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“It’s not WHAT backs our money, it’s WHO controls the QUANTITY!

- Bill Still


KEY CONCEPT: Deleveraging the bogus “paper economy” gives the world an opportunity to turn
the deflationary forces of clearing out the leverage into a counter force and directional change.
Our world economy is built on an unsustainable platform of debt and leverage. One way or
another, this over-leveraged system is going to crash and be replaced by something else. Those
who believe in the march of human freedom have a historic opportunity to guide humankind into a
new money system which is sustainable because it is just.

Based upon a program that realistically controls the quantity of money, the monetary needs of the
world can be satisfied, while also allowing the prices of goods and services to remain steady,
overall and over time. Real economic growth is thus enabled, but growth in prices is not. Shocks
are absorbed, but then cleansed. In this way, a dynamically stable and enduring system is built.

The outline presented below is simply a starting point. No one can possibly have all the answers and therefore we
are very open to input and suggestions to improve this program and to flesh it out. Coming up with the right
answers is a process, and even during implementation will require adjustments. Your constructive help is
requested. Once the possibility becomes clear, YOU must take action to ensure its implementation!

There are THREE KEY PROPOSALS that form Freedom’s Vision, a return to a stable,
productive, and prosperous United States:

1. Monetary Reform – We must replace our unjust, debt-backed money system and cleanse
debt and derivatives without creating severe inflation or deflation; without creating a
supreme “moral hazard;” and without crashing the entire global economic system in the

2. Political Reform – We must exclude large special interests from political decision-making.
Removing this influence will accomplish a great deal in ensuring that the quantity of
money remains under control and that politicians can go back to working and thinking on
behalf of the people, not just in the short term, but also in the long term.

3. Direction for the Future – A change of direction is clearly needed. We are rudderless, and
without proper goals to move forward our economy and society will continue to drift.
While we feel this is desperately needed, we are focusing on the first two for now. When
successful with the other two, the third will follow, but we need to be thinking about
direction now!
Below is a partial list of benefits that may not be so obvious from reading through Freedom’s
Vision. This plan, taken one piece at a time, is as simple and as close to our current system as it
can be while still producing the benefits described below. There are many other issues that could
be addressed, like tax reform, but those issues will be easier to manage once monetary and political
reforms are enacted:

1. Avoid the disaster about to unfold – regardless of how we get there, by inflation or
deflation, the math of debt that underlies our currency does not work. This would break
that math and preempt the negative events that are going to follow should we fail to take

2. No more debt backed money for our Federal Government. Lower taxes and more
productivity result.

3. Direct and immediate relief for people in debt, accomplished in a way that’s fair to
everyone including those who are not in debt and without creating a giant “moral hazard.”

4. Direct and immediate compensation for those who are savers and have been damaged by
past practice.

5. Unfunded liabilities would immediately get better with zero percent price inflation target.

6. Limits on special interests would separate their money from politics lessening the pressure
to continually increase the quantity of money. This allows long term decision making.
Special interests associated with the banking, oil, defense, food, insurance, and other
industries would no longer have their huge pull. Thus politicians would not have to focus
on spending our resources on special interests, but instead on the interests of the people.
Budget pressures would decrease as a result.

7. States would exercise more control over their own destiny. Lower taxes on the state level,
more productivity. Low cost money would become available to repair and upgrade current
infrastructure and to build the infrastructure of tomorrow’s commerce.

8. The powers possessed by the central banks would be greatly diminished freeing our
country and others from their methods of control via debt now issued worldwide by the
IMF. Countries would no longer be working to pay central banks interest, instead their
productive labors could be used to feed and to enrich themselves.

9. No price inflation eroding away future savings. People who take on reasonable debt could
once again make progress towards paying it off.

10. Cleanses the banks and financial businesses of unserviceable debts and derivatives.

11. Massively supports education, underpinning progress so that we may continue to lead the
world in innovation and the production of meaningful technologies.

12. Provides a national mission - focused on creating the energy and infrastructure of the
future. Not just controlled by the government, but projects seeded by the government and
eventually turned over to new enterprise. Massive new employment would result.
1. Introduction:

Please view our introduction, found here:

FREEDOM'S VISION - Introduction…

You can also find information about “SWARM POLITICS” here:

2. Need/ what is happening?

a. Bad math the result of interest bearing debt backed money.
b. Current transfer of wealth – who is benefitting, who is losing.
i. Rule of Law – is not being followed, is extremely important.
ii. Flow of capital – moves to where capital is treated best, the entire globe is
now connected.
c. Capital flows, stress moves from one to the others.
i. Debt markets
ii. Equities
iii. Commodities
iv. Currencies
d. The Liquidity Pyramid and the web of debt. Current system is unstable, we need
a dynamically stable system, one that has the tendency to self correct – turn this
pyramid upside down.

e. Middle class squeeze – why is this occurring?

f. Lack of adult leadership.
g. Lessons of history, future w/o change, where we’re headed.
h. Issues are being boxed in politically – Democrats vs. Republicans, and monetarily
– Debt Based Fractional Fiat vs. Gold Standard.
i. The math of debt-backed money/ Debt Saturation on all levels/ future incomes
pulled forward in time. Those closest to inflation win, those furthest from it lose.
Debt backed money requires more and more money and that means more debt.
Take a look at the following chart showing the horizontal zero line in thicker
orange, the population growth horizontally just above it (growing at roughly 1%),
with money supply and inflation figures the squiggly lines. The preponderance of
time is spent with money supply and inflation well above the zero point and the
rate of growth in population. Why does this happen? Because it must happen to
feed the interest going to private bankers:

j. The current method to supposedly create jobs is to create a ton of debt backed
money and throw it towards programs like “cash for clunkers” and “cash for
caulkers.” To say that this is ineffective at creating jobs is the understatement of
the century. There is an unacknowledged and direct correlation between debt
levels and employment – as a society gets closer to debt saturation the higher the
level of debt, the higher the level of unemployment.
3. History
k. The importance of our money system cannot be overstated. People need to be
aware of the history of money as outlined in the “Secret of Oz.”
l. The rise of corporations and their money have entangled politics.
m. Who are the FED and Treasury, what are their functions?
n. How money is currently debt based and fractional – “the web of debt”/ debt
o. How does money influence politicians and decision making?
p. Track record of debt backed money and gold backed money – neither has been
successful in history, why?
q. The term FIAT is misused. All money mutually agreed upon is “by decree.” It’s
the other features of money that need to be evaluated – what backs it, who
controls the quantity, how the quantity is controlled, fractional to what extent, etc.
r. People who support gold backed money are good intentioned but fail to see how
the quantity of money gets manipulated, thus resulting in eventual failure. The
Constitution does not state that our money should be gold; it says that states shall
repay their debts with gold or silver – something that has never happened.

4. Why the American Party and What are the American Party Papers?
s. Democrats and Republicans receive campaign money from special interests and
are paid with the current debt-backed money system. Therefore working within
the current two parties appears difficult from the inside.
t. As you will see, our solutions are outside of the current Republican/ Democrat
box. Our goal is to get these solutions implemented, not merely to shape a
u. Monetary reform must work in concert with political reform or it won’t be
sustainable over long periods of time.
v. Reform and money to support this effort must come from the PEOPLE for buy in.
w. The people need a source of unbiased truth telling – Freedom, truth, and
transparency are principles that the people will immediately recognize and
respond to.
x. The American Party Papers concept comes from the Federalist Papers that were
written largely by Hamilton and Madison regarding the intent of our Constitution.
The foundation of these concepts needs to be explained and discussion should
follow. We welcome anyone to submit well thought out arguments for or against
the proposals submitted herein so that a dialog may begin to flow.
y. SWARM POLITICS is our way to achieve small victories one at time. Those
victories will grow and turn into a populist movement.
z. Freedom is the overarching principle. Survival of the Species and the
advancement of the human race is the Mission Statement – Goals should fall out
from those principles.

5. MONETARY REFORM (the word “politician” below includes all elected and
appointed government representatives on all levels of government, including judges and
members of the military. The term Congress generally means the entire legislative
branch unless the power is already specifically Congress’s. Exact legal wording will be

A. Deleveraging debt and derivatives creates the OPPORTUNITY to reform the

money system so that future dollars are spent into existence on the National level
thereby eliminating Treasury debt.

i. The deleveraging process will create deflationary forces, and thus

inflationary forces must balance during the transition.

1. The “moral hazard” was created when debt and the quantity of
money were allowed to grow out of control; our plan simply
returns us to a workable system and a future of stability and
2. Reforming the monetary system is a balancing act, especially while
transitioning from the current system to a new one, but it will be
dynamically stable after the transition.


Ultimately Congress has the Constitutional responsibility and authority to enact, change,
or abolish the procedures below – that is the rule of law. Since these proposals are
ushered in by a populist movement, the power and wishes of the people should not be
forgotten or ignored least the people be forced to act again.
A. The Federal Reserve System must be either reconfigured or abolished. The goal is
to get rid of the national debt and to spend non debt-backed money into existence
instead of paying private banks interest on deficits that they labor to expand.

i. Twelve Federal Reserve Banks either moved under Treasury jurisdiction or

their functions replaced by State Banks using the model of North Dakota.
ii. The free markets set interest rates – they would be completely market driven.
The government could lend money under certain conditions to the private or
state banks at a fixed interest rate less than the rate set by the market (for
example, market rate minus 2%).
iii. As credit dollars are removed, they are replaced with new Treasury
notes. This replacement needs to occur at approximately the same rate that
leverage is removed from the system via the removal of debt, derivatives, and
the reinstitution of limits on fractional ability. There must be a final transition
date where treasury debt no longer exists. What will then be left is a mix of
“REAL” non-credit backed money and credit dollars from the banking system
which are limited. This transition will eliminate the current Federal Debt.
However, it does not eliminate State, lower governmental, corporate, or
personal debt and thus some “credit dollars” will remain, the ratio of “real” to
“credit” dollars, however, will be substantially reduced. Paying off Treasury
debt means that both foreign and domestic holders of Treasury bonds and
notes are paid back with dollars. They then are free to use their dollars as they

B. We must create an Independent Panel (IP) responsible for controlling the

QUANTITY of money. Congress would apportion where the money goes, but
they would agree that the Independent Panel (IP) would control the QUANTITY
(not the same as a “balanced budget,” the IP would provide a spending target range
that Congress would agree to stay within). This IP could be located within what we
now call the Fed, but the internal structure would be much different in that the panel
would consist of seven panel members, one of which would act as Panel Director
(PD). There would also not be the current 12 reserve banks (they would either exist
under the Treasury or their functions would move to State Banks). This panel must
be completely independent and without influence from all other agencies. The
composition of this panel is not critical as they have a single mission, a single tool,
and can easily be held accountable for meeting or not meeting their goals.

1. The IP would have a single mandate in regard to quantity; that is to

adjust the money supply to produce ZERO PRICE INFLATION –
the supply of money would adjust up or down to meet this mandate.
This would allow the economy to expand with REAL economic growth,
population growth or to absorb shocks. It would also present a
MANDATORY mechanism to remove excess money and to prevent
PRICE inflation – stable prices are the goal, the center of the operating
envelope. The IP would receive their data from the IDP (Independent
Data Panel), but would remain isolated from them.
In this way the cost to build a $200,000 home today would be $200,000
twenty years from now. People could actually make progress on their
mortgages again and their savings would not be eroded away. There
will be no advantage to either saving or spending in regards to PRICE
inflation, only the time value of money at free market interest rates
would be a consideration.

Panel members shall be selected by State Governors whose states are

drawn at random via a lottery. Seven state Governors choose the initial
seven panel members who are confirmed or denied with Congressional
hearings. Should a state’s candidate be denied, another lottery will be
held to replace them. All such vacancies will be filled in this manner.

One way to ensure the IP stays neutral and meets their mandate is to
remove and replace the panel Director should PRICE inflation occur at
+/- 3% for two consecutive quarters (+/- 4% during declared national
emergency or war). The remaining panel members vote on and choose
their own Director. Should PRICE inflation or deflation continue
outside the range for two more consecutive quarters (4 total), then three
of the remaining panel members will be removed by the new director.
Otherwise there are no term limits for panel members and no stated
qualifications. However, they must meet the rules proposed in the
section separating special interests from government.

The IP has access to a $2 trillion Treasury Reserve Account (TRA) to

absorb emergencies such as acts of war or Katrina like disaster situations
as outlined in the TRA section below.

C. We must create an Independent Data Panel (IDP) to replace all government

agencies, and portions thereof, that generate economic statistics. They will be
completely independent, by law, from all other agencies including the IP. The IP
will rely on their data to make quantity adjustments. The new agency would have
the following mandates:

1. Compile and track all data necessary to monitor and to adjust the
economy. The IDP will not have input into quantity, timing, or
path of money input. This panel must be completely independent and
without influence from all other agencies, including the IP.

Their most important product will be monitoring price data that the IP
will use to make adjustments to the quantity of money. They must take
into account the price level of all major asset categories including
stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, food, goods, and services (the
IDP bears ultimate responsibility to ensure accurate and timely
measurements, and will not make their calculations in the same
manner as current CPI or PPI).

Gold, for example, will be included as one of the commodities in

determining price movement. If gold were to rise, the inflation
reading would rise and the Independent Panel’s appropriate response
would be to begin tightening the money supply.

Any time the quantity is addition only with no subtraction, then the
quantity will eventually get out of control and that means that faith
will eventually be lost in the money. That’s not freedom, that’s just
silly. Likewise, never allowing your money supply to expand is the
other side of silly. A lasting and stable condition is found in the

2. Complete transparency is one of several, yet ultimately the final check

and balance:

i. ALL data is made available to the public, free of

ii. NO ONE, individual, firm, or politician is to have
access to the data before the public. This prevents the
insider advantage and again is a check and balance on
those collecting and disseminating the data.
iii. Method of data collection and raw data MUST
accompany all reports.

3. Statistics shall be separated and reported in three categories:

i. Raw data.
ii. Timeless data – methods shall be developed to report
data in such a manner that the methods of calculation can
be repeated and reported consistently over time. This
ensures that future generations can compare apples to
iii. Modern data – these are data that can be improved and
changed over time. However, all such changes shall be
completely transparent and shall always be presented
with the raw data and with access to the way in which the
statistic is compiled and calculated.

D. The IP would oversee a research branch that works for them to develop and lead
meaningful research into economic cycles using the scientific method based on
empirical studies. This will be given national priority and will be an ongoing
program to understand how monetary adjustments can work to foster price stability
alongside real economic advancement.

Each asset class has historical price ratios. Studies should be conducted to
determine what those “normal” ranges are and thus potential bubble areas can be
identified and monitored without excuse.

In the future, but not upon implementation, methods will be developed to properly
time money quantity injections/subtractions to help smooth cycles (cycle
smoothing), much as noise cancelling waves have the ability to cancel noise, or how
airplanes use dampeners to make an airplane stable by putting in what is intuitively
the opposite control input, thus taking pilot induced oscillation (the tendency to
make inputs that make the cycle larger) out of the loop. The premise being that we
have it all backwards in our previous attempts as humans to control cycles. In
nature, to cancel a cycle you must make the opposite input than is intuitive and your
timing must be correct. That is to smooth an economic cycle, money must be
added to the cycle considering its time lag, and must subsequently be removed prior
to the bottom – the opposite of human emotion, and with lead and lag times
determined by scientific research. This would be implemented in an ongoing
manner, not a part of the initial program.

E. Any member of the IP or IDP who is caught taking a bribe, manipulating or

falsifying data, colluding or conspiring with other government agencies or private
interests should suffer a very harsh sentence such as life in prison. This mission is
of the utmost importance, breaking the trust in this area is akin to being a traitor to
one’s country. Such a penalty should reflect the number and severity of the people
who are potentially affected. In this matter, the rule of law cannot be compromised
and will be enforced.

F. The Treasury will have a new, non-debt backed, Treasury Reserve Account
(TRA) in place at the beginning of the transition. It will be funded with $2 trillion
dollars and the account will be locked with no access to the funds authorized, in or
out, except for the following conditions:

1. Surplus revenue from tax or from the collection of interest payments shall be
deposited in this account. In this way the account can grow in size, but in the
event funds are used to bring it below the initial level, funds must later be
replenished by the Treasury at the IP’s direction in the manner described

2. The funds may be used for EMERGENCY use (such as a Katrina like
situation) when a national emergency is declared either by the President or
Congress. The Treasury shall replenish the funds at a rate requested by the IP.
The IP will be responsible to ensure that PRICE targets are maintained,
however they would receive an additional +/- 1% latitude before mandatory
replacement rules apply. These funds may not be used to loan or otherwise
bail out any private firm under any circumstance.

3. The funds from the TRA can be released by the IP in addition to the amount
required to produce zero price inflation in a time of war ONLY when the
following three conditions are met. Once funds are spent, the fund must be
replenished over a duration not to exceed twice the duration of the declared

i. The war must be officially declared by Congress.

ii. The goal of the “victory” in the conflict must be spelled out furnished
to the IP and made PUBLIC.
iii. A plan backed by the military and by Congress to achieve this goal,
both militarily and politically must exist and be presented to members
of the IP who shall verify its existence to the public.

Once these conditions are fulfilled, then the IP will release all emergency
funds necessary to engage said declared war.

These requirements only apply to the release of EMERGENCY TRA funds,

and do not preclude Congress or the President from engaging our troops as
their powers allow. However, doing so without the emergency funds may
temporarily pull funds from the rest of the economy and/or upset the balance
of inflation deflation as managed by the IP. Spending more funds in an
emergency will require the IP to pull funds should PRICE inflation occur. It
may not, but it could be a problem thus the Treasury Reserve Account.

4. The IP can use the funds in the TRA in addition to their zero price target
in order to achieve economic smoothing solely at their discretion in terms
of amount and timing. The restriction is that any funds used for that purpose
must be returned to the TRA within a time period of the following 4.3 years
(half of an 8.6 year cycle, or as determined by the IP research branch). This
will not be attempted until the end of the transition period and only will be
attempted in concert with their research branch regarding the studying of the
timing and size of injections/subtractions. All funds used for smoothing
MUST be added or subtracted in the next up/down cycle, their cumulative
sum shall equal zero and the effect on the overall TRA account shall be none.

5. Funds drawn from the TRA for emergency or for war shall be replenished
back to the Treasury by the IP over a time period of twice the duration of the
declared emergency as necessary to keep PRICE inflation from occurring.
However, should price inflation not occur, then new non-debt backed money
may be issued by the Treasury at the IP’s discretion to replenish the TRA over
the same recovery time period.
There will need to be a TRANSITION PERIOD lasting approximately two years, in order to
phase out of the current system and to implement the new one:

A. At the beginning of the transition, the following will occur:

i. Usury limits restored, no more than 12% interest allowed (the highest pre 1980 state
usury limit). No one will be able to charge more than 12% APR for any loan of any
duration. This immediately begins to provide relief for over indebted citizens as
their payments come down.
ii. New bank and lending limits, similar to Glass-Steagall, will be placed into effect.
As the transition proceeds, fractional reserve ability will move back to a strict 10 to
1 maximum ratio and limits on derivatives will be imposed.
iii. At the end of the transition, individual bankruptcy laws will be modified to allow
the discharge of unsecured debts, as the law formerly stated.

B. INDIVIDUALS – The first step during the transition is to RETURN THE PAST TWO
YEARS OF INCOME TAX TO INDIVIDUALS. Citizens who filed returns would
receive the HIGHER of their past two years income taxes paid or an amount equal to
$7,000 per family member per year. Individuals need the opportunity to repair their
balance sheets, the same as governments and banks.

i. Money must be used to pay down debt, revolving debt first, secured debt second.
a. Revolving credit lines will come down as that debt is paid down. Accounts
zeroed will be closed, but if all credit card accounts are paid off in this
manner, then, at the individual’s discretion, they may keep one credit card
account open at no more than half its previous limit. This does not preclude
someone from obtaining new lines of credit providing they qualify, meeting
new bank standards and regulations.
b. Individuals without debt must hold funds in SAVINGS, access to half the
funds available in one year, the other half the following year, or as allowed by
the IP during the transition – they could quicken this or extend it depending on
price behavior during the transition.

This will clean individual balance sheets and infuse a large sum of money into the
banks making the entire system more solvent. With a big portion of revolving
credit bills gone, consumers will have more of their income to spend and save.
This will help almost all businesses and will allow the velocity of money to

ƒ Question: What would this do for YOU? Please take a look at your tax
returns for the past two years, look at your exemptions and multiply times
$7000 per year. Compare that to your Form 1040A line “This is Your Total
Tax” or your 1040EZ line “TAX.” The higher amount would be refunded to
pay down debt if you have any as spelled out above. How much of your
revolving and non revolving debts would this pay down? How much per
month of your income would this free up? Please send your anonymous
testimonial to so that we may evaluate this
amount and the constraints placed on it. Also, these testimonials would give
us material to share the condition and experience of others – Thank You!

C. Private Banks – All banks entering the transition period are GUARANTEED to survive
the transition. Remember, they were helped tremendously by individuals paying down
debt. Personal balance sheets are repaired FIRST, this helps the banks and then they go
through the following procedures…

a. ALL banks will go through a special one time bankruptcy court, starting with
the smallest banks first:
i. Judges follow rule of law checklist evaluating all debt and
derivatives. All that do not have backing that meet standards are
defaulted and it disposes of the assets in accordance with the rule of
law. This will cause cross defaults UP the chain which will be
cleaned out later as the larger banks pass through the process.
ii. Healthy and Smaller banks and credit unions will likely be
unaffected. As banks pass through the process they come out ready
to do business in the new system. Largest banks cleansed last will
result in smaller large banks.
iii. Procedure will reestablish 10 to 1 reserve ratio. That is a maximum
of $10 can be lent for each dollar on deposit, but in no case shall the
amount of UNSECURED credit exceed the amount of marked-to-
market assets held by the bank. Other limits were applied via a
return to Glass-Steagall.

DERIVATIVES are a special case where some are backed by legitimate

debt, most are not. Those that are not will generally be nullified
regardless of counterparty during this special bankruptcy process. Those
that are backed by legitimate debt will be allowed to unwind in their
designed timeframe, but no new debt backed derivatives will be allowed to
be produced. Again, repairing personal balance sheets will take much of
the risk out of the remaining derivatives. There will be much angst from
the central banks regarding this. However, there are very few legitimate
purposes for derivatives and while some exceptions will be made, the
economy does not need derivatives to function effectively, and in fact they
add tremendous systemic risk. The functions of pooling debt, acting as a
hedge, or as an unregulated and insufficiently backed type of insurance is
a moral hazard that leads to complacency and a lack of due diligence.

The phase out of derivatives will occur at a rate during the transition to
help control the amount of leverage in place. No payments shall be
transferred to any counterparties – they will be frozen. Any attempt to
front-run this transition will be reversed by the courts and penalties
applied. Derivatives in and around the equity markets shall not be
allowed to trade and all funds shall be cashed out. Futures trading is
allowed, but only that which is backed by the actual underlying
commodity. All other non-commodity futures shall be prohibited and all
funds cashed out. No, Wall Street will not be happy and they will have no
choice but to focus back on the purpose of markets – that is as a means of
price discovery and a way to get private capital into the hands of public

D. States – Treasury will provide funds equivalent to one year’s worth of each state’s

i. 50% of those funds will pay down current state debts easing the state’s debt
ii. The other 50% will be used to fund initial start up of each state’s STATE
BANK, based on the model of North Dakota (
a. All state tax monies are deposited in this bank.
b. 10 to 1 fractional reserve maximum on DEPOSITS which are backed by
taxing authority and by vast assets, making these banks some of the most
sound banks in the world – would exceed all other banking requirements.
c. Banks will support other commercial banks within state.
d. Banks will provide low or no interest loans to state for infrastructure
e. The bank would generally support private people only by providing capital
and working with private banks. These banks will meet or exceed all
other banking requirements and be limited in a very conservative manner.
f. The advantage to the state is that they can get low or no interest loans and
they can earn interest that goes to the people of the state instead of the
central bank. These banks would generally be prohibited from lending
directly to the public, but could perform a regional banking function
supporting and regulating local banks much as the regional reserve banks
do now.
iii. In addition to the above funds, State governments will be given initial funding
from the Treasury to create a reserve fund equal to 10% of their annual
budget. This money will be deposited and held in the State bank as the state’s
reserve fund. Each state must develop a plan under which such funds can or
cannot be used. Their plan MUST include a strategy to replenish the fund
without federal aid and without raising new taxes for that purpose. Shrinking
the size of government or saving from current taxes is the only method
allowed to rebuild the fund once any of these funds are spent. Thus there will
be no new taxes allowed in any form if funds are used from the reserve until
the funds are returned. Governments need procedures to get them to size
themselves for the bottom of economic cycles, not the top. This is the same
thing that happens to businesses, and why conservative companies survive
economic downturns and overly aggressive ones do not.
E. Businesses – Already helped by people whose balance sheets are cleansed, some large
businesses may be counter party to defaults that occur in special bankruptcy court or may
contain derivatives and otherwise act as a financial company.

i. Those that carry derivatives or act as financial companies would be sent

through the same process as banks to remove bad debts and derivates.
ii. State Banks would help to provide adequate capital and funding to
commercial banks that in turn would now be healthy enough to resume
lending, especially to small businesses. Businesses would have customers
again who are not saturated with debt, especially if other “mission statement”
type of programs are created to provide direction and meaningful jobs to

F. Social Security – numbers would immediately get better with zero percent price inflation:

i. It is acknowledged that social security was not properly financed at inception

as all generations require subsequent generations, regardless of size, to fund
them. Yet, it would not be fair to eliminate this program for those who have
donated to it their entire working lives and thus the program will be
maintained going forward, but with the following limitations:
1. There will be no future payment increases, keep in mind that overall
PRICE inflation will be controlled to be zero. This move alone will
get the program close to being solvent all by itself. A stable non-
inflationary environment makes this possible.
2. Tax collections will be rolled back to year 2000 levels and cannot be
raised above that level.
3. Current age restrictions will be kept in place and cannot be changed.
4. $1 trillion will be placed in a new Treasury Social Security Reserve
Account (TSSRA). This account will work to absorb the impact of
generational size shifts. If such a shift should ever become so
extreme as to wipe clean this account, then no amount of social
security payments will be made in excess of receipts. This account
will be allowed to build up over time as budget surpluses occur, and
is off limits to everyone except the IP who is responsible for
allowing withdraw to the Social Security Administration. In other
words, no more comingling of funds to make the general budget
appear better than it is – a practice known as “robbing Peter to pay

G. Medicare – Gets better with these changes similarly to Social Security. Medicare is a
huge unfunded obligation approximately six times the size of Social Security. It is very
inefficiently administered and causes many economic distortions. However, a stable and
non-inflationary environment going forward will stop the compounding of unfunded
liabilities and will make the program far closer to being solvent.
Therefore, the Legislative branch will be allowed 5 years to come up with a plan to phase
it out of existence and to replace it with a program that costs NO MORE than the current
Medicare program. Such a program should be a safety net and NOT a socialized medical

i. A $2 trillion fund will be established to ensure that expenses are covered with
current shortfalls and to cover variations in the size of future generations for
the replacing program.
ii. Congress’s new plan must match future expenses with incomes that cannot
exceed today’s tax levels, lower taxes are preferable.
iii. Medical and insurance companies will be limited by the rules separating
corporations from state. This will work to drive prices down more than any
other action in the long run. Each office that regulates these industries shall
have a method to hear industry concerns.

H. GSEs and FHA – programs will be frozen and allowed to wind down. Mortgage lending
would return to commercial banks backed and supported by state banks. All future
internal operations shall be run by the collection of debts owed and the funds otherwise
received shall be retuned to the TRA as they come in. No program shall be enacted so as
to artificially raise the price of home values, thus making them less affordable. State
chartered banks will be able to pick up slack, supporting other commercial banks with
their newly deposited funds.

International Implications – The implications for other countries who do not accomplish the
same cleansing at the same time are serious. We would encourage and support other
countries to run the same procedures at the same time, but would not intervene on their
behalf unless invited to do so.

I. The non debt-backed dollar would strengthen dramatically over the rest of debt-backed
currencies worldwide. Recommendation is to freeze currency exchange rates during the
transition period, but this would not have to be done if enough other countries agreed to
transition at the same time.
J. Banks and businesses going through special bankruptcy in the U.S. will create
international cross-defaults. Therefore teams will be established to consult with nations
around the world at THEIR request. The best outcome is that all nations run the same
procedures during the transition period. They would enjoy the same benefits and it
would create a stable outcome at the end of the transition.
K. There are special considerations for countries that use our dollar as their currency.
Transitioning those countries would also need to be addressed.

6. POLITICAL REFORM – While we are blessed with our Constitution, special interests
have grown so rich and so powerful that they have achieved super human influence in the
realm of influencing politics and politicians. The following rules set about to separate the
money those special interests possess from our government (the word “politician” below
includes all elected and appointed government representatives on all levels of government,
including judges and members of the military. The term Congress generally means the entire
legislative branch unless the power is already specifically Congress’s. Exact legal wording
will be required).

This addresses the root causes of our financial crisis as without pressure from these mega
companies, politicians on the national level will be able to mount effective campaigns that no
longer run in the hundreds of millions of dollars, while all will be able to make decisions that
support the collective people in the long run, not just the profit oriented short run. Therefore:

A. No form of Corporation or business shall be permitted to donate any more than the
personal campaign limit to any political campaign regardless of size. It shall be illegal to
set up shell corporations to circumnavigate said rule.
B. Personal campaign contributions to any single politician shall be limited to no more than
5% of the median annual household income level at the time of the previous election
cycle. For example, in 2007 that level was $50,233. Thus the maximum individual or
corporate contribution would be 5% of that figure, or $2,511(the corporation still has the
advantage as they can make this donation to an unlimited number of politicians). This
amount should remain relatively stable over time once the above economic reforms are
instituted. No candidate may spend more than 1,000 times the maximum individual
amount of their own personal money on any single personal campaign.
C. Corporations, businesses, and their representatives shall not be permitted to pay lobbyists
or hire employees for the purpose of lobbying government. Corporate officers and
employees may, however, meet with politicians with the same access and rights of any
individual. Groups of people may form together in “lobbying groups,” however such
groups cannot be backed with any corporate money or benefits whatsoever.
D. Politicians shall not, while in office, influence any fiscal decision regarding any industry
in which they were previously a Corporate Officer (Vice President or equivalent or
higher). This does not prevent politicians from working on legislation in fields which
they are familiar unless they were on the Officer level. It also does not mean that
government representatives cannot contract to have private work or development
accomplished on behalf of the people.
E. Politicians after leaving office shall not go to work for any corporation following their
service for which their office had any oversight, contractual connections, or control over
while in office for a period of 5 years following their time in office.


economy of the future requires VISION and it requires LEADERSHIP. This is what the
people elect politicians to do. It is not a part of economic reform, per se, to direct Congress
how to spend budget monies. However, since adult leadership is not currently being
provided from the top, it is the responsibility of the people to direct Congress! To be clear,
the supporters of this package of reforms intend to effect a change in leadership should they
fail to implement major portions of the vision as stated below. It is our belief that
implementing the above outlined Economic and Political Reform will allow politicians to
naturally shift to this longer term perspective.
Meaningful and productive jobs do not result from labeling our citizens consuming units and
attempting to force more debt upon them. WE ARE NOT CONSUMERS, WE ARE

RUDDERLESS “pursuit of happiness” has led to a nation lacking in national direction, one
where greed and the pursuit of paper profits dominates over the quest for knowledge, social
and economic advancement, the arts, and the ability to produce tangible technologies and

Any successful organization moves forward with purpose. They do so by having a mission
statement. When an organization has a mission statement, then the goals to fulfill that
mission fall out from it. What would be an appropriate mission statement for the greatest
nation on Earth, what could we ALL agree upon?

Well, we can all agree that Freedom should be an overarching principle. That Survival of the
Species and the advancement of the human race into the future is a worthy MISSION.

If freedom, survival, and advancement are the mission, what goals should take priority for
our government and for our spending? How about education? Don’t we stand a better
chance of progressing and surviving if we advance our knowledge and teach future
generations what we’ve learned? Won’t we need to unlock the mysteries of the universe –
both big and small – to find bountiful energy, to advance medical science, to protect
ourselves from natural catastrophes, to protect our environment, and even to explore space in
case our planet is ever threatened?

Can we as a country support and profit from the pursuit of these goals? You bet, but we must
first have the vision to support and undertake projects that would otherwise be too risk filled
for smaller organizations.

Sometimes, like exploring the new world in the 17th century, governments must step up to
accomplish that which cannot otherwise be accomplished. Our nation can continue to lead
the world in innovation, patents, leading edge technology, and yes, even the production of
actual products! Yes, we can lead in manufacturing again, but what we manufacture should
lead the globe, not simply attempt to compete in technologies long ago conquered. Our
manufacturing technologies and innovations of the past have already spread around the
world. It is now time to progress to the next level of innovation, an undertaking that is much
larger than can be accomplished by any single individual or business.

But success is not measured in our ability to create credit or in our children’s ability to all
score the same on a math exam. Success is measured in the number of new patents and new
technologies developed and produced in America. It’s found in our ability to relate to the
natural world through creative arts, music, and sports. These things create a virtuous cycle!
They all work in harmony.

Success is found by promoting INDIVIDUALISM and by fueling the spirit of

ADVENTURE, the very spirit that founded America. Free people and free minds flourish
when an individual is free to pursue what interests them and their special abilities. They
need time for their minds to wonder, and they need an education system that promotes these
qualities. Again, success is not a person’s score on a standardized test; success is a person’s
ability to contribute to the advancement of society and of mankind – to help America fulfill
her mission, her destiny. You will find that advancement by pushing the envelope of
education, the arts, and the sciences, and yes, even by questioning the meaning of life!

We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to produce a directional shift, one that will
influence the future path of mankind, but we must be brave and strong, qualities that are
embedded in the spirit of America.

A. EDUCATION. None of the following programs will succeed without a sound and
well financed education system, one that funds not only the sciences, but also the
arts, music, and sports in addition to the three R’s. Many resources are wasted in
education at the fringes and in trying to force “a square peg through a round hole.”
By that we mean that every person on the planet learns differently, thinks
differently, has different aptitudes, and has different likes and dislikes. This is what
makes us humans and not computers.

Individualism is our STRENGTH, not our weakness. We spend billions forcing

people to conform to a set of standards that may or may not work for THEM. Thus
we have created this special program and that special program, we label kids weak
in this or that and then we set about frustrating them by forcing them outside of
their aptitudes instead of advancing them inside of their aptitudes. While
strengthening your weaknesses is a good thing in limited degree (and especially
when children are young), true happiness will be found pursuing that which YOU
love. That pursuit, in aggregate, is a benefit to society, it is the NATURAL order of

Henry Ford would not have advanced auto manufacturing by forcing assembly line
workers to all pass tests in upper level mathematics. That simply would have been
a wasted effort. Not everyone is an Albert Einstein, but those who are need to be
encouraged to go as far as they can! Everyone needs to understand basic math
concepts, yes, but not everyone needs to pass the same upper level standards in
every category, that’s a ridiculous notion.

In other words, schools need to be supported financially, but they must refocus by
reinstating the arts, music, athletics, and by letting go of the dream that every
individual is going to excel at math or reading – literacy yes, get them while they
are young and make everyone literate with language and basic math (and
understanding money). However, as children age a great percentage of your energy
can easily be spent getting the last 5% of ability out of a person in a field they don’t
like and don’t have aptitude in.

Instead, how about designing an educational system that finds a person’s aptitude
and allows them the freedom to excel in that? Their natural abilities lifting them
high above the abilities of other nations who struggle to fit the square peg into the
round hole. Sure, their collective math scores may be high, but are they spinning off
geniuses, new technologies, and the leaders of tomorrow?

We must ask ourselves, do we want to raise robots who regurgitate information like
computers, or do we want to encourage individuals to be scientists, artists, athletes,
inventors, innovators, business owners, leaders and politicians? When was the last
time you heard a child say that they want to be an astronaut when they grow up?

By the time a child is hitting middle school, their aptitude should be coming out
strongly and can be tested. Tracks can be developed at a young age and should be
encouraged, but of course freedom to a person to change tracks must be kept in

One idea is to leverage communications technology to create an online school that

could enrich BOTH weak students and strong students by allowing them to receive
more direct remedial training, or to allow naturally talented children to advance
faster and farther into subjects of interest and talent. This would create a more
efficient system, one that would bring up the low end and rise up the upper end.

And so a chance to reform the economy would be incomplete without reforming

education and ensuring that it is well financed and capable of creating the talent that
will be required, especially in the science fields of tomorrow.

The teaching of money management concepts is weak at best. This must be a part
of any reform if we expect people to be responsible as well. Business and
economic schools at the highest levels are teaching pure fantasy and myth, ignoring
the way the real world and markets work. Thus in the economic leaders of today
we find that the more education one has, the less they understand the real world and
the more their ideas and concepts are based in mathematical fantasy. This must
change, as a nation we can take responsibility and begin by setting a good and
honest example. We start by creating honest money and we report honest statistics.
We remove commercial influences from our system and then the truth will find its
way into the upper reaches of the Universities.

Thus we would recommend that during this transition that a team of education
experts (Transitional Education Panel - TEP) be assembled with a mandate to
design a system that emphasizes individuality, the arts, and with special emphasis
on creating the scientists and economic leaders of tomorrow. This team’s
suggestions then need to be implemented and financed. While large changes are
being made in other areas, money for education should be considered the seeds of
the future economy that work in concert with the other programs outlined below.

Thus, a sum equal to one year’s entire educational budget should be provided at the
beginning of the transition period to implement the panel’s suggestions and to sow
the seeds of our collective futures. Money will be made available to cover their
recommendations, such funding will primarily come from separating out corporate
interests in other areas of the budget. This represents a reordering of national
priorities and goals and is simply step one in fulfilling our mission.

B. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY - Energy is the lifeblood of a productive economy

and is a future crisis that cannot be ignored to the detriment of our financial ability
and future security. Therefore, the Department of Energy should be disbanded and
replaced by a new Department of Energy whose focus is the advancement of energy
technologies. This department will be funded separately from the primary budget
and from the IP, although it will still run through Congress for oversight and
direction, keeping in mind again the rules separating corporations from State (Key
new concept of private/ public partnership follows).

Two trillion dollars will be placed in a Special Energy Development Account

(SEDA) to be used as SEED money for scientific research and development.
Top scientists will be hired for this “man on the moon” public/ private project to
help develop direction and to set goals. It will be run by someone with CEO level
skills given direction to find economically viable energy sources both in the
medium and in the long term. Thus, what most people now consider “green
energy” would be medium term, whereas long term research would be further out
on the leading edge (fusion, zero point energy, etc.). Energy return on investment
(EROI) in concert with its impact on the environment must be paramount concerns,
especially in the medium term. Longer term projects will be more risk filled.

Programs may not be funded that have low odds of having a high EROI. Thus,
programs that subsidize other industries, like ethanol does to corn, shall be avoided
by having the DOE advance industries it considers to be viable based on scientific
knowledge, not based on special interest lobbying efforts. Once the DOE identifies
potential segments of private enterprise partners, they will approach the industry
with RFPs (Requests for Proposal) with profit sharing contracts spelled out clearly
in advance. Technology developed by DOE belongs jointly to the People of the
United States who funded it and developed it along with private enterprise partners.

As successes with new technologies are created they are deployed across the U.S.
and marketed commercially around the world. Profits will be shared with private
enterprise in proportion to the amount of capital provided. Sales of the technology
would belong in proportion to the DOE for a period of 10 years, after which all
proceeds, technologies, and any remaining patent life would be transferred to the
private businesses in proportion to their capital contribution to that technology. All
transfer of new energy technology overseas will be sold for profit as a product of
the United States of America. Proceeds from the DOE’s share will be funneled
back to the SEDA account and used for further research.

Technologies can be purchased from overseas, but profit sharing partners may not
be located outside of the United States, or more than 30% owned by companies
outside of the United States.
Please note the way this plan interacts with other areas. For example, if
breakthroughs are made with nuclear fusion, then very large advancements in our
electrical infrastructure will be needed. This is how these programs work together
to create meaningful jobs and advancement.

Make no mistake! This is a race that is far more important than was the goal to put
man on the moon! Should we fail to be the first country to produce a safe and
reliable source of energy like nuclear fusion, then the country that does will literally
have a huge advantage over the rest of the world. We MUST not continue to drift
rudderless, WE MUST be the ones to bring these technologies to the world. We
have got to get busy and focused!


technologies required for energy independence will require science that is on the
leading edge. The very survival of our country and of the entire human species
depends upon our advancement of science and technology. The answers to plentiful
and environmentally friendly energy may very well be found in the quantum
science realm or in the way that the quantum world and the larger universe interact.

Therefore, theoretical science needs to be advanced in the same manner and in

concert with energy science, or the breakthroughs may never come or may take far
longer to achieve.

These projects will focus on both the large scale and the very small. We must
understand how the quantum fields interact with the larger realms, how energy
permeates the universe, influences gravity, and how to harness the boundless
energy that surrounds us.

Yes, we MUST build larger particle accelerators and other very expensive
instruments in order to unlock the mysteries of science. We have theories now that
simply cannot be tested with current technology. How do we ever get there if we
don’t undertake this effort? We must if long term survival and advancement is our
mission, our destiny.

If our money is backed by debt, it will never happen. We will simply tax ourselves
in an ever expanding circle to feed the central banks their interest. We now have
vast human talent and productive capacity that is going to waste, simply not
utilized, under utilized, or deployed in counterproductive enterprise.

Therefore, a duplicate program, similar to the DOE’s private/ public energy

program will be funded during the transition period with seed money amounting to
$3 trillion to be shared with NASA and with efforts to advance medical science as
outlined below.
D. MEDICAL SCIENCE – The field of medical research must also be advanced in
support of human kind and even our species ultimate survival. We need to redouble
our efforts to understand the complexities of life and how to prevent and cure

Socialized programs do not thrive over time as the monetary incentive does not
exist to push research and to advance development. Therefore, a significant portion
of the DSR seed money should partner with private enterprise to undertake projects
that will not be done otherwise. Seed money can be provided INTEREST FREE
and can subsequently be recovered in the same manner described above with free
enterprise ultimately running with the technology and the people of our nation once
again leading the world in advancement and benefits for man kind.

Again, as technologies are sold throughout the world, seed money is recovered, in
this way we are exchanging REAL productive efforts for other products from
around the world, not simply exchanging paper for other’s products.

E. NASA – Our collective survival may depend upon understanding and protecting
ourselves from natural phenomena in space. Thus, the same partnerships will be
created with NASA who will also be given a share of DSR seed money in a similar

The mission of NASA will focus primarily on space, but with more focus on
working in concert with the DOE and DSR to establish new technologies and
instruments that will lead to an understanding of space/time and how they interact
with energy and the other sciences. Other areas to focus on include our ability to
detect and develop countermeasures against space objects and radiation, high speed
low earth orbit transportation vehicles and hypersonic flight technologies and the
alternative energies to propel them.

A benefit of these programs is that NASA, the DOE, and DSR will make all
research facilities available to all private enterprise on a space-available basis, but
will CHARGE an amount for facility use equal to the amount required to run the
particular facility for the duration of experimentation. In this way research will be
possible that was not possible before.

F. INFRASTRUCTURE – Like it or not, it has become the government’s place to put

infrastructure in place when that infrastructure is initially beyond that of private
enterprise to implement. Thus we have built roads from ocean to ocean and even
“highways” in the sky. And, we have advanced the human race in so doing.

Coming out of the 1930’s, we saw the “New Deal” and we built much infrastructure
to open America up for commerce. This is an appropriate undertaking when
commerce can use it. But all infrastructure must be maintained. Experts today
place the cost to repair and maintain this nation’s existing infrastructure at a
staggering $2.5 trillion – a sum, we note, that is far less than was recently used to
bail out our paper chasing financial industry. Funny how debt is a problem when it
comes to spending money on real things, but hardly mentioned in terms of throwing
it at financial firms. Had the money been spent on correct items to begin with, and
financial engineering been kept at a minimum, then today we would have
infrastructure in good repair and a more sound financial system. Again, debt
backed money does not support anyone’s mission besides an anointed few.

It is possible to build so much infrastructure that commerce is pulled down due to

carrying its costs! That is why, prior to undertaking new infrastructure projects, one
must ask, “for what commerce?” Failure to ask that question will lead to bridges to
nowhere that must then be maintained, further burdening the future with debt and
carrying costs.

The Industrial Revolution is long over. Building relatively inexpensive trinkets no

longer is a problem, but it won’t continue without the cheap energy that got us here.
Information is now spread very easily via the internet and that is getting better and
faster (we must keep out of the way).

So, what is the infrastructure of tomorrow that needs to be built today in order that
commerce can flourish?

A. The energy created by the programs explained previously will have to be

transported. Thus an efficient and robust electrical grid is a must. The
advancements in electrical power and control are coming at breakneck
speed. This is another area where building such a grid may be out of reach
of private enterprise and perhaps a joining of government and private
enterprise here is a way to get it going. Again, the government can provide
seed capital in the same manner as the energy research and DSR described
above. The government would temporarily “own” a portion of the grid, and
would be repaid from its use over time, but the grid would be turned over to
the private partners at the end of the repayment period. This NO
INTEREST repayment is the “tax” that pulls the money back out of the
system, leaving the infrastructure in place (same with other seed money
mentioned above).

B. Much energy is wasted in our transportation system. Once near or in our

cities, automobiles and trucks WASTE their time and energy in stop, start
motion. Much of that need not occur with the proper applications of
technology. For example, “dumb” stop lights that are out of synch or stop
traffic with no other traffic near. Vehicles could be seen coming and the
driver’s intentions known. Efficiency computers could then manage traffic
by communicating those intentions along the way. This should be done,
again, in concert with private enterprise as described above and should be
preconceived to work in concert with the “smart grid” as it is installed.
Communication occurs over these very same power lines. This effort would
lower energy consumption and would pay for itself quickly, but cannot be
undertaken entirely by free enterprise as governments own the current
infrastructure and must be involved in making the system as efficient as
possible. Thus the capital needs to be made available at NO INTEREST to
“Seed it.”

C. Much upper level education is now occurring online, but very little State
financed education, and lower level teaching, is. Instead of having all
schools teach all students to the same level, students who are lagging or
leading can and should be able to access online educational programs to
strengthen their weaknesses or to promote their strengths. The
aforementioned Transitional Education Panel should also be tasked with
figuring out ways to leverage the power of modern communications and
implementing them into all programs. Funding for this infrastructure should
be a part of their Transitional Education monies.

D. The next frontier to conquer is indeed space. There will be commercial uses
for space, especially in terms of energy and raw materials. If we fail to
build the infrastructure necessary to get in and out of space easily, then we
will be doing the human race a huge injustice and possibly setting future
generations up for failure. Survival is a powerful and natural driving force,
one that should not be ignored, it should be fostered. Throughout the history
of mankind people have been willing to put their lives on the line to explore
new frontiers, future generations will be no different. The instinct is sound
and humankind is well served by those who put their very existence on the
line in the name of exploration. Again, if treated like a business, a mission
statement will be developed with sub-goals. In this way, practical
technologies act as stepping stones to more exotic ones. For example, the
concept of a space elevator doesn’t sound that far out of reach and would be
a huge stepping stone to making real progress in other areas.

The confluence of scientific knowledge gleaned in energy and other

scientific research IS going to lead to breakthroughs in our ability to
progress beyond the planet. This is NOT pie in the sky, this a necessary step
for humanity, it is our destiny, we will not fail to do so.

Since this exploration is so vastly more difficult than other human

endeavors, it will take more time to achieve commercial success, but
commerce will follow. We cannot lose our dreams and vision in this regard,
it MUST be supported and the infrastructure to take the first commercial
steps in space must be taken.
SUMMARY – These initiatives are not just talk. They all work together in concert to
educate and to create the jobs of the future. We are capable of doing and advancing all of
these simultaneously. In fact, they must ALL ADVANCE TOGETHER, for pieces of
each will be found within the programs of the others! It is simply a matter of focusing
the capital in productive ways, putting people to work building a future instead of just
spinning our wheels. We have plenty of resources to accomplish all of this, we have
natural resources, human resources and industrial age infrastructure to act as a stepping
stone to the future.

The missing ingredient? A money system that works for the people, one were money is
made available for appropriate uses without a select few stealing from and manipulating
the productive capacity and spirit from the rest of society. The seed money for these
projects is NOT pie in the sky. Pie in the sky is thinking that you can first bring money
into existence backed by debt and then make significant long term progress towards your
goals. Money is thus a tool of society, it belongs to the collective PEOPLE and is
constantly recycled back into productive goals that advance humankind together.

This is a better way. Our money system rightfully belongs to the people.

We do NOT have to sit back and just watch DEBT driven events unfold. When it comes to these
issues, WE are not Republicans, WE are not Democrats, WE are AMERICANS – WE have the
AUDACITY TO TAKE ACTION, not the complacency to hope that someone else will!
-Nathan A. Martin

*Cover art by AZ Rainman


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