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Lecturer in

Module I : General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Salient features of the Constitution - Preamble- Its significance and its place in the
interpretation of the Constitution.
Fundamental Rights - Directive Principles of State Policy - Relation between
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles - Fundamental Duties.
!ecutive - "egislature - #udiciary - $oth at %nion and State "evel. - &ther
Constitutional 'uthorities.
Centre-State Relations - "egislative - 'dministrative and Financial.
Services under the %nion and the States.
mergency Provisions.
'mendment Provisions of the Constitution.
Social Welfare Legislations and Programmes
Social Service "egislations li(e Right to Information 'ct) Prevention of atrocities
*omen + Children) Food Security 'ct) nvironmental 'cts etc. and Social *elfare
Programmes li(e mployment ,uarantee Programme) &rgan and $lood Donation etc.
Towards A New Society
Introduction to nglish education - various missionary organisations and their
functioning- founding of educational institutions) factories.printing press etc.
Efforts To Reform Te Society
!A" Socio#Religious reform $o%ements
S-DP .ogam) -air Service Society) .oga(shema Sabha) Sadhu #ana Paripalana
Sangham) /aala Samudaya Parish(arani Sabha) Samathwa Sama0am) Islam Dharma
Paripalana Sangham) Prathya(sha Ra(sha Daiva Sabha) Sahodara Prasthanam etc.
!&" Struggles and Social Re%olts
%pper cloth revolts.Channar agitation) /ai(om Sathyagraha) ,uruvayoor
Sathyagraha) Paliyam Sathyagraha. 1uttam(ulam Sathyagraha) 2emple ntry
Proclamation) 2emple ntry 'ct .3alyalee 3emorial) 4hava 3emorial etc.
3alabar riots) Civil Disobedience 3ovement) 'bstention movement etc.
Role 'f Press In Renaissance
Malayalee, Swadeshabhimani, Vivekodayam, Mithavadi, Swaraj, Malayala
Manorama, Bhashaposhini, Mathnubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Samadarsi, Kesari, AI-
Ameen, Prabhatham, ukthivadi, et!
Awa(ening Troug Literature
-ovel) Drama) Poetry) Puro"amana Sahithya Prasthanam, #ataka Prashtanam,
"ibrary movement etc
Women And Social Cange
Parvathi -enmenimangalam) 'rya Pallam) ' / 1uttimalu 'mma) "alitha
Prabhu.'((amma Cheriyan) 'nna Chandi) "alithambi(a 'nthar0anam and others
Leaders 'f Renaissance
2hycaud 'yya /ai(undar) Sree -arayana ,uru) 'yyan 1ali.Chattampi Swami(al)
$rahmananda Sivayogi) /agbhadananda) Poi(ayil .ohannan61umara ,uru7 Dr
Palpu) Pala((unnath 'braham 3alpan) 3ampuram 2hangal) Sahodaran 'yyappan)
Pandit 1 P 1aruppan) Pampadi #ohn #oseph) 3annathu Padmanabhan) / 2
$hattathirippad) /a((om 'bdul 1hadar 3aulavi) 3a(thi 2hangal) $lessed lias
1uria(ose Chaavra) $arrister , P Pillai) 21 3adhavan) 3oor(oth 1umaran) C.
1rishnan) 1 P 1esava 3enon) Dr.'yyathan ,opalan) C / 1un0uraman) 1uroor
-eela(antan -amboothiripad)
/elu((utty 'rayan) 1 P /ellon) P 1 Chathan 3aster) 1 1elappan) P. 1rishna Pillai)
' 1 ,opalan) 2 R 1rishnaswami Iyer) C 1esavan. Swami 'nanda 2heerthan ) 3 C
#oseph) 1uttippu4ha 1rishnapillai and others
Literary Figures
1odungallur 1unhi((uttan 2hampuran) 1erala/arma /aliya(oyi 2hampuran)
1andathil /arghese 3appila. 1umaran 'san) /allathol -arayana 3enon) %lloor S
Parameswara Iyer) , San(ara 1urup) Changampu4ha 1rishna Pillai) Chandu 3enon)
/ai(om 3uhammad $asheer. 1esav Dev) 2ha(a4hi Sivasan(ara Pillai) Pon(unnam
/ar(y) S 1 Potta((ad and others
,eneral 1nowledge and Current 'ffairs
Module II (a): Technical Mathematics
I. 3atrices 8 Identification of 3atrices) matri! operations) ad0oint and inverse.
II. Determinants 8 valuation of second and third order) minors and cofactors)
solutions of simultaneous linear e9uation in three un(nown using Cramer:s
III. $inomial Series 8 !pansions using $inomial theorem.
I/. 2rigonometric functions 8 Signs of functions in each 9uadrant. 2rigonometric
values of angles) properties of trigonometric functions) applications of the
identities sin 6' ; $7) cos 6' ; $7 and tan 6' ; $7.
/. Coordinate geometry 8 9uations to a straight line 8 slope-intercept form)
intercept form) 'ngle between two lines) condition for two lines to be
perpendicular) parallel.
/I. Differentiation 8 "imits and continuity) derivatives of functions) e9uation to
tangents and normals. 3a!ima and minima of functions of one variable.
/II. Integration of functions 8 Integration of different types of functions.
/III. 'pplications of integration 8 'rea bounded by a curve and = or . a!is)
solutions of differential e9uations using the method of variable separable)
solutions of linear differential e9uations of first order.
Module II (b): Basic Civil ngineering
$aterials, $ric( 8 varieties and strength) characteristics of good bric(. Cement 8
varieties and grade of cement and its uses. Steel 8 types of steel for reinforcement
bars) steel structural sections. 'ggregates 8 types + re9uirements of good aggregates.
Concrete 8 grades of concrete as per IS code) water cement ratio. *or(ability)
mi!ing) batching) compaction and curing.
Construction, Parts of building 8 foundation 8 types of foundations 8 spread
footing) isolated footing) combined footing) Raft) pile and well foundations. 3asonry
8 types rubble masonry) bric( masonry) nglish bond and Flemish bond. 6&ne bric(
Sur%eying, Chain surveying 8 principles) instruments) ranging) and chaining
survey lines) field wor( and field boo() selection of survey stations) units of land area.
Le%elling, "evelling instruments) different types) bench mar() reduced level of
points) boo(ing of field notes) reduction of levels by height of collimation method
6simple problem7. 3odern survey 8 instruments 8 2otal station) lectronics
theodolite) Distomat.
Module II (c): Basic Mechanical ngineering
Te im-ortance of IC Engines, Definition) classification 8 two stro(e engines)
four stro(e engines) wor(ing of two stro(e engines and four stro(e engines with the
help of line s(etches) comparison between two stro(e and four stro(e engines)
comparison between petrol and diesel engines) function of fly wheel) clutch) gearbo!)
propeller shaft and differential in power transmission) e!plain with s(etch the wor(ing
of differential) briefly e!plain power transmission of > wheel vehicle with line
Te im-ortance of Power Plants, Introduction) classification of power plants
8 wor(ing of hydroelectric power plant with schematic s(etches 8 wor(ing of thermal
6Steam and Diesel7 power plant with schematic s(etches 8 wor(ing of nuclear power
plant with schematic s(etches.
Module II (d): Basic lectrical ngineering
Review with discussion of electric current) potential difference) power) 3F)
resistance and its laws) &hms law and series parallel circuit) electromagnetism)
generation of 'C and DC supply.
Idea of &asic electrical circuit, lectrical supply and load and its functioning)
division of voltage and current in a parallel and series circuit 8 simple problems) units
of power and energy) solution of DC circuit with calculation of energy consumption
in an installation.
Circuit -arameters, Resistance) Capacitance and inductance. 'C circuit with R)
") C. Simple solution of typical 'C circuit with resistance) impedance) power and
power factor.
Electrical circuit of an installation, arthing) lightning protection.
Module II (e): ssentials of lectronics ngineering
'ctive and passive devices 8 review only. "D 8 wor(ing) applications) comparison
of "D lighting and CF" lighting. Full wave rectifier 8 diagram and e!planation) @ /
power supply 8 with bridge rectifier and ABC@. S3PS 8 bloc( diagram and
advantages. Integrated circuits. S3Ds 8 advantages. Static electricity 8 precautions in
handling electronic circuits.
Switces, &- D &FF) push to &-) push to &FF) push to &- D &FF) SPS2) SPD2)
DPD2. *or(ing and application of limit switches) pro!imity switches) relays.
$icrocontrollers, Simple bloc( diagram of B bit microcontrollers 8 application.
$o.ile tecnology, CD3' and ,S3. Compare 8 <, and ?, technologies.
In%erter / +PS, $loc( diagram. Compare 8 inverter and %PS. &nline and off line
%PS 8 differentiate. $attery selection for %PS and inverter.
E#waste, Eealth ha4ards of e-waste.
Module III : Industrial Management and Industrial ngineering
Princi-les of $anagement, 3eaning of management 8 2aylor:s scientific
management) Functions of management 8 Different types of ownership 8
organi4ational structure.
Te Princi-les of a good Wage Payment System, 2ypes of *ages 8
-ominal) real) living) fair and minimum wages 8 Incentives.
0uality Planning and its de%elo-ments, Definitions of 9uality 8
dimensions of 9uality 8 2F3 concept
Pro1ect $anagement Tecni2ues, Introduction to networ( analysis 8
Commonly used terms in CP3 and PR2 8 CP3 8 operation) earliest finish time
6F27) latest finish time 6"F27) critical path) even slac() or float) dummy activity 8
construction and numbering of networ( diagram 8 Ful(erson:s rule 8 Simple
problems on CP3 6by '&' method only7 8 PR2 8 Comparison between CP3 and
PR2 8 Calculation of e!pected time 8 vent) activity) successor event) predecessor
event) earliest e!pected time) latest allowable time) slac(.
0uantitati%e tecni2ues in $anagement, 3ethods 8 "inear programming
8 formulation of "PP 8 transportation problem 8 -orth *est corner rule) /ogel:s
appro!imation method 8 Simple problems 8 ,ame theory 8 two-persons 4ero sum
game 8 3a!i-min and mini-ma! principle 8 saddle point 8 simple problems.
$aterials and Sales $anagement, Inventory management 8 definition and
classification 8 purchase procedure 8 buying techni9ues 8 &F and '$C analysis.
Stores management 8 introduction 8 store (eeping functions 8 duties of store (eeper 8
store layout 8 Centrali4ed and decentrali4ed store 8 store records 8 indent forms 8
bincard 8 store ledger.
Sales 8 importance 8 functions of sales department 8 sales forecasting.
Production Planning and Control, Concepts of industry 8 3eaning of the
term production and productivity 8 3ethods of increasing productivity 8 types of
production 8 #ob production batch production) mass production) continuous
production 8 !planation of production planning control 8 $enefits and functions of
PPC 8 pre-planning activities 8 Forecasting) plant location) product planning) design
and development) material selection) process planning) determination of men)
machines) material and tool re9uirements 8 Process planning 8 Choice of machine in
process planning 8 $rea( even analysis 8 Process sheet 8 Process planning procedure
8 Routing 8 Scheduling 8 Dispatching 8 value engineering 8 Plant location and layout
8 Factors to be considered in locating industrial plants 8 plant layout 8 2ypes of
layouts 8 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each type 8 Plant
maintenance 8 2ypes of maintenance.
$etod Study, *or( study 8 'dvantages and application of wor( study to
increase productivity 8 3ethod study 8 2herbligs and their symbols 8 Process chart
symbols 8 preparation of operation process chart) flow process chart) man-machine
chart) right hand left hand chart) and SI3& chart 8 Flow diagram 8 Principles of
motion economy 8 Rules concerning human body) wor( place layout and material
handling) tools and e9uipment design 8 &b0ectives of wor( measurement 8 Procedure
of stop watch time study 8 standard time calculation 8 Production study 8 wor(
sampling 8 steps in wor( sampling.
Ins-ection and 0uality Control, Concept of 9uality and 9uality control 8
product control 8 concepts of inspection- 2ypes of inspection 8 first piece inspection.
*or(ing inspection) sample inspection) operation inspection) (ey operation
inspection) floor or patrolling inspection) centrali4ed inspection 8 'dvantages and
Fundamental Statistical Conce-ts, !plain the term variability in
measurements 8 !plain the terms variable) attribute) fre9uency) fre9uency
distribution and fre9uency plot 8 -ormal distribution curve 8 2ally sheet 8
!planation of the terms mean) mode) median and standard deviation 8 Calculation of
mean) mode) median and standard deviation 8 Statistical 9uality control 8 2ypes of
control charts 8 =) R) P) 5CCP and C.
Pro1ect Analysis, -eed and scope for pro0ect analysis 8 !planation of the
constituents elements of pro0ect analysis 8 Production cost 8 3ar(et survey 8 Selling
price 8 Capital investment 8 Return on investment 8 lements of costing 8
Classification of costs 8 Depreciation 8 2ypes of depreciation 8 &bsolescence 8 $asic
formula for calculation of machining times for the operation such as turning) drilling
and shaping 8 simple problems.
Module I! : Metallurg" and Machine Tools
$etals and alloys, Structure of materials 8 structure of solids 8 Crystal structure
8 $CC) FCC and ECP 8 Ferrous and non ferrous 8 Cast iron 8 white malleable) grey
and nodular cast iron 8 3anufacturing of Pig iron 8 $last Furnace 8 3anufacturing of
Cast iron 8 Cupola Furnace 8 2ypes of steel 8 3anufacturing of steel 8 $essemer
process) "D process) open hearth and lectric furnace 8 Steel alloys 8 -on ferrous
metals and alloys 8 'luminium) Copper and its alloys 8 Crucible furnace.
3eat Treatment Processes, Cooling curve for pure iron 8 iron carbon
e9uilibrium diagram 8 222 diagram 8 3icro constituents of steel 8 Eeat treatment
process) annealing) normali4ing) hardening) tempering) mar tempering) austempering)
case hardening 6cyaniding) nitriding and carburising7) age hardening 8 induction
hardening 8 flame hardening 8 residual stress due to heat treatment.
Pro-erties4 testing and ins-ection of materials, 3echanical properties
such as strength) hardness) toughness) brittleness) creep) fatigue) stiffness) ductility)
malleability) elasticity and plasticity 8 2hermal properties such as specific heat)
thermal conductivity) thermal resistance) and thermal diffusivity 8 Destructive testing
8 2ensile and compressive test 8 Eardness test 8 Impact test 8 Fatigue test 8 Creep
test 8 -on-destructive testing 8 Radiographic 8 %ltrasonic testing 8 Inspection 8 spar(
test) magnetic particle) !-ray and dye penetration tests.
$easuring Instruments4 gauges and com-arators, Classification of
measuring instruments 8 precision and non precision instruments 8 Direct reading and
indirect measuring instruments 8 /ernier calliper) micrometer 6inside) outside7 8
classifications of gauges 8 plug) ring) snap) screw pitch gauge) feeler gauge) standard
wire gauge and indicating gauges 8 comparators 8 3echanical comparators) lectrical
comparators) optical comparators) pneumatic comparators.
Welding4 Soldering and &ra5ing, 'rc welding 8 principle of arc welding 8
welding positions 8 Flat) hori4ontal) vertical and overhead welding 8 welded 0oints 8
$utt) lap) corner) tee) edge) /-0oints) %-0oint 8 selection of welding electrodes 8
lectrode coatings 8 Functions of electrode coating 8 ,as welding 8 type of flames 8
functions and operation of o!y-acetylene cylinders) pressure regulators) welding
torch) no44le 8 e!planation of submerged arc welding) tungsten inert gas 62I,7
welding) metal inert gas 63I,7 welding) 'tomic hydrogen welding and thermit
welding 8 Defects in welding 8 causes and remedies of the defects such as porosity)
poor penetration) warping) under cut) distortion crac() poor appearances 8 soldering 8
Foundry, 2ools 8 rammer) trowel) slic() lifter) stri(e off bar) bellow) sprue pin)
mallet) gate cutter) swab) vent rod) draw spi(e) moulding bo! 8 composition of
moulding sands 8 types of moulding sand 8 green sand) dry sand) parting sand) loom
sand) facing sand and core sand 8 properties of moulding sand such as porosity)
plasticity) adhesiveness) cohesiveness) refractoriness. 2ypes of patterns 8 single piece
pattern) split pattern) match plate pattern) gated pattern) loose piece pattern) sweep
pattern) - Pattern allowances 8 shrin(age allowance) draft allowance) machining
allowance) distortion or camber allowance) rapping allowance.
&enc wor( and fitting, Fitting operations li(e chipping) filing) scraping)
grinding) sawing) mar(ing) drilling) reaming) tapping) dieing 8 tools used in fitting 8
vice 6bench vice) pipe vice) hand vice7) files 8 various types of files 8 specification of
files 8 chisels) hammers) hac( saw) scrapers) punches) surface plate) surface gauge) /-
bloc() angle plate) try s9uare) combination set) steel rule) callipers 6outside and
inside7) divider) scriber) drills) reamer) tap and tap wrench) die and die stoc() goggles.
$etal Cutting, &rthogonal cutting and obli9ue cutting) chip formation) type of
chips) cutting speed) feed and depth of cut 8 2ool life 8 3achinability.
Late and Late Wor(, 2ype of lathe 8 "athe parts) function of each part 8
"athe accessories 8 *or( holding and tool holding devices 8 Speed) feed and depth of
cut 8 &perations 8 taper turning methods 8 "athe specification.
*rilling $acines, Classification 8 *or( holding devices 8 2ypes of drill bits 8
2ool holding devices 8 &perations.
Sa-ing $acines, ,eneral use of a shaper 8 Parts and their functions.
Slotting $acines, ,eneral use of a slotter 8 Slotter parts and their functions.
Planing $acines, ,eneral use of a planer 8 Planer parts and their functions.
$illing $acines, ,eneral use of milling machines 8 Parts of milling machines
and their functions 8 types of milling machines 8 Cutter holding devices 6a7 arbours
6b7 Collets 8 3illing operations 8 plain milling) (ey and (ey ways) gang milling) 2-
slot milling 8 3illing methods 6a7 conventional milling 6b7 climb milling 8 2ypes of
&roacing $acines, ,eneral use of a broaching machines 8 Parts and their
)ear $anufacture, 3ethod of ma(ing gears 8 ,ear hobbling.
6igs and Fi7tures, Definition of 0igs and fi!tures.
)rinding, 'brasives 8 natural) artificial 8 $onding materials 8 vitrified) silicate)
shellac) rubber 8 (inds of abrasives) grain si4e) grade and structure) (ind of bond
material) functions of the grinding wheels 8 ,rinding machines 8 Cylindrical grinders
8 centre type and centre less type grinders.
Ca-stan and Turret Late, Construction and parts 8 tooling layout.
Automatic and Co-ying $acines, 'utomation 8 definition.
Fle7i.le $anufacturing System, Fle!ible automation 8 fle!ible
manufacturing cell 8 components of F3S.
Ro.ots and Ro.otics, $asic elements of robots 8 types of 0oints 8 robotic arms 8
robotic hands.
Com-uter Numerical Control !CNC", 3achine tools 6brief description only7
Module ! :#luid Mechanics$ %neumatics and &"draulic Machines
Pro-erties of Fluids, Density 8 specific weight 8 specific volume 8 specific
gravity 8 problems 8 viscosity - (inematics viscosity 8 -ewton:s law of viscosity 8
types of fluids 8 compressibility 8 surface tension 8 capillarity.
Fluid Pressure and its $easurement, Fluid pressure at a point 8 pressure
head 8 problems 8 Pascal:s law 8 absolute) gauge) atmospheric and vacuum pressures
8 simple problems 8 measurement of fluid pressure 8 Pie4ometer tube 8 simple
manometer 8 differential manometer 8 inverted differential manometer 8 $ourdon:s
tube pressure gauge 8 total pressure.
Kinematics and *ynamics of Fluid Flow, Introduction 8 types of fluid flow
8 steady and unsteady flow 8 uniform and non-uniform flow 8 laminar and turbulent
flow 8 compressible and incompressible flow 8 rotational and irrotational flow 8 rate
of flow or discharge 8 e9uation of continuity of li9uid flow 8 simple problems 8
energy of a li9uid in motion 8 potential energy 8 (inetic energy 8 pressure energy 8
total energy 8 total head of li9uid in motion 8 $ernoulli:s e9uation 8 practical
applications of $ernoulli:s e9uation 8 venturimeter 8 &rifice meter 8 Pitot tube.
Flow troug 'rifices4 Notces4 Pi-es and No55les, &rifices 8 types of
orifices 8 /ena contracta 8 coefficient of contraction 8 coefficient of velocity 8
coefficient of discharge 8 -otches 8 types of notches 8 Flow through pipes 8 loss of
head in pipes 8 ma0or energy losses - -minor energy losses 8 loss of energy due to
friction 8 Darcy:s formulae 6-o derivation7 for loss of head in pipes 8 Che4y:s
formula 6-o derivation7 for loss of head in pipes 8 simple problems 8 loss of head due
to sudden enlargement 8 loss of head due to sudden contraction 6-o derivation7 8
water hammer 8 no44les.
Fluid Power, Introduction 8 $asic law 8 'pplications of fluid power
3ydraulic System, $asic elements of hydraulic system 8 oil reservoir pump unit
8 principles of wor(ing of positive displacement pump 8 classifications 8 ,ear
pumps) Screw pump) /ane pumps) "obe pump) Simple piston pumps.
3ydraulic Control Elements and Com-onents, Control valves 8 Functions
8 classifications 8 Describe the wor(ing of pressure control valves such as relief
valves 8 Poppet valve 8 Direction control valves 8 chec( valves 8 Flow control valves
8 types 8 gate) globe) butterfly valves) non return valve.
Pneumatic System, Comparison of pneumatic system with hydraulic system 8
identification of standard pneumatic symbols 8 basic pneumatic system 8 air filter 8
pressure regulator 8 lubricator 8 mufflers.
Pneumatic Control Elements and Com-onents, Pneumatic control valves
8 'ir cylinders.
Im-act of 6ets, Force e!erted by the 0et 8 stationary 8 vertical 8 inclined 8 curved
plate 6symmetrical and unsymmetrical7 8 force e!erted by the 0et on moving plates 8
simple problems.
Im-ulse Tur.ines, Development of water 2urbines 8 classification - impulse
2urbine 8 Pelton wheel components.
Reaction Tur.ines, Components 8 difference between impulse + reaction 8
classification of Reaction 2urbines 8 Francis 2urbine 8 1aplan 2urbine 8 Draft tubes
8 specific speed.
Centrifugal Pum-, 2ypes of casing 8 piping system of CP 8 wor( done)
manometric head 8 efficiencies 8 discharge 8 power re9uired to drive 8 multistage
pumps 8 specific speed of CP 8 cavitation 8 priming.
Reci-rocating Pum-, 2ypes 8 comparison of CP + RP 8 discharge 8 slip 8 air
vessels) Eydraulic ram.
Module !I : A''lied Mechanics$ (trength of Materials and )esign of
Machine lements
*irect Stresses and Strains, 2ypes of Stresses and strains 8 tensile and
compressive 8 longitudinal and lateral strain 8 Poisson:s ratio 8 behaviour of mild
steel under tension 8 stress strain diagram 8 limit of proportionality 8 elastic limit 8
yield point 8 ultimate stress 8 wor(ing stress 8 factor of safety 8 comparison of stress
strain diagram of a mild steel and a brittle material 8 Eoo(s law and .oung:s modulus
8 principle of superposition 8 stresses in varying section 8 stresses in composite
section 8 simple problems.
Sear Stress and Sear Strain, Shear stress and strain 8 modulus of rigidity
8 volumetric strain) bul( modulus 8 simple problems.
Termal Stress and Strain, -ature and magnitude of stresses due to change in
temperature 8 total or partial prevention of e!pansion and contraction 8 temperature
stress on composite bar 8 simple problems.
Truss Analysis, 2ypes of frames 8 formula for finding the redundancy 8 free body
diagram 8 e9uilibrium 8 forces in various members of stress due to loading 8 method
of 0oints and method of sections.
Friction, Introduction 8 type of friction 8 static friction) dynamic friction) sliding
friction) rolling friction) pivot friction) limiting friction) angle of friction) coefficient
of friction) cone of friction 8 state laws of friction 8 static friction and (inetic friction.
Centre of )ra%ity of Sections, Centroids 8 centre of gravity 8 a!is of
symmetry and a!is of reference 8 methods to find centre of gravity 8 simple
geometric sections such as rectangle) triangle and circle.
$oment of Inertia of Sections, 3oment of inertia 8 radius of gyration.
Ri%eted 6oints, 2ypes 8 lap 0oint 8 single riveted) double riveted 6Chain and
4ig4ag7 8 butt 0oint single cover single riveted) double cover single riveted 8 failure of
riveted 0oints 8 failure of rivets 8 shearing and crushing 8 failure of plates 8 tearing
across a row of rivets 8 tearing off plate at an edge 8 strength of rivet) plate and
riveted 0oint 8 efficiency of a riveted 0oint 8 caul(ing and Fullering operations.
Welded 6oints, *elding terms 8 leg of the weld) si4e of the fillet weld) throat
thic(ness) effective length of the weld) side fillet weld and end fillet weld 8 strength
of welded 0oints.
Tin Cylinders, Failures of thin cylinder 8 stresses in thin cylindrical shell 8 hoop
stress 8 longitudinal stress.
Torsion of Circular Safts, 2orsion e9uation 8 strength e9uation for solid and
hollow shaft 6no proof7 8 power e9uation 8 polar moment of inertia.
S-rings, 2ypes of spring 8 leaf spring 8 helical springs.
Sear Force and &ending $oment, 2ypes of beams 8 cantilever beam)
simply supported beam) overhanging beam) built in beam or fi!ed beam and
continuous beam 8 types of loading 8 concentrated or point load) uniformly
distributed load and uniformly varying load 8 shear force and bending moment
diagrams 8 cantilever beams 8 point load) uniformly distributed load and combination
of point load and uniformly distributed load 8 simply supported beam 8 point load)
uniformly distributed load and combination of point load and uniformly distributed
load 8 ma!imum bending moment on the section. 8 deflection of beams.
Columns and Struts, Column) strut) buc(ling load) e9uivalent length)
slenderness ratio 8 types of columns 8 short column) medium si4e column) long
Screw Treads, 2hread terminology 8 Forms of screw threads 6s9uare thread) /
thread7 - *itworth thread 8 $ritish 'ssociation thread 8 'merican standard thread 8
'cme thread 8 IS& metric thread 8 s9uare thread 8 single start and multi start threads
8 right hand and left hand threads 8 conventional representation of threads. $olted
connection using standard proportions.
Welded 1oints and Pi-ing Layout, Classification of welds 8 lementary
welding symbols 8 types of pipes 8 3ethods of connecting pipes 8 pipe threads 8
representation of pipe threads 8 types of pipe 0oints 8 single and double line
orthographic symbols for pipe fittings and valves 6flanged) screwed and welded
Limits4 Fits and Tolerances, Definition of limits) fits and tolerances.
Surface Rougness, Surface roughness terminology 8 surface roughness values)
,rades and symbols.
)eneral *esign Considerations, ,eneral procedure 8 Design stress and
wor(ing stress 8 factor of safety 8 1inematic lin( 8 pair 8 chain 8 four bar chain 8
e!amples and applications 8 mechanism 8 inversion.
&olts4 Nuts and Key, Designation of screw threads 8 stresses in screwed
fastenings due to static loading 8 initial stresses 8 stresses due to e!ternal forces 8
bolts of uniform strength 8 types of (eys 8 forces acting on a sun( (ey 8 strength of a
sun( (ey 8 calculation of (ey si4e using empirical proportions.
Safts, 2orsional stresses and strains 8 strength of solid and hollow shaft 8 design
of shaft considering strength and rigidity 8 comparisons 8 power transmitted by shaft
8 compare solid and hollow shaft in terms of their weight) strength and stiffness.
Cou-lings, Shaft couplings 8 re9uirement 8 types.
&earings, Functions of bearings 8 classification of bearings 8 Radial bearings 8
thrust bearings 8 sliding contact bearings 8 rolling contact bearings.
Cams, Classification of followers and cams 8 motion of the followers 8 uniform
velocity) simple harmonic motion 8 uniform acceleration and retardation 8 cam
terminology 8 displacement diagrams.
)o%ernors and Flyweels, Functions of the governors 8 types of governors 8
simple watt governor 8 porter governor 8 flywheels 8 comparison with governors 8
coefficient of fluctuation of speed 8 fluctuation of energy 8 ma!imum fluctuation of
energy 8 coefficient of fluctuation of energy.
&elt *ri%es, 2ypes of belts 8 flat belt) circular belt or rope) /-belt 8 types of flat
belt drives 8 open and crossed belt drive 8 compound belt drive 8 stepped or cone
pulley drive 8 velocity ratio 8 slip 8 creep.
)ears and )ear Trains, Functions of gears 8 friction wheels 8 advantages and
disadvantages of a gear drive 8 spur gear nomenclature 8 simple gear drive 8 velocity
ratio 8 gear trains 8 simple gear train 8 compound gear train.
Module !II : Thermal ngineering
Air Standard Cycles, 'ssumption) 'ir standard efficiency 8 e!planation with
diagrams and derivation of air standard efficiency of Carnot Cycle) &tto cycle) Diesel
cycle) dual combustion cycle.
Fuels / Com.ustion, Classification of fuels 8 solid) li9uid + gaseous 8 3erits
+ demerits of various types of fuels 8 re9uirements of a good fuel 8 Calorific /alue 8
combustion of fuel.
Testing of I8 C8 Engines, Performance of I. C. ngines 8 testing 8 Indicated
power) $ra(e power) Friction power 8 3echanical efficiency 8 Indicated 2hermal
efficiency) $ra(e 2hermal efficiency) Relative efficiency 8 2otal fuel consumption +
Specific Fuel Consumption 8 3orse test for determination of I. P. of multi-cylinder
engine 8 Eeat balance sheet 8 problems.
3eat Transfer, Eeat 2ransfer 8 conduction) convection and radiation 8 Fourier:s
law 8 2hermal conductivity 8 Conduction through plane wall and composite wall 8
$lac( body concept 8 Stefan-$olt4man law 8 ,ray body concept 8 -ewton Ri(hman
e9uation 8 free and forced convection.
3eat E7cangers, Eeat e!changers 8 Classification 8 Recuperator type and
regenerative type) parallel flow) counter flow type + cross flow 8 concept of overall
heat transfer coefficient 8 "32D.
Air Com-ressors, Construction and wor(ing of 'ir compressors 8 function of an
air compressor 8 uses of compressed air 8 classification of the air compressors 8
wor(ing of reciprocating compressors 6single stage and two stage7) rotary
compressors 8 fans and blowers) centrifugal compressors and a!ial flow compressors.
3echanical efficiency + volumetric efficiency.
*ifferent Systems of I8 C8 Engines, Fuel systems 8 components 8
carburetion 8 functions of carburettor 8 wor(ing fuel systems of diesel engine 8 fuel
filter 8 in0ector and in0ection no44le 8 ignition system 8 cooling system 8
classification of cooling system 8 radiators 8 IC engine lubrication system 8 forced
system 8 governing systems 8 9uantity governing 8 9uality governing 8 hit and miss
Princi-les of Refrigeration, Definition of refrigeration) concept of C. &. P.)
unit of refrigeration 8 reversed Carnot cycle 8 C&P) 'pplication of refrigeration.
9a-our Com-ression Refrigeration Systems, Principles and wor(ing of
a vapour compression system with the help of flow diagram. C.&.P. of vapour
compression systems.
Refrigeration E2ui-ments, Compressors 8 Condensers 8 vaporators 8
!pansion Devices 8 capillary tube) 2hermostatic e!pansion valve.
Refrigerants, Definition) primary and secondary refrigerants) desirable properties
of refrigerants.
Psycrometry, Definition) Dry air) moist air) saturated) unsaturated and super
saturated air) degree of saturation) dry bulb temperature) wet bulb temperature) dew
point temperature.
Psycrometric Processes, Sensible heating) sensible cooling 8 humidifying)
Air Conditioning, Definition) factors affecting human comfort) effective
Air Conditioning Systems, Classification 8 industrial) comfort air
conditioning) wor(ing of summer air conditioning) winter and year round air

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