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Itikaf, The Spiritual Retreat

Written by Saleem Bhimji for Al-Fath Al-Mubin Publications and the Islam ic Publishing House
[!al-mubin!org " !i#h!ca$
With information e%tracted from htt#&''!ha(ah!net'Per')'*te+af' "
The beautiful images in this article have been taken from it should be
noted that these photos are from Iran, a country of over 60,000,000 followers of the Ahlul ait
!prayers be upon all of them".
Thus, the large number of youth and others participating in this great event, something which
has only taken form in the last twenty years since the victory of the Islamic revolution, may not
be something as seen in other communities around the world particularly the #$est%.
Insha&Allah, may Allah !'lory and 'reatness be to (im" make our communities as large and
prosperous as these and may our youth make ma)imum benefit from this very powerful spiritual

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The +essenger of Allah !blessings of Allah be upon him and his family" has said, #The persons
who secludes himself !in the +as-id in I&tikaf" in true faith and hope !for the reward of Allah", all
of his previous sins shall be forgiven.% !.an/ul 0mmal, (adith 12003"
-ne of the greatest traditions of Islam. the s#ar+ of hich has recently been reignited in the
hearts of the youth. is that of I/ti+af! 0his is a tradition hich has been in Islam from the first
days of the re1elation and is also something +non and recogni(ed in other 2i1ine religions sent
by Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 and #racticed by them 6 more or less&
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And when We made the House a pilgrimage for mankind and a (place of) security, and said,
Appoint for yourselves a place of prayer on the standing-place of !rahim "#a$am-e-
!rahim%&' And We en(oined !rahim and sma'il saying) *urify #y House for those who visit
(it) and those who a!ide (in it) for devotion, those who !ow down (and) those who prostrate
themselves&'+ (,uratul -a$arah (.), /erse 0.1)
0he great Masajid of Islam located in cities such as Ma++ah. Madinah. )erbala. 7ajaf.
Samarrah. )adhamain. 8um. Isfahan. Mashad and other major Muslim cities ha1e hosted this
s#iritual retreat for o1er 9.:;; years #rimarily in the <White 7ights= of >ajab 6 the 9?th. 9:th
and 9@th. and more s#ecifically in the month of >amadhan 6 that too #rimarily in the last 9;
nights of the blessed month!
Since the life of the transient orld +ee#s us busy for the hole year in studies. or+. business.
tra1eling and other such things and causes us to be negligent of the ne%t life. e may sometimes
thin+ that these thing are the sole #ur#ose in life and thus. e end u# forgetting our true goal 6
Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5! 0hus. it is for this reason that I/ti+af is referred to as
<0he s#ring of life in a orld struc+ ith the drought of negligence of Allah 34lory and
4reatness be to Him5!=
It is the negligence of oursel1es and our Areator hich is gi1en a fresh breath of life in this short
three day #eriod of I/ti+af! In addition. e can once again find oursel1es and our Bord and return
bac+ to Him no 3s#iritually return bac+ to Him5 before e are forced to return bac+ to him by
the se#aration of the soul from the body in a state of com#lete negligence of Him!
0he #eriod of I/ti+af is the best time to force one/s self to sit and thin+ and reflect on the self and
the orld aroundC the #eriod of the I/ti+af is the best time to forget the orries of the transient
orld and to return to the soul and the Areator of the soulC the #eriod of the I/ti+af is the best
time to return bac+ to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 in true re#entance for our sins
committed through the year and to concentrate on the Words of Allah in the 8ur/an. the #rayers
and su##lications used to call u#on Him and all of those things hich are related to Him and His
Sacred *ssence!
I/ti+af is not a three day holiday from or+ or schoolC it is not a time to sit in the Masjid in
com#lete ignorance of ones/ self and his s#iritual surroundingsC it is not the 1enue to #ass one/s
time in idleness! I/ti+af is not the act of slee#ing and snoring in the Masjid and +illing timeD
0ruly. I/ti+af is a three day s#iritual retreat to build the selfC it is the act of lea1ing one/s #ersonal
house to be in the ser1ice of Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 and to recogni(e one/s self in
Allah /s house 3the Masjid5 hile at the same time. being a guest in the House of Allah 34lory
and 4reatness be to Him5 6 eating His food hich He has sent and being around His ser1ants
hich He has guided!
[efi\iti]\ ]f Itikaf
0he literal definition of the ord I/ti+af is to stay in a #articular #lace. hoe1er in the definition
of the faith of Islam . this ord means to stay in the Masjid for a #articular time #eriod in the
orshi# of Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 hile maintaining certain conditions. hich
shall be co1ered later on in this article!
In the state of I/ti+af. a #erson can stand. sit. slee#. etcD and there is not one #articular Eform/
that this retreat must be carried out in 3unli+e the Salat hich has a s#ecific form to it5! What is
im#ortant in this #eriod is to obey the commandments of Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5.
to refrain from the things hich He has #rohibited 3both in life in general and in this three day
sojourn5 and to be in the ser1ice of Him!
^]\_iti]\` ]f Itikaf
0here are a fe conditions for the #erson ho ishes to #arta+e in the 2i1ine blessing of I/ti+af&
I\telliae\be cdeflg
0hus. the #erson must not be mentally unstableC
True haith cIia\g
0hus. although a 7on-Muslim can #erform the I/ti+af and it may be correct from the #oint of
1ie of the outer actions. hoe1er to earn the 2i1ine >eard. he or she must be a true belie1erC
I\te\ti]\ cjikkatg
I/ti+af must be #erformed for the #ur#ose of see+ing closeness to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be
to Him5 and not to sho off or due to societal or family or #eer #ressureC
ha`ti\a cSalig [uri\a Itikaf
0he #erson ho is not able to fast. for hate1er reason. is de#ri1ed from the 2i1ine grace of
being able to #erform I/ti+af! He or she may still gain a reard from Allah 34lory and 4reatness
be to Him5 for ha1ing the intention to #erform this act of orshi#. hoe1er cannot directly
#artici#ate in this act as ill be mentioned!
0herefore. if a #erson is a tra1eler or one ho is not able to fast due to some danger to his life. he
cannot #arta+e in I/ti+af! Hoe1er. if the tra1eler ho ants to #erform the I/ti+af ma+es an oath
that he ill fast for three days on a tri#. then he can #erform the I/ti+af e1en though his Salat
may be #rayed as that of a tra1eler! In addition. if one needs to #erform any sort of fasting
hether it be obligatory. recommended. a #enitence for a missed fast. on behalf of someone else.
etcD then one/s I/ti+af ill be correct ith the #erformance of this ty#e of fast!
-ne must ha1e the #ermission of the #erson hom he needs to gain #ermission from to carry out
this act 3guardian. husband. etcD5 to ensure the correctness of the I/ti+af!
Place& -ne must stay inside the Masjid for the entire #eriod for his I/ti+af to be correct 3the rules
of this ill be e%#lained in more detail laterD5
Tiie meri]_ cne\athg ]f the Itikaf
0he #erson #erforming I/ti+af must stay in this state for a minimum of three com#lete days from
sunrise of the first day until the sunset of the third day 3for e%am#le if he starts I/ti+af on Monday
at Fajr time. he must com#lete it until 0hursday at Maghrib time5! 0he first to days of I/ti+af
are recommended and if a #erson ishes. he may lea1e after this #eriod and end his I/ti+af.
hoe1er if he com#letes to full days of I/ti+af in the Masjid 3until the Maghrib of the second
day5. then it becomes obligatory u#on him to continue his fast on the third day and to stay in the
Masjid for the remaining #eriod of his I/ti+af 6 meaning till the time of Maghrib of the third day!
Similarly. if a #erson goes into I/ti+af for @ days. the Fth day becomes obligatoryC and if he goes
into I/ti+af for G days then the Hth day becomes obligatory and so onD
0hus. I/ti+af is for ? full days and I nights hich are in beteen these days and this #eriod must
be maintained! In this ruling. just as that of the daily Salat. the meaning of three com#lete days
means three #eriods of Fajr to Maghrib!
Tiie ]f Itikaf
Anytime in hich fasting is #ermissible is an o##ortune time for I/ti+af and the state of I/ti+af
does not ha1e a s#ecific time related to it! -f course the <White 2ays= hich are the 9?th. 9:th
and 9@th of the lunar month and the last ten days of the Month of >amadhan are the best times
for this s#iritual e%ercise! 0herefore. one cannot ma+e I/ti+af on the day of E*id since it is
forbidden to fast on that day and similarly. he cannot start I/ti+af to days before E*id!
It has been mentioned that the Pro#het of Islam 3blessings of Allah be u#on him and his family5
used to #erform I/ti+af in the Month of >amadhan in the first 9; days 3three days5. the second 9;
days 3three days5 and then in the last ten days 3three days5 as ell!
merii``i]\ ]f the ouar_ia\
As mentioned #re1iously in #assing. I/ti+af #erformed ithout the #ermission of his guardian or
any #erson hose rights ould be ta+en aay if the #erson as to go in a state of I/ti+af is not
correct! 0hus. it is for this reason that the ife must also ta+e her husband/s #ermission if her
I/ti+af ould infringe on martial rights ith his ife! Similarly. if one/s #arents are not ha##y or
are concerned for their son or daughter and do not #ermit him to ma+e I/ti+af. then the child is
not #ermitted to go forth for this 3recommended5 act of orshi#!
The I\te\ti]\ cjikkahg f]r Itikaf
0he intention for I/ti+af is of three main ty#es! 0he most common form is the recommended
I/ti+af. hoe1er it can also become obligatory 3ajib5 if a #erson ma+es an oath or #romise to
Allah is for the fulfillment of something 3and in that oath he had #romised Allah is that he ould
#erform I/ti+af if his #rayer is fulfilled5! 0he third intention hich can be made for I/ti+af is that
it is being done on behalf of someone else 6 similar to ho #eo#le #erform Hajj for their
deceased relati1es or ma+e u# missed #rayers of #arents ho ha1e #assed aay or others!
0herefore. it is necessary for the correctness of I/ti+af to s#ecify the intention and the ty#e that
one ants to #erform!
Tiie a\_ mlabe ]f the I\te\ti]\ ]f the Itikaf a\_ the mlabe ]f Itikaf
0he intention must be made from the beginning of the time of Fajr on the first day and it is not
#ermissible to delay it until the end of the time of Fajr 3just before sunrise5. hoe1er if just
before the rising of the sun of Fajr. one ma+es his intention. this ill still be sufficient! At the
time of ma+ing intention for I/ti+af. the #erson must be inside the Masjid in hich he'she ishes
to #erform I/ti+af. hoe1er if at the beginning time of Fajr he lea1es to redo his Wudhu or for
another im#ortant tas+. then he is still able to do his intention 3u#on returning5!
0he #lace of I/ti+af must be the Masjid and therefore. #erforming I/ti+af in any #lace other than a
Masjid such as a room or hall used for Salat. a Musalla 3s#ecific building hich is made only for
Jam/at Salat and other #laces li+e this 3hich are not #ro#er Masajid5 is not correct!
0he #referential order of here I/ti+af should be #erformed is& Masjidul Haram. Masjid an-7abi
3blessings of Allah be u#on him and his family5. Masjid )ufa and then the Masjid of Basrah 6
after these. then any other <Aentral= and <Aongregational= Masjid is #ermissible to #erform the
I/ti+af in!
By stating this. it clearly means that in #laces li+e the traditonal Hussainiyah or Imambargah and
other #laces such as this. it is not correct to #erform the I/ti+af6 this act is limited to the four
mentioned Masajid and then the Aentral Masjid of a city!
Based on this ruling. although the scholars #ermit I/ti+afin these other buildings 3hich are not
#ro#er Masjid5. hoe1er the s#ecific rulings of I/ti+af ould not hold in other such 1enues! If
one as to #erform I/ti+af in any #lace other than the <Aentral Masjid= then he ould need to do
so ith the intention that this act ould bring him closer to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to
Him5 and that he is ho#ing for a reard in this act 3of being done outside of a #ro#er Masjid as
#er the Islamic legislations5!
0herefore. if there are three or four Masjid in one city. since they are not of the four Masjid
hich I/ti+af can be #erformed in 3ith that s#ecial intention5. the #eo#le may use all of them for
the #rogram of I/ti+af!
0he meaning of the Aentral or Aongregational Masjid is that hich a majority of the #eo#le
freKuent 3other than this Masjid ould be those referred to ith names such as the Masjid of the
Ba(ar. the Masjid of a School. the Masjid inside a factory. etcD5 and it is not #ermissible to
#erform the I/ti+af in these #laces!
0he courtyards and entrances of the Masjid are not considered as a #art of the Masjid e%ce#t in
the case that they are recogni(ed and +non 3by others5 to be an actual #art of the Masjid! If a
#erson doubts if the #lace in hich he is. is actually a Masjid or not. then according to the rules.
he is not #ermitted to #erform I/ti+af there until he ascertains and has certainty that the #lace
here he is truly is a #art of the Masjid!
mr]hipite_ ebt` [uri\a Itikaf
0he #rohibited accts during the state of I/ti+af include&
A##lying #erfume and smelling #erfume ith the intention of deri1ing #leasure! 0his act ma+es
I/ti+af null and 1oid and is also a sin!
2iscussions and arguments both in relation to the orld and the faith! 0his means that a #erson
argues ith another to #ro1e that he is better or smarter or that he +nos more. etcD Hoe1er. if
a #erson must argue or debate to u#hold the truth and destroy falsehood. it is #ermissible - rather
this is the best form of orshi# and ser1itude to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 during
this noble state!
Buying and selling anything!
2eri1ing #leasure from the o##osite se% in any ay 6 holding hands. hugging. +issing. etcD is
com#letely forbidden in the state of I/ti+af!
If any of these things are #erformed. one/s I/ti+af becomes 1oid and in certain cases a )affarah
or #enitence must be #aid out 3hich ill be discussed belo5!
Seeing as ho the #erson in I/ti+af is also in a state of fasting. all of those things hich ma+e the
fast 1oid must not be #erformed hich include& eating. drin+ing. se%ual intercourse.
masturbation 3hich is a sin at all times5. ascribing lies to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to
Him5. the 7oble Pro#het 3blessings of Allah be u#on him and his family5 or the A/immah
3#rayers be u#on all of them5. salloing thic+ dust 3and smo+ing as an e%tension5. immersing
one/s head in ater 3such as in a simming #ool5. remaining in a state of ritual im#urity until the
time of Fajr. and 1omiting! If any of these are done. then one must ma+e u# the fast in those
ays mentioned in the boo+s of Begal >ulings!
In addition. the rights of others ho are in the Masajid must also be obser1ed! 0he res#ect and
honor of the Masjid must be obser1ed and one should try to stay in a state of Wudhu the entire
Also. the cleanliness of the Masjid must also be maintained!
0hose in this state should also try and +ee# aay from tal+ing about issues of the transient orld
3tal+ing about anything other than Allah5 are some of the things hich ha1e been mentioned in
the boo+s hich highlight the s#iritual traits of this state!
neaqi\a the ra`si_ [uri\a the meri]_ ]f Itikaf
It is not #ermissible to lea1e the Masjid during the state of I/ti+af e%ce#t for a reason and
necessity hich ould 3a5 be a logical and reasonable e%cuseC 3b5 be deemed so according to the
general #o#ulation and 3c5 the religious rules of Islam dictate!
0hus. in the folloing e%am#les. it ould be #ermitted to lea1e the Masjid hile in the state of
I/ti+af& going to a doctor in cases of emergency. going to the bathroom 3as these are logical
reasons5. 1isiting someone ho is 1ery sic+ and ta+ing #art in the burial rites of a #erson IF the
#erson ho has #assed aay as a close relation to the #erson #erforming I/ti+af 3hich ould
be a necessity deemed so by the general consensus and #o#ulation5. or to #erform a 4husl3if
needed5 or to do Wudhu 3hich are necessities hich the religion dictates5!
Bea1ing the Masjid for classes 3school5 or for study sessions ith a study #artner or for 0abligh
and #ro#agation of the faith and other things such as this is not #ermissible as they do not fall
into any of the three categories mentioned abo1e 3since hen a #erson ma+es the intention to
#erform I/ti+af he has also ta+en into consideration that he ill not be attending school and has
made the necessary arrangements beforehand! Similarly. the one engaged in I/ti+af +nos from
beforehand that if his Efield of or+/ is 0abligh. that he ould be disconnecting himself from that
Ejob/ for this #eriod5!
If a #erson #erforms his I/ti+af in a #lace in hich another #erson as already in I/ti+af 3but had
left for a brief moment5 hoe1er he has left his #rayer mat or other signs that he as coming
bac+ to that s#ot. then the second #erson must lea1e that area. otherise he ould be considered
as a usur#er of that #iece of land here he is #erforming his I/ti+af! His I/ti+afould be correct if
he continues to stay there hoe1er he ould ha1e committed a sin!
If a #erson in I/ti+af has a et dream and needs to #erform a 4husl. hoe1er it is not #ossible to
do this in the Masjid 3or its com#ound5. it is ob1iously obligatory u#on him to lea1e the Masjid
and his I/ti+af ill be considered null and 1oid! 0he same rule a##lies to sisters ho are not able
to stay inside the Masjid due to their monthly cycle since they are not #ermitted to stay inside a
Masjid. they too must immediately lea1e the Masjid and for them too. their I/ti+af is null and
According to obligatory #recaution. if a #erson lea1es the Masjid for a necessity. he must choose
the shortest and closest route to lea1e and return by and it is obligatory that he does not +ee#
himself out of the Masjid for more than the needed time #eriod! It is also obligatory that he does
not sit underneath an area hich shades him! >ather. according to #recaution. it is not #ermitted
for him to sit outside of the Masjid e%ce#t for cases of necessity!
If the #erson #erforming I/ti+af lea1es the Masjid in order to com#lete a necessity u#on him. and
the time #eriod hich he lea1es the Masjid for is a 1ery long one such as that #eo#le ould
doubt or not consider him being in a state of I/ti+af. then his I/ti+af ould be null and 1oid!
me\ite\be f]r treaki\a the Rule` ]f the Itikaf
In some instances. if a #erson does one of the things hich brea+s his state of I/ti+af. he must
offer a #enitence! Some e%am#les of this are mentioned as follos&
If a #erson has se%ual relations during the #eriod of I/ti+af and I/ti+af as ajib for him to
#erform 3due to a #romise. oath. etcD hich he made5. then he must ma+e u# the I/ti+af by
#erforming it #ro#erly at a later date!
If a #erson #erforms one of the other things hich ma+es I/ti+af 1oid and his I/ti+af as
obligatory 3due to a #romise. oath. etcD hich he made5. then he must finish the time remaining
of I/ti+af and redo it later on!
If I/ti+af as not obligatory and if a #erson does something on the first day of I/ti+af then he
must immediately come out of this state. hoe1er if it is on the third day then he must finish the
#eriod remaining!
If a #erson #erforms one of the other things hich ma+es I/ti+af 1oid and his I/ti+af as a
recommended one and this ha##ens after the second day. then he must redo the I/ti+af later on.
hoe1er if it is before the end of the second day. then he has no res#onsibility on him to redo it!
hrefue\tlk e`ke_ uue`ti]\` ]\ Itikaf
0here is a close relationshi# to I/ti+af and the ihram for Hajj! As as seen. there are certain
things forbidden hile in the ihram of Hajj hich are also forbidden for the one in the state of
I/ti+af! 0his #oint should be +e#t in mind es#ecially in the s#iritual as#ect of this great act of
0he intention for this act should be #ronounced 1erbally just so one is focused on this act and
hom he is doing it for! Some scholars ha1e e1en stated that the intention should be reneed
e1ery day!
Although it is discouraged to slee# in a Masjid according to the 1erdict of the scholars. there are
Ee%ce#tions to this rule/ 6 one being in the state of I/ti+af as this itself is an act of orshi# hich
has been legislated by Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 to be #erformed only in a Masjid!
0o slee# at other times is discouraged!
A #erson can change his clothes during the #eriod of I/ti+af if the need arises 3they become dirty.
7ajis. etcD5 and there is no #roblem in this. hoe1er to ta+e a bath. es#ecially ith soa# hich
may be #erfumed 3done ith the intention of clinging to the transient orld5 must be a1oided 6
e%ce#t in the case of necessity here one must ta+e a bath!
Peo#le can come and 1isit the Masjid during the #eriod of I/ti+af and there is e1en no #roblem if
friends or family come to bring the #erson in I/ti+af food. drin+ 3to brea+ his fast ith5 or things
hich they may need and are a dire necessity during this three day #eriod!
Food is usually #re#ared by the community members or the leaders of the Masjid for those in the
state of I/ti+af as the #eo#le in I/ti+af are not #ermitted to lea1e the Masjid 3e%ce#t for the
conditions #re1iously stated5! 0he #erson ho #lans to enter this s#iritual retreat can also bring
things ith him hen he begins his three day sojourn if he so desires!
In regards to the brea+ing of the fast and eating before the fast starts. one cannot lea1e the Masjid
to #rocure this! 0herefore. he should ha1e either brought things ith him or the Masjid
organi(ers should be so +ind so as to #ro1ide this to those in the state of orshi# for this three
day #eriod! If there is a +itchen in the Masjid. those in the orshi# of Allah 34lory and 4reatness
be to Him5 may use it to ma+e their on food!
0he three day #eriod should be s#ent in contem#lation of the faith of Islam. recitation of the
7oble 8uran and su##lications and anything else hich can dra a #erson closer to Allah 34lory
and 4reatness be to Him5! If a #erson has missed #rayers. he should try and ma+e them u# in this
s#ecial #eriod! If he has a clean slate of #rayers. then he should try and recite the recommended
#rayers! -ther than this. all other s#iritual acts of nearness to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to
Him5 should be maintained!
Hoe1er at the same time. one should not do things hich +ee# him busy ith the transient
orld that he has turned aay from for these three days 6 meaning that reading things hich
ould +ee# his mind busy ith or+. school. etcD should be refrained from! In addition. all
other things hich are commonly used to <+ill time= should be com#letely left for this short
three day #eriod!
Dand all the #raise belongs to Allah 34lory and 4reatness be to Him5 for the hel# in the riting
and translation of this or+. only the mista+es are mine!

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