam#ling6 #arameter to 6116 ( /9 $efault it is 2)
Apps Associates <Document Title> Internal Purpose Not For Circulation "age 34

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