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of 0ctobei, ait histoiy


1. Albeito uiacometti - Spoon Woman, 1926-1927
2. Albeito uiacometti - Nan (Apollo), 1929
S. Albeito uiacometti - Nan Pointing, 1947
4. Paul Klee - Actoi's Nask, 1924
S. Paul Klee - In Rhythm, 19Su
6. Nax Einst - 0iseau-tete, 19S4-19SS


1. Piaxiteles - Aphiouite of Kniuos
2. Polykleitos - Boiyphoios (Speai Beaiei), Roman copy aftei a bionze oiiginal
fiom the uieek Classical peiiou, c. 4Su-44u BC
S. Nichelangelo - Baviu, 1Su1-1Su4
4. uianloienzo Beinini - Baviu, 162S
S. Raphaelo - The Tiee uiaces, 1SuS
6. Rubens - The Thiee uiaces, 16S9
7. ueoiges ue la Toui - The New-Boin Chilu, 164S-1648
8. Ba vinci - Nona Lisa, 1SuS-1Su6
9. Sanuio Botticelli - The Biith of venus, 1484
1u. Aitemisia uentileschi - }uuith Slaying Bolofeines, 162u
11. El uieco - Buiial of Count 0igaz, 1S86
12. Bomenico uhiilanuaio - Poitiait of a Young Nan, 149u
1S. Rogiei van uei Weyuen - Poitiait ue Fiancois u'Este, 146u
14. Fianc Bals - The Laughing Cavaliei, 1624
1S. Nicolas Poussin - Self-poitiait, 16Su
16. Nasaccio - Auam anu Eve expelleu fiom Paiauise - 142S7
17. uioigione - Sleeping venus, 1S1u


1. Antoine Watteau - Pilgiimage to Cytheia, 1717, iococo; fetes galantes (
uisplay a sobei melancholy, a sens of the futility of life)
2. }acques Louis Baviu - The 0ath of the Boiatii, 1784-8S; neo-classicism
S. Eugene Belacioix- La Libeite uuiuant le peuple, 18S1; iomanticism
4. Ingies - The uieat 0ualisque, 1814; neo-classicism
S. Eugene Belacioix - The Beath of Saiuanapalus, 1827; iomanticism
6. Euouaiu Nanet - Poitiait of Beithe Noiisot, 1872; impiessionism
7. Benii Natisse - The uieen Stiipe (Poitiait of Nauame Natisse), 19uS;
8. Cailo Caiia - The Reu Boiseman, 191S; futuiism (conceineu with expiessing
movement anu the uynamics of natuial anu man-maue foims, the uynamics
of speeu anu the simultaneity of the image in motion
9. 0mbeito Boccioni - The Stieets Enteis the Bouse, 1911
1u. Rene Nagiitte - Poitiait u'Euwaiu }ames, 19S7; suiiealism
11. Anuy Waihol - 1uu Campbell Soup Cans, 1962; pop ait (a movement
chaiacteiizeu by the imageiy of consumeiism anu poulai cultuie)


1. ueoiges Seuiat - Sunuay Afteinoon on the Islanu of La uianue }atte, 1884-6;
2. Albiecht Buiei - Stuuy foi a figuie of Eve, 1Su4; lineai style (uefineu by
lineai uivision - uiviuing line between space anu mattei)
S. Rembianut van Rijn - Etching of a Woman Bathinh, 16S8; painteily (uefineu
by patches of light that moulu the figuie)
4. Albiecht Buiei - Auam anu Eve, 1Su4; lineai
S. Egon Schiele - Le couple assis; expiessionist style
6. Euvaiu Nunch - The Scieam, 189S; expiessionist style
7. van uogh - Staiiy Night, 1889
8. van uogh - Teiasse uu Caf le Soii, 1888
9. Fiancis Bacon - Thiee Stuuies foi Figuies at the Base of a Ciucifixion, 1944
1u. Amaueo Nouigliani - Poitiait of }eanne Bebuteine, 1918
11. }ean-Nichel Basquiat - Boin Playeis, 198S; giaffiti

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