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Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 5-

Chapter 5 Solutions
Activity Questions, Lab 5-1
Lab 5.1 Note: The instructor access point kilo-lima should be connected to
the same network as the student access points, but far enough away from
the classroom so that when the students walk away from their access point
they will lose connectiity before they can connect to kilo-lima. !
recommend connecting one of the student"s access points in the classroom
and connecting kilo-lima in another classroom to test this before class. #lso,
make sure the instructor access point is connected in a locked classroom or
o$ce where it won"t be stolen. The students will need the %#& address of
kilo-lima before this lab.
1'.#re both of your laptops connected to your access point using the
Twowap pro(le) *hat is your connected speed) *hat is your !+ address)
Answer: Hopefully, yes !aries !aries
1,.*hat is displayed in the pop-up window)
Answer: "ndication t#at laptop is not connected
1-.*hat is displayed in the pop-up window now) *hat is your !+ address)
Answer: No$ connected S#ould be t#e sa%e as recorded in &'(
1..*ere you successful)
Answer: Hopefully, yes
1/.*hat is your signal strength) *hat is your connected speed)
Answer: !aries )aries
Review Questions, Lab 5-1
1. 0ow is signal strength related to mobility)
Answer: Si*nal stren*t# decreases as t#e %obile de)ice %o)es a$ay fro% t#e access point+
,. *hat is the bene(t of con(guring the %#& address of the access point in
the client pro(le)
Answer: Guarantees you $ill associate $it# t#e correct access point if %ore t#an one access point is
usin* t#e sa%e SS",
-. !f your !+ address remained the same between access points, why do
you think it did)
Answer: -ecause t#e access points co%%unicate $it# eac# ot#er on t#e net$or.
.. 1ou walked away from one connection in the lab actiity and associated
with another. *hy is this not considered true roaming)
Answer: /ou lost your connection, and $it# true roa%in* you s#ouldn0t+
5. *hen the signal gets weak, the client deice starts scanning. *hy does
this happen)
Answer: "t is* for an access point to associate $it#+
Activity Questions, Lab 5-2
Lab 5., Note: The instructor access point kilo-lima should be connected to
the same network as the student access points, and allow the students to
walk away from their access point and then connect to kilo-lima without
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 5-
losing connectiity. ! recommend connecting one of the student"s access
points in the classroom and connecting kilo-lima in another classroom or
o$ce to test this before class.
#lso, make sure the instructor access point is connected in a locked
classroom or o$ce where it won"t be stolen. The students will need the !+
address of the instructor laptop 2kilo or lima3 that is acting as the 4T+
serer. ! use -&5erer because it is free and easy to con(gure, but any 4T+
software should work. %ake sure the instructor laptop with the 4T+ software
is connected wirelessly to kilo-lima. ! hae them sitting side by side for this
lab. The 4T+ software should be running and there should be a ery large
(le named tournament.ssf 2about 66 %73 on the desktop of the 4T+ serer.
#ny ery large (le will do. 8ust make sure you name it tournament.ssf to
match the lab instructions. The serer software should be con(gured to
point to the desktop as the location for uploads and downloads. #nonymous
access should be allowed and oerwrite (les should be allowed. Try this lab
before class to make sure your location proides for roaming and that the
4T+ software is working.
1. *hat is your !+ address)
Answer: !aries
-. *ith which access point are you associated) *hat is your !+ address)
*hat is your connected speed) *hat is one factor in making the
decision to 9ump to another access point)
Answer: 1ilo-li%a Sa%e as recorded in &' S#ould be e2cellent SN3
6. *hat is the reported throughput in kilobytes per second)
Answer: !aries
:. *hat is the reported throughput in megabits per second)
Answer: !aries
;. &alculate the percentage of the rated bandwidth you e<perienced during
the download by diiding the reported throughput recorded in 5tep : by
the rated bandwidth of your connection.
Answer: !aries
Review Questions, Lab 5-2
1. *hat is the di=erence between layer , roaming and layer - roaming)
Answer: Layer 4 roa%in* in)ol)es access points on t#e sa%e subnet and layer 5 roa%in* %eans t#e
access points are on different subnets+
,. 0ow much cell oerlap is re>uired for layer , roaming to work)
Answer: 4(6
-. *hy should we e<pect a lower throughput rate when roaming)
Answer: -ecause $#en you associate $it# a different access point, t#e coordination bet$een t#e
access points increases o)er#ead
.. The decision to roam from one access point to another largely depends
on the signal-to-noise ratio. True or 4alse)
Answer: 7rue
5. 0ow does the client know where to roam)
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 5-
Answer: Scannin*
Activity Questions, Lab 5-3
.. *hat is the default power sae mode for your adapter)
Answer: CAM
/. *hat di=erences do you see between the &#% laptop and the 4ast+5+
laptop) ?o you notice any di=erence in L@? actiity on the adapters)
Answer: More acti)ity $it# CAM More li*#t acti)ity $it# CAM
:. Ance again, compare the actiity onscreen and the L@? actiity on the
adapters. &an you tell that %a< +5+ mode conseres the most power)
Answer: E)en less acti)ity $#en usin* Ma28SM /es
1'.&an you ad9ust the power sae mode on this adapter when you are in ad
hoc mode)
Answer: No
Review Questions, Lab 5-3
1. *hat three power options are aailable with the &isco #ironet aBbBg
wireless adapter)
Answer: CAM, 9ast 8S8 %ode, and Ma28SM
,. *hich mode o=ers the best throughput and why)
Answer: CAM, because t#e adapter is al$ays a$a.e
-. *hich mode prolongs the laptop battery the most and why)
Answer: Ma28SM, because t#e adapter sleeps t#e %ost
.. 0ow would you decide which mode to use for your wireless client)
Answer: ,epends #o$ often your %obile de)ice is $it#out AC po$er
5. *hich mode do you think would be best for a wireless desktop
computer) *hy)
Answer: CAM, because you don0t #a)e to $orry about runnin* on t#e battery you al$ays #a)e AC
Activity Questions, Lab 5-4
;. *hat is the name of the 55!? you con(gured) *hat type of
authentication is con(gured for this 55!?)
Answer: !aries :pen
1;.*hy did you lose connectiity)
Answer: Client profile is for s#ared aut#entication and t#e access point is usin* open aut#entication+
,'.?ouble-click the !nfrastructure %ode pro(le to actiate it. ?id you
Answer: Hopefully, yes
Review Questions, Lab 5-4
1. *hat are the two authentication methods re>uired by the :',.11
Answer: :pen and s#ared .ey
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 5-
,. *hich of these two authentication methods is considered more secure,
and why)
Answer: :pen, because s#ared .ey s#ares t#e .ey in bot# encrypted and unencrypted for%, *i)in*
t#e enou*# infor%ation to brea. t#e .ey
-. *hat are the two *@+ key strengths currently supported by :',.11)
Answer: ;(-bit <=;> and '4?-bit <'(;>
.. *hy did you lose connectiity in the lab actiity when you con(gured
your access point for shared key authentication)
Answer: -ecause t#e client de)ice $as still confi*ured for open aut#entication
5. List the *@+ key strengths with their corresponding re>uired number of
he<adecimal digits.
Answer: ;(-bit re@uires a '( #e2 di*it .ey and '4?-bit re@uires a 4= #e2 di*it .ey
Activity Questions, Lab 5-5
Lab 5.5 Note: #iro+eek uses a special drier that can interfere with other
special sni$ng driers. Ance you run #iro+eek on a laptop, you will need to
reboot the laptop in order for it to connect to the wireless network correctly.
#t the end of the lab manual or class, #iro+eek and the special driers are
remoed to prepare the e>uipment for the ne<t class, but if you want to get
rid of the special drier, 9ust go to the properties of the &isco aBbBg card and
click Collback ?rier.
-1.*hat channel are you using)
Answer: !aries accordin* to 7able ;-5 in Lab ;+;
-,.*hat is the default fragmentation threshold for your access point) !n
terms of frame siDes, what does this fragmentation threshold correspond
Answer: 45;= bytes Ma2 $ireless fra%e siAe for ?(4+''
.,.0ow many packets were receied in the -'-second capture) *hat was
the aerage utiliDation in Ebps) 0ow many total errors were logged)
Answer: !aries )aries )aries
.6.0ow many packets were receied in the -'-second capture) *hat was
the aerage utiliDation in Ebps) 0ow many total errors were logged)
Answer: !aries )aries )aries
.;.0ow many packets were receied in the -'-second capture) *hat was
the aerage utiliDation in Ebps) 0ow many total errors were logged)
Answer: !aries )aries )aries
51.#ccording to the packet siDe tables, what happened to the percentage of
packets siDed ,5/ to 511 bytes as the fragmentation threshold was
reduced) ?oes this make sense) *hy or why not)
Answer: "ncreased yes forcin* s%aller pac.ets because t#e fra*%entation t#res#old is bein* reduced
5,.#ccording to Table 5-., what was the e=ect of reducing the
fragmentation threshold on the number of packets receied) *hat was
the e=ect of reducing the fragmentation threshold on errors) ?o your
results support or refute the hypothesis that smaller fragments will
reduce collisions and errors up to a point, but at some point will create
enough oerhead that performance will be degraded) *hich
Lab Manual for CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs, Second Edition Lab Manual Solutions 5-
fragmentation setting would you recommend on your system if audio
streaming is fre>uently used)
Answer: "ncrease decreases errors #opefully support )aries
Review Questions, Lab 5-5
1. *hat is the ma<imum siDe of an :',.11 wireless frame)
Answer: 45;= bytes
,. *hy does &5%#B&# hae more oerhead than &5%#B&?)
Answer: E)ery fra%e #as o)er#ead and e)ery fra%e %ust be AC10d+
-. *hat is the relationship between wireless frame siDe and probability of
Answer: 7#e lar*er t#e fra%e, t#e #i*#er t#e probability of collisions
.. *hat is the adantage of using relatiely smaller wireless frames)
Answer: Less collisions
5. *hat is the adantage of using relatiely larger wireless frames)
Answer: Less o)er#ead

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