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All the symptoms seems in hyperthyroidism is reverse in hypothyroidism.

Decreased BMR and Heart rate (Bradycardia).
Abnormal weight gain.
The person suffers from constipation.
Irregular menstruation. The ovum production is stopped or sometimes menses without ovum.
Mentally depressed, lethargy, slowness in everything.
Urine output is reduced as the kidney function is affected.
The skin is dry with no perspiration (sweating).
The person is cold intolerance.
The body reflexes are slows down as the functions of nervous system slows down.


Beta-blockers are used to decrease symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as heart palpitations, anxiety, tremors and anti-
thyroid drugs are used to decrease the production of thyroid hormones.
These medications take several months to take full effect and have side effects such as skin rash or a drop in white blood
cell (WBC) count, which decrease the ability of the body to fight off infections.
Due to the side-effects and inconvenience of such drug regimens, some patients choose to undergo radioactive iodine-131
Hyperthyroidism as well as thyroid tumors may be treated with radioactive iodine-131, which is administered in order to
destroy a proportion of, or the entire thyroid gland which causes hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is the underproduction of T
and T
, treated with hormone replacement therapy, such as levothyroxine,
which is typically required for the rest of the patients life.
Thyroid cancer may require surgery include thyroidectomy, lobectomy and tracheostomy. Sometimes even the removal of
the thyroid itself.
If the thyroid gland is removed, care must be taken to avoid damage to the adjacent structures, the parathyroid glands and
the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Accidental laceration of either of the two or both recurrent laryngeal nerves may cause paralysis of the vocal cords and
their associated muscles, changing the voice quality.



Yoga treatment has no side effects comparing with modern medicine if properly followed.
The practices for hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are same as because yogic treatment works on pranic body and
always balances the imbalance in our body system.
Hence over production or under production of thyroid hormones are regulated. No worry about getting hypothyroidism by
treating hyperthyroidism.
No steroids or no medications in any form.
The practices given to thyroid problems will be helpful to regulate all the other body systems as well.
Yoga acts directly on the charkas and energy system of the body, realigning the endocrine / chakra system so that the
energy potential of the body is maximized.
Also yoga treats the root of the diseases (mind) and not only on the symptoms of the body. Hence the benefits of the
practice is long lasting.


Asanas :

Sarvangasana, Halasana, Hala Ugrasana, Matsyasana
Kandha sanchalana (Neck movements),
Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Paschimottasana, Ushtrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana, Shirshasana, Simhasana, Supta vajrasana
Trikonasana, Veerasana, Shavasana

Sarvangasana is the best practice for thyroid disorders. As the thyroid has one of the largest blood supplies of any body
organ this pressure has dramatic effects on its function, improving circulation and squeezing out stagnant secretions.
Halsana is another pose which has tremendous effect of this gland.
Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Ushtrasana and other back bending poses are stretching the thyroid to its maximum, which
gives opposite stretch to sarvangasana. This counter stretch also highly stimulates this gland.
Shirsasana stimulates the pituitary and hypothalamus, which helps to produce TRH & TSH.

Pranayama :

Ujjayi Pranayama with kumbhak for both types (10 min).

For Hypothyroidism :
Suryabhedan pranayama with kumbhak (10 min).
Bhastrika Pranayama with kumnhak (10 min).
For Hyperthyroidism :
Sheetali pranayama with kumbhak (10 min).
Shitkari pranayama with kumbhak (10 min).

Ujjayi Pranayama is the best for thyroid problems as it stimulates the Vishuddhi chakra which corresponds to thyroid
gland, which is concerned with purification and the harmonizing of all opposites.
Suryabhedana and Bhastrika stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to increase the thyroid hormones (for
hypothyroidism) where as Sheetali and Sheetkari stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to regulates the over
production of thyroid hormones (for hyperthyroidism).

Mudras & Bandhas :

Viparita Karani mudra, Simha mudra, yoga mudra.
Jalandhara bandha, Uddiyana bandha.

Jalandhara bandha has almost same effect as like sarvangasana as it squeezes the thyroid gland and stimulates the function
of Vishuddhi chakra.
Ujjayi pranayama along with jalandhara bandha increases the pranic flow towards throat region. Viparita karani mudra
gives the reversible blood flow which is good for thyroid and pituitary as well.

Cleansing Techniques :

Vaman dhouthi (once a week).
Kapalabhati (120 strokes / round x 5 rounds).
Agnisar (100 strokes in 3 to 4 rounds).
Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana (once a week), Full Shankaprakshalana (once a year).

Omkar Chanting & Yoga Nidra :

Chanting of Omkar is one of the best effective treatments for thyroid problems. The vibration from the vocal cards affects
the thyroid directly and regulates and stimulates its function.
Regular omkar chanting for 15 30 minutes gives a good progress. Also listening to Omkar chanting throughout night is
very effective. This vibration throughout the head also stimulates pituitary and hypothalamus to function effectively.
Yoga nidra helps to relieve the stress and tension from the mind, which is the root cause of thyroid disorders. Once a day
is recommended.

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