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Management information system

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Management Information Systems (MIS), sometimes referred to as Information
Management and Systems, is the discipline covering the application of people,
technologies, and procedures collectively called information systems to solving
usiness prolems! Management "nformation #ystems are distinct from regular
information systems in that they are used to analy$e other information systems
applied in operational activities in the organi$ation!
(cademically, the term is
commonly used to refer to the group of information management methods tied to the
automation or support of human decision making, e!g! )ecision #upport #ystems,
*+pert systems, and *+ecutive information systems!
& ,ackground
- )efinition
. #ources
/ #ee also
0 *+ternal links
[edit] Background
"n their infancy, usiness computers 1ere used for the practical usiness of computing
the payroll and keeping track of accounts payale and receivale! (s applications
1ere developed that provided managers 1ith information aout sales, inventories, and
other data that 1ould help in managing the enterprise, the term 2M"#2 arose to
descrie these kinds of applications! 3oday, the term is used roadly in a numer of
conte+ts and includes (ut is not limited to): decision support systems, resource and
people management applications, pro4ect management, and dataase retrieval
[edit] Definition
5M"#5 is a planned system of collecting,proccesing, storing and disseminating data in
the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management!(ccording
to 6hillip 7otler 2( marketing information system consists of people, e8uipments, and
procedures to gather, sort, analyse, evaluate, and distriute needed, timely, and
accurate information to marketing decision makers!2 (7otler, 6hillip and 7eller,
7evin 9ane: Marketing Management, 6earson *ducation, &- *d, -;;<)
3he terms MIS and information system are often confused! "nformation systems
include systems that are not intended for decision making! M"# is sometimes referred
to, in a restrictive sense, as information technology management! 3hat area of study
should not e confused 1ith computer science! "3 service management is a
practitioner=focused discipline! M"# has also some differences 1ith *nterprise
Resource 6lanning (*R6) as *R6 incorporates elements that are not necessarily
focused on decision support!
6rofessor (llen #! 9ee states that "...research in the information systems field
examines more than the technological system, or just the social system, or even the
two side by side; in addition, it investigates the phenomena that emerge when the two
[edit] Sources
&! >

?@,rien, J (&AAA)! Management Information Systems Managing Information
!echnology in the Internetwor"ed #nterprise (in *nglish)! ,oston: "r1in McBra1=
Cill! "#,D ;;E&&-.E..!
-! ^ 9ee, (# (-;;&)! 2*ditor@s Fomments2! MIS $uarterly 25 (&): iii=vii!

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